#eileen sanders
mediocrem8 · 2 years
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The fashion shuffle!Roman looked too much like a hunter, I had to do it
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kdo-three · 18 days
Images by Bunny Yeager 1950s/1960s
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Bobbi James {1960s) | Cindy Lee {1950s) | Nadia Sanders {1950s)
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Jenella (1960s) | Eileen (1960s) | Lucy Baron (1950s)
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odk-2 · 1 year
Various Photographic Images: by Bunny Yeager c.1950's|c.1960's|c.1970's
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1) Lucy Baron c.1950's 2) Danny Sutton c.1970's 3) Cindy Lee c.1960s
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4) Beauty Pageant, Backstage 1964 | Maria Stinger (left) 5) Bettie at the Helm, 1954 | Bettie Page (Bunny Yeager, foreground) (taken by Ms Yeager w/ the aid of a timer) 6) Beauty Pageant, on Stage 1964
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7) San San, Burlesque Performer c.1950's 8) Babette Bardot c.1960's 9) Fran Battaglia c.1950's
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10) Linda Vargas c.1950's 11) Linda Southworth c.1960's 12) Nadia Sanders c.1950's
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13) Eileen c.1950's 14) Betty Sykes c.1950's 15) Una Diehl c.1950's
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thebigshotman · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes with Spaul and Friends #4, 5, and 6
Source: All three are ones that were featured in Thomas Sanders’ “Sanders Sides Incorrect Quotes” video, as complied here! I’m pretty sure the quotes themselves are just “generic” incorrect quotes, so to speak lol
Quote #4
Clem: …You shouldn’t be using a straw.
Spaul: I KN0W. 1T’S [[Bad Guy.mp3]] F0R THE [[go outside and touch grass]] OR WH4TEVER.
Clem: No…it’s just a really weird way to eat spaghetti.
Spaul: …*slurping noises as he drinks the sauce*
Quote #5
Coral: Oh goodness~It’s a little muggy outside today…
Saffron: …If I go outside and see all of our mugs on the street, I will be leaving for work and I will not be helping you.
Coral: *awkward smile…followed by sipping her morning coffee from a shallow bowl*
Quote #6
Eileen (pointing to the Cyber Grill): Hey, can you get us a table?
Spaul: SUR3!!!!
(A few minutes pass…)
Spaul, while running towards Eileen with a table in hand (somehow): ST4RT [[running in the 90s]]!!!!
Eileen: *does so posthaste*
The last one could easily be Spaul with Navy or Spafnir as well but Eileen was the first that came to mind 🤷‍♀️
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This day in history
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#20yrsago EFF comments on the Broadcast Flag https://web.archive.org/web/20030308172701/https://bpdg.blogs.eff.org/archives/eff-comments.pdf
#20yrsago Will compulsory licenses save P2P? https://personal.utdallas.edu/~liebowit/knowledge_goods/netanal levy.pdf
#20yrsago SUVs are not healthy for children and other living things https://web.archive.org/web/20021219161349/https://washingtonmonthly.com/features/2001/0212.mencimer.html
#10yrsago Canadian Conservative govt guts protections for 99+% of waterways, spare handful of lakes with high-cost cottages https://web.archive.org/web/20121209233709/https://oliviachow.ca/2012/10/omnibus-bill-guts-river-and-lake-protection/
#10yrsago GOP fires author of copyright reform paper https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2012/12/staffer-axed-by-republican-group-over-retracted-copyright-reform-memo/
#10yrsago Meet the new Nintendo DRM, same as the old Nintendo DRM (but stupider) https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2012/12/wii-us-restrictive-drm-is-a-baffling-throwback/
#10yrsago Citigroup leads finance world in bullshit-generating capacity https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/12/citigroup-eliminates-11-000-jobs-in-historys-most-corporate-jargony-paragraph-ever/265925/
#5yrsago Russian Orthodox Patriarch announces church-government inquiry to prove that the Tsar was killed in 1917 as part of a Jewish ritual https://johnhelmer.net/torquemada-makes-a-comeback-the-spanish-inquisition-has-arrived-in-moscow/
#5yrsago Investigation into emergency rooms shows that for-profit hospitals engage in billions in price-gouging https://www.vox.com/health-care/2017/12/4/16679686/emergency-room-facility-fee-monopolies
