#deep thoughts for a reaction to the fucking Jonas Brothers
fairygodcomplex · 8 months
Producing your own music (badly) is such a gift and a curse because on the one hand I can appreciate the absurdly good production on the Jonas Brothers’ SOS, but on the other hand I can’t stop appreciating it.
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pretend-writer · 4 years
Paranoid (Supernatural x The Umbrella Academy
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Summary: Things go wild when Y/N Winchester and Diego Hargreeves tries to make an announcement for their families. 
Pairing: Winchester x sister!reader, Diego Hargreeves x reader
Title Reference: Paranoid x Jonas Brothers
Word Count: 1.6k words
Warning: mention of the dead, mention of violence, swearing
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It was a small tradition that we'd all gather together and have dinner at the Hargreeve's mansion. Allison, Vanya, Sam and I would all cook together, usually something different every time just to see if the others would like the food.
Ever since Diego and I have started dating, Dean and Sam had sort of used this dinner idea to watch us. "I need to keep an eye on this boy" is what Dean would usually say, even though he wouldn't even see him the other times I'm alone with him. Didn't see the full logic in that but I guess it made him feel somewhat safe.
The Winchesters having dinner with The Hargreeves was always merry and cheerful. Everyone had smiles on their faces, enjoying the food and the company.
We'd usually share stories of what happened; Dean, Sam and I would talk about our hunts. The Hargreeves would talk about which take downs they had, usually bragging about who had the most arrests within the week.
Everytime this topic had been brought up, we would say that we needed to collaborate and work together. Diego, Five and Vanya had joined us on hunts every now and then. The rest were too chicken to face the monsters in the real world.
This time however, these fun talks didn't happen. The dinner table instead felt intense; Dean wouldn't stop staring at Diego, Sam was upset his dish didn't turn out better than he expected. Vanya had not slept at all practicing on her violin, Allison stayed up all night learning the recipe for today and perfecting it.
Everyone was just in a terrible mood and now with all the grouchiness, I wasn't able to deliver the news that I was hoping to tell everyone at the dinner table.
I was already nervous enough to say I was pregnant, with everyone in a bad mood I don't even know what to add to make my announcement even merrier. Well, I doubt nothing would make it better; I just knew everyone was going to freak out, especially my brothers.
Dean eyed me as I played with my food, biting his bottom lip and observed me like he always did when I was with Diego. 'You barely ate your food, 'Y/N.'
'Uh, yeah sorry.' I answered quickly trying to force myself to look unsuspicious. 'Just not really hungry.'
'Can I have your plate then?' Luther asked with his mouth full, pointing at my dinner.
'Knock yourself out.' He snatched the plate that was in front of me, digging into it as if he hadn't eaten for days.
Five cocked his head, I swear he had mind-reading powers too because he was always up to something. 'Diego, you're quiet as well.'
'Just enjoying my meal.' Diego smiled with the fork still in his mouth.
Sam looked to his left then right, 'What's going on? Am I missing something?'
'I'm just tired, I don't know about the rest of you guys.' Vanya yawned, slowly eating her food.
'Same, actua-'
'No way!' Klaus screamed interrupting me as I was about to talk to Vanya. He talked and blabbed a lot but I haven't heard him talk so loudly until now. 'You're kidding me right?'
Five sighed, 'Didn't we tell you to stop bringing your dead friends to the dinner table?'
'No, no, no, no, no. This isn't just some random friend. It's Ben!'
Everyone groaned at the same time, tired of hearing Klaus bringing Ben up whenever it was convenient for him. During important hunt meetings, he would cast him out of the group. Whenever Klaus had excuses, he loved using his brother's name to pin him for whatever that was happening at the time.
Of course Ben couldn't even defend himself. Poor boy.
'I know, I know. I sound like I'm lying right now but I PROMISE I'm not.' Klaus whined, trying to convince us that he was telling the truth.
'I'm tired of hearing your bullcrap Klaus. I can't even imagine what Ben has to hear from you every time you're not around us.' Luther commented.
'You guys would want to hear this though! Oh, please please please.'
'What is it about?' Allison questioned Klaus.
Dean shook his head, 'Really Allison? Why did you encourage him?'
'Oh, Dean. You would definitely want to hear this.'
Five rolled his eyes and sighed, not even questioning his brother. Klaus kept on yapping about how he wanted to tell us this huge gossip that he heard from Ben.
'Why don't you just get to the point then, Klaus?' Diego finally said what everyone else was thinking.
'Are you sure you want me to tell them about your business?' Klaus grinned, clearly enjoying this "big secret" he had.
Diego shrugged, 'I don't really have anything to hide. I love you brother, but I doubt you know anything about my personal life.'
'Okay then.' Klaus cleared his throat, standing from his seat with a huge grin on his face. 'Y/N is pregnant.'
Dean spat water from his mouth, covering it as some landed on my forehead since I sat across from him. Sam made a face, staring at me to see my reaction.
'That's the dumbest lie I've heard.' Luther laughed, 'Wasn't even close to getting me. Nice try though.'
'Seriously, Klaus. At least make us laugh.' Five snickered and continuing to eat his food, unbothered. 'Are you two not even going to defend yourselves?'
'Ah.' I bit my lip, embarrassed that Klaus had to announce my big news in front of everyone. My brother's reaction said it all, they didn't even know what he said was true.
'Surprise?' Diego blushed, scratching his head as he tried to hide his embarrassment.
We were already nervous to bring our pregnancy to our family, Klaus suddenly blurting it our in front of everyone had made things worse than expected.
Sam looked at me, then back to Diego. 'Wait, wait, wait. Pr-Pregnant? Am I- Are you-'
My brother was practically panicking; Not going to lie, although I was afraid of their reaction, the way Sam's eyes wandered around like a lost puppy was cute.
Dean on the other hand was at loss of words. His usual angry reaction was what I expected and seeing him not do or say anything at all sort of scared me.
'I'll be an aunt!' Allison cheered, jumping up and down her seat. 'Is it going to be a boy? Oh I hope it's a girl.'
'Have you thought of names yet!?' Vanya smiled, joining Allison. 'Wait? You think the kid will turn out to have superpowers? Oh wow.'
'Diego you may want to run.' I murmured, watching Dean not move a muscle. Being too focused on my oldest brother's reaction, I blocked out whatever Allison and Vanya was discussing on he side.
'Ah, Ben. You little shit.' Diego talked under his breath, burying his head in his arms as he felt Dean's glare.
Klaus spoke nervously, 'Aha. Ben says sorry but blames me for how I went on about it.'
Luther tapped on his shoulder, 'You're not helping at all. I mean, look at Diego. He's shaking like a chihuahua.'
'Someone please make it make sense.' Sam places his hand on his forehead. 'Y/N. How did it happen?'
'Well, Diego and Y/N obviously had se-'
'Don't even finish that sentence, little kid.' Dean cut Five off, 'Y/N. I don't even know what to say but what the fuck?'
'I wanted to tell you guys tonight the proper way but you guys seemed so intense, I didn't know how to start this news.'
Sam lightly smiled, despite the panic I still saw through his eyes. 'Y/N, you and Diego have been dating for about six years now. I'm happy that you found someone other than your brothers that loves you so much.'
'No, no.' Dean crossed his arms, he was the total opposite of how Sam was acting. It hurt my heart a little that my brother was acting the way he did but there was nothing that I could've done.
The room went to silence, everyone staring at me and Dean as we all waited for him to say something else. It was odd to see Dean say a few words when he was pissed, which frightened me more.
He continued to stare at me intensely, taking a deep breath and taking in the little detail that he got from Klaus' announcement.
I wished that Diego and I had told everyone instead, otherwise this awkward moment between my brothers and me wouldn't have happened. Or at least could've been slightly better.
Dean shifted his eyes to Diego, I practically heard my boyfriend gulping from right next to me. Him and Sam freaked out when I've told him we started dating, Diego couldn't imagine what was going on in Dean's head.
'You were my little sister that always needed me, a little nut that never left my side. Now you're all grown up, about to start your own family.' Dean unexpectedly started to tear up, sniffling quietly. 'You just grew up so fast, Y/N.'
'Dean..' I reached over the table, grabbed his hand and squeezed it. 'I'll always need you. I'll need you and Sam. You'll always be my brother and I'll always be your little sister.'
'That is so cute.' Klaus smiled. 'See, Ben? I told you blabbing this would've not been so bad.'
'Oh, nah. This is bad.' Diego looked at his brother. 'You really thought it was a good ide-'
Luther hugged Diego from the side, 'Congrats brother! Wow. I'm going to be an uncle.'
'Now we have to celebrate! Let's go clubbing!' Allison got up, walking towards me as she pulled me from my seat.
'Oh no. That's a huge no.' Sam shook his head, 'Last time we went, Diego was practically eye humping my sister. No.'
Five laughed, 'That's why she's pregnant. Duh.'
Dean quickly turned his head, 'Really!? Did you really have to engrave that image in my head?'
'That's for calling me a little kid, old man.'
'You're the one to talk! Future boy.'
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jaywritessmut · 4 years
Weiß Chapter II- Calm Before the Storm
*Weiß- White in German
Florian Munteanu x black female reader (All my fics are with black women in mind!)
Warnings: mentions of death & drug use, criminal undertakings & unprotected sex (wrap it up folks!) Authors note: I finally found time to get this chapter up and I’ll be back to posting this story regularly. I’m introducing new characters in the next few chapters so keep posted. Message me if you want to be added to the tag list! Word Count: 3.4K
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Weeks had gone by since her tryst with Florian, but Snow made no effort to discuss it. As far as she was concerned, it was a one time thing, just two people relieving stress and pent up emotions. She knew Flo was the non-committal type so his feelings couldn’t hurt all that much. And she herself was no stranger to casual sex. To Snow, forgetting it even happened was the best approach. Having a fling with her new enforcer wasn’t a smart business move and right now she needed to be very strategic with her next choices. 
Klaus’s death was wrapped up in so much uncertainty and she struggled to make sense of it. Flo’s theory was that the Russians killed him for seeking a new supplier. Apparently, Klaus had scheduled some meetings with people he suspected of being in the game themselves. But that just didn’t make sense to her. The Russian syndicate had been a reliable supplier for quite some time. Consistent quality, good price. What could make Klaus do something so stupid as to go against them? She played out different scenarios in her head but none of them helped her connect the dots. What she wouldn’t give to sit with her old friend and pick his brain for a bit. He was her closest friend and she began to realize how much of a mystery he was to her.
She’d been spending a lot more time at the club in the recent weeks. Between Florian giving her an overview of the enterprise and her desire to keep an eye on the business numbers, she had very little need to be elsewhere. And thankfully things at the club were phenomenal. Klaus had done an excellent job at hiring skilled staff that could do their job and securing talented entertainment to keep the guest list filled up. She was pleased to see that they were booked for DJ's and musicians for the next 6 months. And their scout, Jonas, was searching to fill the calendar for the rest of the year. At least she didn’t have to worry about her legitimate business. 
Today though, Florian was going to teach her how to look over the count. Every week, the “foot soldiers” came and dropped off their take from the product they sold. Florian and Klaus would then verify it and make sure they were consistent with what they had been given. The dealers were then told to wait for pickup details so they could get new product to sell. As Florian recounted all the steps, her mind swirled, overwhelmed with her situation.
“I’m a fucking drug dealer” she lamented, burying her face in her hands.
“Technically you’re a drug lord” Florian responded, causing her head to jerk back in surprise. 
“What difference does it make? I’m still involved!”
“Yeah, but you’re anonymous. The people who buy our product won’t ever see your face. They don’t even know you exist. Du bist ein geist” 
“Why is that strangely comforting?”
“Because it’s true. You’re protected. None of our people are ever going to rat on you. If you go down, this whole thing goes down and they lose the good money they make. Keeping you hidden, keeps their pockets happy”
“So why should I even be meeting with the Russians? Wouldn’t showing my face to them jeopardize all that?” A few days after their hookup, Florian received a call from Mikhail, the leader of the Russian enterprise they did business with. He told them that there was a new leader and they were all too happy to schedule a meeting. Snow wondered what their reaction would be once they came face to face with her. 
“That’s different”. She stared at him expectantly, waiting for him to continue.
“So think of it this way. A dealer is a little fish. He gets picked up, the police only want to use him to find who the bigger fish is, the boss. And that’s you. Then they use you to find the even bigger fish, your suppliers”
“The Russians”
“Genau. So now it’s in both of your best interest to keep each other hidden. If he gets caught, he has nothing to really bargain with. He still cares about his rep so he won’t throw you under the bus which means you walk away untouched. But if you get caught,”
“Then I can leverage knowing who he is”
“And now you understand. You’re probably the most protected person in this scenario. So relax Schnee”
She rolled her eyes at his nickname for her. It was starting to grow on her but she’d never tell him that. And to her surprise, she felt comforted by his breakdown of things. She knew the risks of being involved and it was something that weighed on her mind as she became more hands on. 
