#domsub au
bwoahtastic · 4 months
Max desperately needing a scene and Da isnt there, so he just shyly takes his folder of his limits and details and goes to jenson? Jenson is chill, jenson is said to be a good dom and is a friend of Dan. Max didn't talk to Dan,about having Jenson as a back up (he only listed Lewis and maybe Toto) but that day it just feels right to ask Jenson, he can't explain it!
Jenson being surprised when the sub quietly comes to see him and just shoved the folder into his hands. But jenson ofcourse helps and has Max safely knelt between his legs, on a soft pillow and just softly traces figures over Max's cheeks and scalp until he dozes off🥹
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avoidcrowdraws · 12 days
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I don't like to let people see my WIPs either
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blondiest · 6 months
Forget about balls, what's your thoughts on the omegaverse?
uuhhhhhh i mean can i answer this so generally and say i think that it can be done perfectly well? i think it can be a compelling trope to use to explore characters having freak sex before actually fully confronting their feelings for one another? it imo is a classic setup for emotional conflict that is coupled with, again, freak sex. idk. i think the appeal of the trope is straightforward but i think an extremely formulaic execution often ends up... a) not interesting and b) not doing the ship justice. like if you go for a 100% straightforward dom/sub vibe i probably won't end up fucking that heavy with it, because i don't really find straightforwardly dom/sub vibes that compelling in general. i think, in an ideal world, there are some layers and complexities. there are some Subversions. etc. does this make sense.
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Sitting here at work, thinking. Thinking about sub!porsche some more because I just watched a tiktok about how some submissives want to be brats and some really, really don’t. They just want to be told what to do and then do it perfectly. They just want to be good.
And if that is not just Porsche in a nutshell I don’t know what is. He just wants to be good for Kinn.
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ijvnyxcy · 1 year
hey hey~ new episode published^^ i hope y’all take time to read it and stay tuned for next episodes! i can't post weekly colored comics. so I decided to make au extra comics that i can share with you along the series.
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forthelostones · 2 months
𝚙𝚝.𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 ; 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚎𝚢𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 ─── ⋆
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⟡⋆˙୨ᥫ᭡. 𝚗𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎 𝚊𝚞 - 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚎!𝚊𝚋𝚋𝚢 𝚡 𝚏𝚎𝚖!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛ᥫ᭡.୧⋆˙⟡
synopsis: abby was a woman whose presence was becoming deeply irresistible to you. in your final year of nursing school, you toil with the idea of pursuing her — ruin what you have or enjoy what’s in front of you?
warnings. 18+ (mdni); sub!abby, domsub!abby, sexual themes, jealousy, fluff, nickname: dummy, and modern au - pre-established relation.
an: guys. this has been such a crazy ride, thanks for the support on both of my stories. it means so much to me. sorry for the wait... lets get it.
(no y/n)
Abby watched from the row behind you, observing how you chewed on the end of that neon #2 pencil. She could tell by the bobbing of your leg that you were nervous and stuck on a specific question. It was the same during studying — chew, bob, sigh. Almost on cue, a frustrated sigh left your throat. She knew it was her fault that this was happening.
She knew neither of you studied long enough for you to feel confident on this exam. Well, that’s what she kept trying to convince herself, she was already finishing up the last page. Although her pencil glided on the paper effortlessly, she couldn’t help but be distracted by your indecisiveness on the math equations and multiple-choice questions. The once full eraser had been subsided to pure metal scrapping into the pages.
The time on her watch read ten minutes left until the end of the exam and you were only on page two. Studying had become harder for you with Abby around. It wasn’t only the dating component it was mostly the difference in your skills. Her ability to memorize vocabulary and complete math problems without thinking twice about them made you academically insecure. While you averaged low B’s and high C’s, she had a 4.0 and made it look easy. The clock's ticking distracts you from the problem you are trying to solve. It was one you and Abby worked on multiple times, yet you’re frozen, unsure how to solve it. As everyone flicks their pages to finish, you just … froze. 
“Okay. Pencils down.” Your professor said just moments after you started a new equation. Your jaw dropped slightly and you squeezed your eyes shut. Abby shook her head, not at you specifically, but herself. You had practically moved in and the nights that would typically be spent studying were now used to learn more about each other beyond your friendship. Realistically, Abby understood that those moments would be worth more than a grade in the long run. But a part of her also resented getting this comfortable, ultimately impacting you. The feelings clashed within her. The heat forming inside of you could only be described as embarrassment. Why was it like your brain suddenly lost all power to its systems? It wasn’t unusual for you to skip a few questions but this was completely unlike you. 
You chew on your cuticles and fold the mostly blank pages and pass them down to the front, doing the same for your classmates. Their pages crumbled with computation answers and confidently filled bubbles exposed your shortcomings. You should feel relieved that the test is over but you don’t. A heavy anchor grounded you but you were still floating. Abby met you down in your row where you saw her concealing another A-plus smirk. Once you both exited into the hall Abby’s hand finds the center of your back and she begins to pet it slowly. You shrug her away gently. 
“Don’t.” You sigh. 
Abby knew it would set you off but she did it anyway to show you she sees you. The blonde’s brain was moving at a rapid pace. She so deeply wanted to ask you about the challenging problems and the scenarios on the quiz. Her translucent lashes tapped frantically as she imagined the sheet of paper behind her eyes. 
“I feel good about this one.” She finally says. 
“Good. I really did not do well. It’s — whatever. Right?” 
Abby looks to you and she couldn’t lie and tell you that it’s not just whatever. It’s your future. Both of your futures — together — it was important to Abby that her partner was just as successful as her. 
“You should be happy that you did your best but understand that if you did do as bad as you think, it’s worth asking for a makeup to understand the material.” She suggested. 
You hated when she got like this, rigid. Her posture was straight, her mouth set hard, and no softness found anywhere on her face. The regime her father instilled in her stayed and it was evident in moments like this. 
“Abby, sometimes I really need you to just listen to me and be rational later.” 
A chill followed down her spine following your sharp comment. 
“Maybe we shouldn’t study together anymore.” She muttered.
Part of you wanted that to be a joke but knew it wasn’t. The night before proved itself to be deeply uneventful for the both of you. 
“You’re distracting me.” You groan as you’re reviewing flashcards on Abby’s bed, the first mistake. She was wearing a thin, white tank top and a pair of loose black sweats, untied, on her hips. Her hair was drying from the shower you two just took and so was her body. The outline of her features was accentuated by the water being absorbed by the cotton. She was so casually beautiful and simply yours. The bed shifted behind you, her weight bending the mattress inwards, as she crawled towards you.
“Am I?” She asks, using the tip of her tongue to playfully lick a stripe of slick up towards your lobe. An instant bubble of relief popped inside of you. “Okay. Okay.” 
Abby couldn’t take her eyes away from you. She had seen you in this robe every night now but it was something about how it was gliding with you. As well as your skin's glint from your body oil makes you look regal. You sat at the base of the bed while Abby retreated towards the headboard, leg tucked under her butt. She took off three inches of hair and it looked so fresh, carving out her face perfectly, and highlighting her stiff jawline. “How about we make a deal?” She said brazenly. 
“For each answer I get right you remove something?” 
“Abby,” you chuckle, not denying her advances. 
You thumb the index cards in your hand and turn to tie your eyes with hers. 
“First question, the section is Anatomy and Physio. What best describes endocrine glands?” You ask. 
Abby taps her chin as if she’s searching for the answer. “They secrete chemicals into the blood, growth, metabolism, sexual development and function.” 
She raises her eyebrows and shoots her eyes towards your robe. A deal is a deal so you remove the silk, leaving you in your two-piece pajama set. Abby notices the goosebumps lining the outsides of your shoulders and can’t help but desire to rub them warm. 
“Question number two. Anaerobic respiration can lead to a burning sensation caused by which molecule?” 
“Easy,” she scuffed. “Lactic Acid.”
Her teeth appeared behind her Cheshire grin as your top found its way onto her floor. 
“Good job.” 
Your words made her cunt pulse. 
“The mediastinum is located within which cavity?” You ask. 
Abby’s face fell instantly. The outline of your nipples looked delicious and icy, she needed them in her palms immediately. “Fuck. I don’t know.” 
You lift yourself off the bed and bend right in front of her to retrieve your shirt, Abby’s shadow overcame you and her hips thrust into your ass in one motion. She spins you around to face her, mouths inches away. “Do you think you’re going to actually put that back on?” 
Her index finger traced the outline of your lips with her eyes following. You grip her wrist, halting her movements, “And if I do?” 
Abby gently places the index cards neatly on her bedside table and presses you into the wall behind you. Usually, Abby is submissive but the stalking woman imposed her strength on you, like she’s been wanting to do from the first time she saw you in clinicals. 
“I’ll just rip it off you.” She giggles. 
“Would that be so bad?” You reply, bringing her finger into your mouth, sucking it then adding another. Abby huffed a keen groan as she bent down onto her knees, immediately pressing her mouth into your cunt. She lapped at the fabric separating her from you and didn’t even ask for you to remove them. 
You insisted by beginning to take them off but she tore them off you and hoisting up one leg onto her shoulder following the other one. 
“Abby.” You gasp. 
“I got you, hold onto me.” 
She was flexing her skill by fine-tuning your pussy with her tongue while she slowly hoisted you up towards the ceiling. Not only did you feel as if you were floating, you actually were. She was a show off but you fucking loved it. 
After that, there was no more studying done.
“Do you think we should cut down on the time we're spending together?” You question, as the night replays in your mind. 
Abby’s face scrunched up in immediate disapproval without hesitation at the suggestion. She pulled her bottom lip slightly in her mouth and looked around as if the walls suddenly grew eyes. Abby wanted to tell you no but she knew what had to be done. 
“We can.” She grimaced with a shrug. 
Despite all the time you spent together the girlfriend conversation had yet to come up. She thought about it the most when you were in her presence. She didn’t comprehend how you liked her so much and yet, you refused to make it official. She truly believed that once you ditched Ellie she’d be over the moon, but right now it’s feeling the same and Abby doesn’t do stagnant. 
“Abby, we can still study together, in the library, several feet away from each other.” 
She forced a smile. “Fine. Does this mean you’ll still sleepover?” 
Before your crush on Abby developed you were denying yourself the fact that it was possible. But during this time, before the dating, your grades had been the best when you were alone, and you know for a fact, that it was because of her. You may not be as smart as Abby but you do want to come out on the other end with a degree too. 
“Why don’t we come up with a schedule?” She suggests.  
“That would be perfect.” You said. 
The schedule consisted of dinners at Abby’s during the week, sleepovers on non-clinical days which were Wednesdays and Fridays, and studying every day at the library. Abby liked the organization but her body had gotten so used to you beside her. A week into implementing the new schedule Abby felt an immense amount of anxiety without you around. She didn’t know how to break down the feeling and why it was so persistent. Although you two were next door to each other, text messages still provided a temporary cushion for her sadness, but it wasn’t enough. 
Abby clicked the icon that was the home for your name and called but there was no answer. Dinner was stewing on the stove, and in the middle of mixing a cocktail, Abby called to find out if you could taste what was missing. Another call led to another one and soon Abby was sitting with a candle flickering silently in front of her. Your plate sat untouched and she just picked at the remnants of hers. 
Little did she know you were closed off in your room after studying, panicking. You knew yourself more than you wanted to. The schedule was needed for you to clear your brain on the feelings you had for Abby. With upcoming exams and graduation where would that leave you? She'd move across the world while you were huddled up in your small town's hospital circulation? It was coming in so fast and before you could mix in a girlfriend you had to know what you wanted. The pages of your journal turned soft as you tore your pen through the book. 
A part of you wanted to hear the rapping of her fist against your door, ready to envelop you and reassure you that you would figure it out. She never came and because of that, a piece of you died. Conversations with her have turned short and passive since the last exam. It wasn’t just the exam it was a culmination of multiple things that either of you were ready to talk about. 
Abby put your dinner into a glass container and waited outside your door trying to gain the sense to knock. One of the many nights you spent together gave her a reason to knock instead of sulk in her bed, thinking about all of her shortcomings in the relationship. You were both lying down and Abby lit a candle that night that you bought her. The sweet scent of peaches and cream cut through the bitter smell of her pine products. She loved it. Between the sheets were your naked bodies damp and lazy. Abby had brought a glass of cold ice water and set it on the nightstand beside the candle. You took turns taking sips. 
“Thank you for the water.” You smiled. 
“Don’t mention it,” She nudged you. 
