#emi’s equivalent exchange
astraldraco · 5 months
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@kathbunny here is your present for @emis-equivalent-exchange !! Everybody’s showing off their weird little dudes to their friends/partners, except for Vhas, who is very irritated about this. I hope you like it!! :)
Timelapse below the cut!
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goldenart0 · 5 months
Gift for @emis-equivalent-exchange for @astranauticus! Some Theatre Dani and VR-LA hanging out
ao3 link
“Are you sure it’s fine we’re in here Dani?” VR-LA slowly closed the door into the theatre, trying to make it as quiet as possible. 
Dani strolled right up to the booth, twirling the set of keys around her finger. “Of course,” she called back at him, “I practically run this place. No one will question if I’m here, and if they do they can go fuck themselves. Now come on, I wanna show you how the board works.”
VR-LA jogged up to the booth, where Dani was already messing around with some buttons.
Dani patted the chair in front of the board, “Sit down, I’ve already pulled up the cues. It’s not too different from sound really, all you have to do is press the button when the SM says ‘go’.” Dani took VR-LA’s arm and pushed him to the chair in front of the board, standing to the side of him and holding onto the back of the chair with one hand, gesturing with the other.
“It’s honestly probably less complicated than what you’ve done on sound, since you aren’t focusing on cues and mics, just cues-”
“Are you doing sound this time? I’m surprised you aren’t doing lighting for this show. I don’t remember you saying anything about leaving,” VR-LA interrupted, turning to face Dani.
“No, it’s this music kid that’s been asking for a while and I thought since you’re doing lights why not give it him. H-, He-, I don’t really remember his name, think it started with an H. So no, I’m not in the booth this time, I did design and I’ll be watching the show like a normal person.” Dani looked disappointed for a brief moment before pointing back at the lighting board. “Anyway, here’s your list of cues. You’ll probably want to put them in your script as well, in pencil, before the Q to Q, but it’s really the same as sound. The Stage Manager calls a cue, you response with ‘lx’, and press the button when they say ‘go’. Make you don’t, VR-LA look at me.” Dani twisted the chair to face her and made eye contact with him. “Make sure you only press go when you get told too. Even if the Stage Manager forgets and you know it’s coming. You listen to the Stage Manager no matter what, even if they mess up. Then it’s on them, not you, for messing up a cue.”
VR-LA nodded at Dani and waited until she turned back to face the lighting board and stage to turn back himself. 
“I’ll be at the Q to Q as well, in case changes need to be made, which they probably will be. You know how adding cues works right?” 
VR-LA nodded.
“It’s the same deal, new cues are .5s or .1s or whatever. I’ll probably add or change cues when we have to, but the system isn’t too hard. You can pick colours here,” Dani hovered the cursor over a colour wheel on the monitor, “or there are sets of colours stored here,” she moved to a tab on the side of the screen. “’Cause we have LEDs you can pick all the colours from here. And then this button saves the cue.” Dani paused and looked back at VR-LA. “I can do all of that this weekend and you can watch, don’t worry.”
VR-LA took the mouse from Dani and clicked on a part of the colour wheel Dani pointed at before swirling around inside of it. The light on stage turned blue, before quickly flashing between all the colours VR-LA had hovered on.
“Oh wow that’s. A lot.”
“LEDs am I right. Delightful tools. Anyway, that’s probably all you really need to know, I mostly just wanted to show you the board.” Dani pushed off the desk, standing back upright, and started looking as if to head out, stepping behind him.
“Who is the stage manager by the way?” VR-LA asked, reaching to find the off switch for the board.
“MR-SN, though I would have assumed you already knew that.”
“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t know, why would you assume I knew that?” VR-LA asked, confused.
“Well,” Dani drew out the word, smirking, “I thought you two were close.”
VR-LA paused. He and MR-SN did work together and he enjoyed hanging out and talking with him, but he wouldn’t say they were particular close. Certainly not anymore than anyone else in the theatre, right?
“And on that note,” Dani continues, still smiling, “No flirting on headset. The booth isn’t as soundproof as you think it is-“
VR-LA whipped around to face Dani. “What?”
“-And I don’t want to hear anything while sitting in the audience.”
“We do not flirt, MR-SN and I don’t flirt with each other, what are you talking about? I don’t flirt with anyone and definitely not MR-SN.” VR-LA’s words came out rushed and he felt his face start to heat up.
“Well I still don’t want to hear anything, flirting or not.”
“I don’t flirt with anyone Dani!”
“I’m just saying that the booth isn’t fully soundproof VR-LA, that’s all.” Dani smiled at him and his, not serious, rage and embarrassment. Then she looked over his shoulder at the stage and her face fell a bit.
“Are you alright Dani?”
Dani made a small noise of surprise and looked back at VR-LA. “Yeah I’m good, just thinking.”
“Are you sure, you looked sad for a second, is something wrong?”
