#eddie x black reader
dreasancho · 21 days
Just want to clarify.
Football tumblr - and tumblr on its own - is a predominantly white space. Popular blogs in most fandoms here are WHITE which mean most content is centred around and for white ppl.
I don’t see why it’s so hard for the white girlies who come across my page to understand why I have a problem with the fics written here - not even mentioning the r@pey smut that’s written.
If you, as a white girl, have a problem with me voicing my discontent with the exclusion of black women in fics or the coercion in these fics, I suggest you take time to actually listen to what black women have to say instead of throwing a fit in my inbox.
This might be one of the first times white bloggers are called out but it has to be done. You’ve had enough time to do whatever you want on this site and now you’re being called out. It’s up to you to change or continue to romanticise rape culture and fetishisation of black footballers/ characters.
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wettestnjaay · 1 year
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tvgals · 2 years
2000’s trailer park! eddie x 2000’s black! trailer park! reader <3
black! reader, language, sex, nudity, pg-13
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‘eddie? boy, quit gawkin’ at the new lady and help me with my damn car.’ wayne says from under his Lexus SC430. eddie just shakes his head.
‘sorry, wayne. she’s just so.. hot! i don’t know what it is about her. i should just talk to her! shouldn’t i, wayne?” he asks, handing wayne his wrench. “gone ahead, boy. don’t scare her off.” he says, his smirk hidden by the undercarriage. there you were. sitting on your steps, watching your mom and older sister load their things into the trailer, turning your head to talk to your mom. sooner or later, you turn around to see eddie standing awkwardly, kicking rocks and looking at his feet.
‘here for someone?’ you ask, eddie’s head snaps up and he clears his throat. ‘oh, uh yeah! i just wanted to introduce you! i’m uhh.. your neighbor eddie, and that’s my uncle wayne.’ he says, pointing to the shirtless man still under his car. “oh! well i'm y/n and that’s my sister, and my mom! thanks for welcoming us!” you say, pulling his arm up and shaking his hand. you turn around as your coogi denim shorts sway behind you, the door rocking back and forth before closing completely. eddie ran back to his uncles car and was past giddy.
‘jeez wayne! she shook my hand without me having to ask for one! i wonder if we’re going to the same highschool?!’ eddie was almost never this excited. besides his d&d campaigns of course. eddie walked back into his trailer and grabbed his song book, technically, this would be a little weird. but, in eddie’s mind, he was just doing something sweet! so he got to writing. lyrics were one of the only ways he knew how to really express himself. he knew that him writing was easier than outright telling someone how he felt, even if it was for someone he just met out the trailer park.
wednesday rolled around and he practically skipped into school with roses and butterflies floating on his side. the hellfire members quickly noted his out of the blue behavior and started asking questions. ‘what’s got you so happy?” dustin asks, eddie’s eyes shoot open and he takes a deep breath.
‘there’s this new girl at the trailer park, she’s absolutely perfect. i mean, i haven’t really talked to her or gotten to know her, but still!’ eddie justifies. soon enough murmurs and whispers come from students around. eddie looks up to see you: known to the group as trailer park girl. ‘eddie? hi!’ you say recognizing him immediately. you wave at people saying hi while you walk towards eddie and his friends.
‘dude, you never said she was hot.’ gareth says in eddie’s ear. eddie was beaming ear to ear.
‘y/n! didn’t think i’d see you here! even though you look your age i totally didnt mean to come off that you look younger than you do, we’ll i mean you look great i love your shorts! sorry.’ eddie says, he looks as red as a tomato at this point! you giggle. ‘jeez eddie, are you always like this? and who’re your friends?’ you ask, eyes skimming over the collection of freshman through seniors.
‘i’m dustin!’ says the shorter curly haired boy, ‘gareth. nice to meet you.’ he says, beaming. ‘jeff.’ ‘mike.’ and so on. you smilies and nodded your head. ‘nice to meet all of you! you seem very sweet.’ you say. hearing the bell, you shoot one more smile and you all situate to your classes. ‘holy shit. she is perfect! maybe she’s into d&d too.’ gareth says, following eddie. ‘yeah. i’ll ask her later. but now i gotta focus on passing this damn chem test.’
the lunch bell rang and and everyone was packed in the hallway like a can of sardines. soon enough, you found your way to the cafeteria and found yourself standing at the end of the hellfire table. ‘hey, mind if i sit here?’ you ask, hands dug deep into your pockets. ‘sure! no need to ask!’ eddie says, shooing dustin and mike down the bench. listening to eddie and his group talk felt as an eternity. in the pause of a conversation you blurt out a question, quickly surprising your lips afterwards. ‘what’s..hellfire?’
‘i’m glad you asked!’ said eddie, he was practically bouncing up and down. a girl as pretty as you has never wanted to know about their group like this. after hearing the lengthy explanation from eddie and his peers, the bell rang. the last two periods were a breeze. it seemed as math got easier since your freshman year. thank god for that. walking out the school, you started your route home. you plugged your ipod up and started your journey.
it was a good day - ice cube.
you were jamming on your way back home. you turned to check your surroundings and saw a big bulky van trailing behind you. in your intuition, you started walking the other way, just to make sure. looking back once again you saw the van following you, so you stopped dead in your tracks and waited for the van to stop in front of you. while the van creeped up, the window rolled down. sooner or later you make it out to be eddie. a smile tugging at your lips. ‘needa ride?’
after he dropped you off home, you gave your thanks and walked back into your trailer. ‘i’m home!’ you said, your mom playing soul music which sailed throughout the pact home. you smiled to yourself, the smile fading slowly when you heard a knock on the door. 'i'll get it.' you announced, jogging to the door. eddie on the other side was sweating. well, maybe not sweating, but it felt like he was. opening the door your eyebrows knitted in confusion, you were just with him, what could he want now? when eddie heard the door being unlocked, he straightened his back up almost immediately. you peered out of the door and smiled, opening it wider to get a full view of eddie.
'hey.' you say, swaying your hips subtly to the beat of the music in the background. 'uh..hey! so uhh i thought you looked really pretty the other day and uh i write music so' he cut his sentence off to take a deep breath. 'i wrote a piece of music for you and i was gonna play it with my band this weekend so, maybe you'd wanna tag along? of course you're free to decline, but we've never had a pretty girl like you at our shows.' he finishes his rant and he looks you into your eyes, expecting rejection. you giggle.
'well thanks, pretty boy. where's the band playing at?' you ask. 'uhh we call it the "hideout" you can ride in my van if you'd want.' eddie says giddy and over the moon. 'sure. i'd be happy to tag along. thanks for the invite.' you said, winking and walking back into the trailer. eddie jumped off your porch and pumped his fist in victory. he's never been this lucky before.
thurdsday came and eddie walked into his friend group. 'did she say yes?' gareth asks, hearing dustin and mike fake gag over something lucas said. 'yes. she said she would tag along! she even said she'd hop in my van. i'm so excited for this weekend.' as soon as eddie finished his sentence you walked in with your tanktop and microbraids in a up-down do. 'hey guys.' you announced yourself. 'hey y/n,' everyone reciprocated. smiles being flashed. bells rung throughout the day and lunch rolled around once again. eating and laughing almost drowned out the yells from the jocks directed at the hellfire table.