Late afternoon rolled in and it was time to prepare for her first meeting with the crew. Florian took her into Klaus office and gave her a quick walkthrough of what she needed. The money counter, Klaus’ iPad and the safe where the cash was placed. She took in the photos and assorted knick knacks he decorated the room with. A framed photo of the two of them on his desk made her feel a sharp pang of loss. In this room, his presence was heavily felt. So she made a mental note to call a decorator to renovate the space. 
One by one, her crew members trickled into the large room. She recognized some faces from the club which worried her. If they did get caught, how easy would it be for police to connect them to the club or her? And even though Flo was sure they’d keep quiet, how much could she really trust them? Sensing her distress, he leaned over and whispered in her ear.
“Relax. These are all Klaus’ people. He trusted them”
She pushed past the tingling feeling that came over her as his warm breath tickled the sensitive spot beneath her ear. A smug grin came across his face.
“Focus mädchen” he playfully warned.
She steeled herself and prepared for the remaining crew members to come and introduce themselves. But it was an all too familiar face that sparked fear and then rage into her heart. 
“Emmeline, what the fuck!?”
“Hey Lise”. Her sister nervously bit her lip, waiting for Snow to say more.
Her baby sister, Emmeline stood in front of her, a pink duffle bag gripped tightly in her hands. She felt absolute betrayal at the fact Klaus had approved of this without telling her.
“No. Absolutely not”
“Snow” Florian warned.
“You knew about this?!” Her head turned to him with eyes full of contempt. It was one thing that her best friend and associate kept silent on this, but Flo too? How was she supposed to trust him if he kept something this big from her?
“She’s our best dealer. She brings all the socialites to the club and Klaus thought it be good for business”
“She’s my baby sister!”
“She’s right here! Look Lise, don’t be mad. I begged Klaus to give me a shot. And besides, it’s not like I work on the streets. I just bring my rich friends to the club”
“So why are you here now?”
“Well, occasionally I supply parties. And I sometimes sell to the women at the day spas. You’d be surprised how popular coke is to those trophy wives”
Snow put her head in her hands and took deep breaths to calm herself. This whole situation was fucked up. It was bad enough that she was running the business, and now her sister was in on it too? Honestly, what the fuck was Klaus thinking?
Resigned to her fate, Snow sat up and wore a blank expression to conceal the swirl of emotions running through her. 
“We’ll talk about this later” Her clipped tone let Florian and her sister know that this conversation was far from over.
When the rest of the crew showed up, they lined up against the wall across from Klaus desk. One by one, Florian called them up to turn in their take. He counted the bills by hand then with an automated machine before inputting the numbers into the iPad he had shown her. After inputting the info, he listened attentively as they gave a run through of the territory they covered. And apparently things were going well, with the exception of Alexanderplatz. 
“It’s nothing, but the car keeps rolling through our territory” Luka, one of the faces she recognized earlier, had finished telling them about some suspicious activities on one of the streets he serviced. 
“Cops?” Florian probed.
“Nein. They’re too obvious. Cops hide. These guys pull up across the street and make eye contact. They want us to know they’re there.” 
“When did this start?” Snow inquired.
Luka paused in thought before realization came over him.
“Come to think of it, the night that Klaus was killed. Emil called to tell me some car had parked across the street. He thought it was the police so he closed up early. But then later on he said he thought the driver looked like that Dmitry guy that comes by the club sometimes”
Snow and Florian shared a knowing look. Dmitry was the younger brother of Mikhail and his business partner. The fact that he was purposely snooping on their crew was suspicious enough. Could the Russians really have been behind Klaus’ death?
“Thank you for telling us. Let us know the next time they pull up.”
“You got it Bossin”. An exciting jolt ran through her at hearing her new title. She liked it way more than Florian’s name for her.
The rest of the crew had uneventful reports to share when handing in their take. She was grateful that there weren’t more issues to worry about. But to her dismay, Emmeline’s count was the highest by far. Just her luck.
“You gotta let me know when more product comes in ASAP. I’ve got a line of clients wanting to stock up for a major party next week” 
“We’ll have to discuss that before anything is decided” Snow watched as her sister narrowed her eyes in contempt. She knew this wasn’t going to be an easy battle.
“Lise, you’ve got to be shitting me. Look at my count, I’m bringing in serious profit!”
“I can see that. But I’m in charge now and I reserve the right to make changes to my crew and who I allow to represent the business. I’ll discuss it with Florian and let you know”
“You’re really going to be a bitch about this?” 
Emmeline’s mouth had always been her problem. She was quick to pop off without thinking things through. Most of the time, Snow ignored her. But today, her attitude set her off and caused her once controlled anger to spike.
“Everybody out, NOW!” Snow’s voice took on a commanding tone that made everyone stand at attention. Even Florian found himself quickly rising from his seat and leaving the office. He flashed Emmeline a sympathetic glance before closing the door behind himself.
Turning to her sister, Snow tried her best to control her tone.
“Look I’m not sure what Klaus was thinking by letting you in on this. But this little arrangement stops now”
There were too many variables to consider and she was by no means comfortable with putting her sister at risk. 
“God you’re impossible. You can’t ever let me have anything for myself”
“Girl cut the crap. I’m your biggest supporter and always have been. I have your back with anything you pursue but not this Em. This is way too dangerous”
“So you can be a drug lord, but I can't?” she countered.
“Grow the fuck up Emmeline. My involvement is drastically different from yours and you know it”
“Bullshit! You pretend to care about me when really you just don’t want to share the spotlight. You want all this for yourself. Can’t have your baby sister be doing just as good as you, huh?”
To her detriment, Emmeline would go out of her way to prove that she was just as good, if not better than her older sister. Yet Snow never indulged her. She’d always felt that their “rivalry” was one sided.
“Em, this is about your safety. What I’m doing is so unbelievably dangerous. I just lost my best friend. I can’t lose you too”
Her sister folded her arms across her chest and let out a frustrated sigh.
“I get it Lise, I do. But I’m an adult. I’m old enough to make my own choices and decide what’s risky. I have my own system and people I vet before doing business with them. I'm good at this Lise, let me show you. Besides, nobody here has your back like I do. I’ll be damned if I leave you to do this without people in your corner”
“I’ve got Flo. He’s been helping me the past few weeks”
“Oh I’m sure you do,” she suggested.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. Just that Tamir told me he saw you leave the club with Flo a few weeks ago. He came back the next morning in his clothes from the night before. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you?” she teased.
“Nope. Not a thing. Let’s just get back to business” she urged as she made her way to the door. She was not having that conversation today.
“So does that mean I can stay on?” she bounced in excitement waiting for her sister’s response. 
“For now. But I mean it Em. One hint of you being in danger and I pull you out”
Squealing with excitement, Emmeline rushed forward and pulled Snow in a tight hug
“Thank you Lise! I promise I’ll be safe, just watch, you’ll never have to worry about me”
“You’re my baby sister. I’m always going to worry” She held her tightly, wondering if she was making a mistake. 
A knock on the door interrupted their moment as Florian stuck his head in the door frame.
“Y’all good?”
“Yes Florian, we’re good”
“Great, can we wrap up things then? We still have to set up the club for tonight”
The club was hosting a memorial event in Klaus’ honor. There were planned speeches from friends and business associates before a night of dancing and letting loose. It seemed fitting for a man who was determined to have a good time where he went. 
After inputting final numbers into the iPad and securing the cash, Florian stood up behind the desk.
“I know the past few weeks have been tough with Klaus being gone. We all miss him and want to find who’s responsible for his death. I want to thank you all for keeping it together and running things smoothly. Just keep up the good work and keep an eye out for anything funny going on. We’re a family and we have each other's backs, okay?”
He turned to Snow expectantly.
“Bossin, want to add anything?”
It caught her by surprise. She hadn’t thought of preparing anything to say. She really was just there to watch and learn. But if she was going to step up and run things, now was the time to make her presence known. She stood up and pushed past the nerves that overcame her and spoke.
“Some of you may know me as the owner of the club, but I’ve always been the head of the enterprise. I simply trusted Klaus to be the mastermind that kept things going and I can see now I was right. You’re all doing very well for yourselves, the numbers don’t lie. The system he created is incredible”
The group before her hummed in agreeance.
“With Klaus gone, I’ll be taking a more active role. Florian is getting me accustomed to things but I know I’ll be very well versed in how things work. So make no mistake, I am the one calling the shots. You all answer to me. You give me respect and loyalty, I reward you. And if you cross me? Let’s just say you don’t want to find out what will happen. So let’s keep things on a positive note and keep working as a team, We’re in this together and if one of us fucks up, it puts us all at risk. Alles klar?”
Assorted affirmations echoed through the room and that familiar jolt ran through her again. Being in charge did things to her and she was half tempted to kick everyone out and fuck Flo on the desk. But she forced the idea from her mind. 
That’s what I get for fucking my enforcer she thought to herself.
Florian dismissed the team after telling them to keep an eye out for the pick up details. Emmeline shot her sister a knowing look as she sauntered out the room and closed the door behind her. 
The vibe in the room changed as soon as the door closed. She could feel the tension hanging heavily in the air. She watched as Flo walked over to the safe, securing the iPad with the cash counted earlier. The sight of his back muscles flexing in the white Henley tee he wore brought flashbacks of her nails digging into the taut flesh just weeks ago. 
Flo turned to face her, taking in her flushed appearance and ragged breathing. A look of realization came across his face as he walked over to her.
“Don’t tell me you get off on being in charge, huh?”
He sauntered over to her, lightly tracing his lower lip with his tongue. She imagined him running it over the sensitive flesh between her thighs. 
“That’s funny, I could’ve sworn you liked it when someone else took the reigns”
He kept pursuing her until she found herself pushed up against the large oak desk. Florian reached forward and gently lifted her on the desk before slowly hitching up the maxi skirt she wore. A whimper broke through her throat at the feel of his calloused hands on her thighs. 
“So tell me Schnee? Who’s in charge now? Ich oder du?”
He pulled her in, hungrily claiming her mouth with an intense need for more. His hands slipped further up her skirt relishing in the feel of her warm, smooth skin. He traced the rough pads of his fingertips on her inner thighs, causing her to spread her legs wider. He took advantage of the extra room and pushed closer against her. His noticeable erection brushed against her clit through the thin lace of her panties and she moaned into his kiss, causing him to grow harder.
Snow was desperate to feel him, to have him completely consume her. Her body moved of its own accord, her hips thrusted upwards to feel him once more. Internally she was waging a mental war. Her logical mind fought to snap her out of this spell and to push him away before things escalated, but she was too far gone. His hands worked their way to the loop of her lace panties causing all doubts and reservations to scatter. 
“Flo please” she mewled as his lips latched onto the sensitive flesh on her shoulder. Right now, there was only one goal on her mind; to be pinned underneath him while he had his way with her.
But the sudden knock at the door halted their plans and snapped them out of the trance. Hearts beat wildly as they gazed at one another, stunned by what almost transpired. A second knock sprung them into action and they quickly made themselves presentable. Snow smoothed out her skirt and fixed her hair while Florian made sure to to hide the impressive bulge in his pants. With one glance back at Snow, he opened the door to Emmeline standing there with a knowing grin on her face.
“Excuse me” he mumbled before taking off to the bar to prepare for the evening's events. 
Emmeline stared at his retreating form with that same smirk before turning back to her sister.
“What did you need Em? Snow carefully took a seat behind desk to conceal the slight tremor in her knees. But Emmeline didn’t miss the shaky tone of her voice.
“Girl stop playing with me and tell the truth! Y’all fucking?”
Snow couldn’t help the giggles that spilled out. Her sister was not going to let this go until she knew the truth.
“Fine” she huffed, wiping the tears from her eyes.  “I’ll tell you everything but we’re going to need a lot of wine”
Genau- Exactly
Du bist ein geist- “You are a ghost”
mädchen- girl
Bossin- boss
Alles klar?- Is everything clear?
Ich oder du- “Me or you?”
My Taglist: (Message me to be added)
@fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression​ @champagnesugamama​ @designerwriterchic​ @xxkissatmidnightxx @cavillsbussy @starbeanz​ @scoop93535
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crowdedimagines · 5 years
Lovebug - David Dobrik
an// this was in my inbox at one point, but i can’t find it now! i hope y’all liked this because it turned out SO fucking cute
! David’s POV !
“Hey, you guys!” I talk to my camera as I sit in my car, by myself for once. “You guys probably know when I whisper and I’m in my car, that means it’s time to surprise someone!”
I let out a laugh and reach to grab the tickets off of my dashboard.
“Seatgeek actually helped me out with this one. Y/n absolutely LOVES the Jonas Brothers. I’m pretty sure she’s more obsessed with them now than when we were like ten.”
I reach to grab my phone so I can call Y/n to come out here. I’m sitting in my car in my driveway and she’s inside the house, she has no idea I’m just sitting in the Tesla.
“David?” She answers with a laugh.
“Can you come here?”
“Where are you? Aren’t you still in your room?” I can hear the commotion of her getting up from the couch.
“Actually, I’m in the driveway.” I laugh loudly.
