#did I also bring in my sister who is a chef to help?
grey-lark · 2 years
I cannot tell you what emotion exactly I am feeling after spending way too long researching when in cabin trunk release pulls became common only to rework the scene so that that factoid isn’t even fucking relevant anymore but it is A Lot.
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scekrex · 1 month
Sinner Adam X Pastry Chef, Seraphim Male Reader.
Ok so Adam after the events of season one becomes a sinner.
But his boyfriend who sneaks out of heaven to find him and he does just that. And thankfully he did find him before he did something stupid.
Like going to the hotel he just attacked for protection from everyone who wants him dead. Who's inhabitants also want him dead.
But Reader knows he can't bring Adam up to heaven cause that goes against the rules. So he does the next best thing!
He opens a bakery in hell! Which doubles as a house. Don't question it, it's heavenly magic bullshit.
So now Him and Adam run a bakery with the help of Lute and a couple of exorcists who drop by from time to time.
Ohhhh I fucking love that, them just owning a little bakery in hell that's heaven themed and gives the vibes and is all beautiful. Also reader throwing away everything just to be with Adam? Me. I'd do that.
I'll meet you in hell
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, mentions & symptoms of depression
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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“We have to send our people down there and look for him,” you explained, hoping the other angels in the court would agree. Panic has flooded your eyes and your body language was a little too over the top because of that. Adam was down there, the projection of hell's current state had shown it, the first man was wandering through hell's streets, he was badly injured and had no shelter.
“No, we won't put our people at risk for a sinner,” Sera spoke highly, her chin tilted upwards so that she had to look down on you. “A sinner?” you asked, horrified by her choice of words - it's not that she wasn't wrong, Adam was walking through hell as a newborn sinner, “He’s still our first man!” But your statement was only met by shaking heads and mumbling that sounded a little too close to disagreement. With pleading eyes you looked up to Sera, Emily by her side. The little seraphim was talking to her sister quietly, so quiet that it was inaudible for you and the other angels in court.
“We have come to the decision,” Sera adjusted her posture as she turned towards you, “We can't risk the well-being of our people and therefore the well-being of heaven for the first man. He is not important enough to take that risk.” The panic that had been filling your eyes was replaced by pain and betrayal. The other seraphims had betrayed you, or at least it felt that way to you. With a lowered head you were about to get up and leave the courtroom, the verdict had been spoken and you had nothing to say that would change their mind. Discussing something like this with them was pointless, you should've known, saved time and went down without their knowledge of your location. You had to go down to hell and protect Adam - it wasn't as if the former angel was not able to stand up for himself - he every much was able to do so, you knew that better than anyone - but he was wounded and had no place to stay at, no one to turn to and the fact that probably every single resident of the pride ring wanted him dead was not helping either.
So you nodded your head towards your brothers and sisters, then turned to Lute - Lute who had been the only one to stay by your side. “We’re done here,” you stated as you watched the lieutenant lower her head as she followed you out of the courtroom. “Sir, excuse my curiosity but I assume you will not stay in your seat and wait, so may I ask what your plan is?” You liked Lute for many reasons, her loyalty for Adam was most definitely one of the highest attributes you admired. “I’ll go down myself and make sure he stays out of trouble as much as possible,” you explained, the lieutenant of your boyfriend remained by your side as you opened a portal to where Adam had last been spotted in hell, she was ready to go down with you. And while you normally wouldn't turn that offer down, this time you had to. Your visit in hell would be permanent - you were not going to leave the brunette to himself. “I’m coming with you, Sir,” the white haired woman said as she walked closer to the portal, yet she stopped when your hand gently came to rest on her shoulder. Your soft eyes met her determined ones and you offered her a warm yet genuine smile, “No Lute. Heaven needs you, I will take care of Adam, you will take care of heaven for me.”
The exorcist did not look very pleased with that decision of yours, still she gave you a nod and took a step back from you and the golden portal, “Very well, Sir.” With a little wave you turned around at her words, now facing the portal that would take you to your boyfriend and just as you were about to step through it, Lute raised her voice again, this time the usually so confident woman’s voice sounded somewhat unsteady, “Y/N?” You turned your head to Lute, then she continued, “Tell Adam I miss him.” And with those words she left. Ah yes, Lute always had trouble showing feelings and admitting them to somebody else than the person they were about surely must have been hard for her.
Hell was different than you had expected it to be, you had never personally been down there, why should you have been after all? Yet a creature as bright spirited as you was easy to spot - mainly due to your appearance. So when you turned around just to be tackled to the ground by a familiar first man, you were quite surprised and in shock at the same time, you had not expected Adam to spot you that quickly and act on it. “I fucking knew you would come to get my holy ass back into heaven,” the brunette mumbled as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. You held onto Adam’s body as you got up from the dirty ground - hell had a nasty vibe that you did not like but you’d have to get used to it. This place would now function as your new home due to Adam being not allowed to cross the pearly gates again. “Well, it’s not that easy love, I spoke to Sera-” Adam eagerly interrupted you, “I’m fucking sure she told you to get me in the first place, didn’t she? Yeah, she sure as fuck did.” Though when you shook your head in disagreement the prideful look in his eyes fell and disbelief replaced it. “What? You’re gonna fucking tell me these bitches want me to rot in this fucked up hellhole?” A simple nod was all you were able to give your boyfriend. Yes, that was exactly what Sera and the others had decided was the best solution for not only heaven but also Adam, but how could this be the best decision for Adam when he had been all alone the entire time and would have continued to stay alone if it weren’t for you disobeying the rules? Gently you cupped his face, a thing the first man had grown used to since that was something you did quite often - he still found it a little strange, it felt so intimate and personal while it appeared to be such a casual way of touching your lover. “The court has decided to not let you back in, Adam,” for Adam, this was the first time hearing your voice after his fall, after he had lost his status and home, after he had been convinced he had lost you as well. And despite your words being bad news, he could not help but find comfort in the sound of your voice. “But I won’t let you suffer here all on your own,” Adam’s eyes shimmered with hope and it felt painful to take that little bit of hope from him too, you knew he was hoping you were to smuggle him back into the heavenly realms - but that was a thing not even you as a seraphim could do.
“I’ll stay by your side,” and despite your thoughts that Adam would be highly disappointed, the hope in his eyes remained. You assumed that spending eternity in hell with his boyfriend sounded better to him than spending eternity in hell all on his own. “Well,” the brunette shrugged as he slowly pulled away from your touch, “That works fucking fine by me.” Not that it actually did though, the former angel would have preferred it if you would have taken his ass back to the pearly gates. But if the others were against it, you would make hell his new home instead, simply by spending all of eternity here with him just because you wanted to do so. He knew that if they hadn't done so already, they would properly ban you from the realm you had called home once forever, just like they had banned him. And he respected that - well, at least he thought he did because in his eyes that not only had the cute touch of ‘I throw my perfect life away to be with my loved one’, to Adam that also sounded incredibly stupid. Or at least he tried to tell himself that your decision was stupid - giving up everything to spend eternity with your loved one? Yeah totally not something he would do. Except that for you, he would throw it all away.
Getting used to hell’s atmosphere surely was not something that had ever been on your agenda, the air was stinky, the streets were dirty and the only area that felt clean and somewhat fresh was the area around the bakery you had built. The building was huge, shimmered in heaven’s brightest colors and you even managed to let some grass grow around the building that was not only used as a bakery, but it was also the new home of Adam and you. It had been quite some work - not because it was hard to work angelic magic in hell, no that had been the easy part. But due to this building doubling as a house and a bakery, it had taken some planning to not forget something important.
The bakery was not running very well, most sinners were not interested in heavenly food. The creatures down here looked up at heaven like the angels up there looked down at hell, in disgust and despair, not that you blamed them for doing so, they surely had their reasons to think that way. But you had two or three regulars that would stop by every other day and those people surely made your day, especially with one of them being Charlie Morningstar. Adam was not very happy whenever little miss butterflies and rainbows was visiting, but you and her got along quite well and your boyfriend at least tolerated that. And despite the bakery not earning very much money, the both of you had everything you needed, that was the bright side of not having to pay rent, you assumed.
Lute had convinced Sera to do regular check-ups on you, however she had only told the seraphim as an excuse to visit Adam. Don’t get her wrong, she was also glad to be able and pay you a visit, but her and Adam were closer than you and Lute could ever be and her missing her best friend more than his boyfriend was more than normal, not only in her eyes but also in yours. Sometimes she even talked Sera into taking one or two of the exorcists with her, to Sera she would say she takes them with her for defense reasons, in reality they just missed their former leader - and who could blame them? Lute surely did not.
You were standing behind the counter, the first man leaned against your side, wrapped up in your soft wings, his head on your shoulder as he was almost falling asleep. It was still early and Adam was convinced he would never get used to getting up so early in the morning, to him it felt like it was still the middle of the night. The little bell that rang as the door to the bakery opened made him crack one eye open and as he spotted a familiar face, he lifted his head off your shoulder, he remained wrapped in your wing though, not willing to leave the cozy warmth they provided.
“Danger Tits,” Adam beamed at the white haired woman as she entered the bright and heavenly feeling bakery. The vibe of the building you had created was different from the rest of hell, whenever Lute entered the inviting looking building she felt like you had brought a piece of heaven to hell. And while she still disliked Charlie’s idea of rehabilitation, she did like the fact that you made hell a little nicer - at least for Adam’s sake. That way she knew the first man was able to live a somewhat good afterlife, even with his soul stuck in hell.
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dum1s-writings · 1 year
Well, hello! It's nice to see an active total drama writer in here! I love this show so much and the fandom is like dead 💀
So, I had this idea...
It could be headcanons or a fic/one-shot, whatever you feel like the most!
But, what about the reaction to the TDWT crew to Chris bringing his niece with him?? Like, the reader is just a sweet 19 y/o teenager who looks for their safety and actually cares about them??? (Total contrary to his uncle lmao).
It doesn't have to be with one character specifically, most like how they would react overall to the reader wanting to protect them from Chris (AND PLEASE MAKE THE READER PROTECT CODY FROM SIERRA I BEG U)
Anyways, have a nice day!!! <3
~~~The Nice McLean~~~
I fucking love Total Drama!! I firmly believe Leshawna should've won the first season. I'll try to add my least favorite characters from World Tour to avoid being biased.
Warnings: Chris McLean, Sierra's stalker behavior, attempted manipulation from Alejandro, Duncan being kind of an ass, does Cody being a crybaby count? I'm making it count.
Pronouns: They/Them
"Alright contestants I have another surprise for you." Chris looked at the tired teens. From behind Chef came another teen. They smiled and waved to the other teens.
