#eda having one makes me scared actually
beababoobies · 4 months
Can I request a Hazbin Hotel with a reader whose head comes off sometimes and they are just casual about it? Like Eda from Owl House or Luci from Disenchantment. It doesn’t have to be a pairing fic with anyone specific, it can be just a reaction fic by the Hotel residents.
If you accept, thank you! If not, then ok.
THIS IS SUCH A SILLY LITTLE IDEA, ABSOLUTELY. “You dropped uh.. something” HAS ME GIGGLING. Thank you for this kekeke. Also I haven’t watched the owl house so sorry if I did this wrong. 
Head Less
You had been at the hotel for a while, going through the motions of a so called rehabilitation. You didn’t mind it too much, and the people there were funny. Everyone was a little different, but everyone was accepting. It was sweet, simple. You didn’t actually believe too strongly that you would one day actually reach angelic status, but screw it. Free place to stay.
The first person to see you drop your head was Alastor. You were looking around the hotel, walking around with no real goal. Sometimes when Charlie hadn’t fully planned the day, you’d just walk around. You were on your first round of the hallways, just for Alastor to appear behind you and scare the shit out of you when you turned around, creepy sharp-toothed smile straight up to your face.
You had jumped back, head falling and rolling down the hall, causing you to groan, cursing to yourself as your body walked over to you head, grabbing your head and holding it to your hip as you cursed out Alastor. He didn’t even seem bothered by this, just staring at you as you told him that if he snuck up on you like that again, well, you just might. 
But right after him was everyone else. You see, Alastor simply didn’t care enough to tell anyone. But because everyone else did care, you knew that dropping your head around one of them would be dropping it to everyone else. So you planned it out.
That’s where you were now - sitting and watching old footage of Charlie’s childhood, which she called a bonding excersize. Angel was making comments about how hot a younger Lucifer was, Vaggie awe-ing over her younger girlfriend, Pentious melting over tiny her, and Husk not giving a single fuck over at the bar. Nifty running around all of you with her pin, looking for bugs under the sofa.
That’s when you made your move, pretending to reach over for your cup of tea, only for your head to roll off and stop at Pentious’ feet. He screamed - so loudly everyone looked over, his high-pitch scream nearly deafening you. Charlie was the next to scream, clinging to Vaggie. Vaggie just stared at your head on the floor with wide eyes. Angel burst you laughing, winking at your head on the floor.
“Nice party trick, toots.” He said in the midst of his fit of giggles, watching Charlie try to calm herself down as your body went and picked up your head like usual, popping it back on your body as you tried to reassure you were fine while still laughing your ass - or should I say head back off, and she tried to laugh it off too, but it was pretty evident you may or may not have accidentally traumatized her. 
Husked and Nifty, having heard the screams but completely oblivious to what happened, looking around completely confused, only for Angel to explain, still out of breath from laughing, Pentious cautiously peeking over the couch. “That bitch’s head just popped off!” Angel exclaimed between laughs, keeled over on the couch as Husk raised his eyebrow.
“Is this some sort of weird fuckin’ joke?” He asked with a tired sigh, wiping down the counter. You shook your head, turning around and using your hands to pop your head off again, causing him to let out a low chuckle, shrugging. “I’ve seen crazier, but that’s not bad.” He shrugged off, throwing the towel over his shoulder.
Charlie’s face of eternal trauma and doom faded to a face of confusion but also wonder, coming up to you and doing a 360 around you and your head, tucked snug in your arm. Her eyes lit up, the smile on her face wider as she let out a small squeak.
“You’re freaking HEADLESS! That’s AWESOME!” 
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sepublic · 4 days
It gets me how in No Tree Left Behind, Luz thinks that Eda doesn’t understand the concept of the holiday as being about family when protecting the Arborgeist tree. She’s scared of the violence and thinks it might not be worth dying over.
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But then she sees how this particular tree is important to Eda because of how it represents and contains past memories with her sister Lilith, and how she still wants to hold onto those connections. All while Lilith literally tears them down and shows a hint of regret. So Luz realizes Eda DID care about the holiday as being about family, she always did!!! And she opts to fight alongside Eda because they do share the same reasons, even if they had different actions! And while her familial connection with Lilith seems severed, Eda herself realizes she can grow a new tree to celebrate a new Arborgeist with a new family in Luz and King!!!!!!!
Just augh Luz learning about another culture’s traditions and engaging with them, understanding why they’re significant to its people. The lesson that sometimes not everything can survive; You gotta prioritize certain things so not everything is destroyed. You just have to hold onto what’s important and find a way to keep it alive in a new form. Colonization tries but can’t take everything away, the spirit remains. Sometimes you just have to focus on surviving and that’s okay, you’ll still have each other.
And then with Homesick which was also leaked and it’s like. Luz and Eda in both episodes; One of them understands that something means a lot for the other person, so they stick their neck out to help them get that. And seeing this makes the other person realize no, actually I care more about you than the thing! Luz was finally ready to sacrifice her own life as the adults were prepared to, only for Eda to go back on that and accept surrender for her. Just as Luz takes back the humiliation of the dunce cap after Eda wears it for her, silently aiding in magic in a way that communicates a wordless understanding between the two. They love each other so much it’s insane.
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iloveundertaesooomuch · 5 months
Some advice from AU Calebs!
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Heck yeah I did it! Finally i finished ONE of the HUNDREDS AU crossover ideas I have in my head!! Crossovers are fun guys!! (I apologise for a bad english in advance. Writing this it a rush.)
"It's ok to ask for help." (A Reverse Of Feathers And Mud by @jess-the-vampire)
I couldn't make a crossover meme without the legend. Sorry, not sorry. He is such a sad lad but tries to stay positive and be happy for his family uydfykudsutsudskudsluds (*dies*). I have to admitt, Caleb's dad energy is too strong for me to handle without wanting a hug him. No wonder! He was THE grandpa for centuries straight without a break. At least Caleb gets his whole family together in the end. Comics with him and either Hunter and Philip or Luz and Eda make me run in cirles around the room aaaa.
"You are not a burden." (Brother's Keeper by @idoodlestuffsometimes)
Damn, you definetly created one of the darkest AU in the fandom. Each time I re-read AU related posts I scream my lungs out because it is so angsty and so great. I am genuinely scared of your Belos ngl, because.. this man didnt loose anything and he still proceeds to do all that stuff. Enconter with him has 0 survival rate.
POOR CALEB! At least in the world of memes he had an opportunity to flee the captivity twice (the bald head and the car). This man had no moment of mental rest for centuries oh my God. One of my friends wants to fight his brother personally to protec Caleb at all cost sksksk. Well, at least Hunter will always have an actually loving relative! And if the happy ending is going to be canon, I think the future looks great, especially knowing how much pain all your characters go through currently. (And I think both Caleb and Hunter would need the "you are not a burdain" affirmations. At least some form of support in their situation.)
You said in the latest ask-answer that BK!Caleb was supposed to have white streaks in his hair so I attempted to add them. Hope they look fine! Colors for the outfit I got from Belos, so they would match, I guess???
"Murder is okay." (Loose Strings by @oldmanpip)
My bro, brother, friend... Despite you being not to involved on the discord server, my brain is still rotting with your great awesome AUs. And I know you know that. Your Caleb is really loose in all sences of that word and I love that. Wonder if your AUs will ever be available to the public. Because oh boy oh boy they deserve to be recognised. (Loose Caleb is such a conservative grandpa who never did anything wrong, wdym?)
