#dude i got so analytical
commaafterdearests · 2 years
A ✨Deep Dive✨ on The Baroness, Maria, and the Sound of Music Score
I’m genuinely in one of those moods again, so here’s an _ExpandedRevised.docx version of my thread! Buckle up! This is genuinely going to be so long. 
Let’s begin at the confrontation scene: our characters, Maria and Elsa Schraeder. At this point, Elsa has broken the unshockingly shocking news that Georg is in love with Maria, and Maria is mortified. Before the scene starts, as Elsa enters Maria’s bedroom, we hear very faint strains of music only to transition from the party to the private-ness of Maria’s room. No music is actually heard in this scene -- no additional dramatics. The Goodbye Maria/How Can Love Survive Waltz - Medley (which begins with Edelweiss) begins only as Elsa exits the scene.
Now, for those who don’t know what How Can Love Survive is, it’s a song from the original Broadway Musical sung by Elsa and Max as they detail why she and Georg are yet to be engaged. 
As Elsa exits the scene and leaves Maria alone in the frame, in confusion and anguish, faint strains of Edelweiss plays. I’ll detail why that bit makes me cry later on, but let’s talk about how as the scene cuts to Elsa downstairs, looking smug as she walks into the ballroom -- smug and sure that Maria will be leaving them, the music transitions to How Can Love Survive. 
How Can Love Survive is a “champagne problem” sort of song. It talks about how money is usually in the way of romance and how utterly difficult it is to show your significant each other love when you’re rich -- but it’s alright, they’ll keep it alive anyways, as seen in this lyric.
Caught in our gold-plated chains are we, Lost in our wealthy domains are we, Trapped by our capital gains are we, But we’ll keep romance alive—
Personally, it details the shallowness of the relationship between Georg and Elsa, and also an insight on how different they are in terms of loving their significant other. The significant change of removing this in the film makes Elsa’s relationship with Georg feel much more natural -- as if drawn to each other through seeking companionship. But why use this now? It could’ve been placed anywhere within the film. Why choose this specific moment? 
It’s important to note that Elsa views Maria as a nobody -- an orphaned young woman who happens to be a postulant at Nonnberg Abbey, who also happens to be a governess in the Von Trapp home. But Maria also stands for everything that Elsa isn’t. Maria likes everything that Elsa does not -- all of which Elsa lists in How Can Love Survive. It’s a shallow song, again, sung jokingly. But in this particular scene, it answers Elsa’s question of “how can love survive?” 
Eliminate the competition, and perhaps then, Georg will learn to love her and only her. We see later on that this doesn’t happen, and if her bittersweet farewell is any indication, she’s just a woman in need of love but used so thoroughly for her money and influence.
But now the music changes again! (Bold text to keep us back on track because I got too sad about How Can Love Survive)
After Elsa’s finally in the ballroom and proposed a toast with Max because she’s gotten rid of Maria, the Edelweiss Waltz plays.
Now, I’ll be detailing why exactly I sob during these last few minutes before intermission! 
We know that the scene before The Grand and Glorious PartyTM  is the Edelweiss Scene. I don’t think I need to detail the fact that after Georg sings, he and Maria share a comfortable look -- she looks like she’s in heaven, and he gives her one of those unsure smiles... right before Elsa interrupts them with the idea of a party. And I always say that he looks at her at the very last “bless my homeland forever” unknowingly because she feels like everything home represents to him.
Edelweiss is like the oh. o h. moment when one of the characters finally realizes how much the other means to them. It, then, becomes an unspoken, subtler representation of their love -- or of love, in general, in the movie (Edelweiss sung to family = familial love, to Austria = love for country, etc.). 
To see Georg and Elsa dancing to Edelweiss -- a representation of love -- feels like a slap to our faces then. Because we know that Georg isn’t in love with Elsa -- at least romantically. We know that Elsa isn’t his homeland, but perhaps he’s pretending that she is, or making himself feel as if she’s the one that he wants or must want.
What about Maria and his mixed emotions, then?
This part feels most heartbreaking to me because this is where Georg -- who has chosen to stand firm in everything he believes -- chooses convention. 
Dancing to Edelweiss in a ballroom full of people, everyone watching them be the conventional couple -- as opposed the picture the Laendler paints, which is everything that this waltz is not.
He sets aside his feelings for Maria because how does he love her openly? 
And in this moment, Maria also chooses to leave, because it has to be the wisest choice. Why on earth would she stay when she’s “getting in the way?”
So, to answer the question: 
How can love survive? 
Before the Intermission begins, we’re all heartbroken because Georg chooses Elsa -- and we established that she got the answer to making her love survive. Making Maria leave. 
And Maria goes with this because how can her love survive anyways? To ask for the Captain’s love would be wrong. To leave God felt impossible, and she’d feel more confused with whatever she felt with every passing minute. So she chose to leave. 
Now I’m impossibly weepy over two songs, and will need to re-watch the entire movie. I’m afraid I rambled too much, but thank you for making it this far? Warm hugs!
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virgofem · 1 year
okay so i freaking screamed last week because i got a chance to jump in on a course that already started and that i didn't previously know about, it's about VAMPIRE MOVIES!!!!!1
it's a film studies course on genre and you could not believe the autistic and queer swag in there oh my lord. the second session was yesterday and like 75 percent of us were clearly neurospicy or queer or both and i'm just. yes. YES. YEEEEEES!!!!
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envy-of-the-apple · 27 days
I cant stop thinking about mafia boss suguru constantly changing plans for reader on the fly everytime he meets her since the DAY HE MET YOU IN PERSON
I just feel like he is because i kept thinking back on reader's fumble at suguru's meeting and making her sit on his lap, that's just an out of pocket thing to do to your employee(especially if youre turning a blind eye to him and his tame advancements) and my brain got out of hand with its assumptions every moment suguru decides what to do with reader
I mean it would be a cute (twisted)romance when he mentioned doing his background check with apathy then when he met you for real he never expected a barrage of feelings he felt for you, so originally he would pimp you out, but in you go to do office work instead because youre mine or rather ours now, and then proceeded to do an impressive feat of lightning quick decisions that luckily tips to his favor, like your confrontation with your father's aggrieved enemies and was presented with fool proof of an opportunity to have a solid future with you(im fuming he just let that dude go and let men from rivaling groups vex us!)
As much as premeditated machinations go, lucky bastard suguru is unironically funny and brushing with your father's enemy feels like a moment he never anticipated?? Idk, that part cemented what my brain is cooking of him
Would you ever consider dropping another part for suguru's pov? I really wanna know at what point he fell for reader(and i wanna know what hes thinking when reader said "just for one night 🥺")
omg seeing this in my inbox was such a treat! I love it when yall get analytical.
What can I say? Suguru is an opportunist, he's sadistic enough to let you get bullied and tossed around a little, just so you can plead and cry so prettily in his arms. If if makes you feel any better, Suguru was keeping a close eye on the men who crashed Miss Gem's apartment, and made sure you weren't there to get hurt. He just wanted to scare you enough to coax you into his arms lololol. So many people theorized that he was the one who orchestrated it, (he didn't, suguru hates getting his hands dirty). How could he have known that letting that man get away would cause this domino effect? If anything he and his husband are the good guys for giving you a refuge for such a low price.
Omg the love at first sight trope is so funny for Suguru. Buuut if you reread the fic again you might find that's not exactly what happened:).
I really like the way this ended so I probably wont be making a part two or anything in suguru's pov. buut to answer your last question suguru was definitely nodding along but in his head he was going 'right like we're ever letting you go after this'.
After all, it wasn't really a choice. But for your sake, he made you think you had one. See, he really does love you;)
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kitty-av · 5 months
Hello! I got a new sketchbook and I decided to try it by drawing a Danny with my markers. I might try doing something with gouache too, because I honestly really enjoy the process and the look of painting with it.
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I also have some things to ramble about under the line, which isn't strictly dp related, more so me comparing how I work with different mediums and being a little analytical about it, you know, as a treat to my brain because it needs it. •^•
So, to start with the Danny above, it's nothing overly ambitious, I was just vibing, but I think it looks nice. Here's the thing though, it looks weird to me, and the reason, probably, is that the process I use with the previously mentioned gouache doesn't translate well to markers.
Here's the process in question btw, a smol sketch to illustrate the way I work with paint but with markers:
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See, that's a process that's clearly a bit more suited to painting imo. So it looks good but a little off with markers. And it's not just to markers. Here's what I mean:
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This is digital. With the same process.
It's even weirder than the markers imo, but you can still tell that there's a process going on that's shared.
And the gouache version of this process looks like this: this is my most recent painting ( literally yesterday )
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This was done in flat brush, and I think you can clearly see that the process I used across all these paintings started with my gouache work. Which also might be why Danny looks a bit different than them because I had to adjust my process. Rather than starting with colouring my canvas and starting the face with a contrasting colour, both Danny, and as far as I can remember the digital dude, started blank and I had to do the glow effect thing a lot less naturally - especially with the lack of brush strokes. The scratchiness of them is aesthetic. Like, brush stroke and direction is important guys, it adds a lot.
I think if I try to draw this Danny in gouache and explain my process better this would all make sense, but I haven't had the time to get back into art because of uni, and I rather like to. I especially want to try doing digital art again, but I've been doing it so rarely that I haven't really got a process anymore, so I'm a bit intimidated to do anything but portraits.
In any case, if anybody has good Sai brushes that could help me get that painterly vibe there, I'd be very grateful ��^•
I want to start drawing and creating things for the Phandom again, but all I have currently are sketches, which I know aren't traditionally the easiest things to interact with visually, especially without colour. Still, I'm just going to share things I make and vibe, I suppose.
I have some interesting designs I'd like to try to make digitally, like that mermaid lady ghost from a while back, and her sister who I decided was Pariah Dark's fabulous ex. Still not sure on Queen's design, but I just want to draw a regal lady.
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Yes, I am dumping previous designs here so I can share them again, partly to remind myself of them without scrolling back my Tumblr for a thousand years.
Also my Bois, the clones, who I still want to write into a story and don't know how, but like - I love them and want to show them to more people.
Well, that's all for now. Hope you all have a good day. •^•>💚💜💚
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dinobae · 4 months
Caught In Their Webs Part Four
I'm finally continuing the series.... No seriously, if anyone still wants to read this here it is. I fell out of the fandom for a while when it was messing with my mental health a bit. But here is Part Four, and it's time for TASM Peters love! (Canon divergence)
...This is also not Beta'd and I am not that great at writing. But still, please enjoy.
With the other two Peter Parkers out hunting green goblin. TASM Peter is tasked with keeping you safe. But how can you even begin to handle the fact the Green Goblin is hunting you down when you're falling in love. You know you've been completely in love with your world Peter Parker but ignore your feelings because of MJ's relationship with Peter. But after sleeping with older Peter your mind is rocked. Trying to deny these budding feelings for the oldest Peter you can't help but feel your heart flutter around the tall and shy Peter. But you're not crazy enough to be in love with all three... Right???
Word Count: 4000+
Andrews!Peter= Peter Toms!Peter= Parker Tobeys!Peter = Pete
You shifted uncomfortably in chair you were sitting on. After your universe's Peter or Parker as he was temporarily designated got back to your apartment you were given little time to pack as much as you could in a backpack and dip out of your apartment. The three spider boys all agreeing that since Green Goblin knew your name, it would be too dangerous to stay in the apartment leased under your name. Which led you to Ned's grandmothers house where you were currently sitting at the table on a horribly uncomfortable chair.
MJ and Ned sat by your sides, while the three Peters were all anxiously discussing plans over the table. MJ and Ned were talking too, but you heard nothing but a slight buzzing noise in your ears. Overwhelmed with a pit of dread, anxiety, fear.... and guilt.
"Y/N!" You jolt as someone shouts your name. You glance up quickly to see everyone at the table staring at you with concern.
"We said your name like a hundred times dude... You weren't answering" MJ states softly, hand coming up to your shoulder as she looks at you with concern.
You smile weakly. "Sorry, I must have zoned out. What were you guys saying?" you question softly as you turn to face the rest of the group. Everyone's eyes on you.
"We were talking about the plan... But I'm assuming you didn't hear the any of it?" Parker questions softly, looking at you slightly exasperated.
Glancing up at him, you shake your head with a feeble smile. "N-No, I'm sorry." You sigh heavily, "But I'm listening now... So, what's the plan?"
Pete smiles at you gently, "You are going to stay here until we figure this out. Someone will be with you constantly to keep you safe. Your universes Peter... Parker is going to find Doctor Strange and tell him what's going on," Pete says gesturing to Parker. "While I will patrol the streets, this is my Green Goblin were facing, and I have defeated him before. I have the best shot at getting him," Pete explains, standing from his seat across you on the table before slapping a hand onto the tall shy Peter's shoulder. "Which means Peter here is going to stay with you and keep you safe," Pete grins at you.
You glance at the tall boy, your eyes connecting briefly before his eyes drop and he glances down shyly a feeble smile on his lips. Your mine briefly flashes back to your encounter this morning, where Peter found you and Pete in a compromising position. A blush warming your cheeks as you glance down at the table nervously.
