#eco friendly witchcraft
theoakwitch · 2 years
How much do crystals harm the environment? How can we ethically source our crystals for our magic? 
All these things I go through in my latest video! Feel free to check it out and share if you like it <3
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motleyfolk · 1 year
Also make sure your witchcraft is eco-friendly. 
You do not have to spend tons of money on witchcraft like it's a new, expensive hobby. Learn to work the craft with items you already have lying around, that is your foundation. 
Your craft should be eco-friendly. Don’t bury things that aren’t biodegradable, don’t be wasteful, and be kind to your local wildlife and nature.
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stitchtehzombie · 1 year
i understand the jar in the park post was a while ago but i just saw it so: one thing i use as an alt container for spells if they will be left in nature are the empty tea bags you get to put your own loose-leaf tea in. they're completely biodegradable
Just make sure theyre paper, not plastic :3 The loose leaf teabags ive used are usually made of paper. Pickwick and lipton however use yucky plastic teabags or plastic woven into the paper somehow and put microplastics in ur tea 💀
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modernmagix · 2 years
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🌞 Good Morning! I have a brief, but exciting shop update for ya'll today. . 🆕 New Product! Hand-crafted spell paper for Prosperity, made from 100% recycled paper. This is a super-limited, one-of-a-kind batch, so be sure to check them out at https://etsy.me/3FFQCef . ✨ These pages were hand-made with a blend of herbs and infused with the intent of attracting and increasing prosperity. Draw on money-attracting sigils or use them in any wealth-related spellwork. This batch of paper dried in the sun for an extra boost of solar energy. . 📝 The process of making this recycled paper is a time-consuming, though relaxing activity. It begins with shredded paper, blended with water into a pulp and mixed with herbs. This pulp is added to a bin of water to create a slurry, stirred slowly to suspend the paper particles in the water while infusing them with magical energy and intent. Each page is individually "scooped" with a mesh-backed frame and, after draining excess water, gently turned out onto a flat, fabric-lined surface. We remove additional water from the wet paper with a sponge and it is left to dry. When the pages are dry, the rough edges are trimmed and bundles are pressed flat with a stack of heavy books. From here, similar-sized papers are grouped and tied together in bundles ready to ship. . Keep an eye out for future spell papers 🧿 https://www.instagram.com/p/CddlEktugXw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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enchantedwitchling · 8 months
Respecting Nature: How to Be an Eco-Friendly Witch.
Witchcraft and nature have an unbreakable bond—one that invites us to celebrate and protect the very world that inspires our craft. As stewards of the Earth, it's essential to practice our craft with the utmost respect for nature. Embracing eco-friendly witchcraft not only honors the environment but also deepens our connection to the magic that surrounds us.
In this blog post, we'll explore the art of "Respecting Nature: How to Be an Eco-Friendly Witch," discovering the importance of eco-conscious practices and offering alternative, sustainable tools to traditional witchcraft practices.
1. Sustainable Altar Decor 🌿
Consider incorporating natural and biodegradable altar decorations like leaves, flowers, and twigs instead of synthetic materials. These elements not only infuse your space with a touch of the Earth but also return to it without harming the environment.
2. Eco-Friendly Candles 🕯️
Opt for candles made from sustainable materials like soy or beeswax. These alternatives burn cleanly, emit fewer toxins, and support eco-conscious practices. You can also repurpose candle stubs into new candles, reducing waste.
3. Ethical Crystal Sourcing 💎
When collecting crystals for your practice, research ethical sources and suppliers. Be mindful of the environmental impact of crystal mining and choose to support companies that prioritize sustainability and fair labor practices.
4. DIY Herbal Magic 🌿
Grow your own herbs and harvest them responsibly for spells and rituals. This not only ensures their freshness but also reduces the carbon footprint associated with store-bought herbs. Consider creating your own herbal oils and teas, infusing your magic with the essence of your garden.
5. Natural Incense and Alternatives 🌬️
Explore natural incense options made from herbs, resins, or dried flowers. You can also choose sustainable alternatives like dried sage or palo santo sticks from ethically sourced providers. Remember to set your intentions and respect for the environment.