#5yrsago Sanders, vindicated: Senior Democrats say the GOP’s tax-plan has started a class war, and they’re going to fight back on those terms https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/article188065034.html
#5yrsago The father of the most hostile piece of street furniture in world history explains why he thinks he’s right to make life harder for homeless people and socializing kids https://www.cnn.com/style/article/new-dean-harvey-james-furzer-hostile-architecture-debate/index.html
#5yrsago Understanding attorney-client privilege with Donald Trump Jr and Ken “Popehat” White https://www.popehat.com/2017/12/07/lawsplainer-donald-trump-jr-and-the-attorney-client-privilege/
#5yrsago A free sf anthology about space travel, inequality, equity and public policy: Kim Stanley Robinson, Madeline Ashby, Eileen Gun, Ramez Naam, Steven Barnes, Karl Schroeder and more! https://csi.asu.edu/books/vvev/
#1yrago A lexicon of euphemisms for “corporate crime” https://pluralistic.net/2021/12/07/solar-panel-for-a-sex-machine/#a-single-proposition
#1yrago IP lawyers weaponize trade secrecy to stall vaccine waivers https://pluralistic.net/2021/12/07/solar-panel-for-a-sex-machine/#karan-menon
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 15x08 Our Father, Who Aren’t in Heaven
“That’s a nice drink” “She’s got some shaky hands” “Oh I suppose that’s on purpose. Ok then” “Why don’t you ask for the drink separately but you want to be a cunt about it” Spouse paused the episode, went to the basement, and got a knife. “It’s the same fkn knife. Made in Boulder, Colorado” “Hers was re-profiled, but it looks similar. Eileen would have a bigger knife” “She’s the deaf one, and you didn’t hear that one coming?” “She went hunting without him? What’s up with these people going hunting alone?” “Is it a brownie recipe? Oh I see” “or flaccidness. They’ve been talking about dick the whole time” “that’s definitely how you greet someone at the door” “Can you imagine the Girl Scouts selling cookies, banging on your door, and saying they know you’re in there” “the whole colonel sanders vibe. Can they Not with that?” “is he dead now?” “what a fkn dick” laughter “that’s pretty good” “that’s bright. Jesus” “must be Hell. It’s all red and dark” “I don’t think the demons liked being called ladies” “Is that who I think it is? Hell yeah!” laughter “that’s awesome dude” “She’s the right amount of unhinged to make one helluva a character. God, I love it” “just going to leave that spell on the table huh?” “what are we adding? Looks like cedar chips, but I’m not sure’ “Easily the best throne they’ve had so far” “2nd time they’ve mentioned amazon. Were they trying to get picked up by amazon?” laughter
“Isn’t that kinda redundant?” “oh hey bitch” “what the fuck? It’s the same dude” “huh” “how’s they get back? Did we cover that?” “does he not trust Eileen?” “it’s so red. Why is it so fkn red?” “Michael just vaporized that lady” laughter “that’s funny” “ominous” “why is this camera view all creepy and behind the balcony fence?” “bro you need some chapstick” “they had it all planned out” “are they both wearing black? I can’t tell.” “Oh look twinsies. They color coordinated” “how does that work? So Michaels’ not a total asshole to Adam?” “what a complicated fink scenario?” “we’re just now tackling all this shit?” “peer pressured into it huh?” “well hey she brought back up at least” “haughty?” “what friend is that?” “I mean, Oak isa a pretty hard wood. It would make for a fairly stiff stick up your ass” “Are they going to just cook him this time?” “that didn’t look very healthy” laughter
“That can’t be good” “what? Are they going to use that selfishness against them?” “Are they surfer vamps or what?” “It’s a fkn trap” “fuck you bitch. Seriously” “passing notes?” “good fun. Back to the classics” “Oh hey easy” “what a weird arragenemnt. We’re also burning time on this 12hrs” “I’m all for talking about feelings and shit, but not on the clock, man. We gotta get this shit done” “I mean, you’d never really be lonely if you get possessed by an angel. But most angels are dicks”
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stardustanddaffodils · 3 months
music asks! hmmmmmmmm 5 (song that needs to be played loud) 13 (one of your favorite 80s songs) 15 (cover of another artist) and 20 (song with many meanings to you)?