Unbeknownst to you Parker tenses as he watches this interaction, jaw clenching as he glares at Peter with a questioning look. An action that doesn't go unnoticed to MJ sitting next to you, who is watching her boyfriend with an analytical expression.
The tension between both parties is broken when Ned's grandmother suddenly bursts into the room holding a plate of cookies and placing them on the table without a word. Before shuffling back into the kitchen mumbling something about needing lots of milk.
Pete smiles grabbing a cookie and shoving it in his mouth. "Well, let's go save the day," he mumbles through a full mouth.
Two hours later you find yourself being led into a tiny guest room by Ned, with Peter hovering awkwardly in the door. The room is small, a double bed with a bedside table. An ugly floral print sheet on the bed, and a matching flower designed lamp on the bedside table.
"Yea, it isn't much. But it's the only spare room," Ned says awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "But don't worry, its super clean. My grandma keeps a clean house," He grins at you toothily, which earns a chuckle from Peter behind me.
"It's fine Ned... This is great" you smile at him awkwardly, before walking over to the bed and collapsing back onto it with a huge, defeated sigh.
"I'll leave you to it then. See you tomorrow morning," Ned says cheerily, walking out of the room and past Peter who is still hovering in the doorframe.
You lay there for a moment more feeling absolutely exhausted. Before you sit up abruptly, startling Peter who jolts away from the doorframe. Standing alert, he stares looks at you with shock.
"Wait, this is the only spare room?" you question loudly. You turn and face Peter, who is still looking at you in alarm. "Where are you gonna sleep?" You question worriedly.
Peter relaxes then, a soft smile gracing his features as he looks at you softly. "Don't worry, I'll be on the couch," he says fondly. "And I'll be just downstairs if you need me," he grins shyly, leaning against the doorframe again.
You stare at him stunned for a moment, distracted by how handsome and sexy he looks leaning against the door like that. Before shaking your head softly, clearing your thoughts. "You can't take the couch. I'll take the couch," you say firmly. "You need to be well rested before you fight," you state with a frown, head shaking in worry.
"Oh no. No way I'm going to let you have the couch " Peter says with a frown. Standing he crosses his arms across his chest looking at you with a stern expression. You go to speak again before he cuts you off, "You can fight me as much as you want, I am not gonna let you sleep on that couch!" he says defiantly, looking at you with determination.
You both stare at each other intensely for a moment. Before you shrug at him, a smug expression flitting over your face as you stand from the bed. Peter looking at you warily, wavering at your sudden confidence.
"Well, if you won't take the bed. I won't take the bed. And if you won't let me take the couch, then I guess I'll just have to stay on the floor," you shrug with a grin, as you begin to sink onto the floor. Peter jumps in alarm at this, rushing over to you and pulling you back up by the shoulders.
"No. Please," he sighs as he hoists you back onto the bed, arms holding your shoulders. Shaking his head with a frown he looks down at you with his big brown eyes. "Please. Please just sleep on the bed... For me," he whispers out softly, giving you the best puppy dog eyes you've ever seen.
You bite your lip harshly, as you start to lose all resolve. You stare into his eyes, willing yourself to not give in, but find yourself unable to look away from those beautiful eyes. Glancing down at his lips quickly, you look back into those soft eyes and let out a big sigh before looking down at your lap.
Peter smiles victoriously then, briefly thinking his has won. Before you glance back up into his eyes, a pout on your lips as you give him the biggest puppy dog eyes you can. Your E/C eyes shimmering, as you stare at him pleadingly.
"Fine I won't take the couch. If..." You start to say, pouting up at him as you grip his forearms from where they still hold your shoulders. "If we both take the bed?" you whisper up at him, nerves suddenly filling your stomach.
Peter tenses suddenly, looking at you with shock. His hands gripping your shoulders tightly. You glance up at him worriedly, worried you had overstepped your bounds.
He stands up straighter, removing his arms from your shoulders. Before scratching his neck nervously. You bite your lip harshly, about to speak up and retract your statement before Peter speaks.
"Ok," he says with an anxious smile, shuffling on his feet gently.
Your heart flutters, face flushing as you feel suddenly extremely aware of the situation.
"Yea, ok. That uh... Thats good then," you say with a soft smile, turning to the side to hide the blush forming on your face.
Later, the two of you are laying rather stiffly next to each other on the bed. The bed is rather small for two people and Peter is pressed as far away from you as possible. It also certainly doesn't help that the handsome boy sleeps shirtless.
In that moment he feels so close yet so far away. You can feel the heat radiating from your side. All you would need to do is shift a inch or so to the left and you could press yourself against his bare, hot... chiselled... defined chest. 'Snap out of its YIN!' you think to yourself, shaking your head in attempt to clear your head of sinful thoughts.
In the dark you nervously glance over, finding his figure in the dark. He's lying flat on his back breathing steadily, but he looks rigid and tense. You can't help but think he looks very uncomfortable.
"Peter? Are you awake?" you whisper out softly.
"Yea," Peter whispers softly, shifting slightly when you speak.
"Can I ask you something?" You question with a whisper.
"Yea" he replies, head turning on his pillow to face you.
At first, you want to comment on how uncomfortable he looks while sleeping. "Earlier, when you caught me with Pete. Why did you look at me like you were... Sad?" You blurt before you even register what you're asking.
Peter tenses suddenly, seeming to hesitate. Before he can speak however you cut him off. "Oh I mean. You were probably just uncomfortable right? I mean, because I was with another Pete and i.."
"Hey, I um. I wasn't uncomfortable," Peter cuts of your rambling suddenly, shifting closer to you on the bed. "I just... It's hard to explain." he says nervously, a hand coming up to your cheek, brushing a hair behind your ear.
"I'm a good listener?" you state softly, cheeks flushing as he brushes your hair behind your ear. He lets out a soft sigh at your statement, bringing his hand in-between you as he shifts on to his side to face you. You mimic his movements, turning onto your side to face him.
"Well, I had a YIN in my universe as well." He states nervously, hands fiddling with the bedsheet.
"You did" you whisper out questioningly. You had some suspicions based on how the two other dimension Petes had treated and looked at you. But it was alarming to hear out loud.
"Y-yea." He begins, seemingly nervous. "My YIN was my best friend. She was there for me for as long as I could remember. And she was there for me when... When Gwen..." He sniffles slightly, choking on his words. You bring a hand up, grabbing his in your own softly.
He sighs, grabbing your hand tight in his, squeezing it tightly. "Well, YIN was there for me when Gwen died. She was my rock, and one day she... she told me she had feelings for me..." He whispers out, my hand gripping his hard at the news. "And I. I didn't react well... I pushed her away, I yelled and screamed. I told her I didn't feel the same... And I ended up pushing her out of my life completely. We haven't spoken since." He whispers out, crying softly at his confession.
"Oh wow, Pete... That's a lot" you whisper out, bring your free hand up to his face to wipe the tears from his cheeks.
"I hated how I reacted; I was just so upset... All I could think about was Gwen. I regretted it instantly." He sniffles, leaning into your hand on his face. "I was too ashamed to ever find her again... But the worst part is. I loved her as well." He sighs softly, closing his eyes as he brings a hand up to cup your hand on his face. His other hand intertwining your fingers on the bed. "Seeing you and Pete together. It gave me a sense of what I could've had if I wasn't so..." he says softly, eyes opening again to peer at you.
You'd moved closer during his story, your body flushed against his. Moving your softly hand down his cheek, you bring your thumb to his lips. "You... You could still have that, Peter. You can find your YIN, reconcile," you say breathily, pressing your chest against his.
"I can't" he sniffles out, crying a little harder. "She moves on. She's happily married now with kids. I can't be in her live" he whispers while stroking your hair softly.
"I'm sorry you lost your chance Peter, I'm sorry that this happened to you" you say, your other hand unlatching from his grip as you cup his cheeks with both hands. "But... you can always have a chance now?" you whisper out shakily, looking at his lips.
His eyes widen, before his mouth crashes onto yours, his hands coming up to cup your back as he pulls you close to him. You kiss him back feverishly, teeth clacking as you kiss each other hungrily. His tongue running along the bottom of your lip before gripping it with his teeth and sucking into his mouth.
You whimper into his mouth, one of your legs coming up to his waist as you press against him. He growls softly into your mouth, hands coming onto your waist and pulling you on top of him. You gasp as you straddle him, your core pressed right onto his crotch.
He takes advantage of your open mouth, his tongue pushing past your lips. You whine as his tongue dominates yours, unable to stop your hips from bucking against him. He groans into your mouth at that, hands gripping your hips tight as he begins to pull you against him. One of his hands reaching up and gripping your hair tightly as he pulls you further into the searing kiss. You can feel all the desperation and want coming from him as he hold you so tight it almost hurts.
With your lips now pressed perfectly against his you begin to rock back and forth. You quickly find a rhythm, and you can't stop your whines as your cores is pressed into the bulge in his pyjama shorts over and over again. The thin material adding to the pleasure. With a particularly hard thrust from Peter below you, you notice that he's also commando under his thin pants. You mewl when you notice this, your panties starting to feel drenched.
His other hand comes to your shirt, reaching up and stroking his way up your body to your nipples. He reaches up, grabbing on and tugging it hard, causing you to gasp into his mouth. He fumbles a little when he tries to switch to your other nipple, and he lets out a growl of frustration.
Before you even register what's happening, Peter has flipped you onto your back and ripped your shirt down the middle exposing your bare breasts. His mouth not once leaving yours as he does this. Kissing you feverishly he brings both hands to your breasts, pulling and tugging desperately. His hips bucking against your core in a steady rhythm, both your pants and his completed coated in the added slick and pre-cum coming from you both.
"Y/n" he groans into your mouth loudly before pulling back and staring down at you longingly. He gives your left nipple one last twist, before his hand starts running down your body and past them hem of your panties. He groans loudly when he runs his fingers up and down your folds. "So wet. Is this really for me sweetheart?" He questions, his expression self-conscious as if he doesn't believe he could be turning you on so much.
"Yes Peter. All for you, you're turning me on so much," you say passionately one of your hands reaching up and gripping his cheek gently as you speak. Peter looking down at you then with a sudden ferocity in his eyes. "Fuck Peter, I neeeeeeed," you start to stay before it turns into a moan as Peter suddenly shoves two fingers inside of you and starts thrusting hard and fast. You let out another yelp as he starts going so hard and fast, barely giving you any room to adjust.
"Sorry sweetheart, but if you keep talking like that I won't last long, and I want to come inside of you," he groans throatily, looking down at you with a hazy lust in his eyes. When you gasp and grab his arms tightly, he does hesitate worried he's gone too far. Before you quickly grip his arms again begging him to continue. He smiles softly down at you then, thrusting a third finger in suddenly while his thumb finds your clit and starts to rub fast yet soft circles.
You jolt underneath him, surprised at how fast you could feel that familiar tension in your abdomen as he draws you closer and closer to the edge. You throw your head back eyes closed as, rock your hips against his hand chasing that feeling. His long fingers prodding against your g-spot while his thumb starts rubbing perfectly against your clit. When your right on the edge you open your eyes to find Peter looking down at you with such awe, his beautiful brown eyes sparkling. It all it takes for you to go over the edge, all the while staring into his big doe eyes.
When you settle back down, he kisses you softly and sweetly. He leans back and pulls your pants and panties completely off, gasping softly when he sees how drenched they were. He looks over at you sheepishly, a small grin on his face he pulls down his own pants, freeing his leaking member.
You audibly gulp when you look at it. Briefly thinking of the other Peters. The older Pete had a very thick girthy member that was around 5 & half inches. But this Peter had a long thin member, at least 9 inches and currently straining against his stomach. As he crawled back up to your hips you couldn't help but wonder what your Peters looked like.
A hysterical thought filled you as you pondered sleeping with him just to complete the set. As if you were collecting getting fucked by different Peter Parkers. However, you were shaken from these wild thoughts when you felt Peter's member prodding against your entrance. Shaking your head softly you refocused on the shy handsome man above you.
Peter looked nervous and excited but was staring down at you expectingly waiting for permission. Before you say anything, you glance down and see that he had put a condom on whilst you were daydreaming. A glance back up at him shows you his face now filled with worry as you continue to say nothing. He opens his mouth to speak but stops when you reach a hand down and tug off the condom.
Peter opens his again, but you cut him off. "I'm on the pill," you smile up at him, before redirecting his member to press against your entrance, a silent approval for him to continue. He smiles toothily down at you before pressing into you softly.
You quickly start a slow but deep rhythm, as he rocks his member against you. Your moans are so loud as he reaches parts within you that have never been reached. The pace is slow and steady for a while, before you start to loudly beg him to go harder and deeper. He reaches down and grabs on of your legs, hoisting over his shoulder as he starts to ram into you like a man possessed.
You're practically screaming as he fucks you in this new position, each thrust pressing the tip of his head past your cervix. Your mind briefly regards that there are other people in the house and your borderline screaming, but a sudden angle change against your g-spot wipes your mind of anything but Peter. Peter comes first, groaning into your neck as he empties inside of you. His thumb coming down to help you follow suite.
The two of you lay there panting for a while, before Peter starts to lay sweet kisses on your lips. He kisses you softly till you fall asleep, only briefly stirring to the feel of a damp towel cleaning you off. Your dreams now filled with Peter and Pete, and the happy lives you could live.
