#did u mean: Everything I Thought About In 2016
merry-the-cookie · 2 years
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GUYS!!!! GUYS!!!!!!!!!!! i commissioned the incredibly talented insanely cool and radical jay @tacogrande​ to draw my favorite dudes and im so happy loOK AT THEM........ ashtons lil smile 😭 michaels sleepy eyes 🥺 all of it so gorgeous
pls go give her a follow and check out all her socials and if you can commission her i cannot recommend it enough, i mean look at this dreamy lil portrait 🥺🥰💖💖💖
alt version under the cut cus yea i got tWO VERSIONSSS
jay has been an inspiration to me for so many years since i was a wee little teenager and ive learned soooo much from them and to commission her again after so long whilst still being a huge fan of their art felt like a full circle moment hehe will definitely do again <3 maybe complete the 5sos set dfhjGHFD
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#my goal in life now is to get as many people as possible to draw mike and ash gfhjkHDFHJAGHJDFGHJDFGDHJF#me trying to keep myself from gushing too much about jays art in the post#very hard 🧍🧍🧍#fr tho i commissioned them for the first time in like 2016 for my fav glee trio and then my fav tokyo ghoul characters in 2017#this is long overdUE!!!!#its been incredible seeing her art grow through the years and im always in awe of her flowy lines and stylization of people#honestly my thought process for the commish was 'i wanna see ashton in jays style' gfhjkGHJFDGHJDF i just knew she would draw him good ehehe#and the coloring style!!! and the palettes!!! so pretty im so#always looking to their art for inspiration!!!!#ALSO jay was the first 'big artist' to give me time of day if that makes sense gfhjGHJFDGDFJ like i vividly remember them being such a cool#person in the glee fandom esp if u did fanart cus a lot of big fanartists would only share other popular artists#and jay was out there giving space and attention to us lil guys startin out#i know it sounds a lil stupid but it meant everything to my lil 17yo self! built up my confidence like crazy#forever grateful for that!!!#ok i have rambled enough gfhjkGHJGDHFJ SORRY i just rlly appreciate jay and if u got the means id defo encourage you to commission her <3333#michael clifford#ashton irwin#5sos#mashton#5sos art#EDIT ALSO JAY BOUGHT THE FIRST KEYCHAIN I DID EVEN THO SHE DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT DEAR EVAN HANSEN a real one fr fr
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mecachrome · 2 months
Hi k! I love reading your ojp scholarship, as he has crept up on me and taken over my brain. Weird question but why do you think he picked Lando as his guy to be a bit weird about?
hi anon 🥺 first off thank u for indulging me & also that is not a weird question at all!!!
ok obviously this is just me saying Anything so i apologize in advance T__T but tbh i think a lot of it ultimately goes back to the idea of lando's ~Proximity~ and how a very specific mélange of career circumstance laid out a foundation for oscar's interest extremely early on... which. let me explain!!! more behind the cut:
not to go on too much of a tangent but if you look at the current drivers in f1 who are roughly within a few years of oscar's age and could have feasibly been someone he'd looked up to coming up the ranks, i'd say the cutoff is like, 2018? so the group is basically charles/george/alex/lando, of whom the first 3 were alr in intrepid together (albeit in diff categories) when oscar had barely started karting at all. also alex moved up to single-seaters very early and his career/road to f1 is obviously a lot more complex than the others, so in reality the only ones oscar would have properly "followed" are lando and george, and then having gone through rfm & british f4 himself it makes sense that he'd lean more toward lando.
...idk how to put this succinctly but basically it's Like: so you're a kid in australia who believes in yourself so much you're willing to move halfway across the globe and attend boarding school by yourself while all your friends and family and the World As You've Always Known It grows and changes without you, and the team you're determined to prove yourself at has semi-recently achieved victory with a guy named lando norris, who is now british f4 champion and runs three separate series the same year you move to europe and goes on to win them all, who is extremely accessible on social media and is kind of awkward but charming and uses dumb unfunny gifs that match your level of online humor exactly, and all the while you're learning to navigate a new country, learning what it really means to prioritize the endless grind of motorsport, and you wouldn't dare look too far ahead into the future but sometimes you see him and think if he can keep winning everything then why not you?
So. also i think what always krills meeee about young_814 lore is that you have to really envision what they looked like circa 2016 like they were undersized dweebs for a majority of their lives!!! anyway. but also nasdlfnagk every time oscar is like i thought you were 30 with your goatee going on haha xD it's like U knowww he's flashing back to that image of little baby lando in his mind..... ok i need to relax.
there are of course other people oscar could have been weird about but in the end it's kind of just a Skill Issue thing / matter of attrition. like from the rfm pack max and logan and guanyu never progressed the same way lando did, and you also have to remember that by the time lando was a mclaren junior he was genuinely their Golden BoyTM, and i know we often talk about lando's competency kink but oscar is also similar to that but in like a ........ he needs to respect you on some fundamental level to be obsessed with you. so the fact that he genuinely rates lando contributes (imo) massively to the fundamentals of their dynamic!!!
also tbh to me one of oscar's biggest mental strengths is specifically that he isn't a very sentimental person, as in if he left to another team i don't think he'd be torn up or anything about not having lando as a teammate lol. but i DO believe he's someone who adapts very well to unfamiliar environments and is always willing to match someone's energy/meet them where they're at (again - especially when he respects them), so he's basically the perfect person to vibe with lando's idiosyncrasies and engage in all the lighthearted push/pulling they have going on. because like he genuinely thinks lando is funny and is more than happy to follow along his meandering bantz and the weirder lando is the weirder oscar is in response and that's just how they Work ?__? so At the end of the day it's: oscar was once a teenage boy who followed (still does) at ladbible instagram and watched the same gaming streamers lando likes or whatever and has seen lando grow into the man he is today (way more confident and "visible" and successful, very much a menace, brutally honest as ever) from this Very Specific vantage point of basically the only other junior after lando to have followed the same path to f1 and been Equally as good / achieved the same stock.
*__* does any of that make sense. 
do u ever think about how lando (extensively nurtured by the team as their only junior) and oscar (basically crashlanded belatedly into his seat) are the only driver pairing in team history to have both debuted with mclaren........ do you ever think about how in a way lando's karting success indirectly influenced oscar's move to europe. do you ever think about how if alpine weren't an abject mess we would have never gotten 814 as teammates and lando would have just been Another Guy On The Grid to him........ 😮‍💨
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blorbocedes · 1 year
HEY so i have deep dived into brocedes (going on... 3 days now?) and the one thing im rly struggling to find is an accurate brocedes timeline with links to everything (and i mean EVERYTHING- their promo vids, them eating cereal tgt, lewis on nicos website at 18 etc). i've scrolled through ur acc (its been so helpful!!) but some of the links no longer work i can't pinpoint on certain dates (greek trip?? what year was that?? when did they race each other in italy?) so i js thought id ask if you could help me figure that out lol also i am happy to read any in depth essays of brocedes and their progression as childhood bsfs, to teammates, to rivals, to strangers, that you have on the backburner bc i genuinely am a fan of all things brocedes atp (this is me shamelessly asking for a master post like the one u did w the post 2016 timeline- yes im happy to wait esp since there are sm new things to comment on (SPAIN 2023??? OMG!!)) ANYWAY altogether thanks for everything youve done for me as a brocedes newbie 🫶
hi! I'm gonna try to find some primers and stuff for you. the thing about brocedes is a lot of it you have to find out for yourself, and that's part of the fun. you won't find one masterpost with every single link unfortunately, but my blog has a pretty good aggregate of most of them.
here is the post 2016 interactions primer post
there's a lot of useful links and basic rundown here, one of the major primers
the Greece story timeline is vague cause they've both mentioned it multiple times, and it's a major staple in their canon. here it says 14.
Nico and Lewis talking about snowboarding at 17, so they were friends after they were teammates, and here's them partying as young adults (bc Nico and Vivian got together at 18)
the iconic kellog's picture! and here's how kelloggs lore followed them
here's an essay that's freaking pivotal!!!
here's additional lore I've collected, such as them living in the same building, their childhood shenanigans.
there's a lot of individual lewis blogs where you can find out more about his karting years, and for nicology I personally go to @fzxy40 for more nico insights.
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this is when they raced each other in Italy so you can trawl through karting records to find it
And now, in 2023, we have Lewis bringing up Nico unprompted talking about how karting with him was some of the best times, and Lewis and Nico both stuttering fidgeting as Nico interviewed him for Spain 2023
as for promo! my pinned tweet is a great compilation of their skits, you can look up more on YouTube like the cringe merc commercials they did together.
there's a lot of lore on my blog you can check the archive for, and I'd be happy to help you otherwise if you're looking for anything specific!
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keepthedelta · 1 month
ooooo but do you think being teammates with either of them would’ve forced max to be a way driver in his rookie season than he was in our original universe?? like yeah you’ve gotta tale into account the car he’s driving but also the environment he’s in. unsure if being teammates with brocedes would demotivate max or if he would start winning races out of pure spite
also thank u for that beautiful mental image of keke vs jos
honestly it's so hard to say. i think the sheer power of that mercedes engine would have had max winning more races that he did with red bull, but i also think that the mercedes environment would have been worse for him than red bull. i am not a max expert by any means, but i think one of the things that really helped his driving was when red bull stopped letting jos come to the garage. without jos's constant presence max was able to develop his racecraft and driving style better, and it led to him being a better driver. toto 100% would not have done this. he and jos are weirdly close even now, and at one point, i think in 2016, toto called jos and told him to get better control of max (or something along those lines). i have said it many times before, but imo toto is a terrible people manager, and i don't think he would have done a good job at managing max.
i do think the level of competition would have driven max to win even more though. he is an insanely competitive driver and does absolutely everything he can to win. back when checo thought that he could compete even a little bit with max, max dug in and found even more talent and drive and crushed him so badly in miami that it sent checo into a downward spiral for the rest of the year. he and lewis crashed several times when they were fighting in 2021 because they both wanted it that badly. i think lewis and max as teammates would have been that on a larger scale. i think max would have won more, but he also would have crashed more, because an 18 year old in an f1 car is still an 18 year in an f1 car and it does take time to develop racecraft, even as a generational talent in an excellent car. lewis had some similar issues in his first few seasons too, so it's not a uniquely max thing, it's just how f1 is.
overall i would say that mercedes would have been even more toxic simply because the quality of the car and the drivers, combined with one of them being an actual teenager, would lead to many more incidents, and mercedes already couldn't handle lewis and nico crashing, so there's no way they would be able to handle max 🤷🏿‍♀️
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crockettmarcel · 1 month
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okay ❤️ yay ❤️ thank u @janfraiser
if anyone has not seen the post I am elaborating on, you can find it here. it's important to note that this is literally just me indulging my silly little headcanons. but also I'm right <3
this is going to be long so I'm putting it under a cut :)
anyway. in 5x02, Crockett said he's "fourth year". he did not specify what he was in his fourth year of (to this day I'm pissed that the writers did that to us), but it's safe to assume that the four years have been spent in one place (there is nothing to suggest he moved to Chicago at any point before during the four years). if 2019/season 5 is his fourth year in Chicago, this means he moved there in 2016/end of season one or beginning of season two (2019 is fourth, 2018 third, 2017 second, and 2016 first)
Sarah left at the beginning of season four (2018) which means there was at least an eighteen month/two year overlap when they were both at med
we only saw her do one night shift, but that doesn't mean it's the only one she did the entire time. it's entirely possible that she crossed paths with Crockett on more than one occasion. in fact, I'd be surprised if they didn't know each other
she broke up with Joey in April 2017 (2x19, Ctrl Alt), which gives us over a year when she was single and both she and Crockett were at med
there is literally nothing in canon that goes against the idea of Sarah and Crockett sleeping together. we know that after Joey, she didn't want to date Noah, and that could have been for any number of reasons, including but not limited to her having some sort of relationship with Crockett. or maybe it started later, in season three, and it really was just a quick little fling, or a one time thing
as for the pregnancy aspect, as I have mentioned in previous posts [x] [x], I think that the most likely way for Sarah to become a mom is a cryptic pregnancy. which, again, there is nothing in canon to prove that she didn't experience
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obviously she is not pregnant here (she would be approx five months for it to line up with lolly's birth) (I literally only included these because I love her and I miss seeing her. also sorry that the first pic is such poor quality that's my bad)
however! cryptic pregnancies do not leave you visibly pregnant. and also you yourself do not know you're pregnant. all this to say, once again there is nothing in canon that says she didn't sleep with Crockett and get pregnant, then moved to Texas and gave birth to Lolly
she has only been mentioned once since she left (by Elsa in 4x10), and that's it. Crockett joined the show in season 5, by which point Sarah was long forgotten. he hasn't mentioned her, but that doesn't mean he never knew her, especially if things were very lowkey/almost secretive between them. it's their business what happened, not everyone else's. no point bringing her up, or people will just ask questions
and as for Sarah not telling him about Lolly? she's living almost a thousand miles away, and they both have good careers (I'm hoping she does now lol). he would drop everything in Chicago to go and be Lolly's dad in Texas, and I don't doubt that Sarah would know that. would she want him to give up his life? and what if things didn't work out between them? their relationship in Chicago could have only lasted 16 months, but even though she appeared to be the one who ended things with Joey, she was still obviously upset by the breakup afterwards. I can't see her immediately moving onto Crockett without a second thought
the other option, which is a little more unrealistic, is that Sarah Did tell Crockett about Lolly, but insisted he not give up his life in Chicago. again, if things were very lowkey between him and Sarah, he's not going to suddenly announce that he has a daughter with her. he's the type of guy that would be willing to keep the secret for her
anyway. tldr. there is literally nothing in canon to suggest that Sarah and Crockett didn't have a fling in season three that ended with her having a cryptic pregnancy and raising Lolly alone in Texas. I'm autistic about this show (and especially about Sarah and Crockett) so if there was anything, I would know about it
thanks for reading if u are as insane as me and got this far <3
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demonfox38 · 9 months
Completed x2 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Sega Saturn version)
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Madness may be doing the same thing over and over again, but hey. At least I'm having fun doing it.
If economics were indicative of what my favorite video game of all time is, "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" would win bar none. Just off of the top of my head, this is how many times I've made purchases of this title alone:
US PlayStation Copy - $6.00 (disc only from a now defunct GameStop location in 2006, so don't get too optimistic)
Japanese PlayStation Copy - $38.00
PSP Copy of "Dracula X Chronicles" (contains a unique SOTN variant) - ~$40.00
PS3 Digital Copy - ~$5.00
Xbox Live Digital Copy – Free (promotional; probably was a tie-in to "Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night" being released)
Additional copies for friends - ~$5.00
US PlayStation Copy for my sister - $50.00
Sega Saturn Copy - $140.00 (2016 in Akihabara; keep the date/place in mind)
This probably isn't even the sickest I could be in collecting copies of this game. Hell, I've been hung over at a stranger's house with access to their Xbox 360 and thought about purchasing it there as well just so I could distract myself from being sick.
For this particular situation, we're going to talk about the Sega Saturn variant of "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night." While I had heard about this one before, I hadn't thought about hunting it down. Content differences aside, I didn't have a Sega Saturn, nor has the Sega Saturn emulation scene been particularly stellar. But, on the one time (and hopefully not last time) @jeannettegray and I were physically in the same place, she happened to find this in the retro game store we were in. At first, I protested. It'd be irresponsible to buy something like that, right? And then I caved because, as established above, I'm kind of a bitch (submissive) for this game.
Fast forward to 2023. I've gotten into the anime series "Lupin the Third" (again, thanks JG!) I've been accumulating some "Lupin" games because they're fairly uncontested in the grand scheme of video game hunting. Considering that at least one is a staple on the bad/weird video game tournament Kusogrande, that should tell you about how well they normally go. But, I did happen to watch a match for the Lupin the Third game "Sage of Pyramid," which seemed to be generally well received! So, I found a copy of it on eBay in a three-pack with two other "Lupin" archive titles. To make a long story short, I ended up with a Japanese Sega Saturn, plus a few extra games.
I know. Between this and the Nintendo Wii U purchases this year, you've really got to ask what's wrong with me.
"Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" is a title I have previously reviewed, so I’m not going to bang too much about the shared properties here. Game good; game great; game arguably one of the best games ever made. The Sega Saturn port occurred about one year after the original PlayStation release by Konami Computer Entertainment Nagoya (KCEN), a branch office (and notably, not the original developer pool from KCET.) While KCEN mostly made either portable versions of console-based Konami games or movie-licensed games, KCEN is notable in "Castlevania" development for both this and "Castlevania Legends," the GameBoy title with female lead Sonia Belmont. Which means that they:
Chugged women-respecting juice like water.
Got everything they did chucked into a historical/narrative paper shredder.
Given this development, the Sega Saturn version of "Symphony of the Night" is in a weird place. It has more content—particularly, in additions to Maria Renard's presence and playability—but is often looked down as an inferior product. In particular, some of the most ridiculed items include load times, transparency implementation/workaround issues, and sprite quality. And boy, did I see some actual, verifiable hardware issues. But, despite that, I do think this variant has some serious charm to it. At least, I'd be way more likely to come back to this version than the PSP version.
