#I’ve never actually done a fandom gift exchange before
astraldraco · 5 months
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@kathbunny here is your present for @emis-equivalent-exchange !! Everybody’s showing off their weird little dudes to their friends/partners, except for Vhas, who is very irritated about this. I hope you like it!! :)
Timelapse below the cut!
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loving you out loud
for @locklyle-week day 1: firsts
a/n: First “I love you.” Here’s a little something I wrote because as much as I crave reading desparate confessions drawn out in the middle of dangerous situations, they also deserve something softer. Set in the future. I am v new to this fandom and writing these characters so please, be kind.
They’ve never been much for words. Or at least he hasn’t, not in the way that matters, Lockwood thinks as he peers over the top of his magazine at Lucy curled up on the other end of the couch. She’s got her nose buried in a book, completely oblivious to him. Her eyebrows are adorably scrunched together and her eyes feverishly tear across the pages in front of her.
It’s been years since she walked into his life and it still always feels like there are so many things he hasn’t told her, or doesn’t say enough. They are much more practiced at revealing things through unspoken communication. So much can be said through a glance across the kitchen table in the morning, smiles exchanged over tea, or touches and gifts and rescues that they have done a million times over by now. Sometimes it feels like they don’t ever need to articulate what’s left unsaid because they both know the score. But still, Lockwood thinks to himself, she deserves more than that.
It’s not like Lucy has ever been one to mince words. She’s called him out on his own bullshit time and time again, challenging him and reminding him that there are people who care about whether or not he makes it home alive. Her honesty was one of the first things that impressed him in that fated interview. She says what she thinks, and doesn’t back down. Truth be told it has saved them all in so many ways since then, even if it may drive him and George mad from time to time.
Looking at her now, Lockwood is once again captivated by her. In her pajamas, curled up with a quilt nestled around her and a steaming cup of tea in her hand she looks so comfortable, so relaxed. She looks radiant. It makes his heart pang with adoration. He wants to capture this moment and keep reliving it for the rest of time.
Because for every moment like this that they get, there are three more where his heart is hammering in his chest with worry or panic that something bad is going to happen to the beautiful, brave, incredible girl cozied up across from him. Too many of their firsts have happened in or been born from those moments when their lives are on the line and he aches a bit to give them both some softer memories.
Lucy chuckles lightly to herself at the other end of the couch, clearly having read something of note in that book of hers. She then takes a massive bite of the biscuit in her hand and finally looks up, meeting his eyes.
“What?” Lucy asks, “I got crumbs on my jumper or something?”
Lockwood laughs, “No, nothing like that. I just…I love you, that’s all.”
“Oh is that all?” She sits up and puts her book down next to her, a grin splitting across her face but also a hint of exasperation in her voice.
He feels himself blushing slightly, and looks down at his hands before glancing back up at her.
“Yes, well I know that sometimes I’m not the best at…articulating what I’m feeling. But I wanted to get it on the record and all that.”
“Lockwood I — “ she starts, scooting close and reaching out to take his hands in hers.
But he’s already on a roll. “I just realized I had never actually said it out loud and, well, we’ve put off a lot of other things until we’re in the thick of it and I wanted to make sure I told you now and not when we’re, you know, fighting for our lives. Point being, I don’t want that to be one more thing I’ve left unsaid.”
He’s really started rambling now, because her eyes have gone wide with something bordering on disbelief. Lucy is giving him a look that tells him she had absolutely no idea he’s been head over heels for her for…shit he doesn’t even know how long. Long enough that loving her feels as natural as breathing.
“Oh come off it Luce, you know I’ve been in love with you for a damn long time now.”
Her response comes out as a half laugh, half shout, and she smacks him with a throw pillow, “I did not, you idiot!”
Lockwood suddenly turns deadly serious, desperately needing her to understand how much he means this. How he is truly deeply, irrevocably in love. “Lucy, you make me feel seen and cared for in a way that for a long time, I didn’t think would ever be possible again. Even when everything is hard and frankly terrifying, I am still so glad you stormed into my life. I love you.”
At this, Lucy moves one hand to his face, rubbing her thumb softly along his cheekbone and looking at him with such longing and tenderness that he feels like he might just fall in love with her all over again. Lockwood slowly closes the distance between the two of them and kisses her like he’s drowning and she’s a breath of fresh air.
“I love you too, you know.” She breaks away and looks up at him with a soft and teasing smile, “to put it on the record and all that.”
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all prime numebrs for the fic writer ask! 💛😊
I will pretend you spelled numbers correctly lol. thanks for the ask!!
2. How many fics did you work on this year? (They don’t have to be finished or published!)
I want to say 12. I published 6, I’m currently working on 2 different ideas for the naddpod gift exchange so I’ve started both and will be making a full decision tonight or tomorrow (lmao), and then there are a couple I just decided to not publish and a couple I’m always working on but will never actually commit to finishing because I can’t come up with a satisfying ending.
3. What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer?
That I can allow myself to do the things I want to do and go back and fix the other stuff later. I had previously only done this with a fic that included a bunch of time skips and that was why I wormed around the document but I did this with one fic that I consider my magnum opus and it worked. (I like to write dialogue more than scene descriptors so I wrote all the dialogue back and forth and then went back and added names and descriptors and everything else and it was so much more fun)
5. What fandom(s) did you write for this year?
Naddpod. It was just naddpod. I’m thinking I might break into d20 next year but I make no promises, naddpod is so fun to write for.
7. What character(s) captured your heart?
Hardwon Surefoot. Moonshine Cybin. For some reason I find them easiest to write even though getting Moonshine’s voice right was incredibly daunting every time I wrote her. There’s just so much to play with and it was very fun. Plus the Hardwon being alive reveal rewired my brain.
11. What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing?
how to think about you (without it ripping my heart out). God that was a doozy to write. It was my first foray into doing something multi-chaptered and I did have it finished before I even began publishing it but doing the daily updates and my every chapter mini edits took so much time that it was so much fun to finish. Plus I thought about the idea for truly so long before I started writing it that it was very relieving to finally finish.
13. What fic was the easiest to write?
Fools Rush In (Idiots, However, Take 200 Years). This is the fic I mentioned for number 3. I wrote all the dialogue in basically one pass because it’s a long, drawn out conversation that lasts an entire day. I immensely love writing dialogue and the back and forth, hitting what Hardwon and Moonshine would say and how they’d react was easy. And then, even though I was dreading the descriptors, they came so easily because I could picture them so perfectly. It does feel weird to say that my longest fic to date was the easiest to write but it was.
17. What are your go-to writing snacks?
Doing that classic ADHD thing where you hyperfocus and forget to eat all day and then start shaking and put fistfuls of m&ms in your mouth while waiting for chicken to heat up. But when I remember to snack, Smartfood popcorn.
19. Share your favorite opening line.
“You love me?” (Fools Rush In (Idiots, However, Take 200 Years).) I knew I’d open this with that before I finished the previous work in the series. I enjoy getting straight to the point.
23. Share the final version of a sentence or paragraph you struggled with. What about it was challenging? Are you happy with how it turned out?
This was a hard goddamn choice but here goes:
“Look - “ She paused, took a deep breath, and started again. “Can I make a suggestion? You two know him better than I do, obviously, but this might be a time where you give him some space. I know that’s not really what you three do, but he’s going through one of the worst days of his life. And you are, too, but he’s incredibly in his head about it right now. I think maybe if you give him a moment to work out his own feelings, he’ll be able to articulate them to you. And you will then be able to assure him that you need him. Besides, your MeeMaw will take great care of him, Moonshine.” (The Void of an Absence)
Alanis is speaking here. And I wanted her to be pragmatic without seeming insensitive while also staying relatively true to the character she is in the show. I ended up with this slightly more emotionally aware Alanis than we’ve seen but she does switch straight to business afterwards, and that is kind of how Murph RP’d the scene with her and Hardwon. But I overthought it a lot. I’m pretty okay with its final version, but mostly because I got to sneak a “tell me your feelings and I’ll tell you that I need you” reference in there.
29. If this were an awards show, who would you thank?
Obviously the two crew for creating characters that so thoroughly destroy and entertain me, and the people who got excited when I said shit like “I have a terrible idea that’s going to hurt” and responded with “do it.”
Fic writer asks list - ask
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bi-digitalis-obscura · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
tagged by @romanticslimecreature
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently writing for wrestling and also still a bit for malevolent, used to write for tma and wolf 359, and i have three thousand abandoned drafts in other fandoms
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
•we’re all just killing time: malevolent, jarthur pwp
•my mirror staring back at me: malevolent, jarthur pwp
•drowning in a dream (that i can’t escape): malevolent, post canon case fic
•i’m not giving up (i’m just giving in): tma, jon/michael canon divergence
•a craving for something i cannot find (and the shame of never finding it): tma, jonelias post season 3 knife fic
5. Do you respond to comments?
i try to but sometimes the brain is soup
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
what the water gave me: malevolent, arthur gets fucking traumatized by a ghost
i wrote it for a horror exchange with the explicit goal of putting arthur through hell
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
this is actually a hard question, i tend to write ambiguous or open endings a lot of the time
i think when is a monster not a monster, my john character study fic, probably has the most upbeat and optimistic ending? idk
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope, everyone things i’m sexy and my meat is huge (i exclusively exist in small fandoms)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do! i’ve recently been informed that the main through-line of all of my smut is characters discovering that they’re into d/s, which is fucking hilarious, so i guess the answer to what kind is “kinky”
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i don’t personally care to write crossovers
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
lars and i both wrote fics based on the same premise, at the same time, but that’s the closest i’ve gotten
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
whatever ship is eating my brain at any given time, i don’t have a real “all time favorite”
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
god the fucking vegas au. modern au malevolent fic where arthur is gifted a trip to vegas and decides to get spectacularly drunk and wakes up married to john, a complete stranger. it is *technically* still in production but i’m mostly just lying to myself there, it’s way too ambitious for my skill level because it needs to be multichapter and well plotted and i don’t have that in me
16. What are your writing strengths?
i’ve been told that i’m good at characterization, and i think i write description well
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
extended plot. i can do long one-shot plots, but i can’t do multichap plots.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i am horrifically monolingual and would not insult another language that way
19. First fandom you wrote for?
….. homestuck
20. Favorite fic you've written?
this is an even tie between three fics i think:
drowning in a dream (that i can’t escape) is my beloved horror case fic that i put my heart and fucking soul into and it’s the longest fic i’ve ever finished
you eat your words in frame is the complete opposite direction, it’s wrestling pwp with sex tapes, it just also happens to be some of, if not the best writing i have ever done.
hit me baby (one more time) is a short and silly neon streets fic that only five people care about but it’s probably the fic i consider to be the most accurate to the source characters fic i have written and i love it
i’m tagging @voidofthestars @limbreaper and @grand-magnificent as well as anyone else who wants to say i tagged them
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The ship that got me into looking into this side of the fandom, it’s been a while since I’ve watched Gallowglass and Takin’ Over the Asylum, but I’ll do my best! 
Summery: Campbell finally gets to meet up with his long distance boyfriend for the first time since they started exchanging letters
Warning: Anxiety, based on my own experience with meeting my long-distance angel
On with the fic!
It had been through a pen-pal program that Campbell met Joe.
Both had joined it to try talking to people better, Joe to actually get more comfortable with conversation, Campbell to be a bit more proper about it. They had hit it off well, with Joe starting their conversation with a simple letter, nothing grand, but something that Campbell still looked at from time to time with a dumb, goofy smile on his face.
They had wrote to one another over a year, getting to learn more and more about who the other was, what they liked, some of their life experiences, before Campbell sent a letter with his phone number written on it.
Then they started to talk over the phone, yet still wrote letters, Joe was more comfortable with that, and Campbell didn’t argue. He was just happy to talk.
One day, a few weeks ago, while on the phone, the young DJ decided to take a risk and blurted out, “Joe, do you want to go out with me?”
There had been silence for a long moment, and Campbell felt like he fucked up, he felt himself becoming overwhelmed with how he had just done that, he couldn’t take it back-
“You... want to go out with me?” Came the quiet, hopeful, reply.
“Yes.” Campbell replied, going stiff, his face felt so hot, but he decided that he was going to keep talking. “I’ve really come to like our exchanges, and I’ve come to really like you, a lot, like, way more than I expected with a friend! But if you don’t wanna date or anything, just stay friends, I totally understand! ‘m just... ya know, a bit loud ‘n brash!” He was talking fast, he was nervous, but a bit excited.
“I wouldn’t mind going out with you.” Joe spoke, interrupting a potential ramble. 
Campbell blinked.
“Really?” He asked, looking at the phone as if it had all the answers. Which, technically, it did, since he was still talking to Joe.
“I’ve come to really like you as well, Campbell. Your letters and phone calls are the highlights of my week, and I would love to finally meet the man who I’ve been talking with.”
Campbell’s heart skipped a few beat in excitement, a huge grin came to his face as he got right up from his seat. “Same here! I cannae take out a letter on a date, gotta take out the man behind the pen! Let’s figure out a place and time!”
That was three weeks ago, it had taken time and planning, and to make sure Campbell was good to go for a day trip into the city with Joe. Yes, he had been doing well at the hospital, but it was still a task and a half to do these things.
All worth it though as he stood at the train station, rocking back and forth on his feet. He was fretting, tugging at his jacket, adjusting his hat over and over, his fingers twitching constantly as he waited to spot Joe. His Walkman, a gift from Eddy, wasn’t enough to calm his nerves, it only served to keep his hands occupied when he decided to mess with the cord of his headphones. 
They never exchanged photos of what they looked like, but Campbell had told Joe exactly what he’d wear, and some details about himself. Joe had done the same, so the DJ was looking for a young man, slightly older than himself, with curly, dyed blond locks, dressed in jeans and a dark jacket.
Even with his medication taken this morning to help, Campbell’s thoughts were going haywire. What if this didn’t work out? What if Joe didn’t want to date a loony? What if he arrived too late and missed Joe’s train? What if something had happened to the guy on his way to his own train station!? 
“Campbell Bain?”
With a startled jump, Campbell turned, looking at someone he hadn’t heard approach. There was a young man, possibly older than him by a few years, dressed in jeans and a dark jacket. His hair was a mess of curls, dyed blond (something that had been his choice, not that of anyone else, Campbell remembered from a letter), his nose was turned up a bit, his mouth pretty, and his eyes a hazel mix.