Within the rest of the house, Ned's grandma sleep heavily undisturbed by any noise. While Ned stares up at his bedroom roof, eyes bulging and looking traumatized... As well as a seething Peter Parker, your Peter Parker who had returned home to check on you.
======= (END SMUT)
You woke up the next morning to an empty bed. Frowning you glanced around the room looking for Peter but couldn't see the tall man anywhere. Before you could worry you noticed a glass of water and a note. Picking it up you read what it said.
Out on Patrol with the other world Pete, we got an idea on the location on green goblin. Your Peter came home this morning, he'll protect you while we are gone. Stay safe and hydrate. :)
You smile softly at the note, changing into some of your spare clothes as you head downstairs. When you walk into the kitchen, your Peter and Ned are sitting at the table.
"Good morning, everyone," you say softly as you sit down, Neds grandmother quickly dropping a plate of food in front of you before walking back into the kitchen. As no one responds you glance up to see Ned staring red faced as his plate, refusing to make eye contact with you. When you glance over at Parker you flinch as you make eye contact. He's glaring at you intensely, eyes piercing yours with such intensity you almost feel afraid.
"What's wrong with you?" I demand with sudden confidence, unable to handle the intensity of his glare.
"What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with you!??" He shouts, slamming his hands on the table as he stands. Ned turns to look at him in shock, and you flinch as he stands. You don't think you've ever heard Peter shout like that, and never at you.
"I don't understand," You respond hesitantly, not wanting to further upset him. "I didn't do anything wrong," you say worriedly.
Peter barks out a horrible laugh at your words, looking at you with venom in his eyes. "You did nothing wrong? You opened your legs to the other universe's Peter like a whore! That's pretty wrong to me," he shouts at you, slamming his hands down on the table again cracking it with his strength.
You let out a loud gasp at his words and hear two other gasps as well. Glancing over you see Ned staring at Peter in shock. "Peter Parker!" is heard behind you. Turning around you see MJ standing in the door. The source of the other gasp you assume. She is glaring at Peter, her hands on her hips. You'd also never seen her look so angry. Which is saying something considering that she was angry a lot.
Turning back around to face Peter you go to shout at him, defend your actions but you halt when you see him. He's no longer staring at you with anger, but utter devastation. Tears are falling from his eyes and his lips are quivering as he stares at you.
"Peter?" you question softly, flabbergasted at the sudden mood change. Unable to help yourself you reach across the table for him hand, but he jumps back. He stares at you for a moment more, tears flowing harder now, before he runs out the back door. You, Ned and MJ go to chase him, but when you hear the familiar sound of his web shooter you halt, knowing there was no chance to catch him.
You feel a hand on your shoulder, and you turn to see Ned and MJ looking at you concerned. "I didn't say anything. I don't know how..." Ned mumbles out, looking at you with both guilt and concern. MJ opens her mouth to speak then. But you suddenly take off running, sprinting up the stairs and into your temporary room. Slamming the door behind you, you begin to cry softly. Never had Peter ever spoken or looked at you like that. It was devastating. You fell onto the bed, thinking of the other two Peter's and how you wished they were here.
You notice neither Ned or MJ had followed you upstairs, and you were grateful. Your cries softened eventually, and you leaned back into the bed as you started to fall asleep. Before you heard the sound of breaking glass. Jolting up from the bed you glance at the window and see a weird looking ball. Looking at in shock and confusion you faintly notice the sound of beeping and laughter... Before everything went white.
I know these tags are super old, but idk. Let me know if you want me to remove you from the tag list lol.
@mcugeekposts, @infp-t-rhi, @wilder-fangirl, @comedinewithmeyeh, @druigswh0ree, @mysticbear21, @tristansaurusrex, @panicattheeverywherekid, @xoxoloverb,
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g-ss4toru · 1 year
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━━☆⌒*. itoshi sae x reader
— in which itoshi sae is conflicted on whether he hates you or loves you.
form: fic
genre: fluff
notes: omg this is my first fic... the itoshi siblings brainrot is real!!! gosh i love them sm
warning(s): word 'shit' was used once, could be ooc sae,
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Itoshi Sae hates you.
Because instead of him enjoying his free day with you (which was quite rare), in the comfort of his cozy apartment, he instead gets to experience the excruciating pain of heartbreak right before his very eyes.
He hates you have the audacity to ask him about some boy. More specifically, about how to confess your 'undying love' as you call it. Because one, out of all the people in the world, why him? Does he look like the type of person who specializes in that department? Two, you're asking him, the man who's been secretly crushing on you for three years?
How rude!
"Hey c'mon man! A friend needs your help here!" You exclaim as you poke his shoulder repeatedly. Sae, who was currently scrolling through his social media just sighs.
"What?" He replies, tone harsher than he expected. Though that didn't bother you one bit.
You furrow your brows in thought. "Oh! What do you think I should give him?"
Gosh you really are annoying huh?
"Well what is he like? Depend it on that." He grumbles. Actively ignoring the pang in his chest.
You hum in thought. "Well, he's sporty and..."
"So serious! Sometimes boring and sometimes cool!"
(Of course he doesn't need to know that it was him you're describing. For now, at least.)
Wow what a guy. Sounds like an idiot if you ask him. But seriously, just what did you see in that dude? You totally deserve someone more than that! Someone with personality, he thinks.
But again, if you’re happy, and if you really really like the boy… He’ll support you. Because that’s what friends do right? They make their friends happy.
He hides the shake in his voice as he asks, "What does he like?"
"He likes kombucha tea!" You reply almost instantly.
It takes a moment for him to respond. "How about you give him a box full of kombucha?" He inquires.
You chuckle at this. "Seriously? A box of kombucha, Sae?"
"Hey, I like kombucha and I would appreciate a box of it if given by someone I like!" He exclaims.
There's a beat of silence that passes the air and Sae's getting concerned at the way you suddenly got quiet. Not to mention, your analytical gaze is making him melt.
“I’ll confess next week!” You announce with joy as you stand up. Wait, next week? But next week is his… birthday! Oh you’re really twisting the knife now.
You immediately fix your bag and put on your shoes that’s by the door. “I’ll get going now! Bye bye!”
And just like that, he’s alone in his apartment again.
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Just like he expected, the week came by pretty quickly and it’s already the morning of October 10. He glances at his clock that rests on his bedside table. But the familiar ding! of his phone caught his attention.
(name): come to my house in the afternoon!^^
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It’s 3 pm when your doorbell rings.
To no one’s surprise, you open the door to a well disguised Sae at your doorstep. With this, you open the door wider, ushering him to enter.
“Hey, happy birthday!” You greet as you lay out the cake on the table. It was simple and small since Sae wasn’t into desserts that much.
He glances at the cake then to your face. You look so pretty with the color of the lit candles lightening your face. He looks at how your hair is a bit disheveled, there’s a smudge of flour on your cheeks and the messily written “Happy Birthday Sae!” didn’t go unnoticed by him.
You usher him to make a wish and to blow the candles.
Now, Sae doesn’t believe in wishes but if it meant seeing you like this any chance he gets, he’ll believe in it for the rest of his life.
He closes his eyes momentarily then blows out the candles. “I’ll get us a slice. Just wait in the couch for a while!” You said as you scurry off into the kitchen.
“So uh, how did it go?” He asks.
“What did?”
“The confession.”
Theres a moment of silence before he hears a, “Oh! I haven’t done it yet.”
He hums in reply, imagining the future probabilities of your confession. Every scenario he could think of was making his heart beat fast. What if—
Just then he feels the cushion beside him dip. Oh it’s you. And you’re holding a box of… kombucha!
Wait, a box of kombucha? But why?
"What's all of this for?" He suddenly asks.
Your stare was unimpressed. Sure, Itoshi Sae was a genius, but this was only limited to soccer. Everywhere else, he's a bit clueless as shit.
"I love you Itoshi Sae." You whisper, just for him to hear.
This makes him speechless. There's so much emotions going off inside him that all he feels is the need to kiss you.
So, he does. He grabs your cheeks so tenderly and places his lips on yours just as careful.
And when you both part away, it felt like a heavy weight was lifted off of his shoulders.
There's red dusting the tips of his ears and your cheeks feel warm.
You hold out his hands, rubbing small circles on his knuckles.
"You really got the box of kombucha huh?" He chuckles, hands intertwining with yours.
"Are those the salted kind?"
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mortypone · 1 month
And the winner of the ultimate Rick and Morty episode- with over 200 votes- is….
With a difference of 1 point. Congrats!!! ✨✨
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(I’m so sorry the Rickshank Rickdemption didn’t hear all of you calling)
Final thoughts (if there’s grammar mistakes,meh. Too lazy to reread.)
-So glad this competition was super fun and engaging! Ngl, the pre votes made me a bit nervous due to it having low submissions and then setting every thing was a ton of work due to the long titles but again thx you all for voting! I love hearing people’s thoughts and analytics to R&M so reading reblogs and comments made me chuckle and it was very nice to engage with the RnM fandom ✨ :)
-The fact that Close Rick counters and Ricklantis mix up, both most talked about episodes in the show, lost early in the competition shocked me a bit! They both brought something deep to the show.
-No one asked for Pickle Rick but testing and seeing if we pass the “pickle Rick stereotypical dude bro kinda stage” and seeing it was one of the lowest voted was a relieve (and if your favorite was pickle Rick. I mean I see it what you’re saying LOL).
-The vat of acid seems to also be a fan fav but in my opinion that episode was kinda a bummer because the way Morty was treated.
-So glad a Jerry episode got top 4
-Shocking but not that some of the top episodes was Rick Prime centric.
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Did Unmortricken deserve to win over Rickshank Rickdemption ?
Depends on who you ask! Both have big wins. First off, this was the first time we saw Ian shine as Rick with both amazing performances with Rick and Rick Prime. Second, Evil Morty still gets a win even if Ricklantis mix up lost and also the start of the Morty and evil Morty bonding art YES! The soundtrack and fight sequence was just chef kiss. Is Morty good in this episode? He was decent. Anyways- I do say Rickshank Rickdemption was very good with its timing and characterization with Morty’s and Summer’s character really shines through here. Reading each reblog made me realize how both impactful these episodes are when they both first aired. Tbh, if I did watch Rickshank Rickdemption when it aired- maybe a vote?? The very first episode I watch of rnm was the S4 finale 😭- Unmortricken woke me up and hyped me up after a long day and that’s why it had my vote. I couldn’t stop yapping about it for days. Also the hug ughhh-
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In conclusion, in my humble opinion- night family and the gay birdrick episode should’ve went higher 😭/lh
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i am soooo fascinated by all of your suitehearts ideas hows it going?
ITS GOING GREAT!!!! taking this as my excuse to start yelling abt their backstories bc i was abt to start making the post anyways and this ask came at the PERFECT time gdhgdhd
so the entertainment industry is CRUCIAL to my version of bli to the point where the original company which would become bli began as an animation studio in the 30s/40s (the original studio producing mousekat cartoons which is a whole other post im not gonna get into rn). whats important here is that nostalgia is key to a lot of bli's early success as they bought the rights to many different properties specifically in childrens entertainment in order to sell the idea that their products and their company is Good and Moral and shit. like getting mickey mouse to endorse your product and shit
anyways one of these old shows they acquire the rights to is a shortlived but incredibly popular late 70s/early 80s childrens show: The Adventures of America's Suitehearts. its got loud vibrant colors and costumes and garish sets and im thinking it takes place in like. a magical hotel with like infinite floors to explore filled with magic rooms for any and everything (kinda like the Imagination Movers iirc). the Suitehearts are permanent residents and episodes would revolve around them helping out and going on adventures with the hotels guests, allowing new kids and characters to show up every episode. the whole show would be focused on having fun and using your imagination to its fullest, meant to bring some light into the world for kids dealing with the effects of the wars and shit but it gets cancelled after two seasons bc. yknow. the wars and shit
ANYWAYS bli picks up the idea and reboots the series once the City is built and theyve fully come to power. they use it as a sort of safety net, a way of easing the kids who originally grew up with and are now adults into accepting bli's ideas and control. its a HUGE propaganda tool and it works really fucking well, becoming a staple show in the city. i havent figure out full timeline shit bc i cant find the doc rn but im thinking probably theyd cycle through actors for the suitehearts over the years with the most recent versions being the ones that led to the shoes cancellation & the ones who become rebels. the cast goes as follows (and city names are subject to change bc these are just placeholders i came up with on the spot):
Dr. Benzadrine (portrayed by Mark Desrosiers)
- originally the Dr. Benzadrine character was this kooky mad scientist type with a sort of bill nye meets mrs frizzle energy. he was always encouraging kids to explore and ask questions abt the world around them, showing the audience how to do simple experiments, and explaining scientific concepts and how things work/are made. obviously this is exactly the type of behavior that bli wants to AVOID teaching kids, so in the reboot he becomes this sort of strict, analytical figure who discourages "unscientific" and "unproductive" things such as emotions, and constantly promotes bli's pills and medications as the solutions to problems! any "science" he explains revolves around how the pills "work" to make you Happier and Better
-Mark originally planned to be a chemist. he wanted to help people and figured developing nee medications would be the best way of doing that!! dudes like a GENIUS too, and bli sees this and singles him out and puts him on the fast track for his goals bc obviously they want that brain making their pills. except, the higher up he goes, the more HORRIBLE OBVIOUSLY CORRUPT he realizes the company is so he drops out and through a series of shady events i havent figured out the specifics of yet becomes the new Dr. Benzadrine!!!