"Your feelings matter." (Pip In Time by @celestialscribbler)
Honestly? Man, your comic is the reason I got invested in Witteclaw couple at all. Even if the "Pip in time" is not their story, but you wrote their teen romance so sweetly. Those two melted my heart... I scream each time I re-read your comic for 100th time. Just WOAH my brain goes brrr! And Caleb as a character is also written really really well. I love him so much. He is such good brother but MAN HE NEEDS A BREAK FROM BEING AN ADULT! BOY! Insirt crying and heart emojis here.
(PS: hope you still care about your health!)
My thoughts:
I have been drawing this for more than a month I think? And the only reason for that is my university. I hope to actually get an ADHD diagnosis because something is clearly wrong with me. But thats not the point.
There are so many ideas in my head. Goofy and not. The only problem is that I have less and less ability to do what I want lately. I wish I could bring them all to life, but at the same I dont know if anyone will be interested. Would AU crossovers look too self-indulgent? Or nah? Idk. (Just Grimwalker-Isle already has so much potential for stupid ridiculous fun I am runnin on coffee juice.)
Litteraly my mind is plagued with different fun plots and possibilities I am going crazy. But I also have A TON of WIPs that I need to finish. Perhaps I will attempt to manage everything at once, but, no promises.
Wish me luck on my exams!
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toh-tagteam-au · 1 year
Tag Team AU Synopsis – Really Small Problems + Understanding Willow
Synopsis Masterpost Link
Previous Part [Sense and Insensitivity + Adventures in the Elements + The First Day]
Next Part [Enchanting Grom Fright + Wing it Like Witches]
This is one of the big ones. The BIG ones. Big turning point episode here. All of these End Of Season 1 episodes are going to be like that. With a LOT of script screenshots.
Really Small Problems
I… didn’t have anything written for this episode, but I should mention that Tibbles hasn’t appeared in this AU because he’s actually profiting off of selling the Azura Books due to the Azura Incident and doesn’t need to do any more schemes. 
This episode wouldn’t have involved the carnival, but instead probably would have been a Willow-and-Amity-conflict centric episode and a Gus-and-Hunter friendship episode. Originally it was going to be a “Willow gets a crush on Hunter” episode that led into the pseudo-romance arc I’d been talking about for a while, but it never seemed right to me the more we saw canon Willow’s attitude towards canon Hunter in season 3. I still wanted elements of that though, since it’d be important for the Grom episode.
I’m also realizing now that I’m writing the whole synopsis that the Emerald Trio really doesn’t hang out very much in any of the episode descriptions, so I wanted to include a thing that was like “they hang out off-camera please believe me”.
Anyway, Hunter passes out at some point, which leads us into…
Understanding Willow
Which really should be called "Understanding Hunter" at this point.
The episode starts out with Hunter falling into a magical exhaustion, brought by him over-worrying about how to heal Belos. This would have assumedly been built up over the course of Really Small Problems, which I didn’t write, but somehow Amity, Willow, and Gus are there to bring him back to the Owl House. 
Amity and Willow volunteer to go into his mind and find out what is keeping him from waking up. When they’re sent in, they see that everything is extremely cluttered and all the trees are covered in notes. They hear muttering, and come across Inner Hunter, who is surrounded by paper and chalkboards. 
Hunter is surprised that they’re in there, especially when they say that he’s fallen into a magical exhaustion in the real world, and says that he feels completely fine and they can leave. Amity says that maybe the notes are what is messing with his head, and in the process of reaching out to touch them Hunter summons a wall of ice. He warns them not to touch anything – he’s almost at a breakthrough. 
Willow and Amity suggest that they help him out – the faster they figure out how to do the thing he’s researching, the sooner Hunter wakes up. Hunter agrees, and reveals he’s trying to heal someone’s curse. Not Eda’s – someone else’s.
They go through a research montage, failing multiple glyphs and exploding a few science flasks, etc, up until they start asking him questions about the curse.
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Amity asks more pointed questions, making Hunter nervously ask what she’s getting at.
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Hunter gets angry at the accusation, saying that this person isn’t doing it on purpose or faking it. Amity just says that it feels familiar. Hunter is generally pissed now, and tells them to get lost. Willow doesn’t stand for it, saying that he needs to wake up.
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Amity figures this is enough, and burns all the notes and work. She says he’s stretching himself thin to do an impossible thing, and that sometimes things can’t be fixed. 
Hunter doesn’t like that. The mindscape warps slightly as he turns into a goopy version of Hunter, Belos eyes and all (something something turning into the thing that scares you the most as a defense mechanism), and he starts attacking them. They hide in one of his memories to escape. 
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The memory they enter is in his room in the Emperor’s Castle. They hear a younger Hunter talking to someone on a bed.
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Luz is revealed, as well as her humanity AND the fact that Hunter is the other Golden Guard. They hear the Inner Hunter coming (he warps the memories with mud as he goes through them), so they escape into a different memory, this time of the fight Hunter and Luz have before they start having a better relationship (it’s the same one in the Pre-Show events post)
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They leave the memory when the coast is clear. Amity mentions that when Hunter told her to stop trying to protect the person she was hurting, back in Covention, he must have been speaking from experience. Willow asks if Amity was also speaking from her experience with their friendship when she told Inner Hunter that sometimes things can’t be fixed, and Amity says yes. 
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They’re interrupted by Hunter, who shows up to kill them, when Amity tells him to stop because he’ll destroy his memories if he’s not careful. She burns the notes on another tree, revealing the memory there of Luz and him learning the light glyph.
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Willow and Amity get out of the mindscape. Hunter wakes up, to the relief of King and Eda. 
He drags Willow, Amity, and Gus away to talk privately, and tells them the truth about being the Golden Guard. He assumes the worst, but Willow proves him wrong, saying that Hunter comes before his mask. Willow blushes here a bit.
Privately to Willow and Amity, he also expresses worry that he inadvertently outed his sister to them, and tells them not to tell anyone or her – it’s an important secret to her, and she might freak out if she finds out anyone knows. Amity doesn’t vibe with that, but agrees.
Previous Part [Sense and Insensitivity + Adventures in the Elements + The First Day]
Next Part [Enchanting Grom Fright + Wing it Like Witches]
Synopsis Masterpost Link
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lampmanliveblogs · 8 months
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Something about Luz reflection in the portal, but at the same time glimpsing the grave on the other side… I feel like there’s some meaning I should be able to derive from that. Um… I dunno, something about a dream dying? As in, Luz’ dream of a happy life in the Demon Realm dies here in the Human Realm or something.
Death as in permanence, as in Luz deciding to stay in the Human Realm permanently.
Luz feels dead inside.
(this is the kind of quality analysis you can only get here, at Lampman Liveblogs)
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”I was scared… I thought you’d all hate me for it. Which is why I’ve made a decision. I think… that it’d be in everyone’s best interest if I-”
”Took your mama to the Demon Realm!”
Heck. Yes.
I think we’ve already established I’m all for that. Now Camila will finally get to meet Luz’ mentor and bonus mom Eda, her lil bro King, Hooty, cool aunt Lilith… oh, and The Collector! If anyone can tame a childish god, it’d be the woman who raised Luz.
I also appreciate that while Camila herself is not immune to making bad decisions, she will also keep her daughter from making bad decisions… granted, this is more like postponing the issues rather than actually solving them, but we’ll get there eventually, I’m sure.