You twist your body onto your stomach and look up to her glimmering, post-sex face. 
“Yes, beautiful?” 
“You still make me nervous.” 
She cackles and brings her hand to your cheek and massages away your imperfections. With the roll of her eyes she licks her lips before curating a snarky response. But she quickly realizes you’re being serious. “Why?” 
“I care so much about you and that’s something I haven’t felt before. With anyone.”
A kind pause swells between you both. 
“I care about you too. I don’t want that to make you nervous.” She said. 
“I know you see me differently but I am a little insecure.” 
She leans down and kisses your forehead tenderly without a breath. 
“That’s normal.” 
“But I burrow. I distance myself when I get like that and I don’t want to subject you to that. I don’t want to hurt your feelings again. If I do that, get distant, don’t hesitate to just tell me to get out of my own head. It’s not your fault or your responsibility.” 
Abby’s fist banged on the door with your words echoing in her mind. The thuds startled you out of the sleepy daze you fell under. You shuffle to the door to see the goofy blonde in her pajamas and slippers holding what was supposed to be tonights shared dinner. 
“You didn’t come to dinner,” Her voice was more welcoming than usual. “I was worried. Are you okay?”
Shoving her way past you and nearly tossed the container on the kitchen counter. Without hesitation she opened her arms and you couldn’t help but to run into them. Although she didn’t say anything the affirmation from her presence was enough. 
“All too much in your head again aren’t you?” 
A sob escaped into her chest and she gripped you tighter. These past few days have been a blunder of confusing thoughts. A part of you knew getting together with Abby would make things unclear in your life. But if she was willing to get uncomfortable and support you, you were obligated to do the same to her.
“Abby, I should’ve answered your calls.” You pull away to notice how unswayed she is of your state.
“You should have but that doesn’t matter right now. We need to talk.”
You nod your head shyly and she grips your hand and takes you to your bedroom. Abby pats beside herself to welcome you.
“I’m so scared.” You blurt out.
“Me too,”
Abby was scared for the complete opposite reason. When she was with you it seemed like all the decorative things such as school didn’t matter. She wasn’t familiar with how that felt. To have an identity outside of her accomplishments or care about someone. With you, she could flunk out of nursing school, move back to her home town, and still be satisfied. That scared her — that one person could allow her to have such a paradigm shift.
Hearing Abby say those words made your heart settle.
“I care so much about you. I didn’t think I would, this much. I should’ve known because on orientation when I saw you I thought, ‘I need to know who she is’ and I am grateful for that thought blossoming into my mind.”
You couldn’t muster any other word but her name. She picked up your hands to bring them into her lap. She leaned in to place a soft kiss on your mouth and lingered there with her forehead pressed against yours.
“When you moved next door, I just thought maybe this is the sign I need to do something different. To not let my ambitions lead me but instead my heart. And my heart loves you, Dummy.”
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ideaofheaven · 1 year
— after 2AM (choi minho x reader)
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Synopsis: Choi Minho and you never see eye to eye. After countless troubles you two caused in class, the professor pairs you for a group project as a form of ironic punishment… Which brings you to a heated night of push and pull, hours before the deadline.
Pairing: Choi Minho x fem!reader
Genre: university!AU, enemies to lovers-ish, smut, then it gets kinda fluffy at the end??
Word count: 9682
Warnings: alcohol, they’re in uni, profanities, they are HORNY, mutual masturbation, video call sex, domsub undertones, explicit dirty talk (implied exhibitionism, breeding, and a tiiiiny bit of degradation kink), panic attack - reader experienced post-coital dysphoria for a bit :(
AN: sometimes your thirsty hours turn into a 9k mutual masturbation fic - jk, I really enjoy writing this one, especially the dialogue. I hope you like it! [06/30: did some minor edits on typos and whatnot]
Mini part 2 here
"Out of every topic, you picked this? Are you mad?"
First and foremost, Choi Minho and you never get along.
There are abundant reasons why you can't stand him. You don't share too many classes with him, but when you do it always ends up with heated and pointless arguments. During each one of your presentations, Minho will raise a hand and play the role of devil's advocate, earning intrigued whispers from your classmates. Until one day, the professor had enough and paired you up in a project, much to your unheard protests.
Quite inevitably, it ends up in half-hearted discussion through the Zoom Meeting, only two days before the presentation.
"What? Got a problem with that?" You snap while still uploading source data into your shared drive. Then, a bark of mocking laughter pierces your ears, positively grating your nerves.
"A problem? There's no theory that correlates to it. Guess we're not having any presentations are we?" 
You roll your eyes at the sight of his irksome sneer. It twists his usually bearable face into horribly displeasing. Minho's eyes spark alight with mockery, and you wonder why your classmates keep saying Minho "has the most tender eyes ever." Sounds like a different person altogether to you.
"We can find connections through other eras." You push through.
He rolls his eyes. "Which means you're doubling our work." 
"Check the drive." You say through gritted teeth, barely holding yourself to spit harsher words. Minho does as instructed, albeit still murmuring curses under his breath and hand rustling his gelled hair, quiet but purposely audible, perhaps just to push your buttons more. But you choose to wait. 
As expected, his eyebrows raise in surprise before he scoffs, "someone did their homework."
"And someone's a useless ass." Minho whips a glare at his own laptop camera - at you. Before he can say anything, you mute him. And you can see him biting his lips, holding back more words, solidifying your win.
"Shut up and get to work, Choi."
Then, his mic icon goes on.
"Fuck you."
You smirk. With a finger on your lips, you speak to him like one to a child. "Shhh. Be useful for once, will you?"
Both of you are petty and nothing sort of professional, but you have no intention to be the bigger person, not for Choi Minho. Begrudgingly, he turns away, and an icon with a familiar photo appears in the google docs.
That should motivate him to work.
His voice suddenly rings. "Hey."
He hasn't typed a single word on your shared google docs, you note with cynicism.
"Your vocabulary sucks." Then in a douchebag way you know only Choi Minho can manage, he deletes most of your bullet points as you stifle a scream. He did not - "Let me be useful and change it up for you.” He ends with a cruel smirk.
This is not going to be easy.
After a short-handed discussion, both of you decide to work in the student center. The next day, grudging and rather worn out from your last class, you force yourself to go. As you rise from your chair, a voice calls you out.
“You look like you’re gonna have some fun.” Kibum snickers and Jonghyun stifles a laugh on his own as well. You pout at your classmates.
“And you know exactly why.” You mutter with a roll of your eyes.
“I paired up with him last semester and got a perfect score, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Jonghyun shrugs, gaining glares from both you and Kibum.
“Easy for you to say, he’s like a puppy around you.” Kibum scoffs, his platinum-dyed hair covering his eye, which must be rolling with annoyance. He then turns to you, “I’d like to say I feel you, but Minho really is worse with you.”
“Like, in comparison, he actually tolerates you all this time.” The shorter man adds to Kibum, perplexed.
“Right?!” He shouts, all dramatic and making you groan. “Seriously though, it’s a dick move from professor Lee.”
“To be frank, I can’t see myself finishing this assignment in one piece.”
“You should tell Minho to drop the class.” Kibum says mischievously, only to get pinched by the male with short brown hair, who’s impatiently shushing him. “Ouch, I’m just saying.”
Clutching your bag strap, you think about it for a second before waving the idea off. “Not happening. Professor Lee will still kill me.”
Your two male friends give off different reactions, Kibum is still finding ways to alleviate your pain (or to add more trouble), but instead, Jonghyun moves closer to put his arms around you.
“Listen, (Y/n), he’s not that bad. You’ll see.”
Chuckling at the positivity, you pat his arms in response. “Not sure about it, but okay.”
After arriving at the end of the hall, you go on separate ways with the boys. While they can go grab some dinner, you drag yourself to the meeting spot. The student center is quite empty, and to be expected because the facility is not too popular in the evenings. You find a table to sit at, and wait for your project partner.
You already have your laptop set up when Minho appears. Unlike you, he seems rather refreshed. He’s wearing an oversized hoodie and trousers for his long legs. In his hand is a large plastic bag which he dumps unceremoniously onto the table.
"What's this?"
"No 'hi' or something?" The male starts, rolling his eyes, with a hand on his hip. "Some snacks, in case we need it."
Oh. Resisting an urge to rummage through the colorful packages inside the plastic bag, you throw a doubtful look his way instead.
"Um, thanks."
As if not sensing your hostility, he shrugs in resignation, mumbling "sure" before sitting down and grabbing his own laptop from his bag.
Without much preamble, you both start working. Minho manages to focus on his screen, and the momentum breaks only when he calls your name to confirm a thing or two. At some point, he grabs a bag of chips for him to munch on, not forgetting to nudge the plastic bag in your direction. “Have you taken any?”
“Oh. Right.” You mumble, picking some chocolate stick that catches Minho’s attention for a split second.
Once in a while, your gaze drifts over to him, almost anticipating a weird movement or him slacking off. However, the only strange action you find is Minho blowing air towards the dark strands of hair covering his eyes.
In all actuality, you expect the atmosphere to be more sour and less productive. Yes, there's a strange vibe in the air, but it's more similar to awkwardness to cause discomfort. 
Until suddenly, an insistent cursor on your shared google docs starts typing words that don't match your work. What the hell, anonymous tiger?
Growing exasperated, your fingers clack on the keyboard, furiously erasing the latest paragraph.
"What the fuck - I just wrote that!" The familiar voice shouts, and there's a split second when you think you should just kick him out, then do the presentation alone in class. That wouldn't be so bad.
"It's all wrong. And where are these photos coming from? Don't just put the bullet points there, they're meant to be the conclusion."
Minho takes a deep breath, shoulders visibly rising until he channels out his frustration with a noise that almost sounds like a growl. That sort of thing unfazed you, but you're still glad the student center is mostly empty.
"Listen, we can make a better statement than that." His eyes are like flames, and you can’t help but stare back and, as he wants, listen.
He pulls a chair, nodding to you in a silent gesture. Initially, you hesitate but you go over to him anyway. Minho clicks on the laptop and a new window pops up, showing a detailed page from a book.
"From this theory, I found a connection that can help us." With that, the temperamental male turns into a whole different person. He briefly explains the information he’s gotten from the book, all the while giving you the room to take it in. Then, with unmistakable excitement, he begins his train of thoughts he wants to implement into the assignment. With every sentence he says, your anger subsides, turning into something akin to awe. Not that you will admit it.
One thing for sure; for the first time, you think this project might work.
As he finishes, you blink rapidly. Minho leans back with his elbow on the desk, relaxed and undeniably proud of himself. You send a glare his way.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
His face scrunches, as if that was not the words he expected after the successful presentation.
"First, I wasn't done with the research." He says, eyebrows furrowing, then he points a finger at you. "Second, you muted me every time I said a goddamn word."
Oh, here we go again. Your two hands shot in the air, feigning a defense in front of the frowning man.
"Not my fault I don't want to hear your complaints."
There's a flash of something wild on Minho's face which you identify as his troublemaking expression. But as he leans closer, you realize it too late.
"This is why you should listen, (Y/n)."
In a snap, there's a pulling on your ear. Minho pinches your ear and pulls like you were a 5 year old with tantrums. The low level of pain causes you to winch, but it's the electricity from his touch that makes you jump back.
"Ow! What the hell!" You sputter and he snickers like this is elementary school, going with the theme in your head.
Satisfied, Minho releases you. But his hand lingers and it brushes the side of your neck, prompting you to hold a shiver from the ticklish sensation. It would be a drag to deal with more of his antics, so you get up from the chair to glare at him pointedly.
"You're a freak."
He challenges, fire in his eyes, "Care to say that again?"
Because you're not a university student who's not petty, you smirk and take the bait.
"You're a freak - hey!" His large hand pulls at your sleeve, halting your step. The sudden momentum startles you and you lose your footing. Ultimately, your body stumbles and falls with a yelp, and your bum hits the chair.
Grumbling, you shake off the shock before you attempt to get up once again. Then, a groan comes from beside you, too close, freezing you on the spot. A hand holds the side of your waist, and your suspicion is confirmed. Of course you did not land on the chair, you end up sitting on Minho's thighs, your back pressing against his.
"Getting comfortable?" Minho asks, his deep voice brushing your ears, and much to your dismay, you can imagine the leer that accompanies his voice. In panic and confusion, you attempt to leave his lap in a rush, only to be stopped.
"Can you get that hand off of me?" You ask, turning on him.
"I don't know, can I?"
