#discovery of the tma universe
I (finally) finished Season one during my 7 hour long train ride, and since nobody asked, here's a new summary.
The Magnus Archives but I've finished season one (and that didn't help with the confusion)
There's Jon. He's an Archivist, and he got that anxiety rizz™
He also sounds like his life would crumbie in pieces if he doesn't have a seventh cup of coffee before the sun rises.
I can relate.
One of the causes of his anxiety seems to be his least favourite colleague, Martin.
Martin is described as unqualified, suspected to be a ghost and sent into various deadly situations.
He also sleeps in Jalapeño's bed.
Everyone works in a modern remake of the Library of Alexandria, which would be very cool if there weren't a lot of murderous creatures.
(there are a lot of murderous creatures)
And worms. Would we still love them if they were human? Probably not.
Everything is ruled by a guy named Elias Bouchard. Everyone told me that he's nice.
In what world is a guy named fucking Bouchard nice?
Jane Prentiss is spreading the worm agenda.
Michael the eldritch horror is very lovely.
That also means that there are statements that can be recorded on the computer and that we therefore don't see. I want to know what they're about.
I am still lost in the English names.
Gerard Keay still burns books.
Hmm, yeah. Sorry. Where was I?
Season one's over, still no trace of the queer rep I was teased with.
Although, that may be a good thing, given the fact that as soon as a gay appears, they get killed/ replaced/ vanished by by some antique object.
Does that mean antique objects are homophobes?
Although these antiques come from Salesa's shop. Perhaps Salesa's the real straight supremacist here.
Selling dangerous items seems like a rentable activity tho. I should do the same.
Starting from now. Does anyone want a totally-not-illegal coffin? Antique dolls? You get your money back if they kill you.
So...uh...yeah. Good show. Amazing sound effects. Watch it. Wahoo.
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ginzburgjake · 3 months
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huh. something happened over the last two months
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majorbowomper · 3 months
Little did my past self know, checking out that Magnus Archives Podcast that i kept comparing to my own oc lore will lead to an obsession stronger than I've ever had
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laughable-umbrella · 10 months
here’s a detailed description of each of the 14 fears from the magnus archives, most of the descriptions are straight from gerry keay (my beloved) in episode 111 (so ofc spoilers for up to ep 111 of tma) ALSO ALSO ALSO the last one has spoilers for up to ep 134
the eye
the ceaseless watcher, fear of being watched, being followed, deepest secrets exposed, needing to know even if the discovery might destroy you, feeling that something somewhere is letting you suffer just so it can watch
the vast
agoraphobia, fear of falling, fear of deep water, of our own insignificance before the vast universe
the lonely
isolation, the fear that you’re just alone, maybe there’s no one else there at all and maybe you just can’t connect
the desolation
burning, the lightless flame, fear of pain and loss, fear of unthinking and cruel destruction
the corruption
disease, infection, disgust, rot, decay, infection, the feeling of your skin crawling or itching, being touched by something that might burrow in you, swarming and hollowing you out, leaving you full of holes
the flesh
this fear is mainly from animals, animalistic fear of the slaughter house, gets weird in humans, gore, the nagging feeling that deep down we’re all just electrified meat squeezing air at each other, body horror, new fear, began when labeled by smirk
the stranger
the fear of the unknown, the uncanny, the creeping sense that something isn’t right, the guy you saw that might be following you and might mean you harm
the dark
old and deep fear, what might be in the dark that you can’t see
the buried
opposite of the vast, small spaces, claustrophobia, crushing, can’t breath, you’re at the center of everything and it all pushes down on you, where the vast is loosing yourself in too much space, the buried is being trapped with out enough
the spiral
fear of madness, worry that your world isn’t right, that your mind is lying to you
the slaughter
war, not cruel like the desolation, or unstoppable like the end, just pure violence, not targeted or premeditated, you don’t know when or why, sometimes frenzied, sometimes calm, just violence for the sake of violence
the end
clean cut and simply fear of death, never tried to set itself up for a ritual because it would because that would mean a world with no people and no death, it’s knows it’s going to get everything eventually so why bother
the hunt
animalistic/ derived from animals like the flesh but it’s older, jon brought up that hunting and killing each other is just the way they work and it’s natural, but gerry reminded him that so is death
the web
spiders, control, your will not being your own, manipulation, being puppeted, the worry you’re caught in a trap you can’t see, never had followers set them up for a ritual
the extinction: the terrible change, the future with out us, different from the end because it’s active, it’s seeks to create a lightless world that none of the other powers ever would, some think it would replace people with something new that can then fear annihilation in turn
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thecatfight2023 · 1 year
The Bracket™ is here!
