#just found out when electric opens were introduced and guessed
grey-lark · 2 years
I cannot tell you what emotion exactly I am feeling after spending way too long researching when in cabin trunk release pulls became common only to rework the scene so that that factoid isn’t even fucking relevant anymore but it is A Lot.
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feeder86 · 9 months
Mike could remember how his breath caught in his throat when he saw Bruno for the first time. Having always been so slim and athletic himself, it was as if all of the blood in his entire body rushed down into his groin and he felt lightheaded; his heart racing with lust for the man in front of him. Bruno was the epitome of Mike’s dream man: taller than everyone else in the bar, large and very, very fat. He was flaunting his chubby physique with pants that were clearly too small; his butt crack on show, as well as the lower half of his gut that pushed out over his belt. There was a buzz around him at the bar. It was rare that a man so large came in here and it was obvious, from the twitching hands of the bear-loving guys around them, that there were many who wanted to touch his remarkably overfed body.
Mike stood behind him at the bar, waiting to be served, feeling like he was invisible in the wide man’s shadow. Even the scent of him, slightly sweaty in the humid environment, was turning Mike on; his large love handles shimmering gently as the bodies crowded around. Finally, with a space opening up at the crowded bar, Mike squeezed himself next to the big man, waiting to be served as well. He looked to his side and smiled shyly, without speaking. Even then, the eye contact, however brief, made Mike’s hardness flex in a way that made him hope he wouldn’t be served too quickly in order to allow the bulge in his crotch to calm down.
“Mine’s a beer,” the big man stated confidently to Mike.
“Sorry?” Mike spluttered back, surprised that he had been spoken to.
“My drink. I’ll have a beer,” he repeated expectantly.
“Oh… I wasn’t…” Mike mumbled, full of embarrassment. “I guess I…”
“Geez, relax, would you! I’m just joking,” Bruno chuckled, raising hand and finally ordering his own beer. “And what would you like?” he offered Mike, as if by way of an apology for causing Mike to get in such a fluster.
Mike accepted the offer and found himself following the heavy man out of the bar queue moments later. It seemed as if the big guy had come here alone, leaning against a small, high table where he could view the entirity of the bar. “Are you a chaser?” he asked Mike in his usual plain manner.
Wishing that he could act cooler, Mike mumbled once again, unsure how best to answer. “I’m not sure,” he lied. “I guess I could be.”
“You’re cute,” Bruno smiled, after formally introducing himself. “Do you want to touch my belly? Most guys in here seem to want to.”
With a free pass to feat his eyes upon Bruno’s large gut, Mike wasted no time in admiring it’s size and shape. He checked with the big man one last time, then let his electrically charged fingertips spread over the fleshy skin. Pure heaven.
“You’re pretty good at that,” Bruno nodded in approval. “Gentle. Sensual. I bet you’re good at giving a massage.”
“I’d be happy to work on your whole body if you like,” Mike shot back, unsure where his sudden boldness had come from, and immediately feeling a little embarrassed by it.
“Maybe,” Bruno chuckled. “If you play your cards right tonight,” he added, leaning into the table and seemingly about to take some time to really invest in finding out a lot more about his new admirer.
It was strange to think back on how shy Mike had been that night. Although Bruno still never failed to make him feel flustered and aroused, he liked to think, nine months later, that he at least managed to keep a cooler head around him. Being in a relationship with someone that he found so attractive should not have been as much of a challenge as it had seemed to be. His parents and friends had taken one look at Bruno and allowed their sizeist prejudices to rise to the surface. Mike had heard no end of slanderous things about Bruno that had been said to him: that he was lazy and greedy, selfish and unambitious. It was all based entirely upon his weight, and Mike knew it. They seemed to hate how much Bruno felt comfortable in his own skin. It was as if they were offended by it; believing that Bruno should feel ashamed and insecure, just like every other 400lb man of his stature. How dare he simply not care about being so fat?
There were sighs whenever Bruno went to grab Mike’s hand and show him affection in front of others. Perhaps it was the way that Bruno dressed that most irritated people and made them feel embarrassed in his company. He enjoyed his clothes being overly fitted and figure-hugging. For him, a t-shirt shirt should be over-long and tucked into his tight shorts, displaying the full arch of his gigantic gut, or else it should be too short, allowing the fat of his underbelly to show through and catch the breeze as he walked about. However, it was also his grotesque appetite that Mike knew his dad in particular found especially repulsive. He wasn’t wrong in saying that Bruno was always eating something or searching in the cupboards for snacks. He found it cheeky and rude how Bruno would help himself in their kitchen, and when he once upturned the milk bottle to chug it straght from the refrigerator, Mike’s dad had raised his voice in a way that Mike hadn’t heard since he was small.
Mike’s friends and family didn’t understand though. They didn’t realise how far Bruno had come to be in the sort of shape he was in now; how he’d always wanted to be a big man. Back when he’d started college, Bruno had been incredibly slim, and even lanky, given his great height. He’d documented his body well by taking lots of pictures during those early days and continued to do so as he began pushing his appetite to the extreme. His body had responded in just the way Bruno had wanted, as a doughy belly began to form on his slim frame. 
Mike felt an arousal he’d never experienced before as Bruno guided him through all of the pictures of him over the years: the time when he’d started to get love handles, the first signs of his double chin beginning to show. Even from quite early on, his butt had started taking on a fair amount of fat. Bruno had said this had been down to the way he’d tried to limit his exercise so much and make those calories as effective as possible when fattening his body. It had taken time; especially at Bruno’s height. Even when he’d left college, his fat stomach had still been faily easy to conceal under baggy clothes. It was only once he’d started working and had his own place that Bruno’s overeating and weight gain really started to turn to very obvious obesity. Bruno recalled with glee the time when his weight started impacting his everyday life: when he’d become too heavy for store-bought clothes, the stairs becoming more intense to walk up. He’d embraced each one of these changes, accepting the fact that his lovers would now purely be confined to those who enjoyed his fatter body. He’d taken on several feeders, of all shapes and sizes, but he’d never committed to any of these other guys in the way that he had to Mike. 
Sometimes Mike would pick up the guy’s empty clothes off the floor and just admire the sheer size of them, hardly comprehending how lucky he was to have such an oversized and greedy boyfriend. Twenty to thirty pounds a year, that was Bruno’s steady gain rate, realised by maximising his opportunities to overeat and consume as often as possible. As Bruno himself had said, fattening his skinny college body had been a lot simpler than pushing the fat on now he was well over four hundred.
Mike often wondered what it was that Bruno saw in him. Whenever they were out at some sort of bear event, it was obvious how much attention the big man could command. Mike had become accustomed to the grumpy stares of jealousy as he held his enormous boyfriend’s hand. Bruno claimed to like how constantly aroused Mike was for him. He could submit and take a pounding, yet also take the reins and feed Bruno far beyond his daily calorie goals. Not that such a mission was often required. Bruno was, if nothing else, highly motivated to overeat, and always so very self-sufficient. Despite the many hours Mike had spent feeding Bruno in the past, he knew that the big man would most likely be just as big, even if he was still single. Everything to him was so erotic, from the new stretch marks and shape, to the retirement of old clothes and the reactions of those who had not seen Bruno in some time. Every last little chance encounter was a reason for the guy to get aroused, and that horniness was more than infectious.
With Bruno’s birthday approaching, Mike began to feel a little anxious about what to do for it. Last year, they had only been dating a couple of months, and so he hadn’t gone too overboard. However, four months ago, for his own birthday, Bruno had arranged an entire weekend away to visit Mike’s hometown; the one that his family had left when he was just eleven. It was incredibly sweet and thoughtful, not to mention remarkably satisfying to show off the town he knew so well to the man that he had fallen so helplessly in love with.
Mike thought about buying an enormous cake, or an entire banquet of food to surprise Bruno with on the big day. However, when considering  how much Bruno ate in a normal day anyway, he didn’t really feel that he could make it all that special. Bruno’s hobbies weren’t any help either. There weren’t any special video games coming out anytime soon and the hot summer sun was zapping the large chub’s energy levels daily.
“What would you like to do for your birthday?” Mike finally asked, having exhausted his entire creative reserves. However, Bruno dutifully denied needing any sort of fuss, claiming that birthdays were nothing special for him.
Mike persisted. With only a couple of days remaining, he was feeling desperate for an idea to delight his lover for his birthday. “I guess maybe there is one thing I might like,” Bruno began cautiously, as if he had been thinking of the idea for some time.
Breathing a sigh of relief. Mike nodded enthusiastically, wanting to hear Bruno’s thoughts.
“Well, maybe we could try a little role reversal that night?” he asked tentatively.
Mike furrowed his eyebrows. “Role reversal?” he asked. He already thought they did that, having quite an active, versatile sex life.
“I mean… maybe I could feed you for a change? Just for one night,” Bruno added hastily, trying to express the idea in baby steps. “I used to be quite good at it, back in the days when I played around with lots of different feeders and gainers. They all said I was good at it.”
Mike mumbled awkwardly. Despite the length of time he’d been with Bruno, he’d never anticipated the man making a request like this. “I thought you loved my body how it is?” he asked, knowing how hard Mike worked at the gym classes he attended.
“Oh, I do!” Bruno nodded emphatically. “I love all body types. It’s just a one-night kinky idea I had.” He shrugged, then laughed at how ridiculous this scenario was. “It’s not about changing you, and if it’s not your thing, it’s fine. I’ll think of something else.”
Mike considered for a moment. “No, wait…” he mumbled; his brain trying to catch up. “It’s fine,” he shrugged. “It’s for your birthday,” he nodded, feeling that a little sacrifice like this would help show Bruno how important he was to him. “Let’s… let’s do this.”
The bus-worker strikes had completely messed up Mike’s day as he arrived home late on Bruno’s birthday a couple of days later. It was nearly half seven already and he’d been out of the house for almost thirteen hours. He apologised profusely, but Bruno already knew how much chaos the strikes were causing on the city, having seen it on the news. He could see the tiredness in Mike’s eyes and offered to forego his birthday treat in order to let Mike head to bed. However, Mike was having none of it. He tried to rally himself, heading for a shower and coming back in, feeling more refreshed. They ate a normal meal and chatted about much of the same things as they usually did.
“Come sit down,” Bruno smiled, patting his extra large, personal chair in front of the TV; a wicked, horny grin plastered across his face.
Mike did as he was told. He never sat in Bruno’s chair and it felt strange to him now; so roomy and worn-in. He stood briefly once again as a hugely fat Bruno kneeled on the floor in front of him and pulled down his pants so that he could play with him more effectively. Right away, the fat man’s expert tongue set to work, making Mke take huge long sighs of pleasure. He put his hand on Bruno’s head for a moment to stop him. “Honey, it’s your birthday. I should be doing this to you,” he worried.
Bruno shushed him and set back to work, making Mike’s legs twitch as he came close to cimaxing at least a couple of times. Then, just like that, Mike suddenly felt a long, chocolate cream cake getting pushed between his parted lips. He chuckled, having been caught off guard completely. He’d almost forgotten about this part of their horny evening. Where had his kinky boyfriend even hidden those cakes? Still, he chewed and swallowed, having accepted this would be exactly the sort of thing he would be getting up to that night.
Bruno’s demeanor was entirely different. His hands caressed and stroked Mike’s body like he was a precious, god-like being; his large, chubby hands stroking his flat stomach and fondling Mike to keep his hardness as he pushed in another cream cake, then another. Yet, still Bruno was edging him, making him think his time had arrived, then pulling it away.
Mike had never felt such a rush of different emotions. At one point, he would feel dominant and pampered, being hand fed and pleasured by his lover. But then, the next, Bruno would stop everything and chuckle at all the food smeared around his face, declaring him to be a ‘greedy boy’, before resuming as before. 
Mike’s stomach was getting tight and yet he still hadn’t climaxed. The shape of it was distended as Bruno rubbed his giant hand over it with a wicked smirk plastered across his face. Mike stared at his boyfriend’s chubby hands as they gathered the fattening foods and felt as those wide, sausage-like fingers he had long admired, now stuffing it all into his open mouth.
“You’re such a good little piggy!” Bruno teased him as it was clear just how full and aroused Mike was at that moment; those expert hands now whipping his erection up into a dangerous frenzy that could tip him over the edge. Mike stared down at his body, having never seen himself so bloated, nor felt his stomach quite so full. Then, that was it, the moment that Bruno chose to let him climax, just as his eyes settled on the little swollen midsection that was now his stomach. The feeling was intense; more so than Mike had ever encountered before and he let out an embarrassing multi-toned moan that only highlighted just how caught out he had been by the whole experience. He felt utterly spent and withered like a dead flower, being taken to bed by his enormous lover.
The next morning was much the same as any other. Bruno thanked Mike for indulging his kink to let him feed him, and chuckled as he apologised for how bloated and full Mike felt, right up until dinner time that day. But Bruno hadn’t stopped lamenting about how much he had enjoyed it and how well Mike had eaten. He recreated the moan Mike made when he climaxed as if it was the sexiest sound he had ever heard, eating more than usual, as Bruno tended to do when he was aroused.
Perhaps it was the way that Bruno recounted that night over and over that made sure the experience never left Mike’s mind, but now, even the thought of it was making Mike feel horny. His memory was crystal clear as the image of his bloated stomach came back to him each and every time he ate.
“I see you guys are still very happy,” commented Danny, one of Bruno’s gainer friends that Mike had been introduced to when they first started going out.
“He’s wonderful!” Bruno gushed, rolling his big arm over Mike’s shoulders. “I’ve never been this happy with anyone before.”
Mike blushed and smiled, always enjoying how open Bruno was about his affection for him. “Thanks,” he mumbled shyly.
“Mike also had his first, er…” Bruno began cheekily, looking across to Mike as if to gauge whether he should share these sorts of intimate details. “He had his first feed the other week,” he finally finished.
“Seriously?” Danny laughed aloud, his jaw dropping in surprise. One look at Mike’s athletic form and no one would ever have suspected that he would be open to try feeding.
“No… it wasn’t like that,” Mike tried to explain, feeling that Danny was suddenly seeing him in a whole new light. “It was just a little birthday treat for Bruno. That’s all. I didn’t want to do it.” 
“He fucking loved it!” Bruno went on; full of excitement to explain; like this had been bottled up inside him ever since it had happened. “He ate like a pig and then squirted absolutely everywhere afterwards. Shall I do the noise you made when you came?” he asked Mike with a cheeky smirk. 
“No!” Mike shot back with blood rushing to his face.
“Well, well, well!” Danny smiled to himself. “I never would have picked you for a gainer!”
“I’m not!” Mike tried defensively. “It was just a one time thing!”
“Sure,” Danny teased him. “That’s what they all say!” He winked and laughed, letting Mike know that he was only joking with him. Then the conversation changed, leaving Mike feeling surprisingly disorientated as they went back to discussing more mundane affairs. His heart was racing. Was he annoyed at Bruno for sharing their intimate secret like that? Or was it something else?
A few more weeks passed by. Bruno had made some significant progress with his weight, to the point where his tummy was starting to fall out of the t-shirts he had worn when he and Mike had first gotten together; arousing them both beyond belief. Bruno had wanted to celebrate, getting high on some weed and stuffing himself full, just as he had done in his early days, back in college. 
“I fucking love you,” Bruno growled, barely able to focus properly. He slapped his big gut and grinned. “I’m getting so fucking huge with your help, and I love it!”
“Well, I’m very pleased to be of some assistance,” Mike chuckled back, in much the same way any sober guy would, speaking to someone so high.
“And you know what else I love?” Bruno asked mischivously.
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Mike smiled back, indulging Bruno with his attention, despite the fact that he knew the big man would never remember any of this in the morning.
“I love how chubby you’re getting too!” Bruno whispered as if not wanting to be overheard by a thousand invisible people that surrounded them.
“I’m not getting chubby,” Mike laughed, rolling his eyes at how far gone Bruno was by now.
But Bruno simply threw his head back and smiled with complete joy and happiness. “Oh, I love that!” he moaned with pleasure. “I love how you don’t even realise it! It’s so fucking… insanely hot! You’ve got a little chubby paunch and you haven’t even noticed! It makes me so fucking horny. If you only knew how much fucking butter… and cream… and oils I throw into your food when I cook! Oh, you’d be so fucking mad if you knew!” he giggled to himself; still with that blissful smile as he drifted off to sleep.
Mike stood up, resisting the urge to touch his body and feel. His heart was beating with a peculiar speed, considering how little attention he usually paid to the ramblings of Bruno when he was high. Calmly and without speed, he took himself to the bathroom and shut the door. He saw his face in the mirror, much like every other time he was in here. Pragmatically, he lifted his shirt from his body and dropped it onto the floor. He realised quite quickly that he hadn’t scrutinised his body in quite some time, especially given how quickly the mirror steamed up in this tiny bathroom whenever the shower was running. And yet, the shape of him was all wrong. Since when had his stomach looked so swollen? As he brushed with his finger against his belly button, he noticed a strange, alien fluttering beneath the skin. Unlike the sleeping Bruno in the next room, he hadn’t just gorged himself to create such a bloat. No, underneath his skin was an entirely new, and surprisingly thick, layer of fresh blubber. He grabbed it and pinched at it, surprised at how much he could hold between his fingers and thumb. He turned to his side and noted with horror how very much the shape of it curved out enough to look like a paunch, just as Bruno had said. 
Throwing down his sweatpants and underwear, Mike turned and inspected his rear, only to discover peculiarly plump glutes where his tight butt had once been. His fingers delicately traced the marks on his skin around his waist where his underwear had been quietly digging into him and he bounced on his toes, seeing a ripple of fat flutter through developing love handles. 
Just what had happened to him, he thought with horror, pressing his fingers into his face and realising that there was indeed a little padding of fat growing under his chin. His body was so altered and he hadn’t even realised it! His focus had been so squarely on Bruno, it had left him blind to all else. 
Yet, there it was, as he prodded and poked, grabbed and jigled: the very thing that had led him here, into a kinky relatioship with an ever fattening 440lb man; his raging hard-on, pumped full of blood and throbbing with lust at the sight of his own reflection. Mike’s hand reached for it, as if from pure instinct. Then, with very little time needed, he stroked it up and down, up and down, until it ejaculated with a violent force all across the mirror.