'hey.. got a new piece of meat huh? hey, sweetheart..' jason cooed. 'hey, leave her alone man. she just got here.' eddie defends, fists balled up in anger. 'im not talking to you, sicko.' jason said, leaning over and whispering something in your ear, making you jump and get up from the table, not without an awkward 'bye'. eddie and all his peers took glances at one another as you walked out the cafeteria. 'what did that jerkwad say to her? she just got here and she's totally getting scared off already.' eddie said. he stood from the head of the table and followed after you.
'y/n, y/n, come back! what's wrong? what did he say?' eddie asks, jogging after you. 'nothing, eddie. don't worry about it.' you assure. stepping into the back of the school. 'no, i can't not worry about it when my friend is getting talked down on.' he explained finally catching up to your figure.
'he said some things about me. y'know, being black and all.' you say, pausing the music playing on your ipod. 'oh jeez. i'm sorry, y'know i think you're great. you deserve more respect than what you get.' he comforted, smiling at you. the sound of classes switching bellowed out the school and the two of you walked back inside. school finished and you hopped into eddie's van. happily, you guys rock out to metallica while dropping everyone else who tagged along off and the two of you were the only ones left.
'y'know, i'm glad you've been friendly to me since i've been here. not everyone's so nice to me these past years. thanks ed's.' you say, a soft smile on your face, fidgeting with your fingers. 'well it's not everyday a pretty girl wants to hang out with me.' eddie says, returning that same soft smile. 'welp, here you go. see you tomorrow?'
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2raww2prettyy · 1 year
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e.m x fem!black!reader
a/n : honestly this is bound to be porn w/o a plot ☠️ bc why not ? plots r overrrated .
WARN1NGS : PORN WITHOUT A PLOT , I REPEAT PORN W/O A PLOT . Mean eddie , overstimulation , delayed gratification , dacryphilia , face slapping , pet names , swearing ofc , unprotected sex . . . , hair pulling , established relationship . I think that's all lool .
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" fuck yeah , yeah baby take it . " Eddie muttered in between thrusts . You couldn't even remember how long eddie had been mercilessly rutting into you . And with every jerk of his hip into you , you followed with a moan of his name . " eddie , eddie , s'too much . . . " you begged him to stop . But in your mind you knew you would bitch about the loss of contact . " You know- the word baby . . . Just s-say it . " he responded . Eventually you came the first time and he rode omit out with you but wouldn't stop . Eddie held your legs up to keep them from closing , and hit every spot at this angle . You couldn't resist the pleasure and repeated moans , whimpers , and more . " Look at that , a f-fucking bitch in heat . " Eddie mocked you . " Taking it like a slut . " At this point you could feel tears in the corners of your eyes about to fall down , not from pain but pleasure . A mix of both , the pain of eddie not stopping and the pleasure of it . You closed your eyes thinking it would stop , " Open your fucking eyes . " Eddie muttered through his hips snapping with yours . Before you could open them , eddie landed a rough slap to your face . Those tears were starting to stain your face .
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A/N : okay so I stopped halfway bc I had no idea's and this lowkey sucked ☠️ but please enjoy and if anyone has any prompts and stuff pls ask ! I'm currently only taking eddie though .
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fckwritersblock · 2 years
Through the Fire (Series)
(previously every little thing she does is magic.)
Eddie Munson x black reader
Next Chapter
Eddie desperately needs a tutor to ensure he passes all his classes and graduates. You are in desperate need of a distraction. Getting a new locker neighbor can be just what the two of you need to navigate your final year of high school
Warning for the series : angst, (eventual ) smut, per usual MDNI
Note: Beginning chapters takes place pre-season 4 but the transition into season 4, when it happens, is obvious lol. CANON for the most part. Additional details that are unknown on MY end were put in place to fit the narrative. Though nothing about anyone was changed. I’ll add what it is I input on each chapter ( if I remember )
Also! Not beta’d , if anyone is willing to help out with that for future chapters though, feel free to DM me, I’d gladly accept it appreciate the help
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He had never really noticed you before, seeing as most people, let alone girls, never paid him any attention save for the popular kids and jocks who like to pick at him from time to time. Not like Eddie gave a fuck. He was more than secure in who he was. The insults and judgment no longer hurt him the way it use to. He’d have his days, sure. He was human after all, but his only focus was graduating. He was over this high school bullshit. Having repeated senior year twice, he was painfully aware school wasn’t for him. But he needed to graduate so he could get the fuck out of Hawkins once and for all.
He was standing at his talking with Gareth and Jeff about the next campaign for the DND meeting today the three of them super excited when he was interrupted by, quite frankly, the most angelic voice he thinks he’s ever heard.
“Excuse me.”
As he turned to look at you he could practically hear the opening melody of ‘Little thing She Does Begin to play. You were quite literally the most beautiful human he’d every seen. The first time he noticed was how positively captivating your eyes were all wide, almond, shaped and doe like. The way the bun full of soft looking curls sat on the top of your head perfectly adorned with the school color ribbon. You had these half hoop earrings in that were gold, matching the small hoop nose ring you had. The way your lips shined made your lips look almost as inviting as the smile you wore. You were adorable. He then noticed all the things you were caring including your pom-pom. You were a cheerleader?
Of course you were.
He deflated slightly on the inside that said nothing about it.
“Do you mind? That’s my locker.” You informed him politely .
“This one?” He pointed to the one next to his.
Eddie was a bit confused. He hadn’t had a locker neighbor in the past three years, since the last one left. In fact his last locker neighbor graduated early. The irony. It was also a bit odd they were 5 weeks into the school year and you were just being moved but what did he know.
“That’s the one.” You confirmed
“Of course it is. Gareth?” Eddie turned to his friend who had been watching the the interaction between the two of you.
“Get out of the lady’s way.”
“Right! We’ll catch you later Ed,” him and Jeff walked off.
Eddie took a step to he side extending his arm for you to go ahead and step forward. You gave him a closed lip smile not wanting show your irritation. You’d hate for him to think it was because of him. You were more than irritated having to switch lockers in the first place having had the same one for the past three years, but there was nothing you can do about the change.
Shuffling your book and pom-Pom’s into the crevices of your right arm, so you could put in the combination. You had taken another peek at the combination on the tiny piece of paper the secretary in the office had given you. Putting the numbers in order you finished following it off with a tag but nothing happened. Frowning you tried it again.
And again.
The entire time and he stood by idlely pretending to be searching for something in his own locker. Finally, he took pity on you when your frustration began to show visibly on your face. That and you had began banging and vigorously shaking it.
“Great, shitty piece of-“ you hit again before shaking it and few times.
“Damsel in distress?”
