#I hope the colors come out ok through tumblr
astraldraco · 5 months
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@kathbunny here is your present for @emis-equivalent-exchange !! Everybody’s showing off their weird little dudes to their friends/partners, except for Vhas, who is very irritated about this. I hope you like it!! :)
Timelapse below the cut!
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avelera · 3 months
Let's Play: What's Wrong with this Sculpture?
Following in the theme of sharing astonishing moments of ancient sculpture pedantry here on Tumblr, based on my brief undergraduate stint as a T.A of ancient art history, I thought I'd share one of my other proudest moments of being an absolutely insufferable know-it-all about ancient sculptures.
In the process, I hope I can also share some of the sort of largely useless (from a practical perspective) information that Tumblr tends to glory in, so buckle up buttercups.
This question was posed to me on a walking tour of the Capitoline Museum in my ancient art history class while I was living abroad. Our professor, a delightfully curmudgeonly Belgian, stopped in front and asked us to figure out why this sculpture is just plain wrong.
I intend to walk you through the process of how I got the right answer and, after gaining my teacher's rare approval, glowed with enough serotonin to power a small nuclear reactor.
So, let's return to the original question: what is wrong with this sculpture?
Because if you are truly eagle-eyed you should be able to spot what very famous sculpture this actually is, before an overly imaginative Frenchman brought it back wrong.
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Hint #1: It was incorrectly restored.
Look closely at the the difference of the patina, or color of the stone. It's a bit hard to tell in this photo, but the head was added later. It's a paler white than the core of the torso, which is what we have of the original sculpture.
Hint #2: It was incorrectly restored in the 18th century by a Frenchman (Pierre-Étienne Monnot) who made some, shall we say, creative interpretations of what's going on here.
You can tell it's by an 18th c. Frenchman because the facial features are so delicate. Ancient statues tend to have less narrow and delicate chins and noses. In general, that is a dead giveaway when something is 18th century French vs. Ancient Greek or Roman.
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Here's a good example. The first sculpture is 18th c. French, the second is the famous Venus de Milo. Note her blockier chin and less delicate features. So in the future, you can tell these sort of later additions to Greek or Roman sculptures if they added a new head because 17-19th century sculptors in Europe had tools (like finer drill tips) and tastes (beauty standards that favored more delicate men and women) that led to a pronounced difference in the faces.
Hint #3: Check out the anatomy of his lower shoulder. That's another addition, that arm should not be coming straight out of a torso where the muscle, if you look closely, is turned inward.
Seriously, that looks painful.
Hint #4: The sword he's holding up is just total nonsense for the Roman era. I mean, the restoration makes no secret of the fact that this sword is a later addition, but it's also just an absolute nonsense sword with its silly little curved cross guard. This Frenchman literally just made it up.
Here's an ancient sculpture with a sword in it that actually looks right:
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From the Ludovisi Gaul, a famous Hellenistic Baroque work of Greek sculpture. Note the much blockier sword though I will admit, it could be a later addition, I don't know for 100% certain, but I'm pretty sure it's the original. Regardless, it fits the sculpture much better and let me add that sword I'm criticizing is completely made up for the sculpture we're talking about and is not there in the original sculpture that was incorrectly restored.
Ok, so those are all the hints.
Look closely at the body of the first sculpture. Cut away the arms that are not connected to the body correctly, the sword that shouldn't be there, the face that was far too delicate. When you separate those later additions out, can you tell me what sculpture that actually is?
Because here is the reveal!
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The Discus Thrower, aka, the Discobolus by Myron.
The French restorationist got carried away by his own imagination, saw a twisted torso and thought it could only possibly be a warrior in the midst of twisting around to fend off a blow, not an athlete in the midst of a demonstration of skill. It's a martial, fanciful read that completely misinterpreted the subject.
This is why most restoration today employs a much lighter touch, rather than trying to reattach pieces incorrectly, they tend to just outline where the missing pieces are with a light sketch of an educated guess of what might have actually been there. Faulty restorations like the Capitoline Discobolus is one reason for this modern stylistic principle when it comes to restoration work.
When my professor asked us to identify the correct original sculpture that day on the museum tour, it was the sword that pinged me as wrong first, but zeroing in on the core of the sculpture, the torso, is what revealed the true statue underneath.
This notoriously difficult to please professor was very proud when I blurted out, "It's the Discus Thrower!" and the high-octane serotonin I got from his approval probably could have propelled me into the sun that day, and brought to you Yet Another Moment of Ancient Sculpture Pedantry.
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cultleaderyoongi · 1 year
With You, All The Way | myg
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☆ pairing: Yoongi x f. reader
☆ genre: ex2l, pwp • angst, smut, fluff
☆ word count: 10k (I have no excuse except for I'm frustrated)
☆ warnings: toxic stuff happens, a lot of miscommunication; a lot of making up and making out; some cursing; mentions of alcohol; explicit smut – kinda soft dom!Yoongi, breast/nipple play (he's kinda a boob guy), fingering, eating out, handjob, blowjob, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (reader is on birth control tho which is mentioned), multiple orgasms, simultaneous orgasms, creampie, some praise, some aftercare
☆ synopsis: Break-ups are rough, more so if you and your ex share the same friend circle. How could a simple and supposedly tame night full of fun games change the trajectory of your relationship that is no more?
☆ playlist: Tinashe – Perfect Crime | Alina Baraz – Between Us | Kali Uchis – Moonlight
☆ a/n: Guess who's back after *checking imaginary watch on my wrist* almost a year 💀 Did I whip this out within approximately two weeks? Maybe. This is the fastest I've ever written, so therefore it's sloppily edited – especially towards the end (I'm not a fast writer, ok? I'll come back to edit it soon). Listen, I was super heartbroken about the concert (still am), so my mind conjured up this beast of a delusional, self-indulgent story. Pls think of me when you go see my man live, especially if it's the Newark show tonight 😭
I started off this story with Marie Claire Yoongi in mind, but with the release of D-Day it turned more and more into Haegeum Yoongi, sooo...feel free to imagine whichever version you want. Happy D-Day era to y'all! Lmk what's your favorite track, your favorite look, your favorite whatever. Let's talk and suffer together lol
Enough of my rambling though. I hope you enjoy reading! As always, if you do – thank you and pls lmk what you think ♡
☆ taglist: @main-bangtansmauyeondan @jwlmnbt (I'm really horrible at keeping track of my taglist which is also due to my inconsistent posting, but if you see this and you remember wanting to be on my practically non-existent permanent taglist pls lmk)
© cultleaderyoongi on tumblr | do not repost or translate on any platform
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You shouldn't be here.
You really shouldn't.
Whose idea was it to bring everyone together for a night of fun activities and drinks? Whose stupid idea was it to invite you when your least favorite person in the world is going to be present as well? And furthermore, whose stupid idea was it to seat the two of you within clear vision of each other?
"Don't hate the player, hate the game." Your friend Jimin, the host and therefore perpetrator of all this, speaks with a smirk as if to answer your internal monologue, watching your other friend Jungkook pick up eight colorful cards after being hit with two subsequent draw fours.
Laughter goes around the circle as the youngest tries to rearrange the abundance of cards in his hands.
Truth be told, you could've declined. It's not Jimin's fault things went south with you and the man whose glare avoids you as if his life depends on it. Yet you spot glimpses of his feline eyes set on you when he least expects it, catching him off-guard – and suddenly the fluffy, white rug beneath his feet is a lot more interesting to look at.
"Oh Jungkook, you're almost as rich as Taehyung!" Seokjin jokes, drawing your attention back to the group.
Hoseok joins in, accompanied by an animated cackle. "You're giving Taehyung a run for his money."
You muster said boy beside you, his brows furrowed and tongue poking out in focus. He can barely spread out his set of cards without dropping any. Poor Taehyung.
As the game continues and more and more people yell out Uno in relief until a loser is revealed (it's a close and tedious match between Jungkook and Taehyung, but at the end Jungkook pulls through) you pay close attention to the way Yoongi toys with the rings on his fingers. He always does this when he's anxious. His action is incessant, almost obnoxious in your eyes. You don't like being here any less than he does, but at least you try your damn hardest to pull yourself together in front of your friends. They're your friends as well as his. You haven't had the chance to see them as much lately while he gets to see them all the time – they live together, for fuck's sake!
"_____." Jimin's voice pulls you back to reality. "Lend me a hand?"
"Uh yeah, sure." You spring up from your seat, realizing Jimin asks for your help clearing the table.
While he collects the cards strewn across the coffee table, you make move of collecting empty bottles and cans. In your position, you're slightly hunched over the surface which involuntarily causes one thing to happen.
Your suspicion is confirmed when you look up at your ex-boyfriend shamelessly staring at your cleavage. There's a split second where you make direct eye contact once he grasps the situation – and now things are ten times more awkward.
Taking a deep inhale, you place everything on the kitchen island nearby before returning to your seat. You muster Yoongi's stone-cold, almost dead-like expression. To anyone that didn't witness what happened seconds ago, it probably looks like the regular go-to mood for Min Yoongi. But you can catch the tiny movement of teeth nibbling on the inside of his bottom lip. Oh, he's frustrated. You can't quite determine yet if you're proud of this achievement.
Meanwhile, Jimin sets up the next game.
"This doesn't look like a safe game to be around Namjoon-hyung," Jungkook murmurs, inspecting the tower of wooden blocks stacked on top of each other.
"Hey!" Namjoon retorts to the boy, his lips pulled into a slight pout. "I can play Jenga alright. Just you watch."
There are noises of disagreement going around the group, some of the guys sharing anecdotes on things Namjoon has accidentally broken recently.
"There's a little twist, by the way," Jimin informs everyone amidst the commotion. "Each block has an instruction on the bottom. Kinda like truth or dare – but you don't get to choose."
"Oh!" Seokjin claps his hands once in excitement. "Now we're talking."
Of course, leave it to Park Jimin to make an already awkward evening even more awkward by potentially causing ruckus with whatever tasks he gives out to people. Great.
After a match of rock, paper, scissor to determine who starts (which is Namjoon who already almost has the tower topple over by crouching down to the table), the first few turns go by in a breeze. Nothing too out of the ordinary has been requested yet. Taehyung choosing Jimin if he had to pick someone he would date out of the bunch or Jungkook giving Hoseok a lap dance like there's no tomorrow seem like natural occurrences for a Saturday night in this house.
"My turn," you murmur as you bend over until you reach the stack. Carefully, you pick a piece from the lower half, smiling to yourself as it slips out with ease. That smile fades though as soon as it appears when you flip over the block to read out the demand: kiss a person of your choice (on the lips! No less than 10 seconds).
There are multiple Oohs going around the group. Some are of surprised and enthusiastic nature – some stem from a place of concern.
You're rooted in place, your mouth running dry at the idea of... What exactly? There's nothing to be nervous about. Most of the guys (emphasis on most) wouldn't even make such a big deal out of this for your sake. Also, you're not blind. You've got handsome friends for sure. Each and every single one of them. It's the thought of him and the consequences. Whatever that may entail.
"I don't think this is right." Namjoon comes to your rescue, most likely sensing your discomfort.
"Why not?" Taehyung asks in earnest, visibly confused about the elder's remark. "She's a free woman. She's free to do whatever."
"Hyung," Jungkook chimes in, "I know for a fact she's not gonna kiss you. You can stop sucking up to her."
The youngest's savage comment has everyone in a laughing fit – everyone except for Yoongi of course.
Uncertainty takes over your mind, covering it in a thick blanket. It's been three months since the two of you broke up. Are you still hung up on him? Yes. A hundred percent yes. Does the same apply to him? You can't say for sure. He's been eerily quiet the entire evening, almost too quiet for your liking. He could either be hiding his innermost thoughts or he actually doesn't give a single fuck about you anymore.
Once the laughter dies down, the sound of his all too familiar voice has you lifting your eyes from the little troublemaker in your hand.
"He's right," Yoongi points out plainly, referring to Taehyung. "She can do whatever she pleases. I don't care."
As he finishes up with a sip of his whiskey, the room falls silent. Nobody dares so much as even breathe. Everyone exchanges looks between each other ranging from unease to utter shock.
So he really doesn't care.
"Okay." You catch his attention with these two syllables, his eyes never straying from you as you place the wooden piece on top of the tower. Making your way over to his side of the couch, you maintain eye contact throughout. There's a slight twitch noticeable in his eyes, confusion taking over his features. Once in front of him, you bend over before leaning in – only you redirect at the last second, wrapping your arms around Seokjin's neck who's sitting next to him. You give it no second thought, planting your lips onto his in an instant.
Although in tunnel vision, you can still hear the gasps around the room. You didn't think this through, but you have to commit now which is why you slightly intensify the kiss by parting your lips. Your hunched-over position becomes uncomfortable though, causing you to drop down to one knee beside Seokjin's thigh on the cushion.
He welcomes the closer vicinity, holding you by your waist with gentle hands.
Has it been ten seconds yet? You have no idea. You assume Jimin would count down, but he's probably too stupefied like the rest of them. Throwing in the tiniest of tongue action for good measure, you part again rather sooner than later. A clear sheen of lip gloss and saliva covers your friend's plush lips. His ears are flushed almost a hot pink.
Your job here is done.
Clearing your throat, you turn around to no one in particular. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. You can keep playing without me."
And with that, you brush past Yoongi's frozen form, ignoring the whispers going around the room.
You've been warned about the sink in the downstairs bathroom not working (once again, courtesy of Namjoon), so you swiftly climb up the flight of stairs to the upstairs bathroom.
Closing the door behind you, you let out a loud exhale before you make your way over to the sink. You don't have to use the bathroom. You just need a minute to breathe. Or two. Or five.
You look up at your reflection in the mirror, the telltale sign of the kiss written all over your lips. Had you known this is how things are going to pan out, you would've opted for smudge-proof lipstick. Turning on the faucet, you dab some water onto the pad of your finger to wipe at the corners of your mouth.
What have you done?
A knock on the door startles you.
"What?" you ask, wondering who it is.
"Let me in."
The deep, raspy tone coming from the other side of the door draws an annoyed sigh out of you. "I'm peeing," you answer flatly.
"No, you're not."
Another heavier sigh passes your lips this time. He's the last person you want to see right now, but something tells you to give in still. "What do you want?" you bite as you swing open the door with so much power you almost detach it from its hinges.
Yoongi steps over the threshold, closing it behind him with equal force. The impact causes the door handle to rattle. He watches you wander back over to the sink, irritation marking every inch of his face. "What the fuck was that for?" he spits with so much venom it's far from characteristic of him.
"What do you mean 'what the fuck was that for'?" You turn to face the mirror, inspecting yourself again. "I did what was expected of me."
Coming up behind you, your ex-boyfriend shoots daggers at you through the reflection. "Are you fucking kidding me? That was way more than what was expected of you!"
"What's your fucking problem? You made it clear in front of everyone, including me, you don't care. Besides"–with your blood pumping hot through your veins, you spin around looking him dead in the eye–"you wanted this. You ended this." You point back and forth between the two of you. "So you don't get to complain now."
He stares you down with what you can now decipher as hurt and rage. "Don't talk about our relationship like it was just a thing. For fuck's sake, _____! We were together for almost two years." His growing distress shows as he rushes a hand through his pitch-black hair. "You took equal part in the downfall. You took equal part in the decision."
A small scoff comes to the surface. "Are you actually listening to yourself? You sat me down and told me this wasn't gonna work out – not me. You came up with all the excuses you're too busy and your career doesn't allow a stable life when you know very well I've tried everything in my willpower to make things work."
His features contort more into agony. "That's because you were never satisfied with my solutions. Who says you were the only one trying to make things work? Nothing was ever good enough for you. I know I have a busy lifestyle, but things always have to go according to your plan. You immediately shut down whenever I suggest something that's not part of your vision."
You roll your eyes at him, partially in anger but also in a poor attempt at keeping your tears at bay. He's not entirely wrong, you're aware of that. It wasn't easy with him, but you could be equally as stubborn. At the time, the glass was simply too broken to put back together – no matter how hard any of you tried. Maybe you needed the time apart to see clearer.
"These past three months were hell for me," you confess suddenly, dropping your head in shame.
There's a beat of silence following your words. "For me as well," Yoongi finally answers, his voice coming out barely above a whisper.
"How come we're so bad at this?" It's more of a rhetorical question, but you genuinely wonder how you managed to stay together this long.
Another pause settles in before Yoongi speaks up again. "I don't think we're bad at relationships. There are things we need to work on, sure. But these things don't come overnight." After wetting his lips tentatively, he continues, "We're already making big progress by talking about this – even if we wanted to strangle each other seconds ago. If anything, we needed this in order to finally be honest and not hide behind a façade anymore."
Your mind takes you back to that fateful day when you talked each other through the break-up. Things were convoluted as you convinced each other you didn't see any future in being together just to avoid addressing the truth and finding a common denominator. It seemed easier this way, running away from your problems and saving face in the process.
Now look where it led you – the worst outcome possible.
Catching a stray tear rolling down your cheek, you muster up the courage to look at him again. "What do we do now?"
He lets out a low hum at the sight of you, his hand coming up to carefully wipe another tear close to spilling from the corner of your eye. "I don't know. All I know is I don't like this. The distance, the avoidance – the animosity."
"Yeah." You let his words hang heavy in the room. Hard agree on this one. "Neither do I."
"And I certainly don't like seeing you make out with someone else right in front of my face – let alone Jin-hyung at that."
His comment has you chuckling lightly. "To be fair, I didn't enjoy it as much as you'd think."
"You're joking." He breaks out into his signature gummy smirk. "Worldwide Handsome didn't do it for you?"
You shake your head, a small smile forming on your face. "He's not you."
At that, his grin grows even wider, his eyes turning into downturned crescents.
"I'm sorry, by the way." You play with one of the bracelets around your wrist, tugging at the golden chain.
Yoongi reaches for your arm, most likely out of reflex as he notices your hesitation. "It's okay. I'm sorry, too." Dropping his hand, he elaborates, "I overreacted earlier. You're not... We're not­..."
He struggles to finish his thought, but you know exactly what he's trying to say. "Do you want to be?" you drawl, immediately wincing at how desperate you sound. Maybe it's still too early for this.
Your concern dissipates as his eyes light up in an instant. "Of course," he murmurs. "I've always wanted to."
The corners of your lips tug upwards again at that. "I do, too," you follow up though you're sure he already figured.
What a serious turn of events. Who would've thought things were going to work out this way? You could hug the world right now. Hell, you could hug the entire universe.
"Should we..." he starts, a mischievous glint glossing over his irises, "shake hands on this?"
Bursting into laughter, you shake your head at his ridiculous idea. "That's so formal. We're not business partners."
"Fine then."
Your laughter ceases instantly as he takes a few steps forward, slowly backing you into the marble countertop behind you.
"Should we hug it out instead?"
You watch the way his tongue swipes across his bottom lip as you're caged in between his arms, the closeness sending your mind reeling.
"Or do you have something else in mind?"
Swallowing down hard, your focus switches between his lips and the seductive gaze he holds you with. "A hug would be a start,” you croak out.
He sends you a crooked smile before releasing his grip around the corner of the sink, enveloping you with both arms for a tight bear hug, his cheek coming to a rest on your temple.
You welcome his touch, bending your arms that are stuck underneath his to clasp around his shoulders. An abundance of warmth and comfort washes over you, so you bury your face into the crook of his neck to take it all in. Words can't describe how much you missed this – how much you missed him.
The two of you stay like this for a while until Yoongi breaks the silence. "Just to be clear–"
You lift your head to get a proper look at him.
"–I do care. I always have, and I always will."
All trains of thought leave you as you stare at each other, the sincerity in his eyes granting them with a spark you haven't seen yet before. You swear there's a magnetic force involved, that's how strong the urge is when you slowly close the distance pressing your lips onto his.
Bliss overtakes you instantly, the familiar feeling of his lips bringing back all the memories of the past two years. Things were never easy between you, but you want to make it work this time no matter the cost.
Once you pull apart, all you can do is look at each other, completely at a loss for words. You catch the way Yoongi's focus switches back and forth between your eyes though, trailing down to your lips before coming back up where it ultimately stays.
He loosens one of his arms around you, bringing it up to rest his hand on the side of your neck. With his thumb, he rubs soothing circles into your cheek.
You close your eyes at his touch, unfurling an arm from behind his back to curl around his neck instead. The other follows the curve of his spine before enclosing around his waist.
"God..." Yoongi murmurs, his forehead coming to rest against yours. "I missed you so much."
Blinking your eyelids open, you catch the moment his open just a second later. "I missed you, too."
This time it's he who draws you in for a kiss, his hand gently tilting your head to the side to grant him access.
There's always been something super addictive about Yoongi's kisses. From the tingling sensation that infests your entire body starting at the top of your scalp all the way down to the soles of your feet, to the funny feeling in your core that has you weak in the knees and lose all sense of self – you could never get enough.
You're done for when he parts his mouth slightly, the tip of his tongue slipping through the seam of yours. You let out an involuntary moan, seeking solace as you tighten your grip around the cotton fabric of his shirt.