5: walking on sunshine by katrina & the waves!!! also good for you from dear evan hansen
13: hmmm thats a tough one. i mean never gonna give u up is always a classic (i genuinely unironically love that song), take on me is great, i was very much vibing to come on eileen earlier today... walking on sunshine again of course :)
15: galway girl by malinda!! so good :D (originally by ed sheeran)
20: hm hrm hm you are loved by defiance ohio, recipe for me by thomas sanders (throwback much?), flowers on the grave by the maine, line without a hook by ricky montgomery
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derrick henry thinks everyone deserves a cheat day mod menu BGG&
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Henry spoke with GQ about how he eats and works out to maintain his body, being the latest athlete for Team Milk, and those eye-popping. The Real-Life Diet of Derrick Henry, Who Thinks Everyone Deserves a Cheat Day The Tennessee Titans running back caught up with GQ about post-game recovery. › the-real-life-diet-of-derrick-henry-wh. The Real-Life Diet of Derrick Henry, Who Thinks Everyone Deserves a Cheat Day. The Tennessee Titans running back caught up with GQ about post-game recovery. 9 Before suffering an October foot injury, he was on pace to lead in those categories this season. Now, he's looking to return in time to lead the Titans into the playoffs. This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. His offseason workouts seem to get more ridiculous each year. His workload is based both on need and his sheer dominance. Attempt to try and tackle him is risking ending up on the wrong end of a highlight. Henry spoke with GQ about how he eats and works out to maintain his body, being the latest athlete for Team Milk , and those eye-popping offseason workouts. For Real-Life Diet , GQ talks to athletes, celebrities, and everyone in between about their diet, exercise routines, and pursuit of wellness. Keep in mind that what works for them might not necessarily be healthy for you. GQ : Are you someone who abides by a strict diet, or you can eat whatever you want? I think everyone deserves a cheat day. I snack here and there but not too much. I never can decide what I want to eat for dinner. My grandma used to tell me that milk strengthens your bones. Being part of Team Milk is perfect, especially encouraging kids to drink milk. I remember being a kid, walking around campus and seeing Got Milk? For the past few off seasons, any time you post any of your workouts with Melvin Sanders , it goes viral. Do you two discuss those or is that what he comes up with? Anything you see that I put out is all him. The things he comes up with, he does them. Can you detail your focus as it pertains to how you approach the game? Stay hungry. Never get complacent. Be a great leader and teammate and trust in the man above. I keep my trust and faith in him. I continue to work and try and get better each and every day that I can. By Gerald Ortiz. By Eileen Cartter. Given your workload, what are you doing to help keep your body fresh to be ready for the next game? By Christopher Cason. If this is the era of the quarterback, it seems like nobody told Derrick Henry. Twitter content This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. Are you just primarily drinking milk after workouts? Instagram content This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. Most Popular. The J.
