sparrowmoth · 4 years
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Counting Stars (OneRepublic)
Lately I been, I been losing sleep Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be
Immortals (Fall Out Boy)
'Cause we could be immortals, immortals Just not for long, for long...
Fire On Fire (Sam Smith)
We lose our minds in a city of roses We won't abide by any rules
The Last of the Real Ones (Fall Out Boy)
I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you But not as much as I do (as much as I do, yeah)
My Demons (STARSET)
Take me high and I'll sing, you make everything okay We are one in the same, you take all of the pain away
In the Heat of the Moment (Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds)
When the thunder and lightning come I know that you'll be by my side
The Phoenix (Fall Out Boy)
I'm going to change you like a remix Then I'll raise you like a phoenix
Hall of Fame (The Script, will.i.am)
'Cause you burn with the brightest flame And the world's gonna know your name
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redcl8ver · 4 years
A little late, but here it is.
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bunny-lou · 4 years
DearDescendants’ 12 Days of Christmas - Mistletoe
I’m tired as hell and work a 12 hour shift tomorrow, so y’all are gonna deal with an un-edited rough draft.
Evie clutches a bundle of leaves in her hand as she stops in front of Mal’s locker. She holds them high over her head and steps closer to Mal. “Pucker up, M.”
Mal immediately does so because, weird situation or not, she’s never going to not kiss Evie. “What’re you doing?” She asks after she kisses Evie’s pretty red lips.
“It’s mistletoe.” Evie explains as she brings her hand back down. “If you’re caught underneath it with someone, you have to kiss them.”
“Really?” Carlos asks from the other side of Mal’s locker, where he is leaning against the wall. “Says who?”
Jay is right behind him. “Says Auradon. It’s tradition or whatever.” He looks at everyone’s curious expressions. “What? Chad told me about it.”
Evie grins and skips over to the boys, holding the mistletoe high between them.
“I’ve never heard of that.” Carlos says. “But if you say it’s tradition...” He laughs and leans his head back to give Jay a peck on the lips.
“Hey pup.” Jay steps into their dorm room with his fist clenched tightly around some green leaves. They’re definitely not mistletoe, but Jay’s pretty sure Carlos won’t know the difference, especially with Jay’s height and Carlos’...lack of height.
“Hi Jay.” Carlos says back, not even looking up from his latest invention.
Jay clears his throat as he leans on the desk and Carlos looks up at him.
“More mistletoe?” Carlos teases as he eyes the leaves in Jay’s hand. “Okay, fine.” He rises from his seat, gives another chaste kiss and goes to sit back down.
But Jay follows him down, keeping their lips locked the whole time. “Ah, ah, ah.” Jay mumbles against Carlos’ lips. “You gotta make out the second time.”
Carlos, only escaping Jay’s lips when he puts his hands on Jay’s shoulder to keep him at bay, blinks up at him. “What?”
“The second time you’re caught under mistletoe with someone,” Jay explains as he removes Carlos’ hands from his shoulders, “you gotta make out with them. Not just a kiss.”
“Really?” Carlos tilts his head, but doesn’t pull away from Jay’s lips. “No one mentioned that earlier.”
“Cause that was just our first time.” Jay kneels down on the floor next to Carlos’ chair. “The second time, you gotta make out. It’s Auradon tradition.”
Carlos rolls his eyes, but smiles. “Well, if it’s tradition...”
“You’re a damn vampire!” Carlos hisses as Jay’s teeth scrape over his Adam’s apple. “Or a...a...a leach!” His words soften as Jay melts against him. “Or a...” Carlos sighs as Jay’s tongue soothes his skin, “a...octopus?”
“It’s not my fault, C.” Jay grunts as he nips at Carlos’ skin, digs his teeth in a little harder. “It’s tradition.”
The not-mistletoe-but-Carlos-doesn’t-know-that lays crumpled at their feet. Jay’s boots have smashed it into the carpet, but that’s a small sacrifice to make to have Carlos pinned against the wall.
“What is?”
“Third time you’re under the mistletoe, you gotta give the other person a hickey.” Jay explains easily, like it’s obvious.
“How do you know so much about tradition?” Carlos’ voice is lower, deeper, and Jay knows Carlos will become putty in his hands if that sweet spot under his ear is attacked.
“Everyone in Auradon knows about them.” Jay says as he makes his way up Carlos’ throat. “Stay still.”
Jay’s lips meet the skin beneath Carlos’ ear and Carlos’ voice isn’t used for anymore words.
Carlos shivers. Their room isn’t cold, not really, but it’s December outside. It’s not nearly as bad as it would get on the Isle, but it’s enough to give him goosebumps.
It doesn’t matter though because Jay is pressed against him immediately, bare chest touching Carlos’.
“The fourth time is just a shirtless make out?” Carlos mumbles as he winds his arms around Jay’s neck, selfishly taking as much warmth as he can.
“Chest action.” Jay says simply as he kisses Carlos’ jaw.
“Yeah, but I think that’s for a boy and girl.” Carlos drags his blunt nails down Jay’s spine and grins at how Jay shivers and arches into him.
Their mistletoe isn’t on the ground this time - Carlos had properly scolded Jay when he had to bust out the vaccuum to get the little leaflets out of the carpet - but is discarded onto the desk somewhere. Now that Jay’s hands are free, he’s all over Carlos’ sides and back and even his ass.
“If you think your lack of tits is gonna keep me from having my fun,” Jay ducks down to kiss at Carlos’ chest, over scars and freckles alike, “you don’t know how hot you are.”
As soon as the water shuts off, there’s a series of harsh banging on the door.
Carlos scrambles out of the shower, reaching for a towel to wrap haphazardly around his waist because he doesn’t need Evie or Mal seeing anything they shouldn’t.
But it’s not the girls on the other side, it’s Jay. He’s leaning against the door frame with a grin.
“Need something?” Carlos asks dryly even if he is not.
Jay looks up and Carlos follows his gaze.
Mistletoe is taped to the top of the door, hanging above their heads.
Carlos’ skin flushes, and not from his warm water. “What happens the fifth time?”
Jay eyes Carlos’ up and down. He takes a step into the bathroom, where it’s warm and steam still clouds the mirror. “Take off that towel,” Jay says as he backs Carlos into the counter. “And I’ll show you.”
For the record, Carlos knows the tradition of mistletoe. He knows how to utilize the library and the internet and the people who have actually lived in Auradon their whole lives.
Maybe he only got suspicious after the fourth time, but he’s not going to tell admit to anyone that he fell for it for so long.
He doesn’t need a reason to make out with Jay or leave marks or get oral or lay in his bed while Jay makes him see stars (because they’ve been caught under the mistletoe nine times now and the last time had Carlos so blissed out, he couldn’t leave the bed for the rest of the day), but he admits it’s all fun.
And if he tells Evie the whole story and she gets her own inspiration to use with Mal, then hey - Christmas joy all around!
I’m going to bed and not re-reading this because I’m so tired I could die.
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descendants 12 days of holidays: holiday parties
title: this right here (with you)
pairing: jay x carlos 
warnings: a few curse words
this was for yesterday’s prompt and i apologize for posting this a date late :) 
“I don’t go to parties.”
“I am the goddamn party.”
Jay and Carlos spoke at the same time, staring at Evie who was holding out two invitations. She raised an eyebrow, her gaze flicking back and forth between the two.
“Glad you’re on the same page,” she said wryly, handing Jay one of letters and Carlos the other. “It’s not being thrown by me - trust me, it would be a lot better if it was - but everyone is talking about it.”
“Oh, yeah!” Jay glanced over his invitation with a nod. “The guys on the team have been talking about it all week! Apparently it’s a pretty big rager.”
“Rager?” Carlos wrinkled up his nose. “Gross. No.”
“It’s alright,” Evie smiled at him. “You don’t have to go. I thought I’d just pass along the message.”
“Come on, Pup.” Jay ruffled his hair. “Just come for a little bit? Please? It’ll be way more fun with you there - I promise!”
Carlos wanted to say no. Carlos should say no. But Carlos had an unbelievable, indisputable, completely pathetic soft spot for Jay. So instead of shaking his head and promising to help him get ready, Carlos nodded.
“Alright, fine.”
The bass was shaking the ground at least thirty feet in front of the actual party venue. Evie looked perfectly festive in black leather boots and red dress; Jay had cleaned up nicely, and even Mal looked more presentable than usual.
Carlos pulled at his white sweater, furrowing his brows. God, why did he let Jay pressure him into coming? He’d so much rather be back in his room with Dude working or reading or… doing anything other than this.
“Come on,” Jay grinned. “I can smell the booze from here.”
Evie raised an eyebrow. “Make good choices.”
“When has he ever made a decent choice?” Mal shot back, earning herself a jab from Jay.
They walked towards Chad Charming’s house - an off campus living space purchased for him by none other than Cinderella and Kit of Charmington. Privately, Carlos thought it was ridiculous for their son to have a space all to himself; it only invited trouble. For a moment, he wondered how the boy managed to keep it all clean, but once he walked in, he realized that Chad just… didn’t.
Beer bottles, half strung lights, bags of chips, and boxes of pizza littered every surface. The walls and the floor and the furniture vibrated with the force of the music volume and there were people everywhere.
“Holy shit,” Carlos muttered under his breath, his feet stalling in the doorway just long enough for the party behind them to bump into him.
“Keep moving!” one of them barked, shoving past Carlos to make a beeline for the alcohol.
Carlos inched towards the corner. He’d always thought holiday parties consisted of hot chocolate and eggnog and soft music and presents, but apparently, those were too calm. The entire school preferred this… rager.
“The island parties are still better,” Mal shouted at him over the music. “But this is at least passable.”
Carlos only shrugged, inching closer to the corner where - hopefully - no one could step on him or bump him or run him over.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw an orange cat slink along the wall and up the stairs. Finally. Something worth coming to the party. Carlos followed the cat, looking around to see if anyone would yell at him for venturing upstairs. Luckily, everyone else seemed to be pretty wasted.
“Hi, there,” Carlos said gently when he reached the top, noticing the cat standing at the end of the hallway. “What’s your name?”
He stepped closer - slowly, so he wouldn’t frighten it. The cat seemed wary, but not terrified, and after a few moments, it allowed Carlos to sit nearby.
“Don’t like the party much either?” Carlos asked, reaching out to stroke the cat gently - making sure to avoid the negative spaces where cats didn’t like to be touched. “That’s alright. Me neither. It’s way too loud, right? Too many people?”
In response, the cat purred a bit. Deciding that Carlos’ touch was acceptable, it moved closer, running up against his knee. Carlos smiled for the first time all evening. His cat Beezlebub used to do the same thing.
“You know,” he laughed softly. “I had a cat once. I loved her. Her name was Bee, and I miss her every single day. She wasn’t orange, like you, but she was pretty.”
He let himself remember Bee for a moment; she had been his one source of comfort on the island… sort of like how this cat was his one source of comfort at this party.
“I wouldn’t even be at this party if it weren’t for him,” Carlos told the cat with a grimace. “Honestly, feelings are so overrated. They make you do stupid things like agree to go to stupid parties.”
The cat meowed, as if in understanding.
“Yeah, exactly.” Carlos nodded. “He’s gonna be shitfaced by the end of the night and probably take off with some other girl. It’s gonna be an absolute blast. I don’t advise you to ever develop a crush.”
“You have a crush?”
Carlos whipped around, staring at Jay who had just come up the stairs. “Where the fuck did you come from?”
“Uh -” Jay blinked, pointing down the stairs. “From… down there. I was looking for you and someone said that they saw you go upstairs, and -” His gaze fell on the cat and understanding dawned in his eyes. “Oh, you found a friend.”
“The only good part of this party.” Carlos could feel his cheeks getting hotter by the second. “Uh - how much did you hear?”
