#emerald evans<3
onsunnyside · 1 year
✨spicy link ✨this is fk!ari you can’t convince me otherwise 😵‍💫🫠
when I tell you I’m up at night thinking about this like god damn
oh my 😵‍💫 you're so right
You've lost count of how many positions he's put you in and after the most recent one, you're surprised you could still breathe. Even now the oxygen feels thin, as though he's still above you, squishing you into the mattress as he pounds into your cunt.
His deep groans pull you under, small gasps puffing from your swollen lips as your head falls in the crook of his elbow. You manage a weak cry of his name as he slips a finger alongside his cock, stretching your sore hole even wider.
"Look at yourself, sugar, so damn pretty." He murmurs against your cheek, eyes locked on yours through the reflection. "Aren't you glad you stayed home with me?"
Your yes comes out more like a whisper but Ari hears you loud and clear.
"Think you could take another?" His hips stutter when you clench around him tightly, nearly suffocating him, "f-fuck, you gotta relax, sugar."
When Ari convinced you to call in sick today, you assumed that you'd have a relaxing day in, maybe watch a few movies and order food from that new restaurant you've been wanting to try. You didn't expect an hours-long fuckfest where he had you on every surface of his trailer, pounding every thought from your head, pumping you full of his seed twice already, and making you come far more than that.
"You wanna try for me, baby?" He rasps, kissing down your sweaty neck, taking out his fingers to gather his previous load and smear it up to your swollen clit, "gonna let daddy stuff your pretty cunt until you can't take anymore?"
"I-I can try," you whimper, tears streaming down your cheeks, "but you're, uh—so b-big, daddy."
"I know, sugar, daddy knows. But look at you," He keeps your head facing towards the mirror, "look how fuckin' pretty you are when you're all used and dumb—daddy wants to see just how pretty you could get. Is that okay?"
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aithusarosekiller · 3 months
*in a life or death situation*
Dorcas: okay how the fuck do we get out of here?
Pandora: I'm working on a plan but it should take about four hours
Man: *points weapon at them*
Regulus: *survival instincts kick in and he manages to flirt his way out of the situation*
Everyone: ......
Regulus: ......
Evan: please go back to being quiet and offputting, that was fucking terrifying
Dorcas: Yeah, I agree. That was weirdly attractive and I'm literally a lesbian.
Pandora: *still trying to carry out her plan to see if it would've worked*
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vomits0cutely · 2 months
The skittles / the emeralds and random fears I’ve made for them (ik a person with one of these fears)
Regulus Black:
- He is terrified of hot concrete, once Sirius told him his shoes would melt and it would melt his feet as well and he didn’t believe him and still went walking on in, and the bottoms of his shoes did, infact, melt and he was terrified his feet would melt, still won’t walk on it.
Pandora Rosier/Lovegood:
- When she was 8 she snuck out of her bedroom, when she was supposed to be sleeping, and went outside to try and get a pet snail, didn’t find one, but found a bird instead and, somehow, managed to get it and she brought it back it side and slept with it still in her hands, and out of fear the bird had a heart attack, and she made everyone be there for the funeral and is still afraid of people being near or too close to birds.
Evan Rosier:
- Was out on a walk with a babysitter and Pandora went they were 6 and decided he wanted to try climb the tree with Pandora, but Pandora said he was too little (because she was bigger then him as a baby) but he ignored her and got the babysitter to help him. Then Pandora said that he will fall into the hole in the tree (the squirrel home) and he’ll get stuck in there, and scare the squirrels. The babysitter laughed and brought them back inside and now he will never climb a tree with a squirrel home in it, even though he won’t fit in the holes.
Barty crouch Jr:
- A rude maid once told him he couldn’t have honey in his tea while he was sick, because she was too lazy to go get it but she lied and told him, honey doesn’t go off and it will stay inside of him forever and if it mixes with the acid in his stomach he’ll explode. Then he asked his father if honey goes off and he said “no, of course it doesn’t.”, so now he hates honey.
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lupinsera · 1 year
James potter x fem! reader!
summary: In which James Potter tries to find his soulmate.
a/n: English isn’t my first language so forgive me if this has many grammatical and spelling errors!!
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James Potter was a hopeless romantic. Since he was a boy he dreamt of finding his one true love or his soulmate. He loved the idea of being with someone till the end of their days, he dreamt of his wedding day. Everything was complete at his dream wedding, the flowers, the seating plan, the location, the best man, all of it! Well… Except for the bride. He’s still on the search for his dream bride.
In his whole life, he had loved 3 people. First was Dolly Goldwood. Dolly Goldwood was a family friend her mother was childhood friends with his mother, Euphemia. So obviously, James and Dolly grew up together. Dolly Goldwood is a beautiful girl. She had gorgeous honey blonde hair, her lips plump and soft and pink, her eyes a beautiful green color, and her smile absolutely dazzling…
James had loved her for 3 years. He followed her around like a little dog following around his owner. Dolly Goldwood had his heart. He would give her flowers plucked from his mother’s garden, he would let her borrow his very expensive toys when she and her family would visit their house, he loved her very much. She was his first love.
But then one day, at her 10th birthday party, he caught her kissing another boy’s cheeks, her pale cheeks now very red as the boy gave her a charming smile. James never knew what heartbreak was until he saw Dolly Goldwood hug the unknown boy. He could feel his heart being shattered into thousands of pieces, is this what heartbreak feels like? 10-year-old James potter wondered… And then and there, James vowed to never ever fall in love again.
Of course, he ended up falling in love with a girl a year later.
It was at Hogwarts. He has just been sorted into Gryffindor. He sat down on the Gryffindor table next to a handsome boy, he was tall and his black hair slicked back, his gray eyes shining with joy. He was grinning so wide James was afraid his mouth might break.
“Hi! I’m Sirius!” the grinning boy said, he put out his hand and grinned, expecting James to shake it and introduce himself, and James did just that.
“I’m James!” replied James. And that was the start of a beautiful friendship.
“Lily Evans!” Professor McGonagall called out.
James watched as a gorgeous red-haired girl walked towards the sorting hat. He could tell she was nervous by the way she was fiddling with her fingers and biting her lip. She sat down and closed her eyes as professor McGonagall placed the sorting hat on her red hair.
After a few seconds, the sorting hat cried out “GRYFFINDOR!”l and then all he could hear were cheers.
Lily grinned and opened her eyes, she giggled as she sauntered to the Gryffindor table. She sat down next to James, who couldn’t stop staring at her.
“Hi! I’m Lily! And you are?” said Lily.
“My name’s James!” he replied.
And then she flashed him a charming smile and stared at him with her captivating emerald green eyes.
“Y/N L/N” Professor McGonagall called out and James took a quick glance at the girl. As she sat down and McGonagall placed the sorting hat on her head, their eyes connected. Her warm (y/e/c) met his deep brown eyes. James felt a pull to her, like some kind of string, like something was connecting him to her.
Their gaze disconnected as the sorting house shouted. His eyes follow her as she walks to her house table, she was grinning like a Cheshire cat. Her eyes are full of glee and delight.
James ended up pining after Evans for 4 years. Every day he would follow her, asking for a date or an ounce of attention. Lily didn’t like that, she very much didn’t like his advances or his flattery or his gifts! It was all too much! If there was one thing that Lily Evans very much regrets was ever saying hi to that arrogant toe-rag!!
