#dragon age rarepair
nonbinarywardenamell · 11 months
Do you remember in DA: O in Redcliffe village the crying girl in the chantry and the hot redhead barmaid? Yeah, I think they should kiss (and eventually live a happy and fulfilling life together)
I wrote a fanfic about them on ao3
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lorandesore · 2 years
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bluerose5 · 8 months
Since I'm slowly but surely getting through the game and probably will wait til I get Astarion's full story before I write any fic, some starter thoughts on if he and Zevran met. Probably set within the context of BG3 because I feel like it's a more flexible setting to work with than DA.
Zevran still having pretty much his same background, working for an assassin's guild called the Crows. Maybe a powerful enemy of Cazador's knows not entirely of the ritual but that he believes Astarion is key to something. Puts out a contract. Most assassins aren't willing to anger the likes of Cazador or tbh they're in his pocket. Maybe there are even rumors that circulate in the shadows of his true nature. Either way, Zevran is the one that takes the contract for the same reasons as DAO. There's an ambush. Tav questions him. Tav recruits him. Astarion disapproves.
The expected sass and flirting occurs of course, but it soon turns into a situation of like recognizing like. They make it into an unsaid competition of sorts instead of taking any of it seriously, always trying to one-up the other. If any of the others complain, they both turn their words on them instead.
Zevran probably brings up their kills at first. When Astarion doesn't seem keen on opening up about what he did under Cazador, Zevran asks him about what he's done instead during his time adventuring, which he is more open to bragging about. Surprise, the two of them bond over tales of murders they've committed while the others listen in, some more disturbed than others by their flippant approach.
Yes, yes, have to bring up lockpicking! Zevran trying to show off on some tiny, little chest that's easy to pick. Meanwhile, Astarion is over here going, "Watch this." and picking every door and chest in sight. Zevran acts disgruntled but highly approves.
Likewise, any time they're in a populated area, they make a game out of it to see who can pickpocket/steal the most valuable items by the end of the trip. Tav is not amused if this ends up, on the rare occasion, alerting the guards and landing them in jail. Good thing they'd be more than happy to lead the jailbreak.
Any time they head out, both of them try to guess where the other has concealed any daggers. They switch up how many and where they keep them each time.
The first time Zevran happens to see Astarion's back —clearly he doesn't let just everyone see it or linger on it at least— rather than draw too much attention to it, Zevran probably makes light of it, says it's quite a display, and then draws attention to his own scars to make Astarion feel more at ease. Welcomes it when Astarion asks questions until they're both exchanging stories again, although their smiles are more wistful than joyous when they recount the torture they've endured at their masters' hands.
No, I'm not avoiding the obvious. Sex? Yeah, they probably had sex early on, but the instant Astarion grows distant, I could see Zevran withdrawing as well. Neither of them are stupid. Both of them are more perceptive than people give them credit for. That first time, honestly, probably felt "tainted" for both of them after the fact. They don't bring it up for a while really.
On another, similar note, the instant one of them brings up using sex or their body as a tool, all of it suddenly clicks. It's essentially the spiderman meme.
The pure frustration that comes up when the other calls them out on their bullshit because they know best when one of them is putting on airs rather than speaking his mind.
Whether Zevran lets Astarion drink from him or not, I'd say probably so. In the beginning, it happens only if there was something in it for Zevran to gain from the exchange. Later, he would be more open to it when he trusts Astarion, although he'd joke that he'd prefer it after a little charming and wooing.
I honestly could see them having a strong bond, romantic or platonic. Either one could work in my opinion. It, like any relationship, would just take a lot of work and effort on both ends. Both of them learning to simply exist with someone who understands them more than anyone else...
Seriously, think about them being comfortable around each other and getting all the hugs, cuddles, and kisses they can ask for. Need I say more?
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chimeowrical · 1 year
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Kissy commission of Solas and Cassandra for RosellaWrites!!
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greypetrel · 1 month
Fan Work Friday
Rules: If you’re tagged, MAKE A NEW POST and showcase one fanartist or fanfic you recommend (with links), and tag someone to give their recs next! Don’t forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in!
Tagged by @shivunin (tagging you back!)
