mattzerella-sticks · 1 month
Chris needs to pull an Uber part 2 and go visit Buck again but this time he leaves the EddieMarisol date and crashes a BuckTommy one
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sevensoulmates · 2 months
The way she was talking about in the vid, it screamed goodbye video. Not even accounting the title of the episode or anything. It makes me curious what happens in episode 6 between Buddie that makes Eddie break up with Marisol in episode 7 and could this also lead to Buck ending things with Tommy in episode 7 as well? Though I think that break up is going to be a mutual one and Tommy is going to be very understanding that it's always been Eddie for Buck.
Maybe Tommy is the one that tells Eddie he cannot have Marisol be his beard, if something happened between him and Buck he has to end that relationship first and foremost before ever trying to explore his repression/feelings for Buck.
I think whatever cliffhanger we get for episode 5 will set up some of the conflicts we get in episode 6, so I'm excited to see how that goes down.
And the thing is I'm not even sure the Tommy relationship will be done at the same time. Maybe in episode 8? They do have a thing about starting/ending relationships 1 episode after the other.
I do also get the feeling that Tommy is aware at least on some level that Buck is into Eddie. I'm not sure how much he knows about whether it's reciprocated, mostly because we don't actually get any of the scenes of Eddie and Tommy out on their friend excursions. But I think on some level he knows. Not sure how "cool" he's going to be about it though. Because on some level I think a lot of us want Tommy to be okay with being used as a stepping stone to buddie or as an elder gay guru, which I can appreciate, but at the same time...Tommy's human too. I think he does genuinely want Buck for himself, and maybe thought he could possibly have him if he tries hard enough but it'll probably hurt once he realizes there's no more point in trying with Buck because his heart will always belong to Eddie and...honestly, that makes me sad. I like Tommy, and I hope he remains around in the periphery of the show to be friends with everyone even after they break up.
I do think that for the most part the Buck/Tommy break-up will be amicable whereas the Eddie/Marisol break up? I'm seeing something traumatic in their future. I hope it has more lasting impact for Eddie than his break up with Ana.
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Buck & Eddie: They're Soulmates!
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Buck and Eddie share a once in a lifetime love of each other's lives type of love that transcends space and time.
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The love they share is not platonic, it's romantic and the natural chemistry they have is OFF THE CHARTS.
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There are people who wish they could have one tenth of the love they share with each other and that's why over the years, the show has made it a point to highlight and compare their love interests against the other one as a way to prove Buck and Eddie are meant for each other.
Therefore, can it once and for all be acknowledged that the possible reason why NONE of Buck’s previous relationships with AC, AM, TK and ND never worked was because THEY WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO?
The same goes for Eddie because NONE of his relationships ever worked either including the one he had with Chris' mother. SD, AF and now M (who the show still hasn't given a last name and that speaks volumes as to how long she'll possibly be around) didn’t or won't work for Eddie because THEY WEREN'T/AREN'T SUPPOSED TOO EITHER?
It's interesting to see all these takes on how some people view their previous relationships with those women through rose colored glasses and saying things like they could have been great if... (_______ fill in the blank with whatever randomness you'd like). The point is they weren't meant to be anything but a placeholder until Buddie goes CANON.
There have been so many takes on Buck and TK being perfect because they were cute together but did everyone who thinks that forget she was willing to throw the 118 and their captain under the bus in 2x6? Don't even try to rebutt it with logic from that fake redemption arc that was included in 5x7 for her because in 5x17 she ultimately accomplished her goal by doing exactly what she intended four years earlier when she broke a promise she made to Buck and ran with the Jonah story then wrote a raggedy book about it exactly one year later in 6x17. It's true that Buck knew who she was but he still dated her (which speaks more to his poor decision making than hers) but they both knew it was wrong from the start. They were never going to work and they were never FRIENDS. Friends don't treat each other like $hit so they can get their way then expect for you to just be ok with it and follow it up with a half @ssed apology like, "I'm sorry you're still upset about the story" 🙄. With friends like that, Buck doesn't need enemies.
AC literally ABANDONED him but there are still people who think she would have been good for him. It appears they forgot she FOUND a man with two kids in another country and in 3x18 she came back two years later to rub Buck’s face in it. She didn't even have the decency to apologize to him.