He steps closer causing you to part your legs to make space for him. With your torso bent backward into a small arch, he starts planting kisses along your jawline down your neck.
At this point, you're like wax in his hands. Of course he's more than familiar with your weak spots.
His hold around your waist wanders down to your thigh as he hooks your leg around his hip, gently hoisting you up on the countertop. In a painstakingly slow fashion, his lips flutter across your collarbone before they land above the cups of your bustier top.
You can feel his hand travel further up your thigh, shyly slipping beneath the denim fabric of your skirt. Before he can go any further, you gently grab him by the wrist.
Flustered, the male lifts his face from your cleavage. "Sorry, did I–"
"No," you interrupt him quickly. You don't want him to get the wrong idea. "Not here."
Before he can ask any further questions, you climb off the counter, dragging him out of the bathroom down the dark hallway.
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The door closes behind you with a silent click before you switch on the light.
You haven't seen this room since the break-up. It looks about the same, maybe a bit messier than you remember. The bed looks like it's been made in a hurry, there are a few more clothes strewn around than you're used to from your ex-boyfriend. You're unsure of the emotions that overcome you. They're something along the lines of guilt, shame – sadness.
In your daydream, you don't notice Yoongi coming to stand in front of you. "I'm sorry it's kinda messy," he apologizes, scratching the back of his head. "I didn't expect company tonight."
You solemnly shake your head. "It's fine. That's not it."
It's silent for a beat until he speaks up again. "We don't have to do anything if you don't want to."
Again, you shake your head. "I do though."
The man musters you sternly as if to read your mind. Then he cracks a small smile. "Okay. Me too."
One wouldn't be able to tell the two of you were engaged in a semi-heated make-out session just a minute ago with the way you're gradually closing the distance between you. But once your arms are slung around his neck again, the passion from before resurfaces in an instant.
His hold around your waist grows more desperate with each passing second, pulling you further into the room along with him until you reach the foot end of his bed. In between hungry kisses, he plops down onto the mattress with a soft thud.
You're still in a mostly upright position, a little bit hunched over with one knee propped up beside his thigh as you continue kissing him. It's comically similar to the scene from the living room – although this time it's with the right man. The realization has you chuckling against his lips.
"What's so funny?" he asks, breaking out into a smirk of his own.
You playfully nibble on his lower lip. "Nothing," you lie. "Just thought about how strange life is sometimes."
A tiny squeal escapes you as Yoongi suddenly drags you down with him, your arms coming out just right on time to cushion the fall. "Life is strange," he agrees. "But I like where it's leading us right now."
The mischief in his tone doesn't go unnoticed by you, so to wipe that smile off his face you lean down stealing another kiss from him. It starts off relatively tame before you try to rile him up ever so slowly, lowering your body until you're straddling his waist. Your tongues are fighting for dominance, but ultimately you have the upper hand in this as you pull away, watching him from above in all his glory. Or so you thought because the second you lay eyes on his fucked-out expression, his parted lips so plump and shiny and his pitch-black hair splayed out on the white comforter you swear you lose all sense of reality. Ethereal is the word that comes to your mind. He's nothing short of ethereal.
Yoongi takes advantage of the situation while you're lost in your thoughts, flipping you over on your back. "Enjoying the view?" he jokes, his gummy smirk on full display.
You snort. "Maybe."
His lips are on you again immediately, retracing their path from earlier as he places kiss after kiss over the curvature of your chest. "So am I."
You're reduced to whimpers when he sucks love bites into your skin.
Once he pulls away to admire his work, he informs you with a straight face, "You know, I had a really hard time not staring when we were downstairs."
You bite your lip, patiently waiting for the revelation.
"But then you helped clearing the table, and they were practically in my face, so–"
"You missed my tits," you interject with an amused smile.
He chortles. "You make it sound so crude." Tracing the intricate flower embroidery covering your breasts with his finger, he elaborates, "Obviously, I love looking at all of you. Not just your tits."
The way he repeats the word has you burst into laughter.
"Stop laughing at me." His cheeks rise into full globes before his face falls again. "I'm serious, I missed seeing your face. You look really beautiful tonight."
Whatever bullshit you were about to say – it's gone. The way his words leave his lips with such sincerity and his eyes are set on you as if to imprint every single inch of your face in his brain renders you speechless. All you can do is show him that you missed him just as much – if not even more. Pulling him down to you by the nape of his neck, you press your lips together again, eagerly running your hand through the strands on the back of his head. It's gotten a little bit longer ever since you broke up, and admittedly you find it kind of sexy.
"In all seriousness though"–Yoongi mumbles in between kisses–"as beautiful as you look in this, I want if off now." Toying with the strap of your top, he gently glides it over your shoulder until it loses tension.
You comply with no questions asked, propping yourself up on your elbows. Yoongi catches on right away, reaching behind you to pull down the zipper. It always amused you how contradicting he could be, his patient character cracking when it came to intimacy, his soft-spoken nature turning more daring and demanding.
A low hum resonates from him at the sight of your bare breasts, and it doesn't take long until his attention is on them again, his hand cupping one of them while he bends down to take care of the other.
The sudden contact has you moaning out louder than you'd like. As he changes up the motions on your hardened nipple, it's hard to keep it down now. Throwing your head back, you relish the onslaught of suckles and licks, kisses and bites.
He switches sides, granting your other boob the same treatment while still squeezing the prior.
You're a mess, to say the least, the dampness sodding your panties a sure indicator of that.
As if he's living in your head, Yoongi's hand wanders down the expanse of your torso before stopping right under the hemline of your miniskirt. Tugging at the seam, he grumbles, "Take this off, too, baby."
The audacity to throw in the pet name as well – you've never been quicker at undressing up until this point. Your hands are shaky as you're fiddling with the button though, so Yoongi comes to the rescue, unbuttoning it at the speed of light yet the veins raking across his hands have your undivided attention, prolonging the moment to infinity.
He slides down from the bed to the floor, taking the obstructing clothing with him at the same time.
There's something about you being stripped down to your underwear whereas he's still dressed that sends uncontrollable tingles to your core.
While leaving fluttery pecks across your lower abdomen, the male slips a single digit under the fabric covering your crotch. "We haven't even started yet"–he places another peck closer to your pelvic mound–"but you're already so wet, baby."
A snarky response is on the tip of your tongue, something along the lines of it being a given when he's been playing with your boobs like a man possessed, but you swallow it down when he drags his finger over your folds, dipping the tip into your slit.
Your reaction is immediate, the whimper passing your lips drawing a smile onto his. "God, I can't wait to make you cum," he grunts, and with that his fingers hook around the waistband of your panties, removing the last remaining piece of clothing covering you.
Any sort of thought dissipates from your mind as he throws your thighs over his shoulders and his mouth connects with your center, licking up your arousal like it's a sport.
You're no stranger to the things he's capable of with his tongue, but this is no match to the times before. His moves are calculated yet determined, taking you to the brink of an orgasm in record time. There's no use holding back anymore, your hand covering your mouth doing little to nothing hiding your whines.
In between all the licking and sucking, Yoongi retracts for a split second, a wicked grin gracing his features. "Getting close?"
"Mh-hm," you hum out breathlessly. "Please don't stop."
He doesn't need another plea from you, his movements more eager than before as he continues eating you out.
Weaving your hand through his thick locks, you watch him from above. His eyebrows are furrowed as he focuses on your pleasure, his hands around your thighs digging deep into your flesh. This sight alone could have you cumming on the spot, but it's the switch-up from small kitten licks to suckles on your clit with the perfect amount of pressure that drives you over the edge. "I-I'm cumming, fuck!"
He guides you through your release, letting you grind on his face as he runs his hands over your thighs locked around his head in a tight grip. Once you're done riding it out, he presses one last kiss to your quivering core, smirking at the way you squirm over the sensitivity.
"Fuck," you curse again in disbelief. The room around you appears surreal. You watch the ceiling above you to regain consciousness. He essentially mouth-fucked you into oblivion.
A light kiss to your temple brings you back from wherever your mind was catapulted to. Outer space or another dimension. No one really knows for sure.
"Still with me?" Yoongi checks on you, his thumb rubbing tiny circles into the highpoint of your cheek.
You swallow down hard, willing your eyes to focus on his looking back at you. The deep brown of his irises resembles that of the Iced Americanos that he loves so much although warmer and more welcoming than the caffeinated drink. "Y-yeah," you manage out.
"Good." He bends down to peck your lips. "Thought I'd lost you for a second."
You might as well be lost for the rest of eternity. Your hands seek for harbor, digging into the sleeves of his jacket. "Take this off," you mumble, impatiently tugging at the garment.
"Alright." Yoongi chuckles at your cute antics, taking it off instantly.
You're not satisfied yet though, curling your hands around the hem of his shirt, dragging it upward until a sliver of his abdomen shows. "This, too."
He shushes you, grabbing ahold of your wrists. "Baby, you're getting too excited."
With your lips in a pout you protest, "I'm not. I just wanna take care of you, too."
His laughter resonates in your ears. "You're gonna get to take care of me soon enough." You're still pouting, so he comes up with a peace offering. "Here, how about this?" Guiding his hand back down to your heat, he proposes, "Give me another one, and I'll let you do whatever you want with me for a while."
You're spent already, your first orgasm having drained your entire energy. But you're willing to go again if that means getting what you want. Nodding your head, you lean back onto the bed.
"Good girl."
Holy shit.
It takes all your might not to melt into a puddle right then and there, but his working hand doesn't give you enough time to even process his words, his ringed fingers already drawing circles on your swollen bud. You gasp out silently, leaving an imprint on the mattress with how hard you're throwing your head back.
His digits expertly tickle your clit as if you're a key on his piano or a string on his guitar, experimentally dipping them into your heat for precise pumps. You thank the gods but also simultaneously curse the devil for making this man skilled with both his tongue and his hands.
It's not long until you feel the all too familiar knot in your core tighten again, squeezing your walls around his fingers as you feel the cold metal adorning them.
"That's it, baby," he growls. The pad of his thumb works your nub while his ring and index finger drag in and out of you with fast strokes. "Almost there."
You barely manage out anything intelligible other than Yeah and Don't stop. Sweat forms on your skin from your neck down to your chest, the golden pendant of your necklace clinging to it. So close, so damn close.
His hawk eyes are on you the entire time, intense and sinister. Not a single twitch of your muscles passes them by. If it wasn't for that crooked smile of his you would think he's studying you, analyzing your every move.
It's easy to feel intimidated under his watch, so to lessen your nerves – and finally bring yourself over the edge – you grab him by the collar, pulling him close to you. "Kiss me,” you murmur as if his lips aren't already pressed to yours.
With one last wicked grin, Yoongi gives in to your request, kissing you as if his life depends on it. He knows exactly how to get you going, lets you taste yourself on his tongue while he produces more of your sinful essence.
All you can do is whimper against his mouth until you break apart, another orgasm ripping out of you sooner than you thought that has your thighs clamping shut and your back arching off the mattress. A string of profanities leaves your lips as Yoongi continues massaging your clit through your high. Your sweaty hand clutching at the comforter snatches his wrist, stopping his crazed motions. "F-fuck okay, stop," you manage out, your throat as dry as a desert.
The man has the audacity to send a soft slap to your folds before pressing a quick peck onto your temple. "You did so well." He peers down at you with a gummy smile as he sits up straight, popping his soaked fingers into his mouth. "That was fun."
You're essentially an empty vessel, watching him with your mouth agape while nothing but a numbing, tingling sensation travels along your limbs. This must be the afterlife. Hell or heaven or maybe both.
"Alright." His voice takes you back to the bedroom. "As promised"–he shuffles to the edge of the bed, spreading his legs–"you have all the creative control now."
A tired chuckle escapes you before you scramble yourself up on your elbows, immediately sliding down to the floor in front of where Yoongi sits. You're quick to work on his belt, looping the leather through the holes although the feeling in your fingers hasn't returned yet.
The sound of Yoongi's laughter fills your ears, and you know you must look like a fool with the way you're trying to get him out of his pants before you even took off his shirt. Oh shit, yeah. You totally forgot about his shirt, but you have all the time in the world. For now, your focus is on something entirely else.
He observes you as you pull down his jeans and boxers in one go, lifting his butt from the bed to facilitate the process for you. He sports this cocky sideway smirk that drives you insane, but you manage to wipe it off his face the second your hand wraps around his length. A hiss passes through his teeth once you start stroking him in an up-and-down motion. Throwing his head back, he lets you take full control.  
You add in a twisting motion whenever you reach the tip which clearly affects the man, his breathing becoming shallow and his whines turning into guttural moans. "I've barely done anything," you tease him just as he did earlier. "But you're already so hard."
That smirk returns instantly though weaker this time. "So what? I get hard watching you get off."
"Mh-hm," you hum unimpressed. "So what you're saying is I can do this"–you bend forward to slowly lick a stripe from the base up to the tip, giving the head a light suck–"and it does nothing for your raging hard-on?"
Whatever response is on the tip of his tongue, it disappears as soon as you put your mouth on him again, swallowing half of his length. "Ah, fuck!" His hand shoots up to hold you by the back of your head. The further you take him down your throat, the tighter his grip around your hair becomes. "Baby..."
You wish you could imprint this memory on instant film. The rosiness creeping up on his cheeks and neck compliment his smooth, milky skin so well. A thin sheen of sweat starts forming on his forehead, the strands of his dark bangs clinging to it framing his face like a picture. He's beyond beautiful, especially when he falls apart under the touch of your hand and the wet, warm comfort of your mouth.
Your head bops up and down at an excruciating pace now, his hard-on covered in slick from your saliva. You ignore the stinging ache in your jaw, planning on sucking him dry. He's always been such a sucker for your blowjobs, so you want to put on the best show possible for him.
"Baby," he repeats, his voice quivering. "Please."
Slowing down your movements, you resort to running your tongue across the protruding vein on the side of his length. "Yes?"
His hands wander down to your arms. "Come here."
"Hm?" You give him one final hard suck before pulling off him with a loud pop. Still kneeling in front of the man, you feign ignorance.
Impatiently, he pulls you up to your feet. "Stop playing."
You practically fall into his arms, straddling him in the process. His hands immediately find their way to your ass, grabbing a handful causing you to gasp. "What now?" you ask innocently, covering him with your slick as you grind down on him.
Drawing you in for a heated kiss, he drags your pelvis down onto his even harder. "Hands and knees, baby," the man orders with a sharp slap to your ass.
You don't waste another second, complying as you crawl off his lap. Getting into position with your butt high up in the air, you can hear his feet shuffle across the hardwood floor. He reappears in your vision shortly after, rummaging through the drawers of the bedside table.
"Shit," he curses harshly. "I thought I had some in here."
No further explanation is needed to understand what he's referring to. Sitting up on your heels, you watch Yoongi run a hand through his hair in distress.
"Can you check the other side?" he suggests, his eyes set on you.
"Sure." Leaning over the edge of the bed, you sift through the drawers though without luck.
Yoongi usually keeps the condoms on his side, the right side. When you were together, you would occupy the left side which is closer to the window. You always preferred the one closest to the window. It didn't matter much to Yoongi which side he slept on, but he made sure yours was always cleared so you could store whatever stuff you wanted. From any type of jewelry you took off before going to sleep, to snacks or books you brought with you that day – you always had your space within his home. And going through what were once your drawers, you realize nothing much has changed. They look rather uninhabited, no traces of you or him – or even someone else which is a concern that crosses your mind now.
He scratches the back of his head. "Fuck..." His voice comes out in defeat. "Maybe I can ask one of the other guys–"
"Don't!" You grab him by the wrist before he can wander off.
Confused, he looks down at your hand then back at you. "Why? You don't want to anymore?"
Shaking your head, you murmur sheepishly, "That's not it." There's a beat of silence as he waits for more. You swallow down the lump in your throat before you elaborate further, "Have you been with anyone else after..."
He holds your gaze, his eyes turning somber at your insinuation. "No."
His answer his short, but it's all you need to know. Min Yoongi might be the master of poker faces, but when it comes to you you can read the man like a book.
"Have you?" he follows up.
You shake your head. "Me neither."
Your reply seems to loosen some of the tension Yoongi was harboring, his body language becoming much more relaxed. Intertwining your hand with his, he inquires with a spark in his eyes, "Are you still on the pill?"
Giving him an affirmative answer, you interlock your fingers with his free hand as well. Your gesture changes the mood for good, his signature gummy smile making its return. You pull him closer until you're chest to chest. Sending him a light peck to the corner of his mouth, you curl your fingers around the edges of his shirt, peeling it off his torso.
He chuckles, raising his arms into the air in compliance. His hair ends up slightly disheveled once the clothing drags over his head. As you're smoothing it out for him, he asks, "Are you sure you're okay with this?"  
You give it another second of thought. It wouldn't be the first time you've done it without extra protection. You started birth control once things became serious between the two of you. Over the course of your relationship, you would stick to double protection mostly to stay on the safe side. Now that you're back here with him and your first time ever since is going to be raw, it puts so much more significance to the situation – but that's what you want. You want to be with him all the way.
"I'm okay with this," you assure him with another peck to his lips. "Are you?"
Nodding his head, he allows you to drag down his pants and underwear that still hang around his thighs, letting them pool around his ankles. You're about to crawl back onto the bed when he stops you midway.
"What?" You look at him from across your shoulder. "What's wrong?"
His arm wraps around your middle, turning you on your back. "I wanna look at you."
With bated breath you watch his eyes linger on your face, taking in every inch of it as if he's trying to paint a picture of you in his mind. God. If he's not going to do anything, you're going to have to eventually –
Cupping your chin, he then kisses you deeply while entering you slowly.
Your reaction is immediate, gasping against his mouth as he sheaths himself inside of you. Thank God. Finally.
The feeling is all too familiar though it still needs some time getting used to. He prepped you well at least, so it doesn't take too long until pleasure ultimately replaces the stinging sensation.
"Fuck," he curses as he moves at a moderate pace. "I missed you."
You hold onto his arms resting beside your head. "I missed you, too."
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
It's like this flips a switch inside of him, his movements becoming more eager and carnal. He fills you up to the hilt, thrusting in and out of you with vigor. The silver pendant of his necklace swings back and forth wildly, grazing across your chest.
Your nails leave crescent shaped marks around his biceps. You're reduced to moans and curses. How long have you been hoping for this? Within those three months without him, you never considered a chance of getting back together – but you also haven't stopped thinking about the possibility of it. It seemed so farfetched due to all the circumstances. You had ruled it out immediately. But your fantasy always ran wild with the idea of it. And now your fantasy has become reality.
A particularly hard thrust has you practically screaming. You're quick to cover your mouth, your hand clasping it shut.
"Don't do that." Yoongi grabs ahold of it, holding it down above your head. "I wanna hear you." As if to test you, his hips rut into you faster and harder.
This ultimately does the trick, and you certainly don't disappoint as you let out lustful sounds loud and clear. Your focus should be on the here and now – in the arms of the man that you love so much. Nothing else and no one else should matter. "O-oh God, Yoongi!"
He sends you a satisfied grin as he sits up on his heels, his hips still snapping into yours. "Turn around."
With a mocking voice you tease him, "I thought you wanted to look at me."
"Yeah," he states nonchalantly, separating his sweaty bangs. "Now I wanna see the other side."
You let out an amused chuckle but abide alas, turning around on your side first before falling forward on your hands, your ass on full display for him.
"Perfect," he praises, caressing your cheeks with both hands. "You're doing great, baby."
Seconds pass before you feel his tip slide past your folds again. The stretch is different in this position, deeper and more thorough. You don't even notice yourself backing into him, your behind pressed flush to his pelvis.
"A little eager, aren't we?" One of his hands comes down to spank you, but before you even get a chance to complain he continues his onslaught, rolling his hips into your backside with deliciously slow yet harsh thrusts.
"Oh my God!" You lower yourself until your chest comes into contact with the mattress. "Yoongi…"
The telltale sound of skin slapping against skin echoes off the walls though they're not enough to drown out your sounds. As he gradually picks up his pace, your moans turn unstoppable. It's like an out-of-body experience – and judging by the noises coming from the man behind you he seems to be thoroughly enjoying himself as well.  
"Fuck, baby…" Yoongi's grip on your hips tightens. "You take me so well."
You desperately nod your head at no one in particular before burying it in between your folded forearms as you withstand his force. There's a burn you're trying to ignore that spreads along your thighs, but the longer you hold out the easier you lose posture until you collapse like a house of cards.
"Here." His hands guide you further up on the mattress until you're on your half of the bed. "Lay down."
You flop down onto your back like a brick, drawing a chuckle out of Yoongi.
As he positions himself beside you, he puts your legs together rolling you onto your side.  
"Oh..." You watch him with wondrous eyes as he settles down onto the space behind you. "This is new."
"Yeah." He grins while looping an arm around you, burying himself in your heat again. "Thought you needed a break."
At that, you chuckle lightly. "How thoughtful of you."
"Right?" With one sharp thrust, he hits you right in your g-spot. "Aren't I thoughtful?"