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derrick henry thinks everyone deserves a cheat day new VG5H+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Henry spoke with GQ about how he eats and works out to maintain his body, being the latest athlete for Team Milk, and those eye-popping. The Real-Life Diet of Derrick Henry, Who Thinks Everyone Deserves a Cheat Day The Tennessee Titans running back caught up with GQ about post-game recovery. › the-real-life-diet-of-derrick-henry-wh. The Real-Life Diet of Derrick Henry, Who Thinks Everyone Deserves a Cheat Day. The Tennessee Titans running back caught up with GQ about post-game recovery. 9 Before suffering an October foot injury, he was on pace to lead in those categories this season. Now, he's looking to return in time to lead the Titans into the playoffs. This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. His offseason workouts seem to get more ridiculous each year. His workload is based both on need and his sheer dominance. Attempt to try and tackle him is risking ending up on the wrong end of a highlight. Henry spoke with GQ about how he eats and works out to maintain his body, being the latest athlete for Team Milk , and those eye-popping offseason workouts. For Real-Life Diet , GQ talks to athletes, celebrities, and everyone in between about their diet, exercise routines, and pursuit of wellness. Keep in mind that what works for them might not necessarily be healthy for you. GQ : Are you someone who abides by a strict diet, or you can eat whatever you want? I think everyone deserves a cheat day. I snack here and there but not too much. I never can decide what I want to eat for dinner. My grandma used to tell me that milk strengthens your bones. Being part of Team Milk is perfect, especially encouraging kids to drink milk. I remember being a kid, walking around campus and seeing Got Milk? For the past few off seasons, any time you post any of your workouts with Melvin Sanders , it goes viral. Do you two discuss those or is that what he comes up with? Anything you see that I put out is all him. The things he comes up with, he does them. Can you detail your focus as it pertains to how you approach the game? Stay hungry. Never get complacent. Be a great leader and teammate and trust in the man above. I keep my trust and faith in him. I continue to work and try and get better each and every day that I can. By Gerald Ortiz. By Eileen Cartter. Given your workload, what are you doing to help keep your body fresh to be ready for the next game? By Christopher Cason. If this is the era of the quarterback, it seems like nobody told Derrick Henry. Twitter content This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. Are you just primarily drinking milk after workouts? Instagram content This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. Most Popular. The J.
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derrick henry thinks everyone deserves a cheat day working XSQA+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Henry spoke with GQ about how he eats and works out to maintain his body, being the latest athlete for Team Milk, and those eye-popping. The Real-Life Diet of Derrick Henry, Who Thinks Everyone Deserves a Cheat Day The Tennessee Titans running back caught up with GQ about post-game recovery. › the-real-life-diet-of-derrick-henry-wh. The Real-Life Diet of Derrick Henry, Who Thinks Everyone Deserves a Cheat Day. The Tennessee Titans running back caught up with GQ about post-game recovery. 9 Before suffering an October foot injury, he was on pace to lead in those categories this season. Now, he's looking to return in time to lead the Titans into the playoffs. This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. His offseason workouts seem to get more ridiculous each year. His workload is based both on need and his sheer dominance. Attempt to try and tackle him is risking ending up on the wrong end of a highlight. Henry spoke with GQ about how he eats and works out to maintain his body, being the latest athlete for Team Milk , and those eye-popping offseason workouts. For Real-Life Diet , GQ talks to athletes, celebrities, and everyone in between about their diet, exercise routines, and pursuit of wellness. Keep in mind that what works for them might not necessarily be healthy for you. GQ : Are you someone who abides by a strict diet, or you can eat whatever you want? I think everyone deserves a cheat day. I snack here and there but not too much. I never can decide what I want to eat for dinner. My grandma used to tell me that milk strengthens your bones. Being part of Team Milk is perfect, especially encouraging kids to drink milk. I remember being a kid, walking around campus and seeing Got Milk? For the past few off seasons, any time you post any of your workouts with Melvin Sanders , it goes viral. Do you two discuss those or is that what he comes up with? Anything you see that I put out is all him. The things he comes up with, he does them. Can you detail your focus as it pertains to how you approach the game? Stay hungry. Never get complacent. Be a great leader and teammate and trust in the man above. I keep my trust and faith in him. I continue to work and try and get better each and every day that I can. By Gerald Ortiz. By Eileen Cartter. Given your workload, what are you doing to help keep your body fresh to be ready for the next game? By Christopher Cason. If this is the era of the quarterback, it seems like nobody told Derrick Henry. Twitter content This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. Are you just primarily drinking milk after workouts? Instagram content This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. Most Popular. The J.
