#demon prompt
0-ink-zinc · 4 months
Writing Prompt #21
Bending down, the demon takes the buttercup from the child, a crooked smile crosses it's lips. "Thank you... my child."
The child smiles brightly up at the demon, with a bubbly voice they speak, no fear of this creature. "Buttercups are my favourite because they're poisonous!"
The crooked smile grows to an open mouth grin, patting the small child on the head. "Good... You've been learning."
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krumsprompts · 1 year
prompt # 132
... and for his father's freedom, he gave the demon his wings.
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breesperez139 · 14 days
Dc x Dp Prompt #6
“I’m a twin”, Damian said one night. He could feel the narrowed eyes of his family drilling holes on his back in disbelief. Not that he could blame them. Damian had never so much as implied being raised with a companion, much less a sibling.
“I had a brother”. Damian paused to recollect himself. He had not said his brother’s name out loud in over 8 years.
“His name was… Danyal”. Damian hated the way his voice wavered, but he could not help it. Danyal was everything to him, his other half. Their heart beat as one and when one heart stopped beating, the other one died with it. At least until his family put his heart on metaphorical life support without ever realizing.
“Where is he now?” His father asked, voice filled with knowing grief and a hint of betrayal. It had in fact been 6 years since Damian first showed up on his doorstep.
“Up there”. All eyes shifted towards the specific star he was pointing to. “Right before he died, he promised me he’d guide me from the stars. Unfortunately, the stars are not visible in Gotham, so my brother is unable to be of much help unless I leave the city.”
“Your brother is Polaris, the North Star?” Tim questioned warily, most likely in attempts to not offend him. Damian was aware of how stupid it sounded, but Danyal had promised, and his brother never broke his promises.
“Yes. Danyal is with the stars now, just as he always wanted”
#dc x dp#dp x dc#dpxdc fanfic#dc x dp prompt#dp x dc prompt#dc x dp crossover#dp x dc crossover#ghost king danny#demon twin au#danyal al ghul#batpham#they are not in Gotham at the time of this conversation#I’m thinking they’re visiting the Kent’s on their farm but tbh as long as the stars are visible it can be anywhere#Danny did in fact reincarnate as Polaris#sort of#Polaris is more of a title the Realms gave him the day he was crowned#he is the star meant to guide them through a new era#or something like that#But Damian does look up at the stars for guidance whenever he sees them#and before he knows it he’s accidentally begun praying to Danny#it’s his coping mechanism for being unable to speak about him to anyone#but back to Danny - he regained the memories of his time as Danyal Al Ghul when he died in that portal and became a halfa#well it was more he regained the memories of ALL his previous lives but his most recent one holds a special place in his heart#if only because he knows his brother is still alive on whatever earth he was born on#as bad as it sounds Danny can’t wait until he gets to reunite with Damian#he hopes Damian forgives him for not guiding him though#fun fact! Danny was once known as the god Dan-El in one of his previous lives#he’s ALSO the reincarnation of the Greek Titan Astraeus (and he’s pretty sure Dani is his daughter Astraea)#his previous lives are all so interesting (he still can’t believe he was raised an assassin or that he was a god in multiple lives)#but in all honesty ​it’s even weirder feeling so old and so young at the same time
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starry-songs-canvas · 3 months
Of Course Not(tm)
Kind of continued from this post I made a bit ago.
The bats are on a manhunt looking for whoever took their youngest. (Damian would not just enter an unmarked vehicle)
Nightwing, Red hood, Signal, Batgirl and Orphan all taking the streets while Batman, Red Robin and Oracle all look over the last known footage of Damian, walking stiffly with glowing red eyes. (Obvious mind-control, but why couldn’t he break out of it?)
“Uh, Batman?”
Suddenly, they get a FaceTime call invite on the Bat computer. (Batman has Bat-call, not FaceTime?!?)
“Answer, I’ll trace it.” Oracle says tersely. Red Robin hesitantly pushes the accept button.
“Ancients, you sure took your sweet time with that.” A blue-eyed clone of Damian snarks out the minute they enter the call.
“Where is Damian?” Batman growls out.
“He’s… fine. Well, fine as he can be at the moment.” The clone says, then mutters something under his breath.
“Anyways, could you come and get him? I’d drop him off, but I’m kind of busy at the moment.” He says as he’s furiously typing away at the computer.
