#don’t kno programming
pitinthelanepages · 1 year
we need more Juan Manuel imagines !! the one you wrote was so good i loved it💗💗
summary: it's hard for your boyfriend, juan manuel correa, to focus on the movie. especially when you're wearing glasses.
genre: suggestive! fluff
a/n: i am back to keep jm nation alive, again 🤓
here's another jm oneshot i wrote, if anyone wants to read!
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As an IT engineer, you have always been passionate about technology and enjoy the challenge of solving complex problems. You met Juan Manuel Correa, the F2 driver, at a social event and hit it off instantly. Despite your busy schedules, both of you decide to pursue a relationship and try to make it work.
Your job involves long hours of programming, testing, and troubleshooting software systems. You often work late nights and are on call for technical emergencies, which can make it difficult to plan activities with Juan. Meanwhile, Juan spends most of his time travelling around the world for training and races, and also has to maintain his physical fitness to stay competitive.
As a result of both of your demanding careers, you struggle to find time for each other. You try to stay in touch through video calls and messaging apps, but it's not the same as being together in person. You often miss each other's calls or have to cancel plans due to last-minute work commitments or travel arrangements.
Despite the challenges, as a couple, both of you  remain committed to making your relationship work. You prioritise quality time when you can, such as planning weekend getaways or attending each other's events whenever possible. You also make an effort to support each other's careers and interests, whether it's by attending a race or sharing updates on the latest tech trends.
Today is one of those days you finally have time for each other so you planned it to be a movie night ahead. As you prepare for the movie, you make some popcorn while Juan sets up the TV. You had decided to watch a classic action movie that you had both been wanting to see for a while. Once everything is ready, you snuggle up on the couch and start the movie. The opening credits roll and you both settle in, munching on popcorn. 
However, you notice the subtitles are too small for you to see them clearly so you disappear into your bedroom before appearing beside him with a set of glasses perched up on your nose. Initially, Juan doesn’t notice it as he is too immersed into the intense action scenes playing on the screen before you two but when he finally takes a glance at you, only to steal a couple more within a minute. 
Though you two have been dating for some time, somehow he has never noticed that you wear glasses. The way they perch on your nose, the lenses magnifying your eyes, make you look even more beautiful than usual.
"Is everything okay?" You ask, noticing his gaze.
Juan swallows hard. "Yeah, everything's great. I just... I didn't know you wore glasses."
You chuckle. "Yeah, I'm near-sighted. I usually wear contacts, but they're bothering me today."
Juan can't help but stare. The glasses make you look somehow vulnerable and sexy at the same time. He finds himself imagining all sorts of scenarios involving you in glasses, and his heart starts racing as he finds himself beginning to sweat in the comfort of his living room where the temperature has relatively been cold.
"You look amazing," he blurts out, his gaze intense yet lost in thoughts.
You raise an eyebrow. "What, in my glasses?"
He nods, feeling his face flush. "Yeah. I mean, you always look amazing, but there's something about the glasses that... I don't know. You look very cute. But don’t worry, I swear my thoughts are platonic."
You laugh. "Okay, now you're just teasing me and platonic thoughts, really?"
He shakes his head. "No, I'm serious. I can't believe I never noticed before. You should wear them more often."
You smile, and Juan feels a jolt of electricity shoot through him. He knows that this is going to be a long night, but he doesn't care. 
What he doesn’t know is that you have been his girlfriend for long enough to notice something is up with him but you choose not to mention it.
Later that night, you get ready for bed, slipping into your favourite pyjamas and running a brush through your hair. As you finish up your nightly routine, you feel Juan’s arms wrap around you in a loving embrace.
"Hey there," He murmurs, nuzzling his face into your neck.
"Hey yourself," You reply, smiling at the warmth of his embrace.
He tightens his arms around you, and you can feel his heartbeat against your back. You close your eyes and lean into him, savouring the feeling of his body against yours.
"I know I swore they were just platonic thoughts," He says softly, his lips brushing against your ear. "But I have to be honest with you. Seeing you in those glasses tonight really turned me on. I couldn't stop thinking about you the whole time."
You’re surprised by his confession, but you also feel a sense of excitement and intrigue. You turn in his arms, facing him and looking up into his eyes.
"Really?" you ask, raising an eyebrow.
Juan nods, his gaze intense. "Yeah. I just can't help it. You look so sexy in glasses."
You feel a blush rising in your cheeks, but also a spark of desire in your belly. You had never thought of glasses as something sexy before, but the way Juan is looking at you makes you feel a rush of heat.
"I had no idea," you murmur, feeling suddenly shy.
He leans down and kisses you, his hands running through your hair. "Well, now you do," he whispers against your lips. The glasses are long forgotten as you explore each other's lips, the warmth of your embrace taking over.
"I love you," Juan whispers, pulling away from the kiss. "And I always will."
"I love you too," you say, your heart swelling with joy and anticipation. "And I can't wait to see what other surprises you have in store for me."
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bellelvrs · 2 years
Hello! I have an idea, what if reader tries to break up with homelander and he doesn’t take that too well. Like he’s smashing stuff, “ you can’t break up with me”, etc. it’s perfectly okay if you don’t do this 😁 it’s just a thought.
A/N - SORRY THIS IS LATE THE OLD COPY GOT ACCIDENTALLY DELETED!! Thank you for this idea though, I was super inspired by this prompt! LOVE the idea of writing Homelander as the psychotic monster he is, and how he interacts with those around them. Especially those he loves ;)
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summary - never break up with Homelander.
warnings - swearing, abusive behavior, dub/non con (no explicit nsfw), violence
a/n - gn reader, 1298 words
Careful eyes glared at the monster who lay ever so comfortably in your lap. Hair like a golden crop of hay, so sleek and prim, yet dark streaks seemed to spread. You wondered if the color was natural.
‘Y/n.’ Homelander murmured, half of his face buried in your thighs.
Numbness had infected and settled into your body. You couldn’t even touch him. No thoughts, no words could be conjured up in this grey feeling. This abyss you seemed to be helplessly falling through. All due to your idiocy. You idiot. How could you not kno-
‘Yes?’ Your eyes averted to the wall ahead of you.
‘Y’know that gala Vought’s hosting this weekend for all the charity programs and their reps?’
‘Mm,’ after all these years with him, you had learned how to steady your heart beat, ‘what about it?’
Nonetheless, the anticipation induced a nauseating anxiety. Your heart gradually began to race, a cold sweat accumulated on your brow.
Homelander often did not scare you. Yes, he was very much an intimidating figure, but beneath that facade of the perfect American hero was a soft, sad boy.
Things were different now. You caught a glimpse of reality after reveling in the paradise he brought into your life. The home, the money, the protection, the love. Something you used to only dream of. Those days spent in that studio on the borders of the Eastside. No family, no job. Just hope and youth. You wished to be a supe, one that could rewrite time. One that could right all the wrongs, replace the rushed choices of young adulthood. Or maybe one that could pop heads.
That might be easier.
‘I want you to come with me.’ Homelander said, fixing his position so he could look at you.
‘I-um…why?’ You knew why.
‘I just think it’s time I introduce you to The Seven. The media. My team already got some PR stunts planned, I ordered some designer for you to show up in and all that bullshit.’ His gaze felt like a blade piercing into your skin. Intense, sharp. ‘I want to show you off.’
It was time.
A beat.
‘No.’ You shook your head, wriggling out from under him. He sat up, blatant confusion painted on his face.
You stood up, head hanging low, palm on forehead. Before you could let any more words slip, you had to think. Process what you had to say. Every sentence must be presented with perfection, in fear that repercussions would be fatal.
‘Look, I just, I can’t.’ You said, stumbling over your words.
With the entire apartment dimly lit, it only seemed to enhance how menacing his presence was. It was almost as if a dark, crimson aura fit the outline of his silhouette. The radiance of the cityscape danced against the definition of every muscle and bone. Shadows fell from the features of his face. He stood and approached you, causing you to instinctively draw back.
‘What do you mean you can’t?’ He sneered with a puzzled grin.
‘Homelander, we need to talk-‘
‘I don’t get why you’re making this more difficult than it should be,’
The sound of his gloved fist flexing rang through your ears like a siren.
‘I mean I’ve already prepared everything…I’ve done all the dirty work and now you want to back out?’ Homelander chuckled, hands on his hips.
‘I don’t want to fucking go. Can you just let me spea-‘
‘Jesus, y/n, just say yes. It’s one night, you don’t even have to do anything hard, so stop being a brat.’
Homelander turned to face the city, blocking it’s illumination. You cursed under your breath, slamming your hand on the kitchen counter beside you. He wasn’t used to rejection, especially from you.
‘Why are you being like this?’ For once, he spoke softly.
He’s just a sensitive little boy. That’s all he is. All he will ever be.
Life was so precious, and you had just started to live it. The thrill of first class living, the luxuries and connections it offered. The way he came to you with open arms, the strongest, most loving superhero the world had ever met. Everything, every last detail, item and action, was for you. All for you.
But at what cost?
‘I saw the Flight 37 video.’
Both of you struggled within the silence. Air caught in your lungs, every breath grasping for more than your body could take. Homelander, seemingly serene, massaged his temples and let out a laugh. A laugh. Something sinister hid behind that face. That pristine, calculated, manufactured face. Nothing about him was natural or real. An artificial man molded from lies.
‘Y/n, come on-‘
‘At first I didn’t believe it to be you. I denied that you could do such a thing.’ Heavy tears trapped at the rim of your eye line.
‘But I know that face,’ Your lip trembled, ‘I know what you can…be like. And-and I can’t turn a blind eye to something so horrible, Homelander. It just makes me think, what if else have you done? What other fucked up things, huh?’
Not a single sound left him.
‘I mean, murdering kids? Seriously? You let all those innocents die?’
Homelander clicked his jaw, ‘What are you gonna do y/n?’
Brow furrowed, you felt your blood go ablaze.
‘Hm?’ He turned his head to the side, not completely making eye contact with you.
‘I’m leaving you, you vile, sadistic son of a bit-‘
Shattered glass fall onto the ground like raindrops. A heated ray of light tears through the walls and the couch as if they were thin sheets of paper. Furniture incinerated into oblivion.
A shock of adrenaline runs through every limb in your body. Frantically, you rummage through every drawer in search of a weapon. There’s no use, but it seems right in the moment. A chef knife glistens, catching your eye. In good condition, but child’s play against a man like Homelander.
He turns to face you with a predacious stare. His chest is heaving with rage, eyes still aglow.
‘I swear to god, if you come near me you fucking psychopath!’ You blurt, presenting the knife.
‘Don’t talk to me like that you little bitch!’ Homelander growls, pointing a finger as he quickly makes his way toward you.
Panic drowns your sanity as you attempt to escape from the kitchen. Before you could even lift yourself to jump over the counter, he grabs the back of your neck and aggressively pulls you away.
‘Let me go! Let me go!’ You screech, a guttural, terrified scream following.
‘Oh no,’ Homelander flipped you around, pushing you against the edge of the counter before delicately wrapping his entire hand around your neck. Your body slightly lifted from the ground.
‘No, no, no.’ Homelanders face twitched with anger, ‘You aren’t going anywhere. You are mine.’
A few pathetic whimpers left your throat. Struggling against his weight only made his grip become tighter.
‘Oh look at you. Tsk, tsk.’ Homelander teased. ‘Tell me, who showed you the video? Did your slutty ass fuck some lousy pap for it?’
Trembling aggressively, you could only release grunts of pain and fear. His growing erection pushed into your hip as he held you against the counter.
‘Such a puny little thing. Admit it, you need me.’ At this point, Homelander only spoke to himself. Rather than talking to you, he admired how you squirmed and cried. Pain looked beautiful on you.
‘The only time we will ever be separate is when you’re dead in the ground.’
That smile. That wicked, crazed smile.
‘And I’ll decide when that happens.’