You raised an eyebrow before giving him a once over. At first it was something about the way you shamelessly size him up that made him so desperately want to know what you could’ve been thinking. It wasn’t a look he was used to getting from people, or he could tell they were being stereotypical judgmental assholes. This was different. But then..
“I look like the type that needs a big strong man to save her?” You asked, free hand now on your hip that poked our slightly.
It was something about the way you had spoken to him, the tone you used, that made him feel…things. Still, his eyes widened as he put his hands up in mock defense.
“Noooo, no, not at all, I just meant,” he was tripping over his words and he couldn’t for the life of him understand why. “I thought that, you know if, if I may-“
He nodded toward the locker and you gave one small one back, moving to the side a bit. You peered over his shoulder trying to get a good look at what he was doing. He looked back with a slight grin.
“I kind of need you to give me the combination, sweetheart.”
“Oh,” you blushed. “Right.”
“Thank you,” you have him a genuine smile that time, turning to put your belongings in your locker. “One of the guys from the science club kept a project in their locker over the weekend and it caused a rather…peculiar smell let’s just say. Bunch of us got relocated. I appreciate the help”
“Yeah well, you know. Freaks gotta be good for something around here.” He said nonchalantly.
Silent for a moment you couldn’t help but wondering if referring to himself as freak was a defense mechanism. Like ‘haha I beat you you the punch’ kind of thing. Either way, you never understood the label to begin with and why people were so mean to him. It was one thing for people to have this false perception of somebody else, and another for that person to believe it. removing the frown from your face you close the locker and cut your eyes at him.
“I don’t have to worry about you using my combination to get into my locker do I?” He frowned.
“What combination?” The confused look on his face melted into a smile letting you know he caught on.
“Thanks Eddie,” you made sure to put emphasis on his name before offering him a smile and turning to go to class.
From then on out you made sure to speak to Eddie everyday. You were raised that way. To treat the Janitor with the same respect you’d treat the principal. You refused to treat him like like he was beneath because of some stupid stereotypical high school patriarchy that just fueled the male ego. Besides, you’d hardly consider him a ‘freak’. Not because he liked metal music and enjoyed playing DND. So did your brother. As a matter of fact you were the one who taught him and his friend how to play, reading the instructions to them and helping them understand. You and Nancy used to play with them from time to time back when you guys were something like friends. No, you didn’t find any weird at all just because he was different. A little eccentric maybe, but in your book that was nothing wrong with that and you definitely admired the way he was unapologetically himself.
The bell rang signaling the break between classes. Laughing you bid Chrissy and Tara goodbye as you turn down the hall needing to make a quick stop at your locker to switch out your books. The closer you got you could see Jason and a few other job harassing Eddie. Yesterday after school when you stopped at your locker you noticed he seemed a bit down. There was none of usual banter between the two of you like they usually had been if you were at your lockers at the same time. You seem to be somewhere else. You noticed the same thing this morning figuring whatever happened yesterday at school had carried over. Whatever it is it was, you could tell that he was not in the mood for other’s shit today because most times you noticed he did what he could in return to get a new Jason skin. The look on Jason‘s face at the tables finally turned, but when was four on one fair?
“It’s entirely too early for this shit.” You mumbled to yourself.
Picking up the pace you all but throw yourself in between Eddie and the others.
“Hey Jason! Boys!”
You smiled sweetly as you came in between the two opening your locker.
“I’m so excited for todays game.” You begin feigning ignorant to the situation between the two. You took notice of Eddie’s body language and could practically feel the tension in the air.You quickly open the locker placing your books from your last class in there. Picking up a small compact mirror you handed it to Jason. “can you hold this for me?”
“I-“ you cut them off before he could even begin.
“Thank you, ever the gentlemen.” You smile sweetly why batting your eyelashes.
Pulling out a small pink tube from your locker, you began applying lipgloss. It was really a shame out easily distracted boys were. The four you tried -and failed miserably- to act like they weren’t watch, but you knew they were. Even Eddie who had caught on to what you were doing, had zero’d in with the rest on the small pink tube following it as you trace your full lips, the gloss and a pretty shine that highlighted how full and luscious they were.
You ‘pretended’ not to notice.
Teenage boys, am I right. You thought, mentally rolling your eyes.
“Everything has to be perfect today,” you voiced with a sultry sigh. You rubbbed you lips together ending with a light pop before looking at the 5 bodies that stood before you, you batted your eye lashes a bit. “don’t you boys agree?”
They all but jumped as it quickly pretended as if they hadn’t been watching you so closely several words flying around letting you know that they agreed with you while avoiding eye contact.
You smirked this time, before addressing Jason once more.
“Oh yeah. Chrissy’s looking for you Jason. I know you don’t like to keep her waiting.”
“Yeah, yeah of course.” Jason cleared his throat. “See you at lunch Y/n.”
He spared Eddie one last glare. “Freak.”
As his flunkies suit, you wiggled your fingers at them as I left, all except Patrick who hesitated. You watched his eyes bounce between you and Eddie and you fought not to roll your eyes.
“You can go to Patrick, I’m a big girl. I’ll be fine. Besides,” you turn to look at Eddie giving him a wink before looking back at Patrick. “Eddie’s harmless.”
“Call me later?” He asked.
“Mmhmm! Bye now.” You gave him another four smile before turning around back to face your.
Once you felt he was a good amount of feet away you sighed heavily annoyed.
“I have to say,” you could hear the teasing in Eddie’s tone. “That has to be the first time I’ve ever seen a cheerleader use her powers for good.”
“What can I say, Munson, the uniform works wonders.” You wink exchanging the things necessary in your locker.
You could here Eddie chuckle softly but he didn’t say much. You glance over and see him openly gapping into his locker.
“You okay?” You asked.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You just don’t seem like….you.” You answered voice softening a bit.
Surprised you even notice, Eddie didn’t know what to say. Nobody outside of his small group of friends ever asked him how he was. Not everyone hated him, though everyone called him a freak since that was his high school label of course. Some would speak to him on occasion, but nobody ever really checked on him outside of those in the Hellfire Club. The pair of you have been locker neighbors for about two weeks now and he swears he never spoken to someone of your status so much. It’s almost like you went out of your way to at least say hi to him every day. He checked it up to you just being polite. But for you to actually noticed something was wrong with him, well, it caught him off guard.
“I have to find a tutor for English or Ms Odonells gonna fail my ass.” He found himself confessing as he closed his locker, turned and leaned against it, head thrown back in faux despair.
“Oh I see. No luck?” You glanced at him as you continued to shuffle things around in your locker, making sure you had all you needed for your next two classes.
“Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada.”
You can’t help it feel bad you couldn’t help but feel bad, he knew he had repeated to seeing your twice and this is his third time. It had to be discouraging, watching all your classmates moving on year after year.
“Keep your head up Munson. You’ll find someone.” You assured him patting his shoulder in support.
“Oh honey don’t you worry. I’m going to pass and get the fuck out of here. ‘86 is my year baby!” Eddie said confidently his usual flair returned.