AM was the worst of all because SHE WAS NEVER THERE WHEN BUCK NEEDED HER. Was she nice, yes but she didn't know him at all and when his leg got crushed by the ladder truck in 2x18, she dipped and ABANDONED him too. But for some reason, she's being heralded as his best relationship ever which is so far from the truth it's funny sad not funny haha. She left him in his loft with a cast on his leg because she didn't know what she wanted.
ND was/is only interested in Buck because he DIED! THAT'S IT! There's nothing else to the story. She clearly COULDN'T SEE HIM because they only knew each other for two seconds so please stop romanticizing their hookup like it was some "Gone with the Wind" love story because that's a bunch of BS since they didn't and still don't know each other.
SD was NOT the perfect wife and mother people who wanted her to stick around and coparent Chris with Eddie have made her out to be. The show clearly retconned her character in 6x15 like she was so young and she didn't deserve to die but be clear, the relationship she had with Eddie was toxic as F%ck! All they did was argue and instead of talking, they had sex. They didn't communicate and when she was ready to leave again, she thought she would have time to come back and be "someone's wife and someone's mother" (her words but notice she didn't say Chris' mother or Eddie's wife, she said someone's) but her time ran out and she didn't get the chance, hence the title of the episode she died in, "Careful what you wish for". Trust and believe she had a lot of faults and Eddie did too but her being young wasn't an excuse for her leaving Chris and not contacting him for almost 2 years. If Eddie wouldn't have contacted her about her interviewing at Durand, would she have ever come back? Who knows but probably not since she was out there living her best life like she didn't have a kid.
AF was nice but just because her and Eddie were cute together, it doesn't mean they were soulmates. Did the people rooting for them to stay together even realize that she was Chris' schoolteacher in 3x12 but she DIDN'T OFFER EDDIE ANY SUGGESTIONS ON HOW TO HELP CHRIS SKATEBOARD? That was literally her job but she was career driven which isn't a bad thing but it seemed like she was in love with the idea of being in love just like Eddie was. She was trying to avoid dealing with the issues that were prevalent in their relationship and she didn't even ask Eddie about his panic attacks to try and find out what was causing them. But she did throw them in his face when he broke up with her.
M is IN LOVE WITH HER BROTHER! It was clear she was in 6x5 when she almost kissed him on the mouth while they were in the ambulance. Also, she's a loner, hence the meaning of her name, Marisol, it literally means solitude. When Eddie met her, she was doing upgrades on her home by herself until her brother showed up and made a complete mess of things. If Eddie does try to pursue something formidable with her in season 7, everyone knows how it will end because EDDIE TOLD THE AUDIENCE IN 6X14... he'll be performing and trying not to panic and his performance anxiety will be at a level 100.
Who's never left Buck? EDDIE!
Who loves both Eddie and Chris? BUCK!
Who takes care of Buck? EDDIE!
Who listens to Eddie? BUCK!
The list can go on and on but the point of this post is for those who chose to see what they want to see instead of what 9-1-1 has CLEARLY been depicting for Buck and Eddie over the past six years. None of Buck’s or Eddie’s love interests were written to work because they weren't/aren't supposed to.
No one has natural chemistry with them like they have with each other and it's written that way on PURPOSE!
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mazzystar24 · 27 days
Watch us be panicking over nothing, but if it does go down THAT route, I'm done! I don't want a show claiming to be inclusive of everyone and everything to have a woman who is so horrible on a show like that
Hi anon!