Homelander pressed a desperate, hungry kiss onto your puffed lips, sitting you down on the cold marble to spread your legs.
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baconmoop · 4 months
My argument as to why the mysterious letter is definitely Gaster.
Okay, now I’ve had time to drink it all in/actually do things for valentines day, I’m ready to make my argument as to why the mysterious letter is definitely our boy Gaster. I’ve been of the mindset that he’s a goofy old man for a long time, and I’ve always wanted to make a video essay to explain my point of view but I've never had the time. This newsletter gave me the push to write this ‘quick’ summary  though. Feel free to fight with me in the notes.
First of all, I am aware that the Japanese version uses Hiragana instead of his normal Katakana. I barely understand English, so I can’t even begin to understand the importance of it. It is my biggest foil, but I don’t think it affects things too much.
My first, easiest bit of evidence, is the fact that Toby has already removed the letter, leaving only this.
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He does this constantly with Gaster stuff. He did it with the tarot cards, he did it with abc123a.ogg. The moment someone posts something online, he removes evidence of its existence. Suspicious, is it not?
Okay, let’s break the letter down shall we?
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This is in line with a lot of things we already know about WDG. Most likely in Wingdings, we have hints in Sans’ lab and the true lab that his handwriting is impossible to read. We don’t know any of these are 100% him, but it makes sense that it would be difficult to read unless you were determined enough to do so (I assume that is what ‘squint your heart refers to?). 
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There are multiple people who know what the ‘delta rune is’, but here to me he is clearly discussing the game, not the prophecy. The only person to ever have interest in our opinions of the experience is the ‘other him’, when he introduced us to the survey program. He also talks in short sentences, Like he does in the initial goner sequence, and pretty much everything else. 
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Okay, so this is something that has plagued my mind for a while, but this has brought it to the forefront. I assume here that he’s referring to Dess being stuck in the code, or whoever it is (See here https://forum.melonland.net/index.php?topic=68.0). I’ve always been of the mind that Gaster genuinely wants to help, partially because of the eggs and partially because he seems to want you to win. He wants you to stop the roaring. I have a bunch of theories about this that probably deserve their own video, but here’s a quick summary:
If you name yourself Suzie in the goner maker scene, he says:
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As far as I know, he doesn’t say this for anyone else, including ralsei, so he clearly has some kind of positive opinion of Suzie. Why would he say this if he was an antagonist to the fun gang?
When you die in the game and press no on the continue screen, the song ‘darkness falls’ plays (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSn4p1Xx7NU&ab_channel=Palpe). While definitely having Gaster’s leitmotif for starters, Just listen to how melancholy it sounds. It gives me the same bittersweet vibes that it’s raining somewhere else gives me. If this is a reflection of how Gaster feels when you give up, then he’s definitely a bit bummed that you failed.
Someone is clearly helping the secret bosses. While most people assume that he is doing it for some kind of nefarious purposes, I think he was genuinely trying to help, and it backfired. 
Anyway, back to the letter.
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There’s a lot of connections between forgetting and Gaster. Fanon dictates that he’s been completely erased from everyone’s memories, but I don’t want to rely on fanon here. The first thing that comes to mind is obviously ‘Don’t forget’ plastered all over deltarune, which is what I assume he means when he calls it ironic, but that isn’t specifically tied to him. What I do think of however, is goner kid. I’ve already put enough images in this bad boy, but he says "Have you ever thought about a world where everything is exactly the same...Except you don't exist? Everything functions perfectly without you...Ha ha... The thought terrifies me." We know so much about how the goners are connected to him, I’m not gonna re-go over it here. Someone also mentioned the Spamton sweepstakes “AREN'T YOU FORGETTING SOMETHING?” on the ice page, which could also be relevant here. Is there any other character linked to forgetting as much as he is?
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Okay, now for my most dubious point (sue me I’m not an actual theorist). But… Doesn’t this give you old man papyrus vibes? It’s goofy, It’s in all caps, it puts a smile on my face. To quote my friend outside the fandom, “It’s giving old man texting his grandchildren for the first time”. I know this is one of the biggest contradictions for people, claiming that it’s out of character for gaster to speak like this, but I give exhibit A, from the legends of localisation book: 
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(Ripped directly from https://www.tumblr.com/gasterofficial/715722490333298688?source=share)
I’ve always loved this. It’s probably not canon, but it’s goofy as hell. It was one of the first things that made me want to do a video on my “gaster is a good dude” ideas. It’s the exact same vibes as the letter. 
So what do you think? I could definitely go into more detail about all of this, if people are interested. I just saw something that helped fuel my theories and had to put my opinions out there. Please don’t murder me in the notes for going against the antagonist gaster grain I am very sensitive okay good by!
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bettsfic · 7 months
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(Love on Display is the series name for ASE and its sequel)
okay so for this commentary i went through my ASE tag to read the asks i'd gotten about it because i can't really remember the whole process, and found this response i'd written:
you know how like when you read or watch something, you kind of look for the character you relate to most? when i was rereading the hunger games last month i was thinking, i don’t relate to a single one of you bitches. and then annie shows up like “nope nope nope i can handle exactly 0% of this bullshit” and i was just, ah there i am
looking back on my mental health issues, the irony is that i was writing about madness in a time i was actually pretty stable, despite the pandemic being in full swing. i remember writing ASE throughout summer, sitting on my grandma's porch swing and admiring her garden, going inside only when it got dark enough for the fireflies to come out. at the time, i was approaching my third year of rejections on the original fiction front; i'd been querying agents for over a year and submitting short stories, and i felt like i wasn't getting anywhere. i was also about to start a phd program, which i was apprehensive about, to say the least. i wish i'd listened to that "i have a bad feeling about this" instinct.
tbosas had just come out (to almost no attention or acclaim; even now with the film coming out in a couple weeks, the gifsets i've been reblogging don't get a lot of traffic and the tag only has 250 fics in it) and so i read it, loved it, and immediately re-read the hunger games with the new lens of snow's origin story.
the hunger games is one of the few things that i think is completely worth the hype. it's a beautifully written series and i really admire it. tbosas i thought was even better, because it felt like suzanne collins had full creative control. it's not easy writing a villain origin story and i think she really managed to thread the needle with coriolanus as a POV character who is really the antagonist of two protagonists whose POVs we don't have access to.
anyway as soon as i finished re-reading the hunger games, i went back to read the one thg fic i'd written after the film series concluded, the baker's son. it wasn't as bad as i remembered it, because 2015-16 were the years i was really starting to figure out how to write, so everything from that time in my memory is hand-wavy at best. but i remember thinking, this could have been really good if i'd just taken my time with it.
back then, i never took my time with anything. i had so many ideas that i had to churn through them in order to get to the next one. when you're just starting out writing, you haven't followed through on enough ideas to know how to sort through them properly and find the ones that have legs. so i was still learning how to control my attention.
and so ASE marked a huge change in the way i viewed my own work and the reception thereof. i was getting nowhere in publishing, i was no longer in one single fandom and so i didn't really have a community, and i finally realized the only guarantee i would ever have is my own joy. that changed everything.
i know i'll always love the hunger games, because i genuinely believe it's good. it's engaging and entertaining and meaningful. before, i'd written for canons i actually didn't like, because communities had formed around them and i was inspired by what i felt was unmet potential in canon. but i know i'll never rewatch supernatural or the 100. in fact i didn't finish either of them. with big fandoms, sure, i get more traffic and comments. but i'd stopped writing for traffic and comments. i wrote ASE because it was fun, and i knew in 10 years i'd read the hunger games again, and i would want my perfect fixit fic. and i would want it to be long, and well thought out, and something i could be proud of.
i've kept that "i'm writing for my 40 year old self" mentality for all my writing. at 40, i want to look back at what i wrote at 30 and know it was time well spent because it made me happy during a hard time in human history. it's a lot easier to make creative decisions when you're writing for an audience of your future self.
with tbosas coming out soon, i'm hoping to finish the coriojanus fic i started in 2020 (i think it's 7k?). and looking back through my ASE tag i also saw how many ideas i had for finnick POV and i could see myself fiddling around with a few of those prompts eventually.
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justabaddreamm · 6 months
U ever go through the trial and error of meds but the trial and error started when you were 15 and now ur 23 and every error is hitting harder and harder cause ur life is on the line?
But get this u kno what going on ur auDHD and antidepressants don’t work on u but no one will listen to you until you get a 6+ hour exam that costs $3000+. Also the program you’re working with to get the exam is moving at a snails pace and your having breakdowns every day and regretting calling 911 for urself after u took all those pills at the beginning of this year?
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soundcrusher · 2 years
Lightlost knows best
Everyone, part 2 of season 3 from my ongoing story set in the sentient sg/Lost Light au from @cuppajj i out!
I hope all of you will enjoy this part just as much as I did. (Also, I'm gonna admit it, I missed writing sg/ll. I really did.)
Trigger Warning: none
Sometimes Tankcrusher wondered where in life she made a wrong turn. Was it, when she joined the Decepticons? Was it when she got together with Thrillchaser? Her friends did say that she should have chosen a grounder as her partner. But with her look, the grounder would have been a speedster and then Phoenix would have looked more like the mech she was currently holding down. 
Maybe the wrong turn was, when she decided to let the prime stay with them and give him the job in her bakery. If she didn’t, then she wouldn’t have to sit at the medic’s office with Rodimus in her lap, while pinning his arms to the side and making sure he wouldn’t kick or bite the poor doctor trying to see if everything was okay with him. Or maybe the wrong turn was taking Rodimus to the doctor in the first place. From what she could see, he looked fine, but her “Mama Bear Programming”, as Thrillchaser would have called it, just reared its head and made her worry, even if there was nothing to worry about. 
“Roddy, by the love of Primus, could you just calm down? The doctor won’t do anything. Not as long as I am here with you.” Whispered the femme quietly, while the doctor had his back turned to them. “The longer you keep thrashing around, the longer we will have to stay here.” Tankcrusher only meant well, when she said that, but the look she got from Rodimus made her second guess her choice of words. He looked almost scared, as if he was expecting the doctor to pull out some kind of torture device annd use it on him, no matter if there was a second in the room or not. 
Maybe that’s why Tankcrusher let out a long sigh, before she asked the doctor if he could go out for a moment while she talked with her son. And considering how relieved the mech looked as he heard that he could walk out, it wasn’t surprising to her how fast the good doctor was out of the room. “Alright…” Said the femme as she grabbed Rodimus and sat him down next to her. Keeping an optic on every possible exit way imaginable. And yes, that also involved the windows and vents. After all, if Phoenix was bold enough to escape the doctor by jumping out of a window, then she was sure Rodimus would do the same. Sometimes, the resemblance the two shared was uncanny. And Tankcrusher didn’t just mean their looks. “You’re acting like Phoenix whenever I had to bring him here, until he made up his mind to become a medic. I thought you were a grown mech, and not some little sparkling scared of the good old doctor.” Joked the femme, which oonly got a scoff from Rodimus as a reaction. 
“I’m not a sparkling…” Muttered the prime, after crossing his arms over his chest and looking down at the floor. The pattern down there was, after all, quite interesting. “But if you want to know, I just don’t like medics. Never have, never will. End of story.”
“But it doesn’t sound like the end.” Was all she said, as she placed a servo onto Rodimus’ shoulder. Giving him a comforting squeeze. “It sounds more like you want to say something, but you’re too scared because saying it would only make you realize that it’s true. That it’s part of your past and… you’re too scared to admit it, because then it would feel like you’re admitting that it is true.” Tankcrusher gave Rodimus one more squeeze, before putting her servo back in her lap. Watching the prime’s mind work on what she’s said and how it could relate to him. 
“And how would you know that?” Asked Rodimus, after a short moment of silence. To which the taller femme only laughed. “I do have a conjux who left me and my son after all. I know how it feels to pretend that something isn’t true, but… no matter how much you pretend, in  your spark you know that it’s true. That the lie you’re telling yourself is only going to distract you from reality for so long. And then, you find yourself fearing that admitting to the truth is only going to break you further. But it’s not… because you have something or someone to live for.”
