#dose of cleo
eluminium · 8 months
Tango: Oh how sad, seems like everyone has teamed up already. I guess we have to pick Skizz as our third Cleo: Tango I'm pretty sure half the server is teamless- Tango, slicking his hair back with lithium chloride: oh I can't believe we're stuck with Skizz. How horrible for this muscley man to be our only option. Such sadness.
Cleo: Tango. Tango, applying lipstick: Look I don't make the rules here Cleo now get in the boat we're going to love island
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callivich · 7 days
Vent post
had a bad week - long story but my cat is sick and she has something potentially treatable (diabetes and chronic kidney disease) but we’ve had to stress her out with several vet visits and she’s elderly (15) and it’s just a lot. I just want to do the best for her and give her every chance possible but at the same time I don’t want to put her through excess stress or suffering. I’ve not helped myself by going down an internet rabbit hole. I’m crying too much and I just feel like shit. We were given the first dose of meds for her diabetes and she took ages to eat it, I know it’s the first day and she’s had a very stressful week (she hates the vet and going in a car) and I need to calm the fuck down but I’m worried for long term. I live with my parents and they agree that we all need to calm down lol because she’s probably picking up on our anxiety.
It’s also making me think I shouldn’t have come off my anti depressants last year, I’m crying a lot because of my dear Cleo but the crying thing isn’t recent (been getting too caught up in my head, anxious and depressive thoughts etc) and I don’t think I’m doing too good these past few months….maybe into the end of last year. I feel selfish for thinking about myself right now because I need to focus on her but idk, I’m not feeling too good. i think I’m gonna talk to my GP but I don’t wanna go back on what I was on bc I don’t think it was helping towards the end, I was on them for like…..10years and they worked at first but I don’t think they did at the end which is why I stopped taking them.
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wulf59-stuff · 9 months
What is your biggest critique of Carmen Sandiego?
Well I have to re watch it again to be sure buuuut. The fact that even when we are at VILE we don't see the faculty and Black sheep interact (except when she was a baby and that comes later in the show). I mean we do get the one with Brunt protecting her, establishing that she was the "nicest" to her, but like it could have been anyone of them and it wouldn't have made a difference. (Like oh it was Cleo but I still think Brunt saved me. Oh Shadow San is nice to me but I'm sure that Brunt saved me.). And maybe if we had at least one more scene with her and Black sheep they could have shown that. Heck they could have foreshadowed that Brunt is very easy to get on her bad side and could actually seriously hurt you.(I know that's kind of what happened but I mean like, what if a student dose something stupid talks back to her or something like that and she sends them to the infirmary?)
The deleted scenes with her and the VILE gang are actually really good and kind of showed my point. It showed the extent of how much Tigres and Black sheep hate eachother, it shows how far she's willing to take a stupid competition. It shows that Gray is the closest one to Black sheep. (Don't get me wrong they show all that already, but it's later on. I like seeing what they are the way they are with eachother.) Also we saw more of our gay boys!
I would have also liked to see a scene in 'The Stockholm Syndrome Caper' of Julia going off on Chief and Zary(I mean she did but I want more I want to see that woman be furious). Of her actually panicking because they can't find her and because it's getting cold too cold for someone so lightly dressed. And when they find her I honestly would have liked if they just kept the one frame or so that they planed on.(in it Carmen looks at Julia, Julia is sad, and it goes back to Carmen showing that she forgives her). Also them TALKING in the Egypt episode!!!!😡
And in the last episode everything after she got her memories back can fuck right off and they could give me a good ending!! Or at least her saying something to the twins before leaving or staying and explaining herself. Or even team Red and Julia chasing her. They could even be like 'LA FEMME ROUGE!!!!!' I just needed *More*
A bit more time with the mom would have been nice too. Like them talking or even just an exclamation someone drops something and a simple hug. We spent 3 season wondering who she was and then we don't even get a face!?
Well that's most of it I think. If I remember something else I will add it. And I would like to hear what everyone else thinks.
For those that don't know what cut scenes I'm talking about it's a video called 'Found Carmen Sandiego Content' by 'Cartoonishly_Carmen'. And there is a video by "Jackie_Shitposts" 'The lost Carmen Sandiego Content Caper' that explains the situation.