"Another contestant?" A few questioned simultaneously.
"Oh hell no. Their mother would kill me." Chris slung his arm around them and tugged them close. "This here is -Y/N- McLean, my nibling."
"Heya," their smile got bigger "I hope we can get along."
Everyone was too shocked to speak for a moment. Sierra was trying so hard not to flip her shit. Chris McLean's nibling was actually in front of her.
"So you're related to Chris?" Harold finally asked.
"Yeah. My mom is his sister." -Y/N- answered truthfully.
"Think of -Y/N- as a co-host. Another Chris of sorts." The older man smirked. "They'll keep an eye on you famous wannabes while I can't."
First of all we'll get the obvious out of the way, the cast fucking love you, after getting to know you. Obviously at first learning you're related to the devil host, Chris McLean, they immediately thought this season would be twice as torturous. But give them a couple of days or weeks and most of them would willingly jump from the plane for you. The others may take some time.
I'll start with the ones that take no time in becoming your fans:
Cody: for him the moment he saw you give a genuine smile was when he trusted you. Having dealt with Chris's shit for so long made him aware of a real and fake smile. Also when you demand Sierra leave him alone? Oh yeah he likes you even more now. Expect a lot of clinging, as much as he can, crying for one reason or another mostly Sierra and excessive praise for the small things.
Lindsay: my sweetheart, so pretty so.....not traditionally smart. She saw you looking super nice in your outfit and that was it. Anyone with fashion choices as good as yours are definitely trustworthy. Please become shopping buddies after the show is over.
Owen: this big lug. He really tries to see the good in everyone. More often than not he's wrong. But he's genuinely happy he's right about you.
Sierra: she knew about you before anyone else. Obviously she's going to trust you from the get go. You're related to THE Chris McLean. That trust may or may not waver...TBD. Either way watch yourself around her. Keep a close eye on your belongings.
The neutral ones who need a bit more time are:
Noah: he just doesn't trust easily. Take no offense to it. I think only Owen was lucky enough, being an actual giant ball of sunshine and stupidity. Perhaps if you sneak him some Noah-Safe food he'll trust you faster.
Gwen: poor girl has been scorned by the world so often. It's left her with a few trust issues. Maybe stick up for her and watch some good horror movies together. Reassurance is the key, she was painted as a bad guy from the beginning. Let her know she's more than that and it's okay to admit she did wrong. Help her move past that.
Leshawna: this bad bitch (lovingly) knows her worth. She wants to make sure others know it as well. Don't talk down to her and hype up her plans and ideas and she'll consider you worth her time and respect. Also keep Alejandro away from her. Please. My queen deserves better.
DJ: he's a softie and a Mama's boy. He does want to trust you. But after his failed restaurant with his Mama it might take some time. People in power never helped him or his Mama. In fact he wonders if they were sabotaged. Help him find ways to "reverse his curse" and he'll definitely trust you, also maybe offer his Mama a job as a chef, especially if it's a higher position in a private kitchen.
The ones who just straight up dislike you and take a long time to like you are:
Alejandro: his family caused him so much trauma. He doesn't trust ANYONE. He may act like it, nodding to your advice and being nice. But alas tis all a front. He's really just waiting for the perfect moment to betray you. When that time comes and goes and you're still nice to him? Yeah....you may have started chipping away at his walls.
Heather: the queen bee. The head of every group project. Highschool taught her to look out for herself. So did the first two seasons of Total Drama. She'll bitch at you and talk shit about you "behind" your back. Just brush it off and continue being nice and you'll win her over, eventually.
Courtney: the Type A Psychotic Crazies and debate team caused Courtney to believe only Courtney can help Courtney. She'll refuse to trust you and judges those who do. In fact it's not until she's kicked off will she finally trust you. Maybe meet up after the show and talk to her, she'll apologize to you and own up to her wrongdoings.
Duncan: the runaway delinquent. The hardass he is doesn't trust you, purely because of your last name. Chris ruined his life, more than he himself could have. Being stalked no matter where he went for 2 years put him on edge. Abolish Chris's stupid "must always sing" rule and his opinion on you might change.
Hopefully this works. I didn't know what to do for most of it. I was winging it big time.
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k0droid · 1 month
at the family function - twisted wonderland headcanons
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A/N: Cleaning out my drafts :3
Content warnings!: - i'm black so i'll be going off of what happens at my family events - these are headcanons and not serious ones at that, pls dont get mad - these aren't in order (im forcing u to read lol)
Friendly reminder: I am black and searching for moots, specifically black but not exclusively <3
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Jack Howl: - the cousin that all the younger cousins want to see - doesn't really like children but still enjoys seeing his family
Lilia Vanrouge: - the grandpa who sits in the same spot every reunion - has told you the same story a million GAJILLION different stories - D1 instigator
Idia Shroud: - hides himself in the room farthest from all the commotion - brings his consoles to every get-together
Epel Felmier: - the cousin who lives 2hrs away - always asking those dumbass superstitious questions abt the city - brings fruits/veggies from his family farm
Rook Hunt: - creepy ass unc, NO BODY wanna play with him - genuinely a good guy once you get to know him - dont ask "how did u and auntie (vil) fall in meet?" because he's gonna give u the strangest love story ever
Silver Vanrouge: - adopted son of granpa - hes NEVER awake when u need him - eats, chats a bit, and joins idia so he can fall asleep - don't know if he's an uncle technically but he's family now so 🤷🏾‍♀️
Cater Diamond: - cousin who's always running errands for somebody, his sisters especially - has plates made for him because he's too busy - always a part of the conversation tho
Ace Trappola: - fun cousin!!! - takes the lil kids outside to play when asked
Malleus Draconia: - also adopted son of lilia - he doesn't leave his room often so they forget he's even there - when he does come down, everyone is like "unc, you've been here?!" - very awkward but enjoys the conversation and card games
Deuce Spade: - fun cousin #2!!!!! - usually on cousin-duty - was supposed to bring the plates but forgot
Jamil Viper: - the auntie in the kitchen - like cater, he's always busy doing something - the family member who asks abt school and expects a real answer
Vil Schoenheit: - amazing gorgeous kind respectable aunt married to some guy (rook) - she arrives an hour early to help trey cook and jamil set everything in place - kinda strict about the tidiness of everyone but becomes lax after eating (got the itis)
Azul Ashengrotto: - the cousin you'd get compared to ("why cant you be more like azul?") - everybody owes or owed him some money at some point - hides all his old photos somewhere in the house
Ortho Shroud: - the little cousin - begs idia to drive him to grandpappy lilia's
Sebek Zigvolt: - loud asf like u can hear his conversations clearly - also on cousin duty - tracks mud in the house and gets told off by jamil
Kalim Al-Asim: - the cousin with 511 siblings
Ruggie Bucchi: - helps in the kitchen so he'll be the first one to make some plates - afterwards ruggie eats on the porch in a rocking chair
Trey Clover: - main cook/chef - unc who's always getting roasted for his hairline (barber fucked him up)
Leona Kingscholar: - 50/50 unc, sometimes he'll be in a good mood and sometimes he wont - arrives on time and gets out of his car 20 mins later (he was sleep) - tells those kids "AYE YALL STOP ALL THAT RUNNIN AROUND" - sat with ruggie on the porch and he just randomly got up and started walking down the street - sometimes forced to eat at the kids table because he wont eat his own veggies at his grown age
Jade Leech: - brought the drinks - brought cards and dice to play with azul
Floyd Leech: - brought soda (in spite of Jade) - brought monopoly instead - he got bored in the middle of monopoly so he just started chasing people for entertainment
Riddle Rosehearts: - the one who organizes most of the reunions - was FURIOUS at deuce for forgetting to bring the plates but cater went out and bought them - got chased by Floyd and collared his ass
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ts was kinda ass, my bad, i just want likes and comments cuz i dont have many headcanons of my own
anyways u guys should totally ask me abt my twst ocs (not yuusona) so i can blab abt them <3/hj
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some-beans · 2 years
Hi! Okay can I request a Twisted Wonderland X Stitch!fem! Reader? Basically the reader is a female Stitch(experiment 626 also has human form) I can just already imagine the chaos she would bring being able to switch from her human form to her fluffy alien form.
le gasp !! my first request !!
that's not a problem !!
sorry if it took a while to come out ^-^
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✎...pairing: twisted wonderland x stitch!fem!reader
✎...themes: chaos, general tomfoolery, can be seen as
platonic or romantic, ace slander [affectionately]
✎...enjoy !!
✎...notes: can you tell which characters are my favourite
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what in the great seven?!
praying for riddle fr
but besides the fact that you like to cause mayhem, especially in your alien form, he finds your. . . habits are interesting, to say the least
from dressing up as this so-called elvis presley guy and playing the ukulele to consuming a concerning amount of coconut cake and coffee
seriously, how do you survive??
he does watch his temper as the absolute discord you cause breaks multiple of the queen of heart's rules
help this short boi
well, at least he does find your adorable alien form ー it reminds him of hedgehogs
and yes, you do weaponise your cuteness from stopping him from collaring you and other students ー mainly ace and deuce
another one growing grey hairs
however, unlike jamil, trey sees this chaotic energy similar to his younger siblings so it's easy to get you to stop
a.k.a bribing you with his baking
his coconut cake is your favourite and you would kill for a slice
he always makes sure you brush your teeth
besides baking for you, his favourite thing to do with you is to cuddle you after a long day ー either form is fine with him, so whatever makes you comfortable
trey also thinks your enthusiasm is like a breath of fresh air at nrc
albeit selfies or pictures of just you, cater has a whole ass folder in his phone for them
but those are his eyes only ー is it for blackmail?? who knows
he loves to cuddle with you in your alien form and post it as if you were some ultra-rare teddy he managed to get
nope, you're real
he loves to dress your alien form intro costumes and do photoshoots
he has a whole ass lighting and set-up for this
this man giggled like a menace when he saw the potential of pissing off riddle with you
redhead behaviour
uses you as a scapegoat a lot, especially from riddle
however, you notice this and leave him to suffer unless it's serious
he learned his lesson real quick with that
this poor himbo
confused on so many levels as he tries not to make sure you don't get in trouble
newsflash; he ends up joining you anyway
as being the embodiment of chaos, deuce did not expect you to be very cuddly and protective
like, some upperclassmen were harassing him, which would be able to deal with, but you came in your alien form extra arms and all and latched onto their faces
safe to say nobody messes with him anymore
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at first, he didn't give two shits about this blue alien that tried to bother him in his sleep ー it was too easy to swat it away
but when you transformed into your human form, leona could swear he heard his sister-law and mother scream for high hell for the blatant disrespect he showed you
lowkey almost shat himself
so to make up for his behaviour, leona would allow you to get all your energy out of your system ー a blur of blue would zip past him as he lazed
despite his lazy and not giving a fuck nature, he very much gives a fuck if anyone tries to disrespect you
finna turn them into sand real quick
partner in crime and 4lifers <3
you two cause so much chaos ー with his unique magic your ability to escape in your alien form is chef's kiss
you two steel a lot of food together
like, a lot
ungodly amounts of food
ruggie also likes the fact that you're really family oriented you would go to great lengths if it meant they were happy
to jack, you first reminded him of his younger siblings with how hyper you could be at times
but then he realised that you were not
especially when he heard you cuss out another student for trying to look up your skirt
jack also paid them a visit
he won't admit it ー his tail does that just fine ー but he loves when you cuddle up to him in your alien form, especially when it's his tail
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he tried to create a contract once after you straight up almost destroy his lounge but asked him for a favour;
azul: WHAT? After all, you put me through, you expect me to help you just like that? JUST LIKE THAT?