“David.” She deadpans, “What are you up to?”
“Nothing! Just come out here.”
I hang up the phone before she can argue with me at all. It takes a couple of minutes before comes out the front door. Her arms are crossed and she has a grumpy look on her face. I turn the camera in her direction, still laughing.
“So, where’s the paintball gun?” She asks, looking around.
“There’s no paintball gun.” I shake my head.
“Well, you already gave me a car, so what are you up to?” She squints pointing between me and the camera still sitting on the dashboard.
I did give her a car. It was a few months ago. She was still driving the crappy car that she drive to L.A when she moved here. The engine failed and was going to be thousands of dollars to fix. Instead, I bought her a new surprise.
“I have a surprise for you.”
“No, David.” She groans, leaning back in her seat. “You need to stop doing this. I’m not that good of friend.”
She ends up laughing at the end of her sentence, which makes me laugh too. I reach down the the side of my door to grab the tickets.
“Surprise.” I say to grab her attention, she reaches out for them and it takes her a couple seconds to figure out what they are.
“David!” She screams my name loudly getting excited, “You did this?”
I nod, not being able to wipe away my smile with how excited she is.
“Thank you so much.”
She reaches forward and pulls me into a hug.
“Yeah.” I say awkwardly.
“David.” She gives me a look, “You need to stop spoiling me.”
“What? It’s just a concert. It’s not that big of a deal.” I shrug.
“It is a big deal! Even if they’re nosebleed seats, it’s a big deal. You knew that this is something that I would really enjoy and you did it for me. That’s why it’s a big deal.”
I smile and look away to try and avoid her seeing the blush on my cheeks. I have liked this girl ever since the day I met her and she is completely oblivious to it.
“You’re going to come with me right?” Y/n asks as we walk back into the house.
“Uhh, yeah? If you want me to.” I scratch the back of my neck.
“Well, of course I do, David!” She pulls me in for a second hug, “Thank you.”
! Y/N POV !
It takes a couple of weeks for it to finally be the concert date. I literally couldn't be more excited for it. It was such a sweet thought on David’s end to realize just how much I would love this. I’m really glad that he decided to come with me. I have had a huge crush on him ever since I met him, but I think he’s oblivious to it because he’s never made a mood.
I’m meeting David at his house so we can leave together.
“David?” I call as I let myself into the house.
“He’s getting ready in his room.” Natalie answers from the couch.
“Ohh, okay!” I sit down next to her to wait.
“You look cute!” She smiles, looking at my outfit.
“Thanks! I’m really excited.”
“David is too! He’s been talking about it constantly!” Natalie laughs.
“Really? I kind of thought I was dragging him along to this.” I laugh.
“No, he’s definitely excited.”
As if on cue, David finally comes out of his room.
“Natalie, do you think that this is okay for-” His eyes find me and he stops talking, “Y/n, you’re here!”
“Yeah, I called your name when I came in.” I look at him with questioning eyes. “You look nice.”
David seems thrown off by my comment.
“Uhh-yeah-uhh-thanks! You look nice too.”
Why is he being so weird now?
“Ready to go?” I ask, standing up from the couch.
He grabs his keys and we say our goodbyes to Natalie. Once we get in the car and start jamming to music, things are better. Neither of us notice his camera as we dance to a mixture of Abba and the Jonas brothers.
“Ahh!” I cheer as we get out and walk to the venue, “I can’t believe we’re here!”
“I know! I feel like this is gonna be a good concert.”
“Well, duh!” I grab David’s hand so I can drag him inside faster. We manage to find out seats, which are only two rows back from the front.
“David, these seats are insane! I could probably touch Joe if I wanted to.” I scream over the loud music. It’s only his loud laugh that ensures me that he heard me.
The concert is a good mix of their new album and some of their older stuff from years ago. It gets quiet as they start the next song.
“Lovebug!” I grin, turning to David to see his reaction. He’s already looking at me with a smile as well.
I can’t help but sing along to the song that was my favorite in my childhood. I dance around between lyrics and manage to get David to let loose too.
“David, I know that you know the lyrics.” I turn, his hands somehow ended up intertwined with mine.
“Now I'm speechless, over the edge. I'm just breathless. I never thought that I'd catch this lovebug again.” David sings, making me grin.
Without either of us thinking, we lean in. Our lips connect and it’s the spark I’ve been waiting for since I met him. I can feel him smiling which makes me smile against his lips too. The rest of the concert carries on around us, I can hear the lyrics, but I don’t want to ever pull away from his lips. The lights flash all around us and I feel at home in his arms.
“Wow.” David is breathless once we finally separate, his hands are still buried deep in my hair.
The rest of the concert continues, we hold hands the whole time. Every once and awhile, one of us will interrupt the other with a kiss. All too soon, the concert is over, but David and I aren’t too bummed to drive home.
“I can’t believe that that happened.” David and I slowly walk to his front door. We know that as soon as we walk in there will be people there and we’ll have to explain ourselves.
“I’m so glad that it did.” David responds.
“Me too.” I lean forward to pull him in for another kiss.
We walk into the house, dropping each other’s hands as we kick off our shoes.
“Well, well, well.” Zane’s voice calls us out and we both turn to look at him. I wasn’t expecting so many people to be here, especially since David wasn’t Zane, Health, Mariah, Jeff, Carly, Erin, Natalie, and Jason are all in the house. David seems surprised that they’re here too.
“What’s up, guys?” David asks.
“You guys are acting all innocent.” Jeff rolls his eyes.
“What?” I question.
“How long have you guys been hiding it from us?” Jason asks.
“Okay.” David holds his hands out in defense, “What are you guys talking about?”
“You guys are dating!” Erin shouts.
I can feel my face flush and I turn to look at David and his expression matches mine.
“How did you guys even find out?” I ask.
“It’s all over twitter.”
Oh no. David and I both reach for our phones. When we open up Twitter both of our accounts are being flooded with mentions. Pictures and videos of us kissing at the concert, Different angles, different people posting about seeing us there. It’s all out there already.
That’s what the flashes were when we were kissing.
“Shit.” I throw my head back against the couch.
“So, how long have you guys been dating?” Heath asks, a smile on his face.
“Yeah, I mean I totally saw it coming.” Carly admits.
“Me too!” Mariah shouts.
Everyone breaks out on a frenzy of talking about their theories of us being in a relationship. I look to David and he seems just as lost as I am. He reached forward and takes my hand in his. I knew that we would have to go public eventually, but I didn’t imagine that it would only be a couple of hours after getting together.
We talk for a while with everyone to explain that we were never hiding anything and explain the fact that that was our first kiss.
“Damn, that's your first kiss?” Zane asks as he watches the video again.
“Okay, okay, enough.” I laugh, taking his phone away.
Eventually everyone leaves and Natalie goes to bed. It’s well past midnight and it’s finally just David and I.
“So, what do you want to do about this?” I ask.
“Well, nothing to lose at this point.” David reaches for his phone.
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“Just wait.” He smirks.
It takes him a minute or two and then I get a notification that I’ve been tagged in a photo by David.
Tumblr media
daviddobrik: Kissed her for the first time yesterday
“Baby!” I cheer, looking at his post. He used one of the pictures that the fans took and have been posting.
“Well, there was no point in trying to hide it at this point.” He shrugs, his arm reaches forward to pull me in close.
“Well, I’m really glad you came to this concert.” I laugh, “Just to think, our whole relationship is thanks to the Jonas Brothers.”
I laugh even harder and David just smiles.
“No, I would have told you eventually.” David sits up.
“Yeah, right.” I roll my eyes.
“So much sass. I didn’t know you would be such a sassy girlfriend to me.” He flips us over so he can hover over me.
“Please, that’s part of why you like me. You knew what you were getting in to.”
“Yes I did. I am more than glad to have you as my sassy girlfriend.”
He leans down to press a quick kiss to my lips.
“You’re my lovebug.”
“You’re my lovebug too.”
an// if you don’t get his post caption, honey you need to go listen to the song
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nikkzwrites · 4 years
Yesterday Once More | Dark Fix-It Fic Series | Chapter 6
A/N: This fic is one that I started with my OC because honestly, I personally didn’t like how season 3 ended. So I am rewriting all of Dark with my OC Annalise Dahlheim. I hope you all like it. Some things will be expanded more on just for more depth to Dark that season 3 kinda skipped over so…. yeah.
CW: Canon Typical Triggers: Smoking, Sex, Language, Drugs, Drinking, Death, Violence, Suicide Mentions, Cutting, Violence.
Word Count:  5.6k
[First Chapter] [Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter]
The next morning, Annalise groaned as she woke up. She hazily tried to walk out to go take a shower only to bump into a dresser. She cried out in pain. She woke up fully then started to panic. Where was she? She held her head. What was the last thing she remembered? There was a bearded man who bought her alcohol. She closed her eyes trying to think. He reminded her of someone… She remembered mistaking him for someone...Who was it?
“Hey, you’re awake,” Franziska pulled the girl away from her thoughts.
Annalise’s face scrunched in confusion, “How did I get here?” Her head was pounding with a headache, “Can I get some water?”
Franziska nodded and lead Annalise into the kitchen. She folded her arms as she came up with a quick lie, “Oh, you know, Jonas brought you.”
“Jonas,” Annalise asked more confused, “What? No…He...”
Franziska realized her mistake quickly, “Oh well, you know, he apologized and thought it would be best if you stayed here to have some space.”
Annalise nodded as she filled a glass of water and started to drink. “Okay,” she nodded. She didn’t one hundred percent believe it, but she wasn’t exactly in a place to argue. Plus, she had a weird instinct that he was involved last night after she ran from him. That she had seen him again that night. There was a knock on the door. Annalise quickly turned her head.
“Oh you’re awake,” Magnus chuckled, “Have fun with Bar-”
Franziska quickly hit his side and grit her teeth, “That’s not very nice to make fun of her Magnus.” She looked towards Annalise and faked an explantation, “Jonas found you at a bar last night. Magnus helped drag you out. Right, Magnus?”
Magnus got the picture and nodded, “Yeah. That’s what happened.”
Annalise nodded. The girl excused the slip up as a language barrier. She took her phone out of her pocket and said, “I’ll text him a thank you then. I’ll probably head home too.” She placed the empty glass in the sink and walked out. She texted Jonas knowing that he would more than likely tell her if this wasn’t the truth, ‘Thanks for dragging me out of the bar and giving me space. I really appreciate it. Franziska and Magnus told me everything.’ 
Jonas quickly grabbed his phone hoping that it was Annalise. After everything that had happened, he needed his lifeline. His confusion spread to his face as he read her text. He blinked and wondered what had happened to her. He didn’t want to think about it too hard. He was just grateful she was talking to him. Jonas asked, ‘Are you coming home?’
‘Yeah,’ Annalise texted him back.
With this, Jonas knew he had limited time to actually talk to his mother about his father. He walked downstairs to find his mother already at the table. He sat down with Hannah and asked, “Mom, can I ask you a few things?”
Hannah nodded. She honestly thought maybe it had something to do with Annalise not coming home last night. “Yeah,” she said, “You can ask me anything.”
“How’d you and dad meet,” Jonas asked.
Hannah looked at him then blinked. This was not what she was expecting. Maybe he was trying a roundabout way of asking about romance, “In the hospital.” She answered honestly, “I was 14. Your father had a broken leg. And I was in a bad mood.”
“What was he like,” Jonas pried hoping that maybe all that letter was a lie, “Earlier. Before he got sick.”
This was definitely a weird talk. She shook her head. “He was…” Hannah explained, “different. You never knew if he meant something seriously or not.”
Jonas looked down trying to put the pieces together, “Mom…” He trailed off.
“Yes,” Hannah asked.
Jonas thought for a second. He had no idea what to do. He shook his head and responded with, “Nothing.”
After Magnus had snuck back into the house, he walked downstairs with his sister in solidarity. He followed behind Martha hoping that what Martha was expecting wasn’t actually going to happen. He also wanted to let Martha know that Annalise was safe, awake, and okay. Martha just headed down the stairs behind her brother.
Katharina threw down the remote and went to scold her children, “No, you aren’t going anywhere.”
“Is this supposed to go on forever?” Martha asked, “Keeping us locked up here?”
Katharina offendedly explained, “Locked up? Your brother has only been missing four days.”
“He’s not going to come back just because we’re sitting around,” Martha argued. She honestly was also trying to tell that to her brain that was just trying to make her stay and wait for Annalise to text her back. She tried to push past Magnus. 
Katharina yelled at her daughter, “Come back here and talk to me!”
Martha walked into the same room as her mother, “I can’t let the others down. They need me.” She tried to convince both her mother and herself.
“Who needs you,” Katharina asked.
“The play…” Martha replied.
Katharina shook her head, “I thought the play was canceled.”
“No,” Martha explained, “Mr. Mienel said it’d be better t give people a break, so they can think about something else.” Honestly, Martha believed in that cause. She just wanted to use the play to be able to be someone, anyone, else for any duration of time. She cheated on her boyfriend, her brother was missing, and she broke her best friend’s heart by kissing the boy that she definitely had feelings for. 
