#degrassi x reader
Hi there! Could I get Campbell Saunders x gem reader headcanons where instead of getting back with Maya after she kisses Zig, he breaks up with her officially and he gets with the reader instead and they’re just super fluffy and maybe she helps him with his mental health? She encourages him to quit hockey since it’s making him unhappy and to instead play basketball since he liked it. Just an overview of them having an actual overview of their supportive and loving relationship! Thank you — 🪼🫧✨
Hello there! And of course you can! I must say, I paused re-watching Degrassi so I could be a bit rusty in Campbells Character. Please have mercy with me! >~< Fandom: Degrassi Characters: Campbell Saunders, Reader, Mentions of Maya and Zig Warnings: Mention of mental health issues, a bit swearing and angst, fluuuff~
Cam was SO disappointed in Maya, when she told him that she kissed Zig but he felt like he couldn't really be mad at her, seeing how he behaved before.
good thing, his best friend was next to him and went off on Maya for him.
"Cam may could have behaved differently, that is right, but you! You kissed someone else! That is cheating plus it was your best friends boyfriend?! Who does that?! Cam has every fucking right to be disappointed!" Said boy was flabbergasted at the outbreak of his best friend. Not only him but all present people. He let himself get dragged away from the Scene, Maya calling out to him but Cam didn't hear it.
It took a long and intense talk and many snacks with Cam to assure him it is okay to feel how he does right now
He wanted to reconcile with Maya at first but the conversation with you made him reconsider, thinking that maybe it was better to not go back.
Maya tried to win him back for a few weeks with Zig trying to get her all the while Tori was furious wit both of them
In the meantime, you and Cam got even closer then before as in, the shy boy actually got every ounce of bravery together to ask you out! Of course you said yes, duh!
Cam waspacing the hallway up and down, mumbling something under his breath while Tori watched him doing so. "Just...do it! I bet you won't get rejected!" His steps came to a stop and he looked at Tori with an incredulous look. The boy was nervous, more nervous than he was before any Hockey game. "But...what if I do get rejected? I would destroy or friendship! Maybe we won't ever talk again and" "Aaallright. Stop! This won't happen. I am absolutely sure about that!" "You are sure about what?" Cam spinned around so fast he almost tripped over his own feat when you popped up behind them both. "Nothing!" Tori rolled her eyes befor giving Cam a soft nudge with an encouragin smile before she said goodbye and left. You thought it was weird how she just left. "I am sorry, did I interrupted-" "Wilyougooutwithme?!" You blinked slowly, once, twice. Trying to process what Cam asked you before your cheeks started to get warmer. The hockeyplayer was almost sure you would reject him efore you smiled brightly at him. "Of course!" A weight was lifted from Cams heart and the boy smiled as brightly as you.
Cam started to open up to you and you realised the boy has problems that should be taken serious
So you started to actively help Cam an you started by getting him out of this damn Hockey Team that was everthing that good for him
"I can't! They need me and you know that! I am the best player on the team!" A sigh left your lips at how stubborn Cam was. He was indeed right but you can see how bad it was for him. "I know and you are! But Cam, these people aren't good for you! Look at how they are! You aren't like that! You are so much better than these Jerks!" Cam opens his mouth as if wanting to say something but nothing came out. He was defeated, easily by you. He coulder never go against you even less when you take his hand in yours and look at him with those lovely eyes of yours. Oh shoot! He is starring again!
It was hard, at the beginning to not be the perfect Cam anymore. To no be a member of the Hockey Players and all but you could easily see how much better off Cam was.
Cam was still a bit awkward but he cheered up so much without the his Teammates pressuring him and all that.
His mental health was, of course, not magically cured and the problems are still there but it was hard for Cam to come to terms that he was, in fact, not healthy.
You had many conversations with him about his mental health. You are no doctor so you can't say for sure what is wrong but you know there was something.
Cam didn't liked to talk about it and at first he sometimes blocked conversation fully.
But you still stayed at his side and encouraged him to try out therapy.
Cam was so scared. He was glad when you offered to accompany him.
You not only brought him there, he wanted you to sit with in. Seeing that you are his biggest support he really needed you there.
He hold your hand so tightly, he apologized afterwards for it.
Cam is so gratefull for you, in everyway.
You helped him get out of the Hockey team, supporte him from start to now with his journey on getting better with his mental health, you have so much patience and what not. He could talk about you from dawn to dusk. In short, he loves you much more than anyone else.
I hope you like it!
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redframedlips · 1 year
Getting Hitched
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“I can’t believe how big this house is,” you say as you trail behind Spinner and Jane. “Declan is so lucky.”
“Right?” Jane agrees. “I thought the same thing when I first saw it.”
“This isn’t your first time here?” Spinner asked, glancing at his girlfriend. 
“Oh, yeah,” Jane says quickly, her eyes widening for a second before she takes Spinner’s hand in hers. “When Declan and I had that project for school. I told you about it, remember?”
He looked in thought for a second, using his free hand to slide open the door. “Right,” he trailed off, seeming to have completely forgotten that she ever told him about the ‘project’. 
Jane quickly looked away from him. “Oh! There’s Holly J,” she said, pulling her hand from his. “I’m going to change really quickly.” She reached up and pecked Spinner’s cheek before taking off across the backyard, disappearing inside a tent. 
You, having watched the whole exchange, furrowed your brows as you stood next to your close friend. “That was weird,” 
“Yeah,” he said, looking over at the tent before his eyes locked onto the sizable barbeque. “Hey, there’s Declan.” 
His hand brushes your arm as he steps away from you. 
“I’m gonna go say hi,”
“Okay,” you say back, crossing your arms over your tank top covered chest. You glance around the backyard, your eyes meeting Peter’s.
“Hey, Y/n!” He said from his place in the pool.
You smile back, walking over and sitting down on the edge. Seeing as you weren’t in your bathing suit, you only drop your legs in the water, letting it cool your skin from the hot sun. “Hi, Pete,”
He floats next to your legs, splashing you a bit. “I thought you weren’t coming?” He asks. “Thought Spin had to work.”
“He did, but Emma’s back in town and he, like, hired her or something,” you tell him. “She took over his shift.”
“Ah,” he says, pouring a handful of water on your legs. “You should come in.”