Personally I’m less panicking more vomiting at seeing edy onscreen and poor Eddie in comp het prison (I’m gonna get you out of there one of these days buddy I swear😭🫶)
I think I’m like 95% certain that like everything so far indicates to me that they’re not writing Marisol to stay
Like first of all I’m pretty sure tim flat out said he didn’t originally want her back and that he just didn’t want two offscreen break ups in s7 and Natalia’s actress couldn’t come back
Like he’s made his disdain abt the end of s6 VERY clear
He then turns around and puts no effort into making Marisol even appear like she MIGHT stay because he gives her no last name, no personality and what can only be referred to as a gag as her main storyline
And then he has bobby flat out call Eddie out and say that he hasn’t said anything/ spoke about her in a way that makes him think he wants her to move in and that he has no trouble committing to other things so what is REALLY the issue (her) I mean Eddie fumbled with understanding bobby again but it’s the thought that counts🤷🏽‍♀️
Plus I think they are WELL aware of the fans opinions of edy so from a purely business perspective- if an actress who is not a series regular or even a significant character and whatever form of contract you have with her is presumably coming to an end and she’s causing you trouble and getting you bad publicity you will cut her at the first opportunity (and you would be very dumb not to, ESPECIALLY FOR ONE YOU DIDN’T WANT IN THE FIRST PLACE)
Also on a more general note the stills are almost ALWAYS a red herring that make 20+ theories and 100+ rants and then turn out to be something completely and utterly different so until we actually see content in the episodes that indicate to us that Marisol even stands a chance to stay fr then I’m gonna continue to believe that one day soon I’ll be free from seeing edy’s stupid transphobic face on my screen with her annoying voice that puts Janice from friends to shame
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chronicowboy · 2 months
"you haven't really talked about her in a way that would make me think you were considering cohabitation" thank you for my LIFE bobby
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thatbuddie · 26 days
people on twitter: the ghost of shannon is coming back to make eddie realize he wants to propose to marisol booooo this sucks
eddie diaz: hold my beer *chucks his morals out the window* *fantasizes about fucking his dead wife in front of marisol* *goes out with his dead wife's doppelgänger while his son and husband have a family night in and his girlfriend is... somewhere*
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makorragal-312 · 1 month
Yeah...I don't really buy that the guy who had a panic attack over his last girlfriend being mistaken for his wife and was more than ready to dump his current one for being a former nun is even going to contemplate proposing to her.
Knowing him, he would be so deep in his eventual gay crisis that he accidentally sends false hints that made Marisol think that he was gonna propose to her. And then, when she's expecting him to get on one knee, he's telling her to go the fuck home and stay there. (because dumping is still hard for him)
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bibellebibuck · 24 days
Eddies aunt setting him up on the blind date: “You need to do something or you’ll be alone forever” Tia shush you have no idea the lengths this man will go to in order to not be “alone” 😭😭
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mikereads · 2 months
“You are the boss of you.” This is from a scam call but I think this is the perfect opener. It really encapsulates the theme of the episode. The first thing he points of you need to master if yourself. Oh Eddie this may be about you sir!
One thing I loved about when Tim is in control is that the themes of the episode/ calls connect to every character. Whether it is directly about them or not. I missed this and it’s refreshing.
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matan4il · 11 months
It's not even that any other LI can't compete. It's also that the writers don't even make them contenders. Hopefully, this comes out right. But intentional or not, they make Buddifer and Buddie time sacred, and nothing interprets it.
Like Natalia running off and preggo Kam just sits down and eats. It was funny, really. Even all the date interruptions were funny, including Taylor.
When Buddie are together nothing interrupts their space and you sort of just know nothing would. Like neither would allow it. If Natalia came not knocking on the door while cookie making with Chris you just know Buck would have sent her away. And not because he's being responsible but because you don't get in the way of his family time.
Hopefully that word salad made sense.
Hi Nonnie, thank you for the ask!
TBH, I think we're at the point where it's a chicken and egg thing. No other LI can compete, so the show isn't even trying anymore. And when the show isn't trying, obviously no other LI can compete with what Buddie have...
I agree, in s2 we already got the foundation for Buddifer, but since s3, it has become so important to the characters AND the show, and no matter what Buck and Eddie are going through, no matter where they are in their romantic lives, they always come together, we always see them being there for each other and the kid they're co-parenting. We saw that in s5, for example! Buck is dating Taylor, but when Chris calls, Buck will ALWAYS pick up. He will always rush out if his kid and his baby daddy Eddie need him, we don't even see him taking leave or explaining to Taylor what's going on. As far as 911 has shown us, he stormed out that door immediately 'coz his family needs him.
You made perfect sense, thank you again and I hope that you have a great day! As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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sevensoulmates · 2 months
I really appreciate you making the buddie meta post for 7x4, taking that many hours of your time just to write it and sharing it with us. I'm really grateful, I was literally giggling and kicking my feet while reading your post 💕
What a wonderful episode, it still feels like an out of body experience and I'm so happy Buck is finally free (I'm still in disbelief they gave us bi Buck in such a beautiful way).
I really wonder how they will give us the Eddie coming out arc. ¿Do you have any theories at the moment? Also why does it feels like Marisol will be kicking rocks sooner than expected? 👀
Thank you again ❤️
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Thank you so much!! I mean I always have so many thoughts going round and round in my head about this show at all times so at least this gives me a place to put em.