“The signals heavily encrypted, I can’t get a read past somewhere in Illinois.” Oracle reports.
“What is the League planning.” Batman demands.
That makes the clone pause. “The League isn’t involved.”
“Then who else cloned him?” Red Robin asks.
The clone now stops what he’s doing and frowns at the camera. “Clone? No, I’m his brother.” Not seeing the reaction he wanted. “Danny? His twin? Other half of the demon twins?”
Watching their growing confused reactions he puts his head in his hands and groans.
“He didn’t mention me at all, did he? Of course not.”
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tourettesdog · 5 months
DPxDC Prompt where when Damian has grown comfortable with the Waynes, settling into the household more firmly, he finally tells them about his late brother, Danyal.
With his family's help, he makes a proper grave for his twin on the Wayne Manor grounds, on a little hill with the best view of the night sky.
Hundreds of miles away in Amity Park, Illinois, Danny's core resonates, recognizing something he's lacked.
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phantom-phortune · 1 month
Demon... Triplets?
Demon twins au but with a twist.
I have seen countless de-aged Dan being raised by Danny alongside Ellie, making him a pseudo son.
Now, I like the family dynamic, but, Dan is just another Danny. He isn't a clone made from his DNA, he is just another version of the original. So imo that makes them more like brothers.
Now imagine that in demon twins. Danyal Al Ghul gets out of the league just like usual, he goes and dies, meets his evil future self and kicks his ass. Dan reverts back to his teenage self due to some Clockwork timey-wimey bullshit, qnd lives with Danny. GIW/Fenton parents happen, suddenly they gotta run from Amity. Ellie's already off exploring the world, so now its just the two of them against the world.
They end up in Gotham.
Damian is doing Damian things, that Robin life, tolerating the countless siblings, but he ends up meeting Danny and Dante (cause I get confused, Dan changes his name) volunteering at the soup kitchen.
So not only is his dead(?) Twin alive, he's gotten a replacement Twin!
Cue the three of them bonding and making life for Bruce Wayne hell for shits and giggles.
They start coming over to the manor and separating, everyone is convinced Damian is everywhere at once, what the hell, until suddenly they see two of them together. Funny thing is, Damian has green eyes, and that other Damian has.. red? Clone?
They proceed to lose their shit when the third one pops up with blue eyes.
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ghostbsuter · 8 months
"Hey constantine, who's that?" Someone asks and Connie looks down at Danny, blue eyes staring back at him.
"My coworker."
"He's my dad."
Who knew John Constantine would gain a ward, one being such a little mischievous bastard with bright eyes and good heart.
He certainly didn't.
Nor did he expect the stabby Robin to get into a heated argument with his ward, gesturing to his form next to Batman and spit venom.
"But‐ Damian! Look at him! I can fix him!" Danny argues back and Robin, so done with this, rips his mask off and—
They have the same face.
Connie looks at Batman, nervous what the reveal will change.
("I don't care if you can 'fix' him, danyal! Return to Father, to me!")
Batman stares back.
("Connie is dad shaped! I chose him myself, damian! Leave me and my choice alone!")
The day will only get longer, it seems.
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emacrow · 26 days
Danny the universal immortal babysitter pt 2
Previous post
It was only a matter of time before he got summoned after his rise in power in the ghost zone.
He still kept all the little gifts and trinkets from all the children he had babysit, most are adorable drawing, plushies, some being cursed or tiny forever screaming heads of imp demons even though it been seemingly years.(the ghost zone time is wonky)
He can already feel another summoning trail pull him through and all he can see is the grown up John Constantine who look worn out, panicked and tired before the look of surprise overwhelmed him.
"BabE J?" Danny said not realizing he is speaking ghostly as he look at the sight before him.
As the Justice league was fighting and currently losing against Vortex.
Before John could say something, Danny point his finger against his own lips. Danny can see the years and years worth of nasty demons and Gods/Goddesses claims symbols on one of his most favorite well tamed babies he used to babysit for free out of charges.
"You don't need to offer me something you already paid for." Danny said softly as just meeting him still alive make the perfect offering to the Protection core.
Baby J was actually the well-loved baby he ever poured through babysitting back then, even though his mother died after his birth and was a mostly neglect by his own alcoholic father even though his sister raised him the best she could. John remind him of his life as Danny fenton.
After Danny easily dealt with Vortex and float back down with ease where the Justice League was.