you: [alien language] ih
azul: fine!
jade: "fine"? you're doing what she says?
azul: she's very persuasive!
met you in your human form and was flustered obviously, but still kept his professional air around him
but that crumbled when you smiled duh
however because you are a woman, azul was actually very stand-offish and lowkey afraid, considering female octopi tend to be on the violent side
a.k.a committing murder but we don't talk about that
essentially he does try to form other contracts with you but you're big brain and don't sign them unless the terms are in your favour
he loves to study you
like you're a mushroom or something
your chaotic behaviour reminds him of floyd, especially when they were kids
jade loves it when you join him on his mountain hikes and easily talk your head off while doing so
lowkey, but not really, a babysitter when you and floyd are together ー however, he may instigate some of the chaos you two cause
lol pray for the rest of nrc
you + floyd = nrc possibly burning down
but honestly
he loves it ー from the chaos you bring to the fact you can transform
expect constant squeezes from ー alien or human forms regardless
lowkey gets pouty when you escape his grasp by transforming and zooming away
lowkey reminding him when was smol child
but you're not a child
he calls you shrimpy of course, but also angelfish after the asfur angelfish cuz ya a blue lil alien too
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both of you together = maximum chaos
praying for jamil and the rest of nrc
magic carpet rides whenever he manages to lose jamil
i could see kalim easily dropping big-time money on whatever your little chaotic heart desires
kalim adores both forms of yours and just loves to spend time with you regardless of what's happening
likes the fact that you don't treat him differently based on his wealth and status makes him very happy
he's getting grey hairs as we speak
please save this man /srs
despite the shit he has to go through when looking after kalim, he was ready to commit crimes when you showed up
almost had a mental breakdown
however, once he saw that fact you were practically indestructible, a weight lifted off his chest as he didn't really have to worry about you injuring yourself
but still doesn't mean he looks out for you ー considering you are the only girl in an all-boys school
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how much mess can you make??
it both surprises and annoys him greatly
though, the one thing he does appreciate is that fact you know the ins and outs of performing for a camera
and can be surprisingly still when needed
he does enjoy doing your make-up when you allow it, which makes him giddy on the inside
don't tell him i told y'all that
similar to cater, he too loves to dress you up regardless of form ー he also sometimes tries to get you on some of his shoots so he doesn't have to work with neige
he finds you fascinating
but also one of the hardest things to hunt
so he finally found something he has trouble tracking down
calls you reine du chaos [ queen of chaos ] or reine du moelleux [ queen of fluffiness ] ー yes, i am using google translate, please don't bite me
sometimes you'll come up to him, and stare blankly before giving him a quick peck on the cheek, then transforming and zooming off
his eyes widen before he swoons and chases after you
you truly bring out the rebel in him
shit eatin' grin on his face
especially when you get on vil's nerves
he be eatin' that shit up like macarons
however, when you're in your alien form and speaking, epel gets so frustrated but realises this must be how vil feels when his accent slips through while using slung
lmao, get a taste of your own medicine <3
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how the fuck did you even get into my dorm??
legit the epitome of your relationship with him ^^
no matter how updated his security you always somehow managed to get into his dorm room
he actually first meet you in your adorable, blue alien form, so imagine his surprise when he sees you in his room but as a hot anime girl
he fainted
what shoes he got on??
dead as hell
after getting over his social anxiety ass, idia lowkey highkey wants to study you, but when he mentions it, you lowkey highkey threaten to destroy his work
he shut up real quick
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he is bewildered
astounded, to say the least
like lilia, he has never come across an individual such as yourself
malleus loves the seamless amounts of energy you harbour as it allows him to hold long night walks with you
you often exchange stories with each other ー mostly your stupid ones
he noticed that when you get affectionate you either act like a hyperactive dog or cat doing the smoosh a.k.a rubbing against something
he's very fond of the smoosh
never in his long ass life has he met an individual such as yourself
so fucking curious
and gets so excited when you managed to eat his cooking without almost dying
turns out, you're quite the indestructible being and the same goes for your stomach
similar to malleus, you two share stories, however, it's more of your stories from back home from when you were created
that's why he was impressed when you could out-think rook
like, he went to sleep with you as a human and he wakes up to find you've been replaced with a fluffy, blue alien ー spoiler alert, it was you
lowkey panicked but calmed down when you poofed back and giggled at his confused face
whenever he falls asleep in your dorm, instantly cuddle time in any form
screamed the roof down when he first saw you because you managed to sneak up on him and started to speak your gibberish
screamed bloody murder he did
massive blush ー from anger or embarrassment, you can decide ー as he shouts at you
you just poof back into your human form, which shut him up
you could hear the blue screen of death playing in his head
does chase you around but eventually loses you cuz no one can catch you <3
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julius-novachrono · 11 months
Been meaning to put this out there for some days but because of who I am as a person I just keep forgetting, but anyways CAN WE GET AN AMEN UP IN THIS BITCH FOR THE LAST SEASON OF VINLAND SAGA? The entire arc was *chef’s kiss*
Thorfinn’s redemption arc is one of the most well written and wholesome I’ve ever seen??!?! Man went from being a rabid teenager blinded by rage
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to a shell of a human who had given up
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to a kind man who sought to resolve conflict via dialogue and compromise
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And not only did he vowed to never use violence again unless it was absolutely the last resort, but he also discovered his life’s purpose: to find and establish a land free of the pain and suffering brought on by war and slavery. A place where the souls of those whose lives he took can finally rest in peace. 10/10. Protect him at all costs.
Also SHOUT OUT to my man Einar for helping Thorfinn find his way out of the shadows. What started of as an acquaintanceship between slaves evolved into friendship and eventually brotherhood. These men found each other when they needed it the most and became one another’s rock. There’s no better testament to their relationship than the fact that Thorfinn hadn’t smiled let alone laughed out loud since he was a little boy until Einar came along.
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The side characters in this arc didn’t disappoint either! While at first I didn’t know what to make of Snake, he turned out to be a pretty cool dude. I wished we had gotten to see more of his background and the reason that he was exiled from his home though. Also wished he had gone with Thorfinn and Einar bc imo he had no reason to stay at the farm anymore, considering he paid back the hospitality they showed him by fighting against the king to protect the land. I’m going to miss seeing his fine ass in the next seasons :(
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Old Sverkel was THE man cuz imagine pushing 100 AND almost kicking the bucket yet still getting up at the ass crack of dawn to do farming shit?? Couldn’t be me. Also man was down for the cause ✊🏼 cuz he helped Arnheid and Gardar escape. A king without a crown but a king nonetheless!
Speaking of which, RIP Arnheid and Gardar 🪦 they deserved better.
Olmar’s arc?? Quite nicely done. It took almost losing everything and hearing Thorfinn say that no one has enemies (after getting the shit beaten out of him for a whole episode) to bring some sense into him, but better late than never amirite. Now he’s a man worthy of taking over the reigns of his family’s farm. Love that for him.
Also FUCK Ketil. His fake “nice slave owner” persona broke apart the moment shit hit the fan, and when Arnheid wasn’t there to console him (read: letting him abuse her) he took his anger out on her and killed her like bitch ass men tend to do. I hope he keels over soon.
And last but never least my pussy has not known PEACE since Canute’s glow up??? This man went from looking like somebody’s shy sister to looking like a god-like stud so he gets a pass for the imperialism and all that.
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The progression from S1 and its themes of revenge, hatred, anger and violence to S2 and its themes of forgiveness, kindness, friendship, love, compassion and redemption is surreal. It’s a gentle reminder that the light will shine on us again after our darkest hour. I can’t wait to see what the next seasons have in store for us.
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shrineheart · 11 months
Man some shit has been going down with my DnD boy Fuck Roger and it has been a blast so far. So that means y'all gotta hear about it because I have brain rot.
So, Fuck Roger is this fella:
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A classic case of "haha funny name joke" that becomes a serious character. Some notes on Roger:
He's a tiefling bard who works as a sex worker.
He's got a thick southern accent.
Fuck is his virtue name. One he chose, in part as a fuck you to his family and in part because it's what he likes to do. His father is Honor and his sister is Charity Faith so you can imagine how THAT went over.
When people ask him about it he likes to tell them "It's instructions."
Anytime someone says "Fuck!" in our game he drawls out "Yeah?" like he's answering to it.
He has an asexual boyfriend named Paul A. Deen (yes, we both went for joke names) who is a chef wizard. The pancake tattoos on his stomach are a tribute to him.
Roger comes from a rich family of philanthropists. His father is a sculptor and his mother's family would purchase art pieces and do auctions for charity etc. Which is how his parents met.
His father survived through a lot of persecution where he's from for being a tiefling. He lost his parents and brother to it. He started out life poor.
Roger is illegitimate. He's not aware of this even though it's kind of painfully obvious (his father is blue, his sister is purple, they have different horns, tails, etc)
He loves his father. His father is a good dude and knows Roger isn't his but loves him anyway.
His mother and sister were absolutely horrible to him throughout his childhood including physical abuse. His mother is a cleric so she would often just heal up wounds caused. It took him ages to convince his father something was happening because his father was often gone.
Roger's sister once tried to kill him over a boy that he wasn't even interested in. That prompted him to leave home.
He kept in contact with his father and lived with Kimora, a dragonborn woman who ran a brothel. He was of age but spent most of this time working as someone who did cleaning and fetching things.
His father sent him to bard's college. Deep down he hopes one day Roger will come to his sense, come home, and be respectable.