You moan out as he continuously pistons in and out of you, unable to answer in coherent sentences. "Mh-hm, so th-thoughtful."
His hand resting on your belly trails down to your thighs, spreading them ever so slightly so he can toy with your clit. The other squeezes through a crevice he creates between you and the bed to play with your tits.
When you think this is the highest of pleasure you can experience, he proves you wrong again. As his hips and hands move together in a perfect rhythm, he has the audacity to nip at your neck at the same time. His hard cock driving in and out of your pussy while he draws circles on your clit, pinches your nipple, and laves his tongue over your neck – this overstimulation sends you straight to the verge of another orgasm.
"Yoongi…" You twist your head around, resting it against his. "I'm gonna cum again."
"Okay." His features are contorted, one of the telltale signs of his own high incoming. "I'm about to cum, too."
Grabbing onto the hair on the back of his head, you press your lips together. The position proves itself as slightly awkward but is no obstacle to the heated kiss you're able to share.
Parting for a split second, Yoongi mumbles against your lips, "Should I pull out?"
You give it a moment of serious thought, shaking your head. As much as you loved when he used to finish somewhere on your body, you loved it the most when he finished inside. It always felt the most intimate, connecting the two of you on another level. "Cum inside me," you clarify, your walls already starting to flutter at the thought of it alone.
It's apparent the male is affected by your command, trying his hardest to send the two of you over the finish line. His eyes are shut, and his forehead crinkled into deep creases. "Baby," he huffs out with shallow breaths, "cum for me, please."
His plea along with his relentless ministrations seem to be the final straw for you, that long awaited orgasm exploding within you like a firework. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as you manage out a hoarse moan, involuntarily clamping your thighs shut while your legs twitch.
"O-oh fuck!" Yoongi also finds his release right away, emptying himself inside of you. "Shit!"
You barely register the profanities leaving his lips, but once he's reduced to mere whimpers you come back to reality. You always thought they were the sweetest sound in the world, such a contradiction to the strong and secure exterior of Min Yoongi.
The two of you lie there entangled with one another, catching your breaths. It could be a matter of a few minutes or maybe even an hour that you bask in the afterglow until Yoongi breaks the silence. "Come on," he murmurs, caressing your cheek. "We gotta clean up. Take off your make-up and all that."
You agree although with an annoyed grunt, slowly heaving your strained limbs from the bed one by one. There's a slight chill in the room now that your body has acclimated without the added body temperature from Yoongi and the physical exertion.
The touch of a fabric being draped across your shoulders causes you to jump a little. Inspecting the piece, you realize it's Yoongi's shirt from earlier. Thanking him, you slide it on as you stand up to your full height. Your legs are like jelly and there's the telltale ringing in your ears.
"Can you walk?" Yoongi inquires, coming to stand beside you. He’s back in his boxers, inspecting you with care.
Sending a timid nod of your head, you take a step but stumble over your own feet.
His arms reach out for you just in time to prevent the fall. "I went too hard on you. I'm sorry, darling."
"'s alright," you slur into the crook of his neck. "I liked it. A lot."
A smug grin finds its way onto his features. "Now come on," he chuckles. "Let's get you cleaned up."
You're more than thankful in this situation that Yoongi's room is one of the two in this household with an en-suite bathroom (the other belonging to Seokjin – being the eldest comes with benefits for sure) since your legs almost give out at any step despite leaning onto him while you walk.
After you take care of your situation down there, Yoongi runs a warm washcloth along the inside of your thighs for good measure. You thank him with your mouth agape, watching him in astonishment while you're propped up on the sink countertop for balance. It's beyond you how you could agree to the break-up so easily when he's always been so attentive to your needs, has always taken care of you without you even asking.
"There." He rises back to eye-level with you. "All good now."
You turn around to face the mirror, looking around for the things you need to in order to wash up. "Do you have a spare toothbrush?" you ask.
The man takes a second to process your request before his hand curls around the handle of one of the upper drawers. "I actually..." He hesitates. "I've got a few things you could use."
When he opens the drawer, your breath hitches in your throat. "I forgot I left these here," you murmur, inspecting the items revealed to you.
"Yeah..." Yoongi scratches the back of his head. "When you said you didn't need them, I tried throwing them away, but... I just couldn't."
You fairly remember the scene, storming out of the house after that talk, and when Yoongi told you he still had stuff of yours when you came over to drop off his you answered in anger 'Keep it or throw it out'.
With a trembling hand, you reach for the pink headband next to the rest of your skincare products. You don't want it to happen, but tears spring up in your eyes. Trying to keep them at bay, you throw your head into your neck, but to no avail. The first tears roll down your cheeks, so you turn away from Yoongi in shame, letting them fall freely.
"Hey," Yoongi coos, his hands coming up to rub soothing circles into your arms. "It's okay, honey. It's in the past now."
You feel so endlessly guilty of how things have turned out. All you want is for it to work out with him.
He continues consoling you, "We're gonna do better this time. But we have to be honest with each other." One of his hands slide down to intertwine with yours. "So no more of that hiding shit."
You let him spin you around in your spot. Looking up at him through blurry vision, you wrap your arms around his neck. "I want this to work out, Yoongi," you croak out choked up on tears. "I really want this to work out."
"It's gonna work out," he assures you, his arms around you as tight and secure as ever. "We're gonna make it work."
As you pull apart, he swipes his thumb over the last of the remaining tears on your cheek before placing a chaste kiss on it. The gesture draws a smile back onto your face, soothing your haywire state.
It's so domestic how you stand next to each other now brushing your teeth and doing your skincare routines, pulling silly faces at one another through the mirror – and before you know it you're racing him back to the bed, drifting off into peaceful slumber with his chest pressed to your back.
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Sunlight peeks through the blinds as you blink your eyes open. You're sore all over, the memory of last night hitting you like a bat over the head though it draws a smile on your lips – especially since his arm is still draped over your middle.
Carefully rolling over onto your side, you're met with a half-asleep Yoongi, his eyelids still heavy as he peers at you.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" you whisper, your smile widening at his cute face.
He shakes his head, burying his face into the pillow. "Mh-mh." His voice comes out muffled, thick with sleepiness. "I woke up a minute ago or so."
You place your hand on his cheek at which he turns his head again. Rubbing your thumb across his soft skin, you shuffle closer to peck him on the lips.
He seems slightly more awake after that, chasing after your lips for another.
You still can't believe this is how you ended up. All the trials and tribulations brought you back together in the end. A huge thank you is due to be said to Jimin.
Yoongi props himself up, looking around the room in search of something. Once his eyes land on the bedside table next to you, he speaks up, "Pass me my phone, please?"
You hum out in affirmation, bending over to the side to retrieve the device.
He settles back down on the bed when you hand it to him, welcoming you with open arms as you cuddle up to him. Tapping on the screen, he unlocks the phone to a plethora of messages. He opens the most recent chat with Jimin.
You're not one to sneak a peek, but it's hard not to when it's right in front of your face. When you read the last message, heat creeps up into your cheeks.
from Jimin [12:04 AM]
i'm glad you guys managed to "talk things out" 😉
"Oh God." You hide your face in the crook of his neck. "They know."
"Of course they know," Yoongi replies with a chuckle. "We were gone for the rest of the night." He types out a quick reply before tossing the phone onto the space beside him. "On top of that, we weren't exactly quiet," he jokes, wrapping his arms around you pulling you flush to his chest.
You linger in embarrassment for a little longer until you can't help but laugh along with him.
A soft knock on the door ends your chatter early to which Yoongi answers with a chipper 'Come in'.
The door cracks open ever so slightly, the chestnut-brown of Seokjin's mop of hair coming into sight. "Everybody decent?" he questions before correcting himself. "Well, you wouldn't have told me to come in if not." Swinging the door open wider until he's more than a floating head without a body, he adds, "Uh... Breakfast's ready."
"Alright, thanks," the younger male responds. "We'll be down in a bit."
"So you guys are good again?" The corners of Seokjin's mouth tug upward as if he doesn't know the answer already.
Yoongi sends him an assuring smile. "Yeah, we're good."
"Good, good. That's a relief." It looks like he's on his way out before he adds with a teasing grin, "Otherwise I would've had no other choice but to ask for your hand in marriage, _____, because that kiss last night was something else. Like wow–"
A loud thud sounds as Yoongi throws his pillow at the older male with full force. Seokjin's fast reflexes save him though as it knocks against the closing door instead.
You shake your head at the eldest’s shenanigans.
"Say…" Yoongi starts again, acting as if what just happened a second ago didn’t. "I’m gonna have to go on some trips starting next month."
Your ears perk up at that.
"I know I can’t take you with me on all of them, and I’m not gonna force you, but…" He studies you with careful eyes. "Do you think we can make something work? Like you keep me company for at least one of them?"
Tracing shapes across the smoothness of his chest, you answer, "It’s a little short notice, but I’ll talk to my manager first thing Monday morning."
He cracks a crooked smile. "If not, we’ll figure something out."
"We’ll figure something out," you repeat as an assurance to him but also yourself. "What’s important is we both gotta be comfortable with what we’re doing and be patient with the process. Chances are things aren’t gonna run smoothly right away."
His smile grows wider at your addition. "Yeah, exactly.” Pulling you closer to his chest, Yoongi says the next sentence with an underlying tone of regret. "I hope you know it’s not your fault."
Your fingers curl tighter around his figure.
"I was just as guilty myself, I made just as many mistakes." Tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear, he trails, "So please, don’t put all the blame on yourself."
Last night you would’ve cried in an instant, but you’re in a much better state this morning. Now you know you both have things to improve in order to move the relationship forward.
Lifting your head off his chest, you nod at him with a small smile. "Thank you for letting me know. And the same goes for you as well."
He reciprocates your smile before pulling you down towards him, pressing your lips together. "I love you," he repeats the words from last night.
Your heart flutters in your chest. "I love you, too." You resume the kiss, your hands roaming around his naked torso. "Do you think breakfast can wait? I feel like"–slinging one leg over to the other side, you straddle him–"I was kinda lazy last night."
At that, he gives you an all-knowing grin and the rest is history.
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bloodyquillink-blog · 6 months
hi i’m not sure if your taking requests, but if you are can you do a logan walker x reader where the reader and logan were engaged before logan got taken by rorke, and when he gets saved he’s a completely different person and is closed off and even more quiet, but when one of rorkes members send a message to the ghosts team saying they want to take the reader now aswell, logan gets super protective and opens up to her about eveything that happened? if not totally ok!! thank you so much!!
A/N: I am and thank you for being my first tumblr request! I hope I’ve done you justice with this.
Warnings: Big angst, hurt/comfort, descriptions of injuries and torture methods (if I missed anything please let me know)
Word Count: 4.4K
To Be Changed, Logan Walker x Reader
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Your marriage was so happy and perfect, even though the world wasn’t. Despite the fear of your whole wedding being destroyed before you and Logan even put on the rings and said your vows, that didn’t stop either of you. If you were going to die, you might as well die tied to one another, surrounded by the people you treasure most. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case. The wedding went without a hitch, ignoring the occasional pitches of anxiety that bubbled in everyone's stomachs. There was a beautiful mountain that overlooked a nearby beach, it felt like the clouds parted just for you two that day. The sun shone down on the white you and Logan wore. The red rose in his breast pocket, the artificial one you gave him when you went on your first date, was accentuated by the surrounding colors of blue water and green grass. 
Logan was usually fairly quiet, but that day when he said his vows, he spoke more than you did. He managed to avoid stuttering, though you could feel his hands shaking. You were so proud of him and each word from his lips warmed your heart. That alone let you know that this was the right decision, the only one. 
Before you cut the cake, he whispered to you, “I can’t find the words to describe how much stronger you make me feel.” You looked at him, confused and curious, before he continued. “I barely speak to my own family and brothers, maybe because I don’t need to… but you changed that. Now, I’m just droning on and on about whatever’s happening at the moment. Because of you. Hell, my mom barely heard me talk this much.” He wrapped his arms around you, cupping your hands that held the knife for the cake. “I bet she’s watching us now. She’d love you so much.” And with that, you both cut the first slice. 
A quote floated through your mind, “To be loved is to be changed.” and by God, did you change Logan.
That’s what made today so painful.
That’s why you sat on the floor in front of the front door to you and Logan’s home. That’s why David held you, holding the back of your head so you didn’t see him silently crying while you sobbed. You held Logan’s mask and dogtags close to your heart. Eventually, Keegan and Merrick had come out of the car they drove here. Keegan knelt down to rub your back, attempting to comfort you as best as he could. Merrick told you more than he, as a Captain, should tell any civilian. He’d made an exception for you. Seeing as he had a job to protect his best friend's children in the most dangerous job they could all have now, you joked that Logan and David were his adopted kids.
He never denied it. Because of that, you might as well have been his adopted kid, now in-law too. And as that in-law, it was his job to tell you that Logan was, for better or worse, not dead. You looked up at him with tears still falling. He explained what happened from the beginning. A man, a horrible man, named Rorke who was a former Ghost that the Federation destroyed and turned into something repulsive. David added that it was Rorke who had dragged Logan away on that beach. That fucking beach. He explained how it was his own fault for not doing more, for not saving him despite his injuries that, even now, two weeks after, he was still healing from.
You almost slapped him. You wanted to slap Merrick too. You were heartbroken and afraid and every negative emotion you could possibly feel nearly boiled over. You sat on the couch, the men around you as they tried to help you breathe. When you calmed down enough to speak coherently, you asked a simple question:
“Will we ever see him again? Alive?”
Merrick answered, as hopeful as he could be.
“We’ll do everything we can to make sure we will.”
That’s all you could really ask for. David moved and carefully dug into his front pocket before he pulled out his hand and offered something small and shiny. It was Logan’s ring. Both of your rings were made of titanium for its durability, Logan was worried about scratching or otherwise damaging it, so he chose titanium. Strong and durable. You had told him it reminded you of his personality, how he just kept going under all circumstances. You would’ve started crying again if this alone hadn’t already exhausted you. As much as you wanted to hold all of Logan’s things to try to feel like he was with you, you handed his mask and dog tags to Hesh. You knew where the mask came from. Who originally wore it.
“I think they’d want you to hold these.” you said, quiet as ever. David knew you weren’t just talking about Logan, but their father, Elias the “Scarecrow”, as well. He grabbed the mask and tags, putting the tags on and clutching the mask like a lifeline. As everyone stood up and walked to the door, you hugged David and whispered to him, your voice still shaking.
“It’s not your fault. I know he doesn’t blame you. I don’t either.”
“Thank you,” He paused, “I’ll do everything in my power to bring him back to you.”
You hugged Merrick and Keegan before they walked back to the car.
“Be safe!” You called out. A useless but well-intentioned farewell to the soldiers. They waved back before pulling out of the driveway, leaving you alone.
That night, you took Logan’s ring and put the chain of your favorite necklace, one he had given you before your marriage, through the ring and laid it around your neck. You cried, holding his cold pillow and wearing an old hoodie you’d stolen from his closet while he was gone. Your body ached with every sob.
Three months later, you began cleaning the house before the depression that kept you in your room most of the time got too bad. It helped a little, going through every nook and cranny. You even went into the attic. Any time either of you traversed into the usually dark storage, it would end with you holding the giant vacuum, claiming you saw a spider the size of your head while Logan chuckled. After a bit, he’d go up with a flashlight only to find some critter that got stuck up there because of a hole. Once he’d patched up the hole and cleaned out as much as he could, it all felt more comfortable.
As you looked through old boxes, you found pictures. The oldest going back to when you both first met. It was a charity for veterans in your old town where Logan, David and Elias were stationed. There were games you and your friends played, competing. At one point, Elias jokingly joined in which pulled David and, naturally, Logan. As the night went on, you and Logan got closer. He barely spoke but his chuckles at your comments were enough for you.
“I was so close to winning! You gotta give me credit for that!” You argued, cheeks hurting from smiling so much. You turned to see Logan looking at you, his brow raised and smirking.
“How? You’re 25 points behind me.” He remarked.
“I would’ve won if… if I had been playing with someone other than you!”
“Like who?”
“One of my friends, probably Ash!”
“You have 10 points.” Each time the tiny basketballs went in the hoop, it was 5 points. 
“Yes and I would be 10 points ahead of them which means I would win!” He practically wheezed at that as you giggled. You looked  over to see David and Elias staring at the both of you, wide smiles plastered on their faces.
You kept looking through the box. Finding photos from the day you met Keegan and Merrick, then the day you visited Mrs. Walker’s grave for the first time. You stared at that picture of Logan and David sitting together in front of the stone. It was so peaceful.
You held the photo to your chest and thought of Logan. You whispered to yourself, “Please, please protect him. Keep all of them safe. I just want them to be happy… Elias and Diane, please watch over all of them.”.
Another three months later, you hadn’t heard from David, Keegan, Merrick or any other military personnel. It had been a total of eleven months since you last saw your husband. You were Logan’s emergency contact and many people aside from the Ghosts knew you, so if something happened then someone would contact you. This should be comforting. No one calling you means no one’s dead, right? Nothing bad. So why were you so anxious? You couldn’t reach anyone so maybe something did happen and-
Your phone rang. It was David. You answered immediately.
“David? What happened? Where have you been?”
“Come outside, I have to show you something.”
It’d been a long time since you ran that fast. David sat in his truck, as you ran over to the passenger side, he leaned to open the door from his seat. As soon as your door closed and you buckled in, he began driving.
“David, what’s going on?”
He inhaled through his nose, you noticed how hard he was gripping the wheel and that he was going a bit fast. He was a careful driver normally. If he was amongst civilians, he was calm and never dared going above the speed limit in case there was a child or a dog or pedestrian walking when and where they shouldn’t be. This drive, however, was different. Something happened.
“We got him.” He looked at you, your eyes wide as they slowly filled with tears. “He’s back.”
“W-when did he get back?” You stuttered.
“Almost two weeks ago-” You opened your mouth to speak but David put his hand up. You waited. “Knowing Rorke and his history, we kept Logan on base to heal some and do some mental evaluations.”
“I need to warn you right now, he’s not gonna be the same man you knew before all this shit happened. He’s gonna have a lot of recovering to do.”
David went on to explain Rorke and what the Federation did to him. You were quiet.
“Did he do all of that to Logan?”
“We aren’t sure. We just know that whatever it was wasn’t good. He’s clear to come home today if both of you are ready, but I just needed to tell you.” Good thing the house was clean.
“Thank you, David. I know this has probably been harder on you than anyone.” David tried to laugh.
“I mean it’s my job-” You put your hand on his shoulder.
“You know what I mean. Thank you. Seriously.” He exhaled slowly, he seemed to relax a little.
“You’re welcome.”
“You can come by whenever you like if Logan comes back. Maybe just give me a warning, ok?”
“I will. I promise.”
David parked the truck after you checked in at the front gate. Your heart beat rapidly despite the slow walk through the base. You recognized some of the men and gave a half-hearted wave when they greeted you. You could already tell. They knew why you were here.
You walked into the base hospital. David took you down numerous hallways you knew there was a chance you’d see one day but never expected, never wanted to walk down. But this was for Logan. David opened the door to the room you stood in front of.
You couldn’t tell if your heart was breaking or if you were having a heart attack or what…
There he was, sitting against the bed he must’ve been in since returning, looking at you.
Logan was in a hospital gown, his arms and legs below the knee exposed. The skin was covered in jagged scars and stitches that were still such a dark and aggressive red. Along with that were numerous bruises, a painful variety of purples, yellows, and green in some spots. His right arm in a cast and sling. On his other hand, his ring and finger are wrapped, probably broken or dislocated. You notice how his left shoulder and upper arm seem to be wrapped with gauze. You don’t want to imagine what injuries he must have that you can’t see.
His face. His handsome face. He looks so tired. Logan turned towards you and tried to limp over, using the bed for stability. You rushed forward instinctually. Once he was close enough, he slowly wrapped his unbroken arm around your back. You looked at him. He had dark circles under his eyes, faded bruising on his left cheekbone, two intersected scars ran across his face. One started between his eyebrows to his cheek. The second from the middle of his chin, across his lips until it passed the other scar on that same cheek. His skin was cool and pale, unlike the warm complexion he had prior to the kidnapping. 
You ended up staying for about two hours before you got a list of medications from doctors, some extra gauze wraps and a pamphlet detailing how to handle a deep second degree burn at home. That was why his shoulder and arm were wrapped. You said goodbye to David, Keegan and Merrick soon after.
The first few weeks, Logan mostly stayed in bed. Every day you checked his injuries, the stitches and the burn, to make sure there was no infection and they were healing properly. By the fourth week or so, the burn had healed, leaving behind a large patch of discolored skin. At nearly the sixth week, his cast was removed. His arm and fingers had healed well and correctly. David had told you that when Logan was taken, his arm was broken. When he was found, his arm had healed incorrectly as a result of improper care, assuming any care was given, so the doctors had to re-break it before putting it in the cast. 