A familar faces here and there, people and aliens he had babysitted over the years, all group up made Danny's teared up a bit from how overwhelmed his core was to see the people he took care of were still alive..
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saturncodedstarlette · 10 months
Tumblr media
“I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”
“How does he look at me?”
“Like he never wants to look away.”
Tumblr media
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undercookedcatgut · 2 months
Tim: Everyone knows Damian's favorite sibling is Dick.
Dick: :D
Damian: No. It is Danny.
Damian: *leaves*
Dick: :C
Dick: Wait, who's Danny-
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nerdpoe · 8 months
Tim gives Bernard an old puzzle box with a morbid history and ties to a few conspiracy theories as a birthday present.
Naturally he calls in a favor or two to make sure that it isn't cursed or anything before he gives it to his boyfriend.
Bernard is in love with the thing, and when he's not working or spending time with Tim he's trying to crack open the box.
That's fine, all well and good; until Bernard actually manages to open the thing.
Inside is a glowing, crystalline sphere that radiates cold.
Bernard loves it.
Tim's freaked out by it.
Bernard starts to...get weirdly obsessed with it. Treating it like it's a baby or something.
Buying a crib for it and onesies and toys and stuff.
Tim's convinced he accidentally cursed his boyfriend with some horrible demon or something that'll kill Bernard the second Tim lets his guard down or leaves him alone with it.
Then he has to leave Bernard alone with the sphere to deal with an Arkham breakout
When he come back...
The sphere is gone.
That's a baby in Bernard's arms, wearing one of the pun-onsies he'd bought for the sphere.
Or: Danny, ages ago and many dimensions away, got seriously hurt and reverted to his Core form. The damage was so severe that Clockwork warned Jazz and his friends that even once he came out of his Core form, he would most likely be a child. So Sam, Tucker, and Jazz designed a box with the help of Clockwork that would protect him until he was with people who would keep him safe. Time passed, and the box exchanged many hands, until it came into the possession of one Bernard Dowd. The One Who Proved Himself Worthy.
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aziraphale-is-a-cat · 8 months
DPXDC Watch Out, He Bites
Danny did his best to be the best big brother possible, he helped his little brother learn and train to be the best, even if he knew what it meant. He protected Damian through thick and thin, and as he stared down at the corpse of his grandfather's enforcer in the sand he knew he'd just signed his own death warrant.
Danny had seen it coming for a while, even as the oldest son he'd never been what grandfather had expected of him, too soft and moral. He suspected that was why mother had Damian in the first place, to replace him as heir- and he never held it against his little brother. But stepping in the way of Grandfather's punishment for Damian would not go unnoticed, this would be the last way he would protect his little brother for a very long time.
Daniel turned to Damian, tears coming to his eyes as he wipes the blood and viscera off his hands and out from under his nails. "I can't stay." He saw his little brother's hands ball up as he started to shake. "I'm sorry, if you ever need a place to hide, then come find me."
Years later, Damian struggles to find purpose after the death of his father, and rather than be Robin to Dick's Batman he goes on a cross country road trip to find his big brother who would do anything to protect him.
But when Bruce comes back from being stuck in the time stream, Damian introduces him to his eldest son. They get along fine at first, but then some goon tries to kidnap Damian Wayne for the ransom money, and Danny gets there first.
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turtleofthehollow · 4 months
We’ve got Lucifer, a bumbling cringe factory of glorious proportions, and we have the ace icon Alastor, who is so ace he doesn’t even know what asexuality is, and all I can think about is how they’d both accidentally say things that sound like flirting
Just imagine Alastor - the cannibal - threatening to eat Lucifer, only to unintentionally make it sound suggestive
And Lucifer being the idiot he is doesn’t pick up on it, and just responds in kind, and everyone else is looking at them with horror and confusion
“Are they gonna kill each other, or are they gonna fuck??”
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skylersprompts · 1 month
DC x DP Prompt *33*
Damian waits impatiently for Fathers tests to finish. Of course he understood why he would need to make sure that Damian was telling the truth about himself, but that didn't mean that he needed to like it. He just needed to be patient for a few more minutes.
Time was flowing slow, but eventually the bat couldn't deny this any longer. With a sigh the man turned to Damian, but before he could say his piece, he was interrupted.