Fanartist: @daggerbeanart
Hi Chris I know you're probably in FFXIV brainrot right now but you also have a backlog. A lot has been written and drawn in FenHawke department, that's true. But Chris has a way of showing intimacy between people and just how much these two love each other that always gets me. It's a sketchy style and I LOVE sketchy styles: the immediacy of it only adds to the feelings. It's art with a lot of heart about it. It's (he)art. *bonks her own head*
Fanfic: The Möbius Strip by 13pens
Rating: T Words: 5,120 Pairing: Morrigan/Female Tabris Summary: The Hero of Ferelden became a series of stories that she remembered and told to her son, and was soon becoming just that—a series of stories. Until one day, two letters arrived at the same time.
Ok it's a bit dated, but it's a rarepair that doesn't get so many new fics and I really liked this. It's a series of scenes, navigating Morrigan post-DAO as she grows up a son, matures emotionally and reflects about the past. What was, what she did, what could have been... and what maybe could be in the future. I love the character development she has, how it keeps canon and keeps everything happening later. It feels very organic for Morrigan (or how I see her anyway). I am a person who has a VERY low tolerance for meet/cutes, and this is not it. This is a person that has to grow personally... And does it. A little trigger warning if you're particularly sensible to motherhood themes, childbirth and so on and so forth. There's also mention of child death. But if it doesn't bother you so much...
I do love my rarepairs.
Tagging! @ndostairlyrium @dungeons-and-dragon-age @melisusthewee @star--nymph @herearedragons @hollytree33 @inquisimer @rowanisawriter and YOU who are reading!
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rosella-writes · 2 months
I saw this question floating around and thought it fascinating so WOE inquiry be upon ye:
If you had to pick 5 fics you’ve written to make a “crash course” and sum up your writing personality, which would they be?
This is so sweet to ask, thank you 😭 I love a chance to ramble.
The first one has gotta be the intro to Virelan Lavellan, who hadn't been fully formed yet in my brain by this point. I'd wanna be felled by you, held by you (fuel the pyre of your enemies) is a rambling Hozier reference used as a pretty cover for primal kink fade sex. I just really like making beautiful smut and using it for character revelations.
Another smut as character study is this fic that forms little vignettes around bits of canon banter between Solas and Blackwall. Lay Down Your Armour was my case for the Blackwall x Solas ship as an example of two similar men finding refuge in each other. It was one of the works that really cemented my love for Solas rarepairs.
Another rarepair I love is Solas x Iron Bull, and I got to explore that with King's Gambit — it's another pairing built around character studies of two liars, replete with a drake fight, philosophy talk surrounding Bull becoming Tal Vashoth, and also gay sex so yay!
Continuing on with rarepairs, as well as vignettes built around canon banter, I used actual lines from the game to make a case for a romance between Cassandra and Solas. My life is like the dust (that hides the glow of a rose) is smut free (I know, crazy right?) and chock full of romance, including candlelit evenings reading together, a dance among flowers, and poetry.
Finally, I just really love crafting atmosphere and writing introspection, and Solas in the Temple of Dirthamen is prime material for that. I wrote this little one shot, in our eternity, only darkness reigns, to explore Solas's thoughts while exploring the temple of the young Evanuris he locked away — maybe one he'd even considered his friend, seeing as how his statue guards the temple's entrance.
Thank you again for the chance to share. 💚 I'm really proud of these and they were fun to write.
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suppenzeit · 5 months
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fuck it. hits them with the furry beam
below are explanations for why i chose the species i did
Solas - Wolf, because he's the. He's the Dread Wolf.
Varric - American badger. Badgers usually live in burrows, and are short and stocky! Chose American badgers for their shorter faces.
Cassandra - Nearly entirely inspired by Karelian Bear Dogs, because I think a hunting dog is a good fit for someone from a family of dragon hunters
Cullen - A German Shepherd or Malinois type dog. Breeds often used as guard and police dogs
Leliana - Red fox, for obvious reasons (she's a redhead and sneaky. like foxes)
Josephine - Deer, I used marsh deer as a main inspo tho. Friend suggested a bird and that would've really fit but birds aren't always the most expressive, sadly. Why's she a deer? Vibes.
Dorian - Caracal, because caracals look fancy and like warm environments. He's my favorite to draw can you tell.
Sera - A lynx of sorts. Honestly this one was just vibes too
Cole - Jackrabbit. Because they're lanky and have unnerving stares. Also I think the ridiculous ears would match his hat. :)
Iron Bull - I think this is obvious. Kinda wanted to do something else just as a bit but bulls really do just fit him!
Blackwall - Markhor. At first I wanted a bear but bears are a bit too round and bulky to fit him, and I also wanted his beard in there naturally.
