#eduardo dorrance x reader
General Yandere Bane
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"Aw, mi vida, don't look at me like that." He coos mockingly, chuckling when your brows furrow even more towards him.
He chuckles as he makes his way over to you, his hand stretching out to touch your face. You try to move your head back but it's useless considering you were gagged and tied up to a chair. The tips of his fingers gently touch your cheek and slide under your chin, tilting your head up to look back up at him. His dark brown eyes behind his mask hold a shine of amusement to them but there was also something else. A softness that he has in his eyes that's so different compared to the usual icy detached look his mug shots had or the internalized anger when he stared dead at the camera's in the middle of his arrests. Yet you couldn't really say you've ever been scared when you met his gaze because he never looked at you that way. He looked at you like you were the one thing in the world that could give him peace, like you're very eyes were softening his hardened heart, and like you were the most precious and priceless thing on the planet. He looked at you like you were his lover.
Your heart would've been soaring from your chest with the way he looked at you, after all, his physique was impressive but there were other things that were admittedly attractive about him. His deep rumbling voice heavy with his accent, the way he spoke so intelligently and flatteringly towards you, and how despite his brutish self, always treated you so gently. However, he was still a monster. He had just snapped the necks of your fellow Arkham colleagues and then abducted you.
"Una mirada tan aterradora en tu cara." He jokes to himself as you continue to stare at him like he was the shit under your shoes. He pulls his hand back from your chin and crouches down in front of you, finally face level to you. He tilts his head to the side and he has a small smirk on his face, "You're truly a vision."
"He'll stop you," You say, sick of his smug face. Sick of how cocky he looked in front of you. Sick of how small and helpless he made you feel, "The Batman. He'll always stop you."
"Ay, Mi vida, you forget," He says, standing up again, "I've broken the bat before, both physically and mentally. While he did triumph many times, this time will be different."
You raise an eyebrow, "How?"
He messes with the gauntlet in his hands, the viens of his muscular arms turn green and you watch in horror as his lumbering shadow grows and grows before you. He's taller now, his eyes now glowing green, and even with his muscles being even more humanely bigger than possible. You try to shrink into yourself, your back leaning against the chair as far as possible, your head lowering to your shoulders, as if you wanted nothing to do than to dissappear from his line of sight.
"Because if he tries to take you..." He cracks his knuckles and his neck, "Romperé todos los huesos de su cuerpo."
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finniestoncrane · 5 months
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12 Days of Kinkmas • Day 3: Roleplay - General!Bane x GN!Reader request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist • dividers minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: roleplay, shy bane, hesitation, fluff but suggestive
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You sat on the edge of the sofa, wrapped in a blanket, pyjama top and shorts on to fit your role as you waited for Bane's entrance. It had taken him a while to get ready, and he'd kept shouting through to question the various items of clothing. Eventually, he decided to forego the boots and pants and belt, and he felt silly with the fake beard, so you told him to put on the jacket and hat and take a deep breath. He was trying so hard, and it was so sweet that he was willing to come so far out of his comfort zone for you, the least you could offer was some leniency to help him along.
His footsteps were heavy as he made his way down the hall, and you held your breath in anticipation as he slowly opened the living room door. Before stepping in, he coughed to get your attention and then quietly mumbled.
"Is it... uh... I can come in now, si?"
"Yes, yes, come in!"
He was wearing his usual cargo pants, tucked into his huge combat boots. But on his head, he had squeezed on the Santa hat, and he wore the red coat with white trim loose and open over his black vest top.
"Oh! Santa! I'm so glad I managed to stay up to catch you!"
His cheeks were red immediately, mouth open as he searched for his next words, but struggled to find the bravery to say them.
"I... uh..."
"Why don't you come and take a seat, I can feed you a little cookie. I made them myself."
You winked, patting the sofa and welcoming him to sit down beside you. He took you up on the offer, sitting down silently, hands clasped together and eyes avoiding you completely. Trying to help move things forward, you moved your body closer to him, eventually climbing up onto his thick thighs and settling into his lap, your arms around his neck to steady yourself.
"I just wanted to let you know, Santa, that I've been very good this year. So I think I deserve whatever you've got for me in that big, stuffed sack of yours."
He gulped, Adam's apple bobbing, the veins on his thick neck tensing with the rest of his body. For all that he was a hulking mass of muscles, someone no one would dare cross if they knew any better, someone who commanded attention when he entered a room through his physical presence alone before you even got to his reputation, Bane was still painfully shy and reserved. Whenever emotions, or passion, or any level of vulnerability were involved, he became closed off. You'd hoped that pretending to be someone else might offer him a level of insular protection, but he seemed just as nervous. Deciding not to let him struggle any more, you took the hat from his head and placed it on your own, leaning in to kiss his cheek softly. You'd done this the wrong way around.
