#did she even read the book??
fictionadventurer · 1 year
This time of year, I keep thinking about the time that I found a book of Christmas sci fi and fantasy stories by Connie Willis and I started reading the Kindle preview because I'm always looking for those kinds of Christmas stories, but then in the intro she said she hated the ending of It's a Wonderful Life and I stopped reading right there because I could never trust anything she wrote about Christmas ever again.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 173
Danny might have made a mistake. On one hand, thankfully, his class hasn’t realized he’s Phantom, which is good. On the other hand, he’s somehow become their arms dealer after maybe, just maybe er, being done with Skulker’s shit when he was just trying to do his test and er… maybe beating him to a pulp. As Danny Fenton. 
Well, the good news is apparently everyone now thinks that he doesn’t fight back lest he accidentally snap someone’s spine. Which is honestly kind of nice to not have to deal with the harassment anymore. 
How has he become the fenton technology arms dealer though?! Legitimately, he has no idea how it happened except for sleep deprivation and someone mentioning how one of the places that they might be going to for the field trip was Gotham. 
At least everyone has their weapons and knows how to use them when some sort of clown-masked people decide to break into the mall and attempt to take them hostage. So. He guess he can’t complain, and at least he got food that doesn’t come alive in exchange. 
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babydarkstar · 6 months
im smh everyone implies that harrowhark nonagesimus would listen to death metal and grindcore and all these super gritty music genres and imlike….shes literally a teenage nun raised in a religious cult by people who have long suffered from a death rattle. sugar water is too much for her. she cannot even handle salt in her soup. she is both the most intense and most pathetic human to live. babygirl is not listening to anything with rhythm but the clicking of her bone rosary and the sound of her own breath. and if she ever starts listening to music you can bet your ass it’s obscure 2hour gregorian chant with binaural beats on a portable cd player that she rewinds ad infinitum and plays on the lowest possible setting so as not to interrupt her racing thoughts
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lainalit · 2 months
Why is nobody talking about the fact that SJM talks sh*t about lord of the rings by Tolkien, the father of modern fantasy literature, because she thinks Frodo wasn't traumatized enough (spoiler he was) and that we didn't see him struggle with his trauma, even though he literally goes to the middle earth equivalent of a mental health institution at the end of the books/movies.
Here is the transcript from the interview:
Interviewer: You write fantasy, you write romance, but all of what these women go through that is grounded in experience that you experienced that your friends experienced
Sarah: It's when you watch any kind of fantasy, lord of the rings for example, like when you go throw in orc massacre, you gone have some trauma, right? I would be traumatized if I survived the battle of helmsdeep I would never sleep again, I would never be in a enclosed space again. It felt like a natural thing for my characters to face emotional consequences. The fate of the world sometimes is on their shoulders that's gonna leave a mark on them
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cametotheshowinsd · 9 months
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𝔯𝔢𝔭𝔲𝔱𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫: リボーン (reborn) | Taylor Swift
// reputation as a comic book
in the death of her reputation, she felt truly alive.
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0809sysblings · 7 days
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Childhood Antecedents of Multiple Personality - Richard P. Kluft
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Q.10 Have you ever gotten angry at other people? I don't think I've gotten angry before. Isn't it kind of disgraceful to get angry?
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welcometogrouchland · 3 months
[ID: An animatic of Stephanie Brown as Robin set to Tears over Beers by modern baseball. The images are paired with the lyrics. Stephanie as spoiler staring longingly at Bruce, Tim and Cass on a rooftop is paired with "he needed more than me". A compilation of sketches of Steph as robin go with "im friendly and thoughtful and quite awfully pretty". Finally a redraw of Steph's firing as Robin is paired with "but he needed more than me". End ID]
been trying to finish a comic for. Weeks now (just been hitting a lot blocks) and quickly threw this together as a break from it! Do you guys ever think about Stephanie Brown…
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Silly sketches I did like a week ago.
Idk but the way they’re framing Dark Cacao rn with the whole “a bunch of people broke in tried to my steal my (fake) treasure and called me a fake immortal” backstory for Mystic Flour combined with the whole yin/yang symbolism in that one frame from the trailer and the fact that she still seems to want what’s best for cookiekind added onto the fact that Dark Choco (a character about second chances and forgiveness) is showing up in BY book 4…. Idk makes me think that maybe she’s getting redeemed or something.
Not a serious theory or anything, I’m totally wrong but it’s fun to think about. The beast updates actually being about the 5 heroes Friendship is Magic-ing their way into helping the beasts like come to terms with their situation and learn to coexist with the two halves of their soul jam.
Maybe that could be what the “Awakened” states are- becoming the whole soul jam light thingy. Or maybe just accepting their place as a half. Like I said, not a serious prediction it’s just fun to think about.