“So I’ve heard.” You replied knowingly.
“Stalker much?”
“You wish.” You rolled you eyes. “You don’t remember screaming down the hall ‘86 was your year on the first day of school?”
“You saw that?” He chuckled while scratching the back of his head.
“I was certainly entertained.” You said with a grin closing your locker. “later Munson.”
“You really gonna call him?” He called after you, causing you to turn around as you walked backwards a few paces.
“In his dreams.”
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sitchski · 2 years
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so you got new braids and eddie’s pretty obsessed!
modern!eddie, black!fem reader, fluff
“holy shit.”
you looked back at your boyfriend, who appeared to be stunned at you… washing the dishes? you shifted your eyes side to side, waiting to see if he’d moved but he didn’t. so you spoke up.
“your hair, it’s- its different than what it looked like yesterday,” he pointed out, staring at it puzzlingly. after having a wig for a bit of time, you decided to switch things up and get some tribal braids. they had beads threaded at the bottom; some were clear, some were white and some were purple (eddie’s favourite colour on you).
you chuckled at him before turning your head back to the sink. “mhmm. i got a different style this time.”
he let out an ‘oh’ to make it clear he understood. then came up beside you, leaning on the sink. all while still admiring the new hair.
“and these are…” he trailed off waiting for you to complete the sentence. “…tribal braids, baby.”
he pursed his lips up as he nodded, looking impressed with it all. his eyes widened slightly at the beads.
“the beads. the beads are… really fuckin’ pretty, angel. how long did those take?”
while putting away dishes, you answered his question again. “thankyou. i did ‘em myself. and it was around a whole night. so… a few hours. but i had this little tool for them.”
he noticed you had done the beads in honour of the colour he likes most on you but decided to not bring it up, silently admiring your thoughtfulness instead.
when he was finally finished inquiring about your new hair, he stepped behind you. warmth filled your belly as you felt his hands snake around your waist to hug you and hold you close.
“i was only asking questions ‘cause i was curious. i’m sorry if i pried too much?” he apologised, his speech muffled as his lips pressed into your shoulder.
that put a smile on your face as well as making you giggle lightly at him. “you didn’t, eddie. you’re actually respectful about it when most aren’t. i love that about you.”
“okay… plus i have one more question.”
“and that is, mr munson?” you waited, placing another clean plate on the drying rack.
“can you turn around so i can see how it looks from the front a bit better?”
you breathed out a laugh before giving him his request. his mouth hung open a little at how fine the parting was, how one was in a swirled pattern, two were crossed over. also at how well your edges were done (even though you did them all the time they still surprised him).
you began to grow a tiny bit embarrassed at his gawking since it was so up close and personal and not from afar. it boiled down when he spoke, the softness tying in with the genuineness.
“you look beautiful, y/n. jesus, how an asshole like me ended up with an angel like you, i’ll never understand, huh?” his hands found their way to your waist again, pressing a soft kiss against your cheek.
you wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling stupidly at his compliment. as your body was supported itself by holding onto him, his hand dipped to under your thighs to pick you up.
you squealed at the suddenness but still buckle your legs around his torso. “i mean look at you. i’m so lucky, ain’t i?”
you cut off his self-deprecation tied up into a compliment by the kiss you gave him. your noses bumped eachother’s as your head turned to the side, to deepen the kiss between you.
it had already gotten heated, your tongues in clash. it’d help if you stopped so you could finish cleaning up but you always commended eddie on how easy it was for him to captivate you in a kiss. his urge to stop was slim to none, especially since he had picked you up and you were sat directly on a ticket to your bedroom.
you hummed into the kiss, quick to object when you found your heart beating even faster. “dishes.”
with the single word mumbled upon his lips, he let you down. but didn’t stop kissing you. his ring-adorned, brute hands sat either side of you as they gripped the edge of the sink.
still enjoying being tongue tied with him, you decided to let him end it on his own terms. he finally pulled away but not without sending a few pecks to your lips and nose.
“beautiful. say it back to me,” he urged, wanting you to know how true it was. “beautiful,” you repeated. initially, you rolled your eyes at him but ended up smiling at the smile lighting up on his face.
“good. i love you.” once more, he kissed your lips again and backed up from you, walking away from the kitchen.
finally, staying out of your hair.
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hawkinswhore · 2 years
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ꓕIꓭⱯH ꓷⱯꓭ
♫ bad habit - steve lacy ♫
eddie munson x sinclair!reader series
cw: angst, mentions of eating disorders, self deprecating thoughts, insecurities, chrissy x eddie as well as steve x reader, blood, eddie and reader are dumb
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1. i wish I knew you wanted me
2. i bite my tongue it’s a bad habit
3. thought you were too good for me
4. can i bite your tongue like my bad habit?
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lovecoree · 2 years
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𝐬𝐮𝗺𝗺𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐲𝗼𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝗺𝐮𝐧𝐬𝗼𝐧 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝗼𝐮 𝐝𝗼. (𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝗼𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝗼𝐧𝐠: 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝗼𝗼)
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝗺𝐮𝐧𝐬𝗼𝐧 𝐱 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐟𝐞𝗺!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
"𝑯𝑬𝒀 𝑻𝑯𝑨𝑻 𝑻𝑰𝑪𝑲𝑳𝑬𝑺!" Eddie slap the back of your hand while giggling, feeling your finger nails traced over his tattoo. “I’m sorry I’m obsessed with your tattoos.” You stated moving back to examine his beautiful face. That smile that lit up every time he looks at you. “I can tell mind as well get married to them.” He snickered before wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you closer towards his body.
Your smiled slowly faded as you got lost in his eyes. How can someone hate an amazing guy like Eddie Munson. Those innocent eyes and that smile on his face. God you could stare at him for hours if you wanted to.
“Hey..you ok babe.” He kissed you on your forehead before looking into your eyes, you gave a small smile before kissing him on the lips. “I’m fine..I’m just worried.” Eddie cupped your face, feeling the guilt radiate off of him. “Hey..I’m fine ok, everything is going to be fine once this is over ok.” He assured you seeing the salty tears welled up inside your eyes ready to fall down your cheeks.
“I know I just don’t want you to lose yourself along the way.” His heart broke into pieces. He shook his head before hugging you tightly. “I love you so much you don’t understand y/n, I’ll be fine ok?” You looked at him lovingly. “I love you more.”
You watched as Eddie sat back down on his couch tapping the spot next to him. Moving towards the spot you snuggled up next to him. The thoughts of him risking his life for a town that hates him were still there. It bothered you so much, you truly wanted the best for him. You always did.
If they only knew Eddie Munson like you do.
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haoiee · 2 years
Eddie munson x black!reader
I can imagine Eddie helping you out with taking out your braids. Just having you laying calmly against his chest helping you carefully take out the style. he's so gentle, lightly scratching your scalp after each braid, he's most likely talking about something random not caring how long it occupied him.