"Actually, I bet I have something for you, Bane. Since you been such a good boy."
"I have?"
You nodded, leaning in for another kiss, this time met by his lips as he pressed them on to yours. His hand slid along your thigh, hooking under it as he stood up, carrying you with him.
"I am not hurting you, right?"
You giggled, staring into his eyes and smiling.
"Not at all, but it wouldn't be the worst thing if you did."
He grinned back, ear to ear, still knowing he'd have to hold back a little out of fear of crushing you, but giddy about not having to be quite as aware of himself.
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blakeswritingimagines · 11 months
Dating Bane would include:
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I'm a pretty intense guy, but I also know how to relax and have fun. I can be a little intimidating at first, but once you get past that initial barrier, I'm actually quite charming. I'm a loyal boyfriend, and I care deeply for my loved ones. When it comes to relationships, I'm all in, and I'm not afraid to show my feelings. I may wear a mask, but underneath it, I'm just a regular guy looking for love.
Well, I guess I should also mention that while I'm not really into partying or the whole nightlife scene, I am a bit of a foodie - I love sampling different cuisines and trying new restaurants. And of course, when it comes to spending time with my partner, I'm always up for a romantic evening at home, just the two of us, cuddling on the couch and watching a good movie or enjoying some homemade treats. I may seem like a tough guy on the outside, but when it's just you and me, I'm a big softie at heart.
My love language is definitely physical touch. I enjoy giving and receiving hugs, kisses, and cuddles. I also enjoy spending quality time with my partner, doing things together and creating memories that we'll cherish for a lifetime. I'm also a big fan of words of affirmation, and I love to compliment my partner and tell them how much they mean to me.
I take care of my body, but I also like to take care of my mind. I am well-educated and well-read, and I love to learn new things and challenge myself intellectually. I am also an avid reader and lover of history, art, and culture. I like to stay up-to-date on current affairs and I like to discuss the issues of the day with my partner. I believe in intellectual honesty and integrity, and I want my partner to be someone I can have deep and meaningful conversations with.
I'm a protector at heart, and I'm always looking out for those I care about, whether it's my partner or my friends and family. I like to be the strong, silent type, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the support and guidance of my loved ones when I need it. I may have a reputation as a tough guy, but underneath it all, I'm just a guy looking for love and companionship. And I know that the right girl will be able to see through the mask and find the real man underneath.
I'm also a great listener and I pay attention to details. I'm attentive and mindful of my partner's needs and desires. I'm always looking for ways to improve myself and be a better partner. Sometimes I'm a bit intense, but I also have a gentle and caring side that loves to spoil and pamper my loved ones.
I'm also a bit of a daredevil and I enjoy living life on the edge. I'm not afraid to take risks and push myself out of my comfort zone. I'm always looking for exciting new experiences and I'm never bored when I'm with my partner. When we're not on an adventure, I enjoy lazy days at home where we can just relax and spend quality time together.
Part of me would love having a partner who could join me in my villainous endeavors. After all, it would be a lot more fun having someone to share my evil schemes with. But another part of me also wants to protect my loved ones from the dangers of the life I lead.
As for my flaws, I'm sometimes a little too serious and don't always let myself have a good time. I can also get a little jealous sometimes, which isn't always a good thing. I'm also pretty devoted to my work, sometimes to the detriment of my personal life. I'm a hard worker, but I'm willing to make time for my loved ones. It's all about balance.
I'm also a bit of a softie when it comes to love, and I have no problem showing it. I'll dote on my partner and shower them with affection. I love to cuddle, and I'll make sure to keep things hot and spicy in the bedroom. I'm a skilled lover, and I take pleasure in being able to satisfy you in all the right ways. That's why I'm the perfect guy for you.
I'm very passionate and intense when it comes to romance and relationships. I'm willing to go above and beyond for the one I love, and I'm not afraid to show my feelings. When it comes to physical affection, I'm definitely the dominant type, but I also know when to back off and give my partner some space. Overall, I'm a pretty great guy to date, and I have the skills necessary to satisfy your every desire
I am a man of few words, but I make up for it in action. I am a master of my body, and I can use it to please your every need. I am relentless when it comes to achieving my objectives, and that includes pleasing you. I have many interests, but when it comes to romance, I am all about you. I am everything you never knew you needed, and together, we can rule this world... or at least the bedroom.