Vivienne - Melanistic serval. Again, just vibes. Was also considering a leopard, since they're also regal, but I wanted her headpiece shape in there.
and lastly, Felix - Dobermann mix of sorts. This is also just vibes but it's also because the thingies on his dads hood remind me of cropped dobermann ears.
(Hukka is of course a wolf as well. it wouldn't be right to make him any other animal)
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inquisimer · 4 months
sometimes it scratches like barbs
an alternate prompt fill for @febuwhump day 9: I love you. Nathaniel has always worn his heart on his sleeve. But Ciel is not Fereldan—now she must manage the fallout of getting involved with one.
read it on ao3 here
Female Andras/Nathaniel Howe | Rated T | 1317 words | CW: self harm, fantasy racism
Her hands clenched around his leathers, the smile falling from her lips. Ciel blinked up at Nathaniel. Moonlight hung around his hair and the look he gave her was soft and warm and open.
“What did you say?”
“I love you.” Casual. Nonchalant. Like they needn’t dance around rituals or follow steps. Like there wasn’t a process to such affection. Even when it was possible.
Ciel dropped her forehead to his chest and squeezed her eyes tight against the emotion welling there. Steeling herself with gritted teeth, she shoved him away.
“You don’t mean that,” she said flatly.
“I do. I love—“
“You don’t. You can’t.”
His expression flashed from surprise to confusion to hurt before it settled on anger. Anger was good, familiar. A parlay they knew well and a tool easily twisted to fix the mistake he seemed bent on making.
“And why is that?” he asked lowly.
“Just one reason will do?”
Nathaniel scowled. “Do not treat me as one of your Banns, Ciel. I am your Constable, at the very least. And your friend, if not more than that.”
He stepped closer, arms outstretched to close the distance she’d put between them. But she held out a palm and shook her head. His hands thudded dully against his sides as they fell.
“Tell me why, then,” he scowled. “I’m a man of reason and logic. If what you speak is true—“
“Would you listen? If I listed the reasons this cannot go beyond a dalliance? Or would you push on, foolishly hopeful?” Ciel shook her head. “This is not a debate, Nathaniel. I do not owe you an explanation.”
“I rather think you do,” he snapped. “And if you won’t give one—“
This time he crowded her against the battlements’ edge, catching her face between his calloused palms and forcing her to meet his hardened gaze.
“Look at me, just like this,” he growled. “And tell me again. Tell me that this—this aching in my heart is anything less than love, Ciel.”
The flat mask of one who’d survived the clutches of the Orlesian Court overtook her face. But her pulse thundered in her throat and she knew that he must feel it against his hands. She clenched her jaw together and glared at him.
This was her fault. He was too new to the Wardens, too entrenched in the oddities of this pocket Order in Ferelden. An intersection of time and fate and happenstance—the rest of the world did not work like this. And eventually, one or both of them would be called away from it and forced to confront a cold, pragmatic reality.
A reality in which humans did not fall in love with elves. In which Fereldans did not love Orlesians. And in which Wardens were not afforded the luxury of love at all.
She knew the cautionary tale of Genevieve. And she knew every rumor about her predecessor in Ferelden and the broken heart that drove her to disappear. Nothing but tragedy awaited a Warden who dared to love. She would not inflict that on Nathaniel, nor would she let him do it to himself.
For once, she broke the stare down first. Within the confines of his grip, she dropped her chin to her chest and swallowed hard.
“You cannot,” she said raggedly. She pushed him away again, but he refused to go. His grip dropped from her face to her shoulders, his fingers digging bruises into the skin there.
“I can,” he insisted. “I do.”
She slapped him. Her palm connected with his cheek and in his surprise he released her. Seizing the distance needed for a clear head, Ciel stepped back and folded her arms over her chest. “Do not be a fool, Nathaniel. Drop this. There is no future in it.”
“No future?” His bitter laugh echoed off the Vigil’s stone. “What future do I have anyhow? You made sure of that, Commander.”
“The Wardens are a future. For you.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” He jabbed the griffon emblem stamped across her chest plate. “Unless you have very recent news, they’re a future for you as well. They could be a future for us, together.”
“Ten years.”
“Ten years, since I joined the Order.” Ciel pulled the blood-filled pendant away from the hovel of her throat, so he could see how battles and time had worn away the leather cord. It contrasted sharply with the fine, black braid around his own neck.
“I’ll be a Blighted corpse in the Deep Roads before the Calling is even a distant tune in your mind,” she said curtly. “You do not want to tie yourself to a dead woman walking.”