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vixenpen · 2 years
Our Year (Eddie Munson x Black Fem Reader)
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((Pt. 2)) Letting yourself into the Munson household wasn’t an unusual occurrence ever since Eddie had given you a key to the trailer.
The two of you had been going steady for a year now. For your one year anniversary Eddie had presented you with a house key and one half of a broken heart charm on a silver chain. He wore the other half on a chain of his own.
Uncle Wayne (affectionately called “unc”) approved of the gift claiming: “Someone needs to be sure the boy doesn’t burn the house down, and it can’t always be me!”
You could see from the missing pick up that Unc was still at work, probably pulling a late nighter at the shop, but Eddie’s van was parked beside the trailer.
If you had to guess, he was probably watching MTV right now.
The minute you crept into the house, the faint smell of bacon and weed greeted you. Muffled rock music blasted from Eddies’s room.
Yup. MTV.
You tiptoed to a door plastered in caution tape and knocked.
“Oh shit!” Your boyfriend coughed on the other end.
The bed squeaked under his hasty movements as you heard him getting up.
Rolling your eyes, you couldn’t help but giggle. He was obviously smoking; which was something his uncle didn’t outright object to, but wasn’t too fond of either.
“Hey, Unc, I-I didn’t hear you pull up! I thought you were pullin a late night—oh…” Eddie trailed off the minute his hazy brown eyes landed on you.
“Relax, Munson,” You smirked, pushing past your stoned, shirtless boyfriend. “I’m neither “the man” nor your uncle.”
“Well, good.” Eddie’s arm slithered around your waist.
You giggled as he pecked your cheek.
“Because it would suck to let a good joint and fresh sheets go to waste.”
Your boyfriend’s lips traveled down your neck, and warmth bloomed in your brown cheeks—among other places.
“Ah, ah, ah,” you brushed off his affections. “Slow ya roll, Speed Racer.”
“Aww man,” Eddie pouted, “wha’d I do now? Cuz before you rip me a new one, I’ma be honest,” he held up his hands, “there’s, like, a ninety-five percent chance I was stoned out of my mind. In which case, I am not completely liable for whatever I did.”
“Oh god, Eddie, shut up!” You giggled, rolling your eyes. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I just have a surprise for you.”
“Oh?” He cocked a brow. Then he eyed the oversized Metallica hoodie draping your frame. A prized possession of his that you had…liberated. A wicked smirk crept its way onto his face. “Don’t tell me you’re naked under that?”
“No, you perv!” You snapped, tossing a pillow at his laughing face.
With a dramatic flourish, you unzipped the jacket, revealing a green and gold uniform.
“You are looking at the newest member of the Hawkins High Varsity cheer squad!” You gushed, grinning proudly.
“Holy shit!” Eddie’s face brightened. “Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit! I totally forgot try outs were today.” He swept you into a gravity defying hug, spinning you off your feet as you laughed. “Babe, that’s great!”
You squirmed happily in his grip, giggling at his excitement.“ I wanted you to be the first one to know.” You explained as Eddie settled you back on the ground.
You had been captain at your old school, sophomore year, so joining the cheer squad had appealed to you ever since starting at HHS last year. You finally decided to go for it this year, but Eddie had encouraged you try out from the beginning.
“Babe, I knew you could do it.” Eddie tapped your nose. “And you know what?” He paced towards the dresser at the far end of the room, and began ruffling through the drawers. “This,” he raised a finger in the air, “this, m’lady, calls for a celebration. Let’s paint this shitty little town of ours red.”
“Paint the own red?” You wrinkled your nose in amusement. “Who are you? Clark Gable?”
“Frankly my dear,” Eddie grinned at you over his shoulder, “maybe I am.”
Your heart fluttered and you almost squealed. That was what you loved about your boyfriend. His random, nerdy knowledge on things like old movies his quirkiness and fun loving spirit.
“Oh! Speaking of movies,” he grabbed a shirt from the drawer and sniffed the pits, “anything out you wanna see in particular? A drive-in, mayhaps?”
“And ice cream.” You confirmed with a nod.
“Whatever the lady wants.”
“And burgers?”
“Nothing but the finest for a Hawkins High cheerleader.” He chuckled, pulling the long sleeved Ralph Lauren shirt you bought him over his head.
You flopped down on the edge of his bed and picked up the dwindling joint from the nightstand.
“Oooh, breaking out the polo and the jeans with no holes? You really are bringin’ out all the stops aren’t you, Eddie Munson?”
Eddie shot you a soft smile while slipping on his silver rings.
“Yeah, well, can’t look like a complete slouch with a cheerleader on my arm.”
You pushed off the bed with a little huff of laughter.
“This is true.”
You joined Eddie’s sighed, puckering your lips to blow him a shotgun. He exhaled the smoke and planted a kiss on your pouting lips.
“Celebratory bong rip?” He offered
“Just one for the road.” You nodded.
“We got an audience.” Eddie mumbled through a mouthful of fries.
“What else is new?” You rolled your eyes and rattled your half empty cup.
“Well, they are your new cheer buddies.”
“Babe, ‘buddies’ is both a strong word and an inaccurate one. They’re more like a group of coworkers.” You paused in thought for a minute. “Or, like, bitchy unpaid interns at worst.”
Eddie chuckled.
The two of you had known what expect the minute the group of Hawkins High cheerleaders had shown up to the same diner as you.
In a silent agreement you both decided to ignore the questioning stares and giggly whispers the girls.
“No one has ever gotten ‘us’ together as a thing.” Eddie observed, pointing a finger between the two of you.
“Good. We’re not for them to get.”
You had always been a bit of an enigma to people. You marched to the beat of your own drum. Literally. Being a marching band member the first two years of high school only to pívot and pick up cheerleading the next. You didn’t believe in cliques and labels, so outside of cheer practice, you were right back in the band room hanging with your old friends.
Never the “it” girl, you were also not quite a loser. You were just y/n. The girl who did what you wanted with who you wanted. The black girl who liked hip hop, rap, rock, and oldies.
While your old classmates had come to accept this; Hawkins High, with its rigid social hierarchy, was still a bit baffled by you.
“Remember when we first met?” You grinned.
Eddie grinned back, his brown eyes sparkling fondly.
“Like I could ever forget.”
The only reason your parents had agreed to let you out of the house was because you had been complaining non stop about changing schools with just two years left in the year.
They let you have the old car for the night with the rule that you be back before midnight.
So you found a random bar and took your chances. The place didn’t look too rowdy and with your fake ID on deck, you had no problem getting in.
It was smokey with a crowd around the median age of 25-35.
You sat at the bar and ordered a Long Island iced tea.
The tables in the club were pushed out of the way to make some semblance of a dance floor along with a clear path to the bathroom. At the back of the bar, there were dart boards, and at the front, a small, elevated stage.
The stage piqued your interest. Especially when the cute shaggy haired boy took the stage along with a couple other guys.
There was a boyish glee undercut with a relaxed confidence in his demeanor. He strummed his guitar while chatting happily with his band mates. After giving a few instructions to the guys, he took the mic.
