#money spell
candles-by-mokosh · 10 months
Just got an incredibly generous job offer, so naturally I’m passing these vibes to you!
“I will be blessed with a generous job that works for me”
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yourwitchmama · 1 year
~Manifestation spell to have unexpected money come your way~
Sacred numbers of abundance ⬇️
777 88 808 520 318 798
This is all about putting energy and intention into this post.
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Listen to this to manifest abundance
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faerietantrums · 1 year
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🍃Money Spell Jar🍃
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This really works! Right after I made this we did our taxes and we are getting so much back, I got a raise and so did my partner. Believing in it is the key to it working.
Fools gold
Green jade
Tigers eye
Bay leaves
Moon water
Every single loose piece of change from the house.
Shake this jar daily before work or going out of the house. Keep it on your alter.
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coldbrewtarot · 1 year
Money Bowl
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How to Create a Money Bowl
You will need:
Rice - for abundance
Money Oil
Coins, cash, etc. (This can even be paper with dollar signs/money signs written in green or gold.)
Cinnamon sticks - for money
A green candle - for money, prosperity, abundance, wealth
Bay leaves
Basil (or other money related herbs and spices)
Pyrite - to attract money and prosperity
Clear Quartz - to amplify the spellwork
Fill your bowl with rice up to a height you're comfortable with.
On a separate plate or napkin, layout the basil. (You can add any other spices or herbs that will help with your money bowl.) Dress the candle with your money oil. (This can be purchased pre-made from your local magick shop or you can make your own. If you don't have any, you can use whatever oil you have on hand.) Roll the candle in the herbs and make sure it's coated well.
Place the candle at the center of the bowl and start placing your stuff inside! I used rolled up cash (whatever amount you'd like), cinnamon sticks, basil with my petitions written on them, etc. Feel free to add more money-drawing items or remove what you feel isn't serving you.
Decorate your box with crystals and other items. I used a pyrite elephant and pyrite cluster since pyrite is associated with money and wealth, but I also used a clear quartz to amplify the shellwork and boost the money-drawing power.
I placed my bowl on top of my clear box with tips from the place I bartend at, but you can put your bowl wherever makes sense to you. The key is to "work" the bowl and continue to add/remove items, light the candle, add drops of oil, replace an old candle with a new one, etc. Since I have my bowl sitting on top of my money box, inserting money into the box is like I'm "feeding" the box/bowl with that energy.
I think the most important part to remember is that this bowl is personal and entirely up to you. Everyone's bowl will look different and people will "work" their bowls differently, which I think is really cool. There is no right or wrong way to make a money bowl, but it is a lot of trial and error. I'd love to hear what other people would use in their money bowl, so feel free to comment below to let me know!
The correspondences listed above and noted in the description can be found in Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences.
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messiah10chi · 1 month
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My last post summarized what sweet gum balls, aka witch’s burrs were, and this post is about turning them into spells! In my hand, from bottom to top, is my protection burr, money burr, spirit offering burr, and love burr. My favorite methods of using these are burning them to release the spell and placing them on your altar or in your bag/purse, but get creative! Recipes are below:
Protection Burr
-A Protection Oil
-Black Salt
-Black Wax
Money Burr
-A Money Oil
-Green wax
Spirit Offering Burr
-An Offering or Spirit Oil
-Purple Wax
Love Burr
-A Love Oil
-*Lavender (for lesbian love)
-*Safflower (for gay love)
*Both lavender and safflower can also be used for attracting multiple genders, not just for what is stated, such as men, women, and nonbinary or trans partners if you do not identify as straight.
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maceofpentacles · 11 months
do you need money fast? i have just the quick little spell for you!
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you’re gonna need a tea light, dandelion leaf, chamomile, and a pen and paper
you’re gonna write “your name ((or whoever you’re doing the spell for)) has money to spend” then write the symbol of whatever currency you use and a rune or sigil for money. once you’re done with that you’re gonna fold the paper towards yourself and put it under your candle then light it with the intent of money coming to you quickly!
that’s it! that’s the spell, quick and easy and it’s worked for me like 9 time out of 10
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magickmama777 · 8 months
Quick tip if you wanna manifest money fastttt. Get some honey and add cinnamon powder into it. Put some over your tongue and start speaking money affirmations. Best time to do this is early morning during the sunrise. You'll see money flowing in sooo fast 💨 💰
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coven-of-genesis · 11 months
Spell for abundance
Creating a spell to improve wealth is a personal and spiritual practice that can vary depending on individual beliefs and practices.