The next morning, Mike awoke to the smell of frying bacon. Bruno was always up early after a session like the one last night, and he generally consumed more than usual the following day. The big man re-entered their bedroom with a grin, passing a large plate of greasy goodness to Mike; it’s hefty portion cleverly camouflaged by the more extreme size of Bruno’s own plateful. 
Instinctively, Mike accepted it, only remembering Bruno’s confession from hours earlier as he was halfway through. Just as he had anticipated, Bruno didn’t remember much from the night before. Once he’d finished the box of doughnuts, he claimed that his mind was a blur, and Mike knew there was no point in bringing up what had been said. However, he did notice, for the first time, how much Bruno was casually glancing over to check on his lover’s progress with the food, inexplicably eliciting a surge of blood into his groin. Throughout the day, Mike also noticed how much Bruno’s eating and snacking habits were rubbing off on him. Whenever Bruno headed to get something for himself from the kitchen, he would always return to the couch with something small and seemingly insignificant for Mike as well. How long had Bruno been doing that without him even registering how these incidental, accidental calories must have been bloating his usual diet?
There were other revelations as well. When Mike went for dinner at his parents’ place one evening, he noticed straight away how small their dinner plates seemed in comparison to what he was now so used to, living with Bruno. He ate it all up, yet his stomach still churned with hunger, even as he left to head home. Then there was the night that he went out for food with his friend, Martha. He’d worn something loose and relaxed, given how much he was starting to notice his paunch in all his other clothes, yet Martha still picked up on a differene to his eating, laughing at how quickly he ate and how full he filled his mouth. Mike blushed. The way Martha described the way he was eating seemed to be exactly how Bruno gorged himself. It had been one of the traits that had turned Mike on the most about his huge boyfriend: the way he ate so ravenously, taking enormous mouthfuls that filled his cheeks and then swallowing it all down and starting again. But had it become a habit that Mike had subconsciously picked up himself as well? Was he now eating in a way that was reminiscent of his 450lb boyfriend?
There was an easy solution to all of this confusion that Mike felt. All he had to do was ask Bruno what was going on. Was he noticeably fatter than he used to be? Was Bruno overfeeding him, as he had claimed that night when he was high? However, Mike had never been particularly great at facing issues head-on. In fact, he found the silence and the ‘not talking about it’ to be strangely comforting. He could forget it was happening and attempt to convince himself that it was all just a kinky little fantasy that was playing out in his own head. That was, until the obvious strain of his pants, underwear and t-shirts started to become too much. Mike remembered how flustered he had been when someone in work had called him out on his weight gains, prodding an outstretched finger into his middle and laughing. He remembered the plethora of emotions within him: embarrassment, shame, disappointment. However, it also supercharged his libido to an insane extent, giving him a boner that he had hardly been able to shift for a whole week.
Upgrading his work pants became the logical strategy, not wanting to generate too much attention to his new shape, nor rip them open if he were to bend over. Likewise, his shirts could look unprofessional if they were to strain any more than they currently were. Mike looked in the mirror and nodded in approval. Yes, these would work well. His new body shape was nicely concealed with ease if you could ignore the slight puffiness to his face. It was certainly something he could learn to live with without too much worry. But that was before the fat started to build up more in his chest. He’d noticed a slight bounce under his shirts for a few days, but it was only when he stood in the mirror that he realised how pointed and full his nipples now appeared. They began to show through, even when he wore his most flattering of shirts and t-shirts. Then Mike could see Bruno staring at them hungrily, knowing exactly what he was doing, and loving every second of it.
It was only a few weeks later, when the concert tickets arrived that Bruno had booked for Mike as a Valenetine’s Day treat, that the enormous Bruno made his next big move. Mike had been gushing about what an amazing gift his thoughtful boyfriend had surprised him with, and kicking himself instead for having forgotten Valentine’s Day altogether.
“You really didn’t get me anything, huh?” Bruno asked with a bemused smile.
“I’m so sorry. I just don’t know where this month has gone. It feels like yesterday we were taking down the holiday decorations,” Mike tried as an excuse.
“That’s okay,” Bruno smiled, grabbing Mike’s butt and rubbing it suggestively, as he tended to do quite often these days, having become seemingly very obsessed with the shape and feel of Mike’s glutes. “I’m sure you can think of a way to make it up to me.”
“I’m positive I could,” Mike smiled back suggestively, turned on by his lover’s chubby hands touching his softer body; his shirt being lifted off.
Bruno headed straight to his target; his tongue sliding over Mike’s nipple with an expertise unkown to Mike beforehand. 
As Mike moaned, Bruno’s hand massaged it’s way into Mike’s groin until the increasingly thicker legs parted to grant him better access. “It’s time you had another feeding,” the enormous, horny man whispered as he lifted his head to kiss Mike.
“Another one?” Mike asked, as if it hadn’t been months since his last one.
“Another one,” Bruno nodded, leading his porky lover to the big chair by the TV and sitting him down. “Right now!” he stated with a smirk.
Deciding not to argue, Mike waited patiently as Bruno disappeared and then returned with mountains of supplies. Where had he hidden all those things? 
Mike sighed and let his head flop back into the chair. Bruno had clearly orchestrated the whole thing, knowing that Mike would forget all about Valentine’s Day, given how busy he had been in work. “All right… Just this once,” he chuckled, surrendering. After all, he really should have remembered their Valentine’s Day. No excuses
This new feeding was kinky from the offset. Bruno’s hands rubbed and pinched at Mike’s extra pounds more than usual, and he pushed in the food with a lot less compromise than he had last time. “What a greedy little pig…” the man whispered between sucking Mike off and pausing at just the right moments to prolong the experience.
There was a swirl and great gushing of chemicals and pleasure in Mike’s brain throughout the entire process. He thought he would climax, then not. He thought Bruno’s teasing couldn’t get any better, and then it did. He’d almost forgotten how arousing his feeding had been last time, and then it all came rushing back with ten times the original intensity. 
“Are you going to keep getting fatter for me, Mike?” Bruno asked, expertly stroking his lover’s hardness as if he really might let him climax this time.
Mike moaned. The answer was obvious. “Yes,” he nodded submissively, desperate to feel that final pleasure.
“Say it. Promise me!” Bruno ordered.
Mike inhaled as much as he could as the orgasm built and his legs twitched with the impending climax. “I promise. I’ll get fatter for you. I’ll eat whatever you want me to!”
“Are you a gainer?” Bruno asked, suddenly deadly serious.
“What?” Mike asked back, completely thrown by the word and the thought of it being deployed to describe him. He looked down at his body, so completely altered and swollen, not just with the food he had eaten that day, but with the pounds and pounds of pure blubber he had amassed over months and months. He’d let it all happen to him without so much as a second thought. His gym subscription had been a pointless outgoing from his bank account for weeks now. He really was… a gainer.
“Say it!” Bruno demanded, knowing that he had taken Mike over the edge and he was running out of time before he would squirt everywhere.
“I’m a gainer!” Mike shouted as he came. “I’m a gainer!”
The smug smile couldn’t be wiped off Bruno’s face over the next few days, even as Mike had panicked and asked if they could take this new direction of his quite slowly. Bruno had agreed, without any sincerity whatsoever. Mike found that his portion sizes had almost doubled overnight and Bruno immediately began experimenting with new pet names for him, like ‘piggy’ and ‘hog’. They’d also had more sex than even in the early days of their relationship; both allowing the eroticism of food and bloating to overtake them.
As Mike’s paunch swelled into a full gut, he hardly recognised his own kinky reflection. He’d started adopting items from Bruno’s old wardrobe from the time when he’d just finished college. The comments on his weight from colleagues and friends had stopped, just as Bruno had warned him they would; the seriousness and speed of his rapidly increasing weight startling them all into silence. Aside from eating a little bit more, Mike could hardly understand why it was all happening to him so quickly. Pants he had bought only weeks before, were now unable to close; the buttons on his shirts straining to contain the expanding flesh behind them. 
Likewise, Bruno had packed on weight at a greater pace than usual, gaining his annual 25lbs in only three months of Mike becoming an official gainer. His double chin had continued swallowing up his neck and his remarkable gut had a new, more extreme width and sag to it than ever before. The gainer bug inside of him was more ravenous than it had been in years - and it showed!
“Look at you two!” laughed Bruno’s gainer friend, Danny. “Fuck!”
Bruno smiled proudly, lifting his enormous t-shirt up to show off the huge expanse of skin and faint stretch marks across his own monstrous stomach. Meanwhile, Mike held back, unused to such attention and merely smiling at how delighted Bruno was to have gained so much weight.
“And look at you!” Danny marvelled, seeing the stout stomach that was pushing its way out of Mike’s torso. “I hardly recognised you!”
“He’s still a little shy about it, aren’t you?” Bruno grinned at his boyfriend, giving his wider butt a little pat at the same time.
“I can’t believe you finally let Bruno have his way with you!” Danny smiled at Mike. “He’s been wanting to fatten you up ever since you two met.”
Mike looked across at Bruno with surprise. “Since we met?” he asked in alarm.
Bruno smirked, despite the truth slipping out. “Of course I did,” he laughed. “Ever since I first laid eyes on you, I just knew that with a little time and patience, you’d make the perfect piggy for me!”
“Piggy, huh?” Danny chuckled, watching their interaction with more than just bemusement.
“He loves it!” Bruno smiled back excitedly; his tone full of mischief, just as it always was when he was about to overshare. “If he’s eating something and can’t quite finish it all, all I have to do is…”
“THAT’S ENOUGH!” Mike jumped in, full of embarrassment.
“Take a look at his butt too!” Bruno insisted, spinning Mike slightly so that Danny would see.
“Jeez!” Danny marvelled, seeing Mike’s previously tight glutes now so overwhelmed with the fresh fat that had both widened and rounded out his once pretty little rump. “Not to mention those love handles!”
Mike’s face flushed.
“He’s at that stage where everything is starting to jiggle, all over his body. Such a turn on! In fact, he’s already gained his first hundred pounds!” Bruno boasted.
“First?” Mike asked to clarify, trying to keep his composure and hide the erection that the seemingly throwaway comment had just given him.
“It looks like this fatty really got to you, didn’t he?” Danny chuckled, proudly throwing his arm around Bruno’s big shoulders, like he had acomplished something monumental.
“Yeah,” Mike nodded in agreement, looking on at the man he knew he never wanted to be without; the man who had changed his life in multiple ways - and all for the better. “I guess he did…”
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pkmndaisuki · 3 months
told myself i wasn't gonna speculate or ask for much about legends z-a off of just a teaser. but kalos brain is in full swing and i gotta throw some stuff out there
guessing it's gonna have a modern-day setting unlike legends arceus, maybe a follow-up to x and y (the silhouettes of the people in the teaser looked too current to be much else)
the prism tower will be sort of our hub, or at least somewhere we frequent
lysandre labs being underground might be important, especially with it having a library of history related to az, his brother, and thus lysandre's lineage
zygarde will not be pleased about whatever development's going on and we might have some underground exploration to deal with it
wild encounters might mostly happen within the expanded plazas, the northernmost one looks wooded now so it might be like the trophy garden in sinnoh or that one park in b2w2's castelia
the boutique should still be there on estival avenue and might expand its wares over time like anthe did in pla, by either story progression or side quests, and include styles found in other towns and cities like cyllage and laverre (and since pla and scvi had their own day/night cycle and didn't follow the system clock the selection probably won't be based on day of the week like in x and y)
rather than a high focus on catching and observing pokemon like in pla, plza might be more battle-focused. lumiose in x&y did feature a lot of battle restaurants around town and random trainers in alleyways you could rematch periodically, not to mention the gym in prism tower
instead of letting the player go all simcity on lumiose, we might have areas to pour resources into and whichever ones are prioritized will be upgraded first and open new questlines from there
i want new styles for furfrou please thank you
i hope there are kalosian forms of pokemon either created after gen 6 or pokemon not found in x and y's kalos dex (like a kalosian oricorio that looks like a can-can dancer, or a kalosian inteleon that's more of a musketeer than a sniper idk)
mega forms of the kalos starters' final evos please it's so weird to me that they couldn't participate in their own games' gimmick but the kanto starters did, give us chesnautite, delphoxite and greninjite, i beg
it would be so funny if there were a new eeveelution added in plza. there's a lot of emphasis on eevee's family through penny in scvi, and x and y was when we got the last one in sylveon through the pokemon amie gimmick, so idk what type we'd get but that would be incredible and hilarious. (also fitting since sylveon's the only one not to be introduced as part of a duo or trio)
i hope the pokedex is just a regular tool again and not a rotom form. but having a new obtainable rotom form that possesses discarded phones would be hilarious. electric/steel with levitate and has a lot of sound based moves. even better if it's a flip phone with a comically long antenna or a bunch of phone charms hanging off it and not a flat smartphone
gogoat riding and roller skates, please come back
dynamic versions of the lumiose theme or new themes depending on which section/plaza you're in (us masuda method shiny hunters from back then will thank you)
and if augustine sycamore does return and is like a silver fox-type i know the internet will never shut up about him and we're all back to 2013 baby
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daidonzo · 1 year
I guess any thrill will do
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You felt like a fish out of the water since you arrived at The Beach.
Granted, it was much better than being on your own playing those deathly games every four to five days, struggling to find food and warmth and not sleeping more than one hour at a time because you had to keep one eye open, never feeling completely safe.
Here, at least there was electricity. Potable water, enough food for everybody.
And people. And parties. And alcohol, and drugs.
The place, however, felt artificial, staged. For some reason, if you allowed yourself to have fun, you thought it would feel as if you were lying. Denying the reality you were in.
That was the reason why you had yet to socialize with anyone, sitting sideways awkwardly in a stool in the bar area by the pool in a very tiny bikini and a knitted see-through dress that left nothing to the imagination. You had finished the fancy cocktail you were served some ago, now playing with the straw, biting its end while you observed those around you.
You were thinking what the best way to approach a group of people would be when a girl, in a blue bikini and dreadlocks appeared next to you, ordering a drink for herself. She sat down, her knees bumping into yours as she did.
‘Oh, sorry! Mind if I sit here?’
‘Not at all.’ You tried to smile at her, but it was all teeth. How long had it been?
‘New to The Beach?’
‘Yep. I just arrived a few days ago. Is it written all over my face?’
‘A little.’ She giggled, grabbing her drink and taking a little sip. ‘Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. Lucky for you I’m here now.’ She extended her hand. ‘My name’s Kuina.’
You told her yours, shaking it firmly. You had a lopsided grin, and this time it was for real. Eyes included.
The next day you woke up late in the afternoon, extremely tired, but you felt better than ever since arriving at this wasteland. You had made a friend, Kuina.
You had always been a people’s person and a party goer, and yesterday had found out that maybe temporarily pretending you were in an extravagant club in Tokyo where the dress code was beachwear was not that bad. Especially if you had no more days in your visa and you needed to play a game today.
You brushed your hair and teeth, put on a different bikini and the same dress and went to the lobby of the resort, where your new-friend said she could most likely be found. And there she was, in all her shining glory, accompanied by a blonde man in a white hoodie.
She seemed as pleased to see you as you were to see her. Your savior.
You were finally starting to feel like yourself again.
She introduced you to the man, whose name was Chishiya. He was… nowhere near as nice as Kuina, had an air of superiority about him that in any other situation would have made you raise an eyebrow, but now you didn’t particularly mind.
You talked for a bit, about the events of last night, Chishiya only intervening to make sarcastic remarks here and there.
Then, Kuina switched to explaining how The Beach worked.
‘There’s the Hatter, he is the leader.’ You nodded, giving her your full attention. You had met the Hatter when you had been accepted – he had only asked for whatever cards you had up until that point. He had mentioned there were three rules: always wearing a bathing suit, living your life exactly as you wished (you hadn’t been complying with that one up until yesterday night but you hoped things would change) and death to the traitors, meaning you had to give all of your cards to the resident with the highest number. In this case, the Hatter. ‘But there’s a lot of tension with another group, the militants, the ones with the weapons. The three main members are a scary-looking man who was actually part of the army in the real world, another with shoulder-length dark hair and piercings and a creep with a katana and tattoos. Have you seen them yet?’
You thought for a second, then shook your head.
‘No. I think I would know it if I had encountered them. Specially the creep wielding the sword.’
‘Yeah, I agree. Lucky you, then! Best to try and avoid them, if you want to live peacefully.’
You made a mental note. You didn’t want any trouble, not when things were starting to finally look up.
It was time for the game.
You were waiting by the car with some others players – two young girls and a man about your age, wearing a cap. All of you were nervous, some more than others. You shifted your weight from one leg to the other, that being the only thing to actually betray how you were feeling, because you were smiling, trying to ease things up a bit for your teammates.
‘So…’ You clapped, attracting their attention. ‘We are going to play today, on the same team! What are your names?’
They introduced themselves and you were about to do the same thing when one of the best-looking guys you had ever seen approached the car. He was tall, very muscular, wearing a set of camo trousers and a black sleeveless shirt. He had a military haircut and a scar over his eye, which in your opinion just made him even more attractive.
You blinked a few times, trying to focus, and then turned to the newcomer. You were so invested in ogling at him that you didn’t notice the others looking frightened all of a sudden, the girls even taking a step back to try and make themselves seem smaller so as not to draw any attention.
‘Hi!’ You flashed him a half smile. He looked serious, but almost all guys that looked like him did and then they were all big sweethearts. You knew the type. It was your type after all. ‘We are telling each other our names to ease the tension and get to know each other a bit before the game.’ You mentioned yours, realizing just then you hadn’t said it, quickly adding some nicknames they could call you by since you didn’t really like your own name very much. ‘What’s yours?’ You finally asked.
He just stared at you, not saying anything nor showing any emotion. Without responding, he moved towards the driver’s seat, opening the door and nodding towards the vehicle so that the rest of you would do the same.
Turns out you were wrong about there being a little teddy bear below that façade.
‘Well, fuck you then.’ You raised an eyebrow, focusing your eyes directly on his.
He looked… surprised? You didn’t give him time to answer, because you opened the door of the back seat and smiled at the others, who were looking at you as if you were some sort of religious apparition, with a kind of newfound reverence. ‘Come on guys, get in! We are going to do great.’ You sat on the front seat, turning so that you could keep speaking with the others.