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falcorskeeper-blog · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lg Black polka dots on white button up long sleeve thin lightweight Blouse cute!.
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avaliveradio · 2 years
Curators Picks: New Singer Songwriters you should know
Have you ever wondered about which singer songwriters are out there?
We love discovering new talent to bring you. This week we partnered up with Indie Music Spin to discover fresh talent.
Every week our music curation team sifts through hundreds of entries searching for singer songwriters we feel need some recognition for the great songs they are creating and Indie Music Spin gave us a heads up on some bright new talent we would have missed.
These artists have great voices, amazing songwriting skills and they resonate with the people who hear them.
Here are some gems we don’t want you to miss this week.
Cabela and Schmitt Shares new Song 'Coming Back' about forever relationships
Cabela and Schmitt  releases their latest single "Coming Back", an alternative rock song about an unlikely but inevitable reunion!  Mixed and mastered by Robert Venable, Sound Kitchen Studios, Nashville, TN, through SoundBetter.   ’COMING BACK’ is about someone who thought they lost their most precious relationship forever. After some time they come to the realization that the person they cherish has never left them, in spirit and care.  Now as they stand hand in hand it is hard to believe that a reunion was even possible. Life offers many twists and turns along the journey and with that you learn that you can never say never.
More from this artist <here>
Sara Diamond ‘Not all Fun is Forever’ blends clever Songwriting with a captivating vocal.
Over the years, Sara Diamond has crafted an incredibly unique sound, perfectly in tune with her enticing gift as a powerful vocalist. Blending her vocal strength seamlessly with her clever song-writing, her music has caught many ears and captured millions of hearts all over the world.
With her last few releases, the indie-pop star has gained over 22 million streams worldwide on her own music and another 18 million on collaborations with the likes of Kaskade, Adventure Club, NASAYA, Tyler Shaw, and several others. “The Montreal songstress is the vocal equivalent of an Olympian and has a sound steeped in R&B and soul.” - Ones To Watch
Sara’s is currently living in LA and is working on the development of her debut album, which is being executive produced by Dominique Sanders in collaboration with Brian Kennedy and Stixx Taylor. The album is slated for Fall 2022. In the meantime, Sara will be releasing her final EP leading into the album, with the first single "You're It" dropping on February 25th.
More about this artist <here>
J Matty - Losing Control
J Matty is a Recording Artist from Richmond VA. His music embodies his wide array of music influences from his childhood and contemporary styles which showcases his versatility as a singer/songwriter.
Seth Baer - Think About Us
Seth Baer is a singer-songwriter from Los Angeles sharing his outlook on life through music and art. “Writing songs about relations of the heart and searching for meaning with a melody.” Originally from Seattle, Seth has lived up and down the west coast writing music, touring, performing, and finding himself along the way. Now calling Los Angeles home, Seth has made music a full time gig.  Writing and performing shows each week, he hopes his music reaches those who need it the most.  <website>
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Songwriter Eileen Carey shares her thoughts about life and motherhood
American Pride Interview with award-winning Singer Songwriter Eileen Carey on being a mom in the music business. Carey had two number one singles in Country and Adult Contemporary (“Keep Your Love to Yourself” and “Leave It All Behind.”). In addition to her two number one singles, Carey has recently been nominated for four new music awards, including AC Female Artist of the Year, AC Breakthrough Artist of the Year, Country Breakthrough Artist of the Year, and Crossover Artist of the Year.