His dark eyes clash with your glaring ones, gleaming with mischief and something else you can't quite decipher. All you can feel is his hand tightening its grip on your side, and the warm air of his breath, clouding your mind.
But this is Choi Minho, and you do not like Choi Minho, whatever the situation is. With a renewed willpower you push yourself off of him and be on your feet.
"We're wasting time." You declare. "Send me all your notes, we need to get going."
Minho only smiles sweetly, a one eighty degree difference from the man before, which only leaves you more frustrated. As he dives back into his work, you hide behind your laptop, calming your racing heart and ignoring the surge of familiarity you feel.
The crowd was growing in number and in anger, too. The boys from the EXO house became more agitated with every word Minho said, filled with provocation and mockery. Jonghyun and Jinki were nowhere to be found, probably looking for chances to steal the mic. Taemin and Kibum were definitely loitering around the drinks bar.
You had no choice.
“Whoa, is that Jongin puking?!”
As expected, your shrill voice was enough to distract them before you literally dragged Minho by his jean jacket.
“Let me go,” he grunted, but his alcohol-induced state prevented him from doing it himself. Your smaller stature managed to pull him towards an empty room, which later you figured out to be the storage.
He tried to wrestle out of your grip, muttering curse words at no one in particular and you finally had enough. With both your hands, you slapped his cheeks, which were damp with sweat.
“You wouldn’t be able to win that fight.” You said sternly.
Minho froze, and while he was in that state, you quickly went out to get a glass of water. When you returned, he’s already blinking his eyes a few times, a sign of his returning sobriety.
And a sign you should leave the premises soon.
You handed him the glass, urging him to drink as you murmured, “I should go. This party sucks and, godammit, I just wanna go home. Drink this and… I don’t know, stay safe, I guess.”
The taller man drank slowly, but his eyes kept gazing at yours. When he finished, there was a soft look in his visage, and he suddenly smiled. Sleepy and tired, but sweet nonetheless.
Flustered, you left the glass in his hands, and ran away from the storage. The day after, Minho grumbled about his headache and loopholes in his memory from that party to Kibum and Jinki, and you sighed in relief.
Sorry for the late reply! Was watching the campus baseball team
I added a few slides right before the first conclusion
Tell me what you think 🤔
These are okay.
But don't add more on that. We're almost reaching 40 slides.
Who said I'm gonna add more? 🙄
Idk, you seemed ready to add 10 more just to spite me.
Why didnt I think of that
Are you free tonight?
Lets review the whole thing
Duh, tomorrow's the presentation
Do you think I'm that stupid lol
Unlike you I care about my grades
And you think I don't?
You don't seem to care if you get me into trouble
Right. Whatever.
Unlike you I'm not petty
Idc who I work with I can get my job done
I didn't mean it like that.
I'll join you at 11 pm
There's a discomfort that can't be spoken.
You scroll through the slides, apprehensive not of the contents, but of the author, the one that finally snapped at you. Perhaps you deserved it. On the other hand, Minho should stop basing his mood on sports game results, it's stupid as hell.
Five minutes to eleven, the preparation is done. You could just text Minho there's nothing left to do, and both of you could catch some needed rest.
Suddenly, a loud beep rings in your ear. And you don't think twice before admitting Minho into your Zoom meeting.
"Hey, sorry for the wait." He speaks, voice crackling from the signal before it becomes more stable. "I just took a bath."
"At this hour?" You ask, disbelieving his decision, but trying not to stare for too long.
"Yeah. I just got back from a soccer game. Jonghyun's invitation."  He shrugs, letting the towel drape against his broad shoulders, which may or may not be distracting.
Faster than a cat on a mouse, you force yourself to stop staring at him, and when you see Minho, there's an inquisitive expression on his gaze. He dismisses it quickly, relieving you.
"How's our work going?"
You clear your throat. "I'd finished checking them, maybe you want to see it first before we decide on the parts distribution."
And everything is awkward again.
Granted, it's not the most amicable atmosphere. Minho mumbles to himself, reading each point with focused eyes and not even minding your existence. After what seems like forever, he mentions a few slides that need to be double-checked, which extends your work time.
As the night heightens and the cold intensifies, you wish you were brave enough to break the ice.
Then, a loud yawn echoes in your ear.
"Can we continue this later?" Minho asks through more yawns. "It's like, almost 1 AM right now."
The time reminder doesn't quite surprise you. "Do you have morning classes?"
Minho checks his phone. "No."
"Then we're still doing this."
Your work partner groans, prompting you to hide a tiny smile at his antics. But suddenly, Minho raises his voice, startling you.
"Why do you hate me so much?" He snaps.
Something clenches in your stomach, and you force yourself to look into Minho's face on the screen. His eyebrows are furrowed, demanding answers which you are not sure you could provide.
"I don't."
"Then," he stops to hide a yawn. "Why?"
"I don't know." You pause. "But I don't hate you. Not at all."
His eyebrows shoot up, then he sighs.
“You’re just confused.”
“Yeah.” You pause. “I think I am… Like, really confused.”
Minho smiles in response, almost in relief. His eyes crinkle softly into crescents, like a drowsy pair of moons, and something within you softens at the sight. He should smile more often.
You quietly let out a relieved sigh on your own.
"Good. I'm taking a nap," he declares all of a sudden, standing up from his chair and ignoring your belated complaints. The camera view changes into something similar to a found footage movie, all shaky and blurry. Once it stabilizes, a sight of Minho clears up, showing him leaning back against a mountain of cushions and pillows on his bed. Then he sighs contently, the sound a little too soft in your ears.
But, he seems more comfortable on the soft bed. Unfair.
"Choi Minho, get back to the google docs or I'll - "
"You'll what? Mute my microphone?" A sleepy laugh. "I'm taking a nap. You and your ugly pajamas can suck it."
What the fuck.
"Excuse me? This is loungewear."
"Let me see." He laughs and you waste no time before adjusting your webcam to pan from your short sleeved top to the pants, all having the same pattern. They're cute, but from the way he frowns Minho doesn't seem too adoring of them.
"They're pajamas." 
"It's loungewear, you caveman." You pout.
His full lips curl in a sneer, then he speaks with a voice surprisingly lower than before.
"Well I do prefer sleeping with no clothes."
Your mouth shuts. After a moment too long of trying not to imagine your classmate in his choice sleepwear, you grunt, exasperated.
"Whatever gets you off." You sigh, but internally cursing at your choice of words. Minho grins.
"You mean whatever gets you off."
"Shut up."
"Then mute me."
You let out a sarcastic laugh. "Mute yourself."
You stare at the pixelated image of Minho on the screen and he mirrors your actions, with a gaze more intense and drowning. It's as if he's not going to let this go easily. You are expecting more snides, but instead, with relaxed stretches and sighs, he leans back against the mountain of pillows.
"Okay." He shrugs. "Wake me up in 10 minutes."
The effort to speak fails as your throat tightens and you wish to go out, visit his dorm and strangle him in person. But Minho's already closing his eyes, tiredness taking over the man fast. And finally, you can relax.
If you're in a better state, you would have raked your mind to see how the fuck you let Choi Minho affect your this much.
At some point, you check Minho's camera, and sneak a time to take in his features. You won’t deny his handsome face and glorious physique. A small face, doe eyes, plush lips, broad shoulders, long legs that’s just unfair - okay yeah he’s hot. But it never occurs to you he'd look this calm even while sleeping. Gone are the angry lines on his eyebrows, and the tense clench of his jaw, all that’s left is a serene face that you don’t mind talking about for hours - okay yeah he’s still hot even when he’s sleeping.
If only he weren't such an asshole when he's awake.
Returning to your work, you never notice the rustling noises from Minho's mic. So when you see the Zoom window, you let out a yelp, surprised at Minho's face on your screen, peering with inquisition.
He laughs, and oh, his voice is huskier now after a short amount of sleep. "Surprised?"
"Uh, has it been 10 minutes already?"
"Not yet, but I can't sleep. Not with you staring all the time."
"Says the man who’s been staring at me for god knows how long." You respond, because the best thing liars can do is turn the table on others.
And Minho doesn't even deny it.
"Oh, yeah, about that."
"Nothing." The quick response combined with his avoidance doesn't convince you in the slightest, and one wary look from Minho says he's well aware of it. After a few awkward seconds, he relents.
"That top, it's kind of…" he trails off, fingers touching his own t-shirt hem to emphasize a point. You look down, and - oh. The top button had slipped off, hence the generous view of cleavage that caught Minho's attention.
But you're in no mood to be embarrassed.
"That's the way you style it." You spit the lie with oozing confidence on a high level of bullshit. "You got any complaints?"
Minho's eyebrows furrow, obviously not buying it, but more amused. He’s holding back a mischievous looking smile, and despite not liking it, you have to suppress a bubbling excitement. Excitement of what, you have absolutely no idea. Or rather, you refuse to acknowledge you have fun teasing Choi Minho.
"No, not at all. And (Y/n)?"
You only move your eyes, not enjoying the apprehension because what now? As he finds your gaze, he smirks.
"That loungewear does look good on you."
You’re out of words to respond. As you ignore the jolt in your stomach, you let him be smug, satisfied, and winning. You don’t care. 
However, minutes later, a small part of you relents and basks in the compliment in private, sharing little smiles to yourself.
Unbeknownst to you, Minho doesn't have his eyes on the presentation anymore.
As late night approaches, your productivity wanes.
Minho is back on the pillows, playing on his phone while you both take a break. Swayed by the night air and your sore back, you're now sitting on the bed too, but still facing the desk which is right by the mattress. After the pajama accident, you decided to wrap yourself in blankets, and when Minho saw your cocooned form he laughed, voice like crackling fire. Truth to be told, your blankets turn cold in comparison to the warmth he exuded.
The train of thoughts grinds to a halt when Minho chimes.
"Done for tonight?"
The honest and spontaneous answer would be a yes, it's done and we can now sleep and rest. But the hazy night lulls you further into a state of daze, making you wonder of the unthinkable.
"I still want to look something up. You can leave though, it's fine." Hook, line -
"Let me hang out with you for a bit."
What are you doing?
Silence stretches, and you're positive Minho is doing that stare again, the one that is construed as smoldering.
"Not too feisty late at night, are you?"
Minho has left his pillows, now sitting upright and staring directly at the camera - at you. There you decide confidence looks fucking good on Choi Minho.
"You know what they say, nothing good happens after 2 AM." You avert your gaze from his burning ones, and it's bold of you to assume you could escape.
"Oh? Any cautionary tales?"
"Not exactly." You hum, "Maybe unfiltered conversations?"
"That can be fun, though. It's like you're drunk, but with no alcohol." He rambles. You take notice of the sway in his sentence and open the Zoom window to check your partner. Despite the dim light, you can see the way his eyes droop with sleepiness, along with his messy mop of dark hair, and it's rather adorable.
"I think someone's guilty of that."
"I have no idea what you're talking about, there's no booze here." He offers a crooked grin and the expression turns into a thoughtful one. "Do you drink?"
"What's it to you?"
He shrugs. "Just curious."
"Sometimes." You finally say.
There's a moment of silence before Minho rustles in his bed, sitting with crossed legs and scooting closer to the camera. When he speaks again, the volume is louder, startling you.
"Do you remember Kibum's party? The one on the weekend after Valentine's Day?"
"Oh God, that one was a bit too much."
"Agreed." He chuckles, low and nostalgic. He scratches the back of his head. "Thanks for helping me out back then."
You're barely able to hide the surprise on your face, and Minho answers the unsaid question for you.
"I remember. I was drunk, but I remember you dragging me off." From the tone of his voice, he sounds sheepish, but so are you, because the revelation throws you off guard.
"No worries. Just… Don't do that too often."
He laughs. "You hate parties, don't you? I remember you were so grumpy before you left."
Hiding your face in your hands, you groan. "They can be too much."
"You don't sound like you always have a good time."
"Sorry if my dull life offends you."
"It's not dull, per se.” He waves his hands around as a gesture. “But it's why you're such a bummer."
"Again, sorry if you're not having a blast with me."
"Forgiven." A pause. "But, you know." A longer pause, and the silence starts to test your patience. "You can just ask me. I provide spectacular good times."
Respectfully, you give him a side eye.
"Right now I can give you a whole different testimony."
"To be fair, we're doing homework. But… I can do better." He leans in closer, pupils dilating with an emotion you are afraid to iterate, furthering your confusion.