Mr. Sandman (played by Dominic no last name yet bc nothing i can think of sounds good!)
- in the original version of the show, Sandman was one of those characters thats looked back on as kinda creepy looking in hindsight and is joked abt constantly for his more spooky appearance. personality wise though, his whole thing was encouraging kids to get creative by using his dream powers to visualize wacky scenarios and solutions to problems. hed also always lead into the a song fitting the theme of the episode by "singing a lullabye" often by the request of one of the other characters. in bli's version, though, they take his creepier appearance and RUN with it, turning him into essentially the series' antagonist. they turn him from the maker of dreams into the maker of nightmares and hes meant to show kids "the dangerous of creativity", always defeated in the end by the others following rules and conforming to authority and shit yk? just the most heavyhanded propaganda you can imagine
- Dominic i think joins the show because he wants to get rich and famous, break out of the slums of the City and really prove that hes worth something. he doesnt even mind playing the villain because, hey, the villains always the most popular character right? except wow jesus christ, being an actually cared about, actually watched member of the city is kind if a lot and suddenly all these freedoms he used to have are being taken away and he didnt realize itd be like this he needs to find a way out oh god-
H. Shoe Crab (played by Sarah Langley)
- so in the original show, Crab was that type of moral compass character always dishing out the episode's lesson. he had exceptionally good luck, which is implied to be due to a sort of karma- he does and acts good so the universe rewards him and shit yk? thats not to say hes perfect and there are episodes dedicating to showing him struggling with his own issues and he often makes mistakes. but at the end of the day hes there to teach kids the value of kindness, emotional awareness, and basic morals. also theres a tunning joke where his good luck will kinda backfire on/cause problems for Sandman like with Goodluck and Grumpy in Care Bears. played by a girl in the reboot, Crab's character essentially becomes Product Placement and Gender Roles!! all her good luck becomes the result of using bli's products, all her "moral lessons" become about respecting authority and reporting suspicious behavior and shit, and she basically gets Mom Friend-ified by the company to top it all off.
- Sarah i think is the most deep into her role bc she is heavily monitored on set and on far more medications than the rest of the cast. this is because she was actually born in the desert, kidnapped as a teenager, and brought into the City to be "rehabilitated". the whole reason she was probably even cast was as a demonstration for higher ups that brainwashing younger joys could be possible as part of a never seen through initiative. also this whole post was just supposed to be abt their backstories/the characters they played and i wasnt gonna get into any of their later true identities once they become rebels, but it is incredibly important to me that you know they become a transmasc butch lesbian who uses exclusively they/them and neopronouns
Donnie the Catcher (played by Cameron Barnes)
- Donnie's a sort of like sportacus from lazytown- the character encouraging fitness and healthy habits in kids. he was also extremely clumsy and not actually that great at many sports, emphasizing the idea that winning/losing doesn't matter so long as you're having fun with what youre doing. i think hed be the least changed character in bli's version, with their version of equality and non exceptionalism being HEAVILY emphasized. he also acts as basically a walking advertisement for the SCARECROW unit, with many of his games and exercises being underscored with encouragements for kids to look into crow recruitment when theyre older.
- Cameron was a Scarecrow, still kind of is as he was switched from active duty in the zones after the rest of his squadron was killed in a firefight and he found himself too traumatized to go back out in the field. the whole thing fosters a hatred for killjoys within him, sure, but it also makes him resent bli for sending him out there underprepared and to fight what hes quickly coming to believe is a pointless battle. he hates that his only options seem to be wasting away in the city or wasting away in the desert. but maybe if there were a third option...
and yeah this has gotten too long already so ill make the post abt their breaking out of the city and killjoy identities later :P all im gonna say rn is that their leaving becomes this huge public scandal, made worse when they continue using the names of their characters and claiming them as their new identities. the show is removed from the air almost instantly, and all mentions if it are scrubbed from public life- if you remember the Suitehearts no you dont.
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carolinaboy34 · 1 year
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By the time I got to college, my virginity was literally crippling me. All through high school, I wondered about my sexuality and what I liked and didn’t. I had a good idea that I may be gay, based on my porn searches and reading, but sometimes a girl would catch my fancy and make me wonder. I had made out with a few girls in high school, but it never went past the light petting stage, and I never made out with a boy. There just weren’t that many opportunities in the small town I grew up in.
When I got to college, away from home, dad, and the watchful eye of everyone in my hometown, I just had to find out what it was all about. Being the analytical, scientific person I am, I went about devising a plan to figure out my sexuality. I know I was being a little silly, but I didn’t want to close a door that may be a fun adventure or deprive me of a great experience.
My first step was purely by accident. I met a girl during orientation, before classes even started. Her name was Beth, and she was a cute redhead with freckles and long, curly hair. She was so sweet and fun, we hit it off right away. She had an odd sense of humor that suited me well and was sarcastic enough to keep everyone entertained. We started to spend a lot of time together, eating meals at the same time, walking to classes and even spending evenings together in our rooms. We made out a lot. She was a great kisser. One night she grabbed my hard dick while we were laying in my bed kissing and started rubbing it through my sweatpants. I decided to grab a boob, so we started playing with each other. She eventually leaned down and pulled my dick out, licking it tentatively while she held it like an armed bomb. I was rubbing her back and laying there, enjoying the first time someone else ever touched me. It didn’t take long for me to cum, which I warned her about and she let blast all over my shirt. She just dropped me afterwards and came back to make out more. I could taste myself on her lips, which tasted really good (I’d never even tasted mine before). She left soon after, but we kept hanging out and making out when we could.
One night, I was at her place and we were making out while watching a movie, kind of. We’d both gotten naked and were touching and exploring each other. She knew I was a virgin, but she’d had sex before. She gave me a blow job for a few minutes then reached into her nightstand and got a condom. I watched her, wide eyed and nervous, while she opened the wrapper and put it on me. She pushed me onto my back and climbed on top of me, pointed my dick up and sat down on me. I went in really easy, and it was so warm and soft, it felt like masturbating with a fluffy, wet glove. She started moving about on my lap and reached down to grab my hands to put on her boobs. It felt ok. She seemed to be having a great time, and she started squealing and breathing heavily, but nothing happened with me. After she came, she kept me inside and laid down on top of me, pressing her boobs into my chest and making out with me. She came off me and took the condom off then jacked me off to orgasm on my chest and belly.
We had sex a few more times. She seemed to cum everytime, and I eventually came while we fucked, but it left me convinced there was something else out there. We eventually grew apart and stopped dating, but after I came out to her, we became great friends. She brags that she’s responsible for driving me into the arms of a man.
Step one down. I knew I wasn’t 100% straight. It was fun, but it certainly didn’t get me going. A girl's body is wasted on me. So, I figured that I needed to try a dude. Easiest way to do that is with an app, so I downloaded a couple of them and made a profile that was, looking back, pretty general. Just had a face pic and described myself as a college student, looking to meet someone, yada, yada, yada. I got lots of replies, a lot were way older than me looking for a ‘boy’, and I avoided that. I matched with a cute kid named Ethan who lived in my dorm, so we agreed to meet up at the student union for coffee one evening. He was very cute, a freshman like me, finding himself like me, but not a virgin to gay sex. He was very much a bottom. We went back to his place and started making out, got naked and were wrestling around in his bed. We turned into a ‘69’ and started sucking each other. Fucking fireworks blasting in my brain! The smells and textures and tastes bombarding my senses overwhelmed me. My first dick inside my body and I was hooked. He didn’t want to cum that way so asked if I’d fuck him.
“Fuck, yes!”
I asked him for a condom, but he told me he didn’t like them. He was taking meds and was clean, so he was fine without one. I didn’t want to stop sucking him, so I went back for more and was enjoying every second until he literally pulled me off and begged me to fuck him before he came. He got on his back and pulled his legs back to his chest, presenting his ass to me. I pointed my dick at his hole and started to push, but he quickly reminded me we needed lube, which he handed to me. I squirted some on my hand then slathered it all over my dick and spread some on his hole, which felt so cool to touch and rub! I played with his hole some, watching it pulse and flex, studying the hairless skin surrounding it, and slowly and carefully inserting a finger inside. It was so warm and tight! He gasped and moaned, then wiggled his butt on my finger. I pulled my finger out then pointed my dick back at his hole and pushed in until I popped past the ring. Oh my god! The heat and tightness of his hole was intense and soooo much better than a woman's softness. He grabbed my hips and pulled me in until I was all the way and my balls were resting against his ass. I could feel his body contracting around my dick - it was amazing. I reached down and started to jack him while I pulled out slowly before going back in. I kept going in and out slowly, somewhat uncoordinated. I was worried about hurting him. I shouldn’t have been.
“Drew, you can fuck me hard. I like it that way!”
“You sure it doesn’t hurt?”
“Fuck no. You feel amazing!”
He wrapped his legs around my waist and started pulling me in, almost spurring me into fucking him harder. I tried to match his movements and started going faster and faster, harder and harder, until I was slamming into him. He was moaning loudly with each thrust, my body smacking into him each time I bottomed out inside. His hole never relaxed but stayed tight and so warm on my dick, the sensations of his muscles in his ass as they massaged my dick each time I entered him blew me away. I knew this was what I wanted. I couldn’t hold it much longer and started jacking him faster, matching my thrusts, until I pushed in one last time and held still until I started blowing my load deep inside his hole. That pushed him over, and he blasted his chest with his cum, squirting eight or nine shots up onto his body.
I collapsed on top of him, feeling his cum spread between us, and hugged him tightly as I tried to regain my breath. His hole contracted and pushed out my softening dick, along with a healthy portion of my cum. We stayed in bed for a while longer, talking and laughing and reliving our tryst. Ethan was great and we still get together, when I feel like topping, but neither of us were interested in dating.
Step two down. I certainly liked having sex with a guy better than a girl. Way better. It was more fun. More athletic. More interesting things to do and play with. Ethan and I talked a lot about bottoming, because I was really curious. He told me how amazing it was and how much his body just loved the role. He described how he loves to play the submissive part and be dominated by a strong top. I hadn't figured out my roles yet, but it sounded amazing to hear him talk about it.
Step three was finding a top and trying out bottoming. Ethan was like my Sherpa guiding me up the mountain of bottoming. He taught me how to clean in preparation for sex. He shaved my butthole for me. We talked about positions and ways to work your muscles. It’s way more than just laying there and getting fucked! He introduced me to playing with toys and even bought me my first dildo. He took me to the clinic on campus and got a prescription for preventative meds. He was amazing. And he was turning me into a submissive bottom very quickly.
He had a couple friends that he thought would be great for my first time, and we made plans to meet up one evening for coffee to see how things went. The date was a couple of days away, and I was nervous as hell. This was a big summit to crest for me. I had built it up in my head as such a big deal, it was starting to get a little overwhelming.
I’d gone out for a run after class the day before our coffee date to try to relax. It helped, but I was still nervous when I got home and grabbed my stuff to get a shower. When I got to the bathroom, I heard one of the showers running, but there were plenty of others, so I hung up my towel and was undressing when I reached for the hook to hang my shorts and knocked over my shower kit, sending soap and shampoo and other things, including a dildo I sometimes used in the shower, across the floor. “Fuck!” I said under my breath and started to gather my things. Just as I was bending over to get my stuff, naked, the shower that was in use shut off and the curtain opened. On my knees, I looked up and saw this incredibly hot guy from my floor, an upperclassman, looking down at me. And he was holding the dildo! “Double Fuck!!” I thought.
“Is this yours?” He asked with a smirk.
“Um, yeah. Sorry for that.” I grabbed it from him and stuffed it back in my kit.
I looked back up at him, and he was still standing there looking at me with a mix of amusement and annoyance on his face. Totally naked and dripping wet, I noticed his dick was starting to harden. His dirty blond hair was wet and curly, and his chest and abdomen were tight, with barely any body fat on him. What do I do? Seems like a good opportunity that would be a shame to pass up, right? I looked him in the eye, then looked down at his dick, then back up at his face. He raised an eyebrow but didn’t move, so I thought “Why the fuck not?” and kind of crawled closer to him. I was still on my knees now right at his feet, eye level with his dick that was definitely harder than before. I leaned in and my nose touched it before I opened my mouth to take it inside. He stepped back and lifted me by the armpits. “What the fuck? Not here dipshit! We could be expelled! Aww, come with me.”
I grabbed my stuff and wrapped my towel around my waist then ran after him. He was ahead of me by at least 10 feet and got to his room first, opened the door and went inside, leaving the door open and completely ignoring me. When I got inside, he was hanging his towel in the closet, so I shut the door and dropped mine to the floor. He went to the bed and wordlessly sat down with his feet on the floor, reclining back against the wall. His dick on full display and harder than before, it was about seven inches long and normal girth with a cut, round head that was bright red. I went to him and knelt between his legs, using my hands to steady myself on his thighs. I leaned forward until my lips made contact with his now fully hard cock. The shower had loosened his balls, which were hanging down low in his hairless sac between his legs, and he smelled of soap and some leftover teenage pheromones, which was incredibly intoxicating.
