destielmemenews · 3 months
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liberalsarecool · 3 months
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This is defamation AFTER the rape. Talk about scumbag abuser trust fund assholes, Trump is the biggest.
Wantonly spiteful. Unprovoked cruelty. The misogyny. These are core MAGA values.
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odinsblog · 3 months
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Yusef Salaam was proved innocent by DNA evidence, but not before he served almost seven years for a crime that he did not commit.
Yusuf Salaam was exonerated after being unjustly imprisoned.
Yusuf Salaam was paid almost $8 million in damages.
Yusuf Salaam should sue Charlie Kirk into oblivion.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
My dad was being stalked by assassins, and he evaded them for a time, but eventually his luck ran out. He was caught, and despite resistance, shot in the head. It was all because he had defamed the local marching band.
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What a businessman. He turned the previous $5.5 million dollar ruling against him into an $83.3 million dollar payout against himself.
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sbrown82 · 5 months
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gwydionmisha · 4 months
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enbyhyena · 2 months
ah, so this hasn't happened in a few years. nothing quite like getting publicly mocked by a bunch of ableist strangers online.
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lots of aphobia in the comments, as i'm sure you can imagine. and people calling my diagnosed disorder(s) fake. saying i'm entitled, a kid, a danger to myself, etc.
but when i come to my (very polite) defense...
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you won't guess what happened.
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"white knighting". for coming to my own defense, and doing so in a very polite and mature way, mind you. the mods *know* this is just a cover-up to silence the voices of the people they're trying to oppress, so that their audience can remain in their little echo chamber.
i was at peace with my comment and was going to simply feel vindicated and let myself forget about it. but now i'm fucking angry. i already had to go to bat against r/systemcringe years ago, and i got their post of us nuked off the face of the earth. i am *not* afraid to do it again.
so yeah. if you see this post, please report theirs for hate/harassment. hopefully if we mass-report it, it'll get taken down like it has been in the past.
i'm too tired and apathetic to be hurt by what random strangers think, but i'm not going to take blatant defamation and cyberbullying laying down. if not for my own dignity, then at least for the people who end up on this pathetic subreddit and aren't as jaded as i am. (because this can be legitimately traumatizing.)
here's the original post. go hogwild.
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destielmemenews · 3 months
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batwingsrosa · 3 months
If Harry looked like Lily Snape would harass her-
What the fuck. What.The.Actual.Fuck, my dude.
You are calling him a potential child molester.
This way of thinking is so bloody fucked up that i don‘t even know what to say to that anymore.
If you think like that and draw this conclusion, please get help. Because this is not normal.
Who the fuck would even think that.
This is so wrong on so many fucking levels.
I am sooo done with Snaters. For real.
*mice drop*
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contemplatingoutlander · 10 months
"But then I realized I AM the job. Defaming me is her path to campaign donations, speaking opportunities, and national trips."
--Stephen Richer, Maricopa County Recorder on Kari Lake
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This tweet by Stephen Richer was heart wrenching.
It's NOT okay for MAGA Republicans to make up lies about election officials who are just doing their jobs.
It's NOT okay for MAGA Republicans to stir up their supporters to repeatedly harass an election official--all because they can't admit they lost an election.
And it is certainly NOT okay to do so as a way of staying in the spotlight and soliciting donations--and perhaps auditioning to become Trump's VP. 😬
Ironically, Stephen Richer is a Republican.
But being a Republican didn't save him from being targeted by a corrupt politician like Kari Lake.
It is past time that someone made her accountable for her lies.
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odinsblog · 3 months
BREAKING: Jury orders Donald Trump, the leading Republican presidential candidate, to pay $83.3 million in damages for defaming E. Jean Carroll.
The seven-man, two-woman jury needed less than three hours to reach the verdict. The payout far exceeded the minimum $10 million that Carroll had been seeking.
The jury awarded her $18.3 million in compensatory damages and $65 million in punitive damages.
(continue reading)
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one-time-i-dreamt · 10 months
I said something defamatory about a big YouTuber in a video and they sent me two thick packets of paper threatening to sue me.
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tomasitaoficial · 3 months
Okay, I already got the courage to do this.
Warning in advance that what is below the Cut has mentions of sexual things and harassment, But you all need to read this.
