#dhmis fanfiction
cosmic-meteorites · 1 year
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Please read @thingsaday​ ‘s fic Identity Crisis !!! 
It has given me pain thus I drew this as a bonus because yellow NEEDS a hug and a much needed comfort
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thingsaday · 1 year
After trying to tune out Duck’s singing for the better part of the evening, Yellow finally falls into a fitful sleep. When he wakes up, everything has gone wrong.
[Two years after he was presumed dead by the public, Yellow wakes up in David's body. Cue the existential crisis.]
Trying my hand at a DHMIS fanfiction; let me know what you guys think! (Chapter 2 should be out sometime tonight) 
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meerlichtz · 2 years
Drowning Lessons
Chapter one
Duck watches Red clean the dishes and his heart clenches.
He’s filled the sink up to the brim. Absentmindedly, he grabs another plate, pushes it down and gets to scrubbing. Water spills over. Red pretends not notice, or perhaps he really doesn’t.
Duck is afraid that this is exactly what love is going to do to him.
Or: Duck, Red guy and Yellow guy escape the loop. This makes nothing easier.
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gravitypictureshow · 11 months
Roy/Reader Snippet
Hello! I've been working on a Roy/reader piece, and I wanted to post a small snippet of it here to see if there would be any interest in it. There isn't much content out there for him which makes me sad, so I figured I'd do it myself >:). It is a bit suggestive, and there probably will be nsfw when it's done, so just a heads up. Please let me know if you'd be interested in seeing the finished product!
Content warnings: Asphyxiation, verbal threats, physical violence (non graphic), being stepped on, Roy being Roy
The sound was a low drawl, dripping with venom and mockery. You squeezed your arms up against your body as if that would provide you some protection against the humiliation that seeped into every inch of your body with his voice. Slowly, the figure emerged from the shadows, narrow eyes gleaming in the little light visible from the screen of the machine in front of you.
“Yoouuuu pooooooorrrrr thing… you actually thought I was going to let you…gooooo?”
Words, any words, tried desperately to fight their way up your throat, but were pushed down by an invisible barrier. You wanted to yell at him, or say anything, or do anything, any act of defiance against your inevitable fate. But fear had paralyzed you.
He slinked closer to you. One, scruffy felt tube of an arm looped on it’s way up to your face, and he brushed a hair out of your face. Your eyes darted away. You didn’t want to look directly at him. You though you heard a small sound from under his breath, almost a cackle. Within half a second you felt your skull slamming into the tile beneath you, sending a sharp pain reverberating through it. You felt a firm pressure on your neck, just beneath your chin. The force is enough to make your breaths grow heavier, your lungs desperately trying to suck in whatever air they can through your trapped throat. As your vision finally settles, as your mind finally gets a grip on what’s happening, you see your captor, firmly pressing his foot against your windpipe. You give a reflexive gulp. Red floods to your cheeks, the rush of adrenaline seems to wake up every part of your stiff body. Your pulse quickens. All the thoughts in your mind scramble.
Roy sneers “You should learn you can’t get out from under me that easily… I take my deals rather seriously, you know…”
Your eyes do their best to dart away, but without being able to turn your head you can’t get him out of your frame of sight. The rush from when he slammed you down hasn’t dissipated, your breath is picking up… all you can do is stare in horror, in awe, and the man who has you right under his foot. You’re truly trapped.
Roy’s expression suddenly shrinks back to his usual, blank stare. He cocks his head slightly, his eyes narrowing. They reminded you of a camera lens, zooming in and out on its object of focus, trying to commit every detail to memory so it can later be analyzed. You suddenly felt as if you were a little bug on a slide, under the eye of a great microscope picking out things even you weren’t able to see about yourself.
“Wait…” Suddenly, that smile crawled back across your captor’s face. He leaned in close, so close, that the tip of his nose almost touched your own. His foot remained planted on your throat, the pressure increased slightly. It seemed his stretchy frame had no limits, as the bodies of other puppets did. “From that look…plassstered on your pooooooor facccccceeee… I’d almossssttt think… you were enjoying thiiisssssss…”
The hunger in his eyes was apparent as he fixed them on yours. You felt his foot lift off slightly, just enough to allow you to speak. Sadly, only stutters, gasps and broken words find their way between your lips. “I-I…I don’t kn– I just– I–” 
Roy’s eyes narrow as he slams his foot back down on your throat, sending another wave of sparks through your mind. “I assssskkkked you for aaaannnn awnsssser… don’t tell me you plan to deprave me of thhhhhaaatt tooooooo?” His eyes twinkle like those of a cat batting a lizard between its paws as he moves his foot around a little.
You try to force out words. Roy lets up on the pressure again, apparently feeling merciful enough to give you a second chance.
“I–I didn’t think I’d…I mean yes…” You force the answer out. If you dared lie, he would probably snap your neck right then and there. Better to be embarrassed and slightly disgusted with yourself then dead.
“Yessssss?” Roy asked, the mockery in his tone practically soaking your mind.