6. Biodegradable Offerings 🍃
If you offer food or other offerings to deities or spirits, choose biodegradable options. Fruit, bread, or grains return to the Earth without harm, symbolizing your gratitude for nature's gifts.
7. Sustainable Journaling 📓
For your magical journal, opt for notebooks made from recycled paper or even explore digital journaling to reduce paper usage. This mindful practice also preserves trees and forests.
Being an eco-friendly witch aligns our practice with the very essence of witchcraft—an appreciation for the natural world and a commitment to living in harmony with it. As we tread lightly upon the Earth, our magic deepens, and our connection to the elements flourishes.
So, let us continue to embrace the magic of nature while protecting it, weaving eco-conscious practices into our craft's tapestry. By honoring the Earth, we honor ourselves and the beautiful world we call home.
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Green witchcraft
Being a green witch is a path within witchcraft that emphasizes a deep connection with nature, plants, and the Earth. Green witches are attuned to the cycles of the natural world and work with the energies and wisdom of plants, herbs, trees, and the elements to bring about healing, balance, and spiritual growth.
Here are some key aspects of being a green witch:
Nature-Based Spirituality: Green witches view nature as sacred and strive to live in harmony with the Earth. They recognize the inherent wisdom and interconnectedness of all living beings and seek to cultivate a deep reverence and respect for the natural world.
Herbalism and Plant Magic: Green witches have a strong affinity for plants and incorporate herbalism and plant magic into their practice. They study the properties, medicinal uses, and energetic qualities of herbs, and may create herbal remedies, potions, or spellwork using plants.
Elemental Work: Green witches work closely with the elements—Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit—to bring balance and harmony into their lives and rituals. They may invoke the elements in their ceremonies and rituals, and align themselves with the natural energies of each element.
Gardening and Green Spaces: Green witches often have a deep love for gardening and cultivating their own herbs and plants. They may have a special connection with their garden and see it as a sacred space for spiritual practice and connection with nature.
Earth-Centered Rituals: Green witches celebrate the cycles of nature and the turning of the seasons through rituals and ceremonies. They may observe solstices, equinoxes, and other seasonal celebrations to honor the Earth's rhythms and connect with the energies of the natural world.
Environmental Stewardship: Green witches are passionate about environmental conservation and sustainability. They strive to live in an eco-friendly way, taking steps to reduce their ecological footprint and advocate for the protection of the Earth.
Divination and Nature Observation: Green witches often use divination tools, such as tarot cards, runes, or pendulums, to gain insights and guidance. They may also practice nature observation and derive spiritual insights from the signs and symbols present in the natural world.
Being a green witch is a deeply personal and intuitive path. It involves developing a close relationship with nature, embracing its teachings, and working with the natural energies and spirits of the Earth.
Green witches honor the interconnectedness of all life and seek to bring balance, healing, and a sense of reverence to their practice and the world around them.
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sourdoughservitor · 5 months
My Year of the Wheel
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(image credit: Wikipedia)
Starting on Yule of this year (December 21, 2023), I will be following a project I'm calling my Year of the Wheel. For the following 365 days, I will observe the Wheel of the Year in order to deepen my connection to my craft and develop my practice. I’ve been a witch for over two years now, but I still don’t feel like it’s permeated my life thoroughly–despite the fact that it feels like my real self, and that it helps me on my healing journey. During this year, I will endeavor to do the following:
observe the Wheel of the Year sabbats
observe the full moons and other events
build my practice into my daily life
focus on my passions and interests such as witchcraft and fiction writing
realize and embody my core values, and learn to set aside those that are less important
practice witchcraft each of the 365 days of the coming year
Using these goals, I hope to ritualize and habitualize my craft. Overall, my goal is to use the Year of the Wheel to deepen my connection with my craft and aid me on my journey of self-healing and becoming a stronger, better person.
I wish to develop my divination skills, so please follow me if you want to see my posts about free readings I'll be doing! I hope to do them frequently, at least a couple times a week. I mostly do tarot but I will expand them over time. Also, feel free to ask about anything 💚
I may not post here daily, but I guarantee I'll be journalling and reflecting on how I practiced daily, and I wish to share here the lessons I learn, the information I discover, and the tips I want to share.
