biaswreckingfics · 2 years
Can I request 131 with exo chanyeol??? 🙇🏾‍♀️🙇🏾‍♀️ 💕 need to fill my spoopy heart 🖤😌
Demon!Chanyeol + Spooky -Hope this fills your spoopy heart 🖤-
TW: set in a mental hospital
(Go ahead and pray. See what good it does.)
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"Here's your pills."
You glare at the nurse as she holds the clear cup out to you. The colorful pills inside slide along the bottom when she shakes them. Reluctantly, you grab the cup and throw the drugs into your mouth while she waits patiently for you to swallow. She hands you a small cup of water and you take a big, greedy gulp before showing her your empty mouth.
"I'm not crazy."
"I know, dear."
She takes the cups from you and turns away. You silently curse at her back because of her placating tone. She thinks you're crazy. They all do, which just really pisses you off. They think they're helping by telling you what you want to hear. In reality, they're making you feel more alone and causing you to question yourself.
You know what you experienced was real. Nothing you told them had been made up, and you certainly haven't had a mental breakdown.
Something evil is messing with you.
It all started a few weeks ago. The footsteps and banging that suddenly filled your apartment quickly turned sinister. Scratches and bruises would show up on your body for no reason, something had physically pushed you from behind when you were walking down the hallway and then came the hallucinations. You'd see a fire break out in your room only for it to be gone moments later.
When you went to the local church for help, they turned you away because you weren't a member of their congregation. You tried another close by church and it was a similar story - you weren't in their denomination so their hands were tied. It was bullshit.
You contacted your local paranormal group, but the earliest they could get to you was still a week away. You thought you could make it, but one particularly bad night had you running out of your apartment screaming. The neighbors called the cops and you were sent for a psych evaluation, which was also bullshit. It's 2022. A shit ton of people believe in ghosts, but they draw the line at demons?
You turn back into your sterile, white room, feeling angry all over again. When the door shuts behind you, you assume it's the nurse, but then that rotten sulfuric smell floods your nostrils. Your heart pounds rapidly as you turn around toward the stench and find a man blocking your exit.
His almond eyes and round cheeks give off an innocent appearance, but you can physically feel the darkness rolling off of him in waves. He already towers over you height-wise, but the evil presence that he's projecting makes him feel even bigger, more powerful.
Immediately, you yell for the nurses, doctors, anybody that can freaking hear you, and the man laughs. It's a deep sound, and it sends chills up and down your spine.
"Nobody can hear you." His eyes turn fully black as he says, "Nobody is going to come and save you. You're mine to play with how I want."
Prayers fall from your lips. If he's truly a demon like you think, then only good can save you, so you try to put as much power behind your words as you can.
The demon only laughs, amused by your attempt. "Go ahead and pray. See what good it does."
As he approaches you, you back up into a corner and hope someone hears your prayers, but you fear they never will. 
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unholywriters · 23 days
Idea Posting again
I have several ideas and If I don’t write them down somewhere and get reminded that they’re here I’m gonna cry because I want to remember.
Mafia’s Distraction -
How do we always managed to attract the attention of those who are dangerous? Do they just enjoy seeing others be confident when you decide to put your foot down whenever they cross a line? Take your/n for example, working one of the local pups always having to argue with someone who thinks they own the bar when in reality they don’t own anything but their fragile little ego but even then there’s nothing wrong with kicking them to a curb right? But what if you’re being watched all the time by not just one of them, but two of them with a status so powerful it could make everyone in that pub keep their tails between their legs just so they can survive another day. One day y/n is simply jus trying to handle some more of the loud crowd that didn’t want to listen, some were still sober and the rest were getting tipsy before they decided to cross you, by grabbing a bottle and pouring it all out in front of you while you were serving one of the bosses. Not only that, but this tipsy male had poured it on the bosses lap. Trying to start something since he was the self proclaimed life of the party before everyone turned to look at them. Y/N was about to try and ban him since this was against the rules before everyone saw their tattoos, after all each group has a tattoo to show who they belong to and what rank they have, and these two were the only two who had the black crown with a Y and a M for each person.
Needless to say, the person was bragged away begging for his life, while everyone else was told to leave expect for y/n, who had to sit and agree to talk to them, well more like it was them coming up with a compromise, and don’t we just love those?
Demon’s ring
imagine this and I'm gonna try and do this the best way i can without skipping over or amkinf this sound like something else.
Imagine that you're forced to live in sectors based on your race, like fairy's go to one, elves the other, foxes, sirens you name it. But the demons are considered the highest one, no one can touch them after they managed to beat the heavens in a war and have since claimed a large chunck of the earth, bur each year there's a selection of those "fortunate" to go since the demkn sector is considered one of thr richest and most loveable ace to live with "letters: being sent every two days of the person being happy to be chosen but missing home. Till you're choosen instead this time since your friends highly voted for you since every year there's a voting process to see who's the best at what for that sector and you go.
When you get there at first you see all of the glam, the joy you never got to feel and the best cooked food you ever could've imagined onto of thay sprinkled in gold dust. But then you meet the rulers kf this sector, [the ones in the video] but you don't meet them at the palace, you were walking with your friend (who's been there for what felt like ages and doesn't remember any torment) ans one by one they meet you, or see you from afar and grow interested so they play the nice card since you're from the outside and can't let you run just yet. But as it's getting more and more obvious thay they like you, you jabw these visions of them in your dreams and you can't seem to shake them off since almost no matter where you go there right there, and in one dream you're seen giving birth tk children, with a mark on your stomach tbag was never there before but when you woke it was there. And so you slowly kept trying to plan a route to leave or by trying to trap them into something, anything that woukd get you free and away from that vision becoming true And you know me this is gonna be gay because I can't ever seem to write a straight story for my life
BUT they can't seem to touch you without feeling a burn something they've never felt before after the war because after all, the angles were kept in their sector and weren't allowed to get out yet somehow, *you* were able to hurt them if you were scared and wanted to ger away. One pair was angry, the other pair was intrigued but they knew this meant you'd be able to escape so they pulled almost all the stops they could, not like flirting wise but stopped you ar every exit you coild run to and slowly get closer, talking to you either like a bride, or something else but it didn't work, since the last time you tried to run you seriously injured them and there was nothing they could do, let alone let others find out. So you were out in the water fighting off the sirens who were told to bring you back till you reached the angels, who were looking at you in aspiration. And besides the angels are the good guys, they want to bring back peace, right?
But when you started to watch them get stronger, you noticed that you were in pain, as if they were taking your energy and making it not power for power so they coukd escape but there was nothing you could do. When one day you woke up tied tk a Pole pointing exactly where the sun would shine and you were onto of a empty ball, panic settling in you tried to beg them for helo but they only started to cut you ans watch your essence and how you were getting weaker and almost like you were dying. They told you how they planned to wipe out the demons, making sure no evil could throw off the balance of the garden of eternal and how they needed to go. But of course you manged to break free, more like you had a freak out and released something thay caused thr angels to be weakened more, some were even fading away into nothingness while those let out pained cries.
Now being free you ran to the water where the sirens were swimming and knew they has to take you back home to the demons. Whike the angels started to get free from their barrier the sirens took uou as closet as they could. You ran to the demon sector and saw one of the boys, who looked amused that you were back but also terrified at the swarm of white behind you and soon manages to take you behind the walls while trying to keep you and the others demons age (because who says demons don't have a heart) But they haven't recovered from thr attacked even with jt being arojnd... almost a month that you've left and they almost manages to win before kf course you and one of them (I forgot who's the oldest in that video) manages to pull a something before sealed the angels back away With you rebuilding thr sector that was destroyed and reassuring everyone who heard about a fight and some deaths. Helping rebuild it and stopping the yearly choosing and stayed Still continuing to drive them crazy while they continue to tease you
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xerceii · 9 months
God’s Eye - PART 1 & 2
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Pairing: Chanyeol/OC
Genre: Fantasy, Action, romance
TW/Warnings: 18+ included some gore, a scene with vomit, violence, murder, smut in future chapters, multiple sexual conversations, religious talk relating to God and the devil
Plot: Ahn Jung is a 25 year old office worker who underwent eye transplant surgery, she never thought that the donor would be a demon.
Testing to see if I want to start posting fics on tumblr again or continue linking to other sites 🤔 so here’s part 1 and 2 combined to test the waters
Click here for master post
The faint beeping of the machine was the only sound she could hear for a while. It kept a slow rhythmic pace that mimicked her heart rate. It was insufferable. The endless sound reminded her that she was alive yet couldn't do anything but wait. Leaving her to her own thoughts... or so she thought-
Ahn could see images behind closed lids. They were fast and few but she saw them. Flashes of fire, of an old city she didn't recognize and even faces. Faces so beautiful she wondered exactly where this place was?
But... she could see.
Finally she was told to sit up. Ahn sat up and felt the bandages around her eyes loosen and unwrap. The doctor told her specific instructions which she didn't hear... No, she was too busy being nervous. Her heart pounded and her hands started clamming. What if her body rejected the donor? What if something had gone wrong and she can see even less than before? Or what if she looked funny now? They had told her the eye color would change. She didn't want that. She was Ahn, the girl with the pretty brown eyes that let everyone know it was okay to approach her.
That let everyone know she wouldn't judge them. She'd want to be their friend. Soft brown eyes like the color of Christmas pine trees, or fallen autumn leaves. That's the way her mom had described them. She always loved that description. It made her feel as if just by looking into her eyes.... You could smell cinnamon and taste eggnog.
You couldn't now.
The sound of cameras clicking brought her out of her depressing trance. The bandages were off, glasses immediately placed on her eyes.
"I wanted to see them!" Her mother whined.
"You can later on." The doctor explained. "After a while she'll be able to wear clear glasses, but she'll need an eye shield for now."
"Did they actually change?"
"Yes." The doctor sounded almost embarrassed to admit it as if he had any way of stopping that process. Obviously he didn't. "They're a clear blue now."
Her parents gasped and she gripped the bedsheets.
Oh well.
It wouldn't look good on her but at least she's going to have better vision now.
Ahn looked around the room. The glasses dimmed the lighting and it was still a bit blurry but she could tell there was a difference. A huge one actually. Things were their actual distance, the outline of everything could be seen and faces- everyone's faces were distinct, though the blurriness would take it away every so often. It had worked though. It made her hopeful. It brought her back to normal. Ahn jumped up and everyone panicked fearing she might fall over.
"I'm fine." Her hand raised to stop anyone from grabbing her. "Better than fine actually, It worked!"
"You'll be a bit sore for the next few days. You should take it easy."
She nodded and stretched. Ahn didn't know how long she had been under the knife but her body definitely did. It was cramped and stiff in all the worst areas. She needed to move her legs, start walking or running or whatever. Letting out a groan, she smiled at everyone who was looking at her. Which was everyone in the room. "I'll be fine, I just want to get out of here. I'm good to leave right?"
"Technically yes." The doctor frowned. "As long as you follow the instructions."
She nodded not really knowing any of them. "I will! I'll get a paper for them though, right?"
He nodded and she didn't need to hear anymore. Ahn walked out of the hospital room in her gown, happy to just get out of there. She hated standing still, she hated doing nothing. It was weird but she wanted to dance. Her socks slid against the hospital's smooth white floor. It wasn't exactly dancing but it was the most she could do without being labeled crazy.
Ahn took the stairs, even skipping some of the last ones and jumping off. This was going to be great, she could finally see better which meant Requiem might take her back... hopefully. If she talked to Baekhyun, he might let her.
Leaving through the exit doors, Ahn walked up to the receptionist desk. "Ahn Jung."
"Just Ahn?" The woman at the front desk looked at her weirdly. Ahn nodded, not wanting to explain that her parents became lazy trying to name her and settled on a last name for a first name. It was a never-ending fight between them. While the computer clicked away looking for her information, Ahn suddenly felt light headed. Maybe she had pushed herself too far.
Her eyes hurt too.
"Ma'am are you okay?"
"Ahn!" She heard her mother somewhere very far away.
Nope. She was right beside her on the ground. When did she even fall?