Look, if I buy a Sony PSP, you have the right to hit me…up for donations for a charity.
Before we can talk about this game, I think we need to talk about the Sega Saturn itself. Like, the poor bastard only seemed to have success in Japan. (Being $100.00 more expensive than its competitor will do that to you.) It was the kind of non-successful entity that when I heard the Nerve Tower recommending the Sega Saturn version of "Baroque" above all other versions of the game, I felt nothing but mockery for the sentiment. My opinion on the console changed somewhat after tending to a minor memory issue for the console. See, with old consoles or games dying, I'm used to having to buy oddball components and then getting help from my dad in resoldering them into place. With the Sega Saturn? It was simple as buying a new CR2032 battery (from a Wal-Mart! Imagine that) and just popping it into place.
Let's just say I have a lot of appreciation for a console that is easy to manage.
Now, if it were as easy to program as it was to fix, I doubt the Sega Saturn would have floundered as much as it did. I haven't done a great, deep deal of reading into coding for this console, but it seems like working with it required a great deal more knowledge than just popping in some C++ and plugging away. I suppose comparing programming for the Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation is somewhat like the difference in operating a racecar versus an average sedan. In the right environments and with the right skill level, the former will out-perform the latter. But, at the end of the day, whatever is easiest to handle and cheapest to purchase will be used by more people.
Granted, "Symphony of the Night" should have been a natural slot-in for the Sega Saturn's library. While its best-selling titles were in 3D, a significant chunk of its library contains 2D sprite-based fighters. Weirdly enough, "Symphony of the Night" could qualify for this with its visual presentation and its control style. It's just…well…from what I can tell, this was KCEN's second and last Sega Saturn title. I don't think the experience or confidence was here for a perfect port. Hell, even notes from the developers themselves are frequently lamenting development delays.
Also—Yoshinori Suzuki is the realest for having a reference to Goblin music in his note. I'm more team Suspiria when it comes to Goblin music, but I have full faith that band could slay a "Castlevania" composition.
Okay. Enough sympathy for the devil! Let's get down to the game itself.
The objectives for this port of "Symphony of the Night" match up to the original base game. If you've got SOTN down 200.6% elsewhere, you'll easily hit 210% here. Does the math not add up? Well, it never really did. But, in this case, the first noticeable change is the addition of two new areas per map side. These new areas are respectively dungeon and garden-flavored, both of which make sense in terms of an addition. Neither add a great deal of room content to the game (capping at about 6 rooms for the garden and 3 for the dungeon), but they do provide some benefits, including:
A bridge piece between the Marble Gallery and Underground Caverns
New enemy types
A new boss fight
Access to the Alucard Spear (which, granted, is more important for Lecarde family lore than anything. But it's nice to pick up!)
These areas (and the castle's entrance) also sport some new tunes. Okay, maybe just "Chaconne C Moll" and "Guardian" are wholly originally. But, it does contain pairs of dance and jazz mixes for the "Vampire Killer," "Bloody Tears," and "Beginning" themes. Sure, they're the most 90s-sounding compositions on this planet. But, goddamn if that isn't exactly what I wanted from a "Castlevania" game.
I know. Real trash-core behavior on my part. At least give the "Beginning" remixes a shot before you take another one at me.
Item distribution and placement has also been slightly tweaked from the base PlayStation game, although it is generally in the player's favor. (For example: the Sword familiar is just below the save room of Orlox's Quarters instead of being in a hidden ceiling space.) About the greatest addition of note here is a cape called the Rainbow Robe, which cycles through palettes to create a constant color swapping effect. Very cool. There are also some different familiars than what is present in the US PlayStation version of the game, but about all that is unique there is getting a Half-Faerie that sings if you get her some lyrics. Which…thanks? I guess?
Honestly, the big content augment to the game is Maria Renard. Not only does she become a boss for Alucard to fight (having him prove his strength to her), but she's also playable! And holy shit, does she kick ass! Like, she generally kicks ass, but my God. Literal ass kicking here! Kicked my ass as a boss. Kicked everyone else's ass when fighting them in her mode. I'm not kidding when I say that only three bosses posed a threat to me while playing her. (For those of you that want to attempt this playstyle: it was Orlox, the "Castlevania III" trio, and Galamoth that gave me the most trouble.) If you've got Alucard's Dark Metamorphosis and Soul Steal input commands down, congratulations. You can absolutely slaughter the game as Maria.
It's wild. In her mode, she's got:
A chargeable magic attack as her primary attack
A triple and high jump
An evasive somersault (while Alucard doesn't even have a slide mechanic, so LMAO)
A base kick attack (for when you're storing up magic)
Access to standard "Castlevania" subweapons
Combo commands for summoning all four Celestial Beasts whenever you've got the MP (granting on-the-go healing, two massively damaging attacks, and a limited-time familiar)
A variety of martial arts attacks, and
Access to a full invincibility-granting move! (Like, you've gotta do a full clockwise input + a charge to do it, so it does require some serious skill to use. But still!)
Talk about a power fantasy! Like, no wonder people talk about the reset to Maria's move pool in the PSP version of "Symphony of the Night" being a downgrade. She's an absolute beast here.
Begrudgingly, I can see why Maria's abilities were augmented in later releases. To some extent, I think the IGA team was trying to keep in lockstep with the "Rondo of Blood" version of her, especially considering that the PSP game is primarily a remake and re-release of that game. And, okay, yes. She was originally designed as a tiny Belmont alternative. But in the Sega Saturn SOTN version? With her input pool and abilities? She's an Alucard alternative. Hell, her heal move maps to one of his recovery abilities (Genbu to Dark Metamorphosis), and her primary devastating spell is also the homewrecker in his (Seiryuu to Soul Steal.) She wasn't designed out of nowhere. She was just pulled from a different man's ribs.
I guess if nothing else, the PSP sprites of her are prettier. So…there's that.
Oh! Prettiness. Guess that leads back to the overall aesthetic quality of the game (or potentially lack thereof, depending on who you ask.) Personally, the biggest issues I had here were not so much with sprite distortion, but with load and lag. This game doesn't have the same load-in grace going between new areas or loading in boss fights as the PlayStation version does. It seems like it struggles greatest with particle effects, although bosses with multiple chunks and entities to them can also cause severe rendering delays. Hoo boy, does it not like a bunch of stuff on screen all at once! The Beelzebub and Legion fights in particular bring out the greatest lag in the system, so be prepared for that when/if you tackle them. Even Galamoth has some lag (although, I was using that to my benefit when possible.)
In terms of transparency compensation, the Saturn version does well enough to skirt around some issues. The trailing movement sprites are still following you, so A+ there. Some magic spells were altered to use white instead of using transparency, which honestly? I thought that made some look very pretty (Tetra Spirit in particular!) About the only place I could point at and scold was the hidden cavern behind the waterfall in the Underground Caverns section. In the PlayStation version, it is smoothly revealed as the player steps into it. In the Saturn version? It's like someone flicked a light switch on. Honestly, it would have just been better to let the player always see it, if that's what revealing it was going to look like.
Also, killing Fire Demons is particularly ugly in this game. It's just a lazy, nonsensical sprite swap (as opposed to the color cycling in the PlayStation version.) The Marionette deaths are pretty funny, though!
There was one point where the lack of full implementation actually impressed me. Anti-spoiler at this point, but the final boss fight with Dracula has a much different feeling in the Saturn version. Not that the move cycles he has have even remotely changed. It's the background! In the PlayStation version, it's a bit psychedelic—maybe more like something you'd see in an "Earthbound" or "Star Fox" ending fight. In the Saturn version? 100% black. Cheap? Sure. But, considering Alucard is fighting his father in a realm between the living and the dead—in a complete abyss—it honestly grew on me. Like, yeah, ha ha! The devs couldn't figure out how to do the funky color/texture cycling! But also? Absolute darkness works, too.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention the bodily injuries I'm currently nursing post playthroughs as well. Like, my left thumb was taking some abuse from the default controller's D-pad, so I ended up playing through portions of Maria Mode using an HSS-0104 Virtua Stick. (Like I said—I spent some stupid money on this console.) I just ended up pushing the injuries from my thumb to my shoulder blades. 😅 I can't completely blame the game on that, though. I should know better than to do 8+ hours of gaming in a day.
By the way—I did confirm something switching controllers. It seems like this "Symphony of the Night" variant likes to pick up on Up button presses more than in the PlayStation version regardless of the controller used. At least, I was pulling the Fireball / Byakko spells more than intended. I also found myself thinking less in terms of hitting every button in a combo, instead just smearing into cardinal directions. Like, the Saturn seems to have more of a slide detection to it than I anticipated? It's the difference from going down + down-forward + forward to down and forward while smushing your thumb up. You just kinda go legato, not giving a thought about the intermediate inputs.
Okay, verdict time!
Did I enjoy the Sega Saturn port of "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night?" Absolutely! While it has its oddities, I hesitate to call this product inferior. It's definitely not as tight of an experience as the standard PlayStation version, but what is here is cool. I would put this in the same category as "Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow" in that if you can't vibe with the main game for some ridiculous reason, it's got awesome side-modes to back it up.
Would I recommend other people play this game? Of course!
Would I recommend other people buy this game?
Look. I know when I'm being ridiculous. This experience personally cost me somewhere between $300.00 to $350.00 USD. Like, what the fuck. Madness! It would have been worse, had I actually bought this game this year! I mean, as of writing, this game, complete in box, is trending at $219.15 USD on PriceCharting.com! Shit, I might as well tell you to buy an arcade cabinet for how ridiculous this could get! And then you've got to weigh the pros and cons of taking systems out of their native countries, what international buyers are doing to the Japanese video game market, the risks of transporting stuff that far, and so on. It's not something you can just say, "LMAO, do it!" about.
But, what I will say is that BizHawk has a pretty good Sega Saturn emulator. And also, I might have written some documentation on how to get BizHawk set-up for Sega Saturn emulation. Chances are you're smart enough to figure out the rest.
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tokkias · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @grayseyebrowscar thank u milo i'm putting you in my mouth
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
just fairy tail at the moment. i've thought about dipping my toe into other fandoms, pokemon or fruits basket maybe, but i just have ft brainrot right now
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
secret moments in a crowded room, taking the hint, i don't want to be your friend (i want to kiss your lips), don't touch what's not yours & heartstrings
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yeah i respond to like 99% of comments. i've gotten really slow with it lately but i love to engage with fandom and i don't want people ever thinking i take comments and engagement for granted just because i'm fortunate enough to get a lot of them. every comment means something to me so i want people to know that i'm grateful
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
happy ending ironically. i think you could make an argument for wait for her because i did cry while writing that, but i think wait for her is more bittersweet and happy ending is just downright heart wrenching
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i mean, i think most of my fics have happy endings? if i had to choose, probably fool's errand just because the ending is both really sweet and a great payoff to like 15k words of everyone just absolutely going through it
8. Do you get hate on fics?
yeah <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i mean what kinds art there? most i guess. i like writing soft silly giggly fluff, i like writing gentle body worship worthy of a hozier song lyric title, and i like writing downright filth
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
no but when i was in my transition period from ft to rwby in like 2016 i reaaallly wanted to write a crossover with that
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! a have a couple into chinese here (i wouldn't know what dialect bc i don't speak it) and i believe there might be one in russian floating around? but i don't have link for that
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no. i'd like to in theory? but i am very particular about my writing, i think i'd be the worst co-author in the world. i'm such a control freak that writing a fic with someone else would probably ruin our relationship
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
i'm very normal about nalu (lie)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
sigh. i never say never but i have had cuffing season sitting at 13k words since like? may? i started it in janurary and it's seen many a fic started and finished since then. i'd love to finish it one day but i just don't see that day being soon
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i have a really strong and descriptive writing voice
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
pacing. i feel like i can never get it right. everything is either too fast or too slow
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i don't have any thoughts
19. First fandom you wrote for?
t....total drama...
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
it's always changing because i just have so many but at the moment i really like under your hands (i come undone) and ten baby dragons (or less)
i don't have anyone to tag but you can just say i tagged you and i won't mind
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Harry probably wanted to give it a try but at that time nobody knew what Harry styles would become one day and neither did Harry. Also, things can change so quickly. Who knows what his plans were in 2015. And keeping them to himself isn’t an asshole move, it’s a deliberate decision to just not talk about plans you haven’t fully thought through yet. You really think Harry was like „I’m gonna plan this big ass solo career, idc about the band“ in 2015 when the band ended and they were released from all the pressure?! He was probably relieved he could breathe for bit just like the other ones and he probably had in mind that working with Jeff was a good choice for the future regarding solo projects. Y’all always act like Harry was this evil villain who didn’t care about the band or the guys and just wanted everything for himself. It’s not black and white yall!
omg are u stupid?????????????
he signed a 3 album, 90 million dollars contract in January/Feb 2016!!! do u think those deals are made up overnight???? that shit was in the works for MONTHS, and it's A 3 ALBUMS DEAL!!! meaning at LEAST 5/6 years!! which means he had all the plans in place from way before, which makes sense considering he suggested the hiatus in 2014. God. I understand being biased but use your fucking brain for the love of God
also if he was such a good guy as u guys say why not support the guys after the hiatus like they did for him?? why act like they were dead? he had so many opportunities to show the kindness he loves to sell and yet he didn't, bc he's an asshole who's rather die than put someone's interests before his, end of story
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ilaein · 2 months
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Hi babi,
Happiest Birthday to you again. It’s been 8 years and I’m still fond of you. I hope you always well. I’ve been so happy to witness all your achievements in life. I had the chance to see you twice personally and the recent MysteryElevator still lingers in me. You look exactly how I thought of you, well more ethereal than ever. You look so.. so unreal. Most of the time while you are performing I can’t compose my thoughts that u are really right infront of me It feels like I’m just watching you on the big screen. Silly. My soft spoken voice struggle to shout your name as everyone in the crowd did the same. I sob in between some of your songs esp my fave ones. I can’t believe my eyes you’re glowing! Glowing infront of me .. of us..
I remember how stunned I was during our Hi-Bye session. I didn’t expect you’ll be that close.. I nearly can’t breathe. 😅 Got some heart and soul malfunction. 🤭🤣 I was mesmerized.. I wasn’t able to fell asleep no matter how tired I was after the show. I spent the rest of the evening wondering.. how can you be that handsome?! Hahahaha I also promised to myself that, that would be the last fancon of yours that I’ll go to. ‘Cause I just wanna move on with my life.. this life around me. I’m getting old and I find it hard to like someone else while I’m attracted to you. Hahaha It’s crazy. Im crazy.
For the past few weeks I avoided watching your clips that pops up everywhere.. literally in every social I have .. even random reels I was scrolling to in my dummy Insta I saw you! I restricted myself from checking notifs that includes news about you. I even unfollowed your official twitter account haha. I talk about it to some of my friends I requested them not to mention you anymore. ‘Cause they love to tease me using gifs of u or sending me clips about you. I’m still your fan but I have to detach myself in some way before it gets deeper than this. I don’t want my future husband be mad when he sees my diary full of dongmin. Haha.
Recently i bumped into twitter account handler “Kai” she’s the luckiest fan ever. She was able to attend most of your fanmeets and had several videocall with you. I was so happy for her. She even prepared a NEW YORK TIMES SQUARE AD with the largest single LED with the best resoultion! for your Birthday today! Like just wow! She really made everything so possible! She also prepares gifts and a manager of one of your fan projects. Incredible! 🤍💜
Then I realized.. for those long years that I became your fan, I wasn’t able to give you anything.. aside from flexing you on my socials, making you my cover photo since 2016 haha which I remove last 2022z Greeting you a Happiest Birthday in all of my socials.. Facebook, Insta, Twitter, etc. Supporting your songs, projects and dramas silently reposting them.. and just praying for your happiness and health.. that’s all I manage to do.. Don’t have the means to sent you food trucks like what Kim Domingo did.. or to show up in every fancon venue you have scheduled like Andrea. But one thing we all have in common.. that I’m sure of.. We all love you! 🥰
This might be my last post and greetings as I now focus in my own journey. But no matter what I’m still an aroha and eunwoo stan by heart. Thank you for being my inspiration all throughout my college years. Thank you for existing..
Happiest Birthday to you again, naesarang.
May you get all the best in life and please know that you deserve them all.
(Ps. As I am writing the last few sentences spotify that’s currently on shuffle playing some random playlist decided to play “STAY” from your Entity Album yes. And I almost chuckled. You’re growing so much on me, I’m scared haha. Next thing I knew I was giggling and turning red. You’re not even here! I’m sweating! Hahahahahaha)
Here are some of your recent pictures I truly love! Its not that obvious I love your long hair right? Haha!