Meanwhile, 14-year-old James is head over heels in love with Lily Evans, the brightest witch of their age. He would gladly listen to her ramble about everything and anything. He would do anything to see her smile.
Lily Evans quite liked James. He was a nice lad. But God! The constant gift-giving and the constant asking for a date! It was annoying! She liked him as a friend and she had no intentions of getting together with him! She kept on saying that to him but he just won’t listen!!
I mean yeah, Lily could admit that he was quite nice to look at, but she just isn’t into him like that! Or any other boys for that matter… She liked girls!
And when James found out about it, well he was heartbroken. Again. Of course, he doesn’t blame or is angry at lily. In fact, after that, he stopped all of his advances and actually became friends with her! He found out that they were better paired as friends than lovers. But that doesn’t mean he wasn’t sad… He loved her.
After lily, he took a break from love, for 2 years until he ended up falling in love with his mate’s brother.
Regulus Black. The Slytherin prince. He was a year younger than them, and James never noticed him until his 6th year.
James never knew that he liked boys. I mean yeah he found some lads quite handsome and attractive but he never pursued anything with them. But when he bumped into regulus black on the way to the great hall, James couldn’t stop thinking about him.
James loved the way his face would light up whenever he was with his friends. He loved his gray eyes full of wonder and knowledge. He loved everything about the little black.
Of course, he never made any advance on Regulus, never gave him any gifts, never asked him on a date or anything like that, instead, he chose to admire him from afar. James knew that nothing could ever happen between them since he was a Slytherin and he was a Gryffindor plus he was his mate's brother! But that didn’t mean James couldn’t love him from afar.
Regulus would often spend his free time in the library, James noticed, he would read for hours if he can. And James loved that about him, how he doesn’t notice anything other than the words in his books, how he is so focused on the story that he doesn’t even realize what’s happening in the real world.
James was forced out of his thoughts as someone sat on the table he was sitting at.
He looked at the mystery woman. She had (y/h/c) hair and her eyes were a beautiful shade of (y/e/c). Their eyes connected and James felt like an 11-year-old boy again, like he was being trusted into an old memory. He knew those alluring eyes were familiar but he didn't know how... Until he felt that pull... That connection with her... Y/n L/n
“Hello!” she said while smiling softly at him “I’m sorry. Was anyone sitting here?”
“Oh no,” he uttered. He was appalled. He never knew someone could be as beautiful and elegant as her. It didn’t seem possible. Her. She and her beauty were out of this world. She was what he imagines angels would look like. And the way she spoke to him, with such softness and politeness, she was like an angel, an angel sent to him. His angel.
The sound of a chair being moved forced him out of his thoughts, he looked at the source of the sound and saw that regulus was leaving the library, he already finished the book, it seems. James never noticed.
James snuck glances at the stunning woman. He kept on thinking about ways how he could talk to her, on how he could get to know her but nothing came to mind.
Before he could stop himself, he uttered “I’ve read that book”
SHIT!! No. James never read that book. James never reads books. James doesn’t know anything about books!!
She looked at him surprised. “Really? Was it good?” she asked him.
“Oh yeah! Fantastic” James said, he mentally slapped himself as he uttered those words. Why couldn’t he stop!!! “I love the author. He has very good books” FUCK
She glanced at her book and looked at James in confusion “The author is a woman…”
“Heh, of course… Silly me!” I wanna pitch myself off the astronomy tower.
She started to smile at his nervous laugh.
Wow… She has a beautiful smile… James thought
James never felt that pull with anybody else. He never felt the string connecting him to them. Never. Until Y/n.
And now he knew. He knew that he found his soul mate, his bride that he’s been waiting for for years. It was her. After all those failed relationships and heartbreaks, he had finally found the one.
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jamespottersmixtape · 7 months
rosekiller microfic: goldilocks 1,632 words
a bit of soft rosekiller!! this is inspired by @myrows rosekiller art which you can find here! it made me want to weep a little when I first saw it, so naturally I had to write something haha :) ngl this has been sitting in my drafts for a while and it's by no means perfect but enjoy!! <3
Barty has always cherished quiet nights at Hogwarts.
When the chatter in the halls finally dies down enough for his thoughts to come back to him and homework has been carelessly tossed aside to save for tomorrow.
There’s a sense of serenity to it all that Barty rarely finds elsewhere. A break that he craves most at the end of a particularly stressful day.
Sixth year courses have been—to put it lightly, beating his ass—no matter how well he does. Today, it had taken him ten tries to get the nonverbal spell to work in Transfiguration. Ten.
Usually Barty needs no more than six tries for complicated spells, less than that for complex potions. Disregarding that he still did it faster than over half the class, now he’s just fucking tired.
He groans and shoves his schoolbag off the bed, letting it hit the floor with a soft thud, then flops backwards dramatically onto his pillows. The dorm room is dim, save for a few small candles on his bedside table. Cloaked in various shadows that dance around the room from the flickering flame.
Barty closes his eyes, taking a spare second to just breathe. There’s the soft white noise of the shower running in the background—Evan is taking forever, as usual—and sometimes Barty imagines he can hear the push and pull of the black lake against their walls. Lack of windows be damned.
It isn’t long before the water shuts off, and Barty feels the smallest smile tug at the corners of his mouth. It’s just the two of them for now, Regulus off doing god knows what at this hour. So naturally, a lot of built up restraint is needed for Barty not to rip open the bathroom door. To go and take in the sight of a freshly showered Evan and gather him in his arms before he can be stopped.
He’s been in there for less than thirty minutes but fuck it, Barty misses him.
Grumbling, he goes to change into the first clothes he can find. Settling for some years old joggers and a loose tank top, the soft fabric already making him drowsy.
The bathroom door creaks open and his head snaps up, immediately catching Evan’s eye. Barty really can’t help it when his heart skips a beat.
Evan raises his eyebrows, chuckling when Barty takes no subtlety in checking him out. His hair is dry, most likely done by magic. A thin blue t-shirt hangs off his shorter frame and each step taken towards Barty casts golden shadows over his skin.
Looking like everything warm and comfortable; the smell of his shampoo in the air so familiar that it hurts.
Barty’s smirk is wicked when he tugs Evan by his shirt into a light kiss. He makes a startled noise but melts into Barty’s touch regardless, fingers cupping his chin. The kiss is short but effective in making Barty’s head go all fuzzy.
“What happened to hello?” Evan asks when they pull apart—though not very far—now standing chest to chest. Evan’s bare feet fit in between his socked ones.
 Barty makes sure to slather his words in extra charm, grinning. “Hello, gorgeous.” 
“Wow, smooth talker,” Evan deadpans.
“You know you love it, Goldilocks.”
Barty takes a blonde strand between two fingers, tugging lightly at the end and earning him a deep scowl.
“I told you that nickname is stupid.” Evan rolls his eyes but Barty catches the blush high on his cheekbones. A light dusting of pinks and reds that work to compliment his freckles. Barty pokes him on one cheek.
“And I told you I don’t care.”
Barty hums noncommittally, threading their fingers together. Warmth settles in his chest from the steady weight of Evan’s hand.