Shit. Shit. Shit. Everyone was rushing towards her. Her eyes closed and they felt a little better. A flash of the city from before lit behind her eyes. This time she saw walls that once were probably cream in color, the intricate roof work and paint all destroyed. The sky above was red and loomed over her like some kind of warning. It was terrifying but she kept looking at the image. Her body was picked up.
"She'll have to stay a couple more hours just in case." Her doctor explained.
She couldn't keep doing nothing. Ahn couldn't keep laying down. It was torture. "I'll be fine-" she groaned. "I can't keep laying down! How long was it anyways? A day? Two days!?"
"Dramatic as always Ahn." Her mother shook her head. "The surgery was only an hour."
She felt her face flush at the embarrassment at that and let herself be carried back towards her room. Her head tilted back and she opened her eyes slowly. There was a crowd watching her, but one in particular stood out. A tall man with pink hair and a ridiculous fuzzy pink coat. That wasn't what stood out though, it was his expression, he was glaring at her. He looked like he was close to throwing the chair next to him at her. His brows were furrowed and his eyes wide.
Damn what did I do? She thought, closing her eyes. Maybe it wasn't towards her. She heard the ding of the elevator and the doors closing. Her feet twitched wanting to walk again.
Go to sleep...
it'll make time go by faster.
So she did. From the mix of pain and embarrassment, Ahn was able to fall asleep during the elevator ride.
When she awoke it was nighttime. Ahn didn't know until she took off the stupid eye covers and replaced them with her tinted glasses. She had been strapped down so she would be forced to sleep upright. They hadn't done it hard enough to make it impossible to move, just so her sleeping form wouldn't shift around.
Tugging on one end undid the straps on her arms, they quickly fell to the side. Putting on the glasses, she looked around.
The hospital room was dark and her parents were gone. They probably decided she was fine enough to spend the night alone. The only light that creeped in was from the moon itself, and all the machines hooked up to her. It was a plain old hospital room, yet why did it look creepier at night? The wooden closet used for storage was opened by an inch and it felt like she was being watched. There was no light outside in the hallway either. Her belongings had been thrown on the visitors chairs so she could dress.
Ahn sat up, untying her feet and hopping down. The floor was cold despite it being summer. The AC cranked up too high. She ran a hand through her tangled hair and walked towards her clothes. It's the same ones she had arrived in today. A pair of jeans and an old T-shirt she didn't mind if it got lost or dirty. It was a T-shirt that had been with her since middle school, also her favorite black sandals. Her hands reached towards her back to take off the hospital gown but stopped.
The closet... it really felt like she was being watched.
Her eyes shifted towards the bed. Maybe she could call a nurse in. Press the button and not be alone anymore. The glasses shifted down to her nose and she had to push them up. No. There's probably no one in there. That'd be two times she'd embarrass herself. The closet door creaked beside her.
Only darkness showed inside. It didn't help that these stupid glasses darkened everything even more. She wanted to take them off, but she shouldn't. Ahn sighed and walked towards the wardrobe. Her hands pressed lightly against the open door.
What if there was someone inside?
Biting her bottom lip, she opened it. If there was someone inside, well her legs were probably faster than theirs. She was good at running and dodging and anything that included movement and physical activity. All those years of sports and dancing would pay off.
The door swung open, hitting the wall in the process. Inside it-
Was nothing.
Just an empty wardrobe with a couple of hangers and towels in case she wanted to shower. Someone must have left them for her and accidentally forgot to close it completely. Ahn gasped in relief, bringing her hand to her chest. Thank god. It would have sucked to have to run from someone at this time of night.
She was suddenly thirsty.
As if fear itself dehydrated her.
Walking towards her bag, she pulled out two dollars and left her room. The hallways were completely dark but at the end of them the vending machines were on. If she turned another corner after them there would be the emergency stairs and the elevators. Civilization. Maybe she could go downstairs and hang out at the cafeteria. No, it was probably closed.... The lobby then, she could people watch and maybe find a nurse or someone to talk to.
Ahn stepped in front of the vending machine looking at her choices. Chips, sodas, water bottles, candy....
Candy. She grinned and put in the first dollar, quickly getting the one that had the most chocolate. Then, got herself a drink. A coke. She needed sweets and junk right now, especially after that scare.
Her items fell and she bent down to grab them from the tray with a loose door. That's when she noticed a pair of pale feet beside her. Ahn looked up to see a boy looking down at her. He was blonde, blue eyed, around her height so not exactly tall for a man. He was pretty though.
"Sorry I didn't mean to stand so close!" He backed up a couple steps away. "I was just curious to see what'd you'd get."
Ahn smiled, taking out her things. "It's fine, I get curious about things like that too." She straightened up showing him her coke and chocolate bar. He nodded, seeming happy that she wasn't rude to him. Ahn moved out of the way so he could get something himself.
He got the same exact things.
"It's better to eat junk food with another person." He grinned. His hair was long enough to reach his shoulders and he was skinny. She could see the bones of his shoulder blades even through his hospital gown. His eyes had dark circles under them and his nose was pretty.
"Cool look you're sporting by the way." He unwrapped his candy and started eating.
"Huh? Oh." Ahn laughed, touching her glasses. "Eye transplant surgery. I got out today but decided to push it and ended up earning myself a couple more hours in this shit hole."
"Transplant?!" He gaped. "Did it hurt?"
Ahn shook her head. "Not really, but they hurt afterwards. They're sore and feel a bit dry."
He nodded. "You have to put in the eye drops. They'll help the recovery."
She sighed and decided to sit down. Her back pressed against the wall while the boy took the spot beside her. The vending machine flickered indicating it was old, and probably only a year away from giving out. Her feet were a lot bigger than his.... Not in length but... the weight of them. Hers looked pretty healthy, while his were as bony as his shoulders.
They looked frail, weak.
"If I'm rude feel free to smack me-" Ahn started. "But why are you here?"
"Me?" The boy asked, drinking from his coke. He leaned his head back as if trying to decide how to tell her. "To put it simply-" His skeletal hand touched his chest. "Heart failure."
"I- that must have been difficult." Ahn frowned. She couldn't imagine herself not being able to move around. To be limited to just the walls of this hospital. Her hands gripped the can of coke. It crackled under the pressure. She had it good. There was no room for complaining. She wanted to kick herself for her antics earlier.
"You know-" The boy laughed quietly. "You're the first person who hadn't told me they're sorry."
"Was that bad?!" She panicked. He shook his head immediately, stopping her from actually doing it.
"No! No. It was nice. It's all I ever heard so... it's a nice change in pace. Yes it is difficult, but an apology won't do anything." He finished his drink and continued snack time by finishing his chocolate. Ahn frowned, not happy with his situation. He seemed like a good guy. People don't deserve this.
"Did you know them?" He asked.
"Know who?"
"Your donor."
She shook her head. "No. It was anonymous. They didn't want their information to be given out." Ahn grabbed the boys empty can and wrapper, standing up, she went to throw them away in the trash can near the vending machine.
"It's nothing." She waved it away and sat back down. The flickering started again and Ahn decided to finally drink her coke. Pulling the tab, she smiled hearing the click. A fresh coke, they always tasted so good. The fizzy drink touched her tongue and fell down her throat, calming the nerves she still had from the closet incident.
The boy looked at her. Blue eyes seeming to become more lifeless. They were clouded over as if he were in a weird daze. "Do you believe in heaven?"
Ahn stopped drinking. "Maybe?"
"I do." He muttered his voice was now soft and thoughtful. "Heaven and hell. Good and bad."
She looked at him and he held his heart again, blonde locks falling over his eyes. "I want to go to heaven. I don't have much time left but... I want to do everything possible so that I can get into heaven."
"I'm sure you will." She muttered with a mouthful of chocolate. "You seem like a good guy."
"How old are you?" He asked her.
"Twenty five."
"I'm seventeen."
Ouch. He was young. Ahn finished her own food and went to throw them away. When she turned back, the boy was standing. He looked like he was about to fall over. His palm was placed against the wall.
"Do you need help going back to your room?" She hurried towards him.
He shook his head, breaths coming out shallow. "I want to show you my favorite place here. Do you want to come?"
"Sure, but do you think you can make it?"
He nodded. "If you help me I can. It's been a while since I've made a friend. I don't want to go to bed yet."
Ahn smiled at the friend comment, also happy to be using some sort of strength again. She wrapped her arms around the boys and carried half his weight. Which wasn't much. He held on tightly as he told her the directions to go in. First into the elevator and to the top floor, then turn to the right hall, the left led to the rooftop but the right- she didn't know. She had never been here.
There were a couple more rooms up here, mainly the more expensive ones that VIP patients would want. There was also an abandoned desk, some closets for equipment-
"There-" The boy pointed. His breathing had become worse. Ahn made sure to carry more of him now. He definitely wouldn't have been able to make it this far without her. He pointed towards the far end, the last room left. Room 999. They walked up to it and she turned the knob.
It was an old hospital room just like any other. Except the windows were huge here. Most of the walls were windows. The moonlight bathed the entire place in its glow. The floor was cement which was probably one of the reasons it had been abandoned. There was also a bathtub in the middle, it was outdated. Probably from fifty years ago. The hoses and handles had been ripped off but she could see they used to be gold. Whatever hadn't broken off indicated that.
On the ground lay arrangements of different hospital robes and equipment. She almost tripped over a stethoscope.
"Careful-" He told her. "There's abandoned needles here."
Then why would we go here?! She thought, regretting everything. These stupid glasses. They didn't help anything. Ahn took him towards the windows at the farthest end of the room, he gasped, falling to his knees. He pointed north and her eyes widened. From the rooftop you could only see the city. From here, you could see the mountains, the line of trees and the clouds that barely touched them. The moon seemed closer here too. It was beautiful.
Ahn pressed her face towards the glass, taking it all in. So so so beautiful. Why didn't she realize how close the forest was from this hospital? She needed to take a hike down there. Maybe even a run. It would be good if Requiem wanted to shoot some dance videos here too. Maybe this boy can meet them, have some friends before he... she stopped the thought.
"I never did ask you your name." Ahn turned to look down at him. He sat cross legged staring at the entrance of the door. "Gabriel." He whispered.
Biblical. That would explain his need to go to heaven. He was religious. Or raised in a religious household. Ahn nodded. "It's a cool name."
He wasn't paying attention to her anymore. She followed his gaze towards the door.
Her heart dropped.
The blood in her veins ran cold.
Two men in black robes were chaining up the door. Another was putting something in the bathtub. A cross. He was putting a silver cross in the bathtub.
Ahn stood up, putting herself in front of Gabriel. "What the hell are you doing?" Her voice came out more nervous than expected. They ignored her finishing up the door. Ahn looked around, there was no other way to escape. Even breaking the window wouldn't work. It was a long fall and they would die. They were trapping them, and no one traps another person for a good reason. This was bad. Very bad. Every hair of hers stood as if her body was trying to warn her of what she already knew.
"Answer me!" She shrieked at them. They didn't. There was a pipe bar next to her, she was going to defend herself with it but- Ahn took off the glasses, throwing them aside. She needed to see better. It was cloudy but it was better than her original eyesight. She could see everything on the ground, and see in actual color instead of the brownish hue the glasses gave her.
It was risky for her eyes but... they needed to get out of here. Ahn could face the consequences later. "Gabriel-" She whispered. "Can you run?"
Gabriel looked up at her. "No."
"Here's what I'll do, I'll try to knock as many as I can down with that pipe over there. I'm strong so it should be easy. You go and unchain the door. If you get it open, run. Go find help. I'll be behind."
Gabriel frowned at her. "You'd protect me?"
Would she? The answer was yes but she was scared to. She had never been put in a situation like this before. Ahn was agile. Good on her feet. She'd give it her all. Taking a deep breath, she readied herself. "On three-" She told him quietly.
The men in black robes all turned to her as if they heard. That's fine. That's fine. Even better. They turned their attention on her and when she got the weapon they'd panic and try to take it from her. They would ignore Gabriel unchaining the door and they could get out of this.
"She's going to grab the pipe! Stop her!" Gabriel shouted.
Ahn turned to look at him in shock. She didn't have time to be heartbroken by the betrayal. She dived towards it while they all had a two second start to get it from her. Ahn was closer, she grabbed the pipe and swung violently, managing to hit one of them. He fell back.
Keep going!
