#park chanyeol fics
biaswreckingfics · 2 years
Can I request 131 with exo chanyeol??? 🙇🏾‍♀️🙇🏾‍♀️ 💕 need to fill my spoopy heart 🖤😌
Demon!Chanyeol + Spooky -Hope this fills your spoopy heart 🖤-
TW: set in a mental hospital
(Go ahead and pray. See what good it does.)
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"Here's your pills."
You glare at the nurse as she holds the clear cup out to you. The colorful pills inside slide along the bottom when she shakes them. Reluctantly, you grab the cup and throw the drugs into your mouth while she waits patiently for you to swallow. She hands you a small cup of water and you take a big, greedy gulp before showing her your empty mouth.
"I'm not crazy."
"I know, dear."
She takes the cups from you and turns away. You silently curse at her back because of her placating tone. She thinks you're crazy. They all do, which just really pisses you off. They think they're helping by telling you what you want to hear. In reality, they're making you feel more alone and causing you to question yourself.
You know what you experienced was real. Nothing you told them had been made up, and you certainly haven't had a mental breakdown.
Something evil is messing with you.
It all started a few weeks ago. The footsteps and banging that suddenly filled your apartment quickly turned sinister. Scratches and bruises would show up on your body for no reason, something had physically pushed you from behind when you were walking down the hallway and then came the hallucinations. You'd see a fire break out in your room only for it to be gone moments later.
When you went to the local church for help, they turned you away because you weren't a member of their congregation. You tried another close by church and it was a similar story - you weren't in their denomination so their hands were tied. It was bullshit.
You contacted your local paranormal group, but the earliest they could get to you was still a week away. You thought you could make it, but one particularly bad night had you running out of your apartment screaming. The neighbors called the cops and you were sent for a psych evaluation, which was also bullshit. It's 2022. A shit ton of people believe in ghosts, but they draw the line at demons?
You turn back into your sterile, white room, feeling angry all over again. When the door shuts behind you, you assume it's the nurse, but then that rotten sulfuric smell floods your nostrils. Your heart pounds rapidly as you turn around toward the stench and find a man blocking your exit.
His almond eyes and round cheeks give off an innocent appearance, but you can physically feel the darkness rolling off of him in waves. He already towers over you height-wise, but the evil presence that he's projecting makes him feel even bigger, more powerful.
Immediately, you yell for the nurses, doctors, anybody that can freaking hear you, and the man laughs. It's a deep sound, and it sends chills up and down your spine.
"Nobody can hear you." His eyes turn fully black as he says, "Nobody is going to come and save you. You're mine to play with how I want."
Prayers fall from your lips. If he's truly a demon like you think, then only good can save you, so you try to put as much power behind your words as you can.
The demon only laughs, amused by your attempt. "Go ahead and pray. See what good it does."
As he approaches you, you back up into a corner and hope someone hears your prayers, but you fear they never will. 
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eomayas · 1 year
new thing (pt.1) • pcy
pairing: chanyeol x f reader, age gap
genre: smut 18+ MINORS DNI!!!
synopsis: reader begins a sexual relationship with an older man who happens to be the friend of a man her best friend babysits for.
warnings: big d*ck yeol, riding, praise, ~10 year age gap
“oh my god, is that mr. kim?” you best friend, seulgi, screeches, grabbing your arm and stopping in her tracks. you follow her line of sight to a table of five men, her boss dead center. “oh my god, what if he sees me?” she says, looking at you with wide eyes.
you shrug. “so what? it’s not like you’re working,” you try to reason, but she’s frantically shaking her head.
“i babysit his kids! he can’t see me dressed like a slut,” she says, and you snicker. neither of you have enough clothes on to even make a full body suit. “let’s go the other way.” she says, and you let her pull you around the backside of the bar to get to the actual bar counter. every few moments, she keeps looking over your shoulder to check that he hasn’t seen her.
“seul, relax. you’re not even doing anything wrong. he’s chill” you say, thanking the bartender when they slide your drink across the counter. seulgi shrugs, taking a sip of her drink. you’ve met mr.kim and his wife before, and they’re really nice people, and didn’t have a problem with you hanging out with seulgi while she babysat their children.
“i mean, yeah,” she starts. “but, i don’t know, i don’t want him to see me like this. its like getting caught with your pants down.” she finishes, and you roll your eyes, because it’s not even that big of a deal. yes, neither of you are dressed appropriately for running into any respectable adult, but its a saturday night, and you’re both young.
you turn to look at his table, and make eye contact with one of the men sitting around him. he holds your gaze for a beat, a small smirk on his face, before you blush and turn around, taking a gulp of you drink and ignoring the burn of your throat. “you should probably go say hi,” you tell her, kind of selfishly. she should at least say hi, but you also want to get close to that man.
seulgi frowns at you. “why?” and when you only shrug in response, she rolls her eyes at the realization. “who did you see?” she asks, and you can’t help but giggle.
“third from mr. kim, on the left,” you say without turning around. you see seulgi pretend to scope out the room, watching as her expression morphs from a squint to sheer sonic.
“fuck! oh my god, he saw me!” she cries, turning back to you. because she’s panicked, you keep your smile to yourself and slide off of the bar stool. “fuck, fuck, fuck! this is all your fault!” she moans, dropping her head onto your bare shoulder.
you push her off and link your arm through hers. “you are literally being so dramatic. it’s just mr. kim, you can always babysit somebody else’s kids,” you try and she glares at you. you glance across the room at their table, and you make eye contact with another one of his friends. they’re expecting you both to come over. “we have fans waiting for us. cmon, girl.” you say, downing the rest of your drink and encouraging her to do the same.
you two walk over, arm in arm, and you start to feel slightly nervous when 5 pairs of eyes are watching you walk toward them. you make eye contact with the man from earlier again, and watch his eyes roam your figure, lingering on your thighs before dragging down to your feet and going back up. he leans back in his chair, and you look away from him, un phased with the attention.
“hey, seulgi!” mr. kim says, standing up from his chair to give her a hug. you can tell she feels insanely awkward hugging her boss in such little clothes, but it’s brief and he’s back in his chair before you can blink. “hello, y/n.” he says, nodding his head at you. you smile and wave, and try not to put your gaze back on the man from earlier, but it’s getting harder by the second. you can feel his eyes on you.
mr. kim introduces (and reintroduces) the four men to you and seulgi: minseok, junmyeon, baekhyun, and chanyeol. chanyeol is the one who’s been eyeing you all night, and you don’t mind it one bit. you shake everybody’s hand, and when you get to the man of the hour, you make sure to smile at him sweetly and lean forward a bit. you knew you knew your strengths, and you also knew that you were not going home alone tonight.
you and seulgi manage to get comfortable in the group of men, and take one shot with them when baekhyun suggests it. you all click the shot glasses together, and down it, only you and seulgi being the ones to drink it in one go. “oh, to be twenty-two,” junmyeon jokes, earning laughs from the other men. you set the glass down and look over at chanyeol, and let yourself take him in, he’s wearing all black; black jeans, a black button up, and black shoes that look very expensive. a gold chain is visible around his neck, but its tucked under his shirt so it is only visible due to the first three buttons being undone.
he feels eyes on him, and looks over at you. you’re shameless in your ogling, wanting him to know that you want him. he motions for you to come close to him, and you scoot your chair over, leaning forward. one of your legs is between both of his, caging you in between him. “what are you drinking?” he asks, his voice deep and raspy. you put a hand on his knee as you tell him, and he stands up, pulling you with him. you two leave in the direction of the bar, without a goodbye, only throwing a look at seulgi over your shoulder.
chanyeol leads you to the bar and orders two drinks; one for you and one for him. you take a seat on the stool while he leans against the counter, facing you. “how old are you?” you blurt. he chuckles at this, which makes you feel better.
“how old do i look?” he asks, a playful smile on his face. you pretend to think hard, humoring him, before delivering your answer.
“thirty-one,” he corrects and you raise your eyebrows. ten years isnt that bad, right? it won’t feel like ten when you are older, of course, but it really isn't that bad. “is that old?” he asks, taking out a few bills and putting them on the counter when the bartender sets your drinks in front of you both.
“no,” you reply, taking your drink and clinking the glasses against each other. “just older than im used to, i guess.” you say, keeping your eyes on him as you take a drink. 
chanyeol lets out a small chuckle. “you got a boyfriend, y/n?” he asks, tilting his head to the side. you shake your head and then avert your eyes to his left hand. no ring.
somewhere between the drinks and the flirting, you and chanyeol ended up stumbling outside and into his car. nobody was driving, no. there was a different agenda happening, which is how you end up on top of him in the front seat of his black corvette. you're thankful for the darkness of the sky and his tinted windows, because what you're doing is practically straight out of a porno.
chanyeols large hands grip your thighs tightly as you bounce up and down on his dick rhythmically, occasionally holding onto the dash or behind you, or the ceiling of the car, for support. "fuck, y/n," he groans, his head thrown back and his neck on display. you lean forward and start kissing on his neck, rolling your hips into his. "shit, you're tight. you're taking me so well." he says, one hand moving to the small of your back. you appreciate the praise, because getting used to him took way longer than it ever has--in fact, this is the only time you've ever really had to adjust to someones size. you're taking his dick like a champ.
"ch-chanyeol, fuck!" you cry out, holding onto his shoulder with one hand and the ceiling with the other. chanyeol opens his eyes and looks up at you, bringing his hand up to your jaw to pull you closer to him. you allow chanyeol to pull you into a sloppy kiss, and whimper in pleasure when he drags his hand from your jaw to your throat, and takes a loose but firm hold on you.
you bounce on him until the coil in your stomach tightens and then snaps, and you’re creaming all over him, head thrown back and moans leaving your mouth. but he hasn’t come yet, so he grabs your head and holds it against his shoulder as he drives his hips upwards and into you, careful not to knock your head against the roof of the car.
“f-fuck!” he groans, panting and gasping as he continues to fuck into you. you kiss at his neck, not leaving any marks like he asked when you first got in the car, but you so badly want to bite and suck on his skin.
chanyeol grips your ass as he pulls you up and down on him, and when his grip tightens enough to leave handprints, you know he’s close. “y/n, shit,” he groans, and you connect your lips to his, tongues clashing as he releases into the condom, his hips stilling. you practically deflate on top of him and he supports you by wrapping a muscular arm around your waist.
you pull away from his mouth and look down at him, a small smile spreading across your lips when you see the look in his face. he wears a lopsided smirk, and his eyes are low.
this certainly won’t be the last time you see him, not with dick like that.