Katharina gave up with people, “Great.” Her voice growing more annoyed, “So everyone is just thinking of themselves.”
“You’re no different,” Martha yelled getting defensive, “Did you once think about us these last few days?”
“That’s enough,” Katharina yelled back.
Martha huffed. She looked around and spotted the posters. She walked over to the and pushed them down, “And how many more of these damned things will you put up?”
Magnus shook his head and tried to excuse Martha’s behavior, “She didn’t mean it like that.”
“Yes, I did,” Martha screamed, “I meant it like that. This is so fucked up! Everyone’s waiting for Mikkel to come back through that door as if nothing happened. Dad doesn’t even dare come home anymore! And no one gives a shit about us.”
“That’s not true,” Katharina retorted, “But for once, this isn’t about you, Martha!”
“You are so blind,” Martha spat venom at her mother, “Everyone’s thinking it, but no one dares say it. Mikkel is dead!”
Katharina slapped her daughter. Martha stared at her and then ran out of the house. Magnus took a deep breath. He walked over to his mourning mother and held her close.
Annalise walked back into the Kahnwald house. Right when she entered the door, the worried boy sprinted over to her. He wrapped his arms around her. He held her close. Jonas’s eyes started to tear up. He buried his face into her neck. He couldn’t believe how easy it was for her to come back. She truly was an angel. Annalise stood there confused. She reached up to pet his head, “Jon-”
The boy quickly intercepted her question with a kiss. Both of his hands cupping her cheeks to keep her with him. He ignored the screaming in his head about something about her seemed off, different. He was so terrified. His lips trembled against hers. All he needed was for her to be there with him. He clung to her as if she was the only thing keeping him there in that world. She was his tether, his serene in the storm. Everything was okay when she was around. Everything was normal when she was there. If he could perfectly encapsulate her to keep as a charm forever, he would. Jonas would do anything to keep her with him, even if it was just to prevent anything else from going wrong. He pulled away only to place his forehead against hers, “Lise, I’m-”
Annalise started to wipe his tears away, “Jonas, it’s okay.” She smiled gently at him, “it’s okay. Everything is fine.” The girl was reminded of having a similar feeling last night. There was something that happened the previous night. Annalise could remember the feeling of having been kissed. Was that… Annalise needed to get back out of her own head about this. She laughed a little bit at the boy’s reaction to her, “You need to calm down Jonas. Take some deep breaths with me and we can go upsta-” She simply had no idea what he was babbling on about. They had cleared everything up last night. Obviously, if they had kissed twice in such a short frame of time, then everything was okay. They were fine now, right?
Jonas shook his head. He dared not to open his eyes fearing that if he were, she would disappear again and this time never come back. “I promise I will make this right,” He vowed. He tore their foreheads away from each other to press his lips against her forehead, “I’ll make it up to you. I promise.” He walked his way upstairs with his hand grasped around her wrist. He looked at her seriously and said, “I have to do something and you cannot follow me. You have to listen to me about this. You can’t get wrapped up in this too. Please just wait for me to get back. I will fix everything.”
Annalise stood there confused as he went into his room. She could hear scrambling around. He was acting erratically. The girl swallowed hard. How could she try to comfort him? There was something that everyone in their circumstances faced when feeling guilt fo something. Sometimes it was best to let them do what they thought they needed to do. Other times, it was best to stop them, ut even in that case sometimes they would spiral worse. She stood there, so close to where he was, yet so far from where his heart and mind were.
Bartosz walked backstage of the play to go talk to his girlfriend. He knew what he had to do now. He wanted Annalise happy. The best thing he could do with that was to take people out of the equation so that way she and the boy she loved could finally only focus on each other. His chest tightened at the thought of her with his best friend, but Bartosz knew that he could never make her happy. She was always going to love Jonas. She always had loved Jonas in some way. He would only be fooling himself into thinking Annalise would ever love himself back. The best he could do is convince himself and Martha that they were in love and leave those two alone. Sure he had to lie, omit truths, but it was all to make her happy. If he could do that, he would be satisfied for the rest of his life. “Hey,” He finally addressed Martha.
She turned to face him, “Hey.”
Bartosz strolled over to his girlfriend and placed a kiss against her lips with his hands cupping her face. This definitely was different. He pulled away quickly trying to not focus on it. He asked, “How are you?” He wondered if she was going to confess to him. 
Martha just nodded and walked back to her vanity to reapply her lipstick, “Good.” She knew she was lying to him, but what was she going to tell him? Was she going to tell him that she kissed his best friend in front of her best friend who for all she knew had gone missing? Was she going to tell him about the guilt gnawing at her insides?
Bartosz shifted. He walked closer to her. Was she really going to keep lying to him? He couldn’t blame her though, as much as this was hurting his empty chest, this was all a lie too. His heart wasn’t with them in that room. It was where ever the sunset girl was. “You didn’t call me back,” was all he could muster up to say, “I was getting worried.” He looked down guilty. What he was about to say was the absolute truth. He started with, “I’m so sorry about everything. It’s all my fault.” He thought to himself about if he would have just stayed away from Martha and instead focused his energy on Annalise, how could all of this be different. Everyone would be happy. “I shouldn’t have had that stupid idea with the caves,” He continued to speak his thoughts aloud. When she didn’t reply, he asked, “Hey. Say something. Are you angry with me?”
Martha looked up at him. She felt horrible. Here this boy was putting himself through the wringer all because she didn’t know how to tell him her feelings. She shook her head, “No. Why would I be angry?” She asked that question honestly. She pitied him. He was such a good boyfriend and here she was.  Bartosz walked closer. He leaned down to kiss her only to be pushed away. Martha told him, “I can’t do this right now.”
Bartosz stared at her. He swallowed hard. Why couldn’t this just be easy for him? Why could she have the easiest time with what was going on and he felt like his world was ending? He stared at her and asked, “Do you want to leave?” This was his last-ditch effort. He needed her to say yes. He wanted her to say yes so that everything could go back to normal. He wanted so badly to leave this God-forsaken town. “I’ll run away with you,” he offered. He should have done this earlier. Before Mikkel, Before Annalise, Before Jonas. “Honestly.”
Martha shook her head and gave him a small shrug, “The play is about to start.”
Bartosz’s lips thinned into a line as he accepted the news. He turned to leave then asked, “Have you seen Jonas?” He mainly was wondering if they had talked since he had found Annalise. He had forgotten to ask Franziska to text him to let him know Annalise woke up the next morning safe. Plus he wondered if Martha was holding anything more from him.
Martha looked down. Did he really have to ask this? Did he know? Did Annalise tell him? Martha shook her head. No, Annalise wouldn’t. The girl never once actually cared for Bartosz. They were constantly fighting like cats and dogs. But the guilt continued to eat at her. She wished she had the strength to tell him the truth, but instead, she asked, “Why?”
Bartosz shrugged and turned away from her so that she couldn’t read on his face that he was only telling her the half-truth, “No reason. The jerk stood me up yesterday. But… Whatever. I’m sure he’ll come later.” Bartosz left.
Martha stood there looking up towards the ceiling trying not to cry.
Jonas stood in front of the caves. He was finally going to conquer thins and bring Mikkel home. He was going to have everything go back to normal. It was the least he could do for Martha and Annalise. With Mikkel home, they would both forget about what happened the previous night. They would be happy and go back to being friends. He could look Bartosz in the face again. He could be happy with the girl who put the work in to make him feel at home again. He could properly move on from the girl he slept with once who later dated his best friend since he wasn’t home. He crossed the line to walk inside.
Katharina stormed into her house from putting up posters about Mikkel. She tried to make herself a cup of coffee. She started to look at what else was on the table. She found an itemized bill for Ulrich’s cellphone. There was a number she didn’t immediately recognize on there that seemed to be a regular caller. She called the number only to be greeted with Hannah’s voice.
Annalise had changed and hopped into the shower. While she was there, she looked at Jonas’s products. A curiosity arose from her. She picked up his body wash and sniffed it. It was familiar and reminded her of the boy, but something ate at her. After her shower, she walked to her dirty clothes from the night before and this morning. She picked it up and smelled it. It smelled like a cologne had rubbed off on it. She placed it into the basket and went to the cabinet. She opened it to try and find if Jonas even had any. She found his deodorant. She took it out and smelled it just to check. No. That wasn’t a match either. Annalise shook her head. Now she was being weird with paranoia. She could just ask Jonas when he got back. Annalise slipped into her pajamas and walked into Jonas’s room. She sat on his bed and turned on his television to try and find something to pass the time until he got home. Annalise was initially supposed to see Martha’s play. But with the way things were now, she really didn’t feel like going to support her friend. 
Jonas walked deeper into the cave. The deeper he went, the farther from his reality he felt. He took out his map and looked more at it before making his way into the dark.
Regina looked over her information with her hotel as she waited for someone, anyone, to come in. She closed her records upon seeing Ulrich. She asked him, “What are you doing here?”
Ulrich just stared at her then said, “1986. The night my brother went missing. What really happened?”
Regina squinted, “That was over 30 years ago.”
“You were the last one to see him that night,” Ulrich explained, “Did you notice anything unusual that day? Did he say something? Something strange? Anything at all?” 
Regina shook her head. 
Ulrich then asked, “Did you know they were having an affair? Your mother and my father.”
Regina made a face and nodded, “Mads was the only person I knew who never said a bad word about anyone. I’ve always asked myself, why him, of all people? I always thought it should have happened to you instead of him. But there’s no justice in this world. And the absurd thing is… had it not been for you and Katharina maybe Mads wouldn’t have disappeared. Mads knew I was afraid to walk home alone because of you two. Because of what you did to me. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have gone with me and returned through the forest and the whole thing would have never happened.”
“What happened in the forest back then,” Ulrich tried to defend himself, “It was a game. We wee children. We all made mistakes back then.”
Regina spoke up, “And still you never apologized for it.” 
Ulrich sneered, “So this is about an apology for you? So that’s how you see yourself. A victim? Poor innocent Regina. You’re so fake it makes me sick! You told your drunken, good for nothing, grandpa that I raped Katharina.”
Regina gasped, “That’s what you thought?” Her face furrowed with confusion.
Ulrich took a deep breath. He looked at her concerned and confused, “Hannah saw you back then. At the police station.”
“Hannah,” Regina asked, “The same Hannah who at 14 was so in love with you that she would have done anything to have you?” Regina laughed, “But I guess that hasn’t really changed. So that’s what you thought all these years? That I spread that story?” Her face dropped, “Why would I do something like that? I’m not half as bad as you are.”
Just as Ulrich turned to walk out, Regina finally started to allow herself to cry. She finally understood why all of this torment had started for her.
As Martha got ready for her play, she looked out into the crowd. Her heart sank as she didn’t see her friend or Jonas there. Only Bartosz. She wondered if she should try texting Annalise again. The girl had left her on read for a while now. She grabbed her phone quickly and texted, ‘your ticket should be at will call with my family. You are still coming, right? I really want to talk this out. Please.’
Jonas squeezed his way through the tunnels following the guidance of the map. It wasn’t long before he noticed a string. It was very similar to the one that was on his bike the last time.
Back at the Kahnwald’s, there was loud banging at the door. It sounded as if an animal wanted to burst in. Hannah called Annalise that she would get it and hurried down the stairs to open the door. Right when she opened the door, Ulrich burst in. He stormed through the home at Hannah. “What are you doing here, I thought…”
Ulrich interrupted the woman, “What do you want from me?”
“What,” Hannah asked confused.
Hearing the commotion, Annalise snuck downstairs just enough to be there if Hannah needed her. Her heart raced. She could feel her chest start to close around itself. It was so hard to breathe.
“What do you want from me,” Ulrich repeated. When Hannah didn’t reply, he grabbed her neck and pushed her into the wall. “It was you in 1986,” he growled, “You gave a statement against me in the rape case. How sick are you?”
Hannah pulled at his hand, she could barely make out, “You’re hurting me.”
Annalise sat. She was frozen. She was terrified. She had never seen Ulrich that angry before. She squeezed her eyes shut and started to sneak her way down the stairs.
“Are you trying to ruin me,” Ulrich asked, “Do you want to destroy my family? Is that what you want? What do you want?”
Annalise stood behind the man and asked him with a face drenched in tears and terror, “Ulrich?”
The man quickly let go of Hannah and turned to her. His heart sank. He started to tremble. Was this also in Hannah’s plan? To use a girl that she knew had become like a daughter to him? Ulrich wanted to hurt Hannah just as much as she hurt him. He had a hunger for revenge. He turned back to Hannah, “You know what? You’re poison. You snuggle up close like you’re honey. But it’s just poison. How did your husband put up with you for so long? No wonder he couldn’t take it anymore, in the end.”
Hannah slapped the man hard across the face. Anger boiled within her.
Ulrich sneered. He started to leave, “I thought I knew you.” He stopped in the doorway and said, “How easily one can be deceived by people.” He took a look back at Annalise. He waited to hide his tears from her. Then he walked outside to head home after slamming the door.
