#dock fight
nnineteen84 · 10 months
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reasoningdaily · 10 months
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nikellada · 10 months
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women have two sides one is silly and the other is trying to kill her bestie’s nephew
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charmac · 6 months
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That's two dudes banging each other. What do you get from that?
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
"Kingdom Hearts is so complicated" "Nomura made it up as he went along" "KH makes no sense" Have you considered that Riku is 15 and autistic and gay bc if you do I think itll change things
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eternalera · 3 months
Who is stronger Lute or Vaggie?
Personally I'm gonna go ahead and say Lute is stronger than Vaggie. 'But they fought and Vaggie beat her-' yeah no one cares, lemme explain.
So basically I know that the angels are meant to be kinda bad fighters because yknow they don't arm themselves properly and stuff and they don't defend as well and you can strike them easily from there but uh...
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while I don't doubt that this is the case with other angles its pretty damn clear that it isn't the case with Lute.
Lute attacks Vaggie aggressively and when she first attacks her she goes straight for her eye like she said she would. Not to mention but Vaggie does try and defend against her. Of course this is all kinda unfair towards Vaggie since well she is defending and apparently angels aren't good at defending but you also have to keep in mind that Carmilla trained her so... yeah- sorry.
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not to mention the fact that she isn't totally helpless as we see Lute lunge at her trying to attack and Vaggie grab her arm most likely trying to throw her to the ground. But as we see in this next very weirdly timed screenshot I took Lute easily counters this attack. She doesn't hesitate to fly up and slam Vaggie into the ground.
That is impressive. Especially since it's hard to react that fast with a move that effective. Most people even when fighting for a while wouldn't think of that because when you're in hand to hand combat with someone every decision you make is in the moment. Especially in such a fast paced battle like this one.
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Another thing would be her notice of the piece of glass that Vaggie held. She had basically a few frames (from what ive seen) to see that and grab it trying to stab Vaggie. That being said though she puts all of her weight and force on it causing Vaggie to easily overpower her and use her own force against you. Remember when fighting you don't put all of your weight/force into one move, it can be easily used against you and yeah, its gonna suck.
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We see that here when Lute is in a very bad position, but not for long as it seems that Vaggie might've also made the same mistake and used it. Not to mention that she appears to be standing here and having bad frame as she is bent over. When fighting in a position like this you typically wanna stay tall with your chest since it'll be hard to do what Lute does next which is throw you over.
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And we see that Lute does in fact do this with what seems to be little to no struggle. Not to mention that Vaggie didn't have the upper hand for very long. She had it for like a frame in the animation so yeah.
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Vaggie does react quickly in this scene though so thats nice :)
Not to mention she's just been thrown to the ground and had to get up and regain posture so thats cool :D
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We then see Lute quickly back away though which is also a good move and is kinda a defense I wanna say. She distances herself with her weapon knowing that more distance equals more power but uh yeah she kinda rams it into the wall...
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She then leaves her sword (good idea since its proven that she and Vaggie are both quick to react) and goes to instantly tackle Vaggie to the ground instead. I want to point out that this is something that could've been easily avoided on Vaggies part I think. Just take a few steps back or keep some sort of guard up or stance and she easily wouldn't have gotten tackled as easily. But she lets down her guard and well she gets bodyslammed.
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Once again Lute uh... uses the environment and slams Vaggies head into a desk... fun. Also Vaggie bleeds gold blood, kinda makes you wonder if she never cut herself on accident before.
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Lute lets her guard down though as she goes to search for something to stab Vaggie with and within this time Vaggie finds something to hit her with which is impressive as her eyesight is probably horrible after being slammed into the desk.
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In the end we don't see how Vaggie gets to this point but seeing as how they were going before it probably was a long while with a ton of injuries on each side but with Lute most likely having the better position/upper hand in each of the battles as she mostly had it in this fight.
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Then in the end Lute stabs Vaggie's hand, she removes the spear and grabs it throwing Lute across and into the rubble (she's pretty damn strong I gotta say).
I'm not gonna count the rubble as fast reaction because Lute was doing a monologue and yknow its not really that impressive in terms of reaction. But it is a good use of surroundings.
But overall in this fight despite Vaggie winning I would still say that Lute is stronger/the better fighter. She let her guard down in a battle she thought that she was already winning but lets be honest, if she didn't she would've killed Vaggie without a doubt it was only when she mentioned Charlie that she actually yknow got Lute.