He fell in love with a noble's son, not realizing that said boy's sister and mother were two of his other regular customers. He had planned to run away with this boy but that information got out and he was a accused of trying to cause a scandal and blackmail the family. The boy parted ways with him but doing a complete 180 and turning against him. Roger's still not over it.
He met his current boy on a ship while running from home because said nobles would like his head on a pike. Paul was the chef.
Most of Roger's tattoos are ones he gets when marking of "races I have slept with".
He has a large tattoo of a starling on his back.
He has a tramp stamp that says Semen Demon.
Thanks to his time working in the brothel he picked up various small skills such as sign language.
His father taught him and his sister to whittle.
When people find out he's from a rich family they often see him as a kid off on a bender. He's rather quiet about his childhood but makes it clear he doesn't like his sister.
He's a good person. He doesn't like killing if he can help it. He doesn't even want his sister dead he just wants her to leave him alone.
Despite his work and how much he makes raunchy comments and jokes (the Paladin asking what a knot was is still one of my favorite moments) he's good with people. And he tries his best to make people feel comfortable.
Recent events have had him meeting up with his sister again. Their father is sick and she's trying to bring him home and while he wants to go he also doesn't want to leave his boyfriend or the party.
She's already tried fighting with him again and now they're trapped in a place where they can see each others' memories and where they will potentially lose all of their memories.
Roger doesn't want to lose his memory for all the normal reasons. But the most pressing one for him is "If we both lose our memories, I know me and we might end up in bed together and there is no way in hell that is gonna happen."
SO, where we left off last time he was about to either cast Dispel or Dimension Door to escape. The place amplifies your magic though so the results? Who knows. He and his sister flipped a coin for which spell to cast and we left on that cliff hanger last game.
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ghostiex0 · 2 years
yooo i found your blog awhile ago and everything is just *chef's kiss* would it be alright if i request some headcannons for Doc, Blitz, Thermite, Jager, and Caveira about what they would do if their S/O was kidnapped by the White Masks/a terrorist organization? how do you think they would react to the news?
Thank you hun <3 I’m excited someone requested a female op, I love rainbows’ girls, I also really enjoyed writing this whole ask!
TW: kidnapping, terrorists and light mentions of torture.
- Always stressed and always working, now he won’t even leave any of the working stations. If he’s forced to he just brings all the work with him. Gustave is constantly looking over the folder they’ve put together for your rescue.
- He knows the information they have isn’t enough yet, but he also knows that the love of his life is in the hands of some disgusting and cruel people.
- Truly, he doesn’t want to think about the horrible things you could be going through yet it’s all that his mind seems to wander too.
- Sure, Gustave has always been the type to get short with people, but now there’s no warnings for when that happens. He sounds so spiteful and hurt to everyone who interacts with him.
- Harry starts to get worried if Doc being on the mission is even a good thing and pulls him aside to talk about it a few times.
- Gustave needs this though. And states his case that he’s the most experienced medical personal they have here. You’ll need medical care when they get you.
- “What if we can’t get them Gustave?”
- His stomach caves in on itself at that one sentence.
- “I won’t accept that failure.”
- A sunshine that absolutely loves you and makes sure everyone knows. And trust me, everyone knows about you two.
- So when receiving news and confirmation that you were kidnap and currently being held hostage, no one wanted to be the one to tell him.
- When Elias did find out, he was crushed. It was like his world stoppped. He couldn’t process it for at least the first five minutes. He just kept looking at them, nervous laughter and eyes pleading, praying for them to all the sudden say “just kidding!”
- But they never did. “I’m sorry”, is all they said before leaving him alone.
- Apart if him is in such shock he just lays for a while. He wishes he could just lay forever but it doesn’t take too long for it to click that you’re kidnapped. He has to get up and go on the mission. The longer he lays the more danger you’re in.
- Jordan’s lost almost everyone close to him. His mother, his sister, comrades… He sometimes feels like Rainbow is all the has left.
- When you arrived though, he had something else to live for. He had someone to call when he had a break or when his co workers talked about their families, he could brag about you.
- The news just absolutely kills him. He wants to lay down and wake up with you in the morning, telling him how silly he was and that it was all a bad dream.
- Already, he has troubles bringing down his stress levels. Yumiko has had to step in a bit and help her friend. Especially once he receives this news. Yumiko is doing what she can to help Jordan get through this.
- At night he sits over the planners and case file and maps and notes- all of it, his eyes never close for longer than 30 minutes. He’s very well liked among his peers, so everyone’s at least a little concerned about the Texan.
- “Jordan, you want to be able to get them home don’t you? Then take care of yourself so when we go in, you’re in top shape. They’d want you too.”
- Oh my dear Marius. His childhood was lonely and he’s always been at least a bit too out of everyone’s box it feels like.
- Then you came along and he’s never cared for anyone the way he does you. Now he’s wondering if that’s a bad thing. With a job like his maybe he’s not meant to be with someone.
- He was informed of your kidnapping while watching the latest documentary about biomedical engineering. He remembers pausing it on 1:15:17. After that nothing felt real.
- Marius immediately jumped up to get to work to find you. Anything and everything he was doing it.
- He tried to keep a level head through it. But his cracks showed through to the others. His normal abrasive optimism of “It’s our job, of course we can do this.” Doesn’t feel as natural as it used too.
- He wants to be straight in the action of your rescue. He wants to be able to hold you again, soothe your wounds and make sure you’re okay.
- Marius isn’t an aggressive person and the GSG9 has trained him to hurt the least amount of people possible during his missions. Seeing any of the horrible people who were involved with taking you away though, it fills him with an unusual amount of anger.
- His goal will still remain the same throughout everything. He won’t let any of these bubbling emotions tear him away from that. He needs you home.
- Taina always been afraid of letting people in. She’s seen all the messed up things people can do. But she loved you and you loved her. She was honestly happy with something so soft. And the world took that away once again.
- She’s shattered by this but she only shows it around others with her anger. They can’t know how she’s cried when she found out.
- But her close comrades notice, even if she doesn’t want them too.
- She’s known to be more of a hostile person. Blame it on the years of learning the art of how to properly (and legally) torture someone. Or maybe even the crippling poverty she watched her family suffer from.
- Harry can understand Tainas frustration. But letting her on the mission could leave some major problems on Rainbows hands. Knowing that Ash is one of the only operators that Taina can get along with, he asks her to deliver the news.
- “ Taina. We’re removing you from the mission. At least the frontlines. You can still help with background work. But that’s all… I’m sorry.”
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@gay-salt-amber asked: "Y'know, what if one by one Kalim introduces his bfs to his parents? Like he knows they'll never accept them but he's mostly doing it so his siblings can meet his partners and stuff They meet esther first Kalimes parents are mad that kalims friends with a vampire and blah blah blah...imagine esther going off on their asses Hcs?"
I can see Kalim bringing them all on vacation to the Scalding Sands to do this slowly but surely but with every partner it goes bad with the parents but with the siblings they're just impressed and amazed by them all!
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As you mentioned, Esther would volunteer first to spade their loves of the stress of it
Things would start to go well with this vacation, with some discomfort of the family trying to shame Jamil for not being 100% like a servant by helping with the bags and walking hands and feet for everyone there as "Kalim's guests" and ignore they're also Jamil's friends/guests even though the others insisted to give Jamil a break a bit and that they can take their own luggage
While showing around town, the two ran into Najma (Cater: deja-vu-)
Like I mentioned before she knew WAY early something was afoot with her brother and their master, even more when she started to notice the hugs and looks when playing Basketball with Jamil's supposed "basketball buddies who annoyed him"
So Kalim decided to do the whole parents meeting Esther, his beautiful sexy and smart nonbinary Queer Icon vampire partner, about the third day of vacation and have day one is relaxing from traveling and second day being sight seeing and fun and meeting the siblings more
My goodness does meeting Kalim's 30+ siblings suddenly make a lot of their hearts long for a big family with their golden sunshine baby boy
Kalim and the others were melting a lot seeing Leona, Malleus, Silver, Esther, Lilia, Ace, Floyd, Trey, and Rook good with the kids
Like Leona slowly "dying" when the kid played fight with him, " Oh no... I'm dying... Ruggie, tell my nephew...I love him *dying noises* "
Seeing Lilia and Malleus and Silver in a funny circle holding some kids with Malleus having one of Kalim's little sisters on his lap standing and holding his horns and every time she moves he makes some car engine noises which makes her burst into giggles, Lilia bouncing a toddler and humming a little Celtic ditty, and Silver letting two girl put flowers in his hair
Esther dancing a bit with a curious toddler and turning into his bat form and flying around which makes said toddler and others laugh and reach
Ace having a kid on his back, one clinging to his front, and two on his arms as he does hand magic for them
Floyd was having fun with the kids giving piggy backs and running around and doing this to one
He also had a funny moment with a kid when they asked about his and Jade's eyes; Floyd: That's just our heterochromia Kid: You're scared of straight people Jade: *laughing* Floyd: *laughs* Yes! *playfully lifts the child in a silly voice* Straight people be craaaaazay~!
Trey playing "chef" with the little little ones and using Doodle Suit a bit to make things happened, he did this to them later (with permissions from Kalim of course) to make their vegetables taste like their favorite desserts. He does this for Kalim sometimes when they started dating
And Rook is just a natural with this pack of children and toddlers and teens alike, braiding some's hairs, talking to them as equals and enjoying the babbled imaginative stories he's hearing, and rolling around playing with all of them
So by the time the introduction happened the siblings and young cousins are having a good time with the lovers and are happy to hear Jamil is also a romantic partner of Kalim's
Kalim proudly took Esther's hand and introduced bat as his partner to the parents
They are shocked and disgusted to say the least and mutter "pishacha"
Ace leans to Jamil and whispered, "what's a pishacha?" Jamil whispers back, "It's a name of a demon in our religion. It's a blood and flesh eating creature that some people are made from people's evils." Ace's face scrunch up, "That's kind of racists-" Jamil nods, "Yes it is"
Kalim's parents were imminently scolding Kalim for bringing "that" into their home and demanding him to "break out of it's spell and break up with it" Arie was about ready to chuck a wine glass at them for saying that
Then Esther opened their mouth and just rips them a new one
"How dare you-" and "You treat you son like this-" and "You mother fuckers-" was just some wonderful starting gems of a whole five(5) minutes of bat going off none stop and interrupting whenever the parents tried to stop and speak up with a "AND ANOTHER THING-"
Everyone's watching in complete awe and Kalim, Arie, Jamil, Azul, and Silver are finding this weirdly hot and they can't explain why while Chenya finds it hot and knows why
The night ended for all early because of that and they spend the night in town comforting Esther they best they all could
They all ate some street food, dance to some music, and enjoyed the time of the Scalding Sands being perfectly surreal beauty of the night
Think that fun as hell scene from prince of Egypt where Moses is growing with his people
This song
Rollo never been more in love seeing his lovers dance with the stars freely while Kalim is bring so much joy without magic and money, he even joined the dancing which is rare!