“No it’s fine, just a lot on my mind. It’s your first show as mlx, it’s a new sound op, this is my first time designing lights myself, it’s a lot going on.”
VR-LA didn’t respond to her. There was a lot of new things going on for this show, and Dani had to be under the pressure of designing her first show by herself.
“It’s just that.” Dani spoke up, tapping her fingers against the back of the chair. “I won’t be there if anything happens. I’m not doing cues to make sure they happen when they should, or on headset to say if anything looks weird, or if anything or one goes missing. After the Q to Q I’m done. Can’t touch anything, it’s out of my hands. I’ll just be sitting in the audience and trust you guys have it under control. Which I do, don’t get me wrong, but-”
“But you want to be there to make sure.”
Dani looked down at the floor. “I’ve never not worked a show before. Even backstage, running around making sure props were in their places or actors made their cues. It’s weird to not have to do anything.”
“And let go of your responsibility?” VR-LA added.
“I guess, it just makes me nervous to not be able to do anything. Even through I totally trust you guys, I don’t think you’ll mess up, but if you do, I can’t do anything and that’s nerve-wracking.” Dani squeezed the back of the chair and looked up at VR-LA.
She did look upset. Not angry, but sad, or longing. Like she didn’t want to give this up to VR-LA and whatever person she grabbed for sound. VR-LA knew Dani wouldn’t let him give up his job to her just so she could be back in the booth, even with how much more experience she had then he did. If she was accepting her role as a designer, for her first solo show, she would stick with that no matter how much she wanted to be in the show. VR-LA hoped that if she watched the tech runs it might calm her nervousness but made a mental note to talk to some of the others to do something for Dani in appreciation. 
For now through, “You know, I’m still a bit confused on how to add a cue, could you show it to me again?”
He saw Dani’s eyes light up with excitement again and give him a genuine smile as he pointed back to the monitor, and she came back next to him by the board.
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noon-time-arts · 5 months
Emi's Equivalent Exchange!
@halloween-cats @emis-equivalent-exchange
O, Captains! My Captains!
Dani and Plug Per Aspera
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halloweencatsart · 5 months
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@emis-equivalent-exchange Here's my gift for @spacedpanini! I decided to try drawing your au version of Lexi Cappella in my own style, because I really liked those designs and Lexi's my favorite character. Also as a bonus have a bunch of sketches (she's fun to draw!):
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Quick updates from the Mod office!
December 21 is the deadline for you to drop out if you don't think you can finish your gift before January 6! If something has come up, please let me know asap.
A few days ago, you should have received an email with a Treat Sheet. Creating Treats is totally optional! I was asked by some participants about the opportunity to create more gifts and I wanted to make sure that was possible, but it is NOT mandatory to participate in this. Treats don't have to adhere to the minimum for matched gifts, but you must still follow the DNWs.
Have fun creating, and I hope your week is kind to you!
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alkatart · 5 months
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Emi's Equivalent Exchange Treat 2/2
Dani hug sketch page for @astraldraco as a treat for the gift exchange. There's no way I could pass up an excuse to draw Dani getting all the hugs!
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astranauticus · 5 months
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here it is! my gift for @i-am-not-to-be-perceived for @emis-equivalent-exchange! a small moment of domestic fluff for Maxim and VR-LA :D
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kathbunny · 5 months
For the Emi Gifting Event - Cressida buys Roy new shirts
@alkatart @emis-equivalent-exchange 962 Words - Romantic Fluff
 Cressida awkwardly stood outside of the Heap, bouncing back and forth on her feet as she waited. She had run into that tiefling that Roy treated like a sibling. She had dealt with the embarrassing eyebrow raises from them. She had dealt with asking them to please go get Roy for her. She had dealt with so much embarrassment before that too. Just for one little date. Just one little date with that fire genasi boy. One little date with Roy.
 Cressida heard steps coming towards her, and she turned to face them, spotting Roy. His fire hair was combed, (how does that even work?), his cheeks were slightly flushed, he was smiling, and he was wearing the exact same shirt as the one he had worn at Finbar’s wedding. Stain from when he had spilled wine on himself and all. Cressida wasn’t sure if she was supposed to feel insulted at him wearing a stained shirt to a date or not. She then remembered that she was pretty sure she had only ever seen him in stained shirts.
 “Do you own literally any other shirts?” Cressida asked once he stopped, skipping over the greetings by accident, her first thoughts just slipping out.
 Roy’s face flushed even further in what Cressida could only assume was embarrassment. “Well… This is the only good shirt I own..?” Roy answered, rubbing at the back of his neck.
 “...I’m buying you a new shirt.” Cressida said immediately. 
 Roy took a second to process that, just blankly staring at Cressida before bursting into slightly frantic movement, waving his hands like he was trying to physically dismiss the phrase. “No, no, no- You don’t have to do that! You really don’t have to do that!” Roy said, his voice briefly cracking in his panic.