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citrus-woman · 1 year
self promoting a fic because yeah Basically, this is me writing how the trio would react if time randomly began moving again, but not all is as it seems >:)
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inky-snowdrop · 1 year
'Cause I'm Bored
A Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared One Shot
Pairings: Harry/Robin || Red Guy/Duck (FluffyBird), Paige the Notebook/Tony the Talking Clock
Rating: T (16+)
(references to sexual content, strong language, canon-typical violence)
Originally Written: March 3rd, 2018
Originally Posted on Ao3: May 16th, 2019
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Glancing away from his friend, who hadn’t looked over at Robin the entire time he had been talking and instead continued to scan through his phone’s photos, Robin looked at the book he had placed onto the table. It was one of Manny’s favorites and either himself or Harry would read this story to their blue-haired friend before bed even when they were puppets. Sighing gently, Robin got up to place the book next to their laptop, a shiver coursing through him at the suppressed memories of Colin as The Computer singing about God-knows-what.
“‘Cause I’m bored,” Robin concluded as he placed his book on the table with a sullen thud. He looked at Harry, his mind swimming with the possible answers his red haired friend might give to his proposition. Would he mock him, say that he was just trying to relieve some tension that had been building up since he had taken Harry and Roy’s acting gig? The last was partially true, he had felt a bit cooped up from only seeing Manny, Harry, and the… um... others for almost two years now. It didn’t help that he had been a duck for half of it, thus reducing his already narrow choices to a big zero. Upon returning to his original human form (with, unfortunately, some unwanted side effects, such as his permanently stained green hair), his prospects had begun to widen as all the other cast members returned as well to their non-puppet selves. Granted, Paige, Tony, Colin, Frank, and Larry were definitely different, to say the least, and Robin did his best to avoid them as much as possible, especially the Kitchen Crew and Frank himself. He hadn’t exactly been on the best of terms with the chef since he had turned Robin into a duck dinner.
“That’s a stupid reason.” Harry spoke, his voice as monotone and emotionless as ever. Robin whipped his head around, dropping the book loudly onto the wooden floor as he met Harry’s red and brown tinged eyes. Harry didn’t seem unnerved. “‘Because your bored’ is a stupid reason. That’s like me asking Manny if he wanted to shoot a gun at little kids because ‘It might be fun,’” he continued as he closed his phone and casually smoothed his hair out of his face. Robin froze, his brain slowly processing what his friend had just said. Was that a no? Was it a yes? What the hell did he mean? Harry rose from his chair and went to the door, looking up and down the hallway leading to the stairs before he continued. “Maybe you should ask Larry for favors instead of me. Or Paige. I hear that she’s active at night.”
Robin looked uncomfortably down at the book on the floor, reading the cover over and over again as his brain rooted around for an excuse. “Well.. uh… I think Paige and Tony are.. you know..” Robin thought in vain for a word to describe the former notepad and clock’s relationship. “..together?” Robin laughed as he bent down to grab the dropped book and placed it carefully onto the shelf where Gilbert used to sit as a Globe. “So, you haven’t really answered my question…” Robin turned to see that Harry was gone, his phone left untouched on his chair. An icy feeling filled his blood and panic quickened his breaths. What if it was Frank? What if he snuck up on Harry, snatched him, and turned him into some sort of human pot roast? What he was out there in the hallway right now, chewing on his bones and coughing up his liver? Robin grabbed the shelf to steady himself and closed his golden eyes to try and calm his racing heart.
After a few moments, Robin ran a hand through his green hair and forced his legs to march to the hallway leading to the bedroom. He carefully peered around the corner, left then right, and quickly moved out of the living room. Forcing himself not to run, Robin looked briefly into the kitchen and, after not seeing any sort of form remotely looking like a human, he continued on to the bedroom. Resting a shaking hand on the doorknob, he adjusted his glasses and pushed the door in. A snore echoed into a hallway, freezing Robin in sheer fear that he would see Frank emerge from the kitchen with a cleaver and fork meant to eat… He shut the thought out as he quickly stepped into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him with a satisfying click. “Why hello there, friend!” The voice cut right into Robin, forcing a scream out of his lungs as he lunged for the door handle. A applied force pushed him away from the door and onto the floor as the lights turned on, blinding the golden eyed Robin for a moment. Once his vision returned, Robin stood quickly, stumbling as he ran for the bookshelf on his side of the bedroom. There must be a book heavy enough! I can clomber whoever is in my way!
“Robin?” A sleepy voice interrupted his thoughts. The sound of ruffling sheets prompted the former duck to turn around, a heavy novel clenched tightly in his hands. A relieved sigh escaped his lips as he saw Manny slowly rise from his bed and walk over to envelop him in a hug. “Are you okay? You seem on edge…” A Ha! left Robin’s lips as he picked Manny up and placed him back into his bed swiftly then went to return the novel back onto his book shelf.
“I was just looking for Harry. I thought he might be in here…” Robin stated simply as he cringed at the lameness of his words. Of course Manny would have heard you scream, you idiot! Just tell him what you heard! But Robin knew he couldn’t. He didn’t want to ruin the precious sleep that Manny got when he didn’t have nightmares. Smiling softly, Robin walked quickly over to Manny and ruffled his hair. “I didn’t mean to wake you up. Go back to sleep.”