Ahn swung and spun herself in a circle so it was harder to grab her, all while walking towards the door.
No use. They were smart. One managed to grab it from her and it almost knocked her down. He threw the pipe away and it clattered, crashing into a box full of old syringes. Ahn took off running. They chased after her and she bent down to grab a couple needles. She threw them their way and they dodged.
The needles almost hit Gabriel instead and he covered his face with his arms. He looked angry now. Not like the sweet boy she had been talking to for the past forty minutes. Ahn was crying out of fear. It burned her eyes to do so. In fact, her vision was getting worse now. There was little time left before they gave out.
Ahn threw more needles and anything that was dangerous enough to be hit with. Finally she passed the bathtub, it had been filled with red liquid. Crosses floated at the top. It sent a ripple of fear through her so strong that her feet faltered. She had to grip the edge of the bathtub to keep from falling.
Pulling herself up, Ahn kept going until she made it towards the door. Her hands fumbled on the chains trying to find where it started and where it ended. It was no use. A labyrinth of metal that couldn't be undone unless you had an axe.
Or a key.
There was probably a key on one of them. Five figures ran towards her. The sixth was still on the floor crying from the pain she had caused.
Quickly scanning all five people, Ahn saw what she needed. All of them had crosses around their necks except one. He had a key. Pushing herself off the door for more momentum, Ahn turned around and ran back towards Gabriel. They all seemed confused by the action. Good. Gabriel stared wide eyed as she picked up a needle, and slid towards him. The cement burned and scarred her knees, scraping off skin in the process. It didn't matter. It was the fastest way.
Ahn wrapped an arm around Gabriel's thin figure, pressing the tip of the needles on his neck. "Stop or I'll kill him!"
She wouldn't. She couldn't. She hoped they couldn't tell her bluff. The five figures stopped in front of them gasping for air. Her knees ached, but worst of all... her eyes. Her eyes burned. It was over. They were clouding over. They were too dry. Ahn had done everything she wasn't supposed to do.
To her dismay, Gabriel nodded, his head bowing low. "It's okay. I'm going to die anyway. Get her."
Ahn dropped the needle while they all started closing in again. She couldn't escape. Her eyes weren't capable of crying anymore. They all grabbed her and she let out an ear deafening scream. A dozen of them actually. Ahn thrashed in their arms, begging for them to let go of her. They didn't.
They were going to kill her. Or kidnap her? Or something bad.
"Please!" She begged. "Someone help me!"
No one came. Why was no one coming!? Her legs kept kicking trying to free herself from their hold but it was no use. They took her towards the bathtub and dropped her roughly inside. She was met with thick red water and crosses that dug into her spine as her body hit the bottom of the tub.
The sixth robed person came over, helping them hold her down. She couldn't breathe. Her body begged for more oxygen. Ahn gasped for air as they held her head. Water kept coming inside. No, not water. The taste was too thick. Too metallic. Oh god.
No. No. No.
It was blood. She was in blood. She shrieked again, the sound gurgling with the blood entering her. "Stay still!" One of them yelled at her. Gabriel came up behind them and Ahn glared at him. As much as she could. Her eyes couldn't see much anymore. It was burning too. The blood burned the surface of her skin. Her body soon became too overheated and she didn't see any scarring but it felt like there would be if she stayed any longer.
"Start now!" One of them yelled.
"Help!" Ahn cried, getting a small towel shoved in her mouth in the process.
A man stood up and took out what seemed to be a Bible. "We are here to exorcise a poor victim of possession. May the heavens help us!"
Victim? Possession? Heaven?
Ahn screamed but it was only muffled by the towel. She panted instead, wishing she could've seen her friends one last time. Wishing she could've danced one last time. She wished for a lot of things actually. She should've been nicer to her parents. Should've invited them to her new apartment more.
"Help!" Ahn screamed but it didn't sound like anything.
"Stop screaming! All the ones on this floor are in on it." Gabriel spoke quietly. "It's to help you. Your donor... he was possessed before he died. The demon stayed in the eyes you have now. Stay still and we can help you."
"Fuck off!" Ahn cursed at him.
"The members of the church had been keeping close tabs on them. When they disappeared we noticed it's because they had been picked for your surgery. You were the only one who received one today."
"I don't care! I don't care! I don't care!" Ahn kept repeating, hating the way the blood burned. The man in front of her kept saying words of heaven and hell, god and angels. She couldn't hear through her own screaming. There had to be at least one person in this damn hospital who decided to check on the top floor. Just one good Samaritan.
"May the power of Christ compel you!" He shouted. There it was. That famous line that had been overused in horror movies. Ahn kept crying. "May the demon that rests on your shoulders show itself and repent for its sins!"
And then there was fire.
PART 2 - All a dream… Maybe?
Pure lines of blazing hot fire spread across the room. Like slithering snakes they circled around everyone. No, not snakes. It was a tornado of fire. It was unbearably hot and despite being in a tub full of blood, Ahn was already sweating. Outside the ring she could see that the flames weren't touching anything else.
Only focusing on them.
She kept screaming, but it wasn't only her who was screaming now. The robed men were yelling. Their clothes were on fire. They all let go of her trying to put it out. One shoved her out of the bathtub so he could get in and put out the inferno that currently devoured his body. Ahn met the ground roughly, her body ached but she was able to take out the towel from her mouth.
Gabriel fell on his ass beside her, he started sobbing and backing away as if he'd just seen a ghost. Ahn turned around to see there was a new person there with them.
A man.
"Ahh. You're the ones who invited me yet you're treating me like this?" He crossed his arms. "That's not very nice is it?"
All her attackers had been able to put out the fire on them. Now they wailed and shielded themselves from him as if he was going to kill them all. Wait, she had seen him before. Ahn took in his features again. Pink hair, tall, except instead of the ridiculous coat he was wearing a striped turtleneck and a leather jacket this time.
"I should teach you all a lesson. What is this your fourth time trying to exorcise me?"
The man met her eyes and smiled, a small dimple showing on his cheek. "But time is of the essence. We need to go."
Ahn couldn't speak. Her throat burned from all yelling she had already done. The man ran up to her and picked her up easily, as if she weighed close to nothing. "Oh guess you'll be needing these too-" He held onto her with one hand while picking up her glasses with the other.
And then-
He jumped out the window, breaking it in the process with his shoulders. Ahn screamed a hoarse dry sound coming out of her. She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. Glass shards fell around them as they fell. There's no way they were going to survive the fall. Her stomach flipped at the drop and her mind stopped working.
He laughed a low deep chuckle before she felt a large shove and a brand new unsettling feeling. It wasn't falling. They weren't falling anymore. Her hair was being plastered down. They were going... sideways? Ahn kept holding onto him, but decided to open her eyes a little. The world was nothing but a blur, but she could make out trees. They were going towards the forest.
"Can I tell you something?" The guy asked.
She couldn't answer. Her voice was gone. Death. Death was all she could think about.
"Ahh...To be honest-" He continued. "I don't know how to land with someone in my arms."
As if on cue, Ahn felt them land roughly on the ground. The grip on her body tightened and he took the worst of it, using himself as a landing pad. Her head slammed against his chest and then was thrown off of him. Ahn didn't have time to call for help, crashing into the forest floor, her body rolled a couple times before she was able to stop. Pine needles and sticks poked her bare arms and her knees... she didn't even want to think of the state of them.
The man groaned beside her and her body went into a fit of violent coughs that only resulted in her throwing up soon after. Her vomit was red and brown from the chocolate earlier and the blood.
It was hot out here. Summer was always so hot even in the forest. Ahn wiped her mouth and tried standing up but the guy was faster. He shoved her back on the ground, rolling her so she was on her back. "Aish you seriously need to take care of my eyes better." He frowned, taking out eye drops from his pocket.
Ahn was too tired to fight it. He opened her eyes, letting a couple drops fall in. It hurt. A lot. Ahn tried shoving him away but he was stronger. "Unless you want to go back to the hospital, I suggest letting me help you."
The hospital. With that cult. No thank you. She calmed down, and the man wiped her eyes softly with the back of his sleeve. Finally he put on her glasses and groaned, falling beside her. "Stay like that for a while. It's better to be on your back during recovery."
The sky above them was dark and cloudy. You couldn't see the moon from down here. It was covered. "Who are you?" Ahn asked, wincing at her grandma voice. It sounded aged and raspy.
"Chanyeol?" He said it in the form of a question.
"Are you not sure or are you asking me if I'm Chanyeol?"
He sat up. "Interesting."
"What is?"
He sighed, clapping his hands once. "Do you know how to get home from here?"
"No!" Ahn tried sitting up but he narrowed his eyes warning her not to move. She continued laying down. "I don't but I can Uber."
"Uber what the hell is that?"
He didn't know?
"I can pay someone to drive me." She explained. "Through an app but-" A defeated sigh escaped her. "My phone was in my room."
"What's a phone?" His brows furrowed, looking impatient.
Was he pranking her? Ahn stood up, ignoring his warnings. "You know? To call someone? To text them?"
He blinked. "Oh a telephone."
"Yes. I need my telephone." The word sounded weird. No one used it anymore. Ahn coughed again and Chanyeol looked around.
"They were close to exorcising me this time." He ran a hand through his hair. "Ah, to put the blood of a lamb with holy water was a smart move."
At least it hadn't been a human then. Ahn decided she could live with it for now. She looked at her dirty arms, underneath the blood and mountain dirt she could see they were red. "Why did it burn me?"
"Because you're now part demon sadly. I cant believe they were given to someone so insignificant." He snorted and walked up to her. His eyes were blue and one was clear enough to almost be white. There was a shift in the wind and he grabbed her shoulders. "Close your eyes."
"You idiot, do it now!" He spoke through gritted teeth.
Ahn decided to listen in a mix of fear and trust in him. She closed her eyes and they immediately felt better. The wind picked up and her hair blew in her face. She wanted to move it out but the man stopped her. "Whatever you do, don't open your eyes."
There were voices. Whispers around them. They were large in numbers and some were closer than others. They ranged from low and high tones. It was suddenly cold too. Ahn shivered and the grip on her shoulders tightened. It was scary. This was too scary. She wanted to run. Ahn wanted to open her eyes and run. Just like before with the men, something felt off. Like there was a presence here that wanted to hurt her. She gasped, the sound coming off shaky and scared.
The voices stopped.
Everything seemed to stop. Even the wind. As if waiting for her next move. "Your Uber is going to have to wait-" He laughed under his breath. "Seems like everyone decided to be nosy tonight."
Chanyeol picked her up again and she decided to let him. He had already saved her once. Her arms clung to his shoulders. "Hold on." He whispered. She felt him shift and they were in the air again. Ahn bit her lip and he kept moving. She didn't know where, or what but it seemed to be fast. As fast as a car. "You can open your eyes but don't look back! They're chasing us."
Ahn shook her head, refusing to see anything. She didn't want to find out what was chasing them or where exactly they were going at such a speed. Instead she thought,
Okay... he's a demon.
I have demon eyes?
Maybe this is a dream. Maybe that cult actually got to me and I'm dreaming. Or maybe it's an incredibly creative dream and I'm still in the hospital bed. There was never a Gabriel, and I never ate chocolate.
"All these houses look the same!" He muttered frustrated. Ahn opened her eyes. They were falling towards her street.
Didn't he not know how to land?
He didn't.
Chanyeol landed on the ground and lost his grip on her. He cursed and she fell off. Ahn rolled on the cement this time and almost crashed into a pole. The demon, on the other hand, was perfectly fine. He dusted off his hands watching her struggle to get up. "A sorry would have been nice!"
He raised an eyebrow. "Why should I apologize?"
Whatever. It was a dream. Ahn figured this was all a dream now, there was no way in hell her body could take this much damage in one day. She stood up, knees wobbling and walked towards her apartment. Chanyeol stared after her. "Tomorrow, I'll check in tomorrow. For now, put a ring of salt in your bedroom."
"Yeah, yeah." She muttered, too tired to fight with her dream.
He was suddenly in front of her and she crashed into his chest. He was very very tall.
"I mean it. At least do that."
She nodded. Guess it wouldn't hurt.
Chanyeol walked through the red gates being greeted by a bar full of idiot demons just like himself.