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minecraftbookshelf · 10 months
To Walk A Mile In Each Others Shoes: Tilly Death Do Us Part
Summary: The soulbonds have consequences, and for some they are more welcome than others. Scott and Pearl Edition
Characters: Scott Smajor & Pearlescentmoon
Word Count: 406
General Note: I'm posting these as separate one-shot style posts for each soulbond pair. They are all written but I have them queued up and spaced out. All posted will be on this blog under the tag "to walk a mile in each others shoes" and also on my AO3, which is linked on my pinned post.
The antennae are annoying.
Scott keeps forgetting they are there and catching them in his fingers when he runs them through his hair, which hurts. The extra perception they afford him of his surroundings would be useful, if he were used to processing it (which he isn't) so its more paranoia-inducing than anything else. And a healthy dose of paranoia keeps you alive, but too much gets you dead faster than anything else. And Scott does not intend to die.
Out of spite if nothing else.
His back itches almost constantly, and Cleo had informed him that there are patches of fine, dusty scales between his shoulder blades. Scales like a moth's wings, right in the place where they would sprout from.
The night the moon rose full Scott caught himself standing on the front porch of his house staring at it. Utterly entranced until Cleo shook him out of it. He has to brace himself against the lure of campfires and torches and the siren call of flint and steel (Though that, at least, he is used to. Like Cleo said, they're arsonists.)
And if he focuses on these little discomforts, Scott can ignore the way it sometimes seems like he can see right through the world. Through the Players that inhabit it. Beyond into the Void, into the Ether into...
Scott Smajor is a Void Walker, he knows intimately the dangers of looking too closely at Eternity.
So he closes his eyes and pretends he can't see it looking right back.
The stars sing.
It's like a million voices directly in her head. It's shivers down her spine and ice in her veins and fire in her brain. It's the jolt of pain from a phantom axe crit at dawn and the stinging cold of powdered snow to pay it back.
Burn they sing burn bright and fierce and when you burn out take it all with you
They sing and there are so many of them, so many voices and yet they are so far away, so unattainable, and she is still alone.
She digs her fingers into Tilly's fur and buries her face in her neck and tries to focus on the familiar, low hum of the moon beneath the eternal choir.
(And Scott stacks TNT and strikes the flint and steel and she meets his eyes and, far beyond the day-lit skies, the stars swell in a final chord.)
Team Ranchers || Team Box || Dessert Duo || The Boat Boys || The Homewreckers || Bad Math || Tilly Death Do Us Part
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littlewestern · 4 months
if you’re still taking ship asks, thomas? and if not i understand!💙 ty either way
I sat here looking at this ask for about 45 seconds with a blank expression on my face because my knee-jerk reaction to people asking what I think about about Thomas is usually, "I don't think about him at all <3". This is both rude and not true.
I like Thomas in small doses! I like early season little shit Thomas who makes life harder on everyone around him because he's new and doesn't know anything, and I like later season CGI revisits to little shit Thomas so long as it doesn't get too obnoxious. One of my favorite things about the later seasons of Little Shit Thomas is how faithfully it hews to the source material.
There are two things that remain wholly consistent across the TVS canon Thomas iterations: 1) He hates his snowplow and 2) He has zero game. He gets absolutely no bitches. Negative rizz. Maidenless behavior. The only women who love him unconditionally are his coaches. I think this is one of the funniest things about his character.
Across the board, whenever he meets a girl engine in a serial episode, Thomas immediately starts beefing with them. Emily, Rosie, Ashima, Nia, Cleo. Granted, Thomas will beef with most new engines he meets at first because he's insecure and wasn't raised right, but with the girls it goes on without exception. And it's also funny, as I mentioned.
That said, this is the foundation for what is probably my favorite Thomas ship that NO ONE has ever heard of, of which I am the sole captain and which I will probably go to my grave defending.
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For what they are, the Italian characters in BWBA are probably some of the most overdeveloped side characters I've ever seen on this show. And for basically no reason, because no one besides DJ and I watched season 23 and paid attention.
That said, you might be surprised to hear that Gina is one of my favorite characters in the entire TVS and no I'm not even joking about this lol.
I love her design, I love how pretty she is, I love that she reads as a little bit older and more experienced without watering her down to something bland. In the episodes she shows up in, she demands all of your attention and I'm happy to give it because she's got this fantastic design and colorful personality I find eminently watchable. That on it's own is enough to make me like her.
