#dpr live scenarios
dreamperfectarchives · 5 months
Sweet Silence
Summary: Dabin makes a bet with his friends without thinking about the consequences and gets into trouble.
Or boys will be boys, Ugh.
Bet!AU | M.List | Word Count: 1.6k
DPR Live x Reader: Angst, fluff, miscommunication, your friends with other khh artists. drama. arguments, men are dumb!
A/N sorry, it's on the shorter side but please enjoy!
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How it started;
"If you accept this bet, y/n might not speak to you ever again."
Dabin rolled his eyes.
"He knew you better than anyone, and he believed that you wouldn't break up with him over a bet. Especially since he would explain everything in detail once the bet was over and he had won, proving those guys wrong.
“Okay, you have three days to complete this whole game, so that means no sleeping and no texting your girlfriend,” Ian smirked as he explained the rules to Dabin. “We’ll come into your flat to make sure you’re fed and hydrated, so you don’t die.”
Your boyfriend had a smile on his face, feeling thrilled at the idea of proving his friends wrong and winning the bet. However, he got too caught up in the excitement and forgot to inform you beforehand that he would be gone for three days while the dare was taking place.
“Bring it on, guys!”
He didn’t think that the outcome, in the end, would be so… terrifying. 
How it went; 
“You know what’s weird?” you said as you grabbed a drink out of your fridge. “I haven’t heard from Dabin since last night.” 
Hoody sat comfortably on the floor, intently flipping through the pages of a fashion magazine. Meanwhile, Sohee carefully painted her nails with a deep and rich shade of red.
“He’s probably just hanging out with the guys,” one of them answered. 
The other simply hummed in agreement. 
"Oh, that's a nice colour," you complimented Sohee before sitting next to her on the couch, being careful not to disturb her. "You're probably right, but, weirdly, he's taking so long to text me." 
Hoody closed her magazine over, before grabbing her drink off the coffee table, “you know what you need?” She suggested after taking a sip. “A girls night with us! We can invite Lee Hi and DeVita too.” 
You let out a sigh, the idea did sound like fun. It had been a while since you all hung out together and had a good time. Besides, maybe Dabin needed a break with his friends, just like you needed one with yours.
“Okay,” you agreed. “Let’s do it, but we’re staying in.”
Sohee laughed as she closed the nail polish bottle, “we wouldn’t have it any other way.”
The evening was a relaxing and enjoyable one, filled with laughter, good company, and indulgences like wine, face masks, and friendly chatter about relationships. We rearranged the furniture to create a cosy space on the floor, where we could lounge on blankets and pillows and fully unwind.
The thought of your boyfriend not messaging you all day, even after you texted him to ask how he was, was unsettling. It was unlike him to go this long without responding, even when he was with his friends. It just didn't make sense to you.
Was he mad at you? Did you do something wrong? 
A sigh escaped your lips as you finished your drink. Hoody was the only one who stayed after everyone went home. It had been a lovely night, full of laughter and endless fun, but now you were getting annoyed.
You sent another text.
An hour later, still no response.
It was almost 3 am and Hoody was sitting on the couch, scrolling through channels, hoping to find something interesting to watch on TV. As time passed, you seemed to become more and more irritated, letting out a sigh which Hoody took as a sign to turn off the TV and encourage you to go to bed.
While watching Hoody remove her makeup, you asked, "Do you think he's breaking up with me?" as you sat on the edge of the bathtub.
“That boy is completely in love with you,” she scolded, looking at you through the mirror. “Don’t be stupid.”
You laughed at the scowl on her face, “Sorry, it’s just unlike him, you know?”
She nodded. “If he doesn’t text or call you tomorrow, you can be as angry as you want, and I’ll be just as angry with you. Deal?”
After Dabin failed to message or call the next day, you and Hoody sulked and complained about inconsiderate men. She was just as angry as you, she’d promised she would be the night before, you were so thankful for having a friend like her. 
“How can you go two days without messaging the love of your life?” She shouted, throwing popcorn at the TV as the protagonists kissed in the rain. “I’m so pissed off right now.”
You laughed at her sudden outburst, “It’s okay, I've decided to give him the silent treatment until he apologises.”