 Cressida put a hand on his shoulder, which immediately made him fall into silence, completely frozen. “If I am going on more dates with you in the future, I really don’t want you wearing the same stained shirt to every single one. I was going to spoil you eventually, this isn’t even really spoiling.” Cressida said, watching Roy’s face get redder and redder. “Let me buy you a new shirt.”
 Roy couldn’t argue with that if he tried.
 Cressida had dragged Roy to a clothing store in Brass. It was a place that sold readymade clothing, which Cressida wasn’t the biggest fan of, but Roy said that somebody at the Heap would alter anything he got for him. He also clearly needed the shirt sooner rather than later, so how well it fit him didn’t particularly matter. Cressida could more than afford a few well fitted and tailored shirts for him, that wouldn’t even cost a tenth of what she makes on her jobs in a decent shop.
 Roy was presently debating between two shirts, and Cressida had started spacing out while glancing around the little shop overcrowded with too many shelves that were too close together. That would be a serious accessibility issue for so many groups of people. Even just half giants would have trouble squeezing through these shelves. 
 Cressida glanced back at Roy, seeing him still debating between the two shirts. She looked a bit closer, leaning over him a bit. “You could just get both.” She said, making him jump a bit due to being a bit too close to his ear, or maybe just because he was too focused. “They can’t be that expensive. They’re freaking premade and I’m the one paying.”
 “Have you been in Brass for long enough to need to buy clothes here? Everything is expensive!” Roy declared. “There’s no way I am getting two if you’re paying!”
 Cressida plucked one of the shirts out of his hands, taking a look at their price. “This is barely anything. ” Cressida said. “They are overcharging though. This is really low quality…” She mumbled.
 “See! You agree it’s too much!” Roy said.
 “Yeah, it’s too much for what it is, but that’s not stopping me from getting shirts for you. It just means I’ll have to get you some better ones on another day.” Cressida said, casually taking the other shirt from him. “These two both your size?” She asked.
 “Yes, but-” Roy began, only to cut himself off, pausing to think. He made that cute expression Cressida had realized was the one he always made when thinking way too hard. “I don’t need any more shirts.”
 “I’ll only get these two for you this time.” Cressida promised. “This way, you won’t be wearing a stained shirt on our next date. Or one that’s badly patched up, like the one you were wearing when I met you.” The patchwork wasn’t bad, but it was how many patches there were. After a certain point, you need to scrap the shirt to be used in patches for other shirts, and that shirt was almost all patches. 
 Roy’s face flushed like it had before and Cressida couldn’t help but smile at that. “Fine, but only those two.”
 “Only these two.” Cressida agreed. 
 “And I am paying for dinner.” Roy added.
 Cressida raised an eyebrow at that, smirking. “Oh, so we’re getting dinner next? That’s fine by me.”
 Cressida watched Roy look away in what she assumed was shyness. Roy spoke up after a few seconds. “Yeah. Some food.” Roy confirmed.
 “We better buy these and head out then!” Cressida chuckled, starting to move quickly towards the register. Roy quickly followed behind her. Cressida decided her goal for next time was to replace his pants. Bad pants can be dangerous for his kind of work, right? Due to all the sharp objects? Brass didn’t exactly have good labor laws and the Heap didn’t seem to be following the few that it did have.
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hungryslothwrites · 5 months
hiiii @i-know-im-smart happy exchange! have some modern au fluff for kyana and the crew, and thank ye kindly to @emis-equivalent-exchange for running this event!!
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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sunnyside-despair · 5 years
Update Delayed and A Big Retcon [IMPORTANT PLS READ]
Hey yall, hope you’ve enjoyed the investigation! It’s been so much fun to write and see you guys theorizing what you think happened! Unfortunately the next update (which will be the end of investigation) is going to be a bit delayed. Why? Because I’m redrawing some of the CGs to suit new aesthetic changes I’ve made!
But what changes are those you ask? Well, I like to be very transparent in terms of retcons and such, so I’ll tell you: Emi Chiyo and Jitarou Jiro are getting new designs! Ive found myself unhappy with their designs and wanting to redesign them, so I decided to do that! In terms of story, this will change nothing! These are purely visual changes, all characters personality, their free time events, none of that will change, just the outfits that they’re wearing. Thank you all for understanding, and I’ll see you at the trial!
Here are the new designs! 
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The trove of data allegedly stolen from the New York-based firm by hackers — a total of 756 gigabytes — includes contracts, nondisclosure agreements, phone numbers and email addresses, and “personal correspondence,” according to an image of the hackers’ post provided to Variety by Emsisoft, a cybersecurity software and consulting company specializing in ransomware.