You were good at calming people down. You were good with kids, and animals, and the principles applied to them could be easily applied to adults too.
But the hot (and rude) man was running all your efforts. You finally had realized how his presence affected the others, but you couldn’t really understand why, and you were stubborn enough to keep trying.
You saw that he was looking at you from the corner of his eyes a couple of times while he drove the five of you to the game arena, but you had decided you wouldn’t even give him the time of the day, no matter how handsome you found him.
Kuina was waiting for you when you arrived.
‘I am so happy that you are fine!’ She threw her arms around you, in a massive bear hug that almost made you trip and fall to the ground. You hugged her back, smiling.
‘Yes! It went well, it was an easy game. No deaths, and five more days to live. So, not bad. Only…’
‘There was this man who was just really… rude. He had a gun with him, I realized later on, so he must be part of that militant group you talked about. Anyway, he didn’t speak, he just looked at me weirdly after I told him to fuck himself. Probably shouldn’t have but I was trying to calm the others down and he just wasn’t helping.’
‘No, not really. But if he was just a low-ranking member it’s pretty much whatever… Who was he, do you know?’
You looked around you, trying to find the man who had played the game with you. It was not hard, he towered over the others, and he was… again, extremely good-looking.
‘That one.’ You pointed with an index finger.
Kuina’s face went pale, as if she had seen a ghost. She looked at the man, then at you. Then at the man again. She opened her mouth, and closed it, and opened it.
‘That’s Aguni.’
‘Well, glad to know his name now, since he refused to tell me when I asked…’
‘No, no. He’s Aguni. The leader of the militants.’
‘You’re kidding.’
‘You told me he was a scary-looking man!’
‘And he isn’t?’
‘Honestly? I found him quite hot.’
Kuina exploded with laughter, bent over, a hand on your shoulder to stabilize herself. Her outburst attracted the attention of Aguni, who looked over at the two of you, and found you staring back.
‘Now he clearly knows we have been talking about him, look what you have done!’ You scolded the woman, but a smile danced on your lips. The situation, you had to admit, was quite funny.
‘Let’s get out of here before he decides to shoot us.’ The woman with dreadlocks said, wiping a tear from her eye, grabbing your hand and taking you both somewhere else.
You were sitting by the pool with Kuina and with the new friend you had made in the game, Tatta, who was telling her the story of what you had said to Aguni for the third time that night. The three of you had had a couple of drinks to simply celebrate you were alive, and Tatta and you had even taken two or three shots, to celebrate having escaped death.
‘Stop, it’s not funny. I wanted to try and get to know him because he is my type and we could have died at any moment, so why not act accordingly?’ You had given the same explanation about twelve times, using different words. The other two still found it funny.
‘Look, there comes your boyfriend.’ Kuina pointed out, looking behind you, suffocating a laugh. Aguni was there, followed by the two guys she had described – the one with the piercings and the spine-chilling one with the tattoos.
You had promised to yourself you would never ever tried to speak to him again, because he was very impolite and he had annoyed you. But the you who had said that had been sober and clear-minded and before you even realized, you were standing up and walking towards him, ignoring Kuina’s and Tatta’s warning and futile attempts to keep you seated and away from danger.
‘I know your name already.’ You said to Aguni once you were in front of him, his eyes opening up in surprise, if only just for a second. ‘A little bird told me.’
The man with the piercings, who now you could see had a big, scary gun resting on his shoulder, opened his mouth to say something, but Aguni lifted a hand, ordering him to remain silent.
‘So?’ He was, again, as expressionless as ever.
‘Nothing. I just wanted to let you know.’ Suddenly coming up to talk to him was not such a good idea. ‘And, just so you know, the only reason why I wanted to speak to you is because I think you are hot as fuck.’ You said, chin held up high, with as much dignity as possible, before turning back.
You felt his hand grabbing your wrist before you could start walking.
‘What’s your name?’
‘I said my name before we left for the game. If you didn’t catch it, not my fault. Good night, Aguni.’
You kept your voice as stable as possible, but there was a slight tremor in it by the time you pronounced his name. You shook his hand off and went back to your friends. You wished you had a way to take a picture of them – their faces were worthy of framing.
───⋆☆───────────── You opened the door to your room the next morning to find the leader of the militants starring at you.
‘Oh God!’ You screamed, jumping on place, clearly startled. ‘You could have knocked! How long have you been standing there?’
‘Not long. I didn’t know if you were sleeping.’
Thank you, still weird, you thought to yourself. ‘And what the hell are you doing here?’
‘The little bird, your friend with dreadlocks told me your name.’
Oh, how the tables had turned. You would have to apologize to Kuina later on. She probably was scared to death now.
‘It is… refreshing to find someone who is not scared of me.’
You were a little bit after the events of last night, but you were not going to tell him.
You frowned. So that was it? You crossed your arms over your chest, examining the guy while leaning on your doorframe.
‘The other one, the one with the big sword. He is much scarier.’
‘You mean Last Boss?’ Aguni had the littlest smile on his face. It suited him. You couldn’t help but grin back.
‘Oh, you have to be kidding me, that’s not how you call him.’
‘It is.’ His smile grew wider.
‘Well, you see? Point made.’
You stood there, in surprisingly comfortable silence, just looking at each other for a minute or so.
‘Do you want to come in or are you comfortable in the corridor?’ You finally asked, earning another one of those smiles.
You hoped it wouldn’t be the last.
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deedeli-liveblog · 1 year
 RWBY ReWatch notes, part 3: i guess I’m doing one of these for every volume 
I’m supposed to be making minor notes / commentary, cause this is just a rewatch I decided to do on a whim. But I guess I’m way too used to how I normally liveblog these days, since I actually have to stop myself from commenting like, every minute on bullshit things afkdjhkadkla
Anyway, Volume 3! My personal favorite, and the Volume where Everything Goes Wrong.
I love the creativity in the weapons in RWBY. There’s a lot of swords and guns and classic weaponry. But then there’s things like Oobleck’s thermos being a flamethrower, Coco’s purse being a blunt weapon and a minigun, and then Reese’s (from ABRN) hoverboard being a weapon in and of itself, that transforms into mini pistols.
Arlsan only had that one episode, but she was so cool in it.
I like that team RWBY’s strategy half the time is to just launch Yang at the enemy.
BIMBO!?!?! D:<
It’s pretty neat seeing the animation budget go up in every volume of early RWBY.
The whole time Nolan’s listening to the explanation about Nora’s semblance he’s still charging her up, alkfkjdashkjsf
Actually, can a person’s aura protect them from dying from an electrical shock, since that’s mostly internal??? Ren got poked for a few seconds and stiffened up and dropped. If Nora wasn’t immune that probably would have killed her.
Wait, are all of those cups in the bar Qrow’s?? Jesus, man.
Team SSSN needs to work on their... everything. That was a hot fucking mess, lmao.
Oh right, I forgot Winter and Qrow had a best nemesis thing going on. Wonder if that’ll come up in volume 8
“How appropriately... underwhelming.” Oh my god, Winter was such a bitch in her intro, I fucking forgot salkfhdkljal. 
The Ice Queen title has been passed down through the Schnee family for generations!
the subtitles specifically state that’s a crow cawing, but I prefer to think that that’s Raven, come to watch her daughter’s fight.
I can’t remember where, I think it was in my review for RWBY that I said the Qrow v Winter fight kind of sucked. I don’t think I elaborated on that, but rewatching it now? It’s not... bad. But this is a big battle between two incredibly skilled combatants but it just felt incredibly stiff. In a way that previous fights were not.
That being said, the soundtrack during that fight kicked ass.
hehe, get fucked Ironwood
Emerald and Mercury creepily stepping back into the tall grass behind them is actually really funny.
Mercury as a character has never really done much for me. I neither liked or disliked him too strongly. But god, is he an entertaining fighter. The fact that he mostly only uses his legs makes his movements seem so wild and all over the place, but he’s incredibly skilled too. 
Also, Yatsuhashi and Coco seems like a kind of unbalanced fighting team. They’re both heavy hitters, so they’re slower at times. Maybe it would’ve matched better to have Coco and Velvet or Yatsuhashi and Fox.
I was gonna say it’s cute that Qrow just carries that picture of his team with him, but then I noticed that he uses his thumb to cover Raven’s face when Yang starts staring at her.
Oh yeah, I don’t think we ever found out what Penny’s plan was that would allow her to stay at Beacon. I figure by now it was just a red herring so you wouldn’t think that she’d die this volume.
Oh my god, Team FNKI!! >:D
The battle with FNKI is one of my favorites because it introduces two really fun and unique characters and the soundtrack during it is kickass, with having jazz renditions of the opening and Yang’s theme in it.
Also, Flynt’s semblance is the third one that we’ve seen where’s it’s someone making a clone of themself (Blake and Sun’s being the other two), and it’s cool to see the variance in a similar ability. Blake can only do one and it (initially) cannot move, only sit there and take a hit for her. Sun’s are completely mobile, but he can only make two at a time (it seems) and they disappear after a single hit. Flynn’s are mobile, but it looks like they can only copy his own movements, at a slight delay. So attacking one moves all of them.
“The Tale of the Two Brothers” is clearly about the Brothers, the two gods that created Humanity and the Grimm, “The Girl in the Tower” is very likely about Salem before her fall (if I’m remembering that correctly), but I’m not sure what “The Shallow Sea” could be about. I suppose we haven’t gotten that far yet.
“Sorry we’re late” he says, after such convenient timing.
alkdshkahkf i bet Ruby was regretting that “Break a leg!” after the match.
Emerald’s pistols are different in the past. Maybe Cinder taught her to fight better and got her better weapons? I had always wondered why Emerald would be so devoted to Cinder. I know Cinder helped pull her out of poverty, but it didn’t look like Emerald was struggling too much when Cinder found her that she’d devote herself fully to Cinder. I suppose she could just be in love with Cinder, but I’m even more confused if that’s the case, lmao.
it’s weird to offer a little girl who fell off her bike an apple, afkdhfkaf. i don’t think she’s hungry, i think she’s in pain
Love Qrow giving the advice that “sometimes bad things just happen” as if that isn’t his whole life
Yikes, I forgot about the scene where Pyrrha accidently attacks Jaune. 
Ruby has some serious binocular vision if she was able to spot Emerald clear across the stadium like that.
So if Penny had never participated in the tournament, or if Cinder never found out she was a robot, what was Cinder’s plan to create the uproar that lures the Grimm?  Like, was the plan always to have one student accidentally kill another? And Pyrrha and Penny just so happened to make it easy?
if ruby is molecules when she’s using her semblance, how is mercury able to kick her
rip penny (but not for long!)
I’ve got such a love-hate thing going on for Ironwood. Like, obviously his actions suck most of the time, but his motivations and character are so well developed and consistent. I hate what he does, but I understand why he does it. He falls into the same category as Raven does for me.
also, he’s just really bad ass when he fights, lmao. tearing up the ground with his hand, slamming the beowulf one handed, and shooting it in the head with it draped over his back? *chefs kiss*
uggghhh i forgot rewatching rwby from the beginning means i have to subject myself to adam again. my face twisted in disgust at his “hello, my darling” GROSS
I LOVE the scene with Velvet using her weapon, it’s such a great moment. But it’s actually really funny when you think about it cause they had multiple people with different weapons and they all couldn’t take down one Atlesian knight. But a single girl with multiple weapons could, lol. They just needed someone to kick in the cool music so they could win.
rip clownie
Damn, I forgot that Ironwood’s robot half is for that entire half of his body. What in the hell did that to him and how the hell did he survive.
rip amber
rip yang’s arm
My only solace is the knowledge that adam does in fact die in the future. Clinging onto that thought like a prayer everytime he opens his mouth.
You know it’s bad when Sun calls someone else an idiot.
RIP Pyrrha. It’s so hard to watch the fight between her and Cinder knowing what her fate is.
rip cinder’s left side, i guess, i still don’t know what actually happens here
So I’m gonna take a guess and assume Tai never explained to Ruby about her silver eye powers because he didn’t want her to use it and end up becoming a target like, I assume, Summer was.
The dirty look Tai gives Qrow is kind of funny and I don’t know why.
Hey, Qrow’s picked up a bit of Oz’s manipulative spirit.
The scene of Tai happily walking into Ruby’s empty room only to drop her food and run out is soooo sad, please just let this man rest.
"The ability to derive strength from hope is undoubtedly mankind’s greatest attribute. I will focus all of my power... to snuff it out.” The emotional whiplash here is just beautiful. The whole reveal of Salem as not just the narrator from the beginning, but THE villain of the series is fantastic.
The end of Volume 3 certainly feels like the end of a chapter, and I suppose it truly is. From here on out, RWBY feels like an entirely different show, for better or worse. We no longer have the fun, low stakes, almost slice-of-life style episodes. The show becomes far more plot heavy and focused. While there’s a lot I like about the later volumes of RWBY, I will say that I do severely miss what RWBY was before.
Anyway, onward to Volume 4
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Temptation Pt3
Temptation Masterlist
I arrive at the address the Cullens, well Emmett gave me. Before I can even knock at the door Emmett is there to open it up
"Welcome, come meet the others"
"The others?" Emmett takes my hand and leads me into a living room "this is Tanya, Kate, Irina, Carmen and Eleazar"
"Nice to meat you" I smile at them
"Oh my...." I turn recognising that voice
"Carlisle?" I ask as he pulls me in for a hug
"Katherine, how have you been, where have you been?"
"Carlisle whats going on?" a woman who I haven't been introduce to me yet asks
"Esme, this is Katherine, the girl I told you about"
"The one who's different?"
"Thats an understement" Alice mumbles
"What are you on about?" Tanya ask
"She's half vampire, half wolf" Rosalie answers for me and the room is full of gasps
"The Volturi will kill us" Irina says
"There is no law about wolves and vampires being together"
"The job of the wolf is to protect it's people. They are usually the ones who have the issue with vampires. I understand that vampires need to feed, but as long as no one dies, I'm ok"
"Kat" I smile at Carlisle
"Kat is more than welcome to stay, I offered her asylum 30 years ago, that offer still stands. If you have a problem with it you will have to learn to deal with it" 
"Thats kind of you Carlisle, but I am currently renting out an apartment"
"But she's a werewolf" Irina comments
"Half a wolf, the other half vampire" Emmett gets in front of me protectively
"As much as I dislike this, she is Emmett's mate" Alice sighs
"Emmett why don't you show Kat around" Carlisle smiles as Emmett taken my hand in his, pulling me away from the others.
Later that evening Carlisle joins Emmett and I outside
"They hate me" I sigh
"They don't understand you. They'll warm up to you, they're just scared of what they don't know"
"And you both know?" I frown looking between Emmett and Carlisle. The door opens and Esme walks out
"Hi" she smiles
"I know you have had many chances in the past to hurt someone, but you haven't. I knew from the moment I saw you that you were just a scared young girl, maybe in someway you still are"
"I just don't want this to be a complication for any of you. What if they're right and the Volturi come after you?"
"No law has been broken. You don't have a sent, they're not going to find out unless you go to Italy and tell them"
"Maybe it would be better for everyone if I just left"
"I know I have only know you for 2 days, but I feel like we have this connection, something I haven't had with anyone else before. If what Alice says is true, that we are mates, then I wont be able to live my life without you. I know you felt the same electric spark when I touched your hand, all I'm asking is for you to stay so we can try and and get to know one another" Emmett once again takes my hand in his and turns me to face him
"I'll talk to the others" Esme says putting her hand on my shoulder before going back inside
"Emmett can you give us a moment" Emmett nods letting go off my hand and following Esme. Once the door shuts I turn to look out from the balcony
"How are you after having..."
"Carlisle don't" I cut him off "did you tell anyone?" I look down at my fingers
"No, but Edward might know because of the mind reading thing. After you left and I went back to the others I told them you didn't want anyone to know what happened that night"
"So if he knows he didn't tell the others?" I ask
"No" Carlisle shakes his head
"I guess he deserves a thank you" I chuckle
"Ready to go back in?" he asks moving towards the door
"I guess" Carlisle opens up the door and holds it for me to walk through. We make our way back to the living room where it looks as though everyone had finally relaxed "Edward, I want to thank you, if you know my past that is. And if you do, I would like to keep that privet"
"Of course" Edward looks at me in sympathy, the first emotion they have shown other than anger since they found out about what I am
"We have all been talking, and we have decided to give you a chance" Rosalie says
"Remember actions speak louder than words" Alice sigh "but, welcome to the family. I'm sure you and Emmett will live happily together"
"Woah, slow down we have only just met"
"I know, but like I have already said, I've seen you together, happy"
"Thanks I think" I frown with confusion. My tummy rumbles and I also begin to feel rather tired "I think that would be my cue, as well as eating I also sleep and if I don't sleep I can get rather grumpy" I laugh trying to lighten up everyones mood
"We'll see you tomorrow, at school"
"See you tomorrow" I say smiling
"I'll take you home" Emmett says leading me out of the room and to his car. I give him directions to my apartment
"I'll pick you up in the morning"
"See you then" I get out of the car and quickly make my way up to my apartment.
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cavillanche · 2 years
Last night I had dreams that were separate, but somehow seemed to merge. I don’t remember much of the detail, but it started with me in a mall and running into a high school friend, who happened to be the biggest crush of my life, and we hadn’t seen each other in years, which is 100% accurate. The weirdness comes in when I think he’s in complete anguish. He’s literally in the middle of the mall and crying out like someone just died. I found another old friend who seemed to still be a friend, which is 100% inaccurate, because I haven’t seen him in just as long as Crush.
Anyway, Crush comes to me a few minutes later, and apologizes. He was in the middle of some kind of performance art, and he couldn’t stop (WEIRD). But he’s fine. He’s so sorry he upset me. He pulls me into his arms and his hands are all over my back and sliding under my shirt, and he’s still kind of anguished, but now it’s about the fact that I was upset, and he’s trying to comfort me. So, I assure him I’m ok, and I’m just happy that he’s not hurting. And him being who he is, and he’s holding me so tight and with so much concern, and his hands are just all over, and his face his buried in my neck… I haven’t had feelings for this guy in so long, but I’ll occasionally dream about him like this, and I swear it’s like I’m still swooning over him.
Flash forward a bit, and the performance artist is now… Brett Dalton. They look nothing alike, in case you’re wondering.
