#deadpool doing so much to save spiderman and them staying so close into their old age was so sweet
slotheyes · 10 months
Just finished the Spider-man/Deadpool comic run and it was surprisingly decent and cute
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cheershalo · 2 years
Hi! In reply to your post, I'm feeling very Marvellous nowadays because of the new Spider-Man movie. Any Spider-Man/Marvel AUs you know of? ♥️ Happy New Year!
hello!! sorry i'm a little late but here are the spiderman/marvel fics i found!! keep in mind that i have not read all of them, but they all look so good!! :)
🕸️ Friendly Neighborhood Spideypool by @shitucute | E | 19k (spiderman louis!)
Harry is Deadpool and Louis is Spider-Man and they've got way too much history.
🕸️ hope is like a drug in this wild wild world by 5sexualhomos | T | 22k (x-men/the gifted au!)
Louis is a mutant who has been on the run for months, from Sentinel Services, the branch of the government responsible for catching mutants and torturing them. He prefers to stay alone, but when an accident exposes him and a friend. He must team up with an underground group of mutants to fight for what's right.
🕸️ the only north star by Skyebyrd | E | 39k [sequel] (spiderman louis)
A story told in two parts.
Part one: Harry meets Louis at NYU and falls immediately and deeply in love, despite Louis’ overbearing boyfriend. Harry interns at the local Daily Bugle as part of the Superhero/Crime Liaison Unit and learns how to study and track superheroes and villains and the damage they inflict on the citizens of NYC. Harry does what he believes to be the right thing. Come the end of the school year, he uncovers more than what he cares to know.
Part two: Louis gets bitten, gets sick, and gets strange powers (which come with…strange responsibilities). He has to learn to control them while also helping NYC’s most famous superheroes to fight off NYC’s newest, baddest supervillain. He also has to figure out his slowly detangling relationship with Harry. He only has the summer to save the city, and Harry.
🕸️ like real people do by @eeveelou | E | 64k (jessica jones au!)
Louis didn’t ask for a lot of things. He didn’t ask for his entire family to die in a car crash that may or may not have been his fault. He didn’t ask to get powers out of that accident, either, powers that eventually led him into a two-year relationship with a man who was far more than met the eye. But one night, he chose to ask for a replacement to a broken camera from someone he hadn’t spoken to in a year and a half. He did ask for that. And that kind of led to everything else.
🕸️ The Dead of July by whimsicule | M | 117k [sequel] (avengers au!! a CLASSIC)
Harry is Captain America, and Louis’ been dead for 70 years.
🕸️ This Multiplicity of Powers by @helloamhere | E | 149k (x-men au!)
Maybe in another universe he isn’t different. Maybe he hadn’t been given an impossible choice. Maybe he wouldn’t have lost everything and broken everything and then fallen impossibly, irrevocably in love with the first next thing that was kind. Maybe in that universe he doesn’t feel like he’s never breathing, always pretending, teaching the kids even though they all have to learn alone, trying hard not to read the headlines, and so afraid, every day, that he won’t be a good enough teammate to the superhero he can’t live without. He knows that love isn’t supposed to feel this way, slid secret under your skin like a surgical razor, an invisible war held close over the tender vein that keeps you alive. On the other hand, Louis wonders, had he ever known how to do it any other way?
Maybe there’s a universe where he doesn’t have to keep all his secrets on the inside.
But this isn’t that universe.
🕸️ look after you by @wadey-wilson | M | 163k (spiderman/marvel au!)
Louis trades sleep for caffeine, Harry’s hell of a chatterbox, and doing things right doesn’t always go hand in hand with positive reactions.
🕸️ second-hand emotion by @wadey-wilson | M | 184k (spiderman louis!)
second-hand (adj., adv.) [not gradable] (also: second-hand) /’sek·ənd’hænd/ - not new; owned by someone else before
Louis is a twenty-three years old, soon-to-be Columbia University graduate with a loving boyfriend, wonderful friends, two kinds of reputations, and a suit so tight it’s nigh inappropriate. Harry is a twenty-three AWOL.
