#didn't track my period before not doing this either!
komaneko-kun · 10 months
wtf i'm already 1 year on T
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oumaheroes · 6 months
My soul cries out for Scotland and England being siblings; I love those two and their stormy sense of brotherhood. I may or may not be biased cos my favourite period is medieval, which is ripe for England and Scotland conflict and shenanigans.
Congratulations on 1000 followers! You deserve it!
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Thank you so much, Ballad!! And to you too Nonny, that's a high compliment indeed <3
I got a few requests for UK bros and England and Scotland as a pair, so there will be more than just this. I hope this quick little story fits the bill in the meantime!
Alba nodded in satisfaction as he tilted the horse's face slightly to the side, its rubbery lips soft and warm against his bare palm.
'Teeth seem fine.'
'Let me see.'
Alba bent to hold Albion up to the animal, settling his weight against his hip.
'Careful.' He warned as his brother reached out for the horse's nose, 'Slowly. Or she'll bite.'
'I know.' Albion said sharply, but paused his hands in mid air before lowering them carefully down on the short fur, 'I'm not stupid.'
'So what do you think.' The horse's owner, a traveller from Gaul unusual this far up north, peered at them with lowered brows. His accent was thick, more used to the Brythonic dialects of the south than the midland ones now quick on Alba's tongue. 'You take her? She's strong; good for distance.'
'She seems healthy.' Alba agreed, 'Perfect for the winter.'
'That what you need her for?'
Alba didn't reply.
The stranger raised his hands, conceding, 'Well, she is yours if you want. She can't have more foal so she no good to me, and no war mount either.' He patted his other horse on its thick neck, the creature a good few hands taller than the smaller female they were discussing. They were tied together with a long rope, the smaller horse further tethered to a loaded wooden wagon.
Alba ignored this comment too. 'What do you want for her?' He asked, switching to what he hoped was the man's native tongue, a language from Northern Gaul he had picked up from some sailors a few years ago. It was useful to know the closest ones from the mainland and he was rewarded for his rusty troubles with a wry smile.
‘125 denarii’, The Gaul said smoothly, ‘Or equivalent, if you have other currency.’
'Coins?' Alba shifted Albion's weight, his brother slipping from his grip in his attempt to lean closer to the horse, too interested in stroking her to pay any attention to the conversation. 'What about in trade?'
'I trade in coin for horses.'
'We don't use coin here.' (1)
'Then you don't trade with me.'
Alba silently cursed. They did not need a horse, not in the way they needed food or shelter, but it would certainly be useful. Winter was tightening its grip on the land and a horse would make tracking across snow and icy terrain between clans much easier. Alba and Ériu could cross the distances fine enough, but their brothers were too young to make as many long treks without either numerous breaks in between or long stops in settlements. Summer, with its days of generous light and warm weather, made the amount of travelling Alba wanted to do easier, but as soon as the days grew short it became more and more difficult to move safely at any decent speed. Mama always had them more settled at this time of year, but even Albion could feel a new restlessness in the air that hadn't been there in her time.
A mare would help.
Alba placed Albion down and felt discreetly for the pouch of assorted coins against his leg. 'Why do you want coin?'
The Gaul shrugged, 'Much of the mainland uses coin. It's common.'
'Not here.'
'Here is not the main land.'
'Why for horses?'
The man spread an arm in an arc over his wagon, the thick waterproof cover high over whatever was piled underneath, 'Everything else, I'll trade for in these parts. But horses are worth their weight in gold, here as much as anywhere else. The value is not tradeable.'
Albion tugged at Alba's trousers, 'Let me back up.'
'We have quality things to trade.' Sticking to the stranger's language, Alba kept the Gaul's gaze. Albion tugged at him again and Alba gripped the shoulder of his cloak to hold him still, fingers digging down firm. 'Cloth, dyed. Jewellery, skins, meat-'
'I only trade horses in coin.'
The man spoke politely enough but Alba could hear the note of finality in his words.
'Shh!' Alba pushed Albion away towards the horse, noting that she was still patient and calm despite the child by her feet. 'Go away.'
From his inner pocket, he lifted out the pouch which held their meagre collection of coins. They were all different: various sizes and colours, with different pictures on their sides. They found them along their travels by the sides of worn and well walked roads, usually in the south around port settlements and trade points. Albion and Ériu had a keen eye for them in the mud and grass and they had amassed a fair few.Alba selected the biggest one and held it out.
The man blinked at him.
'For the horse.' Alba said.
The man laughed loudly. Alba felt his cheeks flush and brought his hand back down, feeling wrong-footed. 'What?'
'You are serious?' The man shook his head and grinned, 'One coin?'
Alba frowned. 'You said you wanted coin. One horse, one coin.'
'By the Gods.' The man ran a hand through his hair and laughed again, 'If I didn't know you were serious, boy, I'd beat you for the cheek of it. One horse, one coin; my my.'
He huffed in amusement and gestured for the pouch, 'Show me those.'
He took the collection and tipped the contents into Alba's palm, moving the coins around with a thick index finger. 'You see the different faces and sizes? They all have different worth.'
Alba stared at them.
'They're not like pots, or furs, where the value is unique to what you’re trading.' The man continued, flipping over one of the coins, 'If one if shiny or newer, it doesn't change value. So long as it is the same weight. And the different sized coins represent different value, as well as what they’re made of.'
‘But some are gold.’
The man patted Alba hard on the shoulder, 'You need to learn money, boy, if you want to do proper trade.'
Alba forced his face to stay expressionless, 'Is it enough. For the mare.'
Alba scoffed and tipped the money back into the pouch. 'Then this has been a waste of both our time.'
The Gaul sucked at his top lip behind his moustache and jerked his head over Alba's shoulder, 'They all yours?'
Ériu and Cymru were further away behind them on the muddy track, kicking a small rock back and forth between them. Ériu caught the rock between Crymu's feet and kicked it free with a shout of victory, dashing away to gain a clear advantage.
'Yes.' Alba said, watching them.
‘Parents? Clan?’
The man nodded. 'That's a lot of you. You’re all young to be alone as you are.'
Alba didn't reply.
‘Tell you what.’ Before Alba could react, too quick even to register exactly what happened, the man hunkered down and gripped a hand around Albion’s upper arm. He tugged him closer, hard enough so that Albion tripped over his feet, ‘I’ll take this one as payment. We’ll do it your way and make it a trade.’
He cupped a hand around Albion’s head to stare into his eyes, critical and cool as if assessing an animal, ‘He seems strong enough to grow into something worthwhile.’
‘Get off him!’ Alba’s voice cracked, surprise rendering him younger, and stepped forwards, one hand going to the dagger by his side.
The man put up a hand, eyes still on Albion, ‘Calm down. I’m only looking.’
‘He’s not for sale.’
‘You want to trade rather than pay? This is at least a fair exchange.’
Albion, the shock of being tugged about by a stranger finally having worn off, twisted sharply and bit down hard on the man’s wrist. The Gaul reacted in kind and stood with a yelp, sending Albion flying back with a wet thud into the muddy ground.
‘Vermin!’ He kicked out at Albion where he lay sprawled, catching him in the stomach.
Over Albion’s cry of pain, Alba heard Ériu shout something from behind him, then the sound of running.
The man returned his attention to Alba and cradled his wrist, his eyes flashing, ‘It was a true offer, made in kind faith. He would have had a better life with me and you’d know it, if you weren’t so damn foolish. Food, shelter; not this.’ He gestured to Alba’s worn clothes, travel stained and haphazardly repaired.
‘We don’t want the kindness, sir.’
‘Then by your own death be it.’ The Gaul shook out his hand and swung himself up onto his horse. Clicking his tongue, he kicked at its flank and moved them off without a look back.
Alba lunged forwards and quickly dragged Albion out of the way of the wheels before they could clip him, hoisting him into his arms.
‘You’re alright.’ He told him, more to make it true than anything else, ‘It wasn’t that bad.’
‘What happened?’ Ériu came panting beside him, looking from Alba to Albion and then at the retreating caravan, ‘Did he-‘
‘Leave it.’
Ériu reached for his dagger as Cymru came breathless and horrified by his side, ‘Who does he thi-‘
‘Leave it.’ Alba, grabbed his arm. ‘It’s not worth it.’
He felt Albion press his face into his shoulder, arms tight about his neck, and swallowed back something hot and bitter, ‘He’s not one of ours.’
Ériu’s expression soured into disgust, ‘I don’t think that should change anything.’
‘Doesn’t matter what you think.’ Alba turned away so that Ériu couldn’t see the shame and anger on his face, ‘It fucking does.’
Alba opened his eyes and stared at the dark ceiling of their makeshift shelter. The campfire Ériu was guarding outside made the shadows jump, the outlines of the branches supporting the skins above their heads jumping and lengthening into nothingness.
‘What, Arthur.’ Alba turned his head to find Albion, wide-eyed and watchful between him and Cymru.
‘What that man said earlier-‘
Alba turned away. ‘Go to sleep.’
‘Is that how people see us now?’
Albion’s voice was quiet, smaller beyond trying not to wake Cymru fast asleep on his back. Alba rolled back to face him, ‘See us like what.’
Albion shrugged, a small movement under heavy furs, ‘Alone.’
More than simply alone, Alba knew he meant. ‘Alone’ as something bad, something less than. Something to be pitied. He cracked the knuckles of one hand with his thumb under the covers as he thought of what to say, ‘We are alone.’
‘Mama was alone.’ Albion said quietly, ‘She used to say so, before we were here. But-’
‘Mama was grown.’
‘She wasn’t always.’
‘Before then, there were more. Mama was the last one of her family before we came along.’
‘It wasn’t a bad thing then, though. For her to be alone.’
‘Were you born?’ Alba raised an eyebrow even though Albion likely couldn’t see it, ‘How do you know.’
Albion stayed silent. Alba thought of his belly, the purple bruises they had found bloomed into his pale skin from the boot that caught him earlier, and reached for his brother to gently pull him closer, ‘We are alone. That’s our fate now. Believing it to be good or bad won’t change it. It just is.’
‘I suppose.’
‘Nothing wrong with being alone, anyway.’ Alba tucked Albion’s head under his chin, his hair cool from the chilly air, and closed his eyes, ‘We’re alright on our own.’
‘We need to get better at it.’
‘I’ll take your advice when you can stay awake through a watch.’
‘...That was one time.’
‘The only time we let you try.’
Albion huffed and shifted closer. ‘I don’t want to go on watch anyway.’
‘Then I don’t want your advice.’
Albion fell silent, and Alba listened through Cymru’s snores as his breathing slowed and deepened. Every experience had something to learn, Mama had always said, and the day’s teaching was a valuable one, as hard as it was to take. The world beyond their lands was unknown, and something they’d need to learn to read and understand if they wanted to work with it successfully.
The next day, Alba spread the illegible coins of foreign kings onto the ground and began to learn.
(1) Celts and trade. Celtic peoples used a bartering system of trading goods, rather than using money. Coins were used to store or show wealth but were also just as often used in jewellery. Celtic nations on the European mainland did eventually start minting their own currencies, followed by the British Celts much later, but it was a system quite late to take compared to their contemporaries
You can read more about it here, though as always please do your own research!
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wifeofwandamaximoff · 14 days
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A/N: Sorry it took so long to update I just didn't really have the motivation also I usually don't proofread my work so I do apologize. Also I wanted to update as quick as I can while making this so its a bit smaller then I would've preferred but ill try to make a longer part next time! Also thank you Max for the tips!
"Come in." Weems said from the other side of the doors. Oh how her voice was so raspy and soft. It's like whenever she talks her words are coated in love spider webs.
I step into her office, mentally preparing myself to see her. Once i'm in her office I instantly see her red plump lips that look so inviting. I quickly shake my head slightly to get out of my trance.
"Im here for our art lesson." I said with my stoic expression, my voice sounding like a hundred freshly made blades.
"Ah yes Miss Addams, I apologize I lost track of time." She said apologetically. Which I stared at her. The air in the room wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable either. She then decided to interrupt the silence.
"Follow me to the art studio then, this is where we will meet up instead of you coming to my office just like today." She smiled while standing up and walking around her desk.
She opened the door for me, I then step out of her office and wait for her to lead the way. When she was walking on her way to walk in front of me our hand's gently grazed each other. Making me feel spiders crawl in my stomach.
"Here we go Miss Addams." She smiled sweetly while opening a door. Inside there were a bunch of blank canvases, art supplies, etc. Basically any art supplies that some artist wished to have is right here in this very room.
I scan the room to see two canvases set up for the both of us and two stools. I look back at her to see her smiling at me with that soft smile that could make even an Addams's heart melt.
"Lets begin Miss Addams." She smiled, gesturing towards the stools. I stay quiet and go sit on one of the stools. She then goes to occupy the other one.
"Now Miss Addams what do you already know about art?" She asks me. I look at her, thinking if I should answer her or not. Eventually I decided to.
"About how to make art or what is art?" I asked in my icy cold tone. I see her a shiver a bit from that tone making my lips twitch in a small smirk. I quickly turn away, hoping she didn't see it.
"Well I suppose I should be more specific, what is art Miss Addams?" She said while clearing her throat. I see her starting to take off her gloves to reveal her soft porcelain skin.
Seeing her pale skin makes me shiver, but of course my skin was paler. "Art is a way of communicating with your thoughts and feelings, but thats the deeper meaning. Art is an object that is expressed with skill and imagination." I said while getting some acrylic paint out.
Weems just looks at me with a soft smile. "You think outside the box Miss Addams." She compliments. "Your first assignment is to paint what you have on your mind right now. Now this may take a couple of sessions to complete but do not rush."
I then think for a moment, I then look around the room. My eyes then look at her. In that moment I then decided what I was gonna paint.
The next day I was roaming the halls when Enid came up to me.
"Bell! The Poe Cup is soon and I was wondering if you could join us? Wednesday said she'll go if you go so please say yes!" Enid squealed. Shaking my shoulders making my tempted to cut off her fingers and stack them right in front of her.