Important disclaimer: I do not profess to be the most knowledgeable academic about witchcraft or paganism. While I do my best to be critical and conduct responsible research, I am ultimately pursuing the craft for myself, and my path is designed to suit my needs and goals. Please take my content (as you should all content) with a grain of salt, and use for yourself only what suits your needs.
Please see below for the master list of my Year of the Wheel posts.
Sabbats & the Wheel of the Year
Twelve Days of Omen
Phases of the Moon
Full Moons
Other Things
Daily, Weekly, & Monthly Quests
Major Arcana Grand Tableau*
Year Ahead Spread
How to Be an Eco-Friendly Witch*
* not my post
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A Shower Ritual to get rid of Stale Energy
green tea for cleansing and youthfulness
salt for purity , protection and cleansing
shampoo (or a co wash , or a scalp exfoliater) to cleanse your mind and remove negative/dirty thoughts and old energy
leave in conditioner (you can use regular conditioner if you can leave it in) to add positive energy
soap (or body exfoliater) to remove stale energy
enchanted hair brush/comb
floss to pluck out any excess negative thoughts about people and situations
saltwater to cleanse and purify your mouth + remove negative/mean language
toothpaste to banish negativity
cleanser (or toner) to wipe away your (unnecessarily) negative view on situations
sunscreen to add to your skin a barrier that prevents negativity from aborbing into you
body/nail moisturizer + lip balm to nourish and replenish your energy and prevent you from emotional burnout
eggshells to cleanse
flower petals
sunlight/moonlight to cleanse , hydrate and energize
a brain-healthy book (optional)
better to use eco friendly and natural ingredients. not just for your spiritual and physical health but for the environment , animals , plants and all living organisms currently suffering - including you and other people. you might not think the phenoxythenal is a big deal but you wouldn't like someone adding a drop of piss to your water just so they could have defined hair. DNI if you don't care abt the environment.
set up
brew your green tea and put it in a cup or bowl. now sprinkle salt in each corner of the shower. if you have any water friendly wards you can use them too. pour the tea on yourself in the shower (with the water off) when the temperature is right
turn the water on and wet up a little and ofc turn it back off. when putting your shampoo onto your scalp , focus on relieving the tension in your head. let your mind be cleared ✨️. now scrub up with your soap and say your affirmations. when you turn the water back on to rinse all the soap and shampoo off , imagine stale and negative energy sliding off into the water.
raising vibrations
Get out the shower. put in your leave in conditioner and comb your hair with your magick brush. imagine the tangles are tough stubborn negative thoughts that are trying to embed themselves into your head. comb them all away.
floss your teeth , imagining all the gunk is your bad mood and stuck thoughts. then rinse and gargle your mouth with saltwater (no more than 3 times a week pls). when you spit it out intend for all the unnecessarily mean stuff you say to be washed down the sink. brush your teeth to banish the negativity from coming back.
use a cleanser or cleansing toner to refreshen your outlook on the world and to calm you down (witch hazel is great for this). then a moisturizing sunscreen to shield you from negativity trying to eat away at ya. finish up with your body moisturizer.
sprinkle crushed egg shells down the sink to rinse away any negativity left in the sink. lay flower petals on your head and heart to boost your vibrations and calm your mood. go sun/moon bathing to charge your energy up.
Read a book that will exorcize your brain. don't put anything in your mouth , including water , after bruising your teeth (basic hygiene). use color witchcraft or color psychology to pick out your clothes. eat a healthy diet and raw fruits. meditate. don't use a moisturizer on your face; toners , cleansers and sunscreen can all be cleansing so dont waste your money. get rid of bad habits (including smoking and vaping , DNI if you support smoking; it's not your bodily autonomy if it actively hurts things around you 24/7.)
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negative-speedforce · 4 months
Your OCs have just made tumblr accounts of their own! What are their usernames, and what things do they blog about?
Siv: @/revenge-of-the-siv, blogs about nerd stuff and metahuman rights issues
Jay: @/naruto-in-a-binder, blogs about anime
Cassandra: @/im-100percent-that-witch, blogs about witchcraft
Hailey: @/ghost-blog-but-literally, blogs about politics
Arya: @/uwubisexuality, posts memes and trolls people
Gina: @/salve-regina, is a Catholic blogger (affectionate), really big in the Bible Fandom, ships Eve and Lilith
Esme: @/sound-of-the-sound, posts aesthetic photos from her travels (username is a reference to Seattle's Puget Sound)
Ember: @/transfemstarscreamsgock, is a lurker. Siv picked the username and they don't know how to change it.