Campbell’s mouth went dry, but a grin came to him. “Joe?”
Joe nodded, approaching with a smile of his own. “I just got here, spotted you right away, but you seemed distracted.”
“Oh, yeh, brain’s all over the place, ya know? Lots of thoughts, but all of ‘em mean nothing right now since you’re here!” He was still grinning before opening his arms for a hug.
Joe took the invitation, giving him one. Campbell’s grin turned into a gentle smile as he wrapped his arms around him. Oh, he was so glad for his big mouth during that phone call.
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katemarley · 2 years
fanfiction: in passing
Fandom: Hetalia Pairing: PruAus (Austria/Prussia) Characters: Austria, Prussia Rating: M TW: allusions to citrus fruit (but there are no actual citrus fruit); drug mention
Summary: Prussia is on Christmas furlough. Set during WWII (quick historical reminder that during that time, German federal states were disempowered).
Written for bee as part of a holiday gift exchange in the Beilstans Discord server.
Also available on AO3 and ffnet
Prussia half-unlocked, half-kicked the door open to his house – no, not his; there was no “his” anymore and the sooner he learned it the better. Hell, that bottled-up aggression … He had thought he’d got rid of it during the long train journey back to Berlin but no: The moment he entered Germany’s Gründerzeit-style villa, it was all back.
Stomping through the hallway, he didn’t bother to remove his military boots. Damn it, he would be the one to take care of all that dirt sooner or later anyway! Wasn’t that precisely what he had been doing in the eastern theatre all this time? The thought disgusted him, just like that loathsome black uniform disgusted him and so many things he had seen…
And there was Austria, sitting on his couch (well, Germany’s couch, technically, but still) next to a Christmas tree, reading his book (definitely not Germany’s this time; he recognised the copy of Buddenbrooks as his own). He dared to neatly put a bookmark between the pages before he closed the book, stood and said:
“Take off your boots before you enter the living room, Prussia!”
And that was too much; it was just too much. He stomped to Austria, slammed the book (still in Austria’s hand) against the wall … and suddenly had no idea what to do anymore.
Austria stared at him, completely calm (How dare he? How could he look so calm in this situation?), perhaps with a tinge of curiosity in his eyes.
And he had to be hurting. His hand…
Prussia took the book, sat with it in his hand and placed it back on the table. He had no idea what to say.
When he looked up, Austria was shaking his hand. There was a splash of red on its back: His knuckles were bleeding.
Prussia looked at the wall. Yes: Some red there, too.
Wordlessly, Austria sat next to him, pulling a plaster from the breast pocket of his dress shirt.
Wordlessly, Prussia took it and wrapped it around his knuckles. He was wondering faintly if Austria shouldn’t better clean the wound before bandaging it … But that was none of his business.
He didn’t say Sorry. Austria didn’t ask Do you want to talk about it? for which he was grateful.
“Do you even need to bandage it?” he said at long last.
“Things like that are still healing,” Austria replied. “But I’m not sure for how long.”
Prussia did say “Sorry” in the end, but it was only partly an apology for what he had done earlier.
“Never mind.”
But Prussia did mind! He took a breath to tell Austria just how much he minded, but…
“Leave it be,” Austra seemed to reply to his unspoken words. “There’s nothing either of us could do.”
Prussia took Austria’s injured hand.
“I am sorry, you know.” This time, it was an apology for hurting Austria. “It’s just…” He rubbed his calloused fingers over Austria’s manicured hands. “I’m getting angry when I see you like this. You have no idea what I have watched and done, no idea… But there you are, with your pristine clothes and nice, soft hands that don’t know what it’s like to crawl in the dirt…”
“It’s not like I’ve never crawled in the dirt in my whole life, and you know that.”
“You don’t understand!” Prussia barely registered he was slamming Austria’s hand against something again, only this time it was the sofa armrest (thankfully, for Austria’s hand).
“Prussia…” Austria’s tone was a warning.
Blinking, Prussia realised he was half on top of Austria – and so did a good portion of the blood in his body, pooling in the middle where it had no business to pool, not right now, not in this situation. He was sure Austria could feel it. Another portion of his blood seemed to have decided that it was a good idea to settle in his head, too … He knew he was blushing crimson as he flinched, allowing Austria to stand and brush out some wrinkles in his otherwise pristine trousers.
“Speaking of dirt,” Austria said as if the past seconds hadn’t happened. “You smell. I’m going to draw a bath for you.”
And with that, he left the room.
Prussia buried his head in his hands and groaned.
“What took you so long?” Austria’s tone was a mixture of annoyance (a sentiment of his Prussia was all too familiar with) and impatience (that was a new one). “The bath is ready.”
“You’re not my servant.” Prussia didn’t know exactly what brought him to say this.
“Well observed,” Austria commented with all too familiar sarcasm. “And now get ready and undress.”
“Undress. You don’t want to take a bath in your uniform, do you?”
“Erm … no, but …”
“Then go ahead.”
Prussia hesitated.
“Take it as a military order, if you will.”
Prussia unbuttoned his uniform jacket. The moment he had started, it became easier. He hated that black uniform, so off with it!
There was just the tiniest bit of hesitation as he got to his trousers. His dick had softened with shame, but he couldn’t quite forget he was getting naked in front of Austria.
“Get on with it,” Austria said impatiently. “Nothing there I haven’t seen.”
Prussia braced himself and undressed fully.
“Get in the bathtub,” Austria ordered.
Prussia did as he was told. He was good at doing what he was told.
“Dip your head under water.”
“What?” Not the most eloquent response, but Prussia was far, far out of his comfort zone. His comfort zone was basically in a different galaxy at this point.
“I want to wash your hair.”
“But…” Prussia’s eyes wandered to Austria’s knuckles.
“Healed.” He held out his hand so Prussia could see. “I still heal pretty fast.”
“But I don’t know how long it will remain this way…”
Prussia put his head under water. That wasn’t something he wanted to think or hear about if he could help it.
Austria’s fingers were warm and firm on his scalp. On the whole, Austria had very nice fingers…
At that thought, his dick became interested again. Prussia ignored it. He had resigned to his fate and accepted that there was no way he wouldn’t get a raging boner if he let Austria wash him. So be it. It couldn’t be helped.
Austria started to scrub his skin with a bath sponge. Prussia’s whole body said yes, please touch me.
“You do know that I’m not going to have sex with you in a bathtub, right?”
“I know that,” Prussia pressed out between gritted teeth. “Tell that to my body, that traitor!”
Austria’s slender fingers touched the crook of his arm. “I wonder what they injected there.”
Prussia froze. The water was still warm, but he suddenly felt cold.
“Something that makes you aggressive,” Austria analysed. “That raises your libido, too.”
“That makes me want to fight and fuck,” Prussia paraphrased in deliberately crude language.
“Yes. Not pervitin unless they now inject that rather than distributing it as pills, even though the effects seem to be similar.”
“Did you…” Prussia wasn’t sure how to finish the sentence. “You wanted me to take a bath in front of you to check, didn’t you?”
“Yes. Otherwise, I’d just have told you to take a bath yourself.”
“So you weren’t angry with me because…”
“Yes. Because you weren’t yourself.” Austria sighed. “You do have a certain base level of aggression, but it’s not like you to hurt me until you draw blood. Not in this time and age, at the least. I didn’t notice this kind of aggression during your last furlough either.”
“And you won’t help me get off.”
“Correct. Help yourself.” Austria held out a towel. “I won’t touch you while you are under the influence of drugs.”
“Damn it, Austria!” Prussia rose from the bathtub, aggressive and hard, realising he was living proof to everything Austria had just said. He wrapped himself in the towel and stalked to the toilet next door, relieving himself in the most efficient and perfunctory way he could.
When he returned, Austria had let out the water. He was wiping the bathtub.
“Is that necessary?” Prussia asked.
“Yes,” Austria replied and explained: “Water stains.”
“I’ll never be able to make you out.” Prussia sighed. “Sometimes you’re the messiest person on Earth, and sometimes…”
“There are three places in your house that should be kept clean at all times: Kitchen, bathroom and bedroom.”
“In that order, I presume.”
“Yes. And now get dressed. There’s cake in the kitchen … and that sorry substitute for coffee; I have no idea how Germany can even stomach that.”
“Yuck!” Prussia made a face. He put down his mug, careful not to spill the sorry excuse for coffee that was the only thing he would get these days. “I’d ask you what this is, but unfortunately, I know exactly what it is.”
“Chicory coffee, our old friend,” Austria said with mock politeness – he excelled at mock politeness; Prussia had to give him that. “We had hoped we wouldn’t meet again so soon.”
“To think anyone ever thought this could serve as a patriotic, homegrown substitute to actual coffee…” Prussia shuddered. “I sometimes miss the eighteenth century, but I certainly don’t miss that idea.”
“I suppose it wouldn’t be half as bad if it contained actual caffeine.” Austria wrinkled his nose. “But perhaps it’s not too bad for you, considering you receive your daily dose of stimulants from—”
“Austria, please!” Prussia groaned. He buried his head in his hands for the second time that day. “Can we talk about something else?”
“Only after you told me what happened.”
“Never!” Prussia realised he was being aggressive again. “Sorry, Roderich, but there are just some things I don’t want to talk about.” He thought about that for a second. “There are a lot of things I don’t want to talk about.”
“Fine.” Austria sighed. “Let me take a guess.”
Prussia groaned again. Unfortunately, Austria was fairly bright and quite perceptive.
“They experiment a little bit with someone who can’t die anyway. See how far they can push you. How useful you can be for them.”
Prussia buried his head deeper under his hands.
“Rather … who can die but won’t stay dead.” Suddenly, Austria’s tone was bitter. “Probably. And if he does, nevermind.” His voice started to shake. “He’s not that necessary anymore anyway.”
Prussia bit his lips. He held his breath.
“Just like me.” Austria’s voice was soft. Why was his voice so soft? Couldn’t he just—
“But unlike you, they leave me alone.” Austria was peeling Prussia’s arms from his face. “I’m not a fighter, so they ignore me. They ignore me, but they can’t ignore you.”
Prussia looked at Austria. Austria looked so … lost.
“And there’s one reason why you’re so angry at me: I don’t have to go through … whatever it is that you’re going through.”
“You don’t even know half of it,” Prussia said matter-of-factly. “You couldn’t do anything if you did, so it’s better you don’t. I’m stronger than you.”
“Physically.” Austria gave him a sad smile. “Just physically.” And he took Prussia in his arms.
Prussia’s first impulse was to push Austria away. But then he did … nothing. It wasn’t unpleasant, being held. Unusual, but not unpleasant.
“Wow, what a shitty Christmas we’re having,” Prussia said bitterly. “Peace on Earth and all that bullshit.”
“I’m glad you’re here anyway,” said Austria.
And perhaps that had to be enough.
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jentrevellan · 3 years
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I'm so happy to finally share my fic for @dasmutquisition! I had so much fun with this one, it's unreal. I hope you enjoyed @sumiIong
Rating: Explicit
Category: F/M
Fandoms: Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age: Origins
Relationship: Alistair/Female Cousland (Dragon Age)
Characters: Alistair (Dragon Age), Female Cousland (Dragon Age), Teagan Guerrin
Additional Tags: Angst and Fluff and Smut, Banter, Cuddling & Snuggling, Happy Ending, Making Love, trapped together (sort of), strong woman, anxious Alistair, generic Cousland, King Alistair and Queen Cousland, newlyweds, Morning Sex, D in the V, Porn With Plot, Dorks in Love
Language: English
Collections: Nobody Expects the Dragon Age Smutquisition
Summary: Alistair and the Warden spend the first night not only as husband and wife but as King and Queen.
Notes: Thank you @curiousthimble for being my beta!
Read on Ao3
Doin' the Fondue
The great hall in Denerim Castle was loud and filled to the rafters with people. Nobles, elves, dwarves and peasants alike were squeezed in, all clamouring to see the newly married couple. Up on the dais, overlooking the crowd that was slowly getting rowdier and rowdier with the ale and wine that continued to flow, Alistair - now King Alistair Theirin of Ferelden - slouched in his throne and took a gulp of wine.
He was terrified.
Oh, the ceremony had been a delight, and he had adored proclaiming his love in front of the Maker and the witnesses in the Chantry. But as soon as he had stepped into the hall for their wedding feast, his gut started churning. Because he knew what must come next after the merriment had ended.
He glanced at his wife beside him. His wife! Despite his anxiety, he couldn’t help but grin like a fool at the thought of his Grey Warden companion, Lady Cousland, now being his wife. It didn’t seem wholly real. Indeed, most of his life the past year hadn’t seemed real. So much had changed, and now he was married.
Alistair took another sip of wine from his goblet and his new wife glanced at him, a small frown on her brow. She already knows me so well, he thought. No one else would be able to tell that anything was amiss, but she had always seen straight through him and knew when even the smallest thing was bothering him. One of the many traits he loved about her. Although it did mean that it was impossible to keep any sort of secret from her. Even the good kind of secrets.
As he picked at his food, his new wife and Queen accepted many gracious gifts from guests. All curtsied or bowed and she was most eloquent in her response. Truly, she was more prepared for this life as a monarch than him. Her noble upbringing was a far cry from how he was raised. But wherever his trepidation lay about ruling, he knew that with this woman beside him as his Queen, that he could do anything.
She laughed heartily at a joke Teagan was telling her, and he watched as she wiped away a tear. Alistair glowered at his uncle and reached out for his wife’s hand. She turned to him, a wide smile on her face, her cheeks flushed and her lips rosy from the wine.
“Everything alright?” she asked.
He nodded his head to Teagan. “Just wondering what was so funny…?”
She blushed prettily, and a jealous hand gripped his gut. He would not easily forget his uncle’s flirtations when he had first met them in Redcliffe, and ever since, a fit of strange jealousy and need to claim her as he always came about when he was in the presence of both her and Tegan.
Waving a jewelled hand, she shook her head. “It was nothing. Rather crude, actually, so I told him off for lowering the tone of our conversation at our wedding feast,” she replied, taking a sip of wine. “Now what’s the matter with you?”