“Just that your crush is here.” Jay was still grinning as he sat down next to him. On the whole, he didn’t look as drunk as Carlos would’ve expected. “Is that why you agreed to come?”
The irony wasn’t lost on Carlos, and if he weren’t too busy wishing the earth would swallow him whole, he might’ve laughed. “Uh - I don’t -”
“Come on,” Jay laughed. “I won’t tell anyone. Not even Mal. What’s he like?”
Carlos made a face. “Do we have to talk about this? Wouldn’t you rather go drink downstairs with everyone else?”
“No way!” Jay shook his head. “I can do that anytime. But I may never have the opportunity to sus out who your crush is.”
Carlos mimed zipping his lips. He hated that a tiny little part of him wanted to tell Jay who it was.
He’s up here. With you. Not at the party, his brain whispered unhelpfully. That means he at least cares about you.
“Look, ‘Los,” Jay said. “I get that parties aren’t your thing. You must really like the guy if you agreed to go.”
“Yeah, well,” Carlos mumbled, picking at a spot on the carpet. “He looks cute when he says please.”
Jay’s eyebrows rose and an evil grin spread across his face. “Hey, there’s one hint. Even though it’s pretty fucking useless since every Auradon prick’s first word was ‘please.’”
Taking a deep breath, Carlos gathered up his courage. “Who -” he cleared his throat, “Who ever said he was from Auradon?”
He watched as the information sank in. Jay’s face morphed from confused to understanding to stunning in a matter of seconds.
“Say something,” Carlos begged after a few seconds, wincing. “Look, we can pretend this never happened, alright? Or - or I’ll switch rooms! Or I’ll -”
“You could go out with me.”
Now it was Carlos’ turn to be stunned. He coughed for a few seconds, choking on his own air. “I - I don’t understand.”
“Go out with me,” Jay repeated steadily, staring right at him. “This Friday.”
“Because, you idiot,” Jay grinned. “Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe your feelings aren’t one-sided or whatever? I mean… I’m up here. Not at a party. With you. How much more obvious could I get?”
The butterflies in Carlos’ stomach started flapping madly, circling around each other and bumping right into his ribcage.
Jay likes me.
“Uh -” Carlos blushed, laughing a little. “Do we have to wait for Friday?”
And downstairs, no one seemed to notice when Jay and Carlos slipped out the back door.
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kingben · 4 years
Christmas Tree (Huma Ficlet)
Written for Day 5 of DearDescendants 12 Days of Holidays: Decoration
Harry was mildly annoyed when Gil asked him to stand in the middle of the captain’s room with his arms outstretched. But he’d noticed Gil had been bored lately. The least he could do was give him a few minutes of his time. Though he had no idea what Gil had in mind.
“Stay still, Harry,” Gil warned.
Gil opened a crate on the desk and pulled out a glass figurine in the shape of an octopus with a pirate hat and an eye patch.
“What the devil is that?” Harry eyed it, lip curled in disgust. It looked like some tacky discard from Auradon.
“It’s a Christmas ornament I made,” Gil said proudly. “I know we don’t really celebrate Christmas on the Isle, but I thought it could be fun this year. The Lost Revenge could always use a little more cheer.”
That was the last thing Harry wanted, but Gil looked so excited. He couldn’t bear to let him down. “What do you do with the ornament thingamabob?”
Gil beamed. “Hang it on a hook!” He carefully slid the loop at the top of the ornament onto Harry’s hook.
Harry couldn’t believe this. He’d been reduced to a sodding coat hanger. “Is this really necessary?”
“Of course! Now there’s this stuff called garland.” He pulled a string of gold plastic material out of the crate. It looked like a fairy’s intestines.
Before Harry could complain, Gil was securing the end of it to a metal clasp on Harry’s red leather coat. He wrapped the garland round and round Harry, tying him up like a prisoner.
“Not funny,” Harry said, ready to rip free of the garish confines.
“Wait! We’re not done yet.” He pulled another string out of the crate, but this one had little bulbs on it. He flipped a switch and the bulbs lit up. “Battery-operated,” Gil explained. “You won’t believe what I had to trade to get my hands on this.”
Harry didn’t want to know. “This seems like a fire hazard,” he said as Gil wrapped the lights around him.
Gil guffawed, slapping him on the back. “If you catch fire, we’ll just toss you overboard.”
“Don’t you dare. I don’t want to be electrocuted on top of everything. Can I take these off now?”
“No!” Gil reached into the crate. “There’s one final touch.” He pulled out a deformed star glued to a headband and placed it onto Harry’s head. He stood back to admire his work.
Harry felt absolutely ridiculous. He was ready to tear off all that festive garbage when Gil yelled for Uma to come down and see. Harry’s whole face burned. He couldn’t even lift his hand to cover his blush.
Uma stepped into the room, her boots clicking against the wooden planks. Her turquoise skirt swished as she walked, and her dark eyes were focused on him. Intense, but also very confused. “What is this, Gil?”
“It’s your Christmas gift. I’ve wrapped up your boyfriend for you.”
Uma snorted, amused. She circled Harry, admiring Gil’s handiwork, and plucked the ornament off the hook. “This is absolutely stunning.”
“I made it for you,” Gil chirped.
Uma smiled. “Thanks. I’ll be keeping this. The rest...” He gestured to Harry. “...I’d like to unwrap in private.”
“Yes, captain.” Gil winked at them and ran out of the room, closing the door behind himself.
Uma eyed Harry, a smirk on her lips. She was enjoying this entirely too much. “I can’t believe you let him do this to you, but I must say you’re the most handsome Christmas tree I ever saw.”
“Are we really going to celebrate Christmas this year?” Harry asked in disbelief.
Uma stepped closer until Harry could feel her breath on his neck. “Oh, we’ll be celebrating something all right.” She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him just the way he liked it.
They didn’t need holidays on the Isle to have a good time. They only needed each other.
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Day 1: mistletoe
Warnings: none 
Word Count: 3,830
hey lol i decided to do this 12 hours ago and spent most of last night writing this with minimal editing so yeeeeehaaawwwww. sry for any mistakes, i’m sure there’s lots and this is my first time writing in awhile so i hope it isn’t horrible :( but if it is just tell me and i’ll never write anything ever again lmao. this wasn’t planned v well and there’s prob a lot in here that doesn’t relate to the actual storyline but that’s fine probably idk
basically: carlos and jay are stubborn, evie plays matchmaker, jaylos, malvie, yeehaw
After arriving in Auradon, Evie was the first to use the word love with her friends. Of course she loved them, they were her family, they protected her, they cared for each other. She didn’t know there was a word to describe that until she arrived in Auradon but once she heard it, it just made sense. The day Evie decided this was the best way to describe her feelings, she bursted into the boys’ room and said, “I love you guys so much!” with so much excitement. She expected a celebration, she expected the other three to be happy to hear this. This was expecting a lot, considering they grew up on the isle, and they weren’t as welcoming to new experiences as Evie was.
Carlos was the first to respond. It took him a minute before he could understand what was said and what it meant, but once he did, he was almost running to Evie with excitement. He pulled her into the tightest hug and thought if he could live in that moment forever, with somebody willing to show their love to him, he would. After being so deprived of this for years, he felt like this is the best possible thing that could happen to him. He wanted to bottle up Evie’s words just in case she wanted to take them back. Carlos wanted to make sure nobody could take this away from him. He wanted to make sure nobody would take his family away from him.
Mal and Jay, however, were not so open to this. Yeah, they cared about their friends, and yeah they would choose them over anything, and yeah they might be willing to die for their happiness… but that wasn’t love. No. There’s no way that was love, because love would mean they’re weak. And if there’s one thing those two aren’t, it’s weak.
Mal came around after a few days. After she saw how happy Evie and Carlos were after expressing their feelings, she thought she might as well give it a try. It felt nice, but not nice enough to go around saying it as much as Evie and Carlos. It was like every other sentence that came out of either of their mouths had the word love in it. For Mal, the word love was for special occasions only. Not everyday use like the other two seem to think.
Jay wasn’t emotionless. Just because he couldn’t say that word didn’t mean he didn’t care about his friends. He didn’t show his affection with words. He showed his love with protection. Protection from what? Protection from all of Auradon thinking these isle kids were weak running around yelling about love all day. If they wanted to be taken seriously, they were going to need to stop. But when he saw how happy Evie and Carlos, and even Mal sometimes, were, he couldn’t help but keep his mouth shut. If he got to see the people he l-... cared about being happy, then he’d suffer through it.
The other three knew Jay wasn’t emotionless, because, come on, it’s Jay. It’s their Jay, and he loves them even if he doesn’t say it. But Evie knew how Jay felt, because she doesn’t need to hear any words come from his mouth to explain his feelings when she sees the way he looks at them.
Of course Evie noticed the way Jay smiled when he saw Carlos basically jump into Evie arms every time she told him that she loved him. Of course Evie noticed the way Jay couldn’t pay attention to anything but Carlos’ mouth on the cap of his pen when the four of them were studying together. Of course Evie noticed when Jay would steer the conversation toward Carlos’ latest science endeavors. Of course Evie noticed the way Jay just smiled at Carlos like he was the only thing in the world that mattered when he babbled on about things Jay would never understand. 
And of course Evie noticed the way Jay would try to compose himself after meeting her eyes. The way he would advert his eyes and look at anything but the blue haired girl staring back at him. Evie understood things without needing words to explain them, Evie just got it. Evie was the only one that knew about Jay’s feelings for Carlos, and if he had any say in it, she wouldn’t know either. But she already does, and he’d like to keep it just between them.
Jay wasn’t the only one that had a routine. While Jay made a routine of staring and all but drooling over Carlos, Carlos made a routine of finding every possible way to spend more time with Jay. Evie noticed this too, of course, because she gets it. She noticed Carlos spending extra time at the library on Friday nights so he could finish all his homework before going to Jay’s tourney games on Saturday mornings. She noticed Carlos hanging around Jay’s locker between classes just to talk to the other boy, even if it meant risking being late to his next class (which was a big deal for Carlos).
“You can’t tell him,” Carlos had told Evie one day after school.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said trying to act as if she didn’t just walk up on Carlos staring across the courtyard. Evie knew exactly what he found so interesting over there. Evie knew that there was only one thing that could make Carlos completely stop in his tracks on the way to the library. She knew how important it was for Carlos to keep his education as his number one priority. She also knew there was one person who could make him completely forget he even had an education to prioritize. “Are you gonna stand here drooling all day?” She asked when she realized Carlos either didn’t hear her comment or was too focused on Jay laughing on the other side of the courtyard to respond.
“I’m gonna tell him one day,” Carlos said after a few moments of fidgeting with his fingers and avoiding meeting Evie’s eyes with his own. “But right now, I can’t put myself in a position to be rejected. Maybe in 15 years when we’re both married I’ll just casually be like ‘Hey, remember high school? Wild that I had a crush on you the whole time,’ and then when he tells me that’s gross I’ll act like it’s a joke and we’ll both live our separate lives happily ever after.”
Evie knew she shouldn’t tell Carlos that Jay felt the same way he did. One, because it wasn’t her secret to tell. And two, because Carlos would never believe her anyway. He was the polar opposite of Jay, he wore every emotion on his sleeve, he wouldn’t try to hide anything. Whether or not Jay noticed or not was a different story. But to anybody that knew what they were looking for, it was obvious. Carlos and Jay loved each other and neither of them could say it. From then on, if Evie noticed Carlos staring at Jay, she would just smile at him and continue on with her day.
“Hey guys, have you seen Evie yet?” Mal asked as she sat her tray down across from Jay and Carlos at their usual table outside under the trees. The liked being secluded from everyone else sometimes. Although they were starting to adjust to Auradon, they were still isle kids, and being around preppy Auradon kids all day would probably drive them crazy if they didn’t have times like this everyday to just be with each other.