"Ill think about it now please don't ever touch me again." I said before pushing her away. Not too hard but not to soft either.
I then walk to the quad, up from above I see Weems with her binoculars looking down at all the students. Our eyes then lock making her put her binoculars down and smile at me. Making a bowl of spiders crawl in my stomach. Which was definitely a feeling I was unaware of. I then turn away, walking to the art room since it was my free period and deciding to work on my painting for a while.
I peeked back a bit to see Weems with a sad expression before going back into her office.
I walked into the art room and looked over at Weems's painting. It seemed like a painting of black rose. My favorite rose...
"Lets play 21 questions hm? I think its only right since we will be giving these paintings to each other." Weems smiled at me. I just nodded.
"You will got first Weems." I said flatly while giving her my usual glare. She just nodded before thinking for a bit.
"Why did you decide to come to Nevermore?" She asked me after a few minutes. I think about my answer for a bit.
"Because I was in a boarding school in France before. I was there for a few years and I decided I wanted a change of scenery and Wednesday has expressed how much she wanted me to come back through our letters to each other." I said while starting to paint the background. Some clouds with hues of pale yellow.
"A boarding school in France? Wednesday told you she missed you?" Weems said, firing questions at me.
"Wednesday and I are very close. We always did everything with each other and for the question about me going to France for school. I needed to get away from mother and father. They were too affectionate and over-protective." I said while creating soft stroked on my canvas. I look over to see Weems with a bit of a sad look.
"Too affectionate?" She said in a bit of a sad tone which she tried to hide but I caught on right away.
"Yes too affectionate, they would smother me in hugs and kisses and always made sure to know where I was going." I said a bit softer then usual.
She just nodded which I thought was a bit strange but I brushed it off. I then started to think of what I should ask her.
"Do you think angels are good?" I asked. She looked at me perplexed since this was a strange question for me to ask her. She then thought for a bit.
"I do believe angels are good Miss Addams. They are supernatural beings that have many tales about their good deeds and what they have done for humans in the past." She said. I then see her finally starting to pain.
"Yes but only of their good deeds, they must have committed something down right sinful at least once." I said while starting to paint some golden gates. The gate ways to heaven hell. As I believed she was sent from heaven hell.
"What's your favorite flower Miss Addams?" She asked with a smile.
"A black rose." I said with ease. One of the easiest questions that could she could ask from me.
"It represents elegance and mystery." I said while glancing over at her. I see her get out black, grey, and white paint. I then quickly assume she will be painting my flower which made the corner of my lips turn up a bit before I shook that odd pleasant feeling down.
I then quickly return back to the present. Though I felt a strange feeling when I realized she was painting my favorite flower.Even though I already knew that it still made spiders crawl in my stomach. Basking myself in joy despair.
I then hear Enid calling my name which me roll my eyes. I then hear her open the door to the art room to see me which made her grin widely.
"Bella! Can you participate in the Poe Cup this year please?" Enid asked with puppy eyes which didn't prove effective on me.
"No." I stated plainly before going back to painting.
"Please Bella? I know I already asked today but please??" She pouted which made me roll my eyes before sighing.
"Fine." I said, finally relenting to join this silly event.
"Really?" Enid said happily, about to go in for a hug before I glared at her. Signaling to not do that.
"Oh Principal Weems will be so happy that you'll join! I told her how I wanted you to join the team today and she hoped that you would join and you did! I have to go thank her!" Enid smiled excitedly.
"Oh and we'll build the boat this week!" Enid smiled before walking out.
I sighed, already regretting my decision to join the Poe Cup. But I then thought about how Weems would be happy to see me play which made it kind of worth it.
I snap out of my daze, looking back at my painting of an angel. As I saw Larissa Weems as an angel. I mentally conflicted with myself if I should use Weems's face but decided against it since it would seem weird. I decided to put a mask on the angel. The identity hidden.
I then feel something crawl on my shoulder to see Thing. I glare at Thing, mentally saying to get off my shoulder.
Thing decided to stay on my shoulder which irritates me.
"What do you need Thing?" I asked while starting to paint the mask of the angel. Thing quickly starts doing signals which makes me look at him.
"You want me to help Enid build the boat?" I said asking him. Which makes him sign a yes. I sigh, looking back at my painting before starting to clean up.
"I suppose." I said setting Thing down on the floor. Thing then starts to lead the way to where our team was building the boat.
In the distance I see the blonde werewolf and my sister. I get closer and seem them both trying to paint a black cat which makes me sigh. I then decide to paint the other side.
"Leave the painting to me you fools." I said starting to paint. Enid looks surprised that I was helping out since Wednesday probably told her I wouldn't. It seems that Wednesday was surprised to. I just glare at them making them both quickly go back to painting the other side.
"Thing tie my hair up." I ordered which makes him do so obediently. He ties my hair making my raven hair into a ponytail. My hair shining a deep purple in the sun.
After about an hour of painting I am halfway done with my side. I look over to see the two gone. I then feel three sets of eyes looking at me. I turn around to see Enid and Wednesday looking at me paint. But there were only two people behind me. I drag my eyes around my vicinity to see no one us but us three. Weird...
I decide to ignore it and go back to painting my cat for our team.
After about another hour I finish my painting, going back a few steps to marvel at my work. I see Enid come closer, inspecting it before turning to me and smiling.
"Oh Bella it looks amazing! Thank you!" She said happily, about to go in for a hug which makes me step back immediately. Like second nature.
I see Wednesday right next to me, shoulder to shoulder. I see Enid looking at us excitedly before pulling out her brain sucking device.
"We should take a picture and make memories!" She said excitedly before snapping a picture of me and Wednesday making me a bit mad but I suppose it was okay. Just one photo...
After Enid took our photo I demanded to see it. Conflicting with myself if I could delete it or not. I take the phone and look at the picture. Me and Wednesday standing shoulder to shoulder, Enid in the corner of the picture. A failed part on hers of trying to include herself in the selfie. I then examine the photo.
But in the background I see a shadow...A shadow of a large figure. The tree right next to the shadow has three claw marks...
I then look back to see the shadow gone but the marks still there...
@poorwritingandstalecoffee  @maxfanartfan @a-goblin-named-cherry
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ghostlynachopanda · 1 year
For you
a/n: my friend said I'm starting to gain obvious muscle so like big happy :)) there's no hope for my sleep schedule, I wrote this one at 4am lol. it's short but enjoy this one pals
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x reader
words: 1.1 k
Wednesday was annoyed. She has watched Xavier follow you around like a lost puppy all day. The urge to dismember him grew every time he leaned close to you in class. The desire to cut off his tongue grew when he said something that made you laugh. An urge to kill him came to a head when she saw him smirk at her when your full attention was on him. Wednesday didn't see a problem if he were to disappear or simply die.
You normally enjoyed your free period. It was time you got to spend alone with Wednesday throughout the day. You two could just sit in the library and read a book or sit in the quad and softly talk about whatever came to mind. But you couldn’t, Xavier was there this time.
For some unknown reason, he has been around you all day. Sure, he's nice company but only to an extent. You could only handle so much of him before getting tired, and you reached that point a long time ago. You were just being nice at this point, not wanting to hurt his feelings. So when you saw Wednesday sitting for you at your usual table in the quad you couldn't help the relieved smile that made its way onto your face.
You walked over to her and took your normal spot across from her. You're putting your bag down and start, "You wouldn't believe-"
You're cut off by someone suddenly claiming the seat next to you. You didn’t need to look to know who it was. The irritated look Wednesday wore was enough to know it was Xavier. A voice that grew annoying hours earlier spoke, "Hey guys, what’s up?"
"What are you doing?" Wednesday asked, anger laced in her words.
"What's it look like?" he responded throwing an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into the side of his body, "I'm hanging out with a couple of friends,"
Wednesday's eyes looked positively murderous. Her fingers twitched to dislocate his shoulder, push his arm off you, to pull you to the open seat next to her. She watched you closely. You were tense, obviously uncomfortable, but you weren't doing anything about it.
"Move your arm," Wednesday said threateningly.
"What?" Xavier asked, confused.
"Move your arm if you want to keep it," Wednesday replied, fury easily read in her tone.
She watched as he chuckled awkwardly before slowly returning his arm to his side. She watched you ever so gently sigh and sag your shoulders. An unpleasant silence surrounded the three of you, no one willing to break it. You looked up to meet Wednesday's gaze and saw her signal to the seat next to her.
You perked up a bit at the implication, quickly standing up to move to the other side of the table. As you reach for your bag a hand reaches to grab yours, stopping you in your tracks. You hardly have time to register the hand on your arm before it's gone. Looking up to find Wednesday bending Xavier's wrist at an odd angle, no doubt hurting him.
"You must not value your hand," she said lowly, eyes wide with homicidal intent. All he can manage is a small yelp before she's putting more pressure on it.
"Dude, let go." Xavier says, going ignored by the two of you.
She looks to you next and says, "I'll kill him for you,"
Xavier's hand starts to wiggle, trying to lessen Wednesday's grip. All it does is cause her to tighten her grip, "Let me kill him for you,"
"Let go of me," Xavier said weakly, his voice tight with pain. Now fully pulling his wrist to get away from her, she doesn't budge. Wednesday never once took her eyes off you, waiting for your answer.
"Wednesday-" you start but are cut off.
"He touched you, made you uncomfortable. Let me kill him," she said browbeating.
You see Xavier looking at you with helpless eyes, looking for you to do something. The look causes you to shake your head, not wanting to get in the middle of this. Either answer will anger the opposite person, but having Wednesday be arrested for murder is far worse than an annoying Xavier.
"Let him go Wednesday," you said softly, seeing her eyes widen with something akin to betrayal. She scowls before turning to him and saying, "Touch her again and she won't be able to save you."
You see relief cross his face before pain quickly overtakes it and the quiet air is disturbed by a peculiar pop. She releases his wrist then, watching in satisfaction as it reddens and starts to swell. Xavier stands and cradles his wrist before looking at Wednesday, "You're fucking crazy" he mutters while angrily brushing past her.
You both watch him leave, making sure he wouldn't come back. When he is no longer visible she turns to you, "Why didn't you let me kill him?"
"Murder charges aren't going to look good on your record," you replied.
"I already have attempted murder on there," she mutters under her breath.
"I could easily get away with murdering him. No one would even notice his absence" her answer makes you shake your head.
"Still, murdering someone seems excessive"
"Not when that person obviously made you uncomfortable," she said as if it was common sense.
"Wednesday.." you rebutted, reprimanding in your tone.
She looks at you for a moment, seeing the resolve in your eyes. It appears you wouldn't let her kill anyone for your sake. How unfortunate. Wednesday looks down at the grass before asking, "Are you alright?"
The question makes you want to chuckle, she just seemingly broke his wrist just because he made you uncomfortable. You ask, "Why did you do that?"
"I simply left him with a parting gift. He'll remember to keep his hands to himself next time," she says evenly, eyeing you to make sure you weren't uncomfortable or uneasy.
You look down at the grass, shyly smiling while shaking your head, "Let's not jump the gun next time, okay?"
"I didn't 'jump the gun', I acted accordingly. No one should be allowed to make you uncomfortable or touch you so casually." she said factually.
"That is still not a reason to harm a classmate," you refuted.
Wednesday clenched her jaw and drew in a breath. She would kill for you, even if you told her not to. It just wouldn't be in front of you. She looked at you, eyes narrowing slightly, "He would've done it again if I didn't do anything."
"I know that, but there are other ways to handle a situation like that."
"Of course, murder."
"Wednesday, no"
tags: @alexkolax @rainbow-love4ever @o638 @tundra1029
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endless-weightless · 11 months
E42!Miles Morales x Reader headcanons
Both headcanons of him and of him being a romantic partner cos I'm bored teehee. Also no nsfw cos he's a minor and sorry if the Spanish related hcs are inaccurate or smth like that, I only speak English but please lmk if I got smth wrong!
TAGS/WARNINGS: Fem!reader, fluff, minor angst, cussing
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Just Miles headcanons
⚜Always smells fresh. He probably uses the perfect amount of Axe body spray or just wears a good cologne.
⚜E1610!Miles is taller than E42!Miles by a few inches because the spider bite most likely affected his growth.
⚜Piggybacking off of that last hc, he probably wears insoles to make himself a lil' taller, but he definitely tells Aaron it helps with the "pain of being on his feet all day", which he knows is bullshit because he's been doing Prowler work for years and has never once considered wearing insoles.
⚜If high maintenance was a guy, it'd be Miles G. Morales.
⚜Had to use a shitbox of a speaker for YEARS until he started making money as the Prowler. Rio would come home from work only to hear some bullshit by Playboi Carti playing at full volume on the worst speaker you've ever heard.
⚜Takes bathtime VERY seriously.
⚜Made his voice way deeper in front of E1610!Miles and probably has a much more calm voice, almost soothing.
⚜Will occasionally forget words in English and will just replace them with a Spanish word and leave you looking confused as fuck.
"You know the thing I'm talking about, it's the uh... rizador!"
"The fucking what?"
⚜Randomly got popular one day in 8th grade/year 9 for no reason, like one day everyone just started dabbing him up.
⚜Speaking of which, if you ever go anywhere with him and he sees anyone he knows, you best believe you'll be awkwardly standing next to him as you wait for him to finish dabbing up the entire population.
Now for romantic headcanons
⚜Was bold asf when he was pursuing you. He'd purposely stare at you in class so you'd make eye contact, and he'd always be the last to look away. He didn't ask for your snap from his or your friends. Instead, he walked right up to you and asked you himself, and he wasn't dry when it came to the snaps either.
⚜Constant compliments, even before you became official. He'd always go out of his way to let you know he liked your outfit, your hair, or even just to say you looked beautiful every single day.
⚜Miles will always give you his jacket if you start to look cold. He can always sense when you're going to get cold and he will not take no for an answer, so don't bother.