Hoody seemed to like your idea, and let you know she was only a call away if you needed her before she left as she had work the next day. 
Now, it was just you and your thoughts. 
The day had passed by quickly, as it always did when you were hanging out with your friends. However, now you’d found yourself unsure of what to do. You couldn't even talk to Dabin, as he wasn't talking to you in the first place. Besides, you didn't want to speak to him until he apologised. 
A sigh parted your lips as you stared at the multiple messages you’d sent the night before, how annoying, you thought. 
You started typing out a message, fingers moving swiftly across the keyboard as you let your thoughts pour out, you wanted him to know how he made you feel and what you were going to do about it before muting his messages and tossing your phone to the side. 
On the other hand:
Dabin was clueless about the impact of his actions on your feelings. He was engrossed in his video games and consuming the food that his buddies had brought for him. He convinced himself that he only had to endure one more day, and then he would see you and clarify how he had won the bet.
However, the happiness he had been feeling vanished as quickly as it had come when he saw your recent message. The message read, 'I'm not sure why you're not talking to me, but I know I haven't done anything wrong to deserve this. If this is your way of breaking up with me, then so be it. But at least say something instead of going cold.'
As he tried to call you, the call went straight through to voicemail, and his heart fell through his stomach. You thought he was breaking up with you, and he was now panicking. He couldn't bear the thought of never speaking to you again, and he realised that Ian was right.
This bet was not a good idea. 
He moved quickly, leaving a mess behind as he shoved his shoes on and grabbed his keys to make his way over to your place. The bet wasn't worth winning if it meant losing you. This whole situation was stupid to begin with. 
He arrived at your apartment just before midnight, panting heavily as he knocked on the door, praying for you to answer.
When you opened the door, you appeared annoyed. Your expression grew even more irritated when you saw him standing there. He watched as you crossed your arms and visibly became smaller under your glare.
“What do you want?” You argued. 
He quickly entered the room and closed the door behind him, saying, "I'm here to apologise. It's not what you think."
You stepped back as he tried to reach out to you. "What is it then?" you asked.
“It was a stupid bet–”
"Excuse me, what?!" you interrupted, feeling angrier. 
"It was Ian's idea. He provoked me by saying that I couldn't go three days without texting you or sleeping, and I wanted to prove him wrong," he rambled. "I know it was stupid, and I'm so sorry for putting you through this."
"I can't believe this! Did you really put me through all of this emotional turmoil just for a bet?" You unfolded your arms and settled your hands on your hips, staring at your partner in disbelief. You let out a deep sigh and collapsed onto the couch, feeling defeated. "I honestly thought you were going to break up with me."
Dabin knelt in front of you, taking your hands into his. He kissed the back of each hand and gazed deeply into your eyes. "I am so sorry for what I did," he spoke in a soft tone. "But I promise you, I'm not breaking up with you. Ever! I want to marry you one day. I'm so in love with you."
He could tell you were still upset with him, but the faint smile appearing on your lips told him that the two of you were going to be okay.
“You’ve got a lot of making up to do,” you told him to which he nodded in agreement. “Also, Ian is in a lot, and I mean, a lot of trouble.” 
Dabin laughed at the mischievous grin on your face before jumping onto the couch next to you and pulling you into his arms, “god, I missed you.”
How it ended:
“So, you failed,” Ian smirked.
Dabin shrugged as you walked into the room where he and Ian were sitting, then smiled at you.
“Ian, you are in a lot of trouble,” you said, watching the smirk fall off his lips. “I’m not sure why you’re sitting there so smugly.”
Ian appeared visibly frightened as he contemplated the severity of his situation.
Let's just say your friends had a lot to say.
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minimultiestfandoms · 2 months
˜”*°• *.* ˜”*°• ! dpr live masterlist ! •°*”˜ *.* •°*”˜
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| Headcanons |
DPR LIVE as a boyfriend!
Nothing Yet!
| Reactions |
Nothing Yet!
| Fake Texts |
Nothing Yet!
| Drabbles |
Nothing Yet!
| Series |
Nothing Yet!
| Timestamps |
Nothing Yet!
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lucuslavigne · 6 months
vc poderia escrever algo do dabin (dpr live)?
a sua escolha
Dabin × Leitora – primeira gravidez.