“Not since this morning,” Carlos said while continuing to pick at his food.
Another ten minutes passed before Evie came running up behind Mal. “Guys! Guess what!” She yelled excitedly, slowing herself so she didn’t run into the table. As soon as Mal turned her head to see what the blue haired girl was so excited about, Evie had one hand on her cheek and their lips were connected.
They all knew Evie was confident, and her little crush on Mal wasn’t exactly a secret, but this was bold even for her. Before any of them had time to say anything, Evie pulled away and held out some leaves in front of them. “It’s called mistletoe! I guess in Auradon they have this tradition,” she took a deep breath before continuing her fast paced talking, “and if you stand under this with someone, you have to kiss them.”
Audrey had told Evie about the tradition on her way to lunch, and she figured it would be the perfect plan to get the boys to admit their feelings for each other. She followed Audrey to her locker where she gave her a little box with some mistletoe in it, then sprinted to the other three.
After a moment of waiting for somebody to respond, Jay finally said “So, knowing this, you decided to hold it up over Mal?”
“Well, I mean… it wasn’t my plan. She just happened to be sitting there and… I’m sorry, Mal.” Evie frowned when she saw the purple haired girl still sitting there frozen, as if she was in shock. She looked back at the boys sitting across from her and held the mistletoe out to them, “Maybe you two should try it.”
“No way,” Carlos said, pushing her hand away from them. “You know Jay isn’t into that.” If Jay wasn’t watching him he’d probably glare at her for her obvious attempt to get them together.
The four of them sat in silence for the rest of the lunch period. Evie sat and thought of other ways to get these two together. They were so stubborn, she was going to have to try really hard.
As Evie slides the keys out of the back pocket of Jay’s bag, she smiles to herself. Realizing how comfortable Jay is in Auradon makes her chest feel all warm and fuzzy. He deserved to not have to look over his shoulder every second, he deserved to love and be loved. Too bad Evie was in the middle of stealing, or more like borrowing without asking. If they had been on the isle, Jay would’ve already had a fist around her neck, ready to make her regret trying to steal from the prince of thieves. But he doesn’t even flinch, she might as well not even be there. Jay continues talking to Carlos as she zips his bag back up and walks away toward the boys’ room before either of them notice her.
Evie feels bad about taking things from Jay without asking, even if it’s for the greater good. Well, the greater good of Jay and Carlos. The four of them have been in Auradon less than a year and she’s already adjusted to their standards. Which includes feeling guilty, something she never felt back on the isle. She has to remind herself multiple times on the way to their room that this is for good and it’s okay for her to do this because if she didn’t, she would be waiting forever for one of them to make a move.
Evie cracked the door open a little to make sure nobody was secretly hiding in the boys’ room before letting herself in and closing the door behind her as quietly as she could. She dropped her bag onto Carlos’ neatly made bed and put the stolen key in the front pocket, making a note to not forget to sneak it back into Jay’s bag before he headed back to the room after tourney practice. She knew Jay wouldn’t be done at tourney practice for a few more hours. And since she was in the same science class, she knew Carlos was worried about studying for the test they had tomorrow. The chances of him leaving the library before 9 pm when they forced everybody out were slim to none. Still, she moved as quickly as possible just to make sure she wouldn’t get caught.
She pulled out the box with the mistletoe in it from the bottom of her bag. She got a piece of tape from Carlos’ tape dispenser and used his desk chair to raise herself up high enough to tape the stem of the mistletoe to the ceiling above the desk. Now she just had to hope neither boy noticed it before tomorrow afternoon when the four planned to study together in the boys’ room.
She gathered her bag and opened the door just to check that neither of the boys were on their way back to their room early. She didn’t have a plan for if she did see one of them, but thankfully the hallway was empty so she didn’t have to worry about that. Closing the door and making sure she locked it behind her, Evie made her way toward the tourney field.
Getting the key back into Jay’s bag was easy. There was nobody near the locker rooms, so she just walked right in. His bag was sitting on one of the benches and it took less than a minute to slip the key back into the front pocket of the bag and walk out, heading back to her own room.
One the walk back to her room, Evie couldn’t help thinking about her kiss with Mal. It was short but her lips were so soft. It was almost like Evie could still feel them on her own. It was everything Evie expected it to be and more.
She hadn’t planned on kissing her today. If she had, she would’ve had something better planned. As soon as Audrey told her about mistletoe, it seemed like the perfect way to get Jay and Carlos together and her mind went into full autopilot.
Soon enough, she was back to her room. Mal didn’t say anything after she kissed her at lunch, and she was busy with her master plan after school so they hadn’t seen each other since. Now that she’s had enough time to process, she’s worried that Mal will be mad, or grossed out, or both, and never look at her the same way again.
Knowing that she’ll never be prepared for any of that, Evie sighed and pushed the door open. Better to get this over with than to wait in the hallway forever.
She was surprised when Mal looked up from her laptop and smiled. She immediately stood up and started walking toward Evie. She shut the door behind her and gave a confused look right before she was pulled into a hug. “I’m so glad you’re here, I was worried you were going to be mad at me after I didn’t say anything to you at lunch. I guess I just needed to process that actually happened and the most beautiful girl in the world actually kissed me. And after school when you didn’t come right back I was worried that you were avoiding me and that you wouldn’t want to-”
Mal was speaking faster than Evie could process all at once. Evie was just now process her first statement and interrupted her, “What do you mean? Everybody knows I’ve liked you forever.”
“Well, I know Jay and Carlos always talk about it, but I thought the were just joking. I didn’t think they actually meant it when they said you liked me.”
“Does that mean you like me too?”
Mal just smiled up at her and said, “I got you a present.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“Look up.” Evie looked up and noticed the mistletoe hanging above the door. Before she could say anything, she was being pulled down into a kiss. This was even better than the first one. Slower, so Evie had more time to take it all in.
She laughed as they pulled away and looked back up at the mistletoe. “I guess we’ll just have to remember to take that down before we let anybody else in.”
Mal laughed with her before meeting her eyes with a more serious look. “I love you, Evie.”
Carlos dropped his bag on the floor by his desk and fell backwards onto his bed, squeezing his eyes shut. It felt good to just lay there in silence after such a long day. It felt as if he hadn’t slept in 12 years. He knew he couldn’t stay there for long because Jay would be returning from practice soon and as wonderful of a sight Jay is after practice, Carlos didn’t have time for staring and daydreams tonight. He had to shower and be asleep before Jay got back if he had any chance of getting enough sleep before his test tomorrow. 
He sighed and opened his eyes, staring up at the ceiling. He was exhausted and getting up for a shower was the last thing he wanted to do right now. 
He went to sit up, deciding if he didn’t shower now, he’d have to do it in the morning and that sounded absolutely terrible. As he was sitting up, he spotted something hanging above his desk. Realizing what it was, he stared at it with a confused look on his face. It was like he was waiting for the plant to grow a mouth and start talking and explain how it got there.
There was no way in hell that had been there before. Carlos is not the type to overlook things. He’s in this room everyday and knows everything that’s in here and where it all is. So if Carlos didn’t hang that mistletoe from the ceiling, and Jay was the only other person that had a key to the room, then…
Carlos shot up and almost ran to the bathroom. Suddenly full of all the energy in the world, he showered in record time and put on his pyjamas. Jay wouldn’t care what he was wearing, right? He sat at his desk and waited patiently for Jay to return. A couple of long minutes later, Carlos heard the lock turn and Jay entered the room. He closed the door behind him quietly and turned around, surprised to see Carlos awake when he was usually asleep by the time Jay returned. His face was lit by a small light on the corner of his desk.
“Damn, he’s so beautiful.” Jay thought to himself. He had to distract himself to keep him from staring. Putting his school bag and tourney bag down he turned away from Carlos. “Hey man, I thought you would be asleep by now. Don’t you have a big test tomorrow?” Jay asked as he gathered his pyjamas, ready to wash off the sweat and dirt from practice.
Carlos was surprised by the question, expecting something completely different to come out of Jay’s mouth. “Oh, I do,” he paused. “But I feel like I’m prepared enough, and I don’t feel super tired yet.” He looked across the room at Jay with hope in his eyes.
“That’s cool. Listen, I’m exhausted so I’m gonna go shower and probably pass out not long after that. I don’t care if you stay up, just try not to make too much noise,” Jay said already on his way to the bathroom.
“Oh, okay,” Carlos thought to himself, but his mouth couldn’t form any words. When the bathroom door shut, he looked up at the mistletoe still hanging from the ceiling above him before turning off his desk light and climbing into bed. He wouldn’t have to worry about being too loud, because he was asleep before Jay would out of the shower.
The next afternoon, the four sat in the boys’ room studying. They’d been doing a lot of that recently with exams coming up. Mal sat on Jay’s bed with her laptop in front of her, Carlos at his desk writing in his notebook, and Evie and Jay next to each other on the floor with textbooks in their laps.
“Hey, could you give this to Carlos?” Evie asked as she handed a stack of papers to Jay.
“Why do I have to do it? Get up and do it yourself,” Jay said pushing the papers back to her.
“You’re closer.”
“Not close enough to not have to stand up and walk over there. Just do it yourself, I’m busy.”
Carlos turned his chair. Knowing the were both too stubborn to do it, he decided to go get the papers himself just to make them shut up. He grabbed the papers from Evie’s hand and a pink note card fell out from between them. He picked it up and looked at it, “Kiss him,” it read.
Carlos looked down at Evie and she pointed up. He followed her finger with his eyes and noticed the mistletoe again. He looked back down at her with his mouth open, realizing what she had done. He wasn’t sure how she did it, but he knows this was all her doing. He crumpled the note card and threw it at her leg, ready to argue back at whatever was about to come out of her mouth. He realized his mistake when he saw Jay reaching for the crumpled note card, opening it up and reading it. He smiled at Evie, then up at Carlos, “You two are ridiculous.”
Carlos felt frozen, he couldn’t move if he wanted to. Jay knew now, and this was going to be the end of their friendship, and he was going to have to change his name and move far, far away, and he’d never see Mal and Evie again and he loved Mal and Evie. How was he going to live without them? He would have to-
His thoughts were cut off by the sound of Jay moving his textbook and standing up, just inches from Carlos. He looked down at the younger boy and smiled, “You know, if you wanted me to kiss you, you could’ve just said so.” He waited for the other boy to respond, and when he didn’t, he continued, “You thought I wouldn’t notice the mistletoe you put up? Or how you were waiting for me last night? I mean, we’re the only four people that ever come in here and I know for a fact you’re not into Mal or Evie. I would’ve kissed you last night but I knew you needed sleep before that test.”
Evie stood up, walking across the room and grabbing Mal’s arm, dragging her to the door. She winked at Carlos before shutting the door, leaving the two boys alone.
Jay laughed at how ridiculous Evie was being and looked back down at the other boy. When he realized he was going to have to make the first move or Carlos would stand there frozen forever, he put his hand on the younger boys cheek and leaned down, connecting their lips after so many years. It was soft and warm and perfect and everything Carlos had ever wanted.
“I love you, Carlos.”
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harryuma · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Descendants (Disney Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Harry Hook/Uma, Evie/Jay (Disney) Characters: Harry Hook, Uma (Disney), Jay (Disney), Evie (Disney) Summary:
harry, on multiple attempts, has tried to get a kiss from uma under the mistletoe. let's say he fails miserably at some but one day he succeeds.
12 days of descendants day 1: mistletoe.
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impossibleclair · 5 years
Thank you, Descendants
I did it. I watched Descendants 3.
Yknow, I came to the Descendants fandom very late. Like, four months ago. But the movies, the characters, they captured my heart in a way only something really special can. I can't put into words how much Descendants means to me.