⚜This next hc is for my afab pookies. He'll keep track of your cycle and will toss a bag full of pads and tampons at you the second your period starts, which he always knows before you for some reason. He always remembers what brands you like, and he knows all the tricks he learnt from his mother to help you with cramps, headaches or mood swings.
⚜He knows calling you mami makes you fall face first for him, so he'll use it to his advantage to make you less mad when he has to cancel plans.
"Miles, baby, this is our third date this month we've had to reschedule :/." "I know, mami. I'm sorry." He'd say as he places a kiss on your forehead.
⚜Not too big on PDA. Of course, he'll constantly be either holding your hand or having his arm around you and kiss you goodbye, but he'll never go out of his way to shove his tongue down your throat in front of everyone.
⚜But my GOD, he is affectionate in private. Miles cannot keep his hands to himself to save his life. He'd pick you up and dip you to kiss you if he could.
⚜He constantly feels guilty about having to ditch dates for Prowler work, so to make up for it, he'll take you on massive shopping trips. The mf won't take no for an answer either. He couldn't give two flying fucks if you couldn't go around spending hundreds of dollars on clothes, he wants you to know he'll do anything for you despite his mysterious job he never speaks about.
⚜The biggest gentleman ever. He probably learnt it from his mother since she was his only parent, and he definitely has some feminist ideologies ingrained into him, though he does prefer to be the provider and for you to stay safe at home/school.
⚜Miles would occasionally daydream about settling down with you and having a child together, but he knows his job is too dangerous for that despite his longing for a family.
⚜He shows his affection by buying you gifts and spending any and all of his free time with you in return for just your touch and the sound of your voice. He'd prefer to spend every day by your side but he knows you can't get involved in his work and he'd prefer you to stay safe despite how feisty you may be.
⚜If you two went to prom/formal together he'd fall head over heels the second he sees you all dressed up. He'd take as many photos as possible and brag the whole night going "Yeah that's my girlfriend." with a stupid grin plastered across his face.
⚜Almost never talks about how he feels or opens up, he probably would only share how he feels if he broke down in front of you, which he would hate because he likes to feel like he's the protector and provider so if he's not showing you strength he feels weak and unworthy of your love.
That's all I can think of rn lmk if you want any other characters!
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clownboymcchucklefuck · 7 months
Virgil Evans Analysis
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Analysis under the cut hehehe
Virgil is definitely one of my favorite yanderes just because of how deep his character is. Something about the mix of trauma and also just pure obsession and desperation go together perfectly. So first off, trauma and this man has been through some shit especially since his trauma is what makes him a yandere.
-Virgil’s Backstory:
First of all, a few days before Virgil’s tenth birthday he had an argument with his father who then had to go and visit his sister whose husband had passed away from another country and went on a plane. There was a malfunction during the flight which sadly killed Thomas. It’s pretty clear that this had a hard impact on Virgil and his childhood considering that he had to go to therapy due to his mom noticing that he coped by playing the games his father had bought him before he died in his alone time. 
In highschool he joined a track team and was the second fastest runner but then later quit since he figured that wasn't what he wanted to do for the rest of his life, his sister Sarah introduced him to theater and all this ends up showing a lot in his yandere behavior but right now we talking about traumatic backstory so shhhhhhh. He started a band with a few of his friends and it was going pretty well for him until one of his band mates started a rumor about him ‘sleeping around’ just because Virgil politely declined their love confession. Virgil got so mad that the bandmate couldn't handle the rejection that bro literally whooped their ass.
During college Virgil spent most of his time hanging out with his younger siblings and helping his mom with the house when she wasn't able to be home. He was doing very well mentally and was even considering getting himself back out there to start dating again. But one day as he sat in his house he started to question the state of his reality, That's when everything around him had started to glitch. Virgil could only watch and cry as he watched his family and everything he thought was home disintegrate and fade away in front of him. 
Leaving only him. All alone. 
-Virgil’s Yandere Behavior:
Oh dear.
Okay but as sweet and fluffy Virgil he is not one to fuck around with. I say this because I have literally asked so many questions, done so much research to say that escaping Virgil might as well be impossible. 
In that case that you do run away Virgil can 1, track you down using technology (Your phone plus other people's devices around you.) 2, will crossdress and mimic a woman's voice using his theatrical talents to gain your trust before revealing his identity and taking you back. Keep in mind that getting caught by Virgil after trying to escape also gets you the bye bye leg movement treatment where he puts you to sleep before paralyzing your legs. Also just running away period is difficult too, mf taking morning jogs and being the second faster runner in track is definitely catching my iron deficient ass.
Also you can’t hide anything from elf boy. I did send an ask because I saw some people trying to trick Virgil by revealing their plan in Spanish but since Spanish is one of the three languages Virgil speaks it didn't work. I tried the same thing but instead I used dutch. But surprise surprise even if you don't speak his languages they still go through his code and translate it for him. Also in Yoshi’s words, “he has your ip, your home address too, your government files say alot about you”. 
Virgil is always watching you. He watches everywhere you go. It doesn't matter if you're in his world or your world he can watch you. I innately thought that he could only do this through devices but no. Devices or not he always finds a way. He can also crawl through devices and you can’t stop him either. (Throw shit at him anyways though.) and this also means he can drag you back to his dimension too. 
Watches you sleep and steals your shit (Clothes) kjasnjkcnask-
He's a fae. That's a danger in itself. He can put curses and hexes on people if they have feelings for MC. But that's usually after he stalks your friend for any information to blackmail them about to get them away from MC. Same thing goes for if say a roommate is hurting MC then he’ll blackmail them to get them away from you but if they don't then he’s not afraid to take matters into his own hands. 
It is also impossible to get away from him by fighting. It’s been talked about a few times but Virgil was in alot of fights during highschool with different types of species so he definitely knows what he's doing when it comes to fighting. Virgil also doesn't feel normal pain like a human, throwback to when a ask stabbed him and he just casually said ow and pulled the knife out. He feels pain but nearly as much as a human does.
Now doing research for this theory and reading through all the WYS posts I found something and I'm shocked how much people forgot about it:
Even after death, he still knows who you are when you are a different identity.
-Overall Analysis: 
Virgil is very patient, calm and gentle with MC but at the same time he’s clearly not one to fuck with. If MC pushes the right buttons it can push him to curse MC and basically ruin their life. But that's extremely rare. He is a fae and despite being gentle and caring he can be dangerous. Whenever he paralyzes MC’s legs he doesn't know what he's done until it's already been done. A trait that is in Virgil whether it be yandere or OG he is always a caretaker, yandere Virgil however tends to have more twisted ways/delusional ways however. But at the same time he does prefer to take the more patient routes and kidnapping MC is a last resort.
Virgil is very family oriented, we can see that from his childhood, how he kept his dads necklace and how he treats his siblings. Virgil misses his family dearly and he’s clearly traumatized from the event. Something I find terrifying is that Virgil doesn't care if MC wants a relationship with him or just wants a roommate type of thing. He just doesn't want to be alone. Don’t leave him alone. You’re the only person that exists besides him. You can’t leave.
D̸͚͍̜̠͈̘͈͖̈̌̎͘Ǫ̶͕͓̻̝̺̺̗̩͉͠N̸̢̖̪͈̻̺̈́̋̓̎̅͠T̷̟̘̮̣͓̤̤͓̎̎̕ ̷̨̧̗̺̮͕̘̫͖̆͂̃͋͗̐̌͑͛́L̶̨̢̢͙̲̥̠̞͆̂̿͆̒̚͜E̷̡͔͖̞̤̮͚̬̰̐́͆̃̐̋̇̆̄̿͂́͜Ä̵̛͇̱̣̩͚̯̖̞̥̭́̽̓͗͊́̄̀ͅV̶͚́͊̓̀͘E̵̦̯͔͖̼͎͓̻̰͐̈́̐̕̕͠͝ ̸̘̤̥̳̆̅̆̃͋̏̔͠ͅH̴̼͖̉Ȉ̴͉̀̓͌͌̈̏̋͑̈́͘M̵̗̯̭͇̏͂̀̈́̿̽̄́͜ ̵̨͇̥̫͉̦̳̘̓͛̄̈́̎͒͘͜͝ͅA̶̼̯̞̔̅́̐͝L̵̻̠͖̜̥̊̈́O̵̯̘͂͐̅̎́̇͋͒̕N̷̨̢̯̦̙̜̙͉͍̽̑͒͑͘͜Ę̴̹̣̼͔͍̰̱̝̭́̽́̇͂̏̾.̴̨̣͍̙͖̯͈̜̂̀̈́ ̵̡̱̩͇̹͔̠̩̲̏̄̉̀H̵̡̬̰͕̖̻͇̳̬̓̓Ė̵̞̿̚ ̷̢̢̺̜̥̮͖̝̝̫̺̪̆̔̆̊̅̍̒͋̈́͘͝͝H̵͓̰̓͗A̴͈͓̓͛͒̾͋̔̃̕͝͝T̶̨̳̩̲̫̹̫̻̖̅͗̂̆̿͑͜͠Ę̵̗̗̰͍͎͖̰͂͘Ṣ̶̰͕͉̫͍̞̩͙̫̈́̉̐̔̂͒̎ ̵̟̦̙̳͚̗̦͇̊͑̉̍ͅỊ̵̢̞͚̥͇̺͖͔̣̹̈̿̉̀T̸̗̆̈̂́̊̕͝ ̸̨̡̳̮̼̮̥̔̏̏̅̂̀͝͝ͅḦ̵̱̘̌̈́̐͑̽́̀͒͋͘͝E̸͉̋̽ͅŖ̶̞̭͉͙͈̙̹͒̃͋̀̍̎̀̋̑͜͠Ę̶̟̣̝̮̰̺̹̙̻̼̐̂̏̋̂͆̅͋͘.̶͍̤̠̹̙̖̜͓͂̅͂̽͝ ̵̖̫̣̹̻̖̭̑̀͌̔H̸̺͔̳̤̥̞̬̊E̴̢̺̹̻̗̱̞͚̬̱̐͑̏̅̈́̓̈́͘͜'̵̣̞͔̼̈́̓̏̄̽̈͒͛̒̀̕Š̸̢̧̩̥͉͔͎̩̮̦̽̀́́͊̀̑̀̓ ̵̨͓̜̑̀̎͗͗̑̈́̔Ś̷͔͈̖̳̦̖̝̫͕̩̑́͌̐̀̌̅̓̃̚͘O̵͚͉̞̽̿̚Ȓ̵̛̹͚̤̃͋́͛͗̾̒͗Ŕ̶̨͚͈̹͚̮͂͗͛͜͝Y̴̪͍̪̼͖͇̋͂̓́̃̄̈́͘ ̵̨̯̳̫͖̞̬̦̌̉̒̿̒̇̽̂̂̚͘͝Ì̵̡̝͔̠̭̊̅̀́͘T̷̲̜͕̩͛̃̀̈́̀͌̇͌͗͘ ̶͇̦̠͉̭͕̯̏̍͌͂H̶̘̰̙̖̠̜̅͂A̷̮̩̝͖̗̿̐̐́̇̂͠͝S̸̢̞̤͛̀̊ ̷̢̺̮̘͍̬̥͙̦̃̋̽̿͛̈̀̅̓͜T̶̡̺͕̟̻͉̞͂̓̈́̓̇ͅÓ̴̜̝̬͎̍̑ ̴̢̛̞̤̥̯̩͖̳̝͉̱̂́̑̀̔͒͊̕B̶̨̧̙̘̬͖̱̙̗͕͌͑͆͊̌͛̒̆̉̆̓̕Ȩ̴͖̥͆̕ ̴̦̗͉͚̱̟͖͎̀͊̃̃͜͝T̸̡͎͓̥̝̘͕̪͚̖͙͌̂͐̍͜H̴̻͓̫̘̬͎͓͎̾̏̉͌̔I̸̙̒S̸͖̩͙̺̩͍̖͔̠̘̎̊̓̎̍̒̎͐̍̌̔̄ ̷̨̡̪̖̖̼͙͙̭̣̳̔̈́̒́̿W̸̛͖̙̪͎̄̓͐͆̑̀̾̕̚̚Å̷̧̜͈Ỳ̸͎̫̃̃͌͝.̷̙͍͉̣̤̈́̂͆̇́ ̶͚̻̫̟̘̺̗̋̈́̌̉́͋͋͗̕͠Y̶̭̜̘̭͕͖̱̆̂̆̏͜͜Ò̸̡͍̖̲̮̬̻̗̊̂̽U̴̧͔̗͓̻̥͚͓̙̒͠'̴̢͎̝͍͕̪̈́Ṟ̴͓͝Ẽ̷̢̯̰̞̳͉̬̻̠̻͗́̈̋̃̆̓̅̏̆̄ ̴̻̃̿͗̃̾̏͘T̶̨͇̖̖̰͚̺̠̪͈̙̟͒̿͊̆͝Ḧ̴̹̝̘́͆È̴̱̤̬͉͛̋͗͛͒̈͝ ̴̢̠̖̺̘͓̲̻̹͎̆̄̇̓͗́̈́̒́̽͝͝O̵̙̫̼̼̜̠͖̾̓͛͆N̷̺̑̌̑̏̿̃̚L̸̨̻̞͓͑̌͠Ÿ̷̘̰̮̹͇̗̺́̎̌ͅ ̸̹͈̟͕̹̣͛͋̕ͅƠ̶̛̛̰̙̪̝̠̦̫̑̈́̑͛͑́͜Ņ̸̢͈̭̤̲̠̣͍̻͓̂̅̎̓͜͝͝È̷̞͇̩̯̥͚ ̶̧̩̜̤̬̣͇̠͇̻͙͑̀̃͊̀͌͒̇̔͘̚̕H̶͕͖̪͎͉͊̓́̍̀̿͗́̑̕̚͜E̷̞̿̐͊̌̾͑̇́̇̐͝ ̴͎̙̬̀̐̀͐͋́͊̈̎̈͜C̶̛̜͕̘̙͓̞̗̮̬̽̍͑͋́̾̉͠͝ͅA̸̘͉͕̺̪̦͙̬̰͛͐́̊̂̊͘N̶̫̻̖̜̳̤͚̣̱̜̙͗̾̀̔̊̐̚ ̶̛̺̤͍̠̭͕̅̂͋̆̕̕͠T̷̠̣̿̎͂̽̔̈̚͝Ắ̴̧̢̠̞͈̩̣͚̱̭̄͐̑̐̔̽̉͊̕͜L̵͔̯̱͎̭͑̓̋̾̉̅̃̒̀̾̂͝K̶̮̫̙̻̪͆̓̐̊͒̅̊ ̴̧̻̖̈̽̈̽̾́̓́̕͘͝͝T̷̢̡̨̤͉̤̟̠́̉̓̈̇͗Ő̷͔̦̤̜̒͂̒̀̓̉̔.̸̪͐ ̸̩͒͆̾͐̓̓̎̉͝P̵̧̧̭͚̥̺̟̝͉̹̯͛Ļ̸̖̖͝E̶͍̯̰̭͈͕̥̭̦̮͍̗͌̽̈́̕͠A̷̡̟͕͌̎̅͛̽͋̎̊̕S̵̡̧̲̟̣̱̤͕̗͙̈́̀́̈́̈́͋̈́͆̏E̸͔̞͖͑̓̽͛̌̐̈̏̇̕ ̴̨̝̺̰̦̫̦̮̬̌̿́̐̏ͅͅD̸̫̱͔̰̦̯̠̘̩́̈́̀͆̀̈́̈́̀͌͝Ơ̷̧̫͍̟̿͌͛̐Ń̸̡̛͎̠̞̇͂̕'̵̨̢̢̦̩͙̰̻̹̗͛͗͆̓̋̾̔̐͠T̴̼̘́̇̌̀̈̏͝ ̶̥̪̲͚̮̟͑͐̈L̴̰̂͌̏̉͒E̸̡̟̦̺͙͓̙̖͑͂͌̅͛̒̕͝ͅA̵̭͗͗͛̾̽V̵̥͚̯͙̐͊̓͐̽͝Ë̷̝̩̞̺̟̓̌̈̂͗̎̎͝.̸̡̟͕̮͉̱̪̱͐̄̀̒̾̅̒͐̽̊͗̚ ̵̢̧͍̩̯̱͒̽͐̌̏̇̿̾̚͜͝I̶̹̤͝T̴̥͎̱̝̫̬̘̗̬̱̰̆͛̂ͅ'̸̢̺͈̦̥̱̳̻͕͕̦͉̆͑̋̾Ŝ̶̲̤̀̊̓̀ ̴̢̛͎̲̟̜̹͓͍͋̆̉̽̔̚S̶̢̪̩̞̦͓̳̟͇͉̽̐̓̉͆́̀͐̎̾̑͜͝Ơ̴̢͉͚̏͆̃̓̋̀͆ ̶͔̎̉̓̏̾L̷̫̖̮̮̪̋͋͆͋̍͘͝͝Ơ̵̡̢̝͕̲̫̜̝͉̿́̔̄͛̎͛̃̋͘N̶̢̫̝͎̩̻̻͋̈́͛͋̓̈́̍̔́͌͝͝Ȩ̸̰̼̉̔̅͋̂̉͛̾Ḻ̴̨̢̦̫͔̼̥͉̲̗̼̓́͐̔̚Y̸̡̳̊.̶̨͔̰͉̬̳̤̹͎̹͕̗̾̒̾́͛̄̋̅͑̅͗͠
01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110111 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01101000 01101001 01101101 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01111001 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100100 00101100 00100000 01110010 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00111111
Word count: 1.2k
Virgil belongs to @wouldyoustayvn/@turquoisesea01
Tags for my pookies 🤭
@dont-wannadothis-anymore @mysticnebula @mr-ritza
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
Reading once again all your Lance stuff because it's my favorite ones (I have pcos). Could you write one piece where she calls him with a 10 in her pain scale? I love seeing lance being so attentive and caring.