Rodimus scoffed at that. “Sounds like your conjux was an idiot for leaving you and Phoenix.”
“Well, Thrillchaser has always been an idiot, but that’s why I took him as my conjux. He was…  different from the other mechs. Taking me as I am and never complaining when I loomed over him or pinned him against a wall and-” Rodimus didn’t want to hear more. No, this was too much information the mother of his adopted little brother was giving out. So, he quickly covered her mouth, before stopping out for a moment. 
Tankcrusher has a conjux, and the conjux name is Thrillchaser. And Rodimus knows a mech named Thrillchaser who, for some reason, was always looking at Phoenix whenever he would pass the youngling in the halls of the Lost Light. 
And then there were the times he would spot Thrillchaser when they were on other planets…
Does this mean Lightlost somehow managed to hunt Phoenix’s father down and torture him? But for what reason? Revenge on the behalf of another? Rodimus wasn’t sure if that sounded right. Not when both Phoenix and Tankcrusher sounded like they accepted that Thrillchaser wasn’t part of their family. Then again, the Lost Light was someone who was full of surprises. Maybe they had an ulterior motive behind it? Or maybe they simply wanted to have something to do? The thought alone made Rodimus shudder and fear for what they had planned next. 
“Hey, me talking about the things I loved to do with my conjux are no reasons to shudder.” Chuckled Tankcrusher, as she softly took Rodimus’ servos into her own and pulled them away from her mouth. Smiling warmly down at the prime, before smirking.  “But if you want something to shudder about, I could talk about that one time we went to that nice drive in theater and scared a bunch of organics.”
“Primus no! Bessie, please, don’t! I will let the doctor examine me, if you don't start talking about what you did in that theater!” 
Tankcrusher could only laugh, as she saw the comically wide eyes and panicked expression of Rodimus. If those opposing him could see him now, they would surely laugh at his expense. Although, she soon enough stopped, before softly patting the prime’s helm. This was the first time he called her ‘Bessie’. A name only those part of the family were allowed to use. “Alright, alright. I will stop, if you promise not to bite the good doctor when he gets too close to your face.”
“Tch. I can’t promise you anything.
After the examination was over, and the doctor didn’t lose a digit, both Tankcrusher and Rodimus made their way back towards the bakery. And while the femme told the speedsteer about the time she finally admitted that Thrillchaser wasn’t coming back, the prime slowly opened up about the things that happened to him. He didn’t tell her anything, but he somewhat explained why he reacted the way he did when she first took a look at him and why he nearly bit off the doctor digit, when he got too close. Earning a sympathetic look from the taller femme, before she commented on how she would love to meet this ‘Lightlost’ to give them her own two cents on the matter. To which Rodimus was quick to say “NO!” Letting her know that he wasn’t on board with her trying to fight Lightlost. Not when Phoenix seemed to still be attached to them.
While Rodimus and Tankcrusher had their small ‘adventure’, Phoenix was making sure everything was running smoothly at the bakery. Serving every customer to the best of his abilities, before going back into the kitchen to make another batch of cookies. Even Dominus helped out by delivering orders in a small basket to either the tables outside the bakery or to the nearby homes. Leaving Phoenix alone then and there, but only after the youngling reassured the turbofox that he would be alright. There was no Cybertronian who could come into the back of the bakery without him noticing after all. But then again, Lightlost wasn’t any other Cybertronian. So, Phoenix didn’t notice them, when they entered the bakery and walked straight into the kitchen. Only a small chuckle from the holo-avatar alerted the youngling to their presence, but by then, Lightlost had already placed their servos onto Phoenix’s shoulders. Pressing slightly down, which caused the youngling to supcounsicly make himself smaller while his wings went down in fear. Giving Lightlost even more leeway to loom over the already frightened youngspark and only adding more to his rising stress levels
“Hello there Phoenix.” Said Lightlost softly, as to not startle their little bird any further. But they couldn’t help the gleeful smile forming as they saw how the youngling tensed after hearing his name from them. Looks like their little ‘field trip’ hasn’t erased the memories of his correction. Good, no, perfect. It means that Lightlost still had something to work with and reassured them that Phoenix knew his place. “Do you know how worried I was after the captain and you left me? After you decided to leave me behind? What if something would have happened to you? I couldn’t live with myself, if someone dared to hurt the both of you.” They said, while moving their servos to slowly turn Phoenix around and hug him tightly. Softly patting his helm, while making sure he couldn’t escape the hug. “And just look at the mess you got yourself into, little bird. Do you really think anyone is happy with having you back on Cybertron? I’m sure that there are many who want you gone again. The looks of your customers sure enough prove it.” Lightlost said, as they smiled down at the youngling in their arms. “How about you come with me? I know what’s best for you after all.”
Phoenix didn’t know what came over him. Yes, he was confused. Oh so confused, because he still saw Lightlost as a parent, but at the same time, he couldn’t forget what they had made him go through. But at the same time, he suddenly didn’t feel scared, like he should be. He felt something else. An emotion he couldn’t place. Maybe it was confidence? Or maybe the fear made him go mad, because Phoenix took all his strength together and pushed Lightlost away from him. “NO!” If they thought they could come and take him back, they thought wrong. Phoenix won’t go back, not when he finally was with his mother again. 
Although, the little act of rebellion coming from Phoenix didn’t seem to make them happy. No, Lightlost looked unhappy, maybe even angry. And seeing that, made Phoenix shrink back in fear. 
“No?” Asked Lightlost. “Oh, I see how it is.” They said as they took one step back, but never leaving Phoenix a chance to run from them. “Oh Phoenix, Phoenix, Phoenix. Haven’t we had this talk before? Just because you think you’re so mature now, doesn’t mean that you know everything. But if you think you’re such a grown up mech, then go ahead. Walk out there and  have a talk with them, without this!” Phoenix’s optics widened as he saw Lightlost pull out his old visor. The visor that was taken from him the first time he boarded the Lost Light and one of the only things that has given him some sort of safety from his old crew. “H-how?” Was all the youngling could stutter.
“Do you really think they would tolerate you otherwise? Do you think they would talk with you, if you weren’t wearing this? I have seen their looks, Phoenix. How they stare at you. How they silently judge you. But if you truly feel like you’re more accepted by them than by me, then go ahead. Go out there and see how they treat you. But should you realize that they don’t accept you the way I have, then I won’t say I told you so.” Lightlost said, as they placed the visor into Phoenix’s shaking servos. Watching as the youngling’s optics filled with tears, while he clutched the visor close to his chest. 
And that’s the moment Lightlost decided to leave. Not only because they could see that they managed to do the first step of their plan, but also because the turbofox was returning. And they didn’t want him, nor Rodimus and Tankcrusher to know they were here. Not yet. 
“But if you truly believe that you can live amongst them, put them to the test, Phoenix. But don’t come crying to me, when my words come true.”
“After all, I know what’s best for you.”
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sakurachan7734 · 5 months
Love worth killing for
Chapter 1: strange emotions
There will be some Zachary x Charlie
Aristotle pov 
I have been having a feeling that I get normally when I’m around Zachary but with Charlie and Jackson my heart beats very fast when I’m around them which is weird since I’m technically dead and I didn’t think my heart could still beat like I’m in love I don’t know whether or not tell Zachary about this I think he might just leave me if if I do
Florence: Aristotle eat your dinner 
Aristotle: oh sorry mom I was just thinking
Florence: I know but you’re food is gonna get cold
Aristotle: ok
Meanwhile, with Charlie and zero
Charlie: hay mom?
Zero: yes Charlie?
Charlie: I think I may need a hardware or software update
Zero: why?
Charlie: I think I’m experiencing human feelings
Zero: what?
Charlie: I don’t know how it happened
Zero: well I didn’t program emotions into you I can’t fix that if you somehow gain emotions.
Charlie: ok
Meanwhile, with Zachary
Zachary pov
I noticed that my heart has been beating when I’m around Charlie and Jackson but I also feel that away around Aristotle but we’re already dating so I know I’m not losing feelings for them I know that this may be attached to love but I don’t think it is and I shouldn’t jump to conclusions
The next day at school
Zachary: hay Charlie!
Charlie: hay Zachary! What do you need?
Zachary: I don’t need anything I just wanted to see you!
Charlie: ok and can I ask you something?
Zachary: sure what is it?
Charlie: does the average human gain emotions overtime?
Zachary: well emotions like happy, sad, angry and fear are emotions that we are born with and emotions like love, nervousness, embarrassment and discussed are emotionally kind of emotions you learn throughout life i’m surprised you haven’t asked this sooner since you were a robot
Charlie: yea my parents didn’t program emotions into me
Zachary: I mean your parents hate humanity, and the only humans they know is me and your sister so it makes sense they wouldn’t program emotions into you
Charlie: Well I have started feeling some human emotions and I do not know how I got them 
Zachary: well, I’m going to guess that your hardware is still collecting data so that’s probably why you’re saying a fell emotions what emotions are you feelings? 
Charlie: mostly anger, and what is love? Because I think I may be feeling that
Zachary: love is someone that makes you feel special whenever you are around them it could either be one person or can be several people and you’re heart goes crazy whenever you’re around those people 
Charlie: well the closest thing I have to heart is a motherboard and I noticed that my system has been overheating a lot more lately 
Zachary: then I guess that’s the equivalent to your heart beating since you’re a robot so you feel like that right now?
Charlie: kinda
Zachary: ohhh who do you like?
Charlie: where are the only two ones in this room dude
Zachary: well, there’s people in the hallway that could also happen if the person you like is in the room you’re in but you’re not talking to them
Charlie: im not going to tell you
Zachary: fine then what is your type?
Charlie: well I don’t think I have a type I just want someone that hates humanity as much as I do
Zachary: I should have expected that
Charlie: oh and did Aristotle tell you that they need to leave for Greece for about a month in a few weeks?
Zachary: yea they did tell me
Charlie: you guys going on a date?
Zachary: yea on Friday night
Charlie: ok
At the end of the day
Catalina: Zachary is something wrong?
Zachary: yea I’m fine grandma
Catalina: are you sure? You have been acting different
Zachary: yes grandma I’m fine
Catalina: Zachary you don’t have to pretend everything is fine
Zachary: well I think I’m in love again
Catalina: with who? Aren’t you and that guy dating? 
Zachary: we are and I still feel the same for them but I think I like more than one person
Catalina: oh really who is it?
Zachary: I don’t know who it is but I think it’s someone I know
Catalina: alright dear let me know if you find out
Zachary pov
I never thought I would be in love with more than one person but I can’t help but have romantic feelings for my friends I would do anything for them even kill anyone that hurts them I don’t know why I’m feeling like this but I can’t help but feel like that and Jackson has been acting weird lately so maybe it could be love
End of chapter
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[Ted Littleford]
* * * *
When Florida governor Ron DeSantis last March signed the law commonly called the “Don’t Say Gay” law, he justified it by its title: the “Parental Rights in Education” law. It restricted the ability of schoolteachers to mention sexual orientation or gender identity through grade 3, and opponents noted that its vagueness would lead teachers to self-censor.
Under the guise of protecting children, DeSantis echoed authoritarians like Hungary’s Victor Orbán and Russia’s Vladimir Putin, who claim that democracy’s principle that all people are equal—including sexual minorities—proves that democracy is incompatible with traditional religious values. Promising to take away LGBTQ Americans’ rights offered a way to consolidate a following to undermine democracy.
DeSantis sought to shore up his position by mandating a whitewashed version of a mythic past. At his request, in March the Florida legislature approved a law banning public schools or private businesses from teaching people to feel guilty for historical events in which members of their race behaved poorly, the Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees (Stop WOKE) Act.