“Is that not all the more reason to seize on the time we have left?” Nathaniel asked earnestly. “Love does not care for the woes of the world—if we must suffer such fates, let us have the moments now to make it worthwhile!”
Her teeth clicked together. He didn’t get it. Heartsick, idealistic folly. She would have to be more pointed, more personal. There must be a clean, unequivocal break, lest he squander the time his limited time with what ifs and should have beens.
“You cannot tell me that I do not love you.” His hands caught at hers and he drew her close, despite the reluctant drag of her feet, unwavering against her harsh glare. She cringed at the repeated proclamation. Wasn’t she a wretched little thing, to have led him along so fully? “Because I know that I do.”
There was a catch in his voice. He took a deep breath. “But if you must be so insistent, look at me. Look at me, do not turn away, and tell me that you do not love me. Tell me that, and I will let it be.”
He caught the point of her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Do that, and I will never speak of this again.”
“But—“ he brushed the softest, lightest of kisses over her lips. “I do not think you can.”
Under his hands, she stilled, cold and hard as Tevinter’s finest marble. When he pulled back, the moonlight reflected a dangerous glint in her eyes and, for the first time that night, uncertainty, and fear, flashed in his eyes.
“I do not love you,” she lied. Voice steady and even and calm. His hand dropped to her neck, as if he could catch her in the act.
“I don’t believe you.”
“That is not my concern.” She covered his hand with her own and pulled it away from her skin. When she dropped it in the space she’d carved between them, it hung, reaching, disbelieving.
“I do not love you,” she repeated. A lie was usually easier the second time, the words no longer foreign on her tongue, her mind already cementing them as a new truth. But this one burned her throat as surely as fiery darkspawn blood.
Nathaniel’s face crumpled He pressed his lips together and nodded, a single, sharp jerk of his chin.
“Right then,” he said. “Good evening, Commander.”
As he retreated, Ciel propped her hands against the battlements and exhaled. This post had dulled her skills, that she felt so torn by a child’s exchange of the Game.
Damn you, Alisse. Sending me here.
She pressed down against the stone and the jagged edges of it tore open decades’ worth of similar scars and callouses. Loose stone dust stung the open wounds and she drank in the pain as an alcoholic with a wine skin in hand.
Nathaniel had a good heart. Full of good intentions and passion that would take him far.
She twisted her palms, bearing the full weight of her body and her armor on them to drive the wounds deeper.
He deserved much better than her. And she deserved no less than this.
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luddlestons · 2 years
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“You truly aren’t a morning person, are you?”
“Not when I have a perfectly good reason to go back to bed standing in front of me.”
help i’ve fallen for a new rarepair and i can’t get up
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elvenasscheek · 1 year
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I realized there's quite a lot of art I've not posted to Tumblr yet, so here's three beautiful pieces done by the lovely @matthewyeez, Leviathan Ghilain belongs to @wilxfyre, and goes by They/Them. Narquelion Lavellan belongs to me and goes by He/They 💖🌿✨️
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mxanigel · 1 year
reblog this and tell me about a sapphic ship you love
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illusivesoul · 2 years
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We stan a loving couple
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ferindencadash · 2 months
@spectre-requisitions-exchange is officially over for 2024! Not gonna lie, I'm a little sad. It was so much fun!!
BUT! Authors have been revealed, which means I can start hyping all the incredible people who took part this year! (And my own stories, but that will be a separate post.)
My gifts this year were PHENOMENAL. And I swear I am not just saying that to be nice. I got SPOILED ROTTEN this year. Like holy shit. 🥰
First up is my official gift! Mimicry by @keriweird featuring Kaidan and MShep's Clone.
First of all, I almost lost my mind when I saw the length. 25k?? That someone would write that much for a gift blew me away. Impossibly generous. Then I started reading and GODDAMN. This is, legitimately, one of the best Mass Effect fanfics I have ever read. Easily in my top ten now. They took my prompt and ran with it in the most creative and mind bending ways.
The DETAILS in this story. Holy crap. Talk about world building. And the way they turn a phrase?? 🥲Beautiful. I cried. A few times. And also laughed out loud. There is some top notch humour in here. GO READ THIS STORY!
On top of the masterpiece that I got for a gift, I got a treat!! (Seriously. Spoiled.) And I nearly peed myself (sorry) when I saw which prompt they had picked!
We have: Mother****ing Dragons!! By @thedaselcor featuring FemShep and The Iron Bull!!!