Note: I'm so happy that my pieces give you something to relate to and that they give you comfort, it's one of my favourite things about all of this 🤍 not actually happy for the reason you relate to them, but I hope you're doing well enough, sending you a tight hug ✨️🤍
Tw: painful periods, taking medication
"Call me if you need anything, or if anything changes, okay? We are going to the Olympic track", your boyfriend said, kissing your forehead sweetly before he grabbed his keys, wallet and phone, "thank you, I will. Have a nice session, tell Henry I say Hi!", you replied back, waving as he walked out of the door.
And as much as you didn't want to call him, the pain was too much and you couldn't even bring yourself to get up and grab your meds from the bathroom, reaching your phone and pressing Lance's contact, "hey sweetheart", you heard him pant, his breath the slightest bit audible as he was running, "are you alright? How bad is it?", he asked straight away. He knew you wouldn't have called if it wasn't something urgent, tapping Henry's shoulder so he would slow down and stop.
"It's a ten, especially around my back, I can barely move without feeling it and I can't reach my medications", you yelped, groaning as you tried to sit up, "and the wheatbag is cold, which is not helping", you sniffed, "I really didn't want to call y-", you were interrupted by your boyfriend, "I'm on my way home, sweetheart, I'll be there as soon as I can", he said, ending the call and running back to the car with Henry.
It took him about fifteen minutes to get home, "I'm here, I'm here", he said as he walked closer to you, your medication in his hand as you figured he probably stopped by the bathroom on his way to join you, "here, gorgeous", he said, opening the water bottle and helping you take a sip so you could swallow the pills, "thank you", you whispered, closing your eyes and letting it work. "It just got so bad, one minute I was really hot, then I felt really cold, and now I'm back to normal, but I was worried I would faint or something of the sort", you admitted, kissing his palm as he cupped your cheek softly.
Lance grabbed the wheatbag, going to the kitchen so he could reheat it, bringing it back with a mug of hot chocolate, "I know you don't want to eat, but the sugar in this will do you really good", he whispered, setting the mug on the table and placing the bag on your tummy, "has it kicked in yet?".
"It's working, I think. Either that or having you near me is the actual solution", you smiled, opening the blanket so Lance knew he could cuddle you, making him lie down as his hands rubbed circles on your belly, "I'm sorry you had to interrupt your workout", you said, "how did you get here so fast anyway?", you wondered.
"Instead of running on the trail, I asked Henry to run on the Olympic track. We were just going around in circles, but it meant that if you called, I was near the car and could get here quickly", he admitted, "you're the best, Lance", you kissed his jaw, feeling sleepy as he caressed your skin, finally feeling comfortable enough to rest properly, "just want to keep you comfortable, love, that's all".
A few hours later, you woke up from your nap, face snuggled in Lance's chest as you looked up at him, "are you feeling better?", he asked, "yes, it's like a four now, and that's doable", you smiled, reassuring him that it was fine.
"I've ordered your favourite dish from the Italian place we really like, and I asked Chloe to buy a tub of your favourite ice cream, she dropped by to leave it in the freezer, and we can watch a movie, or read a book, anything that makes you feel better, really", he said, making you smile ear to ear, "I love you Lance", you muttered, getting up so you could use the bathroom, smiling to yourself at how lucky you were to have him by your side.
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bts-hyperfixation · 10 months
Outside of the fox
Chapter 18 of ???(I've entirely lost track)
2577 words
Y/N longs for a new life when the one she'd been living comes to an abrupt stop. Without much thought to those she is leaving behind, the little fox packs a backpack and disappears. She stumbles across the shelter and makes an interim home for herself while she works out exactly what she wants from her second chance.
Jin departs in the late afternoon of the day after the holiday, not before Namjoon convinces him to go for coffee with him. Not that it seemed to take that much convincing. 
The bear swore it was only as friends, but the little blush crept onto his cheeks whenever the others brought up the doctor.
Taehyung never actually leaves... 
He doesn't even attempt to go home for the remainder of the time off from work, in fact, he doesn't even leave to fetch his own clothes. The first Monday back at work arrives and you find him waiting for you at the front door in a pair of Jungkook's slacks and Jimin's shirt. It's been odd having him around, especially now knowing that he was your boss. He had also monopolized a lot of Jimin's time so you hadn't exactly gotten a chance to talk to the redhead alone much either. 
It didn't stop you from catching him staring at your lips every time he zoned out. 
"So do you ever intend to actually go home?" You ask Taehyung, glancing sideways at him as soon as he pulls away from the drive. 
"I don't know what you mean." He shrugs, although a smirk plays at the corner of his lips.
"I mean, you must have your own home and your own clothes to return to at some point." You make a point of tugging at the slightly too-short sleeve that was slowly creeping up his wrist. 
"In theory, I must... But everything, before I walked through that door on Solstice eve eve, is a blur. I don't think I was ever alive before Jimin."
You can't help but roll your eyes. The pair had been sickeningly in love since the wishing party. And yes it was cute, but it also cause your stomach to bubble as you watched them fawn over one another so easily. 
Your late husband had never been so openly affectionate with you, and you knew you could've had JImin's attention like that if only you hadn't closed yourself off so hard. It seemed it might be too late to try and open yourself up more now, each member too preoccupied with another. You were happy for them, but sometimes it made you question if you should have moved out.
Namjoon was constantly texting back and forth with Jin, it was like you'd caught a naughty child with his hand in the cookie jar every time you went near him to find him on his phone. He would immediately shut it off and fling it across the table. He'd smashed his phone in at least two places so far from misjudging the distance. The poor device never stood a chance against the kitchen floor. 
Yoongi and Hoseok had claimed inspiration had struck and hadn't taken themselves out of the studio in days for anything other than water and food. Hoseok did make a point of sitting close to you for the short periods of time when they did surface. And you had noticed a distinct increase in Yoongi scenting you as he glided past you on his way in and out of the house. It made you jump the first few times, now it just makes your cheeks feel a little too warm. 
"Y/N? Did I lose you somewhere?" Taehyung's voice breaks through your thoughts
"Sorry?.." You blink away the memories and try to focus back on him. 
"Where did you go?" He asks
"Nowhere, sorry."
"Did I make you jealous? Talking about Jiminie like that? Do you want me to tell you about how I thought I'd died and gone to heaven the first time you walked into my office building?"
"Oh shut up." You roll your eyes.
"I'm serious..."
"You ignored me completely."
"You took my breath away."
He pulls into the parking lot outside of the office building, saving you from dignifying that with an answer. You glance around nd see all of your colleagues clambering from their own cars, each looking a little depressed over the prospect of returning to work.
"Is it a good idea I'm seen getting out of the boss's car?" You half-joke.
"You eat lunch with the boss every day... I think it's late to be concerned about being seen with me." He laughs. "Hardly anyone knows I'm actually the boss anyway. Why do you think I still get harassed some days?"
You remember then how you had never actually seen the jackass that was making him uncomfortable after your interview day, you had just assumed he had moved on careerwise. Now it made sense that perhaps Taehyung had taken more drastic steps. 
Taehyung locks the door and wraps an arm around your waist to direct you into the building.
Your day at work is dull, nothing new happens, and everyone was still emotionally hungover from their excessive family time (some may have also been physically hungover, but you thought it more polite not to ask...).
Taehyung does finally admit that he needs to go and fetch some of his own clothes as he spent most of the day pulling Yoongi's boxers away to stop the ever-encroaching wedgie. So you walk home like you normally would. 
The house is dark when you pull up. You assume that maybe everyone else is still at work and Kookie's asleep so you creep through the door trying not to wake the bunny in case he is passed out on the couch. 
To your surprise, there is no Jungkook insight. instead, Namjoon is standing at the dining table which has been reduced to just two chairs and covered in a white tablecloth. A candle flickers in the middle of the setup and fairy lights are draped around the room creating an ambient glow.
"I'm sorry Joon, I didn't realise you had plans... did I miss it in the group chat?" 
Usually when the boys had individual dates planned they posted it so everyone else could make themselves sparse.
"What? Oh... no. This is for us, for you..." He swipes at the back of his neck anxiously.
"For me?" 
You walk further into the room and take in his smart clothing. A simple white button-up under a light brown blazer with matching slacks. 
"Well, I was hoping... If you wanted... Maybe we could get to know one another better?" He stutters as he asks. 
He leans over onto the breakfast bar to pick up a bouquet of flowers you hadn't noticed before and holds them out for you to take. You sniff the flowers and hold them close to your chest, hoping that Namjoon can't see how warm your face has gotten.
"As a friend?.. or as a... date"
It seems like a stupid question, with the specific design he had gone for, but you had been known to read a room wrong before.
"As a date if that's okay? If it's not I can turn the lights on and get rid of the candle. We can completely forget this ever happened." He says gesturing so close to the flame he nearly knocks it straight over. 
"A date is okay." You nod, "But I am going to change out of my work clothes first."
He takes the flowers back and puts them into a vase as you head up the stairs. But you hesitate on the first step.
"Joonie?" You ask
"Did you cook..?"
"No, Yoongi helped."
You sigh in relief and head up to change. Joonie is so amazing in so many ways but you weren't really looking to get food poisoning in time for your second day back at work.
You find a cute little dress amongst tan dress amongst your things that would match Namjoon's outfit nicely. It gives you pause for a second, maybe you are trying too hard but you shook the thought away and threw it on anyway, not allowing yourself to back out. 
The smell of food from downstairs was making your mouth water and you decided it was best not to allow yourself to think too hard for fear of locking the door to your room and not returning downstairs. 
Namjoon is placing a plate on each side of the table as you walk back down into the main room. He pulls a chair back for you and gestures for you to sit down. He bumps the table with his knee as he slides in opposite you. 
"We made pasta, Jimin said you told him you liked pasta," Namjoon said.
"I do, thanks." You take a bite, it's delicious, concrete evidence that the bear had had substantial help. 
"How was work today?" He asked.
You talked about your day for a little while in between mouthfuls of food, and soon the main course was gone, plates emptied. Namjoon shares some anecdotes about his morning filled with meetings with his editor, nothing unusual in his day. 