When you lose all that matters, love becomes an impossible achievement. Ergo, it’s only logical to fall for someone who can never die.
Remember to leave kudos and comment on all these lovely masterpieces!
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imbumkyung · 5 years
I Saw It In A Movie One Time (ch.2) - reincarnation
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
“She’ll be okay,” the man said
Kaileia lay on a towel that CJ and Miko set up. A man that was out surfing saw Kai getting washed up by the ocean and quickly pulled her out
“She probably just took in some water and passed out from shock but she’ll be good,” He finished, offering a nod to her friends.
“Oh, okay. Thank you so much,” Miko smiled before he went on his way, his wetsuit and board leaving a wet trail behind him. She was thankful they didn’t need 911 because to be real honest here, they were all broke as heck.
Not too long later Kai coughed a few times before waking up.
“Dude are you okay?” CJ asked
“Yeah I’m fine I just have a headache right now,” Kai replied, her voice filled with fatigue.
“Oh my god I thought you died,” Melissa said, half joking.
Kaileia didn’t remember what happened the rest of that night, only that Miko let her sleep over at her place. So when she awoke the next morning in a room that wasn’t hers, it wasn’t alarming at all.
What was alarming though was that she was asleep way longer than she thought she’d be. Usually she slept in until it was about ten to eleven a.m. Now, it was already two p.m. She stayed in bed for a little nonetheless, her inner monologue explaining the tasks of the day: walk the dogs, go to the gym, get that TB test and fingerprint scan done so you can start working soon. Mustering up as much leg strength as she could, she got up to go get ready for the day. She searched for her backpack with her change of clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste and all her other things, the only thing missing was her phone for her morning music. Puzzled, she couldn’t find it anywhere in her bag and come to think of it, she’d never seen this room in Miko’s house before. And the day looked a lot more glum than the usual Kauai sun.
“Miko? Have you seen my phone?” She questioned aloud enough for her to hear if she was downstairs. To no avail, she tried again, “Miko?”
Did Miko have somewhere to be this morning? She couldn’t call her without a phone so she figured she’d find a house phone and made her way downstairs. As soon as she openned the door of the bedroom, she froze
I have no idea who’s house this is.
A white hallway with a room straight across, a bathroom to the right and a staircase to the left. Carefully going down the staircase she was even more shocked and afraid— I really don’t know who’s house this is.
She found a smaller sized kitchen and a living room next to it, big enough to fit two couches and a TV, the front door on the upper right corner.
She picked up the house phone hanging right by the kitchen, only to realize she didn’t even know Miko’s number— it was saved to the cell phone she couldn’t find. Was I kidnapped? Am I in a murderer’s home?
Call mom, you idiot
Her hands scrambled in panic as she dialed her moms number,
“You have reached the voicemail box of pause Susie May, please leave a message! At the to—”
Who the fuck is Susie May? Spotting a pair of car keys on the table, Kaileia didn’t know where she was going, or what she would do, but she needed to get out of this murderer’s house as fast as she could. She ran up the stairs, her knees quivering from fear she paid as least mind to as she possibly could, grabbed her backpack, took the keys and ran outside. Walking as fast as she could, she smashed the lock button until she heard a beeping from one of the cars. Discovering which car the key belonged to, she put it in ignition and drove.
Nothing was familiar. Absolutely nothing. The island she lived on was small enough for her to have explored it all as she lived there for a whole 19 years, so it made no sense she’d never seen this place before. Her conclusion: the kidnapper took her to a land unknown. And she couldn’t go back to that house. Ever.
She made a right, and a left, and another right, trying to find something familiar. It took one wrong right at a stop light she didn’t realize— and a cop was right there. He signaled for her to pull over, most likely to ticket her for this minor mistake. Kai sighed— this is the last thing right now. I’m literally fleeing my kidnapper.
She rolled down her window, “Is there a reason you didn’t stop at the stop sign, ma’am?” The officer in black sunglasses asked. There was no reason for the sunglasses, really.