“Me?” he repeated. “Nothing. Nothing is the matter with me at all. Absolutely nought.”
“Alistair,” she said seriously, leaning in close. Her tone made him want to listen, but her golden gown with its tight bodice had pressed her breasts pleasantly together and were well within his eye line that he couldn’t help but glance down. A treacherous blaze of desire coursed through him, and with her puckered lips, her brow furrowed in concern, he wanted nothing more than to crush her to him and -
A chill went through him. He wanted her, oh yes, most desperately, but Tegan caught his eye and winked, and a shudder of repulsion went through him as he turned his head to see half of the court watching their interaction. He pulled away from his wife abruptly and reached for his goblet of wine, again and took a huge mouthful.
Ever the gracious lady, his wife smiled faintly and pretended that nothing had happened. But the look she quietly gave him as he peered at her over the rim of his goblet made his gut clench with guilt. There was a flash of hurt in her eyes, and he felt rotten about being the cause.
The dinner continued and as the servants were generous with topping up his wine, Alistair kept emptying his goblet. His wife, on the other hand, declined and stuck to watery lemonade and with dread, he realised that she was not drinking the same as him because it was expected that she needed to stay sober to conceive.
It was like a weight was pressing down on his chest, and he struggled to breathe, and it was getting worse as the evening wore on. Soon he stopped eating and drinking and just watched everybody that approached the dais to offer their congratulations or present gifts to the newlyweds. One item that was given to the new Queen was a selection of herbs which, as the kindly elderly noble had explained “would help the womb quicken”. Alistair had almost retched at her words, and instead began a small coughing fit, which required his wife to smack him firmly on the back a few times harder than she would’ve done normally.
At one point, a small child approached, dressed in a simple cotton tunic, as white as a cloud. Her hair was braided down her back and entwined with flowers. She stood before the queen who rose from her throne and leant over the table to adjust a flower in the girl’s hair. Alistair watched as his wife’s face lit up with warmth as she listened and spoke to the child. He wanted to give that to her. But… but…
“Let us bed them!” Tegan suddenly announced, and there was a scramble as the court got to their feet hurriedly, to be one of the select few to follow them to their chambers. The women reached the queen and she shot Alistair one swift look of alarm before resigning herself to their insistent tugs as they all but pushed her out of the room. Alistair followed with a group of noblemen, including his uncle.
“I bet you’re looking forward to this, m'boy,” Tegan grinned, falling into step beside Alistair, as they made their way through the halls of the castle.
“I don't know what you mean,” he replied flatly, his face feeling warm not just from the wine.
Tegan clapped him on the back. “You are one lucky man, my boy,” he said with a sigh, clapping him on the shoulder. “I’ve never seen you so quiet in all the time I’ve known you. Your mind has been elsewhere this evening - and I’m not the only one to notice.”
Dread tugged at him as he climbed the stairs. “Yes, you’re right and I’m sorry, but-”
“Sorry!” Tegan repeated with a snort. “You’ve no need to be sorry. Most men are as quiet as a mouse in anticipation of their wedding night. And one can’t certainly blame you: your wife is simply lovely.”
“Yes, thank you, Tegan,” Alistair ground out, shrugging his shoulder lose of his grip. But rather than be offended, the man laughed and Alistair clenched his fists. Never before had he been so tempted to knock his uncle around the head.
They arrived at his chamber door and inside more nobles awaited eagerly. The king’s bed had been arranged neatly, but there was no expectation for him to sleep there tonight. Instead, he eyed the connecting door where he knew his wife would be waiting for him, surrounded by the noblewomen.
“Are you going to leave?” he asked, looking around the room, but the men just laughed, and chatted, some making obscene gestures. He grimaced, hating the sheer manliness in the room. His manservant came forward to help him undress from his finery and removed his crown. Once he had been disrobed save for his smalls, he threw on his white cotton nightshirt and ran his hands through his hair, wiping the sweat from his brow.
There was a faint knock at the connecting door, and one of the servants hurried forward and exchanged whispers with the servant on the other side. Alistair paced anxiously and took a very keen interest in a loose thread on the sleeve of his shirt. The men around him were talking about absolute filth, and he squeezed his eye tight shut, in the vain hope that his ears would squeeze shut too.
Finally, the connecting door swung open and the servant stood aside. Alistair was rooted to the spot, fear coursing through him. Are these people… going to watch ? He thought with horror.
He was quite content with where he was until Tegan elbowed him in the ribs. “Nervous?” he said with a wink.
“Yes. No! I mean, no !” he said hurriedly, his face burning.
“There’s nothing to be scared about. She’s going to be a wonderful wife to you in so many ways…”
“Shut up,” Alistair groaned, rubbing his hand down his face. Honestly, he was this close to hurling Tegan out the window.
But before he could entertain that thought further, the men in his room were pressing him through the door and - oh Maker no - were also following him. He entered the queen's bed-chamber to find a gaggle of ladies with rosy cheeks flutter their lashes and lick their lips seductively at the men. But Alistair was anything but aroused when he finally turned to the large, four-poster bed, to see his wife and queen.
She was a perfect painting of innocence and virginity in crisp white sheets with a matching white nightdress. Her hair had been unbound and combed neatly and she sat as still as a statue, her back and posture absolutely perfect for a queen. The covers were pulled up to her lap, and her hands rested delicately entwined: her sparkling wedding ring the only jewellery that remained.
He refused to meet her eyes as he slowly walked around to the other side of the bed. He pulled the covers down amidst the chatting of the court and when he finally sat beside her, a good arms-length away from her, the court finally - finally - turned to leave. Several clapped, the women exchanged knowing looks with the queen, who smiled politely in return, and the men, now incredibly drunk, ambled from the room, wishing Alastair luck and reminding him of how lucky he was.
Finally, blessedly, the last person left the room and closed the door with a gentle click .
To the new queen’s dismay, the first thing her new husband did as soon as the door had shut, was leap out of the bed as if he had been scalded. She frowned as he strode towards the door, and for an awful moment, she thought he was going to leave. But no: he reached to a small side table and found a key and locked the big oak door to her chambers, followed by locking the conjoining door from the king’s bedroom.
Still not saying anything, Alistar strode around the room, pulling open curtains and wardrobes, trunks and cabinets.
“What in the world are you doing?” she finally asked, her patience running thin. The man had barely spoken to her since their vows in the Chantry in the morning, and now he was examining every nook and cranny of her chambers?
He paused by her bookshelf and flicked her a glance over his shoulder. “Checking,” he replied, before shifting a few books.
“Whatever for?”
He sighed in exasperation. “To make sure that we are alone! Andraste’s arse, I thought they were going to stay at one point and watch to make sure we… we… erm…” he coughed and busied himself by peering under a chaise lounge.
She got out of bed and dropped to her hands and knees and looked under the bed. Thankfully, there was no one there, but she had to admit that the same fear had crossed her mind. Even though she knew that wasn’t the common practice, sometimes nobility did take things a bit too literally…
“We’re safe,” she sighed, placing her hands on her hips.”There’s no spy, no peephole, no nothing but us.”
Alistair finally stopped his fidgeting and turned to her from across the room. For the first time in a long time, they were utterly alone. Normally, they would’ve fallen into each other’s arms by now, but something was stopping her, and she could tell that something was also stopping him. They stood on opposite sides of her room, the bed imposing and glaring at them, whilst the distance between them felt as vast a chasm. And that was something neither of them had experienced before.
“Everything is different now, isn’t it?” she said quietly, looking down at her hands clasped before her.
Alistair also seemed to be studying his fingernails. “Yes, I suppose it is.”
She played with the hem of her pure white night-dress and frowned. Conversation with her now-husband had never been this stilted. So she switched tactic to one he would hopefully relax with: humour.
“You know, for a good ten minutes, I honestly thought they were all going to stay and watch,” she said with a wry smile. She knew they wouldn't - being brought up as a noble lady had earnt her some education in these things - but Alistair needed not to know that. For it worked:
“Maker! You did too?” he exclaimed, letting out a bark of laughter. “I didn’t think they would, but I began to doubt myself.”
She took a step towards him. “Hence your paranoia about spies?”
He nodded. “Yes, hence the… paranoia ,” he rolled his eyes at her choice of words, but there was a smirk on his lips, which made her heart soar.
The man she knew was peeking through, so she took another step closer. “It’s an archaic tradition anyway,” she said. “I know for a fact that they do not practice it in Orlais.”
Alistair snorted. “Perhaps the only redeeming factor of the Orlesians.”
“Hmm, that and the cheese,” she smiled and finally, finally , her new husband met her eyes.
They both burst into laughter and she saw his shoulders sag. She bit her lip and placed a hand on his cheek. “We don’t have to do anything if you don't want to,” she said earnestly.
His face reddened. “But I do! I do want to! With you, that is! I just… it’s just…” he trailed off, squeezing his eyes shut as he sought out the right words.
“The pressure of it all?” she supplied.
“Yes!” he gasped, relieved. “To know that we cannot come together unless it’s for a purpose. That purpose,” he mumbled, pointing to her stomach.
He was going inside himself again, so she took his hands in hers and gave a gentle squeeze. “Think of it this way… it’s for the good of the country that you fuck me senseless any time of day and night.”
Alistair spluttered at her bluntness but she just laughed as she slipped her hands from his and moved past him. There was a small table laden with food - to help keep up their energy for their excursions, no doubt - so she helped herself to a goblet of wine and poured one for her new husband. “You’re probably one of the only men in the world who can use that excuse,” she smiled, popping a grape in her mouth.
“You…” he grinned, walking over and taking the other goblet from her hand. “You are a minx.”
She pretended to be shocked. “You’ve only just realised? And here I thought you only married me because you knew I was.”
He put an arm around her shoulder and pulled him to her, kissing the top of her head. “One of many, many many reasons,” he replied.
They stood content in silence, their thoughts elsewhere when she finally spoke again. “I meant what I said. We don’t have to do anything we’re expected to do tonight.”
He gulped but nodded. “I… I know. And I appreciate that, but please don’t think it’s because I don’t want... need you,” he said quietly, his grip on her tightening.
“It’s not like we’ve not done it before,” she said, taking another sip of wine. “Even if this gown pretends to be evidence to the contrary.”
“Yes, and we have done it, many, many times…”
“And we will many more,” she confirmed, popping another grape in her mouth, the sweetness washing over her tongue. She turned to him: “but not tonight.”
“Thank the Maker I married you,” he murmured, downing the rest of his wine.
“But I do have a wicked idea…”
He glanced at her, eyebrows raised.
“We should take all of this food and eat it… in bed.”
He laughed, so genuine and delightful that her gut warmed pleasantly. Suddenly, in one swift motion, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, his other hand grabbing the cheese board and marched over to the bed. He threw her down, and she tried to not be too aroused by the action, but her pert nipples through her night-dress gave her away. Determined to make sure Alistair was as happy as could be, she reached forward and pulled him onto the bed and instead of kissing him, grabbed a handful of cheese and squashed it into his mouth.
The King of Ferelden snorted with laughter as he tried to eat the cheese, before doing the same back at his new queen. He pecked her on the nose and rose to collect more food and wine, and soon they were sitting leaning against the headboard, a delectable spread of food between them. And they gorged.
The sun peered through the lattice windows of the queen’s chamber. The light was white and bright and brought Alistair blinking out of his deep slumber, momentarily confused at his location. He looked up at the canopy above him and duly noted the olive green drapes of the Queen’s bed. He’d never slept in here and was momentarily disoriented until he remembered the day before.
In his arms, still and sound asleep, was his wife. Her hair was splayed on the pillow and tickled his nose. He couldn’t see her face, but today it felt more real: this woman who had become his friend and companion, lover and hero of Ferelden, was now his wife… his queen . He gently propped himself onto his elbow, so as not to wake her, and gazed down at her face, noting the way the sunlight accentuated her high cheekbones. This wonderful, beautiful and exquisite woman is my wife , he thought with quiet awe. His chest flipped with uncontained joy and gone was the trepidation of the night before.
He studied her face as she slept, her nostrils flaring slightly as she sighed contently in her sleep. He lay back down and pulled her close to him, tightening his grip on her, and burying his face in her neck, inhaling her intoxicatingly sweet scent. The silk nightdress was so smooth and thin, and his hands couldn’t help but wander up and down, his fingers gently brushing the material over her skin, like water. Without realising it, he found himself rutting against her arse, which was tucked up cosily to his groin. He tried to still himself, she's still asleep ! But his wandering hands could not be stopped as one slowly crept up her torso and cupped a breast. The shift was so thin, that he felt her nipple harden with the barest of touches and that’s when he realised that her hips were moving too.
He pushed himself up to an elbow again, and her eyes, dark and hooded with desire stared back at him. Her lips parted with a hitched breath and he flicked her nipple with his thumb. Moving his hand downwards, he swallowed her breathy moan as his fingers teased the hem of her smalls, mouth crashing down on hers in simple, uncontained desire.
They had not so much as kissed since they had said their wedding vows in the Chantry, he realised. And as his tongue licked her upper lip, he swore to himself that he would never leave it so long to kiss her again. Her mouth opened with a sigh and their tongues danced as he continued to rut, and she squirmed against him as his hand finally slipped into her smalls in search of her bud.
He stifled a groan as he found her hand already there, gently touching herself. His fingers joined hers whilst they moved their hips and she guided him with her hand. He slipped a digit inside of her and she gasped, squirming against his erection, straining against his smalls, and he pictured feeling her growing wetness around his cock. With impatience, he slid her nightdress up so she was exposed and he pulled his cock out and rubbed it blissfully between her cheeks. Her soft skin was as smooth as silk as he rocked his hips, gaining pleasant friction with her arse.
“More…” she whispered, as her fingers joined his, pumping inside her. And with his control waning, he obliged eagerly.
Alistair rolled her onto her back and pulled her hands over her head as he pinned her down. Her legs fell open for him, and as much as he wanted - no needed - to be inside her, Alistair knew what his lady wife needed more was to be spoiled. If it were up to him, the king would love to stay buried between his wife’s legs for the rest of his days, as her taste was so sweet. He trailed kisses down her neck, and her hips lifted up to meet his, and his resolve almost broke as her core was teased against his cock. But being a Warden had one excellent perk: incomparable stamina.