A person has been defaming me among their friends, and what has that person said about me? that I have 'sexually abused' them and that I am transphobic, which is totally false, but I must admit that it is very difficult for me to adapt to that topic and especially if a friend of mine that I have known all my life changes their pronouns and name, It will cost me but eventually I will treat you however you want, The problem here is that the person who is slandering me simply changed their name and pronouns TOO MUCH (Which in fact, What kind of pronouns are 🧃 and a 🦴?), I don't want sound rude or anything, But if you want to change your pronouns and name, I feel like you should be 100% sure that you want to change your name and pronouns so that you're not changing them all the time, And I understand if you're confused, But don't change so many times your name, And I mention it because that person changed their name MANY TIMES to the point where I was already confused and didn't know what to call them.
now, with the issue of me abusing them, it's false, they say that I asked them for naked photos and so on, which is false, because it took me out of context because there was a time when I was sending the lyrics of a song so that my friends can continue with the lyrics and it's something fun, The problem here is that THAT person, they took me out of context by uploading a photo cut from my message saying 'Let me appreciate your nudity', Which I repeat, It's part of the song named 'propuesta indecente' (It's a song in Spanish and there was a time where everyone on TikTok sent the lyrics of the song and to their own friends to followed it) and I'm more than sure they know the song
also that one of my friends asked what was going on between us and that person took it as if my friend was laughing at them and My Friend apologized, and do you know what they did? Laughing at their apology and left my friend feeling very bad emotionally.
I must also mention that this person pretended to be called something (they confirmed that their name was Judas and it was not like that, but I will not say their real name out of respect), and they also pretended their age, they are the same age as me (I am minor), to then pretend they are 9 years old and then pretend they are 17 years old, I mention this because they are been 'stalking' me, and if that person is really 17 years old, then what the fuck are they doing harassing me?
Also that they tried to tell all those lies to a friend of mine and I was not happy with it at all.
Not only did they tell me not to tell anyone but they started telling several people and I couldn't stay silent so I told my friends and family about this whole thing, But I did tell both sides, Thing that that person didn't do.
I also want to mention that this person justified Hitler by saying that he only wanted to be an artist and things about communism, putting things like “Hitler's era” and “Putin's daughter” in their biography.
but I also want to mention OTHER things, This person sent Gore to a roleplay group just because a person who played a girl acted like a girl, they were the person who made chains in my Group saying 'ANAL SEX' and things like that, For us It was slightly funny since that's how we treated each other, but it also took me out of context by following the chain.
which by the way, That person sent me a video that I could only watch once and the video said something like 'You lost the only person who loved you, You lost your place in my heart (get it back)' and I'm like wtf? They say they forget me and a lot of other things but it seems that they are obsessed with me since I have blocked them from everywhere but they keep appearing on my social, And recently, They sent me an anonymous question in RUSSIAN that says: “Дорогая Томасита, я все еще раньше может быть, это что-то новое... Но это точно НЕ привязанность :0!!1!1!1” which would be translated as “ Dear Tomasita, I still remember you... But I no longer feel the same hatred for you as before, maybe this is something new... But this is definitely NOT affection :0!!1!1!1”, I don't know if they tries to scare me or something. My intention was never to hurt anyone, and I admit that I have been a complete idiot before, but not enough to harass someone just because I want and say that I am 17 years old when it is not true.
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Here is a photo of the anonymous question, So that you all can see that I don't lie (And I would never lie about a topic like this because you have to be very stupid to lie about something like this)
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And here is the proof that they said they were 17 years old.
And even say that they felt satisfaction in seeing me cry, Throw a tantrum and say that I didn't do anything (In fact, I didn't even cry for them because the whole accusation looked and looks very false, I had just been enjoying my September 18th like Any Chilean would do, and so on, At no time did I cry for them.)
Which by the way, I almost forgot to mention, Their two accounts are 'sayariff' and 'meimailefuu' so you all can block them if you all receive a notification from them, I DON'T WANT you to go and give hate messages, Because that's overkill even more of the line.
And one thing that's a little irrelevant, is that they said that I didn't say Happy Birthday to them and that they cried all night because of it and that they felt angry/sad because my friends didn't give them a good birthday (And man, Isn't being told a happy birthday enough for you? I don't want to sound rude, but we live in other countries.)
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Translation of the text ↓
Someone who starts with “*” and ends with “****” didn't even feel like telling me happy birthday, And since I'm very traumatized, I thought she hated me and I cried all night, And also someone who starts with "*" and it ends with "*****" didn't even make an effort to celebrate me well on the filthy birthday that everyone forgot (It's no longer worth crying to someone who barely pays you any attention, ***, Eugh)
Obviously I censored my name and my friend's name
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There it clearly says 'Happy early birthday' come on
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Translation of the text ↓
I'm starting to enjoy being cruel to some who are slightly immature and childish, I like to see them desperately looking for some mature apology so as not to disappoint me, PFFF, in the end they discover that they had already done it years ago and they collapse (who forgives , is already on the Cross)
And another thing a little more irrelevant, They compared my Zamir x Katherine ship (oc x oc) with that of Elizabeth Afton x William Afton, That is extremely disgusting (And also that the Zamir x Katherine ship is simply a joke, Obviously)
So, if this progresses further, I will reblog this post with the information
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