She shook her head, still in shock from everything that’s happened, especially from being questioned by a cop— the last time something like this happened, she had to pay so much money to fix her own car, and still needed to pay because the lady she crashed into went to physical therapy— taking the advice of her claims assistant, even tho Kai had left nothing more than a crack of paint on said lady’s car. In short, Kai wasn’t ready to be broke all over again.
“License, registration and insurance, please,” He requested.
She nodded, and scrambled the compartment to look for the information she knew she didn’t have. It surprised her though, she did find the registration and insurance. She left that into her lap to find her license in her backpack. She froze. It had her name and her picture but it was missing the rainbow and the blue letters reading “Hawaii”. It was instead a normal creme colored background and read “Washington” across the top. She scrambled back to the registration and insurance in her lap— both under her very own name. She couldn’t think. Shakily and obviously very nervous, she handed all three documents to the officer.
He received them with a nod, then took them to the police car, most likely to run her records. But how is this car under her name? How did she end up in Washington, and why Washington? What the fuck was here, that brought her here? Theres literally no reason to be here. It’s cloudy, it’s cold, it’s depressing.
He brought all three back to her, “Well there’s nothing on your record, and I’ve decided I’ll let you off with a warning,” he concluded.
Kai sighed gratefully, “Thank you so much Officer”
“You be careful now,” he advised, and his radio went off
“Chief Swan, do you copy?” A man said over the system
He nodded to her before dismissing her. She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
Washington. I’m in Washington. What am I doing in the mainland? How is this car mine? Everyone here dresses weird. Could it be, that the house is also mine? Don’t be stupid. You might fall into the murderer’s trap. You should have told the officer while you had the chance. I mean you still do, technically. They haven’t moved and neither have you.
Maybe we could just check? You’re seriously gonna take a chance on death? Maybe.
Without thinking, she circled around the town before going back to the house she woke up in. It was now 6pm. If the murderer was to return, they’d have surely been home by now, right? But the sight she saw in front of her house was anything but a murderous aura. It was a father and his son riding on his little tikes bicycle in front of the drive way, just passing through. Warily but quickly, she walked to the front door, the umbrella she found in the back seat now in her right hand, ready to stab whoever it was that was gonna grab her as soon as she opened the door— only there was no one. All she saw was the house with everything in the exact position it was left.
I should call 911
She quickly searched for any cabinets until she found one filled with documents, proving ownership of the house, so she’d have an address and hopefully a name to provide whoever would assist her on the other line. Only for her heart to stop after reading the name of the homeowner: Kaileia Mahelona
Brows furrowed and eyes wide, she read the name over and over again, searching for any documents to prove otherwise but— nothing. Did this house belong to her? She stood frozen in that spot, no reaction, no other thoughts, just her trying to grasp onto the concept that this is either all some sick joke, a dream, or she is actually in another reality. Maybe I was reincarnated early?
Kaileia stalked across the kitchen and grabbed the remote, turning on the TV. None of the news was out of the ordinary— well at least for someone who didn’t pay too much attention to the news regularly. Immigration protests, some world cup final, tainted spinach and the shocking news on the Crocodile Hunter’s death. Surely they meant his death anniversary.
No. It was his actual death. With a photo of him and the words underneath reading “Steve Irwin, 1962-2006”
Two-thousand what now?
“This ain’t it, sis” she whispered, hands of stress running through her hair. She shook her head in disbelief.
Definitely not real. Wake up Kai, come on wake up. If it’s 2006, you’re literally six years old right now.
Her peripherals caught a computer she hadn’t seen there before. From there, she discovered that she was actually in Forks, Washington, it was definitely 2006, and that the Marvel universe exists here. So talking about Spiderman wouldn’t make her look like a mad man. Which is great, because she loves Spiderman. Also Deadpool. Okay that’s besides the point.
“What am I to do? I don’t think I have a job and I’m definitely not in school,” she thought to herself. Without a second thought, she left the house yet again and drove.