Manny turned onto his side and mumbled worriedly, “What happens if one of them comes to get me while I sleep?” Robin shhhed him quietly until Manny’s breathing was even and he was asleep, then quickly he stood up, rushed to the door, and yanked it open. Manny’s words repeated in his brain over and over and over as he closed the bedroom door and returned to the living room, glancing briefly back from where he had come to make sure he wasn’t being followed. The fear that the voice had instilled in him was unmistakably Larry’s. He was the only one who would stalk their bedroom like that, which made the possibility of him being in there when he went to sleep all the more real. His breath hitched at the thought and he quickly rounded the corner into the living room, one of the only places in the house that he actually felt safe in.
The red from Harry’s hair was visible from over the top of his chair, to which Robin was grateful and frustrated to see. “Where the hell were you?” Robin stalked over to Harry’s chair and stood directly in front of him as he awaited an answer.
Harry looked up from his phone, then back down as he stated, “I got bored.” The smug tone in his voice was auditable even through its monotone facade.
“That doesn’t even come close to answering that question, jackass.” Robin leaned in closer, expecting for Harry to reiterate his disappearance and apologize profusely for scaring Robin and almost getting him killed in the process of finding him. After all, Robin concluded, they wouldn’t even be human right now if it wasn’t for himself! The least the former mop could do was show some respect for him or maybe some want of him to be there. A faint ticking from the conjoined living room filled the empty space as Harry continued to look through his phone and ignore Robin completely. The former duck ran a hand through his green hair, that was still a bit greasy from not washing it in over a year, and huffed loudly as he straightened to his full height. “You know Harry, you’ve been awfully attached to that phone lately…” With that, Robin ripped Harry”s phone from his grasp and flung it with all of his strength into the hallway, the fragile metal casing shattering upon impact with the wall. A shrill shriek escaped the mangled smart phone that pressed into Robin’s ears with an incredible force, but the former duck couldn’t find it inside of himself to care. His blue eyes had stayed firmly locked on Harry, to make sure he didn’t just suddenly disappear the last time Robin had brought up this topic.
He leaned in close, close enough to know that Harry still smelled like raw chicken even after reverting back to human. Trying not to gag at the smell, Robin stabled himself by putting both of his shaking hands on the armrests of his red haired friend’s chair. “Just for the sake of argument, since I know you like to do that a lot,” Robin began, his voice lowered significantly for his friend only. “Could you explain, in full detail so that I understand what your thought process is, why you do not want to have sex with me? Am I misreading the signs? Did you not know what I was talking about earlier? I don’t know. However, what I DO know is that you are avoiding me and in a house where the only other people to talk to are either asleep or have tried to murder you in the past, you get lonely sometimes!” Robin adjusted his glasses and backed away, bumping into the dining room table in the process, and awaited Harry’s response. As always, his face remained devoid of any emotion though his eyes were squinting as if he was thinking about something deeply. After a minute of waiting for a response, Robin sighed again, his pride hanging in tatters around him, and turned to look out the window. Screw it. It was always difficult do anything in this house other than hunker down and hide, let alone trying to get his technical employer to sleep with him.
A mild shuffling behind him sparked his senses into high alert. Could it be one of them? Could it be Frank? He could be here to eat him! These thoughts clouded his mind and sharpened his fear to a point. Not daring to turn around in fear of what he might see, Robin called in a rasping voice, “...H… Harry? Your still here, right?”
“I’m here.” The emotionless voice of his friend filled him with some ease, but the feeling of being watched still hung over his head annoyingly. The fact that he could see the moon beginning to set in the west also helped Robin calm down. “It’ll be morning soon.” Harry continued slowly as Robin turned to face him, expecting him in his chair, but saw him instead retrieving his phone from the hallway. Seemingly reading Robin’s mind as thoughts of anger grew, Harry continued, “I’ve been using my phone to find out what’s happening in London. So far, nothing except the marriage of Princess Kate and Prince William...” He trailed off, resting the destroyed phone on the dining table. Robin watched as Harry joined him next to the window. Harry seemed to be searching for something in the night sky. “Robin, nobody knows what happened… Not yet anyway.”
Robin felt his stomach drop. Did nobody know what happened to him and Harry and Manny and Paige and Larry and Roy… A realization hit him. “Roy did this to us, right? Of course he would fucking hide it from the press!” Harry only nodded. “There isn’t going to be any justice for us because nobody is coming for us! We’re stuck, WE’RE FUCKING STUCK! I have to get out of here, Harry! I need to! I NEED-” He stopped abruptly and lowered his voice so not to wake Manny. “I don’t think you get how much this house is crushing me. I just want to go home. My REAL home and maybe take a shower. Eat some chicken. I don’t know.” Robin pushed up his glasses and laughed weakly as he turned his attention back outside. “I guess I might be bitching or something, but…”
Harry shook his head slowly, much to Robin’s delight, as he stated simply, “I miss my home too.” Robin felt Harry pull him closer and he wrapped his arms carefully around the former mop’s red sweatshirt and rested his head elegantly against his friend’s shoulder. Harry stayed completely still while rubbing the small of Robin’s back slowly in a reassuring way. Robin chuckled to himself. The warmth of Harry’s chest beat any sort of warmth gained through sex. They swayed together as the moon disappeared behind the horizon completely and the first rays of dawn arose into the sky.
“I was totally betting on that they were going to fuck,” Paige whispered from her spot outside in the hallway as she peered at Harry and Robin in secret.