Just as the door slammed shut, Annalise ran to Hannah and held her. The teen crying from terror. She clung onto Hannah. Hannah breathed hard then looked down at the woeful girl clutching her. She pet the young girl’s head. She leaned down and kissed it gently. “I’m okay,” Hannah whispered, “I’m okay.”
Bartosz sat and watched as Killian gave his speech during the play, “Now you have heard of her, the daughter of Minos. You think you know her. Is she not beautiful and good? You have let yourself be enchanted. By her words. By her pretty gaze. But, believe me. Everyone, whether the daughter of a king or not, has one foot in the shadow and only the other in the light.”
Jonas followed the tread. He kept his hand on the string. He knew that he could trust it. It would show him the way.
Aleksander called his wife. He had just found Regina’s letter about her cancer and had called the doctor to confirmed her diagnosis. He just straight asked her, “When are you coming home?”
Regina sat in the car as it poured outside. She explained, “Soon. I’m just picking up Bartosz from school. He insisted on going to this play.”
Aleksander sighed. He really didn’t want to talk about it while his son was going to be home. There was no need to worry him right now. The man simply stated, “I am here for you. You know that. No matter what. Don’t be late.”
Regina started to panic. He must have found the results. She didn’t know what to do. She loved her husband so much. She didn’t want him to think she was hiding it from him out of malice. It was just easier for her to forget if she didn’t tell anyone. As they hung up, they both exchanged their ‘I love yous.’
Martha sat with her classmate on the floor of the stage. She handed him a ball of red yarn and said, “Take this. It will guide you. You have to go deep inside, to the center. He’s waiting there in the shadows. Half human, half beast. You must be quick. Aim straight for the heart.”
“But is he not your brother,” the fellow teen in the play asked in character.
“It’s all the same to me,” Martha explained. Katharina slowly snuck in and found a seat in the back. “This bond we tie now, promise me you will never sever it.”
“I promise,” the boy said.
Soon, Jonas ended up at the midpoint. He, then, took out his geiger counter to follow the signal just like the not in red marker told him. He ended up finding himself to a coffin-sized tunnel. He took a deep breath and crawled inside. 
“Nothing but darkness surrounds me,” Martha’s play continued, “Eternally lurking in shadows. I have not eaten in days. My eyes are turning black. The end is nearing. Just as he once descended into the maze, I now descend into the mine.”
Annalise lay in Hannah’s bed with her. Both of them still shaken from Ulrich, well mainly Annalise. The girl didn’t want to leave the woman’s side just in case he came back. Lise had seen intent in his eyes. He was a man on the edge and he could really have done anything. With Jonas gone as well, Annalise just felt safer staying with Hannah.
Hannah stared at the ceiling. She sighed gently. Her head turned to study the girl next to her. She reached out gently and started to pet her head. Her lips trembled. Was this what it felt like to have someone else other than family care about you. Was this how Ines felt when she came into Michael’s life? It was such a strange feeling. Hannah never had a daughter herself nor had she ever really wanted one before this moment. 
Jonas crawled to an elegant door. It was so intricate. There was a triquetra in a circle on it with the words, ‘Sic Mundus Creatus Est.’ Jonas looked at the door before opening it and crawling through. 
“So now I stand before you. No king’s daughter. No man’s wife. No brother’s sister. A loose end in time,” Martha steadied on, “And so we all die alike. No matter into which house we are born. No matter which grown. Whether we grace the earth briefly or for a long time. I alone tie my bonds. Whether I have extended hands or slapped them. We all face the same end.” Martha started to cry, “Those above have long forgotten us. They do not judge us. In death, I am all alone and my only judge is me.” Martha actually started to let it out. All the tears and pain she was feeling. All the guilt wept from her. 
Katharina, realizing this was not part of the play, ran to her daughter. She gently took hold of her daughter and held her. She cooed in Martha’s ears, “Everything’s okay. I’m here.” She rocked her daughter gently. 
As Jonas passed through the tunnel, every electrical device started to flicker. Katharina took this time to get Martha off the stage. Hannah reached out and pulled Lise into her arms so that way Annalise could stay next to her. The mother just hoping to see her son soon.” Charlotte still tried to investigate but was running around in circles as Peter and Tronte sat in the bunker. It was right on schedule of what the book told them.
Katharina walked her daughter out as Regina walked in trying to get her son. “Is the play over,” Regina asked, “You did you drag your daughter off the stage to save her from the sick people in this town? If you can’t stand living here… Why don’t you just leave?”
Katharina turned and just started to wail on Regina angrily. She was so frustrated and angry. How dare anyone speak about her or her daughter in such a manner?
Magnus luckily was walking inside from spending time with Franziska. He quickly pulled his mother away from the other woman and Martha stood frozen in the doorway.
Jonas just crawled his way to another door. He was able to open it with his one hand. A large gust of wind pushed against him as if telling him to g back. Then it suddenly stopped.
“Did you see that,” Regina tormented, “That is who your mother really is. You and Ulrich, you truly deserve each other.” Magnus walked his mother back to her bag until she pulled away from him. Regina plead, “Tell them what happened back then! Tell them who their mother really is.”
Katharina nodded her head out the door, “Let’s go.” Her two children scrambled through the doorway and followed her to the car.
Ulrich sat in his car staring at his photo album. They were filled with pictures of him, Mads, and his own children as babies. It wasn’t until one picture caught his eye and he realised the boy they had found, was Mads.
Bloodied and bruised, Regina walked into the arms of Aleksander who was awaiting her. He wrapped himself around her as she cried into him. 
The rest of the Nielsen’s made their way home hand in hand with the others. Magnus and Martha climbed the stairs. It wasn’t long before she knocked on her brother’s door. She complained that she couldn’t sleep.
“Go away,” Magnus instinctively commented.
Martha leaned against his door frame, “Can we talk?”
“Yeah.” Martha walked in and laid now next to Magnus. Her head on his shoulder. Magnus then asked, “What the fuck was all that back at school?”
Martha answered honestly, “I don’t know.” They stayed in silence for a moment before she asked him, “Do you think things will ever be the same again? You know what I find weird? You don’t actually know your parents, do you? What they were like as kids or teenagers. You’re family, but you don’t really know anything about each other. Can I sleep here tonight?”
“Okay,” Magnus told her, “but keep those cold feet of yours on your side.”
Martha giggled, “You know who had the coldest feet?”
“Mikkel,” they said in unison. They laughed for a second.
Magnus smiled, “I don’t know how any of us dealt with that. He also would just put them on you if he knew it would bother you.”
Martha smiled, “Annalise used to just put socks and slippers on him before he was allowed in.”
Magnus laughed, “Yeah well when she got woken up by his kicking, she would come over here with me then sneak back in in the morning.”
“You never told me that,” Martha looked at him, “Why didn’t she just stay in my bed?”
“She said you talked too much when you two were supposed to be sleeping,” Magnus smiled.
Martha raised her brow but nodded. That was true. They never knew how to shut up when they were close. The would stay up all night reading scary storied or playing truth games or would you rather.
Jonas slowly made his way out of the cave. As he made his way to the bus stop, it started to rain. He slowly pulled up his hood and stared at the missing posters of Mads. As he stood there a truck stopped by.
A small girl lowered the window and her father called to him, “can we give you a lift? A bit late to be walking around alone.”
Jonas stared at the man. He recognized both of them almost instantly, that was his grandfather and his mother. 
Hannah called to him, “You shouldn’t stay out in the rain so long.”
“Why not,” Jonas asked.
Hannah rolled her eyes then replied, “Because it’s acid. Chernobyl? People say it’s not in the rain anymore, but I don’t believe it.”
His grandfather told Hannah, “Hannah, move over. Come on, hop in. I’ll drive you home.” Hannah opened the door to welcome him inside.
In 2019, Hannah listened to the soft breathing of the girl asleep next to her. Hannah sneakily stole the girl’s phone and started to look through the pictures. There were a lot of her and the Nielsen’s, but before that, there were just some with her, her mother, and a man that looked to be her father. There was one of all three of them laughing while her father took a selfie of them. It was around Christmas time. They had matching pajamas on with giant smiles and laughter laying in bed together. Hannah smiled. Tears gently rolled down her cheeks as she was reminded of her own family. 
Back with Jonas, he was actually fully processing what it meant if that girl was indeed Hannah, his mother. “Thanks,” Jonas said, “I’m okay.”
The two drove away from the boy confused at what just happened not realizing that the boy was their next of kin.
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mendesnecessary · 5 years
A real-life fairytale -  Shawn Mendes one shot
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A/N: Here am I after so long hihihi hope you guys like it, soon I’ll be releasing some of my drafts (there are a lot) and yeah, that’s it. If you like please reblog and give the heart on the post ❤️
Summary: Y/n and Shawn are attending the same event and finally they get to know each other properly, even if to the children they are Ariel and Eric.
Word count: 1.919 
Fame and charity were two things that they had in common at first. 
Fame because Shawn was a singer and y/n an actress.
Charity because they both loved to give their money to help others. 
And their good hearts are the reason why there are a lot of famous people walking around the orphanage that night. The two biggest donations coming from both of them. 
Y/n smooths her green and purple dress taking a deep breath once the car stops in the entrance of the event. Some cameras ready to take the best or worsts shots from her first appearance after one whole week away. A week that she took to enjoy her family and close friends after a long time filming a new movie. Safe to say that the audience was crazy about the new piece. 
Once her long hells click in the ground the flashes took place. 
"y/n, is it true that you and Nick Robinson are going to end as a couple in the new movie?” 
“How is your relationship with him off the cameras?”
“Turn around!” 
She takes a deep breath once again, stopping at the red carpet and smiling to the sea of people trying to take some shots and details of her dress and makeup. No worries about how she was felling, only trying to sell the image. 
“Are you excited to the fans reaction?”
“Here, y/n, look at here!!”
“Can you describe it with one word?!” 
She waves, wanting to get out of the carpet like never before. Y/n only needed to see some of the children she was helping, hear their laughs and be put inside the bubble of peace and love that was so normal around people with a simple life. 
And no, don’t get her wrong. Y/n loves who she is, the role she plays and the people she is able to meet, but with all the fame the things that seem so simple suddenly become so far out of reach. She only wishes they could see that underneath there’s an ordinary girl. 
Her manager points to the bottom of the carpet where a reporter waited for her waving sympathetically. Y/n turned around to show better her dress just like everyone was expecting and then walked to the interview. 
“Look who we got here!!!” Montana, a reporter that every once in a while used to interview y/n greeted her. “You look amazing tonight”
“Awe, thank you” a small and shy smile made the way to y/n’s lips.
“So, first things first. How are you feeling knowing that you were one of the biggest donations of the night?”
“Complete. Really, help others whenever you can is one of the things that renew your soul.” 
“What about the performances of tonight?” 
“I read that the Jonas Brothers are going to sing, that’s the only thing that matters for my old-Disney-addicted-heart.” she jokes and Montana lets a laugh scapes. "Also, I’m excited to watch Alessia Cara.”
“Now, going the movie scene, what should we expect for the new work that you’ve been working?” 
“A lot. We finished this month and even knowing about everything I was emotional at the end.” 
“So you guys heard, don’t forget to go to the movie theater with your tissue” the reporter turned to the cameraman winking to the audience.
The almost calm sea of photographers started to make noise again, catching the attention of Montana and y/n.
“Oh, prince charming just arrived” 
“And by prince charming, she means Shawn Mendes” y/n explains to the camera giving it a thumb up and holding back a giggle. 
“A real-life prince and I really mean it. Are you two friends?” Montana asks turning back to y/n.
“We never really talked, but he’s a great singer.” 
“BBC news is uniting you two, the perfect scenario,” she speaks before calling out Shawn’s name. 
“Hey, Montana” Shawn greets her with a big smile and does the same to y/n taking his time to appreciate her pretty face.  
“We got here two of the biggest donations of the night. How are you feeling about today, Shawn?” She starts at the camera but turns to the singer at the end.
“I’m really glad I can help, that’s the perfect thing to do after ending a world tour, somehow relaxes the mind. I don’t know how to put into words, but yeah...that’s it” 
“Now, going to the topic of friendship. Do you and y/n know each other?!” 
“Unfortunately, we don’t” he is fast to answer and look at her with something you could tell as a shy smile. “I mean, I know her but she doesn’t know me” he jokes.
“What do you mean?” Montana gives him a curious look.
“I follow her, she doesn’t follow me” 
“Wow, that’s cruel, Y/n!” 
“What?! But I do follow him on Spotify” y/n arches her eyebrows. 
“Y/n, you can’t flirt in the Spotify app, go follow him on Instagram!” Montana spills and suddenly y/n’s cheeks are getting a new color. 
Shawn laughs clapping his hand surprised about the guts in Montana to throw them at each other in front of a live interview.
“Our time is off, now you two go take some pics together and if the flirt thing works don’t forget to thanks us!” 