Your hand rests on the table and you watch as Namjoon's eyes flicker to it a couple of times, his own hand slowly inching across the table towards you. Eventually, he makes his move locking his fingers with yours.
"Is this okay?" He asks, not making eye contact. 
You don't answer, simply use the opportunity to squeeze his fingers so he will look at you. He visibly relaxes when you don't reject his advance, his thumb rubbing at your absent-mindedly as you just look at one another. Your eyes flit accidentally to the adorable little freckle below his lower lip more than once. He must notice because he startles a little and pulls his hand away. 
He coughs and excuses himself to fetch dessert from the fridge. Your hand feels cold at the loss. 
He places a small gateau in front of you both with two forks. You wait until he takes a bite before picking up the fork that was meant for you. The cake is gorgeous and decadent, it clearly took a lot of effort to make something this nice.
"When did you have time to plan all of this?" You ask in between bites.
"I've been trying to set this up for over a week. Honestly, I thought you'd caught me the day I launched my phone across the room..." He says sheepishly.
"Oh! Is this what you were doing? I thought you were texting Jin!" You exclaim.
"How often do you think I talk to the doctor?" He asks.
"A lot... Do you not talk to him a lot? You sure talk about him a lot..." You tease. 
You watch as his cheeks tinge and he struggles to stop himself from smiling. 
"I guess I do... But I don't want to talk about him right now." He says, holding out his fork with the last bite on for you to eat. 
You take the bite from him happily licking your lips when the cake is all gone.
"What do you want to talk about?" 
"I want to talk about you, about us, about the pack going forward." He says.
Your stomach drops at the mention of the future. He takes the plate over to the sink allowing you to stew in your thoughts as he rinses the remains from the porcelain. When he comes back over he offers you his hand and you take it, not sure what to say yet. 
He leads you out into the backyard where the furniture is still set up with pillows and blankets. He takes a blanket and drapes it around your shoulders before settling next to you and placing another blanket across both of your laps. You offer him the other half of the blanket around your shoulders before he can reach for his own.
His body heat next to you is warmer than any blanket could ever be. The two of you sit and watch the stars in complete silence for a short while. The looming conversation weighed heavily on your heart as you waited for him to start talking.
"So... I don't want to push anything. I really really don't, but I want to know where you are at. I know that Yoongi talked you through our intentions, and I know Jimin finally made his move. I just need to know what you're comfortable with because I'm going a little out of my mind." He admits.
Your heart beats even faster, you hadn't realised everyone knew about yours and Jimin's kiss, although you probably should've guessed. It's hard to be put on the spot like this but at the same time, you understand where Namjoon might be coming from. You were giving these boys nothing to work with, and most of them had been very upfront with you about the way they felt, even if you didn't always quite believe them. 
"You're not pushing. I've been thinking about it a lot. Watching everyone this week, all so touchy and in love with one another, it made my heartache." 
You don't turn to face him, choosing to focus on a star far in the distance. You can feel his gaze on you.
"If that's what you want, you need only ask." He whispers leaning in a little closer. 
"I think it might be what I want..." You admit.
When you finally meet his eyes, his face is mere centimetres from yours.
"Then go ahead and ask me, because I am going to go insane if you don't tell me I can touch you." He says.
You can feel his breath ghosting across your lips. You're not sure if it's the proximity or the wine you'd had with dinner but your mind goes cloudy, and the only things you can see are his eyes pulling you into him.
"Touch me Namjoon." You breathe.
Immediately his hands are around your waist as he pulls you onto his lap. His pillowy lips find yours and he kissed you gently, his fingers drawing circles into your back as your legs settle on either side of his. The blanket that was across your legs falls to the ground, neither of you caring to pick it back up as his heat radiates through your body. 
Slowly the kiss gets more intense and you find yourself naturally grinding down onto him. He moans underneath you and bites down on your bottom lip. His mouth travels down from your lips along your chin to the collum of your throat, he nips along the exposed flesh as you wrap your arms around him.
It's when his tongue licks over your scent gland that you finally come to your senses, feeling how hard he is underneath you, startling you away a little. The second you pull back he stops, hands coming to rest on your hips, him breathing heavily with his pupils blown as he looks at you properly.
"Sorry, I took that too far..." H apologises, moving to release you from his grasp.
"No!" You exclaim holding his hands in place. "Just no one has ever done that to me before..."
"Oh, okay, I shouldn't have assumed, it's just something most hybrids I know have done, licking a scent gland is usually reserved for horny teenagers." He looks sheepishly at the hickey he had just started to leave behind.
"I didn't... I didn't really fool around as a teenager, and my husband... he was human."
"Your... husband?" Namjoon looks especially confused, and that's when it occurs to you that none of them know... Not even Jimin is aware of where you really came from 
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jimraisedmeup · 1 month
TICK // 12.1 - never tear us apart
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Rating: mature (angst, language)
Word Count: 1600
Don't ask me What you know is true Don't have to tell you I love your precious heart
February 14, 1984 - junior year
You weren't really sure what came over you when the words came out of your mouth.
Can I stay here tonight?
Maybe it was finally getting all your troubles off your chest. Maybe it was the warm, dry air coming out of the vents in the hallway. It made you feel like you were somewhere else - not the snowy, cold town of Hawkins, Indiana.
Maybe it was simply the comfort of Eddie's words. His legs brushed against yours with a tenderness that told you he would take your secrets to his grave.
You looked at him. This peculiar man, sitting across from you. But you didn't regret asking to stay the night.
Something in you snapped when Eulin called Eddie a failure. Who was he to judge a student he didn't really know? You were probably more of a failure than Eddie ever could be, but you didn't have any teachers harassing you in the hallways.
Maybe all you needed was your parents separation, for your dad to get the fuck off your back, and just a little bit of time. 
All of your life, you always noticed how time meant a lot to certain situations. Either it was good timing or bad timing. Circumstances that age like fine wine, or regress like a traumatized child. So what was this?
Your eyes flickered up to Eddie, who was still stumbling over his own words after you asked to stay the night.
"Uh - hmm… that's going to cause some… problems."
His hands were laced together, resting on his knee, knuckles almost white. Eddie's eyes were calm, though, so you took his tense hands as a sign of anxiety more than anything.
Trying to bring some of your confident sarcasm back, you said the first thing that came to your mind.
"Problems for what? The inner lining of your boxers?"
You immediately regretted your crudeness as Eddie leaned his head back, letting out a quick burst of bitter laughter.
"Very funny, sunshine. But if you must know - much to your disappointment - my undergarments are none of your damn business," he paused. "What would the popular gang think of you spending the night with the freak of Hawkins High School? I can feel Nancy Wheeler blushing already."
His snarky comment threw you off guard for a moment, but he interrupted before you could think of a response.  
"Sorry, Buckley. I'm just a little confused. A couple months ago you could barely make eye contact with me in public. And now you want to stay here tonight?"
"When you say it like that, I feel like a real bitch."
Eddie threw his hands in the air. "Because you kind of were!"
Your jaw dropped for a second, but you knew he was right. You didn't need to drag him into your arms during such a stressful period in your life. Twice now, you lured him in and then disappeared. 
You pondered your next words before uttering them. 
"I've realized that life is too short to conform to what society, let alone my classmates, want me to be. And now, all I can do is stand here and tell you things will be different, Eddie."
"How do I know that for sure?" He looked conflicted. You worried that in turn for your own walls coming down, Eddie had built up some of his own in the last few months.
"Well, Munson, I don't go around spitting in teachers' faces for just anyone," you grumbled, looking away.
Eddie sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Your feathers ruffled. "Look, I know my track record is shit. But I'm here now. And I don't think I want to be anywhere else."
"Let's get you some pajamas, then."
I was standing You were there Two worlds collided And they could never tear us apart
We could live For a thousand years But if I hurt you I'd make wine from your tears
And that's exactly what happened.
The brown-eyed boy stood above you and caved to your request for a sleepover. 
No funny business, I swear. 
What a vast difference from your life two months ago: you weren't even slightly worried about calling your father. After your mother moved away, Richard Buckley spent most of his time with Kate and was rarely home. Robin also reveled in her own newfound freedom and was considering getting a part-time job.
If the Buckley sisters didn't know any better, you think you’d fallen into an alternate dimension.
The Munson trailer was quiet besides the small television in the living room and the heat flowing through the vents. A stack of VHS tapes lingered nearby, ready for the two teenagers to pick a movie. Eddie explained that his uncle, Wayne, worked nights at the factory. You could change into pajamas in the bathroom.
Eddie threw you a Black Sabbath t-shirt and some shorts, worn out and soft to the touch. 
"For your modesty."
Looking at the large holes scattered about the shirt, you raised an eyebrow. 
"This shirt is supposed to represent modesty of all things? You're such a gentleman," you exclaimed, holding up the tattered fabric.
His large eyes glanced down at your chest for a moment before he shut the bathroom door behind him. 
But a gentleman he remained for the rest of the night.
Leaving it up to you to pick the movie, you were stuck between The Outsiders or Cujo. You flipped the Family Video tapes over in your hands with indecision. 
Eddie peered at you from the kitchen. "Turkey sandwich or Spaghettios? Not much of a choice, I know, but my uncle and I aren't really the cooking types."
"Spaghettios, please," you chirped as you pulled The Outsiders from its case. "You know, it's kind of funny that you brought up Harrington and his friends."
You noticed he hesitated heavily before responding. 
"...I didn't specifically bring up Harrington, but thanks for doing it for me. What about them?"
"Just saying, I don't care what any of them think. Haven't you seen the way Nancy and Jonathan Byers look at each other? No one in that group has room to talk."
All you could hear was the sound of dishes clinking together, the stirring of a spoon on the stove. From your stance in the living room, you couldn't see Eddie's expression.
Just as you were about to check on him, his voice sounded from the kitchen. 
"I'm not like Byers, you know. I'm definitely not like Steve, either. I like to think of myself as a whole new class of monster."
You smiled to yourself. "Well, whatever you are, I like it."
A few moments later, Eddie approached you as you were curled up on the couch, handing you a bowl. You weren't sure how you felt about seeing him outside of his normal attire. The black sweatpants he wore were hanging low on his hips, white socks standing out in the darkened living room.
He could have been a phantom, a vision sent to you in the form of a clumsy, strange man. Amongst all of the changes going on in your life, Eddie managed to become one of the only things to stay the same. Someone you could rely on.
"The bowl's hot, Buckley. Don't burn yourself on my watch."
"Hey, Eddie?"
"Thank you."
You gave him a soft smile, enjoying the movie, enjoying the Spaghettios, enjoying Eddie Munson's company. You sunk yourself deeper into the couch, opposite from Eddie, and got lost in your own thoughts.
I could really get used to this.
I told you That we could fly 'Cause we all have wings But some of us don't know why
Eddie watched from the corner of his eye as you barely made it through the second movie, eventually falling asleep with your arm coiled beneath your head.
He checked his watch. Considering the eventful detention earlier that afternoon and the subsequent spillage of your guts in his hallway, Valentine's Day seemed to disappear in the haze of it all. 
As much as he wanted to kiss you, to love you, he knew that things as special as this took time and patience.
If the brown-eyed boy was being honest with himself, he wouldn't have changed a single thing about that day. Your trust in him was a priceless relic.
With as much coordination as he could muster, Eddie lifted you from the couch and carried you to his room. He tucked you under the blankets of his bed. Stirring a bit, you squinted at him.
"Are you coming to bed?"
"No, not yet. Get some sleep. I'll take you home in the morning before school."
Using the same gentle touch as when he carried you, the Munson boy grabbed his beloved guitar from its hook on the wall. 
He closed the bedroom door behind him and went back to the couch. Strumming lightly, the tune was somber.
A sense of restlessness was creeping up on him, like he was being hunted by a dark cloud that loomed in his future. It was almost suffocating. He continued to pluck at the guitar strings, trying to distract himself.
Eddie wasn't sure what he was getting himself into. Having feelings for someone gave them the power to break a person. And if he loved them enough, he would sacrifice himself for them in the face of danger. Fight or flight, Eddie?
But Eddie had never proved himself as being much of a hero. 
I was standing You were there Two worlds collided And they could never, ever tear us apart
(song lyrics credit: "Never Tear Us Apart" by INXS)
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patentedsun · 27 days
Ifl we don't talk enough about how well Natsu actually dealt with the whole frosch rogue gray convolution. Like I was impressed... his decisions were so sound and logical I was like wtfff is this even natsu— no I'm jokin but it's been a little while since my rewatch so my memory may not be perfect, but let me try break it down.
tldr we love emotionally mature natsu, he did his best as gray's temporary PR manager slash image protector, and he prevented a rogue gray civil war from happening.
Firstly, he didn't mention it to ANYONE in that one year period. You can maybe debate about the importance of confiding in someone here but ifl this was the right choice.
He still kept it in mind tho, and he was smart enough to use the info to track down Gray's whereabouts when even Juvia had no leads. Obviously for gray to kill frosch, they would have to meet, so using Frosch's would be location to narrow down Gray was a genius move on his part.
And then his little speech to Lucy before going to sabertooth. it was essentially like: I know it may seem like I'm not trusting gray, but don't worry. I do trust him, but for this to work out, I need to be someone who doesn't trust him.
Like yk maybe he could've worded it better since Lucy was confused as hell. But he was still smart enough to at least try and intercept any possible suspicions from Lucy early on 😭
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And then he tells rogue to stay put no matter what, and even puts his trust in Minerva to ensure this. Like yeah giving no context would make them curious, but the alternative is being like HEY GRAY WILL KILL YOUR CAT which... would not have gone well... I guess natsu could've tried to be vague about what causes frosch's death? but ifl bringing up rogues potential villain arc to the present good guy rogue wouldn't have been a good choice either.