In July the Florida legislature passed a law mandating that the books in Florida’s public school cannot be pornographic and must be suited to “student needs”; a state media specialist would be responsible for approving classroom materials. An older law makes distributing obscene or pornographic materials to minors a felony that could lead to up to 5 years in prison and a $5,000 fine. Unsure what books are acceptable and worried about penalties, school officials in at least two counties, Manatee and Duval, directed teachers to remove books from their classrooms or cover them until they can be reviewed.
In January, DeSantis set out to remake the New College of Florida, a public institution known for its progressive values and inclusion of LGBTQ students, into an activist Christian school. He replaced six of the college’s thirteen trustees with far-right allies and forced out the college president in favor of a political ally, giving him a salary of $699,000, more than double what his predecessor made.
On February 28, right-wing activist Christopher Rufo, the man behind the furor over Critical Race Theory and one of DeSantis’s appointees to the New School board, tweeted: “We will be shutting down low-performing, ideologically-captured academic departments and hiring new faculty. The student body will be recomposed over time: some current students will self-select out, others will graduate; we’ll recruit new students who are mission-aligned.”
Then, this Tuesday, the board voted to abolish diversity, equity and inclusion programs at the school. DeSantis has promised to defund all DEI programs at public colleges and universities in Florida.  
The attempt to take over schools and reject the equality that lies at the foundation of liberal democracy is now moving toward the more general tenets of authoritarianism. This week, one Republican state senator proposed a bill that would require bloggers who write about DeSantis, his Cabinet officers, or members of the Florida legislature, to register with the state; another proposed outlawing the Democratic Party.
DeSantis and those like him are trying to falsify our history. They claim that the Founders established a nation based on traditional hierarchies, one in which traditional Christian rules were paramount. They insist that their increasingly draconian laws to privilege people like themselves are simply reestablishing our past values.
But that’s just wrong. Our Founders quite deliberately rejected traditional values and instead established a nation on the principle of equality. “We hold these truths to be self-evident,” they wrote, “that all men are created equal.” And when faced with the attempt of lawmakers in another era to reject that principle and make some men better than others, Abraham Lincoln called it out for what it was. “I should like to know,” he said, “if taking this old Declaration of Independence, which declares that all men are equal upon principle, and making exceptions to it, where will it stop?”
To accept DeSantis’s version of our history would be a perversion of our past and our principles.
But it is not unimaginable.
The troops did not leave the South in 1877.
[Heather Cox Richardson:: Letters from an American March 2, 2023]
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roylustang · 1 year
how did i not know you lived in japan lol?? that’s so dope and tbh i’ve always thought abt doing a study abroad there since i took japanese classes 😅 i got held up pre covid cause my school required homestays with a program that felt super conservative…. anyway i’d love to know what your experiences as an english speaking person in japan have been like! esp if you can speak to the experience of being queer while navigating those identities
Boy how DID u not kno that I’ve been here for over a year and I talk about it all the time lmao. I also tried to study abroad here for a semester but didn’t get to bc of covid rip but it’s fine I’m here now 👌🏻
Since I live in the middle of nowhere pretty much no one speaks English. anytime I find someone that does speak decent English I’m like WHO R U but I speak bad intermediate Japanese so it’s p easy to get by. They always ask me if I have a point card at the grocery store (the grocery store in general is v overwhelming at first but it doesn’t actually take that long to get the hang of it tbh), they ask if I want a bag at family mart, I tell the gas people いっぱい/満タン お願いします (they have full service gas stations which is wild) and then school is it’s own breed of language which I’m v good at understanding bc I’m around it every day obviously. I’ve also learned u really only need to know a few keywords when having a conversation u can figure out so much through context alone. Sometimes I only have to say like one word (like I said mikan zeri) and people know what I’m asking for (I knew the VP was saving my mikan jelly from lunch in the fridge for me bc I was working from home that day but it was Special Order and I wanted it). Sometimes (because there’s only 3 white people in this town) I don’t have to say anything at all I just show up at the doctors office say konnichiwa and they give me a cup to pee in bc I couldn’t do it six weeks earlier at my health check (bc period reasons). It’s kinda wild how u can communicate with people with just the bare minimum. I am known throughout the town as maddie-san or maddie-sensei if ur under 13 lol so when I sign in at the gym I only ever write my first name. The foreigners (all 5 of us) only ever write our first names at the gym bc no one else has a katakana name lol. It’s a bit strange bc since I’m white and I stick out everyone knows what my job is and what I do here but the people I actually talk to and stuff r v nice (old people r very nice and they LOVE to give u food esp mikans). Idk I could talk forever about this probably. It’s a lot different than living in a city where there are a lot more foreigners. Whenever I go to Kyoto and I see multiple white people im like omg white people 🤯 tbfh. I could talk about this forever lol
Also I don’t ever bring up being gay here. It doesn’t usually come up anyway and I think I’m on the aro/ace side of the spectrum anyway. But I do find it interesting the elementary and middle schoolers do get LGBT talks and speakers and whatever which is more than I could probably say for america. In general tho I’d say there’s definitely ignorance but they got the right spirit. This towns mostly old people tho so idk how the old people feel about it. Don’t b trans here (in japan in general) tho if u want to legally change ur gender u have to be sterilized which is super fucked up.
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guuccibaguette · 2 years
Teen Wolf Legacy Challenge
Generation One Scott
You are the HOT GIRL (If you get the reference you’re an OG) You are the main character of this generation, you have a best friend from your childhood, A hard-working nurse mother, and the father is NOT in the picture you don’t need him anyways. Yet you strive to be normal but popular, you wanna be on lacross but you also want to get THE GIRL. Not just any of the hot girls in school you want THE GIRL. 
Traits: Active, Loves Outdoors, Romantic
Aspiration: Friend of the animals
Career: Vet Clinic for Career (You don’t have to make it to five stars that's your choice)
Start out as a child or toddler to get the childhood best friend
Have a girlfriend as a teen (It doesn't matter what gender you start with as we appreciate the LGBTQIA+
Master Fitness, Logic, and Charisma skill (Bonus for your career if you master Pet Training and Veterinarian skills as well)
Become a werewolf as a teen
Have 5 five children only ONE can be the heir
Generation Two Stiles
You are an ADHA heathen! You can stop talking, sometimes which can be your red flag but also green. You have a hard time making friends because you don’t want anyone else but your current best friend. You strive to work hard but also get distracted a lot. Yet you also make time legit anytime to be with your friend even at night.
Traits: Clumsy, Bookworm, Erratic,(If you want to take out erratic ad ADHD as a custom trait you may)
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career: Law Enforcement
CANNOT be a werewolf so let's hope that ONE of those 5 previous gens' children was a human
Marry a rich werewolf
Master Research and Debate, Logic, Programming, Vampire Lore skills
Have 3 children
The heir has to be a werewolf
Generation Three Derek
Growing up you noticed that your family is very well known and liked. You don't want that, you want to be alone in peace without anyone to bother you. It never went like that, with your parent having the need to constantly talk you never got that alone time, especially with siblings. 
Traits: Gloomy, Loner, Paranoid
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy (If you want to also do the Lone Wolf Aspiration as a bonus)
Career: You should be rich from your family if not then use Rosebud you don't need to work
Don’t make any friends you don't want any
No Long Term Relationships you can't handle them one died in your dream and now you cant trust relationships
Only have one child but with a human, cannot be with the other parent
Master Fitness, Handiness, Fishing, Cooking and Gourmet, Herbalism skills
Generation Four Allison
You never had a good relationship with either of your parents. One always kept to themselves and the other was doing whatever. You don't want to feel left out and alone but you also don't want to be helpless and need people. Boss energy all the way you can handle yourself.
Traits: Creative, Self-Assured, Ambitious
Aspiration: Inner Peace
Career: Secret Agent
Make as many friends as possible remember you don't want to feel left out.
Go to every invited event that you get.
Master Charisma, Fitness, Handiness skills
Marry and have a child(ren) with a mermaid
Generation Five Lydia
You are popular everywhere, in school, out of school. People love you for your looks, your personality, and even your opinion is wanted. Yet not a single sim knows who you are. You hide your mermaid self, and talent from the world scared people will change their perspective on you. 
Traits: High-Maintenance, Snob, Genious
Aspiration: Party Animal
Career: Science
Master Charisma, Logic, Painting, Rocket Science, medium skills
Complete the Party Animal Aspiration
Befriend a dolphin
Complete Science Career
Have ONE Biological child and adopt one more to be the heir
Generation Six Jackson
At an early age you found out you were adopted, it seriously changed your perspective on your family. You don’t know who to trust, who to believe. Yet you keep the anger deep inside to not let your family know you're not happy being adopted. The bitterness does slip out though from time to time.
Traits: Mean, Snob, Self-Assured
Aspiration: Body Builder
Career: Critic
Date the opposite sex at a teen but as an adult get married to the same sex
When adult move out of home town to another world to escape family
Since you can't have a baby with the same sex you choose to adopt as many children as you want
Master Fitness, Handiness skills
Generation Seven Liam
Growing up you tried to get along with others but find it harder and harder when more people choose to tease you for being adopted. It has caused you to have more anger issues than anyone in your family. It becomes harder to control when you become a werewolf by accident.
Traits: Hot-Headed, Paranoid, Socially Awkward
Aspiration: Werewolf Initiate → Emissary of the Collective
Career: Athlete (Bonus if you go to uni become a soccer team player)
Become a werewolf as a teen
Master three skills of your choosing
Adopt one child then have one biologically
 Have one best friend and two good friends
Generation Eight Malia
You always knew something was different about you in your family. You don't look like them, you have nothing in common with them. It always made you question who you are to them. You never find out that you are adopted till when one of your parents pass. After that you make it your goal to understand who you really are.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Slob, Paranoid
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Career: You can’t keep a job so you hop from each part-time job
Finish at least level five of each part-time job
Master Herbalism, Mischief, and Fishing
Have two children each one has a different parent
One child must be born in the world youre currently living in and the other must be born in Mount Komorebi
Generation Nine Kira
You were born in Mount Komorebi, your older sibling was not. You also look nothing like your sibling at all. It tends to make you think you are adopted which your not but when you parent moved here all your pictures and everything about you got lost during the move, because of this you have a major personality awkwardness. Yet you do try to make friends as best as you can.
Traits: Cheerful, Kleptomaniac, Proper
Aspiration: Mt Komorebi sightseer
Career: Secret Agent
Make seven friends as a teen and make them all close friends as adults, and marry a werewolf
Master Wellness, Programming, and Mischief
Have six children
Have a full close friends relationship with all six children
Generation Ten ________
Just because you have a big family, amazing parents, amazing siblings doesn’t mean anything. You want to be the head of the house, you want to protect everyone in your family, even your family members friends because they are family too. Everyone is your family and you want it to stay that way, a nice big pack.
Traits: Overachiever, Paranoid, Family Oriented
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: You are a stay-at-home parent 
Have one best friend, ten good friends, all children have to have a good friendship
Master Cooking, Logic, Rocket Science, and Parenting
Have four or more children
Once you reach your elder state in sim life make sure that you have no negative relationships
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borderline-gays-club · 6 months
11/20/23. 11:42pm
Sometimes My brain feels like a computer that was programmed wrong. Like idk computer lingo like that lol but I really feel like I have to fuckin override the original code all the damn time bc foundationally its fucked up. The programmers (my parents) didn’t kno wat they were doing so they built all this code that technically runs but it’s over complicated and sloppy.
So now that I’m slowly revealing all of my inner coding, I’m fixing shit along the way. But there’s so much shit to sort thru that it’s impossible to get it all done anytime soon. I just need to be patient. And learn the different languages and the syntax and the etc etc.
My code is outdated and as I learn new ways to update it, my whole system will run smoother. It will be less labor intensive to have to override automatic responses from old ass shit.
All this is making me want to learn how to code again. Bc I really do find computer “brains” fascinating bc there definitely is a correlation to our own brains. I mean humans created computers after all.