And ops! I will definitely tell you once I had my Gabriel Dongmin hahahaha 🤭
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freyito · 6 months
Head so full about your band AU rn, I have to share the connections my brain has been making
First of all, Kung Lao getting his bass all bloody? This reminds me so much of Sodo from the band Ghost who did this (multiple times, might I add) and his white guitar was all bloody.. yummy
Then Sento as the drumsticks? Dude that's so smart and the crack potential is unreal (the fans will learn to ignore all the weird stuff happening during concert with time I'm sure lol)
Also, I know I will never hear Raiden's death growl or angelic voice, but in my head it's so clear how amazing he sounds, I can bet how many fans the guys have just purely after hearing him and not even knowing anything about the band itself
AND THEN THEY KISS YEAH (sorry I had to)
The Lin Kuei boys and the whole "guess's who's popular now" is making me remember being an old Hollywood Undead fan and seeing Deuce loose all his reputation lmaoo
Then Havik's growl.. this is making me feel things I didn't know I could
And God I love LOVE Crane Wives, and you are so right about the vibes and how they fit perfectly together, you're so big brain my friend
And please the girls.. Wish I was a girl kisser rn, they all sound so dreamy
Also I can't just ignore this: Shang Tsung and Lady Gaga? Honey, I'd be in the front row at every concert praying he looked at me while serving absolute cunt are you kidding me
AND A FUJIN MENTION OMG!! It's like when you heard a song in the supermarket circa 2016 when you were out shopping with your mother on a hot summer day and heard it exactly once (1) since then. You can remember the words, the rythm, but no matter how hard you try, you just can't find it.
I'm so sorry for all this, I just love all of it so much and have so many thoughts.. Please tell me you're planning to make more
- <3 anon
kung lao was partially inspired by that (ive listened to ONE ghost song i apologize)... but also I PLAY TOO HARD... as for Sento im a big fan of the little(?) details but also i am actually sentos #1 fan move over kenshi. Raiden would have those real sweet and soft vocals outside of the death growl but all i can really imagine in my head is him throwing his head back and leaning down and putting his entire heart into it. ON THAT THOUGH... there's a very specific reason as to why i put kenshi on drums and kung lao on bass... these two are the heart of the band but in comparison to johnny and raiden they always fall short of the love?? so like. just saying. ahem.
also used to be a fan of hollywood undead but i have no idea what happened to them i was like 12 and they were just bangers for me at the time.
EVERYTHING ELSE THO IM SO GLAD U ENJOY IT... i remember when i first started participating in fandoms i always wanted to make an au... but also like i was like 10 and bad at writing but also. fandoms around that time were less than savory. KNOWING PEOPLE LIKE THIS ONE IS LIKE. little undertale obsessed frey is so happy LMFAOOOO. i could probably write so much. soooooo much about it. i might. but i have like 50 asks to catch up on not to mention my drafts sighs
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berlinbisque · 1 year
Proud Reject (Part 1)
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I’m literally blind my eyesight has deteriorated further everything’s blurry the day starts in bed & ends like that too no sunlight no connection with the outside world no one to talk to just my phone and my thoughts & loads of tears… that’s how everyday begins and ends. Its not self imposed, this happens when you are isolated by people. I can’t type but I wanted to write this… I love this mini story or script more than my next book even though the book’s more interesting but out of personal choice I like the story which I’ll be sharing tomorrow more than that, it’s not on any professional level it’s just something I would’ve discussed with a friend and laughed ie. if I had friends, something started that particular “topic” and I couldn’t help wondering… what if?
My heart was in my mouth again cuz I received a reel on FB which had his friend Aditya (he was either pretending to be him in 2016 or he himself inspite of being engaged was interested idk) they were dancing like most tv ppl and I got another panic attack… my mother was already torturing me, I woke up with high fever I still have fever headache it’s been there since a week I’m getting wheezing due to continuous crying and I realised that he wants someone famous to make such videos too. Someone rich and famous like that. Even in abroad there’s no pressure, over there all those celebs (who are are much more popular) even the ones in their early 20s when they make videos that too just one or two out of fad, they film it on their cheap phones they don’t care about the blurry quality they are not trying to sell it, they just don’t care about all that and those who are of my age (still nowhere close to Aditya, he was older than Harsh also) some of them, even if they have all those pics that I personally like (with their boyfriends - trekking or at the lake, casual everyday candid shots) they still find it hard to cope with social media and they eventually take a break from it, had they been in my position they too would’ve ended up like this out of all that pressure. I can’t keep up with your life. Few things that I’ll like to share before starting with my story, A - the sketches I’m sorry if he was hurt. I had not made them, my book wasn’t like Rupi Kaur’s either it never had those intimate doodles. I think my mother stalks me (I don’t want to write about her publicly but I have to share all this please don’t judge me by her) and she has taken advantage of a lot of things and also challengingly said “Did anyone come to help you? Everyone hates you and no one pays attention no one cares, everyone wants you to die and you will die alone like this” she has also told me a lot of hurtful things related to that guy, taking advantage of that as well and and the problem is (my hands are cold n numb lifeless rn) I can’t convey my feelings directly through some app or something so I have to rely on these public posts NO MAILS he ain’t some God or Celebrity (being a celebrity means being celebrated not deprecated) I’m not some groupie or teenager to mail my fav celebrity crush and he doesn’t belong to any boy band. What’s in it for me? Will I be rescued from my mother or helped with my health issues which started DUE TO HIM? Or is he just gonna sit there reading my mail, getting happy with all the validation after which he’ll ignore it. Am I that? Hahaha I’m not into human worship. We are more focused on our lives… especially those like me in my position. She has told me several times that I’m a “sl-u-tt” for being in LOVE or for falling in love. She also came up with the forcer tag even thought it was torturous for me and I kept crying and saying STOP stop stop cuz for us as girls rape or force is worse than murder, I never wanted him to marry me just to take responsibility for his actions I never wanted to punish him with myself and I always respected him and I’ll continue to do so I’m not his fans to write cheap comments like I saw in that dancing video (they were writing about his shirt). That tacky shirt made the whole video even more disturbing, and I didn’t see the entire thing I was in the middle of a panic attack, I just saw one shot then I died. After that I vomited, my pressure was falling rapidly and I kept crying for days cuz you know what right… (25th Oct) anyway I never shared this (one more reason/aspect) like that Chote Pandit tells Ruhaan or Ruh Baba “Aap par aise chichore kapde jajte nahi hai” I was like aah that is what they call it… anyway haha but I don’t want anyone who is being an “eye candy” for other females on television, they come and hit on him in comments that too cheap comments. Yes everyone’s doing it but that’s why we are so depressed and you are anyway not with me I don’t even get a fraction of your day or time.
My mother used that word force several times (she has said other unimaginable offending things too) cuz I was crying and it was triggering me, she said it because I wanted him to say something (but we weren’t even discussing that) for talking or communication cuz I just wanted his OCD to break. It started within 24 hours and not how you might think we met on 2nd Oct then 2 years later 2nd April and I know that we all feel jaded to text sometimes or keep the conversation going, we might not feel enthusiastic anymore after that initial excitement or whatever but it wasn’t like that, if it would’ve been that I wouldn’t have even taken so much stress. We’ve all done that at some point in our lives, internet makes us lethargic, we also get addicted to more exploration or finding new people to talk to… we feel like we can do better or take our time to choose whoever’s the most ideal for us, but his case was totally different.
At some point we would all respond or say something maybe after a week or even after getting let’s say - reconnected after losing contact or reaching a temporary impasse. We wouldn’t hold on to any grudge or some kind of a “promise” he swore never to talk to me, there was nothing to be mad about, he just decided that we will never have any direct contact his parents also said “We don’t want to keep any talukaat (contact) particularly with your daughter” he kept liking my pics BUT not replying to any of the texts (when he started liking my photos religiously I texted him on FB messenger because I thought maybe my texts weren’t getting through and I wasn’t receiving his due to some glitch but he READ those FB texts and still didn’t respond) and even after that he was liking the pics then when I told him “Are u feeling sorry for me, why do you keep liking the photos, is it the BB pin what you wanted, I even gave you a reason that too it was all funny and I gave it the very same night as soon as I woke up in the middle of it I gave it” he removed me from the list after that. I am getting wheezing I can’t get overwhelmed I had shared the exact thing which I told him when he was asking for my pin (long ago) I can’t keep reiterating everything everywhere. He then kept blocking and ignoring my real account but speaking to the fake ID
The coincidences and those premonitions in my dreams had already started which made me more curious about his behaviour so I tried talking to him but that fake ID like I said was for my school friend who was also stalking me with her fake ID. And I would not see his stories or anything, I was playing her Snapchat story but his was queued so it started playing by default where I saw that training session. When I tried speaking to him using my real acc… he not only blocked me AS SOON AS HE HEARD MY NAME (like I said he wanted no “direct” contact between me and him) he also made his account private. He made me feel like a stalker, I had already started getting panic attacks and I had stopped watching TV it has been off since then (2015 Sept) I tried moving on in Aug itself but I told you what happened over and over again, same old story repeated heartbreaks… cuz they only wanted girls like me as a call girl and according to them only pageant winners or models, fair and rich or extremely famous girls even those with notoriety (nothing worth all that attention) who were out of their league were all meant for dating. I never fell in that category. Eventually they ended up with actual call girls. I have seen their pics and I’ve seen some in real life too. All those other girls whom they were chasing would treat them like “fans” karma. Not only actors everyone these days does that and then girls of my level (caliber) get married to roadside romeos and illiterate creeps/pervs cuz all those men also want someone out of their league and they prey on us… this is a common problem in India. Anyway like I said I just wanted to see if he still remembered me by the end of that year and if he still hated me (for no reason) I had not added him to view his stories but he blocked me and made everything private. I’m twitching it affects me subconsciously now… my mother also makes me feel like this after years of (weird) coincidences which were linked to him and all that insensitivity (the story escalated he never made peace his behaviour only got worse along with all that humiliating ignorance) since she called me a “sl-tt” for falling in love with him I eventually ended up telling her that her marriage was literally arranged it wasn’t a love marriage but yet she got prégnant so many times so was that out of love or lust? I never wanted to get on such terms with her but she would keep torturing me (she had thrashed me ruthlessly even after getting fibromyalgia several times cuz I have no one in this world to support me or tell her anything) she has in fact told me a lot of harmful and offending things (out of gloating) “Dekho kuch aur kabhi koi nahi mila iss aurat ko yeh akeli hi reh gayi” and laughed (I was 25) I’ve been getting addressed as aurat or woman ever since I was 12. I was told I should’ve drowned during 26th July floods and never returned from school I would sit on the stairs with my heavy bag famished and parched everyday after coming home for 2-3 hours cuz my mother would not leave keys for me, and then get tortured at home for another one hour, I would keep telling myself one day someone will come and all this would end but I ended up being bed ridden because of whoever came and it continued for many more years to come, all my youth and adulthood.
I was never a likeable girl whom you could fall in love with, I never had those superficial attributes (white complexion, money, fame etc. they would only try to treat us like call girls that’s why I’m a lip virgin) . When I said about love and arranged marriages she said she had every right cuz she was legally married and I’m a forcer rapist (for wanting to know the reason behind his sudden silence and that absurd behaviour) she keeps saying or blurting these things out because of unrequited love cuz no one likes or wants me, it’s perceived as a social stigma in India. Cuz there’s nothing from the opposite side not even care or basic concern as a Co-human literally how can someone be so insensitive? She says all that derisively, again out of gloating and competition just to pull me down as another female. Today things were worse even though I had wheezing and I’m still getting it + fever and headache. I’m gonna cut it short now I’ve written a lot…
So coming back to the OCD or whatever part where he had made a rule that there would be no direct contact - he would either speak to my fake ID or use his own friend’s ID but one of us had to be someone else. Go through this link: https://www.lilacnights.com/post/surprise The other day I murmuring in my sleep I was so disoriented I kept saying “Aditya came with his gf Aditi… God knows for what, Harsh was also 10 kms away Aditya had said he would go to some bakery in Kandivali for evening snacks Kandivali is where they would reside he was at his house even though he would always be 6 kms away which is Malad” then I said to myself “No wake up it’s Tanvi not Aditi obviously”
I had told you, the Devil or angels all these entities in fact can probably read our minds and you know when I was browsing certain quotes it’s as if they were talking to me… one of them reflected exactly what I was thinking a few days back - Since I had seen his house in 2015-16 I knew he wasn’t rich and like I said he wasn’t even that big on Instagram or FB no blue tick and 2500-3000 followers with 250 likes, from his (natural) pics I thought he wasn’t that good looking or fair (it’s just that he wasn’t very photogenic) and so I fell in love with him but then some tarot reader told me (I had to rely on all that cuz he was not saying anything) that he was reluctant cuz he thought I was like a gold digger so I started cutting down all my expenses worked on several articles for my blogs back then, I was 20 but I was trying to be as understanding as possible… I started buying things on Sale literally if you’ve noticed for 100s-1000 all these years because of my panic attacks I never saw him after 2016 Feb and I thought maybe that is what he wanted there was anyway no hope from the others, and I had coincidences or signs here so I thought I’ll do this and then I realised it was all futile, all the selflessness and altruism it just wasn’t worth it. I even wrote a letter and clarified/acknowledged that it could be one sided while also sharing my feelings for him cuz I thought he would also cut down on his expenses because his brother was jobless like mine. That’s why I hate today’s generation they ruin everyone’s life along with their’s but I’m from Gen Z I’m actually younger than his younger brother it’s just that they are always like that, they have no pressure or expectations. I poured lots of love in that letter for this part but he hated me and then he had that stage show with her which broke my heart and I never gave it and my mother also was about to hit me again cuz she secretly read that (it had nothing which could’ve made her that livid or furious not even like a proper I love you or anything) she just said “Stop trying to look great or good” I saw the Devil’s numbers so I’m guessing it was him you had read my mind when I was telling myself that it was all wrong, I shouldn’t have ever tried being ideal for someone like that when he was already well off or rich or good looking he never needed love like me that’s why he never even understood anything, I don’t know why his house looked like that or if like ppl say Gujjus actually hide money but it was all deceptive, he was already too good he never needed love he was in a way better position. I kept saying I should’ve enjoyed and loved my life instead of getting bed ridden and cutting down everything, living on that bare minimum stuff c’mon… he showed a quote which had the exact same emotions and it was talking about all this too.
Then there were more quotes again with my thoughts but with answers this time - As a piece of advice *clears throat* the Devil’s like “Times change, we change, our choices change too… maybe you should just live out your dreams now” the background images everything all the signs suggested/reminded me of the rest of the stuff, let’s say he wants some tv actress to make those stupid immature dance reels (remember what had happened last time right? Two of them in their 40s made a misogynistic video where he was liye talk throwing her around and getting abusive and for some reason that was supposed to be funny and then that guy that “actor” he actually slammed her head against the wall in real life cuz he was having an affair) the fortune telling app said he wants someone “talented” to make those reels and earn money ummm seriously? You are going to hold auditions and another Swayamvar for this? You actually need talent for such stupid ass videos? Really? 😂🤣🤣🤣 He reminded me of my dreams (ironically the Devil not him) and he’s right here so if he is “rejecting” me for these reels like overage teenagers then even I will say - I want some NRI who stays abroad and who will take me away from all this (I gave examples of so many famous celebrities from MY age group all these ppl making videos are older, those celebs they don’t do all this and even if they do it cuz it’s a fad now it’s shot on blurry pixelated quality for fun not money and some of them they take all those cute casual pics and use Instagram like a digital album like some of our Indian Bollywood celebs and that’s it, they don’t turn this into a career that too most of it is just for attention) so yeah he’s right if he’s rejecting me for that especially after I’ve become conscious I don’t even look good so yeah I’m not suitable for the camera I have become agoraphobic I haven’t left my room since 2017 I’ve become bed ridden and he is still thinking selfishly about his own life then I also want a rescuer an actual hero who will take me abroad because why is he even staying India? Just got fame right? You hardly get anything here, we needed something for our living room and bathroom some important fixtures and even there there’s literally no choice or even proper functionality. If you see the state of our roads or the air quality outside you’ll literally feel like shifting there… it’s getting worse day by day, we hardly get any quality product here, prices are getting hiked and unlike abroad there are no alternatives, I keep getting cheap ads from “homegrown businesses” in India who are busy making Sx toys, the land of superficial Kama sutra and Chappis or pervs what else do you expect? Indians don’t need beautiful cosy homes or designer spaces (that too in a budget) or other things such as good quality food or air or any kind of consumption like that cuz they are only good at fcking and having kids. Our population shows that there are literally no brains here… my head is paining.
My mother would never believe or support me when I would say I’m always about to face molestation in the school bus cuz I’m my stop was last and I would be the only girl left everyday I would force myself to somehow keep away my head wud keep banging against the window cuz I would get drowsy, they (driver and cleaner) didn’t even spare a KG toddler, I eventually took things into my own hand and the cleaner’s frustration was evident that day and when I grew up I saw smother school bus’s driver ogling me (when I was a teenager) in my car, I immediately looked behind to see if they were being accompanied by a teacher cuz that was a new rule but the teacher was sitting obliviously completely ignorant to that in her own sweet world… (Jamnabai Bus) another toddler’s case came on tv that year where they parents had paid 10k for her picnic where she was raped and the teacher kept threatening and manipulating and raping her repeatedly he was a sad case my hands are again I’ve cold I had to mention all that this is one more reason why I don’t want kids anymore and this country it’s unlivable. I can’t stay here. All my school friends are married to NRIs, and I don’t want to stay here either… in fact considering my thoughts and everything I should’ve been the first to move. All my school friends would think I was from there… Someone had even told me that I was too sophisticated to be here when it saw my old website (I don’t have it now) he was surprised it was made in India. We asked about the bathroom hardware btw, I just received a response and as guessed they’ve shifted everything to exports inspite being an Indian brand, all the good stuff is reserved for Dubai and other places… people who don’t deserve to be there (cheap bimbos) have already shifted, for me I just fell short of the mark because of my looks ur complexion I don’t know what to blame. Look at these beautiful velvety chenille cushions with all those intricate designs (traditional + Aztec) I have studied all this on my own… you don’t get this stuff in India btw, we get nothing here.