They all cheered at his entrance and some even sneered. He rolled his eyes and fell on a stool. This was going to be harder than he thought. The human was pretty healthy in a physical sense but she seemed to be a little too stupid. Instead of being scared of him, she had decided that he was a dream.
Though it helped running away.
He slammed his fist on the table and a demon named Kiol yelled at him. "Watch it! I just had those installed."
"I'm surprised this place is still running."
Kiol smiled at him. "It's been a while since you've been in the mortal world hasn't it? A lot has changed. Welcome back Chanyeol. It seems like everyone missed you."
He looked back at the guests. It was all demons but in their human form. They ranged in ages depending on when they were made into demons. One was as young as six. All of them were aware of his presence. All of them had been waiting for his return.
"They gave my eyes to some idiot human girl." He frowned. "She decided it was all a dream."
Kiol frowned, his human form was nothing short of intimidating. A bald headed six foot five man with tattoos covering every inch of his body. Chanyeol never understood why he went with that image when he could've been someone handsome... like himself. He grinned at his own compliment. Kiol said it was to scare any non demon customers away. Which was funny considering he was a high class demon. His power should be enough for that.
"How many are after her?" He asked.
"Too many. We almost got attacked in the forest but I was faster and stronger." Chanyeol sighed.
"Are you taking your eyes back?" Kai asked behind him. Chanyeol turned to look at him and they both grinned. Kai and Kiol two brothers who looked nothing alike yet had been demons for as long as he had been. They had met when there had been no such things as cars, or the internet or... Uber was it? Kai had burnt red eyelids that were a result of Chanyeol's curse that turned them into demons.
"I am." Chanyeol stood up. "Even if it kills her. I just have two problems.-"
"What is it?"
"She ruined them in a short amount of time. I have to wait for them to heal properly." He touched his eyelids. They were there in a spiritual sense. Not in a physical sense. Chanyeol could use his demon abilities to make himself look like a normal human. Like how he used to look thousands of years ago. "Also I can't rip them out of her because of that stupid law."
"Ahh..." Kai started thinking. "Humans over demons one?"
Chanyeol nodded. In the world of spirits there is a hierarchy. Demons in the lowest rank. Humans are weak and oblivious to the fact that they have so much control over them. They do though. It's the way God intended it. They have the power to get rid of them, to exorcise them, to make sure they never see light again. That also includes not being able to take his eyes back. That girl now owns them, they're part of her physical body and the only way for her to willingly give them up. "I'm going to do the contract with her."
"The king is back." Kai smiled.
He was.
1480 - Joseon dynasty:
Through the sounds of a leather whip, the sky above was a purple tint. It seemed to stretch into the horizon across the curved and sharpened grey rooftops. It touched the gold and green paint of the palace in such an artistic way that no painting done by any artist in the entire kingdom could replicate.
"Four more."
Chanyeol stared, lifeless, as the man in front of him was beaten. He didn't care. He had dared to back talk to him. Now he suffered the consequences. His father gave the commands. All he could do was watch and have fun with it.
Behind him, he heard a gasp. It was his mother. She had always been too weak for these situations, too kind. Chanyeol stood up, his red robes fluttering against the ground. From inside the castle lanterns had been lit up in the most beautiful of colors. Colors to represent an upcoming wedding.
His own.
The king stood, earning himself a good ten servants to come to his aid. They all tried helping him walk, some going as far as wanting to be used as a stepstool. Chanyeol rolled his eyes and stared back at the villager. He grew crops for the kingdom last he heard, he was hard working yet brash. He didn't care about the royal family or manners. All the good looking men were like that, including Chanyeol himself. Except Chanyeol was allowed to act like that. Through the scars and lashings he could make out the sharp features of his face, his long black hair fell towards the ground.
"He's going to get married soon! A crown prince should not be shown as being violent!" His mother fought for him.
"He is to be a king. A king shows no mercy. A king is strong." His father explained.
"Showing mercy is strength." She countered.
Chanyeol walked over to the beaten man and cocked his head to the side and smiled a crooked smile. "Do you agree? Mercy is strength?"
The man whimpered. Shielding himself from him. Not so tough now was he...Chanyeol took out a small golden blade, gifted to him by his friend Kiol. "I will show you mercy then-" He smiled, diving the blade into the side of his neck. A couple of women screamed behind him. Blood splattered on his face and he looked back. His mother had fainted, his dad looked proud but... his soon to be wife looked horrified. Chanyeol dropped the knife and raised his hands. "It was either that or torture."
Sooyun cried, though the tears didn't fall. They gathered in her eyes as she nodded and bowed to him. "I am grateful to be wed to someone as merciful as you."
She was lying for her own sake. Chanyeol nodded and dismissed her. His dad patted him on the back. "You are going to be a great king."
He wasn't so sure about that.
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 Mini Masterlist
Note: All of these drabbles are under the premise that all parties involved are consenting to the actions held within them unless otherwise stated (mainly: voyerism).
To be posted in order starting October 1st:
Day 1
Yandere!Wolf!Bang Chan + Marking & Possession
Tentacle Monster!Baekhyun + Size
Day 2
Witch Hunter!Yunho X Witch!Reader + Masturbation & Bondage
Goddess!Seulgi + Exhibition & Praise
Day 3
Yandere!Prince!Jongin + Mistress & Orgasm Denial
Yandere!Demon!Felix + Body Worship & Face Sitting
Day 4
Yandere!Gang Leader!Yuta + Knife & Body Worship
Yandere!Dragon!Hakyeon + Size & Praise
Day 5
Yandere!Seonghwa X Hybrid!Reader + Breeding & Edging
Prince!Dino + Cockwarming & Praise
Day 6
Kitsune!Jaemin + Mistress & Bondage
Yandere!Vampire!Hyunjin + Size & Asphyxiation
Day 7
Ghost!Wooyoung + JOI & Praise
Yandere!Prince!Sehun + Overstimulation & Possession
Day 8
Yandere!Bang Chan + Daddy & Breeding
Choi Minho X Succubus!Reader + Body Worship & Praise
Day 9
God!Kyungsoo + Oral Fixation & Masturbation
Demon!Seulgi + Blood & Mistress
Day 10
Yandere!Tentacle Monster!Shotaro + Overstimulation & Body Worship
Yandere!Wolf!Jongho + Marking & Size
Day 11
Shapeshifting Knight!Mingyu X Princess!Reader + Cockwarming & Praise
Han Jisung + Masturbation & Exhibition
Day 12
Alien!Baekhyun + Oral Fixation & Body Worship
Yandere!Incubus!San + Bondage & Breeding
Day 13
Yandere!Changbin + Size & Mistress
Yandere!King!Hongjoong + Cockwarming & Exhibition
Day 14
Kitsune!Chanyeol + Breeding & Possession
Demon!Taeyong + Bondage & Asphyxiation
Day 15
Royal Guard!Bang Chan X Princess!Reader + Voyerism & Edging
Yandere!Jeno + Bondage & Sensory Depravation
Day 16
Incubus!Wonwoo + Cockwarming
Yandere!Wolf!Wooyoung + Breeding & Exhibition
Day 17
Yandere!Hybrid!Sehun + Marking & Possession
Servant!Hyunjin X Princess!Reader + Praise & Edging
Day 18
Tentacle Monster!Xiaojun + Asphyxiation & Overstimulation
Yandere!Prince!Seonghwa + Masturbation & Voyerism
Day 19
Yandere!Demon!Taeyong + Possession & Body Worship
Demon!Sehun X Angel!Reader + JOI & Praise
Day 20
Necromancer!Taemin X Princess!Reader + Knife & Blood
Yandere!Demon!Yuta + Marking & Breeding
Day 21
Yandere!Vampire!Yunho + Daddy & Possession
Tentacle Monster!Seulgi + Oral Fixation & Orgasm Denial
Day 22
Angel!Jihoon X Demon!Reader + Size
Prince!Haechan + Praise & Cockwarming
Day 23
Fae!Minseok X Queen!Reader + Biting & Body Worship
Yandere!Vampire!Seonghwa + Blood & Edging
Day 24
Wolf!Bang Chan + Mistress & Cockwarming
Symbiote!Jungwoo + Edging & Sensory Depravation
Day 25
Yandere!Prince!Yeosang + Face Sitting & Orgasm Denial
Yandere!Jeno + Voyerism & Masturbation
Day 26
Siren!Renjun + Mommy & Face Sitting
Yandere!King!Yunho + Body Worship & Overstimulation
Day 27
Wolf!Minseok + Bondage & Asphyxiation
Demon Prince!Wooyoung X Angel!Reader + Sensory Depravation & Orgasm Denial
Day 28
Alien!Jungwoo + Breeding
Siren!Hyunjin + Oral Fixation + Queen
Day 29
Yandere!Mingi + Overstimulation & Bondage
King!Johnny X Peasant!Reader + Oral Fixation & Sensory Depravation
Day 30
Yandere!Vampire Prince!Taemin + Marking & Blood
Snake Hybrid!Jongin + Sensory Depravation & Asphyxiation
Day 31
Yandere!Trickster!Hongjoong + Overstimulation & Face Sitting
Yandere!Ghoul!Jaehyun + Blood & Possession
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jongbross · 11 months
• masterlist
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☆ (personal fave) | ♤ (fluff) | ♡ (mature) | ♧ (angst)
exo ot9 🪐
▪︎ exo hard hours ♡ (link to everything that has been tagged as ehh) ▪︎ exo headcanons ☆ (link to every exo headcanon i may have shared on this blog) ▪︎ exo reacting to you fangirling over 4th gen group ♤ ▪︎ exo love language ♤ ▪︎ exo + couple matching items ♤ ▪︎ exo making you cry ♧ ▪︎ exo kinktober 2023 ♡ ▪︎ mafia!exo reuniting with you ♤♧ ▪︎ exo reacting to a negative pregnancy test ♧ ▪︎ exo reacting to reader being turned on in public ♡ ▪︎ exo reacting to shy reader meeting their parents ♤ ▪︎ exo reacting to reader being close to their mom/sisters ♤ ▪︎ how exo members would like to receive love ♤ ▪︎ what exo would like to hear from their partners ♤ ▪︎ exo as boyfriends ♤
kim minseok 🐱
▪︎ do not touch ♤♡ (dancer!kim minseok x reader) - 100 celebration
kim junmyeon 🐰
▪︎ notifications ☆♤ (kim junmyeon x reader) ▪︎ mirage of flower ♧ (kim junmyeon x reader) - 100 celebration ▪︎ lotto ♡ (mafia!kim junmyeon x f!reader) ▪︎ our leader is now a dad ♤ (kim junmyeon headcanons) ▪︎ new beginnings ♤♧ (kim junmyeon x reader)
zhang yixing 🐏
▪︎ break my heart ♧ (zhang yixing x reader) - 100 celebration ▪︎ oh, you're so funny... ♤ (zhang yixing x reader)
byun baekhyun 🍓
▪︎ sweet lies ♧ (byun baekhyun x reader) ▪︎ all i got ♤ (bodyguard!byun baekhyun x pregnant!reader) ▪︎ red flag ♤ (byun baekhyun x f!reader) ▪︎ beautiful, beautiful dream ♧♤ (byun baekhyun x reader) ▪︎ say you love me ♡♧ (byun baekhyun x reader) - 100 celebration ▪︎ my first kiss was a little like this... ♤ (byun baekhyun x reader) ▪︎ get you alone ☆♡ (sub!byun baekhyun x reader) ▪︎ so i devout myself ♧ (byun baekhyun x reader) ▪︎ the ballad ☆♤ (byun baekhyun x reader) ▪︎ you make me glow ♤♧ (byun baekhyun x reader) ▪︎ [21:03pm] ♧ (byun baekhyun x reader)
kim jongdae 🦖
▪︎ breaking up with chen ♧ (kim jongdae x reader) ▪︎ i don't even mind ☆♤ (kim jongdae x reader) - 100 celebration
park chanyeol 🍒
▪︎ reckless behaviour ☆♡ (park chanyeol x reader) ▪︎ mad? ☆♡ (park chanyeol x f!reader) ▪︎ chanyeol + breeding kink ♡ (park chanyeol x reader) ▪︎ lilith ♤♧ (demon!park chanyeol x reader) - 100 celebration ▪︎ hey, she's mine! ☆♤ (park chanyeol x reader) ▪︎ good enough ♧♤ (park chanyeol x reader) ▪︎ a damn good feeling ♡ (sub!park chanyeol x reader) ▪︎ the ruler ♤ (park chanyeol x reader) ▪︎ just one more minute ♤ (park chanyeol x reader)
do kyungsoo 🐧
▪︎ fine. ♤ (do kyungsoo x reader) ▪︎ first anniversary ♤ (do kyungsoo x reader) ▪︎ the ring ☆♧ (do kyungsoo x reader) - 100 celebration ▪︎ family dinner ♤ (kim jongin x f!reader x do kyungsoo) ▪︎ bickering, fighting, loving ♤ (do kyungsoo x reader) ▪︎ the store is closed ♤ (do kyungsoo x reader) ▪︎ [untitled] ♡ (do kyungsoo x reader) ▪︎ birthday boy ♤ (do kyungsoo x reader)
kim jongin 🐻
▪︎ dating kim jongin would include... ☆♤ (kim jongin x reader) ▪︎ don't even think about other things ♡ (kim jongin x f!reader) ▪︎ hold me close ☆♤ (kim jongin x f!reader) ▪︎ bite me ♤ (kim jongin x vampire!reader) - 100 celebration ▪︎ family dinner ♤ (kim jongin x f!reader x do kyungsoo) ▪︎ an open letter to jongin... (my personal feelings towards kim jongin) ▪︎ i got you, boo ♤ (kim jongin x reader) ▪︎ really? ♤ (kim jongin x reader) ▪︎ picture perfect ♤ (kim jongin x f!reader) ▪︎ do you love me? ♤ (kim jongin x reader) ▪︎ baby fever ♤ (kim jongin x reader) ▪︎ that was an order ♡ (kim jongin x reader)
oh sehun 🐥
▪︎ you got me so crazy ♡♧ (oh sehun x f!reader) ▪︎ btbt ♡ (oh sehun x reader) - 100 celebration ▪︎ comeback ♤ (oh sehun x idol!reader) ▪︎ the one with the first big fight ♤ (oh sehun x reader) ▪︎ lustful eyes ♡ (oh sehun x reader) ▪︎ falling asleep on sehun's chest ☆♤ (oh sehun x reader)
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gl4ukopis · 1 year
Sooooo I'd like to recommend some of my favourite Iwaoi fanfiction on Ao3
👽 To be first, to be best by Kittebasu (chanyeol) https://archiveofourown.org/works/2547755
This was so good that it soon became my favourite Iwaoi ff ever, I still remember when I read it for the first time years and years ago. They're two idiots, but they're my idiots, you know. The angst, the fluff, the crack, here there's everything.