Tony rolled his eyes and replied with a sneer, “I told they wouldn’t. Not at first and never with a duck.” Paige punched him in his arm, making him wince in pain.
“I set everything up! The timing was perfect! Everything was in place! I don’t understand… What’s with the face?” Paige asked. She crossed her arms and glared at Tony.
Tony grinned toothly and asked, “Would you like to have sex with me?”
Paige looked at Tony with a glint in her eye. “Why, what kind of notebook would I be if I denied such a honest request?” She grabbed Tony by the cuff of his shirt and pulled him back into the kitchen.
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ol1veflower · 2 years
A fanfiction by the talented; Closeted_Calliope
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sparklepool101 · 2 years
Wish We Could Turn Back Time - a DHMIS fanfiction
Promo time lol, if you’re looking for a dhmis fic to read, may I suggest my fic WWCTBT? It’s at 15k words as of August 5th, 2022 with more sure to come! It’s been my passion project for almost two years now, so it would mean the world if you would check it out!
Summary: "Manny is drowning. He's dead. This is the end. Except it isnt.Manny wakes up in a hospital surrounded by unfamiliar faces and has to deal with the startling revelation that none of what just happened was real.When will Robin and Harry wake up? Where is Lilly? What happened to the Teachers? Were they real? Is Roy completely locked up? Can he still torment him?But most importantly, is it really over?“
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cherrygummycandy · 2 years
Roommate troubles
A Dhmis x Roomate!Reader Fix
(An: this is a sequel to another Dhmis roommate fic on my blog. Hope you guys enjoy, it's not my best work as I have a bit of a stomach ache rn. Enjoy!)
You slide out of your brightly colored bed, feet hitting the floor as you trudge over to your dresser. As you look in the mirror, you think about the past few weeks you've spent here. Despite the eccentric company, you've really grown to like the place. After dressing and brushing your hair you head out of the door. You immediately hear squabbling coming from the kitchen, and as you enter the room you see your three roommates engaged in some sort of debate. "I want tha' color cereal..." Yellow says, pointing to a coupon featured in the morning paper. "No! Rainbow Rocks are for babies, idiot. I want Morning Bran." Duck snatches his paper and points to a much blander looking image of an old man with a bowl of brown mush. You cringe internally at the picture. "I don't really like cereal. What about bagels?" Red asks, only to be met with a "BAGELS?!" from Duck.
"Morning, guys." You say, strolling over the table and plopping down in your designated chair. Initially, Duck had gotten into a spat with you over adding a chair to the table. "There's three of us, they don't get a seat yet! The floor is plenty comfortable..." You chuckle at the memory. "What are you guys arguing about?" Red sighs. "We just got the coupon book in today, tryna' make a grocery list." He explains, handing you the book. Flipping through the pages quickly, you see a few coupons that interest you. "So, were trying to figure out what were gonna eat for breakfast?" Red nods.
"Y/N, can we have tha' color cereal?" Yellow asks, leaning against your shoulder and pointing to the coupon. "What? Why are you asking them? This is my decision!" Duck exclaims. "No, it's not. The other one said we'd take a boat!" Yellow whines. "Vote. I said we'd take a vote." Red corrects. "I mean, I like-" You look closer at the coupon "Rainbow Rocks? Huh." You lean back in your seat, having put in your vote. "Alright, but can we get bagels next time?" Red asks as he begins to cut out the cereal coupon.
"Wha- You're just gonna let them make the choice?" Duck squawks, slamming his coffee cup down on the table. "Well, it's two to one, we're taking a vote, y'know?" Red responds. "No, we're taking a boat-" "ITS NOT CALLED A BOAT ITS VOTE!" You let out a small huff of laughter. Your tall, red roommate wanders off to check his account balance, (though you have no idea where the money comes from, you don't think any of them work). The grumpy little duck-man grumbles something about 'giving you too many rights' and disappears up the stairs to sulk in his room. This leaves just you and the odd 'little yellow fellow', as you so lovingly call him.
You grab an apple from the bowl on the counter and take a bite, while absentmindedly scrolling through your phone. You feel a pair of eyes on you, and look up to see yellow staring. "Do you need something?" You ask. "Did you make dat'?" He points to a small, braided thread around your wrist. "Hm, oh yeah. I braided it and put some beads on it." You hold out your wrist and let him get a closer look. "Do you braid other things?" You nod. "Yeah, sometimes I braid necklaces, or my hair." You explain. He looks at you, wide eyed and amazed. "Can you braid my hair?" He whispers with wonder. You laugh a little, finding his curiosity endearing. "Yeah, sure! We can head up to my room, I'll let you choose some beads if you want!" He gasps, and quickly races up the stairs to your room. You follow him up, and open the door to your bedroom.
You rifle around in your dresser, looking for your box of hair accessories. Meanwhile, Yellow wanders around your room, his hand reaching out to touch various things on your floor and bed. You flop down onto the edge of your mattress and pat the spot next to you, opening up your hair care box. Yellow hops up beside you, and looks at all the glittery clips in your box. "Can I have this one?" He holds up a bright pink butterfly, with glittery little antennas. "Of course, do you want any beads in your hair?"