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here are our competitors!
to space out the polls some, we have them divided in mini-brackets (each mini bracket will be posted a day as to not overwhelm everyone with all of the polls at once)
mini-bracket 1
Mewo (OMORI) V. Spider Cat (OMORI)
Domino (Amphibia) V. Ghost (The Owl House)
Thomas O’Malley (Aristocats) V. Marie (Aristocats)
Oliver (Oliver & Co.) V. Mochi (Big Hero 6)
Cat (Coraline) V. Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)
Tasque (Deltarune) V. Tubbs (Neko Atsume)
Daffodil (Spiritfarer) V. Black Cat (The Witch’s House)
Neite (Runescape) V. Black Cat (Divinity Original Sin 2)
Alpine (Marvel) V. Goose (Marvel)
Isis (Batman: The Animated Series) V. Alfred the Cat (DC)
Mikeko (Ace Attorney) V. Shoe (Ace Attorney)
Cats (Jet Set Radio Future) V. Shadow (Super Lesbian Animal RPG)
Fat Louie (The Princess Diaries) V. Orion (Men in Black)
Milo (Milo & Otis) V. Miss Kitty Fantastico (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Cat God (Identity V) V. Yuumi (League of Legends)
Opalescence (MLP:FIM) V. Ice Cream Kitty (TMNT 2012)
mini-bracket 2
Ichigo Momomiya [cat form] (Tokyo Mew Mew) V. Alto (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Kyo Sohma [cat form] (Fruits Basket) V. Kuro (Blue Exorcist)
Sakamoto (Nichijou) V. Kuroneko (Trigun)
Prince (Genshin Impact) V. Neko (Genshin Impact)
Pusheen (Pusheen) V. Simon’s Cat (Simon’s Cat Animations)
Nyan Cat V. Minecraft cats
Video (Strong Hearts are Mandatory) V. Ginger (Brimstone and Roses)
Midnight (Castle in the Air) V. Jenny Linsky (Jenny Linsky books)
Schrodinger’s cat V. Tuna Sandwich (Kid Cosmic)
Pura (Crash Bandicoot) V. George (Spyro)
Tom F14 (Atom: The Beginning) V. Murr (The Case Study of Vanitas)
Mausfänger (Pentiment) V. Myau (Phantasy Star)
Cam (Squishmallow) V. Autumn (Squishmallow)
Serafina (Barbie Princess and the Pauper) V. Wolfie (Barbie Princess and the Pauper)
Melog (She-Ra 2018) V. Curious Cat (RWBY)
Judd + Lil Judd (Splatoon) V. Webkinz cats (all of them)
mini-bracket 3
Tama V. FDC Willard
Stray Cat J V. Pangur
Grumpy Cat V. Miette
Jinx V. Jorts
Gandalf V. Raymond 
Smudge V. The Cat Foretold
Forever’s Brood V. Norman (SolidarityGaming)
Jellie (GoodTimesWithScar) V. BB (Jacksepticeye)
Garfield (Garfield) V. Meowth (Pokémon)
Puss In Boots (Shrek Cinematic Universe) V. Kitty Softpaws (Puss in Boots)
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess cats V. The Garreg Mach Monastery cats (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Purrsula (Dragon Quest Treasures) V. Shiro/Blanche (House 1977)
Slugcat (RainWorld) V. Pussyfoot (Looney Tunes)
Li'l' Mittens (WordGirl) V. Mittens (Wander Over Yonder)
Greebo (Discworld) V. Maurice (Discworld)
You (Discworld) V. The Cat (Infinity Train)
mini-bracket 4
Cat (Ghost Trick) V. Cat (Stray)
Salem (Sabrina the Teenage Witch 1996) V. Binx (Hocus Pocus)
Firestar (Warrior Cats) V. Scourge (Warrior Cats)
Mothwing (Warrior Cats) V. Leafpool (Warrior Cats)
Sprigatito (Pokémon) V. Litten (Pokémon)
Meowstic (Pokémon) V. Shinx (Pokémon)
Jiji (Kiki’s Delivery Service) V. Luna (Sailor Moon)
Artemis (Sailor Moon) V. Diana (Sailor Moon)
Morgana (Persona 5) V. Ravage (Transformers)
Fukumaru (A Man and His Cat) V. Nyanko-Sensei (Natsume Yuujinchou)
The Judge (OFF) V. Mr. Midnight (Fran Bow)
Khoshekh (WTNV) V. Catbus (My Neighbor Totoro)
Grudge (Star Trek: Discovery) V. Spot (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Lumi (Cats are Liquid) V. 808 (Hi-Fi Rush)
Ser Pounce-A-Lot (Dragon Age) V. Warmseeker (Elder Scrolls Online)
Frumpkin (Critical Role) V. The Admiral (TMA)