#can you see me struggling with Mystic Flour’s face?#bc an old HC decreed the ancient heroes had to look similar to the previous owners of their SJ#this was like a year before the beasts were shown in game soooo called it#anyway but whatever#also the way she phrased the stealing treasure thing kind of made it sound like SA but like.#they probably didn’t mean it like that#nobody even reads my tags so it’s like. eh#I really just ramble in the tags bc I’m embarrassed about using actual tags for my posts so my rambling really just acts like a buffer#am I repeatedly saying this isn’t serious bc someone vauged my completely joking post where I said Dark Cacao was a bit of an asshole?#because it was a joke. and also in books 13-14 she is an asshole#and in the post I made several other references to headcanons I had like Choco being transgender and DC having autism and also calling her#SHE/HER which she doesn’t use in canon? like I feel like you can tell that I was joking.#I’m not even mad I’m just befuddled#like I like their actual game analysis and respect them as a blogger but like???? why am I catching strays I think the post got like 7 notes#whatever it’s not that serious but like ???? they reblogged my art 5 seconds before posting it did they WANT me to see it??? like?????#anyway nobody asked normal tags now#girlblogging#crk#dark cacao cookie#dark cacao crk#mystic flour cookie#mystic flour crk#teethart#cookie run kingdom#anyway next update MF should tell DC to kill himself
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punkeropercyjackson · 25 days
The depunkification of Percy by normie Pjo fans they call 'Punk Percy' is wildddddd
'Percy's a devil may care rebel without a cause😏'He's a rebel because he grew up getting bullied by his classmates for being audhd with no idea how to mask and poor and abused by authority figures and his stepdad so he learned how be tough and run his mouth as self-defense and he's been a bully beater his whole life because he cares about other mentally disabled people and minorities in general
'He's secretly LOADED thanks to Poseidon and he's besties with a bunch of gods!'He refuses to ask Poseidon for shit since he hates rich people and he hates the idea of having power even more and personally hates Ares,Hades,Apollo and Hermes as people for various justified reasons + Punk is inherently anti-authoritarian and anti-establishment so that and God/Titan/Primordial!Percy can't co-exist
'His type is blondes and he's upset with Nico saying he's not his because that's his too!'His CANON type is princess-y girls,that's how he described Annabeth's hair and what Rachel acts like,his name is Perseus so of course that's gonna be the kinda girl he has a thing for,Andromeda was the princess of an african country(Ethopia)and there's Leahbeth and the high posibility that Rachel's gonna be black too,Nico explicitly called Percy still physically attractive to him but not personality wise and that was a trans Percy moment if it was queer Percy.Also Nico is basically Percy's son,y'all fucking weird
'He's such a guy'See above and even if Percy's a cis man,that dosen't change the fact that she was written to defy traditional manhood and femme men exist and we're an important part of punk culture since it relies on and requires heavy noncomformity and Percy's also a canon misandrist who worships women and thinks they're way better than men which is another layer of transfem coding and it ain't my girl's fault you want her to worship men instead as if they've ever done anything for her
'Grunge skater bo-'She dresses like a boymoder in canon and if Rick put his whole pussy into his writing she'd be crustpunk and solarpunk with pastel punk bits since she's femme and hates 'true maturity',she canonically gave up skateboarding to join the swim team and was never heavily invested in it anyway,Piper saying 'he looked like a skater' was her having internalized cisheteronormativity and i know for a fact when y'all say being a skater and being a punk are the same thing you don't mean Ska Punk but that overrated ass song that's done irreperable damage to our society
'He HAS to be white to be punk'Look at my url.D'you think i made the word Punkero up.'He's a Switfie and would like Hp/The Marauders and Mcu'Yeah alright,you officially know literally nothing about punk
AND y'all's designs aren't even aesthetically accurate
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in-tua-deep · 4 days
when I was 12 I was sick and missed a science test. when I was back at school the teacher told me I could make it up after class but it completely slipped my mind and I went home on the bus
the next day I went to the teacher to apologize and tell her I could stay after that day if it was still okay and before I could she was like “You saw the zero in the grade book” in such a matter of fact way
I, in fact, had not looked at the grade book?? I had no idea that she’d put a zero in for my test. I was just a distractible kid with undiagnosed ADHD who… forgot to stay after school because my usual routine was to get on the bus
I didn’t say that of course. I just nodded in absolute befuddlement and then stayed to take my test that day
I’m much older than 12 now but I still remember my confusion and shame and the bolt of momentary panic before she told me she would let me do the test and I’m like. idk. it kind of stuck with me. I was 12. I was a pretty good student otherwise, yeah distractible but in a quiet “doodle on every paper near me” and “has two to three books on hand at any given time so I don’t get bored” kind of way.
I think even after all these years I still don’t understand why she felt like she had to scare me
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idaaadivock · 2 months
not to talk about dune on main but like. lisan al-gaib became an instant meme in the theater i was at. like great acting amazing music (thank you hans zimmer you're a real one) phenomenal photography and setting and fight choreography
but stilgar's LISAN AL-GAIB in every circumstance possible was so funny it made the whole theater erupt into laughter directly after the fight with feyd-rautha which is supposed to be like. poignant ig and powerful and an overall vibe
y'all hit the wrong vibe besties 😭😭
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queencaramilflinda · 1 year
Everyone during neverafter 15: oh my god these social interactions are going horribly they’re all doing so bad!