After the seventh week, Logan was able to walk around without limping. However, he mostly just stayed in your room. Sometimes, you’d spend the day in the living room in hopes it would coax him out. It didn’t work. You cooked his favorite meals but he would usually bring the food back to the room. When it was time for bed, you essentially snuck around the room to avoid scaring him in case he was sleeping. You were pretty sure he wasn’t sleeping, at least not as much as he should’ve been. It remained this way for a few more weeks.
A month and a half into Logan being back home and he’d uttered a scarce amount of words. “Okay”, “alright”, “yes”, “no” and whatever else kept his sentences short. He barely talked to you anymore. Of course, you kept David updated as often as possible. You felt like he just wasn’t there. Now, he was more of a ghost than ever.
Two months in and he started going to the base again. For what? You don’t know. You had asked where he was going, dressed in his “soldier getup” as you called it.
“I’m going to work. Can’t be late. I’ll be back later.” He’d stated hastily before heading out. This continued on for another two weeks until you decided to talk to him before he left.
“Logan, honey, can we talk?”
“Um… sure, but I have to leave before 9.” He was trying to rush again.
“I wanted to ask about that actually…” He looked at you, mostly expressionless. “You were just gone for almost, what, six months? Why are they having you back at work when you might as well have just finished actually healing?”
“I… There’s still work to be done.” he stuttered. You cocked your head. You turned to him from your position on the couch.
“What work?” you asked slowly and quietly. You knew he wasn’t lying. You didn’t want him to think you thought he was lying. You wanted to keep the conversation calm so he wasn’t overwhelmed.
“It’s a lot. I don’t think- right now isn’t the right time.” he began to turn.
“We can talk later if that’s better, but I just want to know. I’m worried about you.”
“You don’t need to worry, I just need to do some things.” His voice carried no emotion. He was almost at the door when you stood suddenly.
“Logan, I just want to understand!” Logan stopped in his tracks. You stared at his back. “I want to just talk, please… I know your job is important and I don’t want to get in the way with complaining…” Your voice cracked. You wrapped your arms around yourself. Logan was here, in the same house as you. You stared at him but you felt lonelier than ever. “You’re so far away, Logan… and… and I know there was so much that happened and we didn’t know if we’d ever see each other again, but we’re together now!” You walked closer to him. He heard your steps but he stayed still. “We don’t have to act like nothing happened. We couldn’t if we wanted to, I know that… but please talk to me again. I married you because I love you. I married you and everything that came with you. I said those vows and ‘in sickness and in health’ because even when you’re hurting, I’ll be there. I’m here right now! But I need you to let me be there. I need you to stop hiding yourself away from me. I want to know you again, Logan.” Your breathing had picked up as tears welled up in your eyes.
Time just stopped. You turned and sat back on the couch facing away from him. You quietly wept into your hands as everything just seemed to spill over. You had reached your boiling point. You didn’t hear the footsteps coming to you until you opened your eyes and noticed the giant boots that faced your much smaller feet. A large pair of hands slowly removed your hands from your face, one tilted your head up.
You saw Logan’s beautiful eyes, a sort of hazel that seemed gold in the light. He slowly knelt down in front of you and hugged you. Not like the barely there hug he mustered at the hospital when he couldn’t even walk on his own. He pulled you tight against him and you immediately curled around him as you sobbed. He let you. Logan pulled back after a moment and held your face. He wiped your tears with his thumbs. 
“I love you too… more than anything.” He stared into your reddening, tear-filled eyes for a moment before sighing as he sat next to you. You held his hand, his thumb stroked your knuckles as he thought about his next words. “A couple days ago,” he started, “something happened. I can’t tell you what yet but it was cause for concern. Especially with Ghost team.” He paused and looked at you, directly into you. “I want to tell you everything, but it’s going to be a lot to process and it’ll probably be scary. I don’t want you to deal with this, with all the problems coming to us because of Rorke but you’re right to want to know what’s happening and you deserve to know.” You looked at the time, 8:55 A.M. You stood, Logan followed, still holding your hand. He pressed your hand against his chest and over his heart.
“I love you.” You whispered.
“I love you too. I’ll talk to Merrick today and I’ll try to get home as early as I can. We can talk about everything while we make dinner.”
“Together. I’ll call you if anything comes up and if you need me to, I can get groceries, ok?” You nodded. This is all you asked for. You hugged Logan tightly as he wrapped himself around you. You walked him to the door where he kissed you goodbye, on the lips. It felt like it had been forever since you’d done that. You stopped him before he moved. He almost retorted when you pulled off the necklace you still had on. He stared at the ring hanging from it. You took the ring off and put it back on his hand. He stared at it for a moment and smiled. A tired little smile that took so much weight off of you. Logan grabbed the necklace and took the time to put it back around your neck before he kissed you again.
“Thank you.” He whispered, still smiling. You smiled back as he walked to the car, waving when he began to drive. It had only been 10 minutes at most but those 10 minutes were so freeing. The rest of the morning you spent outside, reading and occasionally texting your friends when they checked in. The sun warmed your skin and the air was so fresh. You went back inside around 3 P.M when Logan called you:
Logan: “I can come back home around 6 tonight.”
You: “Sounds good, any ideas for dinner?”
Logan: “I could really go for lasagna.”
You: “Can you stop at the store on your way back? I have a list!”
Logan: “Yeah, just send it to me.”
With that, you texted everything you needed before moving to clean up the kitchen and free up space.
Later that night, Logan returned with everything you asked for plus a tub of ice cream. Your favorite flavor. You got to cooking, boiling the sheets and preparing the sauce while the oven preheated. You cooked together, like old times. It had been so long. Music quietly played as you both took turns tasting everything. A little extra salt and paprika here, with some pepper too. You laid down the floppy lasagna sheets while Logan poured the sauce over top then you both spread your favorite cheeses before adding more sheets and so on. While the lasagna was in the oven, you sat on the couch together. Logan held you in his arms as you stroked the hair on the back of his neck. After savoring the peace of the moment, Logan started talking.
When he was kidnapped, Rorke had put him through the same trials he himself had experienced. Being force fed poisoned food was the start until Rorke seemed to grow bored and eventually forced him to eat the plants the poison had been extracted from. Logan told you everything. All the grim details. At some points, you actually felt nauseous just hearing the horrors. When he was almost done talking about what he was forced to endure, you just held him and continued to encourage him to talk. He held you tight as he explained. The beatings he was put through. The way his arm healed wrong and he could hardly use it without feeling pain.
Then he looked at you. You felt so fragile with the way he looked at you with his tired eyes. He spoke again.
“Rorke knows about you.”
You never met this man in your life, never saw pictures. But he was like a boogeyman. He could appear from under your bed at any moment. 
“His soldiers… left us a message… Threatening to take me again. They said this time they’d take you too.”
That’s why he was going back to base. To work with his brother and everyone to make sure nothing happened. You didn’t live far from the base but they were thinking about bringing you on post to be cautious. That’s why Logan went back to work so soon. To protect you. That’s why he was telling you all of this now, to further protect you.
You were scared. Hearing about something like this happening was one thing, but knowing the man who stole your husband and almost broke him from the inside out was completely different. Especially when you knew that he wanted you too. Oh god. Logan held you and told you that the two of you could always move on base where you’d be protected and closer to him. You’d be amongst him and the other soldiers and Riley, Hesh’s dog. They wouldn’t let anything happen. And so you agreed. That night you just focused on being together, holding one another and eating your delicious lasagna as you reminisced together. 
Over the course of the next week, you brought as many of your necessities over to base where you and Logan continued living together. You met some friends of his and their partners, gaining your own group of friends not long after moving. Some had even assisted in bringing more of your things over when Logan had to work.
Later down the line, the Ghost team flew out. You weren’t told anything about what the mission entailed, but when Logan came to you, mask on, and put his ring in your hand before kissing you goodbye, you had an idea.
“I will make sure no one, not a single person touches you. Not a single damn person. I will keep it that way. I promise.” He whispered, voice more stern than ever. 
Your friends on base were all a wonderful support system during the next week they were gone for. You weren’t able to reach out again but you believed in them. You took care of Riley, who’d grown to love you.
When the week was done, they came back and Logan had made a beeline for you. You were reading, his ring back on your necklace when the door opened and your husband walked in, covered in dirt and other unidentifiable muck and alive. You rushed to jump into his arms and kiss him, ignoring the weird taste of said dirt in your mouth. You gave his ring back, ignoring the dirt that was on his hands too. While you held him, he whispered in your ear, “It’s all over now. We can go home.”.
So you did. David, Keegan and Merrick were kind enough to assist with moving your things back over and checking your house for anything that wasn’t meant to be there, anything that indicated a break in. Shit, they’d even checked the vents too. When that was all done, you made lasagna for them and spent the evening laughing together and savoring the peace that had finally come over the world again. Later, you and Logan laid in bed together, happy as ever and whispered sweet words to each other. Both of you could finally get some rest.
The end, thank you for reading! I will also post this on my ao3 @ RiversSong82
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mushroommanstan · 1 year
How about this: Y/N likes to do yoga poses/stretches in the nude, Tomura wants to get in on that after observing *coughpervingcough* in her closet for so many days
When it first happened, it was an accident.
He was just snooping around your room for the discarded underwear he’d find all over the place when the door suddenly opened and the lights flicked on.
Panicking, he was fortunately right next to your closet, so he just hopped in. Maybe quietly searching for some of your bras in the mean time.
Anyways, you were always an unpredictable person, but he never could have believed that the first thing you did when entering into your room was take your clothes off.
The more you kept undressing, the harder it was to control himself. When you took your bra off it made your tits jiggle in a way that almost had him cumming in his pants, but he stopped himself immediately. No way is he going to blow his load before you even take your pants off.
When you do, all that’s left is your pretty pink panties, and from the slits in the closet door he can clearly see how you’ve soaked through them. He can only dream it was him making you feel that way and it was
You finally pulled your panties off, revealing the last of your perfect skin to him. He gripped his cock harder, strokes going faster and faster as your legs spread farther and farther as you performed the splits for him.
As he looked over your delicate form, your smooth body intentionally straining as you continued stretching, he couldn’t help but feel ashamed. Like he was defiling a work of art. Not that that stopped him, no, instead he pinched and pulled at his balls as punishment, occasionally squeaking from the delicious pain. As you went on, he could feel himself getting close. It had been a long, long time since he’s felt like this, oh god it was going to feel so good! Just a little more and-
You maneuvering into the downward dog position, ass perfectly on display was enough for him to finish. He came so hard his legs quaked, his eyes rolled back and his mouth hung open in a silent scream. He could see white spots from how hard he came, but they didn’t fade, they just got bigger and bigger until-
A loud thunk made you jump, it sounding like it was coming from your closet. You readied yourself as you pulled back the closet doors, figuring it was a raccoon or something, and color you surprised when you saw your passed out boss, dick still out and cum everywhere. Like, this guy jerks off like maybe once every 2 months, so imagine how backed up he was. All over your clothes.
You sighed, looks like you’ll have to redo your laundry. Other than that though, you didn’t really care. If anything, you were flattered. Maybe a little horny. I mean, all those nights of masturbating to him only to find him masturbating to you.
You smiled, picking up your discarded panties and stuffing them in his gaping mouth for when he woke up. Other than that, you just closed said doors and took a shower, business as usual.
Since then, it had become routine. Every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:45, he would scramble into your closet for the show to start. Of course you never told him you knew, that would take the fun out of it. For now, you’d wait for him to muster up the courage and plunge into your wet heat as you “unknowingly” presented it to him. Maybe you “accidentally” leave one of your vibrators in your closet for him to play with, the melodic buzz filling the room and making a shiver go down your spine as you touch yourself right in front of him.
For now, the mental image of him and the shameless noises of him going to town on all your clothes was enough.
Again, didn’t quite do what you asked, hope that’s ok. I stg I had to write this like twice because Tumblr wouldn’t save. Smh. Anyways, hope you liked it.
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chosetherose · 7 months
We knew it all along 🍊🩵
Taylor released Sweeter Than Fiction exclusive to the Tangerine vinyl at Target. She said this about it:
“There you’ll stand ten feet tall, I will say ‘I knew it all along’ 🥲 This song has always made me think of my friend Jack. It was the first song we made together and watching him challenge himself and make beautiful art over the years has been the thrill of a lifetime. How can he be 6 years older than me and also somehow still be my precocious young son? We may never know. “Sweeter Than Fiction (My Version)” is now available exclusively at Target on Tangerine vinyl 🍊🩵”
I find this funny for a couple reasons:
1. She created an orange (tangerine) edition with an exclusive track that repeats the lyrics “this life is sweeter than fiction”.
Let it sink in. Orange, which we picked up on as a stunting color, is the only version that includes this song. She is saying her true love is sweeter than the fictitious love we see in stunts.
2. She used the 🍊 emoji. And for some reason this makes me feel we are seen. She is aware of the hijinks that go on around here. (Extra giggles: @spade-riddles regularly uses the 🎯 emoji).
Looking deeper, the lyrics to STF are especially 👀 to me.
3. If you read this through a Tumblr Kaylor lens does it not sound perfectly like a redemption story? (Please I know we are just silly little internet people in all this but hear me out).
The first verse is about coming undone, watching us fall, watching our colors fade with a pain we thought would last forever.
In the second verse after the chorus, all we have is our shattered hopes. Then, they never saw it coming, but we were on to something and hit the ground running. 
In the pre-chorus, the light comes on. We proved her right, them wrong. And it’s like we don’t remember when we thought the rain would last forever.
The chorus repeats including that we will stand tall, the rest is history.
The bridge says we’ll be one of many saying look at us now, you made us proud. Then goes into the sentiment of loving someone when they are down, like we’ve loved Kaylor’s true love in its deepest darkness.
4. Notably, Taylor highlighted “There you’ll stand ten feet tall, I will say ‘I knew it all along’”. This reminds me so much of this riddle from Spade.
♠️ My riddles aren’t chronological but they do foreshadow. Piece them together and see the picture. You’ve known all along so now, follow along. - 05/11/2019
And generally, highlighting those lyrics gives me vibes of change in the air.
Taylor described Jack as like her “precocious” young son. Ok but any adjective would have worked there. Why this one? Here is its definition:
Showing mental development or achievement much earlier than usual
It fits the theme of knowing something before others. 💅🏼
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I’ll be dissecting this post for ages 😂
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badkitty3000 · 1 month
can u do a five fanfic where he saves vivi from smth/someone. like “kill for ur love” sorta trope. idk if you’ve alr done im only on #3 of halo but pls its a need
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No Escape
Five is forced into assassin mode when Vivian is put in danger by another Commission agent. He must not be very smart, though, because no one in their right mind would dare lay a hand on Five's girl.
Thank you so much for this request! I love writing anything with these two and this was a great subject that I hadn't done before. I hope I did ok! 😊
Words: 8,045
Warnings: blood, violence, Five being a badass but also a softy, smut at the end but can be skipped and it won't affect the story at all
As an aside: this story is meant to take place at some point during my AU series Halo on AO3, when Five and Vivian are not yet married and he is working for the Commission. If you like this pairing, you can check out more (lots more!) here. Also, here is a link to my Master List posts on Tumblr.
And a big shout out to my homie @kaybreezy3000 who was a major help with this one, and did the super sexy cover art!
Five tried to swallow down his rising panic as he sped through the city’s dark and empty streets. The heavy rain battered down onto the roof of the car and the tires sent up a spectacular spray of water every time he screeched around a corner. He didn’t care if he was driving one hundred miles an hour over the city streets or running red lights. His foot stepped harder down on the accelerator. If a cop tried to stop him, they’d have to shoot out his tires first. Even then, he wouldn’t stop. With his heart hammering away in his chest and his hands gripping the steering wheel, he glanced over at the handgun lying on the passenger seat where he had thrown it. A flash of lightning illuminated his face for a brief moment, and he saw his eyes reflected back at him in the rearview mirror. They looked like his normal emerald-colored eyes but with one major difference. These eyes belonged to a man who was desperate and seething with rage.
He had known something was off as soon as he had come home that night. Viv always left the light on in the living room for him, no matter how late he was going to be. And most times she didn’t even know when he was coming back, but she left it on all night long, just in case. So, when he had teleported into their apartment earlier and it was dark, Five was immediately suspicious.
He had called her name, but there was no answer and he didn’t hear her in any of the rooms. The place wasn’t that big, so it’s not like she wouldn’t have heard him. But he checked the bedroom and the bathroom. Both were dark, with no signs of her anywhere. When he walked into the kitchen, though, and snapped on the light, he knew something was very wrong.
There, in the middle of the tile floor, was a large pool of amber-colored liquid, surrounded by hundreds of glass shards. One of the kitchen chairs had been turned over and was lying on its side.
Five called her name again, as if she would appear out of some secret panel in the wall, carrying a broom and laughing at herself for being so clumsy. But, of course, that didn’t happen and the only sound was the echo of his own voice bouncing off the kitchen walls.
He crouched down next to the spill and the broken glass. The floor was sticky and the whole room smelled like whiskey. Most of the glass was clear with no markings, but one large chunk of it still had a label attached. When Five reached out with a trembling hand to pick it up, he held it closer to read the print. He recognized it immediately. This was not the normal liquor they kept in the house, and it would have been impossible for Vivian to have even acquired it on her own. Not unless the local corner store had come across a rare shipment of whiskey that hadn’t been distilled since 1865.
Five stared at the piece of broken glass in his hand, trying to wrap his head around what he was gradually piecing together. When he looked up at the kitchen table, he saw Viv’s phone lying there, which did nothing to quell the growing sense of dread in his stomach. He stood and picked it up, the movement making it come to life and flashing a photo of the two of them that she kept as her home screen. That’s when he noticed the smear of blood across the screen.
His eyes darted from the phone to the overturned chair, to the broken bottle and spilled ancient whiskey and his heart sank.
“Vivie,” he said in a horrified whisper.
She was gone and he knew who had her. Why, he had no idea, but wherever she was, she would be scared and maybe hurt; or worse. Five forced the gruesome horror scenes from his mind. It wasn’t going to do him any good to crack up now. He needed to focus on finding her and he needed to do it fast. There was no telling what this fucking psycho was capable of. And if Five found out she had been hurt in any way whatsoever, one thing was for damn sure. God help the man who was responsible.
When Vivian heard the knock on the door, she figured it was the older lady from two doors down. Ever since Five had moved in, the woman had been making herself much more present around their apartment; always stopping by with plates of cookies or a scarf she just happened to have knitted. She never seemed particularly interested in talking to Viv, but if Five was around, she had endless amounts of time to stay and chit-chat. Not that he even pretended to be remotely interested, but she ate up every terse smile and head nod, apparently taking them as signs she should come over more often. Viv had no doubt the woman, who was technically closer to Five’s age than her own, wished Viv would suddenly disappear in some sort of tragic accident so she could swoop in and make her move.
Viv rolled her eyes and smiled as she headed for the door. “Sorry, Betty,” she started as she opened the door. “Five’s not home right n—oh!” Viv stopped when she saw it wasn’t Five’s old lady girlfriend, but rather a man she did not recognize. “I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else. Can I help you?”
The man was taller than Viv, but his build was a little on the scrawny side, with thinning brown hair that was combed to the side and a pockmarked face. His gray suit pants looked too baggy for his frame and were cinched at the waist with a belt, as if they had fit him at one time when he had more weight on him. The white dress shirt he had on was wrinkled and a shabby-looking trench coat hung loosely around his wiry frame.
“Oh…sorry,” the man said slowly and Viv could see he was most likely drunk. “I’m looking for Five Hargreeves? Does he live here?”
Considering she had no idea who this man was and the fact that he was asking about Five had her immediately on edge. It’s not as if Five had friends stopping over. Or had friends, period, for that matter.
Viv crossed her arms over her chest. “And who, may I ask, wants to know?”
The man laughed and ran a hand through his sparse hair, holding out a hand for her to shake. “Right, sorry. I’m Sam. I work with Five.”
Viv hesitated but accepted his handshake. “I’m sorry, you said you work with Five?”
She knew better than to just give up any information about Five’s work, and she was highly skeptical of this man’s claim. For one, Five worked for the Commission and it’s not as if that was the accounting office down the street. They were a highly secretive time-traveling operative filled with dangerous assassins. For another, Five never talked about anyone he worked with. Unless they were pissing him off in a particular way that day. So, to have this man she’d never heard of before showing up at their door and knowing Five lived there was a major red flag.
Sam ran a shaky hand through his hair again, looking embarrassed. “Yeah. I’m sure you don’t have many of us stopping by unannounced, do you?”
“And by ‘us’ you mean…”
The man gave a sheepish smile and then pointed at the ground near his feet. Viv looked down and saw the familiar black briefcase she knew Five and all of the other agents at the Commission used for getting around. It would have been nearly impossible for anyone else to have one, so this guy must have been who he said he was. It put her a little more at ease, but not totally.
Viv nodded. “So, what can I help you with? I’m afraid Five isn’t home right now.”