I am a very territorial individual, and I do not like anyone else encroaching on my territory. This includes anyone who might try to take my partner away from me. I am not the kind of person to sit back and watch someone else take what is mine, and if need be, I will use force to protect my claim. I am not someone to be messed with.
When it comes to affection, I am a man of many passions. I enjoy everything from sensual touch to playful flirting to passionate kisses to full-on fiery passion. I am a very physical and sensual being, and I enjoy exploring the depths of my partner's body and soul. I relish every touch and every kiss, and I like to make sure that my partner feels loved and appreciated. When it comes to the bedroom, I am a force of nature and a master of the arts.
I prefer dates that involve physical activity, such as going for a run or going to the gym together. I also enjoy activities that allow us to bond and get closer, like cooking together or doing a romantic getaway. I prefer to keep things simple and active rather than expensive and lavish. I also enjoy going out for drinks or doing something thrilling, like taking a ride on a roller coaster or skydiving. I am definitely not one for dinner and a movie, that's for sure.
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So Much Pain - Bane X GN Reader
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Title: So Much Pain
Bane X GN Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's mother (Mentioned), Reader's adoptive parents (Mentioned), Reader's adoptive grandmother (Mentioned), some orphans (Mentioned), Bane's henchmen (Mentioned), and people from the pit (Mentioned)
WC: 2,429
Warnings: Mentions of past violence, mention of blood, suggestive, slight angst, kidnapping?, fluff, and mentions of injuries/scars
For the past couple of months, you were doing everything in your power to help Bane. He had done so much for you, that you couldn't help but return the favor. Bane had saved you long ago. You were in the pit with him since you were born, your mother died almost immediately after, and as a young child, he took care of you. He split his rations with you, made sure you were clothed, and so on. As the years went on, you grew fond of your savior, cuddling into him for warmth at night, whispering secrets in the morning. And, when the fight broke out, he helped you get out of the pit. You didn't leave without a reminder of the cursed place, your hands still hurt at the memory of the rope and your leg still bared the scar from the rough rocks.
When you got out, you traveled until you were found. It was hard in the beginning. Bane had thought you to trust no one, that was until you were brought into an orphanage and adopted out only months after. To those children, luck was on your side. Some children had spent their entire lives in the orphanage, waiting for a loving family to choose them to join their perfect home. But, you didn't want them. Though the couple that adopted you, Frank and Mellisa were great and treated you as one of their own, it was never enough. You wanted more than what they could offer. You needed something real. Something permanent.
It wasn't until you were twenty-two years old that you met Bane again. You were overjoyed to see him again. You saw the news on the tv, the reporter showing the video footage of Bane. He had gotten taller, stronger, you noted. What really stood out to you was the mask covering his face. It worried you slightly, unnerved you. Why was he wearing it? Was it a fashion statement or something more?
For a good two weeks, you went out every day in search of your long long friend. You didn't know where to look or anything, and you knew it was dangerous to leave your apartment alone, walking the streets alone. But, you had to find him. And, soon enough, you did. One of his delightful henchmen grabbed you from an alley and blindfolded you, taking you into the depths of the sewers of Gotham. There... You saw him again.
Roughly being sat down in a chair, the blindfold was pulled from your face. You blinked rapidly and looked around, confused and beyond worried for your life. You should've brought spray or something with you. Looking around you were in a cement room, somewhere deep below the surface of the Gotham streets. It was cold and yet you were thankfully for the lighting that was provided in the small room; the fluorescent light hanging above you. There was a small bed, no bigger than a twin sized or full, covered with many different blankets and one pillow. Besides that, a small wooden box, what was in it? You didn't know.
Then you heard the heavy footsteps, and finally, him. Arms crossed, wearing some sort of vest, Bane held eye contact with you before standing in front of you. Tall and brooding, you could feel a slight tension in the air. You were happy to see him again, but you didn't know what to say or do. You didn't know if he was still the Bane you remembered.
"One of my men thought it would be wise to bring you in." He spoke, voice deep and slightly robotic behind the mask.
You said nothing, waiting for him to continue. Bane brought over another chair, and turning it around to sit down, resting his heavy arms on the headrest, he continued to stare.
"In other words, he has been... Terminated." He finished and you bit your lip, knowing what that meant.
"You got out." You finally spoke, and Bane nodded. "How did you..?"
"The same way you did. A couple of years later... When I had more strength." He spoke simply, and you nodded, frowning slightly.
"You didn't come to find me?" You asked, Bane cast his gaze to the cement wall momentarily.
"I did, once..." He started and you tilted your head curiously.