He leads Evan past the emerald green curtains of his bed and down onto the soft mattress. It’s a routine they’ve created over the last few months, and every time Barty wraps the covers around them it becomes harder and harder to let Evan slip back into his own bed. Something about having him in his arms means a night free of restless tossing and turning.
They lie facing each other for a few minutes, minimal space between them and their heads resting on one pillow. Quiet voices and even quieter laughs, a sacred bubble that neither of them dare to pop.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Barty laughs, his voice barely above a whisper. “You told Cresswell what?”
Evan frowns, a crease forming between his eyebrows. “I told him…that if he feels the need to keep staring at you in class then maybe I should tape his fucking eyes open. You know, that way he wouldn’t miss it when I inevitably snog you right in front of him.”
“Evan!” Barty can’t help it, his laugh is loud when it bursts from his chest.
“Well, maybe I left out that last bit…”
It takes him a minute before his laughter dies down, the quiet settling back in. “You jealous?” Barty teases, raising an eyebrow.
Evan purses his lips. “No.”
Barty stares at him knowingly.
Evan averts his eyes.
“Mhm sure, come here.”
He drags Evan in by his waist, the pair of them fumbling around until Evan’s head relaxes in the crook of Barty’s neck and his forearm rests over his chest. Their sides pressed together, Barty smiles—fully content now.
Wordlessly, Barty ghosts his hand over the warm skin, relishing in the way Evan shivers from the cold metal of the ring on his middle finger.
There’s silence for a few minutes. Evan’s hair brushes the side of his face and his warm breath fans across his chest, their hearts only slightly out of sync as they beat so close together.
It’s a lot for Barty to take in sometimes—the whole idea of them. Having someone so delicate, yet so utterly untouchable, be his. If anyone took the time to ask him, though, he wouldn’t change it for the world.
Barty knows Evan’s eyes are closed, can see the shadow of his eyelashes. He takes the opportunity to trace over his freckles; a messy constellation that follows the high points of his cheeks, crosses sporadically over the bridge of his nose.
Evan scrunches his face up, which should not be so endearing. “That tickles.”
Barty turns his head, placing the quickest of kisses atop of Evan’s forehead, debating whether or not he should just give in and lick the side of his face. Then ultimately deciding against it—Evan did just take a shower—he’ll be nice for once.
“I wasn’t jealous. I don’t get jealous,” Evan mumbles, his voice lulled and tired sounding.
“Of course not, Ev.” Barty resists rolling his eyes, Evan can’t see his face anyway. 
“Besides,” Barty continues, “If you were jealous, I don’t mind you threatening people for me…it’s kinda hot.”
Evan smacks him lightly across the chest, but snuggles deeper against his shoulder. Which definitely does not do a weird flippy thing to Barty’s stomach. Nope, not at all.
“Mm okay,” Evan yawns. Which, Barty can’t blame him. Exhaustion is slowly taking over his body the longer they lie here. At this point all he wants to do is blow out the candles and fall asleep. Keep Evan next to him the whole night.
“Hey Goldilocks.”
“Mhm…” Evan must be too tired to even rebuke the nickname.
“Reg is going to freak out if he finds you here in my bed.”
Evan huffs, not very different from a petulant child. He makes no move to get up or even open his eyes. “I don’t care.”
This time Barty can’t hold back his yawn. He shuts his eyes and allows his body to sink further into the bed. Further into Evan. “Maybe we can tell Potter how madly in love with him Reg is. Then they can finally leave us alone.”
“Payback,” Evan snorts.
They both fall asleep without really meaning to. Tangled limbs beneath the covers and hands that aren’t inclined to let go. As his mind quiets down, something in Barty feels settled. A puzzle piece slotting into place after searching and searching for the edge that matches. Evan tends to have that effect on him, he’s come to notice.
All is quiet for a while, the whole school in a coinciding state of slumber. A time when portraits snore softly and only ghosts roam the halls, the usual lively presence of magic at bay for now.
But not even thirty minutes later they’re awoken with a loud thud and a significantly darker room—Barty had blown the candles out after all—just in case.
“Lumos,” someone whispers.
Regulus stands at the end of Barty’s bed, hands on his hips and a look of annoyance on his face. His wand is now lit and shining far too bright for Barty’s liking.
“What the fuck, Reg?” he asks groggily. Evan groans beside him and tries to hide his face.
“Not my fault I tripped over your fucking books, Barty,” Regulus hisses. “And you guys are gross. You said no PDA in the dorm.”
Barty squints and gestures for him to lower his wand. Regulus does so slowly. “Yeah, well I’m a fucking liar. Let us sleep.”
It’s with a lot of grumbling and a sharp glare that Regulus turns and stalks to his side of the room. When he shuts himself in the bathroom Barty reaches for his own wand and spells his curtains closed.
He has Evan back in his arms in no time, steady and real and here. Absolutely not going anywhere, if Barty has a say in it. His fingers resume their path over his arm, tracing nonsensical shapes that neither can decipher. Before they both drift off again a thought pops into Barty’s head.
“We are definitely getting him back for this.”
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izels-writing · 5 months
l. evans — ever so doting girlfriend
Pairing: lily evans x fem!gryffindor!reader
Summary: you and lily were polar opposites, but it really was true love
Warnings: mentions of homophobia, injury, mild make out sesh, pregnancy (toward the end), i love lily evans so much <3
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lily evans was an angel sent from heaven. she was kind and beautiful and intelligent and caring. she said please and thank you and she hardly ever swore. that's not to say she couldn't hold her own, because the red head proved time and time again that no one should ever try to cross her. nonetheless, she was organized and responsible, being mature enough to care for those around her in the maternal way she loved to.
you were anything but.
now, that's not to say you were some idiot who couldn't care for themselves, but you never did exactly the best job. you were unorganized and forgetful, you hardly ever spoke a sentence without a curse word thrown —often times, multiple of them. you were reckless and hot-tempered, and you hated dealing with anyone around you if they were being annoying—a straight hex doing the trick in your book.
so, when you and lily began to date, it was clear to all of your friends who exactly was the more responsible one.
lily sighed quietly. "y/n, is your homework done for potions?"
y/n gasped quietly. "fuck, we had homework in potions?"
lily sighed and let out a giggle, before joining y/n on the floor in front of the couch. she leaned on her shoulder, wrapping her arms around her arm and placing her chin on her shoulder.
"what ever will you do without me, l/n?" she teased.
y/n leaned and brushed their noses together, before leaning back a bit and smiling. "crash and burn?"
lily laughed and grabbed the bag from the couch, pulling out y/n's parchment and quills and inkwells. she quickly reminded her of the homework assignment, and as y/n began her homework, lily started to read her book as she leaned on y/n.
y/n quickly finished up her work, having lily there made it easier to focus. her body and mind could relax and overall, get things done easier. as soon as the assignment was finished, she put her things away and pulled away lily's book.
lily frowned. "i was reading that..."
y/n repositioned herself and straddled lily's lap with a small grin, "don't give a shit..." she teased. "i'm bored and i think we should snog,"
lily grinned and put her hands in y/n's hair, finding a few knots that she easily untangled with her fingers and slightly messaging her head. y/n leaned her head slightly in lily's hands, exposing her neck to lily.