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I somehow got those items, it’s me Zara after all I can’t keep something ugly or bad in that bathroom, there has to be congruity like everything else I’m always in sync with the universe. We felt like thieves though to buy things made in Rajasthan as if it was all smuggled. In India girls develop a defence mechanism from an early age, it might sound like really dreary and lascivious if I’ll keep bringing up this topic but in this particular article I feel like I’ll have to discuss it not explicitly but I’ll have to make you understand why as girls or more precisely as ineligible (darker toned females who don’t have a rich father to buy a bridegroom for her, who won’t be able to afford any dowry you might think times have changed BUT I literally heard someone in my own family shouting and saying “My best friend’s girl has several hotels at her name her father is a business tycoon and look at me I can’t woo anyone like that, where am I? Uske gf ke baap ki itni saari hotelein hai dekho and wht about me?” He doesn’t even want to get married. That same gf was so weird she had a deviant personality she locked him from outside while they were on a trip God knows for what reason and kept him under lock and key. He woke up locked in that room.
We deal with lecherous men from the age of 10-11 and all these educated men who are supposed to take care of us are feeding us to the wolves I wanted someone of my caliber to talk to who would understand my thoughts, who would’ve able to keep up with me and my conversations someone who himself is fathomable and not some illiterate incoherent cheap vulgar man like that creep from Bhopal YET I WAS FORCED to talk to him, they left me with no choice until I blocked him and he kept coming and harassing me, he was a perv and you know his story. Is that not FORCE? In fact it’s all UNFAIR it’s the other way round… I have dealt with married creepy ugly men touching me by taking advantage of the crowd on school trips - we feel molested and exploited we feel like killing ourselves, and when a girl gets rejected for no reason she didn’t even like got chance to probably get liked for her personality or other things (we put make more efforts than all those good looking fair rich girls hoping we’ll get chosen by someone or the other) but at the end we get rejected not only for love or CARE, (every girl’s fav word) but also for emotional, financial and physical security, we are deprived of that too. We can’t depend on our old parents when we are surrounded by so many pervs who are getting further encouraged by INTERNET. Now all the pseudo feminists will be like - “You can’t learn Judo Karate (some of us have certain illnesses and unfortunately the ones triggered by stress are skyrocketing amongst girls that too chronic destabilising ones like Lupus (systematic disorder) Fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s syndrome, Neurasthénia which I got after fibro due to cov & 5th Mar stress ) They will say “You can’t learn kick boxing? Karate? Pork chop? Use pepper spray…?” At the risk of what? Incurring their wrath & getting acid thrown at our face? “You can’t ask for a raise?” They sometimes pay more to men cuz they are the sole bread winners in some families and at times single girls and boys BOTH are given a smaller paycheck. There are places where they do add more zeroes for men but even after bringing up that topic things haven’t changed for us… next “Why can’t you work during your pregnancy why take a maternity leave? You are a woman we are strong invincible we don’t need that, how old fashioned? Why take an epidural? Why Caesarean? Why can’t you juggle work life and kids both? Why have children? Too primitive? Why can’t you have kids? Too ambitious? (Well there are several other reasons) Why be a homemaker? Why become a working girl? Be modern we don’t work 9 to 5… Why can’t you just party, booze and smoke and then grow your own weed, sell it & become an entrepreneur… like a female Pablo Picasso… why can’t you? Is it only for men?” All these pseudo feminists will immediately ask these things, the moment you talk about being deprived of emotional, physical or financial security which is like the need of the hour right now for females they’ll start asking such nonsensical questions that you’ll feel like pulling a trigger in your mouth instead of answering them. But what I meant to say is that is what rejection is for us. We have no hope left and our future becomes uncertain and scary. Speaking of wanting to move somewhere abroad… I would’ve probably stayed back if I had someone here, you stay for people you love… I have no one to keep me here, they actually all want me to die they are waiting for that. No one cares about my life or me…
Considering everything that I had to hear… (my head is paining so please ignore all the errors/typos) and how people have behaved with me especially him and my mother, I don’t want that forcer chaser tag anymore so if you are ready to accept me only then you can approach or if you want be friends then I’m also cool with that but don’t be fickle like him, if you are not sure then either stay away or be honest… if you don’t want me but still want to be around and if you are okay with risking your integrity although I’m very good at keeping secrets then we can have a half open marriage like I had suggested earlier. I had written all this long ago…
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Girls like me who are considered “untalkable” can only dream of a platonic relationship… in my dreams sometimes I have someone by my side holding my hand when I feel like I’m dying during those convulsions or tremors and violent jerking/twitching throughout my body, I get wheezing too and even my heart muscles go through that; having said that in real life it involves romantic feelings minus intimacy and it’s unimaginable to think that someone would like us, we can use the other house mates alternative which again considering how he has made me… ugly and all and how much my mother hates having me around, I feel it would be difficult for someone to put up with me in the same environment, she keeps praying for my death cuz she “cannot stand me” (just like the guy I loved the most) and ego would want to hang around? I always wanted to be with him, watch TV, shop together, put my arm around his neck, talk, do fun things like sharing those interesting or unbelievable bizarre stories (well I have a lot now) build our home, decorate it and spend our life together, now that life is gone along with 8-10 years of my youth, I could never be with him. When they create characters like us on screen they show us like psychos, one sided forcers, they do cover these things like watching tv or preparing breakfast but we are still shown as some creep who is forcing someone to be around & craving for their presence, fighting for their time and attention. They depict us like those psychos and we end up feeling more scared 😱 hence we never talk about this. Speaking of mutualism, well maximum of these stories start off as not only mutual but also with loads of attention from the opposite side, they lure you and then humiliate. Also, who would want to watch TV with me? I can crack jokes and make you laugh if you want to be House Mates, you won’t get bored and if you aren’t like my mother then you’ll even get used to my appearance and it won’t bother you after some time. Platonic is where you can watch movies or tv together, as house mates we can use the living area as a common room apart from that we will have our own space where we can stay separately, My head is paining a lot and I have a lot of fever so I’m gonna continue the funny story tomorrow…
Gn Zara Sauleh
Coincidences - www.lilacnights.com/post/stupid-cupid
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My Dream Life 👇🏻
Just so you know… this is My Dream Life. This is what I want, a warm cosy home, sunsets by the lake, Amsterdam canals & rivers, round windows, quaint little shops, egrets & ducks, some puppies, warm amber lights, 90s vibes, freshly baked viennoiseries 🥐 and love + a little bit of tranquility. Credit for videos - | utrechtalive | & | elbgestoeber | (couldn’t tag cuz I’ve seen some bloggers asking ppl to take down their videos so didn’t want to tag them I have added their usernames)
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nini-and-her-heart · 10 months
d, you've been my friend for years. you knew about my past when u met me. this is why this hurts more than it should. because i trusted that you'd be better, smarter, and kinder than them. but now i am heavily debating if that is true. u knew of my past about being used, discarded, and replaced as if i am nothing. and yet, you did the exact same thing. the d that i knew would be the first one to tell me how much of a jerk the other guy was. and now, in this case, u are that 'other guy'. u got what u wanted from me and then u dipped the moment someone better came along. i know better than anyone how the world is inherently unfair. but i still can't stop beating myself up about it. bc how is that fair, d? how is it fair that i couldn't move on from what i've had w u but u are ready to move on to someone new it's because everything was one-sided, wasn't it? u didn't feel for me the way that i felt for u. and knowing u, you would be too prideful to admit that u messed up. bc u are obsessed ab being the good guy that u actually forget how to be a good guy. answer me this: u decided to go out w someone new to put a hard stop on whatever the 'thing' we had because u cannot control your urges around me thus u can't be a normal friend to me. but like, why can't u just control your urges AND also not insult and hurt me by dating someone new when u know i am still not over u? so it's either
a) u are using this new girl as a rebound or b) u never felt the same way as i did and u only pretended u did so that u could get sexual stuff w me either way, both are messed up but u wouldn't admit to that bc that would make u a 'bad guy' and u know what the crazy thing is? i would've forgiven u no matter what because i would put our friendship above everything BUT ONLY IF u at least have the decency to give me the truth! i cannot move on because i feel like i don't deserve the truth! u know how much it means to be to be told the truth no matter how painful it is because that is better than being lied to. sure, u might think that u were honest w me by admitting that u are going out w someone but that is not the entire truth. i needed the ENTIRE TRUTH. i need to hear it from u so that for once, i have liked someone who doesn't lie to me. i thought u were better, d. the d that i knew from 2016-2022 would be calling out the d that i talked to awhile ago. but u couldn't do it. bc u know that would be admitting that u really never felt the same way for me. and that makes me feel like crap. that makes me feel even more unloveable and easily replaceable. i already felt that about me based on everyone's behavior towards me. i didn't need u to add on it further. ... and now what? i cannot be your friend like this because it hurts. but i also cannot lose u. i can't take another loss this year. i have lost so much already. do u remember that period where we removed each other on every platform and we weren't speaking? i don't want to have to go through that again. you mean so much to me even w/o the romance and the intimacy. but i feel like i am left w no choice bc everything that reminds me of u hurts like a motherf*cker. i keep getting images of u w her and it makes me sick to the stomach. i wanna cry. i wanna throw up. i couldn't eat, sleep, or even function. i don't wanna leave my bed bc being covered in a blanket is the safest place i feel like i have. everything around me feels like it can hurt me because it feels like u cut me open. AND IT HURTS THAT IT FEELS LIKE U DON'T CARE. bc u can go around and be normal while this is happening to me. again, the world is unfair and nobody and nothing owes me shit. but come on. do i not mean anything to u? if not as a potential lover, maybe even just as a friend? as someone who's been w u for many years? someone who listened to u vent ab your family, friends, work, and other things? do i not deserve time to grieve for u before u hit me in the face w the reality that our lives are just completely different? i need answers but i feel like i'm just in denial bc i already know the answer i just refuse to believe it bc i want u to say it to me yourself. i deserve that. i hate the fact that the only person that can help me and comfort me rn is the same person who inflicted this pain to me. oh, and that's another thing! the last time we talked prior to today, u were giving me comforting words like, "u are a strong girl, u got this!" as if u didn't put me in this place to begin with! what the heck was that about? i don't know what i'm supposed to do. i haven't stopped crying for days now. i should be better at this but why does it feel this specific one is something that would wound me forever? i need YOU. i need you as my friend. i have other stuff i'm dealing w on top of our problem but i can't come to u about it because it hurts. i want what's best for u and what would make u happy. i want u to get everything you've ever dreamed of. as your friend. .. but i'm sorry if i cannot help but feel bitter about it. u made me feel like liking u was one of the best choices i've ever done when it comes to picking guys. but why does it feel like i still made the same old mistake no matter how much thinking and work i've done about this? why?
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mesmerium · 1 year
seventeen mean so much to me, i’m actually so emotional. i think i talked about this already but quite literally seventeen saved my life. if you’re bored and want to read a whole essay about their impact on my life, here lmao
tw // depression, mentions of suicide (nothing graphic!)
i took leave from med school because my depression was so bad, even when i was getting good grades and had leadership positions (plural!!???) and was doing well in extracurriculars. these things honestly only served to worsen my mental state. the pressure i had put on myself, the insomnia i developed from being anxious all the time, the fear of failure and not being liked and being made fun of for trying too hard, etc. it all came to a head, and i had to make it stop. so i did. i took a leave of absence, and all of a sudden, after years and years of keeping myself too busy to think too much, too busy to contemplate, i had nothing to do but listen to my thoughts and wallow in sadness and emptiness. it wasn’t any better, and i had honestly lost any hope for myself. at that point i had been dealing with depression for more than a decade, and even while on medication i couldn’t bear to live anymore.
so i started writing goodbye letters to the few people that mattered to me. it wasn’t my first time, but i thought that it would be the last. there was a finality to everything i was doing. in february 2022, i attempted suicide. i prepared everything the night before, woke up early, and did it. but before i could do enough damage to myself, guilt seeped through me. i thought to myself, “it’ll be my dad’s birthday in a few days, it’s so selfish of me to be doing this before he could even celebrate.” so i dropped everything, patched myself up (thank god for med school materials amirite), and cried myself to sleep. that day, with nothing else to do, no energy for anything, i tried watching going seventeen.
i became a fan of seventeen in 2016, after pretty u promotions. i watched ofd and was obsessed with the going seventeen mini album when it came out. unfortunately i decided to drop kpop as a hobby for a bit because i was really busy and living my life, so it’s a little funny that my first step back into it was when i had nothing else to do after attempting lol. when i tell you it got me to laugh after a month of not being able to. i got invested, and it gave me something to do while i was waiting for my dad’s birthday to pass.
one night, a few days after my dad’s birthday, an ex who passed away in december 2021 visited me in my dreams. i asked him what he was doing in my dream, and he took me to visit his family home. he told me he was watching over his family before leaving completely. we chatted, and i asked him if i would regret going the same way he did. he told me that it is the way it is, and that he’s found peace where he is. it was up to me, he said. i woke up and cried, because i missed him, because i was glad that he was happy, because it felt like a sign that it was time for me too.
that night i attempted again. i felt myself floating, losing whatever it was that tethered me to my corporeal self. yet i am here still typing out this post in 2023. how and why? because a thought hit me, and i scrambled to get the wire off of my neck. “i won’t be able to watch going seventeen in the afterlife, if there was an afterlife at all.” it seems so goofy and insane, especially now while looking back, but it was enough to get me to panic and stop before i could succeed.
that’s how seventeen gave me something to live for. it sounds so inconsequential and dumb, yes, but when you’re teetering on the edge, the tiniest pull matters. my motivation from then on was to make it to wednesday to watch going seventeen, then if i wanted to die after that, so be it. but the desire to watch 13 men be goofy on camera, to see them with so much adoration and affection for each other and their fans, was so much greater. it helped me get through each week, and before i knew it weeks turned into months and months turned into a year. they filled me with so much love and inspiration, helped me get back up on my feet and feel normal again, gave me a community filled with kind, creative, and equally loving people from all over the world.
they’re not the answer to my problems, i know that. i’m still struggling. but without them i wouldn’t even be able to live to see the day that i overcome those problems. thanks to them, i found the will to better myself. thanks to them, i can look forward to what the future holds. i hope i am allowed the honor of knowing and loving them like this in every lifetime. ‘til the last say the name!!!
“It’s our first time living this life, so how can we be good from the beginning? Even I’m still having a hard time. Let’s learn together.” — Hoshi
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in-decisivo · 1 year
sparks fly
we said sparks fly back in 2016, my memory will never falter what i feel that night in megamall with arielle and janina even when you heavily teased me to a point i needed to pinch you so hard i love doing karaoke w u, makes me woner why we never do it alone
i think of all the times i was gushing about you, remembering your face and just smile because i cant help it; you to me is my safe space when i think of you it felt like home, it feels like breathing and im reminded that everything is going to be alright
i really adore u so much u dont even know it
but how fast sparks fly, can sparks can stay a bit longer so we retain this familiar and light atmosphere between us? how did u know my sparks went off? (honestly asking u)
to me; & this is im certain is that night of 2020 in october when i actually have to convince myself that youre not actually drifting away from me; when i have to also convince myself repeatedly that it will be alright if i show myself to u and it will not hurt and it does until this day, to change parts of me bcause you wouldnt like it - admittedly there r but it was a big leap
honestly i cant remember all the little things we fought about but i know from what i felt u pull back every single time and parts of me needed to be scratched or bruised to mend what happened; a its sad to be reminded everytime of what every little thing i ever did to you everytime -
learning about your online nuances on Twitter i think thats when things shifted for me, trust / trust issues could only be the thing thats making my walls standing - i was in a place where i felt so insecure about the way you present yourself to people you just knew, and it was never clear to me- your words could simply mean nothing but your actions takes a lot of space in my head during those time;
i dont trust the rest of the world but you
only you will make or break it
maybe I didnt trust you enough
but trust is actually a big thing for me
youve seen me hurt before youve seen me struggle all these years even were just friends at school even before then being friends with me needed to have a solid foundation on trust alone
somehow thats slowly creeping away i second guess myself now i doubt myself most of the time i lean into you bcos my confidence is not so great anymore
in times of uncertainty you were the one i run too and in time i dont know how to actually trust myself on most things
because of u
u stopped acting on our nuances so i never forget how you:
*make a video greeting messages every new year; you did this for two years only
*stopped making round trips at cubao manhattan area bcos you said you were tired
*you wake up so late you dont even greet me good morning for so long but i understand youre not a morning person but there are so many days you just dont even bother
*my hyper fixation to Starbucks could be a bad thing to you and has brought it up so many times and drove me off to actually disliking it
*the things we do are not relatively inclined but when I learned how to be a homebody you suddenly resist the idea why i haven't asked u out for so long - while I thought it was a nice feeling just spending my days with u
*everytime you want to go with that group of friends u somehow conceal half of everything then leave me wondering who are these people u r going out with
*you stopped flirting with me in public; stopped holding my hands; stopped doing sneaky kisses; you stopped clinging to me like the way it was
*it feels bad when i feel like you are just obliged to do the things to make me happy when in fact u r not a fan of the things i do
maybe that's how my sparks went off
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spacelizzbian · 1 year
Not me liveblogging the belgian national final (a few days too late even) but not esc 2021 or 2022 *clown noises* 🤡
Not a great start when one of the candidates sings Euphoria a bit off key 😬 (im so sorry Ameerah love u)
Loredana and Chérine slaying those vocals
This medley SLAPS 🔥🔥
The Nicole tribute was very heartwarming, love that they did that
"The act needs to be fresh and fruity" Sandra Kim said it needs to be gay, write that down
Hunter looks so adorable and happy to be there 💖
Pretty sure Laura Tesoro did the same penguin dance move in 2016 lmao, loved it then loved it now
Fuck the haters, Ooh la la is a bop 😤
Shame they didnt give him more dancers for such a funky song.