While some people may incorporate specific rituals, symbols, or ingredients into their spellwork, it's important to remember that the effectiveness of such practices is subjective and relies heavily on personal belief and intention.
Here is a general framework you can use as a starting point to create your own wealth-enhancing spell:
1. Set your intention: Clearly define your intention to improve wealth. Be specific about the aspects you want to enhance, such as attracting financial opportunities, increasing abundance, or improving financial management.
2. Choose your method: Determine how you want to conduct your spell. It could involve a physical ritual, visualization, meditation, or any other method that resonates with you.
3. Gather materials: Select any materials that you feel represent wealth or abundance to you. This could include candles, crystals (such as citrine or green aventurine), herbs (such as basil or cinnamon), coins, or any other objects you associate with prosperity.
4. Create a sacred space: Cleanse and prepare your space to create a focused and positive environment. You can burn incense, use essential oils, or play soft music to set the mood.
5. Cast a circle (optional): If you follow a tradition that involves casting a circle, you may choose to do so to create a sacred and protected space for your spell.
6. Visualisation and affirmation: Close your eyes and visualize yourself already in possession of the wealth and abundance you desire. Feel the positive emotions associated with financial success. Repeat affirmations or mantras related to wealth and abundance, such as "I attract prosperity in all areas of my life" or "I am open to receive abundant opportunities."
7. Symbolic actions: Use your selected materials in a way that feels meaningful to you. For example, light a green candle to symbolize money and growth, hold a crystal in your hand while visualizing your financial goals, or sprinkle herbs associated with wealth around your space.
8. Gratitude and release: Express gratitude for the wealth and abundance you already have in your life. Release any doubts or negative beliefs about money. Trust that the universe is working to manifest your intentions.
9. Closing the spell: Conclude your spellwork in a way that aligns with your beliefs. This could involve thanking any deities or spiritual entities you work with, closing the circle if you cast one, or simply expressing gratitude and sealing your intentions.
Remember, creating a spell is a personal practice, and it's important to trust your intuition and adapt these steps to suit your own beliefs and preferences.
Additionally, while spellwork can be a valuable tool for manifestation, it's important to take practical action in your daily life to support your financial goals, such as budgeting, investing wisely, and pursuing opportunities.
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sofiathewitch · 1 year
emoji spell for abundance
🕯✨💰 💵 💸💎💚🎁💶💴💳✨🕯
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kittenzeke · 7 months
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Prayed for me, Tio, and anyone else I could think of! The blessings I asked differed from person to person. I have a feeling that Tio and I will come into enough money for whatever we truly need. Especially if I remain frugal and stick with my priorities/principles. It is a pleasure serving Santa Muerte. My faith is growing.
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foragewitch · 5 months
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
Quick witch tip: washing your hands with chamomile attracts money! Let it steep in boiling water for several minutes, let it cool to room temperature, and then wash your hands in the water. This is especially effective before gambling. If you are struggling with finding the herb itself, a tea packet would do. It'll bring you good luck in general, so use it when you need it before leaving the house!
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the-welsh-witch · 8 months
Reusable Candle Spell
A 'Reusable Candle Spell' is my take on a candle spell, utilising the fact that tealight wax does not melt. This may also be another way of doing a candle spell, but let me know!
My reusable candles so far are for General Luck, and Money Abundance, and involve a bit of herb knowledge, time, and patience.
In these spells, I fill the bottom of a tealight (Scented or unscented, however, I use Vanilla ones as they were A: on sale, and B: provide gentle banishment to ensure they are protected and not interfered with). In these, I put assorted herbs, a bed of salt for protection, and a sigil Bay Leaf with my name.
For each ingredient, I tell it what I want it to do, pop a bit of energy in it, and then light the candle. Due to the fact, I do not have any oils or such, I do not anoint the candle, however I push my energy into the candle at the end to make the ingredients together, then light the candle.
This is the best bit, when you wait for roughly an hour, until all the wax is completely melted. At this point, the herbs will most likely float to the surface, mixing through the wax, and becoming a full spell candle.
It is at this point I can blow out the candle, thank it for working it's magic, and allow it to harden before storing it. Then, if I need a burst of luck, I can push my energy into the candle to wake it up, then light it.
(I also use these candles as offerings to Rhiannon and whoever else may help, as they can feed of the energy of the spell creating itself).
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witchyphilosophe · 15 days
I’m sure I’m not the only person who has thought of this, but here’s the single-most successful component of my money bowl spells: donating the money I feed it to people who are unhoused.
