zytes · 6 months
Hello, have you talker about your art process anywhere? I am very interested in how you got into glitch art/photomanipulation/however you’d call this, and i want to learn more. Do you have programs you use, plugins, do you use any physical media or scanography/scanner manipulation? I really want to hear about anything you wanna talk about regarding the creation process for your art. Thank you for sharing your work.
Yes! Unfortunately, I tried answering this question in a ton of detail but tumblr didn’t save it as a draft automatically - which was a frustrating experience to say the least - so this is my second attempt at answering this ask — you’ve asked a lot of really valuable questions here, I’ll do my best to be concise in my answers!
When I first began playing around with editing software, I was 16 and simply wanted to make memes and silly edits. This was around 2015-2016, whenever vaporwave was a fresh concept and Resonance was trending on Vine — which is a sentence that makes me feel fucking ancient. I was really entranced by vaporwave, which had this off-white nostalgia for post-consumerist 80s and 90s cultural trends. I later became interested in how many of those cultural trends persisted and evolved into Y2K culture and beyond.
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these are some of the images I was working on during that period of time, which were loosely inspired by indie horror and jazz cups and soundcloud rap. I was so proud of learning how to make my own scanlines using GIMP :)
Late 2016 I began my freshman year at a hoighty-toighty art school that I was too poor to attend, and quickly entered a mental health downward spiral — but I learned many valuable things, most of that info was painfully basic; my education prior to that was not anything special. I would not consider myself someone with exceptional aptitude for art — I just have a chronic compulsion to break things.
So, where to begin? My recommendation to anyone who’s newly interested in this style of artwork and editing:
Glitchet is a repository of info regarding many different styles and methods of distortion - from sonification to slipscans, there’s a ton of good info to comb through. Most of the techniques and tools covered are free to use, but there is some paid stuff out there too - but if you know your way around, virtually everything is free. More on that shortly :)
As for my process, programs, plugins, etc - there is a lot, and I don’t think I can cover everything. Primarily: Photoshop, After Effects, GIMP, ArtStudio Pro for iOS, Procreate, DestroyPix, and a number of other pieces of software that perform smaller, specific functions - such as BigJpg for AI-upscaling. I also employ analogue/physical distortion techniques like circuit-bending, slipscan, and more. These require additional hardware and knowledge; such as access to a copier/scanner, old CRT screens, and the ability to solder + work with low voltage electronics without accidentally shorting them out. Best part is that you can ✨layer✨ anything and everything, collage style — which is my favorite aspect, very playful and exploratory.
Now, if you’re like me and can’t afford fuck-all, but wholeheartedly believe that money should not be a limiting factor for creativity, I recommend installing the Adobe Creative Suite from downloadpirate(dot)com - which is also where I’ve gotten many of my plugins, although I do also pay for the plugins that I come to really appreciate, as they’re typically done by independent developers who could actually use the scratch. Same risks as any pirate cove: intrusive ads, popups, and redirect chains - use Ublock Origin to kill these annoyances. I recommend performing a scan with Malwarebytes after using any sketchy-looking-download site, but I was raised to be a bit paranoid so that’s purely preferential.
As for plugins:
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Filenames in this image may correspond with the developer of the plugin — you can just search the filename + ‘after effects plugin’ and you’ll almost certainly find your way.
Most commonly, I use Pixelsorter, Pixdither, Displacer Pro, Pixel Stretch, and Hacksaw — although some of the plugs that I use aren’t listed above, like Datamosher, which is a script-based solution that helps remove i-frames from a clip in After Effects, all without having to use VLC and any handwritten scripts (the ol’ fashioned way).
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These are all from the last year or so, to show the relative growth I’ve experienced since my time spent as a creature of 16 years. Naturally, I’m also like, more of a person now - so the art is partly better because I’ve simply suffered more :p
When I started, I didn’t know any of the jargon or how to describe a specific effect I was trying to achieve - so I taught myself how to do stuff by googling around, and if I couldn’t find an answer (which was 90% of the time) I’d just try to figure shit out. Which rarely ever resulted in outright success, but was always a significant learning experience. That’s why I’m so quick to drop the link to Glitchet! Sometimes I can’t help but wonder what I’d be doing now if I had known there was an online library for info on how to produce different types of distortions - definitely would’ve spent less time trial-and-erroring my way through aesthetics.
