#the gods have forsaken me
foolish-gay-jester · 4 months
Too tired to bust it down sexual style too horny to sleep
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jjackfrost · 2 years
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genericgalaxyspy · 2 years
i dont believe in luck and such normaly, but... everytime i make anything to this oc of mine something horrible happens to me irl, this happened more times then i can count, why does she hate me? why does the gods hate her? what did i do to deserve my oc #cancelled by the fates themselfs?
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cosmicvaca · 3 months
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Ziyal in Her Studio
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edweird-nashton · 1 month
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sweeneydino · 9 months
I don't even have the deepnest map memorized I'm gonna die here
Cornifer is crying oh god this wasn't the run plan this wasn't the plan at all 😫
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Why does this game humble me
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meatmensch · 10 months
when i find myself in times of trouble rabbi harold kushner comes to me speaking words of wisdom
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from npr
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kbgw1234 · 5 months
Fuck your for making me fall in love with this fucking characters
Fuck you for having cool fucking character design
Fuck you for making a cool fucking ship
Fuck you for focusing on the team work and respect that is at the heart of Star fleet
Fuck you for having an entire character dedicated to the idea that you don’t have to live in the boxes people put you in
Fuck you for letting me watch this kid grow into the captain he wants to be
fuck you for making me fall in love and respect captain janeway
Any way yall should watch Star Trek prodigy
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gert-the-disaster · 2 months
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sum bad batch doodles
i louve thsi showwwghhh :))))
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foolish-gay-jester · 2 months
Breaking news! I've lost the plot. x, y, and z are nowhere to be found.
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frnkiebby · 4 months
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oh my god. he’s. i am very grateful bc he’s so pretty and i’ve never seen this one, BUT WHAT IS HIS HAIR HERE~🎃
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ettaevie · 1 month
If Fyodor deserved an Oscar for his "split personality" performance then he deserves an Emmy, a Tony, and another Oscar for his "oh no I totally didn't fully intend to get stabbed by this vampire" skit
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kronosveritas · 2 months
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✨👙Buy a swimsuit calendar to support your local project freelancer organization today! 👙✨
(This idea came to me in a vision. Might draw all of them but here’s some York for now... He’s rocking the pose and he knows it lmfao 💀✨)
(Bonus colored version below the fold)
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moongothic · 2 months
Do you ever start a project, thinking it'd be a fun thing to make, only to realize halfway through you hate and have literally no use for it and then get stuck unsure what the fuck you should do with it
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This is my Bag of Regrets
Okay so around March of 2023 I made my first-ever crochet bag out of the leftover yarn I had from my Blanket of Darkness. I loved how that bag turned out, but even then I realized I could've done a better job had I lined the bag, which I should've done really early into the project.
I ended up with a bunch of this super thin cotton yarn, in a few colors. We're not gonna talk about how I got the yarn, I just ended up with it. And I did not know what to do with it, because the pink and the dark maroon-y color just are not my colors, at all. I do not like them what-so-ever. And so like, I had to figure out something to do with the yarn, didn't wanna waste it. And for some god damn reason I thought I could practise making more crochet bags using this yarn.
Like in theory, this was a fine idea.
But I don't even like pink, what the fuck am I going do with this god damn thing now.
But I was a fucking idiot and did not think about that fact until I was like 80% done with it
Anyway, I thought it'd be fun to try doing a checkerboard pattern on the tiny crochet bag. This was a huge mistake. I don't know what the fuck it was about it, but I had the worst time of my life trying to make sure the squares were even, with the same amount of rows and that the corners met at the right spots- like sometimes I made the right amount of rows but the corners didn't meet at all and sometimes I did the wrong amount of rows but the corners did meet. It was a fucking nightmare to crochet. I had a horrible time. Making the front and back panels took me months and I had to restart it so many times just to get it right. It was bad, I hated it man
Also, by the way. I don't mind working with thin yarn at all, but because this was a thin COTTON yarn, I just. The yarn has no stretch, it is hard. Working with it made me feel like I was going to cut off my left finger as the yarn was rubbing against it as I was crocheting.