Cat: @/shadowphoenix-official, posts about her hacktivism a la crimew
Max: @/solarpunk-mecha, posts about socialism, eco friendly technology, and how to get away with crimes.
Kyle: @/thunder-boltsandlightning, posts about sports and makes god tier shitposts
Eric: @/eldertrans, posts trans resources and stuff about transitioning later in life
Jacob: @/im-proud-of-you-all, posts about his kids' achievements and makes "Dad Advice" posts, which range from motivational statements to instructions on tying a tie and fixing a sink.
Khalil: @/witchbitchmakeup, posts about his work as a makeup artist
Antonio: Is too young to use Tumblr
Ameerah: @/just-interfaith-things, posts about her experience growing up in a Christian/Jewish household
Rania @/ask-geneticist, posts stuff about science and answers asks about genetics
Reggie: Is too young to use Tumblr
Meredith: @/libertad-para-vivir, posts about human rights issues
Cory: @/spooky-skeleton-enby, posts about Harajuku fashion and makes god tier shitposts
Director Hawke: @/radfem-milf, posts about TERF shit and anti-metahuman propaganda bc she sucks
Kelsie: @/therapist-answers, basically just answers asks about mental health stuff
Onnie @/lesbian-janeway, no longer uses their blog, but they used to post about LGBT stuff and fandom discourse
Pippa: @/helpmeobiwanpierogi, post about nerd stuff
Jessi: @/jessijuno-official, doesn't actually use Tumblr, the account is run by her PR manager
Hyun-Ki: @hyunki-soulsong, used to post pictures of himself and his band for the fangirls, now it's run by Jessi's PR manager
Marie: @/klingon-acid-metal, posts about, you guessed it, metal made by Klingons who are tripping on acid.
Qiara: @/ohwhatsthatoverthere, posts memes and trolls people
Liah: @/dreamsofhome, is basically liveblogging her Starfleet adventures
Soraya: @/starship-starfish, is a lurker
Thalia: @/anakinskywalkerofficial, trolls people pretending to be Anakin, and also liveblogs her mental breakdowns.
Reyna: @/bloodbloodbloodanddeath, posts photos of her snake and the occasional shitpost
Laila: @/secrets-lies-and-subterfuge, posts Imperial secrets just to piss off her former master
Athena: @/sexy-sexy-scientist, posts NSFW
Aldrich: @/famouslastworlds, posts low-budget vampire romance stories
Samira: @/bisexualcastielsredbottomheels, used to post Superwholock, but quit using Tumblr years ago.
Matt: @/penith-blatht, is a lurker
Sohelia: @/soho-reversed, posts about what is DEFINITELY A FICTIONAL NARRATIVE about a woman who's half-vampire
Vanessa: @/miss-me-with-those-vibes, posts pics of her gecko, Stevie
Dolores: @/vampires-suck-yourdick, posts memes and shitposts
Victorie: @/lady-of-lobsters, is a lurker
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Witchcraft: Banishing
Banishing is the process of casting out an energy, presence, or entity from yourself, another, or a place. This is more stern, amplified, and stronger than cleansing. This is essentially a spiritual form of an Exorcism, but can include objects and spaces as well. I highly recommend Warding immediately after Banishing to prevent an entity or energy from returning. Smoke out the presence or residue if possible.
Ingredients: Allspice, Angelica, Anise, Cayenne, Clove, Galangal, Garlic, Ginger, Lemon, Lemon Pepper, Lime, Onion, Orange, Salt, and Turmeric.
Banishing Traditions:
Your hands, fingers, mind, and spirit are powerful tools if you only harness and wield the with an educated mind. With the right intention, you can yourself banish beings, objects and space with your hands and visualization.
Using sound is incredibly powerful for Banishment, ranging from vocal statements, Hertz Frequencies, Ringing Bells, Sound Bowls, Banging Pots, Wind Chimes, Songs, to chants and incantations. Sound can expel entities, items, or areas.