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HOL UP, wiat a mintue-
When did Hunter’s eyes change color!??!???? ANd how did I miss it?????
I rewound a bit, and it’s right there, when he wakes up and I just. Missed it. I can’t believe this. I’m an utter failure as a liveblogger and a person. As punishment, I will go on another four month hiatus which is only occasionally broken by posting a few low-quality memes and fanfics that no one will read. 
(hey, Luz and Hunter ((and Camila)) have the same eye color now, that’s neat)
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Pictured: Amity being the MOST awesome girlfriend that ever was an awesome girlfriend.
I mean, echoing Luz’ own words from when she asked Amity out is just next-level. so Hang on Sloopy, and let’s go get that bastard Belos.
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Pictured: Me, ruffling my snake daughter’s pycnofibers.
Vee’s staying behind in the Human Realm, which… yeah, that makes sense. All her life spent in the Demon Realm was a nightmare. Things only started getting better for her when she came to the Human Realm. Hunter too had a hard upbringing (maybe putting it a bit lightly there), but he at least have some things there to fight for.
Oh, and minor detail, but confirmation that Camila does have living relatives back in the homeland.
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And then they hit me with this rendition of the closing theme… it’s too beautiful
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As the portal closes and Vee walks of smiling, sure that her family can handle this, we pan up to the beautiful night sky an-
”Shoot, Camila still has the car keys.”
…Vee gives the funniest line of the episode. I love the implication that if she just had the keys, Vee could totally drive the car back home. She is a basilisk/snake/legless lizard/naga of many talents.
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anonymoosen · 2 months
No one’s gonna see this, buttt-
Last year, I kept this IZ X TOH au between myself and my best friend, but I kinda wanna talk about it now since @thechaoticlittlejester wanted to revive it and add their ideas too! (They’re rlly smart and cool so follow them :3)
Anywayyy here’s what my idea last year was like
No, it doesn’t take part in the Boiling Isles, it takes place in the normal IZ universe
It’s kinda more like a sequel of invader Zim that takes place 3 years after the Florpus incident, but the characters have personality traits from the TOH characters
All the weird things from Boiling Isles happens on earth
Example: Grom is actually an alien who wanted to kill Zim (because of course it did) and went to Earth to seek revenge coincidentally during Prom in skool!
Humans are still stupid and didn’t really care much about the weird happenings and thought Grom was just some failed science experiment from chemistry class or something
This is a really complicated thing to say buttt- some IZ characters have more than one TOH character role/story
Example: Gaz is mainly in Eda’s place, but also has the character traits and development of Willow’s (because she’s also the reliable one in the story and pretends she isn’t suffering)
And Zim is mainly in Amity’s role, but also has King’s kind of story (like- King thought he was the King of demons when he wasn’t, and Zim thought he was the best invader when he’s actually defective)
Like it’s not really your standard [FAVE SHOW] as [OTHER FAVE SHOW] AU! It’s just a fan made Invader Zim sequel with stories based on TOH’S stories! (And this AU is mainly about Gaz, Dib and Zim’s shenanigans)
And of course, it’s really gonna be out of character for Dib and Zim because they’re a lot nicer since they’re in Luz and Amity’s roles kdkedmdkdkdkd
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(This is what me from last year wrote idjejdjekroeokr it’s so cringe lol)
Now time to explain the character roles:
Dib as Luz!
I know Dib as Amity sounds like it makes more sense, but I chose Dib as Luz because they’re both excluded by everyone in skool, they have “weird” interests, and Prof Membrane would probably want to send Dib to a “real science” camp like how Camila wanted to send Luz to the “normal” camp. (Also both Luz and Dib are dorky dorks lolll)
Zim as Amity!
It’s not justtt because of the ZADR as Lumity thing, it’s also because Zim wants to be the Tallests’ “star student” or in this case, star invader. And like how Amity had that amulet that controlled her, Zim’s PAK had a program that made him loyal to the Tallests (which he would break later on). Also, Zim killed Miyuki with a flesh eating BLOB, and that reminds me of abomination goo loll
So in this AU, the Irkens use those kinds of blobs to create weapons (like how the Blight Industries use abomination goo to make abomatons)
Lastly, in this AU, Zim reads to kids. It sounds out of character but I would like to think that over the years, he’s actually great with kids because he’s been dealing with Gir lolll- (also Zim’s a dad to his minions in my heart, shushhhh)
Gaz as Eda! Even tho she takes Eda’s role, she’s still Dib’s younger sister. Anyway, she takes Eda’s role because she’s sassy and acts like she doesn’t care but does. Also, in this AU, Gaz secretly has a curse, and has an uncontrollable pig demon form.
The reason why she kept it a secret is because she knew how crazy Dib is over supernatural / paranormal creatures and is scared that he would reveal it to everyone. (But Dib accidentally kindaaa gave her away to the Swollen Eyeball and had to rescue her— like how Eda was taken away by the Emperor’s Coven and Luz had to save her)
Tak as Hunter!
Tak somehow manages to get out of her janitor job and became the Lavender Guard of the Tallests. She still hates Zim and had that “Amity vs Hunter” fight with her. She’s also still a cringefail depressed emo like Hunter-
Gir as Hooty!
Both Hooty and Gir Are craAAaAaaAzyyyy beings who might secretly be Gods.
Okay seriously though- Gir once possessed Zim’s entire base and made it move around, which is literally like the plot Hooty’s Moving Hassle where Hooty gets possessed and moves around too.
Plus I’d like to think that Gir would wanna prove himself to Zim and make some Tunnel of Love thing like how Hooty did to make ZADR canon! (Except this Tunnel of Love is more disturbing and has literal human hearts. Whose hearts were those? Nobody knows…)
Anywayyy this was an intro of my cringe AU from last year! Bye nonexistent readers since again, no one’s gonna read thisssss- (except for thechaoticjester since I tagged them idkekdekrkeiir)
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lollytea · 1 year
opinions on the collector??!!!
I LOVE him!!! He seems to have such a skewed concept of morality, which is not his fault, but he clearly means well. He's a little confused but he's got the spirit!!
The way the Collector treats those they consider friends/family is so telling of who they are at their core. Like....he treats King a lot better than I imagined he would. Not that I ever saw the Collector as a malicious figure, just....a little kid who was never taught how to play nicies. I figured they'd treat King more like a toy than an actual companion and throw a tantrum if King didn't cater to their every whim. However, this episode made it clear that this isn't the case at all. The Collector is nothing but polite and friendly with King and is even way more respectful of his boundaries than I expected him to be.
The Collector doesn't demand to sleep with Francois. They ask. Because Francois is King's toy, not his. And when King expresses discomfort with that, he pouts a little but doesn't push it, asking for a compromise instead. He doesn't want to fight with King because King is his friend and he loves his friend!!
The fact that they let Odalia stick around is also very telling. Mamadalia. Who the fuck came up with that title? I know it wasn't the bitch herself. It could have only been the Collector who decided to start calling her that. They want a mommy!!!
They're just a baby!! They're scared of being alone!! They like bedtime stories!!! They want to play and make friends!!!
I think the Collector's idea of right and wrong is also very interesting. Because it's not like he's not aware that there's any difference. He's very insistent about being nice and everybody else being nice but he can't really grasp the concept that what he's doing isn't nice. In his own words, he's just "playing pretend" and as long as he's not physically hurting anybody, it's fine. And like....fair. This isn't even because they're an omnipotent godlike entity, this is just because they're like six. That's just how six year olds are. As naturally sweet as a little kid is, empathy can be a complex matter to wrap their head around and it takes a bit of maturing before they can fully understand it.