At first I just smelled and ran my nose from his balls up his shaft to the tip near his belly button. I couldn't get enough and rubbed my nose and lips along his dick, his taint, his pubes - whatever I could get. He remained motionless with his arms to his side, but his dick was hard as stone and flexing up off his abdomen with his heartbeat. I must be doing something right!
After sniffing for several moments, I extended my tongue and ran it up his length. He finally responded by taking in a sharp breath and moaning quietly. He reached up with a hand and grabbed some of my hair and started to direct my face where he wanted it. He hooked the base of his dick with his other thumb, raising it up. He brought my face to the tip then he pushed it between my lips and into my mouth. He slowly pushed my head down as he entered my mouth then my throat. I gagged when he went past my pharynx, and without pulling out, he told me to breathe through my nose and swallow between breaths. That worked, and I was able to take more of him until my nose bumped against his short pubes at the base of his dick. He pulled up and he left my throat, allowing me to take in a breath. He then lowered my head again, repeating this several times as he enjoyed going past my tight pharynx and feeling me swallow his dick head in my throat.
My dick was leaking precum down it’s length as it remained hard and untouched. I was afraid that if I touched it I wouldn’t be able to stop until I came. He continued to use my face as a warm fleshlight, and I was learning how to give good head. I was using my tongue as he traveled in and out, for which I was rewarded with extra moans. I reached up and gently grabbed his balls and massaged, causing him to thrust into my face and breath faster and louder.
This went on for several minutes and I was really enjoying giving this dude head. I loved the taste of him in my mouth, the texture and taste of his precum as it leaked out, the moans and gasps he made when I did something he liked, the control he had over me, really using me to give himself pleasure. It was a real rush. I even enjoyed the disregard he gave me. He never considered what I felt or if I was enjoying myself. This seemed to be all about him, which was an odd turn-on for me.
He eventually pulled me off him and looked at me for a moment. He pushed my head back then brought his foot up and pushed my shoulder until I tumbled back onto the floor. I was kind of shocked at the turn of events; I was really enjoying giving him a blow job, but this wasn’t about me, was it? He stood up and looked down at me for a moment then asked
“Have you ever been fucked?”
“Um, no, I haven’t.”
“Fuck me! Hi! I’m Scott. You want to keep using that dildo, or would you like me to show you what it’s like for real?”
“Yes, please show me!”
He dropped to his knees between my legs and grabbed me behind the knees, pushing them up toward my shoulders. My ass curled up and opened to him, and I could feel the cool air on my taint and hole, thankfully shaved smooth by Ethan just yesterday. Scott unceremoniously spit on my hole a couple of times then straightened up and used his dick to spread the saliva over my hole before zeroing in on my entrance and applying light pressure. He told me to grab my legs, so I did, and he spread my butt cheeks apart, stretching my hole open and clearing the way for his dick head to pierce my hole and begin to spread the muscle open. I was breathing fast and ragged, nervous at what was happening but seemingly powerless to stop it. I later knew that was not true and I could stop at any time, but in the moment I felt I was falling down a hole without a rope to grab on to. The feelings coming from my butt were a weird and wonderful mix of pain and pleasure. It hurt to stretch the muscles like that, but feeling him enter me for the first time was amazing and was like nothing I had ever felt before. The more he pushed, the more it hurt and the more I wanted him to keep going.
Once his head popped past my ring and was inside, it started knocking on my prostate, which fucking sent me round the bend. I couldn’t believe how good it felt! Just having that stimulated by something that wasn’t my finger or plastic was amazing, and I knew then that this is where I was supposed to be. He continued to push in slowly, and it felt like he was feeding a long hose inside me - he just kept going! He finally got all the way in and his pubic bone bumped my taint and my balls. I could feel his balls smash against my ass and his dick fully inserted flexing inside me. Oh wow! This was amazing. That little bump against my balls sent a jolt through my body and caused my hole to clamp around his dick. He noticed and bumped them again a couple of times, each one causing a similar jolt.
“Ah, you're a ball man!”
“Unf, huh?”
“You like your balls played with. Your body reacts to them being bumped.”
“Umfp. Ok. It feels amaaazing!”
He kept humping into me gently, each time going out and back in a little further, but he reached down and grabbed into my sac and held my balls in his hand. With each thrust, he would tighten his grip until he was squeezing them pretty hard. My dick had gotten harder, if that was possible, and I was moaning and writhing around as much as I could while impaled on his dick. I could feel my orgasm beginning to boil inside me and told him that, and he let go and didn’t touch me anymore. He came forward and put his hands on the floor by my shoulders then started to pump into me faster and a little harder. He hooked my legs onto his shoulders and let me move my arms, which immediately went around his neck to hold onto him. He was fucking me hard now, his balls bouncing off my ass with each thrust and his pubic bone banging my balls and taint each time it made contact.
I could feel everything he was doing, and it felt amazing. I could also almost feel separated from the whole experience, as if I was floating above, watching and feeling at the same time. It was weird and sort of trance-like. It was otherworldly and made it feel as if I could do this for a long time.
“Fuck, Drew. You were made for this! Your hole feels amazing around my dick, like it’s massaging it each time I go in. Are you doing that?”
“I don’t think so. It just feels so fucking good. I’m just trying to keep up!”
“You’re doing just fine!”
He then doubled his efforts and really made me feel it, each thrust sending shock waves through my body. I could feel tingles in my ass around his dick, and they seemed to grow stronger with each pound he gave me. They blossomed out around my ass and went down my legs to my toes and up my back to the base of my skull. The tingles circled my head then seemed to focus and shoot straight down to my dick, which exploded with my orgasm, spraying cum all over my torso, some even reaching my face!
The contractions and convulsions my body experienced must’ve gotten to Scott, because he started to grunt louder and more insistently. He then rose up in a plank and dropped his weight down on my upturned ass one last time and held me there, bent up on my shoulders. He seemed to freeze for a moment before shivering and convulsing on his own, sending his cum out his dick and deep inside my ass. I could feel each shot he made as it fired inside me, the warmth from his cum coating the inside of my colon.
Oh my god! That was the most intense thing I’ve ever experienced! Feeling his body as it reached climax and sent that to me was unbelievable. I felt like he was giving me an energy essence that fired up every nerve in my body. My whole body shivered again in what felt like a dry orgasm.
He rested on top of me for several moments, his breath and heart rate returning to normal. His face was buried in the crook of my neck, and he was nibbling on me there. He whispered how good that unexpectedly was and how we could do that again anytime. He slowly rose up on his hands then rested back on his heels, his dick still inside me.
“Ok. I’m going to pull away. Clamp down as soon as I pull out and hold my cum in as long as you can! Trust me, you’ll love it and thank me later!”
I contracted my ass around him as he pulled out, and only a little leaked out. I held tight while I stood and put the towel back around my waist. Cum was running down my chest and what leaked out was running down my leg, so I gathered my stuff, gave Scott a big kiss and thanked him, then went back to the shower to clean up. I kept holding my ass tight and retained his cum as long as I could. I made it back to my room and got dressed, then messaged Ethan to tell him the news. He was very happy for me but worried his friends would be disappointed that they missed the opportunity. I told him I hoped they still wanted to meet up. After this, I want to do that as much as possible! And Chris was right - feeling his load leak out of my ass the rest of the day kept me turned on and with a semi-hard dick that wouldn’t go down.
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eulasaurus · 2 years
My Astrology Observation ⁵
If you wan re-post, gimme the credits.
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Asteroid Nessus(7066) conj. Ascendent are pure chaos.
Especially in their early years, they might have been very violent physically or mentally. Even Sexually in some cases . Many of those who have Nessus conjucts have been abusers,killers, etc.
But in come cases it is also seen as someone being sexually abused or abused in some manner or allowed themselves to be abused, this possibility exists more in the cases of women.
These women most likely had their self-esteem ruptured and programmed their brains to hate themselves.
Just so you know. Violent behaviours in kids are a result of the pain inflicted on them by adults or trauma caused by their growing environment.
Scorpio Mars and Capricorn Mars are good at business or are very business minded people.
Water moons just want to feel appreciated y'all, they do so much for their loved ones and if they can't do anything about it, they'll try to atleast make you feel better about the situation or they'll overthink about the feelings you must have. But if you constantly depreciate them , they'll cut you off or shut you out, they won't give a single crap whether you live or die. Also they hype you up out of no where like🤷🏻.
Venusian Suns are soo attractive dude. No i am Not joking. Taurus Suns have really hot bodies and Libra Suns might've really pretty faces. Most females have an hourglass shape and guys have good muscles and V shaped body. But you're rising plays a part too so be mindful of this one.
Virgo in the big three are either very short or very tall. Both genders.
Aries Suns are soooo Confident y'all but please guys keep your ego and arrogance in check. And don't go bullying others just cause it's fun. It is not. But otherwise y'all are pretty confident and intimidating people.
Moon-Mercury hard aspects, y'all are those emotions Vs. Logic people. Might be confused while choosing between brain and heart when Making a decision.
Virgo & Scorpio energy in anyone's chart🥲 nah I ain't messing with y'all. So analytical and obsessive. They be taking vengeance on someone who hurt them for years.
My brother has Scorpio Sun & Virgo moon and let.me.tell.you he made his first girlfriend want him back but he just never got back and he has this kill 'em with success kinda vibe. And bro do he has dirt on every person he meets.🤦🏽‍♀️
(16+)Also, my friend has Scorpio & Virgo stellium in his chart and he had a crush on my bestfriend for a long time but she didn't want to ruin their friendship even tho she had feelings for him, so she dated a bunch of annoying pricks and after her last break up they became FWB and even ended up having s** but they still ain't gon date. Mutual decision, and f***ed up.
Pluto/Scorpio in the 4th have bad family environment. It's just sad, one of their parents might be very insecure, parents might be divorced or their parents or family might've abandoned them somehow. Hug them y'all.
Venus in Pisces in 7th house don't rush into relationships.
Many guys or gals love you and want you but that doesn't mean you have to be in a relationship with them. If you really love them romantically then you would feel it's better to keep it in and not ruin the existing friendship until it's too late.
If you're in relationship with someone you met a month ago, you just like them platonically and think yourself into loving a version of them you made up in your mind.
These people lowkey have a hypnotising effect on people. People just get mesmerized by them. Opposite sex might love them while the same sex might hate y'all for hoarding all the attention.
Look at your dominant element. If you're water dominant, you'd be better of with Earth dominants and vice versa. If you're Fire Dominant you're better off with Air dominants. People usually only look at their Sun sign's Element and say astrology is fake if they don't jam with the elements compatible to their Sun sign's. Sweetheart, that's not how it works. Just look at your whole chart element.
Moon in harsh aspects with Uranus/Saturn/Mercury or Moon/Saturn/Pluto/Mars in 6th house can make someone very prone to anxiety & stress. (Personal experience talking here.)
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mecachrome · 7 months
(sorry for rpf ment) but id like to know your opinion bc from ur tags it's clear you understand oscar pretty well. basically i keep seeing fics and things describe him as "analytical" and "focused" but personally i never get that vibe? could you maybe extrapolate a bit on where that comes from?
oh anon thank you for giving me the opportunity to do my favorite thing in the world (talk about oscar)!!
honestly i do think that "analytical" and "focused" describe him very succinctly — these are words you'll find that he and many others have described him by in real life — it's maybe just a matter of understanding what that means for him and not equating either trait to the sum of his personality. to me this is not a bad thing because i genuinely enjoy athletes who are considered analytical and boring (which i've also reclaimed as a term of endearment now. i'll gladly take a boring dude if it means he doesn't like playing golf!) so i think he fits that archetype well, it's just that he's obviously more than that and thus his personality is endearing to people because he has "unexpected" quirks that betray the occasional assumption of his one-dimensionality.
here are a few direct quotes from people around him:
BROWN: "He's very mature, he's very focused and he’s very technical." STELLA: "There is no external noise in his brain. He doesn’t dissipate or dilute his talent into things that are not useful or functional, and that was apparent to us relatively early on." STALLARD: "Everything is meaningful. I’m not sure I’ve met that many [drivers] who I would describe as calm and intense." WEBBER: "He’s a Prost, mate. He’s such a thinker and so calm. At first I thought I needed to inject a bit of urgency in him, but actually no, he’s got his own frequency. That’s just where he is."
rest below the cut because i talk too much...