He continued down, kissing her heaving breasts as they rose and fell erratically with her breathing. Playing with one in his hand, he took her other nipple in his mouth and sucked lightly, her perfect bud hard and round in his mouth. With his hand, he squeezed her other one tight, and had her gasping: but he was nowhere near done. He let go of her breast in his mouth with a pop and glanced up at her to see her mouth open and delicious, her tongue darting out to lick her lips. He grinned and kissed her stomach, then pulled back and positioned himself on his elbows, taking in the sight of her splayed out on the bed, rosy cheeks and breathy moans all for him. He pressed his lips to her knee, then with each kiss, his stubble tickled the inside of her thigh as he moved up her legs, finally reaching that gloriously warm and wet apex in between that was just begging for him to taste.
Desire surged through him and without wasting any more time, he pulled her legs over his shoulders and licked her dripping wet folds. She cried out in pleasure as he rolled his tongue over her, and her fingers grabbed his head, nails digging into his scalp as he worked his mouth. She tasted as good as she smelt, and her hips rose up to meet his mouth, jittering as she climbed higher to her peak. He wanted to spoil her because she deserved it and more. So he reached up with one hand and squeezed a breast and flicked a nipple again, loving the way her hips bucked in response. Her nails dug deeper into his scalp and raked his chestnut hair as his other hand kneaded her arse, lifting her up so he had the best angle to eat her out.
He teased and tortured her with his mouth, and finally sucked on her clit.
“Ah...ah...Alist-ah!” she cried out, her thighs clamping around his head as she came. He tasted her orgasm on his tongue and without missing a beat, rose and positioned himself at her entrance. Her eyes flicked open to look at him as she felt him move, and a tiny smile pulled at the corner of her exquisite mouth. That was all he needed.
So tormentingly slowly, Alistair finally entered her, the warmth and wetness so indescribably perfect that he couldn’t help but let out a moan. He fit her perfectly and when sheathed completely, he paused and stared into her eyes. Her breathing was still fast from her orgasm and he captured her mouth with his, letting her taste herself. Then he rolled his hips and started to slowly make love to her, not once tearing his gaze from her face. He noticed every single expression that flickered before him as he thrust and teased: a hand on her hip and another once more on her breasts.
She wrapped her legs around him and he plunged unbelievably deeper inside of her, making them gasp and moan in unison as they moved together in a rhythm as old as time. As they moved, the pleasure and pressure mounted, but Alistair had much more control than a boy still wet behind the ears - he wanted to give her so much more before he -
“Ah!” he gasped, as she took him by surprise. She had crossed her ankles behind his back and with her strong legs, twisted so that he was forced to roll and let her sit on top of him. Incredibly, they did not lose touch, and the angle was different but just as pleasurable. She smirked down at him as she pressed her hands to his chest and began to slowly roll her hips, her breasts rising and falling beautifully as she took him. Alistair was entranced as he watched his love move quicker with a growing need and he held her hips tightly to control her pace. But she didn’t need any assistance, as she moved faster and faster, his thrusts coming up to meet hers, flesh slapping flesh. Her moans crescendoed, and the erotic sight before him of his wife move above him with a wonton need to claim her pleasure...well he could feel his control slipping. He wanted to spill himself inside of her, and see his seed drip down her legs…
“Fuck!” she cried, reaching her second orgasm, as Alistair dug his fingers into her thighs to stop himself from joining her peak of pleasure. She fell back and Alistair seized his moment to regain control and topped her again.
Fully sheathed once more, he deliberately moved slowly, as he knew that if he picked up the pace then he wouldn't be able to hold on much longer. But she caught his eye and licked her lips.
“Please, Alistair,” she panted, her hands digging into his hips, urging him to move faster.
“Mmmm?” he replied, biting her earlobe and slipping out of her, making her whimper.
“What do you want?” he teased, stroking himself as she looked up at him with uncloaked desire.
“It’s more than what I want ...it’s what I need ,” she whispered, sitting up to meet her lips with his, her hand trailing down his chest and abdomen, making his muscles tense in anticipation.
They kissed delicately, fervently, noses touching, breath mingling. “And what do you need?”
She pulled away and lay back down on the bed, her legs falling open. She traced one finger down the length of her, and his eyes followed.
“Take me, my king,” she begged, touching herself in front of him.
Almost roughly, because he couldn't bear to not be in her again, he flipped her over, brought her to her knees and lined himself up to her entrance. He kissed her salty back, sleek with sweat and breathed in her ear. “As my queen commands.”
He thrusted inside, and she took all of him. She threw her head back and he grabbed her neck, pulling her up to him for a searing kiss, their tongues dancing as he thrusted fiercely, the globe of her ass bouncing against his abdomen. She moaned in his mouth as she touched herself; legs shaking as he pounded into her over and over; sweat mingling, with moans loud and needy, filling the chamber. He pumped with such animalistic need and she cried in pleasure and she gripped the bedsheets for support as he took her, unrelenting in his passion.
With a shaking arm, he reached around and touched her pearl and she cried out, her orgasm sudden and huge.
“Fill me!” she pleaded as she continued to come.
He snapped and finally, wonderfully, he reached his peak too and exploded inside of her, his vision blurred and black at the edges, as he emptied his seed inside of her - for the first time. And Maker, did it feel incredible to finish like this; in a union of bodies so perfect and natural.
Alistair, as breathless as if he had just swam the length of the Waking Sea, collapsed on top of her, laughing with joy.
“I...I love...you,” he panted, their legs entwined and he wasn't sure where his body ended and hers began.
They stayed like that for some time, and Alistair was tempted to fall asleep just like this, but she wiggled underneath him.
“Mmmm, as much as I love you inside of me,” she murmured;” you are crushing me somewhat.”
He reluctantly slipped out of her, trailing kisses all down her back and arse, making her hairs stand on end and her toes curl. He gathered her into his arms, the sheets around them a total mess, but he was loath to care as she lightly ran her fingers over him. His limbs felt like jelly, all loose and relaxed.
“Hey, Alistair?”
“Hmm?” he replied, barely opening his eyes.
“There’s some cheese leftover from last night.”
He sat up suddenly and looked over to where she pointed.
“Cheese for breakfast?” he asked.
She smiled and nodded. “Cheese for breakfast,” she confirmed.
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aristocratic-otter · 2 years
AO3 Stats Meme
Thank you, @bazzybelle, for tagging me on this! I saw @captain-aralias's post earlier, and I thought, 'that looks like fun.' But I tend to need a push to do these things, so I'm glad you gave me one.
I've not got a huge amount of fics in the fandom, but I do have a huge amount of words, lol. Those who know me well have heard my plaint about my inability to write under 10,000 words 😆
*editing because I forgot to include hits count
So, here's my stats:
Total Works: 10
Average Word Count: 27,829
Average Hits Count: 1296
Average Kudos Count: 105
Average Number of Comment Threads: 19
Average Number of Bookmarks: 22
So, why break a good pattern? To analyze my fics that come closest to each stat, here goes:
Closest in Word Count: That would be Wings, at 20,563. This was a gift for my first friend in the fandom (and also my first story in the fandom. I did NOT set out to be a writer. Go figure), @warriorbeeofthesea. It was my attempt to science the shit out of Simon's wings, and give some solace and relief after Wayward Son. The fic didn't get a whole lot of traction since I was a complete unknown at the time, but it did bring me to the attention of @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, who offered to beta it for me, and who's now become one of my dearest friends in the fandom.
Closest in hit count: nearly a tie between More than This (1461 hits) and The Least Wonderful Day of the Year (1090 hits). And, oddly enough, these were both gift fics in a CO Discord exchange, the first for @petrodobreva, and the second for PipsqueekParker (not sure if they’re on here). Both are smutty getting together Normal AUs. The first is a boyband and groupie AU, the second is a Black Friday clerk and shopper AU. I think that the fic I’m writing right now for the CO Snowflake exchange (shhhhh, top secret!) is the first one I’ve written that’s not an AU!
Closest to average kudos: Of Remorse and Second Chances (116 kudos). This was my catharsis: I needed Simon to get another chance at a parent figure after every one he had was ripped from him. I know he's got Lady Ruth, but a grandmother is not a mother or a father. And I also needed to see how Mitali would react to finding out both that her dearest friend was dead, and the boy who'd she'd treated like an unstable explosive for all the time she'd known him, was actually her friend's son. I guess you could say, I wanted Simon to have more love, and Mitali to have a comeuppance.
Closest to average comment thread: This is a WIP, and only just over half finished, so I'd expect a lot more comments before it's done. But for now, The Watford Games has exactly 19 comment threads, matching my average number. A Hunger Games AU starring Baz and Simon, the idea popped into my head as a result of a convo about Simon and Baz in dystopian situations on the Carry On Discord. It's one of my hardest stories to write, with so much interweaving of plot lines, but also one of the most rewarding.
Closest to average bookmarks: Also happens to be my first story to hit over 200 kudos. A Real Doll (extremely explicit, under 18s go away) was my entry into the Monster Under the Bed Fest, and the story behind that is the most circuitous. Over a decade ago, I devoured every fic in the CSI fandom, and one of those was a sexy and heartwarming fic about a case involving a "Real Doll", those super detailed sex dolls that cost thousands of dollars. When Aralias was looking for late entrants into the fest, I started thinking: the fest was about sex toys, and I'd never seen a SnowBaz fic with a sex DOLL. And thus, history was made. I think this was the first fic that just poured out of me, 12,000 words in under two weeks (which given I work 60+ hours a week at my paying job, was incredibly fast). The plot of my fic is nothing like the CSI one, but I give that long ago fic credit for inspiration (even if I can no longer remember the title or author).
Well, that was fun. Here's a few folks I'd like to invite to have fun with me:
@annabellelux, @amphipodgirl, @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @caitybug, @fight-surrender, @foolofabookwyrm, @giishu, @krisrix, @knitbelove, @palimpsessed, @skee3000
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JB Fic Exchange Recs - AU Oneshots
Well, I’ve gotten through about half of the @jaime-brienne-fic-exchange fics at this point, which is both not nearly enough for my liking and also pretty impressive for me, lol. I wanted to get some recs out ahead of the reveal because the wealth of talent in this fandom should be celebrated and shouted from every rooftop...and here we are down to the wire.  Haha!  Obviously, there are SO many more awesome fics available, so take this as just a lovely sampling.  Thank you dear authors for sharing your talents with us all!
Bug Juice: Jaime and Brienne's Summer at Camp - THIS IS MY GIFT FIC!  READ IT NOW!  Okay, even if this wasn't my gift fic, I would absolutely love this fun romp of a fic.  My prompt was basically summer camp with JB flair and my author took that to such a level of creativity and snark, it was just beyond perfect!  This one is in Myrcella's POV...I didn't even know I needed this, but I really did!  She's watching the season finale of a reality tv show that's set at summer camp.  Everyone is riveted by Jaime and Brienne's will-they-won't-they, enemies-to-lovers subplot, Myrcella included, even though she does have a bit of insider knowledge naturally.  I love the way this is written like reality show segments, with Myrcella's brilliant reactions/commentary/texting of her uncle from her couch.  There are commercial breaks that will crack you up.  A very serious discussion about Capture the Flag is had.  The GoT show digs are fantastic.  Really, this is the fic you need to read if you like smiling for long periods of time and laughing potentially so hard you spew your drink.  Oh, and also if you enjoy a good ole reality show HEA.  Excerpt 1: “When Daenerys took over as Camp Director mid-session, I was worried,” Jaime says to the camera, running his good hand through his hair. “I have a complicated history with her father and she doesn’t trust me. The young Starks don’t exactly either, but Brienne has fought for me. She insisted that I am good at my job—good with the kids. She said that I am a good man.” Jaime’s eye twitches just a touch as he stares straight ahead, his face otherwise a mask of calculated neutrality. Myrcella picks up her phone, about to text her uncle to make fun of how sappy he is when the scene switches to Brienne. Excerpt 2: Brienne takes a long sip, eyeing Jaime skeptically over the rim as she lowers her cup. OMG, when are they going to make out? Just kiss him! Ugh, they better kiss or I’m going to lose my damned mind. “You keep it warm enough in here,” he complains with a sigh, brushing past Brienne, who slowly sets her cup down and turns to him. She wipes her wide palms on her shorts and watches his back as he struggles to shed his hooded sweatshirt. Excerpt 3:
“Nooooo!” Myrcella screams and falls off the couch. She lands on the ground with a thud. She scrambles to untangle herself from her blanket and clamour back up onto the couch to grab her phone. She sends Jaime a shouty text.
Score - Jaime, Brienne, and bar trivia!  Also, face-sitting goodness...what's not to love?!
Excerpt: “And because I was right and you were wrong, I demand you two go on a date.”
“Excuse me,” Brienne squeaked. Was Tyrion trying to humiliate her? How could he suggest something so absurd without a cruel intention?
To Jaime’s credit, he had the decency to look mildly embarrassed. He even blushed. “Stop it, Tyrion,” he said, annoyed.
“I’m serious,” his brother replied. “You two have been flirting all night. Do something about it or this trivia arrangement will not work out in the long run.” Privilege - Jaime coming up with ridiculous lawsuits so he can keep spending time with his lawyer, Brienne (and a couple not-so-ridiculous ones too).  This one is hilarious and clever and also very sweet.  Do yourself a favor and read it!
Excerpt: “Jaime. At this point, I have known you for eighteen months—”
As their drinks appeared, he tapped his mochaccino against her tea. “Cheers!”
“—we have never not been in court! Seven Hells, Jaime, last month you had me sue Stoneheart Press because you didn’t like the representation of Goldenhand the Just in their line of historical fiction novels.”
He took a sip of his coffee. Anyone else would look ridiculous drinking what was essentially a dessert in a three-piece suit. But not Jaime. Jaime just…looked good. “And you won all those cases, Tarth. You’re good. Occasionally graceless while dealing with opposing counsel, but good all the same.
I hope our paths will croissant again - the way to my heart is baked goods...no, really, my hubby's a good and generous baker.  So, any story where Jaime has baking skills is going to appeal to me.  That said, this one is sweet and funny and has some pining and dare I say it was delicious?  Go enjoy it!
Excerpt 1: “She didn’t hire me,” Jaime says. “She’s holding me hostage, actually.”