polls for mini-bracket 1 will be scheduled to post around 2 pm EST tomorrow! also reminder they will be open for 1 day each!
propaganda is encouraged!! go wild! we will do our best to reblog as much as we can and it will be tagged with "purr-opaganda" (for those who want to filter the tag). we also recommend making propaganda for your cat blorbos sooner rather than later so there's a chance for them to win!!
-mod orange
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mycupofteafanzine · 8 months
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My Cup of Tea contributor announcement: part 2!
We are excited to share our list of writers and cosplayers in the zine! You can also find our artists here. See below the cut for links to their socials and their answers to the question: Why do you love Martin?
milkteamoon | tumblr Ao3
I really love how contradictorily human he is! He's a little guy. He's kind of a bitch. He wants so badly to be the sensitive artist type and yet will encourage murder against those whom he perceives to have wronged him at the drop of a hat. He's incredibly kissable and should be kissed by anyone and everyone, I think, for his health.
crescenttwins | tumblr carrd
Martin is this lovely exploration of a person who is deeply affected by trauma but still ends up able to be kind at the end of it.
Morning Softness | tumblr
He’s just such a great complex character. He does his absolute best in a job he’s not at all qualified for, determined to go above and beyond so no one will complain about his work ethic, even when the demands placed on him are ridiculous or dangerous. He’s anxious but he’s also brave and stubborn. He’s jealous and bitter and petty and sarcastic. He’s kind and optimistic and gentle. He’s a poet. He’s incredibly practical, and is better at showing care to others through his actions than his words. He holds onto guilt because he’s convinced it helps him do better. He tries so hard to be needed because he thinks it’s the only way anyone would want him, and he feels like it would be manipulative of him to expect or even want anything in return. He makes an effort to care about others and help in any way he can, even though it is an effort, even when it isn’t returned.
Pine | tumblr
In "Big Picture," Martin says to Simon Fairchild "I think our experience of the universe has value. Even if it disappears forever." I think it may be the most hopeful statement in TMA (not that it has a great deal of competition!), and I thought about it a lot while season five was airing. (And I love, too, how Martin may have been a hypocrite about it, unwilling to let the universe disappear.)
Saint | tumblr Ao3
Golly gee what a question. I guess the biggest thing is I love how full of seemingly diametrically-opposed contradictions he is: his genuine sweetness and kindness vs his very serious desire to see the violent death of people he's perceived to have wronged him, his dorky poetry vs the fact that he's the kind of person to use the word "ontological" in casual conversation, his capacity for love and compassion vs his proclivity for isolation. Also he has the best voice.
Shashamisen | tiktok
He hit me as the most human-like character to me. Blame it on the beautiful voice acting or the discreet complexity of how his character was written, but I started loving him for how much I related, and stayed for the cutest awkward love I've ever seen.
Bow | insta tiktok
The obvious reason is that I see so much of my current, but especially younger, self in him, but I also love him because to me, he is the character in TMA who goes through the most growth and comes into himself. I love seeing his journey of self discovery and emotional strength.