"that feels great," she mumbled, her eyes fluttering closed.
lily chuckled. "i know, i'm amazing,"
y/n scoffed playfully, "as if, evans..."
within moments, y/n put lily's hands down and leaned in, pressing her lips gently to lily's. lily didn't care for the gentleness and instead kissed back harder, pulling y/n closer by her waist. y/n smiled into the kiss and wrapper her arms around lily's neck, pulling back to observe her girlfriends beautiful face.
she had sparkling emerald green eyes, and pale skin that was littered with faint freckles. her lips were slightly swollen, from the intense kiss that they just broke apart from. her red wine hair was loose and framed her face, making her all the more beautiful.
"you're so beautiful..." y/n mumbled, lighting up at the way lily smiled warmly.
"i could say the same about you, love," lily whispered back.
they leaned in to kiss again, but before their lips could touch, a familiar voice exclaimed their names loudly as he entered the common room. he made his way over to them by the couches and fireplace, seating himself beside them in the loveseat.
"there you two are! l/n, evans, how are you two lovebirds?" james potter asked kindly, however, judging by the twinkle in his eye—he didn't quite care about the pleasantries.
y/n sighed and removed herself from lily's lap, leaning her head back onto the couch cushion. "what's up, jamie?"
james chuckled and looked to lily nervously before turning to y/n, fidgeting with his hands. "so, we're down a player for tomorrows game..."
lily shook her head. "absolutely not..."
y/n put a hand up to stop her, "well, wait, let's hear him out..."
james sighed. "edwards is out for tomorrows game, he accidentally set a potion off and he's going to be in the hospital wing for at least three days. i really need another chaser for tomorrow and everyone else i asked said no because we're playing against slytherin but i really need you to say yes because if i don't win—regulus won't ever let me forget it!" james rambled.
y/n snorted. "why'd you make that stupid bet anyway? you know better than anyone how competitive your boyfriend is..."
lily nudged her a bit strongly, putting a finger over her lips as james' eyes widened and he look around cautiously. "not so loud," lily reminded her, "remember?"
y/n nodded apologetically. "right, sorry, james. anyway, of course i'll do it,"
lily gave her a exasperated look. "what? no! it's dangerous and i swear those people have it out for you!"
y/n and james exchanged a look. of course people had it out for y/n, she and james both knew that. ever since she and lily came out, it's been nothing but that—which is why y/n opted to be a sub instead of on the team this year. as to not let lily catch on, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep it from her.
"you're just overthinking it, evans! quidditch is a bloody, aggressive game! everyone comes out with a few bumps and scratches," james said gently.
y/n turned to lily beside her and placed a hand on hers, which were resting on her lap. she stared her e/c eyes into lily's emerald green ones. "i'll be fine..." she reassured.
lily looked unconvinced, but she nodded anyway and sighed. "okay...but promise you'll be careful,"
"i pinky swear," y/n grinned, holding out her pinky. lily smiled and took her own pinky into hers, sealing their 'deal' with a peck on the lips.
excitedly, james quickly rushed y/n out of the common room, babbling on and on about how much they were going to practice before tomorrows match — which frankly sounded more than tiring.
lily frowned, but settled back into the couch and waited.
the next day came in a split second. y/n had practiced with james all afternoon and evening, stopping for a second to have dinner. when she went back to her dorm, she showered and found lily already asleep in her bed.
as she awoke, marlene was applying her makeup and lily was changing. y/n looked at the time and sighed in relief.
"why didn't you two wake me?" y/n frowned.
"we figured you were tired, i know how james can get," marlene joked, walking over to her closet to grab her quidditch uniform.
"i barely even saw her," lily commented off-handedly.
y/n pouted, walking over to lily and cupping her face with one hand and placing the other on her hip. "i'm sorry, lils, i promise i'll give you all of tomorrow together. we can even sneak out to hogsmeade..." she suggested with a smirk.
lily frowned. "that's against the rules..."
y/n grinned and cocked her head. "so?"
lily couldn't fight her smile anymore, giving in as her lips turned upward and she placed a kiss on y/n's nose. "fine, we'll go,"
y/n nodded in approval and went to grab her old quidditch uniform, quickly changing into it.
the game came by quicker than they had thought, and before they knew it, y/n was on the pitch with the team and lily was sitting with remus, peter, and mary in the stands.
y/n flew slightly above ground, watching below her as james made his way and shook hands with regulus, as they were both captains to their respective teams. she noticed james whisper something to regulus, making the other boy scowl playfully as a blush arose to his cheeks.
y/n laughed quietly at the sight of the cold, mean slytherin prince blushing at something james potter had said.
"i want a clean game!" madam hooch bellowed from a few feet back, "ready...go!"
suddenly, the game began. the quaffle was thrown into the air, landing within marlene's grasp. the blonde grabbed the quaffle and flew toward the slytherin goal post. two chasers from slytherin noticed this and rushed in to stop her, but y/n rushed forward and took the quaffle swiftly — throwing it into the goal post, successfully dodging the keepers hands.
"woo! y/n!" lily and remus cheered. meanwhile, peter and mary were too entranced to say anything.
the game continued smoothly, both james and y/n scoring many points with the help of marlene while sirius did his best to smack the bludgers back at the slytherin players. he was also subbing, given one of their usual beaters had to mend his bones slowly after the last quidditch game...
y/n raced forward, grabbing the quaffle from marlene and threw yet another goal into the post. the slytherin chasers glared angrily at her but she just gave a cocky grin and flew off.
as the game continued, y/n started to remember how much she enjoyed playing quidditch. though she was never as much of a fanatic as james, she was in love with the sport. so much so, she started focusing on the quaffle and ignoring everything else around her.
but then, the worst thing that could've happened did happen.
"y/n! DUCK!" james bellowed.
y/n didn't even get a chance to turn and look at whatever james was motioning towards before—
a sharp pain seared through her abdomen as she flew back into the ground. her broom was no longer in her hands, so she was free-falling... right in front of everyone. marlene screamed her name and tried to flew over to her, attempting to catch her.
but it was too late.
y/n hit the ground, hearing some of the slytherin beaters laugh and say terrible things that she didn't get the chance to reply to because suddenly:
everything went black.
"will you be quiet?! you're going to wake her!"
"oi! you're going to wake her with all the caressing you're doing!"
"james, i'm not very happy right now so shut your mouth!"
"hey! he feels bad, okay? he didn't think that—"
"reg, don't get me started on your team!"
"yes ma'am," the two boys synchronized.
y/n groaned, suddenly finding that her limbs were quite heavy and her stomach and back were sore. she peeked her eyes open for a split second, before shutting them again due to the brightest light she had ever witnessed that had invaded her sight.
"oh, she's waking up! reg, go get madam pomfrey!" lily rushed out, pushing y/n hair back from her face. she let out a relieved breath, grabbing y/n hands gently.
"lily?" y/n said, finally opening her eyes and attempting to sit up.
and attempt which failed and hurt like hell.
"yeah, love, it's me. don't move you'll strain your back more," lily replied warmly, pushing her back down gently.
"yeah, i'm going to listen to you because this pain might be worse than childbirth," y/n groaned.