SFW depois do corte.
Ficou bem curtinho anôn 💔 perdoa eu
Você e Dabin estavam esperando o primeiro filho de vocês. Foram meses tentando e agora você estava no quinto mês da gestação.
— Amor! — chamou sua atenção. — Já te falei p'ra não fazer esforço! — pegou sua mão e te sentou no sofá.
— Eu só 'tava pegando o papel que eu deixei cair vida. — riu com a preocupação excessiva do noivo.
— Esforço. — respondeu enquanto te repreendia com o olhar.
— Da próxima vez eu te chamo. — sorriu.
— Acho bom.
— O Chris vai vir aqui? — o perguntou.
— Acho que sim. — olhou o celular. — Na verdade, ele 'tá chegando já.
— A gente vai pedir alguma coisa? — pegou o seu celular. — Ele deve estar com fome.
— Deixa que eu cuido de tudo isso. — beijou sua testa. — Você só descansa.
— Dabin, eu 'tô grávida, não aleijada. — deu risada.
— Independente. — riu junto. — Não te quero fazendo esforço.
A campainha toca, fazendo você e Dabin olharem para a porta.
— Vai atender o Chris. — falou.
— 'Tô indo! — e correu até a porta.
— Se não é a minha gravidinha preferida! — o Yu correu até você.
— Tudo bem Chris? — o deu um sorriso, feliz por ver o amigo.
— Eu trouxe isso daqui p'ro meu menino. — te mostrou a roupinha que comprou para o bebê. — Se vocês não usarem eu caço vocês! — ameaçou, fazendo todos rirem.
É, sua vida estaria mais completa ainda quando seu querido bebê viesse.
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cixrosie · 1 year
if i was to make a dpr oc as well as write dpr imagines would anyone be interested
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dalicia-fay · 1 year
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Not my pic, credit to the original owner.
That shirt looks like it's made out of boyfriend material...I'll see myself out..
Stressful Day- DPR Live
Today was one of those days; Sarah called out sick again, so your asshole of a boss decided to dump her workload into your lap to take care of. Deadlines, blablabla, teamwork, blablabla, more deadlines. That was all you could hear your boss say as he handed you more paperwork. "Great, another late night," you thought to yourself as you sat it on your desk next to your own workload. Placing your earbuds in your ears, you picked up where you left off, determined to finish everything today so you would not have to return to it tomorrow.
Before you knew it, the clock on your computer showed 12am ‘shit, worked till midnight again’. You stood up and stretched, your body aching from all the time you spent sitting in that cheap little black office chair. You cleaned up your workspace, saved all the files you were working on, and turned off your computer. You picked up your purse and water bottle that your boyfriend, Dabin, sent with you this morning because "you gotta stay hydrated, babygirl" his words echoed in your head. He was always worried about your wellbeing and you his, considering you both tend to work until ungodly hours when work requires it.
Walking out of the building and hearing the exterior doors' automatic lock click made a small smile start to pull at your lips while you stood momentarily in the cool night air, letting out an exhale that felt like it had been trapped in your chest all day. You were ready to be home and curled in bed with your boyfriend. With that warm, fuzzy thought in mind, you made your way to your car to make your way back home.
 - - -
Walking into your apartment, you locked the door behind you before kicking off your black leather pumps that had been suffocating your feet all day. ‘That damn dress code is going to be the death of me.’ you thought while untucking your blouse from your dress pants, and you walked tiredly into your little kitchen. Opening the fridge, you began the hunt for something to eat, not noticing the male figure quietly sneaking up from behind you.
Before you realized what was going on, you felt hands slither around your waist, making you jump as you turned to look at the culprit. As you turned, Dabin picked you up, pinned your body to the now-closed fridge, and wrapped your legs around his waist. "Hey baby" he said with that signature smirk on his face, "Dabin, what the fuck?! Don’t sneak up on me like that!" You yelled, more surprised than anything but wanting him to feel guilty for his actions. Laughing a bit at your reaction, Dabin took a hand off your leg, gently caressing your face as he laughed, "I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I just missed my girl that's all." Moving your hands from his chest, you clasped them together against the back of his neck, playing with his short hair.