The Manic Boys And Girls Club - Blacked out
The Manic Boys And Girls Club is a Toronto indie pop/rock duo consisting of siblings Bela and Fernando Ferreira. Raised strict catholics, children of immigrant parents, sent away to live in rural Portugal with their grandmother (who had previously been a catholic nun); The Manic Boys and Girls Club is more than a band. It is an escape from the submissive existence that was the siblings' reality, an escape from the disposable music packaged for the masses, and an escape for any misfit looking to join the club. With stories to tell, and voices demanding attention, The MBG Club crossed paths with award-winning producer Gavin Brown (Glorious Sons, Billy Talent, Mother Mother) one late night in Toronto. “My sis and I play music, you gotta hear our stuff” was how this relationship and EP were born. This EP is a collection of five songs recounting the two loners' experience touring in a van, relationships and bad habits. Blending lush synthesizers with overdriven guitars, The MBG Club successfully take you from an indie dance party to the feeling of an arena filled with an ocean of followers; but most importantly, away from reality for the duration of this debut EP. With the next chapter of songs already complete, The Manic Boys And Girls Club see no downtime in the near future. As the world opens up, a tour and a changed generation will follow.
Alan Garmonsway's Forthcoming album ‘Seasons and Circles’ is here
Some musical influences lie dormant for years and then burst out onto the daylight! ‘Summer Days’, was a studio creation influenced by the summers of the late 60’s. The songwriter Alan Garmonsway melted in influences of his past from his early teens listening to Pirate Radio. Read more <here>
Singer-songwriter Mercer Henderson aims to build community and bring people together
“Singer-songwriter Mercer Henderson aims to build community and bring people together through her relatable and honest writing. Born and raised in San Francisco, Mercer has been involved in music since a young age. Growing up listening to iconic female artists such as Lady Gaga, Dolly Parton, and Amy Winehouse, she started in musical theater and moved to writing her own music at the age of 13. She released her first single, “Bittersweet”, at the age of 14. Now as a 19 year old she moved to New York City to attend the Clive Davis Institute at NYU, opening a lot of doors for collaboration with her peers. Using social media, Mercer has been able to cultivate a strong and dedicated fanbase and garner over 15k pre-saves for her upcoming single, ‘Strangers’ which will be released on June 23rd. Influenced by artists such as Tate McRae, Lizzy Mcalpine, and Gracie Abrams - Mercer strives to find the perfect balance between catchy hooks and genuine storytelling that will have everyone playing her songs on repeat!”
Get the scoop <here>
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softspeirs · 3 years
Hi! How about the "it wasn't me, i swear" prompt for my man Dick? However you'd approach that, whether x reader or with one of your OCs (Eileen is my fave so if you wouldn't mind the pairing, I'd be so down for it)! Thank you ♥️
A/N: I haven't quite decided on a romantic pairing for our lovely Eileen, but I loved the idea of exploring her relationship with Winters in this! Thanks for requesting! Readers, you can say hello to Eileen here.
Also, this is so short. I’m sorry!
Eileen can feel the tension as she enters the building where Captain Winters' pseudo-office is. She has a whole stack of telegrams and reports and while her runner duties have been reduced a bit lately, the recent rescue of the Brits has ratcheted it up, at least for now.
She runs into Zielinski on the stairs. She's met him once before, when Winters was first promoted. Judging by the look on his face, his job has not gotten easier.
"Sanders," he says, tersely. He doesn't wait for a reply, turning sideways so he can get by her.
At the top of the steps, she shakes her head before getting ready to greet the Captain. He's reading something, his brows furrowed. She can tell by the set of his shoulders that he's irritated.
"Whatever it is that’s got that look on your face, it wasn't me, I swear." She jokes quietly.
He looks up, surprised. "Oh, Corporal Sanders. I didn't hear you come up."
"Zielinski was making a swift getaway - he probably drowned me out."
There's a brief moment where she thinks he might smile. A semi-awkward silence follows.
Eileen clears her throat. "Uh-- I have these for you, sir, from Regiment--"
He holds out his hand. "Thank you, Sanders. Sorry, I'm-- a bit tired." He admits. "It's been a long few days. Anything pressing?" He gestures at the stack she hands him.
"I put the priority reports on top. Everything else is just news. There's something for Nixon too, but I couldn't find him."
Winters hums. He's already reading, eyes scanning the paperwork in front of him. Eileen resists the urge to speak out of turn. He just-- he looks like he's got the weight of the world on his shoulders.