Y/n and Montana exchange kisses in each other cheeks and Shawn wave politely before looking at y/n. They both head to the middle of the red carpet again, this time side by side. Shawn holds her middle and she puts her hand in his chest looking for stability. Both smiling wide to the cameras and ignoring all the questions about a date. 
“How are you feeling after filming that blast of a movie?” Shawn asks while they walking inside the event leaving all the mess behind.
“You saw the trailer?! I almost got an injury behind the scenes and the whole story...damn I knew everything but still, in the end, I was emotional as fuck.” She confesses. You could feel the true and the excitement in her voice. Shawn was fast to notice how pure was her love with the job.
“I saw it of course! Can’t wait to watch it in the movie theater. Thank god I’m home from tour and can get prepared to be the first in the room, so that way I can’t get spoilers.” 
Y/n giggles.
“Oh, I was just going to tell you about the part when my ch...” 
His eyes go wide and y/n stops herself to laugh with the scene.
“Chill out, rock star, not gonna spoil” she bumps into him.
“We should watch it together”
“Are you inviting me to a date that includes watching myself in the movie theater?”
He couldn’t tell if she was joking or about to say no to him, but once his cheeks started to burn y/n giggles.
“Hell yeah, I’m in, but I thought we were going to flirt on Instagram first” her innocent smile catches her lips and before Shawn could answer something properly his manager showed up.
“There you are, let’s go, you’re performing now” 
“Go, rock star” 
Two famous models that y/n didn’t remember the name was opening the event, telling about how important the donations were and how happy the children got once they knew that their foster house was going to get reformed and they were meeting their idols. Once the speech is over Shawn walks in the stage, there are colorful balloons everywhere and he just gots all of her attention, not because he was wearing a simple button up white shirt, but because he was captivating...and well...he was staring at her once in a while. 
He sang two of three songs that got the kids and all the adults singing along and doing some dance moves before he ends up and call out the Jonas Brothers. They two danced some teenage years songs and even the new ones, and it was like that till the performances were over and the event take roll. 
Shawn and y/n were sitting in the ground playing with two little toddlers and their caregiver that had a huge smile on her face, he could tell that she was probably a fan of y/n.
He was thinking about more things to talk with her once they get to be alone again, but a girl walking closer got his attention.
“Hey there” Shawn smiles encouraging her to keep walking since her steps were somehow able to tell how shy she was. 
Once close enough she studies his face with wide eyes. Y/n got caught by the situation in front of her and watches.
“Oh my god, you are prince Eric, aren’t you?” she asks before another girl appears by her side.
“He got those things in the eyes, so it gots brown and we can’t discover that he is the real Eric.”
Shawn holds back a giggle realizing they talking about contact lenses.
“And she is Ariel! She’s Ariel, guys!!!” It’s time to a boy approaches pointing to y/n. 
“How are you breathing outside the sea?” the first girl asks curiously.
“Lena, haven’t you watched the full movie?! She got the kiss from the prince and become human and stuff” this one appears to have probably seven or eight years.
Y/n and Shawn exchange glances with each other, almost silence talking about what to do. Should they pretend to be a Disney couple and keep the flame inside the kid's heart, or should they tell them the truth?! 
The caregiver glances at the couple, holding one of the toddles and deciding that she could give them a lead of what would be good to the kids.
“Ariel” She called and y/n instinctively looked.
“SEE!!!!” One of the girls almost screamed. “She looked, she’s Ariel!” 
The caregiver nods and y/n giggles deciding to get into the real-life fairy tale. 
“Can I touch your hair?” the second girl asks approaching y/n with her hands stretched. 
“Of course, come here” she calls and the girl gives her a big smile sitting by her side, ignoring all the toys and focusing her attention in y/n’s red hair. She had the new color because of the movie and somehow she thought it went good, not wanting to go back to the natural strands once it was finished. 
Shawn notices that even her clothes were somehow remembering of the little mermaid. The green and purple dress just like the green tale of the little mermaid doll in one of the girl's hand. 
“Prince Eric, can you take us to meet the castle?!” 
“Yeah! A tea party with the other princesses. Call Belle and Adam, she’s my second favorite after Ariel and I don’t fear the beast anymore!!!” 
Shawn laughs giving the children a nod. 
That’s how their night at the foster house goes: pretending to be a Disney couple and nothing in the world could pay the glow in the kids’ eyes. 
“So you’re a great actor too for what I could see this night” y/n starts while they wait for her driver in the back exit of the orphanage. 
“You thought I was acting?! Well, I am pretty sure I’m your real-life prince, madam.” 
 She laughs at his cheese talk. 
“I’ll see you around, Eric”
“I hope so, Ariel” he kisses her cheeks and closes the car door. 
Later that night his cellphone buzzes informing new interactions on Instagram. Y/n had followed him and sent a DM.
“You know, like Montana said it is easier to flirt if I follow you back” 
Requests are open here and this is my masterlist 
Like and reblog if you like it!!! 
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lyricalvinyl · 3 years
Chapter 9: Yesterday
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— January 9th 2010 —
As night shifted to day, the ground still covered in snow I lay next to my childhood sweetheart. Cory and I had been dating since sophomore year of high school, and like every Friday night, he stayed over. There was no pretence in the fact we were sleeping together, I rather enjoyed the fact that like unlike most teenagers I didn’t have to hide it from my mom.
Awoken by the continuous ringing of my cellphone, I brush the sleep from eyes as I check the called ID. “Dad” lights up on my screen as I push up the device to answer, expecting to hear the deep tone of my dad but to my surprise, it was my stepmother on the other end.
“He’s gone, Josie.” Was all she could say through a sob, I didn’t even acknowledge her when I hung up. Feet quickly hitting the carpeted floor as I head through to my mom's room. Shaking her awake as I utter words that would haunt me still.
“ Dad’s Dead”.
— Now —
Awakened by the sadness, a reminder that despite the deepest of scars that the pain isn’t gone but dormant. I lay in the dark of my childhood bedroom, posters of The Jonas Brother’s covered one wall while Dr Who covered the other. My bedspread was still the scripted Chinese pattern with matching dark blue curtains, it was if I had stepped into a time machine. A desk remained on the furthest away wall with a dinosaur of a computer, my bookshelf still warped due to the number of books piled ceiling high. It was a comfort and for one week of the year, it was nice to step back into this time capsule I called home.
“Jet!” My mother calls from the kitchen, as I shuffled from the warmth of my bed in search of coffee. My mother sat with her back to the door reading the paper, a steaming cup of coffee in one hand with another sitting in front of her waiting for me. “Are you meeting your brother’s today?”. I could only but nod as I sunk into the adjacent seat, raising the mug of caffeinated heaven to my lips. “Usual spot, then back to the Roadie for a drink. Just the typical Annual Tanner get together.”
“Maybe and hear me out baby, but if you came home more than once a year it wouldn’t feel like you’re catching up with everyone in space of a week... I mean you could even move back home.” Shaking my head as I lift my brow every year we had this conversation and every year my answer remained the same. “Mom, I’ve got a life in New York. I have a job that I love and I worked my ass off to get there. There’s nothing left here for me other than memories.” Releasing a sigh as I lift my gaze to catch the look of disappointment on my mother’s face.
“I just want you happy, Josie. That’s all a mother ever wants for her baby.” She captures my hand and gives a reassuring squeeze, just like she had done many times before while sitting at this table. The one thing I was thankful for was endless support from her even if she didn’t always understand the reasons behind my decisions.
As I climbed the stone steps to the cemetery I could see the outline of my brother’s standing at our father’s grave. With their backs turned both Garret and Ben remained clueless to my arrival, as I dug my hands deeper into my jacket.
“Hard to believe the old man would have been 71 this year.” As of cue, their heads tuned as my heeled boots crunched beneath the gravel path. “Was beginning to think you skipped out on us, Jose.” Garret stepped toward’s me now, arms outstretched as he engulfed me in a brotherly hug soon followed by Ben. “And miss this, never.” Lips forming into tip lipped smile.
The three of us returned to look at the grave that held our father, with eleven years past it still felt like yesterday as we said our final goodbyes. Watching the casket being lowered into the ground until the last spade of earth filled the gaping hole. Neither one us, unable to accept that this would be our reality from now on.
“How’s New York sis?” Ben spoke first ending the silence between us, raising my shoulder in a small shrug. “Oh you know, same old same old. Never sleeps, never boring.” I realise a small laugh. “What about the wife and kids?” I ask in return.
“Kids are great, Jenson in his last year of Middle School and Ethan is your typical pain in the ass teenager. Let’s just say puberty isn’t being kind to him. As for the wife well she fucked off with her boss about six months back... “ my jaw hit the ground as I blinked several times before responding. “Holy Shit! Like, warn a girl when you drop that bomb.” Patting his shoulder for comfort as he shook his head in a laugh. “I like the reaction plus it’s a hell of a lot more than I got. I came home, her bags where packed and I was left with the boys. Haven’t seen her since.”
“Fuck! What about you Garret married with kids yet.” The look of disgust soon formed on his face as Ben and I exchanged a look. “Y’know you aren’t getting any younger bro.”
“I’m fully aware of how old I am, I just haven’t found the right person or some hallmark bullshit excuse you can fill the gap with.” It’s as if no time had passed between us.
We entered the Roadie, my mother's bar and made our way towards our table at the back. Offering a nod to my mom as she motioned for us to sit. Shrugging off our jackets we huddled around the table, it wasn’t long before three whiskeys were set down in front of us. Garret rose his glass into the air, both Ben and I soon followed. “ To Dad!”
“To Dad!” Tossing back the amber liquid in one swift motion, for the next hour we sat and reminisced. By the time my brothers left, I was three whiskey’s deep, and feeling oddly relaxed. I moved from the table at the back to the bar. The same spot I sat and did most of my homework growing up, I laughed now at the thought. Making small talk with the regulars, while the jukebox in the corner played the classics.
“Josie Tanner.” My head turned round to the sound of a familiar voice, there he stood my childhood sweetheart Cory in all his glory though no longer was he a boy but all man. Broad shoulders and just as tall if not more than I could remember. Hopping off the barstool I engulfed him in a hug stepping back to look at him fully. “We’ll look at you, Cory Bradford. I haven’t seen you since Graduation...”
He frowned as I remembered slipping out of the hotel room he had booked us a surprise. Cory was my first heartbreak and to this day I was still wasn’t a fan of goodbyes.
“Wow, Jetty you look amazing.” Thrusting his hands into the pockets of his Levi’s, to much time had passed to make the conversation anything less of awkward. “Thanks, so do you. I mean you’re all grown up now.” Tilting my head back I a laugh. “We should catch up if you’re in town long...”
“I would have loved that Cor, but I head home tomorrow morning. Maybe next time?” An empty promise neither one of us would make the effort to try and keep.
“You’ll call me when you land?” I nod as my mother hands me my suitcase as I once again straighten my skirt. Moving in to press a soft kiss to her cheek as I step back, tilting my head as I glance at the Gate number. “I have to go, I have a meeting when I get back to New York but I’ll call you tonight. I promise.”
“Just take care of yourself alright. I’ll see you soon. I love you.” My mother calls out as I begin to walk towards my gate, turning on my heels to give her a smile and a wave.
Until next year Georgia.
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bgwalthermart · 7 years
Skam — the Norwegian Drama that made be even more open-minded.
Skam — the Norwegian Drama that made be even more open-minded.
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“Islam says what it always say. That all the people in this world are equal and that no person should be talked about behind their back, violated, judged or ridiculed. So if you hear anybody use religion to legitimise their hate, then don’t listen to them. Because hate does not come from religion, it comes from fear.” — Sana Bakkoush to Isak Valtersen
This. This drama is simply one of a kind. And I absolutely loved it. All 4 seasons. And every one of its’ episode. This drama was filmed in Norway and was only well-knowed in the Nordic countries until season 3, where it exploded into the international stage. For such a drama intended to young viewers, it has very deep contents which revolves around: identity, feminism, rape, belonging, self-confidence, homosexuality, mental illness, the Islamic religion, cyber-bullying, and forbidden love — all in 4 seasons of approximately 10–11 episodes each. As a teenager myself, I can relate so much to the main characters in all of the seasons. Literally.
Disclaimer: Possible spoilers ahead!
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The 1st season revolves around Eva. And I have to admit that I didn’t really like her character. She was way too indecisive, controlling, insecure, and lonely. Additionally, she was a bit more slutty (yes) in the future seasons, which made me dislike her quite a bit. But, I realized. That…that I carry all of those qualities, too (except for the slutty part, no). She was easily the one I empathized with the most out of all the main characters. Eva was the epitome of a teenager. Her parents are usually not there with her, and when they are, there usually are events that causes misunderstandings between her and them. Her friends, well her old friends weren’t there anymore. She chosed her loved guy over her friends, which her friends dumped her for because they also liked him. They weren’t understanding to her. But the guy chose her, not them. She was then alone, then and there.