👽 Hephaestion by rhones https://archiveofourown.org/works/32708011
This is a concept I love. I swear I'm super weak for Oikawa as Alexander the Great and Iwaizumi as Hephaestion.
👽 rings, olympic and otherwise by Cassibee https://archiveofourown.org/works/46181857
I LOVE canon complaint ff set in the future, it's so good to see my son Oikawa chasing after his dreams, this fic made me really proud (I know I sound insane but shhhh). Additionally, I have a soft spot for Oikawa speaking spanish and for the argentinian team.
👽 it's been so long (nobody knows me the way you do) by anyadisee https://archiveofourown.org/works/6963733
This is also one of my favourites among the favourites. THE FLUFF, I swear iwaoi make me believe in love (how dare they). Please read this.
👽 give them something to talk about by thelittlebirdthattoldyou https://archiveofourown.org/works/25426843
As I said before, I simply love a good canon complaint set in the future, but what I love more, is seeing Oiks winning gold at the Olympics.
👽 Freckles by stormysgambit https://archiveofourown.org/works/27553036
STOP STOP the fact that I'll never experience a love like theirs makes me so saaaaad. This is what I call THE FLUFF. It's not cheesy but it's sweet, a lot sweet.
👽 Drowning in space by FindingSchmomo https://archiveofourown.org/works/17084045
I just love this concept, Oiks and Iwa in space are top tier.
👽 Right on time by FindingSchmomo https://archiveofourown.org/works/13268583
This was the cutest fic ever, I just love the Aoba team :(
👽 Fingertips by Moami https://archiveofourown.org/works/5872924
I love them, I love canon complaint. Canon complaint is my shit.
👽 going for gold by project_ecto https://archiveofourown.org/works/25952968
Again, Oiks being successful and getting married to Iwa is my shit, loved this.
👽 Phone Home by ghostystarr https://archiveofourown.org/works/6241063
As I already said, I really like this concept. Plus, this fic reminds me so much of an italian song called 'Due vite' by Marco Mengoni.
👽 And all the prince's men by Finding Schmomo https://archiveofourown.org/works/11495643/chapters/25788708
This is another concept I ADORE, demon king Oiks and knight Iwa have a big place in my heart
👽 between land and sky by crystalforgetmenots https://archiveofourown.org/works/46746991
This is poetry, this is one of the most amazing things I've ever read.
👽 the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle by Kittebasu (chanyeol) https://archiveofourown.org/works/6422014/chapters/14701168
This was so good but it made me so sad while reading 😭
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papermatisse · 8 months
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† An Anthology of the thoughts which keep me up at night.
† My contribution to October (and possibly November lol). There's only one that is pure fluff; everything else is horror.
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I. Stranger || Byun Baekhyun; body snatcher
II. Into the Woods || Yoon Hyunsuk; fae
III. Don't Look Back || Kim Junmyeon; automatonophobia
IV. Solace || Bae Jinyoung; scopophobia
V. Perchance to Dream || Lee Sangyeon; somniphobia
VI. Deadend || Yoon Jeonghan; persistent predator
VII. A Rigid Dichotomy || Kim Yonghee; mind control
VIII. Whispers in the Dark || Kim Sunwoo; possession
IX. Enter Bedlam || Oh Sehun; Eldritch
X. Security Blanket || Choi Seungcheol; demon
XI. Beckoning || Joshua Hong; siren
XII. Rainy Day || Ji Changmin; astraphobia
XIII. The Somnambulist || Park Chanyeol; somnambulophobia
XIV. Portrait of a Man || Lee Juyeon; Gothic
XV. Lore || Kwon Soonyoung; vampire
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© papermatisse, 2023. please do not repost, copy, or translate any of my works here on tumblr or any other other platform
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jiyeonnnn · 1 year
[i'm back~ and of course with another male reader x ambiguous partner cause i was too indecisive]
imagine waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of a beautiful raspy voice singing an undeniable alluring song. you got up on your bed only to be met with the unfamiliar creature's glowing red orbs. you found yourself hypnotized at his song as he starts making his way towards you, before he starts hovering above you. without much realization, you have already submitted yourself to this demon who starts to whisper things in your ear leaving shivers down your spine. his lips started to nip on the supple skin of your neck as an unconscious moan moved its way past your throat, feeling the man smirk as his hands started to freely roam your body. "give in to me now, Y/N. i know how much trouble you've been in this past few days and i'll be the one to help you feel better." he whispers into your ear. you replied with a nod of your head as you gave out a smile. "make me yours. do me as you please. i won't put up a fight." you answered, the other male's smirk growing wider. "that's a good pretty human boy." he let's out one last time.
seeing this plot alone makes me think of so many idols - don't get me started to name the— lee jeno, jung jaehyun, nakamoto yuta, lee heeseung, kim mingyu, park chanyeol, choi yeonjun, CHOI SAN OMFG - there's a lot!
after that encounter, you felt violated, but you can't deny the desire and arousal you felt with him - there's something with the way he talks and lures you that makes you feel like the back of your head is being scratched; it's comforting despite the underlying dangers of what you're putting yourself into. it's the way you're tantalized by his soft touch that made you fall deeper into his trap, and now, you're in the point of no return - not that you're complaining though.
he has taken you as his mate, a mate for his pleasure and desires, and you have no say in everything that he decides for you. weirdly, he has a thing for praises, he may be a demon but he likes praising you, probably to make up for the fact that he'd breed you all night long. BREEDING KINK HIGH AT ALL TIMES. he's into dirty talk too - he knows that the combo of degradation and praises would be your weakness, and oh, the way he'd whisper such things to your ears is enough to send shivers down your spine.
"i'm going to make you come so hard, kitten. you're going to scream my name by the end of this night" - and it's already the break of dawn -.-
don't even get me started with the hickeys ! oh, this man loves to mark what's his - possessive ™
he may have abducted you to be his slave, act like a beast (literally) in bed, he takes a good care of you after every intercourse, making sure that you feel better after every time he uses you.
also, bak8 ngaun q lg 2 nakita heuheu sorry madam
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xxktnexx · 1 month
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Who Does It Better
A succubus and incubus who really hates each other and decided to settle their differences in an unusual way. HOT but still unusual if you consider how they hate each other.
This is a Chanyeol x Reader pairing
Chapter 1 - Picking a Fight
The club was noisy. As always.
You and your friends just arrived and were lucky enough to get a good spot out of the place.
You look around to the familiar surroundings and an evil smile crept on your lips when you felt the sinful atmosphere.
The closed establishment was fully packed again with different breeds.
Vampires, werewolves, demons, and all the other night child like you.
You went back to your drink but was not oblivious to the lingering stares that some of the males gave you. Human males to be exact.
You feel sorry for those pitiful creatures for being too ignorant with their surroundings.
They felt delated for little things they possess, failing to see that they might cause them their very lives if they move by mistake.
A clueless rat leisurely stepping on a field full of landmines.
That's not good girl. Feeling sorry for your food would upset thy stomach. You thought to yourself.
"Yah gongju-nim you never fails to amaze me." Your friend Juna told you.
"We only got here and look, you already now have--- seven meals to feast on." She pauses for a moment to secretly count the men who is visually undressing you.
"Come on Jun it's not like it's new." You gave her a cocky smirk.
"Bet your right." Jina the other twin friend chime in.
The twins are vampires and you on the other hand is a Succubus.
You came from a rather well respected family in your race and sometimes called gongju-nim(princess) by your friends for fun.
It was annoying but just let it slide since your irritation would just fall from deaf ears considering the type of friends you have.
"So, who's the meal now?" Jina asked.
"I don't know. The ones who fantasize about me on their way to sleep, like the usual I guess?" You shrug answering.
"Wahh, and I think that means all seven of them. What a glutton. How does it even work?" Juna says her accusation and confusion.
"You call yourself my friend, but you know nothing?" You round your eyes like you were surprised but not the very least.
You were just teasing.
"Hello? We have different nightly activities if I remind you. And it's not like I fuck my food on their sleep."
"Excuse me lady bat. Don't say it like there is any physical contact okay? My succubus spirit form enters their wet dreams and consume some of their life forces. And it's not like I can help it when they think about me. Nor it was my fault that we feed that way." You said informing her.
"Ohh so that's how it works." The voice who talked behind you was not unknown nor uninvited.
"Oh, hey Jong In oppa. Glad you made it." Jina excitingly hugged her older brother, followed by Juna.
"That answers a lot. I was actually wondering how that works.”
“You my friends needs some get-to-know-Y/N-well session.” And place the glass of liquor on your lips to sip on.
“But you don't actually kill them, right?" The fairy Bacon who sneakily wrap his arm around your shoulder said in amusement.
"Yeah Bacon, we don't need to kill to eat. Me on the least never killed before but I might soon. If someone don't keep their arms to themselves."
I slowly looked at him and that made him retreat his limbs.
"Does that work the same way with you too Chanyeol?" Suho asked to the person behind you.
You froze for a moment and quickly consealed it from the others. You didn't expect him to be there.
Well, maybe a little. His presence is always present inside the bar since he never strays off away from this kind of places but behind you?
No not the slightest.
"Same." Just the low voice that came from him made you frown in annoyance.
Nevertheless, you were planning to ignore him for the whole night.
But the thought jinx you almost instantly. He was not thinking the same thing.
"Bad to see you doing well Y/N. Guess the nickname gongju-nim was not just for show after all." He said as he rounds up to your view and sat on the high chair just next to you."
Though the nickname did irk you most time no one would deny the pride that the title gives.  
Considering your age, you were already one of the best Succubus around earning you the title.