“Sir?” She asks, and this time, he looks at her. “Can I-- can I help? Or get you anything? I just--” She flaps her arms about a bit uselessly. “I have some time, and I...” She trails off, shrugging.
He looks a little bewildered. She doesn’t blame him. They don’t know each other, not really. Obviously their paths have crossed, but until recently, she spent much more of her time with Nixon and not Winters. 
She likes him though, and can tell that the men respect him. She wonders how he feels about being stuck behind a desk.
Finally, he sighs. “How are your typing skills?” 
Feeling like she might finally have something to do besides stand there awkwardly, she smiles. “What kind of well-bred lady would I be if I couldn’t type?”
That’s how Nixon finds them, almost an hour later. He stops at the top of the stairs, coffee in hand. “You have a secretary now?”
Eileen arches a brow. “Excuse you?” 
“Eileen, if you wanted to see me, you could have just said.” Nixon continues, coming inside and sitting at one of the chairs in the room. 
“Did you need something?” Winters asks him, looking like he’s trying not to laugh. 
“That’s a fine how do you do. Do I need an excuse?” 
“I’m dictating.” 
“I can see that. Dick.” Nixon stands, coming around the desk to look over Eileen’s shoulder. “Don’t let anyone else know you’re doing this, or you’ll never have a free moment again.” He says to her, genuine warning in his voice. 
“Speaking of free moments, I think I’ve overstayed my welcome.” Eileen says, stretching a little as she stands. “I think that’s the last of it, if you’re happy with it, sir, I can take it back with me.” She says, looking at Captain Winters. 
“I appreciate your help, and your company.” He says, looking a little red around the ears.
Nixon looks positively delighted. 
“Leave him alone,” Eileen chides, her voice quiet. “Don’t get into any trouble while I’m gone,” she says a little louder, tone overly-pleasant. 
“Thank you again, Corporal.” Winters says, his smile much more warm than it was when she first arrived over an hour ago. 
She finds herself feeling much more warm too, as she makes the trip back to Regiment, thinking to herself that she may start to enjoy ferrying reports a little more if it means more run-ins with Easy Company.
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stevepotterwrites · 3 years
Maybe you’ve had the same experience, you go looking for a book you are sure someone must have written only to find that no such book exists. No one has written it yet. A few years ago, I wanted to learn more about the interconnections between the early days of punk rock and the poetry scene in New York City in the Seventies. This, in part, grew out of research for a project. I was searching for information to help establish a backstory timeline for the poet-professor parents of the protagonist of my novel-in-progress Gangs With Greek Names. I was also just curious. I wanted to learn more about the era of my high school years, learn more about what was going on in the big city twenty miles west of the Long Island burb where I grew up. I knew Patti Smith, Richard Hell, Tom Verlaine, and Jim Carroll were all involved in the scene centered around the Poetry Project at St. Mark’s Church on the Bowery in their pre-rock ’n’ roll fame days. I wondered how much overlap there was between that scene and the nascent punk scene centered around CBGB. Proto-punks Ed Sanders and Tuli Kupferberg of the Fugs and Lou Reed of the Velvet Underground also had roots in poetry. Surely someone must have explored those connections and written a book about it. I imagined something along the lines of David Hajdu’s Positively 4th Street for the punk generation. Daniel Kane’s “Do You Have a Band?” Poetry and Punk Rock in New York City is the book I was looking for back then. I’m glad someone’s written it. Too late to help with my novel’s backstory timeline (cobbled together instead from other sources) but a pleasure to read just the same. Kane explores the influence New York School poetry had on punk rock and the influence punk rock had on some second-generation New York School poets. Admirably, Kane never strives to clarify distinctions and divisions between one scene or tendency and another to the point of distortion. He helps us see as clearly as possible through the muddy waters without ever pretending they aren’t muddy. So much of any scene is an ongoing act of self-creation among its participants which is weakened once a marketable name is pasted over it. One could argue that punk died the day it was labeled punk. Post-punk was born and lasted until it was labeled “post-punk,” I guess. True sailing is dead! Kane lays out the premise of the book in his introduction after acknowledging the more widely-known influence of the Beats and earlier figures such as Rimbaud on rock and roll:
“Do You Have a Band? Does not deny that there are resonances between the band Television and French symbolism, the rhetoric of punk rock and Situationist International slogans. But what about the work of poets who actually shared New York City’s Lower East Side streets, mimeographed pages, and stages with the pioneering figures of punk? How did downtown writing and poetics of the 1960s and 1970s make their way into rockers’ music and approach to art? Musicians in bands from Ed Sanders and Tuli Kupferberg’s Fugs through the Jim Carroll Band were as influenced by and productively critical of the writers living all around them as they were by and of authors from the distant and not-so-distant past.”