I become cautious of these analogies though (computer -> human brain) bc it can become cold and distant if I’m not careful. But I’m also thinking abt how computers don’t need to be cold and distant. They can be soft and comforting and warm…
I guess it’s just the way I frame it all. It would be good practice for me to treat my computer like a sentient being. Everything I interact with really. Bc objects don’t need to b “alive” to b alive you kno?
Lol anyway this tangent went on a nice little joy ride. Point is: my brain is computer and computer is brain. We’re all cyborgs 😁
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123lineengineers · 8 months
iPhone 14 Professional 5G 128GB Length Cloudy
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iPhone 14 Professional. All Programs Professional. Seize implausible constituent with a 48MP Major digital camera. Enjoy iPhone in an entire up-to-date means with Dynamic Island and All the time-On show. Accident Detection,¹ a up-to-date protection component, requires aid when you'll be able to’t. 6.1-inch Tremendous Retina XDR display² that includes All the time-On and ProMotion A show that’s as much as 2x brighter within the solar. With All the time-In your Lock Display is now all the time glanceable, so that you don’t even need to faucet it to stick within the know. When iPhone is became face unwell or for your area, it is going black to save lots of battery hour. Dynamic Island, a mystical up-to-date approach to have interaction with iPhone Introducing Dynamic Island, a actually Apple innovation that’s {hardware} and device and one thing in between. It bubbles up song, sports activities rankings, FaceTime, and so a lot more - all with out taking you clear of what you’re doing. 48MP Major digital camera. The Professional digital camera gadget will get vastly extra Professional Introducing the all-new 48MP Major digital camera with a sophisticated quad-pixel sensor. iPhone 14 Professional raises the bar for what 48 megapixels can do,turning in 4x the solution in ProRAW for mind-blowing constituent in each and every compres. The up-to-date Professional digital camera gadget provides 2x optical-quality Telephoto to its zoom field, placing heaps of framing flexibility for your wallet A lot more constituent. In a lot much less mild. As much as 3x higher low-light footage at the Extremely Large digital camera As much as 2x higher low-light footage at the Major digital camera As much as 2x higher low-light footage at the Telephoto digital camera Cinematic form now in 4K Dolby Seeing as much as 30 fps Cinematic form now shoots in 4K HDR at 24 fps - the movie trade usual. Now you'll be able to seamlessly edit with alternative professional photos in 4K at 24 or 30 fps. You'll be able to even edit the intensity impact later seize. iPhone 14 Professional is the one smartphone on the earth that allows you to kill, view, edit, and percentage in ProRes or Dolby Seeing HDR A digital camera in a category via itselfie. Snap your sharpest, maximum colourful close-ups and staff pictures, due to a up-to-date TrueDepth entrance digital camera with autofocus and a bigger aperture. The TrueDepth digital camera and A16 Bionic additionally energy Face ID, essentially the most retain facial authentication in a smartphone. iPhone 14 Professional makes use of 100% recycled gold cord in all its cameras to release mining of valuable sources. Motion form for clean, secure, hand held movies Whether or not you’re filming from an off-road SUV or operating along your matter, attempt Motion form for clean hand held movies - negative gimbal required. Essential up-to-date security features we are hoping you’ll by no means want: Accident Detection,¹ requires aid when you'll be able to’t iPhone 14 Professional can come across a dreadful automotive hit, upcoming name 911 and notify your disaster contacts. Vacay of intellect whilst you’re off the grid In case you don’t have mobile carrier or Wi‑Fi, iPhone means that you can textual content disaster services and products over satellite tv for pc. All-day battery life³. A battery that’s all in, all presen Even with soooooo many up-to-date features, iPhone 14 Professional nonetheless delivers wonderful all‑presen battery hour. With as much as 23 hours video playback. And you can upload a MagSafe charger for quicker wi-fi charging A16 Bionic. The mastermind at the back of it all A mystical up-to-date approach to have interaction with iPhone. Groundbreaking security features designed to save lots of lives. An cutting edge 48MP digital camera for intellect blowing constituent. All powered via the last smartphone chip. The Accumulation Enclave in A16 Bionic protects private knowledge like your Face ID knowledge, contacts, and extra. Business-leading sturdiness options with Ceramic Guard and aqua resistance  Designed for sturdiness. With Ceramic Guard, harder than any smartphone glass. Aqua resistance. Surgical-grade stainless-steel. iPhone may be designed from the field up to offer protection to your privateness and put you in keep watch over of what you percentage and who you percentage it with iOS 16 offer much more techniques to personalize, be in contact, and percentage iOS 16 means that you can customise your Lock Display in a laugh up-to-date techniques. Layer a photograph to form it pop. Observe your Process rings. And notice are living updates from your favourite apps. ¹ Catastrophe SOS makes use of a cell connection or Wi-Fi Calling. ² The show has rounded corners. When steady as a rectangle, the display is 6.12 inches diagonally. Original unhidden section is much less. ³ Battery hour varies via utility and configuration; see apple.com/batteries for more info. Source link Read the full article
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Overmono — Good Lies (XL)
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On a more objective, scientific, world-perpetuating level, you can of course understand why pollen is good: Insects and birds and animals take it and transport it and pollinate other flowers or eat it for sustenance and maintain the delicate balance that is our circle of life. You also know it can directly benefit you via dietary supplements and medicines for everything from PMS to an enlarged prostate. But on a more immediate, visceral, emotional level: It’s not good when it’s everywhere, infesting your clothes, wrecking your allergies, blanketing you and turning the world to a hazardous haze of yellow. It’s irritating, in fact.
Overmono’s debut album Good Lies is pollen. I don’t just mean that figuratively; “Cold Blooded” literally appears on Spotify’s Pollen playlist, an anodyne compilation of assorted tracks that fit a certain history-washing aesthetic and work great functionally as Urban Outfitters background music fit to pass any 20-something’s vibe check. But even without the playlist, you can see the parallel, hear the connection, feel the album title’s perfection in your gut: This is a record that promises so much but delivers, upon repeated listens, so little as to be a strangely vacant experience.
It’s not like you couldn’t see it coming if you were paying any attention, though. Russell brothers Ed (aka Tessela) and Tom (Truss) have been veering steadily away from their engaging, more demanding early productions on crucial labels like Perc Trax, Poly Kicks, R&S and Whities (now AD 93) toward a kind of hands-aloft big room festival sound that’s been smoothed over and played out live to the point that they only need hit the button that plays Tirzah’s vocal from “Gladly” over the “Is U” beat to get crowds going wild. From personal experience, I can tell you a big room goes off when the drop in “So U Kno” happens. People lose their minds. It should feel monumental, and there’s no shortage of people out there that’ll be only too happy to tell you how transcendent it feels.
That it doesn’t isn’t strictly a problem with yours truly reporting from the field; it’s also indicative of the listening experience Good Lies presents, which feels like a less creatively ambitious, more sonically conservative rendition of Water the Planets. That concise 25-minute mix from late 2016, when the duo was still trying to figure their big room sound out, remains one of the best arguments for why Overmono was so great for years: You’d get a stretch of rhythms that had you invariably nodding your head along to gently evolving and mutating melodies that could get stuck in your head for days after the fact. Think of the muscular “Powder Dry” or the Nintendo pop of “Catapult” or the song that made me a believer, the simple and soaring “U-Plastics.”
Little such surprises exist here, and that’s not because followers of the group had already heard half the tracks present before the full-length appeared. Even St. Panther, the only official collaborator on the album, has her vocals pitched into a homogenous blur at a deliberate emotional remove, submerged behind percolating synths and carefully programmed percussion. From Slowthai to Smerz to Miraa May to Kelly Erez to Casisdead, the template of “evocative” vocal snippets floating disconnectedly above the music is established immediately, a death grip maintained that suffocates out the creative spark that could’ve been here instead. Of that gaggle of tracks, “Calling Out” does the best in a vacuum, a massive track that stands out even in the context of the album and one that’d be immediately noticeable in any DJ’s set.
Only “Vermonly” really feels like it breaks free from the shackles of the established template here. A drumless drift late in the tracklist that feels like a breath of fresh air for its reliance on the army of synths Overmono relies upon rather than the cheap gesture of yet another sampled vocal feels novel in context. It’s a brief moment of respite from the relentless yet strangely underwhelming monotony of the rest of the record. Naturally, first-week sales were through the roof and it’s evident the group has never been bigger; that such success should happen to these guys is ultimately good, probably, but that it should happen via a record so devoid of personality it automatically assumes the role of background music isn’t. It’s irritating, in fact.