  She stares at him for a moment, and then realizes he’s joking, and he laughs uproariously at the look on her face. 
“I’m good at my job. Why’d she hire you? ” 
Excerpt 2:
When Jaime comes back to work, he teases her again, though lightly, and she assures herself that whatever she felt in his apartment that evening is something that he can’t possibly reciprocate and nothing is ever going to come of it, so they can just be coworkers and it will be fine. She scrubs the kitchen countertop very aggressively when he comes to help her with a batch of coconut cake and hopes he doesn’t see her blushing. Thankfully, he then spills coconut flakes all over the kitchen floor and she has to get the broom and by the time she comes back her heartbeat has slowed down properly. She tells herself she’s being very, very stupid. The stupidest, really. Absolutely top tier stupidity. 
On Paper - Addam is wingman extraordinaire, guiding is best friend through some unintentional sandwich wrapper flirting.  
He knew better than to bring a date to Tarth’s. It was a surefire way to ruin a good thing in case of nasty break up.
Bringing his best friend along should have been safer. Less risky.
It would have been if his best friend wasn’t Jaime Lannister, that’s for damn sure.
Meet Me Cute - J & B are bodyguards to Sansa and Margaery and are forced to be around each other following their charges’ meet cute and all that follows.  This is told through multiple POVs and is so fun!
“Margaery, can you tell Jaime to stop using ‘our’ when referring to me,” Brienne replied, opting not to engage with him directly.
Margaery sighed and turned towards her girlfriend’s bodyguard. “Jaime… why does Brienne hate your guts?”
“Not what I said.”
Jaime shrugged, “Don’t know.”
“Don’t know?” Brienne exclaimed, snapping her head up to glare at him. “You don’t know?”
“I don’t have a clue,” Sansa chimed in. “And Jaime has told me a lot about you.”
“You shush,” Jaime said. Sansa simply laughed.
vellichor - This mesmerizing story of a world-renowned violinist and a used-bookstore owner is told via before & after segments that reveal the development of the characters and of this beautiful relationship.
So he does not let himself falter as he surveys the audience, sketching out a half-bow before lifting the violin and settling it against his shoulder. His bow is still loose in his right hand, and it trembles when he goes to raise it, the scars protesting a motion he has done a million times.
Those watching will see his hesitation as part of the show, the spectacle—a prolonging of his grand return is what the articles will say tomorrow morning. They will not see the terror that jolts through his body, the fingers of his left hand pressing harder against the strings. They will not see his eyes wandering over to a box on the left side of the hall, the box where a few people he has carefully chosen sit, leaning forward along with the rest.
They will not see how he searches for a tall woman sitting among them, nor will they see the ache that takes hold of his heart when the spotlight blinds him and he is unable to push through the curtain of brilliance to see if she is there.
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hanii-rose · 3 years
•Hello again, I’m the anon who requested gender neutral s/o! Thank you so much for writing such beautifully-written story between Garou and them. I’ve ended up loving it very much it was very good read, aww big kudos for you! ❤❤
And for the next request, as the fandom still hyped about part-timer Garou, how about of the continuation of the previous story:
The s/o has a stable job already, right? And Garou realized that currently being a freeloader in s/o’s house makes him a bit guilty. So he decided to lessen the s/o’s burden by taking a part-time job.
The s/o actually don’t mind of Garou being a freeloader, but seeing Garou becomes so determinated about it the s/o can’t help but feel very proud and happy for him.
Lots of fluffy moments after both of them finished working, like cooking a simple dinner together at home, resting their tired bodies on the couch while cuddling lovingly, Garou and the s/o sharing a lot of soft kisses during it while the s/o praising Garou’s hardworking, etc.
And as it’s the continuation of “Reunited’, of course the s/o is still a gender neutral.
Thank you so much and have nice days! 💖•
I’m so happy that I finally got to this one. There were a few requests before it so I had to complete those and I also had to write for the story on AO3 (-_-;) Sorry if I made you wait too long hehe I’m glad you enjoyed the first one tho
Reunited Part 2
Garou x GenderNeutral!Reader
You stepped through your door after returning from your 9-5 job. Your muscles and joints ached and you stretched your body in an effort to wake yourself up, the plastic bag full of groceries crinkling with every move.
"I’m home…” you softly called, unable to produce a louder noise.
You took your work shoes off along with your coat and scarf, discarding them carelessly by the door, too tired to put them away.
You heard footsteps approaching and smiled when the Garou came towards you. You walked up to him and fell into his arms. Loosely wrapping your arms around his neck, you spoke softly.
“I am so tired today. I can’t even walk straight…”
He quirked a brow. His arms slithered around your waist and he picked you up, taking the bag of groceries from you and putting it on the kitchen counter on the way the bathroom down the hall.
“Another rough day, huh?”
Garou questioned softly and you nodded yawning.
“You have no idea…”
Garou set you down onto the stable counter of your bathroom and helped you out of your office pants, sliding then down your legs. You were left in your white shirt and socks.
Garou left after fixing you a warm bath. Undressing completely, you sat yourself down in your tub, the water temperature hot enough to soothe the undeniable ache in your bones from such a hard day of deskwork.
After washing yourself and sitting in the relaxing steam for an hour, you opted to get up and leave. Garou brought you your pajamas and you slipped them on, stretching and walking out of the tiled room with a towel in your hands.
“Ya finally done…?”
Garou asked deeply, sitting on the black couch of your apartment. You sighed and plopped down beside him, resting your head on his shoulder. His fingers came up to massage your sides and you leaned in closer, the two of you now laying on the couch, Garou’s head on the armrest and your body on top of his.
“Mm, this feels good…” you said, slightly drowsy.
The two of you laid in silence, the only sound coming from the T.V. opposite from the couch. Garou turned the volume down, setting the mood perfectly. His hands circled your waist, exclusively close to your derrière. His hot breath fanned your ear and you found yourself nuzzling into him even more.
Your eyes slowly shut themselves and you curled up into a comfortable position. Oh boy, this felt so…cozy.
“C'mon, why are you fallin’ asleep on me?”
Garou’s voice rang out and you instantly awoke from your drowsy state.
“Oh, um…sorry. I’m just very sleepy today.”
“Too much work these days…”
You leaned towards his cheek, connecting your lips with it. And with that you wearily stood up and spoke, “I’m just gonna go take a nap. Too tired to function…”
Garou nodded, reluctantly, and let you go. He watched you tiredly carry yourself to your bedroom and fall flat on top of the mattress, immediately falling asleep.
Garou sighed to himself and leaned back onto the armrest of the couch. This had been going on for a number of days. You come home from work, he bathes you and takes care of you, he tries to fuck you and love you but you blow him off for sleep.
It was starting to get infuriating. But why was this happening to you? Things weren’t like this the first month he was here…
In fact, a lot of things had changed since the end of the month. Your fridge used to be stacked with food, you used to have a lot more things around and most importantly, you were livelier.
It was like he turned everything around for you….
Oh, shit.
He did, didn’t he? Fuck!
You were only so tired because you worked harder to support the two of you, you bought the groceries all by yourself, you cooked for him, man he was just taking and taking.
Garou exhaled harshly on the couch, rubbing his face with his hands in a frustrated manner. He’s such an idiot…
Ok ok, think. What do you do when someone lets you freeload in their house, eat their food, lie around all day and be the laziest bum you can be?
Oh, that’s right! You get a job.
He’s made up his mind. He is going to get a job, but there’s no way in hell he’s gonna tell you that. He doesn’t need you gushing over how sweet and cute he is, not wanting to re-experience the time you teased him for trying to make a pancake. He just wanted to be nice without being called a sweetheart, c'mon!
Now, back to the matter at hand. What job can he actually get that doesn’t require any form of experience or education?
You grab a packet of sweetener from the coffee drawer, tearing open the little paper on top and pouring it into the foam cup that held your recently brewed coffee. You silently stirred with the swizzle stick, observing the boring people of your office from the small break room you stood in.
Leaning against the white counter, you sipped the hot substance and sighed in contentment when it travelled down your throat. You slipped your phone out of your pocket and leisurely scrolled through the recent news articles which lined the screen, stopping to read anything important.
And so you spent the next 10 minutes of your 20 minute break just dawdling around on your phone. You threw away the small cup of coffee that had become too cold and bitter for your liking and trekked back to your office, pushing open the pristine glass doors.
Putting your phone away back into your pocket, you took a seat in your office chair, booting up your computer to get back to making spreadsheets and going over the accounts drafted for last month.
You sighed in boredom, correcting some errors made by your ex-deskmates. It feels so good to have your own office, feels so good to get away from those vermin and feels so good being their boss. Yep, getting a promotion was the best. The only down side was that you had way more work now, your underlings tend to make too many mistakes when it comes to balance sheets. You hadn’t told Garou the news yet, you wanted to do it over a cute dinner. It would be way more impactful that way.
Ah, Garou. He always made you feel better after a long day. Just seeing his cute big head relieved you of all the stress that you carried home. Not to mention the amazing feeling of his unexpectedly soft hair between your fingers as you tug and weave or the overwhelming feeling of his strong arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you close and holding your sore body. The touch of his warm mouth on your lips, kissing and worshipping it, invading every intimate part of your form. And the way his tongue felt on your
Oh, an email from your boss? What’s this about? The she-devil up there never emailed her employees for anything good…
Subject: Executive meeting
Dear D-Wing Employee,
Good Morning. Our company, as you are aware, will be merging with a larger firm, hopefully bringing us larger and more profitable trades.
It has been brought to my attention that many of our business partners and executive directors will be hosting a meeting in the D-Wing of our establishment. It would be most appreciated if all of our D-Wing employees would be willing to postpone their work for a day to enable our higher ups and VIPs to perform the necessary actions in completing this fortunate exchange between two efficient companies, striving to bring better service to the people.
The delay of work shall last from today 10:00 A.M. to tomorrow 12:00 P.M. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any concerns about this matter, please submit a written letter to the E-Wing, describing your issues.
Best Regards,
Senior Director, Akari Hina
Woah, so you’re basically getting the rest of the day off? And no work at all tomorrow? Hm, maybe your boss isn’t so bad after all.
Packing up and grabbing your coat, you turned off your computer and headed straight for the door, running past all of the other D-Wing employees readying themselves to leave.
Garou sat in the office of a delivery firm, arms crossed and leg bouncing up and down, antsy. He eyed the man in front of him, clad in a suit and tie and looking through the 5 minute resume that Garou printed up.
“So, you’re an expert in ‘being strong’ and 'being cool’. You don’t have much experience, you’re only 18 and you created this resume by yourself?”
Garou nodded, fiddling with the edge of the gray scarf you had gifted him. Ah, another reason to get a job, give you a gift.
“So, did you pass highschool or…? Sorry, I’m confused.”
The man took off his glasses, wiping it with a little cloth that was left on his desk, waiting for an answer.
“Yeah, I left after my third year…”
Garou confirmed, and the man put his glasses back on, and intertwined his fingers on the desk between them.
“That’s good enough. It’ll do. Which department are you looking to work in? We have filing, storage, delivery and cleaning. But you look like a strong kid, storage would be perfect for you.”
Garou thought for a moment, face twisting in confusion. Filing…ugh reading. Storage, hmm not bad. Delivery isn’t hard. He refuses to clean after the slobs here.
“I’m up for anything that has heavy work, no reading or cleaning, thanks.”
He curtly informed his soon to be boss. The suited man huffed and opened up his desk drawer for a notepad.
“Sign these and we’ll get you started. Deliveries should be fine, no?”
Garou picked up a pen and signed away, paper after paper. Who knew FedEx had so many policies?
After providing enough details on the notepad and filling up all of the consent forms, Garou stood up, pushing his chair back slightly. He went to turn the knob of the little office door but was halted by the voice of the man, or should he say, his new boss.
“I’ll have my assistant bring you your uniform, also get rid of the hair. It won’t fit in the hat…”
Garou turned the knob exiting the office and strode out into the garage. A small man walked up to him with a transparent bag of clothes, hiding his face behind it. The only thing he could completely discern about the boy was his name written on the tag near his breast pocket, Ibiki.
“Here is your uniform. When you come back tomorrow, we’ll make a name tag for you.”
The cheery, blushing boy spoke, informing Garou of what he needs to do next. Taking the packet from his hands, Garou asked for a bag to put his new clothes in.
Ibiki scurried off to find a bag and retrieved an empty white one, filling it with the plastic packet.
Garou was about to walk out when he heard the kid call out to him.
“Hey Mister! You forgot to take our card. You’ll need the bosses number. See, right here. And this one’s mine!”
Ibiki pointed out the two separate cell numbers and Garou nodded. Ibiki placed a shaky hand on Garou’s shoulder and patted the spot, saying something along the lines of 'you’ll love working with us!’. Whatever, he doesn’t care, all he wanted to do was make your life a little bit easier.
You had arrived home an hour ago, Garou nowhere in sight. You decided to shower and read a book while you waited for him to come home. You had already purchased lunch for the two of you on your way back, deciding that the contents in your fridge weren’t good enough to work with.
After Garou had shown up, things had turned for the better. It seemed like he brought you good luck wherever you went. You could recall the time when Garou wasn’t with you, and frankly, they weren’t the best. He made your life a lot more interesting than what it was before.
Standing up and stretching, you trailed towards your bedroom with your book in hand, opting to lay down comfortably and read. An hour and a half had passed and there was still no sign of Garou. But you had forgotten all about that. You munched on some chips in bed, flipping through the pages of your book, so immersed in it that your ears hadn’t caught the sound of your front door opening.
Garou walked into your shared home, taking off the jacket and scarf and hanging it behind the door. The bag which held his new uniform was hung in the wall closet in the living room. He washed himself up and looked around, expecting you to not be here as usual, but something caught his eye. Your work shoes! Weren’t you wearing these today?
Wait were you home…?
He looked around the house, checking each each and every room when he finally decided to check your bedroom.
Opening the door, he waltzed in, his eyes perceived you on your bed, laying on your stomach with your eyes glued to the book in your hand, potato chip hanging from your lips.
You still hadn’t noticed him in the room and he fully took advantage of that. Creeping around the edge of the bed, he stopped momentarily behind you. He licked his lips at the sight of your butt, clad in tight, black trousers. Without warning, he jumped onto you, his hips landing right on top of your ample behind, rough, trained hands gripping your hips to keep you in place.