i would be curious to hear more about why you don't get that vibe from him so i could elaborate more in that direction, would you say it's because he doesn't come across that way in off-track media that mclaren posts of him and lando? i'd argue that at least on-track his being analytical, focused, unflappable, and most of all ~adaptable~ (if you listen to any commentator talk about him you'll quickly hear that this is people's favorite word for him) is what made oscar thrive at the junior level when he was a rookie in both f3/f2, and what's helped him deliver the rookie campaign he's managed so far with mclaren — of course the extensive testing mileage with the a521 helped immensely with this acclimatization but that was a completely different car with different regs, and more impressive to me is not only that he managed to be decent "as a rookie" in an on-average midfield car and didn't commit egregious mistakes when the mcl60 was a backmarker tractor with constant reliability issues but also that he quickly stepped up alongside lando once the aero upgrades came along and immediately recalibrated his expectations from "maybe points if we're lucky" to "podiums whenever possible." that's a bigger mental feat than it seems and definitely speaks to his analytical nature; another example of his inherent reflectiveness is his somewhat subdued reaction to getting his first podium in suzuka because he was more concentrated on his pace deficit to lando and overall tyre-management issues than the superficial milestone of a podium. similar to tom sarcastically going "i can hear that you're excited..." after quali that weekend and oscar quipping back "that's as excited as i get for second place!"
maybe "focused" is difficult to qualify as a personality trait but i'd say it manifests largely in his calmness, especially when you consider the high-adrenaline nature of racing and the effusiveness other drivers on the grid are prone to displaying. how oscar strikes me as is that he's self-critical while still managing requisite internal belief and optimism, which stella and others have spoken highly of and credited for driving forward his rapid development curve over the course of a weekend, especially at new race tracks. maybe you're asking about "analytical" in the context of relationship dynamics in fic so feel free to correct me there (AND ALSO APOLOGIES FOR THIS UNGODLY SPIEL), but another great quote is andrea in his latest btg appearance where he says this of oscar:
 "[What impressed us is] his awareness of what the opportunities are, even before he looks at an overlay or looks at any telemetry. He kind of has this capacity to self-recognize where there is more to come from either himself or from the car, and this is not so obvious. I know drivers that can be fast, but they kind of definitely need external support as to see what is possible. [...] He has a large capability from a self-awareness point of view, and then he has this capacity to then drive according to the opportunity identified, which for me is the definition of talent."
in terms of his media personality, you'll commonly see people online say that oscar is a talkative kimi or that he's winning the idgaf war etc. and i think maybe people (not fic writers but like Guys On Reddit) tend to extrapolate a bit too much from his "mentality" and are like this is why he's going to be the next wdc and lando will become washed which is literally absurd and insane and i'm not even going to entertain that with a ten-foot pole. but i think how i'd describe oscar is that he's very intentional in disseminating his image in a highly specific "everything is a product of cringe culture" gen-z way — he knows exactly how he comes across to the camera or how people perceive his tweets online and is willing to play into the meme when he thinks it'll benefit him, for ex. how he knew the camera was on him during the jetpack guy moment and consciously made that face to incite some kind of reaction. obviously oscar isn't wholly preoccupied with making people like him and isn't going to be as loud and rambunctious as a character like dr3, but he's capable of being "silly" and making jokes because he does like being perceived as funny and will engage in low-effort banter or make his drs tweets and post a 240p reaction gif of the jetpack meme because he enjoys social media virality to some degree. like i'm sure the crb debacle was a stressful time for him but another part of him was like "oh sweet more followers" LOL... maybe because of that it feels like there's a dichotomy between his "silly" self who makes bottoming jokes in mclaren youtube videos and who giggles at everything lando says and then his more focused, technically-oriented side, but imo there is very much a positive relationship between these facets of him. i'd say that because he is generally so analytical and calm he therefore has the mental capacity to be introspective in an actionable manner and improve on his weaknesses without getting emotionally carried away, and then in social settings this also allows him to live in the moment and take things less seriously and not overreact to people's opinions of him. if that makes sense...
also for bonus maxf/renault acad lore purposes: here is the insane mia quote about them that maybe explains more of his "ruthless" focus... i feel like sometimes it sounds weird when people call him that because being ruthless is essentially associated with being cruel or lacking empathy but to me oscar's ruthlessness is entirely inward and not a marker of his EQ or social awareness, just a reflection of how effectively he self-motivates and pushes himself:
"Consistency on track is based on how stable you are off track. [...] If you look at Oscar Piastri, he has been living on his own, [away] from his family who are in Melbourne for the past five to six years. [...] That's why he thrived in those weekends racing. He loves being on his own without anybody. On the other hand, we had Max Fewtrell, for example, who can't – he couldn't survive the 11 weekends racing, because he always needed his family to be around him. So those are the things that suddenly you see and, I think that that we see now, after a few years, a driver who is quick, a driver who has the talent, and then the driver who is stable."
again SORRY for how long this answer is but hopefully it is at least mildly informative!!! T__T
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Blind prince Sabo. For fuck's sake, dude, this AU idea has been plaguing my mind for a potential fic. I've been putting the act of actually writing it off for two months (?) because I have actual fics to to write but this crops up and punches me in the gut with potential angst moments.
Therefore, enjoy a shitty ramble with lore details 💕
Sabo was blind. He never denied it despite the weird looks he got or the change in the atmosphere whenever he admitted it.
He was fully blind in his left eye, and almost lost all vision in his right. It resulted in large splotches of black with the occasional faint trace of foggy colour. His vision had always been questionable since birth but the fire accident he experienced when he was thirteen sealed his fate.
That said, he refused to be seen as weak, Sabo insisted on training harder with his knights Ace and Luffy, his 'brothers' as he made his court begrudgingly accept. They spar almost every day and his progress was interesting. Sabo was strong but he took a long time to land proper hits on Ace and Luffy and would lose almost every time. Unlike when they were kids, those two never laughed at him. They helped him stand up and try again.
Over time, Sabo regained his bearings and learnt how to fight again, first somewhat competently, and then good enough for people to say 'wow not bad' and then proficient. In his twenties, he even held his own against his head of military and won.
The key to this success, as Sabo realised, was to be extremely aware of his surroundings and the people in it. He relied heavily on both his gut instinct and hearing to quickly establish who was there, how far away were they and what their intentions were. He learned to be analytical. Just speak one sentence and he can tell whether he should trust this person, and from there decide whether to like them or avoid them as much as possible.
It worked for the most part, even if his judgements were sometimes misplaced because of his raging cynicism. This 'sense' of his gave him his reputation of being described as a 'not very nice person'.
Yes, he does the whole acting polite stuff like bowing and talking diplomatically but he does so with a stiff, calculated unwillingness that feels more offensive than if he just did not bother.
The one thing he refuses to do with a burning passion is letting people give him pecks on the cheek and a kiss on the hand, either out of courtesy or custom. He vomits at the idea of kissing someone else. He did not like anyone that much.
It genuinely disgusts him to have a stranger's mouth—spit—anywhere near him. He does not mind sharing utensils and drinks with Ace and Luffy but that's because it's Ace and Luffy—his fucking brothers! He considers everyone else disgusting. Out of politeness, he obliges but he tries to avoid it whenever he can.
And yet, at some point, he only lets one person kiss his hand. He still grossed out but it does not personally offend him.
They would always ask, "May I?" and would always be quick about it, their lips never touching his glove. Rather than feeling icky, Sabo feels flattered like he's being courted. The warmth and delicacy of the whole gesture was sweet, even Sabo could acknowledge that. They would always end it with a polite, "Thank you" and Sabo would smile sincerely in return.
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tadaxii-i · 1 year
My headcanons for the Segments here we gooo:
0.1 : the youngest, fresh out of the Akademiya. He feels very close to Sumeru yet so he doesn't like to travel a bunch. Kinda clueless about everything but he's very bright.
Mind : Angsty Teen™ also known as the dude who got the angriest at his deletion. Yes, the wimpy voiced one. He's. Always. Angry... Hormones, I'd say
Zandik : aka My Favorite, he's the one we saw with Diluc from the manga. He's unhinged and way to happy too be alive(?), and he's just Dottore's ADHD at it's peak.
Desk : his names is Sargent, but we call him Desk (for a very specific reason I'd love to elaborate on.). He's always working, very serious and will judge you and your family. He's the one that appeared in a blue shirt in the manga.
Silicium : He's Dottore's transistion from young to "old" (meaning full mask to eye mask) and he's the only one wearing cloth to cover his eyes. He's very analytical and is very much a wonderful assistant during any of Delta's surgeries.
Alpha : considered the best segment at the time he was made, he is the one who spoke with Tighnari. He's very playful and surprisingly funny, and despite what one might think, he does NOT get along with Zandik at ALL.
Omega : the Omega Build we saw in game, you know who it is. He is Extra™ as fuck and likes his ego stroked (very much has a villain complex.). He's practically always absent since he is often on the job in other nations.
Delta : I swear when I made the names I didn't expect all three of them to be adjacent. He was the one at the funeral, and he's the most hands-on in terms of experiments. He's not the only one to do operations, but he's very skilled and experienced, and appreciates Silicium's help.
Prime : that's the original. He's the only one who is fully alive and the only one that ages. He's the most difficult to get a hold of, but he met Bu'er after Scaramouche's fall. He is absolutely ruthless and doesn't care for the younger hims whatsoever. His favorite is always the eldest (poor 0.1).
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runningfrom2am · 11 months
achilles heel - III: getting a head start
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Grace is the very opposite of her brother in every way. when she finally moves onto campus at UNC Chapel Hill, she feels like she gets to be her own person, make her own friends, and hopefully start a promising career in the museum industry, and maybe, one day, get married to her high school sweetheart and live the American dream for herself. Rafe Cameron however, upon their very first meeting, throws a wrench in her very perfect plan.
rafe cameron x fem!oc, rafe is giving very much homewrecker, fanon!rafe (kinda), college!au, friends to lovers, slow-burn (maybe?), minimal oc description, drug and alcohol use, mostly unedited, (these tags are not exhaustive, lmk if i should add anything!)
wc: 1.9k
my master list
series masterlist
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January 6th, 2019
Grace pulled herself out of bed three hours before her eight am class the next morning, giving herself ample time to have a shower and get ready to go eat breakfast with her brother before class. Today was a bit of a treat, because Nate had an eight-thirty class in the building next to hers, and had the chance to eat with her and walk her to class.
She knocked on his dorm door when she was all ready, holding onto her coffee mug and stepping back a little bit in anticipation of the door opening. It's only a few moments before it does, her boyfriend smiling down at her. "Good morning, my love." Nate smiles, leaning down to kiss her forehead as he closes the door behind him.
"Morning!" Grace smiles, admiring how his dark eyes compliment his messy brown hair.
"What's on the menu today?" Nate asks as they make their way to the elevator, hand placed low on her back.
"The usual." Grace shrugs, taking a sip of her coffee while they wait for the elevator.
They make their way down to the caf, hand in hand most of the time as Nate goes on and on about his classes, hardly letting Grace get a word in until Ben joins them at their table, internally cursing to himself over having to sit across from this guy that he's never liked.
"Hey, Ben, how are you, buddy?" Nate asks as her brother sits down.
"Fine," Ben replies, clearly already bored as he takes a bite of his cereal.
"What class do you have this morning? You never get up this early." Nate jokes.
"Uh, history 120? I'm in Grace's class. Figured you'd know that." Ben grumbles, looking down at his phone.
"Oh! Right. Yes." Nate nods, looking over at his girlfriend. "How's that one going?"
"It's good! We're talking about some really interesting stuff already, we've got this one book to read and I'm already on-" Grace starts explaining excitedly, reaching into her bag under the table to grab it out to show him.
"Oh, Ben, I heard engineering got invited to your frat's opener this weekend. I think it'll be fun." Nate interrupts her, and Ben freezes as he looks between the two of them. Grace looks disappointed, but like she wasn't going to finish anyways. She's used to this, her boyfriend just gets distracted so easily. Most times she finds it cute, but not so much as of late. She always just figured it was a symptom of his high IQ, which he does love to talk about as well. It drives Ben up the wall, and it always has.
"Dude- she was talking to you." Ben says, pointing his spoon at his sister. "But yeah, fuck it. I guess it'll be fun." He shakes his head as he speaks, hunched over with his elbows on the table as he continues to eat.
"Oh, yeah, sorry, Love. Continue." Nate smiles at her and watches her eyes light up again, holding the book out to him and he takes it, quickly skimming through it.
"So, yeah I'm already about halfway through it. It's incredibly fascinating, being able to look into one person's life on such a deep and analytical level when their world was so far removed from how we live today." Grace grins, and Ben rolls his eyes. Not because he's upset with her, but because he's frustrated that she doesn't see that this guy is a dick to her.
"Oh, yeah. I read this in high school. It's quite interesting." Nate agrees, handing the book back to her. "They're teaching this in university? Seems a little juvenile."
"Well, it is a first-year course." Grace shrugs, putting the book back in her bag. Ben is practically seething at this point. His sister is so smart- it frustrates him to no end that she doesn't, at least noticeably, understand that her boyfriend is talking down to her.
"Let's go, we're gonna be late," Ben grumbles, chugging the rest of his milk out of the bowl and standing up.
Nate looks at his watch, furrowing his brow. "Ben, we have like half an hour before your class starts and it's only a twelve-minute walk away." He says but Ben is already walking off to put his dirty bowl away.
"I'll just grab a refill on my coffee and we'll go." Grace smiles at him, standing up and kissing the side of his head. "I'll be right back."
They make their way to class, with Grace struggling to keep up with the two taller boys who just tend to walk a lot faster. She does notice, though, that Ben is moving quicker than normal.