I think it's so cute that he seems utterly enchanted with Eda, even to the point that they are very nitpicky about Terra's inaccurate depiction of her. "A cool aunt vibe who pretends to be all coldhearted but actually cares a lot!!" Like?? Okay so Eda is his blorbo. (Not gonna go into how this description of her basically confirms that he can at least somewhat understand the complexity of people.) She's probably his favourite protagonist in all King's stories and he's clearly eager to meet her.
It's interesting that they're obviously jealous of Luz but not Eda. I guess it's because they fulfil different roles in King's life and Luz's is more similar to the Collector's, while Eda's is parental. I'm pretty sure they're hoping Eda will take them in too, just like she took in King and they can all be one big happy family.
Also I can't keep watching that scene where Moldy!Raine manipulates him because it makes me scream and bite and cry. The way their little heart breaks when they're led to believe that King wants to hurt them.
("That didn't sound....very friendly... :(" STOP IT!! STOP!!! HE'S BEEN HURT AND BETRAYED ENOUGH BY PEOPLE HE TRUSTED!!!)
(Also "You're fibbing!! You're definitely fibbing!!!....right....?" I can't take this shit anymore man. That's just a baby. A little baby....)
The final scene in the special was so fucking ominous because the Collector got angry. But what kills me, what totally destroys me, is that seconds before they got angry, they were sad.
The Collector is a very interesting character. He's sweet and he's vulnerable and there's clearly a lot of lore bubbling under the surface and I'm so excited to see how his story ends. I hope he gets a happy ending.
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What if Hunter was the only grimwalker without magic and Belos did that intentionally.
Okay so the other day, I was literally Just Sitting There and my twin @disastertwins9000 just comes AT me with this theory-and I was like b r u h. Because, that totally makes sense when you look at all the clues!!!!
First off, when Darius talks about his mentor, he says “he was the most powerful witch I’d ever known.” Well, you could say, artificial staff. Good point, but listen Darius went to school with EDA. Edalyn Clawthorne. The most powerful witch on the isles, dude. And he’s saying that the previous GG is more powerful than her?! The Owl Lady?! Ain’t no way Darius would say that if the GG was just relying on an artificial staff! Plus, how could he mentor Darius if he couldn’t do half the stuff a witch should be able to??? Clue #1 checks out.
Second, Belos says “out of all the Grimwalkers, you looked the most like him.” This would also make sense, because if all the previous Grimwalkers had a bile sack/some way to create magic on their own, that would not only make them fundamentally different from Caleb but also it would allow for more “wild magic” tendencies/mutations, if you will. But with Hunter, if there’s no source of wild magic contaminating the human DNA, that would make him the “cleanest version” of all the Grimwalkers-he’d look and act the closest to Caleb-bc neither of them have a natural source of magic. Clue #2 checks out
Lastly, it would also make sense for Belos to try and create a Grimwalker that was “weaker”, especially since he was only expecting Hunter to last until Day of Unity-it’s pretty safe to say that all the previous Grimwalkers found out about that, rebelled, and lost their lives doing so-it totally makes sense that Belos would try to make one that was more “pure” and less wild than the other ones-especially if you consider the dwindling Palistrom wood that actually became a really big problem, the limited resources that go into making another Grimwalker, and the fact that Belos didn’t need this one to be powerful. He just needed this one to last until day of unity, and he needed it to be obedient. So, all that combined, plus the fact that this grimwalker would be reliant on Belos for any sort of magic power, therefore this one would be easier to manipulate, taking away its natural source of magic makes TOTAL sense. Clue #3 checks out more than it should.
I don’t know if this one is canon, but the last piece of evidence that supports this theory is that there seems to be a lot of bad rap about Grimwalkers-well duh, it’s in the name. But if all Grimwalkers were just magicless witches, they’d be called like. Dimwalkers or smth idk, ain’t nobody would be scared of that guy. Especially if he had to use a staff as the only way to do magic. That’s lame man. Ur basically a human. Buuuut if Grimwalkers were a super powerful species that had weapon-like tendencies, and had both a magic source and a freakin galderstone in their chests, yep that’s pretty grim. Walk away from that. Again, idk if this one counts, I don’t remember anything in canon that says Grimwalkers were particularly scary, but for the sake of argument I wanted to include this point. Also it was rly smart somebody tell me I’m smart plz I-
So yeah. What if Hunter was the only Grimwalker without magic. That’d be wild and i wouldn’t cry. I really wouldn’t. (/fkin lie)
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erroramended-blog · 1 year
Sketch dump extravaganza!
So, the end is near. The end of the owl house that is. I’m excited, and nervous, and happy and sad, and all sorts of other feelings all at once. This show really meant a lot to me, and this is the first time I’ve ever been THIS involved in making stuff for a fandom. It really helped me grow in both my art and my writing, so as a sort of sent off, I put together this! It’s a look back on my Owl house journey in the form of sketches I never posted, process pics, and unfinished works, along with some creator commentary!
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Starting it off with a ton of Hunter! Hes been my most drawn victim subject, and one of my top faves. Above is a number of sketches I never finished and a few alternate goof arounds. Sometimes when I feel stuck trying to capture an expression I draw the most basic version of what I wanna get across, both for my amusement and to get out of the funk. More to see below the cut.
This next one was started during the hiatus after Yesterdays Lie and never finished. It proved a bit too challenging at the time.
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That background was waaay above my skill level at the time, so this is as far as I got. You’ll notice, Willow is the only fully drawn character. I just really liked how she was coming out.
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I already wanted Hunter to be part of the friend gang before he’d even met Willow and Gus, and I wanted them all to have a fun human realm adventure hiking and having a picnic. Here are some sketch highlights.
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Hunter found a good walking stick, and then Flapjack found one too. Ghost in a cat backpack, Gus with a dandelion.
Next up is an early imagining of what Belos’s final form might look like.
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With a scared Hunter for scale. It was also related to my long running fanfic (good days bad days and all the days in between)  written during that same hiatus along with a few other arts.
Hunter was not the only character I liked to make suffer. Here are a few Raine sketches related to that fic (on the right) and a few unfinished pieces from after we met Terra (On the left)
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Next up, in a continuation of the Raine suffering. (And my terrible goofy looking thumbnail sketch on the upper left.)
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Sketches from my happy then sad Raine and Eda fanart, featuring dead (or mostly dead) Raine. Fun fact, both the content, and style used here were inspired by the short animated film Fuelled, in which a cat wife seeks revenge for the murder of her cat husband. (Ok, it was actually inspired by a Fuelled fan AMV set to Mitski’s Because Dreaming Costs Money, My Dear, but still, beautiful film, go check it out.) For a change of pace, here’s something cute.