“Yeah,” you trail off, looking over at the tent that was being used as a change room. “Maybe I’ll do that.” 
You stand up, accidently bumping into Spinner as you do so. “Careful,” he laughs, his hands stopping you from stumbling any further. “Are you going in?”
“I was thinking of it,” 
The two of you start walking towards the tent. “Nice,” he grinned at you. “Mind if I join you after I get Holly J’s order? Declan can’t grill anything right, even if you paid him.”
You laugh, bumping your shoulder into his. “Of course I don’t mind,”
As you near the tent, you both hear a sharp gasp that sounded an awful lot like Jane. You share a confused look before Spinner reaches out to the tent. “Yes, it’s still raw,” Jane says. “Let’s just say I won’t be swimming in Declan’s pool.”
Spinner’s brow raised slightly then he shakes his head, glancing back at you as Holly J speaks up, “You’ve taken that dip before,”
Your ears perk up at that, your eyes shooting to meet Spinners. “Wow, are we really talking about this?”
“Hey, it worked out for both of us,” Holly J says and Jane hummed in agreement. “Spinner never found out, Declan and I fell in love, plus I think the boys are even bonding over fire.”
“Thank God it went into the vault, huh?” You could hear the relief in Jane’s voice. You bite down on your bottom lip, your hand reaching out to graze your friends. 
“As if Declan’s going to brag to Spinner about sleeping with you,” Holly J laughs. 
“I’m so done with high school drama,”
You stop listening after that, tugging on Spinner’s hand. “Come on, Spin,” you say quietly. “Let’s just go.”
He stood there, still as a statute as he took in his girlfriend’s words. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, the tent’s wall was pushed open.
“Spin!” Jane’s cheery voice cut through the silence. “Hey, what’s the matter? You afraid of a little horse- what?” She cut herself off when Spinner pushed her off him. 
He glared at her, his hand slipping from yours as his entire body tensed up. “You think I’m stupid, Jane?”
Jane tucks her hair behind her ear, confusion on her face. “Okay, what? What is wrong?”
You share a look with Holly J, who had stepped out of the tent as well. She looked equally as confused, and you looked equally as pissed. “Good old Spinner won’t even know,” he muttered.
“Know what?”
It seemed like Jane’s genuine confusion was his last straw as he steps towards her. “I heard you!” He yelled, pointing to the tent behind her. “In there, talking about Declan. You had sex with him, didn’t you?”
Jane’s eyes immediately filled with tears as she shook her head. “It didn’t mean anything, I swear. I swear, Spinner,”
“How long?” He asked, Jane’s heartbroken face adding fuel to the rage that was burning inside him. “How long did you guys..”
“Two weeks,” Jane answered, making Spinner close his eyes as he stepped away from her. “It was months ago and that’s what I’m trying to say. It’s over. It’s so over, Spinner.”
Holly J meets your eyes, a guilty look on her face as you shake your head at her. Some friend she was.
“So everything since then, every minute has been a lie?” Spinner’s emotions were beginning to get the best of him, you could tell by the way his voice was beginning to break. 
“No,” Jane whimpered, glancing behind her very angry boyfriend. Spinner looked behind him as well, his anger growing at the sight of the guy who helped him get cheated on. “No, no, Spin, don’t.” Jane was too late as Spinner had already punched Declan square in the face, knocking the boy down to the ground. 
“Spinner!” Holly J yelled, making him whip back around and point at her. 
“Oh, shut up!” He screamed, making her put a hand on her mouth. You take a second to look down at Declan, who looked baffled beyond belief. “You knew about this!”
Jane shook her head, tears freely flowing down her face as she stared at her furious boyfriend. 
“Good luck, with the rest of your life,” he said, backing away from Jane, his eyes broken and angry at the same time. 
“Please,” Jane’s words weren’t even audible at this point. 
“I’m glad it’s happening far away from mine,” with that, he turned around and stormed off towards the house.
You shake your head as Jane starts sobbing. Holly J wraps her arms around her as you take off after your heartbroken friend. 
“Spinner!” You call out as you exit through the front door. You reached his car just as he started the engine, your hands placed firmly on the passenger’s side window. “Where are you going?”
“Away from here,” he said, his eyes staring forward as heavy breaths left his mouth. “You can come if you want, but I can’t be here a minute longer.”
At that, you quickly open the door and sit beside him. As soon as the door was closed, his right hand was placed on the back of your seat. He expertly reversed out of the crowded driveway and sped off towards town. 
You couldn’t believe Jane. How could she hurt him in the worst possible way when he was nothing but good to her? 
The silence was beginning to become unbearable, but you also didn’t know what to say.  “Spin-”
“Did you know about this?” He cuts you off and you physically move back at his question, as if it was an attack on your person. 
“What?” You ask, trying not to sound offended when it was he who just had his heart thrown on the ground. “No. I didn’t know about it.”
He glanced over at you, his hard and cold features softening for a second as you met his eyes. “No,” he repeated, more so to himself. “Of course you wouldn’t know about this. You’re not like them.”
You refrain from grabbing his hand that was tightly gripping the steering wheel. “Spinner,” you say quietly. “I’m so sorry.”
He looks over at you again, his hurt and teary eyes finding comfort in yours. Before he could say anything, the sound of sirens filled the air, making him look forward again. “Woah,” he stopped the car outside The Dot. Or what was left of it. 
Your eyes widen as you take in the scene before you. “What the-”
Spinner was out of the car the second it was turned off. 
“Spinner!” Emma said breathlessly as she ran over to him, her face covered in dirt and grime. 
“What’s going on?!” He asked as you rounded the front of the car, your eyes fixated on the smoke that left the building in dark clouds. 
“Spinner I am so sorry,” Emma nearly cried. “I already called 911.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yes,” she said quickly. “Spinner, everyones fine. The sandwich maker-”
“I told you not to touch it,” he said, his eyes flickering from her to the building behind her. 
“I know! I know,” she said, rushing off to the side to where Manny was standing. 
“Oh, my God,” were the only words you could mutter as the sirens grew louder. 
Spinner glanced over at you, his arm reaching out to you. He pulled you back so you were standing next to him.
“It might not be that bad,” as soon as Emma said that, an explosion was heard and all the windows gave out, shattering glass in every direction. Spinner’s arm was around your neck in less than a second, moving your body so it was mostly covered by his. 