And controversial as you may think me, Mal is a very large part of that love. I love Mal, and I always will. Sometimes you stumble upon a character who just feels like... a piece of you. You meet them and go 'Oh. Where have you been all this time?' And they slot into your heart so perfectly, you know they were always meant to be with you. Mal makes me feel at home with myself. For that I will always be grateful, and I will never apologise.
D3 was amazing. Was it everything I wished and dreamed and hoped? Of course not. But nothing ever will be. I'm very, very happy with what we got, and very sad that it's over. The songs were bangin, the magic was fantastic, and the ending was wonderful.
I cried a lot. I'm sure we all did. Cameron's tribute was beautiful, short but sweet, and the message of the movie felt well aligned to his memory. It feels oddly like closure, in a way. I'll always be sad we lost him, but he's left behind an incredible legacy, within Descendants and in the outside world as well.
This is my official thank you to Descendants. It is not a goodbye; the end of the films does not mean the end of Descendants, and never the end of my love for it. Descendants, and my beloved Mal, have sparked something brilliantly new in my life. The last four months have been incredible, and if I live the rest of my days in this purple-hair phase, then I welcome it with open arms.
And idk about the rest of you, but I'm going to be embracing the message Descendants has been sending us since the beginning. We're stronger together, we change the world face to face, not behind barriers of fear.
We're rotten to the core. Together.
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nicolasnelson · 4 years
Benlos fic - Let the Sparks Fly
Title: Let the Sparks Fly Relationship: Ben/Carlos De Vil, side of Mal/Evie, Harry/Uma, and Gil/Jane Additional Tags: Hogwarts AU, Christmas party, Getting back together, Fluff and angst Chapters: 1/3 Words: 3,687
Ben Florian comes from a long line of pureblood wizards, so he must keep his relationship with Carlos De Vil, a muggleborn wizard, a secret. When Ben's relationship with Carlos is threatened, he decides to stay at Hogwarts for the holidays and host a Christmas party. With luck, he can win Carlos back.
Written for DearDescendants’ 12 Days of Holidays, Day 7 - Holidays in Hogwarts
Carlos De Vil walked back and forth past the spot on the wall three times with one thought on his mind. Give me a place where I can make out with my secret boyfriend.
The door appeared as it always did, and he eagerly turned the doorknob and slipped inside. It was quiet inside the Room of Requirement. A couch, a cozy fireplace, and a plate of chocolate chip cookies welcomed him. Christmas decorations were draped over the mantelpiece and strung across the walls, and a Christmas tree stood in the corner, decked with glittering ornaments.
Carlos sat down before the roaring fire and nibbled on the cookies while he waited for his boyfriend to arrive. They always staggered their arrival times. They couldn’t come at the same time for fear of being caught. If anyone saw them go into the room together, they’d know what they were to each other.
The door creaked. Carlos tensed, looking over his shoulder. He didn’t know why he was always so worried that someone else would follow him in. The room was good about keeping out unwanted guests. It was the paranoia that came with dating someone in secret.
“Carlos, sorry I’m late. Practice ran a little long.”
“It’s okay. You are a Quidditch legend.”
Ben chuckled. “That’s no excuse.”
Carlos walked over to his boyfriend and kissed his cheek. “Really, it’s okay. I’m just glad you’re here now.”
“Thanks, but that’s less time we have to spend together before I leave for Christmas break.” Ben wrapped his arms around Carlos’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
Carlos’s heart fluttered. He ran his fingers through Ben’s hair, tugging at those silky locks, desperate to be closer to him. His breath was hot against his cheek as Ben’s lips ghosted over his skin. Ben whispered into his ear. “I’m really going to miss you. I wish you could come with me.”
“I could,” Carlos said. He’d thought about this a lot, and he had a whole speech prepared. “We’ve been dating for six months now. I know we wanted to keep it a secret in the beginning, to see if it was going anywhere, but I’m ready to tell people now. If you are.”
Ben wasn’t smiling like Carlos had hoped. His expression was frozen, cold. He took a step back. “You know I care about you a lot, and I want to continue dating you, but it feels like it’s too soon.”
“Just last month you said you wanted to tell people.”
“I know, but things change.”
“You don’t like me anymore?”
Ben stepped closer and ran his fingers along Carlos’s arm. “Hey, I definitely still like you.”
“Then why don’t you want to tell people anymore? It’s not like you’re in the closet or anything. You told everyone when you were dating Aziz, and you guys weren’t even together half a year. Why am I any different?”
Ben winced. He took Carlos’s hand into his own. “You know why. I would love to spend Christmas with you. Truly, Carlos. I want nothing more than that, but my parents would never allow it. We could be friends publicly, but anything more than that...”
Carlos felt like his heart had been ripped from his chest. “I thought you didn’t care about blood purity. You’re friends with halfbloods and muggleborns alike. All this time you’ve said you were okay with waiting to tell people about us for my sake, but you never wanted anyone to know ever.”
“It’s not like that, Carlos. I would love to tell people. But you know how my parents are. They would never accept someone muggleborn into the family.”
“So you’re just going to listen to them then? Follow their stupid belief that purebloods and muggleborns can’t mix.”
“I wish things were different.” Ben gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “If you weren’t muggleborn, I’d tell everyone about you, I swear.”
Carlos smiled, but there was no happiness behind it. He felt a coldness in his chest. He’d expected this kind of behavior from his ex. Chad had actually called him that ugly word on the daily. “My precious mudblood,” like it was supposed to be a compliment. Chad was a pureblood Slytherin, and his family was obsessed with blood purity. He’d been upfront that their relationship had to remain secret.
But Ben had lied to him. He’d made him think this time would be different, and that made it all the worse. It didn’t matter that Carlos had proven himself time and again. He was top of his class and had earned more house points for Ravenclaw than any other member of his house, including his best friend Evie. But he was still muggleborn, and that would always follow him.
“I can’t do this,” Carlos said, feeling that everything inside the room was wrong.
“Can’t do what?” Ben’s eyes filled with concern.
Carlos hated what he was about to do, but he couldn’t stand to be with someone who had lied to him, someone who would never be open about their relationship. He couldn’t live his life in the shadows. “I can’t be with you anymore. You don’t understand what it’s like for me, to have to always date in secret. To have every person I’ve ever been with be too ashamed to introduce me to anyone. All because I have ‘dirty blood.’ You’re supposed to be kind and loyal. Isn’t that what Hufflepuffs are all about? I thought things would be different with you, but they’re not. It’s all the same as it’s ever been.”
“Hey, hey.” Ben pulled him into a hug. “I’m not ashamed of you. I told you, I don’t care about all that blood supremacy crap the Slytherins are so keen on. Chad Charming, Audrey Rose, and Anthony Tremaine can preach it all they want, but I’m not like them. I promise.”
Carlos pushed Ben away. “Then why do we have to stay a secret?”
“Because…” Ben looked hesitant, like he was afraid to tell him the real reason.
“Please, Ben, don’t lie to me. You’ve done enough of that already.”
Ben straightened his shoulders, nodding. “Okay, I’ll tell you the truth, but you’re not going to like it.”
“Whatever it is, I can handle it.”
Ben smiled. “I know. You’re tough. I really like that about you. Listen, Carlos, the truth is, I already told my parents about you. Not you specifically, but that I was dating a boy who was muggleborn. They were both happy I found someone I really care about, but my father asked me to keep our relationship a secret. He wants to be the new Minister for Magic, you see. If people find out his son is dating someone muggleborn, he’ll lose the support of most of the purebloods. This is his dream, Carlos. I can’t risk ruining that for him.”
“Hogwash,” Carlos said, disgusted. “You hate your father. Ever since you got sorted into Hufflepuff instead of following your family legacy of Gryffindors, he’s treated you like crap. So the only reason I can see you supporting him is if you’re hoping to gain something once he’s the Minister for Magic.”
Ben bit his lip. “It’s for the good of the wizarding community. I want to make things equal between all classes. No more blood supremacy. No more house elves enslaved to wizards. If he becomes the Minister, I’ll have a chance of getting a high-ranking position at the Ministry once I graduate. I can make a real difference, make everyone’s lives better, and then one day it won’t matter to anyone else that you’re muggleborn. We can be open about everything then.”
“It’s a beautiful dream, Ben, but it’ll never happen,” Carlos said. “Two wizarding wars and everything is still the same. Chad and Anthony still bully me. Audrey still hexes me any chance she gets. Professor Honeymaren still tells me I’m doing well for a muggleborn, and she’s one of the nicer teachers. I actually think it’s gotten worse for muggleborns since the Second Wizarding War.”
Ben opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, then closed it. He nodded, rubbing his hands together. “I can see this relationship would never have worked anyways. I need to be with someone who believes in me.”
“I didn’t say—”
“You’ve said enough, Carlos. I’m sorry I wasted your time.” Shoulders hunched, Ben turned around and walked out of the room.
The Christmas decorations disappeared into thin air, all the cheer gone with his departure. Carlos sank bad into the armchair, hugging his legs to his chest. He leaned his head on his knees and let himself cry.
His gaze shifted to the table where the cookies had been. Now it held a tissue box and a pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. He huffed. “Seriously, you stupid room. It just had to be Ben’s favorite brand.”
The ice cream disappeared as if the room had heard him. This was going to be a miserable Christmas.
Ben knelt down in front of his suitcase in his dormitory. He folded his black-and-yellow knitted scarf and placed it gingerly beside his Wizard Card collection. Many of the cards had been gifts from Carlos. He had a particular talent for finding and trading cards with fellow wizards. Even Ben who was incredibly social could never navigate the world of Wizard Trading Cards at Hogwarts so well as Carlos.
He put his Alchemy textbook on top of the card collection, determined to get Carlos off his mind. They had broken up. It had been mutual. This would be better for both of them. They wouldn’t have to be paranoid about sneaking around all the time. He’d be able to focus on Quidditch more. Maybe his team could even win the Quidditch Cup this year.
“You look sad.”
Ben looked up, startled.
Gil sat on the bed across from him. He was knitting another scarf in Hufflepuff colors. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“You don’t seem fine, man. It’s just, you’re getting to go home for the holidays when a lot of us aren’t. My parents are muggles, and they hate that I’m a wizard. They only take me back in the summer because they have to. And my brothers bully me the whole time.”
“It’s hard to imagine anyone bullying you,” Ben admitted. Gil was so strong, the best beater the Hufflepuff Quidditch team had ever seen.
“They’re bigger and stronger than me. I’ve always been the runt of the family.” Gil looked sheepish.
Ben was afraid to see what the rest of Gil’s family looked like. Maybe something like the giants he’d seen in his textbooks. “I’m sorry about your family.”
Gil shrugged. “It is what it is. You’re incredibly lucky, Ben. I’d be happy if I had a loving family to go back to, that’s all I’m saying.” He smiled shyly and looked down at his knitting.
“You’re right,” Ben said, suddenly feeling like Hogwarts’s biggest idiot. Gil had a remarkable talent for seeing the heart of the matter while Ben got caught up in the details. “Why am I going home for Christmas, when I could do so much good here?”
He’d been so caught up on getting into politics that he’d forgotten he could help the people around him. So many kids didn’t have happy homes to go back to, Carlos included. Okay, so maybe a part of him wanted to do this to win Carlos back, but mostly he wanted to practice what he preached. He would be welcoming and warm to all the students at Hogwarts, regardless of their blood status.
“Oh, I wasn’t trying to guilt you into staying. I was just trying to cheer you up.”
Ben laughed, closing his suitcase. He would unpack everything later. Right now he had plans to make. “You did that too. Don’t worry, Gil. I want to stay. I’m going to make this the best Christmas ever for all the sixth-years staying over the holidays.”
Gil dropped his knitting, beaming from ear-to-ear. “Really?”