You can create a Taglock of an energy or entity, and then preform a ritual action to Banish it. This can include burial, (if eco-friendly,) throwing in another person’s garbage, flushing down the toilet, or responsibly burning it.
Certain aromas will also disgust and repel negative energies, especially when done with intention. From oil rollers to diffusers, there are many ways to apply scent in your home. If essential oils are not your favorite, you can always use fresh flowers or leaves in a potpourri.
Banishing Methods:
Burning a Taglock.
Sweeping with intent.
Throwing out Taglock.
Burial of the Taglock.
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I've been on the go lately, and also deeply frustrated. After a visit to my mother's place for the weekend, I'm feeling exhausted and triggered from everything that happened on the weekend.
My Grandmother decided she had magically gotten better, and had decided to sell her oxygen tank. She has also stated that she still wants to drink, despite being told in no uncertain terms, that if she continued to drink, her liver would fail.
I've done what I can to try and persuade her, to coax her into looking after her health. But, she has fallen deep into the facebook new age conspiracy hole, and I'm afraid there's no coming back for her. Pseudoscience is going to kill my Grandmother.
I'll be the first to admit, I am a Witch. I grew up a practicing pagan, and it's a very important part of my life, including various herbalist traditions, ethnobotanical studies, and pharmacopoeia. I have experimented with mandrake, datura, and henbane, I have studied the chemical composition of plants, things that can heal and things that can harm, and I have come out the other end embittered by the wider witchcraft community for endangering the lives of people - turning them away from peer reviewed, scientific medicine and insisting things like crystals, collagen, and prayer will heal.
I am fucking exhausted with this rhetoric.
When do we draw the line between denialism, new age mysticism, and anti-intellectualism? Where do we draw the line. Where faith can heal liver damage, and drinking absolves you of the burden of facing yourself in the mirror. It's easier to admit that doctors lie. That natural products are better. Than it is to admit that you are dying, that you are trying to heal something the same way a child slams a toy cube into a circular shaped hole.
The misappropriation of aboriginal cultures, of eastern religions, of repackaged consumerist essential oils, all dolled up touting that they can cure cancer, that they can stop the passage of time, that they can magically cure autism. It's smoke and mirrors and consumerist ideology packaged into a sleek, minimally designed eco-friendly $80 product.
And what am I to do? Stand around as my Grandmother kills herself slowly and painfully? unwilling to admit that she needs mobility aids, unwilling to admit that she is getting older each year, that each of her decisions had led to cirrhosis of the liver, to a pulmonary embolism. To organ failure. All for her to brush it off with something more akin to 13 year olds role-playing as fairies and mythical creatures.
This is where the new age cult ends. With lives taken all for monetary gain, where spiritual enlightenment can be bought for $40 plus shipping. This is where it ends, with a child watching their Grandmother, sick with fear, saying that a crystal will heal her body. That light work will heal her body. That homemade snake oil will cure her, de-age her, and absolve the burden of facing the facts head on.
To those who have spread lies, misinformation, and other pseudo scientific bullshit, I hope you suffer a thousand deaths, I hope each day the lives you have taken in your ignorance haunt you until your dying days. I hope you are never absolved in your guilt, in your complacency, in your cultural appropriation. I hope you all fucking rot.
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lotti-lyric · 2 years
heyo!! no rush on this whatsoever, but if you have the bones i’d love a (romantic) masc mha matchup!! i’m a 5’7 18 y/o gay agender guy, and my pfp is what i look like :) i’ve got a stocky/chubby build, and i’m pretty strong.
i’m a virgo sun and moon, aquarius rising if you’re into astrology stuff :)) i’m also an INTJ, i’m so sorry. it’s kind of the nicest way to call me cold and calculating. i’m very analytical and kind of aloof in most situations. other than that, i like to think i’m a chill enough person. i have morals in theory, just less in practice. and those are few and far in between. i’m an anarchist and an aspiring activist, so i always stand for what i believe in. when i do manage to open up to someone, i’m told that i’m very kind and understanding. it just takes awhile, y’know? that and a lotta humor.