"This is us," Grace says, stopping in front of the door while Ben just walks straight in, sitting in the back row that is almost empty since they still have fifteen minutes before class starts. He blocks off the two seats next to him with his bag and his coat, waiting for you to come in and for Rafe to show up.
It's a few minutes of Grace and Nate chatting in the hallway before Rafe shows up, brushing past them and saying a quick 'hi' to Grace before joining her brother in the back row.
"Morning." Rafe yawns, handing Ben his coat and sitting in the now empty seat.
"Morning," Ben mumbles back. "How'd you sleep? You sound tired."
"Alright." Rafe shrugs in response. "I was up late doing the readings." He explains, making his friend raise an eyebrow at him.
"You did those?"
"Well, yeah. I figured I'd at least try to keep up with the workload this semester." Rafe replies, digging his laptop and books out of his bag.
"Did you hear we invited the engineering guys to our party?" Ben asks, pushing his tongue against the inside of his cheek.
Rafe adjusts in his seat and shakes his head. "No, uh, I didn't know that." He clears his throat, grabs his water bottle, and quickly takes a sip.
"Yeah. Nate said he's coming. Which fucking sucks." Ben whispers, leaning closer so Grace or her boyfriend can't hear from the hall.
"Why?" Rafe asks. "I mean, I know you don't love that guy but I don't know shit about him so fill me in."
"He's fine." Ben sighs, shaking his head and glancing back towards the hallway. "He's just such a dick. I don't even think Grace can see it because he's like, brainwashed her into thinking he's a gift from God or some shit. It's annoying. He is like, only physically capable of talking and thinking about himself. It's actually impressive."
"Sounds like an asshole." Rafe looks back at the door as well, seeing Nate kiss Grace goodbye as she slips in the door. ‘Maybe he should ask Ben for her number after all, if he hates her boyfriend so much’ Rafe thinks to himself as she walks up, and he can’t help but admire the way her black jeans are hugging her thighs just right and her orange sweater drapes over her almost like a blanket. She looks comfortable.
"Hey!" Grace smiles at the two, way too cheery for eight am. Ben quickly moves his books and she sits down on the other side of him.
"Hey, Grace." Rafe smiles at her. "Was that Nate?" He asks, sharing a brief look with Ben as she pulls everything out of her bag and places her coffee on the desk.
"Yeah, he's got a class in E building at eight-thirty." She explains.
"He seems cool." Rafe says, nudging his friend who just rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, he's sweet." Grace agrees, nodding. "We've been together for... almost four years now. He's just my person, you know?"
He tries not to laugh as Ben rolls his eyes pretty much into the back of his head, deciding not to say anything. "That's crazy, that's a long time."
"Mhm." Grace nods, looking pleased with herself.
"So, he's coming to our party this weekend, hey?" Rafe asks.
"Yeah, he mentioned it." Grace says, turning to lock eyes with her brother. "You be nice to him, by the way! And I'll find out if you're not."
Ben raises his hands defensively. "When am I not nice to him?"
"You're not coming?" Rafe asks before she gets the chance to berate her brother about it anymore.
"No, no. Frat parties aren't really my thing, believe it or not." Grace says, smiling at him, at this point forgetting about lecturing Ben. "Besides, I've got way too much homework and stuff to do. Oh! Speaking of which, Rafe, did you end up doing the readings?" She asks, wanting to move on and not face any weird pause in the conversation.
"Uh, yeah, I did them." Rafe nods, avoiding Ben's eyes as he looks quickly between them, a confused look plastered over his face.
"I assume it went well since you didn't text me?" Grace smiles. "It wasn't anything complicated luckily, they tend to keep it pretty easy for the first couple weeks."
"Well, actually, I would have, but I didn't end up getting your number." He replies, shrugging.
"Oh, well, here, give me your phone." She holds her hand out, gesturing for him to pass it over.
Rafe opens his phone and opens a new contact, then passes the phone over.
Grace quickly types in her information, handing it back to him. "There. You're all set now."
"You gonna tutor his dumb ass or something? Good luck." Ben scoffs, shaking his head.
"At least he plans on doing the readings himself. You're the one who just asks me to relay everything for you."
"Yeah. At least I'm trying." Rafe laughs, shoving his friend's shoulder.
"Yeah, whatever man." Ben rolls his eyes, leaning into his elbows on the counter.
"Seriously, though, Grace, you should come this weekend," Rafe says, leaning back so he can see her over her brother's hunched shoulders.
"I'll think about it." She relents. "I don't know if Nate will like that, though. I'll talk to him."
"Woah, wait- why wouldn't he?" Rafe asks, raising an eyebrow at her. 
"Because he just worries about me, you know?" Grace says and Ben mouths the words along with her, rolling his eyes again. They're getting a workout in this morning, apparently.
Rafe rolls his eyes as well this time. "Respectfully, that's a load of shit."
Grace laughs as her jaw drops. "What? Why? It's sweet!"
"He doesn't think you'll be safe? At a party where him and your brother will be? Please." Rafe says, smiling at her, his eyes scanning over her shocked face. This is the first time he's seen her smile like that- he could sit and watch that all day. Not in a weird way, though. Definitely not. He just takes note of how pretty she looks when he makes her laugh. "Sounds to me like he doesn't want you there." He shrugs.
"No way," Grace shakes her head. "It's not like that- he actually likes it when I drink. It's just an environment he knows I'm not super comfortable in."
"Oh, he likes when you drink. Gotcha. Honestly, you're not making a strong argument. All boys love drunk girls." Rafe says, laughing as Ben punches his arm. "Which is another good reason you should come; because there's going to be sorority girls there and you'll need to keep an eye on him." 
"He's not going to cheat on me, Rafe. He would never do that. Especially with a drunk sorority girl- gross." Grace scrunched up her nose as she speaks, shaking her head fervently.
"Okay, fine. Just like, don't tell him you're coming! They're almost always packed- you probably won't even see him." Rafe suggests.
"You really want her to come, huh?" Ben chuckles, shaking his head at his friend. 
Rafe raises his hands defensively. "Listen- I'm just a fan of women doing what they want, not what their boyfriends say they can."
"Don't make this a feminist thing. You're so full of shit."
"Am not!"
"Well, we'll see if I get ahead on my homework. Then maybe I'll come." Grace interrupts their childish argument, opening her notebook as their prof pulls up the first of the slides. 
Rafe mentally applauds himself as Ben stares at his sister in shock, who is already getting a head start on writing down every last word on the screen.
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taglist: @newbooksmell777, @tahliac11, @slut4drudy, @madelynie, @angelw33dz, @mutual-mendes (as always reply or message me to be added or removed!)
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Analysis: You - Joe and his many loves
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I heard the people loud and clear! I was a bit intimidated by this at first but as a longtime fan of the show my astrology opinion soon flowed pretty easily. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
**You is a dark show, most of the placements here are underdeveloped/extreme shadow versions, please don’t feel disrespected if any of your placements appear here
*** major spoilers below (for every season!)
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Virgo rising: He’s able to appear as calm, intelligent, helpful, and overall more “normal” than someone who murders so much should be able to (he barely gets away with presenting like this and for some people he just irks them, but not as much as say a Scorpio rising would). People tend to want to believe he’s good within the universe of the show, even when he gets caught red handed. He’s also so analytical, he finds out everything about anyone he interacts with and takes note of all their responses. He tries to stay subtle and use information to connect the dots and he catalogs all the information he finds out to use later. He’s communicative in a very minimalist way too, no matter how much information he’s gathering on those around him.
Scorpio Sun: Like no one has guessed this before lol, but he’s really the poster child for a nightmare Scorpio boyfriend (on like extreme mode lol). He’s intense and attractive, and his ego is tied to possessing his partner. He needs to be in control and keeping them safe….but his view of what this means is distorted by his own ego and (later? Always??) psychosis. He’s a f*ckin menace. He’s such a if I can’t have you no one will dude, and he’s so frickin jealous my god. And he’s been cheated on before and he loses it when it comes down to it. But he’s cheated on/with his romantic interests before too. He’s very emotionally charged about the situations at hand and like a toxic water sign he never takes real responsibility for his actions.
Cancer Moon: I struggled a bit here because he’s so tied up emotionally but can easily falter when his idealized version of his love interests doesn’t work out. He’s both super fixated and fickle. Bc he’s a psycho… But who does that work for? I personally thought Cancer moon. He’s got deep mommy issues and he acts like a guy that has moon square his mars, an unfortunately common trait in domestic ab*sers. He’s constantly emotionally battling his anger and his s*x drive, and that he has a violent time actually working out his anger when it comes down to it (so many m*rders). He’s able to be very sweet one minute but literally k*ll the next. And he has a loose set of standards for his violent actions that screamed water moon to me (didn’t k*ll Love because she was pregnant… but that didn’t matter so much after she had his baby oml). Also, he frequently sees himself as the victim of circumstances he created which is kind of Cancer’s thing, especially in a man’s chart.
Virgo Mercury (conjunct rising): He communicates as efficiently as possible while overthinking and over analyzing every word in his head. He’s intelligent and good enough at analyzing literature that he’s able to bluff his way into being a literary professor (also he’s a white guy that’s why). He lies a lot but not in the way Beck does, he usually lies by telling as little as possible or changing minor details, which seems like a more virgo Mercury way to do it. He also moves really in a wirey frenetic way, especially when he’s scheming or fighting to get himself out of a corner he’s backed into.
Scorpio Venus (conjunct Pluto): (sorry Venus conjunct Pluto gang, it’s not you it’s him lol) he’s drawn to very passionate and beautiful women. Stunning s*xiness/attractiveness is an important precursor to a romantic fixation for him. Like he very frequently goes after one of the most complimented women in the room, but like in a Venus ruled way many of his love interests have something darker going on he wants to rescue them from. (He kind of breezes past Kate at first and she’s very pretty ofc but the least complimented on her looks in the show out of all his love interests so far). The more passion comes through, and the more “trials” (bad communication, rivals gotten rid of, cheating, etch) that are “passed” in the relationship, the more connected he feels to the women he’s interested in. I say trials in quotes because if things are going that sideways y’all should probably just breakup (I’m a Sagittarius Venus, no man is about to become my problem lol). And I say passed in quotes because he manipulates the situation as much as he can for his desired outcome (from stalking and stealing phones, to k*lling romantic rivals). He also stalks his love interests every time, on all their public profiles, just to find out who they present themselves to be, and this can be a habit in the most tame Scorpio Venus/Venus conjunct Pluto people lowkey. But he’ll escalate immediately to stalking them in person and getting copies of their itenerary and breaking into their phones and getting keepsakes of their things (oml his teeth jar, I’ll never forget). He’s very emotional and possessive and projects onto his romantic interests pretty much as soon as he says hello. Pluto just turns this intensity up as much as it can.
Aries Mars: because of all the m*rders. But lemme not skip ahead lol. He’s a chaser, he “competes” with rival love interests, and he loves his twisted art of winning a woman over. He acts on impulse s*xually. He’s super competitive but mostly in relationships and making sure he comes out on top romantically. He finished super fast the first time he got with Beck (sorry Aries mars, no shade). He reacts impulsively to most situations and violently when he feels threatened physically or emotionally. I feel like water mars can be overwhelming because they really feel anger and can act unpredictably but Joe is so freaking impulsive Aries mars just fit right, even with all this methodical Scorpio in his chart he’ll just take someone out without a plan because they say the wrong thing to him. Also again, moon square mars can be dangerous if underdeveloped in a man’s chart. Lots of explosive/ab*sive tendencies.
Scorpio Stellium: he needed to work on resolving his trauma and looking inwardly to figure out his emotional insecurities before getting all tied up in his possessive and wild ways, but oops that was like good healing advice before all the stalking and m*rder began.
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(My Beck section stayed empty the longest lol oh no)
Sagittarius Rising: Beck is lighthearted and fun, she likes to approach people in her life through a worldly attitude. She likes to come off as philosophical and like she’s enjoying all the little adventures in life. She puts a deal of effort into coming off as interesting. But she tends to sort of just attract abundance in her life, she has a lot of friends/romantic partners that tend to support her and her goals monetarily or otherwise.
Gemini Sun: She’s smart and vivacious. She takes pride in her writing skills and has a deep interest in “making it” as a writer. She also lies a lot, in major ways (infidelity and the death of a parent). Duplicity shows up in different ways for all Geminis but Beck has a lot of faces she shows to different people and ways she carries herself only in certain situations. Everyone knows a different version of her depending on who they are in her life. (Joe does not like this later on)
Pisces moon: (ok I changed this after I started it lol. Twice! When I tell you I struggled…) i had to refresh my memory on Beck’s emotional state oml. Ok ok I went through a few moons and I settled on Pisces moon, because she has such a fairytale/disillusionment arch with her whole season. She longs for the perfect romance and she really wants a knight in shining armor but she ends up idealizing her partners and her friends through this distorted lens and so she gets guys that are kind of douchey and has endgame with a total psycho. There’s a lot of infidelity and lies too. She wants to appear to be more magnetic and like “worldly” than she is and will often distort the truth to do so. (Her moon would square her ascendant and sun leading to identity issues) And of course Joe projects his idealized version of Beck onto her (Joe and guys like him are gonna project lol but this placement only enhances that)
(Also, Local Capricorn moon struggles to explain emotional motivations, lol that’s how it goes)
Libra Mercury: Beck writes and communicates in a creative and flowery way. She uses her words to come off as intelligent and balanced. She gets backlash from her professor for coming off as too superficial and lacking depth in her writing. She charms her way in and out of situations (until she can’t- Venus ruled meet pluto ruled). Her writing seems to align most easily with her how she thinks of herself(Sun trine Mercury).