Lucy and Happy are confused as hell because from their POV natsu rlly is just going 🐸 + 👥 = ❄️ ?? so after a bit of thinking, Natsu finally explains his thought process. But even THEN, he just mentions that future rogue met gray as an enemy. He doesn't bring up anything about gray killing frosch, and iirc he keeps that bit to himself through the entire show. I'm sure he trusted Lucy and Happy, but I think he tried his best to avoid painting gray as an irredeemable villain at any cost (see: his speech to Lucy early on too). Like meeting as an enemy is vague and could just be forgivable beef but letting people know that gray has the potential to kill someone everyone knows and loves would have been... so messy... and imagine the mess if it somehow circulated back to gray we would've had a 5 episode subplot about gray battling his capacity to be evil based on an event that never even happens.
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Like idk it feels like he managed to dodge so many potential conflicts there. Anyways it's not me if I don't take a piss at 100yq but I was joking ab how the current natsu would've just told rogue to STAY PUT GRAY KILLS FROSCH OTHERWISE. And. Yeah.
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brightgnosis · 28 days
My Father in Law gave me the Fit Watch that my Mother in Law had received for Christmas back in 2017. I got it reset and set back up with a little help from the company (they were so nice about it; amazing and incredibly kind customer service), and've been using it the last couple days.
I'm really liking it, honestly. It's got a stand reminder that goes off every hour and a half. It's got alarms. A to-do list. I've set it up to vibrate when I get texts, because I'm horrid at realizing when I've gotten them (calls I'm much better at, so I didn't enable those- and I didn't set it up to push app notifications either; I don't need that energy on my wrist any more than I do in my phone). It tracks my sleep. It tracks heartrate, blood oxygenation, and has an ECG- as well as sleep, stress, and having a step counter.
It has other features, too, like (menstrual) cycle tracking, but I'm not interested in those, personally. So I've been ignoring them.
A few things have already been revealed.
My resting heartrate is atrocious (high 60's - low 80's on average), and absolutely skyrockets the second I move to do anything (like up into the 110 - 130 range just going across the room- which should be minimal effort); this one could be explained by my POTs, but generally my POTs stabilizes much faster than what I'm seeing on the readouts for the watch.
My blood oxygenation drops dramatically the second my heartrate spikes; it's normal for BOS to drop by 3 to 5 points when exercising- but not when getting up to cross the room, and certainly not by a factor of nearly 15%. This cannot be explained by POTs, because POTs does not effect BOS levels (as far as I know).
My sleep is atrocious specifically when I do not take my Gummy and CBD at night; I have several awake periods, get virtually no REM, and my deep sleep is absolute crud- which is the complete opposite of sleep with my medical products (great REM, good deep sleep, and zero awake periods).
So, uh. Yeah. The first two are highly concerning. It's a good thing we're getting me into Cardiopulmonary therapy. Good lord.
It's astounding how severe the difference in my sleep quality is with and without my Gummy and Oil, though. Like, I knew my insomnia and sleep quality were bad before. But I didn't realize the difference was that extreme. So that's really good to know. It's also great to have verification that the measures I'm taking to help me sleep are working effectively. It does make it all the more necessary to get my medical license, then, however, in order to protect myself from Drug Testing during hiring practices should I try to get a job again- even if the products I'm using are legal and over the counter.
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thebangtancloud · 2 years
Can we get a part two of the “He finds out you're pregnant”? Maybe after they break up or after reader gives birth? 🙏🏻
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He finds out you're pregnant (Part 2) ~ BTS Reactions
Genre: Angst, Fluff?
Part 1 || BTS Reactions Masterlist || Masterlist
A/n: Wow there were so many requests for part 2 with various outcomes! I've tried my best to write a suitable ending but some won't have happy endings and we might just have to live with that hahaha. Happy Reading!
P.S. writing Jin's version had me in tears laughing cuz that's the same way I behaved when I met my dick of a father years after he left us LMAO serves him right
Kim Namjoon:
Namjoon had always been quite good at math. Quick and efficient, he could almost always calculate complex calculations in his mind faster than most. So it was only natural that he kept track of how long ago you told him you were pregnant.
You dropped the bomb on his head eleven months ago. When you were 1 month pregnant. Nine months on average to carry a child in the womb.
That would mean that you've already given birth to a baby who was now three months.
Sure, he was good at math.
But he was horrible at doing anything about it.
Sometimes Namjoon wishes that he texted you before you gave birth, or even after - or even during the whole period to be honest. But he didn't. He was too afraid to look like a coward.
A coward because he wanted to know how you were doing and to see if you've given birth to a baby boy or a baby girl, but too afraid to commit.
And he had always applauded you for being the complete opposite of him. So when he opened your text one day, he didn't complain. He simply stared.
Stared at the picture for what felt like hours - which it could have been - but Namjoon didn't mind.
It didn't even strike him, the question. Why would you send him a picture of your child? Of his child?
After almost a year of no contact?
With absolutely no context?
But Namjoon didn't complain.
Because the little girl in the picture looked very tiny, almost as though she would fit straight in his palm snuggly. The baby - his daughter - looked away at something that was probably distracting her, eyes wide in fascination and mouth open with little babbling sounds that Namjoon could almost hear right through the picture.
She looked carefree. With no worry evident on her face, her beautiful face.
She probably wouldn't even understand what an ass of a father she has, but then again, her mother would've never made her feel the absence of a father figure in her life, Namjoon was sure of that.
Would this beautiful little girl grow up and lose the light in her eyes and the life in her smile when she slowly realizes that she doesn't have a father?
Namjoon wouldn't know.
Because he doesn't want to. He doesn't want this princess to ever stop grinning the way she was in the picture you had sent him.
So without much thought, Namjoon exhaled and pressed the call button next to your contact.
He was going to suck it up and be the father that he should have been.
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Kim Seokjin:
Seokjin was a beautiful young man.
Yoongi would probably snort at the young part, but there was no denying that the man was one of God's walking masterpieces.
Jin would always brag to the members that the day he has a child, it would be the most beautiful child in the world. That was how much he trusted his precious genes.
So it was only obvious when Jin's eyes landed on the little girl who walked up to him that he bent over in pain, wheezing and choking over the piece of bread crust that had lodged itself in his airway because he gasped too hard mid-swallow.
"You're my father," the girl simply stated, pointing a finger into Jin's forearm.
Yoongi couldn't get his eyes off of the girl either, silently setting his spoon down and watching the scene unfold in front of him. A part of him wanted to slide Jin's glass of water closer to the man who was literally in tears, but Yoongi decided it was about time he suffered.
"I've seen a picture of you on my mum's phone," she continued tentatively when Jin swallowed and heaved out a sigh of relief, watery eyes staring back at the girl in shock.
"She told me you were her friend, but because of you, her life changed forever because now she has me."
The girl could be - what? Six? Seven?
She couldn't be younger - nor older - than that, with a stunning black coat over her white dress, dark brown hair parted to the side and held back with a butterfly clip. Her eyes were sharp yet kind, Jin noticed, something that she could only get from you.
"We saw you in the church, by the way," she spoke, briefly making eye contact with Yoongi and flashing him a gorgeous smile. Yoongi looked innocent in her eyes, but not Jin. Jin was going to be the victim of her attack today.
"It's funny to see you in church," her eyebrows lifted suggestively, "but I insisted that I met you. Mum said no, but I'm quite stubborn, I suppose I get that from you."
Jin couldn't speak a word. How could he?
"Anyway, I wanted you to see how great of a job my mum has done in raising me, and all you need to know is that I'm so glad you chose not to support her. I wouldn't want to grow up to be like you."
Yoongi's jaw dropped, just like Jin. He almost wanted to laugh at the man, but Yoongi too was too shocked to react. A distant honk caught his attention, and though Jin couldn't take his eyes off of his daughter, Yoongi turned to see you waiting in the car.
"Hope you have a great day, Mr. WWH, World Wide Horrible."
And Jin definitely had to have a word with his genes because he didn't think his attitude would be one to pass on to his child.
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Min Yoongi:
Yoongi suddenly remembers the day he asked you to leave his house. He was numb, walking robotically to his car and thanking his lucky stars that he didn't meet with an accident on the way to Hoseok's place.
He drank much more than he should have that night. Threw up all of Hoseok's couch and didn't bother apologizing. He also told Hoseok everything that happened. And as much as Hoseok was mad about his precious white leather couch, he was even more disappointed in Yoongi.
There was not much he could tell Yoongi, even a few days later when he sobered up and finally walked out of his room for a breath of fresh air. Hoseok simply stood still beside his hyung, wordlessly letting his disappointment radiate off of his tense shoulders.
Yoongi remembered that day clearly because it was one of the few occasions someone felt disappointed in him.
And even if that day was four years ago, Yoongi wouldn't forget it because he finally found himself in Hoseok's place. Disappointed in himself. Looking at himself as though a third person was, a shameful scowl on his face when he finally saw what a jerk he had been.
"...doesn't mean that I want you to be the mother of my child."
Yoongi almost slapped himself in the face when he remembered the words that he so easily spat at you that day. Why? Because all of a sudden, he knew. Yoongi knew that there could be no better mother to his child than you.
The young boy raised a hand to wave at Yoongi. With twitching fingers, Yoongi somewhat waved back, laughing internally at how pathetic he looked.
The little boy was dressed so smartly that it almost left Yoongi zapped. A plaid shirt tucked into his beige trousers, a little hat sitting atop his head and tiny tufts of brown hair peeking out from the corners. He wore a lovely pair of brown boots, one of the laces appearing to be loose, which had Yoongi bending down onto his knee before he could stop himself.
"Wouldn't want you to fall," Yoongi lamely murmured in explanation, briefly looking up into the boy's eyes to see them twinkle under the effect of his brilliant smile.
"Thank you, uncle!"
Yoongi's fingers froze for a fraction of a second.
The man cleared his throat, an embarrassed chuckle buzzing through his chest as he finally tightened the boy's shoelaces, standing up with a groan and dusting off his pants.
"So, pretty boy, where's your mom?"
The boy smiled even brighter, turning to point towards the little shop that he had run out of not too long ago.
"She's buying a cake for daddy's birthday party tonight!"
He didn't think you'd still remember his birthday, but was he complaining?
Definitely not.
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Jung Hoseok:
Hoseok's toes curled within his shoes at the awkward silence that followed. He didn't know how to break the ice, flashbacks of the last time he spoke to you over the phone leaving him flustered and embarrassed.
"How're you?"
"Good," you replied tightly. "You?"
"I'm okay," he offered in response.
Clearing his throat, Hoseok adjusted the phone closer to his ear, sitting up straighter and acknowledging the sheen of sweat that had formed over his upper lip.
"How's...uh," he trailed off, not knowing if it was appropriate to continue.
"Good," you answered. "It's a girl."
"Oh," he nodded lamely, suddenly losing every bit of confidence that he had mustered up before calling you.
"That's nice."
"Yeah," you answered.
"What's her name?"
"I've named her Hope."
Hoseok swallowed painfully. "Oh... that's uh, that's beautiful."
You stayed quiet on the other side of the phone, silently fidgeting with the edge of your shirt.
"Why did you call me, Hoseok?"
The man was at a loss for words. He knew why he called you, but somehow he found it difficult to word it. Some part of him expected you to never pick up, another part of him thought you'd lash out at him and shout at him because he totally deserves it.
Never did he actually think that you'd end up being almost decent and would reveal to him that you had a daughter.
"I just called to see if you were doing alright," he explained in a quiet murmur. "It's been a while."
"It has," you acknowledged. "A year, almost."
"I've been, uh..." Hoseok gulped anxiously, not knowing how to continue. "I've been feeling really horrible about the whole thing, y'know?"
"Ah, is it?"
"Yeah," he nodded meekly. "I ran away like a coward, but I spoke to Yoongi hyung a few months ago when I couldn't deal with the guilt any longer."
"Not just because I avoided you and behaved so badly with you. I regret ruining our friendship. What we had was pure, and I hate that we barely talk anymore. I hate that because of me, you lost so many more people. The boys miss you a lot."
"I know, I met up with them recently," you said.
Hoseok's brows uplifted in surprise. "You did?"
"Yeah, Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook came over to meet the little one."
"Oh," he suddenly frowned. "I didn't know."
"Yeah, well," you laughed awkwardly. "Not something that concerns me too much."
Hoseok finally exhaled shakily, closing his eyes and deciding to just go with it.
"Can I meet you?"
The silence that followed had Hoseok holding his breath in fear.
Almost after half a minute, you sighed deeply.
"My daughter just woke up, Hobi. I'll call you later."
And there were more positive sides to your response than there were negative. Avoidance to his question but a promise to call him back. A name he hadn't heard from your mouth in God knows how long. Hoseok would hold onto that hope.
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Park Jimin:
It was almost like those scenes that you see in the movies. A man magically becomes close to a child and later finds out that he's the father. As funny as it sounds, Jimin almost broke to pieces the moment he knew that the little boy that he'd play with in the garden every weekend was his own son.
Jimin had been running late one fine day. He'd spent the night playing video games and ended up sleeping through his alarm and the loud bangs against his door when his manager and driver arrived to pick him up.
With all that said, Jimin reached the company building two hours late, profusely apologizing and offering to begin the practice on an empty stomach. Because of that, he ended up leaving work an hour late, and although he was extremely tired, he made a dash down to the little garden that he usually walks to, to play with his little friend.
Jimin's smile was like no other. It was almost magical, the way the tiredness left his body when his eyes landed on the young boy sitting alone on the swing, patiently waiting for his pink-haired friend to arrive.
But then he saw you.
He almost didn't recognize you when his eyes first caught sight of a woman walking towards the swing with open arms, watching inquisitively as the boy jumped off and darted towards the woman that he called out, "Mama!"
Jimin failed, not once - when he left you before. But again, when he left his son.
Jimin couldn't help but run away once more, the tears already streaming down and the pain in his heart appearing to be so heavy that it actually made him slide down against his car door and hold his hands over his mouth to muffle his cries.
How could he face the boy who had taken such a great liking to him? How could he, when there were such great chances of him accidentally meeting you in the process?
Jimin didn't have many answers.
He was heartbroken.
But the moment his eyes held his son's gaze once again, three weeks later - Jimin knew that there was no turning back.