Esther felt better from the name calling after this night since regardless being called a "flesh eating demon of people's evil" still stings from your boyfriend's parents
Their might've been a newspaper story of that night with rumors of Kalim kissing a unknown beauty with skin as pale as the moon while his servant hugs said mysterious person from behind but Jamil and Kalim don't care, no one actually knows it's Kalim or that's Esther but them but just didn't care of the earful from Kalim's father of "Do you have any idea what rumors are being told of our family name?!"
The vacation did spark some sweet lyrics for Esther
Sorry if this is weird but the ask ate itself away while I was finishing up the ask and I just copy paste everything again
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smut-angel · 2 years
I am on the last episode of the bear I have to wait to savour it but babe. Babe!
Imagine being with Carmy in New York, his one small piece of sanity when dealing with, ick in human form aka the chef guy from the flashback, and like your job, be it like a chef as well, or in my inner world it’s a world class pastry chef that met Carmy in the first restaurant he worked at before French laundry and Noma, anyway whatever it is,
Like you couldn’t leave New York because work contracts and it would be like a month or two before you get to move to Chicago and you of course are having a lil chef baby! Because dad Carmy is my brain rot. So bam like being four months visibly pregnant, because yes.
And just coming in during the absolute havoc that is episode 7. Screaming Camry, the walk out of Marcus and syd. Just my angst to fluff brain can’t take it.
Also Richie having no idea who the fuck you are because Carmy wouldn’t tell anyone, maybe sugar, like sugar got updates and like just assumed Richie knew but like they don’t talk unless they have to.
Add in you and Carmy got hitched in a courthouse in new York because fuck it. And like that would just
Richie: Carmy your fucking married?! Why did no one know about this?!
Everyone else in the restaurant, sugar, Pete and Cicero: oh we knew.
Richie: fucking Pete knew?!
Me being a whore for Jeremy Allen white has returned. Started with lip Gallagher and will never end
anon i loved every second of this!!! i could totally see carmen being lowkey about being married especially getting married in the courthouse like honestly i'm down for that because im not big on weddings. and richie would totally not let go of no one telling him that you guys are married. like he’s taking that grudge to the grave 😭
carmen would love the fact that you still want to help out in the restaurant but the fact that you’re pregnant makes him want you to stay home more.
“why would i be barefoot and pregnant at home when i can be barefoot and pregnant here?” you’d say to him while helping sydney prep.
“i wouldn’t go barefoot here, sweeps is still not great about mopping the floors,” sydney would reply.
“i don’t want you barefoot and pregnant anywhere. i just want you to rest.”
i think sugar would definitely come around more to check on you and be a good sister in law. she’d probably bring you the weird foods you’re craving and just have nice girl time with you that’s much needed.
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aajjks · 3 months
it’s a beautiful day in goryeo, corea and the coldest season has now officially passed and made way for spring. now more than ever, flower business bring in customers as the best time of the year to grow flowers and vegetables is in the waking of spring. excitedly, you wake up early to ensure all six of your children were fed, bathed, and dressed for school with their essentials in hand and organized.
“bye mommy!!” your twin girls say as they race to the carriage. next to say goodbye to you is your 8 year old son jawon, then areum, then ae-cha, and the finally jinseoul. “make sure you all stick together!! and be safe!! AND BEHAVE” you announce to your children as they yell back a ‘yes ma’am’ before riding off to school.
you’ll never get tired of getting your kids ready for school. you remember when each of them were just little toddlers learning how to walk and now they’re all grown up. you miss your babies so much and if it weren’t for jungkook being in an important meeting, you’d cry to him about it but for now, you’ll go love up on your remaining toddler, jaehan who will turn three in just a few more weeks.
“greetings queen y/n, here is the menu for tonight’s dinner” says one of the head chef’s of the kitchen who presents you the menu for tonight. “thank you. do you all mind if areum makes the dessert for tonight? also, we’ll be having guests accompanying us so make extra”
“that will not be a problem, your highness. we will make sure to make extras for yours and the king’s company”
“thank you”
you hand the menu back to the chef and head to jaehan’s room to bathe him, wash his hair, clothe him, and help clean his mouth. since jawon isn’t around, jaehan decides to stick beside his mother and practice his writing in your office while you attempt to get some work done. occasionally, you bounce back and forth from tending to your infants, doing your paperwork, and helping jaehan with his writing.
while at school, jinseoul is greeted by hyunjin which is odd.
“hey man” smiles the young man.
“uh..hey? when did you get here?”
“it’s my first day. your dad sent a letter and gave me permission to get my education here”
“really? well, that’s cool. i could use an extra friend” jinseoul says as the two boys walk to class together and spend the entire time talking to one another. the school is very pristine and though hyunjin gets strange looks from the other royal kids, jinseoul glares back at the stuck up kids.
“the kids here are so stuck up. thank God my parents did raise us like that”
“what do you mean?”
“i mean, my mom and dad keep all of us humble. they raised us with integrity”
“well, your parents did an awesome job with you all. you’re really nice”
“you are too, man. your mom seems nice”
“she is nice—“
“JINSEOUL!!!! i’ve been looking everywhere for you!!” fusses ae-cha and the glare of hers looks awfully familiar to hyunjin. it’s a little too familiar…but on a brighter note, here she is and wow is she beautiful.
long dark hair, doe eyes, a round face like the queen’s; ae-cha is—
“can you quit staring at me? you look like a frog”
ae-cha is rude.
“o-oh, s-sorry” hyunjin quickly bows and is a little offended that she called him a frog. he hopes she meant that in a nice way.
“who are you anyway? never seen your face before”
“i’m, uh, hyunjin. i’m here because of your father”
“really? wow. well, i’m ae-cha”
“it’s an honor to meet you princess ae-cha”
“ew, don’t ever say that again. just call me ae-cha, man. no need to be weird about it”
“AE-CHAAA!!! OVER HERE, GIRL!!” yells one of ae-cha’s friends.
“ugh, i’ll fuss at you later as for you, i’ll see you around. I’M COMING GUYS WAIT UP!!!” yells ae-cha as she jogs up to her friends to laugh and talk with them while hyunjin looks like he’s been hypnotized.
“if you’re going to act like this every time you’re around my sister, i’m gonna puke” jinseoul says as he continues to walk to his next and final class.
As soon as the king is done with his meeting, he’s on his way to your chamber, but you’re not there, so he just figures out that you’re in your own office working,
You’re so hard-working, honestly how do you have so much stamina to deal with nine children and do your duties without breaking a sweat.
You were always a perfect choice for him, and he doesn’t regret a thing about you. Although he still a little mad about last night because you left him horny and it’s not really a good feeling to sleep with blue balls but he does deserve this punishment after all..
Jungkook is honestly starting to think that he has a stupid magical, or rather cursed tongue because whatever he says just comes true. Like the thing with Yeonjin.
Which reminds him that yes she’s coming over to dinner tonight all thanks to your courtesy, but you’re just trying to be nice and that’s not wrong— and you two have to discuss the arrangement you have decided for her.
Jungkook knocks on your door patiently he makes sure to tell the guard to be silent and not announce his presence- He’s finally allowed to come in, and he sees jaehan sitting on a sofa while you sit in your chair, going through some papers.
“Hello my queen.” he says, in a high-pitched voice, hoping that he won’t recognize him, because you still haven’t looked at him.
But before his prank can go on, Jaehan begins to scream out his name. “DADDY DADDY DADDY!!”
The way you’re startled makes him laugh out loud. “Oh yn look at you.” Jungkook begins to laugh his ass off while Jaehan jumps in his father’s arms.
Jungkook kisses his toddler on his rosy cheeks and you glare at him. “what I just wanted to surprise you, but he scared you I did not.”
Jungkook takes the seat right infront of you, he’s so impressed with how seriously you take your duties and not just your role as the mother of his children, or as his wife, but as the queen of this nation as well.
He’s so proud of you that he’s not worried about the future for this dynasty.
“Babe, you know if I die, you’re gonna make a great queen regent for our crown prince until he learns his role, when he will be crowned king.”
He likes to joke about his death because it’s something that all of the Royals have to be prepared for and it’s about time that he starts preparing you for your next role and his oldest son to take his place soon as well. 
Because Jungkook knows that his life span is not guaranteed and he can die any day. don’t get him wrong. He’s perfectly healthy but he’s a warrior.
Death will always follow him like a shadow.
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allthingsencanto · 2 years
It’s finally time to talk about Isabela, and how I feel towards her as a character. Please keep in mind that these are all my opinions, (don’t get scared I don’t hate her lol) and whatever opinion you have is valid! I’d love to hear your thoughts on her as a whole as well, so feel free to say in the comments! Without further adue, let’s talk about her!
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So I definitely like Isabela. For starters, her character concept (just like all the other character concepts) is amazing. Isabela has the power to form flowers, and she is UTTERLY GORGEOUS. Like seriously, she’s beautiful, I LOVE her character design and dress, it’s all chefs kiss. While we don’t know the full story of when she got her gift, you can certainly tell that the title of beautiful flowers and her gorgeous form had a play in her role to be the perfect golden child. She is the oldest of her two sisters Luisa and Mirabel, and Abuela absolutely loves her. Alma sees her as a perfect, beautiful woman, and the whole town admires her and looks up to her. What I love about this is that while Isa doesn’t have to put much effort in to help the town like the other Madrigals do, her flowers represent how SHE needs to be, elegant, beautiful, perfect. Even though some may say it’s a lucky title, I can only imagine how overwhelming it must be to have EVERYONE love you, depend on you, and be obsessed with you. It reminds me of really famous celebrities, all that attention and praise can sometimes be too much, and as the movie shows, turns out it is. With her gift and good looks, Isabela is expected to be graceful, elegant, and most importantly, perfect. Alma admires her, but the expectations are surreal with Isabela, for not only does she always have to be perfect since that’s what’s expected of her, but she even was arranged to marry the handsomest man in town, and bring the next generation of Madrigals…..so yeah…it’s a lot, and it certainly doesn’t help that Isabela is also clearly falling into Alma’s footsteps, which btw, is another fact I love about her character. Isabela looks up to Alma, and always wants to please her, so she’ll be perfect no matter what, wether she doesn’t like it, or thinks there’s another alternative.