Kaedan | tiktok
He became a comfort character immediately. His patience, his sweet nature, the way he stutters when he's flustered (just like me,) it all felt like a cool breeze in the fire that is the horror that is TMA. His life and traumas mirror my own, and the way he comes out of it with kindness and an unexpected fierceness is amazing to me. The way he underhanded Elias AND Peter impresses me constantly.
Alex | tumblr tiktok
He is my husband and I adore him.
Slush/Hailey | insta tiktok tumblr twitter
To me, he is the heart of The Magnus Archives! Martin is always showing his most human side to those around him and never lets the horrors around him stop him from being a good person. Like so many on this zine, I see a lot of myself in Martin Blackwood. There's so much of myself I see in him, yet there's so much more I want to be. He's kind and thoughtful. He's soft, but he finds his courage and shows that he can be quite tenacious and clever! He's constantly underestimated, especially by himself, but shows them up with confidence and sass. He doesn't let the horrible things that have happened to him make him hard and is never afraid of being his true self. I also find our relationships with the Lonely incredibly similar. Essentially, it's been quite a long time since I've found a character that is so much like myself, and gives me hope that I can also make the same changes in my life as him to grow and become a better person. Hopefully that doesn't include being stalked by a worm lady.
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liltaz-asatreat · 1 year
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I posted 2,958 times in 2022
That's 2,010 more posts than 2021!
670 posts created (23%)
2,288 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,458 of my posts in 2022
Only 17% of my posts had no tags
#taz balance - 840 posts
#taz ethersea - 552 posts
#taz - 517 posts
#taz ethersea spoilers - 419 posts
#fav - 356 posts
#taz fanfic - 326 posts
#taz art - 313 posts
#lup - 292 posts
#taako - 284 posts
#barry bluejeans - 220 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i'll reblog this to both blogs because i think i have more followers who listen to tma on my main and you should be recognized for this 💜
My Top Posts in 2022:
Just had a depressing thought
How the hell did Lucretia not lose her God damn mind between the time she erased everyone's memory and sent them on their way to starting the Bureau of Balance and even beyond that? Like, I lived in a small house with 9 other people for a good few years, and when I went to college and moved into the dorms there, one of the things I had the hardest time dealing with was the utter silence I was left in. My roommate moved into the dorm late because of rooming and organizational issues on the university's part, and then her mom didn't want to pay for her to stay in the dorm in the second semester, and they didn't move anyone else in with me. Among the many other issues I was having, the silence and loneliness was crippling in a really major way, and I had friends I was with at every chance I got to be with them. It was the most social year I had ever had, and I was still hardcore struggling with the fact that I had to go home to no one.
Lucretia didn't even have anyone to hang out with or talk to at all ever until she met Maureen and Lucas and started the Bureau. And even with having as many people on the base as she did, she still had to go home to no one. I just about lost my God damn mind in my situation, how. The fuck. Did she do it??? And for 10-12 years????
469 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
One of my favorite meta things about the Stolen Century is how Griffin really thought he could cover 100 years of backstory in two episodes lmfao Like, as someone with ADHD, I understand how hard it is to figure out how long something is going to take, and I underestimate how long I'm going to need to do tasks and finish projects all of the time, but like, even if he wasn't expecting to get as deep with it as they ended up doing, the absolute confidence he had going in that he could cover 100 years in 2 hours, like, king there was no way but I admire how over confident you were about that lmao
484 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
Angus really did have a big day on the Day of Story and Song. Like, first the Director had some shady shit going on with the Relic disposal chamber, then a strange man hops out of Taako's bag whom Taako and Merle claim said the Bureau is bad, then there's the discovery of the baby voidfish, then the Director has guards take them to a room where she is kneeling over the balls that had contained the Relics and is channeling energy out of the undestroyed bell into her staff, then she talks mad shit about coming from another reality with tres horny bois, the guy whose name is Barry, and some person named Lup who is dead(?) while Taako and Merle are trying to keep their heads from exploding, then Davenport can actually talk and was captain of this past mission this whole time, then Magnus comes barging in and he can see the absolute chaos of the apocalypse outside, so he tries to barracade the door while the others are going down memory lane, then the others start debating about leaving everyone to the forces outside versus putting up a shield that would still end up destroying the world in a manner that suggests they've had this argument exhaustively before, then they get attacked and BOOM a lich comes out of Taako's umbrella who is apparently Lup who is apparently his sister, then Lucretia disappears and Davenport wants him to help find her even though he still has no clear idea of what the fuck is happening, then he hears the story and song and suddenly gains the knowledge of their 100 year journey and the impending end of the world, then he meets up with the others again when he and Davenport can't find her only to find Lucas is also not dead, then Lucretia turns up, a crystal shows them a possible future, and Taako knew the answer to save everything all along, then he's expected to help fight against a world ending evil force, and then FINALLY they defeat the Hunger, and he's got time to process the absolute wild day he just had.