"As my paternity is now proven, I find it pressing to inform you of the existence of my twin brother. While my mother claims that he died a few years ago in a training accident, I do not believe such a foolish thing. So I demand that you help me find Danyal at once", while Damians face didn't betray his emotions, he couldn't do anything about the anxious feeling in his gut. If his father wouldn't help him, he would need to do this alone. Danyal was alive, he had to be.
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starry-songs-canvas · 21 days
Take Care of Him
The boy, who had Damian’s face, couldn’t be more different than Dick’s (alive?) baby brother.
Aside from his Snow White hair, he smiled and laughed freely, making puns on top of his embarrassing story about his supposed twin brother.  
(“Clones don’t have childhood memories right?  So if I have an embarrassing story or two, that’ll give you a way to check that I’m not a clone AND give you ammunition for teasing!”)
“—And that’s how his face—and his pride—was forever wounded by Sparta the warrior cat!”  Danny finished his story with a flourish, cracking up immediately after.
“Huh, and to think he left it at “training”, obviously he didn’t think anyone would let the cat out of the bag.”  Dick said, laughing even as he eyed the lookalike.
Danny snorted.  “Yeah, I doubt he thought anything as Cat-astropic as that would happen.”
They sat in silence for a moment, overlooking the buildings below, with the Dalv. Co. Labs smoking in the distance and the breeze blowing past the two, yet only seeming to affect Nightwing and not the phantom beside him.
“Is he safe?  Is he happy?” Danny murmurs as he looks up at the stars, looking every bit the forlorn ghost he claimed to be.
“…We keep each other safe.  And I’d say once he got past the stabbing faze, he’s pretty happy in Gotham.”
“But I’m sure it’d make him happy to see you again.”  Dick thought back to the comments the vampire-ghost they’d fought earlier.  It didn’t sound exactly, “happy” or “safe” for Danny.  Or anyone else involved.
Danny shook his head.  “Nah.  He’s… moved on.  And with how crazy my after-life is?  I’m already dealing with ghosts, ghost-hunters, and my—err—that frootloop from earlier.  I do not need to add furries and murder-ninjas to the mix.”
Danny sighed as he floated into a standing position.  “Speaking of which, if you could just, maybe not tell him you saw me?  Better to let dead dogs lie.”
Danny’s piercing Lazarus green eyes looked at Dick and he saw the exact same expression B had on whenever he “had to do it alone”.
“Just, take care of him, Kay?  Or I’ll haunt you to the ends of the universe!”  He said, throwing up a peace sign as he turned invisible.
Dick snorted, “Yeah, sure kid.”
Dick got up and started off toward the bat-plane.  He had a brother to interrogate, and another brother/clone of his brother to find.
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Danny was...unnerved, which is unusual considering his upbringing as the child of mad scientists obsessed with the undead.
It had been a few weeks since he had moved into Wayne manor after a conflict between batman and his parents, which led to his home and his friends and family being blown up in a lab malfunction. Most of Amity Park was destroyed in the blasts, including Vlad and his mansion.
Usually Danny would be more suspicious of super rich dudes, but the sorrow in Bruce Wayne's eyes as he pleaded to let Danny take him in was genuine and well, Danny didn't exactly have anywhere else to go. Plus, Bruce looked weirdly guilty when danny told him none of this was his fault, which was weird. Jazz was in college and always looked exhausted on video calls, so he didn't want to bother her there.
The part that bothered him most wasn't that there was anything dangerous or bad happening, but rather the opposite.
Danny was used to dodging his home security system when it randomly targeted him. He was used to ghosts popping up out of nowhere to suckerpunch him. He was used to danger.
And now that there was none, he was jumping at shadows.
Things got better when he met Psaro. He was in the process of being either mugged or kidnapped, he wasn't sure, when this angry goth teen with silver hair and ruby eyes literally came in swinging a steel chair. After the beat down and subsequent rescue, Danny offered to buy them some food. Psaro tried to reject the offer until his stomach suddenly growled, making him blush, and Danny dragged the older goth teen to a restaurant.
They've been best friends since. Psaro later introduced him to his friends Rose and Toilen, explaining that they weren't from this world and that Rose was an elf and Toilen was a Teran from a planet called Terrestria. Danny assumed that Psaro was an elf like Rose due to them both having long pointed ears and mostly focused on Toilen thanks to the "other planet" bit.
Meanwhile, the bats have been keeping an eye out on Danny (aka stalking him) and his new, obviously magical friends.
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