Bits and pieces of glass hit your backs, but nothing drew blood. You pulled away once it was safe to do so, your heart dropping to your stomach at the broken look on Spinner’s face. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, brushing the rocks and shards from your shoulders. 
“I’m fine,” you say, taking his hand in yours as you both look over at The Dot. 
Or, once again, what was left of it.
“This has been the worst week of my life,” Spinner muttered as you entered the bar. 
“I know,” you say sadly, running your hand up and down his arm. “But luckily, there are ways to make it better.”  You extend your arm out to the many bottles of alcohol that line the shelves behind the bar. 
“I don’t know,” he trailed off. “Getting wasted just because I got my heart broken? Doesn't sound like me.”
“Would you rather go back home and sit on your couch for the rest of the night while you know who blows up your phone?”
“No, not really,”
“Then hush,” you grab his hand and take him over to the bar. 
One drink in and you were hardly feeling the effects that come with drinking alcohol. But, Spinner seemed to be in a much better mood, thankfully, so you had nothing to complain about. 
He looks over at you, an unreadable look on his face. “Thank you for not leaving me alone since, well, you know what,” he says quietly. “I thought I needed some time away from everyone, but I guess I just needed you.”
You grin at him, copying his position by placing your elbow on the bar top, your head resting against your palm. “No problem,”
He stares at you, a small smile forming on his lips. “God, you are beautiful,”
Your face heats up as you turn away from him. “I didn’t know you were such a lightweight,” you joke, running your finger around the rim of the glass. 
“I’m not,” he said, reaching over to grab your free hand with his. “I don’t know why I’ve never told you that before.”
You shrug. “It’s no big deal. You were in a relationship for a long time,” you murmur. “You’re not too bad looking yourself.”
Spinner laughs, the sound bringing a smile to your face. “Do you want to do something really stupid?” He asks, leaning closer to you. “Like, really stupid?”
You hum. “Depends on what it is,” He moved even closer to the point where he was now hovering over the bar stool. His hand caresses your face as he leans down. Without warning, his lips press to yours. You sit in shock for a second before you pull away, keeping your face close to his. “Why did you do that?” You nearly whisper. 
“Impulse, I guess,” he muttered back, brushing his nose against yours. “Do you want to do something even more stupid and impulsive?” 
“Yes,” you answer quickly. 
“Let’s go get married,” he said, surprising you. “Right now.”
You look at him in shock. “Now that is a stupid idea,” you say against his mouth, kissing him again. “But I’m all in.”
And that was how you found yourself running down the streets of Niagara Falls, your hand clasped in Spinner’s, a shiny, but cheap, ring on your finger. “Did we just do that?” You asked as you stopped outside the hotel. 
“I think we did,” he said, grinning down at you, his hand tightening around you. “How could I have been so blind all this time? All I could have ever wanted has been right in front of me, all this time.”
You stand on the tips of your toes, brushing your lips against his. “Sometimes, life can surprise us,” you shrug. “I’m scared, though. What if you wake up tomorrow, with a much clearer mind, and regret this? We just got married without even dating first. What if this doesn’t work out?”
He grinned again, kissing you properly. Your back presses to the bricked wall behind you, your hands moving up to tug on his hair. “I love you, Y/n,” he said. “I think I always have.”
His words make your head fuzzy, a calmness taking over your body.
“We’ve been friends for years, and we’ve made it this far,” he points out. “And if you wake up and want to get a divorce or annulment or whatever, that’s totally fine, but I know that I won’t want to. I wasted enough time with the wrong people.”
You shake your head, your hand trailing his chest. “I love you, too, Spinner,” you say back. “I know I always have.”
“Does this mean you’re now officially Y/n Mason?”
“I think it does,”
“Wow,” he said, his fingers gently holding your chin. He tilted your head upwards, his forehead resting against yours. “I can’t believe you’re my wife.”
“I can’t, either,” you say before kissing him again, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and pulling him closer to you. 
Sometimes life really can surprise you.
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desmondsbae · 1 year
HALP!!! Does anyone know of any spinner x reader stories for degrassi? I literally only found 1 😭
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imagineryupfuckedworld · 10 months
Hey I wanted to tell you that you are an amazing writer and I was wondering if I could request a story. Can you do Eli Goldsworthy x reader with prompt 8?
Hey hey! Thank you! Comments like that mean so much to me (●♡∀♡) and of course you can!!! Please let me know what you think about this!
Fandom: Degrassi Next Generation Characters: GN!Reader (I tried!), Elijah "Eli" Goldsworthy Warnings: Fluff, maybe a bit OOC (I tried my best), not proofread
Prompt: babe. my love. song in my heart. are you purring 
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Eli sometimes hates everything. Okay, maybe more often than sometimes. He hates Degrassi High. The Teachers. The students. His friends. The way everyone sticks their nose in things that aren't about them. Even his parents. A heavy sighed escaped his lips. "What are you thinking about?" A voice interrupted his train of thoughts softly as if not wanting to aggravate him. "About how I hate everything and everyone." "Okay, rude." A low chuckle escaped him when he heard the pout in his lovers voice. Eli was tempted to open his eyes to look at the expression of them but he was too content with how he was. His eyes closed, listening to the their heartbeat while a hand caressed his head. The goth tried to burrow his face deeper into the chest he laid on but sadly, it wasn't possible. He was as close as he could be. The heartbeat started make him drowsy. His lovers hand started to weave through his hair, slightly massaging his scalp. It was a pleasant feeling which made him relax even further into the body beneath him. It was silent for a couple minutes and Eli was about to open his mouth to say something but his words got stuck in his throat. "Babe. My love. Song in my heart. Are you purring?!" Brown eyes ripped open wide and Elis head shot up, looking at his lovers face. "What?! No! Are you delusional?!" A gasp left their lips at the question, prompting them to hit him with a Pillow. "I am not! And you SO purred! I didn't know you could do that!" "I did NOT purr! You're imagine things!" "Nu-uh! I am pre~tty sure I heard you purring!" Eli just rolled his eyes. "And here I was about to say that I do not hate everything and everyone, good thing I didn't!" "Rude!"
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random-imaginess · 11 months
Recently I have discovered your Eli Goldsworth x Reader fanfics and I am in LOVE. So I was wondering if I could request something?