“Absolutely. I’ll show you what a wizard Christmas is like. It’ll be, well, magical.”
Gil giggled, absolutely delighted.
Ben knew it would take a lot of work putting together everything, and he didn’t have a lot of time, but he knew just who to ask for help.
He found her in the common room helping a fourth-year, Artie Pendragon, decorate a Christmas card. They were seated at one of the round tables, art supplies piled up high on top of it.
“Hey, Jane.” He put a hand on her shoulder. “When you’re free, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Oh, we’re almost done.” She set the glue stick aside and handed the card to Artie. “Just write your message on the inside. Make it special. I’m sure your mother will love it.” She stood up, beaming. “What is it, Ben?”
“Let’s go for a walk.”
Jane laughed. “I’d better bundle up then. I am not used to all this snow.”
Ben chuckled, pulling his gloves from his jacket pocket. “Me neither.”
Outside the air was nippy, but Ben found it to be refreshing. It felt like he was looking at Hogwarts in the snow for the first time. Usually he was in such a rush to get home for the holidays. He barely paid any attention to the snow-capped castle. It was truly breath-taking.
“Are you heading home soon?” Jane asked.
“No, I’m actually staying for Christmas this year.”
Jane perked up, her blue eyes wide. Her whole face brightened. “Oh, Ben, that’s wonderful. I’m staying too. I was going to go see my uncle again, but he cancelled at the last minute. Being the head of the Department of Magical Education keeps him busy. You know how that is.”
Ben did. His father was the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. He had started as an auror and risen through the ranks. Some years he was barely home for the holidays, but thankfully his mother was always there to keep him company.
“I want to host a Christmas party for all the sixth-years staying for the holidays,” Ben announced.
“Oh, really? That’s amazing, Ben, but what gave you that idea? It’s not like you to give up your holidays like that.”
“Yes, that’s exactly the problem. It should be like me. I care about all the students at Hogwarts, and during the holidays a lot of them don’t have families who accept them. Gil was telling me about his awful family. I can’t believe I’ve been so selfish all these years. I have to do something for these kids, Jane.”
Jane jumped up and down, grabbing onto Ben’s arm. “That’s perfect. I wonder why I never thought of that either. And here I was planning how I would manage to sneak all the best foods out of the kitchens so I could have a Christmas feast in my room. Talk about selfish.”
Ben laughed. “Carlos would say that is such a Hufflepuff thing to say.”
“Carlos?” Jane eyed him curiously. “I didn’t realize you guys were friends.”
Ben took a deep breath, wondering if this was the right thing to do. Carlos had wanted everyone to know about them, so telling Jane would be okay, right? “We’re not. But I’ve been spending a lot of time with him lately.” 
“You like him?” Jane guessed, smiling.
“I do. I really, really do. And I told my parents, but they don’t want me to tell anyone else.”
“Because he’s a boy? Weren’t you and Aziz a thing for a little while?”
Ben nodded. “My parents loved Aziz because he’s a pureblood and a Gryffindor. They actually tried to convince me not to break up with him when I got tired of him being so ‘on’ all the time, you know?”
“Oh, and Carlos is muggleborn. I forgot about that. But Gil’s muggleborn too, and your parents don’t care that you’re friends with him.”
“But they would care if I was dating him. My dad wants to be the Minister for Magic. He needs the support of the purebloods to get elected.”
Jane sighed, shaking her head. “Blood politics are ridiculous, you know that? You shouldn’t care about how your dating life will affect your father. It’s your life. Live it. If you like Carlos, then you should go for him. He’s staying for the holidays, right? I’m sure we could arrange a romantic moment alone for the two of you so you could confess your feelings for him. Awww, Ben, you could get together on Christmas.”
“Don’t get carried away. I would love to date him, but I’d have to keep it a secret.”
“That is literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, and I’m dating Gil.” She cracked a smile.
“Wait, you are?”
“Yeah. It’s not like we’ve been trying to hide it. I don’t care that his parents are muggles, and he doesn’t care that I come from a long, long line of purebloods. It really doesn’t have to be as complicated as you’re making it out to be.”
“I know, I know. But you’re not me. Everyone expects so much from me. I’m a Florian. Our family name means something around here. I can’t let my father down.”
Jane put her hand on his arm. “But you’re letting yourself down. Doing good things for other people is certainly nice, but you need to do things for yourself too. You can’t live your life entirely for other people. What do you want, Ben?”
He wasn’t sure if he’d ever been asked that before, but the answer was clear to him. “I want to be with Carlos.”
Carlos was studying with Evie, Jay, and Mal in the library. Well, Carlos and Evie were studying. Jay and Mal were goofing off as usual. The two Gryffindors had never cared much for getting good grades.
They had all finished their exams, anyways. Carlos was just studying to get his mind off Ben, and Evie rarely left a book for more than a few minutes at a time. Unless of course she was spending time alone with her girlfriend Mal. Right now Mal was leaning against her, fiddling with a new toy she’d picked up at the joke shop.
“Where are we going to celebrate Christmas this year?” Carlos asked offhandedly. “The Room of Requirement again?”
“Actually, Ben has already booked the Room of Requirement,” Jay said, tossing a sugar quill at Mal, who caught it in her teeth. She broke the quill in half and offered a portion to Evie, who took it with a gleeful smile and kissed Mal on the cheek.
“Are you serious?” Carlos asked. “But I thought he was going home for the break.”
Jay shrugged. “I guess he changed his mind. Gil said he’s planning a big party for the sixth-years.”
Evie perked up, chewing on her sugar quill. “Oh, we should go to that then. It’s a lot of work to organize our own party every year.” She gave Carlos a look. Every year the two of them ended up doing all the work.
Carlos wasn’t really sure how to feel about all this. Ben was staying for the holidays and hadn’t told him. Had he known when they met in the Room of Requirement yesterday?
“I don’t know,” Carlos said. “It’ll probably be a bunch of purebloods. Doesn’t sound like much fun.”
Evie shot him an annoyed glare. She clearly did not want to waste time with decorations this year.
“Most of the purebloods have gone home for the holidays,” Mal said, examining her nails. “I think the only purebloods there will be Ben and Jane. Maybe Ally and Jordan. All good people.”
“But we don’t know any of them very well,” Carlos argued.
Jay laughed, chewing on the end of his sugar quill. “Speak for yourself, I’ve flirted with Jane, Ally, and Jordan. Probably all the girls in our year.”
“Even Mal?” Evie asked, raising an eyebrow.
Jay shrugged his shoulders. “You guys weren’t dating yet, and she shot me down so fast.”
Mal laughed, reaching for her girlfriend’s hand. “You have nothing to worry about, Evie.” They shared a quick kiss, and Evie relaxed against her, lowering her book into her lap.
“I’m wondering who I should try to kiss under the mistletoe this year,” Jay said. “Maybe Jane?”
“No, she’s dating Gil LeGume,” Mal said. “Aren’t you guys friends? Don’t want to mess with the bro code.” She chuckled darkly.
“Maybe I’ll kiss Carlos then.” He waggled his eyebrows at him.
Carlos rolled his eyes. “Not a chance.” Jay was just joking about kissing him, and even if he wasn’t, Carlos was too hung up on Ben to think about kissing anyone else.
“I guess I’ll just have to see who’s at the party. If all else fails, I can always snag a kiss from Ben Florian.”
Carlos clutched his book tightly, fighting hard not to react. It was okay if Jay kissed Ben. It wasn’t like he owned Ben or anything. But the thought of the two of them together in public, with Ben not ashamed to be seen with Jay. It brought him a special kind of hurt.
“As if Ben would kiss you,” Mal said with a laugh.
Carlos jumped. For a moment it felt like the words were directed at him, but she was smiling at Jay. Of course.
“Anyways, I think Evie and I have a much better shot with him.” Mal smiled wickedly. “The more the merrier on Christmas, right?”
Carlos picked up his books. “I just remembered I’m supposed to meet Doug to work on a project.”
“A’ight. See you later.” Jay saluted him.
No one even questioned that he was working on a project on the first day of winter break. Maybe it was because they assumed he was studious enough that he would start on it an entire month early, or maybe they just didn’t care that much about him. Either way, he could sense he was going to have a lonely Christmas this year.
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fcstation1063 · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Descendants (Disney Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jay/Carlos de Vil, Evie/Mal (Disney) Characters: Jay (Disney), Carlos de Vil, Mal (Disney), Evie (Disney), Ben (Disney: Descendants) Summary:
A snowstorm knocks out the power at Auradon Prep.
Day 2 of DearDescendants' 12 days of holidays. Prompt: Snow.
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saiilorstars · 5 years
Dhalloweek Day 1: A Hunting We Will Go
*** This is part of DearDescendants’ Writing Week. ***
Day 1 Prompt: Vampire
Rating: General audience; minor cursing
{The following OC is of my creation, everything else is part of the Descendants/Disney world.}
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"What the hell is...Halloween?" Elle couldn't possibly be more confused, which really only made her more adorable in Ben's eyes. He'd just told her that Auradon Prep was going to host its yearly Halloween week-long fest.
She had no idea what he was talking about.
Ben couldn't help but laugh. Elle didn't appreciate it.
"You may be King of Auradon but I will not hesitate to kick your ass," she promptly said, hoping that'd be enough to stop his laughter.
Ben sobered slowly, much to her dismay. He straightened in his desk chair, eyes looking directly into Elle as if still considering that she was just playing with him and that she did in fact know what Halloween was.
She did not.
"How did you not celebrate Halloween?" he leaned forwards on his desk. "You used to live on the Isle of the Lost - Halloween is all about scary things, tricks and just scaring people."
"That's an everyday thing, Ben. Why would we only do it one time per year?"
"Alright," Ben raised his hands, indicating he'd get serious and explain to her the holiday. He pushed himself out of his seat and moved around the desk barring him from his girlfriend. "Halloween is the one day a year where everyone dresses up as something they like - a vampire, a ghost, a werewolf-"
"-basically anything but themselves?"
"Yes, although Audrey might not be celebrating Halloween then," Ben said in a thoughtful manner. The pink princess always went as herself for Halloween. "Anyways, there's some people who go trick-or-treating which is knocking on people's homes asking for candy."
"And then they play tricks on each other…?" Elle raised an eyebrow. Okay, that last part may sound more like the Isle of the Lost but she didn't understand the whole 'asking for candy' bit. Why would you do that? Why wouldn't you just steal it?
"Well, kind of...no one really does tricks here in Auradon. It's not nice," Ben smiled awkwardly. That was just too Auradon.
"Of course," Elle playfully rolled her eyes. "So then what else happens for Halloween?"
"The trick-or-treating and then a good old Halloween party is pretty much it. Auradon Prep loves Halloween too much to let it be just for a day. We have it the whole week."
"And what do we do during this week?"
"The first day we go as vampires. Bring your favorite vampire character to life."
"Sooo...all day we just go about pretending to be vampires?" Elle tilted her head, considering how foolish the idea seemed to her right now. Actually, if Mal was here she'd say…
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
"That's stupid," the purple-haired girl was crinkling her nose in disdain. She scooted backwards on her bed, until she could rest against her bed's headboard.
Elle was leaning against their dorm's door and was actually amused by her friends' different reactions.
Evie promptly pushed one of Jay's legs in order for her to sit on the edge of her own bed. Jay often liked making himself comfortable on the girls' beds with the excuse the mattresses were more mushy than his. "I don't understand it either," Evie admitted to Elle, but the dreamy smile on Evie's face indicated she was more open to it than Mal. "But if it means I get to design a vampire costume then I'm all for it!"
She got up from her bed and dashed for her sewing machine at the edge of the room. With a grin, Jay repositioned himself on her bed, hands behind his back and his back against the headboard.
"Sounds kinda scary," admitted Carlos who sat on the ground, back pressed against the chest of Elle's bed. He had Dude in his lap, one hand petting the dog.