The audience going crazy for Chérine during her interview, as they should 😌
Naur Chérine, twas a bit off key near the end there 😬
The song is so so good and catchy but the act is a bit eehh. Certainly memorable though
Scorching hot take alert, but rollercoaster is so generic its painful
And it genuinly feels bad to say that cause it means so much to the singers
The staging was very on point tho
Love Ameerah's vibes, very mom friend who cares about all her lil kids
VRT: "How Eurovision do you want the costumes to be?"
Ameerah: "yes. "
There is so much energy and playfulness in this act, I love it!!
These dancers are giving a 110% props all around
Love that thid guy thing is wearing a silly big round hat and that he was like "I'm going to wear an even bigger one"
Frankly I want him to wear an even bigger one at the actual contest
The singing by Gustaph and his background ladies is superb
I'd add some dancers tho
Pretty sure this would't have been my pick but it's the least repetitive of the more pop-y songs so I think I get why this won
Omg Gala is wearing the fugly Santana fur hat 💀💀
Everything about this girl screams Artist(tm) but in the best way
This act and song is so intense and full of emotion, I didn't write any notes during it. Wow.
*Insert Lady Gaga meme here*
Please don't remind me that we didn't send 'She's after my piano' in 2014, I'll start biting
Loredana's outfit is giving me Chanel Slomo vibes 👌
The rorbot is so random I'm cackling lmao
I'm so sad the song is so weak cause I love Loredana's voice 😔
Lmao Nikki said the robot should have lifter her up, so true queen 😂😂
Never gonna forget the moment when Duncan sang his song in a concert full of Dutch people, this song is like crack to them
Gala and her cute frog knit hat Froche, my beloved
Fairytale is never gonna get old
These dancers are giving it their all, go off you possesed lil folk dancers 💃🕺💃🕺
I think my ranking'd be
1. Gala
2. Ameerah
3. Gustaph
4. Chérine
5. Hunter Falls
6. The Starlings
7. Loredana
Aight, voting time, time to get mad at the results like always 😌
Oh no, I'm agreeing with the jury votes...welp time to tyrade against the uncultured masses 😤
I like Gustaph enough to believe we have a shot of getting through to the finale, I wish all the luck to my fav hat of the night 💖
Also genuinely impressed by the show we put on, highkey regretting not going to it but oh well. I enjoyed it so much more than I thought I was gonna 🇧🇪
Anyway, shifting out of eurovision mode 😔 see you in may (if I'm liveblogging the actual thing lmao we'll see)
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Borutos past to Romance by Suzumakii
Anime » Naruto Rated: K, English, Romance & Humor, Naruto U., Hinata H., Boruto U., Words: 24k+, Favs: 64, Follows: 96, Published: Aug 22, 2016 Updated: Jul 3, 2018
32Chapter 1: Beginning
Boruto's Past To Romance..
Hello everyone! Im so sorry for the awfull chapters at the beginning. My grammar sucks and my sentences too. Just keep on reading and it will eventually get better at some point! I promise the story will get good later on. You just need to get past the crappy beginning.
'Mom, tell me about you and daddy!' the little girl said, while she's trying to ignore her older brother.
He already told her to shut her mouth about that topic, but she wouldn't listen to him.
'Why do you want to know sweetheart?' the mother said. She folded the clothes she collected and put them away.
'Because you've never told me. I really want to know!' the little girl begged.
The older brother got annoyed by the way his little sister acted. Why does she want to know? He hates everything that has to do with 'romantic' stuff. He almost barfed in his mouth.
''Hima, don't be so annoying.'' he said with a hint of irritation in his voice. ''You are way to young to know about their past. Just wait until you get a little older, alright?'' he said while helping his mom pick up the clothes.
'Oh come on mommie! Just tell me. Im old enough to know!' she cried out.
''Boruto, don't be so mean towards your little sister. If you guys really want to know the story, i can tell you if you'd like'' his mother said and she smiled at Himawari. Hima stopped crying and smiled back at her.
Boruto looked at his mother. Is she serious? He doesn't want to know how the two met. His father, the great legendary Naruto Uzumaki.. He probably had alot of girls around him when he was younger. He wonders what his mom, Hinata Hyuuga, thought about it when she saw that. It must've been really sad for her. Seeing him being great and all. Well, he doesn't want to know anything about his dad. He has seen enough. He can't take it anymore. Hokage this, hokage that. When someone finally speaks to Boruto, it's only to give a message to his father. He hates being the son of the seventh Hokage. He doesn't want to talk about him. And he sure as hell doesn't want to hear his history with his mother.
''Boruto? Is everything okay? Come sit down with us. I am going to tell the story..''
''No thanks, im going out training. Have fun'' he said quickly, and left before she could say anything. Before he closed the door, he heard mom chuckle a bit. He knew mom loves dad very much. But he doesn't understand how she could still handle this situation. Dad is never home, and she has to raise them up on her own. It just isn't fair. He quickly closed and ran outside. He always had a special training ground where he practices everyday. He wants to become the strongest ninja out there, just like..
'Hey, did you hear? Sasuke Uchiha is back in the village!'
'Really? Ohgosh. I can't wait to see him! He's so handsome.'
'Yeah well, hands off. He's Sakura's husband, and you seriously don't want to mess with that woman'.
'Oh yeah, your right. I totally forgot! Lets not be too excited for Sasuke's return then..'
The two woman quickly disappeared. Boruto heard everything they had just said. His fathers rival is back in town.. The man he always admired. He needs to speak with him, and quick. Boruto ran towards the gate of Hidden Leaf Village. Maybe he was still on his way here and could see Sasuke on the way. But then he saw someone else..
Everyone! This is the first time i've ever published a story lol. So please.. Just chill in the comments. The rest is coming soon. I promise.
note: This gets good at chapter 3 so keep reading lol
2: Time Skip
''Where do you think your going?''
Boruto stopped running. In front of him stood a girl around his age, same height and with glasses. Ofcourse he knew who she was. Sarada Uchiha. Daugther of his hero Sasuke Uchiha. She still doesn't have her Sharingan, so she's a bit weaker then Boruto. But he's afraid that when she will awaken them, that she'll definitly be stronger then him.
''Hey goofball. I asked you something'' she said with her face close to his. He quickly bounced back.
''Damn Salad. Chill out. Im heading over to your dad'' he said, a bit annoyed by how close she got to him. He doesn't know why, but Sarada is the only one who can make him feel uncomfartable. It's weird. He doesn't have this feeling with his mom, dad or with his best friend Mitsuki.
Sarada punched Boruto in the face. Really hard. He flew away and crashed on a big wall. The villagers all looked shocked at what just happened. Some even laughed. Thats because the villagers don't like Boruto too much. He's an annoyance towards the them. They think he doesn't deserve to be the son of the seventh Hokage. But Boruto doesn't care one bit. The only thing that was on his mind was the punch he just got.
''WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!'' he screamed and quickly got up on his feet.
''Don't call me Salad, baka!'' she said back.
''Do you want another punch in your face while you're at it?''
''Sarada'' another voice said at the background.
Boruto and Sarada stopped their fight and looked at the direction that voice came from. There stood a tall man. He had black long hair. Half of his face was covered in bangs. He wore a long cape and kinda gave this weird vibe as if he didn't belong here at all.
This was him. This is DEFINITLY him.
'Hey dad, back again from your journey?' Sarada said, while taking all the attention off from Boruto.
''Yes. What is this all about?'' he said, looking at Boruto as if he had just hit a wall.
Oh.. He actually did hit a wall..
''Don't worry about him. Tell me, what did you…''
Boruto quickly ran towards Sasuke and stopped in front of Sarada, facing her father. ''YEAH, HOW WAS IT? WAS IT COOL? DID YOU FIGHT BAD GUYS AND STUFF?''
He felt a punch in his back and fell on the ground. Sarada stepped over him and pushed her dad away. ''Lets go dad. You need to rest. Tell me about all your stories later! I bet mom wants to see you too'' she said, and they went away. Before she was out of sight, she quickly turned around and stuck her tongue out at Boruto.
Damn Sarada. What is her issue? He was very polite too.. 'Well, i guess i should head home then.. Ill speak to him another time. Probably tomorrow.'
He wanted to head home, but he saw something that got his attention. A man, who obviously didn't belong in this village. He had a scroll in his hand and walked into a alley. Before he walked in, he quickly turned around to look if anyone was following him. He didn't see anyone, and kept on walking. Boruto couldn't ignore this and quickly ran after him.
'What the hell is in that scroll?' he wondered. It got really dark, and the more he walked into the alley, the darker it got. He still saw the man though. He's a weird looking guy, with pink hair and paint on his face. He kinda looked like Hisoka from Hunter x Hunter. Yeah okay, he watches that show. What about it? It comes on tv alot. But anyways, he needs to get that scroll from that dude. But as if he could read his thoughts, the man quickly turned around and threw a kunai. Boruto dodged it and hid behind a container.
'What the hell is up with this him?' he thought. 'I need to do something about him and report him to dad. He doesn't belong here. That's obvious. And if i could catch him, dad would be proud of me!'.
Boruto stood up and run towards the man. He wanted to throw a good punch at him, but missed. ''Shadow clone jutsu!'' Boruto said. He created 2 other clones and quickly attacked the man. He wanted to run away, but the scroll fell out of his pocket. One of the shadow clones grabbed it and threw it at the real Boruto while still fighting the man. Boruto got the scroll in his hands. What could be in here? A secret technique? A forbidden jutsu?
He wanted to open the scroll, but couldn't. Dad would freaking kill him if he opened it without knowing whats in it. But.. He really wants to do it..
Before realizing it, the man already knocked the shadow clones out. 'Shit! I need to get out of here!'
Boruto ran away with the scroll in his hands. Obviously the scroll was important to this man because he chased after him. No way he was getting this.
'I want to find out what the heck is in this thing. Or should i first go to dad? But, maybe then he won't show it to me.. I can open it now, right? I mean, what could be the worst case here?'
'No, i need to bring this to...'
Boruto tripped and fell onto the ground. He was too busy thinking about what would happen, that he didn't look where he was going and tripped over a rock. Boruto fell down on the ground and wanted to get back up. And then he saw it.. The scroll.. It opened in his hands while falling..
A big flash of light appeared..
''Kiba Inuzuka and Naruto Uzumaki, you two will fight eatchother. The winner will go to the next round. You may begin.''
What the..
Boruto looked around him. He found himself somewhere else. It didn't look like the dark alley where he was followed by the pink haired guy.. He saw people standing next to each other, watching something going on downstairs.
Then he thought about what he just heared. Did he just hear his dads name?
''GO ON NARUTO, YOU CAN'T LOSE TO THIS JERK!'' a girl screamed.
He looks at the direction that voice is coming from. A pink kunoichi. Her fist was up in the air and it looks like she was anxious about something. Boruto thought she looked familiar. But from where..
He stands up and quickly looks at what is going on down there. He sees two boys, probably the same age as his, facing each other, ready to fight. The guy in the orange jumpsuit looked familiar too.. And then it hit him.
Boruto wanted to jump off and run towards the boy in the jumpsuit, but somebody stopped him.. ''Hey you.''
3: Chunin Exams
Authors Note: I do not own Naruto, again.
Boruto turned around. What the..
''Don't go out there. Trust me. If you do something, it might change the future'' the man said. Its the guy from before with the pink hair. The guy that looked like Hisoka. He breathed heavily like he just ran for hours. Boruto quickly slammed his hand away that was on his shoulder. This guy was the enemy!
''YOU! WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON? HOW DID I GET HERE? WHY DOES MY DAD LOOK LIKE A FREAKING 13 YEAR OLD!? EXPLAIN RIGHT NOW'' Boruto screamed and slammed the man down. He wanted to force it out of him. It wasn't necassary though. He would've told him without Boruto pushing him on the ground.
''Stop it right there'' someone said behind them and they both looked up.
A woman walked straight towards them. She pulled Boruto off of the man and pushed him away.
''What do you think you're doing kid? Your fight is later on. Don't be troublesome and watch the fight'' she said annoyed.
''Oh come on Kurunai, he's just to excited to kick his butt. Don't worry about it.'' a man with a cigarette in his mouth said. He winked at Boruto. ''You can fight later on, so don't worry. You'll get your chance.''
Kurunai stepped back. ''Fine Asuma. You handle these kids'' and she walked away. Boruto was confused. What did he mean with fighting later on? He didn't belong here.
''I'll go watch the fight. You guys can stay here if you want to, but don't bite eatch others head off, allright?'' the man with the cigarette said laughing, and walked back to return to the match. Everyone was looking at them, including the two boys who were fighting.
''HEY, DON'T WORRY. THIS MATCH WILL BE OVER IN NO TIME!'' the boy in the orange jumpsuit screamed with a grin on his face. Kiba looked at Naruto, mad. ''Don't get too cocky'' and he attacked. The others didn't focus on Boruto anymore and continued to watch the fight that has just begun.
Boruto looked at his now 13 year old dad. He couldn't move anymore. Was this a prank or something? No.. His dad was way too busy with hokage stuff to do this kind of things. But that definitely is his dad fighting downstairs.
''Listen kid, don't draw too much attention to us or they will notice somethings up. Im going to explain it to you. And you are going to listen or not, i don't really care. Im just explaining this once'' the pink haired man said, still laying on the ground. He stood up and pulled Boruto out of sight of the others.
''My name is Hatori. I'm not from the hidden Leaf, but from the hidden Sound village. I was… Hey, are you listening? Im only telling you this once'' he said, annoyed by the way Boruto wasn't paying attention. He still was in shock.
Boruto just got slapped in the face.
''Im sorry, i thought you needed that''
''…Go on with your explanation'' he said, while rubbing his red cheek.
''As i was saying, i am from the hidden Sound village. I don't live there anymore though. I became a Rogue Ninja. When i lived in the village, i was working on a forbidden jutsu. A jutsu that could go back in time. You don't need to know my reasons, but I have had many regrets in my life and i've wanted to go back and change history. The villagers didn't trust me anymore because i was working on some dangerous stuff, so some people tried to kill me. I quickly left the village and took the jutsu with me in a scroll. I've always kept it safe with me. I wanted to use it but i still needed one more thing before the jutsu could work. And that is one drop of a kyuubis blood'' Hatori said.
''One drop of a kyuubis blood? Do you mean..''
''Yeah, i mean your dad obviously. I went to the hidden Leaf village and i performed a jutsu that made me look like your sensai, Konohamaru. I sparred with him a little and got some blood from him that i could use for the scroll. I wanted to get out of the village as fast as possible, until you came along..''
He gave Boruto an annoyed look. ''Okay, so how do we get back then?'' Boruto simply asked.
''Well, i have to perform that jutsu again. It takes some time..''
''How long does it take?''
''..About 4 to 5 months if we're lucky''
''Don't worry, everything in the future has stopped. Because we're in the past, the future can't move on until we're back again. There is only one problem..''
Hatori looked at him with a serious look.
''You can't interact with the people here, or else it could change the future.'' he said.
'Change the future?' Boruto thought in his mind.
''Yes, change the future'' Hatori said, as if he was reading his mind. ''If you do something here, it could have a huge impact later on. So you need to watch out. Oh, and one more thing..''
''It can happen, that when you sleep, you awake to another day in the past. So, you wont be in this time forever.''
Boruto was confused. What the hell did he mean by that?
Hatori saw Borutos face so explained a bit more.
''Okay, listen up kid. Right now, you are in a Chunin Exam. You'll probably be here for a few days, or months. I don't know how long it will take. But one day, when you wake up, you'll probably wake up in another time. 1 year from now, maybe a few months. Who knows? And then you'll stay there for a few months or weeks again, and then when you wake up one day, you'll be in another time AGAIN. Maybe months, years. Get it?''