Each chapter focuses on a key figure or figures in the overlapping terrain between proto-punk or punk and the poetry scene – Ed Sanders and the Fugs, Lou Reed, Richard Hell, Patti Smith, John Giorno, Eileen Myles, Dennis Cooper — with cameo appearances from the likes of Kathy Acker, John Ashberry, Ted Berrigan, CBGB owner Hilly Kristal, Lydia Lunch, Robert Mapplethorpe (whose question to Eileen Myles provides the book’s title), Bernadette Mayer, Thurston Moore, Alice Notley, Frank O’Hara, Anne Waldman, Andy Warhol and many others. The afterward focuses on what may be the most direct link between (second generation) New York School poetry and punk rock, Jim Carroll’s classic anthem “People Who Died,” inspired by his friend Ted Berrigan’s poem of the same name. There are quite a lot of funny moments illustrating the interpersonal tensions and aggravations present on any creative scene. Andy Warhol asks John Giorno, “oh, John, why does it have to be so boring,” at a poetry reading by Frank O’Hara and others in a crowded gallery. There was no microphone and half the audience couldn’t hear a word of it. Eileen Myles tells about a chaotic poetry reading she and friends gave in a laundromat. Richard Hell confesses the shameful truth – he was a Dylan Thomas fan – and then goes on to compare Thomas’ poetry to a Led Zeppelin arena show. Me, I love Dylan Thomas, unapologetically.  But then I wish I’d gotten the chance to see a Led Zeppelin arena show too, so… Anyhow, I don’t have to choose between him and Frank O’Hara and neither do you, dear reader. I don’t care what anybody says. Resist the false binary wherever you find it. It was interesting to get a better sense of the dynamic between another Dylan Thomas fan, Patti Smith, and poet Anne Waldman, who was at the center of the St. Marks scene at the time. I’d wondered about that occasionally, if they got along, how they got along. That seemed like ripe territory for a diva battle of epic proportions, so it was interesting to read about Smith’s letter to Waldman describing what she liked and did not like about the Poetry Project. In a sense, Do You Have a Band? may be seen as the third volume in a trilogy following Kane’s previous informative books All Poets Welcome: The Lower East Side Poetry Scene in the 1960s and What Is Poetry: Conversations With the American Avante-Garde. Recommended reading for anyone interested in learning more about the various interconnections between poets, musicians, and artists in New York in the sixties and seventies.  
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queenwille · 4 years
where’s the missing-sander-anonymous meeting i would like to join
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deckerlibrary · 5 years
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It’s World Poetry Day! 
Celebrate by listening to some of our favorite poetry readings over the years at MICA from the MICA Mades Audio Collection over at Internet Archive:
Allen Ginsberg Poetry Reading, 1978
Ed Sanders Poetry Reading, 1978
Eileen Myles Poetry Reading, 1992
Robert Creeley Poetry Reading, 1985
Anne Walderman Poetry Reading, 1992
Andrei Codrescu Poetry Reading, 1984
Allen Ginsberg and Peter Orlovsky Poetry Reading, 1983
Halloween Poetry Reading 1976
Student Poetry Reading, 1978
Pictures above from the MICA Archives of Allen Ginsberg’s first visit to MICA and Johns Hopkins in April 1967 when he gave an impromptu poetry reading on top of the Station Building!
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