i’m a stubborn little rat, meaning that if i do decide i trust someone enough to want friendship or more, i’m very determined to make that connection (other than if they lack interest or don’t consent to it obviously. gotta respect that always.) so someone more closed off doesn’t faze me. honestly it makes me feel really seen and heard. i feel like they get it. :) i even prefer people who are more introverted or uninviting.
i’ve also got the ‘tism (autism) and ADHD, which make up a majority of my personality. my special interests are lord of the rings, D&D, and music. my current hyper-fixation is eco-friendly living :) other interests of mine are piano, witchcraft, sketching, and singing.
i don’t really have a set type, i just like guys who are funky. rat men. skrungly fellas. y’know?? as long as they don’t drain my social battery and are 18+, i’m good. :)
thank you so much if you do end up accepting this matchup!! you seem so lovely :D <3
charlotte’s interlude 💗- hi!! sorry requests are coming slower than usual!! i hope you enjoy it, have a good one!! tysm for the request!!
i match you with…
Shota Aizawa! (aka Eraserhead)
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- this for you both!! ^^
- aizawa is very much cold and calculating so talk about a POWER COUPLE
- i live in fear knowing the strategies you both could brainstorm together 💀
- he appreciates how you stand for what you believe in!! your determination is super cool!
- aizawa has such a dry and sarcastic humor so the amount of witty one liners between you both is nuts, like it’s back and forth sarcastic comments 💀
- he won’t push your boundaries ever!! once you do open up, he’s super grateful he gets to see that side of you!
- he super appreciates you acknowledging boundaries as well!!
- you both can bond over your introverted nature, understanding each other mutually and talking it over, knowing you both get it
- he’d educate himself on all of your special interests and hyperfixations!!
- y’all have a long running D&D campaign that is about to last for literally ever 💀
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notthesomefather · 5 months
So many questions I have, sorry for clogging the inbox.
Anyway, what is the basic rule of thumb for altars? Do you need permission from a god before making an altar? Is there certain things I should avoid using like certain products? What if you can’t afford to be 100% eco friendly? What if you’re asthmatic and can’t handle smoke?
Norns, so many questions…
Sorry in advance! I’m getting back into witchcraft and I have no idea where to start.
No need to apologize at all! I know this may be frustrating, but there is no one "correct" way to set an altar up. A standard layout typically includes a candle, some symbol of the spirit/deity/ancestor/etc. you wish to honor or invite into the space and a place for offerings (usually a bowl). Some people add incense, crystals, little things they collect that remind them of deities, or items like wands/athames. In my experience, I don't feel the need to ask for permission to honor a god (ancestors are a little different, but that may be a topic for another time). I view honoring gods/spirits as just me saying hello and letting them know I respect them. I can't think of any items to avoid entirely... I would only consume or burn things if you are 100% sure that it is safe to do so. I'd also say that for offerings you intend to dispose of outdoors, make sure it's nothing that will harm the wildlife and plant life. Recycle and use compostable/biodegradable things when you can, but don't worry too much about it. I think the gods understand we do what we can regarding eco-friendly offerings. I'd also advise trying to research the places where you shop and purchasing cruelty-free items if you can (both for animal-products and things produced by human labor). And no need for smoke at all! Using electric candles (or no candles) is a perfectly acceptable way to go. I hope this was helpful! As always, if folks have other suggestions or would like to share experiences about any of these topics, please feel free x0x
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tipsycad147 · 8 months
7 Things a Baby Witch Shouldn’t Spend Money On
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If you are a beginner in witchcraft and spiritual practices, you might want to buy everything you can get your hands on. Social media and marketing campaigns also tell you that there are many things that you must buy when you start your path as a witch. You might be very excited and willing to buy any object that’s related to witchcraft. This feeling is valid and very normal. 
However, there are some things that aren’t worth the money if you’re a baby witch. This doesn’t mean that these objects are not necessary. In fact, many of them are very useful. Some of them might be crucial to some witches’ practices. The problem is that there are objects that you won’t need at the beginning. If you are a baby witch, avoid spending money on things that might not suit your practice. In general, our advice is to avoid buying stuff in excess. In particular, here are 7 things that are not necessary when you start practicing witchcraft. 