Boruto just stood there with a puzzled look on his face. He was going way to fast with his explanation.
''Okay, i can worry about that later. But what do i have to do now?'' he asked quickly.
Hatori looked around. Boruto saw he thought of a plan. But they couldn't just leave here could they?
''Lets go''
He pulled Boruto with him towards the door that leads to the exit.
''ARE YOU CRAZY? Let go! They'll notice us leaving. They want us to fight, didn't you just hear that man say that to us you BAAKAA!'' Boruto quickly said. He didn't let go of Boruto's arm and still pulled him towards the door. Boruto noticed that the fight had ended. He heared a couple of people clapping for someone. He wondered if it was for his dad. Did he win?..
He wants to find out more for some reason, but couldnt because Hatori was still pulling him towards the exit. He needs him to let go for a few seconds.. And he just had the best idea ever.
Boruto tickled him.
Hatori let go of his arm and wanted to punch him in the face for doing that but Boruto quickly ran towards the other people. He's too curious to know whats going on. He heard Hatori saying something behind him, but he didn't care. He quickly looked around to find his dad but didn't see him. Darn, where could he be?
Boruto stopped running. Right in front of him was a beautiful girl his age. She had dark, kind off purple hair. It was really short. Her hair had a duckbutt hairdo. She was holding something in her hands while the blonde guy stopped and looked at her. ''Huh, did you say something? Hinata?''
Boruto's eyes got bigger. Hinata.. Naruto.. His parents.. Why was his mom so shy in front of him?
''I-I thought m-maybe..'' she stopped her sentence. She got red and was looking at the ground. Boruto was waiting. What was she going to do?
She then looked at Naruto and walked towards him. They stood in front of eatchother and she raised her hands up. She wanted to give him something. But what?
''Huh? Uh, whats this?'' Naruto said while taking a look at the thing in her hand. The woman who seperated Boruto from Hatori, Kurunai, was standing behind them, wondering what will happen. 'So im not the only one who's paying attention huh' Boruto thought.
''Its a healing ointment'' Kurunai said with a smile on her face.
''For me? What for?''
Boruto's head almost exploded. Was his dad serious? Why is he acting so dense all of a sudden. He couldn't believe his dad was such a idiot back in the past.
Hinata got redder and redder. She didn't say anything.
''Take it Naruto, go ahead'' Kurunai said.
Naruto turned around and looked at Kurunai. He didn't know why Hinata was giving it to him, and just accepted it.
''Uh, thanks Hinata. Thats uh, really nice of you'' Naruto said with a smile on his face.
Boruto just stood there, watching the scenario. So this is how they met? No, they have met earlier. This is probably just a moment between those two. But they don't seem like lovers yet.. 'I guess dad really was an idiot back in the days.' Boruto thought. 'But.. I thought he would be more popular. It sure as hell doesn't look like it.'
Naruto turned around and he looked at him.
Boruto quickly turned around and wanted to walk away. He saw Hatori, standing a few meters away, looking pissed for what happend earlier. He's so screwed when he sees this..
''Hey, you kinda look like me, huh?''
Could this be any worse?
Hii guys. It may be so that i make a few mistakes with my grammar or sentences lol. Im from Holland so i pretty suck in English. But still, thankyou for reading my story! I love it so far haha, there is going to be alot of drama lol! Im really excited. Keep in mind im still only 15, so it may seem a bit childish idk. I just hope you guys keep reading it because it WILL get better. This is my first time EVER to wright a story and publish it so its kinda scary lol. Enjoy the rest of it! Ill update soon xo
4: Ready to fight?
Authors Note: I do not own anything. Credits to Kishimoto!
Okay, so after this chapter, i will speed up the pace a little. So keep on reading guys :) Much love
Could this be any worse?
Boruto slowly turned around. Naruto looked at him with a big smile on his face. He looks so different in this time period.. Is this really his dad? Naturo didn't notice him looking very uncomfortable. Sometimes his dads stupidity comes in very handy.
''So, whats your name?''
Shit. I need to think of a name. And fast. What should i say? I can't just say 'Boruto'. First of all, it sounds like 'Naruto', and second of all; He'll name his future son Boruto.' Naruto kept his eyes on him and waited for an answer. 'Darn it.'
''Uh, my name is uh..''
Then somebody yelled from downstairs into a mic. ''Misoka and Ichiyu, you guys will be next. Please come downstairs to prepare for your fight.''
Boruto wondered who Misoka and Ichiyu are. He quickly looked around and saw nobody going downstairs. Actually, some people even looked at him.
Wait, what?.. Oh.
He quickly looked at Hatori, who's still waiting for me at the door. I think he noticed the same thing that i did.. Because he got a very, very annoyed look on his face.
''Uh, yeah.. Im sorry. I should head downstairs!'' he said quickly and ran away from his dad. 'Few, i was just in time. I still don't know if im Misoka or Ichiyu, but i guess i'll just find out then.' He walked down the stairs and waited for Hatori to come too.
Boruto saw him slowly going downstairs, not sure if he was meant to go. Boruto nodded with his head and Hatori gave him an annoyed look. ''Such a pain'' Hatori thought.
He finally got down and walked towards Boruto.
''Are you ready, Ichiyu?'' the proctor said and looked at Boruto. He waited for an answer.
''O-oh.. Y-yes. I am ready!''
Boruto quickly looked at Hatori. This means his name in this time period must be..
The proctor proceeded. ''Are you ready, Misoka?''
Hatori looked very annoyed. He just nodded his head and kept silent. He gave Boruto a deadly stare.
Boruto laughed it off. His laugh slowly turned into a grin. Well.. If im in this situation, i may as well win this fight!
Borutos gaze went to the people upstairs. He saw Saradas mom, a guy that looked like Metal Lee, a boy with purple eyes that looked alot like a Hyuga clan member, and then..
His eyes went to his mother. She looked so small and her hair looks really different from the future. He can't believe this. Why is his mother so shy? She is so embarrassed in front of his dad.. Its weird to see this kind of stuff, ya know? He knows she loves him. He can see that in the way she's acting towards him. He wanted to puke because of all this romantic stuff.. He will never get used to it..
He then notices her looking this way. Oh, not good.
He quickly looked away. Sweat was breaking out. What if she will figure it out? I mean, i am her son after all.. She is a very smart woman in the future. She always figured out everything Boruto had planned or already had done. What if..
No, she can't be that smart. He doesn't have to worry. This is the past after all. If he just keeps his mouth shut and pretends he is just this innocent Ichiyu, everything would be oke..
''Well then, the fight can begin!''
Boruto awakened from his thoughts and looked at Hatori. Hatori's annoyed look went away all of a sudden.
He attacked.
Hinata's perspective
Naruto-kun... Fighting against Kiba..
Hinata quickly looked at the ground so nobody could see her red face. She didn't feel good about this.
I know i should be rooting for Kiba-kun, but.. She looked at Naruto again. She couldn't help it. She would always root for Naruto-kun.
She heard some noise coming from behind her and looked at the direction it came from. A blonde boy jumped on a pink haired man and almost wanted to punch him. Oh no! This isn't going good!
Then she saw Kurunai sensai walking towards them to pull the blonde guy off of him. Thank goodness..
Although Hinata is from the Hyuga household, one of the strongest clans of the Hidden Leaf she didn't feel strong at all.. She felt weak. Very weak. Her father is doing his best to train her, but it just isn't working. Hinata is too kind and could never change, not even in a fight. Hanabi could even surpass her. She didn't feel there at home at all. She wanted to be stronger for her clan, but she just doesn't know how..
Hinata's attention got back to the fight. She saw how hard Naruto was fighting to win against Kiba. How is he so determined? She didn't understand at all. No one ever believed in him, just like her own family doesn't believe in her. But he still gets stronger everyday. For Hinata, he was someone she admired for a long time now. She admired him for years. Because she watched his training everyday, she always wanted to catch up to him. She didn't want to be left behind. And thats why Hinata trains everyday. It's not only for the Hyuga clan and her father, but also for one special boy..
The fight had already ended. Everyone was suprised that Naruto has won. But Hinata already knew he was going to win. She knew how hard he trained for this. And she's glad he won.
Naruto came upstairs. Hinata stood there with her ointment in her hands. Ready to give it to her crush.
C-calm down Hinata. You can do this. Just give it to him and please, don't pass out!
Naruto walked behind her, ready to go to Sakura-chan and ask her how good he was. Hinata struggled. Should i do this? Or not.. N-NO, JUST.. DO IT! NOW!
''N-Naruto-kun..'' Hinata whispered, to afraid to speak his name out loud. Did he even hear me? She saw in the corner of her eyes that he stopped moving.
''I-i thought m-maybe..'' she said, but couldn't finish her sentence. Why is this so hard for me? Im just giving him some healing ointment.. It's nothing special..''
She still was to afraid to even look at him. She closed her eyes shut, walked towards him and put the healing ointment in front of her. She then waited for a miracle. She heard Kurunai say something, but she was to deep in her thoughts. She just wanted him to accept it and then run away as fast as possible. What if he won't accept it? What if..
''Uh thanks Hinata. Thats uh, really nice of you!'' she heard him say.
What? She felt him taking the healing ointment from her and quickly opened her eyes in shock. He really accepted it! She felt a big weight of her shoulders falling off. Naruto already had turned around and was busy with something else.
''Hey, you kinda look like me, huh?'' she heard him say. Who was he talking to?
Hinata looked over Naruto's shoulder and saw the same blonde guy from before. She looked at his face. Hinata's eyes got bigger. 'W-why does h-he look like N-Naruto-kun?!' She screamed in her head. Hinata kept staring at him. How can this be? He looks the same as Naruto-kun..
She saw him looking uncomfartable when Naruto asked for his name. Why is he acting so strange? Hinata didn't remember the boy at all. His headband tells her that he is from the Leaf Village. But she has never seen him before.
''Uh.. My name is uh..'' she heard him say and waited for his answer. Even his voice sounds a little like Naruto-kun.. she thought. Then he suddenly just vanished just before she knew it. He went downstairs and waited for his opponent to come.
She listened to the proctors voice. So his name is Ichiyu..
Then she saw something. The blonde boy was staring at her. When he noticed that she was looking at him too, he quickly looked away. It looks like he's nervous..
Hinata kept looking and noticed her heart skip a beat. Wait, why was she so red all of a sudden? No, this doesn't mean anything at all. It's just.. He looks so much like Naruto-kun.. She wants to find out more about Ichiyu..
The fight was beginning. She sees Misoka ready to attack. And she already felt nervous..
5: Feeling confident
Authors Note; I do not own Naruto
Hatori stepped forward and gave Boruto a hard punch in the stomach. Boruto shrinked and quickly bounced back to dodge another attack of Hisoka.
But Hatori didn't let him rest. He reached for his pocket and grabbed a kunai. He threw it towards Boruto and it flew right past him.
He felt the kunai leaving a cut on his arm. This old man could be some trouble..
Boruto wanted to make a sign but Hatori didn't let him. Right when he wanted to make the handsigns, Hatori grabbed his hands and stood close to Boruto. Right before Hatori wanted to punch Boruto away, he quickly whispered in his ear.
''Oke, i'll let you win this fight. We don't want this to take forever. Finish it'' he said and punched Boruto away with his fist. Boruto stepped back and thought about how he will finish this match. He still hasn't layed one single punch on Hatori. How can this old geezer be so good?
And then he knew what to do. Boruto had the perfect finishing blow. His father learned him this jutsu when he was younger. It was just perfect for this moment.
Before actually doing it, he quickly looked up at the people watching the match. He saw his dad, nervous of what was going to happen and kept watching closely.
Finally.. He's actually watching me…
''Dad, can you please train me? Show me a awesome jutsu!'' Boruto cried out.
His father looked down at his son. They were sitting on the coach in their living room. Naruto just got back home from work. He was exhausted and just wanted to rest. He came home from alot of paperwork and finally got the time to get home and spend a little time with his family. The only problem is that when he finally DOES get the time off, he only wants to sleep. He almost fell asleep on the coach, untill Boruto woke him up again.
''Oh come on dad! You're finally home. Please teach me something'' he said with the most adorable puppy eyes.
He felt sad for his son. He knows how hard it is for his family to be alone all the time, but he can't just quit his job. He loves his family very much, but he needs to be there for the village. He is the Hokage after all.
He saw Boruto looking excited, so he decided to teach him a very special jutsu that is his personal favorite.
Naruto finally reacted. He stood up from the coach.
''Fine, lets go to the backyard. I will show you something very cool'' he said with a grin on his face and walked towards the door.
Boruto was suprised. He never expected his father to actually even train him. It was a huge suprise for him.
He quickly ran after his father and got in the backyard. His father looked at him with a very serious look.
''Oke Boruto, im going to teach you one of my favorite jutsu's of all time'' he said.
Boruto was too excited. ''Are you going to teach me the Rasengan? Or maybe the Rasen Shuriken? Come on dad tell me!''
Naruto shook his head. ''No son. This is a different jutsu. It comes in very handy with a battle. It can distract your opponent for a little time. Then you can give him a good punch that will knock him out for good.''
Boruto couldn't wait. He was probably going to show him the Shadow Clone Jutsu. It was one of his favorites too. He saw his father using it for other things though, like working on different tasks for his job. But Boruto could definitly see him doing it in a real battle. He couldn't wait to try it out himself.
''So, what is the name of this jutsu?'' he still asked even though he already knew what he was going to show him.
''Well, the name of this jutsu is..''
''SEXY JUTSU'' Boruto screamed. There was a POOF.
Everyone waited till the smoke cleared out. Hatori stood still in front of Boruto. What was he doing?..
He then saw a bunch of naked girls standing in front of him. They all smiled at him and gave him a wink while posing.
Hatori felt blood coming out of his nose.
And then, the clones and girls dissapeared and the real Boruto stood in front of him.
One punch was enough for Hatori to fly across the room. The wall broke behind him and he got stuck. He tried to get out but couldn't.
''And the winner is.. Ichiyu. Congratulations, you are going to the next round'' the proctor said without any emotion showing in his voice.
Borutos gaze went up to his father. He wanted him to be proud. To be proud of how hard he trained to get that single technique perfect. He never used it in a real battle, so this was the perfect oppurtunity to use it. He wanted to show his father how good he was, because he never got the chance to even see Boruto fight. He wondered what he just thought of his final blow..
He then saw the blonde staring with wide eyes. He was speechless for a moment. Everyone was.
And then Boruto saw him opening his mouths. What is he going to say..
The pink kunoichi who was standing beside him punched him on his head. ''DON'T BE SUCH A PERVERT NARUTO!'' she said annoyed. She then looked down at Boruto. She had a weird feeling about him. Why does his pervy jutsu look the same as Naruto?..
Boruto tried not to laugh. He could see Sarada in that woman.. Damn, they look much alike.
Hinata's eyes just went bigger every second. The way he performed that jutsu.. It was just like Naruto's.. It was even better. How could this be?
Boruto looked at the people staring down at him. He realized he did something very stupid. He quickly turned his head to the side and looked at Hatori who was still healing from the nosebleed. I guess i overdid it a little.. I hope he won't be too mad.
Boruto ran towards Hatori and pulled him out of the hole.
''You brat. I didn't say you could pull that kind off stunt on me. What the hell was that?'' he whispered quickly, thinking about how he wanted to kill Boruto in the best way possible.
Boruto couldn't help but grin. ''I guess i overdid it a little. I'm sorry Hatori'' he quickly said and walked back upstairs with him. The next fight was beginning soon. He wondered who was up right now.
''Well, that was quite the suprise you did there.''
Boruto got upstairs and looked up at the person who was waiting for him to come over.
He looked like a Hyuga clan member. He had purple eyes and brown hair. Boruto knew every clan member of the Hyuga household, but he didn't know this one. Boruto's mother teached him the names of every member and he even memorized their faces, just in case something ever happened. You never know right?
But this guy.. He doesn't recognize him at all. He had a very stern look on his face. Does this dude always look this serious?
''Well, i couldn't think of anything else so i decided to use one of my favorite techniques, pretty cool huh'' Boruto said with a grin on his face. He was proud of himself that he knocked Hatori out, even though he faked it. People still saw how Boruto had won the match, so it didn't really matter to him.
''Sure. Next time, use a jutsu that isn't as worthless as this one.'' the boy said, and turned around to walk away.
What the hell.. Boruto watched as he walked away. The guy walked over to his own group of people and sat down, waiting for the next match to begin.
''P-please.. Don't listen to him.. He is just very strict and doesn't like t-these kind of p-performances..'' he heard someone say behind him. He recognizes the voice and slowly turned around.
He saw her red face looking at the ground while talking to him. ''Y-you did very good out there.. Ichiyu-kun..'' she said while fidgeting with her index fingers.
''YEAH, YOU WERE REALLY GREAT OUT THERE ICHIYU'' the blonde screamed while running towards Boruto. He stood still next to Hinata and looked over at her. ''Right Hinata?''