Jimin thought the boy would be angry at him for just disappearing without a word. He thought the little boy would be filled with malice against the man he didn't know was his own father.
But there wasn't a hint of hatred on his precious little face.
Just happy eyes squinting into crescents as he raced towards Jimin with arms wide open.
"You're finally here! I missed you so much!"
And Jimin didn't bother hiding the first tear that slipped out of his eye onto the boy's shirt when he held him close to his chest, bare knees touching the soft sand on the playground as he knelt and trembled with regret.
"I'm sorry, little guy," he murmured into his son's shoulder.
"I won't leave again, I promise."
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Kim Taehyung:
Taehyung was never a man to go back on his word. He promised to not run away like a coward when you told him that you were pregnant, and he never did.
He stayed, which was something you were eternally grateful for.
Just not the way you thought he would.
Along with the promise to be by your side throughout everything, Taehyung had also worded his opinion about the two of you being too young to raise a child and that he wasn't too sure he wished to tie himself to you that way.
So Taehyung stayed - but as a friend.
As absurd as it sounded to you, you'd rather have him be there with you as a friend than not have him at all. The concept of becoming a father was something Taehyung thought was beautiful but was quick to realize that it was quite scary now that it was actually happening.
You noticed him panicking much more than he ever did, random bursts of anxiety ripping through him which left not just you, but Taehyung himself dumbfounded.
Taehyung had begun to feel cornered, the promise of being by your side leaving him feeling obligated to you instead of genuinely wishing to support you throughout the entire journey.
So both of you thought that it would be best if he behaved as a friend instead.
Taehyung felt his first signs of relief in ways he couldn't explain, sudden happiness knowing that he wasn't tied to you in a way that kept him stuck. He was able to be more present, spending evenings with you just talking like how you would when you both were just friends.
He never crossed the line. He never once touched you in a way a friend wouldn't. And as much as he wished he had, he chose not to be a part of your happiness when you felt your baby kick for the first time.
He just couldn't.
But all of a sudden, the line that he had drawn for himself began to blur because all he could feel was fear when you hurt yourself.
It wasn't intentional, but Taehyung didn't know that. As much as a crowd doesn't have a brain, Taehyung soon understood that it doesn't have eyes either.
Taehyung had the man who accidentally pushed you down a short flight of stairs in a headlock, face red in anger and a vein standing up along the length of his neck.
The people were surprisingly helpful, a few women surrounding you when you held your bump in pain, two men choosing to hold Taehyung back from murdering the apologetic man right there.
Twenty minutes in and Taehyung was sobbing beside you, holding your hand to his chest and praying that you and your baby would be safe.
He almost didn't let the doctors take you into the operation theatre, insisting that he couldn't leave your side even for a moment.
"I'm the father of the child!" He pleaded desperately, holding the doctor's knees and begging him to let him go with you.
"I can't lose her! Please!"
Unlike in the movies, the doctor didn't actually let him in. He was held back by a few nurses while the surgeon walked into the O.T. to take care of you instead of the mess of a man that had fallen to the floor in a fit of hysterics.
That episode gave Taehyung the scare of his life. He had no option but to sob in regret when he finally acknowledged the streak of possessiveness that he felt towards you - something he used to feel during the initial days of your relationship with him.
Taehyung was overwhelmed with sudden fear. Fear of losing you. Fear of failing to be the figure that not only you but also your baby needed. Fear of making the wrong decision of drawing a line between the two of you.
And when the doctors finally walked out to explain the situation to him, Taehyung was first by your side even though a nurse offered to take him to see his newborn.
"I'm so proud of you," he murmured in a broken whisper, running a hand over your head and placing the softest kiss on your crown.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you this any sooner."
He gingerly wiped away the tear that splattered onto your cheek.
"I love you. I always have and I always will."
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Jeon Jungkook:
Jungkook wondered if it was possible for a person to simply disappear off of the face of this earth. As overexaggerated as that statement might sound, Jungkook couldn't find you anywhere.
It took him a week after he spoke with you to come to his senses. It wasn't like he automatically regretted telling you to give up the baby because he didn't want to be a part of your life in that way. No, Jungkook first felt the reality hit him.
He got someone pregnant.
He was now a father to an unborn child, whether he liked it or not.
So instead of speaking to any of his members, Jungkook took a short break and traveled back home to be with his mother. He told her everything and cried when she looked away in disappointment.
Of course, as much as Jungkook refused to believe it, his entire family harbored the old school of thought and were quite orthodox when it came to such situations. So even though Jungkook understood that it was a natural reaction that he should've expected from his mother, he didn't even think she'd be disappointed in him for not being a man.
"That was very low of you," she spoke under her breath, almost ashamed of saying it.
"I didn't think I raised you up that way, Jungkook-ah."
"What do I do, eomma?"
He placed his head over her lap, craving a touch of comfort and reassurance.
"You go back," she stated as plainly as possible. "Take responsibility for what you've done."
And so he did.
The only thing - he couldn't find you.
Your social media accounts had been deactivated and your phone was picked up by an old lady who stated that she recently registered for a new phone number on which he had called.
Jungkook traveled for weeks on foot, wandering the streets of Korea in search of you, hoping that his eyes would somehow catch sight of you in a crowd or in a taxi that he swore he'd chase down if he did indeed see you in there.
He just wanted to apologize, Jungkook thought to himself. He figured that when he finds you, he'd first apologize for the way he behaved with you. After that, he'd vow to be responsible, in any way that you allowed him to.
But he couldn't find you.
As weird as it sounded, Jungkook kept experiencing this nagging feeling within his gut - you were near.
It got him turning around in the middle of the street or running out of a restaurant leaving his half-eaten meal there, trying to look for you.
This happened for a total of three months until Jungkook finally collapsed against the sidewalk and placed his can of beer beside his foot haphazardly, pulling out his phone and staring at the contact that now belonged to someone else.
He didn't bother deleting it, because it was something about you that he wanted to hold close. He remembered the day he memorized your phone number, proudly bragging about it to you and his members because it was one of the first things about you that he had managed to write on the tablet of his heart.
Jungkook didn't really cry because he felt horrible. He cried because he was desperate. He just wanted to feel you once more, and if he couldn't find you, he'd stop.
Maybe even the heavens wished for it to be that way.
So with a shaky breath, he called the same number again, his overthinking brain quickly rehearsing the lines he'd recite to the old lady when she picks up.
The sound of the call being answered had Jungkook holding his breath, his eyes fluttering closed in a painful memory that flashed across his mind.
You'd always pick up his phone with a giggle, followed by calling him a random thing that you happened to see at that moment.
"What's up, boba tea?"
A sad chuckle breezed through his throat. The things he'd do to hear you greet him that way one last time.
"I'm so sorry for calling this late," he began in a broken whisper, not wanting to irritate the lady on the other end of the call. "I just wanted to..."
"You'll just never give up, will you?"
And there was just nothing that could compare to the feeling of hearing your voice after all those months.
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Surprise Serotonin Boost!
A/n: I've always wanted to attach a link to something that has brought a smile to my face (or even made me cry lol) so that we could interact much more!! Hopefully, we could laugh/cry together during this wonderful journey.
Permanent Taglist: @hopestastic, @joondiary, @0xnna0, @cuteipat, @koalasandcuddles, @fxndomsqueen, @blissedjoon, @underratedbitch-number13, @tinyoonsblog, @itachi-chi, @sparkyprotectionsquad
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darkphoenix07 · 10 months
hii ive never requested before so this is kinda scary tbh .... im not sure if your mental health requests are still open but if they are, can i request one with either hongjoong or jongho that's up to u! (since i noticed u already had alot with hongjoong already ..) where reader has an eating disorder because of insecurities and is trying to recover but some days fall back into old habits. And how he would comfort you and help you back on track
thank you so much for this btw <3 I've read all of your mental health series since i myself am struggling alot with my mental health and I'm sure it means alot to other people too who also struggle, you're doing sm people a favor 💓
Jongho helps you with eating disorder
Mental Health Request
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Paring : Idol Jongho x Reader
Word count : 1.6k
Song 🎵 : Those eyes by New West
Genre : Soft, Comfort, Fluff
4:45 p.m.
Everyone in the agency treats you very well after you got attached with Jongho. Specially when you are the girlfriend of their life maknae. They adore you like a little sister too and you love them with all of their heart which is why going to meet them is your favorite part of the day. Specially when you are feeling down.
As you walk inside the agency you meet with San, "Y/n, wassup," he immediately pulls you for a hug.
When he releases the hug, his eyes get big, "Damn, you look pale. Are you feeling alright?"
"Yes, it's just. Maybe I am tired," you didn't even know when was the last time you ate something. But that is good, right? You have become so fat nowadays. Isn't that why you can't move properly? You feel suffocated and confined around your body. Only skipping food can make it alright.
"I'm going to buy some ice creams. Coming back in a few minutes," he winks before passing away.
You enter in the elevator and reach inside the practice room where you see them sitting on the floor, giggling with one another. You automatically smile seeing Jongho's gummy smile as Mingi gets scared when Jongho tried to hit him.
Suddenly Jongho notices you and stands up, "Y/n, you are here!"
He immediately pulls you into an embrace soaking your empty heart, maybe your empty stomach too.
"You don't look so good. What's up? Are you not taking meals properly?" Jongho asks you and in reply you only smile.
"Yes, you look like you have lost a lot of pounds. What's wrong?"
You feel uncomfortable hearing Wooyoung through these words at you. Because all you think about is how ugly you look. How bad your fat is making things for you.
"I-I am fine. I just wanted to meet you. I was thinking about you a lot," you tell Jongho with another smile but it doesn't convince him much.
"I'll take you to your favorite restaurant today. But first let's have ice cream after hyung brings them," he smiles at you pulling you inside.
You sit with them, keep listening to their bickerings and after sometimes San arrives with a box of ice creams.
You and Jongho share one big bucket which is butterscotch, your favorite one. But when you start to have the ice cream, you mind starts speaking to you calling you ugly shit, a pig and how you shouldn't eat like this.
"You are barely having these. Are you alright?" Jongho asks you and you nod.
"Maybe it's my period, I've lost appetite," you lie to him gripping your own shirt. You feel guilty for being this person but you can't help it.
"I-I am coming," you get up and run to the bathroom. You end up throwing up water and ice cream because that's all you've left inside your stomach. Your stomach hurts and your throat burns from the crazy sensation and how it is so hard to eat.
You leave the bathroom and see them cleaning up stuff for practicing.
"I'll have another lesson then we can go together. Can you wait?" Jongho asks you and you nod.
"That's my girl," he kisses you on the forehead smiling and goes back for the practice.
As you sit down to watch them practice, you start feeling drowsy and nauseous.
Jongho looks back at you asking if you are okay and you try to give him a reassuring smile that you are.
But it only gets worse when you get up wanting to leave the room. You grab the nob and try to open the door but suddenly everything feels hazy to your eyes. You stop feeling the ground underneath you and fall into deep sleep.
Hearing the deep thud from you passing out, Jongho comes running, "Y/n. Oh my God. Baby! What's wrong? Wake up. Come on, wake up!!"
The members look at each other hearing Jongho calling you baby which he never does.
"She will be fine. Let's call an ambulance," Hongjong says patting Jongho's back.
"Splash water on her face. She may wake up," Seonghwa suggests and Yunho brings a bottle full of water.
Jongho splashes the water on you but you don't open your eyes as the problem is something else.
"Why isn't she waking up? Oh man. This is so bad," Jongho is trembling as your head is on his lap. Your body has gone cold and you are barely breathing which starts concerning Jongho more.
The ambulance comes and he takes you in the hospital where Yeosang joins him.
As you wake up, you feel someone holding your hand sobbing.
"I am so sorry I didn't notice earlier. I am so fucking sorry," it's Jongho's voice you realize as you open your eyes.
"Oh my God. You are awake!!!" He hugs you tightly pressing himself against you.
You feel a saline pipe on the back of your hand when you hug him back. You look around and realize that you are in a hospital bed.
"What happened?" You ask him and he looks at you with blazing eyes.
"When was the last time you had a proper meal?" He throws the question at you with a demanding voice and you can't help but feel scared.
"I won't scold you, sweetheart. Please do tell me. When did you last have a proper meal?" He asks you so softly that your heart burns.
"I-I...maybe with you," you tell him which was four days ago.
"Seriously?" He looks like he snaps but he is mad at himself for not being able to take care of you.
Your scared face tells him you misunderstood him so he gets on the bed with you, "I am concerned about you because you have iron deficiency, lack of vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex. In total if I say, you are going through malnutrition. How do you think I'll feel if I get to know these?"
"I am sorry. I didn't m-" you break into tears but he cups your face into his palms.
"Hey, don't cry. I didn't want to make you cry. I am mad at myself for not being able to give you enough time to take care of you. If you were having a hard time to have food, you should have told me. I didn't even notice," he says like it is all his fault that you avoid food.
"Don't blame yourself for something I've been doing," you tell him holding his hands into yours.
"Baby, you have become my responsibility from the day I've started to have feelings for you. You are not only a part of my life. You have become my life. I can't think of a single day without you though I don't tell you these enough. But I am willing to tell you everything you need to hear for recovering as early as possible," he kisses your forehead and a drop of his tear fall on your cheek.
"All your sufferings are mine, all your pain is mine, all of your agony is mine. Don't you know that already. Why don't you eat sweetheart? Why? You used to love having food once," he asks you whispering the last words like if anyone is beside him they will know your secret or maybe it is his heart burning for you seeing you like this.
"I don't know. I feel like food is the reason everything is going wrong in my life. I need to fix everything. I feel hopeless, wrecked.The more I lose my weight, I feel like I need to lose more. I throw up everything I eat unintentionally. I feel so fucking disgusting when I eat something. It becomes hard for me to look in the mirror once I devour something," you tell him the truth but end up becoming a sobbing mess.
"Hey, we can work on it together. What if I was in your place? Wouldn't you do the same for me? Wouldn't you want to help me?" He asks and you nod.