1. Lots of crystals
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Crystals are fascinating. Not only are they beautiful, but they are also very powerful. They are also very easy to get, as they are available in any spiritual store. If you are a baby witch, you might be tempted to buy as many crystals as you can. While I can see the appeal, it’s best to stick to one or two, especially when you’re beginning your practice. The two crystals that we recommend for baby witches are Clear Quartz and Black Tourmaline. Clear Quartz is excellent for meditation and manifesting. This is because this crystal enhances mental clarity and amplifies psychic abilities. It can also help with emotional balance. Clear Quartz also helps channel all excess energy. All in all, it is a must-have for every baby witch. Black Tourmaline, on the other hand, is very effective for protection. It is an essential tool because it protects you and/or your home from negative energies. It also has grounding qualities, and it can enhance motivation. This crystal can also ground you and provide a peaceful and calm environment. Also, keep in mind that it’s always best to work with locally-sourced crystals. They are more eco-friendly, they tend to be cheaper, and by buying from local providers you contribute to the local economy.     
2. A wide array of herbs
Herbs, plants, spices, and flowers are crucial to several spells. However, avoid buying or obtaining many different herbs if you are a baby witch. While this is not a bad thing, you might end up having lots of herbs that you never use because you don’t know how to. Besides, some of them are used only in advanced spells. It is best to stick to a couple of herbs that are local to the area where you live. Previously, we have talked about 12 Non-Toxic Herbs for Witchcraft Beginners. Start small. Use the herbs that you already have in your kitchen cabinet. Some of the most useful herbs are Rosemary and Lavender. Salt is also a must-have – even though it’s not an herb. Rosemary can help you with focus and memory. It also has strong protective properties, and it is used in cleansing and purifying spells. As for Lavender, this herb promotes peace and harmony. It is a great aid when you want to sleep soundly. In addition, it provides protection and can be used in many spells. Lavender is an important ingredient in love spells and healing spells, among others. Finally, salt is crucial to every spiritual practice. It is excellent for protection and for cleansing spells. Like with crystals, locally-sourced herbs are always a great idea.
3. Candles of every possible color
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If you have read our posts about color magic, you know that candles are a great tool. Candles of different colors are used for different purposes. Once you have acquired more practice, buying candles of different colors is a good idea. In the beginning, however, it’s a good idea to buy white candles. White candles provide protection and cleansing. They also enhance your psychic abilities. They are useful for many types of spells because of their amplifying properties. White candles are also a powerful tool for communicating with spirits. If you want, you can also use black candles. Black candles are amazing for protection. They can also be employed in cleansing spells as well. Once you get more experience and practice, you can start experimenting with candles of other colors.
4. New furniture for your altar
When setting up your altar, keep in mind you don’t need to buy anything new. Instead of buying a new table for your altar, try to find a piece of furniture that you already own. In fact, you can have your altar almost anywhere you want. Some people have theirs in their closets or on their bedside tables. Remember that, when setting up an altar, the important thing is to give it purpose and intention. The where or how it looks is secondary. Some people even have their altar in their bathroom! You do you. When setting up your altar, remember to take into account all aspects of the place you choose. For example, the steam from the shower might damage some objects, such as pictures. 
5. An expensive set of pentacle, wand, athame, and cup 
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We’ve all seen those beautiful and often pricy witchy sets. They include a pentacle, a wand, an athame, and a cup or chalice. They are certainly lovely, but they’re not always worth the money. This is especially true when you are a beginner. If you are a baby witch, it is a better idea to buy a pentacle pendant that you can wear for protection. You can carry it with you everywhere. However, the rest of the elements can be easily replaced with things that you already have at home. Instead of a cup or chalice, you can use a glass. Instead of an athame, you can use a knife you already own. Instead of a wand, you could use a pencil or a pen. I personally own a wand made of a stick I found at a local park. Remember to only use these elements as part of your practice. Don’t drink water in the glass you’ve designated for your witchcraft practice! The same applies to the knife and the wand. 
6. Books about many different topics
Our final advice, and one that I really struggled with at the beginning, is to avoid buying books in excess. Books are useful and they can help you learn a lot about the craft. In order to practice witchcraft, you need to be well-informed about everything you’re doing or about to do. In this sense, books are a powerful tool. However, buying too many books about several different topics is a no-no. You will spend a lot of money on books that you won’t read immediately. You might even buy a book only to later realize that it’s about a type of practice that you don’t want to do. It is better to do research online before buying a book. Then, when you finally purchase one, verify that it’s introductory and suitable for baby witches. If you choose the right book, the information won’t overwhelm you. It will be useful and helpful. It can also point to other books that you could buy in the future. Here in SpellCloth, we have the right book for you! Check out our grimoire for beginners, The Empowered Witch.