"It's all fake, Carlos," Elle rolled her eyes at him.
"Sounds boring," Jay said in a tone that meant he was clarifying the truth. "Can you imagine what this soft Auradons are going to do for this holiday meant to be about scaring and tricks?"
"Oh, you know about Halloween?" Mal raised an eyebrow at him, shooting him a doubtful gaze from her bed.
Jay smirked. "When a subject interests me, I excel in it. And believe me when I say that we-" he made a gesture at their group, "-could make this vampire day a whole lot better."
"You got some ideas?" Elle pushed herself off the door and walked up to Evie's bed. Like Evie, Elle pushed Jay's legs further to the side in order for her to sit down.
"Yeah," Jay's smirk was widening. Oh yeah, he'd given this some thought. "It's just too bad I don't have any magic…"
Elle looked back at Mal, the purple-haired girl already rolling her eyes, then looked over to Evie who'd turned on her sewing chair. The girls all knew what they would eventually end up doing for this idea.
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
Without even trying, Evie was the sensation of Auradon Prep's first day of Halloween fest. She'd fashioned herself a black leather outfit meant to be her vampire costume. It consisted of black leather one suit with a plunging neckline. There was a glittery white blouse underneath, its ruffles poking through the plunging neckline. What really took people away was the long, brilliant red cape that flowed in her confident strides. Her blueberry-shade of hair was tied into a side braid with a couple curly strands left to frame her rosy face. Her lips were painted a brilliant red.
"You seriously had to dress up like that?" Mal was not the least surprised to find Evie completely engrossed with the costume ideas.
"Who said I couldn't have my own type of fun?" the blue-haired girl merely shrugged and smiled with red-stained lips.
"She looks good," Elle complimented as she, Jay and Carlos met them. They were being careful to look natural by Mal's locker.
"So are we doing this or not!?" Jay could care less about costumes. He'd done the bare minimum with his own costume, only going as far as slipping on a short black cape over his back and painting red streams at the corners of his lips to resemble blood.
"I'm not sure we should," Carlos admitted, once again appearing to be the only one out of the group to have some reservations about the idea.
"It'll be harmless," Mal assured him, though there was a wicked glint in her eyes when she yanked her spellbook out of her locker.
"I don't think it will…" Carlos mumbled, but no one paid him attention.
"Alright, so here's how this is going to work," Mal gave a light pat to the front cover of her spellbook. "It's quite simple, really. So simple that Evie didn't need to get her own grimoire and Elle doesn't have to use her necklace."
"So it really will be okay," Elle smiled at Carlos. They would never endanger Auradon...at least not anymore.
"Do it, Mal," Jay was eager to see the spell through. Wicked party here they come!
"I'm so ready," Evie set her hands on her hips and raised her head. She always loved a good party.
Mal skimmed through her spellbook until she found the page she needed. She pressed a finger to the required line and began to say out loud, "On Hallows' Eve there's always tricks, now give us a wicked vampire party, quick!" Her finger raised in the air and did its usual flicks side to side, commanding her powers to do her will.
Purple smoke shot down from the sky, enveloping the entire Auradon Prep land. The force of it - which wasn't planned at all - threw the group to the ground.
"Ooow that hurt," Evie was the first to groan. She had landed on her side and the cement was no place to fall so hard.
"Mal, what the hell?" Elle was rubbing the side of her head. She got herself a good smack against the cement too.
"Sorry, sorry," Mal sat upright and immediately sought out to find her spellbook.
"At least tell me it worked," Jay re-adjusted his beanie before getting up.
However, Carlos had beaten them to it. He was gazing out at the school's yard, eyes wide. "Uuh...guys…" His tone of voice drew the group's attention to what he was looking at.
And it was totally unplanned.
The sun was no more, for starters. It was dark out, night time when it was only noon. The bright green grass had died and turned an ugly yellow with some patches even missing. Fairy Godmother would never allow for such neglect of the school. There was an eerie light purple glow in the air.
But the worst part was the fact the students - their friends - had turned into the very thing they'd made fun of earlier.
"Did we just...turn everyone into vampires?" Carlos gulped.
Evie's mouth gaped as she came to stand next to Carlos, in front of the rail.
"Wicked!" Jay exclaimed, nearly laughing.
"Mal!" Elle quickly turned on the girl in question. "What happened!?"
"I don't know! More power than I thought, I guess," Mal awkwardly smiled. "Oops?"
"Just out of curiosity...what was supposed to happen?" Carlos asked.
"You know, the usual stuff," Mal shifted on her feet. Now that she was thinking about it, maybe the spell did exactly what it was supposed to. "It gave us a good vampire party…"
"With actual vampires!" Carlos flapped a hand at the yard.
"I thought they were just going to be like realistic vampires but obviously not vampires!" Mal exclaimed and stuck an index fingernail between her teeth. "Oops?"
Elle's eyes widened when she remember something - or someone - important. "Ben!" she cried and dashed for her boyfriend's dorm.
It took the others just 2 seconds more to realize what Elle had just thought of. They ran after Elle, though Carlos lingered behind to continue looking at the other students. However, one of the students spotted him and hissed, making Carlos flinch and jump backwards.
He ran then, as fast as he could.
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
Elle burst into Ben's room, calling his name over and over until he saw a figure by the window. "Ben, I'm glad to see you," she sighed in relief and walked towards him...only for him to hiss at her with prominent fangs. "Ah!" Elle jumped back, bumping into the incoming Mal.
"What - ah!" Mal had only a second before she saw the menacing Ben at the window.
"You turned my boyfriend into a vampire!"
"I didn't mean to!"
"Fix him!"
Before the two started to argue, they each felt a grip on their arms that yanked them back into the hallway.
"Real vampires mean real death," Evie reminded them both.
"That's kinda cool, though," Jay said, still smiling excitedly.
"No, no it's not," scolded Carlos. "I told you we shouldn't have done this! Now everyone here is a vampire! How do we turn them back?"
Mal raised a hand to stop them while she searched through her spellbook. She went back to the page where she'd gotten the spell in the first place. "Okay, so there's no real counter spell-"
"-what?" Elle's sharpness was enough to make Mal wince.
"But there is a way to reverse it. And I can make them no problem," Mal's grin was nervous as hell which, in turn, made the others a bit nervous. "C'mon!"
They followed Mal through the school, careful to avoid the lurking vampires who wanted nothing than to drink their blood. Once they bumped into Fairy Godmother herself and were scared to death by the woman's sinister grin.
Mal led them to the nearby forest just beside the tourney field. "We need to collect bark."
"Bark? What for?" Evie gazed at the tree trunks with a crinkled nose. She didn't want to peel any of that off.
"We just need it! Now do it!" hissed Mal.
Between the five, they collected bark from tree trunks and from the ground. They made just enough for each of them to have two pieces. Mal then used her spellbook again to fashion the bark into daggers.
"Are we...are we supposed to stab people with these?" Carlos raised an eyebrow at Mal. He would definitely not be stabbing anyone.
"They're enchanted," Mal rolled her eyes. "You throw them at any vampire and it'll just go through them as if they were ghosts. Then, it'll boomerang back to you so you can use it again."
"I like it," Jay tossed one of his daggers into the air, catching it swiftly with one hand. "Can I go first?"
"What if we're not good throwers?" Evie was examining her own daggers with a visible doubt on her face.
"Just aim it at a vampire and it'll go to them," Mal said, assuring Evie it was a simple task even if one never played a sport of any kind.
"And this will make everyone go back to normal?" Elle raised one of her daggers.
"Hopefully, yes," Mal nodded.
"Fine, let's get to it. I'm starting with Ben," Elle took the lead back to the school.
They crept back into the front yard and sure enough counted several vampires in the area.
"I think that one's Lonnie," Jay realized when he spotted a familiar brunette rounding a table with fencing gear left carelessly on the edge.
"And I think I just found Jane," Carlos sighed. Yeah, he'd been hoping he wouldn't have to see her like that.
"So what do we do?" Evie looked at Mal. "Are we supposed to just-" but Jay drew back an arm and threw a dagger at Lonnie. It went right through her back, freezing her for a minute until a purple smoke took her over. It cleared off in seconds and revealed a normal Lonnie. Jay caught his boomerang with no problem.
"It worked!" Mal beamed and was immediately subjected to her friends' collective looks. "I mean...of course it worked...cos I knew it would work…" Mal looked away to hide her expression.
"Alright guys, let's do it," Elle exclaimed.
"YEAH!" Jay charged forwards and chucked his daggers at two more vampires, getting them easily.
"What is going on?" Lonnie was left demanding as the group zipped past her.
"Just go hide!" Evie told her.
Carlos closed his eyes to throw his dagger at Jane, the menacing vampire already coming for him, and luckily got her through the chest. Like Lonnie, she was enveloped by purple smoke then reverted back to her normal self. Her blue eyes winked wide and fast.
"Why did I suddenly want to drink...blood?" she scrunched her face in disgust.
"Don't even think about it, just go to your room and stay there," Carlos ushered her towards Lonnie. "Go!"
Mal yelped when a vampire - whom she was sure was one of her art club friends - tried lunging on her. She threw her dagger and covered her face before he would reach her. When she heard a snap, she spread her pinky finger from her ring finger to see the boy landing right at her feet, back to normal.
"...hey Mal," he rubbed his forehead. "What happened?"
In another part, Jay laughed loudly when he daggered none other than Chad Charming. "I love Halloween!"
"JAY!" Elle roared from her spot. He was enjoying this too much. She shook her head and continued fighting her way towards the inside of the school. Ben was still inside and she needed to get there.
A prissy pink vampire jumped in front of her, scaring the hell out of Elle for a moment.
"You really do go as yourself," Elle blinked at Audrey's fluffly pink dress. All the princess did in return was hiss, as was her vampire nature. "Sorry Audrey." She threw her dagger at the girl's chest and had her back as Audrey in a minute.
"What the hell is going on?" Audrey looked around with fearful eyes. Her hands reached up to her face, fingers touching her lips. "And why did I really want to drink your blood?"
"Audrey, just go hide, please!"
Audrey didn't have to be told twice. Soon as she saw another vampire coming for Elle, she screamed and ran in the opposite direction.
Before the vampire got to Elle, Evie daggered it. She beamed when she saw the normal student in its place. "Yes!"
"Thanks, Evie!" Elle called before running off.
Elle fought her way into the school, taking mostly teacher vampires down in the hallways. She even had the honor of bringing Fairy Godmother back, though she ran away as soon as Fairy Godmother began to demand answers about the chaos.
Unfortunately, she wouldn't be able to return the students and teachers to normal if she had no idea what spell Mal used.
Finally, Elle made it to Ben's room again. She crept in quietly and looked around for her boyfriend. "C'mon Ben, I know you least of all want to be some scary monster."
She heard a hiss behind her and whirled around to see Ben lunging for her. She cried and threw her dagger as hard as she could. It crossed his chest and trapped him in purple smoke. Just as she caught her dagger, he returned to normal.
"...Elle?" his hazel eyes blinked wide, much like everyone else who was reverting to their regular selves. "Did I...did I just attack you?"
Elle dropped her daggers and rushed to hug him, though before she did she checked him for those fangs. "All clear!" she happily exclaimed then threw her arms around his neck.
"...did I have fangs!?"
"Yes, but it was an accident," Elle promised. "And I can explain everything just as soon as we finish getting everyone back to normal."
"How about we do that right now?" Fairy Godmother's presence was enough to scare Elle even more than the vampires threatening to kill them.
"...we're so sorry," Elle almost whimpered.
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
When Fairy Godmother learned the spell that Mal had used, it was easier to revert everyone back to normal in one go. Though if the group of teens had anything to say, it'd be that they'd gotten most of the students and teachers anyways. Although once Fairy Godmother threatened them with detention for their awful misuse of magic, no one dared to say a thing about their excellent daggering skills.