He’s doing something a bit different though, and it’s more demonstration/magic trick kind of stuff. Anywho…
We’re introduced, and there’s this immediate chemistry. He gets me to help with a demonstration, which is when I realize it’s actually some kind of trick, and then the dream literally jumps to someone’s house. It looks like it’s under construction and they’re trying to move out. They have a young child who I’m super concerned about for some reason. There’s a bunch of electrical cords crossing over the stairs, fed through the railings to reach the other side, and I see people carrying down boxes and tripping, and I think someone is going to get hurt. So, I find the owners of the house and they don’t really seem to care. Too much of a hurry. So, I ask if I can take the young boy somewhere with my boyfriend (Brett apparently) to get him out of their hair (but honestly just to make sure he’s ok) and they say no at first, but eventually agree. The best part of all of this is that while we’re in the construction area, around all the cords, Brett won’t let me go. He doesn’t want me to hurt myself. So he’s either got my hand, or has me pulled into him, hands all over.
The child is still young enough that he needs a car seat, and Brett happens to have one (Ahhh…. Dreams). There’s another woman already in the back seat of Brett’s truck. I have no idea who she is. But there’s only one place for me to sit now. The front seat. But when I open the truck door, the front seat is facing backward. So I’m like “oh, I guess I’m sitting in the back anyway” and Brett goes “hang on” and does some maneuvering so that the seat is now properly facing the front. So I can actually seat with him. We talk and laugh and he keeps taking my hand.
I know I’m missing some detail, and the dream was already fading even as I typed this out, but last night I was really feeling like I needed closeness and comfort… to be held… and my dreams gave that to me.
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greenwood106-blog · 2 years
They Said I Had To Go To Rehab...
I spent almost 2 weeks in the hospital, and now they said I was being transferred to a rehabilitation facility.  My wife had chosen the one with the highest marks for rehab stays, so it was another ambulance ride for me.
I arrived and thankfully had a private room.  I guess one of the sad benefits of the pandemic was the isolation. I was never a big fan of the masses, so it was no problem to be isolated for me.  I was still in the mindset of wanting to be left alone, so I can’t imagine what the staff thought of me.  I was struggling with my temperature, hot one minute, cold the next.  When I arrived the hot version was there so I asked them for a fan, and they found one for me.  I then asked them to keep my door closed, which wasn’t easy as my communication was still in its infancy.
The next day I was introduced to a ton of people, none of whom I remember (sorry), and they kept wanting to open my blinds and my door. After I told the first few people no, they were sure to let my wife know that I must be depressed.  She told them that I was a wanna be hermit who loathed sunlight, and that it was a good sign that I was asking for these things.  While I was battling depression, it wasn’t what I would deem traditional depression.  I had just suffered a stroke and from what I could tell, my guitar playing, never mind teaching, was done and walking could a thing of the past. Whether my blinds were open or closed wasn’t going to impact that.
It hadn’t struck me yet, but this place was exclusively a rehabilitation hospital, so therapists started coming in, introducing themselves and discussing the plan for me. I was so not interested in them, and they were interrupting my television session, watching Friends or Everybody Loves Raymond or maybe CSI New Orleans, so for the most part they got the cold shoulder.  They told me they would be moving me from the bed via a hoyer lift and my level of excitement went absolutely nowhere.  I knew how to operate these and hated them, so I was excited to be craned out of bed then back into bed every day.
The next day I could imagine the beeping of a crane as they wheeled in to load my bulky ass into a wheelchair.  On the first day or so, I was visited by the in house shrink, who was nice but wanted to know how I was emotionally.  My words were good in my mind, but got stuck there, so I grinned and frowned and muttered what I could to get my message across.  They had gotten me a dry erase board and marker to write instead of pointing at letters and numbers.  My right hand still didn’t work, so writing with my left hand was almost as pointless as my speaking.  This tested my patience, but helped my brain think of how to spell vulgarities as a lefty.
One of the things the therapy staff did was put me in an electric wheelchair, which was pretty bad ass.  It reclined, the foot rest raised and extended, and man could it boogie.
I would have three physical therapy sessions a day, and a speech therapy session.  The physical therapy folks clearly had a mission, wear my ass out.  But it was after one session that I had a realization.  I wasn’t done and I could beat this damn thing!  The therapists became my friends, my partners in my new life.
My speech therapist worked diligently to get me past mumbling to a drunken level of communicating.  Some days I’m thinking they had wished I was still only mumbling, as I began joking with them or harassing them.  My first achievement was staying out of bed all day.  I watched entirely too many reruns of the shows I mentioned earlier, but hey it was progress.
As the sessions went on, I still struggled, and now my patience was being tested.  I had gotten to where I really loved ice chips, and except for the damp sponge on a stick, they were they only thing I could safely ingest.  My speech therapist told me there would be a test soon to see if my brain had relearned the basics of swallowing.  She would bring me samples of things like pudding and fruit pieces and water, and I would try not to choke on them little by little.
Finally the test day arrived.  I went to the back hallway where the radiology department was and was positioned in front of something like an x-ray machine that would allow the doctor to see how my throat handled each sample. I went through a handful of test foods and drinks and then I was done.  I had passed! Man I cried  for several minutes.  This was victory that for me confirmed I would beat this crap, that I could not be beaten by something as simple as a stroke.  Not to mention real food was on the menu now instead of goo.  The scrambled eggs the next morning were some of the best ever.  I’m sure I wasn’t biased by my weeks of goo.
It was a few weeks in that they decided I should start walking.  They had the parallel bars for support and a therapist holding with a gait belt and off I went.  I think it was 6 feet, but it felt like a mile.  I had developed the fight again, and the rest of the day was just waiting for my next therapy session.  Weekends sucked as there was no sessions, just little things like homework.
The hoyer lift was gone now, as it was time for me to learn how to use a slide board to go from the bed to my Cadillac and back.  That was a process also, as I could only effectively slide to my left, so the Caddy had be positioned just right for me to slide my ass across the gap.
Progress continues.....
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jordanemb · 2 years
meeting steven grant
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summary: you meet steven grant while tourning the museum
steven grant x fem!reader
warnings: none
note: this is the first time i’ve written and published something on here so please go easy :)
The chime of the entrance to the museum echoed in your ears as you were met with the light blow of the cool air conditioning, contrasting the hot summer day.
You had just broken up with your boyfriend over the weekend and decided that you needed some alone time to recover yourself. You had recently lost feelings for him and decided that it was finally time to move on, to start dating again.
The entrance of the museum was bleak and you were greeted by a security guard, sitting behind a wall of computer screens. You were surprised at the intensity of the security measures.
You continued walking through the museum, not paying attention to anything in particular, as you stumbled to an Ancient Egyptian exhibit. After everything that had just been in the news about the events in Cairo, you decided that it would be a good idea to look around the exhibit.
You walked into the room and noticed that you were the only one in there. You honestly found it peaceful that you could admire the history alone. The walls were filled with beautiful hieroglyphics and there were many ancient relics in the room. It was honestly beautiful.  
Suddenly, you heard the doors behind you open, followed by the sound of many chattering people.
“Okay, here we are,” you heard a distinct British accent, one of which you assumed was the tour guide.
“You guys are in for a real treat,” he continued, walking around one of the statues, finally entering your line of sight.
This tour guide was very tall and had dark, curly hair. He had a large nose and peppered stubble on his face. His eyes were sunken and dark. This was one of the most beautiful men that you had seen.
You quietly joined the group of tourists, entranced by the man leading the tour.
Once the tour finally ended, you gathered yourself to introduce yourself to him, however, he was no where to be found. This upset you that you weren’t able to properly meet him, but you resolved that there are many more hot British men in the world and one day you will find your match.
As you turned to leave the exhibit, you bumped into something, more like someone, hard. You felt a pair of arms steady you out and heard the low voice of the man who had just been leading the tour.
“I’m so sorry, dear,” he whispered.
You were so embarrassed, but finally decided to look up at his face, making eye contact with him for the first time. You felt as if time had stopped when you looked up at him and felt the electricity between the both of you.
“It’s alright, it was completely my fault,” you managed to spit out.
The man gave you a warm smile, scanning you up and down.
After what felt like an eternity, he realized that he was still holding on to your waist and quickly let go, becoming flustered.
“I-I’m Steven,” he stuttered in the most adorable accent.
“I’m Y/n,” you replied, giddy with excitement because you were finally talking to the man you had been enthralled with for the entirety of your visit to the museum.
“What brings you here?” he asked, attempting to start a conversation in the middle of the Ancient Egypt exhibit.
“Well, I have recently been gifted free time and thought that I should spend the day by myself and I had seen the news about Cairo, so I decided to come visit the Ancient Egypt exhibit,” you responded quickly.
“Oh...” he trailed off, a guilty look taking over his face. He quickly recovered his composure, but before he could say anything else, you asked him, “Is everything alright?”
“Of course,” he gave a fake smile, “I’m just happy that I am talking to you,”
“Oh?” you asked.
“Well, this is kind of awkward, but I noticed you in the room when I began my tour and was hoping to talk to you after. I guess fate literally brought us together when we ran into each other,” his British accent becoming more prominent through his rambling.
This made you feel so happy and warm on the inside because the both of you were thinking the exact same things about each other.
“I actually thought that too,” you smiled up at him again.
A beat of silence passed until he said, “Well, I better get going, I have another tour starting in a few minutes, but what do you say we grab a bite together later tonight, I would love to get to know you?” he asked, looking very nervous.
“I would love that,” you chuckled, smiling as hard as you have in a long time.
You watched Steven give you another smile, unable to stop smiling, he said, “Alright, well, laters gators,” while walking out of the room.
You let out a chuckle as you waited a few seconds before exiting the room as well, your heart warm and your stomach filled with butterflies as you went home to get ready for a new chapter in your life.
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lilysdaydreams · 3 years
Praise Bingus (No fucking way)
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→  I do not claim to know corpse- therefore please don't think that this is what he would actually act like, or that any details about his life are actually true. this is fiction.
→ Pairing: Corpse Husband X Fem!Reader
→ Genre: Angst and fluff. (FLUFF IS COMING I SWEAR)
→ Words: 3.9k
→ In a world where everyone is born with a mark on their wrist, two souls come together over the power of bingus.
→ (this isnt crack lol)
→ Warnings: Lots of swearing, um self-depreciation? rejection (kinda) and negative thoughts overall. Sorry im new to warnings.
→ Authors Note: this is the first time im doing like angst so please tell me if I did well? Um also, I’ve already started on the part 2 so keep your eyes out for that. If you wanna be tagged for part two please comment and lemme know. Also check out my other fics if you want!
→ Buy me a coffee
Part two  →    
Soulmates were a phenomenon. They'd been there for ages, drawn into the Egyptian tomb paintings, seen in the cave paintings from millions of years ago, talked about in stories passed down from generation to generation. They could be matching drawings, first words, names; all black before the soulmates met and turning gold the moment they talked to each other. There wasn't a scientist in the world who could explain the phenomenon.
You'd received your mark at birth just like everyone else, a sentence running around your wrist,
"No fucking way."
Your parents weren't that happy when you asked at the age of 4 what "fucking" meant but it wasn't that bad. You were happy that you had something unique, something other than the "Hi," or "Excuse me," that was on every other arm.
When you were 13, a little girl on the train pointed to your wrist and asked her mom what it meant. Ever since then, you'd taken to wearing bracelets over it. This had turned out to be a good idea because a few years later you started making Youtube videos. At the age of 16, you started a Youtube channel where you focused on a variety of things; makeup, fashion, games, art, skits and a whole lot more.
At the age of 20, you had a steady following of a little more than a million subscribers, and you had moved to LA to be closer to all your Youtube friends. You hadn't just grown on Youtube, you'd also started a lot of side projects. You were known for the art that you did on the side, along with the makeup palette you'd come out with a year ago. Soon you were planning to release a merch collection, one that you had been working on for a whole year now.
You hadn't met your soulmate at this point but honestly, you didn't really mind. Balancing Youtube and study (along with all your other side projects) was hard. There was no need to add the struggle of love into it... Or that's what you told yourself anyways.
There were days though, days where you wished you had someone to hug, someone to cuddle in bed with, someone to go on long walks with. You didn't let yourself wallow on it that long though. Crying about it was gonna do absolutely nothing.
It started on a rainy day. The story of you and him. You were editing your soon to be uploaded video, an e-girl outfits lookbook, which had been requested by your followers. Your personal style was all over the place and your previous soft girl and cottage care look books had done well, so you decided to continue the series.
You eyes blurred as you looked at the same point of the video, and you sighed, removing your glasses and rubbing your eyes. Your editor was sick and had let you know that they wouldn't be able to edit it by the deadline so here you were, editing it yourself. You stretched in your chair letting out a yawn. You were contemplating on whether to make coffee or not when your phone pinged.
"Nooooo" you whined when you noticed it was on the coffee table that was just a little out of your reach. Stretching your foot out, you tried to grab it between your toes and then sighed when the phone fell.
"I have zero luck, I swear" you muttered to yourself, bending to pick up the phone.
The text was from Rae, asking you to join a game of Among Us. You and Rae had been friends for a bit now, which all started when she came across your art and decided to order something from you. You had chatted and clicked immediately, immediately becoming fast friends. Ever since the lockdown started, she often asked you to join in on Among us games and your friendship had really grown over these past few months.
You sent a quick "sure!" and then went to your table, waiting for the PC to turn on. Quickly tweeting out that you were streaming, you opened up Youtube and turned on the stream, saying a quick hello and letting them know what you'd be doing.
"Rae just invited me guys, I don't really know who's there," you mumbled, replying to a comment asking you who you were playing with.
You squinted your eyes, joining the voice chat and then opening your phone camera to quickly check that you didn't look horrible. Sure you didn't really care about how you looked but it was always good to check that you didn't have anything stuck between your teeth before you turned on the camera.
There was already a conversation going on, between who you thought was Corpse and Sykkuno, judging by their voices.
"Yeah I could totally do that. Get a cat and name it Bingus. I wonder if th-"
You gasped when you heard what they were talking about and unmuted yourself immediately yelling "PRAISE LORD BINGUS" and effectively shocking everyone in the chat.
A moment of silence and then Rae yelled: "OH MY FUCKING GOD Y/N, YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME."
You giggled as everyone groaned and whined, saying hi as they realised who it was. You had played with Sykkuno and the others a few times before but you'd never met Corpse before. You'd heard his voice though, as he was trending on twitter constantly over the past few weeks. Once they all quietened down, you realised Corpse hadn't said anything. Since you knew everyone else in the lobby, you introduced yourself, wondering if you'd scared him a bit too hard.
"Hey Corpse, I'm Y/N from Y/C/N, its so nice to finally meet you," you said gritting your teeth at you awkward introduction. For a second there was no response and then three words were said that made your jaw drop to the floor.
"No fucking way"
He had whispered it, obviously still in shock, and your eyes widened in surprise as a tingle spread all over your body. So this was what everyone meant by "you'll just know," when you asked them about how you would recognize your soulmate.
"Holy shit" you thought frozen in your seat.
Never had you been more glad that you hadn't turned the camera on yet.
"Uhhhh-" you started, but stopped now knowing what to say.
What the fuck were you supposed to do now.
"Wha- Whats wrong?" Rae asked after a moment passed.
Corpse cleared his throat and started "Its um, shes my -" and you cut him off, heart beating in your chest.
"Nothing. Its nothing." you said talking over him. "Who else are we waiting for Rae?" you asked joining the lobby quickly and choosing red as your colour.
"Uh one more person," she said slowly, still a bit confused.
"Oh awesome!" you said fake enthusiasm prevalent in your voice. "So Sykkuno," you started, wanting to keep the conversation going. "How's Bimbus doing?"
Sykkuno launched into a story of Bimbus and you blew out a sigh of relief, mind still numb over the revelation.
Corpse was your soulmate.
The guy who had literally went viral the past few weeks was your soulmate.
You'd finally found him.
You heard Rae cut Sykkuno off, telling everyone she was starting the game and muttered a "Thank god" when the words "CREWMATE" appeared on your screen. You would not have been able to play imposter at the moment, your mind pretty much stuck on the fact that Corpse was your fucking soulmate.
Heading down to admin, you realised you hadn't said anything yet to the stream so you quickly turned on your cam, saying a quick sorry to the viewers.
"Sorry guys, I forgot to put the camera on," you smiled focusing on card swipe.
"I hope everyone's been okay, I know this was quite sudden, but Rae invited me and I was like why not you know," you said rambling as you moved to comms and did the task there.
Lights were called and you moved to electrical, arriving there just as Leslie fixed them. You moved into the back of electrical doing the three tasks you had there when Sykkuno suddenly came in and went straight to standing on top of the vent.
You giggled already knowing his trick.
"Okay guys," you mumbled watching Sykkuno wiggle on the vent. "do we trust Sykkuno or not?"
"You know what," you said making a split second decision. "Its the first game, we might as well."
Joining him on the vent, you stilled for a second and then breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't automatically kill you.
"See, what did I tell you guys huh?" you question smiling straight at the camera. "I knew Sykkuno could be trusted."
You decided to follow Sykkuno going into reactor with him and starting 'Simon says' and just as you were on the last part, a body was found making you let a whine out.
"Guysss," you whined to the camera as Rae started talking about how she had found Daves body in admin.
"Um, I havent been in admin since the start of the game," you said, "also I can clear Sykkuno, for the last part of the round, he's been with me since lights went out."
Sykkuno confirmed it, "Yup that's right, also I can hard clear Y/N cuz guess what? She stood on the vent with me and none of us died."
Everyone chuckled as he said "Thats good enough for me."
"Uh, I was in navigation mostly." said Lily.
"Poki, can I just ask what you were doing?" said Sean, an undercurrent of mirth present.
"Me?" asked Poki speaking for the first time. "What was I doing?"
"You weren't doing any tasks, you were literally just walking from one side of medbay to the other when I peeked in."
Poki started laughing, trying to get her words out at the same time.
"Okay so-" a giggle. "okay okay- I was just, I was trying to um do the beep test," she said finally breaking down and making everyone else laugh as well.
"What the fuck?" you said, laughing at the image in your mind.
"My chat told me to do it last game so I decided to do it now, I was literally just playing around," she said finally, adding "I swear I'm not imposter" at the end.