I was thinking a Eli Goldsworty x Gender Neutral Reader. With prompts 2 and 26. Something with how the reader has had an awful day with anxiety and Eli is there to comfort them.
Thank you! Never stop writing, your work is INCREDIBLE!!!
Hello!! I am SO VERY SORRY to make you wait! I appreciate your words so much and I hope I did this request justice! I love writing for Eli and I have a few more that I've been trying to post, so those will come as soon as I can get them done!! The intro is kind of long but I tried to at least mention him a little bit before getting to the main point of the fic. Might be pointless to mention, but I did add a 'read more' cause it's a bit loooong. Eli Goldsworthy x Gender Neutral Reader Prompts: 2: "You're not fine. And you don't have to pretend that you are with me." 26: "Can you come pick me up?"
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"Hey! You need to wake up." Your mom shouted at you as she stormed in your room. Jolting awake, you looked at her with confusion for answers but was only met with her back turning to you as she walked back out. Your confusion quickly turned to irritation and anger as your forced yourself to sit up. "What's going on?" You called out after her but got no response.
The confusion quicky turned to irritation and anger as you forced yourself to get out of bed to seek answers. This was the farthest from how you envisioned spending your Saturday and you didn't appreciate the abruptness of it all. You let out a loud groan as you trudged after her, finally registering that the vacuum was running and your dad picking things up in that general area.
Something was happening, but you didn't have the slightest idea what. "What's happening?" You asked again once your mother was in earshot. "We're having company over this evening, you need to hurry and get yourself together so you can help us get things ready. You knew this was happening and you're not doing anything to help out."
She scolded you as she organized an area with paper plates and napkins and things. Your brows furrowed even further as you tried to remember what she was talking about. Something had been mentioned months ago about some work thing your father was going to be part of, but you were never specifically told anything about it. "Is this for dad's work?" "Yes, now stop wasting time and get ready. I need you to run to the store and pick up a cake order and some extra packs of sodas.
"Ok, well you never actually told me about any of this..." "Y/n, stop arguing and just do it." Your father chimed in after shutting off the vacuum. It wasn't your fault they failed to inform you about any of this and it just made you even more angry that they were taking it out on you.
Without saying anything else, because you knew it wouldn't have made any difference, you stormed back to your room and slammed the door behind you. You hated the fact that you were always the last to know about things, especially when these things were happening at YOUR house. The lack of communication completely infuriated you, even more so because you had brought it up countless of times before and they STILL lacked the consideration to include you.
Changing out of your night clothes, you grabbed your keys and whatever info you needed to pick up the cake and stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind you. It felt like a cannonball of events after that moment that just piled on top of your bad mood. Maybe it was just in your head, but it didn't help that everyone seemed to be having a short fuse that day.
From the people you picked the cake up from, to people driving on the roads. You stopped at The Dot to pick up a coffee, something that was supposed to help you take your mind off of everything. Something that was intended to be that piece that brought some joy out of the horrible start you had. You tried to hold yourself together so you didn't get too overwhelmed, ignoring everything as much as you could. But you were already at a point where even the smallest thing could set you off.
The back of your throat tightened as you placed your order, staring at the scrunched up face of the barista as she told you to speak louder because she couldn't hear you. You wanted to say never mind and just leave but you were frozen in place. You repeated your order, hoping she didn't hear the crack in your voice, and you pushed forward.
You wanted to retreat. To curl up into a ball and disappear but your parents gave you no opportunity to do that. You returned home with everything and it was nonstop moving around and being told what to do and scolded and made to feel like you couldn't do anything right to help them get things ready.
And then they arrived. It couldn't have been more than 15 people who showed up, but you didn't know any of them. What was the point of you needing to be there if it was a work related thing? Why would it be rude if you stayed in your room so you didn't feel like you were just in the way?
Eventually you managed to get out for some fresh air, taking a seat on the front porch. You wanted an escape. Eli was always the first person you thought of when you needed time away. He was your best friend and probably the only person who was able to help take your mind of things.
Dialing his number, you listened to it ring a few times, hoping he'd pick up. "Hello?" Sigh of relief. "Hey, are you doing anything right now?" You bit the inside of your lip, attempting to stop yourself from thinking about everything. It almost felt stupid that you were letting everything affect you as much as it was. "Hi! Uh, nope. I'm not doing much of anything right now."
You nodded your head like he could see you. "Can you come pick me up?" You wondered if your tone sounded strange over the phone, but as soon as you asked the question, your throat dried up and it hurt to swallow as you tried to keep yourself from breaking. "I mean, if you wanted to do something? It's just my parents are having some party with a lot of people from my dad's work and doing literally anything else would be a lot more fun than staying here," you let out a nervous laugh, attempting to play it off that nothing was wrong.
But Eli was pretty perceptive, even when he couldn't see the expressions on your face. "No, of course. I was thinking of watching all of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies, we could pick up some drinks and snacks, make it a whole thing." "That sounds awesome." You stood up and quickly went inside to gather some of your things.
When you finally got to Eli's house, said your hellos to Cece and Bullfrog and got set up in Eli's room. It wasn't until you got to the 1995 Next Generation movie that he brought anything up. He knew something was up when you were talking on the phone but figured you'd say something on your own if you wanted to. But when it didn't seem like you were ever going to say anything, he contemplated if he should leave it alone or try to figure out what was going on.
"You're being awfully quiet, are you ok?" You looked over at him after plopping some popcorn into your mouth, giving a slight shrug. "Yeah, I'm fine. We're watching movies, you're supposed to be quiet." "Sure, if you're at a theater. But we're here and our movie nights usually involve a lot more talking." He nudged you gently with his elbow.
You just looked at him and gave him a weak "reassuring" smile before plopping more popcorn into your mouth and turning your attention back to the movie. You didn't want to ruin anything with the mood you were in. You were trying so hard to keep things normal and light but it apparently wasn't working.
"Hey," he nudged you again to get your attention. He wasn't going to let you brush it off now like you wanted to do. "Are you ok?" You looked at him again and nodded your head. "Yes, I'm fine." "You're not fine. And you don't have to pretend like you are with me." You let out a sigh and went back and forth on whether or not you should say anything about it. You'd most likely just end up downplaying the entire thing, but you knew he wouldn't stop pushing until you opened up.