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amount-send-fight · 10 hours
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seem-art-national · 7 days
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poor-and-we-act · 25 days
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good-reduce-foot · 1 month
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jongbross · 6 months
a damn good feeling (sub!park chanyeol x reader)
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pairing: sub!park chanyeol x reader word count: 3748 genre: smutty warnings: description of sexual activies, fingering/anal play (male receiving), blowjob, handjob, nipple play, swearing, reader is a producer, chanyeol is really sensitive a/n: can you imagine this huge, giant baby being a sub? cause i do! happy birthday, yeollie, i love you to death <3
once again, you sighed as the inspiration did not come your way.
it’s been days since you started working on this new song, but somehow you got stuck in this part of the melody and it just didn’t flow anymore, your mind didn’t function when you tried to decide what should come next - even the lyrics felt somewhat wrong now.
as you heard a soft chuckle coming from behind you, you turned your chair around to meet chanyeol on the couch, legs spread wide as he smiled at his phone. his eyes met yours when he heard your chair, and suddenly his eyebrows were shot up almost to his hairline.
“did i disturb you? i’m sorry, i’ll be-”
“no, no. it wasn’t you, babe.”
chanyeol watched for a few seconds as you threw your head back, staring at the studio ceiling and once again sighing.
“what’s wrong?”, he asked.
you pouted, and he had to hold back a laugh. weren’t you the cutest thing ever?
“i can’t get past this part of the song. don’t know what should come next.”
chanyeol blocked his phone, putting away and paying close attention to you now. as your boyfriend (and a musician himself), it was his duty to try and help you.
“you have the lyrics, right?”
“and the melody? ad libs?"
“i thought the melody and lyrics were alright, but now i don’t know anymore. i feel like it’s missing something, maybe it is the ad libs i recorded, but i didn’t actually like them. i don’t know… i don’t know.”
you two stayed that way for a moment, you staring at the ceiling and chanyeol staring at you. when he finally spoke again, you scoffed.
“can i hear it so far?”
“of course not!”, you exclaimed, shooting your eyes at him and making him laugh.
“come on, baby! i just wanna help!”
“yeah? so find another way”, you said, trying not to laugh too.
chanyeol knew how much you hated showing unfinished stuff to people, how you always tried finishing your projects on your own if that’s how you started.
well, at least he made you almost laugh.
“okay, so why don’t you come to rest with me for a bit? maybe it will help you ease your thoughts.”
he spread his arms in your direction, his comfortable aura calling out for you. his dark hair was kinda messed up, his gray jumper making him seem soft and warm. there was no way you could resist that.
you got up from your chair, smiling when chanyeol let out a little “yes!”. you sat next to him on the couch, feeling his big body embracing you and pulling you down with him as he laid down on top of you. chanyeol rested his head on your chest, intertwining your legs and taking a deep breath. you, on the other hand, closed your eyes at the amazing sensation of your boyfriend’s weight on top of you, his long arms involving you and his fluffy hair against your chin.
“you can sleep for a bit if you want to”, chanyeol calmly said. “i’ll wake you up.”
“nah, i don’t feel like sleeping.”
you slipped your hands under chanyeol’s jumper, thumbs caressing his back and slowly going up to his ribs. he hummed against your skin, melting at your touch and closing his eyes too.
it was all too comfortable, too soft. the perfect cozy moment you were longing for.
until you grabbed his flesh a bit tighter.
chanyeol’s soft moan didn’t go unnoticed. you opened your eyes, still feeling how relaxed he was against your body. you did it again, like you were trying to massage his skin - and, once again, chanyeol moaned.
“baby…”, he said against your skin.
chanyeol looked at you then, resting his chin on your chest.
“what are you doing?”
“nothing”, you shrugged. “you’re the one who’s moaning at my bare touch.”
he smirked, gaze falling at your lips now and, in a split of seconds, his lips were on yours. chanyeol kissed you softly, taking all the time in the world to do so. his lips danced on top of yours, tongue slipping inside your mouth as he let go of your body and rested his arms on each side of your head on the couch, supporting his weight on his elbows now.
your hands kept wandering under his jumper, caressing his skin and making him sigh into your kiss. you pulled him a bit closer, palms spread on his back as his chest now rested on top of your torso, pressing just enough his skin to yours. your fingertips grabbed his flesh one more time, but not too gentle now, and chanyeol moaned on your lips.
the sound made you open your eyes once again, wide in realization. your lips stopped moving, and scared that something might have happened, chanyeol broke the kiss and looked at you.
“what’s wrong?”, he asked, curious about your reaction.
you looked at him, first taking in the sight - a light shade of red burning on his cheeks all up to his ears, lips parted and also red, plumped from the kiss. your hand left his back and went to his face, caressing his cheek. chanyeol leaned on your touch, eyes never leaving you.
“what are you thinking about?”, he asked.
“you’re so beautiful”, and you meant it.
“um… that’s not why you stopped though, i know you.”
you smiled, then so did he. you pecked his lips again, and again, and again; until you had him humming against you.
“can you… can you moan to me again?”
chanyeol smirked, shooting his eyebrows up.
“i didn’t know that got you going so much, baby.”
“that’s not it…”, you said, as chanyeol started to slowly kiss your neck and jaw. “i think i got it.”
“got what?”
you caressed chanyeol’s skin again as he sucked on your sweet spot. you licked your lips too, gathering the courage to spill your words.
“what i need for the song”, you started. another brief moment went by before you finished your thought. “i think… i think it’s your moaning.”
chanyeol stopped what he was doing. damn it, was he offended? i mean, not too many people would be comfortable getting their most private moment sounds recorded, let alone to be put on something that half the world would hear.
would he snap at you? would he think that was crossing the line?
your mind raced a million miles a minute, all into the seconds it took for chanyeol to finally look at you again. his eyes were narrowed, although there was no sign of anger on his beautiful face.
“you wanna… you wanna record me moaning to put on your song?”, he questioned.
you nodded, imagining exactly where his moans would sound better mixed to the melody. it would even increase the lyrics, as you sang about wanting something so badly but not being able to have it, the beat giving off the sexy vibes you wanted.
that was it. the thing that was missing, why the ad libs you recorded didn’t work and why you couldn’t get that song finished. it was begging for chanyeol’s moaning. that’s what it needed.
chanyeol looked away for a moment. shit, how would you apologize? your mind started writing a few apology notes so you would already know what to say in case chanyeol started an argument - but when it took him too long to react, you decided to push that idea away and just hope for the best.
“chanyeol, i-”
“okay”, he said, cutting you off. chanyeol looked at you, a playful smile on his lips. “let’s do it.”
you stared at him, confused.
“wait… like, for real? you ain’t mad i even suggested that?”
“not a bit”, it was his time to shrug. “if it will help you, then let’s do it. i won’t even ask for the credits.”
your smile got bigger and bigger as he spoke, cheeks hurting in happiness for how good your boyfriend was to you. suddenly, you attacked chanyeol with kisses all over his face - his lips, his nose, eyes, cheeks, forehead. it made him giggle and rest his face on the crook of your neck.
“thank you, babe! thank you, thank you, thank you! i promise i won’t tell anyone it’s you.”
“it’s okay”, he said, laughing. “but i will need some stimulation to moan just right for you…”
you rolled your eyes, smirking right away. chanyeol kissed your neck again, lifting his head to look at you. he was smirking too, a devilish look on his eyes.
“yeah? and what do you want me to do to you?”
“anything you’d like”, chanyeol whispered. “if you want me to moan, you’ll have to work for it.”
“that’s not too hard to get, yeol…”
chanyeol shivered at how you used his nickname but, mostly, at how your hands went back under his jumper, nails sinking on his skin. he closed his eyes, damning you for knowing his tastes almost better than himself.
it was your time to kiss his neck and jaw, lips and tongue leaving no piece of skin untouched. chanyeol groaned when you bit him, sure that that would leave a red mark on his throat; he didn’t care though.
chanyeol used one of his hands to grab your face and pull you to kiss your lips. this time, his kiss was intense and passionate, fingers holding you still while he started to build you up. your hands started working too, going up and down his back until you instinctively let them slip inside chanyeol’s sweatpants, grabbing his butt and making him moan once again.
“fuck…”, he said against your lips, and you smirked again.
“hold that thought.”
gently, you pushed chanyeol up so you could have some space to get up. you went to your desk, pressing a few buttons, trying not to seem too excited about that.
“you’re gonna record the whole thing?”, chanyeol spoke. you looked at him, now seated on the couch again with legs spread open and a bulge inside his pants. “naughty…”
you chuckled, going back to your boyfriend and straddling him, sitting on his lap. you helped chanyeol get out of his jumper, his chest now fully exposed to you and at your mercy. you took a deep breath before going in, decided to make his skin your white canvas. you heard him sigh as your lips connected to his collarbone, sliding across his chest and leaving a trace of open mouthed kisses. reaching lower, your tongue danced around his chest, tracing random figures and making chanyeol rest his head on the couch.
he was so lost in your actions that he didn’t actually feel how your hand made its way from his waist to his chest, the tip of your fingers grabbing his right nipple and pinching it hard. chanyeol moaned out loud, squeezing his eyes shut. yeah, that’s exactly the sound you wanted him to make.
you decided to take it further so you dragged your tongue to his left nipple, circulating it and sucking on it. chanyeol’s hands found the way to your waist, holding you so hard you could feel a bit of pain.
“fuck, fuck, fuck…”
“stop it”, you said, tone switching to something more… bossy. “you don’t get to touch me unless i say so. understood?”
chanyeol didn’t answer, he just nodded furiously. so you pinched his nipple harder, and the way his dick twitched below you made it pretty clear you were on the right track.
“i made you a question. words, yeol.”
“yes, yes!”, he desperately said, looking at you. “i understand. just, please… don’t stop…”
“then why are you still touching me?”, as soon as the words left your mouth, his hands dropped from your waist and into the couch. you smiled at him. “good boy.”
you started once again to suck on his nipple, this time the one you had pinched. chanyeol moaned once again, bucking his hips up in a try to have some friction. so you complied, starting to dry hump him as your tongue made wet, naughty noises around his nipple. your lips started to move up as chanyeol moaned once again, this time a bit louder. you took a special time to work on his throat, sucking on the sensitive skin while your hips didn’t stop moving, not even for a second.
your hands roamed north too, caressing chanyeol’s chest and also scratching it, leaving red marks behind. one of your hands then rested around his neck, fingers digging into the skin and putting just the right amount of pressure.
“harder”, he moaned to you. “please… harder…”
“color?”, you whispered in his ear.
so once again, you complied. your hand choked chanyeol a little bit harder, making him gasp and hold onto the couch cushion for dear life. he could feel your breathing on his ear and your hips moving against his clothed dick, and it just made him feel like he was welcomed into heaven. chanyeol licked his lips, opening his eyes and finally looking at you - he had to watch that scene with his own eyes.
he moaned again when you looked at him too, lips so plumped from sucking his skin. as the sound let out his mouth, you choked him harder once again, and instead of interrupting his sweet little noise it only made him moan louder out of pleasure. 
“good boy”, you praised him, index finger reaching to touch his lips. chanyeol didn’t hesitate to put it in his mouth and suck it, making you moan with him.
“baby, please…”, he whined.
“what? what do you want?”
“finger me”, chanyeol moaned, sucking your finger again.
you shook your head, letting go of his neck and, consequently, taking your finger out of his mouth.
“i don’t have lube here, love.”