"Hmmm," you hummed, bringing a hand up to stroke your chin. "Are you sure it was last game Poki... hm...."
Giggling at Poki indignant "YES it was last game", you quickly skipped voting like everyone else as the timer went into the last ten seconds.
Humming a tune under your breath, you went back to reactor, taking a minute to carefully do Simon says and then moved to the other task counting out one two three as you pressed on the numbers. Humming, you moved out of reactor, only to come face to face with Corpse. You paused for a second, and then moved ahead, refusing to show anything on camera. For some reason he followed you as you went to storage, looking at you while you did the trash.
"Why is he just staring?" you mumbled, biting your lip. God, you really didn't wanna think of him right now. You started walking to shields, him still walking with you when lights were called and not a second later a body was reported.
Suddenly there was screaming your ears as Toast and Rae both started accusing each other.
"Wait- Wait WAIT" yelled Poki trying to get them to stop. "What happened?"
"I'll explain" declared Rae, not letting toast get a word in. "We were in navigation okay, me, Toast and Leslie. Lights went out, and suddenly a report buttons there. It's either Toast or someone came in just as lights went out and killed but that doesn't seem likely because I didn't see anyone anywhere near us at all. Anyways I'm fucking telling the truth guys, its Toast, he's the one who did it."
"Toast, do you have anything to say for yourself?" asked Corpse, his voice making your insides shiver.
"Holy shit, this is my soulmate", you thought for the fiftieth time.
"Uh yeah," replied toast. "I didn't do it."
Everyone laughed as he continued.
"Like seriously, I wouldn't do anything like this because it'd be a stupid move from my own part, and I think Raes smart enough to not do this as well. I think someone else came in just as lights went down and killed immediately, which to be honest, was pretty smart of them."
"Okay so I can clear Corpse," you cut in noticing the timer was close. "he was with me in weapons when it happened, he wouldn't have had time to go all the way up, or even vent there because we were literally walking in."
"Yup that's right," confirmed corpse.
"I'm in cafeteria" said Poki.
"Yeah, I saw her on my way to weapons," said Sykkuno, "and I'm in weapons right now,"
"I'm in lower engine" said Sean, and Lily said she was in reactor.
"I think it's Toast," you mumbled and then rose your voice to talk over everyone. "Look okay fine, maybe he said it was a stupid move and he wouldn't do it but maybe he did it for that exact reason. He thought he could get away with it because no one would expect him to do something like that."
As the timer started going down by 10, you voted for Toast and it turned out 3 had skipped the vote while five had voted for him.
"Guys you actually voted for him?" you said in a high voice, re-enacting one of Sykkunos most said lines.
You heard a "oh for gods sake" from Rae before everyone went silent and you giggled as you moved back down to weapons to do your tasks.
You finished all your tasks and decided to go to security to check where everyone is. Humming as you moved through the electrical hallway, you narrowed your eyes as Corpse came out of electrical and went towards storage. Quickly ducking in you didn't see a body so you headed back out, going into cams and gasping as you saw the body. Reporting immediately you were shocked to see the four kills that had happened. Now only you, Corpse, Sean and Rae were left.
"Oh my god," you mumbled confused. Either there were still two imposters, and Toast wasn't the imposter or the imposter literally killed and did nothing else. Now either that could mean that its definitely Rae if Toast wasn't the imposter, or that it was Corpse as the only imposter left. That was a bit weird though becuase he could have totally killed you at the start of the game. You didn't suspect Sean at all.
"What the fuck?" mumbled Corpse, and Rae made her animal noises expressing her shock.
"Okay," you said taking charge and relaying the kill and your theory to everyone. "So either it was Toast and there's only one other imposter, who is Corpse. Or Toast wasn't an imposter and there's two of them left. I-" you took a deep breath in at the end, very confused. " I don't know anymore,"
"I think its Corpse as well,"
Corpse who hadn't said anything up till this moment suddenly started stammering out "hey-hey uh let-lets not gang up on me okay. It's not-"
"No, wait, its because Y/N said you came out of electrical right, and I saw you in upper engine literally a bit ago and you went down. I went towards cafeteria so I don't know exactly where you went but its totally possible that you killed."
You voted form him after that, convinced it was Corpse, and the other followed quickly.
"Guys what the fuck, at least give me a chance to explain my self" he whined when his body was thrown off the ship seconds later. You cheered when the "VICTORY" sign was displayed across the screen, bringing up your chat and laughing at Toast as he pretended to be angry at me.
"That was a great round, good work Y/N"
"Thankyou" you mumbled staring at your chat. You were confused when you saw the absolute influx of messages on there, and you were barely able to read them because they were going so fast. You scrolled up, and read through the few of the messages;
"You've made corpse sad."
"Corpse has literally been so quite since you came in, can you leave."
"Omg stop with the hate messages, its not her fault if corpse isn't talking to you"
"are you his ex or something? What was that reaction at the start?"
"what did you do? Corpse literally hasn't said a word since you came in."
Corpse POV
Corpses heart stopped for a minute, his breath catching. The words on his wrist glowed gold, and he stared at the little red character standing there.
This person was the reason that he had "PRAISE BINGUS" stretched across his wrist.
They were the only reason that he had searched "Bingus" on google for all of his life. The only reason Corpse knew about the meme before anyone else was because he was constantly monitoring the word online. Ever since March, he had been waiting with bated breath, anxious that he could meet his soulmate at any moment. and here you were.
For some reason, he had never expected that he would meet you in among us, or while he was on stream. He always thought it'd be someone outside. It was a bit stupid in hindsight as all he did nowadays was play among us.
He heard you introduce yourself to him but the only thing that came out of his mouth was “No fucking way”.
Immediately after he wanted to slap himself.
“Idiot” he thought to himself. “At least try to make a good impression.”
When Rae asked what was wrong, heat sprung to his cheeks as he started revealing that they were soulmates, but Y/N cut him off, saying that it was nothing.
Corpse’s heart sank a little then.
'Maybe she’s just a private person,' he reasoned with himself.
'I shouldn’t have tried to say it on stream either. God, I’m a fucking idiot, if I said it, literally everyone would know and not only would I have hated the attention, she probabaly would have as well.'
Convincing himself that she was right, he reassured himself that it wasn’t because of him. She wasn’t revealing it because she probably didn't want all the attention.
For some reason though, his heart sank even more when Y/N didnt talk to him, instead talking to sykkuno about his dog. Like sure he could understand not wanting to reveal they were soulmates but shouldn’t she at least wanna talk to him? At this point he wouldn’t even mind if she talked about his voice like everyone else.
He groaned when the word "Imposter" came across his screen, his and Toasts character standing together. He was not in the right mindset right now to be able to be a good imposter. Breathing in deeply he continued in the game, with the first round passing by quick. The second round, he saw Y/N and stood with her for a bit wondering if he should kill her. Her red character moved to weapons and he sighed moving the mouse over the kill button. Just as he was thinking of clicking a body was found. Corpse swore as Toast flew off the ship. Deciding he needed to speed it up he killed four people in the round, hissing when the meeting was called. The moment Y/N accused him, he knew it was over. He didn't even bother defending himself much, just hoping the game would end soon.
When they were in the lobby, he quickly told everyone that he was going to leave because his internet was acting up. Turning off the stream after saying a quick thank you to everyone, he leaned back in his seat breathing through his nose.
What the fuck was his life.
Even his soulmate didnt want him. Honestly, he should have expected this. Abandoned at 12 with no one around him, why did his expect his soulmate to even give a fuck about him. Tears pricked his eyes and he blinked trying to get rid of them. He breathed in deeply, grabbing the water on the table and taking a big gulp. He had never hated himself more than he did right now. Why couldnt he have an easier life.
“Why cant I just fucking be NORMAL” he yelled throwing the empty bottle of water at the wall.
Throwing himself into bed, he scrunched up his eyes, hoping that sleep would come today, not noticing as his phone lit up with a single message.
Your POV
You stayed for another game and then ducked out apologizing and making an excuse up.
"Sorry it was such a short stream, everyone," you said pouting at the camera. "It was fun though so hopefully I get to do it again." Waving goodbye, you turned off the camera and leaned your head back staring at the ceiling.
What the actual fuck.
Grabbing your phone, you stared at it for a bit. Everything that you had pushed to the back of your mind in the game, was suddenly in the forefront.
The only thing you knew about Corpse was that he had a really deep voice, he narrated horror movies, and he maybe did music?
'Rae mentioned that once right?' you thought to yourself.
You unlocked the phone and then locked it again, too scared to actually do anything.
"Oh get a grip," you muttered to yourself, opening the phone and sending a text to Rae.
‘Hey Rae, do you have corpses number? Do you mind sending it to me, I need to tell him something.’
A reply came in a minute,
‘umm, why. he's pretty private so idk i don't rlly wanna give his number if he doesn't want someone to have it’
You sighed, and decided you might as well tell her. You knew Rae wouldn't betray your trust.
‘He's my soulmate’
Immediately a ‘AHDJHAKJKAGDAK’ came as a reply and you giggled at the string of emojis after it.
‘Don't tell anyone,’ you sent quickly, trying to calm her down.
Biting your lip you added Corpse into your contacts hesitating before putting a small black heart next to his name.
"Already simping," you mumbled under your breath, hands hovering over the keyboard as you struggled to think of what to write.
You finally decided on 'Hey, its Y/N, can I call?' thinking that something short would be the best way to go. Hand hovering over the send button, you sucked in a breath and pressed it, waiting with bated breath.
A minute passed.
And then five.
And then, without you even you realising, it'd been half an hour of you just looking at your phone.
An hour later, you were slumped on your desk, eyes closed and snoring lightly, the phone still open, the message you sent lighting up the screen.
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Secrets pt. 1 (JJ Maybank)
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Summary: After landing on the island, JJ comes across a certain young mom living on the island.
Warning: some cursing and mentions of gun usage
Word count: 871
Was just feeling like writing some fanfic and why not write about some jj x milf! Reader this should be interesting.
After they landed on the i land jj and the rest of the crew started building a place for them to live in until they went after ward again but while looking for materials they found a house a big one to so they break into it and find food, water, clothes and a bunch of other stuff but what they didn't know was that a family live there on mom and her kid so while in the kitchen eating (y/n) walks in with her baby on her hip confused she puts (y/k/n) down and grabs her gun while pointing at them she slowly walks towards them.
None of them were expecting he to be there so they slowly turned around to explain Kiara and Sarah had their hands up while john b and pope stood in front of them jj was the closest to her trying to distract her from Cleo who was hiding behind the counter ready to grab (y/k/n) if she needed.
“Hey, hey! Relax we didn't know you loved here ok”
She yelled walking a little closer to JJ with the gun but stopped when she saw Cleo walking towards (y/k/n) so instead she pointed it at her and shot. They all screamed except for (y/n) and her child who had no idea what was going on.
“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!” kiara yelled at (y/n)
“Ok Ok chill! Everyone relax, we can talk about this!” john b said trying to defuse the tension
“Boy don't tell me to fucking relax when you broke into my house and your little friend is trying to grab my baby”
“First of all don't call him boy when you look like your the same age as us” sarah said to (y/n) getting annoyed at her
“Ok look we're sorry for breaking in but we have nowhere to go we are building a place for us to stay so we started looking for materials to use when we came across your house”
jj says explaining to the young mom that she had nothing to worry about she soon realizes that it's just a bunch of kids so she lowers her gun sighing because of the stress they just put her through.
“Ok just don't try to touch my baby again got it” (y/n) said looking at cleo
“Yes ma'ám” Cleo says while standing up still looking at the young mom. JJ is still in front of her with his hands outstretched to make sure she’s ok. He finds it weird that he isn't worried about his friends but for the young mom standing in front of him and her child both (y/n) and jj are looking at each other neither of them wanting to look away but the trance that they're in is broken when pope says something.
“Um i don't mean to interrupt i actually do but um can we finish eating and then we can go you won't have to worry about us” they all nodded their heads agreeing with pope except jj because he knew even if they all left he would find himself coming back to her
“Yeah you can just eat and go and never-”
She was cut off by (y/k/n) crawling towards jj. She tried to grab him but jj said it was fine once he picked (y/k/n) up. He was done for because JJ wasn't leaving anytime soon since the little kid wouldn't let go of him.
“Well i guess you guys can stay because i know for a fact that (y/k/n) isn't letting go of him anytime soon”
They all laughed while looking at jj holding a baby and shocked that out of everyone they chose jj. (y/n) was looking at the young boy holding her baby with such care that she almost forgot that they are not alone.
“Since you guys will be staying here for a while, why don't you introduce yourselves? It would be nice to know who I'll be living with, don't you think? Here i'll start I'm (y/n)”
“John Booker Routledge but can all me john b”
“Kiara Carrera”
“Pope hayward”
“Im sarah”
(y/n) nodded her head understanding why they didnt say their last names she then turns around to she the blonde distracted with her blonde baby
“Hey you what's your name” she called out to him waiting for an answer while still looking at him
“Oh yeah sorry my bad I'm jj maybank”
And little did they know that everything was about to change but the pair knew they wouldn't regret anything they did for the other.
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maxfoxdbh · 3 years
Markus and a biker crush? Like they have this awesome motorcycle and helmet that give them the most intimidating/badass aesthetic and vibe but really they're just a teddy bear. Also some flustered Markus would be awesome (I just found your account so expect more requests from me!)
OMG I can totally see him being into that kind of person lol 🥰 Thank you for requesting :)
I'm sorry it took a while. I took a bit of a break because my school just started up 😓
You’re Not Scared, Are You?
Biker! Reader x Markus
Summary: Markus has never met anyone quite as great as you, he just doesn’t know how to vocalize it.
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Biker! reader
Post revolution
Jericho gang are buddies ❤️
Markus is whipped af
No warnings
It was finally over. Markus could relax. Of course, things still weren’t perfect for Androids, but the improvement was so great that he finally felt safe and secure.
Ever since becoming Deviant, almost all of what he felt was distress, anger, fear.
Real happiness was rare, purely because of the state of the world. His future was uncertain, his people were in camps. It was hard to be happy when so much was wrong.
But now? Things were alright. He sat in the cool darkness of one of North, Simon, Josh and his favorite hang on spots. A park not too far south of the Spirit of Detroit Statue.
Simon smiled softly at him, leaning against one of the old oak trees. “Someone seems dazed, ” he noted.
Markus’s eyes flickered up to meet those of his blonde friend. “We really did it,” he said simply, “we’re free.”
“Yeah, Markus,” North chuckled with a smile, “we have been for months now.”
He wasn’t sure how to justify his bewilderment. The truth was, reality hadn’t actually hit him until just now. Markus was free. It was all over.
“You saved all of us, Markus,” Josh chimed in, propping himself up against on of the metal poles of the swing set, “we couldn’t have done it without you.”
“That’s not true,” He insisted, slightly embarrassed to take all of the credit for something as big as a revolution, “you know we wouldn’t have won if we weren’t all together.”
Simon smiled, “Yes, but you’re our leader. We’re happy to have you, Markus.”
The elected leader’s face softened and the corners of his lips turned up. “I’m happy to-” He cut himself off, hearing the roaring noise of an engine.
Markus’s head spun to the right, staring as a figure approached, perched up upon the seat over a motorcycle.
He stared the person up and down, eyes wide.
You wore a sleek, black helmet. It was too dark to see your face under the tinted glass.
Your leather jacket was worn and well loved. It looked cool as hell on you, but the real showstopper, arguably, was your bike, shiny and black with horizontal red striping.
Markus gazed in awe at both the machine and at the person stepping off of it.
He didn't think he’d ever seen someone so cool.
“Y/n,” Simon grinned, LED glowing bright blue in the dark, “you’re here!” He turned to the group, “This is my friend,” He introduced you, “We met at the music store.”
“Hey,” Your voice was calm and airy as you lifted you hand and cocked it to the side to say hello.
“Hey,” Josh tilted his head up in acknowledgment, pressing the heel of his shoe against the swing set.
Markus’s eyes were wide, cheeks flushing slightly as he took in the cool, tranquil aura you gave off.
“I hear you’re a human,” Josh notes suspiciously, arms crossed.
You turn your head to him, nodding. “Yeah,” You twisted your boot in the dirt.
You blinked up at the night sky and felt a snowflake drop onto your hand.
“Y/n is a good friend of mine,” Simon insisted with his hands up, smiling, “you don’t have to worry.”
He takes a moment to introduce you to Josh and North, who loosened up slightly.
North looks you up and down with narrowed eyes, analyzing you, looking for any signs of danger. “If Simon trusts you, then I do too.”
You nodded even though you were sure that she was still skeptical of you. Your hands reached for the clasp of your helmet and with ease, you pulled it off of your head.
Markus felt his artificial heart pound as you made a weak attempt to smooth down your hair.
You tucked the helmet under your leather-clad arm with a smile. Your face was soft, much kinder than Markus had expected.
Josh shrugged, “I agree. Besides, I’ve never met a real biker before.”
You giggled and tilted your head, hair falling slightly in front of your eyes, “I’m not very exciting.”
Markus raised his eyebrows, artificial heart pounding.
If only you knew.
“You must be Markus,” You smiled, holding out your hand, “Simon told me a lot about you.”
Markus blinked, not expecting you to suddenly speak to him. Mustering up all of his courage, he opened his mouth.
“I-I like your bike!” He blurted out, cheeks a growing shade of blue.
Snickers echoed around you as the members of Jericho whispered something about a crush.
You raised your eyebrows and lowered you hand hesitantly as Markus rushed to explain himself.
“I mean- I like you too! Well, I don’t like you like you, but- Well actually-” He shook his head, rambling on and on. “I didn’t mean it like that, really. I was just saying-”
“Do you want to come on a ride?” You cut him off with a question, tilting your head to the side coyly.
The cold breeze drifted through the loose hairs around your face and looking at Markus’s face, you could already feel your adrenaline rush building, feel the surge of energy that came from riding your bike.
“O-On the motorcycle?” He stammered, pointing to it with wide eyes.
You nodded with a smile, listening to the scattered giggles of Jericho’s leading members. “Well, I didn’t bring a car.”
Markus’s face flushed with color, heat rising in his cheeks. It was hard to maintain eye contact with you. “Yes,” The side of his mouth twisted into a nervous smile, “I guess that’s true.”