The documents purportedly include information about multiple music and entertainment figures, including: Lady Gaga, Madonna, Nicki Minaj, Bruce Springsteen, Mary J. Blige, Ella Mai, Christina Aguilera, Mariah Carey, Cam Newton, Bette Midler, Jessica Simpson, Priyanka Chopra, Idina Menzel, HBO’s “Last Week Tonight With John Oliver,” and Run DMC. Facebook also is on the hackers’ hit list.
In the type of ransomware attack evidently carried out against the legal firm, cybercriminals use the threat of releasing the stolen data as leverage to extort payment.
Variety was unable to verify the authenticity of the allegedly stolen documents. According to Emsisoft, the hackers posted evidence of the data theft via a forum on the dark web, which lets users engage in secret transactions and hide their identities using encryption. It isn’t known how much the hacker group responsible for the attack may be demanding from the law firm in exchange for not releasing the material publicly and/or on the dark web.
One of the documents released by the hacker group was an excerpt from a contract for Madonna’s 2019-20 “Madame X” tour with Live Nation.
The info the hackers has released so far “is simply a warning shot,” Emsisoft threat analyst Brett Callow told Variety. “It’s the equivalent of a kidnapper sending a pinky finger.” The implicit threat is that if the firm doesn’t pay the cybercriminals, the group will publish whatever other data they managed to steal, probably in installments, he added.
The ransomware attack on Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks was perpetrated by a group called “REvil,” also known as “Sodinokibi,” which has previously targeted Travelex, Brooks International and other organizations, according to Callow. Travelex, the U.K.-based currency-exchange company, paid $2.3 million in bitcoin to hackers that had infected its network with viruses, the Wall Street Journal reported last month.
Clients of New York-based Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks span music artists, actors and TV personalities, sports stars, and media and entertainment companies.
On the music front, according to the firm’s previously published list of clients, those include: AC/DC, Avicii, Barbra Streisand, Barry Manilow, Bebe Rexha, Bette Midler, Bruce Springsteen, the David Bowie Estate, Drake, Elton John, Fiona Apple, Future, Jessie Reyez, John Mellencamp, Lady Gaga, Lil Nas X, Lil Wayne, Lionel Richie, Lizzo, Madonna, Maroon 5, Nas, OK Go, Ricky Martin, Rod Stewart, Shania Twain, Sting, The Weeknd, Timbaland, Tony Bennett, U2, Usher and the Whitney Houston Estate.
Other talent and execs repped by Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks include Andrew Lloyd Webber, Barbara Walters, Clive Davis, David Geffen, David Letterman, Diane Sawyer, Gayle King, Iman, Irving Azoff, Jimmy Iovine, Kate Upton, Maria Shriver, Mariska Hargitay, Martha Stewart, Meg Ryan, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Nancy Grace, Naomi Campbell, Priyanka Chopra, Richard Plepler, Robert De Niro, Shay Mitchell, Sofia Vergara, Spike Lee, and the Osbournes (Ozzy, Sharon and Kelly).
Athletes who are listed as clients include Cam Newton, Colin Kaepernick, Henrik Lundqvist, LeBron James, Mike Tyson, Scottie Pippen, Sean Avery, Sloane Stephens and Victor Cruz.
In addition, companies on the firm’s client roster include Activision, Azoff MSG Entertainment, Discovery, EMI Music Group, Facebook, Focus Features, HBO, iHeartMedia, Imax, IAC, Live Nation, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, MTV, NBA Entertainment, the Nederlander Organization, Playboy Enterprises, Samsung Electronics, Scott Rudin Prods., Sony Corp. and Sony/ATV Music Publishing, Spotify, Tribeca Film Festival, Universal Music Group and Vice Media Group.
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messinwitheddie · 4 years
i'd love to hear more about your concept of the frylords and cooking ops tbh because now i cant play csd!3 without being like 'hehe frylord simulator' the whole time
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:DDD I would be happy to!
The concept of frylord is probably my favorite unexplored Irken lore. (I'll try not to state comon zim wiki knowledge)
Also, I've worked in food service my whole adult life, so "The Frycook What Came From All that Space" was that much funnier to me when I rewatched the series.
My AU Irken Gir is proud to be apart of the Culinary Ops. He is slowly but surely obsorbing all the knowledge and skills necessary to be in charge of his own snacking system one day.
Tallest Red and Purple usually have awful jugment, but they were correct when they recognized Gir's natural talent for cooking.
Frylords are highly respected nobility in the Irken empire and rightfully so. Snacking is the most beloved and universal part of the Irken empire. Feeding the entire Irken species and the races it conquers is an endless job that requires dedication and continuous back-breaking labor. Frylords are appointed by the tallest to manage the major snacking systems throughout the greater galaxies to feed the empire. They are also rigorously trained in hand to hand combat in the event they must protect their kitchens/ staff drones from danger. A frylord knows how to accumulate mass and throw it around until an enemy falls.