“it’s okay, i trust you”, he said. “just… fuck, please… i wanna sound good to you.”
you shot an eyebrow up, challengingly looking at chanyeol. he nodded, blinking fast and hard as he bucked his hips up once again, knuckles getting white from how hard he was holding onto the couch’s cushion. chanyeol mumbled a few incomprehensible things, eyes closing when you squeezed his throat again.
he let out a breath as he felt you getting up from his lap. chanyeol was ready to complain, to whine, to beg you not to stop - he choked on his own words though as you kneeled in front of him, hands resting on both sides of his hips and tapping on his skin, a silent signal for him to move up so you could pull his sweatpants down. he did it then, a sigh leaving his lips as he finally felt himself getting free of those suddenly tight boxers. 
chanyeol didn’t say a word as you also took off his shoes, pulling his pants from both his legs so he was entirely naked in front of you now. he gasped when he felt your hands on his knees, pushing them and making enough room for you to be between his legs. your eyes finally looked away from his face and focused on his dick now, rock hard and begging for attention.
“please”, chanyeol whispered, voice melting in desperation.
“shhh…”, you shushed him, reaching two fingers to his lips and stuffing them into his mouth. “get them wet for me, baby”.
so as chanyeol sucked both your middle and ring finger, your other hand found its way to his member, slowly starting to pump it. he moaned around your digits, legs instinctively getting wider for you when he felt your thumb playing with his tip. you gathered all the precum you could possibly get, using it to make it easier for your hand to slide from the base to the top, and then repeat the movement over and over again. 
the moment chanyeol watched you gathering more of his fluids and using it to tease just the tip of his hole was when he lost it. he whimpered loudly, almost like he wasn’t still sucking on your fingers - and sucking it good. you circulated his entrance with your thumb mostly, making it just wet enough to push through it.
“use your safe words, okay?”, you asked, taking your fingers from his mouth with a pop.
chanyeol closed his eyes, already knowing what would follow. he felt, with tensed abs, as you slowly pushed your middle finger into him, a long and heavenly moan being let out from the back of his throat - or of his soul, you weren’t sure. you mirrored him and moaned too, just from how hot that whole scene was.
“color?”, you asked him, as soon as your whole finger was inside him.
“so fucking green”, he groaned. “more… please, more…”
you smirked, loving the way he licked his lips in anticipation. slowly, almost teasingly now, you pulled your middle finger out of him just so you could push it into again, now with your ring finger followed by it. chanyeol moaned once again, his voice getting deeper as he clenched around you when you were knuckles deep inside him.
your other hand went back to pumping his dick, which now was bright red and leaking. your fingers started to thrust into him, not too hard so you wouldn’t hurt him, but definitely not too soft so he could still feel you. 
“does it feel good, yeol?”
he nodded, and screamed when you squeezed the tip of his dick.
“use your words or i’ll stop.”
“yes!”, he immediately said. “yes, i-it does feel good! it feels so good, fuck, baby…”
“what’s the color?”
“green, green, green! just… just keep going, please. don’t stop.”
“i’m gonna suck you off now”, you told him, and smirked again as he quickly opened his eyes and looked down at you. “i don’t want you to hold back, okay? moan all you want, let it out. this is your show, baby.”
before he could answer it, you were already with your lips around his dick, sucking on his tip before taking all of him into your mouth and feeling him hitting the back of your throat. and chanyeol really obeyed you, because the scream he let out was sinful. the combination of your lips on him, your hot and soft mouth, and your fingers thrusting into the pace you knew he loved was all too much for him - there was no way he could hold back his moans, not even if he wanted to.
chanyeol cursed a little bit, nonsense words spilling out of his mouth and sometimes getting cut by another moan, sometimes by the calling of your name. surprisingly, his hands were still on each side of him, almost tearing the cushion into pieces as his nails were sinked into it. you loved how chanyeol could never disobey you, how he would always listen and obliged what you said.
his long moans echoed through the whole room, loud and smoothly. his voice was like velvet, and even when it cracked or he gasped, sighed instead of being vocal, it still sounded like the hottest song you’ve ever heard - well, it would sound like a song afterwards. there was particularly one moan he let out, when he felt you too moaning around his dick, that just made your heart skip a beat because, firstly, you were so in love with him and being the reason why he felt so good, being the only one who could pleasure him like that was priceless; and second, it would sound so fucking good to the beat of your song.
when chanyeol started to buck his hips up and clench around your fingers again though, you knew he was close. looking up at him, you saw his chest covered in a thin layer of sweat, as well as the red marks of your nails on his stomach and around his nipples, from your sucking. his eyes met yours, and with the tiniest smirk he could form, he moaned again.
oh, no. you don’t get to be cocky now, chanyeol.
he choked on whatever sound he was about to make when you twisted your fingers inside him, reaching his sweet spot for the first time that day and making him shut his eyes. you also pulled him out of your mouth, thumb caressing his tip - it still felt good, but it wasn’t your throat though.
“now what were you smiling for?”
“i’m sorry!”, chanyeol answered right on the spot. “i w-wasn’t, i swear i wasn’t! please, let me cum, baby. please…”
“liar”, you laughed, but still wrapped your lips around him again, pushing him to the back of your throat.
your goal was to make him cum now, and so you did. your fingers started to thrust him a little faster, each time twisting so they could reach where he wanted them the most. your tongue, skillful and hot, came in touch with all of his dick, hand paying some attention to the base of it. 
it didn’t take too long. his moans got familiarly louder and squeaky, so you weren’t surprised when you felt him coming inside your mouth - in fact, you did your best to swallow everything. chanyeol dropped his head to the back of the couch, chest raising and dropping as he tried to catch his breath. still sensitive, still high from his release, he whined when he felt you pulling both his dick out of your mouth and your fingers out of him, suddenly feeling empty and exposed. when you opened your eyes though, it was your time to gasp.
“yeol”, you whispered, quickly getting up and sitting beside him. “are you crying?”
one of your hands instinctively found its way to his face, wiping the silent tears from the corner of his eyes. chanyeol slightly chuckled as he leaned into your touch - your hand smelled like him, and he very much enjoyed that.
“yeah, that was… that was just intense”, he whispered back, finally touching you and holding your wrist, so you couldn’t let go of his face. “one of the best orgasms i had lately.”
you chuckled, pulling him in for a soft, long kiss. his sweaty forehead came in touch with yours, one resting against the other while he sincerely smiled at you.
“you were so good, love”, you praised him, kissing him again. “such a good boy.”
“well… anything for the music.”
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itstheoneshot · 9 months
Summary: Although you don’t get involved in any of the real business, you serve a purpose to your gang leader husband that nobody else could.
Word Count: 1.8k
Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Oral, Praise Kink, Mafia AU.
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You feel bad for thinking it, but you like it when your husband has a bad day. Not because you want him to be miserable, not at all, but because of the way he treats you when that is the case.
He is a leader of one of the city's biggest gangs. Underground, but with power above ground, giving you a life of luxury. Cars, clothes, jewellery, and all he ever wants is for you to be happy, comfortable, and know that you are his number one, ride or die, the love of his life.
That is why you like it when a fight breaks out, or a deal falls through. You know that it will resolve, Chanyeol never lets anybody down, just like his father before him he is unstoppable and intelligent enough to fix any problem, but he always reacts the same way before a resolution is found.
He loves you. That is one thing that he feels he has complete control over, a situation that he can always predict and because he knows that he comes home to you after any shitty situation, the story repeats itself and you know exactly what to expect.
“Jagiya!” He calls out to you, and you hear the front door slam behind him, “Where are you?”
You don’t miss the trace of whining in his voice. You were expecting him, and aware of how today went down. He had been keeping you up to date, though without the finer details, as he likes to keep you separate because it’s safer that way, my love, you know it wasn’t good.
“Daddy!” You giggle, skipping down the marble staircase to greet him, watching his expression soften as you meet at the foot of the stairs, “I missed you.”
Chanyeol picks you up off the floor and you cross your ankles around his waist, kissing him all over his face before colliding your lips together. The kiss is deep and slow, passionate, a reminder to him that you are here and ready for him to relax and restore the sanity lost from today's earlier event. His hands settle on your ass to help keep you steady, and he steps back to press you up against the wall. It is hot and heavy so quickly, Chanyeol’s desire for you is insatiable, it has been this way ever since you met, only growing stronger as the years go by.
“I missed you too, baby,” He purrs, “I wanted nothing more than to come home to you all day, I’m so happy to be back.”
You never get enough of Chanyeol’s praises, loving the way that he always builds you up and makes you feel like the most important person in the world. You nuzzle your nose with his before kissing him again, moaning into his mouth as he grinds into you against the wall. You drag your nails up his back, tickling his neck and then tugging on his ears when you reach them, knowing full well that this makes him fold. Now it is his time to moan, and you are carried away from the wall and down the hallway towards the living room. Chanyeol tries to mix it up, taking you in every room in the house, and not always just the bedroom. It is fun, finding new positions and new things that you both like, keeping it fresh after all these years is so easy with him.
He stops at the sofa where he places you down, and he quickly begins to undress you. You playfully try to stop him, pushing him back with your feet, but this only makes it easier for him to pull your leggings down. You whine in want for him as he tugs his t-shirt up over his head, and he responds by moving forward to take your shirt off, too. He palms your breasts with one hand as the other unfastens your bra to take it off, and he kisses down your neck, your chest, now moving to kiss your breasts, nibbling softly on your sensitive buds, your back arches for him, begging for more.
When you are nice and marked up, he guides you to turn around, half hanging over the back of the couch, staring into the mirror on the wall behind it. Chanyeol looks insane behind you, fully taken over by desire as he catches you staring. He trails his fingers down your back to your panties before removing them too. You are now naked, and he is in only his underwear after he desperately pulls his jeans down, you can see how hard he is and you try to grind back into him, but he is not close enough. He leans down again to kiss the back of your neck, and you are transfixed as you watch his reflection, feeling the way he kisses each vertebrae as he moves down your back, past your waist, down to your ass. He moans against your skin as he kisses the plump flesh, and he guides you to spread your legs for him, which you do with no complaints, finally realising what he is going to do to you.
He finds the perfect position and wastes no time diving in, the feeling is electric as his tongue hits your clit. You push back into him, wanting more, chasing the pleasure he so effortlessly provides. He moans into you, the vibrations travel through your body and have you gasping for air. You aren’t sure whether you or Chanyeol are enjoying this more, but from the look on your face in the mirror in front of you, it is pretty clear that you are loving it. Chanyeol’s tongue presses easily between your folds, lapping up your juices, he is obsessed with the way that you taste. You feel goosebumps cover your skin as you ascend to your high, your legs begin to shake but Chanyeol holds them still, not letting you close them on his head like you are involuntarily threatening to do.
“Daddy,” You whimper, biting your lip to try and centre yourself, “Gonna cum, can I cum, pretty please?”
Chanyeol pulls away for only a second to utter his reply, “Cum for Daddy, baby girl.” before he moves back down, suckling on your clit to help you get there, thrusting into you with two fingers because Daddy always has to feel you sucking him in and then it happens.