But my favorite thing about Gina is that, like all the other female character mentioned above, she frequently gets into little arguments with Thomas. The difference here is that while Emily and Rosie and Nia and Ashima don't really let Thomas's immaturity get under their skin and move on from their arguments with him easily, Gina gets so upset when Thomas argues with her.
Like magic, this transforms the relationship from scanning as "coworkers having a disagreement" to "Gina cares what Thomas thinks about her, and the fact that she cares bothers her so much". It's hard to describe without having seen the episodes, so I do encourage you to watch All Tracks Lead To Rome to see what I mean. It;s fascinating behavior from an engine who, up until the point she starts arguing with Thomas, seems like she has her shit together. Then Thomas says some dumbass shit and she immediately lets it ruin her day.
it's like. You ever develop a crush on someone who is just... Like you can't stand them sometimes? But you still have a crush on them even when you're completely done with their shit? And you're mad at yourself for still thinking their dumb face is adorable and for letting it bother you so much because you can't stop thinking about their dumb adorable face even though you're mad? No? Just me?
Well. It's like that. And that is such a funny and refreshing way to approach a character dynamic, especially in this show where most of the side characters are One Note Nobodies.
tl;dr: Gina is morosexual. Thomas asked her what the Italian word for al dente was and now she dreams of kissing him under the moonlight. And she hates that so much.
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Also go watch the Italy episodes of BWBA, they're great.
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artisticcrow · 1 year
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Time for Another Break Down Post! All the details of this pic cut below
So if you want to reblog just this pic, go here!
Now then On to the break down!
Let’s start with the star himself Ren:
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Now Wolfboy here has a bit going on his design. 
Of course being that he’s wearing his vacation get up with the flowers, glasses, and watch changing color as he looses life I wanted someway to incorporate all of that. 
So please imagine that the glare in his glasses are yellow and red. Also the outer petals of the flower are red and yellow while the inner are that true pink and then of course the center being the light blue of the shirt itself. He has a flower bracelet that has all three traffic colors and those colors also show up in small bars on his watch!
This design of Ren has several scars to represent his deaths both in DL and from 3L and LL as well. With the most prominent one being the dripstone scar the cracked open the top of his forehead! 
Speaking of which if you look above him and the moon, on top of the pic there are in fact some dripstone there.
Ren has three pins on his design, two on his suspenders and one on the collar of his button up. A Prince Frog pin to reference how he found Big B, A log on fire for the summoning ceremony, and a cookie, once again for his Soulmate.
He has many things attach to his belt that I best make an itemized list from left to right. 1. A bunch of “summoning” candels that hand around his side and back that are clearly just Yankee candel with lead wrapped around them. 2. Sugar Cane in a holster because he earned what he stole and grew. 3. A sheath dagger for his diamond sword. 4. A bundle of wheat from the home garden that he can use to make bread, and 5. a curved goat horn.
Bonus he has has a crown for a belt buckle. Is the royal season rising or is it just a princely curse?
Final notes is that Ren is a very harry boi with sharp claws and he has furry dog legs.
Now onto Martyn;
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Martyn here is an Ocelot becuase it was too funny to let it go that he logged into the wrong skin, though of course his MCC outfit has changed just a little bit.
I am a big fan of the Celestial Bodies as Life Series Championships and tbh the whole Martyn as the Ocean thing while makes sense in isolation really doesn’t make sense with the theming, so instead I counter it with making him a Comet. And before anyone says anything comets often are in the ocean and due often contain water.
But if you really are stuck on the Ocean theming I feel like the entire Earth instead of just the ocean or a water theming planet like Neptune should work.
Now Martn here has a lot of hearts through his theming, from his jacket to his sword he is the broken heart he lives in. He also claimed to be a modern artist, not someone whose bring down the property value like many in the neighborhood watch complained. 
So of course he has his artist apron full of brushes and the like and a pallet shield to protect himself. 
He’s also the only one in the pick all but grasping at his soul unlike the others whose soul floats above their hands. Grasping for connection to betray. Like the Cornflower from Cleo he has proudly on his jacket or the Moon charm on his Sword.
Idk where else I’m going to put this but he dose in fact have a horn and telescope hidden in his side just hanging in there. 
Tbh whenever I didn’t know what to do with certain area’s of his design, I just ref’ed his Vtuber model and compared it a picture of an Ocelot.
All halo’s by a portal design listening behind him
Funfact; all of the Broken Hearts Club Members have a Spiked Band with a Demon charm on it, Ren’s is covering his Beheading Scar from 3L making a choker, Pearls is openly on her wrist, and Martyn’s- Martyn’s is on the mirroring wrist, turned away and hidden, the charm blocked by His Hand.