"I just wanted to get away for a little bit. Today was stressful and my anxiety was going through the roof, I wanted a distraction." "What happened that had you so stressed?" His tone was softer now and you knew if you looked at him all of the emotions you had tried to stuff down inside you would burst through the surface.
You shrugged your shoulders, subconsciously picking at a piece of dead skin on your thumb. "Just a lot of stupid things... I got woken up by my mom barging into the room and yelling at me, saying people were coming over and that I knew about it, but I didn't. They didn't say shit to me about it and they acted like I'm supposed to be some mind reader.
I had to pick up some stupid cake from the store and there was complications with that because someone there filled out the paper wrong and I got yelled at for it. Then when I went to go get coffee it felt like everyone had attitude or people's tones were off and I know that was probably all in my head but it just piled on to everything. I couldn't isolate or else I was being rude, which is stupid because why would it matter if I wasn't at some work party with people I don't know? What would I talk to them about? That's like me showing up to some tennis seminar and talking about dung beetles--" Eli opened his mouth to say something but hesitated and let you continue.
"There's no consideration when it comes to communicating these things with me. I never know things are happening until the very last second or, if I'm lucky, a day before. And it clearly doesn't matter what my feelings are about it because I've told them many times that I'd appreciate it if they actually talked to me and kept me in the loop so I have time to prepare myself but nothing ever changes. Instead they just wake me up out of a perfectly good deep sleep to yell at me."
After a few seconds you looked over at him as he sat there speechless. "You asked, so there it all is.." "No, no, it's all perfectly fine. Just.. make sure you breathe, okay? And I'm not just talking about after unloading all of... that, 'cause I don't think you stopped for air once." You couldn't help yourself but laugh at that and you knew he was just trying to help make you feel better.
"I'm sorry, I.." "Don't apologize. What just happened is very valid, and you should be able to feel like you can openly express things like that whenever you need to. You have a safe space with me, you know that, right?" Just hearing that caused a knot to form in your throat. Logically you did know that. You knew he was one of the safest people you knew who you could confide in and you trusted him completely, but it was the thoughts in the back of your mind telling you that he wouldn't want all of that negativity dumped on him. Everyone has their own shit that they have to deal with, why would they wanted stuff added to it?
But Eli wasn't like that. He was very open and he listened and he only ever pushed when he felt he needed to. And you were the exact same way with him. Your relationship was as solid as it gets, so it was always a wonder to you why you let yourself believe that he wouldn't want to hear your grievances.
"I do, yeah. I'm sorry, I just didn't want to ruin anything and put on damper on things. We're supposed to be having a fun relaxed time, right?" "Exactly right. But we can't do that if you're still stuck in your head, can we?" He gave you a knowing smile. "You're not going to ruin anything by talking about what's bothering you, so throw that idea away right now. It's going to feel silly, but I think we should take in one big deep breath and release it and then we can go back to our gory movie fest, alright?"
You let out another nervous chuckle, feeling like you just wanted to forget about it all and go back to ignoring the issue, but he was right. You wouldn't be able to completely enjoy anything if you were still holding on to things you had no control over. You finally nodded in agreement and repositioned yourself so you were sitting up straighter.
"Ok, ready? Breathe in.." Eli instructed, motioning his movements as he took in a deep breath with you. He counted to three on his fingers, held it for a second and then released. "And breathe out." Already you were feeling your shoulders relax, realizing that you had been holding all of that tension. "Let's do it one more time." "You said just once!" "I know what I said, let's just do another one." You let out an exaggerated groan but laughed. Closing your eyes for a few brief moments, you straightened yourself up again and repeated the exercise.
When you released the breath, you looked at him again, seeing his brows raised and his dorky smile plastered on his face. "Feel better?" "Yes," you drew out the reply, smiling as you moved back into a comfortable position. "I do feel better. Thank you." You looked at him once more, smiling genuinely. "Not to get all corny or anything, but I think I would probably go insane if I didn't have you as a best friend." He gave a little shrug of his shoulder. "It's what we do. You do the same for me. You ready for more leatherface?" "I sure am!"
Eli rubbed his hands together in excitement and reached for the remote and pressed play. The energy in the room felt completely different now and you couldn't have been more appreciative of Eli.
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mssturniolo · 1 year
If you want to request any stories just message me or comment. I do smut and anything else it can be x reader or a ship
I do stories for
Please don't be weird
Smut - 😈 fluff - 🫂 angst - 🙁
If you want to add a show or movie or a YouTubeer just tell Me I will see I seen the show or movie or YouTuber
Outer banks
Jj maybank
First time - 😈
Goodbye my good friend -🙁
Just helping a friend - 😈
What a night - 😈
Jason todd
What best friends do (Jason Todd x F READER (Titans) - 😈
Sturniolo triplets
Part 1 I love you - 🙁😈
Nate doe
Jake webber
Johnnie guilbert
Sam & colby
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walnut-warhead · 21 days
Craig Manning x loser!reader
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A/N: Yeah I wrote Craig Manning x loser!reader and who’s going to stop me! Jkjk but I hope the 5 of you that are still in this fandom will read this. My requests for any Degrassi character is open so just go to my inbox and request some stuff. If y'all want a part two to this
Warnings: Craig Manning (lol), some nsfw-ish stuff (I'm not trying to sexualize minors I'm 17 myself and don't think of me as a pedo because I was literally born when Emma and them graduated), FEMALE READER, not a lot of dialogue, bad vibes y'all
P.S: This is my first fic on here please be nice 😭
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You weren’t the most popular student at Degrassi Community School, you bled more into the background amongst the nobodies and nerds. It was because of this that you stuck out like a sore thumb when you were with your best friends Manny and Emma. Manny was the beautiful and hot cheer squad member who had every boy drooling whenever she walked through the halls. While Emma was tall, blonde, and a passionate eco-warrior even though she could be grating sometimes with her crusades she was still beautiful and popular. And then there was you, in your ill-fitting tee shirts and baggy jeans; lightyears behind the current fashion trends for girls your age. To put it bluntly you were a loser. But you weren’t enough of a loser to completely fade into the background or to go unnoticed by resident heartthrob Craig Manning. 