I didn't think anyone would jump on board with my crack fic pairing but I really hoped they would. You KNOW Shep and Bull would hit it off!! Come on! And holy shit did they ever deliver!!
This has got to be the most FUN I have ever had reading a fic. I was literally BOUNCING while I read this!! Giggling like an idiot the whole time. It is everything I could have possibly hoped for when I dreamt this up, and then some.
You have to go check this out! You will not regret it. What an absolute blast!
Honestly. I am so beside myself with joy. The biggest thank you possible to both my authors. I utterly adore you both. ❤️❤️
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gaeldricge · 1 year
🌟 My Masterpost 🌟
I’m starting to lose track of my own blog so I decided it’s about time I created a masterpost. This is a blog for all of my fan-obsessions. As it happens I mostly ship rarepairs. The crown jewel of these ships is Grayson x Mel - a wlw rarepair ship I launched myself 🥰 They’re perfect!
My most recent obsessions are for Baldur's Gate 3, especially for Minthara and Raphael. Idk why but these two bastards have claimed my heart lol.
My current ships:
Minthara x Alfira (Baldur's Gate 3)
Raphael x Female!Tav (Baldur's Gate 3) my Tav: Jostina, sorceress draconic bloodline, high-elf/ fey'ri
Grayson x Mel (Arcane) - Fanart Portrait, Kiss,  Cowgirl [nsfw], Summer Love
Flemeth x Female!Lavellan (Dragon Age) my Lavellan: Athenyla, dual wielding rogue - Fanart In the Fade
Loghain Mac Tir x Female!Amell (Dragon Age) my Amell: Marsilia
You will find that I enjoy many more ships, however, these are my current obsessions about which I want to talk about mostly.
~~ Please note: my inbox is always open ~~
Completed content (fics and headcanons):
Grayson x Mel
HC: nightmares
HC: Grayson appearance, family & romance
FIC: Something New Has Begun | AO3
FIC: Angstpril 2022 #2 Can’t Go Home
FIC: Angstpril 2022 #3 Miscommunication [cw: character death]
FIC: You Look Better in my Clothes
FIC: Falling Asleep with Each Other
FIC: Grayson vs. Ambessa
FIC: On Your Knees, Councillor! [NSFW] | AO3 
HC: Mel taking care of Grayson
HC: Seeing each other cry for the first time
HC: Relationship prompts
HC: Some of my favourite headcanons from 2022
FIC: Pregnancy
HC: Grayson Being Corny Part 1
HC: Dating App AU
FIC: We Could Run Away
Aesthetic: Grayson survives
HC: One-Night Stand AU
HC: Mermaid AU
HC: Coffee-shop AU
HC: Just-moved-in-next-door AU
HC: Relationship prompts
HC: Grayson’s Teenage Years
FIC: Grayson Takes Mel to the Undercity
Minerva x Poppy
HC: Relationship prompts 1
HC: Relationship prompts 2
HC: Relationship prompts 3
FIC: An Accident in Transfiguration
HC: Relationship prompts 4
HC: Relationship prompts 5
HC: Relationship prompts 6
HC: Random hcs
FIC: “Here, You Look Hungry”
FIC: Dementor Attack
FIC: “Twins?...We’re Having Twins??”
FIC: "I think you Might be pregnant”
FIC: “Don’t Be Stupid”
FIC: The Tales of Minerva and Poppy AO3
Alicent x Rhaenys
Art: pencil drawing by me 
FIC: The Dagger (A Rhaenys & Alysanne story)
FIC: Come Dawn, Tonight Will Be a Memory | AO3 [rated M]
HC: Rhaenys family hcs
HC: Rhaenys x Alicent ship it
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kirstinetheartist · 2 years
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Okay, but what if we did romance the Darkspawn? (ft AnnicaDraw’s Andraste, aka, Andy)
Commission Info | Patreon
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aces-to-apples · 9 months
"bound to be something"
A king without a queen, a prince without a kingdom, and love.
Written for wildmishmash for the 2023 Black Emporium Exchange (@black-emporium-exchange)!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: F/M Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins Relationship: Female Aeducan/Alistair (Dragon Age) Characters: Alistair (Dragon Age), Female Aeducan (Dragon Age) Additional Tags: Post-Dragon Age: Origins, Identity, May/December Relationship, Older Woman/Younger Man, Past Female Aeducan/Gorim Saelac - Freeform, Name Changes Collections: Black Emporium 2023 Words: 2,693
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