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The bottom piece of the bag was done in that dark purple-maroon-y color with... I can't even remember what stitch I did, it was something Alt Knots has a video tutorial for on their YouTube though
But, I made the three crochet panels
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Then I cut out the piece of fabric I would hand-sew the crochet pieces onto. I have a ton of this red-brown fabric that I have no idea wha to do with, and I figured it would work fine for this (since you're not supposed to see this fabric anyways) so I cut the pieces from it
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Pinned the pieces down and then I just sewed the pieces onto the fabric. I decided to use sewing thread so it'd blend into the crochet better (being a fine thread and all), using white for the checker board pieces and a dark red/maroon-y color for the bottom piece
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Forgot to take a photo of the bottom piece but it's fine, you get the idea
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Then I cut out the lining fabric. I didn't really have any fabric that would actually match the checker board crochet at all, and I didn't want to buy anything so I chose to use this black fabric (with itty bitty roses) for lining
Cut the pieces and pinned them down facing each other
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I think I originally wanted to do the sewing by hand for a cleaner look but I wasn't happy with it, so after I did my innitial hand-stitching I went over it with a sewing machine, getting as close to the crochet but without sewing over it. And after checking it was okay, I cut the excess fabric and did some clean up to help keep the fabric from fraying.
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Folded the pieces inside out and they were looking decent!
Now yes, I did still have to hand-sew one side shut for each piece, but it wasn't a big deal, though sadly because I had to make sure the handsewing wasn't visible on the outside of the bag, this was going to be a visible flaw on the lining anyways
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You can see what I mean on the top edge of the bigger piece (with the white thread)
In hindsight I probably could've sewn the edge shut with a mattress stitch or something instead of going through all the fabric, but alas, I was stupid and didn't not realize this at the time
Sidenote I took like 5 month break from this project after finishing the front and back piece but before I did the bottom piece. Because yeah, this was around when I realized I hated what I was making and that I had no idea what the fuck I was gonna do with it once it was done. And I just could not get myself to even look at it, for months. And it HAUNTED me, made me feel bad about not having completed it every dang day. But yeah, finally in March I got back to it after finishing my last crochet blanket. Because I wanted to start another project but I did not want to start anything before finishing this fucking thing so yeah.
(Oh yeah I also I grabbed some metal accessories from my mom's stash that I attached to the bottom piece, so the bag can have a widdle handle)
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With the pieces all done, it was finally time to sew them together. And this I was going to do by hand sewing them with a mattress stitch. I started by just attaching the smaller piece to the bottom, making sure it was centered right, and carefully sewed it together, starting from the middle and making my way up the sides, one at a time.
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I did very specifically do sewing on the red-brown fabric
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And it was looking good, according to plan!
Did the bigger piece the same way, and then all I had to do...
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...Was clean up, by mattress stitching the crochet pieces together. Chose to use white because I figured I'd rather have small amounts of white peeking through on the bottom piece than have the dark red/purple on the front pieces. Though thankfully the white yarn isn't even that noticable, it sinked into the stitches quite nicely
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With that done, I did this one final little touch-up. On checker crochet pieces you could kind of see my starting row, as the row had quite large holes in it. And I wasn't a huge fan of how it looked, so I just took some of the white yarn and wove it into the loops to fill it out
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One final thing I did but didn't bother documenting was the strap. I did considder crocheting it, and even started it, but I did not like the stitch I was trying to use for it, and at this point I was so fucking done with the project I couldn't be bothered. I had some white cotton ribbon with nothing to do with it, so I decided to just grab some of that to make a lil strap. It's... not great, it's just that the ribbon is quite thin so it FEELS really flimsy. But I had reached the "I don't give a fuck anymore" stage and so. Yeah whatever
My shitty little bag of regrets is done. Yay.
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I probably could've done something to clean the edges of the bag better because you can see the red-brown fabric peeking through, but... Like I can't think of what I could do to fix that, and again, I'm at the point where I don't have the energy to even try anymore
It's done, and that's what matters
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Probably throwing it in the trash because what else am I gonna do with it
(Final note; I did have left-over yarn from this, but I used that yarn to make tiny mesh fruit/grocery bags. Ones I will actually use! Yay)
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thelustybraavosimaid · 4 months
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Things Jon stans will never know: peace, happiness, joy, especially when browsing his own fucking tag
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cherry-pop-elf · 1 month
A HORRIFYING discovery was made, as of recently
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Nick Wilde is just George Weasleys fursona
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You know who you are, and why have you cursed me with this knowledge
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