You watched as his eyes flickered between you and the bike, eyebrows taut together with apprehension.
North scoffed, watching as their fearless leader clenched his jaw, foot twisting in the dirt. “You’re not scared, are you?” She teased.
“What?” Markus asked, whipping his head around to look at her. He shook his head. “No. No, I’m not.”
You smiled and grabbed his hand gently, eyes sparkling with anticipation, “Then let’s go,” You grinned, pulling a hesitant Markus to your side.
He felt his nerves untense, scooching behind you on the back of the black and red bike.
You felt his fingertips apprehensively press into your sides and electricity buzzed throughout your body as you turned you head to look at him, putting on your helmet. “Ready?” You smiled.
Markus took in your steely leather-clad appearance again and then listened to the sweetness of your voice before nodding.
Without another word, the two of you took off into the night.
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Heyo! Could I please get a scenario of phone sex with Gojo please? Thank you so much, I found you through AO3 and love your writing!
a good night’s rest - gojo x fem!reader (2.7k)
gojo sends you a picture of himself in a hotel bed whilst he’s away on a mission. it preys on your mind. thankfully, gojo’s got a bit of a predicament on his end too. 
warnings: nsfw/minors dni! established relationship. phone sex, masturbation, use of toys. reader is afab and uses fem pronouns. 
[reblogs/comments appreciated! // my jjk masterlist]
You’ve long since learned to deal with being on your own.
It’s not that your boyfriend doesn’t want to be with you – when he is here, he wraps his arms around you and covers your face with kisses and squeezes you, holding you so tightly that you feel like he’ll never let go – but more that he has no choice but to have to go away. Satoru Gojo is the strongest jujutsu sorcerer in the whole goddamn world, and with that comes a world of responsibility. So even though his constant missions all around Japan and abroad make you pout and tug at his clothes and sigh, you accept that it’s a fact of life.
And when he is there with you, you make the most of him to the tune of his mouth on yours and you sinking down onto his cock until neither of you can think about anything but one another’s body, sweat-slicked and needy and pressed against each other as you climb to your peaks together, over and over and over.
But that doesn’t mean you don’t get needy when he’s away.
Tonight had been one of those nights. He’d sent you a picture of himself in his hotel bed, blindfold pushed up to reveal crystalline blue eyes with galaxies swirling in them, his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth and two fingers held up to his cheek in a peace sign. It’s a silly photograph, more than anything else – but it had been hard for you to concentrate on anything when he’d been shirtless beneath the blankets. When you’d seen the lean lines of his broad shoulders and muscled chest, the bare, unmarked collarbones that were begging to be kissed and bitten.
After you’d noticed the bare top half, it had been impossible to not let your gaze linger on all of the other things. The pink tip of his tongue (that you wish was buried between your legs), the two fingers (that you wish were inside of you), the blankets bunched up around his hips hiding his cock (you’d wondered if he was naked in his fancy hotel bed and squeezed your legs together, a soft breath escaping you at the thought).
You’d sent him a picture back of you blowing a kiss to the camera, but you hadn’t been able to shake the thoughts about him.
So you’d let your fingers wander. Cupped your breast in your hand, tugged at your nipples – stroked over your stomach with the barest hint of your fingertips, brushing your soaked slit through the thin material of your underwear. You’d imagined they were Gojo’s fingers as well as you could, but it hadn’t been enough. It hadn’t been enough to bite into your lip and circle your clit imagining Gojo’s voice teasing you about how wet you were for him; and it hadn’t been enough when you’d slipped one finger inside of yourself to the knuckle and it hadn’t hit you in all the same places that Gojo’s fingers do.
You’d been laid on your bed, teeth clenched and sweat beading on your hairline with tears of frustration welling in the corners of your eyes, when your phone had begun to ring and you’d seen Gojo’s name flash up.
“Hello?” You’d breathed into the receiver, fumbling with the hand not inside of you to answer. You hear an answering sigh, Gojo’s voice pitching into a whine as he says;
“Doll? I miss you.”
Your eyes close.
“I miss you too,” you breathe. You wonder if he can hear the light hitch in your breath – if he’s wondering what you’re doing right now. You hope not. It would be embarrassing, you think, to be caught in this particular act. “It’s nice to hear your voice.”
“It’s nice to hear yours!” He chirps, too bright considering that it’s what – two in the morning? “I’ve been trying to go back to sleep ever since you sent me that picture, but . . .” His voice drops, low. “Cupcake--”
“Did you like it?” You ask, the change in his tone sending shivers down your spine. He chuckles down the line and you feel yourself clench around the finger still buried inside of you, a little bolt of electric heat shooting down your spine.
“Like it? Oh . . .” He takes a soft little breath. “You knew exactly what you were doin’, huh?”
“Says you,” you whisper, your voice dropping to something low and throaty. “Were you wearing underwear in the one you sent?”
He chuckles down the line.
“We-e-ell,” he says, drawing out the syllable into a sing-song, “I’m sure not wearing it now.”
“Me neither,” you admit. Your face is burning hot, but you move the phone a little – you pull your finger half out of you before driving it back in, the wet sound obvious even (you hope) through the line. Gojo makes a groan, a whistle through his teeth – but he manages to keep his tone teasing as he says;
“Ahh, now – is that what I think it is? Tch!” He clicks his tongue at you in mock disappointment. “You’re so naughty, dollface--”
“What are you doing right now?” You ask him, and he laughs. You hear the noise of something slick and wet and you think of him pumping his shaft (how thick, how long it always looks in his hand) and have to swallow back the lump in your throat.
“That’d be telling!” He says, brightly, but he ends with a light laugh. “I think you can guess, can’t you?”
“D’you miss me that much?” You slide a second finger inside of yourself, relishing the stretch of your slick, tight walls around you.
“More than words can say,” he breathes. “I’d fuckin’ kill to have you with me right now, doll-- my hands don’t feel half as good as yours--”
“My fingers don’t reach as far as yours,” you admit, breathlessly. You know he must be able to hear that those fingers are sliding in and out of you faster and harder with every moment that passes. “I--”
“Get a toy,” Gojo says. His voice has dropped a semitone; low, and commanding. He’s usually carefree with his words, but when he gets an idea into his head he clings to it. He loves being in control. “The blue one, you know the one I like--”
You fumble, pulling your fingers out of yourself with a slick pop. The bottom drawer has a little collection of sex toys in, most of which you’d owned before you’d met Gojo – some of which he’d bought you, though, because he liked the idea of spicing up your sex life.
“It’s not that I don’t think I can satisfy you,” he’d said, with a crooked, cheeky grin. “But . . . it’s nice to introduce some tools every so often, right?” He’d winked at you and pressed the blue dildo into your hand. “This one’s almost as long as me and only a little bit thinner--”
“I’ve got it,” you breathe, once you’re back on the bed, and Gojo makes a pleased hum in the back of his throat.
“Get it nice and wet for me like a good girl,” he says. Even though he can’t see you, you open your mouth and gently begin to kiss and lick the toy as if it were Gojo’s cock. You give kitten licks to the swollen head, soft kisses along where the slit would be (those always make Gojo groan, tilt his head back so you can see the column of his throat and you throb with need at how gorgeous he looks when you’re on your knees for him). Gently suckling just the head into the cavern of your mouth, before sliding further down on it--
You make a conscious effort to not quieten your noises. It’s a sloppier blowjob than you’d give Gojo, but all he has to go on right now is the audio of the phone call and you imagine the wet noises of you drooling around the toy are much sexier than you silently giving it a careful suck to wet it before you put it inside you.
Judging from Gojo’s reaction – the groaning you can hear coming from the other end, the ragged sighs – your efforts are not in vain.
“Good girl,” he says, as if he can see you, when you manage to deep-throat almost the whole thing. “I think that’s plenty wet enough now, right? T-tell me how you’re feeling--”
The light stutter is endearing – you imagine him stroking his thumb over the slit of his cock, swirling his pre-come over the reddened tip.
“I’m so wet,” you whimper, through the phone. “If I don’t get something inside of me soon I think I’ll die--”
“Fuck,” he says. “I wish it was me you were putting inside, doll.”
“Me too,” you say, with a sigh. “But this’ll have to do--”
“I’ll fuck you until I can’t walk when I’m home, I promise.” There’s a steely undercurrent to Gojo’s words that do not leave you doubting he means them sincerely. “But for now . . . bring the toy down your body, princess.” You follow his instructions, shivering at the sensation of the wet tip of it leaving a trail of your own saliva. “Touch your tits for me, come on-- if I were there, I’d kiss and bite your nipples until they were sore and aching, but . . . I’m not, so you’re gonna have to do it for me. Give ‘em a pinch--”
The hand not holding the toy puts the phone on speaker and places it beside you on the bed so you can heed his instructions. The sound of his low voice giving you orders and commands seems to intensify the ache inside of you threefold – as you pinch your nipples almost hard enough to hurt, as you squeeze the heavy weight of your breast and wish your fingertips were as big and as rough as Gojo’s. His hands always feel so good on you. You whimper aloud as you skim the sensitive skin, your nipples sore points as Gojo finally says;
“The toy, doll. I want you to rub it through your pussy for me, I wanna hear how wet you are--”
It does, indeed, make an indecent noise as the head of the dildo parts your slick folds. You’re drenched.
“Fuck,” Gojo groans. “You sound like you’re dripping--”
“I am,” you say, choked as you rub the smooth head over your poor, swollen clit. He hasn’t told you to put it inside of you yet, so you hold back; but fuck, you want to. You need to. “Wish you were here, Satoru--”
“I wish I was too,” he reassures you. “I need your hands on me, princess. Need your pretty cunt. Need to feel you squeeze around me and fuck you until you can’t walk--” As he speaks, you hear a growl in the back of his throat and imagine his hand getting faster on his cock. Your thighs are trembling.
“Satoru—” You whine, again, his words not helping the ache in your lower belly that feels like a physical pain. “N-need something inside of me, need it--”
“Shhh,” he breathes, “put it in, c’mon. Slowly. Let me imagine it filling you up.”
You’re so grateful for him telling you to put it in that you almost get greedy and press it in you in one fell swoop – but you want to be good for Gojo, so you manage to control yourself. You feel the wider flare of the head open you up as you ease it inside you inch by inch, your greedy channel swallowing it up and clinging to it tight and hot. It feels much better than your fingers do – it hits you deeper, fuller, wider. The muscles in your thighs clench as you put your feet on the bed, keeping your legs parted as wide as you can.
“Is it in?” He asks, and you make a soft whimper of assent. “How’s it feel?”
“N-not as good as you--”
You win a chuckle from him that has a strained chord in.
“Yeah, I know. But it’s the next best thing, right? You full? It good? I haven’t got anything to imagine is you except my own hand, dollface, so you’re winning the battle--”
“I’ll make it up to you,” the words tumble out of you, your breath heaving.
“Oh, I know you will . . . You wanna move the toy for me now? You wanna fuck yourself on it? I wanna hear you come,  doll, so I can come with you--”
You don’t need to be told twice. You pull the toy out of you and immediately thrust it back in, establishing a rhythm as quickly as you can. Gojo would take his time – he loves having you at his mercy, shivering and shaking and begging him to go faster and faster and harder and harder, but you do not have the patience for that tonight without his body on top of yours. So you let the fast noises of you fucking yourself on the dildo echo around the too-empty bedroom, the curved spot of it hitting you just right with every desperate flex and thrust of your wrists. You want to be fucked out of your mind. You’re moaning, gasping, sighing his name aloud – and in return, you can hear the sound of Gojo’s hands on his shaft. He’s whispering your name in turn, along with filthy things about how tight you always are for him and how you’re his favourite, his good girl, he’s gonna fuck you into next week when he sees you, he needs your cunt around his cock right fucking now--
The hand not controlling the movement of the toy skims your stomach to part the plump lips of your sex, to play with your clit as you fuck yourself on the dildo. You circle the sensitive bundle of nerves a few times before beginning to rub in earnest, needing the direct stimulation. The pad of your finger is not large and calloused like Gojo’s is (his finger always feels so good on your clit, too – he always seems to know exactly how to swirl it, how much pressure to put on it, to build you up), but in tandem with the shaft currently plunging in and out of your walls--
“Satoru,” you pant, turning your head so your cheek is pressed against the pillow. “I’m-- I’m close--”
“Fuck,” you hear the slick sounds get faster, almost impossibly so. “Fuck, fuck, I want you to come for me, dollface, angel, cupcake, baby girl, princess-- lemme hear your pretty voice--”
Your eyes flutter closed and a vision of Gojo swims to the forefront of your mind – his pale hair slicked back with sweat, his shoulders so broad, his eyes glittering so dangerously as his teeth dig into his unfairly plump bottom lip. You recall the sound of his voice telling you to come.
The swirling tornado of heat inside of you seems to all converge on a single point between your thighs, and the ache in both of your wrists seems, too, to dissipate entirely as that point explodes into a thousand pieces and rains pleasurable sparks all over you, a tsunami crashing onto a peaceful shore.
You wail out Gojo’s name as you come, and whilst you’re still cresting the great wave of pleasure Gojo grunts out your own and you know that he’s come too.
You lie there with the toy still buried inside of you as you ride out the final waves, the trembling aftershocks. Your legs seize up and you lose your footing on the sheets so you’re simply laid there, a boneless, useless mess whose breath will not seem to stay in their lungs.
Gojo’s breathing is stuttered, and you cannot help the thrill that goes through you at the knowledge that you always get to be the one to break Satoru Gojo’s cool composure. Your fingers ache, but the sheets beneath them as you relax into the bed is blessedly cool.
“I’ll be home as soon as I can,” Gojo’s voice comes, after the two of you have spent a few minutes simply breathing deep and satisfied down the line at one another. “I can’t wait to see you.”
“I can’t wait to see you either,” you murmur, a smile on your face that leaks through into your tone. Gojo’s own smile is obvious when he speaks, too;
“Thanks, dollface. I think I’ll get a good night’s rest now.”
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strayen-fx · 3 years
》 HHJ x reader
》 angst, vampirish theme
》 warnings: mentions of blood, hints of physical assault
》 2.1k words
》 a/n: short and simple, after months of writing break. Hope you guys enjoy regardless :)
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“Stay away from them, my dear. Save your blood from the horrors of their fangs. Be wary of solitude, and be wary of the crowd.”
It was a day not unlike any other. My morning kicked off lazily, with me waking up almost an hour later than a college freshman was supposed to. Nothing unusual there. I did my usual morning prep, took a cup of grandma’s tea in one gulp, and went my way. I was already late for the train—I had to run after a departing bus with an exceptional speed that would put Olympiads to shame. I got in the room just in time as the bell rang for first period. I came in huffing like an old man, but it’s alright. Way better than walking through the early jam-packed hallways.
The first aberration in my daily humdrum existence happened on my way to fourth period. A student from another department stopped me on my tracks. I knew him; he was a member of the student council. Was I in some sort of trouble?
He introduced himself as Han Jisung, then proceeded to ask if I have seen his friend.
“He’s tall,” Jisung explained. “But like, not super tall. Not the towering-over-people kind. He has a mole under his eye. He’s got black—no wait, I think he dyed his hair again the other day. Anyway, have you seen someone like him? He’s noticeably handsome. I guess. I’m more handsome, though, but you know what I mean.”
The whole school would know who he is talking about. The one and only Hwang Hyunjin: champion swimmer, council member, and just a general talk of the town. The Prince. Even if I did see him around, though, I wouldn’t know. I never pay attention to the people I walk by.
I shook my head and muttered a soft sorry. I did feel bad for Jisung. He looked so worried and dejected, and I can’t blame him—not after after the incident with Seungmin. I can’t really take it against him to worry about his friends. I sauntered off to my next class, my mind still stuck on the fact that a normal person in my school has actually talked to me, and I was able to keep my composure.
Fifth period: P.E. I don’t even know why we still have this subject in college. I opted to take a stroll instead. You see, a huge, dense forest is situated right behind the main school grounds. You could say that the school itself lies within the bosom of greeneries. Unkempt bushes and rows of towering trees stretched over several miles deep, starting from the edge of the campus to god-knows-where. It is my goal to scout the whole area before graduation.
Weighed down by my personal monstrous beast, I trudged through. I walked for at least fifteen minutes before I finally reached the spot—my spot. Sheet of decaying leaves cushioned a huge gray boulder, standing at least ten feet tall, shaped like an odd piece of egg smashed against the forest floor. Against it stood a larger stone, this one dotted with moss and weathered with cracks. They were propped against each other for support, as if stopping one another from tumbling to the ground.
There was a smaller rock at the foot of the smaller stone, and I use it as leverage to climb up and sit on top of the largest boulder. It was my favorite place. Most times I could just pretend that I was alone in my own tiny bubble, at the center of that clearing that nobody else ventures but me. I don’t feel the breath of people suffocating me with every step that I take. I don’t feel my heart thumping with the sight of anyone else. I don’t need to hold back. Here, I don’t feel weird.
But today felt somehow different.
It was awfully silent. The wind felt sharper and colder. Electricity was humming in the air, leaving my skin prickling with discomfort. There was a tension in my veins that I couldn’t quite explain—it felt like an omen of an incoming disaster.
Time ticked slow. A couple hours could have passed—or maybe it has only been five minutes—when a nearby rustling perked up my senses.
Trying to keep my movements as quiet as possible, I hopped down and took up a defensive position, which wasn’t easy to do for a student with no actual weapon aside from an almost-empty bag and a worn-out calligraphy pen. My instincts told me to take cover—but my feet seemed glued to the ground. Sweat trickled from my forehead. My hands started to feel clammy.
And then, just as I was about to scamper away, a figure crashed into view from behind the nearest oak tree. I almost threw my bag towards the person’s direction, until I had a clear view of the intruder’s face.
It was Hwang Hyunjin, wide-eyed and disoriented, with his cheeks and uniform smudged with traces of blood.
“Help me.”
His voice came out as a tiny croak, as if his throat was filled with acid. He stumbled towards me, reaching out his hand for support. I wasn’t able to move an inch—and who could blame me? The situation was way too hard to process.
Hwang Hyunjin, the university prince, was hunched huffing before me, his clothes caked with mud and dried blood, his hair a nest of mess on his head. He had a cut on his cheek, I noticed. His breathing was heavy and labored, as if the mere act of standing on his own two feet required all the effort he could muster.