They are the Irken Empire's closest equivalent to feudal knights. Frylords are usually tall; shorter than tallests but as tall as high generals. They are the only Irkens besides tallests to have unlimited access to food. They are also the only Irkens legally permitted to own property (they are given their own planets, slave forces, ships and businesses).
Frylords are also the most educated on ancient Irken history (though the information is greatly censored by the control brains). They are keepers of ancient recipes and cooking methods as well as modern ones. They are required/ expected to have an encyclopedic knowledge of neutrtional health. A tallest personal frylord is expected to advise them on dietary issues and establish healthy meal plans when necessary.
They also act as diplomats between service drone and tallests, though throughout history the frylords rarely defy their tallests in the interest of their worker drones.
The culinary ops is the most exclusive branch of the Irken military. It is divided into 4 sub branches; baking, butchery, brewing and harvesting. These branches often exchange and combine recipes. All 4 branches package and mass produce snacks and food items throughout the empire. Frylords employ shmillions of Irken civilians with steady food service, factory or cleaning jobs.
Gir is the youngest Irken in history to be enlisted in the program. He first joined the baking branch under Frylady Soo-Garr of Conventia. He switched to the butchery branch after accepting an apprenticeship under Sizz-Lorr of Foodcourtia, who earned his title of Frylord training under Master-Cutter Romprohst.
Pielord Emis-Gee is the empire's best baker and confectioner. He is frylord of the Massive's Grand kitchen and is the personal nutritionist to the tallests. PieLord Emis-Gee mentored Lady Soo-Garr. She covets his position as personal frylord to the tallests.
Brewmaster Master-Master Brewer Shakkenaktsturt of the HOPPS distillery system is the oldest of the frylords. Though famous for his cyder, wine and spirits, BMMB also specializes in soups, smoothies, soda, cocktails and all recipes liquid.
I have not yet designed a character for Head Harvester, Satt-Eva. Harvesters are the closest things to farmers that exist in Irken culture. They are in charge of the genetically modified orchard/ garden planet Producia and it's 6 terriformed moons where raw ingredients, herbs, spices and any other organic material no longer able to be produced on Irk are cultivated and distributed to the other frylords to make snacks. Most of the fruits and vegetables are mass cloned in greenhouse cities that cover the entire planet/ moons.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are an extremely rare luxury only fed to the tallest when in poor health. Producia is considered one of the most essential planets in the empire, next to Irk itself and is heavily guarded by it's own small Armada fleet.
Frylords are fun and fascinating Irkens. I encourage anyone to make a frylord OC .^^
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hellyeahheroes · 5 years
Building Emiko Queen in D&D 5e
As we all know by now, I’m inspired to do these builds by those made by Tulok the Barbarian. But after a few of those (we had Cass Cain and Static for DC and Nico Minoru and Laura Kinney for Marvel) I wanted to try to challenge him somewhat. There is his Hawkeye build which is veeeery good and could work perfectly with almost any comics archer, be it Kate Bishop or Green Arrow. A challenge I want to give myself is to make a build that could function similar but does not use the same baseline, so no Arcane Archer. And I have a character I think can be perfect for exactly that.
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First, let us write down our goals for this build. We need to make Emiko an archer so good even her own brother admitted she is better than him. Then we need to make her stealthy - she is a former assassin and you don’t put an arrow through Deathstroke’s head by loudly announcing your presence. Finally, we need to get our own equivalent of trick arrows.
For Ability Scores, I’ll be using standard points array, if you or you DM prefers to roll or use point buy, treat this as a guideline. Dexterity is our top priority since this is the basic of archery in the game. Wisdom next, Emiko surprises her enemies, not the other way around. Constitution next, we will need it for concentration. Intelligence as Emi isn’t known for bad grades. Charisma is on the low but, in all fairness, she can come off as abrasive or arrogant at times. And we will dump strength - you either go all-in with it or you drop it. The Stats should then look like this: STR 8 DEX 15 CON 13 INT 12 WIS 14 CHA 10
Now for species, or how D&D likes to call it, Race.  Emiko is a Human, there is nothing meta or alien about it, it’s part of the whole badass normal appeal. So we will make her the most badass human, Variant Human. Add +1 to your Dexterity and Wisdom, choose Athletics for your bonus skill, any language of your choice and Sharpshooter for a feat. It lets you make long-range attacks without disadvantage, ignore half and three-quarters cover and take -5 to the attack roll for +10 to damage if you hit.
For the Background, we cannot choose assassin but Urban Bounty Hunter will work just fine. It lets you choose proficiency with a musical instrument and a set of gaming tools and two skills. We will go for Deception and Insight. It also gives you an Ear to the Ground feature, which allows you to have contacts in every city, which you can use to get information on criminal activities. I assume Emiko gained a few of these during her time under Simon Lacroix, in Team Arrow or Teen Titans.