"not that i'd know," she added.
lily giggled, pressing a soft kiss to her girlfriends temple. "at least your remember me, that's a good sign,"
"it couldn't have been that bad, lils," y/n scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"no...ms. evans is right, ms. l/n—you took quite the fall,” madam pomfrey said suddenly, making y/n jump from surprise at her sudden appearance. “we’re all very luck your spine was mostly still intact,”
“not to mention the internal bleeding you could’ve had,” madam pomfrey added.
“internal? isn’t that where the blood is supposed to be? frankly, what i’m hearing is that i’m fine!” y/n grinned, “come on! james, pull the bed up so i can sit!”
james sighed, looking guilty as lily glared at him. he made his way over and positioned the bed so that y/n was in sitting position. y/n tried to had the grimace from them, as she was in fact not fine…
“no, miss l/n, you’re going to have to be on bed rest for the next four days, nonnegotiable,” madam pomfrey said sternly. “and given that i must sleep some time, and just this once, miss evans has been excused from classes so she can keep you company. am i clear?”
“no! look, i am fine! i’m more than fine!” y/n exclaimed, because frankly, she didn’t want to be bedridden for the next four days. she’d simply go crazy with boredom.
“mhmm,” lily hummed in disbelief, “raise your left arm for me?”
y/n tried to, she swore she did, but the arm was so heavy and sore—it truly was no use. lily and madam pomfrey were right.
“fine,” y/n grumbled, crossing her arms.
lily quickly slid y/n’s pajama pants up her legs, making sure they were straight and comfortable. she pulled her hair back and grinned, wiping off the make-up that she had put on her earlier with a clean wipe.
y/n grinned, “look at you being the doting girlfriend,”she teased.
lily rolled her eyes, kissing her head. “someone’s got to, since you won’t,”
“lily, i don’t even want to be here. i want to be in our dorm, you reading books while i pluck my eyebrows,” you frowned.
“i know, i do too. but for right now, this is what it has to be. at least i’m here, right?” she asked hopefully.
“yeah, that does make it better,” y/n smiled.
there was an uncomfortable silence, and y/n knew it’s because lily was dying to ask something. something that she didn’t know if it was the right time to ask. it was eating her alive inside, that much y/n knew.
“what’s up, lils?” y/n mumbled, grabbing lily’s hand gently. lily looked up at her, biting her lip.
“why’d you agree to sub? you know how dangerous it is…” lily asked. she wasn’t angry, she wasn’t even curious—she was concerned.
“truthfully?” y/n asked. lily nodded. “i miss it. i miss being up in the air and being part of a team. i miss quidditch and i miss winning games…”
lily frowned. “why did you quit then?”
y/n sighed. “because…i didn’t want you to worry,”
“worry how?” she pressed.
“you know what people think about us when they see us holding hands and kissing each other…the other teams were starting to get really aggressive about it. i knew that if i didn’t quit and stay safe, you’d worry…i didn’t want you to worry..” y/n explained, clearing her throat as she felt a ball in her throat. she blinked away the fast approaching tears.
“you did that for me?” lily asked, pushing her hair once again out of her face. y/n nodded.
lily sighed, standing up and beginning to crawl onto the bed with y/n. she faced her, helping y/n turn so she could face lily too. she kissed her passionately, but still carefully so she didn’t hurt her.
lily pulled back and smiled, “i never want you to make yourself unhappy because of me, i never want you to quit something you love because i might worry…okay?”
“i’m going to love you and worry about you and care for you all the time, y/n, it doesn’t matter if you’re in the quidditch team or not. as long as you’re happy, i won’t ever make you quit something,” lily added. “so, join the team next year and make it your best one yet, okay? i’ll be there at every game, party, practice—whatever you want, i’ll be there,”
y/n felt tears escape, laughing as she felt lily’s hand hold her own. “do you pinky promise to wear my jersey number?”
lily laughed and nodded, “of course,”
“thank you,” y/n whispered, kissing her softly.
“for what?” lily asked, furrowing her eyebrows slightly.
“for being the angel you are.”
“how was practice, love?” a very pregnant lily Evans asked as she waddled into the living room, where y/n currently stood. y/n smiled at her wife, kissing her.
“it was good, i think i pulled a muscle in my leg though…” y/n frowned.
lily grinned knowingly. “how about you and i get into the bath and i’ll brew a potion to help with the pain?”
“sounds good to me,” y/n grinned.
“okay, hold on, i have to pee first. i swear, we should’ve just used some random guy’s sperm—this baby is biologically half james and he likes to kick bladders,” lily grumbled.
“i’ll make you a tea,” y/n chuckled.
“you are so carrying the next baby,” lily groaned as she waddled into the bathroom.
y/n laughed. “don’t worry, i plan to!”
she walked into the kitchen, where she and lily had set up a chalk board that they wrote on every so often. currently, it was being used as a way to write down some baby names for their growing baby boy.
she looked at the new addition, one lily must’ve scribbled on this morning after she left for practice with her teammates. she smiled and circled it.
harry was a very cute name.
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moonytoasted · 6 days
names for the marauders-era friendship groups
dont argue with me.... these are just my headcanons :3
marauders: james, sirius, remus, peter. why: i mean i think we all know why.
valkyries: lily, marlene, mary, sometimes emmeline vance, formerly dorcas why: originally came from tiktok, seen to be warriors in norse mythology and guide the slain to valhalla.
the pantheon/emeralds: regulus, evan, barty, dorcas, pandora why: pantheon/emeralds sounds so much cooler than skittles..... and not all of them (barty, ravenclaw/pandora/dorcas) were canonically slyth.
fighters: emmeline vance, hestia jones, amos diggory, caradoc dearborn, benjy fenwick why: most of them were fighting in the war on the order's side, and some died fighting.
sailors: xenophilius, sybill trelawney, pandora, bertram aubrey why: they seem like a very spacey/eccentric group. spaced out -> astronauts -> meaning of astronaut is star sailor
faithfuls: snape, mulciber, avery why: comes from a fanfiction name for them. makes sense with snape being in the group too.
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tawaifeddiediaz · 2 years
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without him, there is no me. not anymore. not since he made me need him, too. love him, too.
— Inevitable Destruction by Marie Ann
[Image ID: four gifs of Eddie Diaz and Evan Buckley from multiple episodes of 9-1-1. The gifs are black and white, offset with green border and some parts of the gif are colored with an emerald green hue. The text is from a poem written by Marie Ann at the beginning of Inevitable Destruction. The central word is in green font with an offset white shadow, and the accompanying text is in smaller white letters with green drop shadow:
GIF 1: Two gifs from 5.10 blended together - Eddie bracing himself as he tells the team that he is leaving the 118, blended with a green gif of Buck's creased expression as he clutches tightly to his Santa hat. The text reads, "your choices are mine." There is a glitch effect, then another two gifs - Buck answering Chris' call just before his smile fades, blended with a green gif of Eddie bringing his phone to his ear, turning his gaze up towards the ceiling as it rings. The text reads, "your sorrows still."
GIF 2: Eddie in 5.13, reaching up to ruffle Christopher's hair as they talk in the kitchen at night. The text reads, "always present." The gif transitions to two gifs blended together - Eddie reeling from Frank's words in 5.14 and a green gif of Eddie balancing the antenna of his radio on his forehead in 5.13 as he listens to the woman talk about not feeling fear. The text reads, "until you get your fill."