“Another hiker presumed dead, searches still going on for the killer animal—” a voice on the radio spoke. Killer animals? What the hell is going on, Forks? Distracted by her thoughts while driving along the never ending path along the mountain, a wolf suddenly ran across about 50 feet from her, still close enough for her to register that this was in fact NOT a normal sized wolf. It was about five times the size of what she’d expected.
She rounded a corner and caught sight of a party. “Forks High School Prom” a giant banner read across the entrance of the venue. She decided to park here, the lights were a pretty sight as she tried to pay no mind the awkward couple dancing in the middle of the lawn. The girl wore a purple dress with a boot and the boy with a suit on, skin paler than the Korean pop stars her friend Miko was obsessed with. It looked like that scene from Twilight. She was unknowingly staring— he dipped her low and placed a soft kiss on her neck. Another action that reminded her of the twilight movie. Kaileia hadn’t seen it since Elementary school.
The couple were about to exit the canopy when Kai thought, “careful girl, he’s probably a vampire”. It was only a joke, alluding to the Twilight movie that happened in Forks with this exact ending scene when the boy froze. He turned in the direction of Kaileia’s car and— ah shit.
“Can he hear me? How did he know to look exactly where I’m at?” She panicked
There’s no way this is happening. Hurriedly, she started the car and drove off.
Was that Edward Cullen? Was that really them? It has to be a real coincidence. Twilight is fiction. It’s literally cringe culture. But it could also explain that big ass wolf that jumped out of nowhere. It would explain why that girl looked so much like Bella.
Kai decided she couldn’t say or think anything about what she knows anymore. Edward can definitely hear her thoughts.
I can’t change the storyline. Everyone made it out alive at the end of Breaking Dawn. Don’t change that. I could die here. But if I died here would I go back to my old life? Possibly. It happened to that girl in Scarlet Heart: Ryeo.
Kai, that was a kdrama.
Twilight was a movie series!
All I have to do is survive. Don’t change the story lines. Try not to get involved.
She parked the car in the driveway this time instead of across the street, rounding the corner to the door but froze as she saw the same boy who was just dancing at the prom.
“Can I help you, sir?” She asked him, trying her best to project her voice and mask her timidness
He turned, his eyes going first then the rest of his body behind him, “Hi, I’m Edward Cullen”
She nodded, “Hi. What are you doing here?” She asked, wanting to get straight to the point
He paused, realizing he didn’t prepare a lie to tell her and having no real justification besides “I heard your thoughts. How do you know what I am?” Of course, he didn’t say this out loud, he can’t jump to conclusions and expose his kind. Instead, he excused, “I must have gotten the wrong house.”
Kai nodded, keeping her thoughts silent and slipping past him, rushing to get inside and lock the door. She let out an exhale of relief after being inside.
He’s onto me.
Tags: @sunflowerspectre
Thank you for reading!
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Better This Way (Chapter Eleven)
Buckle up! ***********************
The news stations weren’t entirely sure why or how the helicopter had crashed onto the roof of the skyscraper, but there it was.
The blades were still running, ripping through the air and the body was wedged into and against some railing, leaning precariously over the edge of the roof.
The people inside were screaming, too terrified of pushing the helicopter over the edge if they moved, too terrified of falling hundreds of feet to their death if they stayed. Emergency personnel were scrambling, trying to figure out how to save the six people in without sending the chopper crashing to the ground and exploding at the bottom of the building-- something that could bring the building down and probably kill everyone inside.
It was not a good situation.
Peter was swinging towards the scene as fast as he could, all thoughts of anything and anyone pushed from his mind as he raced towards the accident.
He had just barely arrived, just barely landed on the roof when Deadpool went running past him, heading right for the chopper doors.
“Pool, wait!” he yelled, but the man didn't even slow down, so Peter just started firing webs, flinging everything he had at the landing skids and tail rotor and tying them off onto the building, working his way closer as he did.
Wade glanced back, flashed him a thumbs up and Peter flung a few more webs to secure it before running to help him.
The door of the cabin was crushed, but Peter just grabbed and wrenched it off, sending it flying somewhere back behind them, and reached in to grab the first person.