Hinata suddenly began to fidget even faster with her fingers and got redder every second. ''Y-y-yes N-Naruto-kun'' she quickly said. Boruto looked at Naruto. Can't he see Hinata stressing next to him at all?
Naruto's smile got bigger and bigger. ''You have to show me how you did that! I know we should be rivals and all, but i think we could be great friends!'' he said while laughing and he then looked at the ground. ''W-well.. if you want to be friends ofcourse'' he said nervously.
Why is he asking me to be friends? Why is he so nervous all of a sudden? Is it such a big deal to him?
Boruto thought it was weird but he still gave his answer. ''Sure, why not?'' he said and felt awkward afterwards. Friends with his own father.. This just feels weird..
''Next up are Hinata Hyuga and Neji Hyuga, please come downstairs and prepare for your fight.''
All three of them quickly looked up. Boruto and Naruto looked at Hinata, who looked really scared.
''Whats wrong Hinata? Is everything oke?'' Boruto quickly asked.
But then it got through him.. Neji Hyuga..
Boruto turned around and saw the brown haired guy looking back at him. He stood up and walked past them down the stairs. Boruto kept staring at his back..
Neji Hyuga..
Neji Hyuga…
Boruto's head shot up.
Neji Hyuga.. The uncle who died in the war while protecting his parents..
Thankyou for the great reviews! It really helped me. I got some tips that changed the story for the better and it really helped so thankyou!
I am really busy with school so uploading will be really hard. Ill try my best though. So.. Untill the next time!
P.S: give me some tips of where this story should go! I have alot of ideas. Do you guys want Hinata to like Boruto all of a sudden? It would change the future and all that stuff. Or not? Please write it down in the comments c:
6: The Hyuga Clan
Authors note; i do not own Naruto.
Hinata walked down the stairs while feeling really anxious. She didn't want to fight her cousin at all. She didn't expect for this day to come so fast. She wasn't ready and she knew she was going to lose.
When she got downstairs and stood before Neji, she quickly glanced upstairs. She saw Naruto and Ichiyu looking at her with concern. She didn't want to lose. Not while Naruto was watching her. This was her moment.. To show him how hard she has worked all these years because of him..
''Give up Hinata''
Hinata quickly looked at the boy standing before her. She wasn't sure but she thought she saw a concerned look on his face.
''B-but i..''
''You won't win and you know that. We both know that i am the stronger one, so it is best for you to just give up while you still got the chance'' he said with a stern voice. Hinata was to afraid to look at his face and kept looking at the ground while he was talking. ''I don't want to hurt you. I was made to protect the main branch. But if you insist to fight, i will not go easy on you.''
His words caused Hinata pain. The way he said that he was made to protect the main branch.. A flashback returned in her head. How she always saw Neji looking at her with a terrible look on his face. A face full of hate towards the main branch. For what we had done to his father..
Neji's father died for the main branch. He offered himself for his own brother, father of Hinata. Neji never understood why and he didn't want to understand. The only thing that was going through his mind is how much he hated the main branch. He, from the side branch, couldn't do anything towards them. Even after his fathers death. He had to protect the main branch, even if it costs him his life. Those were the rules in the Hyuga Clan. He had to obey them. And so he did.
Hinata still looked at the ground and was to afraid to look at him. She didn't want to give up. She thought of how Naruto would look at her if she did. He would be dissapointed in her..
Neji stared at her while things were going through his mind. Why won't she give up?
He saw her glancing upstairs and he followed her gaze. There were two blonde guys watching her. Ofcourse he knew why she didn't want to give up. It was for that brat Uzumaki.
Back in the days, Neji always played with his little cousin. Before his hate towards the main branch, he actually loved his little cousin. He always protected her and trained with her to become stronger together. One day, she went out to the city and he followed her to see where she was going to. He saw her staring at the blonde little brat who caused trouble to the village everyday. He didn't see any hate in her eyes towards him like all the other villagers did. Neji only saw love in her eyes and he instantly knew her feelings towards this boy.
''Hinata-sama, you will get hurt. Your father wouldn't like that. He will be dissapointed if he heard that you had lost to the side branch'' Neji continued. He knew how strict her father was. He was the leader of the main branch and he wanted Hinata to be the next leader. Her losing from Neji would mean she still is weak as always.
There was a silence. Nobody said a word. Hinata didn't feel strong at all. She wanted to step back, go home and lay down in her bed crying. She was scared.
Hinata wanted to give up, but then..
''WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?'' she heard someone scream.
Neji and Hinata quickly looked at the direction the voice was coming from.
Boruto looked in shock towards his father. Wow, he didn't expect him to be this upset. He could see how Naruto was squeezing the ointment Hinata gave to him. It almost broke to pieces. He was really mad about the way Neji talked to her.
Boruto was mad too. Who the hell does this guy think he is? Talking towards his mother like that. He wanted to say something himself and jump over there to give that guy a really good punch in the face, but got interrupted by Naruto's own words.
Hinata's heart skipped a beat. Naruto.. He actually stood up for her..
''I-i w-wont give up, brother'' she said to Neji. Neji took a step back. All of a sudden, Hinata looked very fierce. There was something about her that changed. She took her position and Neji quickly recovered himself from the shock. He shrugged his shoulders and took his position too.
''Fine by me''
The fight started. Boruto and Naruto looked over at what was happening. They exchanged alot of air palms but nobody got a direct hit.
Boruto had never seen his mom fight like this. He actually never saw her fight in his life. His eyes grew bigger every second she took a new position.
And then it hit her. She got struck by Neji's palm and layed helpless on the ground.
Boruto couldn't take it. His mind was going crazy. He took a step forward and wanted to help her, but a hand pulled him back.
''Don't you dare go out here'' Hatori whispered to him. Boruto pushed his hand off his shoulder and turned around. ''Why not? That's my mother fighting over there. She is hurt!''
Hatori continued. ''Are you stupid or something kid? This is what happened in the past. If you change this, it might have a huge impact on the future. Don't do anything you will regret later'' he said with a serious look.
Boruto knew he was right. He knew that he shouldn't do anything to help her out. But..
Eventually the fight was over. Neji had won and Hinata was in pain by all the hits she got. She layed there on the ground and couldn't move at all. Neji wanted to give her another punch, until a older men with thick eyebrows and green clothes stopped him quickly. Boruto and Naruto already had jumped off and stood protective in front of Hinata.
Naruto was mad. Boruto could see this. He never saw his father looking like this before. He saw Naruto looking over at Hinata with concern. ''Are you oke Hinata?''
''Y-yes, i-im fine..'' Hinata coughed up some blood. Naruto turned around to look at Neji.
''You and me pal. We are going to fight RIGHT NOW!'' he screamed and wanted to walk over Neji to throw a good punch at him. Boruto stepped in and pulled him back quickly.
''No da.. Naruto. Let his sensei handle this for now. You'll get in trouble if you start a fight here'' he said and rests a hand on his shoulder. It is so weird to be the smarter one..
Neji walked away and didn't even say sorry. Boruto's blood boiled but he knew he couldn't do anything. It would be better if he just left it alone for now.
The medics came in and quickly took Hinata away to take care of her injurys. They said she would be fine, so the fights continued.
Naruto and Boruto walked upstairs again. Naruto hasn't said a word. He kept quiet the entire time till the matches were over.
''Are you oke?'' Boruto said to Naruto with concern. His father looks terrible.
Naruto's mind was elsewhere. He couldn't believe that Hinata got beaten. She was so strong, but Neji..
The ointment broke in Naruto's hand.
''Yeah, im fine now.''
Naruto looked up and returned to his normal self. He looked at Boruto and put a smile on his face.
''So, you wanna train outside after this?'' he said grinning.
Boruto wanted to say yes. He wanted to spend time with his father. This is his only chance he would ever get to actually have a good time with him.
Hatori pulled Boruto back and walked towards the door. ''Sorry Naruto, but i have something important to discuss with this one. It was nice to meet you, goodbye now.''
Boruto struggled but couldn't escape. Naruto watched as they both dissapeared. He was sad. He really wanted to train that sexy jutsu with him.. Oh well. He walked over to Sakura to see what she was up to. ''Hey Sakura-chan, did you just see that fight with Hinata? She was so cool!''
Boruto and Hatori walked out of the buidling and finally got outside. The fresh air felt really good. It felt like forever in there!
''Oke, we need to go and prepare for the jutsu'' Hatori said while still pulling Boruto.
''Yeah oke, just let go of me. I can walk ya know!'' he said annoyed and Hatori let go of him.
''First, we need to find a place to live in for the time being. But where.. This could be a big problem.'' Hatori murmured to himself.
''Well, lets go to my place then! I bet my mom wouldn't mind..'' but then he knew this was going to be a problem. He doesn't have a house in the past. Ofcourse..
''Oke, we need to rent a place for now. I have a bit of money with me so i can afford it. But it's not enough. We need to go on missions to earn more.'' Hatori said. ''I don't expect you to have any money, right?'' he gave me an annoyed look.
''Nope, i spend my money on this new outfit, cool huh!'' he said while spinning around. He loved his new outfit. It was black with a bit of pink in it. It looked amazing in the store so he spend all of his money from his missions on this outfit.
''Yeah well, you look like a girl in that outfit. Who the hell wears pink clothes?'' Hatori said.
''Says the one with the pink hair.''
Hatori punched Boruto in the gut and kept on walking.
''HEY, WHAT WAS THAT FOR OLD MAN'' he screamed while quickly catching up to him again.
''Shut up, lets rent a place and quickly figure out what to do next.''
Ohmygosh you guys, i actually need to study but i can't concentrate at all! Lol. Im doing really bad right now xD
Hope you liked this chapter.
Note: Do you guys have any idea for the next chapter?
7: Trust
Authors Note; I DO NOT OWN NARUTO :(
Boruto and Hatori finally managed to rent a small place in the village with the money Hatori had with him. It was the ugliest building Boruto had ever seen. He knew that only the poorest people of the village lived here.
Boruto and Hatori went upstairs and finally got at the door. ''Room 102'' Hatori said and put the key in the lock. He opened the door and they both went inside. There was one living room, one bedroom and ofcourse one bathroom. The biggest problem was; there was only one bed.
''I'll take the bed'' Boruto said quickly and wanted to jump on it, when he felt Hatori pulling him back. ''No way kid. I need alot of good rest if i want to get that jutsu done quick'' he said. ''You want to leave here, don't you? So i'll take the bed.''
Boruto frowned but left the bed to him. Instead he took the couch. ''Hey, this appartement looks like shit. What if i go on missions with my dad and you go work on that jutsu? I can earn the money and you can do your job'' he said and couldn't help but smile a little.
Hatori saw this and was curious. Why is he smiling? He thought this kid didn't like it here. Or does he..
''Hey, how is your relationship with your dad in the future?'' he asked.
Boruto looked behind him to meet his face. ''Why do you ask?
''Just curious, thats all''
Boruto looked at the ground and thought about it. What kind of relationship did he actually have with his dad? He didn't know the anwser. His dad wasn't around that much. They never did something and Boruto felt alone. He knew he had his mother and little sister by his side, but he still wanted his father to be with him all the time. He wanted his father to see how he trained, how he had improved in alot of things.
Boruto didn't know what to tell Hatori. It's embarrassing to tell him that he didn't know what kind of relationship he had with his dad. He decided to keep it for himself.
''We had a good relationship. We always trained together and fought each other. I always won'' he grinned and looked back up again.
Hatori knew he was lying. He saw it. The way Boruto looked at the ground. How he was thinking of an answer. It shouldn't be that hard to come up with one. Well, he didn't expect a good relationship between those two. His father is the hokage after all. But he left the subject for now and moved on with the main problem.
''Oke, we need to figure out what our next step is. Missions would be good for now, but you need to see the hokage for that and he doesn't know you at all.'' Hatori thought.
''Well, we can figure something out right? Lets say we came from the Sound Village and we want to live here'' Boruto happily said, as if he just invented something really cool.
''It isn't that easy though. We need a good reason to stay here'' he said and walked over to the window. ''But what..''
Suddenly, someone knocked at the door. Boruto and Hatori quickly turned around and looked at each other for a moment.
''What do we do?'' Boruto whispered scared.
Hatori looked away from Boruto and decided to open it. He walked to the door and slowly undid the lock. The door opened.
''Hello there. I think this is the first time ive ever seen the two of you in the village. Can i come in?''
Boruto wondered who this guy was. He couldn't see his face because he was standing outside the door. But he knew that voice from somewhere..
''Yes, come in.'' Boruto heard Hatori talk nervously and the footsteps came closer to the living room.
He then saw him. Boruto's mouth went open. It was the guy with the cigarette in his mouth who pulled him off Hatori.
''My name is Asuma Sarutobi, you can just call me Asuma.'' he said and looked over at Boruto.
Somehow, Boruto felt uncomfartable. Asuma kept staring at him as if he knew him. But Boruto knew he hadn't seen this guy before. He didn't know his name either. So why did he look at him that way?
Hatori saw his staring and quickly got in between. ''Take a seat, please.''
Asuma walked over to the couch and took a seat. Before he started to talk, he pulled out a cigarette.
''Want one?'' while looking over at Hatori.
''No thankyou'' he quickly said and kept standing awkwardly. There was one couch and he couldn't sit down so decided to keep standing in front of him and Boruto.
''Well then, i'll tell you guys the reason why im here'' he said and looked serious.
Boruto held his breath, as did Hatori. They kept quiet and waited for his next sentence.
He lit up his cigarette and put it in his mouth.
''You guys are not from here, are you?'' he said.
''W-what do you mean?'' Boruto asked nervously.
''Im not stupid. You look alot like that Uzumaki kid. Tell me the truth. Are you a family member of his?'' he asked and waited for an answer.
Boruto didn't know what to say. He needed to think of something and quick. He glanced over at Hatori. He couldn't tell the truth, they didn't even know this guy. What if they tell him and it goes through the whole village? That could change the future, Boruto thought. Or thats what Hatori at least would say.
''I-i…'' Boruto began but got interrupted by Hatori.
''We came from the future'' he simply said.
Boruto couldn't believe this. Did he just tell this random dude the truth? He stood up and got mad. ''BAKA! HOW CAN YOU SAY TO THIS GUY? WE DON'T EVEN KNOW IF WE CAN TRUST HIM!'' he shouted.
''I already had a feeling. Don't worry. You can trust me. I just want to know your reasons and maybe help you out'' he said without any concern.
Boruto turned around to face Asuma. His eyes grew bigger. He wants to help us?
Hatori ignored Boruto and went on. ''Well then, we will tell you everything..''
Hours later….
Hatori was done with his story. He knew he could trust this guy. He was from the Sarutobi clan. They are well known for their trust and loyalty. He did alot of research back when he was younger about hokages and found out that one of them was a hokage. He wanted to know more about this particular Sarutobi and one of his best points was that he was trust worthy.
Asuma's cigarette was already done. He listened to the story and didn't say a word.
Boruto kept studying his face for any signs of shock. But there wasn't any. What was up with this guy?
After the whole story, he finally spoke up. ''So, you want to get back to the future but need a few things for the jutsu right? I'll gladly help'' he said and stood up. He looked over at me. ''I don't need to hear anything about the future. It could change something so its better that you guys stay quiet about it and don't tell a word to anyone. I will register your names in the village. Your names are now Ichiyu and Misoka.'' he said. ''If anyone gets suspicious about you two and ask about the reason you came here..'' he said while thinking. ''Just tell them that you guys are family members of mine and you started living here because of me. So your surnames will be Sarutobi. I will inform the Hokage myself about this. He is my father after all'' he winked.
Boruto couldn't believe this. He planned everything out for them. All their troubles went away. But how could he trust him? He didn't know anything about him.
''Why should we trust you?'' Boruto said.
''You just have to. You have no choice'' he laughed and walked towards the door. He turned around before leaving. ''Boruto, you'll have to wait to get on missions. I still need to figure out which squad i'll assign you too. I'll inform the other senseis about the two of you. Kakashi and Kurunai will know the truth too. That way we can get the jutsu done quicker. Oh and kid..'' he said and looked Boruto into the eyes. ''You look too much like Naruto Uzumaki. Maybe a change of hairstyle would do you good'' he said.
Kakashi and Kurunai. Boruto trusted those two. He knew them from the future. Kakashi was the hokage before his dad and Kurunai is the father of one of his friends Mirai. Wait.. Wasn't Mirai's last name Sarutobi?..
Boruto looked up in shock. So this is his dad.. He remembered Mirai talking about him. How he never met him because he died just before he was born. Boruto felt pain inside him. He couldn't believe that he himself got the chance to meet him but Mirai didn't..
''Hatori, please wright down the things you need for the jutsu. Kakashi, Kurunai and me will get the stuff for you. Here is some money for food and other stuff. Be carefull untill im back''
Hatori nodded. Asuma turned around and dissapeared. I closed the door behind him and turned around to look at Hatori. ''You baka..''
Hatori ignored what he said and grabbed some money he got from Asuma. ''Im going to get some food. Are you coming or staying?'' he said.
Boruto hesitated. He could take his chance to get out and explore the village on his own. ''No thanks, i'll wait here for you'' he said and jumped on the couch.