Giggling and light conversation spills out into the hallway from your room, and enters the cracked door into Duck's room. "Ugh..." Duck groans, covering his head with a pillow. 'Can't they keep it down?' He thinks, before chucking the pillow away. The pillow doesn't even hit the ground before he's stomped out of his door, and down the hall to your room. He peeks in through the door and almost shouts, before he sees what's going on. Yellow is smiling and yammering on about an ad for chips he saw on TV. Normally, Duck would tell him to shut up, but he's far too distracted with you. Your gently braiding a small strand of Yellow's hair, nodding and occasionally responding to what he's saying. Duck doesn't understand why, but watching this sweet scene makes him feel sick. Watching all your attention go towards that stupid little yellow creature (who not to mention forgot the computer password), makes his eyes roll in disgust.
"What are you doing?" Duck says, slamming your door behind him. He folds his arms as he looks over the two of you. "I'm braiding Yellow's hair, he wanted to see how I did it." You explain, your eyes not leaving the blue strands of hair in front of you. "I'm pretty!" Yellow exclaims, tossing his hands up in the air. "It's stupid, you know? No one cares what your hair looks like..." Duck tries to take a dig at Yellow, but only gets a glare from you. "Leave him alone, he cares what his hair looks like," You turn back to Yellow, who looks back up at you. "And I think you look very nice." You say, rubbing his head softly. Yellow doesn't seem to know how to respond, only staring up at you with that same wide-eyed gaze from earlier. "Really?" He asks. You tilt your head, a little confused as to why he seems so shocked at a simple compliment.
"You do?" Duck asks, his smirk suddenly dropping. 'Yes, I do." You reply, sounding a little meaner than you meant too. "Well..." Duck stammers a little, unsure how to respond. "What about me?" He exclaims. "What about you?" You ask, turning to him with a confused look. "I'm pretty, I'm the prettiest one in the house! Have you seen my jackets!?!" Duck begins spiraling, and you can see if you don't say something, this won't stop. "I mean, I'm-" "You're very pretty too, Duck." You say. He stops, before shaking his head and coughing awkwardly. "I know, I just... needed to make sure you knew." You shake your head a little. Duck only stares at the floor and blushes slightly, before hurring out of the room. "Is he okay?" You ask Yellow, who just shrugs.
"Do you think I could do your hair sometime?"
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
Hello! Not to be a bother, but I noticed you take Dhmis requests, and I was wondering if you could do a (Platonic) Yellow Guy x Motherly/Caring reader? Keep up the good work, by the way! :]
~Yҽʅʅσɯ Gυყ x Motherly!Reader (Platonic Headcanons)~
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Awww that's simply adorable, darling!!
Yҽʅʅσɯ Gυყ
~Oh, good, you can help him with the rash on his back.
~But anyway
~Roy is...weird....as we all know, so you're perfect for Yellow!
~He has a hard time remembering things sometimes, so you can help him with that. Everyone appreciates it.
~You'll have to scold Duck and Red if they ever insult him.
~Please reassure Yellow that he is not, "Stupid in the head".
~Yes, his self confidence isn't very high, but not exactly incredibly low, either...perhaps below average. Compliments make him beam.
~"Ohh, rEAlly? tHAnks :D"
~The funi "rEalLy tHankS :D" writing is absolutely necessary i swear
~Give him little head pats and ruffle his hair a bit.
~Keep in mind that being this close to Yellow means you'll quite possibly be in the danger he and the other guys get into, as well.
~Red and Duck seem a bit jealous of Yellow sometimes, actually. They wish they had somebody like you.
~Red does little "aww" 's here and there at you two.
~Duck likes to give you absolutely horrible parenting tips.
~While Yellow enjoys this, he also doesn't want to be treated like he's just a child. Because he isn't. Having somebody to help him out and all that good stuff is something he truly appreciates, but make sure you aren't making him seem like a 10 year old...
~Because we all know he's actually much, much smarter than he even knows or remembers.
Thank you for giving me the first Yellow Guy request!! I have SO much fun writing for him, he's so very cute :>
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~Love, PinkBoots
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spookythesillyfella · 2 months
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i keep thinking about making digitaltime content but .. i don't know what to do ... :[
anyway that one text post made me think of my colin birthday art so yk . whatever . i am okay with that .
★ [ original text post under cut ]
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luverz-exe · 2 years
Yandere Red Guy Headcanons
The blorbo himself. I figured this would be the best way to thank you all for 100 followers. I didn't mention anything about the Boss episode in this, so if you want Yandere Boss Red Guy you'll have to request it. This will kind of be a mix between the OG series and the new one. So just think of it as still kinda stuck in a time loop, and violent teachers. Anyways- THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH, and since I didn't post on Halloween, I'll open requests back up FOR 1 DAY. So get it all in before it's too late, and sorry for not posting on Halloween!
+ A small drabble at the end, cause I love y'all. <3
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Red has always been a 'show, don't tell' kind of guy. Trying to get your attention by doing something he knows you like or are interested in, but denying that he's doing it for you are all too common, and he tries his best to keep his cool around you. He finds himself staring lingeringly, overall showing much more emotion than normal. You're a bit of...well, normalcy.
Red Guy doesn't talk as much as he would like to be around you, and he always ends up getting lost in his imagination for what he'd say, what the two of you would do if together in a relationship. The songs he could write for you, the stories he could share. But truly, he knows nothing about you, nor about anyone else in the residency of this house. You're just another person in the house, who has a name he doesn't yet know.