“Hi!” he shouted over the noise. “Pool and I are gonna get you guys out of here alright? Just hold on!”
Peter carried the woman to the side of the building, looking over the side to where the firefighters had extended their rescue ladders and cranes as far as they could. “Ma’am, there is about a hundred feet between us and them, alright? I'm going to lower you down to them--” he raised his voice when the women started screaming-- “--no listen, it's perfectly safe. I definitely weigh more than you and my webs keep me safe every single day. Alright? Alright, here we go.”
It took a little convincing and some fancy web work, but Peter finally got her over the edge and into the arms of the firemen below, letting go just in time to turn and get the next person from Wade.
“Hey honey, this nice little Spider is gonna take good care of you alright?” Wade said to the eight year old, and handed her over to Peter without even looking at him, turning to run back.
Back and forth they went, until all six of the passengers were safe on the ground below, and all that was left was the pilot.
“I got him!” Wade yelled and Peter shook his head.
“No! Too close to the edge, I can get him! At least I can catch myself if I fall! Goddamnit Pool wait! The webs won't hold!”
“Maybe you should make better webs then!” Wade called over his shoulder and kept running.
“This isn’t a fucking joke, Wade! Stop!”
It happened all too fast, and horrifyingly slow all at the same time.
It was easy for Wade to get to the unconscious pilot, to yank him from the seat and throw him over his shoulder.
But then came that awful high pitched whining noise of something stretched too tight for too long-- and Peter's webs started snapping, one right after the other, two and three at a time. The helicopters balance shifted, the blades that had been spinning above their heads now pointing at the roof, moving too fast for anyone to get out from behind them. Then the screech of metal on metal as the shift in weight and loss of webs as support sent the helicopter sliding further over the edge of the roof, the iron railings the skids were tangled in bending and giving way.  
Wade and the pilot were stuck behind the whirling blades, having to inch backwards as the helicopter moved so they wouldn't be cut.
Then the skids went over the edge of the roof and everything was falling all at once.
Peter saw the exact minute Wade realized he was fucked, and he saw the second Wade decided to sacrifice himself to save the pilot.
So Peter did the only thing he could do, and threw as much webbing as he could at the helicopter, wrapping around the rotor mast, and then onto the blades.
His arms nearly ripped from their sockets at the first yank, but Peter planted his feet on the roof and pulled as hard as he could until finally the blades snapped right off the helicopter.
Peter tossed them behind him and ran to the edge of the roof, leaping off the side and into the air to grab the helicopter as it went over, throwing webs back up and around the railings to slow his fall while trying to add as many as he could to the body of the chopper so it wouldn't smash into the ground and explode.
There was a horrible jerk when his webs ran out of slack and everything slammed to a stop and Peter was screaming because god it hurt so damn bad to try and hold on. But he couldn't face the alternative, so he strained harder and screamed louder and prayed that neither his webs nor his arms would give out as he hung there in mid air.
Peter didn't know how long it was until they had moved some cranes beneath the helicopter and managed to cut it down and move it safely and he didn't know how much longer after that they managed to get high enough to reach him and bring him down as well.
He just knew that everything hurt. He hurt so badly he couldn't stop shaking and tears were running down his face behind his mask, but he kept his mouth closed and didn't let anyone know. In fact the only sound he made was when someone called for an ambulance and he told them no.
“He’s fine.” Wade's voice cut through the noise, then the Alpha was kneeling over him, running careful hands down his body. “He’s fine. Just banged up.” He sounded much more cheerful than he should, and Peter kind of wanted to punch him, if he thought he could have lifted his arms. “No worries guys. Spider Man can save the day and walk off any injuries. I'll carry him just this once since he’s being a drama queen though, alright? Back off and give him some space.”
There were news cameras flashing and reporters screaming questions, and people crying in the background, but Peter was barely conscious enough to hear or see any of it.
The only thing that registered was how right it felt to be back in Wade's arms, and the way the Alpha kept talking to him as he carried them away from the scene.