Your orgasm is intense, your cries are loud but strangled, caught in your throat from the overwhelming pleasure. You can barely hear Chanyeol’s own moans over the sound of yours, he doesn't slow down until you try to clamber away from him, overstimulated but wanting more, wanting him to fill you up instead, knowing that he needs to get his fix too.
He retraces his steps, kissing up your back to your neck, his lips slicked with your arousal, he looks so hot when he leans back to take off his underwear. His cock is hard, red and leaky, but that won’t be for too long, as you push your ass out, wiggling it to tease him, and he resumes position behind you, guiding the tip to your oversensitive cunt. You cry out as he thrusts into you, not giving you any reprieve he fills you straight away. He stares at you in the mirror, his eyelids heavy, siren eyes while yours are more that of a doe, innocent and empty, lost and needing guidance, and that is what he is there for.
He thrusts into you fast, sweat beading on his brow bone, fingers tangled in your hair to keep you conscious, keep you watching the way that he fucks you in your reflection. This is hotter than you would have thought, watching him take you, feeling the way that his cock hits that sensitive bundle of nerves inside you, knowing the best positions to get you reeling.
“So perfect, baby,” He murmurs, “Look at you, so sexy, taking all of me.”
You admire the picture of you two, knowing that he is right. You two are the perfect match in appearance and personality, soulmates probably, definitely each other’s, other half. With a particularly hard thrust you cry out, tears pricking your eyes as the sensitivity begins to overwhelm you, and though you could tap out here, you are not sure whether Chanyeol is anywhere near done.
“Anything for you, Daddy,” You moan, using all your strength to push back into him, matching his rhythm because you can see how much this turns him on, “You feel so good inside me.”
It is unspoken, the fact that he takes you like this as a reprieve to recover from an awful day. You are sure that he knows that you know, but you never point it out, instead being warm and wet and ready to take him, pretending that it is only out of love, and not also because he needs to feel in control and in charge. You are willing and wanting, feeding into your praise kink, loving the way that he worships you and has to prove that he can do well, always getting you to orgasm as many times as he can.
You can barely hold yourself up now, slumped over the back of the sofa, as Chanyeol continues to fuck you, one hand in your hair, holding your head up so that you can watch, the other hand at your core, touching your clit in time with his thrusts into you. As one orgasm ends, another starts, you can barely breathe anymore and it feels so fucking incredible.
“Daddy’s gonna cum,” He growls, and you feel it, his movements faltering, “Fuck.”
He pulls out just in time, grabbing his cock and stroking only two more times before he releases in hot spurts all up your back, the feeling familiar, but strange every time. His breathing is heavy, and you admire the way his face contorts, overcome with pleasure and in pure bliss. He falls forward to kiss you, as both of you try to catch your breath, unmoving and not wanting to be anywhere else. You feel so lucky, to live the life that you do with the person that you do, enamoured and obsessed in exactly the same way that he is.
Chanyeol repositions you, he sits himself on the sofa and pulls you onto his lap with your knees either side of his hips. You feel his cum dripping down your back and it makes you shiver, but you are soon distracted as he guides your arms over his shoulders and pulls you in to kiss him again. He is insatiable, and you think that his day must have been worse than he had told you, but you are loving the attention too, it has been a few days since you have had this much from him, so you’ll take it.
“I love you,” He murmurs when he breaks for air, “You know that, right?”
“Of course I do,” You giggle, kissing the tip of his nose, “I love you too.”
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dilxcc · 3 months
Heyyyyy!! I was wondering if you could do a little something with Chanyeol were he and reader are working on a song together and everything is being recorded and they become really close and when the video is posted the fans love their chemistry and they beg them to make more music together and in one of the videos they forget that they’re being recorded and they kiss or something 😅(it’s cool if you don’t want to take this request)
a bit too close ᡣ𐭩 park chanyeol
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fluff, kinda slowburn, friends to lovers, love confession, mutual pining, a little bit of kissing🧍, reader is so in love with him, grammatical error
chanyeol x f!reader
a/n idk if this is good but i hope you like it 😭
"i think it would sound better if you..." his words fell on deaf ears as you admired him. it was clear to everyone how head over heels you are for him. the way his bangs fell over his forehead, the way his dimples showed at the slightest smile, the way he would cover his mouth slightly when he was complimented.
"y/n? did you hear what i was saying?" chanyeol waved his hand in front of you, causing you to snap out of your stupor. "sorry?" you blinked, eyes slightly widened. "as i was saying, i think it would sound better if you soften your voice a little at this part," he repeated, chuckling softly at your antics.
you leaned closer to him and looked at the printed lyrics that were full of his scribbled notes. "which part?" you inquired, your eyes scanning through your part. his finger pointed out to the closing part. you flinched slightly when you felt his touch on your face. "your hair was in the way," he admitted, acting as if tucking your hair behind your ears was the most natural thing to do.
your cheeks burned slightly and you stepped a few steps back. "right," you stuttered slightly, now fixing your hair nervously. "oh, should we take a break? it's almost lunchtime," chanyeol muttered, looking at his phone's lock screen. you could only nod in reply, not trusting your voice to answer him. "what do you want? i'll order it for us," he scrolled through a food app.
soon enough, the two of you finished your recordings and it was finally time to leave the studio.
eris4life: did you guys see the way she was looking at him??? 👀
channielove: no wayyy did you not see the WAY chanyeol was looking at her??? eris4life: omg i just noticed! are we smelling something hereeee
kyungkyungsoo: omg they should totally collab more! they sound so good together!!!
baeksblub: guys... i think we're getting an announcement soon
you scrolled through the video's comment section, face flushing slightly because of how obviously you were staring at chanyeol. they even gave the exact time stamp! but the thought of chanyeol doing the same made your heart flutter. was he staring at you too? you hadn't noticed.
chanyeol on the other hand was smiling to himself while remembering the time you two were recording the song. his grip on the pillow grew tighter every time he remembered your smile. "hyung, he's at it again," sehun whispered in junmyeon's ear. "who's at what again?" junmyeon tilted his head slightly. kyungsoo pointed his finger toward chanyeol who was smiling ear to ear like a high school girl in love.
chanyeol was not the type to back down from a challenge. he considers talking to you more – getting to know you a challenge as not many people would have the courage to talk to the one they are interested in.
his finger hovers over your username, contemplating whether he should follow you or not. maybe this was a bad idea – that this was a very stupid idea. but hell, he loves stupid.
hey 🫣
were your eyes deceiving you or did you accept a new message from chanyeol?
hey 🫢
do you want to get coffee sometime? no pressure you can say no
the two of you somehow just clicked. chanyeol made you laugh so much. you made him laugh so much.
not even a year after your collaboration, the two of you were already planning a new song together. except this time, both of you were jumpy.
an accidental touch to the hand caused both of you to flinch and jump in the opposite direction. the sudden close distance made both of you stutter your words and look in the other direction. and the simplest eye contact almost caused you to ruin the whole song while recording.
you remind yourself to be mindful of your actions as the two of you are being recorded. but it was so hard sometimes when his closeness lingered a few seconds long. he probably hates you right? you were being awkward and unprofessional while recording.
"you two should take a break," the director instructed, getting up from his chair and walking out of the studio. you let out a sigh and sat down on the chair inside the recording room. and he followed suit. he carefully sat down beside you, hoping you wouldn't be uncomfortable. "so..." he started, his voice sounding awkward.
"i think you did great, by the way," he complimented, smiling shyly at you. "i think you did great, too," you returned the compliment. after a while, the silence returned. though this time, it wasn't as uncomfortable as it was a few minutes ago.
a few days later, the two of you returned to the studio for the final recording. due to both of you being incompetent, the recording time was longer than expected. your interaction a few days ago made both of you less skittish. except for the occasional awkward laughter.
at one point, you hadn't even realized that the two of you had gotten so close while inspecting the lyrics. "this part–" his words died down in his throat when his arm brushed yours. "sorry," he muttered but made no effort to move away. your eyes didn't peel away from his and instead, the two of you were leaning into each other's face.
with chanyeol being tall, he had to bend down a little. you closed your eyes, half-expecting for him to kiss you. while the other half; well...
his lips met yours in a slow yet sensual kiss. it wasn't rushed. and for some reason, it just felt so right. the world around you vanished and you could only feel the two of you standing there; in the room right now.
when you finally pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours and slowly regained his breath. "is it too late to admit that i like you?" he smiled, his cute dimples showing. you shook your head and smiled. "i like you, too,"
the video went viral just a few hours after being published.
chanslover: chanyeol please just one chance 😭😭
junmyeonsfakecotton: my ship is sailing. i can finally die in peace.
kyungsoochest: you are not.
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eomayas · 1 year
new thing (pt.2) • pcy
pairing: chanyeol x f reader, age gap
genre: smut, 18+ MINORS DNI!!! chanyeol is a munch! little bit fluffy
synopsis: after running into chanyeol, he asks you out on a date, and you’re the dessert.
warnings: oral (f receiving), praise, p in v, pwp
it certainly wasn’t the last time you saw chanyeol. no, you saw him exactly three days after that, when you ran into him at a supermarket you rarely ever shop at. you were simply in the area, because it’s close to your job, and bumped into him on your way to check out. all you had in your hands was a package of wholegrain crackers that you and seulgi liked, and kombucha. he, on the other hand, had a basketful of stuff, which made you feel extremely young.
he noticed you first, your name leaving his lips in a way that made your heart jump and your stomach flip. you didn’t know why you were nervous—you ran into people you’ve had sex with before—but it was different, seeing him outside of the bar setting. he was in a plain black tshirt, black joggers, sneakers, and a yankee hat; the outfit should not have set you off, but it did. the simple sexiness of it all made your core jump.
you said hi, and you’re grateful that he’s personable, because you forgot how to hold a conversation. he could definitely sense your nervousness, and kept the conversation short, ending it with asking you to lunch exactly a week from the first time you guys had sex. you were stunned, but you said yes, of course.
that saturday came around, and you guys met at a brunch restaurant that you’d probably only ever go to if you and seulgi have good news, or really wanted to treat yourselves. the inside was beautiful and the menu was expensive, and chanyeol didn’t even flinch to pull his card out and pay for you meal. it shocked you, and you hoped you didn’t show it because you’re used to men either wanting to split the bill, or begrudgingly pulling out their wallets.
you learned that day that he’s the oldest sibling to a younger brother, that he’s a music producer and songwriter, and that he originally went to school for data science before dropping out to pursue music. he doesn’t check his phone the entire time you are both together, and he checks on you to make sure you made it home thirty minutes after you leave. he asks you questions about yourself, and smiles when you start most of your sentences with ‘ummm’, whereas the men—boys—you’ve been with before him would have lost interest in what you were saying immediately. it’s safe to say chanyeol is a real man compared to your exes, and it’s a very foreign experience, though not unpleasant and unwelcomed. before the night was over, he asked to see you again, which is currently what you’re getting ready for on a friday night.
you finish clasping your large hoops in your ear and do a once-over in the mirror. you thin black dress clings to your body in all of the right ways, but it’s real intent is for chanyeol to rip it off of you by the end of the night.