Of course though, since the movie is told through Mirabel’s eyes, the film approaches Isabela as nothing but a prissy stuck up mean princess. She has everything a girl could ever want, people fawn over her, everyone wants to BE her and looks up to her, she’s pretty, and she’s going to marry a handsome man. What more could she want? Because of this, Isabela and her younger sister Mirabel don’t have the best relationship. Mirabel sees her older sister as a perfect prissy girl who has no problems in the world, and Isabela sees Mirabel as someone who just doesn’t get it, someone who’s constantly in the way of her perfect facade. Since this post is about Isa herself, I’m only going to mainly be talking about her side of the relationship, but if you want to hear more about Mirabel’s side, I suggest you check out my other post! So…It’s no surprise to say that Isabela wasn’t the best sister. She was blatantly mean to Mirabel, and even though sometimes you could see where she was coming from, other times she would be unnecessarily mean, like when she rolled her eyes when Mirabel was warning everyone about the cracks, when she frowned when Mirabel walked Antonio up the steps, or when she gave Mirabel “advice”, about not trying so hard so she’s not in the way. It of course makes the audience really not like her, which I’m sure was the intention, since again, the film is told through Mirabel’s eyes. Now when it comes to why Isabela was so mean, there’s a lot you can say, since this film allows it’s audience to think for themselves, which is a good thing. You could say she was jealous because Mirabel has no gift, no expectations at all, you could say she was so angry whenever Mirabel kept thinking she had no issues when she really did, or more importantly, you could say that Isa saw Mirabel as someone who always got in her way and just didn’t understand her. That’s what the film leans towards, with Isabela saying that all Mirabel does is mess things up for her. I’m going to be honest, I don’t find that hard to believe. As said before, Mirabel and Isabela are practically polar opposites. One is the perfect golden child who’s graceful, and the other is the scapegoat, who’s imperfect and all over the place. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mirabel in the past messed up other events regarding Isa, wether it was intentional or not. However, I will say that I wish the film DID give us more examples of that, other than the dinner scene. I wish we saw more scenes of Mirabel and Isabela going back and fourth at each other, because even though I’m smart enough to know the relationship wasn’t one sided, usually whenever the two interacted in the film, it felt like it was mainly Isabela who started things, making her look like she was more in the wrong rather than the both of them, because as said before, Isabela would be mean for unnecessary measures, and sometimes Mirabel wouldn’t even be doing anything drastic that would warrant Isa’s reaction. Of course though, this film is about perspective, so before I really get into how I feel about how Isa acted towards Mirabel, let’s look at Isabela’s point of view.
Isabela is the character that you THINK has everything figured out, the character that’s perfect in every way. But of course, it just so turns out that being the perfect golden child everyone admires is NOT so easy and fun. The film eventually lets you know that Isabela does NOT like this perfect life she has, and doesn’t even want to marry the man who she was expected to. She was practically forced upon this role of being perfect, and even though she wanted more than that, she went ahead with this role anyway for years, not just because of Alma and her toxic expectations, but simply because she loves her family, and wants to do what’s best. Isa is definitely one of the many characters that had it really rough, and I feel for her, and sympathize with her. It doesn’t help of course that her younger sister thinks she has it SO good, I especially do love the part where Mirabel calls her selfish, and Isa’s response is that she’s been stuck being perfect her whole life. It’s something she would totally say, because she HAS been stuck with this role, she practically gave up her own life for the family, so it made sense why Mirabel pissed her off there. As said before, It’s such a good lesson to teach kids that even if someone may LOOK like they’re at the top of their game and happy, at the end of the day they’re HUMAN like you and me, and every human has their hardships, their pain, their demons. She also needed to learn to let her emotions out whenever she wanted, do what she was feeling in the moment since she had to keep in all in, which is another spectacular lesson. Her obvious lesson and biggest one however, was that…..NO ONE is perfect, and that’s why this role was so tough for Isabela. No human is perfect, we’re all flawed, and we’re all going to make mistakes no matter what. That’s what makes it all the more satisfying when Isabela has her wake up call, and realizes that she can do so much more than what she presented herself with. I absolutely LOVE the idea that she never knew she could grow things like carnivorous plants and cactuses, since she’s been stuck making pretty flowers all her life, stuck in her perfect facade.
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Thanks to Mirabel, Isa was able to open up, and let herself go. She now knows that she doesn’t need to perfect, she can embrace herself, embrace who she is and embrace her feelings whenever they rise without being afraid of what it could do. She was holding SO much back, she wasn’t able to talk to anyone and had to put a mask on for years (like her sister, a parallel I love), but now she’s free, and I love the lessons in this film of embracing who you are, EXPLORING who you are and not being afraid if others don’t like it. Her breakthrough is very powerful and important, and even though I don’t condone her actions towards Mirabel, that doesn’t mean I’m not happy for her, or think she’s a bad character. I will say that I think the film could have been better when it came to her and her sisters confrontation, I talked about this before but I mainly wish Isabela owned up to her mistakes as well, because while Mirabel needed to learn her lesson of recognizing her sisters struggles, the same didn’t correspond with Isa. It felt more like the writers were approaching only Mirabel to learn something about her sister, when in actuality they BOTH needed to, cause again, the relationship isn’t one sided. I’ve seen a lot of people wish Isabela apologized to her sister, but for me I just wish she had acknowledged the mistreatment and learned HER lesson as well, that she needed to recognize her sisters struggles and not beat her down for it. Instead, we kinda just got Mirabel learning a lesson and opening her eyes towards her sister, instead of them BOTH putting the effort in to reconcile. I feel like the writers sympathized with Isabela, and were just really happy to show how much she had secretly been holding in, and celebrate her breakthrough, which isn’t a BAD thing, but again, had Isa learned her side of the relationship towards her sister, it would have been better than it already was. Jared Bush himself confirmed that the main reason behind Isa and Mirabel’s fallout was that they just didn’t know what the other was going through and we’re too focused on their own problems, so yeah, the relationship is definitely NOT one sided. Despite me saying what I said, I certainly think EVERYONE needs to keep in mind that this broken dynamic was the fault of BOTH Isabela AND Mirabel. Acknowledging Isabela’s flaws as well as her sisters flaws are things that should coexist, rather than people saying one of them was in the wrong and the other was a victim. But as I said, even though I think the writing should have had Isabela admit her faults or understand where HER sister was coming from as well, that doesn’t mean I hate her, or think she’s a horrible person, far from it. Isa shouldn’t have treated Mirabel the way she did, she is and kinda always will be hard to watch in the film for me even with an open perspective, but she was under so much pressure, going through so many things, and was under the influence of Alma, someone who was toxic herself. While that doesn’t excuse her actions, the main thing about Encanto is not really FORGIVING people, but UNDERSTANDING where they’re coming from, and how they can fix what’s broken and improve as people, as human beings, and THAT’S what’s most important, not mainly how a person acted, but how they work to be better, how they change.
I know I talked a LOT, but that’s what I wanted to get out for Isa. I love her character concept, I love her arc, I love her song, and I love how a character like her was represented in two amazing lessons, one of exploring who you are and embracing yourself, as well as that everyone…..EVERYONE has their own hardships, even the people you think are horrible, mean, or overall not in a bad spot as you are. Even if I have my personal gripes with her and think the writing near the end of her and her sisters reconcile could have been better, it’s clear that Isa isn’t a bad person, she just slipped down the wrong path due to the family matriarch, and influencing Abuela. I definitely want to see more of her, I want to see how she’s improved, how her and Mirabel are on better terms, how she uses her powers now, and more importantly, I DEFINITELY want to explore more of perspective, wether it be during the events of the movie, the past, or after, because she’s a very interesting character. I will definitely talk about Isa more in the future, but with that said, feel free to disagree with me, and if you want, let me know YOUR thoughts on Isabela! Thank you for reading, and I’ll see you soon! 🌵🌸🌺💕
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heleizition · 5 months
DAMN not me being like whos cody and the plot post being like GODS FUCKING CLONE CHILD. tell me everything we love an apocalypse harbinger. also CAIN MY BOI poor baby needs that therapy. also the whole 'and god thought mh well i liked that lets try again'? chefs kiss. I Wish To Know The Past Lives by you categorised as kinda boring THING pls. does cain get a bestie? someone give this man a bigger support and luv system. also vik is a BABY? a former child. A BABY!! also W HA T is that fuckery with jasper tell me absolutely everything please
so in the plot post i mentionned there's a memory thing. everyone remembers bits here and there of their past life, and usually demons mostly remembers bad things they did bc thats how u manipulate people into doing more things that are . not good. cody and jasper are the only ones with no memories of past life bc they were created in this realm, and had no past life. she has no idea she's god's soldier, They sent her down there mostly for Their own entertainement and everything she does is her own choice and will, even if god can "feel it" (which is why . they end up sending the whole lil family back on earth . for a chance to be happy. bc they feel cody's happiness.)
for the rest :
past lives ! um ill put lil warnings before. each lives.