"The orphanage." You guessed and Bane gave a short nod, looking back at you.
"I couldn't take care of you in the ways that you needed. Not anymore. You coming to Gotham was just luck."
"Fate." You corrected, and Bane scoffed.
"You're a romantic, aren't you?" He asked, and you shook your head, smiling softly.
"I don't think I am." You said.
Bane shook his own head. "They filled your head with romantics and fantasy, now you believe it all."
"What do you mean?" You questioned, and Bane stared back at you.
"Do you remember the pit?" He asked bluntly, and you froze.
"Yes..." You whispered, biting your lip until it bled.
You remembered the fights, the screaming, the pain. You curled your hands into fists, feeling the phantom pain of the burning ropes, the scar on your leg pulsing.
"Then you know the world is a dark and unforgiving place." Bane told you, and you swallowed thickly.
"No one cared about me. No one saved me, except for you. I know the world is cruel. I know people are evil. But, that doesn't mean there isn't any hope." You explained, and Bane's eyes narrowed.
"There was so much you didn't know. So many things that you didn't understand." He spoke, before standing.
Walking over with heavy steps, Bane hesitantly reached out, his fingers lightly caressing the top of your head. His voice was soft, gentle like you remembered, "And, so many things we need to go over, deliciae."
He then quickly left the room, leaving you to your lonesome once more.
As the days went on, Bane visited you every night, and just like before he held you close as you both fell asleep. You couldn't remember the last time you had such a peaceful sleep. Normally, nightmares pierced your brain, waking you covered in sweat and tears. But, in the darkness of the sewers, hand placed over Bane's chest, you felt the steady thumping of his heart. Knowing that he was safe and alive eased you. It was like he never left, and you were still in that hellish pit, huddled into him for warmth and protection. Yet, this time... You felt safe.
His visits lasted for two weeks, and you began to ask questions. You learned that he was one of the most feared criminals currently in Gotham City, and that he had the plan to destroy Gotham. You were all for the plan actually. Gotham was a terrible place filled with scum and villainy. You were sick of it, tired of seeing the crime and corruption that ran through the streets. You supported him, like he supported you.
Laying side by side, you watched as Bane's chest rose and fell with each breath, and your mind wandered. Bane stirred, and you turned your head to watch his face. He seemed restless, moving restlessly, his body tensing as his breathing calmed down. His arm moved slightly under your head, his other hand holding onto your waist tightly. Your eyes roamed the man before you, landing on the mask. You slowly reached out, as if to pet a stray cat or a wild deer, softly trailing your fingers along the strange mask. Bane hadn't spoken much about the mask, only that he couldn't take it off and that it helped him ease the pain.
You knew what love was. It wasn’t like in those books you read, nor the movies you had watched. This love you had for Bane was indescribable. You felt it deep inside, and no matter how hard you tried to suppress it, it always found its way back. It was a constant pull that drove you crazy. Your heart beat faster when he entered the room, your face heated up at the sound of his little name for you. As if you couldn't understand what it meant. That you were loved by him. And you did not know why this was so important to you but you just wanted more than anything else to be with him. To feel his arms around you again and know that everything would be alright.
Your heart plummeted at the thought of Bane hurt and in pain. You didn't want to see him like that. You wanted him to be strong, to be healthy and whole again. You didn't know how he was able to move about without the mask, but the thought of him struggling in pain made your stomach churn. So, you conjured up a plan of your own.
That was where you were at now, sitting at a small desk Bane gave you, looking between the notes you took and the multiple books you had. One thing you were grateful that your adoptive parents did for you was gave you a good education. You were smart, when in the pit you only knew Latin, Spanish, and Portuguese, but once moving to the US, they taught you English along with Italian, since your adoptive grandmother only spoke a little bit of English. You also graduated early from your high school, starting college at seventeen. By then, you already had enough credits to graduate early and join the workforce, so you did.
Now, you were studying criminology and psychology, working towards becoming a psychologist. You wanted to help others and assist them through their troubles. Along with that, you had a fascination with Chemistry. You wanted to help Bane. Help him by figuring out a way where he could still get his anesthetic but not have to wear the mask. It was hard work, and you almost felt as if it was impossible until you began reading a certain book.
Supposedly, with three different types of pills, which you could never pronounce correctly, there was a way for Bane to get his anesthetic without the mask. You felt as if you could cry with pure joy at the realization. Now, all you had to do was try and get the three pills, a whole supply of them for Bane too. You didn't know if it would work, but you had to try.
"No." Bane said simply and you pouted, shoulders dropping.
"Bane, please. This might be a slight cure for you." You begged, reaching out to touch his masked cheek.