“You’re alright, Spidey. You’re fine, huh? Just a scratch? Maybe a torn muscle? No problem. It's no problem. Please be alright, Pete. Please be alright. Gonna take you home and let you rest and you’ll be fine, right? Please be alright.”
Wade kept talking long after the omega in his arms had gone limp and still, his breathing shallow. The shaking had finally stopped and Wade couldn't see any blood or feel anything broken, but he was still terrified, so he just kept talking.
Wade talked the entire time as he climbed the stairs to his apartment, making sure every lock was engaged and every window was covered before laying Peter out on is bed.
He talked while he pulled Peter's suit off, carefully folding everything and putting it aside, leaving the mask on, but rolling it up to above Peter's mouth and nose so breathing was easier.
There were already masses of bruises on Peter's shoulders, spreading to his chest where he had strained the muscles, where he had banged against the building trying to hold on to the helicopter, and Wade chatted about literally anything to keep himself from panicing while poking and prodding gently to feel for busted ribs or anything like that.
When he was satisfied that Peter didn't have anything broken, and that bruising was the worst of the injuries, he placed a bottle of water on the end table and sat down on the floor, back to the wall so he could watch the Omega sleep it off.
So he could watch his Omega sleep it off.
Because that's what it all came down to.
Wade had been fighting with himself, with his Alpha, with his heart for weeks now and he was tired of it.
Maybe he could have made it if he hadn't seen Peter tonight. Maybe he could have kept convincing himself that the kid was better off without him. He might have been able to tell himself that the Omega was better off with that other Alpha.
But then Peter had yelled at him for being reckless, and had assured everyone they rescued that Spiderman and Deadpool were gonna keep them safe, and he knew-- he knew that Peter had known he was going to do something stupid to save the pilot.
And instead of letting Wade make a stupid decision, Peter had nearly torn himself in half trying to save them all.
Wade stared at all the bruises on Peter's body, at the dark blue and purple splotches, and thought he would be sick to his stomach. There wasn't a whole lot out there that could kill him, or at least not permanently, and he would have definitely come back from a fall off the building or even a few cuts from the chopper blades.
Peter wouldn't have survived any of those things, and yet he still refused to let Wade do whatever reckless thing he surely would have done.
There wasn't another person in the world who would have done that. Not one.
So Wade sat there and watched the Omega sleep, watched his Omega sleep, and tried not to think about Peter spending the night with that other Alpha. Tried not to think about what they had done or if Peter had enjoyed being with the Alpha or if he had started preferring someone pretty and whole to someone like...him.
Damn it. Wade thumped his head against the wall. They had to talk about it, he had to know what happened. It would probably destroy him, but he had to know.
Peter shifted on the bed and Wade looked up anxiously.
“Please be alright, Petey.” he whispered. “My beautiful Omega, please wake up.”
**************** **************** A few hours later, Peter woke with a jerk, then clapped a hand over his mouth to muffle the scream of pain that tried to escape. It was still dark so he knew he couldn't have been out all that long, but he couldn't figure out where he---
“Easy.” Wade cautioned, and stood up to check on him. “You alright?”
Wade's apartment. “I think I pulled every muscle in my body.” Peter groaned, and turned his head into the pillow, hating himself for needing to breathe in Wade’s scent, but not really caring because oh god it was so reassuring.
“Calm down, Spidey.” Wade handed him the water and tried not to sound like he'd been worrying himself sick. “Skinny brat. You have like two muscles. I'm sure they are both fine.”
Peter laughed, actually laughed, and Wade thought his knees would give out because he hadn't realized how much he’d missed it.
“Why am I here?” Peter asked, putting the water down but leaving his mask up and laying back against the pillows. “Why didn't you take me to my place?”
“I was closer. Thought maybe taking you to yours would be...I dont know. Breaking privacy or whatever.” Wade grunted and he saw Peter's throat move as the Omega swallowed, but he didn't say anything else.
They sat in quiet for a few minutes, Peter trying to breathe evenly so his ribs didnt hurt, and Wade just staring at him.