And just like, I feel like probably around the time he found out Lucas was still alive he was just like:
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560 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
Balance: Don't split up the party or you will die
Amnesty: Splitting up the party is tentatively okay depending on what you're doing except it did, in fact, get someone killed
Graduation: We're going to refuse to split up as much as possible because we're best buds
Ethersea: If we don't split up and do wild ass stunts before somehow reconvening back at the ship then what even is the fucking point
1,362 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
What I like about the scene where Magnus spins mind in Wonderland is that Griffin chose the lesser of two evils because it would have been really fucked to make him choose whether or not he forgets Julia which most definitely would have resulted in a no and forced them to take another two spins without much deliberation, but I think it also paints an interesting picture in-game of the characterization of Lydia and Edward. They believed that love wasn't a strong enough force to sustain them anymore and that it wasn't as important, and I think that's also reflected in how they thought the worst memory to take from him would be the person who caused his suffering and not the person he loves. Because to them, suffering is more important now, and it's how they sustain themselves, so why wouldn't it be the thing sustaining him too?
1,603 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ainews · 8 months
Terminology related to the human jaw, or jawbone, is as varied as it is experimental. Without a precise field of study, the research into the different parts of the jaw has often been left to individual experts and commonly used language which may be confusing to those unfamiliar with the topic.
Most often the jaw is split into two categories: the mandible and the maxilla. But within these two categories lies a large range of parts, which can be further complicated by the use of English or Latin based terms; and the differences between oral anatomists as well as casual observers.
For example, in a previous article we discussed the use of the term ramus, which is the Latin term for the part of the mandible that connects the body and the angle. This is the most common way of referring to this particular part of the jawbone, and the same term is also commonly used for other parts along the base. However, there is variance in the way professionals refer to the ramus.
Similarly, the term “joint” is widely used to describe the hinge-like joint between the two sections of the mandible. But many other terms are also used to describe this feature, ranging from “articulation” to “temporomandibular articulation” (TMA).
This variation in language has left the field of jaw-related research and clinical practice without a universal set of terms to refer to common features. Even different dental schools and institutions may use different terms to describe the same thing. If terminology is not unified, it leads to confusion between professionals and misinterpretations of clinical and research studies.
The lack of unified terminology also has an impact on the research conducted into jawbone related conditions and on the accuracy of clinical diagnosis and treatments. Without a shared set of terms, its difficult to build upon existing research and to develop an evidence-based understanding of jaw biology or pathology.
To tackle this issue, professionals who work with the jaw are actively striving to unify terminology through the use of entities and classification systems. These systems allow for a consistent language to be used between clinicians and researchers which helps to reduce errors and misinterpretations. But as new discoveries are made and terms become more widely accepted, so too will the inconsistency with language.
The world of jawbone related terminology is therefore currently in an experimental phase as professionals strive for a consistent language used to describe the features of the jaw. Until then, continued research, and a shared understanding of the terminology, will be essential for any progress in the field.