“okay, seul, how do i look?” you ask, stepping out of your room and poking into the doorway or hers. seulgi looks at you and screeches, clapping her hands together.
“bitch, you look too good!” she yells, and you pose dramatically in her doorway. “i take it you won’t be coming home tonight?” seulgi asks, a grin on her face.
you blush at the thought of staying with chanyeol. “we’ll see,” is all you say, but you’re hoping that she’s correct. your phone buzzes in your shoulder bag, and you quickly slide it off of your shoulder to answer the call. you can barely keep the smile off of your face as you say, “hi.” into the receiver.
“hey, y/n, im outside,” chanyeol says, and you all but rush to say ‘okay’, and quickly hang up.
“was that chanyeol?” seulgi asks and you nod, giddy even though you’ve seen him twice since the very first time you met. “have fun! use a condom!” she says, digging in her bedside drawer and tossing one to you before you leave. you catch it and put it in your bag, just in case.
outside, his matte black corvette awaits. chanyeol gets out of the car to greet you, smiling when he sees you. you try to keep your walk as normal as you can with his eyes on you, and he holds out a hand once you get close. “hey,” he says, gently tugging you close.
“hi,” he gives you a soft kiss on your lips, one of his hands on the small of your back. he pulls away and opens the passenger door for you and you thank him, sliding in. he discreetly checks out your backside as you get in, and runs a hand through his hair. it was going to be a long night.
chanyeol helps you out of his car, and you gaze up at his large house in awe. it’s a huge tan house with a black door and a slanted roof. large windows adorn the upper level of the house, one dead center which looks like it’s supposed to be the window a sun room. “nice,” you say, glancing over at him. he shrugs to be modest, but he knows he has a nice house—he worked for it.
he grabs your hand and leads you to the front door, unlocking it and pulling you inside. it’s even more excellent inside, and you can’t believe you’re actually in a home like this and know somebody with a home like this. chanyeol gives you a tour of the entire downstairs, showing you the kitchen that has a smart refrigerator and stainless steel appliances, the large living room with ample room and a large tv, and a large, gray L-shaped sofa.
“do you want anything to drink? i have water, wine… uh… tequila?” he says after you two finish downstairs and go back towards the kitchen.
“i’m good, thanks,” you say. he nods and closes the fridge, gesturing to the stairs for you to start going up. you do, and he follows after you. he can’t help but keep his eyes on your ass, and when you guys get to the top of the stairs, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into him, placing a kiss on your neck. you reach back and put a hand on the side of his face, holding him there briefly as he starts walking you to a room that you can only presume is his.
you appear to be correct when you push the door open. chanyeol straightens up and loosens his hood on you. “sorry, this was a douche move—let me show you the sun room,” he says, pulling you out and across the hall to a room where you can imagine spending every hour of everyday. there are plants strewn around, some hanging from the ceiling, and a comfortable looking tan couch. there’s also a reading nook, and lots of pillows and blankets for maximum comfort. in front of the window is a telescope, and you go over to it. “do you use this a lot?” you ask him, putting your eye to the lens and looking out at the moon. you let out a small gasp, feeling like a kid at the planetarium.
chanyeol shrugs behind you, stuffing his hands in his jeans pocket. “sometimes, yeah,” he replies, and you turn around, a smile on your face.
“well, it’s really cool in here,” you say, walking back over and standing in front of him. chanyeol smiles down at you and gently grabs your chin, placing a soft kiss on your lips.
you let him lead you back into his bedroom, where you drop onto the corner of his bed to start unlacing your heels. chanyeol removes his jacket and hangs it up in the closet like an adult, whereas you’d just throw it on the closest surface and deal with it another day. his room is quite literally spotless, and everything looks like it belongs.
chanyeol comes back from putting his coat away and notices you��re still removing one shoe, sirs down next to you, grabbing the foot you haven’t started on yet, placing it in his lap, and untying your heels that lace all the way up your calf. when both of your shoes are off, you thank him and flex your foot to relieve some of the pain of the heels. he gently kneads at your calf and you want to sigh at the gesture, but you keep it to yourself. “i’ve had a lot of fun tonight,” you say to him, tilting your head to the side ever so slightly.
“i’m glad,” he says, leaning over and kissing you with more force than the last one. his hand stills on your calf while his other one slide up your thigh and tugs you closer to him, so he’s sitting sideways in between your legs.
chanyeol adjusts so you’re lying flat on the bed and he’s hovering over you, the chain he typically keeps tucked into a shirt dangling in front of your face. you put a hand on the back of his neck and pull him down to you, hooking a leg around his waist as you kiss him deeply. he moves his lips down to your neck and you hold onto his shoulders and grind your lower half into him. “take this dress of, pretty girl,” he says, pulling away from you and resting on his knees.
you can’t help but blush at the pet name and quickly pull your arms out of your sleeves and push the dress down you legs. he helps you by pulling it down the rest of the way and leaving you in a black bra and matching underwear. you feel shy under his gaze, even though you’ve already had sex with him before. but this feels more intimate—it is more intimate than the first time—and you haven’t felt this shy since the time you lost your virginity.
you prop yourself up on your elbows as his eyes rake across your body. his drags his fingertips down your abdomen to the tops of your thighs, and goosebumps rise on your skin. because you can’t take the way he’s looking at you, you lean up and kiss him, pulling him back down to you. you slide your hands down his back and underneath his shirt, feeling the skin of his muscular back. you swear he flexes to show off, because when he pulls away to rip off his shirt, he has a cocky grin on his face.
chanyeol kisses you deeply before kissing down your body, starting with your left leg and kissing all the way down to your ankle before doing the same thing on the right side, but going up.
he pulls your underwear down, and you open your legs wider and bend them so he has more space. you expect him to start fingering you, but instead he moves his face down to your heat, and you quickly sit up. “no, chanyeol, you don’t have to do that,” you say, trying to scoot away from him. most of the guys you’ve been with weren’t into giving oral, so you stopped asking or expecting them to do it.
chanyeol looks up at you, confusion etched on his face. “but… i want to,” he says, his eyes boring into yours.
“you want to?” you ask, disbelief in your voice. he chuckles and you tense as the sound vibrates off of your core.
“yes, y/n, i want to eat you out. is that okay?” he asks, kissing the inside of your knee. when he sees the look on your face, his eyebrows furrow. “wait—have you never been given head before?” he asks.
you feel embarrassed to shake your head, because he seems so into it. “i mean, no, i guess i haven’t,” you say, looking away from him.
“do you want me to?” he asks, his hand absentmindedly stroking your calf.
you do. you’re so used to giving, it’d be nice to receive, especially when it’s a mutual want. you look down at him and see it in his eyes—he looks like he’s been given a plate of food after starving for so long.
you nod your head. “yes,” you say. chanyeol licks his lips and looks down at your pussy, holding himself back from completely ravishing you.
“just lay back, and relax, y/n,” he says, flicking his eyes up to meet you before going back down to your cunt. you let out a breath and do as he says, relaxing your legs and looking up at the ceiling. “and look at me.” he orders. when you do, he immediately connects his lips to your second pair, and starts licking and sucking.
you gasp and start to close your legs, but he muscles them open using his shoulders. you squirm as he flicks his tongue back and forth, suckling on your clit. “stop moving,” he says, not removing his face from in between your legs. you keep yourself still, your chest rising and falling rapidly at the feeling of his voice against your core.
your back arches off the bed when he chooses to add his long, thick, fingers into the mix. “ch-chanyeol!” you shout in a broken moan. you let out a string of curses as he sucks on your clit and pumps his fingers in and out of you.
you can’t remember the last time you felt this good during foreplay. nobody has ever tended to your needs the way chanyeol is, and it’s slightly unbelievable that he’s real.
but he’s very real, and he lets himself be known when he shakes his head side to side. you fist the sheets on his bed and cry out his name. “fuck, yeol, i-“ a broken cry of his name gets caught in your throat and a strange feeling in your stomach, like a balloon that’s been filled up with too much air, fills the bottom of your stomach.
chanyeol pulls you impossibly closer to him and hooks his arms around your thighs. his nose bumps your clit endlessly, and your legs start to shake. the balloon keeps getting filled, until it snaps and you thrash around on the bed, seeing spots as you scream out chanyeols name.
“damn,” is all he says as you gush all over his face, some of it dripping down your center and onto his sheets. he can’t help but watch in amazement as you keep on releasing, your pussy practically throbbing. he watches as you clench around absolutely nothing, and can’t help but get hard. if there’s one thing chanyeol likes to do, it is please people. but he particularly likes pleasing women by using his mouth and tongue, and he can tell when he succeeds—like right now.
he doesn’t even give you a minute to calm down, because he’s back at your core lapping up all of your juices. “chanyeol, wait!” you cry, but your hand on his head, holding him at your cunt says otherwise. when you start trying to crawl away from him is when he lets up.
the entire bottom half of his face glistens when he gets out from in between your legs. you can’t even look at him, feeling so bare and embarrassed, because you can feel a wet spot on the sheets. “you alright?” he asks, a smirk on his face.
“mhm,” you say, pressing your legs together.
“look at me.”
you do, and with hooded eyes. you can’t help but giggle at how crazy he looks with only half of his face wet. you glance down at his lower half, the tent in his pants hard to ignore. you motion for him to come closer.
you reach for his waistband, undoing the button and zipper before pushing down his pants, along with his briefs, his dick hard and throbbing, bobbing in wait. you look up at him as you kiss below his belly button and down his happy trail. when you grab ahold of his dick, he gently stops you, and you frown. “i really just need to be inside of you right now,” he says, pushing the rest of his clothes off.
you smile and he leans down to kiss you, pushing you back onto the bed. “condom,” you remind him as he starts to line himself up.
“right,” he says, quickly getting off of you and and going to his bedside table. you unhook your bra as you wait for him, pinching one of your nipples in between your fingers before groping your own chest. you nearly start to touch yourself until he’s back in front of you, an eyebrow raised. “couldn’t wait?” he asks teasingly, rolling the condom on.
“no,” he shakes his head at you and holds his dick by the base. “hurry up!” you whine, reaching for him.
“good girls get what they want.”
“we both know i’m not.”
he smirks down at you, pressing the tip against your puffy folds. “no,” chanyeol says, rubbing it up and down. “you aren’t.” and then he pushes into you, air feeling like it’s left your lungs. you’re not used to him in the slightest, and you’ve never been stretched like this until him. even when you were riding him almost two weeks ago, it took you some time to get used to him.