The man’s face fell a little. “Oh, really? That’s too bad. I don’t have much time, but I wanted to bring him by this bottle of whiskey I know he likes.” He held up a very old looking bottle of some kind of brown alcohol. The label looked old-fashioned, yet brand new. It was also only half-full, presumably the remains of what Sam had already drunk. Viv wasn’t familiar with the name on the label, either, and she was fairly certain she knew all of Five’s preferred drink choices.
“We shared a couple of glasses of it a while back, so I picked up some more on my last mission and figured I’d bring it by,” Sam explained. Seeing Viv’s dubious face, he continued. “It hasn’t been made since the 1860s, and technically we aren’t supposed to take things back across timelines, but I figured one little bottle of whiskey wouldn’t make the whole world collapse, right?”
He laughed at his own joke and Viv could see he actually had a nice and genuine smile, even if he was a bit tipsy. His story seemed legit, although it was still weird that Five had never mentioned him to her at all. Although now that she thought about it, he didn’t really tell her much at all about the Commission; for both of their sakes. For all she knew, maybe he had a boatload of friends down there. Maybe he was the life of the party.
She gave him a smile, softening up a little. “No, the world seems to still be in one piece. And don’t worry, I won’t tell. Five once brought me back a bottle of perfume from 1923 Paris, so I think we’re safe.”
He chuckled and then they both stood there awkwardly until he cleared his throat. “Well, just tell him I stopped by, I guess.”
Seeing his disappointed face made Viv feel sorry for him, especially when she saw that it had started to rain. He looked so sad and pathetic standing there in his baggy clothes, drunk on Old West whiskey, and seemingly lonely. She wasn’t sure why, but something about him tugged at her heartstrings and she didn’t want to leave him alone in the rain.
“Why don’t you come in? Five should be home soon, you can wait for him if you’d like.”
“Oh, I don’t want to be too much trouble.”
“No, no, really, I insist. Come on in. I’m Vivian, by the way; Five’s girlfriend.”
Sam followed her inside and she shut the door behind them. She then led him into the kitchen, where she offered him a seat at the table. He sat down heavily, almost missing the chair entirely in his altered state, leaving the black briefcase next to him on the floor.
“This is a really nice place you have here,” he marveled as he glanced around their simple kitchen.
Viv looked surprised. “Really? Well, thank you, but it’s not much. There weren’t too many apartments in the area that I could afford at the time I moved in.”
“So, you lived here first and Five moved in with you?”
“Yeah,” she said with a laugh. “We met, fell in love, and he moved in here. I was never intending on having a roommate, but you never know what life will bring, right?”
Sam looked at her with an odd expression; one that Viv wasn’t sure how to interpret.
“And life brought you Number Five, the assassin, huh?” he asked.
That was a weird question and Viv hesitated for a moment. “Uh…yeah, I guess it did.”
“You know, Five never mentioned you when we shared that whiskey,” Sam said; his eyes seeming to harden just a little. “He also said he lived in a shit hole place, all alone. But this is definitely not a shit hole and he clearly isn’t alone.”
Viv swallowed nervously. “Well, that was probably before we met. He was kind of a loner before that.”
Sam gave a low chuckle and he looked around the kitchen again, seeming to take in his surroundings in detail and soaking it all up. Then he was back to eyeing Viv up. He still had the same friendly smile on his face, but she could see something about it had changed.
“Aren’t we all,” he mumbled. “He’s a lucky guy, though. Ending up with someone as pretty as you.”
Vivian shifted in her seat and cleared her throat. “Um, oh. Thank you.”
It was quickly becoming clear that inviting this man in had not been a good idea. Viv cursed herself for having such a bleeding heart sometimes. She should have followed her initial instinct about him. She just hoped Five would be home soon.
Trying to change the subject, Viv pointed to the bottle on the table. “So, you said you and Five spent some time together at the Commission? Five’s not exactly everyone’s cup of tea, so how did that come about?”
Sam leaned back in his chair and crossed one leg of the other. “Well, you’re right about that. Five is not exactly Mr. Friendly, at least around there. But he must have been in a good mood one day and decided to sit and chat with me. Although, maybe the whiskey was more of the motivator. Anyway, once we got to talking, we realized we had a lot in common.”
“Like what?”
“Well, we both ended up working for the Commission out of necessity rather than desire, but I won’t bore you with those details about myself. He was kind of a loner like you said, and so am I. And I could tell he had a lot of hostility towards most of the world. He knew the unfairness of life and how some people have it good and some don’t. That’s just the way it goes. Unfortunately, he and I got dealt one of life’s shitty hands and had been living with it our whole lives.” Sam stopped and looked at Vivian, again with that weird look in his eyes. “At least, until he met you, apparently. Now he seems to have the good life; coming home to this nice place with you waiting for him, while I’m stuck in my piece of shit house eating microwave dinners for one every night. That is, when I’m not putting a bullet in some poor bastard’s head.”
He chuckled at that and Vivian attempted a smile. This man was appearing to become more unhinged by the minute and she wasn’t sure how to keep up this conversation anymore.
“I know doing what you do, and for whom, can be extremely hard and I’m sorry. But I’m sure things will change for you. Everyone deserves to be happy, and to have love.”
Sam stared at her with unfocused eyes as he processed her words. Viv could see the wheels turning in his head and she suddenly felt very much in danger. Why had she let this guy in their home? The hairs on the backs of her arms stood up.
“Yeah, you’re right about that,” Sam said slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. “Maybe I’d be happy, too, if I had someone like you to come home to every day. Someone young and pretty to take care of me.”
The tone of his voice and look in his eyes were dangerous, and Viv instinctively began to stand up and back away. “You know, you’re making me a little uncomfortable. I think you should leave.”
Despite his unsteadiness from the booze, Sam was quick. The kitchen chair he had been sitting in fell over with a loud bang as he sprang up, grabbing her arm in the process.
“I’m sorry,” he said, eyes wide. “Please. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Viv tried to pull her arm away. “Let go of me!”
“Please, just sit back down. I’m not going to hurt you.”
“You are hurting me! Let go of my arm!” she cried as she desperately tried to free herself from his grasp.
He took hold of her with his other hand so that he was firmly gripping her by both her upper arms with surprising strength. Shaking her, he yelled in her face. “I am not hurting you! Just stop! Stop and listen!”
“No! Let me go!” she yelled back, struggling against him and trying to kick at his shins or anywhere else she could reach.
“Stop doing that, or else…” he hissed.
“Or else what? If you think Five’s not going to lose his fucking mind when he finds out you grabbed me like this, then you’re even crazier than I thought.”
“I AM NOT CRAZY! DON’T CALL ME CRAZY!” he screamed; his face contorted with fury.
Viv flinched and she started struggling harder. That’s when she saw Sam’s eyes move off of her and down to the ground near where he had been sitting. A white-hot panic started to rise up inside of her when she realized what he was looking at. The briefcase.
She couldn’t let him get to it. Not when he also had ahold of her. There was no telling where or when she would end up. With all of her strength, her adrenaline pumping, Viv fought as hard as she could against him. Kicking and pulling, she managed to yank him off balance, causing him to knock into the kitchen table, upsetting the bottle of whiskey and sending it tumbling to the ground. They continued to fight against one another, their shoes crunching in the broken glass.
When Viv lost her balance, she managed to free one of her hands, catching herself on the way down. Her hand landed on a piece of glass, the sharp edge slicing into her palm. With a last-ditch effort, she tried to reach out and grab her phone off of the table. At the same time, Sam reached for the briefcase. Viv watched in horror as she saw his hand latch onto the handle at the same time that she felt her fingers slipping across the screen of her phone. Then she felt the familiar feeling of being sucked into nothingness, her stomach lurching, as they both disappeared in a flash of light.
It was a miracle that Five even remembered what street Sam lived on. He had only mentioned it once, during a drunken conversation one night as they both slugged down the gasoline passing as whiskey in the Commission break room. Five had remembered because it was about a block away from where he used to live; before he met Vivian. It was in a shit part of town, but that would actually play to his advantage now. It was less likely anyone would pay attention to gunshots or other signs of violence when you’re already in a crime-filled neighborhood. Not that Five didn’t know how to cover his tracks. He was a professional, after all.
The fact that he wasn’t sure which run-down house was Sam’s posed a problem, along with the fact that he could have taken Viv anywhere and to any time. If that were the case, he was going to have to go to more extreme measures to get her back, including breaking Commission protocol. Which he was more than willing to do.
But as he drove slowly up the street with his headlights off, Five was granted a small amount of luck. A light was on inside one of the houses and Five could see clearly into the front window. On a table in the living room was the briefcase. He didn’t see Sam or Viv inside, but it was most definitely a Commission issued case.
“I’ve got you now, you piece of shit,” Five mumbled out loud as he parked the car a few houses down.
The rain was coming down hard and Five was soaked through in a matter of seconds as he hurried down the uneven sidewalk, his shoes splashing through the puddles. He didn’t want to risk being seen by blinking out in the open, so he waited until he was standing on the front porch of Sam’s house. The rain leaked down through the cracks in the rotting awning above him. After another quick peek inside the window, and seeing no one in the front room, Five teleported inside.
He took a second to take in his surroundings. Resisting the urge to call out for Viv, he remained silent and started making his way toward what he assumed would be the kitchen, his Glock held firmly in his left hand. There was no one there, but on top of a wooden cutting board on the worn and peeling countertop, was a meat cleaver. It caught Five’s eye, and since he is never one to turn down the convenience of a sharp weapon up for grabs, he left the kitchen with his gun in one hand and the cleaver in the other.
Five passed by a small, empty bathroom, and then came to a bedroom at the end of the hall. The door was closed and when he tried the handle, it was locked. The door was old and flimsy looking, so he didn’t hesitate to give one strong kick, cracking the wooden frame and splintering the door so that it swung open. As soon as he saw her, he felt immediate relief and horror wash over him.
“Vivian!” he cried, forgetting all of his training and not surveilling the rest of the room first. If he had been watching someone else doing the exact same thing, he would have told them they were brain-dead and lacked critical thinking skills. It was such a rookie move. But his emotions had taken over and he only saw her.
Viv was tied up to a wooden chair, arms behind her, with a blindfold over her eyes and a piece of duct tape over her mouth. She was frantically mumbling something when she heard Five’s voice, but it was unintelligible from behind the tape.
“Shit,” Five whispered as he hurried over, kneeling down in front of her, and placing the gun and knife on the ground. He immediately started to undo the blindfold. “Oh my god, Vivie, I’m so sorry. It’s ok, I’m here. I’m going to get you out of here,” he was saying as he yanked it away from her eyes.
Viv blinked into the sudden brightness, but then her eyes widened in fear as she looked at Five. Five assumed it was from shock and he continued to talk to her and assure her it would be ok as he carefully stripped the tape away from her mouth.
“I’ve got you, angel, don’t worry,” he said, right as he freed her mouth and she took a deep breath in.
“Five! Behind you!”
Five turned around, just in time to see Sam emerging from the bedroom closet with a wild look in his eyes. In his hand he had some sort of small device and he was coming their way. Five tried to grab one of his weapons off the floor next to him, but it was too late. Sam was quicker, and before he knew what was happening, Five fell to the floor in a heap; convulsing violently as electrical currents traveled throughout his entire body.
The stun gun Sam used was a standard-issued weapon from his employer and was given to every field agent, along with a Glock. The electrical charge from these particular guns were much stronger than what any modern-day policeman or SWAT member carried. Word around the halls was that it once took down a full-size grizzly bear with one zap. Sam wasn’t letting up on the trigger as he leaned over Five’s body, pressing the device into the back of his neck and watching with satisfaction as he was electrocuted over and over again.
Because Five was soaked through from the rain, the electrical shock was amplified as it continued in an endless loop through his body while he writhed and groaned on the floor. Five let out a grating cry, his body flickering with a pulsing blue light as he tried to use his own electrical power to counter the attack, but he wasn’t strong enough. Viv watched in horror as the light faded away and he became silent, even as his body continued to contort and seize right in front of her.
“Five! No! No! Stop, you’re killing him!” she screamed, her voice breaking and her eyes filling with tears. She tried in vain to break from her restraints. “Stop! Please! Five!”
Sam finally stopped, tossing the weapon to the side so that it skittered under a beat-up dresser. He was breathing hard as he looked at Viv and then at Five’s limp, unmoving body at his feet. Viv started sobbing loudly and she hung her head as the tears flowed down her face and onto her lap.
“I’m sorry,” Sam whispered. Then he spoke louder, but his voice was trembling. “I had to do it. He was going to take you away. I’m going to let you go, I told you that, but I need you to listen to me first and you’re not listening. All I want is for you to sit here and talk to me, and maybe stay with me for a night. But you weren’t listening, and so I had to tie you up, but I didn’t want to. He was going to take you away from me, and I can’t let that happen. Not until you stay here for a while.”
Viv lifted her head slowly, strings of tangled hair sticking to the tears on her cheeks, her eyes narrowed in a hateful glare. “FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING PSYCHO! YOU ARE A CRAZY, PATHETIC LOSER AND I FUCKING HATE YOU! DO YOU HEAR ME? I HATE YOU!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, her voice cracking before she started sobbing again.
Five was still lying unmoving on the floor, but his eyes were open, and to Vivian’s relief, she saw he was breathing, although it was shallow. Sam looked down at him with a glower. Then he nudged him in the side with the toe of his shoe and Five let out a weak moan.
“This is your fault, Five. If you had just stayed put and let me handle this, it wouldn’t have gone this far. But now you ruined it.” Sam squatted down next to Five, leaning in closer so that he could hear. “I wasn’t going to hurt her, you know. But now…well, now you’ve gone and fucked it all up.”
His voice grew louder and more desperate. “We were the same, you and I! So, how did you get so god damn special? I thought we were friends; I thought we had a connection. But then I find out you’re living this perfect little life, with your fancy apartment and your pretty girl. But what about me, huh? Where’s my perfect life? My happy ending?”
Sam stood up and looked at Vivian, although he was directing his words at Five. “I was going to kill you and keep her, but now I have a better idea. Since I know you’re currently paralyzed but can still see and hear everything that’s going on, I think maybe I’ll kill her instead. Then you can watch and listen as your perfect little life is ripped away from you until you’re just like me again. All alone and mad at the world.”
“You stupid piece of shit,” Viv growled out. “He never did anything to you.”
“YES, HE DID!” Sam yelled right in her face. “He took my life! I deserve this life, not him. He’s killed way more people than I have; I’ve seen his records. I know his reputation. He might as well be Satan himself! So why don’t you tell me why he gets you and I get nothing?”
Viv looked him dead in the eye. “Because Five is good and decent, and he knows how to love others. He feels remorse for all of those lives he took. You, on the other hand, are nothing but a giant pile of dog shit in a cheap suit. And no one will ever love you.”
Sam smiled. “At first, I wasn’t going to enjoy this, but now I might.” He bent down to pick up Five’s Glock which was lying next to his immobile body. “I think I’ll shoot you in the head with his own gun. That feels poetic to me, don’t you think?”
He raised his arm and pointed the gun right at Viv’s head. She squeezed her eyes shut, whimpering as a few tears leaked out. “Five, I love you,” she said quietly, knowing they would be her last words, and hoping he could hear her. Just as she was trying to steady herself against the pain and sudden death that would be upon her any second, she heard a high-pitched scream and she opened her eyes.
Sam was standing right where he had been, his face frozen in horror as Five’s gun dropped from his hand and clattered to the floor. He slowly sank to his knees before falling face first onto the ground, collapsing onto his stomach with a loud and painful groan. As he fell over, Viv could see a meat cleaver was embedded in the middle of his back, between his shoulder blades; the shining metal handle sticking straight up in the air as blood seeped from around the blade. Viv looked up to see Five falling to his knees next to Sam. He was shaking and breathing hard, but alive and apparently able to move again.
“Oh my god, Five! Are you ok?”
Five nodded slowly and lifted his head weakly to look at Viv. “Yeah. Are you?”
She nodded her head and started to quietly cry again. Then another pitiful groan came from the injured body on the floor. Sam was stirring and trying to get his arms under him in a futile attempt to get up. Five seemed to gain more strength as he slowly hauled himself up to standing again. He placed a foot on Sam’s lower back, grabbing the handle of the cleaver and yanking it out of the mutilated flesh beneath him. Sam screamed again while fresh blood began pouring out of the wound. Thick drops of scarlet red dripped from the cleaver and onto the old and dented hardwood floor beneath them.
Five was still unsteady on his feet, but he leaned down and pulled Sam’s face up off the ground by a fistful of hair.
“You made a fatal error, my friend,” Five warned. “You have no idea what I am capable of. But you’re about to find out because you have fucked with the wrong man.”
Sam breathed out a shaky laugh. “You think you’re better than me. But we’re the same.”
Five clenched his teeth and held the blood-stained meat cleaver under Sam’s throat. “Listen, you pathetic waste of space; you are wrong! We are not the same, and we never have been,” he hissed.
Sam let out a more maniacal laugh. “We are though. You just can’t admit it.”
Five got ready to draw the sharp blade across Sam’s neck. He wanted to split his throat open from ear to ear and watch him bleed out slowly and in agony. One corner of the cold steel pressed into his skin and a rivulet of blood trickled out.
“Five, don’t,” Viv said suddenly.
Five didn’t look up as he paused. “He needs to die, Vivie.”
“Not like that. Please, I just want to go home. Let’s go home, ok?”
Five looked up at her sorrowful face and knew she was right. He needed to get her back home. But he still wasn’t about to let this fucker go, even if the odds of him surviving the horrific wound in his back were slim. He let go of Sam’s hair, letting his face fall with a loud thunk onto the floor. Then he picked up his pistol and pressed it into the back of Sam’s skull. He glanced at Viv as a warning to let her know to look away.
“Lights out, you stupid fuck,” Five growled before pulling the trigger.
BANG! Sam’s skull exploded, sending blood and brain matter everywhere. Vivian flinched and looked away, but Five watched with satisfaction as the grisly contents oozed out of the gaping hole in the dead man’s head. Then he dropped his gun and hurried over to Viv, who was still bound to the chair.
As soon as her hands were free, she threw her arms around Five’s shoulders and he pulled her tightly into him. She burst into tears again, sobbing into his shoulder as they both knelt on the ground. He kissed her temple and smoothed her hair.
“Vivie…look at me,” he said as he held her face in his trembling hands. “Are you hurt at all? I saw blood on your phone.”
She shook her head while more tears ran down her cheeks. “No, I’m fine. I’m so sorry, Five, I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault, I was stupid and I let him in, he said you were friends, I wasn’t thinking. Five, I’m so sorry.” She started crying loudly again, touching the side of his face with her hand. “I thought I lost you. I thought you were dead. And it was all my fault.”
Five closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to hers, his own tears threatening to spill over. “Darling, you have nothing to be sorry for, ok? You did nothing wrong. I just…god, I don’t know what I would have done if something happened to you. Are you sure you’re ok?”
“Five, you’re the one that almost died!”
Five gave her a smile and kissed her softly. “You can’t get rid of me that easily. You should know that by now.”
She let out a small laugh, sniffing back her tears. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, angel.” He glanced very quickly to the dead body on the floor and then back to Viv. “Come on, we need to get out of here.”
She nodded and they stood up, Five still shaky and unsteady on his feet. Viv held on to him for support. “What’s going to happen now? Aren’t the cops going to come after us?”
Five shook his head. “No, we’re safe. He works for the Commission, so he’s their problem to deal with. Agents die all the time in the field. He’s just one more spare cog in the wheel that won’t be missed.”
On the way out of the house, Five remembered the briefcase. He grabbed it off the table and turned to Vivian. “I don’t think either of us should be driving. I have to bring this back anyway, so do you mind?”
She shook her head. “Not at all. The sooner we can get home the better. We can get the car later.”
With a nod, Five programmed the case, took Viv’s hand in his, and in less than two seconds they were back in their apartment. As soon as they arrived, though, Five collapsed to the ground on his hands and knees. He was still so weak from being electrocuted almost to death and now that the adrenaline was starting to wear off, it was starting to catch up with him.
“Five! Oh my god…”
Viv put her arms around his waist as he leaned against her and she helped him up. Tears started to form in her eyes again as they traveled over Five’s exhausted face.
“I am so sorry, Five…this is all my fault…and now you’re hurt…”
“Vivie, I’ll be fine. And it’s not your fault.”
She could see he was starting to sway on his feet again and she nodded before realizing he was covered in a splatter of quickly drying blood. “Come on, you need to get cleaned up first and then you can lie down, ok?”
Viv led Five to the bathroom where she had him sit on the top of the toilet seat while she helped him undress down to his underwear. She didn’t trust that he was strong enough to take a full shower, so she wiped up his face, neck, and chest with a wet washcloth; the dried blood that was painting his skin gradually fading away. Five closed his eyes from both exhaustion and the feel of her touch as she gently washed his latest sin from his body.
After he was cleaned off, Viv washed her own hands and bandaged the cut on her palm, and they both collapsed onto their bed, too tired to turn back the covers. Viv crawled next to Five as he lay on his side, and he wrapped her in his arms with her face buried in his chest. They both let out a long sigh and then she looked up at him. With her hand on his cheek, she kissed him, her warm lips pressed to his as he kissed her just as deeply in return and stroked her hair.