“Did you fuck him?” Wade suddenly blurted, and Peter bolted upright, crying out when everything pulled.
“What?” He forgot about his aching body long enough to stare at Wade. “What did you say?”
“The Alpha you spent last night with, did you fuck him?” Wade repeated, clenching his fists at his side. He was glad he was still in his suit, glad the ever present mask would hide the emotion on his face. This wasn't exactly the calm conversation he had envisioned, but subtlety and tact weren’t exactly his forte either.
“Jesus, Pool.” Peter shook his head. “I can't believe you would-- how do you even know--”
“I saw you guys. At the phone store or whatever, and I know you didn't come home last night.” Wade bit back the growl building in his throat. “Did you fuck him?”
“You know what?” Peter breathed a laugh and swung his feet over the bed, looking down to make sure he was still wearing his boxers. “That's none of your goddamn business.”
“None of my business?” Wade backed up a few steps. “It is absolutely my business. You and I are---”
“You and I aren't anything.” Peter said with a groan, reaching for his suit. “We don't work together anymore, we aren't sharing heats, we certainly aren't mated. Man, we are barely friends. So no, it's none of your goddamn business who I spend my nights with.”
Peter pushed past him, heading towards the bathroom. “I can't believe you actually thought you could just ask it like that. And I can't even get started on how you know that I didn't go home last night. Jesus, Wade.”
“You’re mine, Pete.” Wade snarled, wanting to kick himself for just blurting it out, and snarling as well. He really wasn't doing this very well at all.
Peter leaned against the bathroom door wearily, his back to the Alpha. “No, Wade, I'm not yours. Remember? We had this talk. You’re not my--my Alpha so it's stupid. This conversation is so stupid--- I'm just gonna get changed and go.”
“You’re mine.” Wade repeated, louder this time, and Peter whirled around.
“Yeah? Am I? Well you’re fucking mine, so maybe start acting like it huh? Stop with all this ‘it's better this way’ bullshit then! You can't say I'm yours if you’re not mine, because that's not how it fucking works. And you know what? This has been the worst month ever and I got to top it all off by nearly tearing myself in half today, just to have you try to play some macho Alpha bullshit with me.”
He widened his stance aggressively, one hand clenched, the other pointed right at Wade's chest. “Don't you sit here and try to be all possessive and shit and tell me I'm yours just so you can find out what I've been doing. You aren't my Alpha, it's none of your goddamn business who I've been fucking and I'm too tired to deal with it, alright? Thank for letting me sleep it off, but I'm leaving.”
“Did you fuck him!?” Wade roared. “Just tell me!”
Peter snarled right back at him. “Take off your mask and ask me! Don't yell at me from behind your suit like some big scary Alpha. If you want to know, you can face me like a man and ask again. Until you’re ready to be one hundred percent real with me, we can’t talk, alright? That's how it has to be.”
“Fuck off.” Wade snorted and started to turn away. “Not gonna let you put rules on this thing. Mask is part of who I am. If you don't like it, leave.”
“Yeah, that's what I thought.” Peter spat, and stomped into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.
****************** It took all of ten minutes for Peter to take a quick shower, bandage his various scrapes, and get redressed.
“Deadpool, I'm out of here. Maybe we can talk in a few days, maybe we can't, but nothing good is happening right now.” Peter jammed his mask back on his face as he crossed the living room. “Pool! Are you here? I said-- I said---”
Peter stopped and stared at the big Alpha who was sitting on the couch in jeans and a t shirt, his unmasked face buried in his scarred hands.
“Wade?” Peter asked, and dropped into the recliner across from the couch carefully. “What--um--”
“Pete.” Wade took a deep breath and looked up slowly, trying to keep the apprehension from his face, trying to swallow back the anxiety, nervous, shame clawing up his throat.
“Pete, did you and that Alpha-- did he--did you-- were you guys together? Please just tell me. I can't--I can't keep thinking about it. It's making me crazy. Please just tell me, honey please.”
Peter didn't answer.
He couldn't stop staring.
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