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Big happy family with young bats, and baby Hunter. This was going to be for an unfinished fic I started in which the bats are already Raine’s adopted kids, and, unable to let baby Hunter suffer, Raine kidnaps him, and goes to Eda for help. Happy family shenanigans ensue.  Here’s a chunk of that fic. (and we’re back to suffering for both Raine and Hunter, so be warned) -- “Eda, I-I am so sorry to show up like this, but—” Raine swallowed hard, and looked over their shoulder into the distance. Fear in their eyes, like something was going to pop out of the woods and get them. “I did something...and I am in so much trouble and...and I didn’t know who else to turn to.” The kids behind them looked up at her with a mix of fear and hope. One of the younger ones clung to Raine’s pant leg, looking especially weary. “You owe me an explanation.” She said, stepping aside. “But it can wait. Get in here.” “Thank you,” They said, sounding beyond relieved, and absolutely exhausted. The kids followed them inside, and Eda paused in the doorway, looked out into the night, unsure what she was expecting to see. Nothing was out there. “Hey, Hooty.” Eda said quietly. The house demon sleepily gave a hoot of acknowledgment “Keep an eye out. Let me know if you see anything.”  With that she shut the door, and turned to face the...complicated situation she was suddenly faced with. Raine had set the youngest child down on her couch. There was a wad of bloody gauze secured to the kids ear. “Do you have any healing supplies?” Raine asked, firmly focused on the injured ear. “Anything for pain?”  
“Yeah.. uh, I’ll grab um.” she said, moving to fetch the kit. The whole situation was bizarre and confusing, but getting everyone taken care of had to be the first priority.
One of the kids followed her. 
“Do you have any food?” The little pony-tailed kid asked. Truth be told, no, she didn’t. Not much anyway. She really needed to keep more around, especially now that she had— oh, she should mention that. It’s a good thing he was a pretty heavy sleeper.
“Kitchens that way” She said, pointing “Don’t burn the place down. Help yourself to what you find. What are you, five?”
“I’m ten” The kid said “Hunter is five. I’m not five, I’m not a baby.”
“Good for you.” She said, digging through the half depleted healer's kit. “Don’t touch the bottle with the apple on it.”
“Katya,” Raine called, worry in their voice “Where did you go? Come back here please.”
“Sorry!” said the kid whose name was apparently Katya. The kid ran back to the living room, and Eda followed. She handed over the kit.
“It’s not much,” She said. “I can see about whipping up a pain potion. I gotta look up the doses for a kid — how old is...”
“I told you, Hunter is five!” Katya said, exasperated. 
“Katya, please.” Raine said, sounding more tired than frustrated. “Yes, he’s five.”
Next up, an unfinished crossover between Owl House and Hades Town
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Set to the song Doubt Comes In, with Raine as Orpheus and Eda as Eurydice. I never finished it because I didn’t like how it was turning out (and it was way to much work, lol.) But I still love the crossover. Some highlights below.
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Next, sketches from things that did end up finished.
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And a few alternate poses and expressions from finished stuff.
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Here’s King, and an itty-bitty Eda.
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And some post Kings Tide sketching.
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Another happy family type sketch from waaay back
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and lastly, me!
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Its me as an owl house character, featuring a spider beast form, and non-binary cape! So there you have it!
In it’s final secret title message to us, Owl House thanked us for watching, so I want to thank it back for all the entertainment and inspiration it gave me (And thanks to those who have followed, liked, reblogged and commented on my art and writing along the way.). I’m gonna miss it, and I wish it hadn’t been cut short, but I’m looking forward to its last episode. Goodbye Owl House.
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 4 months
sorry if you see this and im not replying to dms super fast. today has really been draining and not for great reasons. kinda feel nonverbal and quiet right now.
not as bad as itd been years in the past for vdays. i think this one has been surprisingly well, but my manager made it a big 180 despite being on an edge all day mentally. i said i wasnt gonna have a mental breakdown, and i very much didnt compared to the past three years. but i did however get stopped by this coworker when i was leaving early in the parking lot after the manager interaction of putting me in a shit mood. then unintentionally started crying when trying to explain why i was upset to her.
thanks to her for hugging me. she didnt need to, but realizing how touch starved i am despite hating touch... genuinely, i dont think she understands how much i needed that cause i havent had a hug in like almost... i dont know.
and its different now because im not used to having irl "friends" or people who i talk to like that not online, but i think after that interaction it made things easier. i still went home and cried but i think its honestly an annual tradition at this point haha- the only difference is that im not asking the same situationship girl to be my valentine for the fourth year in a row like a literal clown. i think after all this time its finally reaching the point where life is getting better and im healing. the pain is still there sometimes like this but... people care... people actually care about me.... and... that alone makes me want to cry because how??? how did i get so lucky to finally get to that point. how did i get to this point to meet those people i needed years ago. im glad that theyre in my life now, but it still scares me a bit getting close to people and being vulnerable because im afraid of losing them too. i have so many new people compared to last year. i was so low then, too. i remember it. i had this whole thing set up and then ended up crying at work because IM DUMB AND I SHOULDN'T HAVE PUT MY ENERGY INTO THAT.
but these new people- they care. and things are better. so much so compared to then. 😭
i want to write something. idk. im just super introverted, and im glad she's a chill person. we really have an eda luz dynamic im ngl 😭. i... i really appreciated that.
anyway i just... wanted to put this somewhere. its not as a negative thing. im way happier now, but dealin w that has just stunted my vibes temporarily. hope things are doing good if u see this. idk.
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crimeronan · 11 months
Would Empress Luz (once things are cleared up with Raine and Darius via mindscape trauma adventures) want to try reuniting with Camila via portal? I can see things re her and Vee and everything else coming to light (if Vee could even keep up the illusion that long) being very interesting/traumatising. Both for Luz, Vee and Camila and for Hunter and the rest of her newer adoptive family (Raine, Darius and Eda. I'd hope there'd eventually be a happy ending to it, but it would take some work.
ooh i actually do have an answer for this one!
in this AU, luz has been in the isles since she was about four, so her memories of the human world are vague and dreamy. she remembers having had human parents who loved her, but she wouldn't be able to pick them out of a lineup. (this also led to some upsetting discussions in my writing group chat about the consequences of her being raised by a colonizer - she's lost her spanish, is slightly more anxious about gender roles, etc, it's...... deeply sad and shitty)
the idea of returning to the human realm honestly scares the crap out of luz.
for one, she's much more comfortable around magic than she would be in a magic-less world; even though she KNOWS that she wouldn't be physically disabled in the human world like she is in the isles, and that she'd have an easier time finding food that doesn't make her sick, etc. she has some anxieties about how maybe she ~*~belongs~*~ there, because belos coming to the isles was clearly Not Fucking Good For Anyone. and on a more pointed note, belos used the human world to threaten her when they were fighting about hunter. so she has Very Few positive associations with the place
i'm FASCINATED by the concept of vee managing to escape and switch places with her around that time, i hadn't considered that before and it's. harrowing. it becomes kind of a changeling fairytale, right, except the changeling Knows she isn't human and remembers just enough to be TERRIFIED of being found out and sent back to the fae world.... GOD. poor vee. this is DELICIOUS.
the version of the story i've been working with so far, though, is one with this idea from my friend mock, because it fucking Haunts Me:
vee ends up escaping at around the same time as canon (well -- two years later, since luz is sixteen when the major events of the story play out). and when vee sees camila coming in the house, she takes the shape of the first person she sees in photos.
toddler luz.
aka. the daughter that camila is reasonably certain has been dead for over a decade.
i'm just imagining camila like. having a shaky near-sobbing breakdown and scooping vee-luz up and calling a friend like, i need you to come over and tell me if i'm hallucinating or if i'm seeing a real ghost. because camila KNOWS that if her daughter was alive, she'd be sixteen now.
i THINK vee would fess up pretty fast after that. because she feels Horrifically Guilty, AND because she can't play a Miracle Baby without inviting questions from much scarier humans, And because camila seems both so kind and so upset that vee is hoping she can make a break for it if she has to.
it's common knowledge in the isles that the princess is human, even though belos isn't out as human himself. because belos has been using luz as an excuse to do some human-supremacist white-savior-trope "the titan brought her from Real civilization to save you from yourselves <3" bullshit
and i think that vee would probably tell camila that. i'm 50/50 on whether vee knows luz's name or not (she certainly wouldn't know the name 'noceda,' at least). but either way, i think that camila would be like. okay. i have to be practical. i can't get my hopes up like this. my daughter is dead and it would be insane of me to chase this fantasy.