“Are you going to be ok?” he asked her quietly.
“Yeah, I’ll be ok. I’m pretty tough, you know,” she said with a smile.
Five laughed and squeezed her tighter. “I know you are.” He was silent for a minute before speaking again. “I’m sorry, Vivie. I’m sorry that I can’t ever seem to escape the hell that follows me everywhere. All I want to do is keep you safe, but I seem to be failing in that department.”
“I never feel safer than when I’m with you.”
Five didn’t respond to that and was quiet again. “I’d do it again, you know.”
“Kill anyone that tried to hurt you. Without a second thought. And I’m sorry because I know that’s not what you want to hear, but if protecting you means I have to be the bad guy, then so be it.”
Viv looked into his eyes and smiled sadly. “Five, you’re never the bad guy. You’re my own personal superhero and you will always be the good guy. Because you are good inside. I need you to remember that.”
Five chuckled. “I don’t know about that, but if I am, it’s only because of you, angel.”
Bonus: Smut (as a little treat)
It took a few days before Five was completely healed from his electrical ass-beating. He couldn’t even blink a few feet without the power leaving his body and feeling like he was going to faint. And even though he loved that Vivian took care of him, he was getting pretty fucking annoyed with getting scolded every time he tried to do something she didn’t think he could handle. He reminded her several times that he had made it through four and a half decades of self-preservation in a barren hellscape, so unloading a bag of groceries was probably not going to be the end of him. But she just gave him a pointed look that told him she didn’t give a shit what he said and then he shut up again. After the third day, though, she finally decided he was well enough to return to his normal activities.
Viv was at the kitchen sink when Five came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck. “I have a surprise for you,” he told her with a grin.
She sighed heavily, continuing to rinse off the plate she was holding. “If it’s what I’m currently feeling being jabbed up against my butt right now, I hate to disappoint you, but I’ve seen it before. Several times.”
Five gave her ass a pinch so that she squealed and then scooped her up in his arms, the dish clattering into the sink. “That’s only part of it,” he answered before he teleported them into the bedroom and onto the bed with a bounce. “I can blink again,” he said with a cocky smirk.
Viv scowled at him, fighting against her smile, and she smacked him on the arm. “Five Hargreeves, you are the worst! What have I told you about non-consensual blinks?”
Five laughed and shrugged. “It was worth it.”
Before she had a chance to respond, he was dragging her on top of him and pulling her in for a kiss, his hand tangling in her hair. She immediately gave in and made a little moaning noise into his mouth.
“Besides,” he said as he pulled away with a smile. “I know you secretly love it.”
Viv shook her head. “I don’t. But I do love a lot of other things you can do.”
Five nuzzled his face into her neck and placed a line of soft kisses along the underside of her jaw. “How about I do a few of those things right now?”
“I wouldn’t say no to that,” she said quietly while she started tugging up his shirt.
He chuckled as her hand slid over his hard abdomen and chest. “Trying to undress me already, my love?”
“You know I hate it when you have clothes on. I’d much rather have you walking around naked all day, just for my viewing pleasure and for easy access.”
Five laughed again and then flipped her over so that Viv was on her back, and he sat up on his knees, pulling his black t-shirt over his head before leaning down again. The muscles in his arms and back flexed as he held himself over her. He pressed the hard crotch of his pants into her thigh and he flashed her his sexy, crooked smile.
“If anyone needs to be walking around naked all day, it’s you. So let’s start there.��
Viv smiled and let him take his time with her, softly running his lips over her stomach and chest before lifting her shirt over her head. When he moved to tug her pants off, she stretched out long, closing her eyes and sighing. She felt his hand drifting over her legs and hip, and around to her ass where he gave it a small squeeze. Then he repositioned himself between her legs and she felt the warmth of his breath on her inner thigh as he placed his hands on either side of her hips.
“You’re so beautiful, baby,” he murmured.
Viv let out a quiet moan when she felt his mouth and tongue drawing hot lines over her skin, punctuated with tiny nips of his teeth. When he hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties, pulling them down a little bit before covering the entire damp area between her legs with his mouth, she jerked her hips up with a whine.
Five leisurely sucked and licked at the thin fabric that separated him from that hot piece of heaven just underneath. He was teasing himself just as much as her, because the wetter she got, the more he could taste. And the more he could taste, the more his feral instincts kicked in and he wanted to devour her.
When he finally threw the lace underpants somewhere to the side, he was already on his knees between her legs, holding her tightly by her thighs, as he watched her rocking her hips up in anticipation. She looked up at him under hooded eyes, the corner of her bottom lip caught in her teeth, before sucking in a loud breath.
“God, you drive me fucking crazy,” he growled before immediately getting back to the matter at hand.
Five always knew the best ways to make Vivian a trembling mess, and one of those ways was to eat her out like she was the first meal he’d had in years. She liked when he was slow and gentle; flicking his tongue over all of her most sensitive places and taking his time. But when he lost all restraint and consumed her entire pussy, groaning and shoving his tongue inside of her while sloppily sucking at her clit, that’s when she lost her damn mind.
It always came with a slight risk of bodily harm for Five, since she would be thrusting her hips up into him so wildly, and pushing his face harder into her that it was a wonder he didn’t end up with a neck injury or suffocating to death. But he figured if that’s how he went out, he’d be ok with that.
“Five! Oh…my…fucking…god…YES!!!”
She pushed herself harder into his face with each word until she was screaming unintelligible words and Five could feel her thighs trembling and her body shaking as her back arched off the bed. He continued greedily lapping her up until she relaxed again and fell back against the pillow.  When he sat back on his knees, he was breathing hard and fast. He pushed his hair off his forehead as he licked at his lips; her warm, liquid sex coating his mouth and dripping down his chin.
While Viv lay there, catching her breath, she watched as Five wiped his face with the back of his hand, the corner of his mouth twitching up in a tiny smirk. He didn’t say anything, but his eyes told her all she needed to know. Now it was his turn and she was about to get railed. Hard.
He unbuckled his belt and opened the fly of his pants, taking out his hard cock before shoving her legs further apart with his knees. When he leaned over the top of her, covering her body with his own, he kissed her long and deeply; making sure she got a good taste of herself on his tongue. Her already soaked cunt accepted his dick with ease as he sunk himself inside of her.
With one hand holding himself up and the other gripping and pulling her leg up higher around his waist, Five started rhythmically thrusting into her, and moving his face to her neck.
“Vivie,” he breathed against her skin and she closed her eyes and dug her fingers into his back. “I can’t live without you, angel.”
 “I’m yours forever, Five.”
Five continued to fuck her hard but slowly, the buckle of his belt that was still dangling from his opened pants clinking with each push of his hips. He was groaning and biting into the crook of her neck as he kept his face buried there and Vivian clutched his body to hers. In between heavy pants, he told her all of the things he needed her to know. Every little thought and emotion that made its way to the forefront of his brain. If he didn’t tell her, the moment may pass and she’d never know.
“You are my whole world, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I am nothing without you. I love you so much, Vivian, so much.” He started moaning louder as his pace got faster and he held himself over her again to look down at her face. She smiled up at him, even as she let her head fall back again with a cry from how good he was feeling as he pounded into her.
“Five…”, she whimpered. “I love you, too...you feel so good like this.”
Her words acted like some sort of switch inside his brain, and after a few more seconds, Five was unleashing his hot cum inside of her while he pressed his forehead into her shoulder and groaned low in his throat. As his body relaxed, he stayed where he was, lying on top of her and breathing hard against her neck. She stroked his back and hair and ran her fingers lightly down his arms. He felt her lips press against his ear and she sighed happily.
“No one can ever take me away from you, Five,” Viv whispered.
Five kissed the side of her neck and then her lips. He didn’t say anything in return. Mostly because he knew she was right. Because if anyone ever tried to take her away again, he had no problem slaughtering everyone in his path to get to her.
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sweethibiscus · 1 year
Old Flames 1
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ok so i havent written in a while and im fairly new to tumblr so i apologize if this is horrible but if you do like it lmk and leave some requests for anything you wanna see me write!
Contains !meanellie x !scared/shyreader, eventual smut, sexual thoughts, angst, set in a college au and i think thats it! lmk if i forgot anything but otherwise enjoy <3 (oh and ofc like all of my fics r gonna be, 18+!)
you were getting moved into your dorm with your best freind dina. you were just about done decorating and setting everyting up. "ok! i think thats everything!" you say sitting on the edge of your bed sighing after finally finishing hours of decorating and moving things from your car to your new dorm. dina layed down next to you before she spoke, "finally! you have wayy too many things, anyways whos your roomate?" dina asked. you didnt know who your roomate was actually, all you knew is that she was going to be a girl but aside from that, you were totally clueless.
"not sure to be totally honest, i just hope it isnt going to be someone i knew from highschool, i wish we couldve been roomates i hate the thought of living with a total stranger, or worse, someone i havent seen or spoken to since graduation." you said laying down next to dina starting to think of all of the worst possible outcomes, 'what if its one of ,my exs? what if its one of my ex bestfriends or old hookups?' you thought to yourself your anxiety suddenly skyrocketing at all of the worst possiblilities. you were quickly pulled out of your thoughts however when dina began to comfort you. "hey dont stress too much! youll be fine i promise and your always welcome at my dorm with me and luna!" you thanked her and gave her a slight peck on the forehead. "i dont know what i would do without you dina, your serioulsy the best thing thats ever happened to me, honestly. i would probably be dead if i didnt have you with me all the time" you said laughing slightly.
"honestly i dont know how you survided even with me! Hey i wish i could stay longer but i still need to finishe up my own dorm, wanna come with? you kinda owe me" dina said as she stood up and began to put her shoes on "as fun as that sounds i should probably wait for my roomate but ill be sure to let you know if its anyone we know or something" you said sitting up and scooting back to where your head was able to rest on your headboard. "aww ok finee but atleast promise me youll come to the party tomorrow? Its at one of jesse's frat guy friends, ill send you the info" you sighed before saying fine and saying goodbye to dina. you hated frat parties but you knew dina would get mad if you failed to attend another one.
After a few hours you had taken a shower and gotten into your pj's which consisted of some plad red shorts and a black lacy tank top. you had basically given up on your roomate showing up that night so you we laying ontop of your covers watching hbo max with the led lights set to a dim purple color. your eyes were starting to feel heavy but before you could shut your laptop you heard the door to your small dorm open and you immediately sat up anxiety skyrocketing, it was a little past 12 am and you were not ready to meet whoever was about to walk through the door, especially once you saw her face.
it was ellie fucking williams. you stared at her shocked.
you and ellie were once very close, you were better friends with her than dina at the time and you both were in your senior year of highschool, but you realized you were developing feelings for her. every touch, every flirty comment weather it was sarcastic or not it always gave you butterflies. you never told her how you felt however, especially when cat came along. When she first started hooking up with her she talked about her nonstop. day and night it was always cat this, cat that. and everytime ellie had mentioned her you felt a punch in your gut. you were going crazy and you almost couldnt handle hiding your feelings for her anymore. you realized this when she said she was going to ask cat to be her girlfriend.
after she told you that you went home and cried your eyes out. the girl you loved was in love with someone else. you couldn’t take it anymore and decided to ghost her. you knew that it was a shitty thing to do but you didn’t know what else to do. you couldnt just tell her ‘hey im in love with you so we cant be friends anymore bye’ so you completely cut her off. thankfully the school year was almost over and you didn’t have any classes with her. you avoided every party with some lame excuse like ‘im focusing on studying for finals’ and what not. you did everything humanly possible to avoid her and spent whatever free time crying about it to dina but over the summer you were able to somewhat get over it. obviously you never forgot but you stopped crying every night and ranting to dina about it.
but now there she was. standing in the doorway of your now shared dorm staring at you with anger confusion and maybe even disgust. your mouth was open slightly suddenly re imagining everything you tried to forget. looking at her forest green eyes and freckles perfectly spread across her face. you didn’t know what to say but she finally spoke after what felt like hours of staring at eachother.
“you have got to be fucking kidding me. your my roomate?” she said scoffing and shutting the door shut behind her “ellie i-i didn’t know you were gonna-“ you tried to get words out but she interrupted your lazy attempt at forming a sentence “yeah no shit i know that you didn’t pick me since you would do basically anything to avoid me”
“ellie thats not it, im really fucking sorry but-“ you tried to form an apology but she cut you off again “no dont even try to pull the ‘im sorry card’ we were great, we did everything together and all of a sudden you just dissapear, i dont see you or hear from you at all if it werent for dina letting me know you were alive i wouldve thought you had died or some shit” she said setting her backpack down and now she was standing at the foot of your bed. you felt tears forming in your eyes and it took everything in your power to hold them back while you responded
“i know what i did was shitty but you dont get it, maybe one day ill be able to tell you but i had to, it was the only way i could deal with-“ you cut yourself off mid sentence trying to think about how to explain the situation without confessing to her. “i was just dealing with a lot ok? you didn’t do anything, on purpose atleast but it was all a me issue, you didn’t deserve that but i had to do it for my own sanity”
she looked at you for a second seeing the tears forming in your eyes. she felt bad but she still wanted a better explanation. “why cant you tell me now? why couldnt you tell me then?? we were so close you knew you could talk to me about anything but since you didn’t i want, no i need to know. what. happened.” she said demanding an answer. you felt a tear fall from your eye and you couldnt keep it to yourself anymore.
“i loved you” you said quietly. ellie could barely hear what you said “don’t whisper fucking tell me” she said angrily. “i fucking loved you ellie ok?! is that what you wanted to hear?? but you were so obsessed with cat and i couldnt take it anymore. i didnt want to ruin our friendship but it was gonna happen either way, so i took the safe way out, for me atleast”
ellie just looked at you mouth wide open not being able to respond. she thought about how heartbroken you must’ve been and how she was too stupid to notice the signs. if she knew how you felt then she wouldve left cat in a heartbeat. of course she liked you but she thought you wouldnt feel the same but unlike you, she got quite good at hiding her feelings but she thought about how she would feel if you had gotten a girlfriend or something and all of a sudden she sympathized with you.
“y/n i didnt know im so sorry.” she said walking over to the side of the bed and wrapped you in a hug. you couldnt contain your tears anymore. you hugged her back tightly, sobbing into her shoulder.
A/N: yall im so sorry for how short this is but i kinda just wanted the first chapter to establish the background and foundation for the whole story, i’ll probably post the second part tomorrow but please give me recommendations and lmk if yall like this so far !!
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
Could you write an adult Shauna Shipman x f!reader one-shot with quote 6 "I feel like you've got a hand on me at all times" "Maybe that's because I'm irrationally afraid that you'll disappear on me if I let go"
Ir could be something like, one day f!reader gets into an accident and almost d*es and after that Shauna doesn't let f!reader out of her sight because she's afraid that she'll loose her like she lost Jackie all those years ago
Thank you if you'll do it <3
💙Slipping Like Satin - Shauna Sadecki x fem!Reader💙
Fanfiction master list
disclaimer: don't repost my work. I only post on Tumblr and on Ao3. anything else is stolen and should be removed immediately
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Summary: During the scuffle to try and catch the blackmailer, y/n is injured and Shauna hasn't left her alone since.
Warnings: Swearing, guns, blood, general angst
Word Count: 1,663
A/N: Hello Loves! I'm trying out a new header for my next couple of fics! I might tweak it to get the style to be something I like more, but I'm excited about the new aesthetic. But this has been a request that I've been saving till I knew exactly how I wanted it to go, and while it's still not exactly what I wanted, I'm pretty happy with it, so I hope you enjoy! As always, feel free to leave questions or comments in my comments or ask box, and happy reading!
Shauna Shipman/Sadecki Tag List:
Yellowjackets Tag List: @frasersgf @minimickzy
General Tag List: @summergeezburr
“God damn it, Natalie, I knew this was a terrible idea!” You heard Shauna scream, her voice growing shrill as her throat squeezed with upset. It had hardly registered yet, but you began to feel a hot pain on the skin of your upper bicep. Your hand was squeezing the spot, and when you moved it away, you could see a glistening red sticky on your fingers in the orange light.
“Fuck. We’re completely fucked!” Natalie barked back, running her hands through her hair as she began to pace in a circle. Only then did you notice the gun in her hand. You bit your lip, swallowing thickly as you looked back down at your fingertips. That is till Shauna moved in front of you, taking your hand in hers.
“Hey, it’s ok. You’re alright,” she murmured in a hushed voice. You began to nod but didn’t say a word. Getting shot didn’t actually hurt as much as you might have anticipated prior, you now realized. “Can I have a look?” Shauna asked though she was already moving your arm gently with her shaking hands. Anxiety knit her brow as she tried her best to keep her breathing steady.
“Tai, can you come look?” She asked, gently adjusting your sleeve to get a look at the wound. Taissa moved beside her, pulling out her phone to turn the flashlight on. They both examined the area with furrowed brows and frowning lips.
“It looks like it only grazed her,”
“Should we get her to a doctor?” Shauna’s voice was low and hushed like she was trying to keep the thought of a doctor out of your head. Or maybe it was Natalie’s. The brunette still seemed quite upset with the whole ordeal. Taissa took another look before she shook her head.
“No. If we clean and bandage it good she should be alright,” she brushed at the wound with her finger just too close and you took in a hissed breath through your teeth, your nose scrunching at the sting. You heard Shauna gasp, her eyes widening ever so slightly as her grip tightened. Taissa retracted her hand but you managed a smile with a small chuckle.
“Let’s just get this patched up, ok? I’ll be completely fine,” your eyes wavered to Shauna for the last bit. You might have been attempting to assure her more than yourself, but you weren’t too sure.
If you were being honest, you didn’t remember the whole affair all that well. Mostly there was confetti, or maybe it had been glitter? It was something colorful and it got in your eyes, that’s all that mattered. It was followed by more of a foot chase before you burst out into a parking lot in time to watch the blackmailer driving off. You thought that had been the end of it, till you heard the sound of a gunshot, followed by a clank of metal. Most of what you could remember was just recounting what the others had said, but you wouldn't admit that. You knew Shauna would freak about the whole thing more if she knew.
She had been showing up on your doorstep nearly every day after that night. She argued it was to check on your injury, though you could handle it yourself. She’d been insistently clingy recently. She doesn’t talk to you for just under a decade then all of the sudden she’s showing up at your door with food and various banned goods like clockwork. She might as well move into your apartment with how often she was dropping in, keeping tabs on your every move. It was likely from her sixteen years as a mom, and you appreciated a little help every now and then, but it was becoming a little much. You thought of all of this while on the toilet, anticipating Shauna might be waiting outside the door.
She didn’t turn up right outside the door as you thought, but walking back into your apartment's main room, you found her scurrying around your kitchen, as though she was attempting to appear as though she’d been busy in your absence. She’d pulled carrots out of the fridge and some other vegetables she was now prepping.
“What are you doing now?” you tried your best not to sound irritated, though it might have been hinted under your tongue. Shauna’ pressed her lips in a line and shrugged, seemingly trying to look casual as she shrugged.
“I thought I’d make a soup,”
“You don’t need to do that, I can make food,” She nodded but didn’t look up from her carrots. You stood still, simply watching her without a word, trying to configure what could be going on in that head of hers. Yes, you’d been in an accident. Technically you'd been shot, but not really. It was scary for everyone involved. But it wasn’t a big deal! You were clearly doing fine. You’d been cleared by your doctor, though they only thought it was grazing from a bad fall. Why was she suffocatingly all over you? Your brow creased and you frowned, looking away.
“I’m going to get some sleep,” You didn’t wait for her to look up before turning around and going back to your bedroom. You leaned your back and head against your shut door, now safe in the seclusion of your room. You didn’t mean to be, well, mean. But this sudden attention was unfortunately discomfiting. You felt fragile under your care. You hadn’t felt fragile in years. Probably not since ‘96. You shivered at the thought of what happened back then. Shaking the thought away, you rubbed your eyes with your fingers. Sleep. That’s what you needed right now. Sleep would make those thoughts go away.
You woke up to a thumping sound somewhere in your apartment. The sound itself didn’t wake you, but it didn’t help any chances of falling asleep again. You sat up with a long yawn, dragging yourself out of bed only to notice it was now dark outside. You sniffed, leaving your room and padding out into your main living space. A warm aroma met your nose and you recalled Shauna’s soup. You were also reminded that Shauna was likely still here.
Sure enough, there she stood by your desk, your back turned to you. Her shoulders shook as you got a better look at her. Your brow furrowed and you bit your lip.
“Shauna?” Your voice was rough with sleep. Her name pulled her out of her head and she turned with a shameful look in her eye. She frantically wiped away tears that strew down her cheek. It wasn’t till you noticed what was in her hands and on the deck that you understood. She began to weakly apologize but you shook your head, silently approaching her. Her body was tense as you moved forward. She couldn’t realize it till you tenderly took the photos from her hands, fingers brushing over hers. She watched as you stroked the cheeks of the smiling girls, captured in a time capsule of Polaroid.