Tries to get closer to you, but it can be hard when you end up getting killed or mentally scarred every other day. The two of you barely know each other, you two are just people in the same situation. So maybe, he can use it to his advantage. Comfort is always welcomed, especially during hard times like this, so it's just a way of getting closer to you. Physically and mentally.
"Hey, you seem upset... You know, I didn't like that guy all that much either. Too...loud. But hey, he's gone now. That's good, right?"
Despite all of the chaos that ensues on a daily basis, he sees this as a way to defend you and show you that he's dependable, someone you can trust. And the more you talk to him, or at least you show you trust him, his pursuit turns more aggressive. And the more he longs for a life of normalcy with you, the more he starts to break.
His temper only comes out when something stands in the way of his dream life with you, or if you're in danger of a teacher about to show you a life lesson unwanted. He's not very violent, normally that is, but now? You're in trouble, and that won't go well with him. He'll probably die, as per usual, and the rest of you probably will too. But you all will come back, and he can only look at you and hope you can remember the sacrifice he made. And even if you do, you never bring it up.
He can get kinda scary when he tries to leave, wanting a life with you drives his mental state into a rut. He'll drag them along too so they can have freedom, as to boost your image of him as kind and thoughtful, but he expects them to leave as soon as they can once freedom has finally arrived. Just you and him, doesn't that sound nice? And if they die along the way? They were expendable, no need to cry about them.
"NO NO NO, WE CAN'T GO BACK, NOT AGAIN!" HE YELLED "WE'RE SO CLOSE THIS TIME! WE CAN'T GO BACK!" Everyone knew that they weren't, but no one contradicted his cries of protest. Your fates has already been sealed...
"...I don't want to go back." You could hear the yellow one mumble sadly "I just want to make it stop." You couldn't bear to look at his face, because if it's anything like his voice right now, you'd break down. You must remain strong.
"NO, NO WE WON'T GO BACK-" He yelled some more, the sound of his rage just filled each of you with dread. It was a horrible prayer, pleading, almost full on screaming for something, anything to save them. But after so long, his voice drifted away. All you could hear were your thoughts, so lost in your mind, you didn't even notice how the world around you all started to glitch.
"please," you thought "just let this be done. I don't care if I die, I don't care if I go somewhere else, anything is better than here. Please"
..And then, you all wake up once more, in the same room, in the same order. You didn't even bother sitting up, too tired to move after. You can feel yourself start to shake, afraid of the next moment A new teacher could appear. It could be anytime. A month or two? A year? ...A minute?
You prayed for this bad dream to end, for the horrible imagination of whatever monster made this to die, for you to go home, to a place you can't even remember. But you know that a prayer unheard is just wishful thinking. And you were just wishing.
You can hear the tussling of sheets to your left. It was Red, he always got up first. You could hear a sigh, but he still didn't get up. It appears he really did think he was close to freedom. You wish you could feel the same.
He looked at you, you could feel his eyes gaze at you, even when your head was turned. You couldn't tell what he could possibly be feeling, thinking that he was so close to freedom. Anger? Disappointment? ... Fear? Either way, he sighed and got up, leaving the rest of you alone in your individual beds.
And June 19th starts over once more.
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Summary: Red Guy grows tired of Duck dying coming back slightly wrong and slightly different. Red guy wonders if there would be any way to stop this. 
Author: @lapinpuff
Note from submitter: Ooohh you totally wanna read about gay puppets being trapped in a horror show. You totally wanna read about time loops and psychological torture.
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cinnamon-phrog · 2 months
Teehee little comic thingy. Banner first though
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Four hand pubbets. What will they do,,,,
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MWAH!!!!!!!! 💞
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^^^ they were playing :3
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plinktastic · 9 months
I can post text only posts on tumblr therefore I can post my bugbo x dhmis fanfic, so, may I present to you...
Dont Hug Me I'm Bugbo
(gerbo, joe, and bugbo all walking in the rain)
"dont worry, im sure we will find shelter eventually" bugbo says, hand shielding his face from the rain. "and if not, the rain *will* stop at some point" he said, turning to gradient joe who was absolutely sopping wet, and unable to talk because his papers would be to soaked to read.
"oh grub i hope s- ..wait, bugbo look!" gerbo says, pointing to a large pink house with a dark blue door, "we should ask them if we can stay until the rain stops!"
"well, we dont have a choice do we" bugbo responds, quickly walking up to the door before knocking a few times, his friends trailing close behind.
silence fills the house, a sense of dread overcoming the 3 friends sitting around the table.
"...is someone at the door?" yellow guy finally asks, hesitating for a moment.
after another second of silence red guy gets up and walks towards the door, slowly placing his hand on the door handle.
the sound of the pouring rain fills the house, followed by the strange bugs voice. "ah, hello, my soon-to-be-friend, my name is bugbo. mind if we stay for a bit?" he asks, gesturing slightly to his friends.
"uhh.. come in" red guy responds, clearly not knowing what to say, but allowing the odd group into the house.
despite all the things they have seen, this "bugbo" creature and his friends seem to be the strangest, but nonetheless they were glad to see someone other then one of the self proclaimed "teachers".
as gerbo stepped into the house, he shoke the water off slightly like a dog. "hello! my name is gerbo!"