In conclusion: there’s so much to try and you should try absolutely everything that interests you. It’s free if you’re cool enough to steal it; though some things (like hardware) are gonna cost. You don’t need talent or an exceptional education, though both of those things would certainly help — and you’ll never run out of things to learn because there are infinite ways to break shit. More so than anything else, you need a willingness to explore, experiment, and fail often. You’ll fail miserably at times, so a proclivity for humiliation is also a big plus. Eventually your failures will start looking like successes; but you’ll have forgotten the difference by then and will be free to make whatever the fuck you want :)
I’m glad that you enjoy the work! tumblr has always been the best place for me to share my lil jpegs and actually find a real sense of connection with others who are similarly jazzed. My life completely bottomed-out a few years ago and I was in a really bad place whenever I logged into my blog for the first time in half-a-decade and started posting again. My personal growth from then to now has been a strange and incredible experience, and I’m so glad that I had the art and the funny little gays on this website to help me through the toughest points and teach me valuable things about myself; so if I can give back a little knowledge, I’ll gladly take that opportunity! I hope these findings serve you as well as they’ve served me.
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mariughhhharts · 9 months
Glitch Art
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Glitch Distortion
For the first two images, I took pictures of clothing from my job and wanted to distort the images in a way where you couldn't tell they were clothes. The clothing fabric has strass embellishment and I thought it would be fun messing around with these details. My intentions were to distort fabric to where the original image is gone but if you'd know what you were looking at if you pay close attention or knew the brand.
For the last image, I used a photo I took at a Beyoncé concert I went to earlier this year and multiplied the images into the frame many times until the original image was lost. I moved some of the frames on the right of the image to create dimension and make the image more static. To complete the glitch effects I added a few pixels with an RGB palette.
For all three images I used the app 'DestroyPix" which is very user friendly and let me distort my images to my liking and had many options to let me play with. If I had more time for this Project I would create a series where I can play more with fabric and distort them in a way where the images look like maps or the inside of a computer. I would've also liked the images turned into GIFs where the RGB pixels would blink.
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salguerointernetart · 2 years
Final Project-Work in Progress
For this final project I have created an Instagram page and started uploading images of things you would see people post on their feed. I have gone ahead and used an App named DestroyPix to distort the images in a way that they are not recognizable or look as they did not upload correctly. I have added captions to the images to give some context as to what the distorted images are. I would like to continue adding more images to the feed so the Instagram page is only compromised of distorted moments in life. Below is the link of what I have so far.
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art3647 · 2 years
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Glitch work by: Ana Salguero
For this assignment I used an app named “DestroyPix” to edit and distort my images. I took inspiration from the artist of the week David Szauder and corrupted the clear image of my grandma who passed many years ago. The representation of the memory being corrupted after years pass.For image 02 I wanted to capture a postcard type picture inside the frame of a popular mural in Florida City. Inside the frame I wanted it to be a corrupted photo because places are not always picture perfect as it seems. Popular locations have its everyday crime that’s found in every place in the world.
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algomystic · 4 years
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glitch city - continued . . . #glitchcity #glitchart #glitch #destroypix #digitalart #blender3d #contemporaryart #blackandwhite #buildings #city #skyscraper #algomystic https://www.instagram.com/p/CGkWANYHZnP/?igshid=hm4yzboy33t5
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mariiaayeee · 5 years
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trying something new...
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robchretien · 5 years
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#uqam #destroypix (à UQAM | Université du Québec à Montréal) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwvgsZdH9p1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=715qst8dbwak
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oxane · 5 years
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DestroyPix by peder.norrby
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art3647 · 2 years
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Glitch/distortion work by: Sophia Civita Jerez Telles
For this assignment, I wanted to make three works that went together regarding their glitches/distortions, colors, and overall aesthetic. I am a painter and I do a lot of big geometric, symmetric, and asymmetric artworks with mixed media, so I thought it would be an interesting idea to glitch three paintings of a series I created and exhibited to make geometrical and illusional distortions. The concept was to create three images that represent a progression of disorder.