Now onto Pearl’s Design!
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The Champion herself of course is a crescent tailed demoness, but she’s wearing a red wolf’s cloak.
I really went hard into the Fairytale theming for Pearl, like sure the other two have vague hints here and there, but here it’s just everywhere.
From her witch esq clothing to her Golden Apple in a Bottle, I just had fun.
But of course beware as she does have her nasty fishing rod and sword behind her back as well. She has a dark blue vest over her white dress to contrast her redlife cloak. Which ref’s her starting skin and red life skin she switched to early on.
Over all it’s a more simpler design that I had real fun putting together.
Though it did come with some regrets, such as me wishing I had the room to make the ink around her moon’s cloud thicker and maybe given Scott’s soul a bunch of cracks rather the matching blank I went with.
I gave her waaaaay more eyes than Martyn as she watched way more.
A couple final details
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Connected to Ren’s Soul is of course his Soulmate which is rotating around the sun with another Soul whose bond is leading off picture.
Matryn’s annoying paw shoes where only possible due to the amount of color and shapes in his mcc shoes.
Bdubs and Impulse are holding hands while their souls are broken broken but still bonded directly below Ren. My man wanted to avenge his Soulmate and thus he get’s a little silly goof as a treat. 
And Finally while I am not showing you the pic again; please know that Ren’s pole axe was a Time[Negative] to draw. 
Just a whole time right there.
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writermuses · 1 year
closed starter for @sirxnx
When his work phone chimed with a new hit, Octavius sat up in bed pulled open the file. The High Table provided as much or as little as they thought would be useful in convincing their skilled mercenaries to take on the task. Files always started with a name, aliases, a known location if it was available, and then the payout. Octavius was the best of the best, anything that came after that in the file, including the whys, connections, and organizations rarely impacted his decision. He killed people and there wasn't really a moral compass that came with that when the High Table's targets were anywhere from criminals, murderers, abusers, and the wealthy assholes that pushed trickle-down economics and political polarization. It wasn't the name, Simon, that was familiar and had Octavius kicking his legs over the edge of the bed it was the location, just a block from the street he'd dropped Cleo seven months earlier.
The months since Octavius and Cleo parted ways had taken him all over the world, but his thoughts and research had taken him back to her area mentally, not physically. The soonest he liked to go back to a place he'd done a hit was six months, so this was cutting it close; however, it was in another area and if Cleo brought it up Tavi would play it off that maybe it meant she should move to a safer place. In his travels he'd learned the address provided was an apartment; perfect for his plan to make the death look like an overdose, easy and lacking a need for body removal clean up. Maybe Octavius should have followed his usual routine of watching his target for a few days, but the prospect of a quick job for time with Cleo was too tempting. He'd slipped into the apartment and waited in the bathroom, needle in hand. As soon as there were footsteps in the bedroom he stepped out and said, "Simon." The man turned around surprised and, as planned, backed into the bed. Dodging his hands, he covered his mouth with a cloth covered in an untraceable sedative. Limp on the bed, Octavius rolled up the sleeve of Simon's button up in no rush, knowing this man would have kept his work tidy before picking a clear vein to inject the beyond lethal dose of a concoction of fentanyl and cocaine. It wasn't until the room was set, pulse checked that the job was done and confirmation sent, that he pulled off his gloves, ready to slip back out of the apartment when a lock unlatched. It was then that he saw a picture on a bookshelf. "Cleo?"
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snowinxs · 2 months
Okay guys hear me out… Cledubs except it’s Little Nightmares. YOU HAVE TO HEAR ME OUT! Okay the whole plot of Little Nightmares 1 and 2 is about betrayal! Honestly depending on which way you want to do it, you can either make Bdubs Mono or Six and same with Cleo! Bdubs is known for being seen as a betrayer and Cleo is often the person getting betrayed. So it can either be Bdubs journey and he can be six trying to escape trying to survive, while all Cleo dose is try to help but eventually it ends to her downfall! But then it could go the other way! But of course if it’s an AU, you can technically bring in the runaway kid, seeing that the Runaway kid and Six was at the ship at the same time. That the whole entire time they were running from each other yet they both just needed to see each other and work together. But may be wondering WHO WOULD BE MOJO! The runaway kid can substitute for Mono! Or we can go down the same route and since Cleo is a zombie that it’s like recarnation that she recarnates into Mono! Guys I swear THERE IS A VISION! You just have to expand on it! Plus the outfits would be so cute!