And you’re not liking the way Chanyeol roll your name on his tongue.
Sad thing to say he is actually one of the best league with you.
"Don't call me that scambag your tainting the name." You answered back with the same amount of sass.
You saw how he slightly clenched his jaw and that pleased you for sure.
But got the amusement withdrawn when you notice human girls flirty eyeing the big eared man.
Shit. Same number of victim or maybe greater. Tsk sluts these days. You thought.
Chanyeol scan what caught your attention before smirking.
"Oh, don't be too bitter if I fuck better than you." He notices your reaction and suddenly said.
"Don't mix up our activities Yoda. I only eat for food unlike you. You literally screw food for good."
He suddenly looked at you. Mock is visible on his eyes.
"Wow who would have thought that the great Y/N is still a virgin." That statement speaks fluent sarcasm but that was not where it shuts you off.
For what he said was true.
You're maybe incomparable in being a Succubus but honestly speaking, you never had any experience in physical interaction.
You bit your lower lip before looking at the bottles on the shelf in front you. You tried to stay nonchalant but Chanyeol already saw through your facade.
He leans in towards you. You could feel his hot breath brushing the side of your face.
"Aren’t you quiet shy for a sex demon?" You can feel your canine and claws aching in anger and you have to close your eyes to calm yourself down.
Chanyeol only chuckle at it because he knew he won.
"Whoa, we better stop this now before we make a scene here. There's too many humans around guys don't forget that." Suho stood in between you.
Chanyeol thankfully stopped and so did you.
"You two can't just get along well. You always fight every time you see even the tip of each others’ fingers." Juna and Jina said in a matter of fact.
"And to think you both came from the same ancestry." Sehun added.
The three immediately regretted they ever open their mouths when you and Chanyeol threw them killing glares making them gulp in sync.
They should have known better than to make open comments like that.
You understand that the younger friends don't know anything since it is a very long-time matter.
Actually, hidden incident and was only known by close friends and family member.
Ranging from your age and up knew about what happened.
The incident took place when the twins and Sehun were even born.
You can clearly remember. You were six years old at that time when you’re aware enough to know that your only older brother
was going out with Chanyeol's noona.
You sincerely liked her too. She was pretty and smart and talented and was very kind.
You want them to end up together. Not to mention how you saw the affection they gave when they look at each other.
Your brother is a total tease but still kind, handsome, and cool.
And even though he would tease you until you whine and tear up in annoyance, he would always do something that would make you forgive him.
He loves you dearly and you're well aware of that.
He's a well know player too but changed when he started to date with Yoora unnie.
For you, they might be the total opposite, yet they were made to be together.
They were loving each other tenderly like any normal couple do until you find yourself traumatized one night.
You saw your brother return home cover in blood. Face busted with tons of bite marks covering his skin.
When he enters the main door of your house your mother barely catches him.
You stood frozen, watching as the horrifying scene unfold.
You just stared as your father run to your brother’s side casting some spell you usually hear when you get wounded.
A healing chant.
You were just staring as your mother cry in vain as she hugs her only son, asking him to hold on.
Just staring as your dying brother repeat the same name over and over again. Yet you couldn’t move because of pure shock.
"Yoora." He said in gasp.
That's what prick you up. You ran beside him hurriedly enveloping his cold hand with yours.
“Stay.” The silent plea made your brother look at you with his somehow cloudy and unsteady sight.
You asked him, no you beg for him to hold on.
But his eyes are full of apology. And you realize what he meant.
His leaving. Leaving you.
You vigorously shook your head in disagreement and hugged him. "Please, not like this." You whispered.
He finally drew his last breath and died in your arms.
Your dad silently cried as your mom screams her agony and pass out in the process. You willed yourself to stay awake.
Refusing to pass out even how much your body wants to.The shocked is helping you to stay upright.
 You hugged your brother's body again as it slowly glimmers and fades away into ashes.
Your brother was gone but tears never came to you.
The nightly enforcers came and investigation resulted in murder.
Who would hate him so much to kill him like pig?
Many thoughts of suspects come and go through your head but none made sense.
Until the investigator told you that the suspect was a suitor of Yoora unnie from another clan.
On that most sorrowful days of your life many people came to mourn with the whole family. Including the Park family.
You remember clearly, Chanyeol was there too.
Following behind his father as they enter your household.
For the first time, you saw a glimpse of the woman your brother loved.
She was thinner and paler now. Her pretty face was painted with sorrow and pain.
She looks like a walking ghost because of how gloomy she looks.
But who are you to criticize? When you look as bad as her.
"We are sorry for what happened." Mr. Park said and pat your dad's shoulder. Who thanked him in return.
Mrs.Park hugged your mother too making her cry again.
Chanyeol look at you and smile but you didn't return the gesture. You could almost see your appearance in his eyes.
A pale life sized doll that would break any time soon.
But still he slowly walks up to you, held your hand and led you to the garden where both of you sat side by side.
He was talking about some things but you didn't listen. You can't focus to him even if you wanted to.
You’re too occupied, too sleep deprived, too dejected and what’s worse? You’re still bottling it up.
Tears never shed even once.
It had completely left you. Like how your brother did.
Chanyeol looks like talking to a lifeless doll but he seems not to mind.
The investigation cross to your mind and you spoke for the first time.
Your words were not thoroughly filtered, and you just muttered what comes first to mind.
What seats right with your jumbled thoughts and feelings.
"If oppa didn't love unnie that much maybe he’ll still be with us." Your voice was scratchy hollow.
Chanyeol look at you gaping in horror. "Are you blaming my sister?"
His voice was controlled but a glint of anger can be heard.
You didn't bother on explaining yourself and let him think whatever he think fits with your words.
He sighs. "I know you're in pain but you should not blame others for your loss. You are not the only one feeling the pain." He stood up and left you.
You didn't care.
Week after the incident you never saw Chanyeol. You never apologize for what you said and never even planned to.
It was another sorrowful day on your house when another tragic news came crashing in.
Park Yura is dead. She ended herself.
Your family went to sympathize with the Park family this time.
Until the end they still end up together and it might be in a wrong time but it made you smile.
They are so selfish to leave us like this.
Your parents are slowly recovering and you're pretending to.
Maybe a little forceful and slow but still better than not trying.
You saw Chanyeol for the first time after what happened in the garden.
He was as bad as you look a week ago and you feel sorry for him.
You knew the pain too well.
You walk towards him but didn't talk and just sat silently beside him as both of you stared at the same direction.
"If only my sister didn't love your brother that much maybe she’ll still be with us."
Chanyeol told you the same thing you told him last time.
You look at him with cold eyes.
"You are right. How selfish of them."
Chanyeol face painted with bafflement and anger again. He suddenly stood up.
"You're crazy." He mutters before leaving.
The word slowly sinks in as he left you there. "Yeah, maybe I am." You said in emptiness.
That was the final moment that snapped the thread of friendship that ever existed between you two.
You never talked since then.
It even took you 5 years to have a proper conversation out of each other and what you mean by proper conversation are exchanging arguments.
You still have the same group of friends.
You still grew up together.
Both of your families are still close to each other but not you and him. And you think that would never change.
"Hey gongju-nim. Are you okay?" The simple tap that Sehun gave you pulled you out from your long and heavy thought.
"Yeah. I just have a sudden--- drift." You said as you started twirling the glass of liquor on your hand.
"Thinking about me?" Chanyeol's words interrupted again.
He wore his famous smirk that would make all human or not swoon. The usual cocky smirk that surely mocks.
"Yeah." You answered back honestly.
For the first time in a long while you caught him off guard. He looks funny for a moment but then covered it up immediately.
You pretended you say nothing and he pretended he never heard anything.
These unplanned personal moments happen between you and him from time to time. But none made a word out of it.
No one acknowledges the thought that both of you can talk without fighting.
You don’t want to encourage the feeling, because of a hatred that sprouted from nowhere.
Just then you notice that your friends aren't even giving you guys a fuck.
Even Sehun just spare you some tap to pull you out from the comfort of your own world.
All of them are already busy with their own conversations.
In the corner of your eyes you saw a young beautiful petite woman coming towards your direction. And by the looks of it you already knew for whom.
She smiles seductively before seating beside Chanyeol, touching his arm while she's at it.
"Hi handsome. Mind if I take the pleasure of your company?" She opens her pouty red lips.
You were just watching through your peripheral view and did not dare to look over.
Afraid that Chanyeol might take it differently. You’re not really interested with his life.
You saw how his lips curled into a lap sided smile but what came out from his mouth after was unexpected.
"Sorry but I already have one." He drops the smile and just shot her cold eyes. The statement shocked you for a bit but keep it to yourself.
That should have offended the female human but in contradiction it only made her drool more for the incubus in your side.
"You look so wickedly hot and cool at the same time how do you even do that?" She whispers and bit her lower lip in appreciation.
And you did the same in annoyance.
Can you people stop flirting within my range of sight and hearing?
And when I said it that way that means go outside the club so you can spare my succubus eyes and ears from your corrupted interaction. You thought.
Chanyeol didn't respond at all and just enjoyed the bitter taste of his drink.
His face was scary calm too.
You know that face, he's not in the mood for any shits right now and you’re not sure what caused it.
"You're not really gonna talk to me?" The girl cares his arm through his leather jacket again, almost making her moan because of the delicious muscle she could feel under her touch.
That made Chanyeol face harden but says nothing.
The woman finally grumbles in defeating annoyance and walk away from the both of you. You fought a smile which you didn’t know where it came from.
"Now that's new. I never saw you rejected some hot babe like that before." Juna suddenly said and it made you agree silently. When you look at your friend you know she's already tipsy or maybe drunk.
"Not really in the mood." Chanyeol mutter while smirking.
"How can the both of you be so attractive without even trying?" She said again after gulping another shot down.
"It's in our kind baby. Now stop drinking you'll look like a piece of shit later and I know you'll regret it." You said as you reach out for the second shot.
"I know. I know." She was raising the glass away from you. "I know it's in your kind but you two are exceptional." She added.
"That's right twin sista!!" Jina was already drunk too. They high five each other barely missing each other's hands.
"Tch you girls can’t handle your alcohol well. Why did you guys even let these two drink?" You asked the other boys but fell in deaf ears.
"So, who does it better?" Juna suddenly blurted out.
"Does what better?" Chanyeol asked as he look at the drunk woman over his shoulder. His brow furrow in confusion.
"Who fucks better?" Her face was in pure innocence.
 Like a curious child who is asking what is the sun for. Her twin sister is clapping her hands together in total agreement.
That question caught yours and Chanyeol's attention.
You look at each other for a good second, actually preparing to answer the question like it is about who's so much better at school.
Succubus and Incubus take pride at their sexually related life.
It's in their nature. In their vein. In their genes. And you rather loss to anyone but him.
"Of course, I do." Both of you said at the same time.
Head snapping again towards each other. Throwing sharp glares while you’re at it.
But then Chanyeol's smirk slowly crept on his lips.
"You? If you haven't notice you just admitted earlier that you're a virgin."
You scowl at him. "Let me correct that Dickhead. I admit nothing. I stay silent, you assumed, your loss." Once again calling him with curse names other than his own.
When was the last time I called him by his name? I don't remember.
"You're not gonna fool me woman. You can play with anyone but me."
"Say what you want but I'm still better than you." You said.
"This will lead us nowhere." Jina mumble realizing that none of you wants to back down.
"We cannot prove who's better with just claim words and we can't do anything about it."
"Actually, we can." Juna interrupted. You can almost see the bright bulb that just lit inside her head.
"How?" Chanyeol and you asked again at the same time.
Can he stop talking along with me. Your inner beast growl.
She giggle at her inner humor before blurting out. "Simple. You two should have sex with each other."
You surely felt the long pause.
Okay, what the hell was that?
"Excuse me?!" You snap first.
"You've got to be kidding me." Chanyeol mumble under his breathe.
Words suppose to be said upon himself though you heard it still. Without a valid reason you felt offended with his reaction.
What the fuck. You don't want to sleep with him Y/N. Sort out your priorities will you?!
"Well you know. If you go with who gets the most victim would be tiresome and long. And I swear it won't end right there and then.