.....but i Have to know.
and like. she ESPECIALLY fucking has to know if she's heard even a Fraction of what vee has been through. vee has probably characterized the princess as just as evil as the rest of the royal family. but camila knows that even IF that's true, upbringing has a big impact on someone's character, and if her daughter was raised by an evil fascist then..... someone has to help her. no matter how terrible she is.
so i just imagine like. camila managing to find her way into the boiling isles (how this happens is up in the air. i haven't figured out exact portal logistics), IMMEDIATELY outing herself as a human, and demanding to see the emperor. and being told that the emperor died very recently, but she can meet the empress instead.
and it's luz. and luz's public-facing persona is made of steel (albeit friendly and kind steel), but her private self is transparently fragile in ways that are Extremely Alarming, and camila is like.
what. the fuck. did that man do to you.
(there's a background fic here. for anyone looking for expansion on uh. what exactly that man did to her. yikes!)
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prussianfaerie · 1 year
ToH theory: Philip Wittebane did NOT make the portal door
There is one thing in The Owl House that has bugged me for a while, and while the series finale was great and answered the majority of my questions, this one did not get resolved. Mind you, I do not blame the creators for not adressing it, they were hard pressed for screen time as it is, but it caused me to try to answer this myself. So: who actually made the portal between the worlds?
In the first season's last couple of episodes, we learn that the thing Emperor Belos has been after this whole time was the portal door, that had been in Edalyn Clawthorne's possesion. Eda happened to stumble upon the half-buried door while running away from home, scared of her curse and what she might do to people, and scared of the lengths her mum wants to go to to cure her.
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Belos managed to get ahold of the door, but not before Luz blows it up. At the very end of the season finale, we see him trying to rebuild it, which he would eventually succeed with.
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In season 2, Luz learns from Gwendolyn Clawthorne about another human who was on the Boiling Isles centuries ago, and who donated his journal to the Bonesbury Library. This was Philip Wittebane, who we in later episodes learn is the true identity of Belos. With the help of Amity she finds the journal, and with an echomouse they start to gain access to the information Philip wrote down.
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This information details how to build a portal door. And here we get to the part where I had a lot of questions. If Philip/Belos was the one to make Eda's portal, why did he need to steal it back? Why not make a new one? He's had 400 something years to do it, so why didn’t he? If he had forgotten how he did it, the instructions were right there in the journal, which he donated to the Library. It would have been easy to get it back. And Titan Blood, the most vital ingredient, seems to have been more abuntant back in the day, so finding it should have at least been easier back then than in the series' present time. 
So, here is my theory: Belos did NOT make the original portal door. Let us start with taking a look at the portal Luz does manage to make following the journal's instructions.
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It's wonky, distorted  and did not hold up for a very long time. And it did not even lead back to the Human Realm, but to the In-Between Realm.
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Luz thinks she made a mistake with creating the portal, but I don’t think she did. I think this is exactly the portal you would get following these instructions, and I think this is what Philip also ended up with. Let's jump ahead a little, to season 3 where Luz, her friends, and Camila get into the Demon Realm from the Human Realm.
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They found a buried vial of Titan Blood in a graveyard, in the Human Realm. The map to it was found under the floorboards in the cabin in the woods behind Luz's house, where the portal door originally lead. When Belos smearded the blood on the gateway in the graveyard, a portal opened through which they all entered the Demon Realm. This, many have speculated, is how Caleb Wittebane and Evelyn traveled between the worlds. And the place where they exited the portal looks a lot like the place where Eda found the buried door. This is also something many others have pointed out. 
So, I believe that at first, Caleb and Evelyn traveled using the gateway, but later created the portal door to make the traveling easier. Either they then hid it together, or Evelyn hid it after Caleb had been killed by his brother, to ensure that Philip would never get his hands on it.
Philip, being unable to find it, tried to make a door of his own, but was never truly successful. The only thing he managed to make was a wonky version, same as Luz did while following his instructions. The experiments were a failure, he was unable to return to the Human Realm. But, maybe not a complete fail, after all. The wonky portal did lead to something, the In-Between Realm, where we know the Collector was being held prisoner.
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They made a deal. The Collector would teach Philip what he needed to know in order to take over the Boiling Isles and then drain the magic and life from its inhabitants (something the Collector did not know meant death, no fixing and no coming back), and Philip would free the Collector. To be able to speak to them more easilly, Philip needed the Collector's mirror, something Luz unintentionally aided him in.
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Thus, the failed portal door had served it's use. It was no point trying again to make one with the instructions Philip had written down, so the journal was likewise useless to him now. He donated it to the Library, where Luz eventually found it. Belos spent the next few hundred years establishing his reign, aand looking for his brother's portal door. 
Luz's portal was not a failure. It was exactly how it would have always turned out following those instructions. It was Philip's, Belos' portal that failed to work as intended, and that in the end opened up an entire other horrible path for him. But had Belos' door worked, he probably would have brought more witch hunters to the Boiling Isles, and there would have been a big war between the Demon Realm and the humans. So, fortunately, that did not happen.
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sepublic · 3 days
From Pilot to Canon, Luz and Eda
With my belief that No Tree Left Behind was boarded as part of the pilot continuity (hence Lilith's depiction), I want to bring up that I think there's kind of a subtle difference between Luz in that episode, or 'Pilot Luz', and Canon Luz as we got in the actual animated show.
With Canon Luz, she's a more brash, confident individual, who can get in over her head; King mentions that she smells of overconfidence, plus there's Luz recklessly getting into stuff like in Covention or Enchanting Grom Fright in the heat of the moment. She has this overwhelming energy and enthusiasm that's unstoppable, but as a result she can sometimes forget about the people around her, hence Wing it like Witches.
And a lot of that has to do with Luz's relationship with The Good Witch Azura in canon, because it means that the Boiling Isles is her fantasy!!! It's her chance, it's her adventure, it's what Manny would push her to go for! So she gives it her all. And in the latter half of the show, Luz's willingness to go at any cost, even to her own detriment, borders on self-sacrifice. In a way she's secretly atoning for her own existence, it's like... 'Socially acceptable' self-harm by risking herself.
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So there's a difference in Pilot Luz during NTLB, who is much more averse to the martyr idea; She's a lot more scared and reluctant to fight for Arborgeist, and in a moment of crisis admits she doesn't quite get what Eda is so worked up about. And this makes me think of how the in the pilot continuity, there isn't that same relationship with Azura; The pitch bible reveals we would've had an episode where it's revealed to be written by an ex of Eda's about her, so you can guess that Luz drops it afterwards.