''Fine by me. Don't do anything stupid please'' he said and walked out the door.
Yeah right. This is his chance to get out. He quickly grabbed some money from the table and walked to the window to look outside. He could see the villagers walking around and buying stuff.
Boruto felt his stomach growling and decided to go eat somewhere. He jumped out of the window and wondered if there still was a Ichiraku back in this time.
He kept walking until he saw a big sign that said: ICHIRAKU RAMEN!
Great! Boruto's eyes went wider and quickly got in.
''Hello son, whats your order…''
Teuchi, the owner of the place, was in shock.
Boruto didn't hestitate. ''ONE BOWL OF MISO RAMEN PLEASE, WITH EXTRA PORK!''
''O-ofcourse. Coming right up''
Boruto's stomach couldn't handle it anymore. He smelled the ramen and wanted to eat right there and now. He then got his bowl and digged it. He was almost done, when he heard someone behind him. He turned around only to look at the pink kunoichi from earlier.
''Hello there! You must be Ichiyu right? My name is Sakura. Nice to meet you.'' she said while smiling.
Boruto was in shock but quickly recovers himself. He doesn't want to look too suspicious. ''Hey'' he just said and continued eating his bowl of ramen. Ignoring her would probably be the best option for now. He isn't in the mood to talk anyways. Especially not with Sarada's mom. He doesn't want to know where Sarada got her temper from. He got a slight shiver.
''You fought good out there. Where did you learn that sexy jutsu?'' she asked and looked curiously at him.
Oh, just great. She already begins questioning him. Here goes nothing.
''Well, my father learned me that trick long ago.'' He just said and looked away.
Sakura didn't stop her questions. ''What is your fathers name?''
Boruto got annoyed. ''Why do you need to know? It's none of your bussines.'' he said and stood up from his chair. This made Sakura want to know more about him, but she left it for now.
''Im sorry for prying. Hey, what do you say. Want to hang out with squad 7?'' she asked.
Boruto wasn't in the mood to hang out with her squad and getting questions from her every second, so he decided to decline it. ''No thanks, im heading home right now. See ya''
He wanted to walk away but heard her say something again.
''Oh come on! Naruto really wants to see your sexy jutsu again. It would be fun to hang out together'' she insisted.
Wait. Was his dad in the same squad as her? Boruto turned around to look at her and she waited for an answer. Would it be wise to go with her right now and to hang out with his dad? Hatori would kill him if he found out. But then again.. He would love to train his own dad.
''Sure, why not?''
So guys.. This story is getting really hard lol. I am scared that i'll run out of ideas. Please post a review of what you thought about this chapter. It would really help me out alot :3
8: Team 7
Authors note; i do not own Naruto.
Boruto and Sakura finally reached the training grounds. When Boruto looked around, he didn't see anyone and wondered where his dad was.
Sakura sat down on the ground and looked at her nails. ''The others will be here in a few moments so you have to be patient'' she said.
Boruto layed down in the grass and waited. He thought about his home. He misses being around his mom and playing with his little sister. He looked at the clouds. 'That one looks like a bowl of ramen' he thought.
''Tell me something about yourself'' she suddenly asked and disturbed his cloudwatching. He looked to his side and saw her looking at him curiously.
Why couldn't she just leave him alone?
''Well.. I am from the Sarutobi clan.'' he said.
''Oh, so you're family of the Third Hokage? That's so cool!'' she said. ''You don't really look like him though.. I thought you were from the Uzumaki clan.''
Crap. He hopes she didn't figure it out that quick. He knew he looked like his dad. Sarada and a lot of the villagers told him most of the time. He didn't like it. He doesn't want to look like his father and tried to grow his hair more so that people wouldn't compare them. But he knew his eyecolour was the biggest problem. Just like his dads. Bright and blue.
''Sasuke-kun!'' Sakura suddenly screamed and almost gave Boruto a heartattack. Sasuke walked out of the woods and walked towards them. ''Hey'' he said shortly.
Boruto stared at the black haired boy. This was Sarada's dad. The man who he looked up to his entire life. His fathers rival..
''Well well, look who's back from the hospital!'' someone said from behind them. The three of them turned around and saw Naruto coming.
''Shut up loser. I'm still okay.'' Sasuke said with an annoyed look on his face.
''Who are you calling a loser teme?! You got injured while fighting that guy from the sound village. At least I won my match without going to the hospital.'' he said while grinning from ear to ear. Boruto saw Naruto glancing at Sakura from time to time.
''I was super cool, right Sakura-chan?'' he said with hope in his voice.
Sakura rolled with her eyes. She didn't want to admit it, but he was kind off good. She hated praising Naruto. ''Yeah, it could've been better though. You weren't as good as Sasuke-kun.'' she said and Boruto saw hearts forming in her eyes while looking at Sasuke.
''Don't talk too big Naruto. At least my opponent was someone who was worth fighting. Anyone could win against a dog'' he said calmly as he was referring to Kiba and couldn't help but smirk. Sasuke knew Naruto would be pissed at him for saying that.
''Well, you sure talk big for such a loser'' Sasuke said.
''Im sorry im late'' they suddenly heard and everyone looked up at the same direction. There was a white haired ninja with a mask on his face. He held a book in his hand and Boruto wasn't sure but he thought he saw him laughing a bit.
''I hope I didn't miss anything. I got lost on the way here'' he said and then looked at Boruto. ''Hello Ichiyu. I hope you won't mind but you will join team 7 for a while. This is going to be a squad with four people instead of three. Any objections?''
Boruto was shocked. How did he know who he was? Ofcourse Boruto knew him because he was the hokage in his time. But..
Then it suddenly came into his head. Boruto remembered what Asuma said. He would inform Kakashi and Kurunai about this and figure out at what team he would get in. Boruto smiled and looked up at Kakashi. He felt really good right now. He could spend a lot of time with his dad and he would want to see the rivalry between him and Sasuke. It would be a lot of fun and he didn't have anything to do anyways, so hanging out with them would probably be nice until Hatori would figure out the jutsu to go back in their own time.
''I don't have any objections sensei!'' he said and glanced at the others. Sasuke just looked away like he didn't care and Sakura was too busy looking at Sasuke. Naruto on the other hand was pumped and jumped in the air. ''WOOHOO! You can teach me how to improve my sexy jutsu!'' he yelled and smiled.
''Well then, everything is settled. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. I want you guys to go and train. Ichiyu, I need to have a little talk with you.'' he suddenly said with a serious tone. The others walked away and Boruto stayed there with Kakashi. Boruto waited for him to talk.
Kakashi put his book away and looked at Boruto with a smile. ''Asuma informed me about you. You don't have to explain anything..'' he said and his face suddenly got serious. ''..But I do want you to look out for what you might say and the actions you might take Boruto. This is really dangerous and it could change the future..'' he paused. ''..I want you to understand that your relationship with your father must be kept secret from everyone'' and he gave Boruto a little wink.
Boruto froze. How did he know?
Kakashi saw Boruto staring at him. ''It is a bit obvious. You look a lot like him and I am pretty smart'' he said while laughing a bit. ''No one else will figure it out. This is going to be a secret between the two of us.'' he said.
Boruto was glad that he didn't had to hide the fact that Naruto was his father. He actually felt relieved that someone besides Hatori knew the truth. Especially this guy. He was going to be his sensai after all, so hiding things from him would be really hard.
''Do I have to go on missions with you guys too?'' Boruto asked and tried his best not be too excited about it.
''Not all of them. We only take you with us to the places where you can find the stuff you need for the jutsu. When we go on a mission that has nothing to do with the jutsu, you won't come along.'' He said and wanted to see Boruto's reaction.
Boruto looked sad but he tried to hide it. He wanted to go on a lot of missions with them but he couldn't. Oh well..
''Okay I get it. What are we going to do right now?'' he asked curiously.
''Nothing. You can go home now if you like. I just spoke with Hatori before I came here. He understands everything too and asked me if I could tell you to come home immediately. He was very annoyed by the fact that you snuck out of the house'' he said.
Boruto grinned. ''Yeah, I guess I'll go now. Bye then'' he said and walked away.
Kakashi watched him as he left. He couldn't believe the resemblance between Naruto and Boruto. Kakashi laughed in himself. He couldn't handle Naruto sometimes, let alone two of them.
Boruto walked towards the village but decided not to go home yet. He had another plan in his mind. He remembered what had happened earlier that day. The way Neji punched Hinata. How she didn't give up and the blood came out of her mouth. He flinched. His hands turned into fists and he saw Neji's face in his mind. He wanted to knock him out for good for his actions.
He remembered his mother laying flowers everyday at his uncle's grave. ''Mom, who are those flowers for?'' he asked one day and Hinata turned around to face him. He saw pain in her eyes that she couldn't hide from him even though he was only 9 years old.
''These flowers are for your uncle Boruto. His name was Neji Hyuga and he was a great man. He died while protecting your father and me.'' she smiled.
Boruto thought it was weird. Why did his mother care about him? He treated her like crap in the past. Boruto is glad that he went back in time. He couldn't believe that this all had happened.
He arrived at the hospital. He went in and asked the nurse where he could find Hinata Hyuga. The nurse showed him the way and led him to the room. She walked away and left Boruto standing in front of the door. He didn't know if this was a good idea. Maybe she would think he was weird. She didn't even know him in this time so why should he care about her? But he still wanted to know her condition. It's his mother after all and he couldn't go home before seeing and talking to her after what happened.
He decided. His hand automatically opened the door. He pushed it open and went in.
He walked into the room and saw her lying on her bed. Her breathing was slow and her eyes were shut together. She's sleeping.
He froze and wanted to turn around to leave, but then decided that he could better check if she was okay. Just to be sure.
He went over to the bedside and grabbed her hand. He studied her face and waited. It looked like she was fine. He couldn't help but stare at her. His mother looked so young here. He had seen some pictures before in the house but this was the real thing.. He thought about the ointment she gave to Naruto earlier. 'Why is dad so dense..' he thought and was annoyed by his father. Couldn't he see that she fought for him out here? She did her best and all he did was getting pissed at Neji and stalking Sakura. He didn't even come to visit her once..
Boruto suddenly remembered something. That day.. It was his mothers birthday.
He remembered his dad working at the office. His mother dressed up because he told her to wait for him until he got home. They would go on a date together because they never had the chance since he became hokage. He wanted to do something special for her and give her a huge present. And then..
Boruto woke up. He heard his mother talking to his dad. He quickly stood up out of bed and went downstairs. He hoped he would see his fathers reaction today. It was his mothers birthday and he wanted to see the look on his face when he saw his mother dressed up like that.
He got downstairs and peeked inside the living room. Naruto was hugging her tightly and Boruto saw tears in his eyes. Boruto smirked. So his dad was crying because of how beautifull she looks? This was getting way too good!
Then he suddenly heard Naruto speaking up.
''Im sorry honey'' he said and pushed her a bit away. ''Happy birthday, I'll see you tomorrow.''
''It's okay Naruto-kun, do your best at work'' she smiled and Naruto poofed away.
A shadow clone?... Whats going on?
And then Boruto saw the one thing he never saw his entire life.. His mother started crying.
It was quite a shock. He had never seen his mother so hurt before, except at Neji's grave. He wanted to go over and hug her tightly and ask what was going on, but she quickly wiped away her tears and smiled again. ''He's the hokage after all..'' she whispered and turned around to face Boruto.
Hinata knew Boruto was standing there. She could sense his presence and didn't want to worry him. She was hurt by the fact that Naruto-kun couldn't be there for her birthday, but she understood. Being the hokage was his dream. Being there for the village was his duty. She knew that this was important for him because she had been there all his life watching him train hard to reach that goal. So she didn't mind him not being there all the time. But at times like this.. It did hurt a bit. She couldn't deny it and the tears just came by itself. But she understood..
The only problem was that Boruto didn't. He finally realized what was going on and ran into his mother's arms.
''Mom, I'm so sorry''
They decided to eat leftovers cake and Himawari joined them afterwards. It was a fun night but they still missed one certain person with them..
He suddenly felt something grabbing him tight in his hand. He looked down and saw Hinata waking up. ''N-Naruto-kun?..''
Sorry for not updating sooner you guys! School is hard ya know :c
I won't be updating anytime soon. I'm going to France with a school trip so the next update will probably be around two weeks?
I promise the next chapter will be really long!
Much love xo
Omg so you guys loool i forgot that Borutos name was Ichiyu so i quickly fixed this chapter! Sorry for the confusion if you noticed it hahahah.
9: Waking up
Authors Note; I do not own Naruto.
Everything was black..
She couldn't see a thing. What happened to her? She can't remember.
She suddenly felt a pain in her stomach. It felt like someone was stabbing her with a kunai. She didn't know how that would feel like, but she imagined it being painfull. Her head hurts and she couldn't move.
Hinata tried to remember what happened. A flashback appeared and she remembered figthting her cousin Neji. Did she win? No, she didn't. She would never win. He was far too strong. So the reason why she was laying there was because she had lost.
Then she thought about Naruto. Hinata wanted to cry. Naruto probably saw her losing. The one person she loved with all her heart saw her failing. She mentally slapped herself for being such a weakling. Naruto would never love someone who would be so weak as herself. That is what her father had learned her. ''You will never get a husband if you stay this weak'' he said. She would do better next time. She will let Naruto see the strong side of her. But when will she ever have another opportunity to show him?
She suddenly felt someone grabbing her hand tightly. She wanted to open her eyes but they refused. Her eyes felt heavy as if they were practically glued to each other. She decided to keep her eyes shut. Instead, she thought of the person who was holding her hand. Who could it be?
She went down a list of people who cared for her. The only people she could think of was her own team. Kurunai sensei, Kiba or Shino. Who else would care about her? Her family? Her father wouldn't bother seeing her even though she was in the hospital. When he hears the news, he probably wouldn't care and would find something better to do. Maybe the one holding her hand was her little sister Hanabi. Hinata didn't have a great bond with her but they both knew that they cared deeply for each other.
But then she felt the grip getting stronger. For some reason the hand felt safe. It felt warm as if the person holding it cared a lot about her. Not in a friendly way or in a lovers way, but more like he was part of her. Like they shared a deep bond. Like family.
She finally managed to open her eyes a little. She could see a little bit but the image wasn't clear. She saw something yellow. Someone with yellow hair. And the person had whiskers on his cheeks..
That could only be one person.
She felt his hand quickly leaving hers and she thought she made a mistake. Maybe the person felt offended that she thought it was someone else. She wanted to apologize but the person left the room. She wanted to stop him but he already left. She wanted to slap herself for being so stupid.
But she could swear that she saw Naruto. Who else had blonde hair and whiskers on his cheeks?
Then she suddenly thought about another boy. The boy who looked a lot like Naruto. What was his name? Inayu? Iku?
No, it was Ichiyu. But why would he come see her? She remembered him being there with the fight. Maybe he was just worried about her. Hinata's hand felt warm and she knew he had been there for a long time holding her hand. She smiled a bit.
''So one more person cares a bit about me..''
Boruto quickly let go of her hand and walked out of the room. He didn't want her to think he was crazy holding her hand. He wanted to stay there and talk with her for a bit but it could go so wrong. It was better if he waited and talked to her another time when she felt a bit better. She needed the rest after all.
Boruto finally walked out of the hospital and headed home. He thought about having a nice bath when he got there. Hatori would be pissed at him for being so late but he can handle it.
As he walked, he thought about home. He missed every single bit of it. He even missed his dad who he barely saw. They sometimes shared a small conversation and that could make Boruto's day a lot better. Now he just felt alone again without his family. He was with them in the past, but not actually with them. They didn't even know that he was their son. Naruto and Hinata barely know each other..
Suddenly, an idea popped into his mind. He stopped walking and villagers bumped into him. ''Hey, watch out where your going dude!"' some guy said and walked past him.
Boruto grinned. He just had a great idea. He could speed up the progress a little between his parents. He knew that he shouldn't involve himself with the past but he just couldn't stand the fact that his father is so dense. Besides, what could be so bad about trying to get them closer together? Nothing could go wrong. He will only help them!
Boruto smiled and began walking again. He thought his idea was amazing. But the only problem was that they weren't in the same team as his mother. He had to figure out something quick.
Deep in his thoughts he finally arrived at his home. He opened the door and Boruto's eyes went wide open. The room was a mess. He saw scrolls laying everywhere on the ground and a lot of fruits and vegetables on the table.
Boruto walked in and searched for Hatori. He finally found him in the kitchen making some instant ramen. He put some water in the kettle and turned around. When he saw Boruto he went furious. ''Oh so your finally back huh?! What the hell were you thinking? You can't just leave like that without informing me what your doing. What if you did something that could change the future? Do you know how much that could change everything we have?'' he practically screamed.
Boruto took a step back and grinned. ''Hey, don't worry so much about it gramps. Everythings went fine! I did nothing stupid, trust me.'' he said and sat down on the coach. ''But what have you been up to? The room is a mess. Couldn't you find your diaper or something?'' Boruto grinned and quickly leapt to his left to avoid the carrot Hatori was throwing at him.
0 notes