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For the Classes, we are multiclassing two classes, one of which is Rogue. And if there is one thing that has been true in D&D even waay back during 3rd edition, it is this. If you’re multiclassing with Rogue, start with the Rogue. First level gives us proficiency in all simple weapons, light armors, thieves’ tools, secret Thieve’s Cant language, Intelligence and Dexterity saving throws and four skills - choose Acrobatics, Stealth, Perception, and Investigation. We then get Expertise in two of those, letting us double the proficiency bonus to them and you should pick Stealth and Perception.
We also get Sneak Attack, which allows us to deal an extra 1d6 damage on a hit with finesse or ranged weapon, as long as we either have advantage on the attack or the target is standing no less than 5 feet away from someone hostile to them who isn’t incapacitated and we do not have disadvantage on the attack roll.
You might have noticed that this does not give us one crucial thing - proficiency with the longbow. Let us fix that. First level of Ranger gives us proficiency with it and all martial weapons, one skill of choice, choose Survival. You also get two features. 
UPDATE Since this was published a new Unearthed Arcana presented variant features for the Ranger that let us replace the shitty ones from main build and still stack with prestige class we’re using, we’ll take them.
Favored Foe lets you cast  Hunter’s Mark, with a casting time of 1 bonus action and a concentration time up to 1 hour, lets you mark a single target, deal 1d6 extra damage whenever you hit them and gain an advantage on Perception and Survival checks to find them. If the target dies before the spell's duration ends, you can move it to another one. This spell does not count against the number of spells you know and you can cast it without expending a spell slot (more about that in a moment) number of times equal your Wisdom Modifier per long rest.
Deft Explorer lets us choose one of three options. Tireless let us remove one level of exhaustion whenever we finish short rest and let us heal 1d10+WIS modifier as an action, usable equal amount of time per long rest as your WIS modifier.
ALTERNATIVE: You might have noticed I’m using standard Ranger and not a much better, revised version. This is because we will be taking an archetype that officially cannot be combined with the revised Ranger. If your DM would let you combine them then a) cherish your DM like a fool they are and b) you get to choose only one type of humanoid for favored enemy but get +2 to damage rolls against them and you natural explorer gives you an advantage on Initiative rolls, advantage on attacks against creatures that have not yet acted during your first turn of combat and lets you ignore difficult terrain.
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Second level Ranger gets to choose a Fighting Style and Archery gives us +2 to ranged attack rolls, helping mitigate that pesky -5 from Sharpshooter. We also get to learn our first two spells. Ranger’s spellcasting works like Sorcerer’s - we get to know a number of spells according to the level and have a number of spell slots and we have to burn to cast a spell. You can cast a spell using a higher level spell slot to give it a bonus, you can change one spell you know for another whenever you take a level in Ranger and you cannot learn a spell of a higher level than your highest spell slot available. If a spell allows a saving throw, the difficulty is your Wisdom modifier + your Proficiency Bonus and if it asks for an attack roll it’s those two +8. And thanks to Spell Versitality from Unearthed Arcana, you can replace spell you know with another spell of the same level every long rest.
We get to know two spells on the first level and we will pick two to make our first trick arrows
Ensnaring Strike - next time you hit a target with an attack, they must make a Strength saving throw or be restrained by magical vines until you break concentration, after a minute of time or whenever they or another creature wastes an action to take another Strength check to free them and actually succeeds. Also, the target takes 1d6 poison damage at the beginning of each their turn. This is our net arrow.
Fog Cloud creates a sphere of fog 20-foot radius, in which the area is heavily obscured. You can concentrate on it for up to 1 hour or until a strong enough wind blows it away. This is our smoke arrow.
Now back to Rogue at second level we get Cunning action, letting us take hide, dash or disengage as a bonus action.
3rd Level Rogue updates their Sneak Attack to 2d6 and gets to choose a Roguish Archetype. And we will, of course, go with Assassin. I mean, Emiko is one, it kinda goes without saying. 3rd Level gives us proficiency with disguise and poisoner’s kits and a creatively called feature of Assassinate - it gives you an advantage on attacks you make during the first round of combat against enemies that haven’t acted yet and makes any hit automatically count as a critical hit.
Neat, huh? Well, let us make it even better. 3rd Level Ranger gets to choose their own archetype, Ranger Conclave. Gloom Stalker gives you Umbral Sight, which grants you Darkvision up to 60 ft - you see like normal in dim light and like in dim light in darkness - AND in darkness you are invisible to any creatures trying to see you with Darkvision.
But the real treasure of this archetype is Dread Ambusher lets you add your Wisdom modifier to Initiative rolls. And during your first turn of combat your speed increases by 10 feet, as long as you won’t interrupt your move by any other action (eg. if you move, attack and move again you’re back to your normal speed) and lets you make an additional attack as a part of that turn and if that attack hits, you add 1d8 to the damage.