Me, neurodivergent and cannot read social cues: idk mostly these seem fine
#like… Pinocchio overshared for sure#but I didn’t think the rest of them were too bad? like they rolled poorly yes but the actual conversations went fine? I thought?#i at least didn’t think they were as bad as everyone else seems to think#like… with ylfa. when you are a young girl and you meet an older woman who is Like You and successful you are drawn to that#her questions didn’t seem invalid if a bit personal#like ‘how did this happen to u? how do u find the answers and the strength to be successful when your like this the way we are now?’#that was fair to ask! there was a moment before that where they even clocked eachother as beasts! and then ylfa asked about Pib#which seemed fine to me. like she was genuinely asking advice and she got shutdown with like a one word answer#I feel like la bête did worse in that interaction than ylfa did#none of the stuff with gerard was really his fault within that interaction. Brennan surprised Murph with the read the cards outloud thing#he handled it the best he could under the circumstances#Pib did great. Pinocchio overshared but his intentions and actual words were sweet! traumabonding!#Rosamund did great! she was kind and she said what she wanted like yeah! not too bad!#i don’t think Ally intended to actually put dirt in the cookies Brennan kind of pushed that and I don’t think a lot of what he said was bad#I think ally could’ve handled it better in the sense that they could’ve just told the truth and been vague abt the questions being abt#the book but the stuff about being so overly nice and a bit unnerving seemed like an accurate and not very offensive way of putting it#even before they knew about the nihilistic princess cabal stuff they thought rapunzel was creepy#cienna talks#neverafter
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a-chaotic-dumbass · 2 months
fascinated by how the asoiaf fandom refuses to have any nuance in the books that r entirely based on different perspectives
#asoiaf#fascinating.#this is 100% abt the lyanna elia rhsegar thing bc jesus fucking christ#yes rhaegar cheated on elia and so did cersei and robert and tyrion on sansa too#its almost like rhaegar had a prophesy fuck him in the head since childhood👀 almost like he and elia were an arranged marriage👀 almost#like he didnt love her👀#like bffr what happened to elia was horrible but its nothing new why r ppl so surprised there was little love in a marriage neither wanted#like have you READ the books nearly every character didnt want their spouse but politics#elia didnt deserve that and neither did her children but dont blame rhaegar for something lannister soldiers did#a song of ice and fire#valyrianscrolls#and god the kingsguard part annoys me sm. yes he took kingsguard with him when he went off to fight#bc kingsguard are a fucking asset to the millitary#anyhow. same is applied to arya and sansa#yes sansa was mean to arya but also: shes 11. a child promised that shell be queen if she acts good and if joff and cersei like her#because of arya sansa's direwolf lady was killed when lady did nothing wrong#and it wasnt arya's fault either bc arya was defending her friend and herself too#but obv sansa was upset and crying. shes 11. ofc she'd say that she wanted arya to die instead of lady she was a CHILD#letd be clear if arya died sansa 100% would've been as or even more upset than when lady or even ned died#sansa and her friends teased arya for having a horse's face. ok. kids r mean? wow
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I knew that Crozier and Silna got married in the book and was mentally prepared but the fact that Silna’s entire motivation the whole book was just sitting around waiting for Crozier to fuck her made me so fucking mad. Thank you showrunners for deciding she would not be a love interest and giving her a for real plot which is actually interesting and tragic and parallel to Crozier.
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you'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you  🎶
#dwedit#rd edit#river song edit#eleventh doctor#river song#doctor who#is it great? no. does it make sense? no. not really.I just wanted to make it#because this quote kind of makes me go feral#because imagine river. a ghost. trying to get a closure from a man who supposedly loved her#but it seems to have forgotten all about her. put her on a shelf life a book that wasn't even that great and engaging#and so she haunts him. first trying to get a reaction and realising that he can't hear or see her#and so then she talks. about their adventures. about her love. how she misses him. how she's always missed him#she'd tell him about her solo advenures#how much fun she used to have and she'd tell him how many times she stole his TARDIS and he didn't even notice#and she'd make fun of him piloting the TARDIS ('hundreds of years and you still can't do that. you really did get that flying licence in a p#and during these rare times when he slept she'd read or tale him fairytales. because why not? what does she have to lose?#and yet. he heard her all the time. every single time.#but he never talked to her. why would he? to do that he'd have to acknowledge that he'd lost her for good. just like her parents. just like#and river - she was supposed to be different. a touchstone. someone who would be able to keep up with him. stay with him. they would always#and yet. he was left all alone. his wife gone. a ghost of her was all he could have. he should set her free but he was a selfish man. so he#is it too much? or not enough?#idk they just make me go feral tbqh. what can I say I want me faves to suffer :)#mine#long post#otp: the towers sang and you cried
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night--heart · 8 months
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bramblestar warrior cats made this post
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