He always knew how to make you completely forget about the outside world, especially after a long day of work. ‘It’s like he can sense it,’ you thought as you leaned into his hand. "I missed you too" you said softly. "Today was an absolute shitshow," you sighed, running a hand through your hair, one of the many signs that signaled to Dabin that your work day was incredibly stressful. “Ah, well then...” Dabin spoke as he began carrying you to the living room, snagging a couple snacks and drinks along the way. “Tell me all about it, and don’t leave out any details!” He said this with emphasis on the details, as if you had watched the next episode of his favorite TV show without him. 
You and your boyfriend sat down on the couch, and you made yourselves comfortable by cuddling up on his lap. You then proceeded to recount the most frustrating aspects of your day at work, going into as much detail as possible. As you spoke, Dabin sat in content silence, humming and nodding in response to you every so often, so you knew he was listening to every word that you said. 
After your rather lengthy rant, you laid your head on Dabin's chest and let go of the day's stress while listening to his heartbeat. "Thank you," you said in almost a hushed tone, Dabin barely hearing you. "For what?" he asked, gently rubbing his hands along your back. "For listening, being here for me, and simply being you," you replied. When you lifted your head to look your loving boyfriend in the eyes, you noticed a smile and blush on his face. "Of course, Y/N, I will always be there for you, no matter what." 
Leaning in to give him a kiss, you smiled as you felt him smile into it. Pulling away after a few moments, you laid your head back on his chest. His hands continued to stroke your back in a soothing manner until both of you fell asleep.
(I hope you all enjoy this kind of short imagine...I will work on writing longer ones from here on out. Feel free to request anything and I’ll try to get to it as quick as possible! Thanks loves!!)
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Kᕼᕼ/Kᖇᑎᗷ ᗰᗩՏTᗴᖇᒪIՏT
⊹⊰ 𝟣𝟢𝖼𝗆 ⊹⊰ 𝖺𝗌𝗁 𝗂𝗌𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖽 ⊹⊰ 𝖻𝗂𝗀 𝗇𝖺𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗒 ⊹⊰ 𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗈 ⊹⊰ 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗆𝗈 ⊹⊰ 𝖼𝗈𝖽𝖾 𝗄𝗎𝗇𝗌𝗍
⊹⊰ 𝖽𝗉𝗋 𝖼𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆 ⊹⊰ 𝖽𝗉𝗋 𝗂𝖺𝗇 ⊹⊰ 𝖽𝗉𝗋 𝗅𝗂𝗏𝖾 ⊹⊰ 𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗂𝖻𝗈𝗒 ⊹⊰ 𝗀𝗋𝖺𝗒 ⊹⊰ 𝗁𝗈𝗒𝖾𝗈𝗇
⊹⊰ 𝗁𝗎𝗁! ⊹⊰ 𝗃𝖺𝖾𝗐𝗈𝗇 ⊹⊰ 𝗃𝗎𝗇𝗀 𝗃𝗂𝗇𝗁𝗒𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗀 ⊹⊰ 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 ⊹⊰ 𝗇𝖺𝖿𝗅𝖺 ⊹⊰ 𝗌𝗂𝗄-𝗄
⊹⊰ 𝗍𝖺𝖻𝖻𝖾𝗋 ⊹⊰ 𝗐𝗈𝗈𝖽𝗂𝖾 𝗀𝗈𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 ⊹⊰ 𝗐𝗈𝗈 𝗐𝗈𝗇𝗃𝖺𝖾 ⊹⊰ 𝗒𝖺𝗇𝗀 𝗁𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗐𝗈𝗇
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12 notes · View notes
Might fuck around and make a DPR fic for the hell of it 🤷🏾 I NEED NEW ONES TO FEED MY OBSESSION
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thewonandonly · 2 years
14:45 — like i said off thirst, yeah, i'm going off first, hold tight, 벨트 매고, 'cause we're going off earth | disconnect by dpr live
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yuta always had an intense fascination with space. any new fact he came across he'd always bring it up to you in passing conversation. like about pso j318.5-22 — he literally drilled the name into your head with how much he mentioned it —the loneliest planet in the depth of deep space. he cried a little bit even tell you about it.
but, now, standing in the planetarium room with him, his eyes wide with curiosity as he learned even more about the topic he already knew so much about.