You yelped in surprise, book flying across the bed as you jumped, or tried to, out of the way.
“W-where did you come from?!”
Your face twisted in annoyance as you asked.
“I should be asking you that. What are you doing home?”
Garou laid himself on top of you, his sharp chin resting on your head and fingers tightly grasping the mattress under you.
“I have the whole day off today! Now, will you please get off?”
Garou chuckled in excitement at your words, arms coming around to flip you over onto his chest as he turned himself over on his back.
You rolled your eyes and sighed, relaxing down onto him.
“So, where were you this fine morning?”
Your question had not been answered for several seconds and you asked him again.
“Garou, where did you go?”
You turned around, still obove him, your chest to his. You gave him a questioning look, gesturing him to speak.
You quirked a brow, expression unamused.
“I know that!”
He sat up and hugged you, his sharp nose buried between you shoulder and neck, kissing the skin.
“With a friend.”
Garou said, eyes coming up to look at you, waiting for a response.
“Oh really? You have friends?”
He nodded hesitantly, avoiding direct eye contact.
Ok then, he was being weird… But you didn’t want to pry. What he does while he’s out is his business, there’s probably nothing to worry about. Its not like he’s cheating on you or anything, no, he would never do that, he’s not that kind of man.
How could he? I-, You- How?! You were just coming home early from work. Turns out your new position didn’t require you to stay for long hours like before, so you just opted to come home. You had to take the long way around this time, passing by all of the urban workshops and postal firms because your normal road was being repaired. You passed by a FedEx warehouse and you could’ve sworn you saw silver hair and a gorgeous body, belonging to none other than Garou.
That was him for sure! Oh, when you get your hands on him…
You stomped your foot in anger at the scene unfolding before you. Garou, undressing in the wide open garage, taking off the clothes you had bought for him, to put on some drab brown and black shirt and pants. A small man hanging off from his shoulder as Garou walked to the desk to…collect something? What is that…?
The fragile looking boy next to him stopped in front of his chest and took what seemed to be a small card and clipped it to the front of Garou’s shirt. He beamed at Garou and your boyfriend turned to pick up the boxes that were strewn around the warehouse and pack them into individual trucks.
Wait a second. Was he working? Garou was working! Ohhh, of course! Yeah, you never doubted him for a second…
You strolled towards them, unknown to the two inside the dark garage, hiding behind the tall stack of boxes. Playfully walking up behind him, the small man gently tapped Garou on the shoulder. He turned around, large boxes still in hand, obscuring his vision.
“What do ya’ want now, Ibiki?!”
Garou’s sudden outburst scared the young man accompanying him, making him jump back frightened.
“The uh… b-boss wanted to umm… know if you could work overtime. Y-you’ll be payed…”
Answered the trembling voice of 'Ibiki’.
“No, I got better things waiting for me at home…”
Garou’s soft answer made you tear up somewhat, and you smiled very gently. Turning your heel, you trecked back home to wait for him. Oh, you might as well set up a surprise for him!
And so, you sneaked away, racing home to start setting up decorations for your hard working man.
It was around 2:00 in the afternoon when Garou had finally walked through the front door of your shared home. He let out a relaxed sigh and carefully hung his hat behind the wooden door rack and stretched. His shows had already been discarded near the doormat as he made his way over to the bathroom, passing by the living room decorated with fairy lights and a blanket fort.
Wait a second, fairy lights and a fort?! Did he walk into the wrong house?
He came closer to the blankets sprawled across the floor, getting on his knees and picking one up to inspect it, not expecting you to be under it waiting for him.
You jumped out from under all of the pillows and wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing kisses to his cheeks.
“What’s all this? Yer’ home early again?”
Garou questioned, a confused expression on his handsome face.
“A surprise for you, duh…”
He smirked and coyly slid his arms under your legs, picking you up and setting you down onto his lap.
“No, really? What’s the occasion?”
You gave him a look as if saying, 'seriously?’
“Well, I was walking home from work and I couldn’t take my usual route. I walked past a few shops and I saw you…working. I was so surprised…”
Your voice got quieter as it neared the end and you awkwardly twiddled your thumbs, eyes casted downwards.
“Garou, why…why didn’t you just tell me you got a job?”
Garou let out a huff and ran his fingers through your hair. He looked deep into your eyes and cast you a cute little blush.
“W-well, I know how ya’ kinda freak out when I do…anything so I didn’t say nothin’. I just wanted to help out, ya’ get so tired after comin’ home. I ain’t gonna sit around and watch ya’ work yer’ ass off for me…”
Your fingers gently caressed his face, bringing it closer to yours.
“Garou, the reason I’m so tired after coming home is because I’m still adjusting to my new post at the office. I got promoted and I promise, once I get the hang of it, I won’t be tired at all.”
Garou’s mouth enveloped yours in a sweet exchange, hands roaming your hips.
“I’m really proud of you though…”
Garou broke into a genuine smile, no teasing smirk or smug grin. A genuine stretch of his lips.
“And what do you mean I kind of freak out? I do not!”
You pouted on his lap, crossing your arms and looking to the side.
“Ya’ just planned a surprise for me…”
You blushed and pulled his cheeks.
“Hey, this doesn’t count!”
He chuckled and smirked as you climbed off of his lap and onto the ground below.
“Now take off your clothes and get in here!”
The rest of the afternoon was spent in bliss under a large warm blanket. The two of you lovingly cuddling together, watching movies and talking about Garou’s new workmates.
“So, this Ibiki kid follows me around everywhere, it’s kinda annoying to be honest.”
You laughed at his statement and pointed a finger at his chest.
“Well, he probably likes you. You are very handsome…”
He smirked and gave you a suggestive look, pulling your body closer to his under the blanket.
“Too bad I’m not available, right?”
You giggled at his response, snuggling into his warmth.
“Yes, too bad indeed…”
Giving you one last loving look, Garou kissed you passionately, his fingers caressing your cheek. Your own hand laid gently on his cheek, lips tightly locked with his.
Separating, the two of you breathed heavily and smiled.
“I love you…”
Garou softly admitted, giving you another one of his glorious genuine grins.
You happily blushed, hugging him close and whispered.
“I love you too. So much…”
And with that Garou kissed you again, feverishly, pulling the blanket above your heads, ready to take you to heaven.
It really couldn’t get better than this…
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
Hi can I request something where jaster picks up obi wan early in his apprenticeship like on bandomeer or melida/daan and just adopts him and jango and obi grow up as like childhood sweethearts? Love your work, thanks for writing! :)
(**because they get together as teens, i’ve adjusted the age difference to 2 years instead of 9 because just like. no. they’re 17 and 19 in this!
hmm also i feel the need to say the true mandalorians being chill about showing their faces is super intentional in all my works, i have so. many. headcanons about different clans, and why the covert is so careful about their helmets, and i just never seem to find the time to talk about it (๑o̴̶̷̥᷅ㅂo̴̶̷̥᷅๑) sigh someday)
  “Stop smiling, you smug bastard,” Obi-Wan grouses as his would-be suitor awkwardly shuffles away under Jango’s feral grin. 
  Endlessly pleased with himself, Jango leans against their starfighter and watches the Chiss mechanic disappear into the crowded spaceport. “That’s three you owe me, ‘Nobi.”
  Obi-Wan glares at him and snatches Jango’s buy’ce from his hands to shove it on his stupid vod’s head. “I can take care of myself, Vhett. I don’t owe you banthashit.”
  “It’ll be easier when you finish your armor,” Jango adds unhelpfully, righting his helmet and strapping it on properly as if nothing had happened. “Only drunks and spice-addicts try to hit on with Mandalorians in full beskar’gam.”
  “That’s very reassuring, thanks.”
  “If you two are done flirting,” Bosoloc cuts in, their Arconan pilot smirking down at them from the primary cockpit, “we were supposed to meet your buir hours ago.”
  Obi-Wan says, “That’s Jango’s fault,” just as Jango grumbles,
  “‘Nobi’s fault.”
  Bosoloc levels them both with a world-weary look that has them scrambling up the rusty ramp stairs to the secondary cockpit. Obi-Wan helps Jango over the edge and kicks away the ramp, before pulling the lever to close the blast canopy over their heads.  With only minor grouching, he lets Jango tug him onto the edge of the seat between his legs, because this starfighter is absolutely not made for three pilots. 
  “Hands to yourself, spacer,” Obi-Wan says as he follows Bosoloc’s lead to get the ‘fighter ready for the short flight to the nearby moon where they’re to rejoin the Haat’ade and, hopefully, avoid a lecture about safety. Again. 
  Jango chuckles, impossibly close, and slips Obi-Wan’s own helmet onto his head. “You’re the one that got us into this mess,” he reminds him, somehow managing to fasten the strap under Obi-Wan’s chin without looking. 
  Bosoloc signals for takeoff, and Obi-Wan elbows Jango in the ribs, leaning over to calibrate the astronav system. Practically oozing his amusement, Jango innocently sets his hands on Obi-Wan’s hips, but doesn’t otherwise bother him until they’re out of atmo, properly refueled this time. Which had maybe sort of, yes, been Obi-Wan’s fault that they had not been when they left Concord Dawn.
  Not that he would ever admit to it.
  The Haat’ade camp on Aslo II is a whirlwind of activity, commandos in various states of beskar’gam running back and forth from tents to their ships, blaster cartridges exchanged faster than words as supercommandos bark orders and direct the foot traffic, and Obi-Wan lives for this.
  The energy, the excitement before a battle, the way his people leak every thought into the Force until he can’t feel anything else. The way this is the closest he’ll ever come to being a knight.
  Jango takes one look at his expression after dropping from the starfighter, and shakes his head. “Alright, come on, adrenaline junkie,” he snorts, grabbing Obi-Wan by the arm to tug him right into the heart of the whirlwind.
  He senses Jaster before he sees him, their Mand’alor all but glittering in the Force compared to the more muted signatures of the other Haat’ade; Jaster will swear up and down that being Mand’alor has nothing to do with the Force, and Obi-Wan can’t really remember much of what he’d learned in the Temple, but he knows Jaster’s full of it. The whole camp orbits around one nondescript tent, as if pulled by a physical gravity to their leader, and what little he does remember tells him the Force is just as much a part of the Mando’ade as it is the Jedi.
  “Buir!” Jango calls as he drags Obi-Wan into the tent where Jaster is standing before a dataterminal with one of the supercommandos. He looks away from the graph Obi-Wan wouldn’t be able to make heads or tails of, and visibly sags in relief. 
  “And we thought we’d actually have to hold a funeral this time,” Ezovaq says from Jaster’s side, smiling benignly as Jango unclips his buy’ce and bounds forward to accept the hair-ruffle Jaster gives him.
  But Kyr’tsad is closing in, and they don’t really have time to discuss the, arguably obscene, number of disappearances the Mand’alor’s foundlings have managed. 
  Obi-Wan joins them at the terminal, leaving his own helmet on. Jaster settles for knocking his knuckles on his forehead in greeting, and Ezovaq respectfully looks away; some things are not meant for anyone but clan.
  “I’m glad to see you both in one piece,” Jaster sighs, turning back to the holoscreen and adding a datachip to the terminal so a map of Aslo replaces the graph. “When we did not hear from Bosoloc, we worried.”
  “We needed to stop on Aslo to refuel,” Obi-Wan says on external comm, still unsure about how to speak with other commandos around. “A tropical storm had communications out until we were out of atmosphere. Sorry, Jas’alor,” he adds sheepishly, because of course Jaster knows who would have fueled the ‘fighter on Concord Dawn. Or not fueled, as it were.
  Jango shoehorns himself against Obi-Wan’s side, the familiarity of the action catching Ezovaq’s gaze, but they say nothing as Jaster gives Obi-Wan a tired smile. “It is nothing, ad’ika. It is only a mistake repeated twice.”
  “Bosoloc is finding another pilot,” Jango butts in, dropping an arm around Obi-Wan’s shoulders as easy as breathing. “She said Montross flew ‘Nobi’s and my fighter in?”
  And Obi-Wan feels a swell of pride at that, that Jango is finally admitting they share custody of the rustbucket Jaster had gifted Obi-Wan for his fifteenth nameday, and at the implication that his and Jango’s repairs and advancements had been deemed worthy enough for an actual battle with Kyr’tsad. He isn’t an ace mechanic by any means, but Obi-Wan is still ridiculously proud of their S3 Y-wing – even if using it in combat puts Obi-Wan in the gunner’s chair and Jango behind the wheel.
  To be fair, Jango hasn’t crashed them in over a year.
  Jaster’s mouth moves as he responds, but Obi-Wan doesn’t hear it. White-hot fire races up his spine, and it feels as if all the air is sucked from the tent all at once, and Obi-Wan has only a moment to try and identify what the Force is trying to warn him of before a light flashes on the terminal and Myles’ voice cuts through the muggy air.
  “Vizsla’s dropped out of hyperspace,” he reports, and Jango tightens his arm. “Contact in ten minutes, Mand’alor.”
  Jaster looks to them with a parent’s resignation. “You heard the man,” he says, jerking his chin to the tent flap. “Contact in ten.”
  “Mand’alor!” they return in unison, and duck from the tent to rush to the Y-wing.
Mando’a: buy’ce — beskar helmet vod —  “brother, comrade, sibling”, pl. vode, technically gender neutral but used most often in fandom as “brother”. used here to denote that they are both jaster’s foundlings. Vhett — original form of the Basic-transliterated surname Fett, lit. “Farmer beskar’gam — Armour made of beskar, “Mandalorian Iron” that was actually probably a steel alloy buir — “parent”, gender neutral Haat’ade —lit. “true children of Mandalore”, True Mandalorians (slang shortened to Haat'ad/e) Kyr’tsad — Death Watch, lit. “Death Society”
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cookinguptales · 3 years
To piggyback on one of those last posts... Talkin about ~reader feedback~.
I don’t mean to complain about lack of comments, really. But I do find that for me specifically, I really do need some kind of community feedback to keep writing. Like I need actual words and conversations, not just kudos. I don’t mean in an “oh, I won’t post the next chapter until I get five comments!” way, but like... How to best put this...