7. Several divination methods
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Crystal balls, pendulums, ethically sourced bones, tarot cards, runes… All of them are tools for divination methods. As you know by now, we discourage you from buying anything in excess. If you are a beginner, avoid purchasing many divination methods. Instead of having a tarot deck, a crystal ball, and a pendulum, choose only one method. For example, buy a pendulum and start learning about it. Take your time with it. After months of study, or when you have already mastered the pendulum, you can buy another divination tool of your choice. 
We have discussed some stuff that’s not worth your money if you are a baby witch. All in all, our advice is that you should always avoid buying things in excess. Before making any purchase, try to get information on the product. Remember that witchcraft has to do with intention and not necessarily with certain objects. 
Welcome to our community, dear baby witch!
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mybooktip · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to the Best Books for New Readers
It can be overwhelming to browse the globe of publications when you're simply beginning. With many options, how do you select which will be best for you? At any offered time, numerous publications are available, from cherished classics to up-and-coming indie titles. The trick is finding ones that will record your passion and make you want to continue analysis. This overview is here to aid brand-new viewers in discovering the best publications. We have put together a checklist of excellent reads for any age and passion-- from contemporary hits to timeless classics-- so that there's something below for everyone, no matter what category you're seeking.
Publications for Starting Viewers
Best Books To Read For New Readers should be short, essential, and easy to understand. They need lots of photos to help new readers imagine the story. Some excellent publications for starting viewers include:
" The Pet cat in the Hat" by Dr. Seuss
" Eco-friendly Eggs as well as Pork" by Dr. Seuss
" One Fish 2 Fish Red Fish Blue Fish" by Dr. Seuss
" The Starving Caterpillar" by Eric Carle
Books for Intermediate Readers
There are a lot of beautiful books for intermediate readers! Here are simply a few of our favorites:
"The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis - This classic story is perfect for viewers that prepare to move on from accessible viewers' publications but aren't somewhat ready for chapter books yet. The beautiful pictures and straightforward story make it the best selection for children of this age.
"The Magic Tree Residence" collection by Mary Pope Osborne - This preferred collection is perfect for kids who are beginning to keep reading their own but still need help. Each book has brief phases and easy-to-follow stories that keep readers engaged from beginning to finish.
"Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White - This classic tale is a must-read for any kid in this age group. The story of a young girl and her friendship with a crawler is heartfelt and sure to please any young viewer.
"The Indian in the Cabinet" by Lynne Reid Banks - This imaginative story about a boy who finds he can bring his toy numbers to life is best for kids looking for something a little bit more than the standard fare.
"Amelia Bedelia" collection by Peggy Parish - These lighthearted chapter books adhere to the shenanigans of Amelia Bedelia, an endearingly literal-minded house cleaner. They're excellent for young viewers that
Publications for Advanced Visitors
If your child has grasped the fundamentals of reading and is eagerly feeding on books, it's time to start trying to find extra challenging books. Below are some excellent publications for Best Popular Books To Read:
The Harry Potter collection by J.K. Rowling
These classic novels comply with the adventures of the wizard-in-training Harry Potter as he goes to Hogwarts Institution of Witchcraft and Wizardry, makes close friends and powerful enemies, and resists the evil forces that seek to beat him. With their exciting plotlines and richly detailed worlds, the Harry Potter books are best for advanced viewers who are ready for a much longer, much more complicated tale.
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
Another dream collection with tremendous appeal, The Chronicles of Narnia, complies with the lives of numerous youngsters who stumble into the wonderful world of Narnia and end up being involved in its struggle against a wicked witch. These stories are ideal for young readers that appreciate dream and journey tales.
The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins
In a future dystopian culture, youngsters need to compete in a televised fight to the death called the Hunger Games. This dark, as well as exhilarating trilogy is ideal for innovative visitors that crave suspenseful stories with complex characters.
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