You and Craig had always known about each other. When Emma and Manny went to hang around him at his locker you were there too, albeit standing silently in the corner taking the occasional glance at the tall brown haired boy. The few interactions you both had were pleasant niceties exchanged when in the company of a mutual friend. The fact that you barely interacted didn’t stop the fact that you had a massive crush on him just like every other girl in school. It was the reason you ran after him during Ashley’s party. The reason you ended up on the couch in his step dad's garage picking at the peeling brown leather while Craig vented about Ashley. It was the reason why you kissed him for a split second overcome by your feelings for him, and the reason he kissed you back. It was the reason the both of you started to make out and why you let him slowly push you both down on the couch. It’s why you didn’t complain when one of the couch springs started to dig into your lower back. It’s why you let him put his hand under your shirt, letting him grab a handful of your chest as you peeled off your coats. 
It was why you didn’t tell him to stop when he started to unbutton your jeans; letting him pull down your underwear too. Watching as he unbuckled his belt, slipping his jeans and underwear down on his thighs before properly positioning himself on top of you. Your crush on him is why you said you were fine when you weren’t, while your heart was pounding in your chest at his sudden intrusion. Your hands curled tightly into his dark brown locks, using it as some type of lifeline to distract yourself from the pain of losing your virginity. The fact that you could feel blood slowly running down your thigh onto the couch below. You closed your eyes trying to ignore the pain, but it didn’t last for long as you snapped your eyes open to look up at Craig who had begun panting loudly above you. 
His hot breath was visible in the cold garage most likely due to the cold Toronto weather and lack of proper heating. His pink lips parted, with his face red and contorted in pleasure. He started to pick up the pace before letting out one last groan. He fell on top of you, his whole body weight pinning you down as he caught his breath. He finally got off of you after a few minutes, starting to collect himself from your minute long tryst. You began to collect yourself too, pulling your pants back up and jacket back on. That was when you finally spoke up, “Um…how was it?” You asked hesitantly. Craig glanced at you quickly before looking at the back door leading into the garage. “Uh…it was good..um..do you want me to walk you home? It's, uh, getting late and it can get pretty dangerous around this time of night.” Craig began to mutter before his sentence trailed off and an awkward silence took over the room. You sat on the couch fiddling with your jacket's zipper, you could see some small dots of blood on your jeans. “Yeah, I’d like that.” You mumbled, standing up and moving to where Craig was standing by the door. 
The two of you walked in awkward silence all the way to your house. Which was only a fifteen minute walk away. Reaching your front porch, you both stood there for what felt like an eternity before one of you said something. “Umm, thanks for the talk,” Craig muttered. “No problem,” you replied. Another awkward silence. “Well, uh, good night.” Craig muttered slowly shuffling away. “Yeah, g-good night. See you at school tomorrow.” You didn’t know if he heard as he made his way back home, as you stood there slowly watching his shadow mix in with the darkness of the night. 
You stood there alone for a few more minutes before going inside. A pit formed in your stomach along with an intense mix of loneliness and emptiness.
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The next day at school you sat with Emma and Manny near the school steps. You couldn’t tell them about last night, about what you did with Craig in his garage. You sat there listening to your friends gossip when a sudden chill passed over you. Ashley. She made her way up to the steps just as Craig was coming out of the school. You heard only bits of their conversation before Ashley hugged him. He placed his hands around her, the couple having obviously made up. “They are so cute together,” Emma said while watching them. “Yeah,” you mumbled in defeated agreement. 
When the bell for class transitions to third period you stopped at your locker to grab your books when a note fell from your locker. The semi-crumpled piece of notebook paper had a short message written on it in pencil:
I’m sorry about the way last night ended. I really like I just can’t break up with Ash right now, I hope you can understand? If you ever want to talk again just text or call.
I hope things aren’t messed up between us. I’ll try to break up with Ash as soon as possible.
You looked up from the note, seeing Craig talking and laughing with his friends. His arm was wrapped around Ashley. The two of you made eye contact for a brief second before he went back to talking with his friends. You grabbed a piece of notebook paper tearing it half before scribbling your own note. When the bell rang again the crowd of friends dispersed with Ashley giving Craig a goodbye kiss before heading to class. Nervously making your way up to him you grabbed his arm before shoving the crumpled piece of paper into his hand. He read it: 
I don’t mind how things ended. You can call or text me whenever it’s good for you. 
I really like you too <3 
You rushed away quickly, a smile spreading across your face. But at the same time, that pit in your stomach came back. 
This time however, it was just a feeling of emptiness that was there. 
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6rookie-writer0110 · 1 year
Being Manny Santos’ boyfriend would include...
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•When Manny first saw you, she developed a crush on you.
•You did notice her but you haven't spoken to her.
•Manny saw you walk into her classroom and she smiled at you.
•Manny starts to flirt with you and you start to smile.
•You join Manny and her friends for lunch.
•You are starting to get along with them.
•But Emma, who is Manny’s best friend doesn't like you.
•She is being a little rude to you, but Manny sticks up for you.
•After school, you and Manny spends time together.
•Again she does flirt with you.
•Weeks later, you asked Manny on a date and she said yes.
•But Emma still doesn't like you.
•She tells you not to date Manny but you didn't care what she had to say.
•The first date went well and you two had fun.
•Now everyone at school knows that you are dating Manny.
•Manny is very affectionate with you.
• Sometimes, you would buy her gifts.
•You would hang out with Manny and her friends at the mall.
•You and Manny would argue about something.
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•You and Manny broke up for two weeks then got back together.
•Manny told Emma to get along with you, but she said no.
•You met her parents, her mom liked you but her father doesn't like you.
•But Manny still wanted to date you.
•You supported Manny when she joined a band.
• Sometimes, you and Manny would make out in the hallway.
•Sometimes, Manny would make you watch chick flicks with her.
•You got into a fight when a guy called Manny a slut.
•For your birthday, Manny spends the day doing what you like.
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tenpintsofsundrop · 9 months
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fuckin rad
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forthelostones · 9 months
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generally nsfw acc, mdni, please!!
hi all thanks for the support recently, makes me so happy! hopefully, my writing does the same for u. click below cut for a masterlist of works!
‘bout me : 23 | agressive lesbian dyke | blk | 🇵🇸 | pronouns: she/they | currently watching: killing eve.