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It dose, silly connections are allowed and encouraged so Cleo and tango now.
LimL!Cleo: ... Alright, It's me and you Tango.
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wolfclaire · 10 days
I don't remember if you mentioned this in an ask already but, moon elves in a blood moon,
We know that too much moonlight is bad psychologically but, what do different types of moons do? Like blood moons blue moons eclipses and the likes?
Hi, thank you for your ask!
So, I spend a while looking around if I did talk about these moons but it looks like that I did a bit! ( https://www.tumblr.com/wolfclaire/695033509381865472/are-cleo-and-gem-gonna-hang-out-again-also-is?source=share )
I also did mention a Blood Moon alllll the way back in chapter 4 :D
In silence, Pearl left into the night. Blood moon started rising on the horizont, the wind turned awfully cold. But Pearl didn’t notice. She didn’t feel. She didn’t even flutter her wings anymore. She could only walk and only one thought kept running inside her head: “It’s all my fault.”
So, Blood Moon did affected her. Badly. After she "caused" the death of Ren and BigB, she felt empty. Worthless. Useless. She coudln't think of anything else. She wasn't even able to talk properly when she came back to Spidey's base and if it wasn't for Spidey and Tilly, she would do a very very bad thing to herself...
Blue moon would probably work the other way than Blood one. It would give hope, it would give you a purpose, a strenght to continue...or, with too much of it, it would make you confident, cocky, reckless...a laughing mess that doesn't seem to fully understand what is happening.
Eclipses...ehhh I didn't really think of those? But I think they shouldn't really affect the Moon Elves if they manage to get their "Moon dose" the next day.
But if you spend too much time without the moon, you might start to get very sensitive to any moonlight and it might be easier for you to get "overdosed".
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eluminium · 1 year
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bloop-im-a-frog-now · 25 days
Pearl/cleo and 7 for the kissing prompts :3
Relationship: Pearl/Cleo
Tags: Last Life SMP, Shut Up Kiss, French Kissing, Implied Sexual Content, Rot/Rots pronouns for Cleo, Moon/Moons pronouns for Pearl
Summary: Cleo came back from resources gathering for Pearl's totally not-a-boogey trap.
Your daily dose of lesbians. I love them so much, I need to write more of them.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
your joe hills propaganda has made me want to watch his stream so bad but tragically, i can never catch his streams TwT and vods arent really my thing so. sigh
his streams ARE rather late at night for a lot of people, being at 8:30 PM CST and all (every day but tuesday and wednesday, his days off the nightly stream). his episodes are edited together from stream footage, however! so while you may miss a lot of stream shenanigans, you don’t miss all of it—toy get the bits he recorded on stream. also, if daytime streams are better times for you, he normally streams “crafts” (note: joe hills definition of crafts is very very wide) at 8:30 AM CST with cleo on wednesdays, either hhh or a bonus stream at between 1:00–2:30 CST on mondays (depending on when hhh is scheduled to start and how much time ahead of time he wants to start), and additional occasional bonus streams during the week (wednesday afternoons and friday afternoons seem to be more common but it depends).
what I’m saying is don’t worry, there are many ways to get your appropriate dose of joe hills stream content!
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bellshazes · 1 month
literally not what I was talking abt in my last post but I forgot I started writing the cleo/pearl part of clover au and honestly. It's good
Pearl lies down on top of the sheets on the thin bed in the blank room and regards the ceiling with a practiced air. “How do you know? If you love someone.”
Outside the window in the city where the lights never go down and people spend lifetimes looking for light, where some other person takes the stage in some other lounge just like the one she knows in another more familiar city just like this one, and people fall in love with the song and think that means they love the singer, too. There’s a difference between loving someone for what they pretend to be and for who they are, Cleo thinks, and another difference still between loving someone for who they are and loving all the people they’re trying to be, their wishes and dreams and hopes and fears not yet them, but their becoming, maybe, if you’re lucky enough to see it.