"and what are you? some sort of germ?" duck responded, glaring at gerbo.
"ah, easy mistake to make, my dear friend gerbo here is a spider." bugbo corrected, making uncomfortable eye-contact with duck.
"well, uh, do you need a towel or.. something?" red guy asked, after only barely talking to the same 2 people for as long as he could remember his social kills were clearly lacking.
gradient joe glanced towards bugbo, still unable to communicate, bugbo picking up on what he wanted as it was very obvious as he was still drenched.
"Oh, yes, do you happen to have a spare notebook as well? Joe here cant talk and his is soaked beyond repair" bugbo asked, causing them to somehow go even more awkwardly silent as before.
"is everything o-" Gerbo responded after a moment, before being quickly interrupted by a voice coming from the room next to them. They couldn't quite make out what it was saying because of the distance.
"oh, thats just one of those guys, ignore it" duck said, speaking louder then normal in an attempt at covering the voice, clearly annoyed.
"ill.. go get you a towel then. or. a few towels i guess." red guy added, walking off further into the house. as red guy walked away yellow guy looked up from what he was doing.
"oh, hello" he said, slightly off-put from seeing unfamiliar people.. or, bugs, i guess.
"hello!" gerbo, not picking up on his uneasiness, walked over to him "what are you doing? can i watch?"
"oh, im doing a crossword" yellow guy responded, pointing to a section on the newspaper.
"i bet bugbo would be good at one of those! he knows so many words" gerbo smiled, sometimes bugbo would use a word he'd never heard before but he could usually figure it out through context.
"I suppose i would be, may i see the paper?" bugbo said, walking up to the table aswell. yellow guy handed over the newspaper, flipping it over to face bugbo who looked at it for a moment before shaking his head.
"hm. not for me i guess" he said before turning over to joe."why dont you give it a try?"
joe stopped shivering and walked over to the table beside bugbo, pulling out his red crayon. bugbo slide the paper towards him as he pulled up his sleeves as to not get the paper wet.
after just a minute he had solved the crossword, amazing almost everyone in the room.
"You really are the cleverest person i know" bugbo said.
"woah!! that was so fast!" gerbo quickly added.
the excitement in the room washed over duck, whos attention was focused on the fact that bugbo and his friends were just like better versions of him and his friends.
Bugbo and red guy were both tall, and almost the same color, but bugbo was more outgoing.
Gerbo and yellow guy were both a little dumb, and a similar color yet again, but gerbo seemed to be having tons fun despite everything.
and lastly, joe and duck, they didnt have to many similarities but instead were more like opposites. joe was quiet and went along with anything, while duck was loud and rebelled at any chance possible.
its almost like they took their biggest flaws and flipped them into strengths.
the worst part is how good of friends they were.
duck was sure they were planted there to teach them something, like the many teachers before them. just as he was about to say something, red guy returned with a handful of towels.
"ah, i almost forgot" bugbo said, taking the towels and handing them to gerbo and joe, both of them quickly starting to dry themselves as they were not used to being wet, it doesn't rain much in bugland.
"one more thing, do you have a heater? its quite cold in here" bugbo asked, while clearly being unbothered by the frigid temperature.
the group expectantly turned to the thermostat, who followed along by coming to life. "te-!"
just as it came to life, the thermostat turned back to normal, just from the single word. it was then turned up, slowly warming the house back up to a normal heat.
"h- how did you.." red guy started, before trailing off.
"we dont have time for that" bugbo responded, clearly unnerving them again, and only confirming ducks theory.
their gaze slowly traveled up to the clock on the wall, but it stayed put, as a normal clock should.
"are you guys.. okay?" gerbo asked, finally noticing the ever so cuttable tension in the room. "we can leave if you want!"
"no, gerbo, you dont want to get soaked again, do you?" bugbo said, "and plus, i think we might be able to help"
"we dont want your help!" duck responded, "i dont want to get roped into another stupid lesson again! im tired of this!"
"well, thats not a very kind thing to say" bugbo said, somehow keeping his calm demeaner. "but if thats how you want it to be, we will be out of your hair as soon as the rain clears up"
"wait" yellow guy spoke up.
maybe these guys where different then the other teachers? plus, they didnt immediately overwhelm them with facts that didnt make any sense, so maybe it was a chance that needed to be taken.
"can you show me how to do this crossword too?"
or... not.
Joe helped with the crossword as the rain slowly cleared up, and they were on their way as promised, leaving the towels nicely folded on the table.
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this is a photo of me reading the fanfic outloud to you, hope you enjoyed!
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ol1veflower · 1 year
Duck Flambé (Fluffybird Fic)
(Disclaimer: Red/Duck undercut. No vore. No smut. Duck doesn’t get eaten. But there are some disturbing thoughts and imagery surrounding meat)
Description: Red wants to treat Duck to a meal at a fancy restaurant. It’s their first date, but Red has overlooked one significant detail…duck is on the menu! An AU where they live in a society consisting mostly of red string people.
The pair sit across from each other. Their table among many.  The general noise of polite conversation and tender expressions surround them. A fine establishment for an equally fine date. Red had picked this restaurant hoping to impress the bird. But as he looks about he realises he’d overlooked one significant detail. A bead of sweat dribbles down his brow, everywhere he looks he can see his mistake. In the eyes of other guests, he sees his fatale flaw. Hushed voices mimic the exact words that burn into his brain. “Is that a duck? Is he dating a duck? But isn’t duck on the me-“
‘Oi! I was talking to you.’