I was beyond happy with everything we got in this episode. 10/10 no notes. I'm getting the feeling next episode is gonna be similar but is also gonna have some plot twists as well. The possibility of a double date has me V~I~B~R~A~T~I~N~G especially if Eddie doesn't realize the entire time that BuckTommy are on a date. Eddie and his queer blinders runs so deep and I want to see the way his face changes when he realizes.
I loved how they handled Buck having this discovery and I'm beyond happy they're not going the "gay for you" route with Buck (and I hope not with Eddie either). I'm glad Buck can exist in the world as a bisexual man outside of his relationships, but also in conjunction with them. They're all a part of him and he deserves to finally be settled in that aspect of who he is.
I do get the feeling that Buck's gonna be so swept up in the euphoria of figuring out his sexuality that he's likely going to be attributing a lot of those feelings to Tommy where he actually isn't wholly the cause. Don't get me wrong, I do think Buck is genuinely interested and attracted to Tommy, and I'm excited to see where that goes, but we're already getting some hints about potential issues with their relationship and I'm very intrigued about where that will go.
My prediction for Buck is that he's going to dive headfirst into whatever he has with Tommy and start seeking out the feelings/connection he has with Eddie, but in Tommy. I think the date will have some hints at Buck and Tommy trying to connect in certain ways and Buck in the back of his head finding *something* missing.
As for Eddie....HOO boy. I think that he's gonna be in for an interesting time. There's a chance he might break up with Marisol in 7x05, or I was also seeing spec about breaking up in 7x07, etc. IDK ANYMORE!! As much as I PERSONALLY would like to see them break up next episode, I think it would also be interesting to extend that relationship out a bit more just to show Eddie's sexual struggles and have her as a foil.
I'll give you what I would LIKE to see instead of what I speculate might happen because at this point the information we do know is confusing.
I would like to see Eddie feeling visibly weird about Buck dating Tommy. The reasons for him feeling that way can be nebulous at the start. I want this to cause some issues with Marisol, but I want his primary issues with Marisol explored separately from BuckTommy as well.
I would love to see more of his incompatibility with Marisol explored, whether that's in terms of how they act on a date, how they talk to each other, maybe even sexually (?). I want Eddie to genuinely start questioning why once again he's not feeling anything in a relationship with a woman. Like Ana could've been a fluke, but now Marisol too? I want him to think about why he just forces these relationships into something full-blown when most people would be able to recognize they're not attracted/into someone after the first few dates and end it.
I would love to see him possibly being dissatisfied with sex (if they go the demi route) and being really confused about if it's the sex itself, or the woman he's having sex with. I want some definitive building blocks for Eddie being like "I don't understand why I don't feel attraction to her" leading to an eventual "I don't feel attraction to women" realization. I think that Eddie's queer realization arc deserves more nuance and time put into it and a slow unveiling. I think it can still overlap with BuckTommy, with his feelings regarding them confusing him even more.
Buck getting kissed once by a man, understanding and accepting his sexuality right away, and being excited about it makes sense for his character. Eddie on the other hand I think is gonna struggle with it a lot more. I would like to see those struggles highlighted. Bring in more of his family (parents, sisters, etc) and show him struggling with heteronormativity around them. Show Eddie struggling to act "normal" in his interaction with BuckTommy when they're around him as a pair.
I would love it if a surprise kiss in the heat of the moment came in somewhere. Whether Buck is/isn't with Tommy and Eddie is/isn't with Marisol, would provide different ramifications. But I don't want the kiss to immediately lead to them getting together. I want them to have to sit with it, and maybe Eddie can then deconstruct his feelings about men, his sexuality, and his feelings for Buck at the same time. I wouldn't mind this struggle continuing over the hiatus and into the season 8 opener, or having this be a season 8 storyline altogether.
Either way, I do firmly believe Eddie's queer arc is coming down the line, and what we're seeing now is going to be the foundation for him to work up to it. As we know, Eddie doesn't really have sudden realizations. He kind of lets things build and build until it explodes and he is forced to sit down and think about it.