"What are you on about?" You minimize the Zoom window, an effort to return to your task at hand. From Minho's side, there's nothing but the sound of breathing, but when he speaks, his voice deepens.
"I can do better than this. I can make you feel good."
You freeze, throat tightening as you're lost for words. There's no way to stop your mind from wandering uncontrollably. Afraid to see him, you avoid checking his face on the screen.
After a few seconds of silence, he speaks up again, voice husky and more true to what he said.
"Like I said, all you have to do is ask."
Afraid to cross whatever line he's teetering on, you take one for the team, inhale, and take a step back.
"Then, can you shut up and let me do my work?"
Minho lets out a condescending laugh in response, like he's asking 'are you for real?' "Fine then. Let me know when that cursor starts moving."
Warmth rushes to your cheeks. It's tempting to blame the alluring night, but you know better than that.
And you should know better than to assume Minho would let this slide.
The awkwardness hangs in the air, blanketing the both of you with tension. You suppose this could push him away, making him sign off and do his thing - which, you don't want to imagine. But no. Instead, Minho is now lounging on his bed. And now you know, the more comfortable Choi Minho is, the more forward he becomes.
"Why won't you let yourself loose?" He asks all of a sudden, five minutes of silence brings him to the edge of his new found glory. Minho scratches his dark hair like he’s frustrated.
You snap your head towards him in disbelief. But before you say anything, he continues with a slightly raised tone.
"Like, come on, (Y/n). We're in university. You can have some fun."
"Doesn't seem worth my time."
"I can be worth your time, if you let me."
"This again?" You sigh. "What do you want from me, Minho?"
Another silence, and this time, you regret the question. From the corner of your eyes, Minho is getting up from his position on the bed to lean in, face uncharacteristically serious.
“I know you know exactly what I want.” He begins. “And I see the way you look at me.”
There's no teasing, just a plain observation. Those words alone kick your heartbeat into a stuttering mess. Despite the urge to confirm, there's still hesitation. You don't want to give in. Not to him.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." You internally curse when your words come out too breathy, and Minho definitely notices, judging by the crooked smile adoring his lips.
"Aren't you tired of teasing yourself like this?" He asks, languid and all knowing. "Why are we still here? Our work is done. You stopped typing ten minutes ago."
"Okay, that's it. We're done for today." You cut him off, closing your docs to prove a point. But it doesn't deter him in the slightest.
"No, we're not." He says with a finality, sleep gone from his voice.
Because without the presentation and all other student responsibilities, you're just two young adults who forget nothing good will come out this late at night.
And, despite the virtual presence, he still manages to corner you, and string you along into his game. 
Perhaps, you let him do so.
"You don't know how tempting you look right now." He whispers, making shivers run down your spine. Checking your camera view, you find out your blankets had fallen off, now sitting on your lap while your skewed pajamas look rumpled and, once again, revealing too much of your skin. With your messy hair and dazed eyes, you can understand why Minho would say that. You look fucked out. And there's no action - not yet.
So you try again, "Minho - "
"I like that look on your face."
You scoff, then try again. "Like I want to strangle you?"
"No. Like you want me to strangle you."
And that's when you know you can't try your way out of this situation. A jolt of arousal unwittingly shocks your body and Minho sees enough of your expression before flashing you a knowing smile. "What's on your mind?"
"...Nothing." You answer a beat too fast.
"You're thinking about me, aren't you?"
"That's - that's enough. Aren't you tired?"
"Not really. Why don't you tire me out?"
"If doing a presentation with me didn't do shit, I don't know what will."
"You just won't back down will you?" Minho's form on the screen shuffles, adjusting his position to lean back against the headboard. "Can't say I don't like it though." Then, a low sigh startles you, and your eyes grow wide.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"Helping you out."
Unfortunately, he's not. He's laid on the bed, leaning back with his legs stretched out, a hand lazily stroking his own thighs. And it's a sight you can watch forever.
"How does touching yourself help me out, Choi?"
"You're too tense," he says in between grunts, earning more reaction from your traitorous body. "Be thankful I'm showing you how to relax."
"You're a goddamn pervert."
"And you like it."
"Fuck, why would I - do you actually think your naughty little words will work on me? Try again."
There's blazing confidence in his eyes, as if he's holding all the cards and you're left in the dark.
"Challenge accepted, beautiful.”
He continues to tease himself as he stares at your form in the camera, hands getting closer to his crotch.
"You can tell me to stop."
Before you can say anything, he reaches low and begins to palm himself through the sweatpants. Even on camera, you can see the sizable tent. You unconsciously lick your lips, earning a mocking laugh from his end.
"You're drooling."
You throw a glare at him. "Fuck you."
"We can get to that later. But right now, can I continue, (Y/n)?"
The question surprises you as it offers your ticket to the way out, despite the expectation visible in Minho’s pleading eyes. You take a deep breath, sealing the deal.
"...You said you accepted the challenge."
And that's all Minho needs to exhale harshly, sounding more like a moan.
"I did, but can't you just - ah - do something?" The husky voice alone sends a wave of arousal to your core, and you instinctively snap your thighs together. A cloud of lust starts to muddle your brain, and you can't think straight anymore.
Of course Minho notices immediately.
"I saw it."
"You see nothing."
"You're a fucking menace." He grunts, and it sounds way more sexy than angry, like really sexy. With a hand still touching and exploring, he continues to sigh.
"A menace that makes you jerk off while zooming with me?" You can't help but tease, in which he moans in response instead of answering.
"Listen, we're both tired and I need this. So, fuck it."
In one swift movement, his hand dives into his briefs and grabs his cock by the hilt, at least from what you guess through the fabric. His mouth falls open in pleasure. 
"Godammit, Minho, you shouldn't - "
"Shhh… Let me have this." His hand speeds up and he closes his eyes, face scrunching in pleasure as he lets out sensuous noises that tempt you more until a whimper escapes your lips. You hear him chuckle.
"Care to join me? I bet you're already wet."
You force a laugh. “I don’t think so.”
"Then prove it."
“Do it yourself then.”
"Oh baby, if I were there, I would do more than that." You're frozen on the spot, anticipating his words. As he hears no complaint from you, he continues. "I could pull you down on my lap, just like that night in the library - "
"It was an accident." You protest, voice small and unsurprisingly ignored.
"- put my arm around your waist, and then I'd slip a hand underneath those pajama pants - loungewear." He laughs while correcting the words and you can’t help but join him incredulously.
At this point, you can only hear Minho's heavy breathing, or perhaps they were your own. You have no idea anymore, your brain muddled with desire and anticipation. His brown eyes slide to the camera, right at you.
"I wonder how wet you are beneath all that?"
For some reason, you still try. "Dry?”
"Wrong. You'd be soaking wet, and I just know you'd instantly jump as soon as I touched your panties." He explains nonchalantly, but then the haughty tone is replaced by something mocking and exaggerated. "But I guess I am the one who’s wrong."
He ceases any movement on his part, and you find yourself disappointed. "If you're really not into this," he begins, voice breathy but there's impatience there that comes from the built up frustration. "Tell me to stop."
Everything halts in your brain. The erotic display gets to you too much until you can't even say a word. Instead, you zoom in on his arms, and how the muscles rippled when he stroke himself. The way his neck tenses, pronouncing his collarbones more. You even wonder if you would be able to see droplets of sweat on his temples if he was in front of you. As Minho grows more impatient, his eyebrows furrow.
He's absolutely gorgeous.
"Tell. Me. To. Stop.”
You swallow, helplessly and undeniably holding yourself back.
“What do you want, (Y/n)?” He focuses on you, chest heaving with each pant. Only now you see how desperate he is.
"Minho…" You let out, brain short-circuiting with lust.
“Yeah, baby? Tell me. You want the same thing as I do?” Whatever he sees on the screen makes him start moving again. His hand finds his shaft again, and he moans loudly. "You want to feel good? I can make you feel good, I can help you out.”
With every word, you wish you can say yes, yes, and yes. Instead, with a sharp intake, you finally say meekly, “Tell me what to do.”
You hear Minho murmur some curses before turning to you.
“Get that blanket away. I want to see you.”
Nervously, you reposition yourself, taking the blanket aside and you hold the urge to sigh as the scratchy fabric grazes your hot skin. You're already oversensitive and you haven't even started yet. Minho is staring at you through the camera, shameless with his want and impatience.
“Touch yourself, baby. Start with your tits.”
With shaky fingers, you start by caressing your chest. Online video meetings are peculiar because there's always a delay before the other party reacts to what you do. In that short window of time, doubt arises. You wonder and think how this happens. But then, Minho lets out a guttural moan, the sound akin to someone who's about to reach his climax.
And the surge of confidence crashes to you like a wave.
"I'm just touching my tits and you're gonna cum already?" You ask with a smug smile.
Minho pays no mind to your comment, instead he scoots closer to the laptop. "Shit, you're actually doing this. Now we're talking."
"Just this one time." You hurriedly find your hardening nipples through the thin fabric of your clothes, wincing with pleasure. "I need this too."
"Yeah? Show me how much you need this. Take off that shirt.”
God, now that you're not lying to yourself and to Minho there's a relentless urge to seek more pleasure. And the thought of Minho seeing you masturbate lights a fire in your stomach.
So you unbutton your top, slow and deliberate to tease the man on the other end of the application. Because that's what he deserves. You hear an exasperated "Hurry up," before a smirk graces your lips for a change. As you shrug off the shirt, you already know his eyes are glued to the sight of your skin.
"God, that body…" He trails off. "You're so fucking hot."
"Likewise." You sigh as your hand slips under the waistband of your pants. "Dammit, I can't believe this."
He chuckles, delirious but still tantalizingly sexy.
"You know what to do. Go and touch that pussy for me."
His assertiveness flicks a switch inside you. Letting out a shuddering sigh, you move backwards further, making sure everything you do will be captured with your web camera. Then, you pull open your legs at a traitorous slow movement, pulling more curses from Minho.
"Touch it." He orders.
You obey him and tug your panties aside to touch your core directly. The contact makes you moan, and Minho knows he's getting what he wants. And so are you.
"See, that wasn't so hard."
"S-shut up."
"You're drenched, I just know it."
He's right, and your head spins with relentless want. Imagining that voice speaking directly to your ear, soft lips grazing your skin as his hand travels south, leaving fire in its trail.
Like your hand is his, you continue rubbing your body, even spreading your legs more, as if he's right there as your audience. You pull your pants down, letting it pool on one of your ankles, before raising one leg slightly to find the angle that gives you the most pleasure.
As you hear wet sounds in your ear, you return your gaze to the screen to enjoy the sight. Minho had his pants removed properly as well, and he has one hand gripping his stiff cock, which has a sheen from what you assume is his own precum. God, the whole visual on your screen is such a sin.
"Shit." You can't help but say, and Minho only laughs in response.
"You're allowed to imagine me fucking you, don't worry." He teases, lips curling into a sneer, and considering the situation, it looks devilish and way too seductive.
With a shaky breath, you scoff.
"Is that what you're thinking? What, fucking me from behind?"
"Not from behind, baby. I want to see your face as my cock pushes in you for the first time."
You hiss as you slide your fingers in your pussy, scrunching your face with ecstasy, and fuck, Minho's into it, because he even stops to take a proper look at you and the way you pleasure yourself.
"Enjoying the view, Choi?" You challenge, and he gulps.
"I wish I could be there, watching you fuck yourself with your fingers."
"Are you sure - ah - you can just stay there and watch?" Your fingers already feel so good dragging against your walls and you want to know how it feels to have his thick cock inside you.
He smirks.
"I can be patient, baby. I can watch you all day."
"Why don't you help me out?"
"Oh? What do you want me to do?"
You groan. "You know…" 
"What? Use your words, (Y/n)." Minho stops only to look at you straight from his camera, eyes almost begging. And you fall for it.
"I want your fingers in me."
He hums, a silent encouragement for you to continue.
"Mmhm. Keep touching yourself, baby girl. What else do you want?"
You groan at the nickname, feeling more wetness now inside you. In a daze, you manage out in between gasps.
"I need you to fuck me."
"What was that?"
"Minho, fuck me, please." You say as you add another finger, pushing inside your drenched pussy, making you moan your words.
"Oh baby, you're so cute begging me like that. I'm gonna fuck you hard, you hear me? You will be shaking and crying when I'm done with you."
You're whimpering, hands still furiously sliding in and out of your wet folds as you watch Minho throw his head back in immense pleasure. He's loud - groans and moans fill your ear, and the sounds coming from him are so lewd, and wet. 