The ideas are always there. For my favorite ships, I am pretty much always having some elaborate fantasy in my head. But writing them down takes a lot of work and, to some extent, some courage? I’m at the point now where I can finally admit to myself that I think I’m a good writer (mostly because especially after the Medium thing, it feels kind of stupid to keep arguing the point) but I still feel so much anxiety every time I post something. I know that sounds weird, with how popular some things I’ve written have been! But it’s true, like I even have an IRL friend that I send almost everything to before I post it just because I need someone to talk me up, tell me it’s not shit, and convince me to post it. (Thank you, btw, Kristy, you’ve been helping to keep me sane for almost 20 years now. lmao.)
So when I do post something and it doesn’t get any comments, especially if it was like that P5 fic I mentioned where even the exchange recip didn’t comment on it, it makes me feel... idk, kind of useless and foolish? Like “ah, I guess posting that was a dumb idea anyway...” which then just makes me never want to write again. haha. It’s not a spiteful thing. Just... idk, maybe a vulnerability thing? I need to feel like I’m writing for a group of people, either a recip for an exchange and/or gift or a community of likeminded fans. I need that support and interaction. I suppose the best metaphor for my feeling is that I need to know that there’s an airport on the other side when I get into a plane.
I felt really burned out for a long time in fandom, I think largely because I was having a really hard time finding that “airport”, so to speak. Writing felt pointless and useless. I know it’s not! And I respect people who can write for no audience. But it’s very difficult for me to do. If there’s no audience, if I’m the only audience... then I’ll just play it in my head! There has to be a reason for me to pull it out and put it on page!
As for kudos and (non-editorial) bookmarks, it’s not that I disregard them... I don’t. And I understand why kudosing is so much more appealing to most people. But when I don’t actually talk to people, it’s hard to feel that sense of community I end up craving when I write. Comments are one way of getting that. Asks and chat requests and reblogs with commentary and stuff are other ways. People responding to my tweets and having conversations. Heck, even email. idk. I deal in words and I need those to feel secure, I guess.
But in WWDITS especially and to some degree P5R, I’m starting to feel the desire to write come back and that’s very exciting for me! It probably also has to do with the fact that I’m finally moved in and mostly unpacked now lmao. Buying my first house, applying for accessibility funds, getting some of the accessibility renovations done, and moving, that whole process was one of the most stressful things I’ve ever done, my god. I’m almost glad that I need another six months to save for the accessible bathroom because I’m not sure my sanity could have stood another big reno project rn.
Having those kinds of fannish feelings again feels very nice, but to be entirely honest, now I’m not sure where to put them! Fandom’s changed a lot over the years. I know a lot of people talk on twitter or discord but I haven’t had a ton of luck reaching people on twitter (and due to the Medium thing I’m now private and vetting friend requests) and I hate real-time multiperson chatting like Discord. So idrk where to even do fandom anymore lmao. So I guess I’ll just keep posting long screeds on tumblr and posting fic to AO3! lmao
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katelyn--renee · 4 years
Sweet Cherry Pie
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Title: Sweet Cherry Pie
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer (Mentioned), Reader 
Pairing: Dean Winchester x pregnant!Reader
Words: ±1860
Description: You and Dean have only known each other for a short time, six months to be exact, but a lot can happen from then to now - especially when you’re expecting, twins no less. Just how close have you gotten? Dean is eager to tell you.
Square Filled: Fluff @anyfandomgoesbingo​
Warnings: Fluff and lots of it, pregnancy (with twins)… that’s it… Did I mention fluff?
Author’s Note: I had no beta for this and this is honestly my first fic - I’ve done a lot of RolePlaying over the years, though, and this fic was actually inspired by my most recent RP. 
I hope you enjoy, it’s short and sweet and any/all mistakes are my own. Please feel free to leave feedback and give me any tips for future fics. Or feel free to give me some ideas for another fic and I’ll see what I can do. :) 
Check out @talesmaniac89​ for more awesome page dividers!! 
Disclaimer: I do not own any photos or gifs, all rights go to original creators/owners.
BONUS: Here is a crackship I made that helped inspire this fic.
Interested in more of my work, check out the link below.
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        The Impala came to a stop in the old scrap yard and found its usual spot near the weathered green Chevelle, the infamous rumble of Baby’s engine announcing their arrival. Dean glanced through the open window as his green eyes scanned over the old, yet familiar, home in South Dakota. Bobby’s home. The place had become like a second home to the Winchester’s over the years, (the first being the Impala) Bobby almost like a second father and so any time they were near, they’d make a point to swing by, even if the visit was only brief. It was always good to see the old grouch.
    He exhaled a heavy sigh through his nose, reminiscing a moment as the old place brought up so many memories; both good and bad - but mostly good. A particularly fond memory came to mind and he thought about when he and Sammy were younger, picturing his kid brother running around while he taught him how to properly throw an old football they’d found lying around in the field.The memory made his lips twitch, a smile threatening to form. 
    The picture shifted and changed as he tried to imagine what the future might hold for him and the woman who had captured his heart and carried his children - (Y/N). He could practically see their little faces, a perfect mixture of himself and the woman he loved; Her (Y/E/C) eyes and his freckled nose, two wonderful little clones, reenacting the cherished memory he shared with Sam. 
     Their identical grins were wide and bright, beautiful in so many ways. Children had never been a part of his plan before, never really given it much thought before six months ago. Hell, he never even considered it a possibility in their line of work. Who knew that a shared bottle of whiskey and a one heated night in the back of the Impala would change his mind. Sure, he’d been careless and stupid, but did he regret it? Not one bit, because it led him to (Y/N).
    The smile won and formed on his lips with the thoughts, growing in size until it crinkled the edges of his green eyes. He shifted his gaze back to the kitchen, finding her very pregnant silhouette through the window. He tracked her through the windows, watching as she moved from one side of the kitchen to the other and kept herself busy, more than likely filling Bobby’s house with her latest inspiration. It made his heart swell with joy. 
    He knew she’d be safe here with Bobby and after several long hours of debate, she’d finally agreed to stay behind from now on - although swore she wouldn’t make it easy on him and even threw in her best (and cutest) pout. It was in the best interest for everyone involved and he knew that she knew that, too, but also knew that hunting was a big part of who she was; (Y/N) grew up in the life, just like he and Sammy had and so he understood just how difficult it was for her to sit on the sidelines. 
    But there was just too much at risk and Dean would never be able to forgive himself if anything were to ever happen to (Y/N) or those precious babies, especially if it could have been prevented. 
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  Sam climbed out of the vehicle first, the creak of the closing door breaking Dean from his thoughts. He removed the key from the ignition and followed Sam’s lead, sliding out from behind the wheel and climbing the old staircase. The wood groaned and creaked under their added weight. 
   They were just returning from a hunt and so, naturally, they were a bit worse for wear; their jeans and henleys were spotted with dirt and grime, their boots caked with mud, their skin scraped and bruised in various places, but it wasn’t anything they couldn’t walk away from and so Dean considered that to be a win. 
    As Sam pulled open the screen door, Dean’s eager grin nearly split his face in two. His stomach was just as eager as it audibly growled, the scent of freshly baked cherry pie wafting out from the open door, filling his nose and making his mouth water. Sam greeted (Y/N) in passing and flashed her that signature boyish-grin, dimples and all, as he made his way through the kitchen and into the study, joining Bobby so that he could update him on the case they had been working. She smiled back with a “Hey, Sammy,”, waving awkwardly over her shoulder with the oven mitt still covering her hands, before turning back to her task, removing the pie from the oven. 
    Dean stepped in behind his brother, but unlike Sam, he remained in the kitchen. He leaned casually against the fridge, crossing his arms and ankles while he watched her with adoring green eyes. The light was hitting her perfectly, illuminating her body like a halo. It was breathtaking. Dean was positive that it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen and it wasn’t just (Y/N)’s physical beauty that drew him in.
    It was the way she’d sing out of tune to his favorite songs and didn’t care who was listening; it was her love of baking and knowledge of classic rock and vintage cars that frequently surprised him; it was her heart of gold, her fierce independence and stubborn attitude; it was the way she could hold her own in a fight against something or someone twice her size (he was certain that she could still kick his ass, even if she were six months pregnant); it was her fiery passion and witty humor that would quite often put him to shame; but most importantly, it was that little round belly behind her sunflower apron that made her the most beautiful thing in the world. 
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    (Y/N) were carrying his children and that was a gift all in its own, something that he never dreamed of having. But there she stood, giving him the most precious gift he never knew he wanted. Or needed. And now, he knew he could never live without her or those two tiny humans.
    He pushed himself away from his spot against the fridge and closed the distance between the pair of you with three long strides, his heavy boots making the floor creak beneath him. His strong arms wrapping around her waist and a smile formed on her lips with the contact. His large hands caressed the sides of her belly, sliding around to the front where his fingers spread out over the round surface. He pulled (Y/N) near, nuzzling himself against her affectionately. 
    A delighted hum left her lips as he gently kissed the exposed skin of her neck, paying special attention to his favorite freckles lining her shoulder. She tipped her head to the side, giving him more space to show his affection. She reached up to touch his face in greeting, his stubble rough against the palm of her hand. A smile bloomed over her face as she leaned into his touch, taking advantage of his firm chest.
    “Hey good lookin’,” He greeted between each tortuous kiss. The tip of his nose brushed over her skin, featherlight as he worked his way across her shoulder and back toward her neck. His lips left a wet trail as he went, only stopping at the soft patch just below her ear. (Y/N) shivered against him, the sensation leaving goosebumps over her body and making her crave more of his attention. She turned in his arms then and her hands found his broad shoulders, the tips of her fingers brushing along the back of his neck. 
    His eyes found hers, dipping into her soul and seizing her heart. It took her a moment to remember how to breathe or speak. “Hey yourself, Winchester,” She replied once she’d found her voice, her breath hot and sweet against his face, her mouth only inches from his. She leaned forward, standing on the tips of her toes to meet his lips, her hands cupping the back of his head to deepen the connection. Her lips molded together with his, hot and greedy after the extended time apart. His firm hands slid down to her hips during the exchange, steadying her and holding her against him. She broke away with reluctance, her eyes fluttering open. 
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    A smirk played on his lips and tugged the corner up, his jade eyes full of mischief. “I was talking to the pie, Sweetheart, but I guess you’re not so bad yours-” She gasped playfully and smacked him in the chest, feigning offence and he laughed, the sound coming deep from inside of his chest. She tried to keep a serious face, but his laughter and dazzling smile forced one of her own. His happiness was contagious. She shook her head and crossed her arms, refusing to give in. She even added her most convincing pout, the one that Dean found so cute, and refused to look him in the eye.
    He sighed and his expression softened as he reached up to pinch her chin between his thumb and fingers,tenderly tilting her head so that she’d meet his adoring gaze. He was the one who leaned in this time and he kissed her sweetly, silently apologizing with his lips. She forgave him instantly and melted into his touch - both loving and hating the way he so easily affected her. He pressed his forehead against hers and just held her there against him, staring into her (Y/E/C) eyes. 
    “(Y/N) I…” He started to say but he cut himself short, his voice a little shaky with nerves. She watched him for a moment, curious, before she gave him a smile of encouragement, wanting to hear what he was thinking. “I love you, you know.” He admitted after several minutes, breaking the silence and surprising her. 
    A smile broke across her face and tears welled in her eyes, her emotions a little extra sensitive thanks to the two little Winchester’s growing inside of her. “ I love you, too.” She confessed happily, her voice shaky but her heart full of a love she’d never experienced before. “And I swear to God if you say you’re talking about that damn pie again…” She teased, quickly brushing away the happy tears before they could fall completely. 
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   “…well….” Dean made a face as if he were considering this, teasing her, but then quickly flashed her another prized winning smile to assure her that he’d meant what’d he said. He dipped his head again, planting a quick kiss against her lips before dropping himself lower, crouching down until he was eye level with her round belly. Bracing a hand on either side, he closed his eyes and pressed his lips against the firm surface twice, one for each baby Winchester nestled inside. 
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“And daddy loves you.” He muttered, his voice low and meant for only them. She smiled softly during the exchange, her eyes welling again as she affectionately combed her fingers through his hair, her heart completely full and happy.
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Thank you for reading!! Remember, your feedback gives me liiiife!
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thetravelerwrites · 3 years
Courtship of the Headless King: Chapter Two
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Rating: General Audiences Fandoms: 忘却の首と姫 | Boukyaku no Shirushi to Hime | The Princess and The Forgotten Head Relationship: Female Human/Male Headless King Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Political Marriage, Power Dynamic, Headless King Content Warnings: Mentions of Suicide, Mentions of Murder, Mentions of Abductions Words: 4448
Lilya conducts her marriage interview with His Majesty. Please reblog and leave feedback!
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There was a tense moment in which no one moved. The triplets and the king’s attendants watched apprehensively as Lilya stood there, taking in the sight she was seeing. Slowly, she took a step forward, and then another, and stopped right in front of the desk.
“Does that hurt?” Lilya asked softly.
The king actually took a small step backward, clearly not expecting this. For a moment, no one knew how to react to her question. After a minute of heavy silence, His Majesty picked up a pad of paper that lay on the desk in front of him and began to write.
~No, it doesn’t hurt.~
“Oh, that’s a relief,” Lilya said, placing a hand over her heart. “I’ve seen people lose their heads before; it always looked like it hurt terribly.”
The king began to write again. ~You were present during such barbaric acts?~
Lilya nodded shakily. “The royal family in Tritsia was captured during the war and were forced to witness many terrible things. Able-bodied countrymen were rounded up and executed en masse in a horrible show of power, even if they were just farmers or merchants. We were made to watch them all.”
All five attendants exchanged looks of horror.
~That must have been harrowing. How old were you when this happened?~
“It started when I was ten, after my father was killed, and carried on until Couliea claimed our land for themselves three years ago. I helped dig a fair number graves during that time.”
~How old are you now?~
“Nineteen, Your Majesty,” Lilya said.
Conversation died briefly, but after a moment, the king began to write again.
~Would you like to sit down?~
“Oh, yes, thank you,” Lilya said. Raba brought a chair for her and she took a seat. His Majesty waved his hand, and all five of the attendants bowed and left the room, closing the door behind them. Peridot winked at them as she exited.