“I can’t believe you kept these,” Shauna murmured, her eyes wandering back down to the unearthed box sitting on the desk. You shrugged, smiling sadly.
“It felt wrong not to,” you mused with a hollow sigh. “I don’t look at them often,” Shauna chuckled when a thought came to mind.
“You were so excited to get that camera,” you nodded, letting out a soft laugh of your own.
“My parents rarely gave us holiday gifts early. They told me I should ‘capture the highlight of my teen soccer career,’” Your smile wavered sadly as you flipped through the photos. “Who knew that camera would only capture the worst few months of our lives,”
“We didn’t have it for the worst part,” Shauna corrected. You felt yourself tear up and forced a sarcastic laugh.
“Thank god I ran out of film,” you took in a long, sad sniff of air. Shauna’s eyes softened, growing wide as she began to cry again. Her arms found their way around her shoulders she pulled you in. Given the unexpected contact, you dropped the photos in your hands, sending them fluttering to the ground below you. You gave into her, going limp in her arms with your hands hung wilm at your sides. She held onto you so tight as you cried together. In so many ways it felt like mourning. You still mourned those you lost, the things you'd done, and the girlhood that had been so swiftly taken away.
“I’m sorry,” you sobbed into her neck over and over as she told you to hush and save your words, but you couldn’t help it. You needed her to know “But I’ve been so mean to you this past week, and I know I shouldn’t, but I’ve felt like you’ve had a hand on me at all times and it scares me,” you cried, finally wrapping your arms around her back, hands squeezing desperately to the back of her cardigan. She let out a watery laugh and nodded her cheek against your forehead.
“Maybe that’s because I’m irrationally afraid that you’ll disappear on me if I let go,” She smiled as she said it, eyes shut tight. You knew just by the way her voice broke that it wasn’t a smile of joy, but one that held onto all the grief she forced herself to carry with her. You felt it too as you let out your own pitiful laugh of melancholy. You shook your head against her neck.
“I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying right here, ok,” you pulled away from her just enough to see her face, holding her cheeks between your hands. “I’m right here,” there was an urgency in your voice as your lip quaked, tears still spilling. She took a long break, sniffling heavily as she shakily nodded. You smiled and nodded again, running your hand over her hair.
“I’m right here,”
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delfiore · 2 years
posso ancora aspettare
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pairing: robin buckley x gn!reader
synopsis: in which there’s no happily ever after, because she loves someone else.
word count: 2.1k
a/n: ok this is awkward um not me showing up like weeks later after my last fic haha 🧍🏻‍♀️also tumblr was being a little bitch and shadowbanned tf out of me so if you saw me posting then deleting this multiple times no you didn’t 🫣
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The word came out of your mouth like a squeak, a meek sound disguised as a happy surprise at the news Robin had just delivered. Though it wasn’t a surprise, to you nor to Steve—the only other person who knew Robin. You just thought you had more time.
“I can’t believe it. She said yes! Vickie agreed to go on a date with me.”
You were too shellshocked to even notice whatever facial expression Steve was making that prompted Robin’s excitement to cease.
“I don’t know, Robin. She just came out of a relationship.
“So what?” Her tone grew annoyed.
“I’m just saying,” Steve leaned against the counter, his mouth hung open in search of the right words to say, “you gotta be careful, you know? She just broke up with her boyfriend, and this could be . . . a distraction.”
You looked up at Steve nervously, scrunching your eyebrows hoping he’d change his mind and apologize. He only looked back with a nonchalant shrug.
“Screw you, Harrington.” Robin mumbled, and walked away, towards the back of the store.
“Why would you say that?” You sighed.
“Am I wrong though?”
“No, but you didn’t have to rain on her parade like that.”
It was an asshole move, but you knew he was only trying to protect you. Only weeks ago had Steve tried all his might to tease Robin about Vickie, giving her lists upon lists as to why Vickie definitely likes girls too. You never meant to tell your truth, but you could never lie to Steve; he’d become like a big brother. And so on a random Tuesday night, in tears and with your head in your hands, you did.
“Please don’t do that again.” You pleaded, and hated the pitiful look he gave you following a short sigh.
Robin was reorganizing the closet with angry huffs when you peeked through the door quietly.
“Steve didn’t mean that, Robbie.”
“I don’t know what he means.” She slammed the stack in her hand down with a thud. “He’s being an ass because Heidi dumped him again, and he’s jealous. I mean, a week ago, he was bugging me to ask Vickie out, and I only did because he was bothering me so much. And now he wants to be all wary of her. Pisses me off.”
You didn’t know what to say. Frankly, you didn’t want her to go on that date either, but you couldn’t stand in the way of your best friend’s happiness, not when she’s been working up the courage to seize it for so long. Even if it destroyed yours.
“Hey, forget it, alright? Steve says stupid shit sometimes.” You tapped her shoulder with a small smile. “When’s your date? Come over before, and I’ll help you prepare.”
A smile quickly spread across her lips, as she pulled you into a tight hug. You chuckled, and ruffled her hair.
“Thank you, Y/N. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” Robin said, “you’re my best friend, and my number one, you know? I love you.”
“Of course I know.” You rolled your eyes, grinning.
“C’mon, say it back.” She whined, pulling your hand.
“No, it’s cheesy.”
“Say it baaaack.”
“Luh you tuh.” You mumbled, causing the girl to laugh, and bring her leg up to kick your behind teasingly.
You couldn’t bring yourself to repeat it properly, because to you it’s not the same, and it would be wrong to say it.
Falling for Robin was easy. As easy as it was to draw breath, to dip your fingers and watch them the disturb the still of the water at Lover’s Lake, to open your eyes and let the world paint a colorful palette in front of you.
You didn’t know whether crushes were easy to overcome (from observing Steve through his quest to find a girl you thought it was), but this wasn’t a sporadic infatuation. This was another feeling, another sensation entirely. It was all you’ve ever known since freshman year, when you saw her for the first time doodling in Gerhardt’s second period. Robin was you’ve ever known.
Robin, Robin, Robin.
But now, she liked someone else, again. Not you.
Never you.
You barely had time to think about that these days. Yet again, something from the Upside Down was terrorizing your home, and yet again, it was up to you and your friends to defend it.
Spending time with Robin during it all reminded you that you were still one of the most important people to her, and that you’d be content just being her friend—being in her presence was enough. But you were reminded of how much it hurt seeing her pine over someone else, and most of all, how much it hurt seeing her heartbroken. Stupid Vickie didn’t know what she was missing out on.
“Guess it wasn’t a date after all.” Robin mumbled before pushing past you and Steve, escaping the sight of her crush at the other end of the store aisle kissing, who seemed to have been the boyfriend.
There was a vile part inside of you that was glad Robin saw them together.
You had just finished a batch of spears, clumsily duct-taped together from pipe cut-out sections and kitchen knives. You couldn’t believe this was your life now; making weapons to fight inter-dimensional demon lords. Spring break in Hawkins, just wack.
You looked over to see Robin sitting by Steve making molotovs. He caught your gaze, quietly gesturing towards the girl before standing up to leave.
“Hey.” You took his seat.
“Hey.” There was a smile on her lips, but it was small and strained.
“You alright?”
"I don't know," Robin said, looking down at the incendiary device. "Nancy's got a plan, so I guess we'll be as best prepared as we can be. All that matters is that we keep everyone safe."
"Robs," you shook your head, "I asked how you are doing." You took her hand tentatively, and she didn't pull away. They were warm and slender, and they fitted perfectly intertwined with your own. You felt her eyes on you, as you continued stroking the back of her hand with your other hand.
"I just have this terrible, terrible feeling that this isn't going to work out for us this time."
Your best friend lowered her head, lips pressed tightly, and you hated seeing how much all this broke her spirit. Robin Buckley, the most positive and ready-to-problem-solve, was hunched over defeated at the thought of going up against the telepathic demon lord.
“Hey. Hey, look at me.” You let your hand pull back her hair from her face, your chest tightening seeing her glossy eyes. “We’re gonna be okay. We can’t die yet. We still gotta go to Europe, remember? Watch the sun go down in Champs de Mars, eat ice cream as we walk along the port in Monaco, right?”
This elicited a short laugh from the girl. She sniffled and wiped her nose with the back of her hand. “We don’t even have money for that yet.”
“Then we gotta go make some.” You smiled, encouragingly. “After we fight Vecna . . . slash Henry, slash One, whatever.”
“Okay, dingus.” She said, putting a hand up to your face, and pinching your cheek lightly. “You win.”
Her eyes, blue like the sky, found a home in yours. You wondered how a pair of eyes could feel so much like home, and how easy it was to fall in love with them. You didn’t need to ask anyone—certainly not Vickie—you knew what that was like yourself. You loved Robin so much, and you didn’t know what you were going to do if she left your side.
You settled for a kiss on her cheek, and a firm hug, choking back a confession when an overwhelming sense of love enveloped you, as you did her.
You were to go to Eddie and Dustin to distract the Demobats so that everyone else can go on with their plan. With much persistence from Robin, saying that it was where you’d be most safe, you watched with a worried frown as Robin slung her backpack over her shoulder.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away from her; she looked so good, so brave, even though you knew her hands were shaking.
“Be careful, okay?” You said, trying not to let your weakness show.
“You first.” Robin smiled, and you brought her into your arms to hold her tight before you said anything you'd regret.
Robin sighed and squeezed you back with the same affection, as you placed a firm kiss on her cheek. She prayed for your safety, so that she could clutch onto you afterward, tell you all about how the date with Vickie made her realize that they were too similar for her to like her bandmate in any sort of romantic way, that she had been burying her feelings for you out of respect for your friendship, and that she would regret it for the rest of her life if she didn't say anything now.
The thought of you consumed her, so that even while her body moved through the woods behind Steve and Nancy, her mind was with you, watching you with Eddie and Dustin, wanting to fend off whatever posed a threat to you. She imagined your pursed lips, anxious, wandering eyes waiting for the strike to come, then she'd imagine you wounded, and get the coldest sense of dread running down her spine.
"Hey," Steve stood back when he saw her steps slow down, "Robin, you alright?"
"I think I'm in love with Y/N." She said, and there was no hesitation in her voice.
Steve only sighed, wishing his best friend would have realized sooner. It would have spared both you and her a lot of time.
“Let’s finish this, and then you can go ask them out, alright?”
With a heavy heart and desperate longing, Robin kept marching until she reached the vine-infested mansion in which Vecna resided.
They went along with their plan, yet by the end of it, Vecna’s body was nowhere to be found after he fell out of the window, shattering the glass in the most dramatic of fashions. The vines that broke off from his body were still moving like forgotten maggots on the floor. The fight was not over, but they have won for now.
Robin was the first to run back to the trailer park in the Upside Down, hoping to catch you. She was fantasizing about how she was going to tell you everything that she’s been feeling, that she didn’t even notice at first that you were nowhere to be found. Dustin was sat on the dirt with his little head in his hands, sobbing.
“I’m sorry.” Eddie approached her cautiously, and she saw the worst.
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Steve has had to make several food runs the past two days, so much so that his wallet had been depleted (not that it ever was full in the first place), and the boy begrudgingly drove back home to the other end of town to get some more cash. Lucas was a bit more willing to eat. Seeing him munch on a sandwich halfheartedly as his eyes glued on Max’s lifeless body roused the dormant fatherly sentiments in Steve that only ever get to strong for these reckless yet brave teenagers he’s been babysitting.
He dreaded going into the room next to Max’s, because he hated seeing both of his best friends in such distress, one of them stuck in a limbo of life and death and the other mulling over it as if she had already lost them.
“Hey,” he said, “got you some jelly donuts.”
At the silence from the girl, and the incessant beeping of the machine—the only indication that you were still alive—Steve set the food down on the nightstand next to Robin.
“Hey, you gotta eat something, alright?” Uncharacteristically calm and quiet, he murmured and placed a hand on her shoulder. “After that, go home and get a quick change of clothes. I’ll be here.”
“No.” She shook her head quietly, her hands never leaving yours; it was cold and limp.
“I have to wait,” She said. “I have to be here when Y/N wakes up to tell them that I love them.”
Your face was eerily serene, like stuck in a deep sleep that you couldn’t wake up from. The doctors were puzzled by what kind of animal bites that plagued your sides which caused you to go into septic shock and, subsequently, your current comatose state. You might wake up tomorrow, next week, or—they feared at worst—never at all.
“I’ve waited for so long,” Robin brought your hand up to kiss it, “I can still wait.”
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bunchofdogstuff · 2 months
A work in progress.
(( this is the first time I post something on tumblr... I hope it reaches someone! ))
(( Please let me know what you think! ))
It will start right at the North Pole.
Predictions from the distant past failed to calculate the exact point of impact, but modern technology has made things so, so easy… we can pinpoint the precise spot where the first lightning bolt will fall, even if we can’t do anything to stop it.
The sensors will go awry, the entire world will take notice for a moment. A lightning bolt? On a perfectly starry night? Where did it come from? Questions that will stall the minds of the brightest minds in the world, while disaster spreads through the ice fields, crawling so close to the floor, devouring everything on its way.
The Loathsome Mist will return, and with it, the shadows of the beings we stole this world from, so long ago that no one remembers anymore.
The Second Sacrifice will begin, and this time there’s no unlikely hero, no charitable soul to stop it as its core.
As time draws near to the end of the world, and all my attempts to stall it crumble to dust, I am faced with a choice.
I can either brave this alone, and pray to the stars that I find a solution like I did almost six hundred years ago… or I can submit, and seek his aid.
I’d rather die and take the whole world with me than having to talk with that pusillanimous buffoon again.
So I guess I am on my own.
Diary of Mustafá, the Witch. Entry Number 882.
My heart is beating so hard, it feels like it could just jump straight out of my throat in any second now. My lungs are on fire, my neck and my arms hurt as I get up. I can feel my own blood flowing from my arm and falling on the floor, mixing with the magic flowing in the air. Green, purple, golden, red, I can’t distinguish them as they swirl and dance… and I can’t really stop and marvel at it. Not with this sense of impending doom on my back.
I try to get my bearings, after all I hit my head real hard on my fall down the stairs. The stairs! I am standing on the stairway of the apartment complex where I’ve lived for the last three years. It’s dark, pitch black in fact, and yet I can perfectly see my blood dripping and my favorite hoodie being ruined by it.
It’s a very small space, barely having any room for an extinguisher on every floor. Ah, that’s right, and I’ve seen several extinguishers already, so I must have gone down a few floors. I started on floor eight, and I am on floor…
With some of the blood on my fingers I paint the walll, illuminating some of it with the bright color of pure magic.
3rd Floor.
I fell five floors straight!? No way, I must have run a little at least… run… run from…
The sound of steps interrupts me. They are slow, calm, she’s getting closer. She knows I don’t have the physique to run nor the knowledge to somehow disappear myself. And yet I push myself to start trotting down the stairs again, no point in trying to hide from her! 
As I go, I furiously tap on my phone, sending messages to the Fellowship. It’s not like any of them can help me now but, at least they can make sure to save whatever we can from the work before she takes it from my cold, dead hands.
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: WHAT. OMG RUN, RUN!!!! O.o
jeepers creepers man: what do you mean “chasing you”???
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: TAVY-CHAN RUUUUN!!!
jeepers creepers man: ok ok, calm down, calm down.
jeepers creepers man: i assume you tried to talk to her and it went poorly
jeepers creepers man: ok ok, fuck, hmmm…
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: shit shit SHIT I knew this was going to happen man
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: she’s gonna come for us next guys you better get ready. 
I don’t have time for this.
With a loud sigh I jam the phone in my pocket and stop running, panting, gasping for air and fighting for my life as I reach the door of the bottom floor. I didn’t even notice how her steps were no longer echoing in the stairway, I was just desperate to push that door and look for an exit. 
Only to find her standing right there, a bored look on her face and her hand raised in my direction. The Alchemist was a head smaller than me, at least! But her tiny frame commanded a strange, powerful presence. Her skin was dark, darker than mine at least! But what really caught my attention from the very start were her eyes: unnaturally golden, wide awake and yet so dull, dead. 
“End of the line, Octavia.” Her cold, emotionless voice makes me shiver. “Give me the book or I’ll take it from you.”
“C-Can’t we discuss this?”
“You don’t want a part in this game, kid. If this is the only way to make you understand, so be it.”
Green, purple and golden, the octarine light of magic, flowed through the Alchemist’s veins and straight to her hand. I have no idea what she has in mind but I do not want to just wait and figure that out. I raise my own hand, throwing it down as I jump back into the stairway. I may not be powerful enough to cast a proper fire, but I know how to make smoke.
I don’t know why I yelled, it just felt appropriate. There’s a very small yet loud explosion,  as if something had broken on the floor between us, and then a thick cloud of smoke expanded and covered the whole door. As I fall back, I can feel something brush past me, mere inches from my head. A ball of green light that breaks into pieces of glass on the wall behind me, surely aimed at my face before my little gambit.
This woman wants to kill me.
“Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”
Oh I’d make it as hard as I could. As I ran back up the stairs without really thinking where I will hide from this crazed Alchemist, I can’t help but look back and wonder how I ended up here. To think that a few months ago I would have simply kneeled and submitted my life at the first chance to end it all… 
And now here I am, running for my life, clinging to my backpack with all the strength I can muster and pushing my body far beyond its pathetic limits just so I can continue pushing my nose where it doesn’t belong. 
Truly, the life of a translator really is non-stop excitement.
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
Here's some more deleted scene panels that never made it in
sorry there's no captions, there's just too many panels to describe and i'm tired. hopefully i'll have the energy/rememebr to do so tomorrow ):
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IM REALLY SAD THIS ONE DIDN'T GET IN. I even drew asriel shutting flowey in a box for this joke to work. There was going to be a visual gag of it being a "soap" box. Haha.
Asgore was originally going to tell Asriel to think of something nice to get his mind off of his panic attack.
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Which, while funny, took away the feeling of intense panic the audience and asriel should have been feeling at the time. It just didn't fit the pacing/mood. It also showed that -well, i don't know if this is a legitimate grounding technique or if it'd be read as "its ok just think happy thoughts <3 then ur panic attack would end" which... is not.... how that works. Even if it was only to give Asriel a moment of respite, it's shown as effective until Asgore brings up a bad memory. So. bad comic sequence.
more stuff under the cut
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I had a really, really hard time balancing the tone of the scene that is currently happening in the redraw. it's why i'm so behind in my drawings, so i'm only now sketching the next couple month's updates.
This chapter has gone through SO MANY changes. I feel that comes with it being the first chapter to completely diverge from the original tumblr version.
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Asriel was originally going to have a very on-the-nose nightmare about Flowey feeling excluded from the family and fearing drowning. Now, the whole darkness/water metaphor for suicidal depression will be introduced when that stuff starts to come into play in chapter 4...
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i mean, just to really hammer home how much i had to delete for this: i actually did sketch out the original tumblr version here. I had it all ready before chapter 2 began posting. But as I was finishing the color for the warship section I realized, shoot, I don't wanna repeat it.
When I first made the tumblr version, i was getting burnt out and the characters just became so much... meaner? rude? to each other. some bickering or annoyance is fine but I have a bad habit of going overboard. That's something I hope to correct in the rewrite -and focus more on less drama and more wholesome/loving moments.
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(note the above scene is shown not in full. its jumping around a bit)
Even tho I was mostly keeping chapter the same the first time I sketched it for the redraw, I added this scene. The idea was that when the house was on fire, Frisk would of ran off to the right of the house to where you can see Old Home.
There, even tho Frisk can't verbally talk, the two have a nice heart-to-heart. Chara remember Frisk has [spoilers] issues. Chara was going to own up to their bad behavior.
Now well, hm. Chara's got a lot of shit going on. Frisk of course has forgiven them (like they do for everyone in the underground -_- oh frisk...) and it's going to be something that's addressed down the road. for now, they've held hands, and shown solidarity for each other. As kids, they're going to goof around and be buddies and not let the cruddy stuff chara did earlier matter. things are so much less of a big deal when you're a kid.
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gamesception · 10 months
Sception Reads Cass Cain #15
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Batgirl (2000) #4 story: Peterson & Puckett art: Scott & Campanella
Ok, as previously mentioned, I had nearly completed this post when tumblr ate it, and I just don't have the energy or heart to go through the usual page by page summary & reaction a second time. But, you know, maybe that's a blessing in disguise? Because I've really wanted to get away from that. You don't need me to just tell you what happens, you know how to find this stuff online and read it for yourself. And you should! Because it's good! I'm about to spend a whole bunch of words complaining about this issue, because imo the most interesting developments for Cass's story and character in this issue are decisions I disagree with, but this is still early Cass under her original development team in their prime. So this time we'll try outside readings on your own, and then collect for post-comic discussion time after.
If you prefer the previous style of post, where I summarize what happens in detail first before the general discussion at the end, please let me know.
So we're only four issues in, and we've already got two major shake ups to the status quo, and I take issue with both. The first is Bruce finding out about Cass's childhood murder.