"Fairy Godmother, don't punish them," Ben came to the group's aid as he always did. The woman 'tsked' behind her desk, but she let the King continue making the argument. "This is their first Halloween ever. They didn't know what to do."
"It does not excuse the magic spell they cast over Auradon prep," Fairy Godmother gave the five teens in question the hardest look the woman could muster. "They put themselves in grave danger-"
"-that they also helped clean up," Ben reminded her. "And besides, it was definitely in the Halloween spirit. A lot of the students can't stop talking about it. They got to be actual vampires."
Fairy Godmother sighed. "We...we just can't let this happen again."
"Completely understood," Mal spoke up. "I'll have to study my Halloween spells a bit better."
"Or maybe not use them at all," the headmistress countered, but Mal hummed.
"...or maybe just study them a bit more."
If Fairy Godmother wasn't from Auradon, she would've rolled her eyes. "And Elle," she looked at the brunette girl, "You realize I'm going to have to call your parents about this."
"...yeah...I figured as much," Elle bit her lower lip. She was fairly interested in how her parents, the Queen and King of Avalor, would react to her Halloween scheme.
"Go on," Fairy Godmother made a gesture for them to leave her office. "And be safe this Halloween."
"Of course!" the entire group chorused as they filed out.
"Man that was wicked fun!" Jay said almost as soon as Ben shut the door to the office. "We hunted vampires! I love Halloween!" he laughed as he went on his way.
"He won't be talking about anything else for a while," Mal smirked, a tad proud in the end.
"You guys…" Ben sighed but there was a clear smile on his face. "What possessed you to do even try that spell in the first place?" he was close to laughing.
"Jay had the idea," Carlos said, shaking his head. "All to make Halloween more fun."
"It was supposed to just make the vampire costumes more realistic," Elle explained. "But the spell sort of went...in a different direction."
"Totally not my intention," Mal raised a finger as she clarified. "But it was kind of fun in the end, wasn't it?"
"It really wasn't," Carlos said his last words before leaving.
"I'm tired," Evie glumly said as she looked down at her heeled boots. "I need to go change my shoes."
"Are you all still coming for the party later?" Ben asked just as she and Mal were getting ready to leave too. "It'll be completely normal, though."
"I think that's the best thing right now," Elle patted his arm. "And you know what? I better enjoy it because once my parents hear about this...I'll be grounded until I'm 30."
"I guess I'll take you on our last date until you're 30, then," Ben kissed her cheek. She smiled and rolled her eyes.
Yeah, she better enjoy it.
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runaways-withme · 5 years
Dear Descendants,
I’ve started this letter immediately after I realized this blog exists. I’m not as good at words as I wish I was so I admittedly was putting off making sense of my tear stained-feelings on this page. With something like this, I don’t think words will turn out perfect but that’s okay. So here it goes. 
When I saw the first commercial for Descendants, I remember thinking it looked kinda tacky. I was lowkey teasing how it looked visually and one of the lines that a character said. It didn’t look like anything that made any sense. Then, my opinion turned from a negative one to a positive because of the line with Ben telling the VKs that they don't have to be like their parents. That stuck with me. Without getting into detail, I don't come from the best family.  I never would want to treat anyone younger than me like I was treated. So what Ben said really rang true for me and got me to actually watch it.
Despite me thinking the movie looked too weird and not initially thinking I would like it, I got hooked on it when I watched it for the first time. I love musicals and I love Kenny Ortega from his other works. I have never seen a disney movie quite like this.  This movie and it’s messages are so special to me. I relate to the characters and what they went through. I loved how it was able to be goofy and fun, alongside being very real. 
We meet the four kids who are mostly judged for being evil just because their parents are villains. These kids went through childhood trauma and bad living conditions. It took one person believing in them and their own friendship to realize how they are worth so much.
The scene that really got to me while watching was when Lonnie was talking about chocolate chip cookies how her mom would make her cookies to cheer her up when she’s not in a good mood as an act of love. The VKs never had anything nice and caring from their parents so you just see the sad look on their faces. Lonnie says “I just thought.. even villains love their kids!” with a smile on her face. She looks to the four and then has empathy when she realizes they really have it hard and starts crying. That hit close to home but I loved how it really shows that not everyone has a good relationship with their parents. It also had a character from the outside have a care and understanding of their situation, which they never really had from anyone who wasn’t Ben. 
 I went from hating it from my first impression to listening to the soundtrack on repeat and being one of the things that made me feel good. The songs personally being better than actual artists on the radio. I also love how genuinely amazing the choreography are.  Positive messages of being yourself despite what other people want and expect from you. The diversity within the cast and characters. That a woman's worth should never be based on a man but on our own attributes like being strong, smart and other talents. That women should be seen as equal than men. The message that we can all pave other own path and choose good. It showed that royalty aren’t automatically good or better than the isle kids. These VKs are misunderstood and deserve a chance to be good. People should have compassion for each other. We shouldn’t judge people just based on where they come from. They taught me about friendship and loyalty. To believe in yourself and each other. 
With the last movie, they don’t want the other VKS to go through the same things they know happens on the isle. It has its flaws but I just have so much love for these characters. I felt like everyone finally got the happiness and freedom they always wanted. It's an amazing conclusion to a franchize and as a fan, I feel like it’s everything that I wanted for a long time. Descendants was a part of our lives for 5 years and will still hold an importance for many more. 
The cast’s real bond that they have with each other  is one of the amazing things I loved about it. You can’t fake a friendship like that. I also love that in real life they do stand up for what they believe in with supporting lgbt rights, and embracing diversity. 
To Dove, you’re a phenomenal singer and actress and I’m glad that I was able to see you have a lot of success. I love you for supporting poc and and loving women. Mal taught me that you can even come from one of the worst situations but still choose to be better than what you went through and how you were treated. 
To Sofia, I don’t know of someone as graceful and kind as you. You mean a lot to me. You have an amazing voice and a great actress. Evie taught me that friendship is very important and girls are worth more than that superficialities. We can be smart and have many talents that and our worth is named based on being associated with guys. 
To Booboo, I loved you since T-squad and love you in everything I’ve seen you in. King of doing your own stunts, I love you for representing your culture. I love how friendly you are and how caring you are. Jay taught me that relying only on yourself can only take you so far and having a sense of community and teamwork is so important. 
To Cam, I don’t know you personally but you made an impression on everyone who was able to even know of you. I never watched Jessie but I remember you being a tiny kid on disney and seen you in the grown ups movie. You are such a fun and loving person. You lived life to the fullest. I remember watching an interview where you said that as a kid you really loved to dance but you stopped at one point. Descendants got you to get back to dancing and being something you love and are passionate about. I remember seeing you dance in Did I mention and saw that you were a natural and phenomenal dancer. Your talent shined again in D2 in Chillin like a villain. Your portrayal of Carlos meant so much to me. Being a good natured and caring kid who happened to be in a bad situation and not choosing to do harm. The growth of him being a reasonably scared kind to having the courage to stand up to his mom in the first movie and being able to speak up for himself and the others means so much to me. I hope to be more like that.  I love you so much. Thank you for being a good carlos and even a better Cameron.
To China, I knew you were a talent since WOWP. You are a queen of comedy and can make any song sound amazingly like just like singing about a soccer ball lol. When I first found out you were going to be in D2 I freaked! I love you also in Black Lighting also being another badass with superpowers. Thank you for bringing the fire that Uma has. I think you were born to play Uma you multitalented queen! I love your parts in the songs especially, What’s My Name. I love Uma for caring about having the isle kids. She was just misunderstood as a villain. She was standing up for others who are often ignored. I’m glad her plan came true.
To the rest of the cast: Thomas Doherty, you are so talented. Who knew I needed a loyal but super confident pirate who can rap in my life? 
Sarah Jeffrey, thank you for bringing the drama and passion to Audrey. She’s a character I grew to love and I’m glad she got the apology she deserved from both Mal and Ben. Audrey is very flawed but aren’t we all? The #1 spot on trending that Queen of Mean had is very much well deserved. 
 Breanna D’aimico, thanks for brilliantly portraying the timid and scared girl that I relate to. I’m glad she gained her confidence and was able to get her happy ending. 
Gil is so sweet and silly. Chad going from a villain to being a comedic relief? Iconic we love a goofy king
King Ben thanks for seeing the good in people when others didn’t. 
Dizzy, Celia, Squeaky and Squirmy and the rest of the isle kids are my children. 
Thank you Paul Becker and  Jamal Sims for the amazing choreography 
Thank you to the costume designers, hairdressers and makeup artists who made them look their part
To anyone behind the scenes who made these movies happen, I adore you.
Kenny Ortega! You’re amazing and you got a star to prove it! You  gave everyone their childhood for Hocus Pocus and all the disney musicals you directed and choreographed. Your movies are always fun and have positive lessons that I will always take to heart. 
This franchise and it’s cast will always mean so much to me. I will always choose good.
To descendants fans, i n the words of the credits song of the first movie that means everything to me, I believe in you.
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redcl8ver · 4 years
Tumblr media
Oh man, this is too late ... I was busy.
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bunny-lou · 4 years
DearDescendants’ 12 Days of Christmas - Baking
“Didn’t your moms ever make you guys like chocolate chip cookies? Like when you’re feeling sad and they’re fresh from the oven with a big old glass of milk and she just makes you laugh and puts everything into perspective and...? Why are you all looking at me like that?”
“It’s just different where we’re from.”
Carlos lightly touches Jay’s back. “The timer’s about to go off.”
Jay nods, but doesn’t look up from the bowl. “How long do I have to stir this for?”
“Everything all mixed together?” Anita peers over his shoulder at the cookie dough. "Beautiful! Go ahead and start scooping them onto the tray, about two inches apart. Roger, dear,” she turns to her husband, “sugar cookies next? Or gingerbread cookies?”
“I think Carlos has patiently been waiting for us to get to peanut butter chocolate.” Roger places a hand on Carlos’ shoulder and smiles down at him.
The timer goes off behind them, but no one flinches, thankfully. Anita and Roger would look at them so strangely again if they jumped at the noise.
“Use the oven mitt.” Anita reminds Jay. She takes his hand gently, trying to put the oven mitt on him herself.
Jay stands awkwardly still, allowing Anita to help him because it makes her feel better to look after him and help and maybe, deep down, it makes Jay feel better too.
“Alright then, in the oven for 15 minutes.”
“Now the fun part.” Roger claps his hands together. “Who wants to lick the spoon?”
Carlos cackles and snatches it from the bowl. “I do!”
Jay reaches for him, but Carlos spins out of his grasp. “Give it back, you little-!” He catches himself at the last minute, not needing another scolding from Anita, and chases Carlos around the table, laughing as they run.
“I’m glad the boys are having fun.” Evie whispers to Mal from the other side of the kitchen. “I thought maybe it would be awkward for Roger and Anita to spend time with both of them.”
“Not anymore awkward than this is.” Mal whispers back. She glances over her shoulder at Snow White, who is spraying their pan down.
“Be nice.” Evie warns, pointing at Mal with a batter-dripping whisk. “I’m really glad she’s here with me for the holidays. And I’m really glad she wants to know you better to.”
Mal scoffs, but kisses Evie’s cheek. “I’m glad too. But this is kind of weird.”
“Alright ladies,” Snow says as she sets the tray down. “Let’s load our cupcakes up!” She opens up the paper liners. “Mal, this recipe sounds so good. Where did you find it again?”
“Ummm...family recipe.” Excluding the ingredients to cause rapid aging. Maleficent’s old spell book really had everything.
“It’s completely fair.” Carlos argues back, sitting on the ground. “Half for half.”
