#demma believer
theenbynightingale · 3 years
Rating Total Drama ships that showed up when playing with the generator! (Pt. 8)
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Dave and Taylor (or Davlor): I don’t really like Taylor either but... Look, after the way Pakithew Island ended, I just don’t feel comfortable with any Dave ships. Partially because I think the way it ended ruined his character for me. I dunno. Maybe Taylor’s prissy attitude would work well with Dave’s germaphobia. Who knows? Rating: 5/10
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Dawn and Geoff (or Deff): ‘Girlboss and Malewife” energy. Rating: 6/10
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Geoff and Bridgette (or Gidgette): I usually try to avoid canon ships so I have no idea how this one got in there. But I will say I love them. There’s a reason Gidgette and Lyler are still together after all these years. Sure, they’ve had rough spots but all couples do. I don’t even want Brody to stop this! Hell, I say they go poly and both date Brody because I’ll always love Gidgette! Rating: 10/10
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Gwen and Izzy (or Gwizzy): A Gwen and Izzy ship has always been strange to me. I can’t think of any interactions between the two of the top of my head. But I always loved the idea of broodish but caring Gwen alongside the crazy Izzy. Rating: 6.5/10
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Jen and MacArthur (or JenArthur): Again, another thing I’d see on https://www.instagram.com/justlovingothergirls/, which mean I have have to love it. Rating: 7/10
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Jen and Kitty (or Jenty): But this one makes slightly more sense to me. Rating: 8/10
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Justine and Emma (or Justemma): Scalding hot take: I don’t think Justin is hot enough for Emma. Rating: 5/10
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Dawn and Emma (or Demma): But Dawn on the other hand... Rating: 6.5/10
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Justin and Owen (or Justowen): I know we all saw Justin’s attempt at being an antagonist in TDA. But I never believed he actually disliked Owen. I mean it was really hard for anyone to dislike Owen, aside from his farts. Plus, we all know Owen was Bi as hell for Justin from the very beginning. Rating: 7.5/10
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Kitty and Brody (or Kitdy): On one hand, it’s too obvious. On the other hand, I love both of these characters so I’d be fine with that. Kitty is one of my favorite characters. I hope I’ve made that clear. Rating: 7/10
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Noah and Jasmine (or Nasmine): Like the last ship, I love both these characters. But unlike the last ship, I don’t think they’d interact well. Realistically speaking, I think Jasmine could only take so much of Noah’s crap before punting that little guy. Rating: 4.5/10
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Tom and Mike (or Tike): I’d only be fine with it if it was Tom having the hots for Vito. Rating: 6/10
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Blog Post 9
Galbreath, Peyton. Personal Interview. 11 November 2017.
1. What is the very first thing that comes to your mind when you think about the topic of art?
2. Can you describe the first time you used a form of art to relax or calm you down?
3. In your opinion, what do you think would NOT be considered art?
4. Do you believe in art therapy? Explain why or why not
5. Do you know any details about the Hernmarck Tapestry hanging on the first floor of the William T Library?
Demma, Courtney. Personal Interview. 11 November 2017.