On the bed, Pearl’s hands are folded under her breastbone. Her eyes move slowly across the landscape of the textured white ceiling. Cleo watches her watching the ceiling and breathes as she injects another dose of stimulant, trying to relax into the uncomfortable single chair. The greenhouse had wrought-iron ceilings and lounging furniture with draped shadows and overgrowth, not unmaintained but allowed to fill the space where people were not. Who had taken care of them, the auto-dolls, built to guard and made to garden? Had Pearl tended them instead, and closed herself off from the world with living things, shade for her and her lonely, lonely pack of dogs? What futures had driven her to leave, or be taken, Cleo wonders.
What Cleo says is:
“He made me promise I wouldn’t die before him. And I keep my promises.”
And then: “You should sleep, Pearl.”
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queeniecook · 1 year
Goodbye To You - Part 4
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I took the time to think about what Pak had said. I sat down at my computer and glanced at Cleo’s picture before going online and filling out an adoption form for the local animal shelter. I still felt a little torn, but overall felt it was the right thing to do.
And that night…
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Maybe it was just a dream. Or maybe it was really Cleo. But she was there.
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I got to hold her, one last time, in my dreams anyway.
It woke me up after I held her in the dream and I put on some clothes, going outside so I didn’t bother Pak. He had to work in the morning.
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I felt both happy and sad. Happy I got to see her again, kind of. And sad. She really was gone. But I took it as a sign. That I was doing the right thing.
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The following day, they brought over a kitten for me to meet. To see if we would be a fit.
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The moment she motioned to something, I knew we would.
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Sabrina became a part of our family that day. Even though no animal replaces another, she did help with the loss. Plus, we were giving her a home when she needed one.
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Once Vera figured out we had another cat, she quickly tried to make friends with Sabrina. I swear, if that kitten could have crossed her arms and pouted she would have. Instead she just pouted. I guess she didn’t know what to think of a toddler. Thankfully, Sabrina seemed to show patience beyond her years. She didn’t even hiss or growl at Vera.
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To my surprise, I had another dream about Cleo that night. It was of her, Vera and Sabrina. That dream made me very happy. I felt like it was her way of saying she approves of the new addition to the family.
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I reached a new level of meditation. It freaked me out at first, but I guess it’s normal to levitate once you reach that level.
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Vera was growing more and more everyday. In some ways, I wanted her to slow down. I was excited to see what kind of person she would be, but wasn’t ready for her to go out into the world either. Even if it was just school.
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Though it took some time, I made sure to show my appreciation to Pak for his suggestion to adopt a cat. Most of the time, he knows what I need more than I do. One of the reasons I love him so much.
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I started getting sick to my stomach a lot. It worried me, there was a bug going around. I didn’t want to get Vera or Pak sick. I upped my dose of Vitamin C, just to be on the safe side and made sure to wash my hands even more.
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One night, Salem gave Vera a hug and I knew she had found her cat best friend. Just like I had found mine. I cried a little. Okay, maybe a lot.
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Vera decided to celebrate her friendship with Salem by dancing. Or she just wanted to dance. It was cute. And then I thought hit me.
What if. What if I wasn’t just sick. I left Vera was Pak and went to the drug store.
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I was pregnant again. I was shocked. So shocked I sat on the toilet for fifteen minutes processing my discovery.
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MCYT last life AU
This is a small AU idea that dose not have any GT but I still wanted to share it with people, hope everyone enjoys it!
No one knows how they got here or why the gods are playing such a strange game with their lives but there is no other way out than to win their game, hopefully whoever gets to live the longest might even get to go home.
This AU has the soulmate and the extra lives feature in it and I will be listing the amount of lives everyone has and who their soulmates are (there are only 10 people who have soulmates rn), there will also be a feature called "God's Favor" where three people are either giving favor by Kristen goddess of death or Grian a God that had his powers recently stripped and put into this game.
Btw there's a very low chance I might write this as a series. I just really wanted to get this idea out there. More under cut!