And as the pilot even shows us, Luz didn't choose to be in the Boiling Isles! And in lieu of my latest reblog, that feels relevant because Dana mentioned how in the final show, Luz choosing that was so incredibly important; It was a foundational change to the character's storyline. Luz wants to be here, she wants to risk it, this is the adventure and if she gets bruised up, it's okay. Us weirdoes have to stick together, she declares passionately as she rallies a bunch of strangers against Warden Wrath in the first episode. She becomes in canon the kind of passionate, righteous person who will talk your ear off about a thing and she's right about it.
So looking at the difference between first episodes, it tracks that Pilot Luz is much more reluctant and just trying to survive, hence her not 'getting' Arborgeist, in the sense that she doesn't see what's worth potentially dying over. Whereas with Canon Luz, I think she'd be more than willing to deep dive into this culture and play the hero, she's a social activist.
This isn't to trash on Pilot Luz btw, nor canon Luz; I just find it fascinating to consider how her character has changed and developed, how the story has, and how the difference in first episodes alludes to this. First episodes are very important, they can establish a lot of the core themes and ideas and Dana herself confirmed the significance of certain differences from the initial pilot. So it's fascinating seeing that difference in action, shown to us, rather than having to be told, since normally we couldn't watch the pilot storyboards to see for ourselves. Pilot Luz and Canon Luz are different characters with different flaws and circumstances, and they're both beautiful in their own ways for it.
I'd even argue that in a canon episode like WilW, Luz ends up playing the role Eda has in NTLB! And her stepping down after realizing she (might) hurt a loved one who was dragged into this, only for them to understand how much they care and come back to help for that reason... The story beats live on. Canon Luz would probably be thrilled to see Pilot Eda show so much care about something when she normally doesn't; Whereas Canon Eda becomes more of a practical guardian who's reining her kid in out of experience, because she's been hurt herself and is worried, and a tad pessimistic.
It's like the dynamics between Luz and Eda reversed from pilot to canon, with a scared and reluctant kid and her mentor who can push her too much sometimes; And now it's this overconfident, excited kid who wants to try everything and thinks she's invincible, with her jaded mentor who's a realist but also she cares more than you realize and wants to provide a safety net, being surprisingly thoughtful at times.
It makes sense, because again going back to my last reblog, Luz being more enthusiastic about the isles was to also help her foil other characters better, including Eda, and vice-versa. So it's possible Eda was changed to lean more into her pragmatic mentor role -Not that she doesn't still have her irresponsible, reckless moments- while bouncing off of Luz's new enthusiasm, which can lead to conflict like Luz wanting to try the newest magic and Eda not being in the mood, which leads to Luz being a bit reckless (take for example The Intruder).
Eda being more tired and jaded could also tie to the development of her curse as a disability that exhausts her, since in the pilot continuity the curse only made her age more; In canon, it does that AND messes with her magic stores, which leads to more exhaustion! In addition to becoming a beast. And with Eda becoming disillusioned with the isles due to her traumatic experiences, Luz acts as the light in her life to reignite her passion, which leads to Eda taking a more proactive role against Belos in S2!
She believes in her efficacy more because of how Luz changes the isles because of Eda, which makes Eda become more of an agent for social change as she starts to believe she can make a difference again, just as she did as a teen in IFWOT. Maybe Eda's curse isn't something to feel shame over anymore, maybe she shouldn't let it stop her from rallying everyone...!
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Thus, there's not just a difference between Pilot and Canon Luz, but also Pilot and Canon Eda in NWLB. Though I imagine Canon Eda would still help to defend the Arborgeist tree, I'm not as sure about her confidence in attempting to rally others to do the same; She's got that loner vibe who assumes she has to do everything on her own because her own family and lover wouldn't support Eda in her defiance to the coven... But now she does have support in Luz. And King. And some of those loved ones are turning around too, no thanks to Luz's arrival inspiring some!
All this helps culminate in the S1 finale with Eda being used as a rallying cry against Belos, signaling the beginning of the end for his regime as she inspires not just a kid like Luz but other youths like Gus and Willow, and even helps chaperone Grom after avoiding Hexside for years; Eda’s really starting to believe again and she admits that Luz has gotten into her head as the cause.
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moroser · 1 year
Hi I love your artwork! ☀️🌷💜 I was wondering a bit about Hunters backstory in your au? :) Did lilith adopt him? I love it sm! pls draw more when you want to 💜💜🍓🌿
thank you!!
and okay, i am prefacing this with: this is my headcanon for this au and just my au general. and my aroace headcanons could differ from yours. i care a LOT about her aroace representation because i am an aroace person too. i believe both are a spectrum that are danced and bringing lilith to life in this au, i applied that to her.
in the human au, hunter is just simply lilith's actual bio son.
it's not often lilith has a wanting for sex or even cares about it, but it crops up every once in a blue moon. (greyacespec!) and because lilith is not interested in seeking someone for romantic purpose at all, like some adults, she has just taken part in one night stands a few times in life. he's just an accident, lol.
it's never meant to be thought on too deeply. like there's no in depth story or identity of the person. i really just wanted her to be his biological mom for this because i wanted to explore the life of an aroace single parent and her son she decided to keep, in this way. it’s not that deep but it also lends to some funny stuff like how they don't look much alike at all but he has every single allergy she does.
in the au, lilith is already 36 when this happens. her life is stable and she's built up a success at the museum she works at. she's an accredited historian and has a good life.(childhood was difficult and where a lot of her lilith troubles form and carry into this au). and while this is a jarring experience, she realizes she's fully capable of raising a baby in a healthy and stable environment. this isn't all black and white, i explore how she feels like she's not cut out for motherhood. how she's autistic (i am an autistic lilith truther), how she doesn't have a very solid relationship with gwen, and part of her wants to prove she can do better than she did, like it's something she thinks deeply on and faces a lot of questions and feelings, some she's never felt before. (also she doesn't even tell her family for so long until she gets scared and calls to confess and tell eda everything luuul. eda is eda and (lightly) makes fun of her but of course helps set her right.) lilith being a capable parent and person on her own is a big focus of the au.
so yeah, again i really wanted to explore all of this like this to make an au where they were both happy and think about them growing in this setting. hunter with a true and loving parental figure all his life and lilith doing something this major the way she would.
and as an aroace person who will likely be a single parent, it's just personal for me too.
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kitkat5192 · 1 year
So, after watching the Owl House finale at like midnight and then proceeding to freak out about it for the next few hours, I was too exhausted to really put together too many coherent thoughts. Anyways, here are some of my thoughts on the Owl House series finale:
*First off, I was not okay throughout the entirety of this episode, and I was constantly switching between smiling like an idiot and fucking sobbing, so it was a rollercoaster (in the best possible way)
*That nightmare sequence based off of Luz, Eda and King’s trauma built up throughout the show was a hell of a way to start off the episode
*Tbh though, I loved that the episode took the time to really address Luz’s fears and insecurities about being too much like Belos
*Luz figuring out it was all fake because Amity is a nerd and wouldn’t have misquoted Azura? That’s so funny and I love her for that
*The light spell really came back full circle huh, being the first spell she learned and the one that saved her multiple times in this episode
*The Luz, Eda, and King reunion?? Screaming, crying, throwing up, too many feelings to comprehend
*The Collector comparing death to broken toys that can be easily fixed really puts into perspective how little he really understands about humans, what a great moment
*Raine fighting back against Belos like the BAMF they are, I love to see it!
*I see you King, being the only one to use they/them pronouns for the Collectoe
*Collector Backstory Collector Backstory Collector Backstory!!