Let me lay it down for those who were not paying attention. You add two your highest modifiers to Initiative, you get to make two attacks with advantage and if you hit you add 1d8 to one and your Sneak Attack damage to both AND then roll that damage twice for an automatic crit. On top of having Hunter’s Mark
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Gloom Stalker also adds Disguise Self to your Spells know, without it counting against the maximum number of spells you can know. It allows you to change your appearance for up to an hour without need for concentration and you cannot change your body type (in a sense you cannot grow extra limbs, horns or wings, not making yourself look more muscular, thinner etc.) and you cannot make yourself look more than 1 feet taller or shorter than you already are. It’s an illusion and falls doesn’t hold to physical inspection. I don’t know if it is an Emiko thing, you can always keep it to exchange for something else later.
Strategy: At your first turn pick up the most dangerous-looking soon-to-be-dead enemy, put Hunter’s Mark on them and make them take 26 on first and 34 on second attack on average, 52 and 68 respectively maximum. And that damage will only grow with the levels. Now imagine you also get advantage on Initiative rolls and +4 to that damage and you understand why a DM that lets you combine this with Revised Ranger is a fool.
You also get a rather mediocre and situational Primeval Awareness so we will exchange it for Primal Awareness from Unearthed Arcana, which allows us to add following spells to spells you know, without them counting against the limit of spells you know, on top of the one you get to pick. on this level
Detect Magic allows you to sense magic around you up to 10 minutes on Concentration, within 30 feet but blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt. You see aura of magical objects and beings and can recognize what school of magic it is. Some sort of radar or scanner maybe?
Speak With Animals - up to 10 minutes, no concentration, you can communicate with animals and convince them to do you small favors or ask minor things like the location of monster they’ve seen within a day.
Hail of Thorns has concentration-time up to one minute and casting of 1 bonus action and lets you make your arrow burst with thorns. When you hit a target, it deals 1d10 (+1d10 for each higher level of spell that it is cast from) piercing damage to them and everyone within 5 feet of them, half on successful Dexterity saving throw. Exploding arrow.
Fourth level Ranger gets an Ability Score Improvement or a feat. We will pick Weapon Master, which lets us increase our Dexterity by 1 and get another Fighting Style out of Fighter’s list - Close Quater’s Shooter from Unearthed Arcana grants you +1 bonus on ranged attacks and lets you make ranged attacks within 5 feet of enemies without disadvantage on the attack roll.
Alternative: If your stats are high enough you do not need an extra point here to round everything up and prefer to stay away from enemies at all times, pick up Alert instead - you get +5 to Initiative, cannot be surprised and hidden enemies do not get an advantage on attack rolls against you.
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Fourth Level Rogue gets their Ability Score Improvement, letting us add +1 to two stats and round up Dexterity and Wisdom.
Fifth Level Ranger gets an extra attack, letting you attack twice as a part of the same action. Making it three attacks on your first turn. You also get to learn a new spell and it can be a 2nd level spell even. 
Cordon of Arrows lets you place up to 4 arrows as an action in an area, protecting it for up to 8 hours, and whenever another creature will get closer to it than 30 feet to any, it will fire and force a Dexterity saving throw or deal to that creature 1d6 damage.
And of course, Gloom Stalker lets you learn another one - Rope Trick. It lets you turn a rope for 1 hour into a way to another dimension, where up to 8 medium or smaller creatures can rest protected from attacks or spells and invisible to anyone. Between these two spells I assume Emiko is paranoid about being ambushed.
Primal Awareness gives us two more Spells, Beast Sense has a concentration time up to 1 hour and allows you to touch a willing beast and on action hear and see all it does. I guess you put a small camera on it?
Locate Animals or Plants allows you to describe a specific kind of animal or plant within 5 miles.
But if we need something more defensive in combat, we should head back to the Rogue. 5th level Rogue rises our Sneak attack to 3d6 and gives us Uncanny Dodge - whenever you get hit with an attack, you can use your reaction to half the damage you’ve taken.
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(Just to be clear, this is THE OPPOSITE of what she’s doing here)
6th level Rogue gains expertise in two more skills, Acrobatics and Survival will nicely fit the build so far.
7th Level Rogue gets Evasion, meaning that whenever an effect would call for a successful Dexterity saving throw to take half damage, you instead take no damage as long as you pass the saving throw. And Sneak Attack increases to 4d6.
8th and Final level of Rogue gains Ability Score improvement, you should be able to cap out Dexterity
6th Level Ranger gets boring extra favored enemy and favored terrain. 7th level is better, you get a Gloom Stalker feature, Iron Mind, which gains you proficiency in Wisdom Saving throws so that Count Vertigo won’t trap you in fantasies about Nightwing again. 
You also learn a new spell but honestly and Unearthed Arcana added few good ones. While usually, I’d go with Enhance Ability, Gust of Wind feels like a better fit for trick arrows theme - it’s a concentration for up to 1 minute and creates strong wind in 60 feet long and 10 feet wide radius in any direction you want (which you can change on each of your turns), removing gas and vapor from it, extinguishing all unprotected flames and having 50% chance on doing so to protected ones. Creatures in line move with half of their movement speed against the wind’s direction and on the beginning of their turn they must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet away. Wind Arrow?