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Fortunately for her, she found friends soon enough. Real friends. Friends that helped her know who she really is. Friends that helped her during her times of trouble. And friends, that she, too, will help in the future. In her season, I saw many events that were caused by two reasons.
Lack of communication. Lack of trust.
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I learned that communication is vital. Whether it be to your friends, families, or your partner. You shouldn’t hide something. You should always ask when you doubt something. And most of all, you should trust your loved ones. And ask your loved ones to trust you, too. Trust is vital. And the world would be damned, if people would have absolutely no trust to other people.
“What is this bullshit about ‘what kind of person’ I am? Maybe I’m someone who gives up?! I don’t know! Why would I know what kind of person I am? Everyone is like, “What kind of person are you? You need to know who you are!” What a fucking cliche!”
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Season 2 comes with the feminist, social justice warrior, individualist, and progressive: Noora. She is by far, my most favorite character in the series. As a feminist, individualist, and fellow progressive, I view her as my political sister. She also has the best quotes (on par with Sana, in my opinion) in the series. And the burns, oh dear. Just look at this:
Don’t mess with Noora. Ever. But that’s just a façade. Only in the outside is she really cold. In the inside, she is very soft, insecure, brash, lonely, and irrational. Much like Eva, except she doesn’t show it. This becomes self-evident once she starts crushing on William. Eventually she accepts his love. And they turn out to be right for each other. But not without problems. This series has arguably the heaviest crime out of all the other series. Rape. Or rather, the thought of having been sexually violated. Even worse, the thought of having been sexually violated by her lover’s brother.
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The most impressive thing about it is how she handled it. And how she trusted her friends to tell it to them, and how they helped her overcome it. In the end she wasn’t really sexually assaulted. And she also absolutely destroyed William’s brother. AND IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE ENCOUNTER YET, YOU WOULD SO LOVE THE REACTION ON HIS FACE. Totally.
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“People experience horrible things everyday, and they still manage to be nice to others. Being an asshole is not something you’re born with, or something you become. It’s a choice.” — Noora to William
“Girls who call other girls slut have 90% more chance to get Chlamydia.” — Noora to Emma
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“It’s interesting that you who describe yourself as a feminist, is calling others ‘slutty’. Chris doesn’t have that reputation because guys don’t go around calling other guys ‘sluts’. So if you think it’s unfair, you have to stop calling girls ‘sluts’.” — Noora to Vilde
“I don’t even know your name.” — Noora
“Call me what you want.” — William
“Yeah, but then…Then I choose to call you ‘asshole’.” — Noora to William
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She also supported Sana in season 4 with Yousef a.k.a second best couple (next one is the best couple, for me anyways) and was literally fangirling over them. She’s definitely ‘best-girl’ — on par with Sana!
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The 3rd season. I absolutely adored it. Isak and Even are definitely the best couple in the series. Their chemistry is off the charts. I absolutely loved every bit of them. As what what had made Skam famous, Isak is a homosexual. And Isak and Even are a homosexual couple. The story pretty much revolves around Isak’s coming out problems, Isak and Even’s relationship, and Even’s mental illness. I then started thinking. Isn’t Norway one of the most progressive countries when it comes to homosexuals? If so, then why is Isak having problems to come out? Well it seems that that stereotype doesn’t apply to every family living in progressive countries. You could have an accepting family and live in the Philippines (a country where homosexuality is merely tolerated, not so much accepted). And, you could live in Norway (a pioneer country in homosexual rights) and have a not-so-accepting family. And that’s exactly what happened to Isak.
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Isak has a die-hard Christian-Catholic mother who sends him bible passages everyday via SMS about how homosexuality is a sin and how they will burn in hell. His father is more accepting, but he isn’t that much close to him either, because of the fact that his father seperated with his mother and thus caused the whole family to collapse. And as such, he has problems coming out to his friends and his school, too. Because of his problems with his family, he thinks that people would distance themselves from him once he comes out, so he stays in the closet and pretends to be straight by hooking up with women.
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But that was not the case.
It was merely in his head; the fear of being rejected. I even laughed at the reaction of Jonas when Isak confessed to him that he was gay. He merely shrugged it off like it was normal. Well, it’s Norway after all, nothing unusual.
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Now to the next topic. I won’t beat around the bush. Isak and Even ARE SO SWEET TOGETHER. They care for each other, they understand each other, they’re good for each other, and most of all, they love each other. And as the series progresses, they will find out more about each other — more about what they don’t want each other to find out — Isak having family problems and the fact that he hadn’t come out in school, yet; as well as the fact that he’s slowly becoming jealous of Even’s ex-girlfriend, and the fact that Even is bipolar.
But love… — this show thought me that if there’s one thing that could bypass anything — it’s love.
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Isak and Even — Minute by minute…
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Last, but not the least…
Obviously. The popular muslim girl living in a 90% non-religious country. She is easily the best girl in the series. Tough, and doesn’t take without giving back. Like Noora, she’s tough only on the outside, but actually quite soft in the inside. When it comes to friends, family, or loved ones. I absolutely sympathized with her, too. Being a muslim is Norway is not tough. Like in many european countries, there’s a lot of prejudice on being a muslim, especially a muslim woman since they’re more visible because of the fact that most of them wear the Hijab and some of them wear the Niqab. Most western europeans see ‘that’ as them being forced to wear it, rather than a choice (the Niqab and Burqa are debatable, though).
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But soft. At the same time.
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What I absolutely liked about her are three things:
1.) Dedicated and serious about her religion, but not to the point of extremism. She doesn’t take every word of the Qu‘ran literally (such as homosexuality), but instead takes the values in it. She also doesn’t let her religion affect her social life as she has many Norwegian friends — most of whom have a religion (and tastes — such as drinking alcohol and hooking up) vastly antithesis from hers.
2.) A real friend. And a friend that doesn’t judge. And a friend ready to defend you. She’s all three of that. She’s one of the best of friends you could have.
3.) She isn’t perfect. And that’s what makes me relate to her. The Sana that always burns those who offend her or her friends; the Sana that has perfect grades and want to be a medical doctor in the future; the Sana that has all the wise teachings and quotes for her friends — that’s just all a piece of her. But as we progress in the series, we can see a different Sana — an insecure one, a confused, tired, and heartbroken one.
“War doesn’t start with violence. It starts with misunderstandings and prejudice.” — Sana to Noora
And of course a season can’t be finished without love. I found Yousef’s and Sana’s love story a bit rushed, and it was definitely a weak point in the series. But they were definitely still really sweet with each other.
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I absolutely admired how the five friends managed to still be friends by the end of the series. They managed to overcome tough times — but that’s what friends are for, are they not? They’re supposed to be there for you during tough times whether it involves them or not. And if there’s one thing this series absolutely thought me, it’s that friends matter. Real ones. A lot.
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Least to say, the main characters weren’t the only one that provided lessons. The supporting characters were special, too.
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With Eskild about pride and that it’s not only about celebrating the present, but also the past and the future.
Or William with his obsession with Noora because he knows she loves him. And in the end, dedication truly does get what you want.
I learned a lot.
Not only experiences and funny moments. But also virtues and values that I may apply in real life.
Thank you, Skam — for opening not only my mind, but also my heart.
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raevanmun · 7 years
why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
Apparently you and @symmarilshatterunwra​ are both sadists.I have to preface this response with a little literarydrivel. I am a huge, HUGE fan of transgressive fiction. In my writing I have done my best to adhere tothe basic elements of the genre, though my writing style is often more floridthan is typical. So, all of my characters tend to have deviant pasts, secretsand proclivities that are both a source of relief from lives that are eitherbanal and meaningless or are broken by trauma and sometimes a mixture of thetwo.Usually, a narrative emerges either from some music, a pieceof art, or just musing in general and sometimes through the combined creativeeffort of myself and a writing partner. A few of these characters have beenconceived of with and for partners I have or have had.Raerys (Rosewood) Songbrook - Raerys’ isa compilation of feelings and narratives that I spliced together from writingdone with @symmarilshatterunwra​ and a deep interest in actual cults that I have. I havespent several hundred hours watching various documentaries about religiouscults. Raerys family were involved in a very fringe cult of Sun WorshipingQuel’dorei. In it there is love of power for power’s sake, the corruption thatcomes from that and the fanatical drive to create a “pure” blood line thatwould create the greatest minds in the pursuit of the Arcane. That pursuit of apure bloodline and the use of both religious doctrine and sexual coercion aremain themes in her life, start to finish.Her journey is one of cleansing and redemption, a move towardwholeness and healing after a life of privileged trauma.The next I have to take in Tandem - because their stories areintertwined.Kaereah andPhaedrei Bitterdawn - The Bitterdawn sisters are opposite ends of theemotional and social spectrum. This is due to some really shitty stuff thathappened when they were growing up. They are in truth, half sisters. Phaedreiis the elder of them. Kaereah is the baby of the family and the result ofan “Oooops” their mother had after having been widowed.   Phaedrei is responsible to a fault, is taciturn, cruel and fairly ACE. Headcannon says she's never been with anyone, romantically or otherwise. She's toofocused on her work, on her magic, on herself and the compartments of her life.She is deeply sad, a dank sort of depression eats at her and keeps her at arm'slength from anyone. Kaereah is the opposite side of the same coin. She is gregarious, friendly, andgenerally "open" to people she meets, but then, she's also aprostitute and has been for many years. She is not really open, any more sothan her sister, though she has been in love once. Was hurt terribly, and sincehas walled off her emotions and used sex as a way of life and a weapon since. They are in equal parts the unfortunate reaction to a childhood in which theironly role model found validation in relationships, not in herself or herchildren. Determined not to follow in their mother's footsteps they respondedvery differently, only to arrive at essentially the same emotional place. Theyhate one another, because both judge the other as maladjusted, without seeingthe irony of their situations and having any empathy for the other and all thatthey have suffered.Nolah Blackfyre - Nolah is a amalgamof rogue tropes, which are usually played out by men. I was drawn to her as acharacter because she is a SHE. She is devil may care, full of swagger andpomp, but she's also wears that like a mask, hiding behind it is a ruthlesskiller who no one would ever imagine is capable of the things she is. She isalso, an incurable romantic, seeking for that perfect lover who to quote TheEagles, "won't blow my cover, but they're so hard to find." As I posted ages ago on her tumblr, she is made of cigarettes and song lyrics.She is a poet, a ponderous creature who writes secret poetry and who is tragicin all the ways that rogues usually are.
Kordelaine Sunbriar - Kordelaine ismy idea of a "millennial belf." She likes techno, house and trancemusic. She is into her gadgets, thinks the world is all fucked up but feelspretty powerless to fix it. It sounds strange I know, but she's in no smallpart inspired by both of my sons, one who has had some issues with drugaddiction and depression and the other who is a quiet and very nerdy kid. I was drawn to her as a way to sort of tap into what I enjoy most about millennials.What makes them interesting to me as a GenX'r. Their music, their sardonic viewof the world, their desire for community and connection in a world that isincreasingly small and yet isolated by technology.
Tzilli Bloodsky - I am drawn toTzilli because who doesn't want to play a comic book villain? She's a completeasshole. She's a narcissistic, overly intellectual anarchist who is really justa nihilist. She is in her mind, "Self Made" in the same way that mostAyn Rand female characters are...  whichis also fun to mock and play with. She's really just Ra's al Ghul with tits anda cute face.Selkara Blackvale - Selkarah and herTwin Selakiir are Castor and Pollux. Or were... until something terriblehappened. She was always the darker half, the dangerous one, the thinker ofdeep and dark thoughts. He was the kind one, the sweet one, the good one... andthen the Void. I am drawn to Selkara because she has been utterly undone withher brother's corruption. Thrust from the role of the corruptor into the role of the caretaker has lefther unbalanced, freewheeling and frightened. She now struggles with theknowledge of her brother's slowly creeping madness, to feel him mentally,spiritually and emotionally within her, but unable to affect what is theeventual outcome of his state. The struggle to change horses midstream and become a hero in her own life iswhat is interesting about Selkara, that and her adoration and love for Rey. Reyhas helped to soften her, to support her transformation from shadowy bitch intosomething deeper, more and closer to wholeness. Rila Greenleaf - Rila is the Fool ofthe Tarot, but in female form. She is the child in William Blake's Songs of Innocenceand Songs of Experience. She is moving from utter ignorance through temptation,corruption and with luck, out the other side. I am drawn to Rila's arc in thesame way that anyone who's read De Sade's "Justine" is drawn to thecharacter and the conclusion of her story. How does the madness of absolutelibertinism end if it is born by one of a completely pure soul?
Jonadori Winterborne - Jona has beenbashed around in some pretty unfortunate rp arcs. She's not broken but she'sbeen reworked a bunch and at present I am not sure I am utterly in touch withher. So, I am not sure what to say about her in this respect.
Aembrose/Ambrose Longroad - Aembrose is a side character inRaerys' larger story. I originally made him just to play a part in herprogression, but there has been some interest in maintaining him as acharacter. I just haven't found found his voice yet. I am working on it.