“How’re you drunk fucks doin’ tonight?” He yelled.
A shocked laugh escaped you, but the crowd didn’t seem the least bit offended and a few people even cheered in response.
“Oh good, some of you are still conscious.” He flashed a half smile at the crowd, earning a laugh in response.
“Well, I’m-“
“We know who you are, Eddie!” Someone heckled from the crowd.
“Well, they do now thanks to you, bud. Ah, but for those of you who don’t know, we’re Corroded Coffin. We’ve, uhh, got some new material for you guys tonight. So, please, Enjoy.”
A curly haired drummer counted them in, and you perked up when they started. Elements of funk creeped through the garage punk sound.
The lead guitarist, Eddie, nodded his head to the melody, making his shaggy hair dance around his face. The band’s set included interesting tidbits of funk and soul along with metal. These guys clearly knew their stuff and didn’t mind experimenting.
Soon you were bobbing along and dancing in your chair to the music. After five songs, Eddie announced they were taking a break. He also insisted drinks were welcome in place of tips if one couldn’t spare cash.
You were on your second drink when you watched Eddie slink through the crowd, joking with a few regulars on the way. He took a seat at the far end of the bar and ordered something. Now was your chance. He was all alone!
Finishing your own drink, you slinked off toward him and leaned over his shoulder.
“What’re ya drinkin?”
The boy startled a bit, spinning on the stool to face you. When he did, his eyes widened.
“Oh, I uhh,” blushing, he ran his fingers through his hair. “I just kinda just say that as a joke with the audience. I really don’t drink between sets.” He held up his glass. “Water with lemons.”
“Dedicated musician, I see. I respect that.” You nodded. “Well, can I at least buy you a coke? Or would you guys prefer the three bucks?”
Eddie chuckled. “I’ll take the coke. I think the guys will understand.”
“I hope so.” You grinned, flagging down a waiter.
Afterwards you turned to the cutie. He was in a jean vest with the sleeves cut off layered over plaid shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. Beat up high tops completed the look. He was cute in the way that boys who didn’t know or care they’re cute were.
“I loved your set. You’re a Boosie Collins fan, I see.”
“You heard the Boosie inspiration?” Eddie perked up.
“Don’t insult me.” You feigned offense. “I heard Boosie, James Brown, Led Zeppelin, and you’re clearly a Black Sheep fan.”
“Wow...” He breathed. “Well, that answers that question.”
“What question?” You cocked your head.
“If there’s brains behind the beauty.”
You laughed.
He smiled.
“I’m Eddie.” He stuck out a hand. “Eddie Munson.”
He gave you a shy once over. Clearly trying not to be rude about it.
“I’ve never seen you around the bar before, y/n. Are you new? Or…”
“I’m new in town. Just blew in a month ago.“
“Thank god, for a second I thought you might just be visiting.” He slapped a hand over his mouth in embarrassment. “Fuck. Did I just…say that out loud?”
“You did, but I won’t mention it if you don’t.” You grinned.
“Good. Now, about your knowledge on Black Sheep, what’s your favorite song off Trouble in the Streets?”
“The Day of the Kids is beautiful. I also love their rendition of Stop in the Name of Love.”
“Right?! They totally transformed the song, but, like, not to the point it was unrecognizable.”
“And how bout the guitars on Love Warrior?”
“The guitars, the bass, the drum. The whole arrangement kicks ass!”
By the end of the night the two of you had exchanged numbers and for the remainder of that summer, you two were inseparable.
“You were the best thing to ever happen to this shitty little town.” Eddie said.
“You were the best thing to happen to me in this shitty little town, Eddie bear.”
Your boyfriend lit up like a Christmas tree.
“C’mon, y/n, not in public!” He whispered, but his huge grin gave him away. He loved that dorky little nick name. Loved it so much, he almost hated it.
“Eddie beeear~” you sang. Then you leaned across the table, making Eskimo kisses at him. “Eddie bear, Eddie bear, Eddie bear.”
“Baaabe!” He chuckled, but he didn’t pull away.
The minute your lips locked on to Eddie’s everything else faded away. The diner, the chatter, the Hawkins high cheerleaders. There was only the two of you.
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dreasancho · 2 years
Quick rant because I'm pissed!
I'm tired of seeing black content creators - mainly fanfic writers - on this site having to defend themselves on why they write black readers. Most complaints are from white people saying it's not inclusive to everyone else. First of all, the majority of fanfics here accommodate non-black readers ESPECIALLY white readers.
Let's talk about how yn is described in the majority of these fics
long hair - "you tie your hair into a ponytail to keep it out of your face"
straight or wavy hair - "he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear." "He runs his hands through my hair"
pale skin - "Your cheeks turn red at his words"
Do I need to go further? Can you see that what you are fighting black writers for is already there for you?
Also, the algorithm here is designed for WHITE people. I - a black woman - have to search for x black!reader while you have that handed to you on your home pages.
Stop forcing black women on here to accommodate you when you have all you need! We don't owe you anything! And you definitely don't have the right to cry about us making a safe space for ourselves.
just read this man
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djostan · 2 years
my pretty, pretty boy │Eddie Munson x black!reader
summary: doing you’re best friends eyeliner that leads you to get caught up in his beauty
warnings: intense (ish?) fluff, steamy, making out, best friends to lovers. no spoilers
You’re sitting on Eddie’s lap with his hands on your thighs as you’re trying to even out the liner on his eyes. You remove your hands from his face and lean back a bit to see your progress.
“Are you done now?” Eddie speaks up as he opens his eyes looking into yours.
“Not yet,” you say as you lean back in with your right hand on his chin lifting his head up and thickening the line on his right eye.
“My God Y/N, this is taking fucking forever.” He groans out.
“I’m sorry. It’s just not even but after this you should be good.” You respond.
“I mean with the position we’re in right now I don’t mind..” Eddie says jokingly. You hit his left shoulder as you say, “You think you’re a comedian don’t you? I’m done anyways.” You close your liner and reach for a hand mirror to show Eddie the finished look.
“Ready?” You ask holding the mirror side to your chest. “Yup.” Eddie responded as you turned the mirror so Eddie could see. He looked really good. Like really good. “Totally fucking metal.” He said aloud but more of to himself. You laughed and told him, “You look sickening. Super hot Eddie.” You put the mirror down on the bed as you looked into his eyes.
Without thinking you brought your hands up to his face, cupping it. You’ve liked him for the longest and had been trying to find the right time to tell him. You weren’t the type to be afraid of rejection or embarrassment. You just wanted the moment to be memorable and perfect when you told Eddie how you felt.
“Are we gonna silently stare at each other forever or?…” Eddie stared squeezing your thighs a little bit. You chuckled at his words as your thumbs circled his face. You were admiring him and he was doing to same for you. He was looking at your thick curly head full of hair,your big brown eyes that would make him melt whenever he was met with them, and your features that made you you and so beautiful.