“fuck!” you cry, holding onto his forearms. the chain hanging from his neck dangles in front of your face as he thrusts into you. it gently hits your nose every time he rocks into you, and all it does is get you more turned on. “faster, yeol.” you moan, sliding your hands up his arms and splaying them across his back.
chanyeol pounds into you, making your toes curl and back arch into his chest. you dig your nails into his skin, leaving indents. chanyeol looks down at you and watches how your face twists up on pleasure as you moan out his name. his chain continues to tap against your nose, and he moves to take it off, but you stop him. “leave it on!” you groan, wrapping a leg around his hip.
you take one hand and grab him by the necklace and pull his lips down to you, not exactly kissing but your noses touching. “you feel so good,” you moan, a hand in his hair.
“you’re so tight, fuck,” he groans, kissing your neck. he grips one of your hips tightly and ruts into you relentlessly, your nails scratching up his back.
when he comes, it’s loud and he’s saying all types of filthy things, calling you pretty and baby, two new pet names to add to the list. you come after him, clenching around his dick and making him whimper in your ear, which almost makes you come again. he has to pull himself out of you for self control, but your grip on him makes it much harder. “baby, cmon,” he begs, his breath catching in his throat.
you finally relax enough for him to pull out with a groan, and you curl into yourself with a whimper, your heart beating quickly. “you okay?” he asks, concern in your voice. all you can do is give him a thumbs up, which he laughs at and then kisses the pad of your finger. “i’ll be back.” he says before getting off of the bed.
by the time he’s come back, your sitting up, criss-cross and naked, on his bed. he comes back in sweats and no shirt, and gives you a small smile. chanyeol offers you a tshirt, which you take, and slip on. he finds your underwear, which you put on as well, so you’re winney-the-pooh-ing it. chanyeol crawls onto the bed next to you and props himself up on his elbow. “so..?” he questions and you raise an eyebrow.
“you want me to rate our sex?” you ask, giving him an incredulous look. he shrugs, a smirk on his face and you roll your eyes and pretend to think hard. “hmm…” you say, tapping your chin, and he scoffs and jumps on top of you, caging you beneath him. you laugh and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. there’s no way you’re going for round two, but you want to be close to him.
to your gain, you do spend the night, and you tell seulgi, who seems way too excited for you, but supports nonetheless.
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archernarbeta · 1 year
For all the moments
✴︎ pairing : Chanyeol x Reader
✴︎ genre : domestic!au, idol!chanyeol, editor!reader, angst, fluff, comfort, yearning
✴︎ summary : For all the moments, you were always by his side. For all the moments, he was always next to you.
✴︎ warning : none, maybe mild cursing but nothing else!
✴︎ word count : 4.2K
✴︎ author’s note : hii! It’s archie! This one has been hanging out on my drafts for way too long and I finally decided it’s time to take it out! Anyways, this fic was initially for Baekhyun but I felt that the scenario fits better with Chanyeol. I was highly inspired by EXO-SC’s Jet-lag and Kyungsoo’s recent birthday party where he sang Beautiful Day! I hope you enjoy this one and feel free to leave feedback or comments! likes are also much appreciated ♥ 
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The loud drizzling sounds of rain hitting your apartment window can’t help but stir you up from your deep slumber. What the hell, you thought, rubbing your eyes a little to wash away your sleepiness. The clock beside your bedside table reads 3.40am, the timing indicates that it’s too early for anyone to be awake at the moment. The sky kept rumbling, with thunders flashing every minute and you groaned at the sight of the storm rolling in front of you. Being woken up from a storm was one thing but being awake without your husband, was another thing. You knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep again so you grabbed your phone to check if Chanyeol had landed in Seoul from his recent work trip from Paris. 
Notifications 02.30am KST Yeol: > Babe? > I just landed with the worst weather ever! > I can't wait to see you > I missed you so much :(( Read 03.43am KST
Being married for 2 years to one of the most famous idol in Korea, you were accustomed to his busy schedule. Flying out here and there to attend concerts, award shows, photoshoots and prestigious events was part of the job. With you working as a fashion editor, his daily agenda was not out of the ordinary for you. The difference only being the fact that he works under the limelight, but you don’t—not that you mind at all. Nevertheless, both of you made it work. It was too easy to understand how it feels to work under a tight schedule without any time to breathe. You with your never-ending deadlines and meetings, and him with his idol life. 
However, dating him for 6 years and being married to him for three, being away from him never gets easier.
You zoned out for a while before a loud thud distracted your attention, followed by your bedroom door clicking open. Your husband was finally home, his tall frame resting against the door with a huge grin on his face. Even with the minimal lighting of your bedroom, you could make up the bags under his sparkling eyes and the sight made you frown. 
“Hii honey,” his voice soft as ever, “I missed you so much..”
You sat up beaming at him while reaching out, welcoming him with open arms. He took a step closer to the bed, engulfing your sleepy figure. You replied with a small ‘hello’ as you melted into his hug. You really can’t help but wonder how he’d smell so nice after a long-haul flight, but nevertheless, you love inhaling his scent that brings you nothing but comfort.
“How long have you been awake? The storm must’ve woken you up.” His voice was laced with worry.
You held his cheeks with your hands and he practically melt under your touch, 
“Not too long ago.”
“Please quickly shower and join me in bed, huh? Pretty please…” you pouted at his tired state. 
“Anything for you, baby. Give me a while and I’ll join you as soon as possible!” 
He didn’t close the door as he showered, not that you’d mind, at this point you were too sleepy to even think of peeking. As the water ran down on his back, he unconsciously kept you awake by chatting with you. He really couldn’t help that he missed his wife so much. 
“Babe, do you have plans tomorrow?”
“No? Not that I could think of…I might drop by the studio and the office tomorrow morning but other than that, I don’t think I’ll be booked the whole day. Are you going somewhere tomorrow?” 
“The office? Isn’t tomorrow like..Saturday? Is Saerim giving you a hard time? What about the interns? They’re not helping you enough? Are you working too hard again?” He rambled on with concern with a raised voice as the running water muffled his voice.
“I- Uh..” you stammered, “Yeol, I t-told you work is fine” you quipped. The sound of the water subsided as a tall figure emerged from the bathroom. Chanyeol dried his hair, ruffling the soft brown locks with a towel as he frowned at your response. He knew you were having a hard time at work and had asked you to quit a thousand times by now. Even without the math, anyone would know that his pay would be enough for the both of you to live comfortably. 
You looked at your golden-retriever husband in the eye, “So where are you going tomorrow?” 
A thing about Chanyeol is that he’d waive things out so easily, as easy as shifting the conversation to another topic and he won’t go back to pester the elephant in the room. 
At your question he blinks a few times, “Would you mind if I take a day out tomorrow with the boys? Baek said he needed some pointers for his upcoming solo album and Junmyeon-Hyung had things to discuss for the group.” He scratched the back of his head. 
“But that is…if it’s okay with you?” he nervously asked. 
“That’s okay, babe…” you half yawned, sleep lulled you once again as you tried snuggling inside the comforter, 
“I really don’t mind”, the drowsiness took you as the soft satin sheets came in contact with your skin. He smiled at the sight as he returned the towel to its place. Chanyeol didn’t take long to join you in bed, cuddling you in his arms. 
After his hectic schedules and weeks without holding you, being beside you was the perfect medicine to charge his tired form. He sighed, relieving all his weariness before the slumber took him out.
He knew, this was home. 
You, were home.
Morning came faster than you’d like. The rain from last night hadn’t stopped, raindrops trickling on your high-floor apartment as the sky was still dark as ever. Beside you, a tired giant, possessively hugging you amidst his sleep. You giggled at this grown-up man’s clingy behaviour.  Chanyeol will always be the cutest, ever. 
You blamed your body clock for waking up so early on a Saturday, especially on this dreading Saturday. 
With a little struggle, you free yourself from Chanyeol’s hold and tiptoed to the kitchen. It was just 6.00am but you quickly prepared breakfast for the both of you and salad, for Chanyeol just in case he wants a light lunch. 
As you sipped your coffee, last night’s conversation went through your head. He knew you had troubles at work, he had plans and you said you were okay, you didn’t mind.
You internally sighed because mind you did.
You were far from okay.
Because even though you’d hate to admit it, you’d love to have him for yourself. In fact, you have missed him so much these past few weeks that it physically hurts. 
But no. 
You had work. 
Your useless-piece-of-a-shit-partner Yoon Saerim, will probably taunt you if you don’t come up with a better concept for this month’s pictorial. So even though you miss being around your ball of sunshine more than you’d like to admit, fate was just not in your favour this Saturday. 
You could always quit, is what Yeol usually says after your long rant about your horrible boss and the disgusting amount of workload you had to handle. Sure you have subordinates and interns working under you, but working in fashion for so long, you came to the conclusion that nothing is never ever enough when it comes to the industry. 
Thinking back, Chanyeol always loved being under the spotlight as an idol ever since his debut days and making music was as precious as that. After both of you settled down and eventually got married, you were quick to admit that Chanyeol sacrificed a lot for you, even if you didn’t ask him to. He paid the bills, every bill. He took care of the parents, dinner dates with your parents and his every other week were a staple and he’d never miss sending health supplements once in a while. You never asked him to do so but married Chanyeol just stepped up and took on the role as a caring husband so naturally. 
Even with his burning passion in music, he went the extra mile, producing countless songs by the count of months. At times he goes on an overdrive, he’d lock himself up in the studio and he would forget about everything else. Situations like this scares the shit out of you. You remembered the first time he went berserk, it took you and his members two days to figure out where he was. He’d gone AWOL and you had to call the police to track down his phone, just to find out that he’d been coping himself in the studio for 48 hours without sleep or food, only water. You and Sehun found him sitting down in front of the recording booth with a guitar in hand, music sheets sprawled on the floor. His eyes were already bloodshot red, it was clear that he was sleep-deprived, very tired and out of focus. Sehun sighed, ready to scold Yeol for his stupid behaviour before your husband quipped, 
“Please don’t take me away, not yet…” 
his eyes all over the place with brows furrowed, his forehead creasing.
“I swear if you give me more time, I’ll finish this tomorrow and I’ll go but please leave and don’t come here until tomorrow, yeah? I need to finish this song because they’ll pay a huge amount for this one… Give me more time, please?” He is disassociated as ever, you were aware that he didn’t notice you due to his state.
“Hyung…” the younger sighed again.
“S-Sehun-ah, I have Y/N now.. You might not know how it feels now but I- I want to give the world to her. We’re idols but our prime time is way past us, when the momentum is gone, we might too.” He dropped his head to the door of the recording booth as he sighed,
He mindlessly draws patterns on the floor, “I need to save up for Y/N, for our future.. and it won’t happen if I don’t work like this. So-“
In a blink you crouched down, embracing him with tears already wetting your face. Words couldn’t form but the pressure, the knot that he bear was starting to unravel. He got your message,
You’re enough. 
Moments like these, his breakdowns, were one of the things that kept you grounded. If you’re being honest, your job also keeps you on your feet. Working as an co-chief editor in fashion was always your dream and to be frank, you enjoyed the job more than you let on. But the past year has been nothing but hell, thanks to the newly appointed co-chief editor Yoon Saerim. You habitually ponder how she got the position as she wasn’t really suitable for the job, she didn’t really have the knack for fashion. But moreover, you just didn’t like the fact that she ogled Chanyeol and Sehun when they came by for a photoshoot. 