*Luz seeing the hurt and loneliness in the Collector and giving them a chance to understand what friendship actually is was honestly so important to me. Plus, reliving all of those great moments through the show was amazing!
*I was wondering if the Titan’s heart was ever going to come into play
*I’m always here for shows that understand that kindness and forgiveness are important, but that not everyone deserves it (looking at you Belos)
*While Belos was not someone the Collector should have shown kindness to, it really goes to show how he wanted to change for the better and take Luz’s words to heart
*When Luz straight up fucking died, I was basically in denial until I knew she was okay. It still sucked though. I mean, the balls of light floating throughout the Boiling Isles, Camila crying, everyone not knowing what the lights mean, but also knowing that deep down, they understand, it was beautiful and heartbreaking
*The Collector trying to “fix” Luz and it not working and then being so confused and scared?? Absolutely not, excuse me while I sob again
*While I hate Eda and King being devastated about Luz, I wanted nothing more than to see them wreck Belos’s shit
*So many thoughts about King’s father! The reveal, the mini Hooty, conformation of the Titan being bigender, I loved all of it!
*Also, can we just talk about how the Titan didn’t give the powers to Luz because she was the chosen one or anything like that, but because she made the choice to be there and to keep fighting and the Titan recognized that? Because I love it!
*”So the question is, will you choose yourself?” I will never get over this line!
*The Camila and Amity hug?!
*Camilla and the others using the glyphs Luz had taught them was so cool!
*I really appreciate how the writers made sure that even though the Collector redeemed himself, he also recognized how his actions, no matter how naive or misguided they were, still hurt and traumatized people, and he apologized for it and put in the work to make amends and do better
*Eda and King helping Luz with the magic made me smile so much!
*Small moment, but Hunter specifically being the one to save Gus’s palisman? Guess I don’t need my heart then, thanks 😭
*Eda and Raine reunion! And me tearing up for the 50th time during this episode
* “For I am the Good Witch Luz, child of the Human Realm, student of the Demon Realm, and warrior of peace! Now eat this sucker!” OH MY GID SHE SAID IT ASFFHGDGHJJBV IT’S DO COOL
*I’ve seen arguments over Belos’s death and ngl, I’m glad it was anticlimactic. He didn’t deserve anything more than melting away and having his head stomped in
*Luz not saying a single word as Belos made one more attempt to manipulate her? Absolutely incredible. Luz understanding that she isn’t like Belos and not letting his words get to her and drag her down with him? Everything I needed to see
*All if the family reunions at the end had me crying, especially when Hunter thought he was all alone and then Darius appeared and Hunter immediately brightened up and was showing off his shirt and god, this episode has wrecked me
*I can’t even begin to point out everything I loved about the time jump epilogue, so I’ll just share some of my favorites!
*The new character designs! I loved every one of them! I freaked out every time a different character was shown
*Hunter learning how to carve palismen!
*Eda being the headmaster of the School of Wild Magic!
*The matching flapjack tattoos!
*Luz going to college in the Demon Realm!
*The Darius and Alador moment we got!
*The quinceañera?! Dana was so real for making sure we got to see that!
*Everyone saying the iconic Byeeee at the end, making me cry (again)
If you made it through all of that, thanks for reading, and feel free to share any thoughts by commenting or dming me! All in all, I loved this episode so much, as I’m sure a lot of other people did, and I’m so happy that I got to watch this incredible show and go on this journey with Luz, Eda, King, and the rest of the Boiling Isles! ❤️
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a-flaming-idiot · 8 months
So. What is The Scene™ for Titan Spawn?
Ok, that's a bit of a larger ask and since there's really a The Scene™ for every chapter, I'll just go through them all.
Ch. 1 Since it was the start I wasn't really focused on one scene. Though the first scene of Luz falling is probably my favorite. Though every time I go back to read it I kind of get jumpscared by just how brutal I made it.
Ch. 2 It was a long while ago so my memory is a bit hazy but I think I was really looking forward to the scene of Luz and Eda talking through the door. Honestly, that was fun to write and created some of the funnier lines in the fic.
Ch.3 This whole chapter was a lot more all over the place since I didn't really plan it too much. Though I guess you could count the scene with Luz and Willow accidentally embarrassing Amity since I'd gotten stuck prior to that. Plus it was just a fun scene and I liked fucking with early Amity.
Ch. 4 100% the Luz vs Eda fight. I loved getting the chance to make these two characters who would basically never fight get into an absolute brawl! Plus the fact TS!Luz has a completely different set of abilities compared to canon Luz, so getting to have her maul Eda was fun.
Ch. 5 Really this chapter was just one big scene so you could say Vee and Luz's interaction as a whole. but I think the part I liked the most and looked forward to was the part where Vee trips and sees Luz get that little bit sad from realizing she hadn't met another demon like her. And Vee thinks that disappointment is about to turn into murderous rage only for Luz to just help her up. It's fun and sweet, it was a lot of fun and it's one of the scenes I go back and read on its own.
Ch. 6 It's a little hard to say but I'd put it to the Amity, Vee, and Luz confrontation near the end. That was just a lot and put all the characters at odds in an interesting way. It was fun and the beginning of AmiVee.
Ch. 7 This was a more last-minute and quick chapter but I'd say probably Vee and Eda's argument at the dinner table. Again, characters you don't typically see at odd. (Though funny enough they end up getting into conflict in the very next chapter... then two chapters after that... Eda and Vee weirdly fight a lot.)
Ch. 8 Ok this one is easier, the scene of Vee(I'm realizing a lot of these are Vee-related) and Xylene talking. I seriously was just repeating Vee's line of “By making everyone so scared they hunt us all back into extinction?!?!” over and over in my head since the two of us brainstormed it together. It was so good!
Ch. 9 This one is kind of harder since I was really just excited by the concept of the coven coins so I was kind of excited for this whole chapter. But stuff like the Eda potioneering flashback was wonderful to write and so fun!
Ch. 10&11 Oh ho ho ho... Really you could call this whole chapter The Scene™ of this fic! Sash, you know well of the amount I hyped of this chapter, as does @mixit-exists. I hyped up this set of chapters so much and was practically salivating at the thought of making it since making chapter 3! And then it nearly killed me! But seriously, The Scene™ of this chapter is 100% Vee's fight with Inner Luz. That singular fucking scene, I am not kidding, created like half the fic! Why did I want Vee to stay in the demon realm? That scene. Why did I decide to give Vee magic? That scene. Why is Vee Luz's older sister against the more typical characterizations? That scene. Why did I write Amity the way I did? Well it was actually to silently set up for Willumity that soon turned into AmiV- JK! IT WAS THAT FUCKING SCENE! That one scene is why we are here now...
Ch. 12 Again, this was a more hodgepodge chapter, so there wasn't exactly one scene. Though Eda's scene was very interesting and that last kind of twist of the knife after DD that will haunt her character for the rest of the fic.
Ch. 13 This chapter ain't done but...
Of course there are plenty more scenes in the future that I am so anxious to write! Like for example in chapter 14 when Lilith [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] Luz and Eda has to come in and [CENSORED] [CENSORED]. Oh, or when Eberwolf and Darius come to the school to [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED]! That's gonna be so much fun. Not to mention much later when [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] and Lilith appear to hold down Luz with magic before [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] And Vee [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] crying in Eda's arms, still covered in vomit. And we can't forget the entire season 1 finale with Belos [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] Luz [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] glyph [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] KA-BOOM!
Oh that's all gonna be so much fun... you know?
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