"sometimes, i wish space was an accessible place for us all." he mumbled, just as the stars on the ceiling twinkled, reflecting in his eyes.
you couldn't help but take in his profile, smiling to yourself as he gripped your hand with excitement. he looked at you, a giant smile plastered on his face.
"if it was," he began, rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand, "i'd show all life in the galaxy the prettiest being of all." he chuckled, giving a soft peck to your nose before turning back just as soon as the projection moved onto deep space, yuta's favorite topic.
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copyright © 2022 the-wonandonly. all rights reserved.
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shijas · 2 years
jazz bar by dreamcatcher is just the song do you understand
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kalisburnerphone · 2 years
Masterlist 2
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Choi Seungcheol
Kim Mingyu
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Kim HongJoong
Song Mingi
Choi San
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Christian Yu
Hong Dabin
Matthew Kim (KARD)
Kim Namjoon
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook
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dreamperfectarchives · 5 months
KHH Masterlist
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༉‧₊˚✧ DPR/ Dream Perfect Regime
DPR Live/ Hong Dabin
[Neon Lights] — Club!AU
↬ Summary: You and Dabin work in a club, that’s it, that’s the fic.
(The link for this fic will send you to my main account)
[Sweet Silence] - Bet!AU
↬ Summary: Dabin makes a bet with his friends without thinking about the consequences and gets into trouble.
Or boys will be boys, Ugh.
DPR Ian/ Christian Yu
[One Step Closer] — Post-Apocalypse!AU
↬ Summary: The worlds come to an end, there’s chaos and dead-beat silence, but above all that, you’re one step closer to a happy ending.
or you’re looking for your brother and find Ian.
(The link for this fic will send you to my main account)
[Written In Pages] - Work!AU
↬ Summary: Sometimes, it’s for the best.
(The link for this fic will send you to my main account)
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babbymochiiii · 3 months
Thanks for the Doyoung scenario I requested!! It's so cute~~
How about Hendery scenario based on that song: https://youtu.be/nZ5SfoLB5yA?si=vcrtVeWXFfXZperG (It's popular these days...)
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Pairing: incubus Hendery x afab reader
Synopsis: you swear you've seen him everywhere you go! Walking down the street, on the bus, wherever you are at he is there...but meeting him for the first time, officially, you find out he’s only just getting a hang of his new job.
Link: Don’t Go Insane by DPR Ian
Warnings: suggestive-ish
Word count: 929 words
Requested by @sadfragilegirl
Author’s note: thank you for requesting again hon! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing! I’ve been dying to write something for Hendery but couldn’t think of what and you came in clutch !! 😩🙏🏼
Divider credit @animatedglittergraphics-n-more 💕
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You swear you’re not going insane… 
I mean, you think you’re seeing his face everywhere you go but…how can that possibly be happening when you’ve been seeing him in your dreams.  
You were walking down the street when you could’ve sworn you saw him. He even smiled at you! But when you turned around to see if it was him, he wasn’t there anymore.  
Not wanting to think about it anymore, you quickly made your way home.  
You felt your breastbone move up and down hastily as you got behind your closed apartment door. Locking it as if he followed you back home.  
It’s just your figment of imagination… 
You said to yourself as you placed a hand on your chest to calm down your ragged breathing.  
You walk towards your living room. Placing your bag onto the coffee table before you threw yourself onto the couch, covering your eyes as you tried to think of anything expect of him.  
After a while you feel yourself falling asleep. You know you shouldn’t fall asleep especially with not eating or cleaning yourself up, but you were extremely tired, and you couldn’t hold back the pull that sleep was giving you.  
Without any fight, you fall asleep.  
As darkness wrapped around you, you felt completely at ease until warm hands started to glide gently around your body. It was almost as if they weren’t there.  
You felt yourself jolt awake and look above you where you can see the owner of the hands.  
“YOU!” You screamed out as you pushed yourself to the other end of the couch.  
The look of being caught off guard was on the mysterious man’s face as he looked at you. A small blush heated his face, but he recovered quickly in the blink of an eye, as if he wasn’t fazed at all.  
“Hello.” He said with a soft expression that you knew it was all an act.  