˚ ₊ ‧ 。masterlist.
ta!ellie x reader pt.1 | pt.2
sleepybaby drabble
inna good way
through the darkness - a fanfiction
let’s celebrate you
ghostface!abby x sub!reader pt.1 | pt.2
abby x plus-sized reader
night out.
humans can lick too (ft. ellie)
phone sex
hair washing
for your eyes only pt.1 | pt. 2 | pt.3 | pt.4 | pt.5 | pt.6 | pt.7 | pt.8
steadfast foundations. journal #1 | journal #2 | journal #3 | journal #4
˚ ₊ ‧ 。 fandoms.
the last of us, hannibal, hive, wilds, death note, aot, scooby doo, degrassi, and more.
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becauseimswagman1 · 3 months
About becauseimswagman1
Wassup folks I'm Lexis. I'm 22 almost 23 (#BigCancerNotTheLittleOne). She/her and into women.. And men sadly.
I started writing fanfic about 4 years ago and I mainly wrote boyxboy then I started writing ...that straight stuff... But I still write boyxboy! I've only written fluffy girlxgirl but I'm always open to expanding my craft!
I'm into kpop and khiphop. My main groups consist of nct (all units), ateez, monsta x, and cignature (I like and listen to WAYYYY more. Ask and I shall tell all). Khiphop wise, my main peeps are Coogie, Changmo, Dean, and JEY (I also listen to WAYYYY more. Just ask about it).
My ult bias is Haechan (how could he not be? Like have y'all heard his voice?)
I also listen to jpop and p-pop. (Y'all know them boys Alamat? Or Psychic Fever? 👀)
I'm a big tv/movie watcher. I watch just about any and everything. I'm into marvel, dc, teen wolf, degrassi, etc. Trust me if it has a good plot or a hot cast (or both) I've already seen it or I plan to watch it. I'm into WWE too! Aew as well (not as much but I'm tryna fix that #JonMoxleyIsMyHusband #Don'tTellDarbyAllin #OrSamoaJoe #OrSwerveStrickland)
I'm also into BLs. (Thai, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino. Mainly Thai tho)
I'll write for just about anyone. And I'll write just about anything. NO dub-con or non-con at all.
I'm always taking requests! And don't be afraid to give me details about what you want!
My reader will always always always be black too!!!
Becauseimswagman1's Masterlist
(18+) Ruined (Erik Stevens)
(Fluff until pt 4 then 18+) What Are We? (Michael Cimino) Pt.1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4, Pt5
(Fluff) Love Is All You Need (Yunho from Ateez)
(Fluff) The Beginning of Something Beautiful (Shuriri)
(18+) Wanna Be On Top? (San x Mingi x Reader)
(18+) Study Session (Mark from Nct)
(18+) Toxic Love (Trevante Rhodes)
(Fluff) Lightskin Jaehyun (Jaehyun from Nct)
(18+) She's The Boss (or so she thought) (Q from The Boyz)
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Soft Spot
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CH 5
Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: You have just graduated with your Bachelor’s degree and decide to stay at home with your dad to save some money before graduate school. The thing is, he is moving from California to Texas to live next to his best friend/college roommate, Joel, along with his daughter, Sarah. Growing up, you heard so much about him from your dad. It’s almost like you know Joel, but you don’t. You’ve never actually met him. This Summer will be interesting…
Warnings/Tags: Dbf! Joel, slow burn, eventual smut, kinda mean Joel, explicit language, references to death, struggles with depression, reader is younger than Joel (22/43), lowkey creepy Joel?
Note: Yay, we get soft Joel for like 30 seconds!!
Past Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
You don’t see Joel for two weeks after that. Not that you have been actively avoiding him or anything, but both your dad and Joel have been working like dogs so they haven’t planned a get together. Sarah is over most days though, just to hangout while she’s out of school for the summer. You’re not technically ‘babysitting’ her, you were never asked to, more so just spending time together. She keeps saying she is too old for a babysitter. You don’t think she is too old for one, but she is very mature for her age. I guess that’s why Joel lets her be in the house alone while he’s at work. It’s one day in the middle of June when it hits you. You were binge watching ‘Degrassi’ with Sarah at your house when you started to feel a knot in your stomach. You know this feeling all too well, but it hasn’t paid you a visit in a long while. When you were a teenager you began struggling with depression. It started to get better a couple years ago, but it still hits you sometimes. You think about why you’re feeling this way, if there is a reason. Then, you remember the date: June 17th. You knew there was something off about today, it’s the day your mother passed away 19 years ago. Gosh, that seems so long ago. It hurts even more not knowing entirely what you’re missing, you were only 3 when she passed. 
You turn toward Sarah, “Hey, Bear, I’m not feeling too good. You think we can postpone this to another day?” 
“Sure. Are you okay?” She asks. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a stomach bug.” 
“Okay, feel better!”  
Sarah gets up to go back home. Right after she leaves you turn the tv off and go upstairs. There’s a hole in your chest today, and you feel the need to desperately fill it. You take a shoe box out from under your bed that has mementos of her. You open to find her old hair tie, a few photos of you and her together, and her old necklace. Not much, but it’s the best you could do considering you were a toddler when she died. It was sudden, her death. A car accident on her way home from work. Your dad told you that you were at daycare, she was supposed to pick you up on her way home. You wished you had known that morning that you would never see her again, you would’ve given her a million hugs and kisses and said goodbye. You take out the pictures and lay on your bed. You look at them for a minute before holding them to your chest and beginning to cry. 
You’re not sure how long you stayed in bed, crying, trying desperately to remember her. But it felt like forever. ‘I wish my dad were here’, you think. He always knows how to make you feel better. But he’s at work and you don’t know when he’ll get back. You pick up your phone and dial his number. The phone rings. 
“Hello?” Your dad answers. 
“Hey, dad. I’m, uh, I’m having a really hard time today.” You say sniffling through the phone. 
“I know, hun. Me too. I miss her.”
You don’t even have to say why you’re having a hard time, he knows what today is. Maybe he didn’t mention it hoping you wouldn’t notice. 
“When will you be home?” You ask. 
“I don’t know, maybe around 8. I’m trying to get out of here as quickly as possible.” 
You and your dad would always spend this day together every year, I guess with his new job he wasn’t able to get the day off. 
“Okay.” You say softly. 
“It’s okay, honey. Take deep breaths, drink water and cuddle with Obie until I get home. Call me again if you need me.”
“I love you, dad.”