GIF 3: A light-green gif of Eddie sitting in the wreckage of his room from 5.13, turning to look at Buck, calming slightly at the sight of him. The text reads, "the itch in your veins." There is a glitch effect, then a primarily black and white gif of Eddie looking off to the side as he chokes down tears. The text reads, "the blood in your eyes" with "blood" in red font.
GIF 4: Buck watching Eddie with a determined expression in 5.14 as they sit at Eddie's kitchen table. The text reads, "Deep in my marrow." The gif transitions to Eddie in the same scene, questioning if the job is worth it. The text reads, "your soul resides."
/end ID]
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moonyssmommyy · 9 months
My Marauders Headcanons Pt. 3 ~ Remus John Lupin
(Daniel Sharman as Remus Lupin makes sooo much sense, in my head. I mean he is soggy, wet dog of a man like Remus. He plays a werewolf on Teen Wolf. He has the hair, and if cocky, cool Remus is your thing he can pull that off too. Also there's a pic of him in a cowboy hat for all the Cowboy!Remus going on rn)
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Hes an old man at heart and he always has been
He's very awkward, like if it weren't for the marauders he'd probably have like no friends
He actually gets along with everybody despite the facts he's awkward as hell
Became friends with The Pantheons/Slytherin Skittles/The Emeralds (whatever your preferred term is) after the prank
Light Academia aesthetic
He looks so funny sitting there wearing his light clothes next to them in all their dark ones
Still as cute as ever
He is not the smartest marauder
I mean in book sense yes but absolutely nothing else
He's awkward as fuck, and he's about as creative as a piece of cardboard
He's not emotionally intelligent either he gets even more awkward when people start crying
He has some psychological/ mental intelligence but not much
He's become best friends with Evan and Regulus
Barty reminds him a lot of James and he's thankful for that because he really missed James
He didn't talk to Sirius for months after the prank
Didn't talk to James either as he was on Sirius' side
Remus had expected it but it still hurt
Peter was there though and he'll forever be grateful for that
When he finally did start talking to James again it was like nothing had ever happened, but when he started talking to Sirius again everything was different
Remus' words were calloused, and cold he hadn't called Sirius padfoot or pads since the prank
Sirius hated that
Hated Snape even more after the prank too
His favorite color is actually brown, he says it's green to seem less boring but that's actually his second favorite color
Smokes Marlboro Light 100s
Fav class is Astronomy but best class is DADA
He's thoughtful and very, very observant
His fav muggle candy is Mr. Goodbar's
Tried on Sirius' leather jacket once and wants to get one of his own now
Really enjoys being the little spoon but he's so tall (that's why Barty is a good snuggle buddy)
Love Languages are Quality Time and physical touch
He prefers to receive physical touch and just spend time with you bc he doesn't really know how else to express himself
Mama's boy just like James
But he really loves his dad too
He fucking loves dinosaurs
So does Peter, they can talk about them for hours
Remus and Peter are variants of each other
Remus is a nerd from hell 😭
It's ok he's cute tho
Remus is naturally left handed but he learned to write with his right hand bc writing of the superstition that surrounds it
James and McGonagall are the only ones who know
So everyone thinks Remus has super shitty handwriting, when it's actually really good
He writes very small and neat
Didn't actually make up with Sirius until there were only a couple months left in their last year
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blitheringmcgonagall · 10 months
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Chapter 4/4
See other chapters 3/4 here
PS this (finally) is for @athenasparrow 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 4
You can do this, he tells himself firmly, you can do this. Only two hours to go.
He’s avoided looking at her all day. Sat on the opposite side to her during the beautiful ceremony. Avoided eye contact when the grooms kissed (could have been us, Evans). Refused to stand next to her when the photographer pushed them together. Kept a watchful eye to ensure he was nowhere near her all night. At least they had put him at polar opposite ends of the room. He’s hardly touched any alcohol, terrified of what he might do or let slip – contestant vigilance, as Moody would put it.
‘Nice evening, Prongs?’ Marlene looks a bit tipsy as she lifts her glass of champagne in his direction.
‘Great day,’ he says. It’s not his day. Remus and Sirius haven’t stopped beaming. He means it.
‘You know, you should probably just talk to her,’ Marlene twists the stem of the glass around, contemplatively.
For fuck’s sake.
‘Oh come on, get it over with, for once and for all,’ she insists, sweeping the glass in the air, as though issuing a decree.
‘Marls, you don’t –’
She steps towards him, finger pointed in his direction.
‘Listen, Potter, you arse –’
He moves back, feels himself collide with someone, turns hastily and watches in horror as Lily Evans recoils from him, a patch of red wine down the front of her dress. A Greek goddess in teal - sleeveless, plunging neckline, fluidity of silk, backless. His mouth goes dry.
‘I’m so—’
‘Don’t talk to me!’
Those haunting emerald eyes, fear and anger, mostly fear. She’s scared of him. Something in him, tenuous, that he was trying desperately to hold onto, snaps.
‘I have no intention of talking to you, Evans, for Merlin’s sake! Talking to you of all people is the last thing I want, believe me. It was an accident! What the hell is wrong with—’
Remus Lupin is standing in front of them, his cane in his hand, waving it at James like a weapon.
‘Moony, for f—’ his temper rising.
‘Do not even attempt to swear at my husband on his wedding day, you tosser. Get outside, both of you, immediately.’
His stupid brother has materialised beside Remus in his impeccable muggle suit – eyes narrowed, straight-backed, hand hovering over his wand – like he’s about to start a duel.
‘Keep out of this, Black,’ she hisses at him, furious.
‘Make me.’
He’s watched them like this so many times in the past – two sparks about to ignite, icy wrath and a smouldering fireball, both unstoppable, both sharp, cutting, intelligent, impulsive. Alike in so many ways. He always thought they had an unusually tight bond, like siblings.
Remus Lupin steps forward and jabs him firmly in the ribs with his cane.
‘I said out.’
There’s a finality about it. It brooks no arguments. Like he’s a fucking professor telling them to—
‘Alright, cool it, Moony,’ he growls, raising his hands in mock defeat.
‘You too, out,’ he says to her.
Their eyes lock and she says nothing, but he can feel the rage emanating from her. She throws a cleaning charm at her dress and nods, wordless.
Finish reading on ao3
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thankskenpenders · 2 years
I've been catching up on the BumbleKast after getting behind so here are some interesting tidbits from various September 2022 episodes. Lots of behind the scenes info, discussions of canonicity, hints of what may be coming in the future, and also just random fun stuff
1. I'll put the most intriguing one up front:
"Is there any chance the IDW comics will connect themselves to future games?" Ian: "Mmmmmmmmaybe." Kyle: "Is there any chance that the IDW comics have already connected themselves to any future games?" Ian: "...Not in the direction of comic into game."
Ian's wording is intentionally vague here, and I'm not sure if the phrasing of "comic [connecting] into game" would mean he's ruling out the comic connecting itself to the game or the comic being referenced in the game. He's already outright said Tangle isn't in Frontiers or anything like that, so don't expect something THAT big, but previews have also said that Sonic will occasionally make surprising references to characters from past games while exploring the islands. Maybe the IDW comics will get a nod like this? Or maybe he means it the other way around, and we'll see some Frontiers stuff in the comics next year?