He's going to be the death of you.
There's a moment when you soak in each other's voices, each moan and squelch increasing your pleasure instead. Minho, dark eyes so clouded with lust it's clear even through the screen, demands another question to you.
"What do you want, (Y/n)? Tell me what you want to do to me."
Oh, you don't even know where to start. Flooded with many scenarios, you answer him with the first thing that comes to mind.
"I want to ride your face." You admit sheepishly, only to earn a low chuckle from the other side.
"Shit, that's hot. I wish you were here. I - " another low grunt. "I would have you sitting on my face, my tongue lapping your cunt as you scream out my name. I bet you taste like honey. You're going to grab my headboard, my fingers stuffing your mouth because I know you're going to be loud, aren't you baby?"
As if following his command, you whine out a "yes", voice high pitched and it sounds utterly pathetic. 
With two fingers pushing in and out of your cunt deliciously, your other hand joins to rub your clit, and you hiccup a moan.
"Minho, please I want your cock inside me," you cry out, drowning in the euphoria of lust. All because of him, only him.
"Me too, baby, me too. I want to fuck you all day long. I want to take you in our classroom. Would you like that, huh? After class ended, I could just bend you over the desk and have my way with you."
You won't even deny how much wetter you get after imagining all his words. Public sex doesn't usually excite you much, but this is Minho, and everything with Minho sounds exhilarating and turns you on like hell. Your breath becomes shakier, and everything is intense. You can't feel your hands anymore.
"I'd like that. Hell, you can take me at the student center for all I care."
Minho, ever the sadist, sneers. "I knew it. You like having an audience huh? How about the next time we visit you sit on my cock? I bet you're going to have a hard time shutting up."
A gasp. "Like you're any better, you're freaking loud."
"Don't blame me, I bet your pussy will be so tight around me." He groans, enjoying his own imagination as he continues to pump his cock. "God, this feels so good. Touch your tits for me, baby."
You do as he says, enjoying the jolt of pleasure coming from pinching your nipples.  As Minho keeps encouraging you, your breath quickens, tensing up as your climax approaches fast. 
"Keep going - shit I need to taste you when you cum. Are you close? I'm so close."
"Minho," you moan, words slurring. "I'm so close, too. Fuck, I need your cum inside of me."
"Shit, (Y/n) - "
"I would hold you with my legs and I wouldn't let you go until you fill me up." There’s no more filter so you keep rambling, and before you know it you hear Minho groaning loudly. You check on the screen to see him cum, ropes of white getting onto his bed sheets. Not expecting him to cum first, you let out a delirious laugh. Minho catches you, still panting from his afterglow. He looks gorgeous -
And dangerous.
"You want to be filled, don't you?" He begins, voice still stuttering, but low and immediately freezing you in place. "You want my cum so bad you actually beg for it."
Your breaths pick up in pace.
"I don't think you're done yet. Get that hand working."
You grumble a word or two before resuming to touch your body, hands shaking with heightened pleasure. You hold back a hiss as you touch your stiff nipples, and continue to push in two fingers in your pussy.
"Faster, (Y/n). Rub that clit for me."
Biting your lip, you do as he says and feel the approaching climax. As you gaze at the screen, Minho has a hand propping his head as he looks at you with a challenging expression, like he's waiting for you to fall.
"What else do you want, baby? You want more of my cum? Want me to fill you up until you get knocked up?"
"Ah!" You slip, hands pinching your swollen nub too hard, but that's all Minho needs. With half lidded eyes, he peers at you, like he’s proud of the new discovery.
"Oh, look at you. You're enjoying this."
"N-no, I'm not," you breathe out, sounding too much like a moan.
"Yes you are."
The humiliation burns but not in the right place, it ignites a new flame inside your belly, and you can feel yourself clenching on your own fingers.
"I'm - I'm so close."
“Yeah? You wanna cum? You wanna squeeze my cock with that tight pussy, and make me fill you up?” He presses and presses, voice low as a whisper but all the words shoot straight to you like an arrow. Your breath grows more shallow, and you’re starting to see white behind your eyes.
“Yes, please. Please Minho, please - “
"Go on, cum for me, (Y/n)."
Like a tight string that is cut, you snap and release with heightened senses, all pleasure that washes over you.
"Fuck, you're so beautiful." He murmurs with eyes looking at your panting self.
Your chest heaves with short breaths, and you let it slow down as you lean back into the pillows in your bed. You take a peek at your wet and shiny fingers in disbelief, giggling at the sight.
At the sound of your laugh, Minho joins in. "Damn, that was fun." Minho grins, the adrenaline seeping through the way he smiles. He leans in closer to the camera, eyes going all over. “I think we need to clean up, huh?”
You hum nonchalantly, but you notice your breath is not getting any slower. The thought hits you hard. You just masturbated with - in front of -
“Thank god I have no morning class, I need some good sleep after that.” He yawns, but then he gives another soft smile. “I wish you were here though, a cuddle would be perfect.”
The vision of both of you cuddling on your bed soothes your mind for a bit. You just know he’d be a great cuddler, and for some reason, it sounds nice. Lovely, even.
“Hey, after class you wanna grab dinner?”
After class. You will be meeting Minho, the person you just masturbated with, only in a few hours. Then you will present your work together.
Like a freight train, the embarrassment slams you in the face. You can't even say a thing, mouth only gaping open soundlessly, but you notice your heartbeat kicking abnormally in your ribcage, the sound starting to invade your senses.
"(Y/n), you okay?" Minho’s voice cuts through the racing thoughts in your mind. Gosh, he really does have tender eyes. He looks so worried, and genuine.
But your panic wins.
“I - I need to - I need to go - “
“Hey, tell me what’s - “
You never hear him finishing his sentence, because you already leave the meeting without saying another word.
Despite knowing how much this presentation is worth for your grades, you want nothing more than to bury yourself in the nearest soil. And obviously, it’s not because you lack sleep. Because surprisingly, after that incident, you manage to sleep.
Probably because orgasms can make you that tired.
"Oh my, look at her, she's still alive!"
Barely, you think as Kibum walks to your seat, a sleepy Jonghyun in his trail, looking like he just woke up from a nap. Afternoon classes can either grant you extra nap time, or give you the most unfocused study time in the whole day.
In your case, without your morning classes, you can catch up with your needed sleep.
"Hey there, Kibum, Jjongie."
"You shouldn't be here. One of you must've dropped the class." The male with platinum hair gasps. "Minho dropped this class, didn't he?"
"What? No one's dropping the class." You groan, to which Jonghyun shouts in victory, startling you but not Kibum.
"You owe me 10 bucks."
"Whatever," Kibum rolls his eyes. "We still have one more run."
"Yeah but that's - "
You glare at them both. "You made bets?"
"Taemin put 30 on you dropping the class."
"Me? Dropping classes?” You almost shout, which makes Jonghyun cringe in understanding.
"Yeah he's not the brightest."
"See? It's more probable to have Minho leave." Kibum insists.
"Listen, Minho and I - "
"Me and (Y/n) are what?"
You freeze, recognizing the voice that lulls you to the peak of pleasure only a few hours prior. The blurry images of last night resurfaces in your mind, just like on the screen. You keep staring at the other way, not knowing how you will keep your expressions in check as soon as you see Minho.
"She’s not lying, you're still alive!"
Minho raises an eyebrow in amusement. “Of course I am, what would she do to me, kill me?”
“Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised.” Jonghyun chimes in, getting a laugh from Minho. The latter suddenly takes a seat beside you, and though you still hesitate to face him, you can smell his cologne that almost immediately makes your brain short-circuit.
“So you both actually managed to finish the assignment?” Kibum asks, his head turning from you to Minho. You have no choice but to turn to your partner, and he’s already smirking at you.
“We did. Not without sacrifices, though.” The taller male answers, looking at you with unmistakable fire in his eyes. You hold the urge to glare at him but only nod and force a smile in agreement.
“Huh.” Jonghyun murmurs, almost like an encouragement for both of you to elaborate more. But Kibum already cuts him off.
“Man, professor Lee will have a field day - “
"I probably will.” The said professor chimes in, making Kibum shout and the class laugh. “That's enough, Kim Kibum. Now let's start the class. Today's the presentation day, yeah? Let's begin with Sungjae's group."
Minho stays sitting down on your left side, leaving Kibum and Jonghyun bickering over some badly designed presentation slides from the others. As your eyes meet Minho's dark ones, the noise around you fades away, and you're left with a tight feeling in your stomach.
"Are you ready?" He asks and you jolt in surprise at how calming his eyes are to you. So you just grin, letting yourself relax. Because despite everything, you know you’ll get the presentation part right. 
"Of course." Your smile grows wider as you find the need to push his buttons further. "I hope you slept well."
He smirks. "Couldn't ask for a better rest."
In the end, despite Minho keeps bumping into you, or his hand lingering on yours as you click on the next slide, or him giving you that weird stare publicly, the presentation goes surprisingly well.
Professor Lee compliments the presentation you both give, even mentioning how this might be the first time the two of you are on the same side, and it creates great results, detailed and insightful. Minho manages to look smug and say, “She just took control of the situation, that’s all we need.”
You almost choke.
As soon as the class is dismissed, you know exactly what Minho is going to do.
“Hey, (Y/n) - “
“I need to talk to you.”
Minho’s eyes widen in surprise when you say it at the same time, then the surprise look melts into a goofy grin, like he’s relieved. You mirror it unconsciously.
“Sure, wanna go somewhere?”
As you both bask in each other’s presence, you don’t notice Kibum and Jonghyun staring intensely when you leave the class side by side. Kibum nudges the brunet curiously. 
"They seem different, don’t they?”
"But did you see? Minho is clearly eye-fucking her."
Kibum smirks. “I win.”
“Fuck you.” Jonghyun groans in realization, preparing his wallet.
The walk back to Minho’s dorm room is in silence. It’s not necessarily uncomfortable, but you still prefer a lighter situation with the tall male by your side. He seems to understand the hesitance, or rather, he prefers to wait until you start.
So when you sit down on his couch, shoes, and bag discarded neatly, you know the ball's on your court.
As you will yourself, Minho only stares at you longingly. He can’t believe you’re here in his room, although not in his bedroom but his common room instead (he internally cheered when he opened the door and saw no roommate to be found). Yes, he has questions regarding your actions on him last night, but he has a strong guess, and he just can’t wait to have it confirmed.
You always drive him crazy, and it makes him mad that you shared such a moment last night but it doesn’t guarantee him to get to know you more. Or having you more.
“So.” Your voice interrupts his thoughts, perking him up.
“Yeah?” He immediately pushes. Patient, Choi.
“I think we did great just now.”
Minho can’t help but bark a laugh. “Seriously? We fucking did, though.” He begins proudly, earning a pretty smile from you. “Never heard him compliment students so bluntly.”
“Right?” You scoot closer to him, now your knees touching. “I guess something good comes out of this.”
He takes the chance and puts himself on your eye level. “Only that?”
Your eyes widen, shyness taking over as your reply, “Well, not only that.”
Realizing now you both are on the same page, Minho presses even further. "Mm-hm?"
The girl beside him finally sighs. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Minho replies truthfully. “But what happened?”
“I just panicked, you know. Dysphoria and all.”
And with that, his worries are confirmed. He understands that more than anything because those kinds of reactions after reaching climaxes are not uncommon.
“Hey,” he begins, hand reaching out to touch your knee. “I get it, it happens.” A pause. “I had it once, too.”
From the way you stare at him, he knows you’re surprised by the information. But he’s still teetering on the edge, so maybe next time he can indulge you in the story.
For now, he has more things to confirm.
“But did you regret it?”
“No!” You answer a tad too fast. “No, I didn’t.” You finally look him in the eye. “I really loved it.”
“Did you now?” He pushes, a smirk gracing his lips, and his anticipation grows rapidly.
You nod, slightly leaning in closer to his face. “And I’m also wondering if all you said were just words.”
Minho’s breath hitches, “Fuck. Should I prove you wrong again?”
Exceeding his expectations, you grab his hand which is sitting on your kneecap, then move it higher up your inner thigh. Then, you smile mischievously, the sight making Minho dizzy because damn, you’re way prettier in person than in those Zoom calls.
“If you want me that bad, sure.”
He groans. “Oh come on, you’re the one who suggested visiting my room.”
You laugh, and the sound is way too husky to be considered playful. Suddenly, but not surprisingly, you lean in to capture his lips in a kiss, which makes Minho groan immediately.