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redmoonrises · 2 years
Tell me about the ideas!! It helps sometimes to just ramble to find out how to incorporate em
ok so. for these ideas there are a couple of background things. for one, the intertwined trees that exist in a strange grove in the forest, i've mentioned them like once or twice. basically a twig broken off of one turned into the pencil that was the original source of iden's power. there's also the existence of c.c. (the cobweb collector) who's existed in the story as a background assumed antagonist, observer and tugging strings when they please. then there's mixtape, who is creaturae's archive and an integral member of the castle crew. i've talked about all these on my blog before
my ideas are regarding c.c. and mixtape's past. previously i had literally nothing established- most other characters have really fleshed out backstories, but i don't even really know when c.c. and mixtape enter the plot, just that mixtape doesn't show up until after a certain group of backstory arcs and before the tma crossover, and that the others learn about c.c. from them.
i've already established in the lore that c.c. has a connection to the intertwined trees. it's also important to note that one tree grows golden apples and gifts powers relating to immortality and life, and the other tree grows green apples and gifts powers relating to knowledge. c.c. has gold as their main accent color and has for a while, and i use it to show a connection to the web in the current tma crossover arc. in the same way, i've associated the eye with the color green, and by extension mixtape with the color green.
essentially, the idea is that c.c. is connected to the gold apple tree, and mixtape is connected to the green apple tree. but i'm still not sure what exactly that means for their past, or how they were introduced to the plot... only that mixtape is hiding quite a bit from the people who need to trust them. i'm also not sure how to really proceed with these lore bits, since their discovery by the main cast spells not great things for the future of the plotline XD
oh yeah, sidenote, the reason no one's done anything about c.c. despite them appearing to be a big-name threat to the castle crew is because both mixtape and c.c. are vitally connected to creaturae (the planet/universe) and if either of them die, the universe will basically collapse... at least, according to mixtape. no one's thought to fact-check this and every time it's brought up, people tend to find themselves drifting to other topics...
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ostentenacity · 4 years
nightmares are so weird
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theboombutton · 3 years
I wish TMA didn't go along with the idea that Smirke was completely right about the taxonomy of Fears.
The 19th century was full of Europeans devising new taxonomies to define nature, but even when they were right, they were only usually right about the big picture: the details would be inaccurate, based on the understandings of the time, and gaps in their systems would be filled in through later discoveries.
(They almost do this with the Flesh emerging during the Industrial Revolution, but it was early enough that Smirke managed to work it into his Fourteen.)
I may have to write epistolary fic of the letters page of the Magnus Institute's internal(?) research journal during the 19th and 20th centuries in an alternate universe where Smirke proposed 13 fears and a bunch of them were wrong.
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As I see the word around me turning pink (or, in some cases, purple), I've decided that it's time to make a sequel to that tma post. Yes, I'm at episode 20. No, I'm not okay (I promise). Perhaps, I need therapy. Anyways, enjoy:
The Magnus Archives but I've met the fandom (and am even more confused)
There's an Archivist (you have to use the capital letter if you want to survive), his name is Jon,sometimes Jonathan and sometimes Jalapeño.
He is also somehow the author of the podcast, and the guy speaking. I don't know how. Nothing feels real anymore.
Apparently, he brings the romantic side of the podcast. I'm glad. He should think about bringing the "makes sense" side too.
Get. Sasha. And. Tim. Some. Fucking. Representation.
There's Gerard Keay, who doesn't have anything to do with Gerard Way (I checked), and I love him.
He's also very dead. My point still stands.
There's a guy named Evan Lukas, whose name reminds me of another guy. Was it James Lukas? Peter Lukas? George Lukas? Not a single idea.
Five people told me to be scared of the Mikes.
Who are they?
Is that a sect? A typo? A secret level you unlock once you understand what that vase joke refers to?
There's a secret link between everything.
Is it that every one of the stories involves being scared of something, and being alone?
Wait. Nevermind. That's a horror podcast, people are usually scared in these. I'm trying to be logical here.
I miss Gerard Keay.
Michael is not okay. Do they need help?
I don't know their pronouns, and people answered with really disturbing and unhelpful things. Could someone help?
I kinda like Michael. Even if they're blonde.
Unless they're part of the Mikes. I have a bad feeling about the Mikes.
Uhh lots of blood, spiders, worms, death, spooky nights, people being alone, eyes everywhere, insanity, blood sacrifices, the Unknown, and evil books.
Oh, and drugs. Very important, the drugs
Leaving you with that, hope I didn't miss a very important point. May the stars shine in your direction, or whatever.