I edited the three images on Lightroom to adjust contrast, exposure, and highlights. I then used two different apps, DestroyPix and Glitch Studio to distort them.
I tried to create an illusion by layering the picture over and over again with 50% opacity so it looks slightly faded. I wanted most of the image to still be recognizable and identifiable, even if extremely small at the center, to look more like an intentional glitch.
If I had more time, I would make this progression for each image, so it would start off with the original and have each copy look more and more glitched/distorted each time; each image would have multiple copies with more detailed, and more linear glitches. I also definitely would have added more layers to the first two, making it even more symmetrical.
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art3647 · 2 years
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Glitched distorted work by: Madeline Martinez
For this week's Glitch/ Distortion project I used a combination of manually glitching the images with the text editor, and then adding a few other glitch brushes using the application DestroyPix.  . I wanted my images to be colorful and the brush specs to almost look like candy /sprinkles. If I had more time, I would like to create a larger series of these glitch images with other  looks and to explore other applications to try different variations.  
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art3647 · 2 years
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Glitch work by: Maria Bardykin
The app that I used to create these images are DestroyPix and Instagram.
The series that I created for our final project is titled "ultimate.influencer". I took inspiration from our previous assignments surrounding glitches and decided to connect that with the concept of internet art and social media. The series is based on the idea of the distorted image of social media influencers and how images are not able to capture the genuineness of an individual through a consumeristic lens. Social Media Influencers are used as human forms of advertising, which leads to individuals finding themselves to be nothing but a shell for consumerism. As social media is at a constant rise of relevancy, people may find themselves appealed to the idea of becoming an influencer while disregarding the mental tole it may take.
Within the images that I created, I distorted images of myself that I have posted on social media. The caption plays an important role within the images as it contains the usual hashtags that upcoming influencers would use to reach a larger audience, while also adding some self-questioning phrases. Phrases such as #whatnow and #iWantOut are meant to show the dynamic between individual and the strain of aesthetics and advertising.
This image is the least distorted of the series, which indicate the beginning of the influencer or social media journey. Within this image, my face is also very easy to spot, making it the center of the image, representing self-importance and awareness.
In order to push this series forward, I would've perhaps made more images to represent the transition clearer, while also having more basic images/ selfies to show how being an influencer may begin to take a toll.
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algomystic · 5 years
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DestroyTheSelf . . Self portraits made by 3D scanning and distorting the geometry. Some extra glitch added with #DestroyPix app . . . #DestroyTheSelf #3d #scan #blender #blender3d #selfportrait #distorted #glitch #glitchart #art #digitalart #contemporaryart #modernart #codeart #creativecoding #algomystic https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xIiUdnVXl/?igshid=18e5c18grakm
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algomystic · 5 years
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dhyana vision #DestroyPix version . . . #glitch #glitchart #dhyana #vision #psychedelicart #colorful #disintegration #bliss #digitalart #generativeart #creativecoding #abstractart #contemporaryart #art #algomystic https://www.instagram.com/p/B3DABQQIPzH/?igshid=1eqk58nuqglxf
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algomystic · 5 years
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DestroyTheSelf Glitched selfie made with Mosh+Corrupt brushes in #DestroyPix app out now for iOS and Android. Link in bio. . . . . #destroypix #destroytheself #self #portrait #glitch #glitchart #contemporaryart #modernart #app #ios #android #art #digitalart #destroytocreate #algomystic https://www.instagram.com/p/BxVMmYXHmQU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hn1t37ej5hlv
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algomystic · 5 years
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weird houses, NYC . . . . #DestroyPix #glitchart #glitchapp #glitch #art #contemporaryart #modernart #netart #app #ios #android #digitalart #algomystic https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw9cOHVHvmt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xvcmxnbe2pw
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algomystic · 5 years
DestroyPix - new glitch painting app I made an app to make glitch art by painting using procedural “glitch brushes” and destroying the image with some level of control. Out now! App Store and Google Play links in bio. Watch the full video with UI interactions on my IGTV #glitchart #netart #glitch #codeart #contemporaryart #creativecoding #ios #app #algomystic #destroypix https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw4-GEMoGzZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fc9y2lfn39bn
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