Minho takes control of the kiss as soon as it starts, cupping your cheek in his palm, and holding your waist with his other hand, gripping them tightly and making you gasp. His tongue immediately invades your mouth, and god you taste so good -
“I’ve wanted to do this since forever.”
“Really?” You pant.
“Fuck, I can’t wait to finally have you all to myself.” He dives back in, devouring your lips and swallowing your whimpers. All his imagination from last night pales in comparison to this, to you actually being in his arms, making the sweetest sounds for his ears.
“I suggest - “ You begin with stuttering breaths after parting so suddenly, “We move to your bedroom.”
Minho smirks. “On it, baby.”
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554ever · 22 days
Little Versainz delulu, so I can forget the shit strategy Ferrari use on Carlos.
Carlos and Max were previously teammates at Toro Rosso. Carlos is a sub, whereas his younger teammate Max is a dom. Max's dominant instincts told him Carlos was his sub from the moment they met. A strong sub, with honey skin and fluffy hair. Everything. Everything of him could persuade Max to do anything for him, including giving up his life. Max treasured this teammate so much, even though he didn't want to admit it was a little too much. Max feels that Carlos is too perfect to belong to him. So even though Max's instincts were screaming to take over that sub, he ignored it.
Time flies. 2024 is a crazy year. Lewis announced plans to go to Ferrari next year, leaving Carlos without a seat. Originally, Max didn't think it was something he should be concerned about, but as a dom witnessing his  suffering, he couldn't ignore it. Also, Carlos's goal is to win the other Red Bull seat in 2025.
(I don't know? This helps them shorten the distance, maybe?)
But one thing is certain (in my delulu): Carlos will return to Max's arms. Even Max couldn't believe it; a sub he had been chasing all his youth, a sub he thought he could never have, was right here, wearing a collar with Max's name on it, comfortably leaning on him and sinking into the subspace.
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yuniex07 · 5 months
The Magnificent Century
Ok i've been rewatching this tv drama, and as a sucker for historical stories along with middle east aesthetics and culture...I had an urge to make a sort of adaptation/mix with my current obsession: BG3.
So this is an AU, where the ottoman empire will be represented by the vampire coven belonged to Cazador, ruling and conquering all the regions around Baldur's Gate.
Warning: I'm nowhere near to be a decent writer plus, english is not my mother language soo, I'm sorry in advance. Other from that, this is the draft or prelude chapter so nothing to warn unless you count the inplications of a boylove interaction triggers you somehow ?
In future chapters, if i dont get dissapointed in my ugly writting abilities theres going to be harem/noncon/pansexual/domsub/a little bit of Stockholm syndrome? who knows...
Words: 2151 ( honestly how people can write more than this? i was suffering!)
Pairing: for now Pansexual Astarion/Sebastian later Astarion x F!Tav(Lyanna/Love)
Read under the cut
Chapter 1: A new dynasty
In the year 1492 DR, amidst the intricate streets of Baldur's Gate's upper city, the Szarr Palace loomed ominously. Its gothic spires cast long shadows in the fading light of the sunset, forming an imposing silhouette against the darkening horizon. The palace pulsed with unsettling energy; guards and servants weaved through its corridors, torches and candles flickered along the grand halls, casting dancing shadows on opulent walls adorned with tapestries and gilded frames. The air held a palpable tension, thick with anticipation.
Outside the formidable structure, a figure clad in black leather carried a scroll sealed with crimson wax, imprinted with the family crest—a set of two groups of five rats and five mice intertwined by their tails in an inner and outer circle. The contents of this scroll would set into motion a series of events with far-reaching consequences. Approaching a similarly outfitted man mounted upon a steed that seemed to emerge from the depths of the netherworld, the messenger wasted no time. With unearthly speed, the horse thundered through the palace gates, its hooves echoing against cobblestones as it raced into the night. As the horse and rider vanished into the shadows, the wheels of fate began to turn.
Meanwhile, on a distant battlefield illuminated by the moon's pale glow, a bloody clash unfolded. An elven warrior, his red eyes ablaze with the thrill of battle, charged toward his next target with unparalleled speed. His pale skin was adorned with the blood of foes, much like the white locks that peeked out from beneath his war helm. With a swift swing of his short blade, he unbalanced an opponent, creating an opening to plunge a dagger into the enemy's eye, extinguishing its life in an instant. The elven warrior reveled in his prowess; his pale skin glowed in contrast to his black and red armor. The Szarr sigil on his chest delivered a silver gleam under the dim light. Behind him, figures clad in similar armor finished off the remnants of the enemy's army, their triumphant cheers echoing through the battlefield—a declaration of the Szarrs' indomitable might.
The Dragon Coast now lay under their control, a strategic stronghold for dominating trading routes and, inevitably, the region of Cormyr.
The elven warrior walked toward his tent, three figures following close behind. “Master Astarion,” a young human man said. He had fair skin, ash-blonde hair ending at his shoulders, brown eyes, and a middle-muscle frame. “We are so close to reclaiming the whole region under the crimson’s dynasty. Lord Cazador will be delighted,” the pale elf stood still at the mention of his master and progenitor.
Hearing his name ignited discomfort and fury in him. “To be honest, I could care less about what the old wretch thinks, Sebastian. Remember, we are just mere pawns to dispose of for his great conquests,” the elf said, concealing his annoyance.
“Be careful with your words, Astarion,” another man responded. His right eye was of white stone, scars adorned his face, and he had a rich, deep skin tone. But his more prominent feature was a couple of horns adorning his head. “Or what, Wyll? Are you going to tell the old bastard? Warlocks like you are a pain in the ass, always loyal to their masters,” Astarion said with venom in his voice.
“Just trying to save your sorry ass from another year locked in a tomb,” Wyll replied mockingly. Astarion’s eyes opened, and rage invaded his features. “You come and say that again!” he said dangerously approaching Wyll.
The third figure finally intervened, placing herself in the middle of them. “Enough, you two!” she commanded. The woman had a strong build, clearly a warrior with expertise, crimson skin, one horn on her head, and a fiery gold gaze.
“We've had enough blood and fights for a day. Can’t we just rest and clean up all the gore? You two do look like shit.”
“Say that to him, Karlach!” Astarion replied. “If you weren’t one of the master’s spawns I would’ve kicked your ass long time ago” – Wyll answered.
“That is also inappropriate commander Ravengard; our Lord’s spawns are like an extension of himself. You need to show him some respect” -Sebastian said
“Tsk”- Wyll, let out. “Unfortunately, Leon was the most suited for this crusade, and now I have to be stuck with the sharp-tongued one.”
“Too bad my little brother disobeyed Cazador and had to run away with that kid. Now he is been chased to face something worst to dead if he gets caught” - Astarion says in fake mockery, hiding emotions he dared to not show. Deep down he felt sorry for his “bother”.
“There’s time before the sunrise, everyone go get cleaned while the brigade returns with our war loot, then we will able to discuss our next moves.”- Astarion commanded, as the other three figures nod and turn around to leave him in his tend. Astarion takes off his helmet, unleashing rebellious white curls falling down his forehead, placing the helmet on the war table he begins to unlock the strands holding his black armor.
“I thought I said to go clean up, Sebastian”-Astarion says as he feels the presence behind him. The top side of his armor falls heavily on the floor.
“I know…I just wondered if the master needed help with his bath” -Sebastian replied. Astarion turned around to face him, revealing his chiseled torso uncovered and shimmering by the sweat mixed with a bit of blood, “Is that so?”- He said while raising an eyebrow and a smirk on his face, “Then by all means, help me out with my boots”. Sebastian nodded and kneeled in front of him to begin untying Astarion’s boots.
Once he finished, while still kneeling Astarion took Sebastian’s hair and pulled in a way to make him face him. “Good boy, now…work on my pants, then, you can help me with my bath”. Sebastian just grinned and nodded, “As my master commands”.
Far away from the war camp, the vampiric forces continued to loot the nearby villages, burning houses and reuniting the survivors that could serve as military or slaves. A small group of six people were running from the riot, within them two silhouettes leading them trying to get away by blending with the shadows of the buildings.
The smaller figure among them was sobbing and shaking, “Shh…Hayleen, you need to be quiet or they will find us”, -The bigger figure whispered, trying to soothe the little child. – “I’m scared, sister” – the child sobbed. – “They…they killed adar and naneth”.
The oldest on the pair frowned with a pained expression, she couldn’t help their parents, they gave their life to allow them to run, protecting her little sister was all she can do to honor their sacrifice. “I know! but you have to be strong for them.” - The child nodded and dried her tears with the inside of her sleeve.
The bigger sister peeked around a corner, no one in sight, “Alright, lets go and don’t look back”, they were so close to reach the woods, there was a hidden cabin by the lake deep in the woods, with a bit of luck, a boat might still be there. They could row until they reach Cormyr. “Just a little more, Hayleen” -Lathander have mercy on them, she thought. Suddenly three arrows landed in front of them, stopping their advance, no, was all she could think, “Everyone run!”- she said, while several dark horses and their riders approached them. There was no time, they were going to capture them both if she doesn’t do anything, “Take Hayleen, everyone get closer!”.
“NOO! Lyanna! Don’t leave me!” – Hayleen screamed to her sister as she was hold by another woman. Lyanna enveloped her sister and the other escapees with a sacret light, she never tried this conjure before, but it was her only choice. Her eyes glowed with divine light “Morning lord! lend me your strength! Word of recall!” a light orb surrounded all the survivors but herself, the conjure could only carry five people to safety.
The crying face of her sister was the last thing she remembered, what happened next was too fast, the riders reached to her a whip hold onto her ankle before she could have time to react and give in a fight, the movement of the horse rider made her fall and she was violently pulled a few meters before they stopped, her head hit the ground hard enough to leave her stunned. Her eyesight blurred as she as falling unconscious, the rest she remembers from that night was only darkness.
Astarion was comfortable lying in the tub, eyes closed as the warm water soothed him. “You seem more relaxed now” – Sebastian said as he delicately scrubbed Astarion’s torso with a sponge as he settles in, leaning his head on the pale elf shoulder. Astarion chuckles – “I might be…thanks to the good company”
“And some pampering, as much as the bloody semblance suits you, that helmet did outrageous things to your hair. Now you look back to normal” – Sebastian remarked as he tucked a lock of silver hair behind the elf's pointed ears. “Darling, you wound me! You know I would look fabulous even covered in mud and dirt” – the elf replied moving his hand with disdain.
Both men were enjoying a little peace until they hear a commotion outside the tent, looking at each other they hurried to put on some clothes to investigate the noises.
The night hung heavy over the war camp, shrouded in darkness and punctuated by the distant sounds of looting and chaos. Astarion and Sebastian hastily dressed up with comfortable clothes, knives and swords in hand, the commotion outside growing louder. They exited the tent, senses heightened, ready to face whatever disturbance awaited them.
As they stepped out into the night air, a rider emerged from the shadows, mounted on a horse that seemed to meld with the darkness itself. The steed's eyes glowed an eerie crimson, mirroring the seal on the scroll the rider held in his hand. Astarion recognized the rider as one of Cazador's palace messengers.
The rider dismounted gracefully, approaching Astarion with a deep bow. "My master Astarion, I bring grave tidings from the palace," the messenger said, his voice low and respectful. Astarion's eyes narrowed, a flicker of anticipation in his gaze.
"What news?" Astarion demanded, his tone betraying a mix of curiosity and suspicion. Sebastian stood by his side, observing the unfolding scene with a vigilant gaze.
The messenger handed the sealed scroll to Astarion. The crimson wax bore the imprint of Cazador's family crest—the two groups of five rats and five mice intertwined in an intricate pattern. Astarion broke the seal, unfurling the parchment.
The words inscribed on the scroll revealed the fate that had befallen Cazador Szarr. Astarion's eyes scanned the lines, absorbing the news of his master's demise. The air around him seemed to grow heavier, a moment of silence hanging in the balance.
Astarion's expression remained stoic, but a storm brewed beneath the surface. The messenger spoke cautiously, "Lord Cazador met his end in the pursuit of greater power. The Ritual of Profane Ascension has claimed him. He sought to transcend the limitations of vampirism but succumbed to it. All his spawns are to come back to the palace with ease as a new successor must be selected”
Astarion's grip on the scroll tightened, his jaw clenched. Sebastian placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, silently acknowledging the weight of the news. The rest of the camp, unaware of the unfolding drama, continued with its nocturnal activities.