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mycoderesist · 1 year
12 Best No-Code eCommerce or Online Store Platforms for Organizations These ecommerce or online store platforms are becoming a lot more popular these days. You can build and run your online store easily without having to write a line of code. The best thing about these online store platforms is that they are becoming a lot more affordable. You can launch an online business with no-code eCommerce platforms without breaking the bank. This is becoming more and more popular among developers and company owners.Table of ContentChallenges in the eCommerce industry and No-Code eCommerce PlatformsBridging the gap with No-Code eCommerce platforms12 best No-Code eCommerce or Online Store platforms Challenges in the eCommerce industry and No-Code eCommerce Platforms The online eCommerce industry is constantly changing. This is up to the developers to keep up with the latest trends in the industry. This can cause frustration for those who have no coding experience. This is where no-code eCommerce platforms come in. With these platforms, you don't need to be a developer to create an online store. You can use these platforms to launch your eCommerce or online store or online business easily.It’s hard to find the time to build a website or shopYou have to write code to build your website. That’s a lot of work for a small businessIt’s tough to find a platform that has all the features you needThere’s a lot of complicated code and you have to be a coding expert to keep it workingIt’s hard to keep up with the mounting costs of coding. Bridging the gap with No-Code eCommerce platforms We are living in a time where the gap between business and technology is bridged by an increased need for convenience. With no-code eCommerce platforms, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and individuals can now easily launch their online stores without having to write a line of code. As a result, more entrepreneurs are now launching their online stores.No-code eCommerce platforms allow you to build an online store or online business with a few clicksWith the development of no-code eCommerce platforms, eCommerce and online store development is now easier, faster, and cheaperNo-Code eCommerce platforms are easy to use, and could help you launch your online store quickly without having to write a line of code? 12 best No-Code eCommerce or Online Store Platforms More details + Added to wishlistRemoved from wishlist 0 Add to compare Zen Cart 1 Open Source, Free Package Pricing Model - Platform Offering 5.7 What is Zen Cart Zen Cart is a leading open-source eCommerce shopping cart software for folks who know their way around the web or who have access to a developer. The PHP/MySQL-based program is completely customizable and free to download. Because Zen Cart is open-source, community-driven, and strongly reliant on the user’s technical expertise, people who don’t have the patience or know-how may struggle with the platform. Cloud-Based: Zen Cart can be downloaded and installed on their server, or it can be hosted on a platform of the choice. Many web hosts offer quick Zen Cart installation choices because Zen Cart is a popular alternative that has been available for a long time. Choose a web host that provides regular updates and backups when deciding betwee
n web hosts. Zen Cart Web Design: Zen Cart’s admin and storefront aren’t known for being visually appealing shopping cart solutions. Because Zen Cart is an open-source platform, users can edit the template or download and utilize one of the numerous free template packages created by the Zen Cart community. Integrations & Add-Ons: Zen Cart includes all of the essential features right out of the box. Users need to search through the community’s collection of extensions for more complex capabilities. Payment Processing: Square, Stripe.com, PayMeSecure, PayPal, Authorize.Net, and other payment processors are among Zen Cart’s partners. What Zen Cart Offers Organize products by category and, if desired, offer them in numerous categories. Multiple product photos can be used, with the larger ones acting as popups. To sell across borders, use Zen Cart’s multilingual and multicurrency features. Enter your shipping options or interface with major carriers for real-time shipping rates that offer customers a solid indication of shipping costs before they check out. Users can alter the prices based on who is browsing if they set up customer group pricing. Choose which products will be displayed on the home page. List products under a new sale price or list discounts or coupons based on a percentage or a predetermined quantity. Customer order totals, low stock reports, product views, products purchased, and a basic sales report with graphs are all incorporated into Zen Cart. Why Zen Cart Zen Cart is available for free download and installation on PHP, Apache, and MySQL servers, and it promises a simple setup and endless customization choices. With a template-based system and a built-in WYSIWYG editor for editing pages, users may reskin and remodel eCommerce shops. Accepts global cash currencies and credit cards and integrates with prominent payment gateways such as Authorize.net, PayPal, and First Data. Admin panel allows users to create vast product catalogs with detailed descriptions and pricing information, as well as list entire categories and configure layouts. More details + Added to wishlistRemoved from wishlist 0 Add to compare VirtueMart 2 Open Source Pricing Model eCommerce & Online Shopping Platform Offering 6.2 What is VirtueMart VirtueMart is a free and open-source eCommerce platform. It functions as a Joomla! Content Management System Plug-in/Component. Multilanguage, multivendor, multicurrency, content, classes, custom fields, tax calculation, shipping management, payment processing, email marketing, and invoice or order administration are all features included. For training and support, there is substantial documentation, FAQs, and lessons available online. API documentation is also available on the internet. VirtueMart Extensions: Users can find plugins, components, modules, and templates for use with your VirtueMart installation in the Extensions Store. If the normal VirtueMart feature set doesn’t include something users want, they can certainly be able to locate an extension that will add the capability to the store. Products Managing: Users can construct custom fields to simply populate the facts they wish to communicate with the consumers, in additio
n to the normal product management functionality they expect from an e-commerce application with a catalog feature. Product Search: VirtueMart comes with a variety of features that make it simple for users and their customers to locate what they’re looking for. Users can list and categorize their products in any way they want. VirtueMart makes it simple to establish as many categories as they like and categorize their products. Inventory Management: Users get extensive backend capabilities to keep track of things they have in stock, items that have been sold, and items that have been ordered but not yet received to help to manage the inventory. However, these functionalities aren’t limited to tangible objects; users can simply operate a digital download store with the same tools. Multi-Language: VirtueMart may be utilized in a variety of languages, so if users try to reach a global audience, it could be a suitable fit. The languages supported, however, are dependent on the availability of a translator willing to take up the project as open-source software. Payments: Users can use the pricing tools to build dynamic pricing, which allows them to charge various prices to different groups of clients. Users can also provide discounts based on the time, product category, consumer group, country, or state using the dynamic calculator. Tax calculators and duties/customs fees can also be calculated with this calculator. What VirtueMart Offers VirtueMart allows users to create as many nested categories as the hardware allows. Products can be classified into several categories, allowing customers to find your products among a variety of topics. For calculating rules, products might also have unpublished categories. There is a virtual stock as well as an inventory with stock warnings. • All discounts, taxes, and currency conversions are handled by a single calculator. It operates with varied criteria for implementing a rule and is rule-based. Users can specify when an invoice should be generated based on the order state. A language fallback system relieves businesses of the burden of providing translations for any product; all users have to do now is sell their best. Why VirtueMart It has a lot of capabilities, and users may customize Joomla and VirtueMart’s functionality with plugins, components, templates, and modules to meet their requirements. It is an Ecommerce web solution that can be combined with the Joomla content management system to provide a safe online purchasing environment. The product and category configurations are simple to use, and they include a variety of shipping, payment, and checkout choices. It offers a variety of currencies as well as many languages, making it simple for any potential buyer from any location to comprehend product descriptions and pricing. More details + Added to wishlistRemoved from wishlist 0 Add to compare OpenCart 3 Open Source Pricing Model eCommerce & Online Shopping Platform Offering 7.3 What is OpenCart OpenCart is a leading open-source eCommerce platform, users can freely download and update it. Users also won’t have to pay a monthly charge to use OpenCart. It has a strong store administration capability, which means users can take advantage of
its built-in SEO, and manage customers, products, promotional codes, tax laws, and orders, among other things. Opencart is a sophisticated, easy-to-use Open-Source online store management tool that allows users to manage many stores from a single back-end. Fill out forms and save them in the administrative area. There are a plethora of professionally-written extensions available to help users tailor the store to their specific requirements. User Access: Users may set sophisticated user privileges and split access for users and user groups in OpenCart. To put it another way, users can limit the team’s website access by differentiating the store users based on their jobs. Admin Dashboard: The online store’s admin dashboard provides insight into the functioning of the OpenCart site, including access to customers, orders, sales metrics, and more. Users may also easily personalize the reporting tools to keep track of and improve the company’s strategies. Multi-Store: Users may manage several stores with OpenCart from a single admin interface. Users can also set things to appear in different stores. Users may customize each store’s theme, localize settings, and adjust product prices per store. Back-up: OpenCart allows users to set backups and restores in the event of a disaster. Users can also update and alter bulk products, categories, and nearly anything with OpenCart. Payment: With practically all of the most recent payment processing providers, OpenCart works smoothly with no additional fees or transactional fees. This gives the company the freedom to process payments without incurring any additional fees. Affiliates: OpenCart includes an Affiliate system that allows users to promote certain products and earn money. Users can use varying percentages to offer alternative payment methods, such as Paypal, check, or bank transfer. Shipping Integration: Finally, users have access to some of the most widely used shipping options. There are already integrations with FedEx, UPS, USPS, Australia Post, Citylink, Royal Mail, Parcelforce, and a slew of other companies. OpenCart offers a mobile-friendly admin section with comprehensive product, order, and customer administration, sales data, marketing tools, and more, makes it easy to manage every aspect of the new online store from any device, anywhere in the world. Use the quick and simple dashboard to keep track of sales, or select one of the several menu options for more information. What OpenCart Offers A single admin panel can be used to handle several stores. Users can modify product information in that one place and have it propagate to all of the businesses if they so desire. A points-based system to encourage client loyalty and increase customer lifetime value. Multiple administrators can have access to your site. Most major shipping suppliers are integrated. Related items, best-sellers, new products, listing by manufacturer, and more are all automatically listed. Customers can compare prices and items side by side with this module. Customers can add their product photographs using this module. Affiliate integration is built-in, which allows affiliates to advertise the products in exchange for a commission. Check, PayPal, and bank transfer are all choices for integrated affiliate payment. Why OpenCart OpenCart is available for free download and updates. There are no monthly costs. Take use of our built-in SEO. Manage items, customers, orders, tax restrictions, coupon codes, and other details with ease. The most comprehensive eCommerce module and theme library to enhance the store’s capabilities. OpenCart provides free community support as well as paid commercial support. More details + Added to wishlistRemoved from wishlist 0 Add to compare Ubercart 4
Not Available, Open Source Pricing Model eCommerce & Online Shopping Platform Offering 6.5 What is Ubercart Ubercart is a leading open source e-commerce solution that is completely integrated with Drupal, the premier open-source content management system that won two Packt Publishing 2008 Open Source CMS Awards in two categories. This is a fantastic combo for anybody wishing to create a community around a product, provide premium content, provide paid file downloads, and more, all while keeping a seamless relationship with their consumers. Ubercart uses Drupal’s core and contributed systems to provide users with a shopping cart that integrates with other parts of the business or community website. It comes with everything users need to get started selling things online. It may be utilized by web developers of all levels to service a variety of E-Commerce industries, including physical goods, digital downloads, and even subscription-based billing systems. What Ubercart Offers Catalog pages and a block for displaying product categories are included in the configurable product catalog. Using Drupal’s CCK system, users may build standard goods and add fields to hold extra product information. They can add user-selectable characteristics to the products that change the price, SKU/model, and/or weight of things as they are added to the basket. Third-party modules can create checkout panes to replace or supplement the default set, making it simple to personalize the checkout process. Customers can choose account names and passwords in account names and emails that are automatically generated depending on their e-mail address. The “pane” paradigm is used to create order displays that are adaptable and expandable to fit a wide range of e-commerce applications. Why Ubercart Ubercart, like Drupal, can be customized to function in several languages or accept different currencies. Checkouts on a single page. Ubercart has a devoted developer community that is working hard to introduce new features to the platform. Ubercart’s UI is extremely user-friendly. The settings and order management pages are smooth, showcasing a fantastic back-end experience. The payment system that balances payment methods including credit cards, checks, and prominent payment gateways like PayPal, Cyber Source, and others. Ubercart is also a PayPal-approved service. More details + Added to wishlistRemoved from wishlist 0 Add to compare Shopify 5 Free Trial, Monthly payment Pricing Model eCommerce & Online Shopping Platform Offering 8.2 What is Shopify Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform for starting, growing, and managing a business. Choose to use the subscription-based software to create an online store and sell their products. Shopify shopkeepers can sell in physical locations using Shopify POS, the point-of-sale system, and related hardware. Sellers can use Shopify to creat