“You’re such a pretty boy Ed’s.” You say in a whisper leaning in very subtly but noticeably. “So pretty.” You repeated as your hands moved to play with his hair and down to his neck and then to rest on his shoulders. He just stared back at you taking in and memorizing how your hair smelt, how your skin looked at the moment so beautifully glistening and contrasting from his pale skin to your earthy tone.
“I love every part of your face,” Eddie said letting out a little chuckle finally breaking the silence, “Got so carried away from it. You’re so breathtaking.” Eddie said matching your quiet voice from earlier. He moved one of his hands from your thighs to touch your cheek. Stroking it the way you had done to his. His face then inched closer to yours to where your noses were almost touching
“Please.” You said almost too desperately and fast as Eddie closed the small space between you two.His lips were on yours and it was soft and sweet. It felt like you were kissing him for hours before you pulled away giving each other the opportunity to catch your breath.
“I love you.” The words flew out of your mouth before you could think about it but at the same time you felt relieved you finally said what you’ve wanted to for so long. Eddie on the other hand had his eyes wide and mouth slightly ajar which made you giggle at the sight.
“You mean- you mean that?” He questioned blushing like crazy. “Yes I mean it. I love you.” You said as you began to pepper kisses around Eddie face. You kissed his around the corners of his forehead saying it over and over again. “I.. love.. you.” You kissed his nose, both sides of his cheeks, and finally made your way back to his lips kissing a bit firmer as you held his face in your hands.
Before the kiss could get deeper Eddie pulled away. “I love you too Y/N. So so much.” He said then quickly latching his lips onto yours deepening it. You whined into his mouth as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. Your began moving your hips absentmindedly on his lap as he moved his hands to your waist holding you in place.
You could feel yourself pool in your undies as you felt a bulge under you begin to rise. You slowed down with your movements and moved your hands into Eddie’s hair to play with it. You moved your hands from his hair to his shoulders to break the kiss off and tell Eddie, “I don’t want to do anything else right now. Just this.”
“Of course.” He said gently kissing one of your arms holding onto him. “Whatever you want baby.” “Take me out on a date first. Then maybe you get to see a little more.” You whispered leaning into his ear smiling to yourself when you pulled back to see his flustered face.
“Oh yeah?” He asked. “Oh yeah.” You replied with a hint of mockery in your voice. “Deal.” Eddie said then kissing you again.
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tvgals · 2 years
very very giggly sex with eddie while ur high 😓
“w- hehe - why cant you hear a pterodactyl use the bathroom?” he giggles into your neck, like he wasn’t balls deep inside you.
“i dunno..” you started to snicker. “why?”
“because the p is silent..” he looked into your eyes and started laughing, soon enough that got you laughing too.
“ed you’re such a dork.” you tease
“your favorite dork”
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lanaswritingbook · 2 years
Cant be without you
Eddie Munson x Yn Sinclair
Word count: 1k
Description: Yn and Eddie have been miserable since their breakup so Eddie being Eddie gets her back in a dramatic way
Warnings: Cursing, Angst.
AN: I’m really tired its 1 in the morning so sorry if it’s trash love you guys <3
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3 months. It’s been 3 months since my heart got broken. Eddie and I had got in a huge argument about me expressing my feelings. And of course I know what he was going through because I dont talk to him about how I feel so he’s closed out and thats my fault.
He’s to good for me he deserves someone who’s not ashamed/scared to talk about themselves so I ended it. “Eddie you deserve much more than me and since I cant give that to you we need to break up” the look on his face still haunts me to this night.
After a month and a half Robin had been making me go to parties with her so I could stop acting like a couch potato and thats when I met Jack. We were at Steves party when we first met eyes, we hit it off pretty well but he still wasn’t my Eddie.
School finally started back those 3 months went by to quickly because now I have to see Eddie everyday for the next year.
“Babe its not to bad being back in school at least you can see me all day” a high pitched voice came from the other side of the hall. I turned my head while holding Jacks hand as he talks to his basketball friends. “Honey please stop yelling in my ear” I immediately face the conversation knowing that familiar groan.
Eddie. Our eyes meet its like we never left each other his beautiful brown eyes had so much hurt in them as his new preppy girlfriend kisses his cheek. A tear quickly falls down my cheek as Jack pulls me away walking somewhere else.
But we didn’t break eye contact till i turned a corner not seeing the love of my life anymore. “Babe you good? Why are your eyes red?” He asks pushing me against a locker trying to kiss me. Not having much room to move I allow it even though I hate it so fucking much.
Finally half way through the day I made it to the lunch room holding Jacks hand as he waved to his friends while we sat at the table. To be honest I really wanted to sit with Robin but she’s trying to get with Vickie so I didn’t wanna third wheel.
But as I ate my lunch quietly not having anyone to talk to because he ignores me when his friends are around we hear a slap on a table. I quickly turn seeing Eddie yelling around the room “… OR WHO TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS” I smirk to myself knowing how much we hated the “popular kids” but now were dating them. How hypocritical of us.
“Want something Freak?” Jason stood from our table going towards him. Eddie did his signature Devil face then looked at me. He got off the table going back to his seat with a blank expression on. “Freak” Jack said making people laugh only with me shaking my head. For the rest of the period I felt his eyes staring at me.
2 weeks later
It was the first game of the basketball season and of course I had to be there because my boyfriend unfortunately is a player. But I also went to support Lucas knowing how important it was to him. I sat on the bleachers at the top so I could read or whatever but before I began I felt someone sit by me.
That cologne I knew exactly who it was and I stiffened “Yn…” Eddie said looking at me “Eddie. Surprised your here didn’t think this was your type of crowd” I stare at him oh god his eyes so fucking pretty
“Could say the same for you but I’m here to see my… girlfriend. Guessing your here for Jack?” As soon as that name came out his mouth Jack whistled at me and winked while on the court. Which made me roll my eyes and cross my arms.
I heard a deep chuckle come from my ex “It seems you dont like him that much” he questioned mirroring my stance. But a hint of jealousy was in his mouth. “Could sat the same about you Munson.” I sigh looking back at the court.
“Damn right” my eyes widen at the easy confession. “God I fucking hate this so much. I cant keep pretending I don’t think about you all day Yn ever since that night.” Turning towards him my face gets warm “Eddie I Feel the same.” A slight smile was on his face
“The fight was so stupid sweetheart I’m so sorry. I should’ve been patient with you when you said you couldn’t share feeling but I was so stupid.” Running his fingers through his thick locks i swallow a cry that wanted to come out.
“I’m sorry too Eddie I should’ve told you earlier I had problems with that instead of just letting you find out.” He smiled nodding. “Yn would you maybe wanna try for a second time?” He asked his eyes staring deeply into mine.
“I would but we literally have dates and their both on the court” I pointed to his cheer leader girlfriend and my basketball boyfriend. They were so not our types it grossed me out. “No problem love one second” he stood with a devious look on her face. Running down the bleachers he ran in the middle of the court making the whistle blow and everyone cursing him out.