“Who are you? Actually—“you said as you have him a suspicious glance as you narrowed your eyes. “—what are you?”  
A smirk broke out on his face. “Well first off my name is Hendery.” He said as he gave you a mocked bow. “And I’m an incubus.”  
“That makes sense.”  
“I’m here to eat away at your— what?” The demon named Hendery said as he gave you a confused look with a tilt of his head.  
“Well…it just makes sense. Like you’re only supposed to be around me in my dreams, but I see you everywhere. Which is honestly unheard of for an incubus.”  
A fierce blush takes over his face as he looks at you then to his shoes. “To be honest I’m new to all this. And though I’m not supposed to be letting you see me while you’re awake…I just wanted to see you.”  
“You’re a new incubus?” You teased as you gave him a wide smile.  
“I-I am.” He said flustered that you teased him. 
“Awe! That’s so cute!” You gushed at him as you went over to where he was and pinched his cheeks.  
A gasp resounds out of him as he slaps your hand away from his cheek. “Woman!” 
“Hey! Don’t be rude.” You pouted as you gave him an accusing look.  
“I am a demon! I’m not cute, nor do you need to pinch my cheek!” he huffs as he crosses his hands over his chest.  
An amused chuckle escapes you before you can conceal it. 
"Why are you laughing?" Hendery whined as he gave you a look that you swore seemed he was going to cry.  
"I'm not just..." you trailed off as you felt another laugh bubbling up and trying to escape your throat. "it's just it's hard to believe that you're an incubus when you act the way you do." you said as you felt a giggle escape.  
"I think it gives me personality." He said with a shrug.  
"Right...personality." you mumbled as you gave him a teasing smile.  
"Well, this personality got to fuck you so." He said as a smirk as he watched the way your face flushed at what he said.  
"I— you know what, get out."  
"Get out?" Hendery laughed as he placed a hand on his hand as if mocking offense. "Baby, you're stuck with me." He says as he gives you a devilish smirk.  
"Stuck with you? How?"  
"That's just how us incubus work princess." Hendery teased as he gave you a mocked look of sympathy.  
"Do I gotta get a witch in here to get you out of my life? Like I didn't ask for an incubus to come into my life." you said as you took hold of your phone and started to look into how you can get this man — well demon out of your life permanently.  
"Hate to break it to you princess but you're the one that summoned me here."  
"I— I did what?" you asked. There was no way this was true. How is it possible that you're the one that summoned him. This must be some sort of demon trick. "You're lying to me."  
"Demon don't lie. We speak the truth sweetheart." He said with an unreadable expression.  
"But you spin the truth..."  
"Always." He said with a smirk on his face.  
"So, I'm stuck with you then?"  
"That you are princess." He said as he gave you a smirk. 
Seeing the way the demon named Hendery looked at you right now, how are you not going to feel insane knowing that you have a demon companion? 
Only time will tell. 
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luvdsc · 4 months
((hope you’re living your best life lately ilyyy))
i miss you and ilysm, honey bee !!!!! 🥹💗💗 i hope 2024 has been treating you kindly, and you’re doing well 🌷🌷 how have you been? what have you been up to, sweetpea? ☁️
i have been living my best life, thank you !!! 🤧 in 2023, i traveled with my friends, went to LA every month basically, visited japan for almost three weeks, visited australia for two weeks and steph and ti showed me around 💕, attended two music festivals (seeing dpr irl and rich brian coming down from the stage and stopping in front of us ???? immaculate) and a keshi concert (i was SO close to the stage and the videos are beautiful except my storage was full so I couldn’t get it all rip), hung out with els, omg and moon is basically my neighbor now and we hang out super often and I just went to her graduation (congrats on being one masters degree hotter 🥵), and lana came to visit us over the summer too !! 💘 also it’s been over two years of being blonde now lmaoo
and i’m so excited for 2024 !!!! 💛 one of my bsfs is getting married, i’m going to korea with my friends for two weeks, and i have one music festival already lined up 🥳 ooo also there’s gonna be a fun work trip with my work bsf soon and another nyc trip and mexico trip in the works !! ✨
also, i am slowly starting to write 🥹 i opened up one of my wips recently, ty to lana and moon for the moral support as we’re all gently peer pressuring each other into writing again 🤧 fingers crossed that i’ll have something to announce on my bday 🍒
i wanted to see what everyone has been interested in reading lately and the fic tags are all filled with text scenarios now ?? idk if any of you will still enjoy my fics but i’m having lots of fun writing again !!! 🐝✨
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cixrosie · 2 years
Write more!!! Theres not a lot of dpr stuff here
i will i just need some asks 💗
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dalicia-fay · 2 years
Hello there, I'm Dalicia! 👋😊
I have been considering writing fanfics for a bit now and wanted to put it out there to see if anyone one would even read my stuff...