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violetsinviolence · 3 years
ao3 year in review
original format by @athina-blaine
Top Fandom: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (16 works)
Date of first fic posted: 17 Sept, 2020 (let’s get married, 3,898 words) - happy anniversary me!
Top multi-chapter fic: ‘til i’m with you then, i’m with you there (69,086 words) my most recent finished fic, the one with the most words, and the one i’ve put the most effort into! it grew so much over the 11 weeks i posted it and i’ve already got more ideas in the works- i love this little universe i’ve created and all the people that have helped me cultivate it into something beautiful! ironic how my top two works in word count are both royalty related- i think i have a calling.
Top one-shot: nothing’s perfect, i’m hoping i’ll do (1, 379 words) this one got super popular out of nowhere- like i know everyone loves a good teacher au for tma but holy COW did this one go off the charts with its popularity- it’s almost my most kudos’d fic, just under 160 rn! absolutely incredible tbh, i didn’t even think it was that good when i posted it but HELL i’m proud of it now and i’m glad so many others like it too :)
Fic you’re most proud of: you’ll leave me lonely at best (4, 358 words) god this one is so good to me? idk what it is about the angst in this one but god fucking damn i’ll go back and read it whenever i need just a good solid cry like- damn what did i drink that day to make my angst charts off the shit? fuck!
Fic you wish got more attention: the water’s sweet but blood is thicker (3,305 words) i love love LOVE taako and lup’s relationship and i wanted to capture just like a little… a little bit of their sibling love — and maybe i projected hardcore with me and my sister, ya know — and i was super proud of that! i thought it was super sweet and i wish it’d gotten more love
Fic that Challenged You the Most: h2o, what a feeling! (8,351 words - unfinished) this one- idk what it is with this one, i posted the first chapter and then realized that i had no clue where i wanted to go from there. just getting the second chapter out was a beast on its own but fear not i’ve got a general plot line i want enact! i just need the motivation to start writing it again lmao
Favorite Quote/Passage:
“How could Juno not believe it? When Peter said it so easily like it was the easiest thing in the world to love Juno Steel.”
- when he calls me pretty, i feel like somebody (2,154 words)
“For now, though, he begins to walk, returning to his own world. Where the woman wearing his mother's face rules the land. Back to the birdcage. But, at the very least, Juno gets to keep this all to himself.”
- ‘til i’m with you then, i’m with you there, chapter one: you’ll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream (69,086 words)
“There are two things different, though: The Heliz is gone and in its place sits a neatly folded piece of paper. Duke trembles as he unfolds it.
Thanks for the ride. Sorry, I had to take off so quickly, but I'm expected elsewhere. I'm not sorry about having to take the Heliz from you, but I expect you enjoy a challenge. Come find me if you want it that badly, will ya?
The handwriting is sloppy and rushed, but the words fill Duke's senses with excitement. If he hurries, he could probably stop Dahlia from leaving the hotel, hell he could probably track him down from going off-planet need be. But where's the fun in that? There's a game in store for the two of them, and Duke for one loves games. He laughs, loud and open and so very happy as he holds the note to his chest, thinking of the lovely sharpshooter who's stolen the gem from right under his nose-- twice now!
Duke thinks he's stolen something else too, but he's more than happy to let Dahlia keep that.”
- so start me up and watch me go (5,848 words)
Total Words Posted: 285,405!
this year has been super duper big for me in terms of self discovery! i started ao3 honestly just so i could bookmark stories i liked and stuff, i never thought i’d ever start writing for real- and here i am now! honestly the person i have to thank most is @lmaowhateven sammy darling you’ve been my #1 fan through this entire process and you’ve been nothing but supportive and sweet- if nobody else got me i know he got me 🥺🥰
some other people i’d like to thank: @the-official-account @seratlantisite @scarlettrust @anonomouslyabanana @argentumauream
i go back and reread y’all’s comments all the time because they mean so much to me, literally my favorite people of all time i’m giving you all of my money currently rn actually! 💖
thank you all for making this year wonderful and i hope next year will be just as great! thank you!
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quasi-normalcy · 2 years
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I posted 11,892 times in 2021
2128 posts created (18%)
9764 posts reblogged (82%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 4.6 posts.