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Now, the execution here is phenomenal. I love how defeated and miserable Bruce is - thanks in large part to Scott's skill with facial expressions - as he tries to grapple with the knowledge that Cass has killed someone. Because this is a big deal for Bruce, or at least this version of Bruce. The Doylist reason Batman doesn't kill people is because if he did then his fun colorful supervillains couldn't come back for new adventures a couple times a year, but the Watsonian justification for that at the time was that Bruce has extreme emotional hang ups about death and killing, leading to an extremely binary moral framework on the issue. If you've killed, then you're a killer, and always will be.
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Or, well, that's not quite right - he's friends with Gordon, who is a cop and iirc has killed people. He's friends with Superman, who at the time had killed people (although one can argue that Batman in the wider dcu / justice league books isn't really the same character as Batman in the Gotham books). He's constantly working and hoping for the healing and redemption of various Arkham inmates who have killed, and always seems willing to give them another chance, no matter how many times they relapse. Azrael and Huntress have at times been more or less official parts of his crew, despite both of them having killed people.
So it's not that others can't come back from killing, but rather that he doesn't think he could. He's so angry almost all the time. He's so violent. He goes out on the street every night beating up criminals and he likes doing it, he enjoys hurting them.
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He fully believes that it's only this unbreakable rule that he not kill anybody ever that holds him back from killing everyone always.
At Bruce's core is this deep pit, and from the bottom of the pit comes this undeniable voice that demands he go out and Be Batman - with all the violence that entails. But the more he does what the voice says, the louder and angrier it becomes. He doesn't understand why, but he refuses to go down into the pit and interrogate the voice face to face, because he's afraid of what he'll find. Will it be an avenging angel with an impossible, uncompromising demand for justice, or deep down is the Batman really just some sort of revenge demon exalting at the excuse to hurt others the way he himself was hurt?
If he ever actually did go down into the pit, he wouldn't find an angel or a demon. He'd find a little boy drowning in plain old, everyday, totally-irrational-but-dirt-common survivor's guilt. The guilt demands he go out and Be Batman not as vindication or revenge but as self-flagellating penance, and the voice only gets louder the more he obeys it because every act of penance reinforces the irrational idea that there was anything that child needed to repent for in the first place, and the only evidence that will convince the child that he's done enough to earn forgiveness would be if god almighty gave him his parents back.
The truth is he doesn't need justice or revenge or penance, what he needs is some fucking therapy.
On some level Bruce knows this, he knows there's no demon at the bottom of the pit, that he made up the demon as an excuse to not go down and face what's actually there, because facing up to that kid and his guilt is more painful and more terrifying than anything Bruce might face as Batman in the real world or any demon that he might conjure in his imagination.
And all of that is tangled up in his no-killing rule.
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So then we have Cass, and emotionally she's like a little version of Bruce, driven by a sense of guilt that demands penance, but that no act of penance can ever satisfy because just like Being Batman will never bring back Bruce's parents, Being Batgirl will never bring back the man she killed. Like the Princess and the Pea, no matter how many good deeds she stacks on top of that sin, she'll always feel it. Only instead of feeling irrationally guilty over something that was done to her, Cass feels guilty over something she very much did. Unlike Bruce, Cassandra never had the luxury of hiding her guilt in a hole and pretending it was some other less painful motivation.
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This version of Bruce hasn't known Cassandra long, and he's barely been able to communicate with her during that time, but he already knows deep in his bones that she - more than any of the other young people he's trained and worked with - is Just Like Him. He doesn't know what it is about her that's resonating with him (it's the guilt), or why shes so much more fearsomely committed to "the mission" than the others (it's the guilt). But he feels this connection, and it actually makes him feel better about himself, because Cass so clearly isn't some monster driven by revenge.
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She enjoys being Batgirl, she likes fighting, maybe even a bit too much, but she clearly isn't the revenge-driven sadist that Batman fears himself to be. She's just like him, so if she's not a monster then maybe he's not really a monster either.
IF she's not a monster.
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Finding out that Cass has killed someone doesn't just call his judgment of her character into question, it challenges his entire central motivation and world view, rips away his short lived hope for his own soul, and shoves him towards the rim of the pitt, practically forcing him to stare down and confront what's inside.
And then Alfred throws him an excuse to look away from the pit.
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And Bruce literally leaps at it.
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A fake. A fake! Of course it's a fake. No need to confront the scary questions it raises. No need to look in the pit.
Denial is a lifeline, and Bruce clings to it like a drowning man, and that's our new status quo. As long as Bruce keeps his grip on that lifeline, things can go on more or less as they were, the only real difference is that the name of the sword dangling over Batgirl's head has changed from "Bruce finds out what she's done" to "Bruce can't keep denying the truth of it".
But the rope that the new sword is dangling from is a lot less secure, because as desperate as he is to maintain his denial, Bruce isn't the kind of guy to leave well enough alone. Or to leave a murder unsolved.
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And all of that? is Great. It's fantastic. It is in fact the exact psychological conflict Cass was created for, it's what I'm here for, and I love it. So what's my problem? With this subplot at least.
Really, it comes down to timing. This - her guilt, how it mirrors Bruce's guilt, how it ties into Cass's relationships with Bruce, David, & Barbara - this is THE CORE plot of Cassandra Cain's Batgirl - it's very literally the reason she exists. When it's resolved, she's resolved. As a character. As a story. She could stick around as a hero after that, do the usual hero stuff, hang out with Steph and solve crimes or fight the villain of the week or whatever. Basically what she was doing in the recently ended Batgirls title, which I've now read, and which was fine. But the central emotional conflict driving her book that made it so compelling and different to me would be gone. All of her appearances after that would feel like epilogue.
And to me issue 4 just feels too early to be taking this particular step. Maybe if Batgirl was meant to be a 12 issue miniseries and then done, but at the time this was meant to be an ongoing with no particular end in sight. And it's not just that early part of the story where Bruce is wholly unaware of Cass's murder could have dragged out longer but really that imo it should have been, because there's things that should have happened before this
For example, we haven't really been shown the inner workings of Bruce's motivations and why he feels the way he does about killing, at least not in this book. The reader has to synthesize most of that from how he's been portrayed in other books at the time. Like, imagine Cass stumbles across evidence relating to a murder from several years ago, but the killer has moved on with their life, they're taking care of a family now, they're a changed person. And Cass, with her body reading, understands that they're guilty, but also that they're not a threat to anyone now, so she's torn over what to do. And then Bruce finds out, and turns them in, and takes Cass to see the family of their victim and gives her a lecture on how 'a killer is a killer', and the whole time she's thinking about the man she killed.
The other thing we lose by pushing the plot forward this early is the element of Cass hiding the killing from Bruce, and feeling guilty about that, and Bruce eventually feeling betrayed by that element of deception when it comes out. Like, we kind of get some of that, the new denial status quo grants space for some of that, but it doesn't stab as deep or have the opportunity to twist the knife as hard as it could have if this scene hadn't come so early.
Like, what if David went to Cass with the tapes first? Threatened to out her as a killer to Bruce if she didn't go back to him or at least abandon her new life. Maybe have her start to try to hide or destroy the evidence, but then stop herself, deny David, let him send the tapes, and just commit to facing Bruce about it, only for the expected confrontation to never come as Bruce goes into denial instead of talking with her, and then you could have this unspoken tension building between them for ages. Could have had a fair bit of drama in that. Instead, Cass just doesn't know any of this is going on, and we never have the chance to see her reaction or how far she would or wouldn't be willing to go to hide this.
Also, while Bruce-in-denial works as a temporary holding ground, it ends up lasting too long and Bruce ends up looking either a bit foolish or just kind of negligent in allowing it to persist as long as it does.
So yeah, I do feel like this would have been better saved for an issue 9 or 12 plot twist, after building up what it means for the characters more within the pages of this title.
All that said, "this bit is really good, and done really well, but imo it's happening too soon," is by far the lesser of my two problems with Batgirl issue 4. Unfortunately I'm already running late with this post, so I'm going to have to cut the issue 4 discussion in half and "TALK" about the other thing next time.
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silentwillowwhisperer · 9 months
I can't believe I forgot what this week is!! It's bi week! Thank you, tumblr, for reminding me!
This is a really long post, feel free to just skip around if you want. I would definitely check out the links/video!
(Before I start talking, yes, I have done research and I will be providing a bunch of great articles about bisexuality.)
I myself have this problem where I invalidate my own fears and insecurities because 'it could be worse' and 'I'm just being dramatic' and 'I should stop being such an attention seeker.'
Biphobia, especially the internalized kind, is VERY real.
NO, dating someone does not suddenly alter your sexuality. If you are a masculine-identifying individual dating a man, but previously identified as bisexual, you are still bisexual during the relationship too!
People will sometimes unknowingly invalidate bisexuality because they do not understand this. If you are an ally or hope to become one, please do some basic research before making assuptions.
I've found that reading books and articles that include bisexual representation are helpful when you feel particularly alone and when you are questioning yourself.
By the way, Bisexuality does not always mean that you only like male and female individuals! If you scroll down, there's more info on that in the article link titled 'bisexual vs pansexual.'
If you ignored everything else on this post, then pay attention here.
This is a helpful list of hotlines for queer and questioning individuals.
Ok sorry I got off topic. If you want to start with the basics, then maybe figure out what bisexuality is first?
What is bisexual? and What does it mean to be bisexual?
This next site is a wonderful place to look if you want more information on sexuality.
minus18.org These are usually more direct and a bit shorter than other articles.
Some articles from this site about bisexuality are:
Busting 7 myths about being bisexual and Bisexual vs. Pansexual
I think I might be bisexual (a colorful pdf complete with pictures.)
This one includes info on sex, safe sex, and healthy relationships. Those are things that I am not not at all knowledgeable about, so you'll just have to read the pretty article.
Am I bisexual? 9 signs you might be.
You don't have to be romantically attracted to someone to want a relationship! If you are not aware of the term queer-platonic relationship, a quick google search should clear it up pretty well.
Wanting a lifelong relationship is understandable, even if you identify on the ace/aro spectrum. These pictures sum it up pretty well.
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This is an article from abc news about some queer-platonic relationships
This one is in first person : )
This is also in first person, I like this one the best.
Wait! What if you previously thought you were straight but now you have a crush on someone of the same gender?
You identify as straight but now have a crush on a girl and Woe is me! (That title is so funny to me.)
WikiHow!! Our savior and salvation. Yeah, sometimes I just give up and and look through these kinds of articles, because to be honest, they are pretty helpful. (Also the others can get really long.) Pictures too! It's a miracle!
How to tell your parents you are bisexual and How to tell your mom you are bisexual.
Because if you have a good relationship with your parents, then keep it!
Mental health and lgbtq
If you want to know a person's sexuality/pronouns/ learn more about their orientation, maybe just ask?
Seriously. Try ASKING.
Coming out. How terrifying. We're gonna need some links for that!
Coming out (For teens.) and Coming out to your parents
This one is a 44 page pdf of a coming out guide.
People erase my existence.
Being an ally! Allies are great! Allies are friends!
If someone comes out to you and Being an Ally to lgbtq people.
How to express my sexuality. (I'm just gonna leave the google search here.)
Can you realize your sexuality at an older age? (yes.)
Myth of realizing you're queer 'too late' in life.
Oh look at that, I did not read this article, but I think it's got the jist of it.
You may also have my google search.
And another pdf: A closer look bisexual transgender people.
I gave up on reading it, tell if it's trash and if I should delete it please?
(Brought to you by amazon because that place is magic.)
There's socks and earrings and shirts and flags and stickers and pins and underwear and EVERYTHING.
And last but never least, if you're not a reader, here is an animated video! It's great if you're like me and your attention span likes to turn off randomly.
Wow, my brain walked away halfway through that, I hope someone finds it helpful. The amount of links I had open just now was stressing me out.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go pass out. : ) Good night.
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unicornofgt · 2 years
alright, i have come to the decision i am keeping this blog up as an archive and leaving the gt tumblr community for the foreseeable future.
when i made my post about chamomile-g-tea’s damaging treatment of my story, gtms, my goal was to acknowledge the situation so i could hopefully move forward and restore gtms/my blog as mine again, without her influence. and while i anticipated backlash, some of the responses were just...downright disturbing. lots of comments echoed a victim-blaming sentiment that i am responsible for the emotional and creative damage done to me by another person because ‘why didn’t you just say no or tell her to stop?’ not only does this ignore the several attempts i did make to express discomfort and set boundaries—which were not respected—but even if i didn’t manage to express a ‘no’, that doesn’t make what happened ok; it doesn’t erase the year of crippling pressure and guilt i lived with and still struggle to shake daily. realizing that so many people in this community think otherwise is just...disturbing. it’s disturbing. that’s the only word i can think to use.
the response to all this does not make me feel safe being here—that’s what this situation has unfortunately showed me: that the audience i hoped to allow to view my reclaiming process would also contain the same crowd who make me feel so unsafe—and why the fuck would i let those people see something as personal as that? why would i let them see anything? it’s made me understand i can’t continue to heal myself and my writing if i am posting it for other people, especially harmful people. and even though it turned out this way, i’m glad i gave it a shot; that i made that post as an effort to see if it was even possible or worth it to restore this space—even if the answer was no! absolutely fucking not!—because it saved me from even more time spent sharing my work with people who do not respect me as a person or a creator. i’m glad i tried, however much it sucked, because it allowed me to understand: it is not just one person in this community i feel unsafe with, but a solid percentage of the community at large that i just cannot healthily engage with, and no amount of blocking will fix that.
but of course this is not the only situation that showed me this community’s true colors—the dismissive or outright aggressive response to the calling out of racism in our tropes has also been deeply disturbing. to clarify, there is no problem in identifying with and finding comfort or catharsis in problematic tropes such as the pet trope, but there is a problem with using that comfort to make others feel unsafe and speak over people of color. and the solution to this trope problem is very simple—generally apply critical thinking skills to the media you enjoy, and tag your shit properly (dead dove, particularly when the giant owner/abuser doesn’t face consequences and/or if the abused/abuser fall in ‘love’—dead dove is not actually currently used in this community, that’s the problem). but rather than taking this as an opportunity to listen and improve, it was instead used as a chance to lash out at and make clear that poc are not welcome in this community and come secondary to the feelings of white creators and readers.
over the last few years, this community has fostered and been exposed for bigotry such as terfs, ableists, racists, etc, and especially in the current political era, this is no longer a community i want to share my work with or even just lurk in. and i know on the surface this community seems progressive, but take a better look and you’ll find members of the community doing and saying…questionable things, or keeping quiet and enabling their friends who do and say questionable things because they would rather be passive and polite than be genuinely kind and compassionate through active accountability.
of course this is the risk you take interacting with any person ever—but it’s especially taxing to look around at such a small, close knit community you know is riddled with these problems and wonder if the people making innocent posts are actually harmful; if they prioritize their comfort over the safety of marginalized people, if they even see you as a full person, and for me, personally—if they are willing to overlook consent to blame you for your trauma and defend the person who inflicted it. it’s taxing to explain basic basic concepts to strangers over and over in a place that prides itself on being a safe space, where people just have fun and mentally escape from irl hardships. it’s taxing to ride out shitty, hateful treatment when you are just simply one person (voluntarily providing free services btw) with only so much energy and fucks to give. it is not worth the strain it puts on you as a person, nor is it your responsibility to sit there and accept it, and i am not the only creator in this community who feels this way. we are fucking tired.
quite simply, this is not a community i feel comfortable participating in or sharing anything with. and that’s a shame, because there are wonderful, creative and caring people here who i have enjoyed sharing this space with, and maybe someday i’ll give this community another chance, but currently it’s just not worth the time of day. and i want to make it clear: my leaving is not simply because of just one person or just one situation—that i could handle—it is the community itself that is the root problem; that continues to be harmful, in multiple contexts—that is the reason why i and several other creators are leaving for greener pastures and more enjoyable communities—or just simply for a fucking moment’s worth of peace, because lord knows you won’t find it here.
#i considered making this post just ‘yea i feel unsafe here i’m leaving’#but i did want to post a clear explanation for mutuals still here n the ppl who come across my blog in the future#instead of leaving it to speculation and guess work#so i wrote a fucking essay lmao#but there are more personal details i didn’t go into bc they’re distressing and some of y’all are straight awful<3#however i will say you are not inside anyone else’s head if they say they feel unsafe it is not for you to question that#anyways privileges to myself and my writing are officially revoked#when i’m ready to share writing it’ll be with close friends in private#and maybe eventually on another site like ao3 but if that happens it won’t be for a while#and if i do post gtms there it will prolly be v different from the version here bc it’ll be the restored and improved version#i hate the version on this site<3#for now i just need to get back into the swing of things bc rn it is. so hard to Think at all#i’ll also be doing things on my fandom account i am just leaving this community bc good lord#if you told me a month ago i’d be leaving this community i’d have been devastated but now?#having seen sm of this community’s true colors one after another?#i don’t give a fuck now#the only thing i feel is relief#the community i thought i was apart of does not exist and it made me physically sick to realize and experience that reality#for all its problems i did not think so MUCH of the gt community was this vile#i’ve run this blog for years and closing this chapter just brings me closure and peace#and to those of y’all who are alright n still here: good fucken luck lmfao wish y’all the best dealing w this shitshow#gt community#giant/tiny#gt#g/t#sfw g/t#gtms#gt mech suits
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pluckysidekick · 2 years
Hope everyone who celebrates had a relaxing and fun Thanksgiving! After we’ve been starved for BTS, cast and crew gifted us with some juicy ones this week. First up - Anthony Natale, a.k.a. Capt. Thom, rewarded us with yesterday’s cast meal - on the Claw set!
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Something about seeing our beloved cast having a meal in the Claw warms my heart. There were a few posts from yesterday that clued us in that production was pushing through the holiday, including Thomas Cadrot (Jonas Glass) sharing that it was a wrap for him on ND in ep. 10 (can’t wait to see him in action!). I’m sure the American cast and crew are sad to be away from their families but the show must go on. So much to unpack here! Love seeing Ace surrounded by his onscreen parents (including Nicole Oliver who plays Rebecca), and this is the first confirmation that Jean Rosario is in S4 (Erica Serra). Melinda Hsu Taylor is onset to direct Ep. 11 (as well as being co-exec. producer). Check out the Claw coffee cups with little favors on top, and looks like they have special booklets - is it a breakdown for the rest of the season, or perhaps a special menu from the awesome craft team? Also loving the wardrobe, especially George’s tan vest and Nancy of course in a blazer and scarf combo. Did I mention Tunji looks amazing?
UPDATE: On further examination, the booklet is titled ‘Family Haggadah’ ! We now know from Ace and Nancy’s text chain from 404 that Ace is planning a Passover Seder dinner. This should be episode 11, and set in April of 2020 (when Passover fell in that year).
Next, we have to talk about Kennedy’s much welcomed chaos this week.
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Both of these photos were taken earlier in the season based on her earlier posts in the same wardrobe, but Kennedy posting them now with her special brand of teasing is much needed to get us through this interminable hiatus. First the hilarious Nancy and George pic - i believe they are on the university set based on the timing (see my earlier post linked below). The looks on both of their faces are perfect. Who are they running from and to? And who’s next to Nancy - Ace? Nick? Ryan? Carson? Or a mystery cast member (played by Henry Zaga perhaps?). Kennedy’s wearing the same scarf/top combo from back in September so I suspect that’s when this pic is from.
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The Nace pic is another thing entirely. Eagle eyed fans noted that the skulls are covering up SOMETHING. A symbol for the curse breaking ritual? A death mark? Is it a Weekend at Bernie’s themed episode as some fans have suggested, with Nancy and Ace just a little dead? Kennedy’s covering up of Ace’s wardrobe is also curious. We know from earlier posts from the same ep. (one from the Claw and one from Icarus Hall) he’s wearing some sort of light grey jacket. Looking at what’s peeking through, is it covering up dark colored scrubs perhaps? Or something to do with the ritual? A hospital gown? And what’s with Nancy’s purse? Absolutely maddening. And we love Kennedy for it. Also, earring. S4 can’t come soon enough.
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We saw a few more fun photos and videos from the crew that hint at some new sets. Maddison and applebananapear posted videos of the same cow (the Crew visits the farm?!?) while Anthony Natale posted shots from the Claw exterior including Capt. Thom in the water! Is he going to save Ace?
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There’s also an Airstream onset, which we got a glimpse of from the outside and the inside, courtesy of Thomas Cadrot and applebananpear respectively. Do we get to see our crew camping? Perhaps they’re on the run?
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Last one I can squeeze into this post - a video of applebananapear sneaking a drink courtesy of sangalicious - from a hospital set (check out the Acadia Medical Center sign). It shouldn’t be a surprise that someone is in the hospital at this point in the season.
OK, friends, that’s all I have room for (did you know Tumblr mobile has 10 photo limit?). DP Nick Thomas just posted some amazing photos from set that give us more of the farm set and more, check them out now! Maybe I’ll do another post as they are stellar with lots of new clues. Also look for long overdue The Space Between Ch. 12 very soon, complete with the morning after for Nace and actual progress in the case. Bye for now!
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