Pisces Venus: at first I wrote this line as a joke but this is the only way I can think to explain it actually—— Beck does get very attached but also doesn’t? It’s that very specific Pisces/12th house placement vibe. Like people that are both emotionally involved and vulnerable but are like detached at the same time. Like tethered to everyone and nothing all at once. She’s sort of lost in how she identifies herself and constantly terns to be another way (I notice this quite a bit with Pisces placements). Also again she embellishes her past and lies about her present, and has a distorted view of her friends and romantic relationships that even she can’t seem to see through until the end.
Sagittarius Mars: ok for a few reasons. Beck doesn’t really have a textbook type (I feel like Sagittarius mars/Venus are less likely to have a set type and more likely to be attracted to personalities). She’s attracted to Joe when he comes off as cultured and interesting. When he gets overshadowed by her friends she starts to shrug him off. She has a passionate s*xual appetite and tends to have a few people she’s seeing at once. She also has a tinge of not like other girls energy I find to be common in Mars rising women.
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Libra rising: She comes across as a gentle, affable beauty. A lovely, community minded person that’s able to balance it all with her friends and her partner. She’s social, creative, and enterprising without coming off as imposing. No one sees all of that darkness she’s got bubbling beneath the surface, until she chooses to bring it out.
(As a Scorpio rising/Libra 12th house I think I subconsciously associate Libra/Venus ruled with hiding something under a very pleasant nature lol that’s my bias)
Cancer sun: she’s so invested in her family. Her ego is aligned with caring for others, especially those that are close to her in her family. She committed her first acts of violence to protect her brother (at least that’s how she tells it). She loves her son and her sibling fiercely and does the most work to keep them at ease. She uses her dark inclination in guise of protection. She’s manipulative and has fooled many people into trusting/underestimating her, by the time they realize she’s not on their side it’s too late.
Scorpio moon (conjunct Venus): she’s so in love!! Don’t betray her or she’s gonna get ya!! Fr though Love loves with her whole twisted heart, so she also feels betrayed and protects her loved ones with her whole twisted heart. Not a woman to be trifled with, (so ofc Joe trifles with her.
Pisces Mercury: I think she’s a better liar than Joe. She just constructs a truth all her own. She tells the stories she wants to because that’s exactly what she believes happened (Moon and Sun trine Mercury). Most people truly don’t see through her lies or feel the need to look through what she’s telling them
Scorpio Venus (conjunct Pluto): (I’m sorry scorpio Venus folks, I’m like trying to be cool here lol, it’s not a bad placement.) Joe and Love just both came into the relationship hot and passionate and jealous and possessive, lol. I really do think that Joe and Love mirror each other and I love how the writers handled their mad love. She takes on his problems as her problems, including k*liking anyone in Joe’s (I.e their) way. And once Joe made Love jealous, she did not hesitate to take Natalie out. So much passion and possessiveness and assuming that love in a relationship is forged through intensity and pain (their cheating, arguing, Joe’s probable emotional ab*se), definitely giving shadow Scorpio Venus being amped up 1000% by that Scorpio Pluto.
Pisces Mars: Unconventional because this is a passive aggressive placement but mutables can be m*rderous pretty commonly (I cannot tell you why lol just so many serial killer charts are peppered with mutable signs) and I’m going off of a few things. Love is in love with Joe, she falls for him when he projects being a total sentimental romantic (since Love is a femme, mars can show her type). She also cheats on Joe as she gets disillusioned. She’s usually pretty fluid even opening up their marriage to bring the sparks back. She also also does get that anger out indirectly…. through m*rder!! Lol
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Leo Rising: She often attracts attention but also chases it. She’s charismatic enough to be the front man in a band and to make Beck jealous. She’s flirty and fun.
Aries Sun: Impulsive and charismatic. She clashes with people around her. She is a great frontman for her band. There’s a lot of impulsivity in how she goes after Joe (sis needed a plan and her only plan was get him lol)
Scorpio moon: feels deeply and is very protective of how she feels. she’s very invested in getting revenge on Joe (which is fair he was a shit for trying to k*ll her). If she was the protagonist of any other tale I’m sure she would’ve gotten payback. But she follows him across country to torture him herself when all else fails and nothing can be done to hold him accountable. (Also moon square rising for how at odds she was with people believing the depth of her trauma and what was done to her and how much people projected onto her.)
Scorpio Mercury: She can’t really get a lot of people to believe her, and idk but I feel like Scorpio placements are the least likely to be believed when it comes to water placements. She lies to keep her revenge plan going but she has trouble faking it and keeping up with the lies. She communicates with intensity and pointedly. She fights to try to reveal the truth (unfortunately it doesn’t work out great).
Sagittarius Venus: she actually is pretty worldly and very charming. She’s enthusiastic in her relationships, but rarely in love. Pretty untethered in that we’re not really dating we’re just having fun sagittarius Venus sort of way. She cheats on Joe because she’s not serious about him. She gets mad and tries to leave when Joe gets too possessive and controlling of her of her.
Scorpio Mars: this was hard, I feel like I got everything else easy. I’m going with Scorpio mars because she was very much into revenge before reason. She went out of her way to try to expose Joe instead of just calling the cops when she had the upper hand and it backfired. She’s also protective in her quest for truth. At the heart of her revenge motives, she’s concerned that Joe is going to hurt other people. She also was attracted to Joe’s passion and intensity and how much of a romantic he seemed to be. (She got tired of him and went to someone more connected)
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(Omg poor Marienne right?? Christ, just minding her own business and pulled into mess…)
Scorpio Rising: She’s very alluring and has a kind of dark tinge to her appearance. She’s very perceptive and will call out someone out if they’re faking any behavior around her. She’s able to sense when something’s off with other people.
Virgo Sun: Marienne, for all her troubles, she works to stay grounded. She makes sure she does better for the sake of her daughter and her future. She bounces back through constant adversity and holds down a structured, healthy, and supportive routine. One of her big journeys in life seems to deal with her aligning her head and her heart (sun opposition moon).
Pisces Moon: She’s emotionally in tuned to her daughter and creates a loving environment for her. She’s very creative as well and her heart is in her work. She has struggled with addiction and keeps clean out of efforts to make a better life for her and her daughter. She has a lot of men lie to her and project onto her and deceive her in an effort to get close to her.
Virgo Mercury: intelligent and capable. When Joe is out of his depth on missing white woman syndrome (immediately, he’s out of his depth immediately lol) she swiftly corrects him.
Taurus Venus (trine Mercury): charming with her words. She writes and illustrates story books. Most people are attracted by her creativity and her calm nature.
Gemini Mars (square moon): just attracting (and unconsciously being attracted to) very duplicitous men. Both Joe and her ex try/tried to come off as intellectual and rational to get close to her before their ab*sive sides came out. She also fights her battles with her wits and knows how much to say and when to say it in dangerous situations.
*bonus: strong Lilith placements- Lilith conjunction/square/opposition 1st or 7th or 10th house (maybe in virgo): I’m totally becoming the Lilith lady lol, but nothing explains guys getting *weird* like Lilith does. Marienne has to have a significant Lilith placement in her chart. Her ab*sive ex husband trying to destroy her life unless she submits to him, but then Joe comes in to save her. Oops he’s actually obsessed with her and he travels across the ocean to track her down (he’s Joe, but even this is a lot for him) and he refuses to accept how desperately he’s trying to chain her to him to the point where Joe’s personality literally splits so he can keep Marienne under lock and key? Marienne already knew, in that exhausted way, that she had to make herself truly inaccessible in order to escape this obsession. It’s giving strong Lilith and bringing out the worst in bad guys.
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Capricorn Rising: She really seems to have her shit together and she takes no bs from anyone. And her dad is super rich so she grew up in luxury.
Pisces Sun: I said Aries before because she really didn’t like Joe and let him know it in the beginning. But I say Pisces because she seems to mirror some element of her environment. I had a friend say that since Pisces were the last zodiac sign they tended to be able to embody a lot of traits of other signs. I also have noticed that Pisces placements tend to have personalities that are mailable to the people around them. Kate acts different around her cultivated group of friends and her dad for example. Yet it runs so deep that she seems to have a different set of morals around different groups as well.
Aquarius Moon: Shes a bit…detached. She poisoned a bunch of kids and saw it as a means to an end, then she remade herself into a humanitarian to atone for her sins. But she’s fallen for Joe after he’s done some pretty inhumane things to “save” her. And now she’s perfectly happy to clean Joe’s record and take over her dad’s evil company. she’s pretty apt to take on her own morality and that reminds me of underdeveloped Aquarius moons. This is no shade to Saturn moons (I’m a Saturn moon too) but there’s something emotionally lacking from her lack of horror at finding out her boyfriend is a serial m*rderer and a bunch of the other wild sh*t she surrounds herself with. I thought about Capricorn moon but I couldn’t find any structure/career climbing in her overall actions. Aquarius seemed to fit better, especially with how at one point she really prided herself on being the most morally aware of her friends and saw her involvement in the arts as such a benevolent thing.
(Also lowkey I feel like a Capricorn moon would’ve sensed if their parents were pulling strings for them and wouldn’t be down with how randomly m*rderous Joe could be. Not the moral issue, not in this show, but the not knowing who he’s going to k*ll next issue— just like Kate’s dad ran into)
Mercury Capricorn: She communicates in a directly to the point sort of way. She’s verbally sharp and sort of pokes at Joe no matter how she feels about him. She tends to tell her friends how to hey their shit together.
Gemini Venus: She’s very clever and witty and all of her flirting/foreplay is bantering and screwing with Joe’s head by baiting him. She also knows all of her friends’ secrets.(is that an astrology observation?) Gemini placements tend to have a knack for getting information out of people)
Virgo Mars: Actually seems to go from annoyed by to attracted to Joe when he’s coming in to help her. She also is corrective when she’s upset. She handles her upsetting emotions in strategic way until she’s cornered.
Bonus - Rhys (major season 4 spoiler):
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(He was basically Joe’s love in the latest season— bc he loves himself!! But the real Rhys…Poor guy! Oml)
I have no idea bc he was an hallucination for 98%(??) of his screen time lol, but at minimum I’d say Capricorn Neptune in the 1st house. He came across as knowledgeable and in control and very ambitious. A lot of people related to his life story as he told it, a story of rags to riches… and he had a terrible stalker that projected a completely different personality onto him. And that’s all I got for the real Rhys.
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sergeifyodorov · 5 months
who is your favorite player on every team?
omg this is sucha good ask anon... under the cut for my little explanations
bruins: pasta... nails PAINTED front teeth CHIPPED glasses ON. i hate him every time he actually plays the leafs because he's so goddamn good but separated from that i enjoy his silly ass immensely
panthers: society has moved past the need for anyone to enjoy any florida panthers (bobrovsky)
leafs: im an austonhead through and through... generational goalscorer and queeny what can't he do
lightning: stamkos for symbolism reasons. bonus nikita kucherov because he's one of those larionov-type really analytical players and i love that
red wings: moritz
canadiens: juraj slafkovsky because he is just SO giant puppy and he is absolutely hilarious
sabres: dahlin for psychosexual reasons
rangers: artemi panarin (only child of divorce)
hurricanes: seth jarvis (one of very few nhlers i feel like i could have a normal human dumbass conversation with)
islanders: mat barzal (diva)
flyers: travis konecny (sexy)
devils: nico hischier (sexy)
penguins: evgeni malkin (diva)
capitals: alex ovechkin (sexy)
blue jackets: patrik laine (because there's something SOOOOO compelling about being a draft bust and also the fact that he is just kind of a weirdly blonde freak white walker lookin dude who wears interesting outfits)
jets: nik ehlers. points for being a) danish (nobody's DANISH in this league) and b) that one time sch*fele hurt that hab and ehlers protected him when everyone got into that scrum going for schiefele
avalanche: alex georgiev for punching tda
dallas stars: where do i START with the stars... robo i think
blues: gonna go with brayden schenn... any relative of luke's is a friend of mine
coyotes: either clayton keller or alex kerfoot
wild: idk flower?
blackhawks: connor bedard is legitimately my little guy. i love that freak. im at practice... in chicago... CHICAGO???. went on a pilgrimage to see Him in person and it was great (leafs lost in overtime and he got 0 points)
canucks: as much as i love and appreciate my fellow gays im gonna have to go with quinnifer here. he's literally quinn hughes i don't know what you want from me
golden knights: jeichel
kings: anze kopitar <3
oilers: mcdavid... he's literally everything. cursed by god. pro gay. really good at hockey. ginger
kraken: honestly i have never thought about the kraken a single day of my entire life. who's their goalie? grubauer? i'll go grubauer
flames: naz kadri :))))))))
ducks: i know we're all supposed to have ducks opinions nowadays but im going to carefully say lukas dostal and be done with it
sharks: duclair. free of the panthers and ready to be given space in my heart
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