Regardless, you KNOW I'll be reporting back on this when Frontiers is out
2. Ian very strongly hints that Silver will be relevant in 2023's comics. This isn't exactly a surprise, given his story in the Annual and the fact that Evan's lead writer. (She's shown immense restraint not shoehorning Silver into every arc lol.) But it's nice to know that setup will pay off before long!
3. In general he's been saying that how the Classic era games fit together is being discussed behind the scenes, especially now that it's considered the past of the Modern series again. Things like Chaotix being non-canon may no longer be true. It's probably best not to think too hard about these things (Sega didn't care about "canon" in the '90s), but he reiterates that the version of events depicted in Origin is what Sega considers the definitive start of the series
4. Ian was very pleasantly surprised (and jealous) when the Scrapnik Island team was allowed to use Mecha Sonic and other Classic elements. He's holding off on commenting further on why Sega might have allowed this
5. Ian gave his ideas for what he could do in a crossover between Sonic and Homestar Runner complete with impressions
6. He also described how a TF2 match on 2Fort between the IDW Sonic cast would go
7. The question of whether or not Nicole could still be a lynx if she came back in future media has come up on here a lot, and sadly Ian seems to think the answer is a definitive "no." If the Freedom Fighters were to ever return, ALL Archie-original elements would likely be gone, starting back at square one with only SatAM (and, technically, their Spinball cameo) as inspiration. Nicole would not be a holo-lynx, Antoine may not be able to use a sword, etc.
8. On the subject of Mega Man, Ian picks up the homoerotic vibes fans always read between X and Zero and wonders if it was intentional lmao. Ian's a real one
9. Ian gave a loose summary of what would have happened in the unreleased third issue of Archie's Sonic: Mega Drive. The story would have opened with the team working together to hunt for the Emeralds in the Special Zone, which wouldn't quite be 1:1 with any specific previous version
10. Several ideas have apparently been pitched for using the Warp Topaz again, since Sega requested they leave it intact at the end of the Metal Virus Saga so it could be used again, although no idea has stuck just yet
11. Ian does not want to admit that Starline is already a Tumblr Sexyman
I was going to add more to this post as I continued getting through the backlog, but this is already long enough
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onsunnyside · 1 year
I don’t know who this would be but it’s just so hngg 💦🥵😫
I mean fk ari for sure
if he's feeling silly 🤭 he'll make a show of lifting anything heavy (ehem... moving boxes), taking off his flannel, stretching his arms, and making those soft deep grunts 😳 but any other time (mayhaps you found a cute porch dining set at the thrift store) he lifts it with ease, muscles straining against his tight t-shirt, almost tearing the seams and walks off, turning around when he doesn't hear you behind him, "what are ya doing, sugar? let's go home."
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loving the enthusiasm anon, and thank you for the love!! i worked on chapter 3 for the better part of my weekend but i'm cursed to work the 9-5 grind all week so you may not get it until next weekend 😭 but i'm very excited so here's a barely edited snippet for ya (below the cut)
Evan eyed the restaurant as they pulled into the parking lot, then turned to Barty to ask, “Is this place fancy?”
Barty shrugged noncommittally. It wasn’t anything Michelin star worthy, but he supposed it could be classified as “upscale”. He only knew about it because he’d worked there as a line cook for 8 months before having an incredibly dramatic fallout with one of the servers, Lily, that resulted in both of them being fired for “causing a scene” and “breaking company property” and “violating the health code”. It served pasta dishes with fancy names that cost more money than what they were worth, and from what he’d seen, it seemed to be a hot spot for anniversary dinners, first dates, and birthdays. 
“It’s pretty nice,” is what he settled on. 
Evan hummed, then muttered, mostly to himself, “Explains the tie.” Barty had indeed chosen to wear a tie for the occasion. Well, he’d stolen Regulus’ tie. It was paired with his nicest button down (it only had one stain) and his nicest pair of jeans (they only had one hole). 
Evan reached out to feel the emerald green silk. He rubbed it gently between his fingers, cataloging the feel of it while Barty watched, frozen, hyperaware that one wrong move might deter him. 
When Evan lifted the end of the tie and pulled at it gently to bring it closer to his face for inspection, the pressure of the fabric against his neck pulled a small choking noise from Barty’s throat. At the sound, Evan’s ice blue gaze snapped up and Barty felt his mouth drop open slightly. 
Evan seemed to register something in Barty’s expression, because his eyes narrowed and his head cocked slightly, but he didn’t draw back. Instead, he slowly and carefully pulled the tie, and Barty with it, closer to him. Then he wrapped the fabric around his wrist and twisted his arm gently until the loop of the tie was tight around Barty’s throat.
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navybrat817 · 2 years
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Hello, lovelies! As a working mom and writer, I often fall behind on reading and reblogging fics from fellow writers. I decided to take part in the Stardust Reblog Challenge put together by @natrace as a small step to change that! My goal is to reblog one fic a day between September 1st and December 31st, hopefully more! Below are the fics shared and will feature Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans characters (for now). Show these writers some love and please heed any warnings provided. Enjoy!
Moodboard by yours truly and dividers by the talented @saradika.