If she didn't then Vaggie would've been as good as dead.
Overall these two are very good fighters and their fight scene was probably one of my favorites if not my favorite. But in the end I feel like if they were in a sparing match that Lute would win. Honestly she would've/should've won but yknow. Yeah she mentioned Charlie and the power and love and shit :)
lemme know what you think :D
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tomurakii · 7 months
Gale's interactions with kids are so special to me. Like not in a "make that man a father" way (because all though I do think he has the makings of a good one, he doesn't want kids) but just in the. This is a man who wants to guarantee them good futures, even if they aren't his own.
Like Gale wants to be a professor. He's so great with Mol in the lanceboard scene, he's so adamantly defensive of Arabella in the grove. And it is so relatable to me as someone who doesn't know if they'd ever have kids, but who still wants the best for the next generation and wants to have a hand in helping them. His students, the tiefling kids, Yenna, they aren't his, and they don't need to be his for him to teach and help and care for them. And that's so lovely to me.
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apollo-cackling · 4 months
it's a neat throughline within murderbot (book) where there'd be a situation where by all reasonable measures it'd be morally justified/good to leave it behind to die and which in any other story would be a setup for a heroic sacrifice, but which the people around murderbot take a look at and go 'no the fuck we aren't letting it die' and proceed to do everything in their power to save them. get loved idiot
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tiny-chubby-bird · 2 months
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two days of blood, sweat and tears finally paid off.
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quantumspacegoats · 11 months
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A revenge drawing against @citrusinky I drew for art fight
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glamfellens · 5 months
idk what the fuck wulbren thinks he can achieve by running up to a absolute zealot who just took aeres down to half health with a divine smite but by all means little buddy. give it a go. waste my fucking time
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mariocki · 1 year
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A dastardly Patrick Troughton sets his sights on the heroes, as wicked Bill Mace, member of dope smuggling ring, in Dial 999: Thames Division (1.5, ABC, 1958)
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juliannos · 4 months
I'm still pissed about our new work building. We have to be there 3 days a week but we don't have enough desks for that to really work out.
Like, very few people are gonna work in office on Fridays (It'll probably be me bc I hate other people). So that means Mon-Thurs are the main days. And we have 1/3 of the desks for everyone that we have to fight over.
But, hey, if you don't have a desk you can still work on your 11" laptop in the cafe! /s
Just let me be fully remote jfc
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arcxnumvitae · 6 months
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At least his opponent seems friendly.
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goldensunset · 4 months
*bangs on door to the castelia gym* LEMME IIIIN
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hesfromsomewhere · 4 months
tag ramble pt.1
#so much i feel like i want to say when a lot of this is just two different people who cant mesh and are hitting each other like confused#roomba.#on some level i wish i didnt respond or engage especially at the moment because what i said wasn’t particularly deep and only resulted in#hitting a wound that i already knew was there#i’d like to apologize for that much alone#that it is presumptuous and envasive to have strangers on the internet talk to you like that because yes it does very quickly cross to#feeling like being talked down to#these are people who are entirely self aware of the problems and of course i literally cannot enlighten them to it any further#they just dont care- they’re very tired of their life so far and do not have the time and energy and patience to talk to anyone else#like that.#the way they’ve chosen to fight is negatively. i cant dock someone for making a self conscious choice of how they’re going to behave#especially in the sense of standing up for yourself#i do get the feeling this doesnt serve someone in the long run#you are being spoken to in this way because you are reacting volatily to a random stranger on the internet#because of the way they hit a wound because of how you interpreted what they said#the idea that you’re standing up for yourself and you need to be mean so people dont talk to you in a way you dont like#like the block button isn’t infinitely better for that#to think this is a case of oohh lets all be sooo polite and pure and Correctly Speaking all the time or you’re just a widdle baby#is goofy#it IS reactive and it is volatile! i could have said this in a meaner way rather than politely#and maybe that would have been more easily received in this one case#but there was just acknowledgment of what was actually happening immediately right now in the moment#of course i dont know you and i dont know your life and thats not what this is about#but at the end of the day the question of if this works for you and genuinely serves you then i have absolutely nothing to say or add#that matters. if this is your honest self then everything else is null. you live in the way that serves you because thats literally all we#have#though i doubt that its fulfilling and honest at the end of the day i wont pretend this isnt someone just on one part of their journey#thats plenty farther along than others#and i really hope they are at or get to what serves them entirely
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