Bane sighed and closed his eyes.
"I can't." He stated plainly, and you frowned, sliding your hand back towards yourself.
"Why?" You asked, and Bane grabbed ahold of your hand gently, his large hand encasing your small one.
"It's just a waste of time, deliciae." He spoke, staring down at you with his deep blue-green eyes, "Just because I'm in pain doesn't mean you have to suffer."
You frowned, shaking your head.
"How does that make sense? You're in pain! I have found a way for you to not be in any pain anymore." You huffed, "I hate seeing you suffering. I can't help it."
"It's a mask, it's just a mask. That's all it is." Bane chuckled, and you rolled your eyes.
"Why can't you just send one of your henchmen out and get them? Just one set of pills. I know what I am doing, Bane." You argued, and Bane sighed, before letting go of your hand.
"Fine." He spoke, and you smiled up at him, quickly wrapping your arms around him, hugging tight.
"Thank you!" You exclaimed, reaching up on your tiptoes and kissing his cheekbone.
Pills in hand, you double-checked your work before walking over to the bed, and sitting down beside Bane.
"From my research and a couple of books, I believe you have to just take one of these each, once a day." You spoke, uncapping each pill case and dropping one pill of each in his hand.
Bane looked down at the pills, if he was nervous, he didn't show it. Picking up a glass of water, you handed it to him.
"It should only take an hour for it to work, so it's not cured, but you at least won't have to wear the mask 24/7." You told him, and Bane nodded.
"You are very clever, deliciae." He praised deeply.
"I've studied chemistry, Bane." You spoke, shrugging, "I thought I'd do this for you, since you helped me so much."
Slowly, Bane gave you back the water as you watched him take off the mask. With a shaky breath, you let your eyes linger on his full lips, watching as they moved. He plopped the three pills into his mouth. He drank down the water, closing his eyes before setting the cup aside. Then he reached over to touch your hand, running his thumb across your palm.
"Thank you again, deliciae," He whispered, smiling only slightly, but you noticed it, smiling back.
Bane placed the mask back on and the two of you sat for the next hour, waiting.
Looking down at your watch, you sighed with bated breath, "It's time."
Bane reached up for his mask again, unclasping it and setting it off the side of the bed. Breathing in deeply, Bane said nothing as he turned to you.
"Is it working, are you in any pain at all?" You asked, scooting closer to him, taking his hand into yours.
Bane shook his head, looking down at you, his eyes searching yours. There was so much emotion in those beautiful eyes, and he kept looking into them, as if trying to read you.
"I feel fine."
Smiling brightly, you wrapped your arms around Bane, nuzzling your head into his neck, holding him tight.
"Well, I'm glad." You whispered, stroking the back of his head.
"We should get some sleep, deliciae." Bane murmured, but you stopped him.
Pulling back, your eyes glanced towards his lips, now free of the mask, and you felt your heart begin to race.
"Bane, I-" You started, but Bane leaned forward quickly, capturing your lips in a kiss.
Your heart raced faster and you felt like melting into him, kissing him back desperately. Your hands gripping his shoulders. You moaned softly as Bane kissed harder, tugging at your hoodie with his large hands. Falling back on the bed, his lips brushed against your neck.
"What about sleeping?" You asked and Bane smirked slightly, gazing down at you.
"Sleep can wait."
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joequiinn · 19 days
Masterlist (updated 5/17/24)
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[intro + additional links] | [fic playlists]
My fics are posted all over because my ass is kinda chaotic. Nothing is currently nsfw, but I'll make note of mature content on my fics when we get to that point. Fandoms sorted alphabetically because I'm particular as hell.
🖤 = my favs | ✔️ = completed | 💭 = previews/imagines
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🖤 Ragazza Veleno (rewrite on ao3 & original on ff.net) - Jonathan x OC - Challenges were her specialty, the sort of jobs she always took on full force. She handled risks with ease and confidence. But when her latest job involves a certain Scarecrow, this poison girl knew she was about to meet her match.