Nell & Belly : tw for child abuse, sexual abuse and exploitation, adults not helping like they should lol
Nell and Belly (btw their full names are Nathanel and Anabelle) are born twins, nell just a few minutes before his sister. their mother died at birth which sent their father (an already not . good guy) into deep constant rage and pain . once they grow up a bit . i mean like. 7 or so. theres sexual abuse happening . and beatings. selling out his kids for a night for money. nothing fun. nell and belly get through it together until at like 16 nell (who's like, underfed, short, no muscles) snaps and stabs their dad over and over again .
nell only remembers this, killing his dad, with absolutely no context behind (protecting himself, protecting his sister, freeing them) so he thinks he used to be a Bad person. after that they get placed in the system, ig theres a trial but its ruled as legitime defense, and once they're 18 belly just. vanishes. they both deal very differently with what their whole life was, nell cant go on, can barely support himself, thinks he should have died right then, and belly flees from nell to find . somewhere where she can forget. she regrets it but nell dies before she can reconnect (not sure how, his death isn't rly whats important here,,, im thinking . so numb he can't rly recognize whats around him . walk in front of a car. yeah). belly struggles to have a happy life after that and ... im not sure how she dies yet. im thinking drowning bc its a thing that almost happens in the farm au....
as an angel, she doesnt remember much, because there wasn't much happiness in her life. also these two as twins have a bond that still connect them in angel/demon realm ! so they know the other exist and they remember once they meet !!
eden : tw for transphobia, drugs, suicide, abusive family ?
i'll go short w him bc it's not pleasant and it makes me sad <==== guy who MADE this backstory
eden is trans, always feels out of place as a kid, as a teen. his parents kick him out at eighteen bc they "can" and bc even if eden never said anything, they Know and don't want him in here. he has a friend who helps for a while, until the rumors spread about him being a ~ freak ~ and his friend is like. im sorry my parents cant let u impose in the house. anymore. : /// . eden is lost and desperate and doesn't know what to do, sells himself, gets into drugs to get through the days, finds out the days aren't worht getting through, kills himself. yay
he's one of the few who's always remembered his past fully,,,
LENA lena my BABYGIRL um tw for war mostly
this happens in a fictif medieval era lmao she's the princess of a kingdom, daughter of a kind king and queen, destined to rule, fighting among the army already, everyone loves her, except her small kingdom gets torn apart by another kingdom, not that much bigger, but with much greater military strength. the country gets torn apart before the army, the king and queen can do anything. the enemies arrive to the capital and lena doesn't even ask and joins the vanguard. she uses a sword at this point, get through enemies after enemies, and it looks like there's hope, until one of the enemy's captain reach her. it's a bit of a eowyn versus the nazgul vibe in lotr except lena doesn't win. she's slain, and slowly dies on hte battlefield with her beloved country burning, and the people she swore to protect screaming and dying.
she's very loved. i care her so much. she's my default when idk what to draw :3 she remembers being a loved princess, and slowly remember the last fight. it haunts her, the weight of losing this fight, that she couldn't do more, even if it's from a time long gone.
titania ummmm well theres grooming. witch hunt and betrayal.
i have to research the exact period titania's past happens, but its between late 1400 and early 1600s i think !
she loses her parents very young and thus, is cared for by the local church. there's a priest here who teaches her to use her looks and innocence as a way to get things, information, food, anything. once she's 13/14, he starts showing her the more physical way to do so.
she starts using sex as a way to learn things. she's the person who knows the most about anyone in the village. she's an important figure, one who's gifted things to keep silent, who gives her body in exchange for things to hang up against someone. she hates the priest who made her who she is . she couldn't have been something else, happier, lighter, but she's this, and she's too deep in to just stop.
she's too powerful, she knows too much, and when there's word in the village of a witch inhabiting it, they all turn to her. they have a way to get rid of her and the power she holds over them. she screams what she knows when she's brought to the center of the village, screams her hate of the priest who made her who she is, destroys everyone's nice little life because it cost hers. she dies burning, and everyone chooses to act like they never heard her in her final day.
she's the wise calm one who's actually full of anger and wrath. i love her a lot. there's this french song i love ("a witch like any other") which talks abt . women. women and men treating women like they're granted. and like. its a titania song. if u wanna give it a listen this version is amazing altho it's more powerful if u know french....
VIK UM OKAY not much tw here. it's just fucking sad. im a terrible oc parent. it's also heavily inspired by hell's girl season 3's protagonist past..................... it's basically that tbh SOEJFEFSJS
his mother and him are not allowed in the village. his mother is sick. he doesn't know it, he just follows his mother. she's kind and beautiful, gives him food and tells him stories. he's 4. they can't get in the village and he doesn't know why, so they find dry places in the woods to live. it's fun, it's everything he's ever known. one day his mother doesn't wake up, so he goes to try and find food by himself, to surprise her. when he's back, she's still not awake. she's stiff and cold, so he gives her his blanket and waits. days pass. he's hungry, he's thirsty, he's 5, he doesn't know anything, doesn't know how to go on, the usually places he finds bits of food are empty. it's colder and his mother hasn't moved since that day.
it's snowing. it's pretty. he wishes his mom could wake up and see it but he's starting to think that maybe she won't.
vik dies, age 5, in the forest, cold hungry and alone.
he doesn't remember anything, and his ignorance nd naivety makes him so much easier for noah to manipulate him. she doesn't mean to at first, she sees a child who could use some help, and she's always wanted a child. but they're at war, and sacrifices need to be made.
ABEL AND CAIN'S PAST ISNT CLEAR TO ME RN IM SORRYYYYY SOMETHING ABT ABEL BEIGN A RULER AND CAIN HIS SHADOW WHO KILLS FOR HIM YAGHHHHHH IDK MAN abel slowly remembering that he was a mercyless king who made his people suffer just like hte people he's trying to fight rn,,,,,,,,,,, honey
i don't have much planed for cain in tame of support rn im sowwy.................... i wanna work on it tho.......... i have a lot of secondary charactres that he could fit with...............
noah used to be a cool fearless pirate stealing rich people to give to the poor in her hometown mostly. finding strays and helping them. i love that for her . she was a good guy, a robin hood, and then her devotion to god fucked her up (aka hermit the frog by marina). she jst fights bc she thinks it will bring peace until she learns god was just Bored lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don't think i forgot anyone ? if i did i am sorry (bows down to my kids)
jasper's thing......................... well. there's always been experiments. trying to find a being Higher. jasper was created in a lab. then he and another kid, angel this time, were fused. the scar is most likely due to this . for the longest time jasper just thought he had a strong inner voice but it's this other kid (no name yet sowwy!!!!!!! im coming up with this on the spot actually which is why i like being asked abt them it makes me THINK). he's the only saved experiment from this. abel and cain had been sent to investigate on a demon who's part of the high council, but who some people thought was shady. he indeed was. they destroyed eveything (u don't toy with life) and found jasper. omg . they both kind of raised him . ohhhhhhhhhhhhh OHHHHHHH
anyway later in the story, belly and him are fighting opponent, belly is cool and strong but she almost dies and well . those two are in love and it makes jasper's inner angel wake up along with some new powers. not sure exactly what!!!! im thinking !!!! ok i gotta go grocery show now BE BACK SOON BC I SEE MORE THINGS IN MY INBOX
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Harry was never there for Louis (they didn’t even speak since 2015 come on now)but you know who was? Eleanor. And you and many solo louies pretend not to see it even tho Louis said so many times that she was his rock during these times (and he was mocked for saying that like what?)and helped him through his grief. I don’t even like Eleanor and I don’t think her and Louis are together but I feel that it’s really unfair that you ignore Louis’ words about her and twist your narratives so you can hate on her when you don’t know everything and again, Louis said many times how she was there for him and even defenced her. And I mean…we didn’t know how much Helene does to Louis till we saw the AFHF documentary so it honestly could be the same way with Eleanor yk? Imo she really cares for Louis as a friend and it’s obvious because otherwise she wouldn’t be with him for so long.
I want to say about Harry also- it pisses me off when people try to make it seem like Harry was there for Louis and was supportive blah blah blah (larries mostly obviously) when he was shopping in Gucci for hours the day Jay passed away and you said it yourself what he was doing when Fizzy passed away. I don’t know if Harry still knows about Fizzy tbh cuz he’s so selfish and I don’t think he even knows what’s going on in Louis’ life.
Whoa it was a long rant hahaha but I wanted to get this off my chest :) Obviously it’s all just my thoughts and everyone is entitled to their own opinion
I will say that Eleanor certainly takes good care of Clifford and Bruce.
But it’s so strange to me that people ascribe good emotional support to Eleanor “even if we don’t see it,” when you condemn the same thing for Harry. If you don’t see it, don’t pretend you know what’s happening, no matter who it is.
Louis said that Eleanor was there for him through Jay’s illness when there’s no evidence whatsoever that this is true. Her own Instagram shows that she was traveling and posting with Max throughout 2016, even within days of Jay’s death. She didn’t come to the X Factor performance: it was Danielle Campbell. So did Louis lie about that, or was it just confusion? The way the Louie fandom wants to forget Danielle ever existed is exactly the same way Larries erase facts, and it’s really odd. Danielle has spent more time with Freddie than Eleanor ever has (has Eleanor ever met him)? Danielle spent time with Louis’ sisters in fall 2016, when they were also likely going through some very difficult times. So she has been there, been supportive, at a time when it mattered.
As for Eleanor, the support she has shown by bringing Rusty Eslamifar to Louis’ own house has been tremendous (sarcastic). The support she’s shown by relying on ex-Syco emoplyees to manage and propel her career: chef’s kiss. Absolute incomparable loyalty. That’s what we like to see around Louis.
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boricuacherry-blog · 1 year
Chris Cornell grew up in Seattle, but described his neighborhood as "very white. Urban but not really urban, suburban but not really suburbia. It was lower-middle-class white." It was a place where he was introduced to drugs and alcohol early on.
"We were all selling drugs by the time we were 12, or doing them," he told Rolling Stone in 1994. "Pot or pills or anything that was easily available. My neighbors to the south had two boys who were probably in their late teens when I was about 11, and they were just huge into drugs. I remember walking by the basement window one time, and this one dude was shooting something at me from a syringe out the window. I don't even know what it was, but it was shooting 15 feet, and I'm walking by, trying to dodge this thing. Those were the kind of people who lived near me." He had said he also started drinking at that age.
The child of two alcoholics, his parents divorced when he was a teenager, after which he and his siblings adopted their mother's maiden name, Cornell, as their surrname.
Cornell attended Catholic school and after being kicked out of eighth grade (twice), he was sent to a vocational school, which he attended only briefly, bringing an end to his formal education.
"It was mainly for degenerate young people," said Cornell, who was the youngest of six (aka the "Bobby Brady," he once quipped), two brothers and three sisters. "It was the last ditch for kids that couldn't go anywhere else. The concept for me was entirely wrong because it was sort of learn at your own pace, do your own thing, and my own thing was not school. So I'd go there and not do anything at all. It was just a waste of time." (He would later start a foundation to help troubled kids in 2012, although it's unclear where the money is going, as his wife was put in charge of it).
Before becoming a successful musician, Cornell worked as a busboy, a dishwasher, a fish monger at a seafood wholesaler, and a sous-chef at a Ballard seafood restaurant.
The drug thing stuck with Cornell - or should we say surrounded him. His roommate Andy Wood, of the band Mother Love Bone, died of a heroin overdose in 1990, inspiring Cornell's band/album Temple of the Dog. He struggled himself in the 90s and early aughts, seeking treatment for addiction in 2002. (He told the Mirror in 2012 it was "mostly alcohol - from my late teens until my late 30s.")
As for his decision to go to rehab, he told Launch in 2007, "I really had to come to the conclusion, the sort of humbling conclusion that, guess what, I'm no different than anybody else, I've got to sort of ask for help - not something I ever did, ever. And then part two of that is, like, accept it when it comes and, you know, believe what people tell me. And trusting in what I have been told, and then seeing that work."
In 2015, while promoting his final solo album, Higher Truth, he talked about how his sobriety helped his music but noted he was still trying to "kind of figure out who the substance-free guy is."