e and design an online store and sell it across numerous platforms, including the web, mobile, social media, online marketplaces, physical locations, and pop-up stores. Shopify features cloud-based and hosted, and you can use it from any internet-connected device, and we’ll take care of all software and server upgrades and maintenance. This technology allows users to administer and access the organization from any location with an internet connection. Online Store: The Online Store sales channel serves as a virtual home for the company. To sell with an online store, users’ stores must be on the Basic Shopify plan or higher. POS: Shopify POS is a leading point-of-sale application that allows you to sell your goods in person. Shopify POS can use to sell practically anywhere, including physical storefronts, markets, and pop-up shops. Sales Channel: Users may use Shopify to sell their products through a variety of online marketplaces. The many venues via which users offer their items are referred to as sales channels. Users can keep track of their products, orders, and customers in one spot by integrating each sales channel into Shopify. Analytics: Shopify’s analytics and statistics can help users learn a lot about their sales and customers. The sorts of analytics and insights available to users are determined by their Shopify subscription package. Apps: Users can use Shopify applications to help effectively grow their business, integrate with third-party services, and customize their admin. The Shopify App Store is where they will locate apps. Marketing and Promotions: There are numerous tools available to assist users in promoting their Shopify store. From the Marketing page in Shopify, users can get marketing recommendations and build marketing activities and automation. Shopify makes it easy to establish, run, and grow a business, allowing people to attain financial freedom. They believe that more voices, not fewer, are needed in the future of trade. Therefore, they’re lowering barriers to company ownership to make commerce better for everyone. What Shopify Offers Manage business products, payments, and customers across all of their retail locations, including in-store and online. Customize Shopify’s POS app to provide quick service to customers on the sales floor or the go. Use Shopify’s card readers to accept a variety of popular payments at affordable rates and with timely pay-outs. Directly from your Shopify POS, manage and fulfil local pickup orders. Make sales in the store and ship directly to consumers from the inventory users have on hand. Accept exchanges for purchases made online or elsewhere, and the inventory will be quickly updated. Customers can use their smartphones to learn more about things and purchase them online if QR codes are attached to them. Shopify offers a number of apps that connect businesses with thousands of wholesale suppliers all around the world. Shopify offers a variety of analytics tools to help users evaluate the effectiveness of their online store. Why Shopify Shopify’s online stores are extremely secure, as the firm gives every website with 256-bit SSL certification and is PCI Level 1 compliant. Shopify’s versatile platform comes with several built-in tools and features that allow businesses to customize their websites to meet their requirements. Shopify is a cloud-based service, users may take advantage of Shopify’s world-class infrastructure. Users can use Shopify to create, host, and manage flawless websites that are optimized for mobile devices. One of Shopify’s most impressive features is that it offers a free 24/7 customer service centre to deliver unrivalled support to its customers. More details + Added to wishlistRemoved from wishlist 0 Add to compare App Institute 6
- Pricing Model - Platform Offering 6.8 What is App Institute Small and medium-sized businesses can design, publish, and manage their smartphone App for Android and Apple devices in minutes using AppInstitute’s online App Builder platform, which requires no coding or technical knowledge. Several templates are available that are simple to develop while still providing native app functionalities. Anyone can create a mobile app for their business using an uncomplicated drag-and-drop interface. Simply select the Facebook page or one of the 24 popular business app themes. To fit the business needs, customize the App with any combination of the 20 main modules offered. Product buying, secure messaging, forms, quizzes, a geo-directory, a video and image gallery, food ordering, in-line HTML browsers, social media integration, custom coupons, stamp cards, and loyalty programs are just a few of the modules available. To assist members in getting their apps downloaded and used, AppInstitute provides marketing and promotional tools. This app saves a lot of time while also expanding the business’s size by connecting with a diverse customer base. Furthermore, the user-friendly app builder enables customers to create apps for any device or platform while remaining completely focused on their brand. Platform App Builder: Users may instantly create mobile apps without having to write a single line of code. Create a business app in minutes with this easy-to-use no-code app creator. The app creator wizard makes launching the brand new app a breeze, with only a few clicks. White Label App Builder: Build endless apps using the greatest white label app builder. Use the sales and marketing materials to help users launch the new app reseller business successfully. Hire a Pro: Users can hire a Pro to design and build your iOS and Android App without the fuss. With a properly developed app, users can have a consistent brand presence throughout the mobile web. Provide their customers with the finest mobile experience possible by future-proofing the business. Takeway Apps: Users may easily hire a professional to design and construct their iOS and Android app. With a properly developed app, users can have a consistent brand presence throughout the mobile web. Provide their customers with the finest mobile experience possible by future-proofing the business. Ecommerce Apps: Make an eCommerce Shopping App for iPhone and Android devices to sell things from a branded store. When they gather business information, photos, and color schemes from the Facebook page and website, they save time. Radio Station Apps: Radio Station App allows users to bring their radio station into the mobile age by creating an Android and iOS app without having to write a single line of code. Restaurant Apps: With a fully functional restaurant app, users can take orders, accept payments, and increase customer loyalty. The restaurant app template includes everything needed to advertise deals and showcase the menu. Grocery Delivery Apps: Users can now design their grocery delivery app. Without writing a single line of code, create a smartphone app for groceries delivery. Users may easily import products using a CSV file or manually using the drag-and-drop builder. Online Ordering System: A restaurant can avoid losing clients by using an online ordering system. Customers now expect to be able to order food in a variety of ways, at different times, and from different locations. Online ordering systems allow businesses to sell more to their current clients. Table Service Apps: Following the lockout,
government rules encourage foodservice establishments to incorporate contactless ordering via an app. Its simple app builder allows users to quickly create a low-cost app. Users Individuals, small and medium-sized organizations, and digital and creative firms can all benefit from App Institute’s services. Vision AppInstitute’s mission is to provide enterprises and people with the ease of in-house app development and maintenance while remaining cost- and time-effective. The goal is to utilize the potential of mobile to offer value to the business, whether users self-build using the app platform, hire a pro, or collaborate with us as a reseller. Features: • Redeemable coupons with fixed start and expiration dates can boost sales and encourage app installs. • Use users’ secure chat center to communicate with individual app users and send attachments. • Create their stamp card and even midpoint incentives to keep the consumers returning. • Create a form with photo upload, text, and signature sections for any purpose. • Ideal for restaurants and takeaways. Provide food orders using the branded app. • The built-in analytics tool allows users to track app downloads by device and country, as well as see how many active users the app has. • Users can also link to Google Analytics for more extensive statistics and insights. • Promote unique deals and sales, events, company updates, or news by sending messages right to the customer’s phone screen. • To promote sales, encourage loyalty, and improve communications, connect with customers instantaneously on any smartphone or tablet device and provide the greatest mobile user experience. Benefits • With in-app loyalty programs, coupons, and stamp cards, users can encourage repeat commerce. • Using the in-app store to boost sales. • Send users of the app highly targeted messages. • Content may be quickly updated at any time of day or night. • Enhance the brand’s image. More details + Added to wishlistRemoved from wishlist 0 Add to compare GoodBarber 7 - Pricing Model - Platform Offering 7.3 What is GoodBarber GoodBarber is a no-code app development platform. It enables individuals to construct their native app or Progressive Web App intuitively and independently, regardless of their technical expertise. Users may use GoodBarber to create a shopping app for the restaurant, small company, eCommerce, or groceries that allows customers to buy products, manage orders, and grow business brands. Users can also construct a content app for the radio station, blog, online magazine, or online courses, where users can publish articles, upload videos, and photos, and interact with the audience or team. App builder: Make an app that is worthy of the company. Whether they are selling things, want to offer clients a click-and-collect option, run a newspaper or radio station, offer online courses, and so on. Begin developing an app that users will enjoy. GoodBarber is a robust app creator. GoodBarber is perfect if users wish to build an app utilizing a pre-built template. PWA Builder: At the users’ fingertips, the best of Native App and Web technology. PWA allows a web app to get native app capabilities and access them via a web browser. Web applications that can work with native smartphone hardware are known as Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). Create a
web app that operates both online and offline: any search engine can find and index a Progressive Web App. GoodBarber is a great tool for non-developers and digital firms to build the best mobile user experience. Users may create and publish a Progressive Web App and a gorgeous native app for iOS and Android using a simple UI. SMEs, individual projects, agencies, non-profits, churches, and other organizations can use the app. What GoodBarber Offers Users get all the benefits of a native app without having to write a single line of code with GoodBarber. Create an endless number of apps in a matter of minutes, all without having to write a single line of code. Publish the software to the App Stores from a single interface and take advantage of their popularity to promote the company. PWAs can be utilized on any device with a browser that supports them, and they properly adapt to any screen size. PWAs take advantage of all of the standard web acquisition methods, particularly SEO. The GoodBarber app can be linked to a variety of third-party services. Subscriptions that auto-renew with in-app purchases, a built-in content management system, public/private material, and push notifications are all available. Why GoodBarber Their app builder is quite simple to use, but it has a lot of powerful capabilities. Almost every component of apps may be easily customized. GoodBarber enables us to create beautiful apps for our clients at a minimal cost, with simple administration The software is so simple to use that even someone with no programming knowledge could use it, yet the result is so polished that it seems like users hired a professional to do it. Designing the app is free, and there is a free trial period. More details + Added to wishlistRemoved from wishlist 0 Add to compare PrestaShop 8 - Pricing Model - Platform Offering 8.9 What is Prestashop PrestaShop, being a top e-commerce platform in Europe and Latin America, enables any company to grow its online sales and achieve its goals without limitations. PrestaShop, which is based on an open-source model, allows any merchant to run their e-commerce project from anywhere in the world, benefiting from a solution that is fully customizable and adaptable to each market. Two unique modules are required to customize an online store. The first module is essential for making simple modifications, while the second is a sophisticated module that allows users to personalize their online shop by modifying the code. Users also need access to JavaScript, HTML, and CSS files for these reasons. PrestaShop: While utilizing the power of the CMS, the PrestaShop e-commerce Starter Pack will assist businesses in putting the product catalog online, acquiring the first visitors, and converting them into customers. The Symfony framework underpins PrestaShop. It has around 600 functionalities, and there are over 5,000 modules and themes accessible in the marketplace or built-in. PrestaShop Experts: To get the entire list of PrestaShop specialists, sort by the talents users require the budget and their location. To construct and expand the online business, all users have to do is choose the Web agency or marketing firm that best meets their needs! Due to their competence and experience, Platinum partners are worldwide and experienced firms that have attained the highest level in
the PrestaShop partnership program. Healthcare, Educational, E-Commerce, Agriculture, Real Estate, etc. are the best PrestaShop users, want to simplify, digitize, and automate expert procedures and services. PrestaShop wants to become the reference commerce platform for the growth of businesses across the world, based on its principles of boldness, closeness, tenacity, and engagement, as a vital partner in the digitization of commerce. What PrestaShop can Offer Create a future-proof e-commerce platform to boost the CTR and income as their business expands. As your business grows, the PrestaShop Platform allows the user to select and distribute the website. Improve business SEO performance and mobile experience to attract and keep new consumers. If the customers prefer to pick up their order from the store, they may use the Click & Collect module to choose a period. With the MailChimp module, users can easily develop and send email campaigns to engage the consumers and boost sales. While utilizing the power of the CMS, the PrestaShop e-commerce Starter Pack will assist businesses in putting the product catalog online, acquiring the first visitors, and converting them into customers. In the extremely competitive eCommerce industry, creating an unforgettable brand is critical to your long-term success. Because online retailers are not confined by any geographical limits, anybody may trade items and services with people from all over the world. PrestaShop comes with a slew of features that are almost non-existent on other comparable eCommerce systems. Why PrestaShop PrestaShop is simple to install from the open-source software’s official website. When it comes to using PrestaShop, no technical experience is necessary. This is because its bespoke design is easy and convenient. PrestaShop offers a basic design and a user-friendly backend interface. PrestaShop supports a variety of languages and currencies, making localization a breeze. More details + Added to wishlistRemoved from wishlist 0 Add to compare Magento 9 - Pricing Model - Platform Offering 8.9 What is Magento Magento is an extensively utilized eCommerce platforms. Magento is a prominent alternative eCommerce platform that is utilized by organizations all over the world, including Samsung, Canon, Lenovo, Nike, and many more. The success of Magento may be ascribed to its distinct features and functionality. Magento’s additional PHP frameworks that are utilized are Laminas and Symfony. The source code for Magento is available under the GNU General Public License. Create multi-channel commerce experiences for B2B and B2C clients on a single platform. From the catalog through payment and delivery, its future-proof technology provides businesses with a commerce platform that is eternally flexible, extensible, and scalable. Because Magento is an open-source project, users have complete control over the server. Because the source code may be changed, the features become more adaptable and adjustable. The Magento Community Edition is cost-effective since it is free to use. The Magento Enterprise Edition, which includes more sophisticated capabilities, is also available if users want to get more out of the platform. Adobe Anatytics: Only Adobe provides the ability to combine, compare, and analyze data from every point along the consumer journey. In