“Kayla were officially done I cant handle your Madonna shit. And you Jack! Yn is done with your preppy ass.” Eddie flipped him off now looking back at me “YN BABY TAKE ME BACK MY LOVE” My mouth was open in shock at what he did. But I had to give the drama king what he wanted and yelled back “YES!” He bowed running back towards me, grasping my face as he put a harsh kiss on my lips. God did i miss that.
That’s a story for our kids.
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natti-ice · 2 months
18+ mdni
Me: “fuck, I need his cock”
Him: *is literally just words on tumblr*
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sitchski · 2 years
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eddie being a great little aftercare giver 🤌🏽 (and also having an expertise at teasing)
dom!eddie?, black!fem reader, fluff, aftercare, smut (clit stimulation, teasing)
author’s note: fluff eddie is now my shit sorry folks. i also don’t really like how i ended this but ykw it’s fine we moveeee
you finally came up for air after your kiss. all the want, consideration and love put into it. his forehead had little beads of sweat dotted across it while his hair was wilder than its normal state. but you couldn’t replace it.
a demon that had taken his horns off for you was in a dreamy haze after letting the angel beside wear them for the night.
“mmm,” he smiled, gazing at your face, “you’re so pretty.”
“you meant that?” you questioned, faking your shock, “i thought that was y’know- just for the hour or so your dick was inside me.”
“it was actually for right now. i figured if i tell you it enough times, you’ll let me spent the night,” he grinned sadistically, adding to the joke that there was no relationship or feelings between the two of you.
you gawked at him, your eyes even widening a tad. “fuck you!” you exclaimed but he just laughed. he leeched onto you, burying his head in the crook of your neck as he chortled at you.
“you ask for honesty,” he started then moved his head so you could be eye level with eachother, “i give it to you.”
“i hate you,” you taunt but fail to hide your grin since his beautiful face was so close to yours. you expected him to match your energy and say it back, only he doesn’t.
“and i’m obsessed with you.”
words couldn’t be formed as the erratic, chaotic and hearty feeling in your belly possessed you to do nothing other than sit and gawk at his words. he was good at that.
he sent a quick kiss to your lips before getting up from the bed. as he tried to get his boxers on, your eyes were glued to his ass, struggling to not let out a giggle.
“stop staring at my ass, y/n,” he called out. “but i can’t help it. it’s so cute, like i could hold it in one hand,” you cooed jokingly and pouted at him.
his face when he finally turned around was something to giggle at you. you wanted to get up and follow him but he lightly grabbed you by your waist to stop you.
“mm-mm, honey. i need to clean you up,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead and walked to the bathroom.
once he left, you decided to pick up the book that you had been reading before he decided to come over. you rolled onto your stomach, picking out the bookmark and getting to reading.
it was a collection of poems by edgar allan poe, one of your favourites. so much so that when you were reading while eddie played his guitar and not focusing fully on him, he liked to change the poe to poo since he was soooo funny.
although he did secretly admire your love for poetry and prose. not to mention your ability to apply some of them to your relationship, reading some of them directly to him.
your eyes only averted for a second when the sound of a door opening distracted you. eddie stopped in his tracks as he breathlessly laughed at you reading. he so desperately wanted to take a picture but you probably would’ve broken the camera.
“y/n. y/n, lay on your back for me,” he softly ordered. you didn’t even look at him as you turned the page to reveal the next poem.
“yeah… after this poem…” you told him but he rolled his eyes. kneeling on the messy bedsheets, he reached for you. “you can read your edgar allan poo poems after. or even during! just- just lay on your back.”
“no. you called him edgar allan poo.”
he stayed stunned for a moment but then shrugged at you, knowing that since you weren’t going to cooperate he’d have to get you to turn around himself.
first, he snatched the book out of your hand (don’t worry, he still took the moment to put the bookmark in at the correct page). then, as if you weighed nothing but a feather, he grabbed by your waist and picked you up and out the sheets to lay you down on your back.
“i- rude.”
“rude,” he mocked you in a high pitched voice, “sometimes you need to shut up and let me take care of you,” he mumbled back and spread your thighs open.
a damp washcloth was in his hand, which soon after began to wipe at your inner thighs. it was a pleasurable warmth. a little too pleasurable to feel the normal kind of nice. especially since eddie would give the occasional kiss afterwards. or even worse for you, sink his teeth into your skin.
“eddie… that kinda feels…” you weren’t hoping to get particular excited over this; it was just him taking care of you. but you thought the care was as mild as a tissue to your thighs and a kiss.
so the warmth stinging at your thighs and the tender bites eddie sunk into your flesh had your mind outside of the wholesomeness and right back to the place you guys were at around 10 minutes ago.
you looked down at him when you realised he’d stopped. your right leg had been bent up and spread to the side, as he rested his cheek against the thigh of that leg. he was gazing at your entrance, specifically, the wetness that had accumulated in your folds.
with a blink, he looked up at you. his brown doe eyes resembled those of puppy dogs. mind you, there was not a single innocent thought behind them. maybe pleading, but never innocent pleading.
“eddie,” you huffed. you knew exactly what he was doing looking at you like that, you knew what he wanted and what he was trying to get from you.
“baby,” he said back. the attention was now back on your body, sloppily kissing down your line which created a snail trail of his saliva cascaded to your inner thigh.
your heart began to beat faster the closer you got. your breathing was a testimony to that; diaphragm rising and falling at a rapid rate. hovering right over your core, he blew his cold air onto your core.
he smiled at the way you shivered. also, at how fed up you looked with his teasing. but he liked getting a rise out of you so he let it happen.
“i don’t know what you’re trying to do but…” you trailed off as you indulged in the feeling of his warm tongue sucking on the skin of your thigh.
“…you- you need to stop.”
“why? you won’t let me take care of you? ” he asked innocently. right after he did, his thumb reached over to your bud, circling it slowly. you exhale instead of speaking, since your mind was now completely blank.
your voice was lilted, humming delicately at his delicate attention to your clit. however it changed, and so did the tempo of your voice. you hummed sharply and breathed rapidly. he circled your bud fast, seemingly enjoying the way your mind was now scrambled having just come to a set of peace.
the gratifying heat of the warm washcloth going over your clit, then your slit now accumulating wetness more and more made you let out an impulsive moan. you were now officially frustrated. whether it was at him, or at the fact that this whole aftercare thing was much too stimulating for you, you had no clue.
your thighs squirmed at his touch, as everything was teased at you. within seconds, you were face to face. you gave him a look — one that wondered how on earth he could just do that wizardry so calmly
“what? i thought i should probably stop like you told me too,” he teasingly said. your eyes rolled and your turned your head away to no longer look at him.
chuckling at you, he grabbed the book you were previously reading and handed it to you.
“now you can read your edgar allan poo poem—”
“you’re the most annoying person alive. i hate you,” you confessed (even though you both knew it was false). he attacked your cheeks with little kisses, some trailing down to the neck since you still wouldn’t look at himself.
“and i’m obsessed with you.”
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