“I love you too.”
You both hang up the phone. 
You really did try what your dad suggested. The only thing that helped was cuddling with Obie. But he kept getting too hot cuddling and would jump off the bed. You cry yourself to sleep at some point and dream of her. You love your dreams, they always seem so vivid and real. You see your mom standing in front of you smiling. She reaches her hand to your face and touches your cheek, it’s almost like she’s actually touching you. 
You jolt awake and realize that you actually do feel something on your cheek. You turn your head to see Joel a few inches away from you sitting on the edge of your bed, taking away his hand. He must’ve swiped away a tear with one of his thumbs while you were sleeping. You look around, it’s dark except for the dim light in your room. You have no idea what time it is. 
“Joel? Why are you here?” You sit up in your bed. 
“Your dad asked me to check on you, he’s stuck at work for about another hour.” He responds in a low voice. You’ve never heard him speak so softly. 
You look around puzzled, “How did you get in?”
“He told me where the hide-a-key was.”
“Oh.” You respond. As you’re both just sitting on the bed, silence fills your ears. You’re not sure what to say. You’re not sure if he wants you to say anything. 
He looks down at the pictures next to you on your bed, the pictures of your mom and you as a baby. He looks back up at you and pauses. 
“I knew her, you know.” He says. 
“Really?” You ask intently. Your dad must have told him what today was. 
“Yeah, I met her when your dad and I were still in college. Your dad called me up one day and told me that I just have to meet this girl he’s been seeing. He told me he was going to marry her someday. I met her that night and, gosh, they were so in love. I knew after that he was going to. Marry her, I mean.” He kept his voice soft and comforting. You’ve never seen this side of Joel before. 
“What was she like?” You ask, wanting to know more about her personality. 
“Very outgoing, happy, and was super funny. She could even make me laugh.” He says smiling. 
You chuckle at his description of her. A tear starts to roll down your cheek, you wish you had gotten to see her like this. 
“Everyone liked her, no matter what.” He continues. 
He pauses. “You two are similar in that way.”
You scoff. “Trust me, not everyone likes me. Not even you.” 
“What do you mean?” He asks, cocking his head to the side. 
“You hate me. It’s obvious.” 
“I could never hate you.” 
You both sit and look at each other for a second. You’re a bit confused, how he could act a certain way toward you then say this. It’s like he forgot to put on his protective mask or something. 
You hesitate. “Can I ask you a question?” 
He nods his head. “Sure.”
You hesitate again. “The, uh… picture of me…. in your wallet. Why do you have it?”
You hope to god you don’t regret asking this question. This could get very awkward. 
“What picture?” He asks. 
“The one in the back of your wallet, me on my graduation day.” You quickly clarify, “I wasn’t snooping, well maybe a bit… but Sarah asked me to get your bank card so we could order a pizza.” 
He looks down at the floor for a moment before turning back to you. 
“Your, uh, dad sent me it in the mail. He said he was so proud of you. I don’t know, you just looked so…” he looks to the side of you, trying to find the words. 
“Beautiful, happy. I knew I wanted it to be with me wherever I go.” He meets your gaze. 
“Do you… ever look at it?” You ask. 
“Only when I’m having a bad day. Which seems to be a lot.” He answers half-smiling. 
You sit there, hands in your lap, trying to process the words coming out of his mouth. Then you realize that he just called you beautiful, you didn’t even acknowledge it. 
“Wait… you think I’m beautiful?” You ask looking back up at him. 
“If I didn’t, I’d be an idiot.” 
You decide, without giving it much thought, that you’re going to try to kiss him. You lean in slowly. When he notices you leaning in, he leans in response to meet your lips. It’s just a peck, at first. A small kiss. You attempt to pull away, as you’re getting no indication that he is enjoying this. When you’re about an inch from his face and he notices you pulling away, he puts his hand up to hold the side of your neck and pulls you back. It is then that he swipes your bottom lip with his tongue, as if to ask for permission. You allow him entrance and he explores your mouth with his tongue. It’s a gentle kiss at first, but then hunger starts to grow. He goes even deeper in your mouth, and bits your lip softly. You whimper quietly in his mouth in response. You want more. And you want it now. As he’s still kissing you, you reach your hand to place it on his knee. When he does not protest and continues exploring your mouth, you slowly move your hand higher and higher up his thigh. Right when you get to the bulge in his jeans, he pulls his mouth away abruptly. 
“I have to go.” He says breathing heavily. 
“What, why?” You pull your hand away. 
He doesn’t answer, he just stands up and begins walking to your bedroom door.
“Joel!” You call out his name. He again does not answer and he slams the door behind him. You then hear him close the front door. 
You sit there, confused and wanting more.
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phantomstatistician · 7 months
Saturday Status Update
The wait time for a request is: 34 working days
Upcoming charts (if the sample size is large enough):
OT3 tag - 10 most popular fandoms (AO3)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - 10 most popular ships (AO3) by rating
Spooky Month - 10 most popular ships (AO3), 10 most popular ships (AO3) excluding X readers and crossover pairings (including Boyfriend/Girlfriend)
Kingdom Hearts - 10 most popular tags (AO3), Crossovers
Degrassi - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
The Silmarillion - Maedhros
Gundam: The Witch from Mercury - 10 most popular ships (AO3), 10 most popular tags (AO3)
Heartstopper - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
The Villains of Valley View - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Barbie (2023) - 10 most popular ships (AO3), 10 most popular tags (AO3)
Star Wars: Ahsoka - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair - Teruteru Hanamura
Naruto - Shino Aburame
Arcane - Mel Medarda
Fire Emblem - Nowi
Jujutsu Kaisen - Utahime lori
Ben 10 - Ben Tennyson
A Good Girl's Guide For Murder - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
The Fallout (2021) - 10 most popular ships (AO3), Crossovers
Digimon - Daisuke\Davis
Project SEKAI - Mafuyu Asahina
Monster High - 10 most popular characters (AO3)
ReBoot (1994 – 2001) - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Pacific Rim (2013) - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Lab Rats - Bree, Chase
Lab Rats Elite Force - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Victorious - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Have a more elaborate request?  Or want to jump the queue?  Or you want to support me as a content creator?  Buy me a Kofi!
Note: No chart on Friday - off for Veteran's Day
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random-imaginess · 11 months
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