“Help me,” he repeated.
“What happened to you?” I managed to blurt out. My initial thought was that some random outsiders kicked his butt for stealing their girlfriends. But no—someone like Hyunjin would have been able to handle that. Plus, something in his eyes showed an elaborate fear—something only a beast would be capable of instilling. I should know.
My heart began thumping faster, a colossal drum barreling in my chest.
Just as my schoolmate was about to open his mouth and explain, a loud rustling broke the stillness of the air. Before I could process what was happening, Hyunjin grabbed my hand and bolted away, dragging me with him.
“Don’t look back!” he warned.
I did.
At least a dozen feet behind us was another male, probably as old as Hyunjin. He was sporting our school uniform, walking casually under the shades of trees as if time wasn’t of any matter. What puzzled me, though, was the fact that we can’t seem to distance ourselves from him despite the heavy efforts Hyunjin had been exerting to drag us both away from this newcomer.
I took another glance behind me, and to my surprise, the young man wasn’t there anymore. Nowhere behind us, as if he dissipated without a single trace.
Hyunjin took a sudden stop, causing me to bump my head against his back. I was about to call him out for stopping, but then I saw the looming figure a few meters in front of us.
“You…?” I began, my mind a juggle of unanswered questions. How on earth did that happen? How is he—
Hyunjin's friend, Kim Seungmin, stood before us in his dirty school uniform. He looked pale, his eyes bloodshot, but he was standing there in full grace, very much alive, giving us a toothy grin. “You’re hurting my feelings, Hyun. Why are you running away from me?”
Hyunjin’s grip on my hand went tighter. “Seungmin...”
“Friends are supposed to help each other, am I right?” Seungmin continued, faux dismay dripping in his voice. He bared his fangs, its tips dripping with fresh blood. “So help me, Hyunjin.”
I felt my body run cold. I wanted to scream, run, anything—anything to get away from this. From him. From the two of them. From everything. But Hyunjin's hand remained strong around my wrist, and my legs were close to turning jelly. I could start to feel the fullness in my mouth, the pointy ends of my incisors. Something that only happens when I'm in an extreme hunger or danger.
“Stay away from them,” grandma said. “We are the same kind, but we are different. Weaker. They see us as preys, as special commodities. They can smell your blood despite my concoctions, my dear, remember this!”
Seungmin tilted his head to one side, finally regarding my presence. “And you, over there. I’ve never tried drinking such special blood.” He grinned. “Satiate my thirst.”
The last thing I knew, a strong hand was pressing tightly around my neck, turning my vision green.
“Have you heard of the news?”
“What news?”
“Kim Seungmin was safe! They found him in the forest yesterday.”
“Thank goodness! Was he hurt?”
“He had a few gashes, but he’s fine. Hyunjin found him and brought him to the hospital right away.”
Students filled the corridor, everyone bustling and hustling about the news: after his sudden disappearance, Seungmin was finally found by his best friend, Hyunjin. The latter saw him in the forest, hungry and disoriented. They went straight to the hospital to treat his minor wounds, and that was that—nobody bothered to ask how he managed to lose himself in the wilderness, or how we managed to survive seven days on his own. Nobody asked him stupid and unnecessary questions. Seungmin was safe, and that was all that mattered.
I brushed my way past the milling crowd, flinching at every accidental touch. I kept my eyes on the ground, forcing my mind into silence. I was expecting everyone to be in their respective classrooms at this time of the day, but apparently, the news of Seungmin’s return has become enough reason for everyone to wander about and neglect their individual duties. It was a grand miscalculation on my part—I hadn’t braced myself for this huge number of people.
Not here. Not now. Not ever.
I just have to get back home, and then it’ll be over. My insides would stop churning once I’ve drunk grandma’s tea—that has worked for 18 years now. I can stop this. I can stop me.
I made a run towards the comfort room. To my luck, nobody was inside. I washed my face over and over, as if doing so would cleanse me from the impurity stamped on every drop of my blood. The face on the mirror horrified me—I had to stop myself from punching the glass over and over.
The moment I stepped out, I felt his presence.
He was there, leaning against the wall, lurking behind the shadows. There was a faint gleam of terror in his eyes, but at the same time, I can feel it: the hunger. Lust for meat. Thirst for blood.
“Don’t be like him, Hyunjin,” I pleaded. “Don’t be like us.”
He shook his head in resignation. “It’s too late.”
He took a step closer. Another. He kept on walking until he stood right in front of me, too close I can feel him breathe.
Too close I can see the faint traces of blood on his lips.
“I’m still hungry,” he sobbed. “I’m still hungry…”
Fear was apparent in his eyes—fear of what would happen to him, fear of what he had become. “You will be fine,” I offered, taking his hand in mine. “Trust me on this. It will be fine.”
And then I felt it, stronger this time—the hunger he was talking about. The thirst. My stomach growled in protest at the sight of Hyunjin’s pale flesh. I can smell his blood—I can feel its steady rhythm as it flowed through his pulsing veins.
I need to get home. Maybe my grandma could do something about Hyunjin, too. Maybe she could produce a stronger tea, and both of us wouldn’t have to worry about our instincts anymore.
We stood next to each other for a full minute before he broke the silence.
“We need each other to survive,” Hyunjin whispered. “If we drink the blood of our own kind, we can last for a month without feeding on others.” He freed his hand from my hold and gripped my shoulders tightly. “I need you. And you need me, too.”Hyunjin leaned down until we were staring at each other at eye level. He closed the distance between us. I closed my eyes, and for the first time, I allowed my monster to take ove.
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wingman ~ yungblud
word count: 1476
request?: yes!
“can you do a one shot where colson sets up his little sister (the reader) with dom? like maybe she’s had a crush on him but he was with halsey and never wanted to get between that.”
description: who knew that your best wingman would be your own brother? and his main objective: setting you up with his best friend
pairing: yungblud x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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The minute I walked into Colson’s house I knew something was going to happen. I didn’t know what exactly, but I just had a feeling that there was something going to happen. Call it sibling intuition or whatever.
It wasn’t uncommon for Colson to randomly invite me over to his place. We had always been close, so whenever he had time off he’d ask me to come visit him and Casie. I figured that’s what this invitation was for, but once I walked through the door, I wasn’t so sure.
“Colson?” I called.
Instead of my brother’s voice, a thick British accent responded, “(Y/N)!”
Dom came out from the living room and lifted me into his arms. I laughed through the shock I was feeling. I had no idea that Dom was even in town. I wondered if this was the weird feeling I was having.
“Good to see you, love!” Dom said. “I didn’t know you were coming today.”
“I didn’t know you were in town,” I responded.
“Yeah! I landed today actually. I haven’t been here long.”
“That’s awesome! Hey, let’s continue the catch up in a second. Is Colson here?”
My big brother was in the kitchen making sandwiches for himself and Dom. He looked up and smiled when I walked in. “Hey, you hungry?”
“I’m good, thanks. Did, um, did you invite me over because Dom is in town?”
“What? No, not at all.”
I raised an eyebrow at him. “You’re a terrible liar.”
He chuckled and walked away from me. I followed him out of the kitchen, realizing the conversation would be put on hold for now.
I sat next to Dom in the living room as he and Colson talked for a while. Every now and then he would ask me a question or two to catch up, but I was too awkward to really keep a conversation going.
As cliché as it is to say, I’ve had a crush on Dom for years. Ever since Colson introduced us, I’ve had some small feelings for him. Ironically, Colson was super supportive over these feelings. He always said how Dom was a great guy and that he thought we’d be a perfect match for one another. We did have the same type of energy, I had to agree with Colson there.
The big downside, though? Dom was in a relationship when we first met. With a friend of Colson’s, actually; Ashley, better known as Halsey.
So I just became one of those cliché, unrequited love stories. I tried to go on dates with other people to get rid of those feelings for Dom, but all my efforts proved to be void. There was just no one that made me feel the way that Dom did, which sucked because he wasn’t single.
After a bit of silence following another failed attempted to strike up a conversation, Colson looked at his phone and rose from his seat. “Oh, Emma just texted me asking if I could pick Casie up from school.”
“Oh, can I do it?” I asked, seeing a way to get out of this super awkward situation. “I feel like I haven’t seen Casie in forever.”
“I’d rather do it myself. I’ll bring her right back so she can see both of you.”
He left before I could protest anymore, leaving me alone with Dom. This was no doubt also a part of whatever plan he had in mind.
We were left in silence yet again. I tried to think of something to say to pick up the conversation but found myself at a loss for words. I never was good at talking to Dom when it was just the two of us.
“How long are you gonna be in town for?” I finally asked.
“A few weeks I think. Kells and I are gonna work on some new songs. We have like two or three already written, so we’re considering doing an entire album together, with Travis too.”
“Man, that would be the album of the year if you did. Everything you and Colson have done together has been absolute bangers.”
Dom chuckled. “So I’ve been told. I think he’s my favorite person to collaborate with, too. He just brings out a good side in me when it comes to writing songs.”
“I would’ve thought Ash would be your favorite person to collaborate with.”
I regretted it immediately after the words came out of my mouth, even though they were meant to be light hearted and in a joking manner.
Dom nodded, suddenly not as smiley as he had been before. “She was, but uh...we broke up a while ago so...no more collaborations I think.”
The news shocked me. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t heard it before now. Why hadn’t Colson told me? Or how hadn’t I seen the news online?
“Shit, I’m sorry,” I said. “I had no idea.”
“It’s alright. We kept the breakup pretty lowkey, actually. We weren’t even really public with our relationship, so we decided to keep the breakup the same way.”
How do I follow up from this? I wondered. Man, I’ve effectively killed this conversation.
“(Y/N), have you ever had a steady partner?” he asked suddenly. Before I could respond he added, “That sounds terrible now that I think about it. I don’t mean to say you bounce from person to person, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with anyone, or heard Colson talking about you dating anyone.”
“That’s because I haven’t really had a serious relationship,” I responded. “I’ve gone on numerous dates, but none of them have really worked out. I just don’t...feel a spark with anyone I’ve been with. I think...I think it’s because I have feelings for someone else.”
I tried not to look at Dom, as if he’d be able to decipher what that meant just by looking into my eyes.
“Why aren’t you with them, then?” he asked. “Don’t tell me whoever this daft bloke is turned you down.”
I chuckled and shook my head. “No, that’s not it. He’s a...friend of Colson’s, actually. He’s been in a relationship for a while and I don’t want to come between that. But it seems like my heart is set on him, so I’m having trouble trying to move on from those feelings.”
“That’s awful,” Dom said. “If this guy ever became single, do you think you’d try to tell him how you felt?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. I’d like to think I would, but then again he’s one of Colson’s best friends. I’d never want to fuck that over for either of them if the relationship didn’t work out.”
“You’re assuming there’s a high chance of that happening.”
“I’m assuming a firm 50/50 chance, as with all relationships. Besides, what if it doesn’t even reach that stage? What if I tell him and he doesn’t have feelings for me?”
“But what if he does? You’ll never know until you try.”
I looked at Dom and found myself caught in his eyes. He was looking at me so intently I was trying not to shift around in my seat, but I just couldn’t tear my eyes away from his.
“(Y/N)?” he said.
“Yeah Dom?”
His response came in the form of his lips against mine. I was shocked at first, pulling away just out of reflex. His face turned a bright shade of red almost immediately as he moved away from me.
“Sorry, I...I must’ve read the situation wrong. I thought - ”
Before he could finish his sentence, I quickly leaned forward and kissed him again. One of his hands cupped my cheek while were running through his messy mop of hair. I had dreamt of this moment many times, but nothing could’ve prepared me for the electricity I was feeling as I kissed Dom.
We were so lost in the kiss that neither one of us heard the door open, or heard Casie come running into the room. It was her voice exclaiming, “Oh, gross!” that brought the two of us out of our trance.
I quickly pulled away from Dom, sitting on the other side of the couch as I looked up to see Casie and Colson stood in the doorway of the living room. I tried to keep my embarrassment from showing, but the feeling of heat creeping up my neck informed me that that was going to be nearly impossible.
“I was coming to say hi and both of you guys are just sucking face!” Casie said. “That’s so gross!”
She raced up to her bedroom while Colson laughed at her reaction. The two of us waited for him to say something, anything, about what he had just walked into. Instead, he just smiled at us and said, “I guess my plan worked.”
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goddesswritings · 3 years
“Can I slap her for you?” - Corpse Husband | Part One
Title: “Can I slap her for you?” – Part One
Pairing: Corpse Husband x Reader
Summary: Being stuck living with the queen of YouTube drama and partying during the pandemic has seriously worn down your patience. Meeting Pokimane has changed your life for the better, making Among Us a pivotal part of your life.
Word Count: 5.3k
I’m always writing so much plot! I hope you like it. Part Two is in the works.
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Credit to PIC owner!
This pandemic was hell for you. Being stuck in this apartment with your bitch of a sister was not something you would wish on even your enemy.
When you first moved to LA with her, things were fine, and you got along. She had a budding YouTube career, and you were working a good job. Pretty quickly, she’d hired you as her editor since that was a daily part of your real job, you happily agreed because it meant you could get money on the side and still work.
Your sister was mainly a beauty YouTuber but last year she gained over 3 million followers when she started a series where she would interview people in other lines of entertainment and then test it out. Since then, she’d become a horror to live with.
Now with the pandemic, you’d been furloughed from you day job and working full time for your diva of a sister. She had only been getting worse and worse. Being stuck with her was crap, especially since she was selfish and still went out to party and do collabs with people like there wasn’t a massive virus out there.
“I hope you finished the editing I needed done.” Olivia, your sister, asked as she shut the front door.
You were just finishing up the edits from your spot on the couch. “Yeah, I did it while you were out risking lives.”
“Shut the hell up. I’m an adult and I can do what I want.” She flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder.
“Even when it’s killing hundreds of thousands of people?” You were so sick of her attitude. She has no care in the world for anyone but herself. In the last month, her name had been posted all over the commentary YouTubers channels. Slamming her for partying while the world dealt with Covid.
Olivia rolled her eyes. “Those people are not my problem at all. If they are so afraid, they should just stay home.”
“Why are you so selfish?” Her behavior was completely out of hands these days.
“Do I need to remind you that I pay you?” She sent you a glare before heading off to her room. You grumbled and threw your head back. There was no way you could handle her.
Stressing out over her was no good, so you decided to take your laptop back to your room and play some games to calm yourself down. Among Us was one of those games that allowed to you just play and forget the stress. You booted up the game and joined some random lobbies. It was hard to find good games because you usually ran into some sour players who couldn’t just play the game without causing drama.
A few rounds in, your phone buzzed, indicating a text. You exited the current game, one of the imposters had already killed you anyway, and picked up the phone. There was a text from Poki. The two of you had become quick friends when she appeared on your sisters series but she clicked more with you since you were more of a gamer.
P: Hey Y/n, what are you doing currently?
It was an unexpected text because you had been fairly sure Poki had a stream tonight.
Y/n: Nothing since I just finished editing my selfish sisters video. What’s up?
She knew very well how horrible Olivia was and she’d been the one person who you could talk to about it. You appreciated her for it.
Poki: Damn, did she go to another party?
Y/n: Yup, she sure did. Then threatened my job when I called her out on it.
Poki: Wow, not cool. Hey, so you know how I’m streaming tonight?
Y/n: Yeah.
Poki: So I had everyone set up for the game but last minute someone dropped out. We need one more person and I know you’re amazing in Among Us. Would you join our game?
This was a surprise. You weren’t a YouTuber or a streamer, so for her to ask you, meant she really was desperate.
Y/n: Sure, I’m free. Who’s playing tonight?
Poki: Rae, Lily, Ethan, Mark, Felix, Toast, Sykkuno, and Corpse.
Wow, that was a packed game full of some pretty big names. Your nerves kicked up at the thought of being in a game with these amazing people.
Y/n: Sweet!
Poki: I will send you the discord so you can join the chat and the game code.
Y/n: Thanks.
She instantly sent you the links and you got your self set up with your headphones. Poki connected you into the discord call.
“Hey, everyone welcome my good friend, Y/n. She’s the one who will fill in on the open spot tonight.” She introduced you to the group.
A chorus of hello’s was heard. You knew Rae, so she jumped right into welcoming you.
Pushing the nerves away, you managed to little hello. Your voice was softer than you’d intended. Damn nerves.
“Guys! Y/n is so good in Among Us. Her skills rival Corpse’s.” Rae gushed. You’d played a game with Rae and Poki and a few of the other girls, but no one had been streaming.
“Whaddup baby.” The deep voice of Corpse said. His voice was something else.
“Don’t make her too nervous there, man.” Felix commented which made the other guys laugh.
“Oh no worries, I’m not nervous.” You said even though you really were nervous. You switched into the game and typed in the code Poki had sent you. Immediately the game lobby popped up, filled with everyone who was on the call. Your character popped onto the screen and took the white color.
“Good to know. I look forward to being an imposter with you.” Corpse said making your cheeks heat up just a little.
“You really need to watch out for her.” Lily said making you giggle. She was right. You were a deceitful imposter.
You quickly changed your hat to the halo, making you match your chosen username, Angel.
“Look how fitting her character is.” Mark commented. “Is that an indication of how you will be?”
“Perhaps.” You were starting to calm your nerves. “You will just have to find out.”
“Okay, let’s get started.” Poki said as the countdown started on screen. You muted your mic. The screen flashed the crew-mate title, and you felt a little more relieved. You hated starting as an imposter.
The map you were in was Polus, your favorite. The first thing you did, was the navigation task before also doing keys. Nearly everyone was there, which meant the two imposters were faking the tasks. After that, you ran off entering the building that housed electrical and o2. You looked around for tasks.
“I have my eye on you, Angel.” Felix said as he came into o2.
You unmuted your mic. “Good, then you can watch me teach you how to do tasks.” You sassed, making the group laugh.
“Damn, I already like her.” Ethan said, getting sounds of approval from Sykkuno, Mark, and Corpse.
“Stop simping and play the game.” Poki commented, making you laugh.
Leaving o2, you ran outside to check the weather nodes. Felix was still following you closely. He was convinced you were an Imposter.
“Why is this guy following me around?” You asked, trying to run from him.
“Felix, what are you doing?” Rae asked as she popped up beside you.