I added 483 tags in 2021
#star trek lower decks - 88 posts
#babylon 5 - 79 posts
#the magnus archives - 59 posts
#cdnpoli - 55 posts
#tma - 53 posts
#star trek - 37 posts
#star trek the next generation - 33 posts
#star trek discovery - 32 posts
#star trek deep space nine - 24 posts
#star trek discovery spoilers - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i feel like this is wildly overstating the implications of godel’s incompleteness theorem for the physical universe and human consciousness
My Top Posts in 2021
One implication of the fact that social media companies go out of their way to stoke hate and conflict is that everyone should probably get in the habit of thinking twice before diving into online controversies, because there's a very good chance that they're being deliberately taken out of context, exaggerated, or otherwise framed in an intellectually dishonest fashion
30447 notes • Posted 2021-10-07 22:00:56 GMT
It’s important that everyone understand that, when I say that I “like” a villainous character, what I in fact mean is that I consider them to be both cool and morally praiseworthy, as well as correct in their aims and methods and worthy of emulation by people in the real world. Just in case there was any ambiguity on this point.
35192 notes • Posted 2021-02-26 07:31:21 GMT
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See the full post
36030 notes • Posted 2021-05-20 19:42:24 GMT
Pretty impressive that America has been at war for 20 fucking years and yet there have been essentially no anti-war films out of supposedly liberal Hollywood because it’s effectively impossible to make war movies without the consent of the US Military who only want to be depicted with jingoistic favourability.
66085 notes • Posted 2021-03-21 03:20:06 GMT
Conversation that Tumblr is not ready for:
A Vampire's fangs are also it's reproductive organs
93851 notes • Posted 2021-08-10 13:42:47 GMT
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bondsmagii · 3 years
I'm taking a course on ghost stories in the Victorian era and the prof just said a thing that made me think of you:
"The fear of the unknown is a double-sided coin, on the other side of which is discovery"
Also for said course on ghost stories in the Victorian era, I am so incredibly tempted to write one of my essays using the fear entities from TMA as like.. categorizations for analyzing the source(s) of fear within these stories.
man, I absolutely love that quote! that sounds like one hell of an essay idea, too; you should absolutely write it and honestly I'd love to read it myself.
even before I got into TMA my partner assigned me Beholding, and that's because that quote is basically the crux of how I feel about what scares me. since I was a kid I've always gone after the things that scare me and tried to understand them as best as I can; there's a thrill to it and a sense that even if understanding can't help you, it's better to die knowing what got you. not to mention the fact we would be without so much knowledge if people had universally shied away from what terrified them.
when I'm being more tongue-in-cheek I say that my nosiness outweighs my sense of self-preservation, but in all seriousness I have a lot of thoughts and feelings on the relationship between knowledge and terror; the desire to understand and perhaps even possess that which scares us; the relationship and intrinsic link between love and fear. I could honestly go on all day -- I would love to work on an essay like the one you have an idea for!
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peri-hellion · 3 years
Your favorite Star Trek Discovery character + genre swap
Please enjoy my micro Star Trek Discovery/TMA Crossover.  
Michael sat down uncertainly at her desk, adjusting the sleeves of her blazer in a self-conscious tick. It was best to start by digitizing more of the commonly accessed statements. She flipped open a file and pressed the button of a tape recorder that was suddenly close to hand. “No time like the present,” she said quietly to herself. “Statement of Nathan Watts, regarding an encounter on Old Fish Market Close. Statement Given April 4th, 2012. Statement Begins.”
Michael cleared her throat and began, her voice suddenly submerged into a conversational Scottish accent, which was weird. “This all happened a couple of years ago,” she said, “so I apologize if everything is a bit off. But I guess weird is kind of what you guys do, right? So, I’m studying at the University of Edinburgh—”
Michael’s recording was suddenly interrupted by a tall and friendly-looking redhead who has shouldered her way through the door of Micheal’s office. “Hi! Sorry,” she said, looking nervous but not particularly sorry for interrupting Michael’s first attempt at creating a viable record for the Institute. “Have you . . . . seen a dog?”
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