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8th Level Ranger gets an Ability Score Improvement, raise your Wisdom. You also get Land’s Stride, letting you ignore the effects of nonmagical difficult terrain and advantage on saving throws against plants magically made to impede your movement.
9th Level Ranger gets to learn 3rd level spells. Chances are you might also want to replace some less than useful ones you picked so far, so I’ll list all best options here
Conjure Barrage lets you throw an arrow in the ait to make it rain arrows, dealing 3d8 damage to every creature in a 60-foot cone, half on a successful Dexterity saving throw. Less a trick arrow and more you replicating that time Ollie fired five arrows at different targets all at once.
Flame Arrows - concentration up to 1 hour to let you make your arrow deal extra 1d6 fire damage. Heated arrow, if that is a thing.
Lighting Arrow allows you to transform your arrow into a freaking lightning bolt, dealing target 4d8 lightning damage on a hit, 2d8 on a miss and whenever you hut or not every creature within 10 feet of it takes 2d8 lightning damage, half on a successful Dexterity saving throw. Electric arrow.
Gloom Stalker adds to this Fear - every creature in a 30-foot cone must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you for up to 1 minute (requires concentration) or on successful Wisdom saving throw granted if the affected creature loses the sight of you. Frightened creatures drop whatever they’re holding and must spend their turn taking dash action to move away from you, if they can. “I Borrowed a Page From Scarecrow’s Book” Arrow.
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10th Level Ranger gains another favored terrain and Fade Away from Unearthed Arcana, which once per short or long rest allows you to as a bonus action become invisible until start of your next turn.
11th Level Gloom Stalker gains Stalker’s Fury - from now on once on each of your turns if you miss an attack you can make another one as a part of the same action. Meaning if one of your 3 attacks with advantage and auto-crit won’t hit, you can just add another one to it.
Our Captsone is 12th level of Ranger, letting us cap that Wisdom.
You are Rogue 8/Ranger 12, let us consider the pros and cons of this build. First of all, you go first. With +10 to initiative (+15 with Alert) you plain and simple go. First. You go first and someone dies when you put three arrows in them and throw a fist full of d6 and d8 dice at the DM. With Sneak Attack, Dread Ambusher, Hunter’s Mark, advantage on attack rolls, automatic critical hits and an ability to reroll a failed attack because you can deal from 2 to 4 d8 + 10d6 damage. Second, you have multiple ways to ambush or sneak upon your enemies and make sure they do not sneak up on you. Finally, Hail of Thorns, Fear and Lighting Arrow give you something against a group of enemies.
Now for the cons. First of all, you’re pretty much a one-trick-pony, focused on taking an enemy down fast, before they can even act.You drop someone on the first turn but are not that effective on the next ones and DM can quickly learn to simply add more enemies to every encounter. Second, your Constitution is not that high and both your HP and Concentration are lacking, while you need the latter for many spells and the former...you’re not within the Power Word: Kill range, but a single attack could drop you there. You also deal piercing damage and even the alternate types of damage you can deal are ones that many high-level enemies will have resistance or immunity against. Finally, you are all about stealth so you may not work well with a group more about full-frontal attack. But you still work best with a team. Be it Team Arrow or Teen Titans, you are most effective when you keep your distance and support first-line fighters with deadly strikes. Remember, you took down the world’s deadliest assassin when he was preoccupied with Robin.
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Suggested choice of partner to team-up with.
If your stats are good enough you can max DEX and WIS with just 4 Ability Score Improvements, consider 2 levels of Fighter to gain action Surge - suddenly your 3 attacks in first round become 5 and you can still pick second fighting style without taking Weapon Master feat.
If you want to sacrifice your stronger trick arrows to be stealthier or deadlier, consider replacing 4 levels of Ranger with Monk - you gain unarmored movement, add Wisdom to your Armor Class, get an unarmed strike to defend yourself in close-combat. Pick Way of the Shadow for a set of spells that make you stealthier. 
If you want to say fuck off to the trick arrows aspect completely, be Rogue 8/Ranger 6/Monk 6 and pick either Way of the Kensei, letting your arrows become magical and allowing you to spend ki points to add even mroe damage to them or Way of Shadow for freaking teleport.
Mind you, do not pick Way of the Kensei for 4 levels of Monk, you can only add 1d4 to your ranged damage for a bonus action and Hunter’s Mark and Hail of Thorns just do it better.
You have any suggestions of criticism? Or maybe a character you would like to see turned into a D&D build? Always open to constructive criticism or ideas.
ERRATA: Since the publications for new class options from Unearthed Arcana I have updated the build to include them.
- Admin
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