1. Please explain why you do or don’t believe in art therapy?
2. What are your thoughts on art therapy being able to heal the mental ill?
3. Explain how art can help to mentally calm you down, whether that be listening to music or painting for example?
4. Why do you think the topic of art is such a highly debatable topic?
5. If you were ill, how do you think therapy art would help to relax or soothe you?
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demmastudy · 7 years
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Hello guys! I can't believe that finally happened but I created a studyblr!! 📚 I felt HUGE inspiration to do this so I hope it going to work good 😊. I'm on Tumblr since 2011 and let's be honest, this is my 4th or 5th Tumblr page there (I deleted 2 of them and I have 1 that I don't use right now unfortunately). My inspiration for this Tumblr was born because of my friend @studyingraphics who showed me how studyblrs works (and she started my love to bullet journals as well. Thank you so much my dear! ❤️) A little info about me 🌈My name is Dagmara but some of my friends calls me Demma (that's the reason of Tumblrs URL) 🌈I'm 20 (21 in October aye) 🌈I'm from Poland 🇵🇱 🌈I study engineering and logistics in production at university and I'll start 3rd year in October 🔬 🌈My interest are music, movies, tv shows and drawing What will I use my studyblr for? Well it's gonna sound so basic but I am going to post some things about bullet journal, study tips, how to manage stress, mental illness while studying etc etc. I plan to do some printables for you guys as soon as possible. My short term and long term goals Short term: 🌈Pass all tests and exam in this and next semester 🌈Get my engineering exam passed with as best grade as possible 🌈Be accepted for the master level at university 🌈Being organized Long term: 🌈Move out to England 🌈Trip to India My favorite studyblrs @emmastudies @hufflepuffsstudies @peachi-study @studink @studyblrmasterposts @studyingraphics @studyaesthetic @extrastudies @stevenstudies @journalsanctuary @sherlockian-studies
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soniaaristo · 6 years
7 tips for creating compelling social media content — Rotary Voices
7 tips for creating compelling social media content — Rotary Voices
  By Ashley Demma, social & digital specialist for Rotary International It’s hard to believe that social media has been around for more than twenty years. From the early days of crafting the perfect AIM away message in the late ‘90s to the rise of sharing photography on Instagram … social media has certainly come a long […]
via 7 tips for creating compelling social media content — Rotary Voices
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My fam came home and I said ”Demma is hemma” and I can’t believe I’ve murdered both Swedish and English in one fell swoop
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mcttv-blog · 7 years
ShadowForce: Runners in Time
Written by Relfar
Original Concept from Shadowrun: Hong Kong
(When Marked Narrator it is Demma’s voice, when Marked Demma it is Demma speaking in real time)
Narrator (over black): I never asked for this.
Shot pans up revealing an endless sprawling desert.  Swivels right
Narrator: I don’t think any of us knew what this job entailed.
When the camera comes nearly 180 the outcropping of rock begins to appear.
On the edge of the sharp, pointed ledge stands an albino fox. The camera continues to pan right, she transforms into a humanoid figure, but the tail remains. The pan is fast enough to save on most the transformation budget.
Behind her is a heavily tattooed elf in a wife-beater and a pinstripe vest. He smokes a cigarette.
Behind him sits an old-fashioned Japanese man, lotus position, wearing an Edo period kimono, pointed shoulders and all.
Crouched behind the samurai is an orc with obvious Jaw/Fang cyber gleaming from under her cloak hood. As the camera continues one of her metal legs is visible, tapping her monkey-pawed cyber toes on the rock.
Standing at the rear, leaning on a rockface, is a female troll sporting spectacles and reading a book.
Narrator: Yeah, we may be a bunch of assholes, but we’re nothing compared to the people who sent us here.
Camera pans up to the sky.
A strange futuristic Aerospace vehicle flies into the camera cutting to black.
[[Commercial break]]
The ork Lija and a Johnson sit across from each other in a busy rigger shop.
Lija: “How much does it pay, and do I need to be subtle.”
NeoJohn: “250 for a job well done, and subtlety will not be necessary.”
Lija smiles with all her teeth. The tops seem to be organic, while most the bottom jaw is cyber.
An Aztechnology Johnson approaches a table in a Library where the troll sits. He gently lays a token down on the table in front of her.
AzzieJ: We’re calling it in.
A dojo. Strange figures clad in red and black attack the samurai. He wounds three of them in a quick fight, before his blade is split twain, he is then apprehended and a strange purple portal appears.
Three Ares trucks rumble along in a ramshackle part of town. The buildings are dilapidated and the dirty people scatter as they see the armed vehicles.
Knight Errant 1: “We know you’re in there. Come out peacefully and we won’t blow up any of these buildings.”