"If i think about the evolution of my life as it appears in songs for example, Higher Truth is a great example of a record I wouldn't have been able to write, and part of that is in essence because there was a period of time there where I didn't expect to be here," he told Rolling Stone Australia. "And now not only do I expect to be here, and I'm not going anywhere, but I've had the last 12 years of my life being free of susbtances to kind of figure out who the substance-free guy is, because he's a different guy. Just by brain chemistry, it can't be avoided. I'm not the same, I don't think the same, I don't react the same. And my outlook isn't necessarily the same. My creative endeavors aren't necessarily the same. And one of the great things about that is it enabled me to kind of keep going artistically and find new places and shine the light into new corners where I hadn't really gone before. And that feels really good."
Shortly after getting out of rehab, in 2004, he met Vicky Karayiannis, a Greek Paris-based publicist, who also had a brother named Nicholas, a.k.a. DJ Nick Blast, who worked as an executive at a NY restaurant (leaving wife Susan Silvers).They got married and talent manager Jeff Kwatinetz was Cornell's best man, and Brittany Murphy, who was engaged to Kwatinetz at the time, was the maid of honor.
Chris's father, Edward F. "Ed" Boyle, is a pharmacist from Everett, Washington. Chris's mother, Karen Ruth Cornell, is an accountant from Seattle, Washington. His ancestry is Norweigan, Irish (emphasis on the Irish because he looks VERY Irish to me), English, Scottish, Northern Irish, Welsh, German, French, and remote Manx and Swiss-German. His parents were married by a Catholic priest in 1957.
In an interview on Howard Stern's show, circa 2007, Chris appeared to state that his mother is Jewish. This is not accurate.
Chris's patrilineal grandfather was Edward John Boyle (the son of Dennis Peter Boyle and Anna Louisa "Louise" Zahler). Edward was born in Washington. Dennis was born in Renfrew, Renfrewshire, Scotland to Irish emigrants, Terrence/Terrance Boyle, of County Silgo, and Mary McVey. Louisa was the daughter of German emigrants, Michael Zahler, of Trier, Rhine (now Rhineland-Palatinate), and Ann Katarina/Catherine Stenger, of Dillishausen, Lamerdingen, Bavaria.
Chris's paternal grandmother was Anona Ruth Olson/Olsen (the daughter of Eivin/Ivan Olaus Olsen, later Olsen, and of Carrie Lorena Jones/McGuire). Anona was born in California. Eivin was a Norweigan emigrant, from Stavanger, Rogaland, and was the son of Ole Olsen Blaasenberg, later Vaaland, and of Andrine Tonnesdatter Bjuland.
Chris's maternal grandfather was Ralph Trivett Cornell (the son of Julian Trivett Cornell and Emily Keillor Emmerson). Ralph was born in Rothesay, Novia Scotia, Canada. Julian was the son of Robert/Ralph Filmore Trivett Cornell, whose parents were Irish, and of Anne/Annie Eudora Maxon/Maxim. Emily was the daughter of Henry Robert Emmerson and Emily Charlotte Record. Chris's great-great-grandfather Henry was a lawyer, businessperson, politician, and philanthropist, who as a member of the Liberal Party, was Premier of New Brunswick, from October 29, 1897 to August 31, 1900, among other duties.
Chris's maternal grandmother was Marion/Marian M. MacNutt (the daughter of James Frederick MacNutt and Clarabell/Claribel Josephine Hubbell). Marion was born in Washington. James was a Canadian emigrant, from Darmley, Prince Edward Island, and was the son of George Beairsto MacNutt and Annie McGougan Rodd. Clarabell was born in Wisconsin, the daughter of Fred Keaton Hubbell and Annetta Alta Remer.
Chris's matrilineal ancestry can be traced back to his fourth great-grandmother, Elisabeth Hoffmann, who was born circa 1821, in Hesse, Germany.
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locitapurplepink · 2 years
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Chapter 9
Hunter, Wrecker, and Tasya built a ice cream stick castle while Omega enjoying eat her ice creams "How's your ice cream, kid ?" Wrecker asked. "Really good ! We haven't been having these for awhile. Thank you Tasya." She said to Tasya who payed for them.
Tasya smiled as staring at her "Anytime, Omega." As they were doing their assisgment, there was a young man entered the cafe. "I should..." Hunter was going to stand but Omega stopped him.
"I got this, Hunter." She immediately came to that customer as gave him a menu book which Hunter was surprised "Good evening, sir. What can I do for you ?"
"Aren't you a little too young for this, kid ?" The man asked.
"I'm actually helping my brother here so what's your order ?" She replied.
"I wanna ice coffee and make it quick. I have a night meeting to catch on."
"Yes sir." She came to the kicthen to tell the chef to make a drink immediately. 5 minutes later, she back to that table with an ice coffee "Here's your drink, sir."
"Huh, I must say I'm kinda impressed. Here's my pay." He immediately gave some money to her then left the cafe. "Thank you for coming."
As she put money at the cashier machine, Wrecker said to Hunter "Your sister is nature of your job." "Yes. She can be your assistent while you focus on the science test this week." Hunter was shocked "Wait, are we ?"
Wrecker and Tasya replied "Yes."
Hunter sighed as tapped his head "Oh boy, I'm totally forgot and it's on Friday."
"It's about time, maybe you can let her help you doing your job for while." Wrecker suggested. "I don't know, Wrecker. She's also a student." "But she has a week off, right ? She doesn't have much to do, does she ?"
Hunter thought about their suggestion.
It was about her bedtime, Hunter entered Omega's room and noticed she reading one of her favorite books "Have you done brushing your teeth ?" She nodded. He sat on the bed "So do you have any homeworks to finish ?"
She shook her head "Nope. Since the school fire, it brings most of my friends scared to go back there. Especially Liam. He has a burn on his hand when we evacluated. So the teachers visited all of us, one by one."
"Yeah, that kid needs some time about it. Let's hope he still up for his birthday." She nodded. "Anyway, you did a good job at the cafe and I was wondering if you could help me to do my job for this week ? I have science exam on Friday."
She nodded "No problem. I can do this."
Hunter smirked as tucking her in "Alright kid, time for bed." He kissed on her forehead and said good night. Then he turned off the light and saw his sister for seconds before he left her room. After that, he went to study for his upcoming science exam.
Omega cleaned every table at the cafe like her brother usually do to let him focus on his assisgment with his friends. Suddenly she spotted her teacher enter this cafe.
"Miss Grace. What are you doing here ?" She was excited to see her.
"Hello Omega. I just want to check on you and your brother doing." She said.
"We're fine. I'm helping him to do his job so he can focus on his exam this week." Miss Grace was touched "You're a good kid, Omega."
Then Hunter stared at her "Miss Grace. I don't think you ever come here before." "Yes, this is my first time and decide to have my dinner here." "You can choose from here." Omega gave her a menu book.
At the time, there were few customers came and they were impatience. Omega came to them to let them order their food. "Looks like this place will be booming." Wrecker said.
Tasya agreed "Yeah, no wonder you're working here, sweetheart." "Well, it's not everyday like this." Hunter said. Suddenly they stared at one of the customers "Where's my waffle ?! I'm starving !"
"Comin' up, sir." Omega put Miss Grace's food on her table and rushed to get the others. "Maybe I should help..." Hunter started worry but Wrecker tried to reassure him "Your sister got this, buddy."
Hunter tried to focus on his assisgment but he couldn't stop worring about her. At 6 p.m. Miss Grace was the last customer to left "I'm sure you all back to school at Monday and thank you for your service." "You're welcome, Miss. Be careful." "Take care, Omega."
Next, Wrecker and Tasya left the cafe "See you again, buddy !" He waved at Hunter. Hunter nodded as watching them leave.
"So how was your work anyway ?" He stared at her. "It was exhausting than I thought." "Yeah, but I'm kinda get used to. Listen kid, if you need some help like that, ask me."
"No, it's okay. I don't wanna bother you. Besides, you have to study for your exam tomorrow." She reminded him. He sighed "Right, we better go home." He locked the door and they went home.
Next day, everyone just finished their science exam "Man, this exam was harder than the last time." Wrecker said. Tasya responded "Yeah but some of them kinda easy to me. Let's hope we have a good score this time."
They noticed Tech tried to reassure Lydia. They came to them "Hey Lydia, is everything alright ?" Wrecker asked. Lydia didn't respond, she was quiet as looking down so Tech told them "She's worry about her brother that he don't wanna back to school soon."
"What ? Why ?" Tasya was shocked.
"He was hurt because of the school fire two days ago causing his fear to go back there again and their mother decided to cancel his birthday party which it is today." Tech told them.
Soon after that, Hunter joined them "The party is cancelled ?" They nodded. "Oh no, Omega will not happy about this. She even made a gift for him from DIY books that Mrs. Yarrow has." Tasya reassured "I'm sure she will understand."
"I suggest we visit her house and bring Omega with us." Tech said and Hunter nodded.
Lydia tried to convince her little brother to let her in "Liam. Can I come in ?" "Leave me alone." She sighed as stared at them "He still doesn't over with this."
It was Omega's turn to knock the door "Liam, it's me. Omega. I know you're having hard time right now and I just wanna help you and give you a gift." She heard a sigh from him as noticed he opening the door.
He was only let Omega in while the others had to wait. "Aww, look at that, her little crush let her in." Wrecker whispered at Hunter which he didn't want to hear. "Not now."
Liam opened the gift and it turned out it was a navy blue kint ball "I know how much you like basketball but I couldn't afford to buy it so I decided to make my own. Hope it's okay for you."
"It's okay. I like it anyway. Thanks Omega." He smiled sad.
Omega spoke "Look, I know how scared what happened but you can't trap yourself like this forever. You'll miss a lot things ahead."
Liam expressed his feeling "It's better this way. My father's missing out a lot because he's not with us anymore." Omega knew what he meant. She knew what happened to his father.
"I don't think so. Your father won't miss anything what you going through. Even you can't see him but he can feel you. Trust me, he won't and he'll always there in your heart."
Liam thought about it then asked her "How do you survive of living alone with your brother ?"
"My brother's having a part job as a waiter every after school and taking responbilities seriously to take care of me. Even through he doesn't have much money but he's doing his best to raise me up." She told him.
"Sounds like he sacrifice his life for this. I mean, Lydia take some responbilities to me but your brother is like on the high level." He said.
She sighed "You could said that again."
Here's the chapter 9. Hope you guys like this one.
@cassie-fanfics and @zaya-mo will be excited to read this one and upcoming chapters.
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