For sure one of you would want a rematch then another then another and another. Besides that game sounds quite slutty. We don't like it." Jina reasoned out.
"So if you guys just do it between yourselves. Maybe make some rule about who cums first, loses. Then we can settle it more simply and neatly." Juna added.
"No." You said flatly. "I won't say any other reason just plain no."
Chanyeol's meaty laugh beside you made you stop yourself from shoving the fucking wine bottle in his mouth. It was a hard restrain.
You glared at him making sure he can feel its intensity.
"Don't get me wrong but man, you're a coward. You just say no without even hearing anything out. Can't blame you though. Who would fight a losing battle."
"You really are a pain in my ass." You squinted your eyes at him.
He suddenly leans forward brushing his hot breath on your ears by the process.
"I can also inflict pain somewhere else in your body if you want." He whisper on my ears and thankfully the twins didn't catch that up or else I'm done.
He did not specify where but you could not help but to think dirty on that 'somewhere'.
Nevertheless, you hide your real reaction with a scoff and redden in annoyance but mostly in embarrassment.
Thankfully the stroblight is covering your face. 
"If I didn't know any better, I would think you're flirting with me." You smirk at him hiding your bashful side.
He did not talk for a second. But you saw him bit his lower lip as he was eyeing the seductive smirk on your lips.
The lip bite was gone as soon as it surface. He mask it with the sudden chuckle that made you doubt if that really happened or were you getting drunk?
"You can keep on dreaming. You cannot even fight me as an equal. How can I look at you like a probable consort."
You don't want to admit and you would never admit but his statement made a painful jab inside and you spoke before you could stop yourself.
"I feel sorry for Yoora unnie. To have a namjadongsaeng as fucked up as you."
You saw Chanyeol's face turn sour. You know you hit the wrong button but he was also hitting the wrong one.
The way Chanyeol's eyes turn cold almost made you feel guilty. Key word, almost.
"I feel sorry for your brother too. To have an egocentric, insensitive, and loser sister like you."
You are already on each others throat. You can feel your gums ache in absolute anger.
Canines threatening to bite on something fleshy to ease the pressure your giving it. Chanyeol being that something fleshy.
You both fell silent. An act of dismissing the argument unsolve or even finish.
This conversation is getting nowhere. Why did he even sat beside me if he hates me as much as I hate him.
To pissed you of course. A voice said in your head.
Damn Incubi and all his fucking tricks.
"Whoa, the world is swirling!" Juna squeals on you right arm. Jina taking the other.
It was already pass 1 when the three of you got out of the club. Too early for creatures like you. But Juna and Jina is nowhere close to sane now and you could not let them take another minute or second inside the club. Even though their vampire blood these two are still children and you don't want them to go bersik in there.
You could not spot Jong In and you've got the brightest idea that he may have hooked up someone and left the place.
What a good for nothing brother.
Sehun is also drunk and you let Suho take good care of him.
To make the situation worse it started raining and you could not find your keys anywhere.
Maybe, you have dropped it or worse stolen.
What can a lone Succubus do under the rain without a car, with twin drunkards each arm of her?
You can handle them both really. With their petite body and your inhuman strength that would be a piece of cake.
But you would not dare to soak them or yourself under the heavy pore of rain.
"Shit. And it so happens that I love this heels." You mumble under your breath when you look down to your black strapped footwear.
The sudden arm that snake over Jina, taking her away from your arm scared the wits out of you.
You were about to raise your leg to beat whoever's trying to steal the sleeping girl within your grasp.
"It's just me." Chanyeol's voice stop you from the attempt. No wonder you did not feel any presence.
He carry Jina on his arm like a lady and by pure instinct she lean closer to him encircling her fair limbs around his neck and burying her face on the crook of it.
You know Jina did not mean harm or even aware of what she's doing now. But the sudden frown consumed your face shocked you to no end.
You are irritated with something and it's so frustrating that you could not pin point the cause.
Chanyeol look at you for a moment. "I'm not doing this for you. It's for the twins."
Ahh it must be it. I was irritated that I am receiving help from him. Your inner you said but deep inside you know there's something more.
You followed Chanyeol to the side alley. Giving your best effort to stay dry including the young lady you are carrying beside you.
You can now see Chanyeol's car up ahead.
Both of you put the twins on the backseat but you stopped when you were about to open the front seat of the car.
He didn't say you can ride dimwit. You thought making your hands balled in withdrawal.
"What are you waiting for? Get in." Chanyeol eradicate the hesitation inside you.
You gladly hop in and welcomed the comfort inside the vehicle.
Chanyeol turned the car on and drive it out of the place.
"Thank you for taking the twins home Y/N." Mr. Kim said with a smile. You return the gesture openly.
"Thank you as well Chanyeol."
"It's no problem Mr.Kim." Chanyeol also smile and you stared at it for a moment.
What a rare display.
You averted your eyes when he looked over to you.
"You heard me Chanyeol? You cannot hide that feelings forever." Juna suddenly yelled. Pointing her perfectly painted nails to the big eared man beside you.
You look over at Chanyeol and gave him an asking look but he's as shocked as you.
"And you Miss Y/N, you should hop down your high horse for once. So you can finally see it." Jina suddenly joined the moment.
"Yeah. Yeah. Now go to sleep you two. Thank you again."  Mr.Kim said as he escorted his daughters into their own room.
Chanyeol and you descended the stairs as the door behind you closes.
You keep on thinking about what the two just said. What am I blind about?
The rain began to pore harder again and a sigh escape your lips.
"Let's get you home."
You just can't believe what you heard. "What?"
"Do you want to walk home wet?"
"No." You said in an instant.
"Then get your butt in the car before I change my mind." Chanyeol said before walking round the car.
And that’s what you did. You race to get inside the car before he really did change his mind because enemy or not, you are not going home wet and that’s final.
You had your eyes on the road but for a moment you turn to look at Chanyeol. He was frowning while tapping the GPS.
"What?" You asked, curious by the ugly emotion on his face.
"The road on your home is blocked."
"Blocked?! Why?!" You sat up from lazily resting your back on the leather seat.
"Seems like the water had rose up. The car can't pass."
"You've got to be kidding me." You cup your forehead.
What now?
You stayed rooted on your current place when Chanyeol suddenly U-turn.
"Where are we going?" You asked.
"My apartment. Nothing good will come to us by just staying there."
"W-what about me?"
He glances at you once. "You stay with me for tonight." His lips pressed in a thin line.
"No. I can't do that."
Jina's words suddenly echoed inside your head.
"Then take your choice. Stay with me or swim home?"
You bit your lower lip. "Fine. I'll stay with you."
Chanyeol unlocked the door looking back at you for a second before finally opening it up.
His apartment is crystal clean and its beautiful.
To be honest, you did not expect it to be that neat.
Everything is organized from the slippers on the doorway to the kitchen and living-room.
You look like a lost child. Roaming your eyes inside Chanyeol's place. It's your first time to enter his space and you feel nervous altogether.
Chanyeol disappear into his room and when he came back he's now holding clothes by his hands.
Handing it to you nonchalantly.
"You can use the bathroom if you want. And feel free to use that spare clothes."
You did.
You grab the opportunity and make full use of his bathroom. Everything about it screams Chanyeol.
The bathroom’s black tiles, the towels and other equipment, especially the soap and shampoo. It all screams his name.
You take the soap and take a whiff at it. It surely smells like him.
Surprisingly it gives you comfort but you are not admitting that cause you yourself find it ridiculous.
You push yourself to dismiss the matter. Treating it like it’s once in a blue moon appreciation that you’re not telling him.
Hurriedly, you took a bath and got dress on the given clothes.
It was his black t-shirt and maybe the smallest of his boxers.
You stare at the mirror and honestly feels like a cloth hanger because of how big his shirt is. But it still looks good in you and it made you smile for able to rock even with the least clothes you can get.
When you got out of the bathroom you saw Chanyeol near the closet. Rampaging around.
"Hey, I'm done. You can use the bath now." You silently said. You could not even voice a thank you.
He looked at you and felt him stiffen for a moment. Chanyeol stare at you for a good time and you feel like scanning yourself.
"What? Do I look weird?"
That snap him from whatever thought he is having.
"You look ridiculous." He mocked.
"Oh, I'm so sorry your majesty." You said, sarcasm oozing in your words while rolling your eyes at him.
You decided to leave him alone.
Your feet lead you to the bar counter and you cringe at the thought of drinking again.
Nah. Enough is enough. Maybe a cup of hot coffee will help.
You take over of his kitchen again not minding if he would find you being nosy.
Making a drink for yourself won’t be label as one, considering that you're also making some for the guy who is currently in the shower.
Time comes by as fast as it went and before you know it you are seating side by side with Chanyeol on the couch.
Sipping on the hot coffee that you prepared while staring at the heavy droplets running down outside the glass window.
He was wearing his usual black hoody and gray sweatpants. The typical Chanyeol style when he’s ready for bed.
How you know that? Well let’s just say you do notice.
Both of you shared the comfortable silence that you never knew existed but that didn’t last long.
You should have known.
"You sleep in the couch."
You looked at him bewildered. "Pardon?"
"You sleep in the couch." He told you again.
"You should be a nice host and let me take your bed. I'm a lady if I remind you."
He scoffs. "I see no lady in you. And my bed was bought for me. So, it’s mine."
"Cheap." You mumbled.
"Uncute." Chanyeol mumbles back as he took another sip on his cup.
"Rascal." You retort back. The game of insulting each other began.
"Ugly." He said nonchalantly.
"Loser." He sip again not sparing you a glance.
This time around you are getting a little irritated.
He glared at you for a moment then. "Virgin."
You glared back. Was that supposed to be an insult?
And to make it more annoying he didn't just stop there. He continued his blabbering while enjoying his coffee.
If only you knew, you would have put poison in it.
"You really don't live for your name do you? Gongju-nim? Gongju-nim for what? Gongju-nim of virgins? Or maybe Gongju-nim of losers.”
Chanyeol was chuckling on his own joke which you didn’t find funny.
“You can't even be on par with me." He smirks and did not even bother to give you a glance as he place his finished drink on the table.
You felt a vain pop on your forehead and the last thin strand of resistant snap with it.
You smile menacingly.
"You know what I change my mind." You stood up beside him while slowly putting the cup on the center table.
Chanyeol look at your every move. Wondering to himself what are you up to.
"Change your mind on what?" He asked, you can tell that his confusion is genuine.
"On not taking you on. I can tolerate bad mouthing from others but just not yours. I had enough and I would not let you look down on me any further."
Chanyeol was confuse in what the hell is going on. And before he knows it, you're already sitting on his lap, straddling him.
"I'm gonna make you taste your own dose of medicine and beat you on your own game." You whisper under your breath.
He was shocked and stayed frozen for a moment before he immediately catches himself.
He did not expect for you to be this bold but who's complaining? He surely don't.
You lick his earlobe whispering seductively. "You should surrender now before it's already too late." You look down at him.
"Make me." His smirk made your blood boil. He counters your stare with his own.
"I warned you." You smirk back at him and he just shrug playfully.
"So, shall we start?" He said and grab the back of your neck to smash his lips to yours.
Next Chapter
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shadowkoo · 3 months
mini requests
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OPEN | closed
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Hi! I'm opening my requests for the first time in nearly three years! I'm hoping by doing this sort of drabble game / mini fic requests that I can ease my way back into writing after my long hiatus. If you are interested in sending in a request, please continue reading for all the details. Thank you!