Players In The Game Lives
Tommy’s Lives- 4
Grian’s Lives- 6
Tubbo’s Lives- 10
Jimmy’s Lives- 4
Eret’s Lives- 6
Scott’s Lives- 7
Joel’s Lives- 7
Ranboo’s Lives- 6
Lizzy’s Lives- 4
Sapnap’s Lives- 8
Etho’s Lives- 8
Philza’s Lives- 3
Bdubs’s Lives- 9
Techno’s Lives- 10
Pearl's Lives- 4
Tango’s Lives- 4
Sam’s Lives- 6
Ponk’s Lives- 4
Purple’s Lives- 5
Scar’s Lives- 7
Karl’s Lives- 6
Cleo's Lives- 8
Charlie's Lives- 3
Niki's Lives- 5
Martin's Lives- 5 
Wilbur' Lives- 1
Players And Their Soulmate
Etho - Sam
Grain - Philza
Scar - Quackity
Scott - Tommy
Joel - Charlie
God's Favor
Mumza humans- Tommy, Techno, Philza (have a small increase in attack and run faster than other players)
Grain humans- Scar, Jimmy, Pearl (have higher looting when killing mods/animals and get extra good loot from chest)
Basic Plot Points rn
-Scott keeps refusing to admit that he has a soulmate becuz he doesn't want to be stuck taking care of Tommy and Tommy doesn't really mind this as before the game he lived all alone on the streets (till someone found him), both struggle greatly to start getting along and actually working together
-Joel and Charlie straight up just like causing problems on purpose and actually work pretty well together
-Quackity fully believes Scar is going to ditch him at some point and is just waiting for it to happen we'll Scary is just trying to get his soulmate to be happy and have a good time (soulmates can feel each other's emotions)
-No one has any idea what Etho and Sam are doing but for some odd reason Tommy keeps making up a story that they're trying to dig to the center of the Earth (they are in fact actually trying to dig to the center of the Earth and Tommy helps them for free food)
-Philza made Grain help him build a base on top of the highest goddamn mountain and he hates it. Grain constantly feels like his life is in danger and Philza does not care at all he finds the man's panic and worry very funny
-Cleo has made it her personal mission to gather up all of the children that have been pulled into this game and try and keep them in one location, not because she cares about them but mainly because she just doesn't want them getting in the way of what the grown-ups are doing. Tubbo has blown up the place she keeps making for them five times now
-Pearl, Niki, Eret, and Jimmy are the only ones trying to be proactive in a way that doesn't involve getting someone killed and started up a farm to make sure everyone has plenty of food, Ranboo and Purpled help deliver the food to everyone around the server 
-No one has any idea where Tommy or Techno live and quite frankly it scares everyone because the two of them will appear out of nowhere sometimes covered in blood (Tommy is always covered in his own blood and Techno is always covered in something/someone else's blood)
-Ponk is a traveling medic and will give people healing potions if he ever finds them injured, Scott keeps trying to recruit him into a small group he's making but Pink always turns him down
-Philza has been helping Eret make a nice big castle everyone can stay in and be safe inside of just in case something goes wrong, Grain is purposely left in the dark about this as Philza is starting to get suspicious of him with how he acts towards the small shrine he made for his wife
-Scott, Cleo, Sam, Etho, B-Dubs, Sapnap and Martin have formed a small group that are trying to keep the server in order and make rules. Techno and Tubbo team up to take them down because of this as Techno quite frankly agrees with Tubbo that forcing the younger members to sit on the sidelines and not do anything is a bit unfair and automatically puts them at a disadvantage to lose the game.
-Scott tried going down into an end City and lost one of his first lives, well recovering from it and a bit annoyed he was now down to 6 Techno showed up and started fighting him. Techno made it very clear to Scott that if he ever lost another life he would make him wish he had been safer and just taken another one himself. (Tommy was knocked down to three lives because of this incident and was in a lot of pain)
-Tubbo finds out he can give people some of his lives because he has 10 so to make sure Tommy well be okay he gives one of his lives to his friends and puts Tommy back up to 4 (Scott does not get an extra life from this only Tommy does)
-Wilbur was not originally part of this game. This man literally broke into the game just to find his little brother and now only has one life and is constantly on red. But unlike normal red lives he doesn't have any murders intent and is acting exactly like a green life! Grain and Philza I'm pretty sure this is because Wilbur broke into the game and wasn't actually supposed to be here so he didn't get the whole red life murders intense thing, but Tommy gets his brother now so it's fine! :D
-Well Philza, Grain, Techno, and Tommy are in no way worried about Wilbur committing atrocities everyone else on the server is panicking because there's a red life running around and no one knows what that means, Scar is the only other person not worrying because he plans on scamming Wilbur out of his cool beanie for Quackity (Quackity lost his beanie and has just been wearing a handkerchief to cover his head)
-Joel let Lizzy and Charlie meet and is now being horribly tormented by the two (affectionate)
-Bdub's found out what Etho and Sam are doing and is now trying to help them hide it and at a certain point scares Tommy off so he no longer gets to help
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