You quickly snapped out of your deep thoughts when you gulped your last drop of coffee, thinking of Yoon Saerim never fails to make you turn sour. 
Without wasting more time, you prepared yourself to head to your studio. For disclaimer, the studio was Chanyeol’s, not the office’s. Not long after you started the job years ago, both of you decided that it would be nice to rent out an old apartment in the city for the both of you to work. The studio has a built-in recording booth, production space for Chanyeol and a creative working-space for you. However, with time passing, you ended up using the space more than your husband. 
Before you left the house, you gave him a forehead kiss and stuck a post-it-note on his phone, 
‘Good Morning My Happy Virus ♡  thank you for always working so hard,  sometimes you worry me, love :( have a great time with the boys today! am out for work - it’s deadline week ◡̈   i love you 3000 —  much, much love, Y/N ‘
You arrived at the empty studio with your shoulders slumped, looking at the stacked paper, pictorials and mood boards around your disoriented workspace. The interns must’ve sent these yesterday, fucking hell, here we go again. 
Not long after, you succumbed to the job you love and hate at the same time. To be honest, as one of the high-ranked chief editor in your company, it wasn’t your share to do these tasks anymore, those days were over you. But reviewing each and every item, every trend that goes into the magazine is a job you love no matter how meticulous it actually is. Besides, the information you extract from all this has proven to help your career so far, making you one of the sought-out fashion editors in Seoul. However the fact doesn’t relieve you from the burden and pressure you get from your useless co-chief editor.
“She’s bossy and pushy but useless— and you’re too compliant, Babe,” Chanyeol would always joke and you’d usually tackle him back with a pillow, leaving both of you cackling in the process.
Speaking of Chanyeol, the man in question just stirred up from bed, barely opening his eyes, adjusting to the gloomy weather in front of his open-windowed bedroom. He instantly rubbed his sides, sleep evidently washed away when he realised his beloved Y/N weren’t there. He called your name out a few times to make sure that maybe, you were outside the room, just to know that his voice had filled the void of your apartment. 
As expected, he immediately sat up and grabbed his phone to call you. Before even unlocking his cell, he found your oh-so-lovely note that you stuck on this morning. Chanyeol sighed, he knew you were having a hard time but you never fail to warm his heart with your sweet note, he particularly loved the use of his favourite iron-man quote. 
He stared at the note lovingly for a while before heading to the bathroom and freshened up for the day. When he entered the kitchen to see a packed lunch box and another one with breakfast inside, he sulked further. Your puppy-like husband misses you and you doing this, made him sappier. He carefully unpacked the meals you prepared, gratefully munching your cooking. He was supposed to meet his members at 10 and so, he drove quickly as he was running late. When he parked his car in front of the company’s building, a text came from Baekhyun. 
Notifications 10.08am KST Baek: > Yeol? > the meeting’s canceled > Junmyeon-hyung said something came up > and my mom called, she wanted my help :O > Really sorry for the sudden intrusion! But have a good rest day with Y/N ^^  > Send her my love too!! Read 10.15am KST
Baek:  > Oh.. > The message didn’t come through 😅 I texted you way before,, must be the reception?  > But you can always have a good time with y/n!!  > I’m so sorry 🥺 Read 10.17am KST
Chanyeol couldn’t be sulkier. His ears literally drooped down as he huffed in annoyance. He didn’t reply back to Baekhyun as he slid the phone back in his pockets. He drove home in silence, even the thought of going back to bed to aid his tiredness didn’t make him feel better. He entered the foyer of the empty apartment and he shuffled inside lazily. You’d probably melt if you see him right now, his shoulder slumped slightly with a goo-goo look on his face. Especially now, with his buffier-form, compared to his pre-debut lanky state is something you’d administer as a cute change as a result of his exercising habits over the years. But it doesn’t matter because you’re not there and alas he came home to a cold, dark, empty apartment with his love nowhere to be seen. 
The sky dark, rain still pouring down, much like his mood. The thing about Chanyeol is the fact that he’s a clingy extrovert when it comes to people he loves. You love that about him. He didn’t care about the hectic schedule, it’s the ‘being away from you’ that made everything hard to surpass. That’s why after every schedule abroad, Chanyeol would love going home when he knows his love is waiting for him. There’s nothing better than coming home to a warm apartment with you snuggled on the couch. However, now, he’s the only one on the couch, alone. 
He pondered for more than an hour, zoning out, before deciding to stand up and head to the door once again. The silence is deafening, he misses you too much and he had to do something about it.
In your studio, coming in your nearly fifth hour of productivity, you’re starting to break down. You were now on the verge of crying while doing your work, it’s the creativity block, you mentally cursed. You’ve been dealing with it lately but having to work in fashion, it’s inevitable and you never really told anyone about it, especially not Chanyeol. You felt that his occupation demanded more of him than yours did to you, you wouldn’t want to burden him with your problems. 
“Fucking hell!” 
“This is so not happening right now…” tears welled as the screen of your precious laptop turned pitch black. You scoffed at the situation with the waterworks falling down your eyes. You were over this. 
You slumped near the corners of the room, hugging your knees as you stared at your now dead device, silently crying as your head whirls for other, worse negative possibilities of happening. Numb, is probably the best way to describe your current state after crying your heart out for 30 minutes straight. You end up curling yourself into a ball, hanging your head low in the corners of the room as your mind goes blank. 
As you hid yourself in the darkest corners of your office, you failed to notice the jiggling sound of the key, the clacking locks and the noise of the door opening. 
“Babeeeee?” the sound traveled from the hallway. Lo and behold, a sulked Chanyeol is here. His mood is still on the low but the idea of meeting you gets him excited like a puppy. 
You couldn’t hear him though,  your head still in a blocked-state and the room you’re in was the furthest from the hallway. 
Chanyeol entered the studio, footsteps tapping against the hardwood flooring. It puzzled him why he didn’t receive an answer back, but knowing your shoes were on the foyer, he knew you were somewhere inside. He set foot to the break room, your coat was on the couch but where were you? 
He continued peeking into his recording studio, the nearest space to the break room. The lights were out, signalling him that you’re probably not there. The bathroom and the other rooms were also empty, your office was the only place left. He slowly knocked, hoping to get an answer. To his surprise, nothing. He then gently pushed the door open, just enough for his head to peek inside. Before he could call your name, he heard sniffles from the farthest corner, he could make up your hunched, clearly crying figure and your favourite beige socks too. He exhaled as his worries washed away. Even though his heart ached more than ever, finding you with a meltdown was a relief as he initially thought you passed out or worse. 
He didn’t enter the room. He shuffled himself out as quietly as possible to grab his guitar in his recording room. This should do, he thought.
He re-entered your office, walked closer and sat on the floor near you. The cramped space barely fits his long legs. 
“Hey,” he greeted you with a hushed voice. 
Noticing his voice, you instinctively lift up your head to see your husband, sitting in front of you. In your shocked-state, you forcefully brushed off your tears in embarrassment, your skin will probably turn red later.
“Hey.. No, no, no..” he reached out, wiping your tears, caressing your disheveled hair. 
“Gently, yeah, yeah.. You’ll hurt yourself” he continued as he patted the areas under your eyes with his long sleeves.
After you calmed down, you didn’t have the courage to even say anything to the man. Deep down, you were embarrassed to be found in a silly breakdown, even if it was your husband. Besides, you didn’t know what to say to him anyways. While you were overthinking and avoiding eye contact with him, he pulled the guitar behind him and started to play a familiar song,
“It's a beautiful life 난 너의 곁에 있을게 (I'll stay by your side) It's a beautiful life 너의 뒤에 서 있을게 (I'll stand right behind you) Beautiful love”
Slowly but surely, your heart warmed up to the sound of his voice and you couldn’t help but stare at your husband. He stopped singing when your eyes met and he gave you a comforting smile. 
“C’mon, let’s get you up princess,” as he helped you stand up, circling his arms around your waist. You haven’t articulated a sound but he didn’t mind, he just let you lean into his sides as he guided you to the couch in the break room. He sat you down before abruptly standing and rummaging a brown paper bag on the coffee table, 
“I got your favourite cake and hot chocolate actually,” he grinned, facing your puffy face. “I thought you were having a hard time, well- I know you are having a hard time… But you never tell me you know, Babe?” He rambled as he unboxed a variety of sliced cakes and pastries on the table. 
“I-I get the fact that you wouldn’t want to burden me, but I’m kinda your husband and best friend too.. I wish you wouldn’t keep these things from me” he picked up the fork and scooped a piece of cheesecake to feed you, 
Before you had the chance to reply,
“I mean—open up a lil’ baby— I don’t mind you working and all, it’s your passion and I will support you either way, but you don’t get to shield your meltdowns from me… Who’s gonna hold you when you cry, huh?” he kept on chattering while feeding you, giving you no room to talk.
“I’ve said a thousand times that we’re super comfortable right now, yet I know it’s not about the money, I’m super cool with you working.. It’s about the workload a-and the pressure you get from your subs and colleagues!!” He raised his arms as a sign of annoyance. 
You gulped down the big chunk of cheesecake and shut him up with a peck. The action took him by surprise but it didn’t fail to shut him up.
“Okay, Chanyeol.” you softly replied, followed by another peck on his lips
“I get what you mean” you smiled at your husband. 
You then began on telling the troubles you had at work, silently thanking the universe that he came in the right moment and that he was your saving grace. He listened intently, even going to the measures of contacting his technician friends to help fix your laptop as soon as possible. He made jokes too along the way to lighten your mood and gave you warm touches here and there to comfort you further. 
You were his home, his ground zero.
He was yours too.
Hours passed and now you were back working, Chanyeol in the other room, busying himself in the recording studio.
“Yeol?” you called him.
“Hmm? What’s up princess?”
“Uh- I just remembered, didn’t you had like- plans? You were supposed to go with Baek and the members today right?”
Footsteps were apparent as he walked closer to the opened door of your office, his head peeped through the door.
“Junmyeon-Hyung canceled, Baek too.. I was quite grumpy because I reached the office when Baekhyun texted me” He walked in further.
“Then I came home but the house wasn’t warm enough even though I cranked the heater up!” He sulked, and sulked further. 
“I was alone, I don’t want to be…I also don't want you to be alone too Y/N.
I only wanted to be around you, I really tried staying in!! But I couldn’t be alone in the house without you when you’re my home.” he pouted. 
You want to die then and there, you miss him as much and he was sad, it makes you sad too, but he was being sulky-cute… Can you turn into a putty of love?
“Come here you big baby!” you excitedly threw yourself in his arms. He buried his soft locks on the crook of your neck as he whispered ‘I miss you' s and you couldn’t help but let out a hearty laugh.
“I miss you too, Yeol..
I miss you so, so much.” He hugged you tighter as he giggled too.
This was it, you thought. This was love at its finest and you couldn’t be happier that you’ve found it. For all the moments, good or bad, both of you never failed to become each other's home.  