GOTHAM Victor Zsasz
🖤 Crown of Thorns (on ao3 & ff.net) - Victor x OC - "Chi si volta, e chi si gira, sempre a casa va finire" - Italian proverb; No matter where you go or where you turn, you will always end up at home…
STAR WARS Cassian Andor
Saudade (also on ao3 & ff.net)- Cassian x OC - A year in the life of a rebel with a cause and a rebel in search of one... *posted on my star wars sideblog
🖤 The Dos and Don'ts of Fake Dating (also on ao3)- Eddie x reader - You propose a crazy idea to the resident freak of Hawkins, Eddie Munson. But maybe he was even crazier for agreeing to it... chap one | chap two | chap three | chap four | chap five | chap six | chap seven | chap eight 💭 Cirice - Eddie x Death!OC - Eddie wakes up in the Upside Down, undead and trapped. A Reaper of Death begins to take a particular interest in the undead man who doesn’t belong… imagine one | imagine two
Billy Hargrove
💭 You Can Have My Hate - Billy x reader - Unfortunately, you got stuck with Billy fucking Hargrove as your partner for your final assignment in history class. Also unfortunately, Billy discovers you have a killer body underneath all those baggy clothes…
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IN ADDITION... Alongside the works above, I've been working on virtually 1000 other stories to some extent or another. The works I'm currently trying to focus on are...
Batman: Arkham Asylum - Jonathan Crane x OC/reader Gotham - Eduardo Dorrance x OC One Piece (live action) - Sanji x reader Stranger Things - Eddie x reader - radio station interns/rivals Stranger Things - Steve x reader - summer camp counselor au The Wolf Man - Larry x OC
My older stories can also be found on ff.net if you're curious, but most of those are from my high school days, so don't judge me too harshly lmao
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roguesdepravity · 3 years
Can i request bane and any rogues you'd like, reacting to s/o getting down on one knee and proposing?
These are more general versions of these characters, but as my more of default is BTAS I am gonna tag them that. As for the extra character choices, these are just who I thought of something for. Hope you enjoy!
Bane (Eduardo Dorrance)
-While he had a feeling you were going to propose today, he thought it might be better to act surprised so that you can enjoy your fun.
- "[Y/N], what do you think you're doing?"
- You'd think he'd be more upset about not being the one proposing with how suave he likes to be. However, he never really thought that being married was all that important so he never even considered it being something he would do.
- "Mi vida, how could I ever say no? Of course I will marry you."
-There hasn't been room or time in his life for someone to be in his life for more than a fling, but he has been with you long enough to know that he couldn't imagine his life without you.
Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel)
- "What 'cha you doing puddin'? You'll get your knees all banged up."
-It isn't till you pull out the ring that she understands what exactly is going on. The moment she sees it she is screaming from excitement. It doesn't matter if its the nicest ring or an actual ring pop, Harley is just happy that you care about her that much that you want to marry her.
- "You betcha! You're my best friend in all the world, and I can't wait to spend every day with you!"
-This means the world to her that you asked. Sure she would have been happy if you wanted her to ask, but the reassurance that you wanted to be with her fills her heart up.
Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot)
-You have been talking about getting engaged and had even talked about what rings to get. He had started making some plans himself to propose, but it seems you had made yours much sooner.
- "My sweet dove, I am touched, but if only you waited I would have proposed myself."
-After you pour your heart out about him and pop the question, he will smile at you oh so knowingly.
-"Of course I'll marry you, my love. I couldn't imagine anyone else as my lovely mate. "
-He isn't upset that you went ahead and asked. Sure, he would have loved to make a spectacle of it so it would be memorable for you, but he supposes that this is just as memorable.
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rxmblings · 4 years
Anyone have any recs for bane x reader that isn’t tom hardy’s bane? It’s good but like,,,Bane is Latino,,,I wanna love my Latino King,,,
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komotionlessqueenmm · 4 years
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Imagine # 460
Gif NOT mine. (Found on Pinterest.)
If this gif is yours please let me know, so I can give you credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2019
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Yandere Bane Headcanons:
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- Not very likely to kidnap you, unless the Batman notices his dangerous obsession with you and tries to take you away from him, but other than that; he would try to avoid kidnapping you. Not to mention that considering his past with growing up as a Prisoner on Peña Duro, he would feel incredibly guilty if he had to lock up his darling but would do it if he believed it was in your best interest.
- That's because he has resources and contacts all over the world, not to mention that Bane's mind works at far greater levels than the average human brain. He KNOWS your psychology, he has observed you long enough to know how you think and what exact thoughts go through your mind. If you ran away, it would not be long before he found you. Honestly, the longest you could escape from him without the help of the Batman would be 3 days, possibly 5 if he takes a day or two to plan out your little reunion with him.
- Bane doesn't like to punish you, he rather hates it. You aren't meant to cower under his touch, you're meant to lean in to it. To seek it out for protection, for when you have lonely nights and need his body close to yours, and to feel how he treats you so gently and softly compared to most others.