Asako: “Fine, fine”
The albino elf walks out from behind a building with one of her hands up. She has sunglasses on, and with the other hand tosses a grenade into one of the Ares trucks. Closeup of the sunglasses a large net is reflected in the dark glass. Her face is gone as we zoom out from the sunglasses, they fall and a large net sails over them as they fold themselves to hang on a teal scarf around the albino fox’s neck.
The fox retreats, but around the corner stands a team of Knight-Errant with large net cannons. They fire, and the fox squeals.
Diner. Demmalition1 sits relaxed in the booth. He exhales heavily as a well-dressed troll and blonde elf enter. The elf stands at the end of the table and gestures to the seat across from Demma.
Kogane: “May I?”
Demma: “Shit, you gonna leave if I say no?”
Demma shakes his head.
Demma: “Go ahead.”
Kogane sits.
Kogane: “I understand you’ve run, in the past at least, good with the…” He makes a typing gesture in the air that could easily be misconstrued as air-piano.
Demma: “Couldn’t afford a Johnson? How busy are you over there at Mistuhama?”
Kogane smiles he has an almost sinister canine smile.
Kogane: “Too important. 300. And if you don’t mind, I’d like you to treat it just like any other story, except you’re going in deep cover. You remember the Trans-Corprate thing?”
Demma nods before making a fist and placing it on the table.
Demma: Yeah, that shit idea that never panned out.
Kogane: “Some dragon beat me to it. I can’t say for certain, but blue, red, green, gold. They all have fingers in this pie, and I want to know what it is.”
Cut to black
Narrator: I should have said, ‘no’.
[[Second Commercial break]]
The troll runs across the sand and throws a manabolt at the large aerospace vehicle bearing down on them. The vehicle has four smooth swoops of metal that conjoin around an opaque white-glass-looking sphere. It has no visible propulsion system.
Jo: “Any luck on the hacking or blowing up of the machine there, decker.” She says over comms.
Jo reaches the top of a dune and tosses a manablast behind her at the aeroship. Closeup on Jo as the blue light completely fills her spectacles. There is fear on her face.
Narrator: That’s Josephine. Jo. Troll Scholar. *tsk* Whom I to judge.
Demma: “I’m working on it, you ever think how out of my element I am here? It’s not like I’m the foremost expert on the future Matrix.”
Demma is among a strange simple green representation of the matrix, he pulls up a schematic for the aeroship that he looks surprised to have found.
Lija: “I’m trying to get in manually. Can you guys lure it a little closer to the ground.” The ork stands, riding atop a heavily modified Ares Mule, reaching up for one of the long metal swoops coming out from the center orb of the aeroship.
Narrator: “Lija. More machine than ork that one. The amount of Cybermancy. *Whistles*
The samurai carries the albino fox as he plods along the sand. The fox looks pleased as shit with herself.
Narrator: “The topknot is Toshiro. Bonafide Samurai from the Fifth World. The fox is Asako, the saucy little minx. No telling if she slipped the carrying idea into his mind, or if the old man is just gullible enough to take her along.”
Lija: “Got it!”
Lija grabs onto the metal of the aeroship and flips upward, grabbing onto the frame with her feet, both of which have monkey-like paws.
Demma: “There should be a panel near the back of the orb. Do you have an MZS connector?”
Lija: “Yep! Jacking in.”
A pause, the color drains from Lija’s face.
Lija: “I’m getting major defences and I can’t read any of these commands clearly, trying the first, then I may need to eject.”
Demma: “The first one cuts power to propulsion!”
The aeroship drops suddenly, Lija is thrown off the back. Jo rolls to the side, but Toshiro turns around. Not having any of that Asako leaps off of him. He draws his new mono-edged katana as the ship continues down towards him. He leaps, avoiding the metal, and slashes out at the opaque white orb. After he lands, and the ship comes to a stop the team surrounds the newly opened orb.
Demma: “I don’t believe it.” He says as he continues through the schematics.
All (except Toshiro): “It’s empty.”
Zoom out from the split open white orb filled with flashing circuitry and computer looking parts.
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