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jongbross · 10 months
the Chanyeol breeding kink fic……i would like to see it
a/n: wrote this on light speed while coming back from work 🙈
"fuck, babe...", chanyeol moaned when he finally entered you. the way you clenched around him sent him to heaven and back.
you didn't know where to put your hands - his arms, his back, his ass. you were a mess already, and he didn't even start to fuck you yet.
you felt one of his hands caressing your hips before pressing it into the mattress. that's when you knew you were up for a ride.
"shit, yeol", you whined, as soon as he started to thrust.
a deep groan erupted from within chanyeol, and that only made you want more. you wrapped one of your legs around his waist, pulling him impossibly closer to you. your bodies were pressed together, his slightly sweaty skin humping on yours.
"you're so good, love", he whispered to you. "you take me so good."
your loud moan only gave chanyeol the strength to keep going. "i'm gonna put a baby inside you, gonna cum deep inside you, love."
"fuck, yeol, yeah..."
"would you like that?", chanyeol roughly grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him.
you only nodded, a naughty smirk on your face as you opened your mouth to welcome his thumb. you suckered hard on it, making chanyeol groan again.
"fuck, babe, i wanna ruin you."
and then he did.
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rikyangii · 1 month
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— Love and Hate • Chansoo
— Escrito pro Kaimeow
Kyungsoo odiava Chanyeol. Principalmente quando ele derrubava seus livros de propósito toda a manhã na troca de horários.
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hey!! Can I request a chanyeol fic, reader is fwb with chanyeol and is madly inlove with him, confesses to him but gets rejected then when she decides to move on, chanyeol realises what hes lost 🥺
Synopsis: You met Chanyeol in the final year of college by pure accident when your previous roommate moves out and he comes in his place. Being roommates with a college hottie has it's pros.... but also it's cons. Every moment spend with Chanyeol tangled between the sheets ignited something deep within you, deeper than just bodily lust. But the real question is, is it the same way with him? Does your smile pull at his heartstrings just the way his pulls at yours?
Pairing:- Chanyeol X Fem Reader
Genre:- Smut, Angst
.... Sometime in late evening ....
It was a daily occurrence now, almost like clockwork. One of you would be having a shitty day (and that's mostly every other day) and you'd seek each other out.
Or rather, he would seek you out.
You didn't even enter the living room properly and he was already on you, his hand on your ass as he pulls you closer harshly, claiming your lips with a fervent need.
One of his hands took the books from yours and placed them on the table absentmindedly, his other hand squeezing your ass through the fabric of your jeans, all the while his tongue clashed against yours in a never ending battle for dominance.
It was exhilarating for him, for no matter how many times he'd have had you, you were always that wild, untamed brat that never quite bend at his will easily like the other girls who practically threw themselves at him.
You tiptoed as you tried to keep up with his kiss, giving him a run for his damn sanity with the way you bit on his lower lip, your moan was followed by his deep groan against your lips. Your arms were around his neck, fingers naturally tangling in his luxurious locks.
That was the way you guys were.
If someone would ask you what you and Chanyeol are, you would have no answer, absolutely none. You weren't together. You certainly aren't lovers. You were just two people who would seek each other out to let out your pent up frustration.
You still remember how it all actually began. It was the second last semester and your neat freak of a roommate moved out suddenly, and a tall and drop dead gorgeous giant came in.
At first you didn't give in to his advances, knowing fully well that Chanyeol wasn't the type to commit, wasn't the type to have something serious. But one drunken night and one taste of his lips was enough to convince you otherwise.
Outside the bedroom, you were roommates with completely different lives. Inside the bedroom, however, Chanyeol fucked you like he owned you, every inch of you. He was gifted at the art of the bedroom. He worshipped every inch of you like he cherished nothing more than he cherished you.
But you knew it was all a facade.
It was an unspoken agreement. No strings attached. Just sex. Nothing else.
Or so you initially thought.
But every touch of his upon your heated skin, every kiss that took your breathe away, every word he uttered to you, it all built up into something until you realized that the reason why you can't go out with some other guy is because you're in love with the one who's interested in owning you only while in the sheets.
That jolt of harsh truth was what brought you back to the reality.
Chanyeol's lips leave your to trail a wet path down your neck, biting and suckling at your sweet spot on your neck, making you moan yet again.
Chanyeol always managed to coax moans from you like how one coaxes melody from an instrument.
You arch your neck, letting him have his way with you. You had little defenses when his lips and tongue and teeth made you lightheaded. He groaned against your skin, pulling you incredibly closer, grinding his hard length against your clothed center and gods, that almost made you see literal stars.
"Bedroom. Now." His deep baritone was laced with a needy growl, his hold on your waist turned impatient, tapping your thigh in a way to tell you to wrap your legs around him as he took you to his room, his lips finding solace in yours yet again.
Chanyeol let go of you lips only after your back hit the mattress, lips tracing a path downward, pulling your skirt and panties along and throwing them absentmindedly in some corner of the room.
What happened next is the same yet different for you. The same disregard for clothes, the frenzy of lips and tongue and teeth, his impatience in getting his hands on your bare skin. But even when the majority of these occurrences were the same for you, what was different was the way it felt each and every time.
His lips fervently mapping out your heated skin felt personal, his hands worshipping crevices; that even you don't deem worthy of attention; felt personal. When he ate you out like a man starved and made you come upon his skilled tongue, it felt personal. Each and every thrust of his girthy cock into your tight cunt felt personal.
They say to not catch feelings but how could you not? How could you not catch feelings when he whispered sweet nothings in your ear in his deep voice? How could you not catch feelings when he made you feel like you were something different, something important, and not just one of the many girls he sleeps around with? How could you not catch feelings when one smile of his could brighten your whole day? How could you not catch feelings when you beheld the passionate gleam in his eyes whenever he's doing the things he loves.
Time spent with Chanyeol tangling in the sheets was blissful, but that's exactly where the bliss ends and the harsh reality slaps. The sound of Chanyeol rolling off the bed, the light shuffling of feet, the rustle of clothes, oh and the final nail on the coffin, the sound of the door slamming shut as he leaves your room. All of it clawed away at your feelings. Whenever you get high hopes, Chanyeol slams the door shut on them.
It was getting exhausting, this cycle of mental torture. The fact that he probably fucked around with other girls and would touch and kiss and hold them the same he did with you. The fact that while these mutually agreed escapades meant nothing to him, they were the reason why you weren't seeing anyone else anymore. The final semester was coming to an end, and so was your sanity and patience.
You couldn't take the weight of the feelings locked deep in your heart anymore.
You make up your mind, deciding that you'll tell him, hoping against hope that his reaction would be affirmative.
"What if he doesn't reciprocate?", whispered a little voice in your head.
You pushed those thoughts aside, trying not to think of how exactly Chanyeol's possible rejection might effect you.
.... A Week Later ....
The past was repeating itself yet again when Chanyeol stood up from the couch he moment you entered and crossed the distance between you both, lustful intentions swimming in his brown orbs. He made to pull you closer, hand reaching out when you stepped back.
Unspoken questions were evident in his gaze, a slightly pained expression taking form in his eyes. You took that was an opportunity to speak, your voice low, your eyes on his.
"What are we, Chanyeol? What am I to you?"
Chanyeol's demeanor shifted at that, body going rigid as he pulled back the hand that was reaching out towards you. He underwent a whole change. His eyes went vacant, face going neutral and you were no longer able to read the expressions on his face, the emotions in his eyes.
Standing right before you was a man who couldn't care less.
He shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest, "It isn't that deep. It's just sex, y/n. We talked about this."
The audacity. The mere audacity of this man, to shrug and cross his arms as if this isn't like the matter of life and death for you.
You took a step closer, your feelings replaced by bubbling anger, anger and pity, anger on how stupid you've been, anger on him, pity for yourself, pity for the pathetic situation you've got yourself in. While you were boiling up from within, tears had started to line the corner of you eyes with the way this conversation was turning out.
You tried to sound anything but broken, but your voice betrayed you. "You've got to be kidding me, Chanyeol! It isn't 'just sex' and you know it too!"
The tall man had the audacity to huff a humorless laugh at your words, and it further made your composure crumble. He ran a hand through his hair frustratingly, throat bobbing as he took deep breaths.
"C'mon y/n, don't be absurd. Or perhaps.. did you think that we are a thing? It was just sex, dammit! We talked about this. About not catching feelings. Don't be a child, y/n."
That. That was perhaps the last straw for you, for you and the tears you've been holding back. They cascaded down your cheeks in a hot, salty trail and you let them. You were done trying to act like you were okay when you actually weren't.
Chanyeol stilled, taking all but one step towards you before you held up a hand, taking two steps back, away from him.
"y/n... please... I'm sorry. It.. came out wrong.. listen to me.. let's talk-"
You were done. After being trapped in an endless cycle of having nothing but one sided feelings, making a fool of yourself in front of this man who is brushing it off as if your heart isn't at your fucking throat, you were done. You still have some self respect left in you and you'll not do the mistake of letting him affect you this greatly again.
Pining Chanyeol with a stern look, you turned to your heel, running up the little distance to your bedroom, closing the door behind you and locking it. All of Chanyeol's half hearted pleas were put to a deaf ear.
You leaned against the door, your legs giving out beneath you as you sank to your knees. Back against the door, you pulled your knees to your chest, head bowing as you cried and cried and cried, the voice of Chanyeol's pleas fading and then vanishing entirely followed by a soft thud of footsteps as he left.
.... Three Hours Later ....
After an hour of crying, two hours of pitying yourself and stewing in your grief, you finally raise your head with a determined gleam in your eyes.
You were done.
So very done.
Sometime around 10 the next morning
Chanyeol's deep voice reverberated throughout the apartment, getting no answers. He called out again, desperate and breathlessly this time. He had already knocked thrice on your door, three harsh raps on the wood that would wake even the dead.
Now that he was awake after a very disturbing sleep last night, he wanted to make amends. He wanted to talk to you. Just the mere thought of losing you; because of something he said in the heat of the moment without prior knowledge of how he actually felt; just that thought alone made him lose his fucking mind.
He took a deep breathe, readying himself, for what, he didn't know. He took out the extra pair of keys from his pocket, pulling out the one to your door, putting it in and turning it before he could second guess himself.
He gasped.
It couldn't be
He had braced himself for a lot of ways in which this situation could have unfolded in front of him and yet the particular way in which the things played out caught him completely by surprise.
The room, which belonged to you, was empty, save for the the bed, the table and the closet and the various drawers and other conventional things that were always there. All your posters were gone, all your favorite books were gone, every single thing that screamed your name to Chanyeol was gone.
He took unsteady steps towards the bed, grabbing the pillow that lay there. It smelled faintly of you, strawberry and vanilla. His breathe came in raspy pants as he wrapped his mind around what had happened.
You had left.
Left him.
Chanyeol sank to his knees and wept, tears free flowing from his beautiful eyes in angry torrents.
A very much requested Part 2 of this
Wanna Request a Fic?
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