"My master, by the decree of the coven, you or any of the other male spawns, are eligible to ascend and become the new ruler of the coven" the messenger continued, sensing the shift in power dynamics.
Astarion's eyes flickered with a mix of emotions—grief? No, far from it, it was a thirst for the newfound opportunity, and the power that could be in the palm of its hands.
"Thank you for delivering this news. Return to the palace; tell them I will make my way there immediately," Astarion commanded, dismissing the messenger. The rider bowed once more, mounted his shadowy steed, and disappeared into the night, leaving the camp in the wake of Cazador's demise and Astarion's road for ascension.
Sebastian turned to Astarion, his expression a mix of concern and loyalty. "What will you do now, my Lord?"
Astarion gazed into the distance, the campfires flickering like distant stars. "Prepare for a new era, Sebastian. The throne is mine for the taking, and the coven will bow to its new master."
As the words hung in the air, the vampire spawn contemplated the path ahead—the challenges, the opportunities, and the uncharted territories of leadership that awaited him under the moonlit sky.
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bwoahtastic · 3 months
Talking about smut👀 sub maxy is put on jensons lap, as Daniel gets on his knees in front of him to look him in the eye, says he is going to fuck Charles and maxy can watch, see if there is anything max is uncomfortable with or if he has questions before he'll do anything with max himself. And jenson as a dom holds max close to him, presses kisses on his glands between.
Oh plss!
Sub max likes jenson, feels secure with him so he isnt too phased when Dan points him over to Jense and jenson pats his lap for Max to sit.
Dan telling Max softly what is going ro happen, he js going to fuck charles and Max can watch and safeword any time needed. Jenson is there to help him and Max can ask what he needs from him!
Jenson gently keeping max grounded, hugging him back to his chest and kissing his neck a little, and making silly little jokes to the sub. Max is watching Dan intently but it's curiosity more than panic or jealousy which is good.
By the end, max softly asks to cuddle with Dan so they can,talk and Jenson takes over doing the after care foe Charles as discussed!
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avoidcrowdraws · 28 days
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I have a Dom/sub AU and I drew a bunch of nonsense sketches for it. Idea is basic, but Laios is a sub who is looking for his first serious Dom (as opposed to is current style, which is occasionally casually playing with his friends) and one friend recommends and introduces him to Chilchuck
Chilchuck has been acting as a Dom in the local community since he split from his wife, and he has a few subs he plays with, but they're mostly half-foot women. He has kind of a Thing against Domming other races though because of the general discrimination, but after meeting Laios he decides to give him a shot because Laios isn't acting like a weirdo about Chilchuck's size and expected authority
Then they agree to terms and contracts (of course Chilchuck has literal contracts about it) and now I can draw or write them doing whatever kinky scenarios I feel like
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igbeh · 1 year
heyyy sorry if you’ve been asked this before, but i’m starved for romangerri fic recs— got any particular favorites?
oh my god I've been waiting for this moment >:3
so basically anything by Blissymbolics, Amuly, and Catherineflowers are going to be spectacular, but I have quite a few that I think about often.
Dust and Ghosts and Time - blissymbolics (gerri keeps roman in a dog cage for a month as sexy therapy)
The Price of an Egg - catherineflowers (gerri kidnaps roman as sexy therapy (lol) and he enters his housewife era)
Make You Blush - Amuly (gerri dresses roman up like a girl)
sugar baby, with your champagne eyes - darlingdarling (au where a young roman is gerris intern at her very own firm)
You Eat Me, I Eat You - catherineflowers (so sick so twisted gerri goes on vacation and roman stalks her lol. hot.)
Cowardice - blissymbolics (Roman's childhood as seen by gerri (mind the tags))
Fuck it, this is love - claralannister (roman and gerri in gerris office non-smutty domsub stuff)
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the-iceni-bitch · 1 year
Hey I just wanted to say, thank you so much for this long male reader fic, it’s rough out here and the fact you put QUALITY info this fic, beautiful
And we were DOM?
Ooh baby, can’t wait to see how you’d write rough or soft dom and rough or soft bottom
Or even subdom and domsub fics
AH I’m so excited! You write so good for marvel boys you are so talented
(PLZ have Steve and Bucky fics where we’re younger seriously they were so good)
Love ya
Oh my god, this honestly made me cry a little bit, thank you!!
For something that I was so nervous about posting, the reception I’ve gotten has just been wonderful and I’m so glad that this was something people wanted and that I did a good job. Because I really want everyone to be able to enjoy my fics so knowing that you liked it means the world to me!
I absolutely have more male reader fics planned, for Bucky and Officer Beefcake but also have a polyamory fic with a sub!male reader that includes Carol and Thor that will be in the same universe, and potentially will have Sam get a male reader as well. I always want to expand what I feel comfortable writing so I’m incredibly grateful that you guys are giving me the space to do that!
And now I’m just thinking of doing an entirely queer Marvel AU, oh my god. Wait, a queer Marvel mob AU?! Oh shit, I’m gonna end up making so much work for myself, lol
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ijvnyxcy · 1 year
hey hey~ new episode published^^ i hope y’all take time to read it and stay tuned for next episodes! i can't post weekly colored comics. so I decided to make au extra comics that i can share with you along the series.
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
I can’t believe I’m actually typing this out loud right now but… Lando past experiences AU like okay hear me out.
Lando is someone I feel who is more likely to be pushed into something he’s maybe not ready for and his past doms took advantage of that and did things for their pleasure instead of both their pleasure and Lando’s pleasure, so by the time he gets to you, that’s all he expects. When you go over your lists, he wants you to go first, so you do, and then he just says “okay” when you’re done and he thinks it’s the end of the conversation and you have to tell him that you also need his list, and he blushes and just says that your list is fine with him.
You actually have to sit him down and have a conversation about this because he has to have a list, right? But he says no and tells you that he just went along with whatever his doms wanted. You don’t want to, but you ask “and you liked everything?” and Lando frowns and shakes his head like ‘of course not’ and then he goes “but it’s not about me, it’s about you.” and your heart just breaks.
Lando sorta panics a little but you work through it and you help him figure out what he wants and likes, and it’s rough at first because he doesn’t really know how to be honest with you when he doesn’t like something because he knows that you like it, but you also work through that, and when you finally have a list for him, you’re so proud, and he’s beaming.
He’s totally different from when he first came to you.
I also can’t believe that you sent me this ask, to be quite honest. Who are you and what have you done with Ceci? Since when does Ceci send me Lando thoughts?
But anyway, I love this idea so much. I’m actually very shocked that we haven’t discussed lando in the past experiences au yet cause it seems very... lando.
So let’s do it!!!
So previously, I think Lando’s biggest mistake would be just wanting to please his Dom? Anything his Dom said, he did. Anything his Dom suggested, he agreed to.
No matter what. He thought to be a good sub, he had to just do whatever his Dom wanted. He didn’t understand that a good domsub relationship is a partnership. That both the dominant and the submissive are supposed to be a team, that they both have equal power.
So you and lando are going through your preferences and he’s agreeing to everything. At first you think it’s just because you and him happen to have similar links.
But then, you finish going through your list and ask lando about his preferences.
And he has nothing.
In fact, he looks so confused because he doesn’t even understand why you’re asking him. He’s just.... he’s so lost.
So you start to ask lando about his previous dom, about how they went about preferences and Lando just goes “I did what they said. That’s how this works, right?”
And your heart just breaks lando deserved so much better.
You, of course, explain to him that he’s a joint effort. That you care about what he wants and will never make him do something he doesn’t want.
The saddest part is, when you start to discover his preferences, he’s just the softest little sub? He wants to be praised and held and loved and looked after.
And you know for a fact his previous Dom did painplay with him but it’s so clear that he doesn’t like that. That he just wants to be taken care of and treated like something precious.
It’s rough at first. Lando keeps on expecting you to change your mind midway through a scene but you never do. You always keep the same soft, sweet love that you know he likes.
He’s just... he’s your soft little sub.
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forthelostones · 5 months
𝚙𝚝.𝚜𝚒𝚡 ; 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚎𝚢𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 ─── ⋆
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⟡⋆˙୨ᥫ᭡. 𝚗𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎 𝚊𝚞 - 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚎!𝚊𝚋𝚋𝚢 𝚡 𝚏𝚎𝚖!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 ᥫ᭡.୧⋆˙⟡
synopsis: abby was a woman whose presence was becoming deeply irresistible to you. in your final year of nursing school, you toil with the idea of pursuing her — ruin what you have or enjoy what’s in front of you?
warnings. 18+ (mdni); sub!abby, domsub!abby, sexual themes, jealousy, spitting, strap-on, hate sex/makeup sex, nickname: dummy, and modern au - pre-established relation.
an: hi everyone, i appreciate you all sooo soo much. happy friday... it's getting real this entire ff is on ao3 as well x
(no y/n)
wc: 3.4k
Abby heard your door close, knowing it was time for you to leave for your flight. She froze as if you didn’t know she was in her living room listening to every move you made on the other side of the wall. Your footsteps traveled to be placed silently in front of her door and halted just as you knocked. “Abigail?” 
She concentrated on the purr of your voice vibrating against the wooden door. 
“Abby, I’m leaving, um, you probably are sleeping or — I don’t know, anyways, I left you some stuff so you could feel less alone while I’m gone. Um, it’s stuff I think you'd like. I know it’s not going to solve anything but let’s talk soon. Please.” 
You wait for the knob to turn, for the door to open and reveal the stubborn woman, anything, but it never happens. On the other side, Abby was standing with her hand on the door frame, absorbing your voice into her consciousness, missing you more than ever. She so badly wanted to open it and hold you, and assure you she was just being stupid, but she wasn’t ready for it. 
She waited a few minutes before opening the door to reveal a small tote bag heavy with glass. Abby wrapped her hand around the handle and peered out the door as if she would find you in the hallway, waiting for her. The bag was filled with an assortment of miss-match containers, housing different food items with post-its describing each one. Turkey, Mac and Cheese, Stuffing, Brussels sprouts, and Cranberry Sauce. She traced the delicate intricacies of your handwriting that she had seen many times before, but especially now seemed special. She removed the sticky paper and placed it on her dining table, placing the corresponding container above it.
In the following days Abby received every text message you sent her, she simply didn’t care to read them beyond the notification on her screen. Her anger boiled more and more, irritated at your persistence while simultaneously needing it as reassurance that you still care. 
abby, i’m sorry. let’s talk, call me please. 
hey, getting on the plane now so i can’t talk for the next two hours. 
just landed, i can call soon if that’s what you want.
all ready for bed. 
Attached was a photo she felt tempted to look at but didn’t. Her phone rang multiple times throughout the day with your name on the caller ID. She didn’t feel compelled to decline it, she let it ring until the ringtone stopped. She did exactly what she said she was going to do — study. She knew it was the one thing she could wholeheartedly commit to now. 
In the middle of studying her phone rang over five times and one notification for a voicemail appeared on the screen. She looked at your name on her phone, held a deep breath in her chest, and listened to a voice softened by tears. 
“Abby, hi. Just thinking about you and I know I’m the last person you want to hear from,” You paused. “I want us to talk. I just… I miss you.” 
Abby stopped the message and set her study materials aside, quickly pressing play again. “I miss you. I wish we were together right now. I’m going to make this right, I promise. Please, just give me some time.” 
Abby brought her fist up to her dripping nose and tightened her mouth into a thin line. The feelings that she had for you were inescapable. Her heart collapsed in her ribcage, smashing against the paper bones that felt like they were cracking as she dabbed the tears floating in her eyes. She went to all the unread messages and saw the photo of you lying in your childhood bedroom with an all-white long john set and a modest smile on your face. Your eyes were puffy, or was she imagining it? She wanted you to break apart like she was. Abby observed your grin, that revealed a more narrow sadness that she could place on her own mouth. 
We can talk when you return. 
You shuffle down the familiar hallway, bags in hand, trembling with uncertainty you quickly identified as a fear of losing Abby. Your flight left you disheveled and bubbled with anxiety, making you stop in the bathroom before calling an uber, and polishing yourself up. But no time in the bathroom could remove the dark circles under your eyes or take away the sadness you harbored.  You were fearful that if you waited a moment longer she’d forget about you — so you held your duffle and carry on, hastily knocking at a door that was once always unlocked for you. 