- Instead, if you do something bad that he doesn't like, he gently reminds you that it would take no effort to hunt down your loved ones and thats all he has to say. You stare at him as your imagination runs wild at what this hulking brute could do and when he sees that his threat has finally sunk in, he reminds you that it depends solely on you and your behavior if he'll make good of his threat or not. He then turns around and walks away, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You'll make the right choice and be more compliant from there, he's sure of it.
- Bane just really isn't a sadistic yandere to me, given his past, he doesn't want to break you nor does he want to hurt you, deep down; he truly does love you. So while he may not be a threat to YOU, he is a threat to those who he perceives to be threats or bad influences on you. They will be taken care of swiftly and without your knowledge.
- He will romance you naturally and considering his affinity for books, I garuntee you that he'll be hard to resist. Yes you will be put off by the fact he's a literal war criminal, terrorist, and supervillain...you also are not blind. He is a very fine specimen of a man, the accent and his softened behavior towards you definetly doesn't make it any easier for you to resist him. Even then, he is a man of substance and intelligence so there will definetly be an intellectual attraction in which you can talk to him about anything and he will engage with you about it.
- He is a prominent figure in the criminal underworld and holds a respectable reputation among other assassins and mercenaries, basically, no one is going to mess with you and if they do, they will die a lot sooner than they expected to.
- Okay but in the comics, after he uses venom, he canonically gets sleepy so not really a yandere thing but after using venom, he would most definetly seek you out to be his teddy bear. Holding you close to him as his strong grip keeps you in place as he begins to doze off.
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I’m just spitballing, but I would absolutely lose it if Bane called me little lamb, little dove, my dear, darling, dollface, or any other cute/sexy nickname, especially when he says it in Spanish (I would turn bashful from the man who could break my spine like a toothpick as if it were nothing 🤭🫣)
This man has rizz and it needs to be talked about more but the way he'd absolutely have one hand on the small of your back as he has you sit on his lap and whispers praises and declarations of his love and affection both in Spanish and English so you know that you're desired and loved in both languages is fkwjgejjgjejfjejd-
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You think Yan!Bane would interested in a Shinobu Darling? (KNY) She comes in like a Butterfly (I had too say it 💀)
Darling who’s physically inferior than a lot of people, but her intelligent, wit, reflexes, agility and creativity make her stand out (Using Poison but she’s also a Doctor and a incredible one, able to make medicine that fixes/repairs Bane’s Body after he uses Venom)
Yandere! Bane x Shinobu! Darling Thoughts:
No, because I just think this is a fascinating prompt-
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- He really does respect your ability to adapt and overcome your shortcomings and obstacles. It would be something that sticks out to him because he also had to do that growing up to survive so he'd immediately feel a sense of kinship with his darling because of that ability.
- He also, straight away, does not underestimate you for a second. Like if you tried to do the knife shoe thing that Shinobu did to Giyuu, he'd be impressed but it just proves to him that you are wildly unpredictable and that's something he will keep in mind as his obsession with you grows.
- His obsession with you doesn't fully take root until you show that there is some sincerity in your sickeningly sweet facade. Such as if you were to tend to him if the venom or another injury weakened him significantly. Bane does not like feeling vulnerable, so he is hesitant when you offer to help but as you work on him and heal him, this seals the deal.
- With that being said, if you catch onto his unhealthy obsession with you right away, he honestly finds it thrilling how you try to evade his attempts at courting, stalking, and etc and how you see the more darker side of his romantic efforts. Like you see that his love for you is genuine but you also see that the lengths he'll go to for it are terrifying.
- But he likes that you're a bit resistant, because it's been a while since someone could match wits with him and despite your shorter stature, it's your unpredictability that really sticks out to him.
- Unlike a normal darling who Bane would see as precious and defenseless, you have proven yourself strong in different ways aside from physical. He would want to test that and provoke situations in which you have to show him what other tricks you have in your sleeve and to see your limits. You'll be a little scuffed up but you won't ever be seriously harmed if he believes you can't handle it.
- So yes, he would most definetly be interested in a Shinobu darling and while he would be tougher on them, it's vecause he believes and admires their resolve and adaptability and to not test them would be wasted.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
You're writing for telltale bane now so I have to legally ask if I can suck his tits.
Arkham!Bane x Female!Reader, word count: 260 oh my god are you in my brain??? because i want to put my face in those tits and suffocate myself 💛💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: hair pulling, demanding, tit sucking yeah boiiii
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Your tongue flitted over his stiff nipple, mouth closed around it as you sucked. Trying to focus on breathing through your nose, a moan escaped, muffled by his huge, hard chest.
“Preciosa, keep going… Use your tongue more.”