addition, users can receive flexible reporting, predictive intelligence, and more. Real-Time CDP: B2C and B2B marketers may use Adobe’s Real-time Customer Data Platform to gather, standardize, and combine consumer and professional data into the real-time person and account profiles for customizing customer experiences at scale. Commerce: On a single platform, create multi-channel commerce experiences for B2B and B2C clients. Its future-proof technology provides customers a commerce platform that is infinitely adaptable, expandable, and scalable, from the catalog to payment to fulfillment. Campaign: Users can utilize rich customer data to build, organize, and deliver dynamic campaigns that consumers demand – via email, mobile, offline media, and more using Adobe Campaign. Users Retail, eCommerce, B2B, B2C, Digital Marketing, etc. are the best Magneto users, wanting to simplify, digitize, and automate expert procedures and services. What Magneto can Offer Precision analytics and reporting are some of the most important aspects of an eCommerce website. Magento has certain features that might help users give a better shopping experience for customers. Magento comes with a slew of tools that make catalog administration a breeze. This comprehensive platform allows for the display of virtual items, the editing, and deletion of product reviews, complete inventory management, quick product development, dynamic pricing, and social product sharing. Magento offers users user accounts that are simple to administer and have a variety of features. The platform also includes features for order management. The platform has single-page checkout, extensive SSL security, payment gateway integration, shipping module integration, support for multiple payment channels, and many more features. Why Magneto Users may produce attractive, customized, and responsive emails in several methods, including in-house creative and coding as well as collaboration with partners and agencies. Deliver one-to-one tailored content depending on the rules users establish for each recipient. Integrate with Adobe Analytics to trigger bespoke remarketing emails depending on specific user behaviors, or automate email answers from Campaign. More details + Added to wishlistRemoved from wishlist 0 Add to compare Drupal 10 - Pricing Model - Platform Offering 8.8 What is Drupal Drupal is a leading cloud-based open source content management system that allows you to create and publish content on your website. The platform’s features include merchandising, content development, reporting, and content sharing, to name a few. To regulate the content creation process, content workflows may be established using Drupal’s content architecture functionality. Furthermore, content marketers may use the platforms to tag important keywords, making their material easier to find in search engines. Users may alter the content of a website based on location, brand, and marketing campaigns using multisite management tools. Site designers may also distribute material in a variety of forms, including PDF, video, HTML, and Flash. The site also offers SEO tools and supports marketers with the construction of promotional campaigns (SEO) Drupal allows users to construct mobile-friendly web apps that can be browsed on smartphones and tablets. Facebook, Linke
dIn, MailChimp, Twitter, Zendesk, and Box are all integrated with the system. Dropal for Developers: Drupal is an open-source content management system (CMS) that enables you to create large-scale digital experiences that are ambitious, beautiful, and performant. Build the web of the future with an API-first design, comprehensive configuration management, and unprecedented extensibility. Drupal for Marketing: Drupal is a critical component of your marketing ecosystem, providing content-first, commerce-first, and community-first marketing solutions to help businesses reach the most ambitious business objectives. As a comprehensive web solution or multi-channel, its representation in-market is as distinctive as the brand, thanks to flexible design and remarkable scalability. Dropal for Agencies: Using Drupal digital experiences to spread the client’s brand, create engagement, and drive conversions, users can help them achieve their business goals. Customizable and adaptable to meet the needs of the client. Using Drupal’s API-first architecture and third-party connectors, create the ideal solution. Take advantage of the world’s greatest open source community. Dropal 9: Drupal 9 pushes all of Drupal 8’s features forward and continues to innovate with new features twice a year. Retail, FinTech, Sports & Entertainment, Decoupled, Travel & Tourism, High Tech, eCommerce, Nonprofit and NGOs, Healthcare, Higher Ed, Media & Publishing, Government, etc. are the best Dropal users, wanting to simplify, digitize, and automate expert procedures and services. People’s capacity to publish, collaborate, and exchange information online is critical to how they communicate. Drupal has such a significant influence on the digital world that we cannot afford to be sloppy. It takes a lot of effort to prioritize security, privacy, accessibility, multilingual capabilities, and usability, but it’s well worth it. What Drupal can Offer Drupal’s typical features include simple content writing, dependable speed, and strong security. Its versatility, though, is what sets it distinct. Its features help in creating the flexible, organized material required for dynamic online experiences. Users can customize it with one or more of the thousands of add-ons available. Alternatively, connect Drupal with the infrastructure’s external services and other applications. There is no other content management system that is as powerful and scalable as this one. Drupal is a free and open-source project. Anyone may download, use, collaborate on, and share it. Drupal and its extensions are developed in collaboration by over a thousand organizations. Intuitive solutions that enable business users to benefit from Drupal’s capability. New cutting-edge capabilities, allowing us to reach new digital channels while also enhancing the content management basis. Integrate a multichannel message environment that is both varied and simple. To expand content across silos, users can decouple the front-end and back-end. Why Drupal Drupal is an open-source content management system with a large user base. All of Drupal’s features are compliant with the World Wide Web Consortium’s rules and accessibility features. A Drupal developer may construct and edit a website, as well as distribute information to consumers, on a well-known platform. It provides documentation and discussion forums for developers willing to wade through the often choppy seas of the Drupal installation. More details + Added to wishlistRemoved from wishlist 0 Add to compare nandbox 11 -
Pricing Model - Platform Offering 7.6 What is nandbox nandbox is a mobile app development platform that allows users to create applications without having to code, host them, or pay any upfront fees. Users may also utilize nandbox to quickly reproduce well-known apps by selecting, customizing, and publishing them. Developers can add a variety of interactive features to their apps, such as mapping, which integrates interactive maps into the app, built-in messenger, which ensures easy and quick communication with customers, digital coupons, which entice customers with discounts, and even event creation, management, and pitching, which includes social media sharing options. Platform nandbox App Builder: It’s a no-code mobile app builder that allows anybody to create mobile applications for free, with no coding, hosting, or upfront expenses. Instead, users may build the app and get lifetime app maintenance. Users can create customized, native, hosted-ready mobile apps with nandbox App Builder utilizing a simple drag-and-drop technique. Developers can add a variety of interactive features to their apps, such as mapping, which integrates interactive maps into the app, built-in messenger, which ensures easy and quick communication with customers, digital coupons, which entice customers with discounts, and even event creation, management, and pitching, which includes social media sharing options. Cloud processing, modularity, usability, and bots are some of the tool’s other main characteristics. It also allows users to use an open API to connect their backend system to their mobile app. Users may design complex native mobile apps for Android and iOS that are ready to host. These run on a scalable and secure cloud ecosystem and don’t require any specific infrastructure. Nandbox offers free hosting, load and stress testing, and upgrades regularly. These numerous modules and interactive elements will assist firms in increasing their return on investment. nandbox is a popular no-code platform that helps employees ease interactions across departments in areas including education, sports, communities, TV & Media, eCommerce, and IT. Its purpose is to enable digital transformation for businesses easier and faster. The platform’s no-code app builder assists enterprises and communities in bridging communication barriers and monetizing services through their Mobile Apps. nandbox assists businesses in keeping up with the complete mobility era, which is accelerated by the latest 5G technology, thereby fulfilling rapidly changing market expectations. What nandbox can offer Integrate interactive maps into the software for a better user experience, including tracking, locating, and sharing locations, among other things. Ensure that customers are engaged through simple and quick communication routes. Keep clients on board by enticing them with digital discount coupons. This clever feature also allows for the tracking of offer utilization. Create, manage, and pitch the event, complete with GPS coordinates and social network sharing options. Using the nandbox app builder, users can quickly create complex hosted-ready native Android and iOS mobile apps. Build two complementing native Apps, one for Android and one for iOS, both following the operating system’s design rules for a better user experience. Using an open API, connect the backend system to the mobile app. Why Nandbox The Nandbox SaaS digital platform enables organizations to immediately construct native, hosted-ready mobile apps with simple drag-and-drop. nandbox App builder is a platform that houses a wide range of innovative ideas. Its drag-and-drop app builder allows users to develop sophisticated apps without writing code. nandbox Native App Builder is offering a 50% discount on CommunityApp, whi
ch can be used to interact with family, neighbors, friends, and coworkers. More details + Added to wishlistRemoved from wishlist 0 Add to compare Mailchimp 12 - Pricing Model - Platform Offering 8.9 What is Mailchimp Mailchimp is a leading marketing automation platform for creating, sending, and analyzing email and ad campaigns. Complete campaign transparency, email tracking, see success and click-through rates, bespoke reports, and the ability to manage subscribers and unsubscribers are all features included in the program. Mailchimp enables the creation of bespoke templates while also offering a variety of pre-made themes and campaigns. Mailchimp also offers a freemium option, allowing users to send up to 12,000 emails to 2,000 subscribers every month without incurring any costs. Free users get access to the majority of the capabilities, including marketing automation processes and the ability to construct ad campaigns. The Mailchimp mobile app makes it possible to create and send campaigns as well as manage the subscribers. To streamline the workflow, sync customer data, generate more revenue and grow business, choose from a variety of integrations and web services. To capture order details, generate targeted campaigns, optimize product follow-ups, create targeted order notifications, connect their online store to Mailchimp. Mailchimp offers online knowledge base assistance, as well as technical support via email and live, chat to assist users with any questions they may have. Platform Engagement Reports: Some of the most popular interaction data are available in MailChimp, including recipients, number of emails delivered, open rates, click rates, audience averages, number of emails opened and clicked, and more. Each may be viewed on the main dashboard or by going into further detail. Heat Maps: MailChimp’s click map and click performance are some of the features that impressed me. This tool allows users to see the emails through the eyes of the recipients, displaying the most frequently clicked links to help figure out what’s working and where future links should go. Google Analytics: MailChimp’s interface with Google Analytics, allows users to complement their existing campaign reports with data from Google Analytics. Conversion tracking can be used to determine the success rate, as well as tracking visits to campaign pages to determine how effective the emails are. API Integrations: MailChimp’s API can connect to several RESTful APIs, allowing users to manually or automatically integrate many of the tools customers need straight into the app. Ecommerce Tools: They all have a relationship, regardless matter which major eCommerce technologies they use. Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, and other major eCommerce platforms have one-click integrations on the platform. Mobile Apps: Stay focused on business consumers, develop engaging marketing campaigns, and measure performance—all in one place—with Mailchimp’s mobile app. Get the Mailchimp mobile app now. Plugins: MailChimp takes pride in making it simple to connect the tools users need for day-to-day operations. Basic interfaces, such as project and task management, are available, but deeper connections to applications that are critical to the organization are also possible. CRM Integrations: Being able to link
the CRM tools to gather and send data to the email marketing software is critical because they are so interconnected. Integrations for Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho, and Zapier are available through MailChimp, though some may require third-party connections. Apps: With one-click access to over 200 App integrations, including popular apps like Xero for contact synchronization, Canva for graphics, and several analytics tools to offer users a better perspective of the campaigns, the platform truly excels here. Plugins: MailChimp takes pride in making it simple to connect the tools that need for day-to-day operations. Basic interfaces, such as project and task management, are available, but deeper connections to applications that are critical to the organization are also possible. MailChimp Automation: MailChimp’s automation is good, but it is more sophisticated than intuitive, so users may need to do some study before the business can use the capabilities. Mailchimp is a small business’s all-in-one marketing platform. Of the smart marketing new tech, award-winning support, and inspiring content, they help millions of customers around the world start and grow their businesses. Mailchimp is a 100% founder-owned and successful company that was founded in 2001 and headquartered in Atlanta with additional offices in Brooklyn, Oakland, and Vancouver. What MailChimp can Offer Users may quickly begin building emails using MailChimp’s simple drag-and-drop editor for any email template they select. MailChimp allows users to design landing pages in a limitless number of ways. The company’s Content Studio, which includes a choice of themes and drag-and-drop capability, allows users to easily create pages to promote the campaign. The large selection of email templates offered by MailChimp is one aspect that I found valuable, especially for consumers who aren’t designing professionals. MailChimp assists with its simple sign-up forms, and the firm runs on an “Opt-In” strategy. Why MailChimp Using the basic marketing automation settings in MailChimp, users may automate operations. Users can alter these forms and add the organization’s logo using MailChimp. On these forms, users may also add their social media accounts. The user can add contacts from their mobile devices to their MailChimp list. With the RSS-to-email and automated workflow tools in MailChimp, users may send emails based on predefined triggers. MailChimp also has a dashboard with visual reports that are simple to understand. Trending Blog:Online Store Ideas to start your business without coding21 Best eCommerce Themes For Start-ups Using No-Code PlatformsHow to Start an Online Store in 1 Day Using No-Code PlatformsHow to Learn No-Code App Development in a Short Period of Time  Keep Updated On Latest News Subscribe now to receive interesting news, articles, blogs and event details Subscribe Now
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chocobarsys · 2 years
Currently stressin because our driver license expired way back in May and we haven’t been able ta renew it because it costs like 140 dollars so I looked online ta see if there was any programs ta help wit the cost of this kinda thing and o course there’s not because CT makes everythin 100x harder than it needs ta be.
Also in CT if yer license is expired fer two years or more, ya have ta take an eight hour drivin course AND pay the fees before ye can renew it -_- because as aforementioned there, CT makes it 100x harder to do anythin up here.
But even if we had the money, I don’t even kno if we’d be able ta get to the DMV since the people we’re forced ta live wit right now hate us.
Could potentially uber there if we had the extra money ta do that, but that’s even more money that we don’t have and have no way of gettin too.
Me head hurts now
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slutauthority · 3 years
omg ….we*******edman was having issues & I went JO*NT free for nearly 72 hrs but he kept saying as soon as he could he would come thru and tell me why this is making me feel so nice that he wrote my name on the bag lmaooooooooo
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I’ve always said casually seeing ur name or hearing ur name from a kind person or friend is a certain form of love I just cannot explain it
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