Abby pulled on the handle revealing her pristine appearance. Blonde hair tied into a braid, attached to the middle of her head, cascading down her spine. Her lips were moisturized, plush, pink, and waiting to be kissed. She clasped her hands in one another, arms bulging out of her black tank top clinging to her even skin. As a formality, she gestured for you to sit down as she took your bags effortlessly. After setting them down on the table she joined you on the couch, legs crossed in thick grey sweats. 
“I missed you.” You admit, inching closer to her. 
“I did too. I missed you too.” She said shyly, slightly shrugging. 
You walk your fingers to her knee and rest them there, embarrassed. 
“So, I’m sorry Abby—” 
“No, all of this is my fault. I was tipsy and out of line, I misconstrued your feelings for me. I shouldn’t have pressured you to just get rid of Ellie. Instead, I should have explained to you how much I really like you. And maybe my inexperience just made me want you even more… Like, I can’t do casual, or I mean I never had the opportunity to. I just… I wanted more with you — I want more with you. I don't wanna share you.” She ropes her pinky into yours. 
“My sweet Abby,” You sigh, cupping her jaw. “I should have paid more attention.” 
“I think I could have been more clear on what I wanted out of you, y’know out of us.” 
“I like you Abby and a part of me likes Ellie too. She’s fun and that was my appeal to her, knowing I didn’t have to get roped into something complex or serious. But I like you…so much, you’re all I could think about when I was away. I’m not used to anyone wanting me this way.” 
“I want you. I only want you.” She smiled. 
“You do?” 
“So much, I want you to be my girlfriend, seriously. Do you want that?” 
You freeze at the question, making Abby recede into herself briefly, face dropping into a premature frown.
“I don’t know how good of a girlfriend I could be to you. I don’t want to make you feel how I did that past week.” She leans closer and kisses the backside of your hand. 
“That’s inevitable, we will have times where things go the opposite of what we want, that’s okay but we need to be on the same page. Do you want this?” 
You feel a rock drop to the bottom of your stomach. 
“Abby I don’t know if I can fully say that I want that in this moment. Can I think about it?” 
“Of course you can.” 
She leaned in, using your thighs for leverage, resting her lips against yours. You melt into her sweet, strawberry-glazed lips, relishing her taste. Being away from her made a week feel like a year and you savored this kiss intending to remember it for later. Your hands come up to her neck and pull her in, pushing your tongue past her teeth and into her mouth, eliciting a moan. It was deep and from her core, exposing how much she missed you. She presses her hand on the back of the couch, the other one behind you on the arm, unfolding her legs and laying on top of you. She lifted her far leg so that it was hanging off the edge of the couch, crotch pressed against the top of your thigh, her body weight crushing you sweetly. 
Abby’s hand comes up the side of your ribs making you shutter. Her rough fingertips leave pale imprints on your warm skin. You lift your hips into her core and she moans into your left ear. A sweet blow of air and arousal fills your space causing the parting of your lips to replicate the pleasure. “I missed this.” Her raspy voice rang. 
You reach in the band of her sweats and brush her abdomen towards her clit. No panties. Her thighs were damp with sweat, her lips wet with slick and you wasted no time parting them. Abby wrapped a fistful of your hair into her hand and tugged, leaving your mouth agape from the sudden aggression. 
“Fuck me.” She demanded. 
You feel your pussy clench. Abby's change in demeanor put a bit of fear in you, knowing the woman was strong enough to have her way with you at any moment. 
“Come on. Fuck me.” 
Her hand unravels from your hair to your jaw to open your mouth. Her lips purse to expel a string of spit which you accept happily. Her lips were sloppy, smacking into yours as she stroked her clit against your fingers, hunching for more contact. You lifted her shirt up to reveal a light pink lace bralette, exposing her erect nipples. You bring your lips to the fabric, and she trembles. She removes the lace top and forces the stiff bud between your teeth, making her wince as you lean back, biting and stretching it. Her pussy left tacky, wet splotches in her pants.
“Let me get my strap.” She said, moving away quickly. You watch her firm ass switch from side to side while she marches to her bedroom. You sit up, mouth wet with desire, not hesitating to remove your bottoms.
The black harness houses a clear dildo that curved upwards, just how Abby liked it, reaching for her g-spot. She handed it over to you to strap on and laid back on the couch. Her eyes became hungry as she saw your perfect body displaying the new appendage. You walk towards her dripping with irrefutable sexual appeal before ripping off her bottoms and beginning to finger her pussy. 
“Don’t tease me. I’m already wet.” 
You climb on the couch, slipping the curved cock inside, splaying your body weight on top of her. Her skin blushed as she cupped the back of your ass, reaching to bring you closer. Her cunt filled the room with obscene sounds that made yours shake with anticipation.
“Please.” She repeated. 
“Please what?” You asked, catching her off guard amid moans.
“Make me cum.” 
Abby’s groomed fingernails dragged along the outer rim of your back. She started raising her hips and fucking against you, her grip became deadly, indicating she was close to cumming. Abby loved the sounds of your grunts in her ear, knowing the strap was bruising your clit, making you needy too. Abby’s eyes retreated into her skull but returned quickly to your sightline as you extract the cock from her cunt. The clear plastic became covered with opaque gloss, leaving Abby twitching and kneeling over. 
“Fuck you.” She laughed, short-winded. 
The strong woman laid on her stomach and began arching her back. Her smooth, florescent skin wrapped around each muscle beautifully. You rub her ass, starting from the midpoint of her back to the underside of her bottom. Abby whimpered at your gentleness only to be startled by an impulsive slap, instantly turning her pink. Your finger hovers over her lips, spreading them open like petals of a soft rose, examining how perfect her pussy is while it’s dripping.
“You really missed me huh?” 
“I did. I missed you sooo much.” She whined, completely transforming unsuspectingly submissive. You reach under her and thump her clit with your palm to which she yelps. She stretches like a kitten and curves her back even more. Another slap and she throws her head over the arm of the couch where she begins to reside at. 
Without warning you plunge your index and ring finger inside of her making your name spill out of her mouth. You curve your fingers to hook behind her pelvic bone, petting the sweet sponge inside of her. All you could think about was how she embarrassed you, ignored you until the last minute, and left your mind wondering. This motivated you to fuck her even harder, and you started to believe this is what Abby wanted all along. 
“I can—can’t take it, ple—” She struggled to form a coherent sentence. 
She reached her hand back to stop you from going any deeper. You snatched her thick wrist into your hand and pinned it onto her lower back. You positioned your leg on the cushion and slipped the dildo into her. Abby never felt so overwhelmed with pleasure. The constraints you put on her made her mentally weak, leaving her immobilized. The pain made her numb and left her humming uncontrollably. You weren’t even stroking her pussy but pounding it until the skin impacted by the strap transformed from peach to lilac. Abby’s mouth was wide open, gasping for air as a knot tied itself in her stomach. 
“Let—le— l—me, cum, I—”  
The blabbering woman stiffened as an orgasm came over her body. But that didn’t stop you from milking her cunt into overdrive. She hoisted herself up on the arm, but you refused to let her run away. Your hands came to her hips and brought her to her breaking point, again. Your name filled her cozy apartment like sweet music. You pull out, leaving her gaping and dripping, leaving a delicious view. Exhausted, you fall back on the other end of the couch. Abby rolls over, legs agape, head thrown back, chest rising and falling quickly. Her cunt was bright red and abused, just like she deserved. 
“Satisfied?” You spit. 
She lifts her head, hair disheveled, and smiles at you with a sinister grin. 
“I didn’t know I could cum that many times,” She admits. 
Her eyes darted to the cock still strapped on your hips, covered in her cum. She bent over and placed her head on your thigh, parallel to the dildo. You brush her messy hair out of her face just before she wraps her lips around it and sucks it clean. You didn’t know how attractive it could be to see her in this way, with her eyes locking into yours, moaning at her own actions, making your cunt wetter. 
“Let’s have a shower.” She offered. 
The water ran warm onto your neck and lower body as Abby’s tongue traced circles into your neck. Her wide hands wrapped around your wet waist, desperate for more of you. 
“I missed you even though…” She began to whisper. 
“Even though?” 
“You pissed me off, and made me emotional.” 
She pulls away from your ear and brushes the tip of her nose against your cheek with her tongue following shortly behind, melting into a kiss. 
“I know, you’re my needy, emotional girl.” 
You slick her drenched hair back and thumb her forehead. Her body comes forward to smash you against the cold tile with a thud. She slides her hand over your belly to your throbbing clit. “For a minute, I actually hated you. I wanted to rip you apart.” She groaned. 
“Here’s your opportunity, Abigail.” 
Abby wraps your leg around her waist to get a better angle. She hovers her lips over your mouth, teasing you as you close your eyes to lean in for a kiss. She giggles at how ridiculous you look. Then, she presses her teeth into your skin, followed by soothing kisses down to your breast. She puckers her lips around your areola, with her eyes gazing up at you, filled with fury. Just as she’s about to stick her tongue out, her fingers replace her mouth and tug on the puffy buds. You press your back deeper into the tiles as if you could sink into them. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
“Anything.” You wince while her fingers hold onto your pebbled nipples. 
“After you sent that photo, you touched yourself didn’t you?” She jerks your nipples. 
“Ah—ah, I— I did before I took it.” 
“What did you think of?” She asked. 
“You, I thought of you,” you replied. 
Her tongue slithered out of her mouth to flick your nipple. “Keep going.” 
“You… you were kissing me, all… over…” 
“Hmmm.” Her lips puckered and suctioned. 
“I just. I, Abby,” you moaned.
“If you stop, I stop.” 
“You were kissing me w—with my hands tied… tied up,” 
She moved to your other breast and sucked, causing your hole to clench around nothingness. 
“Abby, I imagined you fucking me until my legs went limp.” 
She smiled and brought herself back to your lips, kissing and biting them with no care. 
“Even at odds, I’m still on your mind.” 
She inserts her fingers into you slowly, stretching you out. You grip onto her shoulders for stability as she begins to pump in and out of you. She spreads her legs to ground herself and thrusts her fingers deeper inside of you, pounding the fat of your pussy, creating a slapping noise in rhythm with the beating shower. 
Abby bared her teeth as she increased her speed. She was grunting like she was in the gym doing a challenging set, mumbling words you were too sexually drunk to decipher. The water fizzled into a heavy steam, crashing into your wrinkled skin and creating a thick haze above your head. The humidity left you faint as Abby worked harder to make you cum with no comfort — all in her timing. Suddenly, she let go of the leg she had been hoisting up and wrapped her hand around your throat. Your moans became light and airy as you gasped for relief. 
“You’re mine. You know that right?” She declared. 
You nodded as you came up on the wave of sexual bliss. Your knees fell together, weakening as the woman continued to cockily spit at you, a side of her you never knew before. 
“I’m the only one who can fuck you like this. I don’t give a fuck, no one else will ever make you cum like this.” 
And that’s what you did, cum, with a deep primal groan accompanying it. She continued to stroke your pussy, until you caught your breath, just before she fell to her knees in the tub to lick up the mess she created. The curve in the bridge of her nose made a unique friction against your sensitive clit while her tongue slid up and down your folds. You turned the water off, and the both of you ran to the bedroom before the cool air caught up to you.
Abby dried her body and hair with a nearby towel and passed one to you. She flopped onto her mattress, with her head wet onto her jersey pillowcase awaiting your body. 
“Are you still mad at me?” You ask. 
“Nothing a little cuddling could fix. Come ‘ere.” She said. 
You straddled her waist to lay down on her soft, hot body and tucked your mouth into the crook of her neck. Abby placed her hand on the back of your neck and smoothed out your baby hairs there. She adjusted her body underneath you, unintentionally pressing her mound into yours, extracting a slight gasp from your throat. 
“You okay?” She asks. 
“Yes.” You mutter. She lifts upwards again, spreading your legs apart and exposing your clit. You look at her sly grin, she mimics you and spreads her legs open as well. You lay down onto her shoulder, breath hitting her neck, and buck your hips into her, your clit being tickled by the blonde’s low-trimmed pussy. You two perform a dance, following an unspoken choreography, pressing your cunts into each other. 
“I need you.” Abby moans. 
You guide Abby’s knees to her chest and turn so your ass is in her view, straddling her leg, spreading your slits open with your fingers, and placing your cunt onto hers — hot and needy. The wave of your ass brushing against her pussy made her mouth fall open in disbelief. Abby tucks her hands behind her head as she watches you use her pussy like a pillow and hump it freely just as she likes it. 
“Fuck, Abby.” 
Abby blushed at your words, watching your hips move like water, eyes closed and getting lost in the pleasure. 
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