A groan. ‘I can’t believe you for, the third and final time, hand me the menu! I’m starving.’
Usually lazy and somber, a frantic Red whips the menu far from Duck’s reach. A nervous chuckle. ‘Why not just order a salad or something?’
A scoff. Feathers ruffle and brows narrow. ‘What are you trying to say?!’
‘No,no that’s not what I meant- I- what about the lasagna then.’ He’d seen Duck eat lasagna before. He likes lasagna, there is no need for him to see the Chef’s recommendation.
Duck cocks his head to one side, like some perplexed puppy. Finally, he clocks that something is up. Red is clearly disturbed…and it’s not just the usual butterflies one gets on a first date.  He decides to surrender the menu…this once. ‘Well, I do like lasagna.’ The bird muses.
Duck has always had an appetite, Red considers, watching the bird munch a good portion of his lasagna. He remembers how the small bird had engulfed 13 inches of a Hawaiian pizza all by himself the night they met. Meanwhile his food remains barely touched. He cannot bare to eat. A roast duck is served to the couple neighbouring their table. The remains of a duck flambé passes them on its way back to the kitchen. The waiter even has the audacity to offer him duck liver parfait- right.in front. Of Duck. 
Yet, Duck seems completely unfazed… or perhaps he is just completely oblivious. The bird seems so determined to gossip about a client of his that he just seems to miss it all. That annoyingly yet somehow endearing squawking laughter of his, amplifying the noise in the restaurant. Red stares at the avian, all animated, eyes closed in an expression of sheer delight. Laughing away at his own joke. And Red question’s everything; how could anyone look at such a beautiful creature and think ‘food’. It just doesn’t seem to make any sense. Duck is annoying and, honestly, kind of an asshole but somehow cute and pleasant to be around…how could anyone-
‘Red?! Red!’ 
A feathered hand waves at him, bringing him back into the moment. ‘What?’ Duck had apparently hopped onto the table in an effort to shake Red from his thoughts. 
His date sighs, folds his arms and pouts. ‘You haven’t been listening to me! You haven’t even tried to listen to me.’ Red flinches a little as Duck throws his hands up in frustration. ‘I might as well just speak to a brick wall.’ He complains.
The date is a total disaster… perhaps Red should have suggested a trip to the cinema instead. He hangs his head, staring down at his fumbling hands. 
‘What is going on with you? You haven’t even touched your hot pot!’ A layer of concern begins to coat his tone. His hands move to hold Red’s. The mop monster locks eyes with Duck.
 ‘I just-‘ His eyes look away. The churning feeling in his stomach only worsening. The sounds of cutlery seem deafening, it pierces his ears. His thoughts spiralling and a chill runs down his spine. He wants to throw up but focuses hard on the feeling of Duck’s hands in his. They ground him…just  enough for him to find the words. ‘This place is- can we go?’
Duck squeezes his hands a little.
‘We could go and get ice cream or something?’ Perhaps he can convince himself to eat something sweet… or at least make amends for a terrible date through heaps of sugary goodness.
Finally he has the courage to look Duck in the eyes. A sympathetic gaze stares back at him. Duck isn’t sure what’s gotten Red so unnerved but he knows it only began when they entered this place. He is given a nod. 
‘Alright.’ The bird climbs down from the table and gathers up his coat. No questions asked.
The night air is refreshing, calming even, a welcome contrast from the unbearable tension inside the restaurant. Duck wordlessly pads beside the bigger creature. Carefully linking their arms.
As they near the ice cream parlour Red holts. He wants to be sure that Duck understands something. ‘Wait.’ Crouching to the mallard’s level he stares straight into the other’s eyes. ‘I just want you to know, I don’t eat duck. I don’t even like it. It’s disgusting and-‘
Squawking laughter has him flinch once again. Is he laughing? Why is he-
‘I know that! Obviously!’ Duck chortles, hands moving to his hips in that ‘I know everything’ manner that this annoying little shit shows on the daily. ‘And quite honestly I wouldn’t care if you did! I just demolished an entire beef lasagna.’
‘Yeah but it’s not like we have any friends who are cows or anything-‘ Duck meat just seems so personal. What with him literally being in love with a duck.
‘Oh Red you are always so sensitive!’ He smirks, giving the red fellow a patronising pat on the arm.
Offended. Red pulls his arm away from the short bastard. ‘Alright. Don’t make fun of me… it’s just… I don’t know… I kind of like you and the thought of someone eating you is- it’s just personal okay.’ … ‘you just don’t understand.’
Something shifts in the bird and his expression softens. His hand grazes the tip of his stomach scar and there is a flash of something. Something almost painful.  It’s fleeting though and quickly replaced with a toothy smile. ‘Well, no. But… perhaps a little hand hold and some ice cream might help?’
‘Yeah. Yeah. I think it might.’ His gigantic mit moves to hold a small feathery hand. 
And as they move inside the parlour. ‘I like you too. Just for the record… you’re welcome.’ A shit eating grin, earns a playful nudge and a fit of giggles as the two disappear through the door.
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