I love Kpop, Khiphop, & Krnb but have been more into Khiphop recently, my most recent obsession is DPR!!
I mainly plan on writing for the artists I have in the tags but am open to taking requests for other artists too! So, with that being said, if you have any requests/ideas PLEASE let me know!! I would really appreciate it. 🥰
~ Dalicia 🖤
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zzoguri · 9 months
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requests status ➵ slots are closed!
how to request ➵ send an ask following the format: "tbz member + one song from the list + possible scenario you want (not required)" and you will receive! if you're looking for a certain scenario, please be as descriptive as possible! please keep in mind that the song you pick will have a determined genre linked to it.
ex. "jacob + must be love by laufey + possibly reader just doing their own thing and jacob is just admiring, only for this scene playing out to be his realization of him falling in love"
guidelines/reminders ➵ i have every right to deny a request if i believe i cannot fulfill it or if i'm uncomfortable writing it ➵ please don't expect me to be speedy with requests... there is a chance i may not fulfill it LMFAO so don't come into my asks fully expecting smth ➵ most requests will be <10k and will most likely be focused on a certain scenario or two ➵ i will not write yandere or majorly toxic themes! but i will write fluff, suggestive/smut, and angst depending on the song you choose teehee! if you're worried that i may deny your request, just send it and i'll let you know if something about it is something i'm not comfortable to write about ➵ only writing x readers! ➵ requests won't be done on a "first come; first serve" basis!
a/n ➵ happy to announce that i am officially opening requests! yup, i thought that to beat my silly writer's block, i can start doing some requests for the time being. it's also my way of celebrating 200 followers!! i'll be opening limited slots for the time being. however, if i decide that i want to keep doing more requests, i may accept more later on.
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song list ➵ and july by heize & dean ➵ apple cider by beabadoobee ➵ apple pie by lizzy mcalpine ➵ arms unfolding by dodie ➵ as long as it takes you by keshi ➵ backburner by niki ➵ bad by wave to earth ➵ bawat piyesa by munimuni ➵ calla by wave to earth ➵ cheese & wine by dpr live ➵ cherry wine by grentperez ➵ chocolate by day6 ➵ clementine by grentperez ➵ cologne by beabadoobee ➵ disconnected by 5sos ➵ everything has changed by taylor swift ft. ed sheeran ➵ hall&oates by yerin baek ➵ i like you by day6 ➵ in what world by lizzy mcalpine ➵ intertwined by dodie ➵ laputa by dpr live ft. crush ➵ let you break my heart again by laufey ➵ loner by yerin baek ➵ lowkey by niki ➵ maps by raffaella & hippo campus ➵ ocean floor by wave to earth ➵ old with you by grentperez ➵ on the drive home by niki ➵ one last time, please by dodie ➵ only by day6 ➵ opposite by sabrina carpenter ➵ pancakes for dinner by lizzy mcalpine ➵ pasilyo by sunkissed lola ➵ paubaya by moira dela torre ➵ pour up by dean ft. zico ➵ put my hands on you by dean & anderson .paak ➵ pwede ba by lola amour ➵ right here by keshi ➵ san francisco by 5sos ➵ second best by laufey ➵ simple season by hippo campus ➵ somebody by keshi ➵ soren by beabadoobee ➵ take off all your cool by sabrina carpenter ➵ text me by dpr live ➵ the 1 by taylor swift ➵ tornado warnings by sabrina carpenter ➵ treacherous by taylor swift ➵ tuesday by hippo campus ➵ valentine by laufey ➵ waste the night by 5sos
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