Rules + Requirements :
Follow me (if you are not already)
Reblog this post (boosts are appreciated)
Must be 18+ (minors please dni)
To Request:
Choose a group & member (1 only please)
Pick a genre (max of 3)
Select a prompt (max of 2)
Visit my askbox and use a similar format like this: "Can I request Taehyung (BTS) fluff, smut, and coworkers au with prompt #4"
*please make sure that you include the group in parenthesis after stating which member you're requesting
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Groups + Members:
BTS - Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook
EXO - Kai, Baekhyun, Sehun, Chanyeol, Chen, Suho, Kyungsoo, Xiumin, Lay
NCT - Taeyong, Taeil, Johnny, Yuta, Jaehyun, Doyoung, Ten, Winwin, Kun, Jungwoo, Mark, Xiaojun, Hendery, Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Yangyang, Jisung
SVT - Vernon, Mingyu, Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Minghao, Woozi, Joshua, Hoshi, Junhui, Seokmin, Seungcheol
GOT7 - Jinyoung, Jackson, Bam, Yugyeom, Mark, Jaebeom, Youngjae
ATEEZ - Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Mingi, Wooyoung, Jongho
MONSTA X - Shownu, Minhyuk, Kihyun, Hyungwon, Jooheon, Changkyun
STRAY KIDS - Bang Chan, Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin
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Genres + AUs:
Enemies to lovers
Friends to lovers
Friends with benefits
Meet Cute
Meet Ugly
Athlete (you may specify in your request)
*idol au means that they will be depicted as their real identities (as actual kpop idols & famous celebrities)
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"Don't look at me like that. You know what that does to me."
"I wish I never met you."
"It's your lucky day."
"I'm sorry, who are you?"
"I can't stop thinking about you."
"Open your mouth."
"Why do you even care?"
"You're more important than you think."
"What do you need me to do?"
"Please leave."
"That's my final answer."
"Did you see that?" "See what?"
"What do you want from me?"
"God, you look so fucking good."
"You're unbelievable."
"Isn't that your mom?"
"I swear I've seen your face somewhere before."
"You're such a tease."
"Don't you dare lie to me."
"Who are the flowers for?"
"Don't forget that we're in public, baby."
"Are you scared? You should be."
"Please say something. Anything."
"Do you forgive me?"
"You forgot."
"You're crazy and I like it."
"Where are you taking me?"
"I think I'm in love with you."
"I need you. Now."
"What did you say?"
"Did you miss me?"
"I dare you."
"I bought you something."
"Is it supposed to taste like that?"
"Ew. Why does it look like that?"
"Baby are you close?" "No but the Uber is."
"How many doughnuts can I stack on it?"
"This is why no one likes you."
"Put your dick away, this is a Lowe's."
"Stop yelling at me!" "You’re panicking, you’ll crash the car." "It’s not everyday a demon crawls out of your trunk!"
"Who the fuck did I marry?"
This is the fifth letter you will write to them, and it will not be the last.
Six days after they left, the ticking behind the wall began.
A mob boss with a black eye and a jagged scar over his wrist sits alone in a dingy motel room. The kitten stares at him affectionately, oblivious to the danger they both are in. Oblivious to the mess it caused.
It happened concurrently, and so quickly. The moon started getting closer and brighter in the sky, and you started hearing them in the radio static.
With a palpable fury, the demon turns to you, ignoring the rubble of your kitchen, and sneers. "How did you summon me? You've pulled me out of chains centuries old." Frantically, you skim through your cookbook. "I don't know! I was trying to make soup!"
They held out a hand, an echo of the melody playing from their fingertips. "The world seems to dance to your tune," they spoke, their voice a captivating blend of amusement and intrigue. The silence that followed was heavy with unspoken questions.
Sometimes you question how everything could have turned out if that day had gone differently.
Chills creep down your spine as you peek through the cracked doorway. You're not supposed to be witnessing this. They'll kill you if they find out.
Free Space - send in your own prompt! Please keep it relatively short!
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Not every request may be fulfilled, it is up to my discretion.
Word count may vary between requests (300 to 3k, etc.).
Unless requested otherwise, all fics will be written as female reader insert.
Please refer to the top of the original post to know whether requests are open or closed (reblogs may show something different).
Things I will NOT write: suicide, self-harm, animal abuse, underage sex, pedophilia, incest, vore, rape, non-consensual, or dubious sex.
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iridescentxstars · 5 months
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ೃ⁀➷ 𝐊𝐞𝐲: [M] — Mature content/warnings | 🌹 — NSFW | ✨ — Rewritten | 🌸 — Recommended
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫-𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐲. 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞.
This masterlist contains all works for other idols outside of my ults. Anything that has been archived can be found here. Some of the fics may be rewritten for various reasons but the original versions will still be available. Other works may be found in masterlists that are coloured pink.
ೃ⁀➷ Kim Jongin | BangChan | On-Going Series | Completed Series | Drabbles | Misc | Archived | Archived Drabbles
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
[ ✧.* ] Kinktober2022 🌹
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
[ ✧.* ] What Would Christmas Be Like With... — idol!exo x reader 🌹
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬
[ ✧.* ] Touch It — sub!baekhyun x mommy dom!reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ][M] Set My Soul On Fire — villain!taemin x reader x superhero!ten [present] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] The Little Things — optional bias x reader [present] [ ✧.* ] All Night Long — ceo!baekhyun x reader [present] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Forbbiden Attraction — professor!minseok x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Peeping Tom — neighbour!sehun x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Dance Practice — idol!chanyeol x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Your Touch — ceo!chanyeol x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Special Delivery — ceo!chanyeol x reader [present] [ ✧.* ] Black Hat — hacker!baekhyun x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] A Little Bit Of Naughty & Nice — demon!baekhyun x reader x angel!jongin 🌹
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐜
[ ✧.* ] EXO Kissing Style 🌹 [ ✧.* ] EXO As Dog [ ✧.* ] EXO As Pokemon [ ✧.* ] Bad Puns [part one][part two] [ ✧.* ] Quick Prompts [part one][part two][part three] 🌹
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minquiec · 3 months
you were the reason wave to earth was in my top artists on spotify pls who else do you listen to ????
AWE IM GLAD 😭😭 wte is such a lovely band ueueue UHMM the thing is I don't specifically follow artists I listen literally e verything that I like (which is, most songs although a lot of it is pop)
I just have one big ass playlist I started 4 or 5 years ago with ALL the genres mashed in like I literally
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I can tell you some of my all time fav songs tho (at least currently) since I don't have a fav artist 😭 although just an overall prewarning: a lot of it is pop (but I'll try give range..? As best I could) JEBDBE so if you're not too into that it's okay
- Way back home - SHAUN
- City of Angels - Arrows to Athens
- Disturbia - Rihanna
- Team - Lorde
- Yellow - Coldplay
- Eastside - khalid, halsey
- 危险派对 - 王以太, 刘至佳
- Photograph - Ed Sheeran
- Demons - Hayley Kiyoko
- Chicken Tendies - Clinton Kane
- Saturn - Sleeping at Last
- Stay with Me - CHANYEOL, Punch
- To my Youth - BOL4
- If Only - Dove Cameron
- Habang Buhay- Zack Tabudlo
- eight - IU, SUGA
- Mary on a Cross - Ghost
- West Coast Love - Emotional Oranges
- I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys
- TOMBI - Kvi Baba
- seoul - RM
- Mind over Matter - Young the Giant
- Sativa - Jhené Aiko, Swae Lee
And there's like a lot more but I'm too lazy to add hbrvrhrghrbf
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badbf-cb · 2 years
Tease Tuesday pt1
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Jaebeom: Come here princess... Mornings are beautiful from the right spot
Hongjoong: Here kitty, kitty. Now is your chance to show daddy what you really want
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Changkyun: It would be better with a pair or two or three of hands on me
Taeyong: There is always room for one more~
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Hyunjin: Maybe I can interest you in more than a motorcycle ride~ Did you take my motorcycle? Yes. And I'll do it again if he says yes
Jungkook: How about you let me be the big spoon? I have a special spot for ya *winks*
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Chanyeol: First Tuesday... Can't screw this up
@ateezmystery  @bbc-minji-oc @caelestis-angels @cave-of-demons  @clairvoyantbeasts-cb @dark-dream-cb  @dc-heroes-cb  @fallenangel-oc  @fate-bot  @freakstars-cb  @godsxbot  @goodagainstevilcb  @helluvaboss-cb  @hideawaycb @huntersvsmonsters  @hybrid-babies  @kxkillers  @littleboywooyoungie  @multiauboys  @multiaugirls  @mutant-academy  @project-takeover  @raiden-oc  @reve-rv  @shangrixxla  @sugarsvt @switchxbotz  @the-hellhounds  @ur-oc  @urderes  @uridealbf-cb  @vixen-demonscb  @yanderegroup @yoursecretdatecb @k-pop-shelter @multi-esme @hybrididol-cb @universe-of-superm @dusktodawn-cb @hybridrescue-center @mafiabot @gashaponlixie-cb @sector1-cb
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jongbross · 9 months
ok so lilith and chanyeol??? if you think another song would be easier for u to write choose whatever song you want <3
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100 celebration
demon!park chanyeol x reader (mentions of dark themes, swearing)
"i've been corrupted and by now i don't need no help to be destructive" (lilith - halsey feat. suga)
being so mistaken all your life took a toll on you, so of course you became someone people didn't want around.
the only one you found comfort in, the only one that stood beside you through it all after you two met, was chanyeol - except he wasn't exactly a person.
chanyeol was sent to make you succumb to your darkest desires and needs, to corrupt your soul - but by the time he got to you, you were already corrupted, destroyed, heart in pieces and soul as stained and lost as chanyeol's once was.
the demon sympathized with you. he knew you were hurt your whole life, being put aside and left out since the day your journey in this world had begun. he was on this road for too long, so he knew people like you (he took way too many down with him), but it surprised him the way you dealt with everything.
"there's gonna be a day where you're gonna take me down to hell with you", you've told him, in one of the many nights you two spend together. "i'm not gonna fight against it, i know my place. i know i'm too far gone now."
"and you're just fucking fine with it?"
you shrugged, looking up to the sky and seeing a sea of stars - each one represented a sin you've made without regret.
"i just fuck things up, in case you haven't noticed by now. i don't think i stand a chance in heaven, they would be disgusted by me", you laughed. "besides... they don't have you there."
chanyeol smirked, red eyes shining at you. "you're the sweetest soul i ever took."
you smiled, even though you knew the twisted meaning behind that statement.
"you're the most pathetic demon i ever gave my soul to."
chanyeol laughed. he couldn't wait to return to hell with you.
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multi-esme · 1 year
Cw/tw // blood
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Stopping her movements as she began to feel an odd sensation that something wasn't right. Rory tilts her head as her brows furrowed confused.
"Something's not right..." She answers Xiaojun. "I'll be right back."
Before he could continue to ask her questions, she teleports to a place she hoped wouldn't be the cause of the gut feeling she had.
Gunshots ring from deep within the woods, making her flinch as she hears a man's voice along with many more.
"You ain't got nowhere to run, little wolf!"
"Shit." The demon succubus curses as she begins to panic. "Nikki!!" She yells, hoping her sister would find her. "Nikki, run towards me! It's Rory!"
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Running for her life as she held multiple gunshot wounds– one on her arm and her thigh– the omega did her best to ignore the stinging pain she felt with each step. Bloody and beaten, she still kept hope in running away from the hunters.
Cheeks stained in blood along with her clothes, she could hear her heart rate lower with each minute passing by.
Tears streamed down her cheeks as her vision kept getting blurred, nearing unconsciousness. She hears the voice of one of her sisters, her ears perking up as she locked on to where she was.
"Rory?" Nikki questions as she diverts her path and makes a sharp turn, a bullet grazing her shoulder as she yelped.
Doing her best to run, she sees her sister just a few yards away. Nearly tripping over her feet, she makes it to her just as she fell unconscious from the pain. Rory teleporting them back to the tower just in time as the hunters shot another round of bullets.
At the tower, Rory stands by Xiaojun in worry as they watched the professionals work on keeping Nikki alive. "I think half of her pack are down." She whispers. "She looked scared when running towards me..."
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✿ smol special tags: @kavengers-assemble 《 xiaojun & top ♡♡ 》 | @dc-heroes-cb 《 daniel ♡ 》 | @clubwnderland 《 jeno, miss irene, & chris ♡♡♡ 》 | @dom-rp 《 mr. chris & huta ♡♡ @darkmoonsiblings 《 bin ♡ 》 | @uridealbf-cb 《 ☆ 》 | @yanderegroup 《 nana ☆ 》 | @storybook-nct 《 mark + jaehyun ♡♡ 》 | @ateezmystery 《 hwa ♡ 》 | @sirenaquariumcb 《 jeno ♡ 》 | @badbf-cb 《 chanyeol ☆ 》 | @the-hellhounds | @blackpink-cb | @urbtsboys | @sirensoc | @dreampodcast
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