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September Fics
9/1 - It Had to Be You (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @s-tarksintern
9/2 - Plan B (Dark!Ari Levinson x Reader, Dark!Andy Barber) by @slyyywriting
Happy Birthday Doll (Steve Rogers x Reader) by @secretswiftymarvelfan
9/3 - Truth Conquers All - Part 1 (Steve Rogers x Reader) by @yarnforbrains
9/4 - Waiting for This (Alpha!Steve Rogers x Omega!Reader) by @musingsinmoonlight
9/5 - You Really Wanna Do This Now? (Mob!Steve Rogers x Reader) by @luxeavenger
Lap Time (Mob!Steve Rogers x Reader) by @tumblin-theworldaway
9/6 - Infinity (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @maladaptivexxdaydreaming
9/7 - Chaleur (Pre-serum!Steve Rogers x Reader) by @moonstruckbucky
9/8 - Monster (Bucky Barnes one-shot) by @moonbeambucky
9/9 - Comfort (Steve Rogers x Reader) by @jewels2876
9/10 - Drunk Or Baby (Andy Barber x Reader) by @fictional-affairs
9/11 - Baker's Dozen (Dark!Steve Rogers x Black!Reader) by @boxofbonesfic
9/12 - Dangerous Dance (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @princessmisery666
9/13 - Hands (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @qu1etwolf
9/14 - Cold Little Paws (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @majestyeverlasting
9/15 - Fingers (Tattoo!Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @buckycuddlebuddy
9/16 - Spooky Season (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
9/17 - Into This World, We're Thrown (Steve Kemp x Reader) by @onceuponastory
Lee Bodecker in the Fall (Lee Bodecker x Reader) by @treatbuckywkisses
Blind as a Bat (Jake Jensen x Reader) by @pagesoflauren
9/18 - Sleepy (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @sweetdreamsbuck
Prism (Robert Pronge x Reader) by @needleandhammer
9/19 - Playing For Keeps (Steve Rogers x Reader) by @tuiccim
Narcissist (Ransom Drysdale x Reader) by @chrissquares
9/20 - Boring, Boring, Boring (Lloyd Hansen x Dark!Reader) by @rustytricycle
9/21 - A Gentleman in the Streets (Steve Rogers x Reader) by @christywantspizza
9/22 - Love by Moonlight (Werewolf!Bucky Barnes x Black!Reader) by @strangeprincex-writes
9/23 - Down a Rabbit Hole (Dark!Jefferson x Reader) by @sgt-seabass
9/24 - Happy Ending (Steve Rogers x Mutant!Reader) by @nekoannie-chan
9/25 - Once Upon a Blue Moon - Part 1 (Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader) by @sagechanoafterdark
9/26 - Hold Me Please? (Stucky x Reader) @doasyoudesireandlive
9/27 - Personal Project (Dark!Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @slothspaghettiwrites
9/28 - Autumn Remembered (Ari Levinson x Reader x Andy Barber) by @wayward-blonde
Soft Ransom (Ransom Drysdale x Asian!Reader) by @brandycranby
Disarmed (Jake Jensen x Reader) by @ghotifishreads
9/29 - Would I Lie to You? (Steve Rogers x Reader) by @cockslutpadalecki
9/30 - Dirty Dishes (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @jen-with-a-pen
Parade (Steve Rogers x Reader) by @rodrikstark
Possession (Lloyd Hansen x Black!Reader) by @xsapphirescrollsx
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October Fics
10/1 - Who's Your Daddy? (Destroyer!Chris x Reader) by @emerald-chaos
10/2 - In the Weeds (Dark!Ransom Drysdale x Reader) by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
10/3 - Meet Your Match (Dark Serial Killer!Ransom Drysdale x Reader) by @dreamlessinparis
10/4 - Make a Wish (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @sweeterthanthis
10/5 - Post Break Up (Hal Carter x Reader) by @writing-what-writing
10/6 - Unwell (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @msmarvelwrites
10/7 - Watching Your Footsteps (Dark!Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @lokislastlove
10/8 - Abduction (Curtis Everett x Reader) by @georgiapeach30513
10/9 - Rogers Family Recipe (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Enchant (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
10/10 - I.O.U. (Dark!Bucky Barnes x Reader)
10/11 - A Whittle More Practice (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Dance in the Dark (Ghost!Steve Rogers x Asian!Reader)
10/12 - Meeting GiGi (Steve Rogers x Reader)
10/13 - See What You Do to Me? (Nomad!Steve Rogers x Reader)
The Things You Do (Steve Rogers x Reader)
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November Fics
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December Fics
December Masterlist
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fushic0re · 2 years
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happy winter everyone! i promised to have a sleepover about a month ago once finals season was over, so here we are — grab your favorite winter beverage and some snacks, get into your pajamas, and let's get cozy! ⋆♡⁎
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you must be 18+ to participate. my blog is not for minors. ✧ please ONLY send me asks about characters that i write for. the list of characters i write for is here & is always up to date. asks centered around characters i don't write for will be ignored.
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⋆✧⁎ cast your mutuals
⋆✧⁎ fuck, marry, kill: send me 3 characters and i'll tell you whether i'd fuck, marry, or kill them.
⋆✧⁎ let's talk fics: ask me questions/talk to me about the fics i've written, au ideas, and all things fanfiction.
⋆✧⁎ q&a hour: ask me a question and i'll answer it in form of a voice note.
⋆✧⁎ winter wonderland: what winter activities would your fav character do with you? do you have any traditions with them?
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─ no pressure tags! ♡
@stargirlfics @geniedetails @sunflowerxbarnes @sunmoonandeddie @sunflowersteves @astrorogers @inklore @speechlessxx @artsynellyyy @cocoamoonmalfoy @fleurfairie @thedevilwearsvibranium @avaleineandafryingpan @wint3r-h3art @rodrikstark @angrythingstarlight @superhoeva @sapphireplums @straywords @targaryenvampireslayer @emerald-evans @galatially
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barnesafterglow · 2 years
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hello friends! i recently hit 2k and wanted to do something to celebrate! i've done a lot of sleepovers and such but only one writing challenge, and i wanted to try it out again.
being on here, despite any ups and downs i've, has been a loving and safe space for me. being able to make new friends and have a creative outlet has been amazing. i want to thank every single one of you that follows me, i never thought i would have one hundred followers, let alone two thousand of you. you all are the reason i'm still here, and the reason i decide to stay
thank you so much to @demxters for helping me out with this! i'm so grateful for you
you can find the masterlist for this challenge here!
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- this challenge, as always, is 18+ only. minors please dni.
- please no dark fics or anything including waterspouts, scat, non/dubcon, incest/stepcest, underage relationships between characters, suicide or self harm, eating disorders, or anything involving sexual assault
- please tag me in your work as well as tagging the post #sweet as sugar challenge. if you have tagged me and i haven't reader within two days, please send me a message or link because i may have missed it!
- message me or send me any ask if you have any other questions!
- this challenge will last from friday november 4th to saturday december 31st. i understand some people write slower so if you need more time please don't hesitate to reach out! whenever you can! i don’t want to rush anyone and there’s plenty of time for everyone to write :)
- i will be posting a masterlist and updating it as i read finished fics
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2 large eggs
choose 1-2 characters to write your fic about. this can be any combination of a poly/hinged relationship or character x character. however, i do not read for sambucky (as a couple) or buckynat (in any capacity). any other combination of characters should be fine, but if you have any questions feel free to message me
characters can include:
- any mcu characters
- any sebastian stan characters besides tommy lee, jeff gillooly, or steve kemp
- any chris evans characters besides curtis everett (i will also accept rpf for chris evans only)
- misc characters: steve harrington and matt murdock
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3 cups of flour
choose one au to set your fic in or you can write in the mcu universe
aus to choose from:
- modern au
- college au
- decade specific au (70s, 80s, etc)
- coffee shop au
- abo au
- band/singer/celebrity au
- soulmate au
- athlete au
- royal au
- detective/fbi au
- summer camp au
- teacher/professor au
- bookstore au
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1 cup of sugar
choose 1-2 tropes to include within your fic. at least one must be included.
tropes to choose from:
- the classic "only one bed"
- friends to lovers
- friends with benefits to lovers
- enemies to lovers
- exes (back) to lovers
- roommates
- grumpy x sunshine
- fake dating
- tutor x jock
- hero x villain
- neighbors
- sibling's best friend/best friend's sibling
- established relationship
- strangers to lovers
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1 tablespoon vanilla extract
your fic can be any combination of smut, fluff, or angst, or only one if you prefer. once again, please no dark fics
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toppings (optional)
this can be anything extra you want to your fic, such as moodboards, playlists, etc
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tagging some mutuals but no pressure!!
@pellucid-constellations @itistimeforusalltodecidewhoweare @treatbuckywkisses @sweetascanbee @sweetdreamsbuck @bucky-barmes @thornsnvultures @inklore @irisofeden @smokeinherperfume @abovethesmokestacks @imaginearyparties @lilacletter @fandoms-writings @writing-for-marvel @foreverindreamlandd @jadedvibes @atlaese @nacho-bucky @sidepartskinnyjeans @navybrat817 @lavendercitizen @scrumptious-delusion @emerald-chaos @bubblebuckys
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