About once a month, I gather up all the change in my money bowl and put it into a little cloth baggy. I usually have at least $5. Sometimes it’s a lot more. Then I give that money to the first person I see asking for change at an intersection or in a shopping plaza.
I feel like the pay-it-forward aspect of the money bowl in that way is more ethical and does more good.
I grew up very low income and have struggled financially most my life. But the universe has always granted me small extra funds when I need it the most, and I’ve seen amazing results from my money bowl spells.
This way though, I’m not just helping myself, I’m helping others. And of course there are plenty of other things I do to help people that I don’t go into detail on via social media because I think it sort of defeats the purpose to brag about it.
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messiah10chi · 5 months
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Refreshed the money bowl again! 💵💵💵
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esoteric-chaos · 22 days
Disability-Friendly Prosperity Magic
So let's face it, those who are disabled have a hard time with money in general, either from being unable to work or not having a steady, strong source of income. Sometimes we can monetize our hobbies, admittedly at a limited capacity (some less or more than others).
From our relationship with money, money mindsets, and income streams, it's hard. That's not to shame anyone, either. Some overspend to cope, while others are incredibly frugal.
In this post, I will review some resources, tips, and tricks for the struggling disabled witch.
The Mundane Before Magical
Step one is to make a budget and track your expenses. I'm serious. Sit down, look at where your money is going, and decide on a budget that you can realistically stick to. I use the 50/30/20 rule as a budget, which is 50% Needs, 30% Wants, and 20% Savings. However, I recently switched wants and savings around so I can save for a trip.
Now I do not want you to worry about a big fancy budget method. I don't want you to overthink it. Here is a resource (Canada, but it can be used in the USA) to start one. Focus on your needs like housing, utilities, basic clothing, food, etc. Then go into wants and entertainment, and finally, savings. I suggest you put any debt payoff into the needs category if you have any debt. You do not want a blow to your credit report.
Now do you have any financial goals? Going back to school? Debt payoff? A trip? Even a big medical trip coming up? Here is a resource (Canada, but it can be used in the USA) that can help you create a goal and a plan to pay this off.
Savings, please, your SAVINGS. It is vital to have an emergency fund. Job loss? Death? Vet bills? Children? Dentist? You better believe that piles up. It is recommended if you are single to have at least 3 months of income saved up, with a child and single at least 6 months. Married on two incomes, the same amount. Married with one income, it is recommended without children at least 6 months saved up and with children 9 months. It is vital you have the means to take care of yourself if an emergency strikes. It is never recommended that money be stopped from being put into these accounts.
If you are in debt, look at your debt relief options. Sometimes there are services out there that can advocate for you regarding debt. They will help you develop a plan, understand the relief options, sign documents with you, and develop a credit rebuilding program. These services are out there; even if they are paid, they can help you pay off some of your debt, especially credit card debt.
Educate yourself on investing, basic investing, and financial literacy, in stock markets and everything beyond. Know what kind of accounts you can hold and what could help you in your situation.
Need help applying for disability? Here's a resource for the USA (a lot can also be used for Canada).
The Magical
Upkeep a prosperity altar. Work with the spirit of money like you would any other spirit. Honour it, talk to it, venerate it. Money loves to be valued, moved, not wasted, and used in charity. Most importantly, money takes time. Money takes time to grow and build a relationship with.
This is the most important thing I've learned about money. It wants to be worked with. It's sitting there. It wants to help and aid you in ways that you need.
Work with this altar on Thursdays, incorporating the spirit of Jupiter. Jupiter rules over finances. Long steady finances, not quick finances. Jupiter rules over business, legal and all things finances. Jupiter is a slower-moving planet.
You can also incorporate the spirit of Mercury on Wednesdays along with your Jupiter workings. Mercury is a fast-moving planet, a planet for fast-moving money. However, you must build a long, steady form of finances over quick, easy cash (but sometimes you do need it right now).
You can create a money bowl and work with it on this altar, a Jupiter cashbox (I will make a future post on this), or a manifestation mirror box filled with petitions, sigils and your investment/banking information.
Fill your altar with greens and gold, imagery for wealth and abundance, pocket change, and anything else that symbolizes wealth.
Do not forget to leave offerings for your money altar. A simple glass of water can do but try to do more if you can.
Road opener workings or petition with an offering for the cross-road spirits who can unblock blockages in your way.
Final Take Away
I know this might not help everyone, but I sincerely hope this helps somebody. Financial literacy was not taught to everyone, nor were proper budgeting tips. I wanted to share what I've learned over the years as I believe it is vital information for some of the information I have collected.
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