Joaquin Brightquiver - He is a new character, very wetbehind the ears yet, but I am drawn to him because of his romantic and artisticsensibilities. He's a loner, been kicked around a good deal by life, but heloves to pain, he's consumed by his art, wine and women. He could be great, agreat and well-respected painter, but his addictions to alcohol and women whoare trouble keep him from being able to really move forward as an artist. I amdrawn to him, for the voice he offers.I don't usually play men, but when I write him, or plot for him, I feel such astrength of narrative that I feel sort of compelled to see the guy out. We'llsee if I really get under him and into his pov, it is still emerging, but whatI have done with him, I have really enjoyed.
Bryonny Larkspur - Bryonny is not yet entirelyfleshed out, that said... I find that character creation requires interaction,at least to firm up details. However, she's interesting to me from a conceptualpoint of view. Unlike Nolah who is despite her vocation a pretty easy to getalong with lady, Bryonny is far more "muy macho" and I have nicknamedher "The Shootist," in order to make the connection between her andold school male western tropes. She's a female in a man's world, she's mean andruthless.  I haven't written a characterlike her in a long time, and perhaps it is the opportunity to write one again,re-working the idea and refining it that makes her interesting to me.Violet Dal'vir - Violet is theoldest character I have here. She's an Apostate Blood Knight who for manyreasons rejects "current" Sin'dorei culture and wallows in her angstand resentment. She has little use for others, little use for friends orcompanions. The only people she's known for some time who care for her or caredfor her, eventually left her behind because she could not and would not bebudged from her bigotry and her dogmatic and uncompromising dedication to aregime and a world that no longer exists.I like her, because she's kind of my "Uncle Rukus" character. She issocial commentary turned inside out and upside down. If I bring Violet aroundto interact with your characters, you can expect it is because either I thinkyour character is too fluffy, or too edgy. She likes to shave the plumes offone and knock the corners off the other. This is why, in many ways, I equateher with trolling. Greneda Brightmorn - Greneda is thenewest of my characters and I won't lie, I've pretty much fallen in love withher. She is a taste of all my favorite old time movie vixens, mashed up with agood dose of Lucile Ball and Carol Burnett. She feminine exaggerated, she's gota dirty mind, a warm laugh and she loves people, all sorts of people. She likesto use politeness like a weapon, relies heavily on her "Blanche" likemanner when social situations get difficult or taxing, and when she'scomfortable with people or her context, she's a delightful companion.  I am deeply drawn to her, because I lovepeople like her in real life.
Thank you @ouroandarGreat if somewhat difficult question to answer. 
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isaks-even · 7 years
i love how sana’s season seems to tie in with the underlying disfunctionalities of friendships. from s1 julie always emphasised how she wanted to focus on teenage girls and their problems so she slowly established the girl squad who for the most part seemed to have this admirably strong bond, the girls were supportive of each other when they had boy or school or family troubles... but now that we see it all play out from sana’s pov we suddenly become aware of all the cracks, all the miscommunication, the constant little hurts that words/simply being ignorant/not paying attention to someone’s reactions to your comments can cause.
in the previous seasons we might've assumed that sana sometimes felt excluded but now we see just how much they don’t know about her private life. she had always come off as a girl who can’t be fucked with, a girl that is not phased by ugly comments or harrassment (the text on her locker) and who always has a comeback and can shake off any mistreatment easily. but now that we see the close-ups of her, there’s the sadness and the distance and those walls that never fully come down and how she needs to put back the brave/unbothered expression on her face every time vilde makes an ignorant comment or the girls plan an activity/order some food that doesn’t take sana’s religion into account and it must feel like a little cut that won’t kill you but makes you bleed. it’s the constant sores that you have to live with but sometimes new ones catch you unaware... 
sana is so estranged from the other girls that she’s probably never brought them home, never talked about about her brother in detail, likely never talked about her religion with them and certainly never brought up how she finds all of these little things that occur daily so hurtful. i’m sure we’ll get there. i’m sure julie intends to show us that there’s only so much a person can take without breaking down/snapping/retaliating eventually. i hope we’ll see sana making them aware that inaction or assumptions/being inconsiderate are just as hurtful as straight out attacks on a person/their religion.
and we can also see that there’re many layers to friendships and even though the girl squad’s friendship may have seemed like a well functioning one at first glance, we now have an insight that noora makes up lies to get out of group activities, maybe bc she knows the topic of william will be discussed or she’s depressed bc of william, deep down she knows it’s over between them and the girls make it quite clear they want her to get over william. but she’s just not ready to move on and feels like she can’t talk to them about him. there’s always the offers from vilde or eva that they could set her up with someone, like being alone was unhealthy, like she failed somehow with william.
i’m sure the other girls also hurt. chris must hate how easily the others dismissed her breakup with casper, how they never bothered to ask what happened. just bc she tries to be a positive person doesn’t mean she never gets hurt when her relationship is taken as a joke or how awful chris feels when vilde looks in the mirror and exclaims how fat she looks and even though she knows the comment is rooted in vilde’s body dysmorphia it still feels like it’s an indirect criticism of her body... 
we also know vilde basically got together with magnus bc of the others’ comments on how she was not getting any dick and who knows how triggering she finds it when noora reminds her of her eating disorder by pointing out something she eats (even if it’s just an ‘i’m proud of you’), it makes her question whether she should’ve eaten it or was it a jab that she’s eating too much? 
or how eva hates the thought of jonas hooking up with any of the girls (yes, she’s over him but still, no) or how they sometimes jokingly say she has an alcohol problem, and yes, sometimes she gets that feeling that she’s being judged for being promiscuous. these may all seem like small things but they hurt. 
and then there’s sana who feels like an outsider in basically all areas of life except for maybe school (but even then it’s not the same for her - gym class sucks; she still gets the odd looks for wearing a different outfit). it’s the conversations about physicality with boys, it’s the food (’that pork with apples was delicious the other day’), it’s the parties where she’s the only one not drinking/smoking if noora is not there, it’s how they arrange to meet right when it’s prayer time for her and she never points it out to them, it’s the assumptions about her religion/family/values that she’s long stopped trying to correct... the list is endless.
so i really hope julie will educate us about many ways there are to be misunderstood, how to be better and more supportive friends, how not to dismiss the intricacies of every culture and religion, how to live and let live and be considerate and celebrate differences.
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pretend-writer · 4 years
Kids Of The Future (Chapter 1)
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Summary: After time traveling from the apocalypse in 2019, a surprise waits for Diego and Y/N as they arrive at Dallas, Texas circa 1960.
Pairing: Hargreeves x sibling!reader, Diego Hargreeves x reader
Title Reference: Kids Of The Future x Jonas Brothers
Word Count: 1.4k words
Warning: mention of violence
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'Y/N, wake up.'
It took me a while to realize that it wasn't a dream and someone was actually calling my name. Slowly opening my eyes with the energy I had left in me, I woke up in an alley with Diego kneeling right next to me.
Feeling a painful headache shooting through my skull, I squeezed my temples. 'What? What's happening?'
'You were unconscious for a bit.' Diego helped me sit up, 'Five didn't tell us we were supposed to prepare for a dangerous landing.'
All the memories from before suddenly hit me; the apocalypse, our sister Vanya discovering her powers, Cha Cha, Hazel and everything that happened that led us to this moment. Remembering everything made me realize something was missing.
'Where is everybody?' I quickly stood up, turning around every corner as I looked for the rest of our family.
'I don't know- When I got here, it was just us.'
Five always mentioned that time traveling was complicated. It scared me that we were in an unfamiliar alley without the rest of our siblings. Did Five just drop me and Diego off and went elsewhere?
'This is Luther's fault, it's all his fault.' I groaned, panicking about being lost in a middle of an alley where we had no clue where we were. Also angry about how he handled the situation with Vanya, my mind was all over the place.
'It's not just his fault, we took part in it too.'
Raising my eyebrows, I looked over at Diego with a surprised look on my face. 'Wow, did Five take us to a whole different dimension because I swear I just heard you defending Luther.'
'Har har Y/N. You are a comedic genius.' Diego rolled his eyes, 'But I'm serious. Since when did we ever try to build a relationship with Vanya?'
'Uhm I did. While you were too busy looking for Cha Cha and Hazel, Allison and I've been trying to hang out with her more.'
'Ah great. So while I did the busy work, you were chilling and doing nothing. Good to hear.'
'Well, all the busy work didn't matter because Vanya was the bomb this whole time.' I smiled sarcastically, 'Maybe you should've came with us and hung out with Vanya too.'
Diego took a deep breath, placing his hands on his hips as he stared at me with intensity. 'We can't do this 'what if' bull crap. Maybe when we found the file on Jenkins, you could've joined Allison and maybe she wouldn't have had her throat cut off.'
'You know I already feel terrible about that.' Ever since Luther, Diego, Klaus and I drove down to the Jenkins cabin and found Allison lying in a puddle of blood, I couldn't stop thinking about it. 'I thought that you'd needed my help more in jail after you got arrested for Eudora's murder. I was genuinely scared for you.'
'I know, I know.' Diego nodded slowly and walked up to me. 'That's what I mean by not doing the whole 'what if' stuff. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset.'
'No, I'm okay. I thought Allison wouldn't need my help and I just care about you a lot.' I gave half a smile, reassuring him that I wasn't mad about what he had just said.
If I knew that Allison and Vanya seeing each other would turn into an altercation, I would've chose to go with my sister. At the time it looked like Diego needed my help more and I had to stick with him to figure out how to get him out of there.
Maybe it was also the fact that I cared about Diego a lot. We've always had each other's backs since we were little kids and at the time of his arrest, he needed me. I couldn't have him behind bars for something he didn't do.
'Thank you for coming with me, Y/N. I just wish it was a different outcome.' Diego sighed. 'To be fair, if it wasn't for you shifting into a cop to get me out of jail I probably would've died in that apacolypse.'
I smiled as I was happy that Diego appreciated my use of power. 'You know I can't leave without you, Diego.'
Diego eyed me, smiling back and taking a step towards me. He licked his lips, slowly grabbing onto my hand.
'You know I actually stayed with you, for you right? I mean I did think Allison didn't need my help with Vanya bu-'
'I know, Y/N.' He acknowledged my feelings towards him, which everyone knew that I had. 'I'm glad you were with me and it's not only because you helped me out.'
We've always had moments like this where we stared at each other, giving one another cute grins hoping that one of us would make the first move.
Throughout the years, we've both dated different people but in the end we cared too much about each other to let it go. It was perhaps the timing that was bad; maybe this time was the perfect time.
And I think Diego knew as well.
He grabbed onto my hip and pulled me in, slowly leaning in without another word. It was so direct but we've been waiting for so long, there was no more time to waste.
Following his lead, I also leaned in to meet him half way. As I began to close my eyes, something stopped me.
Diego and I both paused, quickly looking each other in the eyes with furrowed eyebrows. 'Uhm, what the fuck was that?'
I knew we were both thinking the same thing as our reaction was the same; some weird noise that came by the dumpster that was in the middle of the alley.
'You want to go check what it is?' I pointed to the direction the noise was coming from.
'I am not going near that dumpster! It can be some weird animal we've never seen.' Diego hid behind me, pushing me towards the noise. 'At least with you, you can shape shift into that animal to blend in.'
'Ugh don't use my powers to excuse yourself from this.' I rolled my eyes, 'But since I'm the braver one I'll go.'
Diego slapped me playfully on my shoulders, 'All I'm saying is that you have an advantage. Nothing to do with bravery.'
I shook my head, ignoring Diego and slowly stepping closer to the noise. Finally getting there, I peeked to see if it was anything harmless.
'What is it Y/N!?'
Tilting my head, I was confused on what I witnessed. As I reached for it, Diego winced. 'W-why are you picking it up!?'
'Don't worry.' I chuckled, carrying it and admiring how adorable it was. 'It's a cute wittle baby.'
Diego scratched his head, 'Why is there a baby behind the dumpster?'
'Just seems like no one wanted it. Poor baby, we should take care of it.' I started patting the baby lightly, 'Diego, check if the baby is a boy or a girl.'
'What!? I don't want to check!' He backed off, as if he was disgusted by it. 'I am not down to play house with this baby. What we need to do is find Five or anyone for that matter so we can go back home.'
I nodded, 'I agree with you but until then we need to find this baby a home.'
Diego looked at the baby, slowly smiled as the baby grinned and giggled. By the way Diego was staring at the baby, I knew that he was slowly giving in.
'Isn't he irresistible!?' I played with his chubby cheeks, making him laugh.
'How do you know it's a he?'
'I don't but whoever is going to change his diaper first will.' I smiled innocently as Diego shook his head. 'Just a guess.'
Diego facepalmed, 'Changing diapers?! How are we going to go from trying to save the world to taking care of a baby?'
'Fine! I'll change his first diaper, can we just please take care of him as we find our siblings?'
He looked at me, then the baby. 'Ugh how can I resist the cute baby face?'
'You're talking about me?' I said sweetly.
'Aha you wish, Y/N.' Diego joked, 'Now come on. Let's see what this place has to offer us.'
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