“Making sure she’s not an imposter.” He sounded innocent.
“Well I’m not. Now go do your tasks.” Once again you ran from his character and entered the office. You passed Corpse’s black character before heading in, to do card swipe.
Suddenly a body was reported. Felix’s body.
“Whoa, okay, Y/n did you kill Felix?” Toast asked.
“What? No? I left him to go do my tasks.” You defended.
“I can confirm she was in office with me. I watched her do card swipe.” Corpse added.
The thing was, you passed him as he was leaving the office, and he definitely didn’t stay to watch you. He was headed in the direction you had left Felix and Rae. So, both were sus.
“Okay, then Rae where were you?” Sykkuno questioned.
“I left Felix by weapons. I was headed to lab.” You couldn’t decipher a lie from her.
“Hmmm, okay. Skip then?” Ethan offered. The group agreed.
Once back in the game, you decided to head to labs to find the rest of your tasks. Sykkuno followed you but broke off to go through decontamination. You did your scan in peace before another body was reported. This time it had been both Mark and Lily.
“Any sus?” Ethan asked.
“No, I was in electrical.” Toast said.
“I went to o2.” Poki added.
“Y/n, where were you?” Toast questioned. You were sure he thought you were an imposter.
“I was in the lab doing my scan, which I never got to finish.” You hated being interrupted mid-task.
“Anyone see her go there?”
“I passed her while I headed to decontamination.” Sykkuno vouched for you.
“Sure but the body was right outside the lab. She could have gone back to kill Mark after you were gone.”
“But I didn’t. I was doing my task.” You repeated with a little smile. You loved this game.
“Sure. I don’t believe you.” Toast was a hard one to convince.
“She didn’t do it. I entered lab and she was doing her scan.” Corpse spoke up. Again he was covering for you when you know he was not in Lab with you.
“Okay. I guess we skip?” Poki said. Everyone agreed but when it was done, you had two votes but three had skipped, so you had been spared luckily. Toast for sure voted for you, you had no clue who else did but it didn’t matter.
Back in the game, you headed back to lab to finish your scan. Once done, you headed to decontamination, then to the specimen room for a task. As you entered, you found Corpse.
“Hey Corpse, having fun with your tasks?” You asked as you went to your own task.
“I sure am.” He stated before his character was running out of the room and up to the lab. Once your task was done, you had finished all your tasks and headed back to Admin. You entered office to find a dead Sykkuno, so you hit report.
“That was for sure a self-report.” Toast quickly said.
“It wasn’t, but okay.” You said shaking your head. Toast was so sus on you all game.
“I’m sus of Toast.” Rae said while Corpse and Poki agreed with her.
“Wait, Ethan is dead too. Damn, these Imposters got around.” Toast commented. “By the way, I am not an Imposter. Y/n is.”
“She’s not. I have seen her do her tasks all game.” Corpse was quick to come to your rescue. It was sweet how he was vouching for you all game.
“Sure, I’m voting Y/n.” Toast said as his ‘I Voted’ badge popped up.
You decided you were going to vote off Toast because he was getting on your nerves. Apparently the others were feeling the same because everyone else voted off Toast as well. His character was launched into the Lava. Toast was NOT an Imposter.
Back in the game, you ran around, just seeing if you could spot anyone being sus before Poki was killed. Straight after the defeat title showed, and the Imposters were revealed to be none other than Rae and Corpse.
Everyone dropped back into the lobby.
“I told you I wasn’t an Imposter.” You boasted.
“Sorry Y/n, I should have believed you.” Toast said.
“No worries. But hey, Corpse and Rae had plenty of chances to kill me, but they didn’t. Why?” It was interesting to you.
Rae laughed. “I didn’t want to kill you right in the beginning of your first game with us. You deserved to have some fun before you got killed.”
“Well thank you.” It was sweet of Rae to do that.
“I didn’t want to kill an Angel. It wouldn’t be right.” Corpse stated with a cute laugh afterwards.
Felix groaned. “But you have no issue killing anyone else.”
“It be like that sometimes.” Ethan stated which had you in stitches, as well as the rest of the group. “Okay, let’s begin another round.” He added.
The next few games were fun and interesting. You were always a crew member, but someone was always sus on you. But no matter what, Corpse would vouch for you. Sometimes his character would follow you around, do tasks with you. It was pretty freaking cute and clear to see the man with the alluring deep voice had taken a liking to you. It was sweet.
“One more game?” Poki asked after a slew of other games. Everyone agreed. She started the game and after the countdown, the screen flashed that you were finally an Imposter. Your fellow Imposter was of course Corpse. It was only natural.
You and he teamed up and killed many of the others. Starting with Rae and Lily, moving onto Toast and Sykkuno. Then someone finally reported the bodies.
“Four bodies already?” Mark stated as the red x’s showed up on their icons.
“Damn, someone is having fun.” You said, pretending like it wasn’t you who had done half of the killing.
“I saw Poki headed into Electrical where Lily and Rae were.” Corpse said, sounding genuine as always. He was so good at Imposter. His ability to lie was excellent.
“Sure I went to Electrical, but I left after fixing the lights.” Poki said.
“I don’t know. You seem sus.” Ethan said. “I saw you enter lab, and after I saw Sykunno’s body right before someone reported Lily and Rae’s.”
“I swear, it’s not me. I was just doing my tasks. How could I kill four people in that short amount of time?”
“It’s possible. You could have vented.” Corpse was right too.
“Guys, please.” She pleaded as everyone put in their votes. Nearly everyone had voted for Poki and her character was launched into the lava, only to show she was not an Imposter.
“Sorry Poki.” Ethan said before everyone hopped back into the game.
Once again, you and Corpse were teamed up, but you saw Mark head one way while Ethan was going another. Almost silently, the two of you decided to split up and take them. You followed Mark into O2, trailing him into the tree. No one was around, so you killed him before quickly venting away from there. Making sure no one was around when you resurfaced. Corpse must have killed Ethan because the Victory screen popped up for the two of you.
“Damn, I should have known this was a team effort between Corpse and the Angel. You’re far from an Angel when you’re an imposter.” Mark complained.
“That’s part of the thrill.” It really was. You loved being able to shock people that way.
“Good job, partner. You’re a great Imposter like me. We need to team up more often.” Corpse’s words made you feel all warm. It was insanely fun being Imposter with him. Your combined skills made things that much better.
“Okay, I think it’s time to call it a night. Thank you so much for joining us, Y/n.” Poki yawned to show it was getting late.
“Of course. I loved playing with all of you. It was much better than playing with randoms.”
“I get that. Randoms can be very annoying.” Sykkuno agreed. “It was so good to meet you, Y/n. I hope you join more games so I can be an Imposter with you!”
You loved how excited he sounded. “I guess we all want a chance to be Imposter with her.” Felix stated what everyone else was thinking.
“Hey, no one steals my Imposter buddy.” Corpse spoke up, which once again had you feeling some kind of good way.
“Corpse, you’re being such a simp.” Rae laughed, which made everyone else go nuts.
You all bid your goodbyes before you exited the game and the discord call. You found there was a huge smile on your face after that fun you had just had with Poki and her friends. They were all super welcoming of you, despite not knowing a thing about you.
Poki: Thank you for playing with us. I hope you had fun! You didn’t mind being on my stream?
Y/n: I had so much fun, everyone was so good to me. Also, not at all!
Poki: Good because my chat loved you! They couldn’t stop gushing about how much they loved you. It was so cute.
This was not something you had expected. Her stream had never met you, so for them to like you playing a game with the group, that was nice.
Y/n: Oh wow, I wasn’t expecting that. That’s so sweet!
Poki: You also seemed to get Corpse simping for you. Sykkuno is super jealous.
You laughed when you read that.
Y/n: Sykkuno doesn’t have to be jealous. It was a one-time thing, and he can have Corpse back in the next game.
Sure, you wanted it to be more than a one-time thing, but you weren’t going to let your hopes get too high. Poki had many streamer friends, who would get their streams way more viewers than you ever could.
Poki: I wouldn’t count on that. We’re definitely going to use you for more games. You’re one of us now, even if you don’t stream.
Her words warmed your heard. Poki had been one of the very few people you had made friends with when you moved to Cali with your sister and your friendship was only 10 months old. It was nice to have someone who wanted to include you in on the things she was doing.
Y/n: Are you sure? Because I would hate to be taking someone more interesting’s spot.
Poki: You shut that mouth. The group loved you and we’re all looking forward to playing with you again.
Y/n: Okay if that’s what they want.
Poki: They do, now get some sleep. I know you’ve been overworking yourself for your sister.
Y/n: You would be right. Thank you for the fun night, Poki. You get some sleep as well.
Poki: 😊
You liked her message before deciding it was indeed time for bed. Editing those videos did take energy out of you, especially since your sister would review and have you re-edit the things she didn’t like. Not fun at all.
The next month passed by with Poki inviting you to more games with her and her friends. Most of those games included Corpse, who’d taken a liking to you. The last few games, he’d been bugging you to tell him who you were and how you met Poki, but you were keeping that a secret. You really didn’t want him or the others knowing you were the older sister of selfish party girl Olivia Bella.
Your sister had found out you’d been playing the game with Poki and her friends and decided she was going to say some shit.
“How did you get Poki to let you play with her and the other streamers?” Olivia said with clear distaste towards you.
You shrugged. “She just asked me to step in for someone one day and now they enjoy playing with me.”
She laughed obnoxiously. “That such a joke. I needed that laugh, thank you.”
You clenched your fists, trying to contain your anger against your sister. She was really grating on your nerves these days.
“Damn, I would do anything to play with Corpse. His voice is so hot.” She muttered looking deranged.
“He’s much more than his voice you know.”
She rolled her eyes. “He’s whatever I want him to be. God, I bet he’s so sexy behind that screen.”
“Please stop, he’s my friend and talk like that is uncomfortable.”
She cackled. “Corpse is not your friend, you loser. He just tolerates you like the rest of that group. I bet Poki only asked you to join out of pity.”
Her words slapped you in the face and threatened to strangle you. It was unbelievable that your younger sister was really acting like this to you.
“Why are you like this to me?” You questioned in all seriousness.
“Because you annoy me. Isn’t it obvious. I meant if I had the money, I would have moved here without you. Living with you is the worst. You know you’re like the most boring person in the world?”
The insults just kept on coming. She truly didn’t like you and it felt horrible. Family wasn’t supposed to be like this. “I get it, thank you.” You walked away before she could say anything else, she was horrible to you.
Her words made you sad. The only thing that could cheer you up was the fact that Poki had invited you to another game. It was something you needed after that conversation with your sister.
Poki: Hey girl, this kills me to do but Sean invited someone else to play tonight. Someone he said was eager to play with us. I’m so sorry.
This was simply perfect. The one time you craved interaction with the Among Us crew, they added someone else to the game. Of course it was always a possibility, but it didn’t stop from making you upset.
A couple of tears streamed down your face before you wiped them away. You wouldn’t let this get to you.
Y/n: No, please don’t worry. I understand it is always a possibility. Have a good stream!
Poki: I think you should know the person joining us is your sister. I tried to tell them it was a bad idea, but they didn’t really believe me. I’m so sorry.
Your sister was the reason you have been replaced for tonight. Perfect. Of course it was her. She always took the things you liked, away from you.
Y/n: Please stop apologizing, I completely understand.
Poki: Should I tell them she’s your sister?
Y/n: No, please don’t let them know that.
Poki: Okay, please know we will miss you in tonights stream.
Doubt filled you. After reading those words. There was no way they would miss you in the game tonight. It was clear you didn’t bring in viewers for the streams, but your sister would be able to do that without any issues. Now your night was truly ruined. Thankfully, you could just lay in bed and sulk all you wanted.
The bedroom door burst open. “Hey, can you set up this game for me? I assume you know I’m playing Among Us with the crew tonight. Told you they didn’t care if you were there or not.” Did she ever stop this shit?
“Why should I help you?” You grumbled, glaring up at your blonde-haired sister. She looked like she was dressed for another party, not an off the cuff stream.
“Well, I pay you and if you want that to continue, you will help me set up the game and stream.” Her hanging your only source of income over your head was really shitty.
You growled but got out of bed, passing by her in a haste. You entered her office and quickly got to work setting up the stream and discord. Then you showed her how to load the game. She just nodded, not looking happy at all.
“Have fun.” You sounded bitter but at this point, you couldn’t hide it.
“Oh I’m going to have so much fun with them. It’s going to be so good, and maybe they will ask me to join them more often and they can stop faking their friendships with you.”
“Cool, good for you.” The audacity of this bitch. You left once you were sure it was set up correctly. She didn’t see, but you shot her the finger as you left. She was a bitch through and through.
You retreated to your room to sulk some more. This day was such a let down for you. Over the last month, you had really clicked with the Among Us group. Meeting more streamers as Poki had more games. They all seemed to like you, but your sister was probably right, they were just being nice because they could.
As you stared at your ceiling, you heard your sister talking and knew the stream had started. Groaning, you threw on some headphones and put on your playlist that was saved strictly for when you were sad. It helped to take your thoughts from the stressor at hand? And ease your mind.
Meanwhile, the stream was hell. Sean majorly regretted inviting Olivia onto it. To be fair, he was only being nice because the girl had been begging to join the game for a while now in his DM’s. But it was a huge regret with the way this woman was acting. She couldn’t even be Imposter without outing herself and the second Imposter.
“You guys know Y/n is my sister right?” She said offhandedly as they were waiting in the lobby for the next game.
“Wait what? Is that true?” Ludwig asked in disbelief. This woman was nothing like Y/n. She was a total ditz compared to Y/n.
“Of course it is. I have lived with her for twenty years now, I know a lot of dirt about her.” Hearing her say this angered Poki.
“Don’t go there, Olivia. Just play the game.” Poki didn’t want her to spill anything about her friend. It was messy that she would even want to.
Olivia sighed. “Awe but you would love this.”
“No, let’s just play the game.” Corpse was quick to cut her off.
“Come on Corpse, are you sure you don’t want to hear all the embarrassing things I know about her?” Everyone was quickly realizing just how messed up in the brain Olivia was.
“You do realize most of us are streaming this live?” Rae stated, sounding just as frustrated as Corpse felt.
“Please, let’s start the game.” He all but growled, wanting to shut this woman up. The game started and he pulled out his phone. He was going to finally get Poki to tell him Y/n’s instagram.
Corpse: I know you told me you couldn’t tell me what Y/n’s instagram is but please, can I get it now? Her sister is a fucking bitch.
He has so much more he wanted to say about Olivia and entitled attitude but making sure Y/n was okay was his number one priority.
Poki: She’s going to hate me if I do it.
Corpse: Please, this is important to me.
Poki: You owe me. Here’s her insta.
She sent him a link that led to a private instagram under the name Y/nY/l/n96. He requested to follow her.
Corpse: Thank you, let me know when to pay up.
Poki: Will do, now get into the game or Olivia is going to kill you. She’s imposter.
He got back into the game, hoping Y/n would accept his request.
After an hour of ‘sad girl hours’. You decided to do something that could help you not to focus on Olivia streaming in the other room.
Clicking instagram, you saw a notification. corpse_husband has requested to follow you. This was interesting. Either he’s smart enough to figure out who you are or Poki told him.
You accepted his follow and followed him back. He only had seven pictures, and of course there weren’t face pics. You admired him for keeping himself faceless to his fans. Now you hoped he wouldn’t bend to their pressure and reveal his face. Being faceless was good for him and his anxiety. The latest pics were his hand reveals he did for the fans, they made you giggle.
Corpse was good at keeping himself secret and you liked that. You did what you could to stay secret as well. Your Instagram profile picture was not even you, so no one would be able to point you out even if they knew your face. Also, you have hidden the account from Olivia, so she couldn’t send her fans to torment you.
As you scrolled Instagram, you received a DM. It was from the one and only Corpse Husband.
Corpse: This stream is hell without you tonight. Why did Sean have to invite her?
It made you feel a little better to see that Corpse was missing you in the stream tonight.
Y/n: That’s a question you will have to ask Sean. I was looking forward to playing Among Us with the group as well, but hey, it looks like they found someone who will bring in the views.
Corpse: Nope. She’s chasing away everyone’s viewers. Your sister is the worst. I see why you didn’t want us to know the two of you were related.
Your blood ran cold. How did he know that?
Y/n: How did you know she was my sister?
Corpse: She won’t shut up about it. No one can get her to stop. I’m sorry if you didn’t want us to know about this.
Of course, you should have known that Olivia was going to tell everyone that. She was also probably opening her mouth about so much other stuff.
Y/n: Well fuck. This sucks.
Corpse: Hey, don’t worry about it. No one is judging you for this, but we are wondering how you manage to handle her.
A soft giggle left your mouth.
Y/n: It’s not easy. I mean sure I’m the older sister, but she acts like the queen around here.
Corpse: Damn. Here we go again. Your sister is trying to start some drama.
Hearing this, you realized you had to do something about this. There was no way you could let her sit there and continue to mouth off about you or anyone else in her life.
Y/n: Brace yourself, I’m about to ruin her stream.
Corpse: Good luck!
It was time to put her in her place, you got up and headed to the utility closet by the front door of the apartment. The fuse box was located there. You opened it and found the switch for her office and clicked it off. It was half a second before a loud scream was heard.
In less than thirty seconds she was running out of the office with a livid look upon her face. “What the fuck have you done?” She screamed while stomping up to you.
“I heard you were talking shit about me and decided to end it.” You crossed your arms in front of your chest.
“I can say whatever I want. The group was enjoying it.” She tried to act smug.
You laughed in her face. “Do you ever not lie?”
“Do you ever stop being a bitter bitch?” The anger was clear, but you didn’t care.
“Oh fuck off. You were annoying them with your ridiculous bullshit. I completely saved your ass from making a fool of yourself.”
“I fucking hate you!” She stepped up to you. “I’m kicking you out. Pack your shit and get the fuck out of my apartment.” The look on her face, showed she was serious about this.
“Fine.” Was all you said before you turned around and went back to your room, well your former room now. Pulling some bags out, you stuffed some clothes and important items into them. Once filled, you pulled on shoes and made sure you had what you needed until you could come get the rest of your stuff. Currently, you didn’t know how to feel about any of this, but you did need to get away from her.
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