“No way. Cupcakes take way more time and energy to make than cookies.” Mal carefully peels back the wrapper and takes a bite. “Plus, ours have frosting and we took the time to make them look nice.”
“They’re little wreaths!” Evie exclaims as she picks up a cupcake and holds it out for Jay and Carlos to see.
Jay grins. “We know, princess. You’ve been showing them to everyone for the last hour.”
“They came out so cute!”
“Half your cookies for a third of our cupcakes.” Mal offers.
Carlos folds his arms. “Half for 40 percent.”
“Deal.” Mal outstretches her hand and shakes Carlos’. Not that either of them would ever go back on their word to each other, but apparently handshakes mean something in Auradon.
“Evie’s really taken a shine to you.” Roger says to Snow. The adults are sitting in chairs around the table just a few feet away, watching the group on the ground with little smiles.
“So has Carlos to you. Jay as well.” Snow sighs. “I think Mal is even coming around with me.”
Anita pats Snow’s hand. “Well, them spending the holiday with us will definitely help. Our first Christmas with them is the biggest milestone yet.”
I dislike this, but I gotta contribute, no matter how lazily.
Ya girl has a 9 am lab that I’m trying to not die for. Wish me luck.
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descendants 12 days of holidays: decorations
title: walk walk fashion baby 
rating: cursing maybe? 
pairing: jay x carlos ; mal x evie
“No! No! No!”
From the look on Evie’s face and the disgust in her voice, Carlos would’ve thought Mal was handing her a basket of cockroaches not a sweater. Evie was holding up both of her hands, as if the thick red knitted thing would burn her.
“E!” Mal whined, shoving it at her girlfriend again. “You have to wear it! Jane made me promise that I’d get one of you to wear it! It’s supposed to be ugly.”
“I,” Evie held up a hand. “Will do many, many things for you, Mal. In fact, I will do just about anything for you. Except wear that sweater.”
Carlos reached over and took it from Mal, holding it up to get a better look at it. As sweaters went, it wasn’t terrible; certainly it wouldn’t be his first choice of attire, but if were really cold, he might put it on. He’d learned not to complain about warm material a long time ago; but warm material provided him with a chance to make it better - a clean slate. And while he hated to think he’d inherited anything from Cruella, if he had to pick something, he’d choose her fashion sense.
“E,” he said thoughtfully. “We might be able to salvage this.”
She looked a little less repulsed and more interested now. She often let him give his opinions on her new designs for Evie’s4Hearts, and he secretly enjoyed doing it more than he cared to let on.
“No.” Mal huffed again, crossing her arms across her chest. “You’re not supposed to make it look better! It’s supposed to be ugly! It’s sort of a tradition here or whatever.”
“Since when do you care about traditions,” Evie said with a laugh, looking closer at the sweater. “If we take it in on the sleeves a little,” she mused. “Oh! Carlos! We’ll make it cropped! You’ll look so good in a cropped sweater!”
“Me?” Carlos blinked, surprised. He had been expecting to modify it for her, not him. “Why me?”
Evie smiled, squinting and tilting her head like she was already imagining it on him. “Because. I need a model, and I know how much you like partnering with me on design stuff.”
Feeling his cheeks heat up, Carlos chewed on his lip. “I suppose.”
“And besides,” she winked, strutting over to her sewing machine. “I just know someone’s boyfriend is going to drop dead when he sees you.”
Now Carlos was really blushing, and even Mal snorted in agreement. He approached Evie’s workstation and picked up a pencil, sketching out a quick set of measurements and draft design. Picking up her pin cushion, he began to pin and tuck the knitted fabric, muttering softly to himself.
“You know,” Evie smiled. He hadn’t realized she was watching him. “You really would make a good partner.”
“Helping you out is nice.” Carlos hummed a bit, glancing back from the drawing to the pinned up sweater. “Gives me something to do.”
“I didn’t say assistant,” Evie said, sweeping her arm. “I said partner. Think about what a powerful team we could make. Evie’s4Hearts could use the insights of the heir to the de Vil fashion empire.”
“Evie…” Carlos fidgeted with the sleeve of the sweater. “I’m - I’m not… she was -”
“You don’t have to be her.” Evie stared at him, and Mal nodded her agreement. “You can like this sort of thing without turning into her.”
“Thanks,” Carlos smiled softly. “But this feels like hers. I’m still learning how to separate Cruella from Carlos.”
“Just think about it,” Evie offered gently, returning her focus to the sweater.
Evie had been right about one thing: Jay loved the cropped sweater. By the time Carlos had returned to their dorm wearing the new and improved item of clothing, he whistled in approval.
“Damn, de Vil.”
Carlos smiled softly, smoothing it down. “You like?”
“Love.” Jay licked his lips, winking. “Very sexy.” And then paused, seeming to notice Carlos’ demenar. “What’s up?”
Jay raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “Uh huh.”
Sighing dramatically, Carlos sat down on the bed. “Evie asked me to be her fashion partner or whatever. Help her design shit.”
“And… you want to do it?” Jay sat beside him, staring into his face quizzically.
“My mother was in fashion.”
But Jay only shook his head. “No. Your mother wanted to murder animals. That’s not fashion. But you, ‘Los? You shouldn’t not do something because of Cruella. Then she wins. Don’t let her win.”
Carlos watched him for a few moments before leaning in for a gentle kiss. When they pulled away, the corner of Jay’s mouth lifted. “Not that I’m complaining,” he smiled. “But what was that for?”
“A thank you.” Carlos adjusted his new sweater. “For being… my voice of reason.”
Reaching out, Jay ruffled his hair affectionately. “Well, one of us has to be the brains in this relationship.”
At the comment, Carlos couldn’t help scoffing - shoving Jay’s shoulder just a bit. “Shut up!”
But he didn’t mean it. He let Jay retaliate playfully, grinning all the while. Jay didn’t see him as Cruella. Jay saw him as Carlos. Just Carlos.  
And that was enough.
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kingben · 4 years
Handcuffed (Huma Ficlet)
Written for Day 12 of DearDescendants 12 Days of Holidays: Free Prompt
A click sounded, and Uma felt cold metal against her wrist. Then another click. She looked down at her wrist to see Gil had handcuffed her to Harry.
“Gil, what are you doing?” she demanded.
“I don’t like you two fighting. So you’re going to do everything together until you can get along again.” Gil smiled, looking proud of himself for his truly annoying plan.
Uma rolled her eyes. “This is so stupid. Give me that key.” She lunged for it, but having Harry attached slowed her down.
Gil put the key in his mouth.
“Don’t you dare,” Uma said.
He gulped, then made a disgusted face. “Ugh, wow, that tasted worse than I thought it would.”
Harry shook his hook at Gil. “I swear, I will cut that key out of you.”
“That’s my cue to run. See you two later.” He ran out of the captain’s cabin.
Uma was quick to follow, but when she tried at the door, she found it locked. “Damn him. That boy is messing with the wrong girl.”
“He does have a point though,” Harry said. “We’ve been fighting all week. I know the holidays are stressful for you. They are for me too, but it’s no reason for us to be at each other’s throats.”
Uma slipped the knife out of her sleeve. It was a little hard to maneuver one-handed, but she managed well enough. She pressed it against Harry’s perfect jawline. “Don’t test me, Harry. You know this isn’t about the holidays. It’s about you spending time with the bitch that tried to destroy Auradon.”
Harry held his hook under Uma’s chin, his eyes dangerous. It was a silent warning not to test him either. Both of them were more than capable of defending themselves. “Audrey’s harmless now. She just wants to have a normal life again.”
Uma didn’t even have the right to be angry, not really. Harry wasn’t her boyfriend, though she wished he was. It hadn’t bothered her before when Harry would flirt with girls or boys, mostly because they rarely flirted back. But Audrey was still talking to Harry months later. It was only a matter of time before they started dating.
“How did Gil even get a pair of handcuffs?” Uma growled.
Harry blew out a long sigh, looking sheepish. “They were a gift for you, actually. Since we’re always tying people to the mast, I thought these would be better for taking hostages.”
Uma raised an eyebrow. “You were planning to give me handcuffs for Christmas?”
Harry held up their joined wrists. “Merry Christmas.”
Uma tucked her knife away. She didn’t really want to hurt Harry, but her anger was still boiling under her skin, and being trapped in here with him wasn’t helping any.
Harry set his hook on the desk. “Uma, I think I know what this is really about. Ye’re still mad at me for kissing you under the mistletoe last week. Honestly, Uma, I didn’t mean to steal yer first kiss.”
Cheeks burning, Uma turned her head away from him. The kiss had been perfect, but it had sparked all the old feelings she thought she’d buried. She was mad at herself for falling for her first mate when it was clear he was interested in everyone but her.
“Can I give it back to you?”
Uma looked at him, incredulous. “You can’t give back a first kiss. That ain’t how it works, Harry.”
“I beg to differ,” Harry said, leaning closer to her.
She put a hand over his mouth. “Stop, you’re being ridiculous. Come on, we just need to find a way out of here. There’s got to be something in here we can use to pick the lock.”
Together they searched the cabin, but Harry kept pulling her in the wrong direction. She banged her head against the table while she was searching under there because Harry saw something on the table and tried to grab it. This whole handcuffed thing was making everything so complicated.
At her limit, Uma grasped Harry’s wrist. “You wanted a hook for a hand. This is your chance. Why don’t we just saw it off with my knife and you’ll get your wish.”
Harry backed away, cradling his hand to his chest protectively. Uma was forced to step closer to him, dragged by that damn handcuff.
“I use the hook with my left hand. It’s no good if you saw off my right one. Besides, we’d still be locked in here, and I’d bleed to death. God, I know ye’re angry, Uma, but you don’t hate me enough to kill me.”
Uma wanted to say that she didn’t hate him at all, but the words got caught in her throat. She never hesitated to make her opinions known when it concerned other people. She’d gotten a reputation for being blunt and dropping “truth bombs” as Harry called it. So why couldn’t she just tell Harry how she felt?
“Maybe we can kick down the door,” Uma said. “Gil’s probably just sitting on the deck waiting to check in on us. We get out and then we ambush him.”
“He swallowed the key, though. Don’t think we’re getting out of these any time soon.” Harry held up their linked hands.
“Guess we’ll just wait for Gil to come back. We can tell him we’ve made up, and he’ll let us out.”
“That sounds pretty boring. Maybe we should do something to entertain ourselves while we wait.”
Uma raised an eyebrow. “What do you have in mind?”
“Oh, you know exactly what I want.” He grinned at her, that devilishly handsome smirk.
“No, I don’t.”
Harry’s expectant expression fell. He looked like a sad puppy whose owner had abandoned him. “Ah, I see. I’m so undesirable that you can’t bear to kiss me again. Well, I shall try to make these feelings go away, but you’re going to have to give me some time.”
“Feelings? What feelings?” Uma didn’t dare hope.
“I’m in love with you, Uma. Always have been. You telling me you never noticed?”
“You’re shitting me.”
“I’m not.”
“What about Audrey?”
“We’re just friends. Besides, she’s got a thing for that blue-haired princess. I’ve been giving her advice on how to catch her eye.”
Uma sighed, a smile flying to her lips. She tried to cover it with her free hand, but Harry had already seen.
He grinned. “Ohh, Uma. You were jealous, weren’t ya? Does that mean you have feelings for me too?”
Uma took her handcuffed hand and grabbed onto Harry’s. “Means I’m warming up to you. But you better be a damn good kisser.”
An hour later Gil came into the cabin with the key to the handcuffs. He’d apparently swallowed a fake key while the real one remained in his pocket. He left the key with them, though neither Harry nor Uma had any intention of leaving that room anytime soon. They were making good use of the bed, and Uma had other ideas for the handcuffs, ones that Harry would no doubt enjoy. It was going to be a very merry Christmas after all.
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