"Then listen that I'll always be there for you no matter what. I'll help you gain confidence again. Please don't hide all these from me again?" He begs you kissing your knuckles and you smile.
After you get discharged, you start meeting a therapist with him. He has gone crazy over you nowadays because he keeps telling you how pretty you look, how perfect you are. He shows you mukbang day after day making your mouth water which is why you start to have food again. You take some suppliments to gain your appetite again which works very well.
Last time you checked, you have gained some pounds finally after hardworking. Specially with Jongho's support.
Most importantly he never reminds you of your food disorder. He makes you forget about you playing stupid food games and taking you to every new restaurants in the city making you taste new foods.
You thank yourself and him for coming this far after months torture on yourself. Because without him you wouldn't be able to beat this.
I myself wrote it with empty stomach but now I'm feeling fucking hungry
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sunshinesdaydream · 11 months
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Don't Go Breaking My Heart Part 2
Pairing: Rex x Female Reader Rating: General Audience for this part but minors DNI as future parts could be less G rated. Summary: Reader's experience at Right to Love office and her coping evening after. Note: Greatheart(oc clone name)is a name I pulled from a Robin McKinley retelling of Beauty and the Beast. Content Warnings: Anxiety and symptoms of (based on author's personal experience) also other various "neurospicy" situations. Word Count: 1544
Link to Playlist I use for this AU
Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/Part 4
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You hesitated opening the door, but forced your way through it. Fidgeting your ring you make it to the desk.
“Did you have a question?” The man at the desk asked, his voice soft.
Digging your nails into your palms you met his gaze. A clone, similar to the rest. His hair was long, though and he wore a kind expression. You relaxed slightly, “No, I,” you hesitated.
But he smoothly picked up, with a reassuring tone. “Of course you are here to start your profile,” He smoothly stood, holding a data pad.
“Yes, thank you,” you respond, feeling back on track.
“Come this way, it's a more comfortable place for you to go through this form,” you could see his name tag read “Greatheart”
You follow him down the hallway to a room with a small table and two chairs. He hands the datapad to you.
“Someone will be in after you submit this, to finish out some questions. But take your time. There is no rush. There is water in the room, and a 'fresher down the hall. If you need anything, hit the call tab on the data pad.” he paused for half a beat and then added, “You have this, you are going to do great,” with a gentle smile.
You were able to return the smile and thank him again before he made his way back to the front desk.
You took a little more than an hour to fill out the profile on the datapad. You had already seen a lot of the form on the holonet when researching.
Then about twenty minutes after that a smiling woman entered the room and introduced herself as Isa.
“I have a few questions for you, of course,” Isa said, her tone excited. “But I have an especially good feeling about this!”
The questions were ones you had expected, for the most part. So you had prepared answers, ones you had mentally practiced. But there were a few that made you stumble.
“How would you feel about someone still serving in the GAR?” Isa asked.
You paused, not prepared for the question. It was a given, as most of the clones that used this particular office were part of the guard. There were plenty who weren't. Who had left the military and taken on a variety of other work.
“I figured that would be a possibility, considering,” you respond.
Isa nodded, “How would you feel about someone who had to go on missions away for periods of time?”
That was not something you had even thought of. Most that you had met either were part of the guard or had left the GAR to do other things. You spun the ring on your thumb, organizing your thoughts. “It takes loyalty and dedication to continue that work, especially now that they are free to make their own choices. I deeply respect and support that,” you answer.
“But would you be able to cope with it?” Isa asked.
You nodded slowly, “Yes, I have a good support system. I'm not going to say that it would be pleasant, or that I wouldn't worry for them...”
Isa smiled brightly, “Good, to be expected. But I do believe you two will be an excellent match.”
You froze, 'the kriff did she say?'
She tapped on her data pad for a few minutes. Then exclaimed, “Oh, you have even more in common than I thought! You even came in the same day, I just spoke to him this morning,”
Yes, that was what she said, you weren't mishearing or wrongly interpreting. You didn't need to ask her to repeat herself.
While in the middle of this revelation she asked, “You are free tomorrow night?”
Despite the wave of anxiety that sent a chill through your body and your mind screaming in alert, you answered firmly, “Yes, I am”
“And this cafe you have listed as one of your preferred locations?” she asked.
“Yes, it is near the bakery,” you respond.
“Excellent!” Isa continued. “You will be meeting Rex there tomorrow evening. I'll be sending you some details and a short profile, it all should be in your com box before you leave.”
Between that and getting back to your apartment was a blur. The sincere thank you to Isa, the ride on the hoverbus, ordering your favorite comfort food delivered. Between the work day and the afternoon visit to Right to Love, it was a lot.
You settled on your couch, weighted blanket over your legs, favorite comfy clothes on, comfort holo on with your food and datapad.
After answering your friend and business partner's com text about how it went with a short “It went, overwhelmed, talk to you tomorrow,” You started with the things Right to Love had sent you.
The profiles on the clones were honestly short. Pronouns were as to be expected, as Isa had used “him” in conversation earlier, but the profile confirmed he/him.
Even with the slight differences their looks boiled down to the same description. The only things listed for description were hair color and immediately visible tattoos.
No highly visible tattoos, but blonde. So he colored his hair. Right? You thought about how some of them had the minor differences, this one's lips were slightly fuller, another had slightly lighter eyes. Hair texture was slightly variable, though that could also be accomplished through chemical means.
It led you down the research spiral of whether the clones could naturally have differently colored hair. Did that open a can of worms. Debates about exactly how genetically similar they actually were, mutations, artificial adjustments to their genetic make up that could cause mutations and side effects. Eventually you backed out of that search with the answer of it could be bleached or natural.
You went back to the short profile. They purposefully left out ranks, and their numbers. Because they didn't want identified as the numbers any longer and ranks because RTL didn't want people that were hunting for a high ranking officer for prestige.
As indicated in the conversation earlier, he was still in the military. So job was simply GAR. Interests were listed as art, music, holofilms, strategy games, and reading.
Your friend and business partner, Idalia, had some talent for finding people on the holonet. You opened a search engine and searched his name, not expecting much. Maybe a few social media accounts you might have to sift through to find him.
But dozens of results came back, all for the same man. You recognized the helmet design from multiple propaganda reels and news articles. Captain Rex? The war hero? Not that they all weren't, but this man was on a different level. Why would they match you with him?
You scroll through the results, searching for a social media account. Some trooper that had chosen the name as well, or even named themselves after him. But you found none, not even one for him.
You spin your ring, you had avoided telling Idalia because if she heard the entire block would know about the date and a good third of them would try to be in the cafe to see.
At the same time she had found more on people with less, and you could use a friend's reassurance right now. But you did not need an audience or what they would call “moral support”. While your community was supportive and helpful they all definitely liked to talk.
You went back to the search results. If you could find a holo of the guy, maybe you could rule him out. But of the many, many holos you scrolled through he had his helmet on in every single one. You adjusted your search request multiple times and finally found one slightly blurry holo of what presumably was Captain Rex distracted by something.
He had the blonde hair from the profile, cut short almost to shaved. You took a deep breath, reminding yourself to trust the process. Isa had been visibly excited. Reviews of RTL were beyond amazing as was their success rate.
You went back to the packet. There were things marked to read later and things marked as urgent. The first urgent info sheet covered basics of clone culture, how it wasn't a monolith, and how many groups were influenced by their Jedi generals or if they were in one place for a long period the locals there. Deeply interesting, but you resist another research spiral as it was getting late.
There were more sensitive topics such as the potential for differences in body language, due to the nature of their social development. Another debunking myths and preconceptions.
There even was a list of second date ideas. But no direction on how to not be awkward when you meet him. You got to the end of the “urgent read now” list and your datapad alerted to your low battery.
With a sigh you get up from your couch nest, your comfort film having been long over and the entertainment system self shut down, you gather your dinner garbage, put your data pad on to charge, and get ready for sleep.
Or you hoped you would sleep.
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Thanks for reading! Check out more of this AU @tcwmatchmakingau
Next part will be Rex's "help" from the guys.
Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/Part 4
❤️Love and Wrecker Hugs!❤️
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: DK Pass Debut: Mario Kart DS
DK Pass is your average Mario Kart snow course. There is nothing all that special about it. It's not a bad track, by any stretch of the imagination (even if getting run over by a snowball after a blind turn can feel a little cheap), but I do find it a pretty forgettable one.
Anyway. Isn't it weird that this is a Donkey Kong course for some reason?
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Yes, that is literally the entire reason I am talking about this course!
The Mario Kart series has always loved exercising its god-given right to arbitrarily name generic courses after whatever character they so feel like. Toad has a turnpike, Yoshi has a desert, and Donkey Kong has a snowy mountainside! This is Mario Kart after all! They gotta remind people that this series is about these guys:
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But I end up singling out DK Pass because out of all the courses arbitrarily named after characters, it easily feels the most arbitrary. At least Toad's Turnpike had pictures of Toad on some billboards, and Yoshi Desert had the big Yoshi Sphinx! The only thing that makes DK Pass a Donkey Kong course is the name. If you renamed this course to "Cool Cool Mountain" or something, it would have no connection to Donkey Kong whatsoever.
I mean, when you think "Donkey Kong" and "places you'd associate Donkey Kong with" you don't really think "big snowy mountain", do you? Maybe you do. Maybe your only exposure to this character is the existence of DK Pass. I'm not judging.
DK Pass wasn't always a winter wonderland, though! Early on in development, DK Pass was a more standard mountain track, with green grass and everything. This version of DK Pass is generically named donkey_course, and while it's clearly early on in development here, you could argue that this version may have been a jungle course reminiscent of DK Mountain, or that it could be set on Donkey Kong Island or something.
But at some point in development, a developer said "Hey! We don't have our obligatory Snow Course yet! We can't have a Mario Kart game without an obligatory Snow Course!" And another developer said "You're right. Let's turn this Donkey Kong course into our obligatory snow course. And let's keep it a Donkey Kong course because he has such a lovable face."
It was either that, or they didn't want a course called "DK Mountain" two games in a row. But if that was a concern...
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Then why did they give Donkey Kong ANOTHER snowy mountain course in Mario Kart Wii?! This is DK Summit (known as DK's Snowboard Cross in PAL regions), and while I think its Donkey Kong theming is marginally less arbitrary (this course does have a barrel cannon after all!) it's still weird that there was a period in Mario Kart history where the go-to theme for a Donkey Kong course was "snowy mountaintop".
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Of course, since the release of these courses, we've gotten Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, which aside from being one of the best games of all time, is also all about Donkey Kong Island being frozen over!
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I'm not trying to suggest either of these courses are set on Donkey Kong Island, that would be silly. However! I do think it'd be a fun way to re-theme DK Pass if they ever bring it back again! It would go a long way to make the course feel a lot more memorable, especially since DK Summit does everything it does and does it better. Plus the name would actually make sense now! Bonus!
The only concerns would be places that localize the name as "DK Alps" or "DK Ski Resort," but the original Japanese version is generically "DK Snow Mountain," and that feels like the most important one. Sorry to the other localizers that made perfectly reasonable decisions before this course became Tropical Freeze themed in my imagination!
But I wouldn't get my hopes up, since both these courses are in Mario Kart Tour, and both retain their original designs there. As far as Nintendo is concerned, DK Pass shall remain one of the most bafflingly-named courses forever... And maybe it doesn't really matter all that much! I mean, it'd take someone really pedantic to make such a big deal about this course's name, right?
*slides the rest of this post under the rug*
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shortsketches · 1 year
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Been rotating Sherman's kids in my brain really hard (ft. Some sort of confetti blaster as a toonup gag?)
They specifically work as gag builders when they grow up and move on, which is sort of unintentionally following the "family business" given that gag production and distribution was one of the things Sherman did as he was starting to step into his own bullshit acting as a black market weapons dealer. It is worth noting Sherman did not teach them about gag production because he really didn't want either of them to engage in gag production (or combat as a whole) period.
Eventually, Sherman opted to allow the kids to live with Chuck to be passed off as Chuck's kids because Sherman realized it was cruel to keep Edna and Kelvin hidden away in the woods for their entire lives, but didn't want them to be viewed and labeled as the kids of a war criminal. (Through a weird series of events, Chuck lives in toontown and works for toons by being an informant since he defected from Cog Nation, something for me to elaborate on sometime later). Under Chuck's care they were expected to become accountants one day because that's what he was training them to do, but you sorta can't railroad people's lives like that.
Given that cogs are more dangerous after the shit Sherman pulled, seeing the full damage cogs are capable of dishing out to toons kinda shakes em up, makes em want to actively push against that, so they dip from what was supposed to be a predesignated Safe Path™.
A catch here is that while Sherman passed Edna and Kelvin to Chuck to help them live a life where they aren't labeled as just the kids of a war criminal, some of the toons they are working alongside with did work with Sherman when he was contracted as an independent researcher before he was disgraced for Legitimately Being the Worst™ through performing some funky horrible non-authorized operations (Silly Particle infusion, a story for me to pull out later that I've been tossing around in my head).
Some of the toons have pieced together that Kelvin and Edna are not Chuck's, and to some level both of them feel that vibe too. Overall a very tense and weird situation, they feel like they have to prove themselves as toons since they don't function in the same ways as other toons due to being cog-made, which is very (roblox oof) because they are still toons regardless of what others might think.
Also worth mentioning that Sherman has not interacted with his kids directly for many years at this point; he doesn't make direct contact because he really REALLY doesn't want his I guess... Awfulness™ to rub off on em and kill their reputation/social standing/dignity/whatever. He generally is Aware™ of them since he pretty much tracks people for a living, it's not hard for him to suss out where they're at, so he's sort of an outside observer, catching glimpses of their lives from the sidelines. He isn't happy to see they're actively involved in combat because once again, he sent them off in hopes they'd live a safer life separated from that type of direct conflict and now they're out there waist deep in it. That and Sherman's salty because the whole situation serves as a pointed reminder that he made a world that's inherently more dangerous for all toons, his children included.
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