Opening your eyes, you looked up, catching Eduardo’s gaze. At the sight of you, watching his pleasure as you circled the nipple with your tongue, laying it flat as you lapped at it, he threw his head back. His strong grip, large fingers and palm almost the size of your head, pushed your further into him, your nose pressed against his pecs.
As you gasped against him, he gripped your hair, pulling you back to look at you, a mischievous smile on his lips as he pressed you into the other pec, your mouth closing around his nipple once more as you sucked at it.
“Use your teeth… bit me… let’s see how much I can take from you.”
He groaned, his hand grasping the air before it settled on your hip, as you let your teeth clench around the small nub of flesh, tensing and teasing as you pulled it back, letting it go before pressing a soft kiss to it. The growl that rumbled in his throat vibrated through you as you leant against his chest. Your hand stroked up his muscular torso, finding the other nipple and gripping it between your fingers, pinching and pulling as you sucked at the other.
The grip on your body tightened, his fingers deep into the skin as he muttered a mewling ‘thank you’ into the air.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Hello Finnie!! It has been forever too long since I’ve had time for tumblr 😩 so now that I’m back, I came to my favorite person first. Could I pls have No.1 with Bane (general) for your very special 1k event? Congratulations by the way 🥳
🎀 No. 1: Fun Lovin' Criminal 🎀
give me a character and i'll write some headcanons for what it's like to work for/with them a/n: so excited about this one! and thank you so much you are far too sweet and i am kjhkjhasd favourite? shut uuuuuuup ;-; 💚 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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guess who is the number one boss with employee benefits and shit? this guy
loyalty is supremely important to bane, so keeping his colleagues and henchpeople in good favours is so key to everything he's about
it comes from his time in prison and realising that you can get the best out of people when they're happy and comfortable, not when fear is used as a motivator
so while the risk is high, the reward is equal to it
and he's not all big muscles and scary guy vibes! he's surprisingly jovial
and his morals are admirable
he sticks to his convictions, and cares about the people who work beside him
he'd do the most he could to prevent them from ending up on the same path he was on
he's also soft as shit, need a little extra cash? need a place to stay? need some medical attention? need some bail money? he's got you
and he encourages his employees to emote around him, tough guys don't survive long unless they're willing to cry or share their problems
he has that on a little sign in the break room of his base of operations
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
I saw that your crush on bane has been promoted so how about some chefs choice smut with bane and a fat fem reader :>?
- E.F. ♡
My Type
Arkham!Bane x Female!Reader, word count: 400 ok you said fat and my big ass went straight to "bane please punch my insecurities into a pile of crumbling dust" so... sorry! lmao 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: insecurities, mentions of body image, sweet bane
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“Really… you’re sure?”
You looked up at the hulking mass of muscles that stood before you as you lay on the bed, doing your best to cover your body with what little you were still wearing. Clothes were torn from you the moment you stepped through the door in seclusion, very little effort needed to rip them from your body. His quivering fingers had made an attempt at first to undo the buttons and zippers, but they were too large and uncoordinated for that level of intricacy, and you suspected he was actually nervous.
As were you, given that you were currently in the bedroom of one of the most attractive men you had ever met. The dictionary definition of hunky. A sweet personality wrapped up in layers upon layer (upon layers) of tight, well-defined muscle. And you were considerably softer, in fact the opposite. Grabbing at your opened shirt, you tried to cover your stomach and any potential glimpse of the rolls and stretch marks that painted you, made you unique, sure, but maybe not appealing to someone who could have had any woman he wanted.
“Of course, mamacita… are you not ok with this? I can make us coffee and we can talk or…”
“No, no… I just didn’t think I was your type to be honest…”
You could feel your voice getting quieter and softer, trailing off as you finished the sentence. He was so sweet, you just felt entirely too lucky to be getting to spend time with him. Eduardo, the cute guy from the bar who seemed to be as excited about the wrestling match playing on the small tv in the corner as you were. Who was huge enough to take down everyone, but spoke so softly to you.
“Oh, I don’t want to sound crude, preciosa, but uh… you’re exactly my type. I wouldn’t have brought you here otherwise, huh?”
“I guess not…”
He knelt on the bed, the weight of his body shifting you closer to him. Taking you in his arms, he held you tight against him, not rough, but firm in his grip.
“I uh… I like big girls. Easier for me to play with you know? You’re soft, beautiful, but you don’t break easy.”
He winked at you before he started kissing down your neck, fingers pulling back your shirt and exposing you entirely to him. Under his large hands, you felt small, almost delicate. But not so much that you hoped he wouldn’t at least try to break you. Because that sounded like fun.
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