Also I don't believe Tim Minear about his "spur of the moment idea to have them kiss". What a liar. They were filming the scene with Buck, Tommy, and Eddie at the helicopter hangar back in January. That was a whole 3 months ago. Oliver literally said it was his first day back on set. You can't tell me you filmed that without knowing how the episode was gonna end, Tim. What a lying liar who lies. I do believe him that bringing Tommy in to replace Lucy probably meant they could streamline the queer Buck storyline faster in the season, but I firmly believe he knew they were planning to get to it at some point. There's no way Tim could've gotten the green light for it from ABC that fast without major lengthy discussions, both with TPTB and the writer's room. People take a long fucking time to respond to emails, Tim. Get better at lying.
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Buddie: "You're late!" & "You are late!"
ATTENTION! This is not a drill.
Season 4 is still in play in Season 7 which means the SHOOTING IS TOO!
The above video includes two scenes, one from 4x8 and the other from 7x6. In both scenes Buck tells Eddie that he's late and they are parallels.
The shooting was the moment that Buck's heart fell out of his chest and Eddie wanted nothing more than to be with Buck. However, at the end of season 6, it seemed like all was lost with the F*X network foolery and everything else but TM is once again showing the audience that Buck and Eddie are PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER in every way possible including down to the scripts which is demonstrated when they say their lines. Buck's statement to Eddie when he enters the room is the same in both scenes which illustrates how they're parallels.
4x8 - Eddie was late because he was dating AF.
Buck: "You're late!"
Eddie: "There was construction on sunset I had to take a detour. Christopher already in bed?"
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7x6 - Eddie's late because he's dating M (no last name) but also because he was hanging out with TK first before Buck was bothered and bewildered and thought he was trying to get TK's attention (He wasn't! He was trying to get Eddie's attention).
Eddie: "Hey!"
Buck: "You are late!"
Eddie: "I had to drop off Christopher at his cousins."
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In 4x8, when Eddie came home after Buck and Chris called him because he was supposed to be reading Chris a bedtime story, Eddie walked in and Buck told him he was late. Eddie's excuse was there was construction on Sunset and he had to take a detour. The detour was Ana.
In 7x6, Buck's going to tell him he's late again but there are two differences. First, it's the way Buck says Eddie's late. It's different than it was before and second, Eddie's response this time will be that he had to take their son Chris to his cousins. Buck and Eddie will be together at the bachelor party but they're both taking detours this time. Except Buck's detour is with TK who tried to date Eddie first and Eddie's is with M who he's ready to breakup with.
In 4x8 Buck was babysitting Chris but in 7x6 Maris*l won't be even though she did in 7x4 whenever Eddie went out with T*mmy.
Please understand 9-1-1 is still showing the audience that EDDIE DIAZ is the love of Buck's life and EVAN "BUCK" BUCKLEY is the love of Eddie's.
It appears this TK (not Taylor but T*mmy) will be the LAST DETOUR for both of them on the way to BUDDIE CANON.
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mazzystar24 · 26 days
Me core: covering the side of the screen Marisol is on with my hand and/ or loudly booing and putting up middle fingers when she is on screen
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chronicowboy · 1 month
tommy gets called away a little while into the bachelor party and buck gets all pouty and mopey so eddie's like. hey. let's get hammered. because he's a #goodbro. and they do proceed to get hammered and buck's rambling about missing tommy and how much he likes him and i just want to spend so much time with him all the time and then he turns to eddie like must be how you feel with marisol right? and eddie takes a shot and does his distant little pout thing and gives a noncommittal hum before redirecting buck into safer territory...
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thatbuddie · 27 days
7x10 being called all fall down is a reference to how there is going to be a buddie feelings realization and we're all going to die <333 hope this helps
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makorragal-312 · 24 days
I know that there are some people that are worried that the show is scrapping Eddie's catholic guilt storyline.
But what if it's a thing where Eddie is still secretly meeting up with Kim, but he becomes so desperate to hold on to Shannon through Kim, he starts to isolate himself from Buck and everyone else while also lying to Chris and Marisol so that no one knows that he's seeing her until everything comes out in the open and things go to shit.
Marisol dumps him.
Kim drops him and tells him to never see her again.
Buck is angry at him for risking Chris' mental health and cheating, but is ultimately concerned for him.
And everyone else is just as worried, though not provided the full details.
And soon enough, Eddie begins coming undone from everything and that's when his catholic guilt starts to take over, realizing that he disregarded his vow of being faithful to his partner by cheating for a memory and that he's once again failed at providing a wife and stable family for his son (not yet realizing that he never needed to).
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