~Are you not afraid of me?~ His Majesty asked.
“Not really, no,” Lilya replied. “After all that’s happened, I’m not afraid of very much anymore. Should I be scared?”
~This meeting marks three thousand, six hundred and sixty-two marriage interviews that I’ve conducted. You are the first and only woman who has seen me and not screamed, run, fainted, vomited, burst into hysterics, or begged me to let them go, fearful that I’d eat them or some other nonsense.~
“How awful. I couldn’t imagine someone treating you so cruelly. Why would they even come if they didn’t want to?”
~Pressure from their families. The political gain of a union with Banfarie would be a boon to any country on the continent. The appeal of that power and influence drives people to do things they don’t want to do. Either the women would cry hysterically and run away, or they would swallow their disgust and force themselves to conduct the interviews as if it were normal, all the while looking as if the idea of marrying me made them sick.~
“That was terribly rude of them,” Lilya replied, incensed.
His Majesty’s shoulders shook slightly, and Lilya thought he might be laughing.
~In all fairness to them, I am unusual and a little frightening.~
“That’s no excuse! So what if you’re a bit different? That’s no reason to make such a fuss. How would they like it if people acted that way around them? I know my feelings would be hurt. They should have been more considerate.”
His Majesty was completely still for a full minute. Lilya was beginning to wonder if he was alright, when he started to write again.
~You’re rather unusual, aren’t you?~
Lilya laughed good-naturedly. “I suppose so.” She looked at the paper and pen in his hand thoughtfully. “It must be difficult for you to communicate sometimes. I know most people of royal or noble birth are required to learn to read and write, but even in a prosperous nation like this one, many people are illiterate. Do you have trouble communicating with your staff?”
He moved his shoulders in such a way that it put Lilya in mind of someone shaking their head.
~No, since most of my staff are made up of fairies and spirits, my magic allows me to communicate telepathically with them. If needed, they can convey my thoughts to others.~
“Oh, I see! That’s how you spoke to Raba when the door was closed.”
“Do you know any of the signing languages? Perhaps we could talk that way.”
His Majesty visibly perked up and began gesturing.
“Oh! No, I’m sorry, I don’t know the signing languages, I just meant that I’d be willing to learn it so that we could communicate easier with each other.”
He stopped signing, but he didn’t seem disappointed. Rather the opposite, he seemed touched.
~You’d be willing to learn an entire language just to be able to talk to me?~
“Well, yes. After all, if you accept me, I’d also need to learn this country’s native language to talk to the citizens. Adding another language to my curriculum wouldn’t be so bad.” She leaned forward a little, and His Majesty leaned back, as if intimidated. “This may be an impertinent question and you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but may I ask how you lost your head?”
~It’s alright. I removed it myself.~
Lilya looked both horrified and impressed. “Whatever for?”
He paused for a moment before writing again, and this time he wrote out an extended statement.
~I was the son of a concubine who died during my birth. Apparently, I resembled her very much and did not take after my father, the king, at all. The queen’s children, my half-siblings, bullied me relentlessly, often questioning the legitimacy of my birth and whether or not I was indeed my father’s son. They spread rumors about me and my mother, which eventually got back to my father. He also began to question my birthright and threatened to send me into exile. In anger, I somehow managed to pry off my own head and throw it into the Aurora. I think I’d meant to end my own life, but I survived somehow. When my father saw this display of my magical power, he reversed his position and put me first in line for the throne, even though he had four sons by the queen who were all older than me. I was crowned king the following year, and the year after, my father passed away.~
“How old where you when you became king?”
“How old are you now?”
~One hundred and sixty years old.~
Lilya’s eyes widened in shock.
~Does my age upset you?~
“No, not at all, it’s just…” She frowned in sympathy but fell silent. It must be lonely to have lived alone for so long, she thought to herself.
~I have not aged since I lost my head. I think the magic of the Aurora is what keeps me alive.~
“That’s incredible,” Lilya breathed. “I’ve never heard of such a thing happening.”
~My family has always been strange.~
Lilya chuckled a little. “How are you able to see and hear without a head?”
~Magic. It’s hard to explain to in simple terms, but I don’t see or hear in the same way as normal humans. It’s more of a perception of the wavelengths created by light, shadow, and sound by my whole body instead of my head. I can perceive those sensations similarly to true sight and hearing, but it’s not quite the same.~
“That’s fascinating,” She said, leaning closer. “May I ask you something else that might be a little personal?”
He seemed to laugh again. ~More so than you have already done? Please do.~
“You’ve only been conducting marriage interviews for the last sixty years, right? That means you had already been ruling for almost eighty years without a queen. Why did you suddenly start looking for a wife?”
~My attendants began to pressure me to marry and sire an heir.~
“Is that the only reason?”
~What other reason would there be?~
“Weren’t you lonely?”
His Majesty’s hands were motionless and he seemed to be thinking.
Then he fell still again, as if he didn’t know what else to say.
Lilya smiled a little. “You don’t enjoy these interviews, do you, my Lord?”
He gave another shoulder-shake of laughter. ~No, not at all. I believe this may have been the longest conversation I’ve had with a human woman in my entire life.~
“Oh, goodness,” Lilya said, holding a hand to her mouth in surprise. “I hope I haven’t bored you, my Lord.”
~Not in the slightest. This has been surprisingly pleasant.~
“Oh good,” She said, relieved.
~You’ve asked me a fair number of questions. May I ask you something in return?~
“Of course, My Lord.”
~What is one thing you wish for more than anything?~
Lilya looked out of the far window and thought about the question. She had never spent much time wishing for anything, knowing that wishes did little to affect reality. After all, she had wished for her father back numerous times, and for the terrible atrocities committed against her country to stop, and that had never happened. The only thing she really wished for was the safety of her people, but how could she achieve that?
“Walls,” She said suddenly.
“The borders of my homeland have no defenses. People from outside the kingdom come in and steal food, destroy crops, take livestock, and even abduct people right out of the fields, and we have nothing to stop them. My land grows smaller every day because people just come in and take whatever they like, whenever they like. I wish we could do more to protect ourselves, but we have no military or security forces. Walls would be just as effective as guards, perhaps more so.”
You care very much about your home and people, at your own expense, it seems.
“Yes,” Lilya said, clutching the pendant on her neck. “I… I sold the tiara you sent to me so that I could feed the people affected by a famine on our southern border. It was a lovely gift and I was quite touched by it, Peridot even took this jewel off for me to keep,” She pulled it up to show him. “But… my people needed food more than I needed a crown. I hope you won’t be too disappointed in me, but… I didn’t want to lie or mislead you.”
~I see. He sat quietly, as if in thought. Very well. It will be done. I’ll have construction teams sent out to Tritsia right away.~
Lilya looked up in shock. “Wha… You’re Majesty! I wasn’t… I didn’t mean…”
~I know you didn’t. It is my gift to you for your understanding and patience. This has been one of the most enjoyable mornings I’ve had in many years. That alone is worth giving you some peace of mind.~ 
He stood up and made for the door. Overwhelmed by his generosity and on the verge of tears, Lilya jumped out of her chair as his Majesty passed her.
“I’ll marry you!”
His Majesty stopped dead in his tracks and turned. He hadn’t brought the paper with him so he couldn’t respond, but he was rooted to the spot as if frozen.
“This is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me or my people. How could I possibly refuse?”
This spurred him to action. He walked briskly back to the desk and wrote on the notepad.
~I didn’t do it to buy your cooperation,~ He protested. ~It’s only a gift, nothing more. I expected for us to continue the interview after I made the arrangements. You don’t have to accept because you feel obligated to repay me.~
“No, that’s not it at all!” Lilya protested. “I don’t know what all those women saw when they looked at you, but it can’t be the same thing I see.”
~What is it that you see?~
She took a deep breath and attempt to gather her thoughts into a coherent fashion. “Maybe when they saw you, you reminded them of a storm that covered the sky at night, full of destructive power, and it made them afraid. But… all I can see when I look at you is what’s behind the storm.”
~Which is?~
“You’re the stars, not the storm. Your Majesty, you’re the light that shines when the storm passes.” She shook her head and laid it in her hands, unable to keep her overwhelmed tears from spilling. “Oh, I don’t even know if I’m making sense. But, Your Majesty, please believe me when I tell you that I don’t just want to marry you because I feel as if I’m in your debt, even though I most certainly am in your debt. I want to marry you because… I… I just do! I don’t even know how to explain it properly. I just… I would be happy to be your wife and honored to be your queen. If that’s what you want.”
~Wouldn’t you be happier marrying a normal man?~
“My Lord, I had no thoughts of marrying at all before I received your summons. If I did marry, it would most likely have been someone my family chose for me. With you, I get a choice. And I’ve chosen you.”
Slowly, he wrote, ~Are you sure?~
“Yes, I’m certain.”
~Then why are you crying?~
“Because I’m happy,” She replied, her voice shuddering as she laughed.
He held out his hand to her. ~You truly mean this? You’re accepting the proposal?~
“Yes,” She replied, taking his hand. “I’ll marry you right now if you want.”
He seemed to chuckle. ~It is enough that you said yes freely and without reservation. I am pleased.~
He turned toward the door, and it flew open after a moment, and all five of the attendants stood there with their mouths hanging open, staring at the pair holding hands. He must have told them the good news telepathically.
“Sire, congratulations!” Larima said. “It’s about time one of these women saw sense!”
“Larima, hold you’re tongue!” Aquamarine said, boxing one of his ears.
“His Majesty says that the wedding will have to be soon,” Raba told Lilya. “He regrets to have to rush it, but there is a political upheaval brewing to the west that he must take care of. He honestly hadn’t expected you to accept, so he hadn’t canceled his plans to intervene.”
“That’s quite alright,” Lilya said, grinning a little giddily. I can’t believe it! I’m really getting married! “I understand his Majesty must be terribly busy. I don’t mind if the wedding is soon. Oh!” She turned back to the king. “Can my family attend the wedding? I promised that I’d keep in touch with them, and I’d like them to meet you. Would that be alright?”
“He says that would be fine, except he’s worried that your family will not like him, which doesn’t normally bother him, but that it may cause trouble for you,” Raba said.
“It’s fine, I’ll explain everything to them. Thank you, Your Majesty!”
Lilya threw her arms around His Majesty’s waist, hugging him. He went completely still and his body tensed under hers, as if he were at the mercy of a pack of rabid dogs. Lilya, sensing his discomfort, released him immediately.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep! I was just so excited that I acted without thinking.”
If a headless person could gulp, His Majesty would have done so. He straightened his lace collar and waved his hand.
“He says it’s alright, he was just startled,” Peridot said. “He also says that as his chosen queen, your word is equal to his. You may give any order you wish and the staff with follow it without hesitation.”
“I understand, Your Majesty. Thank you.”
He bowed deeply in response, his arm across his chest as a show of respect.
Peridot clapped her hands eagerly. “Come now, princess! There’s much to do to get ready for the wedding and only a short amount of time to do it!”
The triplets led Lilya from the room, tittering happily. Once the door closed behind them, the king fell into a chair as if exhausted.
She’s like a whirlwind, He said to Raba and Larima. I am completely at her mercy.
“I’ve never seen you like this, My Lord,” Raba said. “She must have made one hell of a first impression.”
That is an understatement. Send a letter to her family inviting them to the wedding. It’ll make her happy to see them.
“Of course, Your Majesty,” Larima said. “But… are you sure she’s the one? In all these years, after all those interviews, are you sure you’ve found your queen?”
It’s her; I knew it the moment I saw her, the second I heard her voice.
“The second she didn’t scream, you mean, sire?” Larima said. Raba flicked him in the forehead.
I’ve spent sixty years… no, much longer than that, looking for her. I’m not going to wait anymore. Begin preparations for the wedding immediately.
“Yes, My Lord.”
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It took only a week for the preparations to be complete, seeing as the wedding would be a small affair. His Majesty said he would give Lilya any kind of wedding she wanted, no matter the expense, but she said all she wanted was for her family to be there and nothing else. All that was left now was to wait for Lilya’s family to arrive.
She hadn’t seen his Majesty since the interview, but she knew he had to have been incredibly busy. He was the monarch of a vast empire, after all, and he genuinely didn’t think he’d be getting married so soon.
A day before her family was due to arrive, a dress appeared in her quarters. It was gorgeous; a white, princess cut ball gown with a sheer layer of silk over the top painted with pink roses. The neckline was a low square-cut and it had half-sleeves with lace frills. On top of the mannequin holding it was a lace veil that trailed the ground and glittered as though it was woven from diamonds.
“Oh, how beautiful!” Lilya said. “Is this for me?”
“Yes, it’s your wedding gown,” Aquamarine said. “His Majesty had it sent down for a fitting.”
“It’s lovely,” She breathed, daring to reach out and touch the fabric, though it looked so delicate that it might disintegrate under her fingertips.
“Here, let us help you,” Garnet said, beginning to untie the laces.
Garnet, Aquarmarine, and Peridot assisted Lilya in putting the dress on. Though it fit like a glove around the waist, the skirt was just slightly too long. The sisters assured her it was a quick and easy fix.
That night, she was alone in her room looking at the dress, newly tailored and ready to be worn, and began to get anxious.
“What if I trip and tear it?” She fretted. “A dress like this couldn’t have been made in just a few days, no matter how many seamstresses worked on it; The lace on the train alone would have taken months to tat. It must be some kind of imperial heirloom. What would I do if I destroyed it? Would His Majesty be angry or cancel the wedding? What if he decides he doesn’t want a klutz for a wife?” Lilya scrubbed her face and sighed forcefully. “I need some air.”
She went to the long gable windows and unlatched one side, letting it swing open. The night air was cool and refreshing, and the aroma of the nearby gardens was soothing.
As she was about to close the window again, a wild gust of wind rushed in and caught up the veil, blowing it out of the window.
“No!” Lilya yelled, throwing her foot out of the window and jumping to the ground. It was a good thing her room was on the ground floor. She chased the veil across the lawn until it eventually got caught in the branches of a tree.
“Oh, come on!” She groused. The branched were too high for her to reach, so she was going to have to climb the tree in her nightgown to get it back. It didn’t help that there were no low branches for her to grab on, so she was basically going to have to shimmy up the trunk. How dignified.
“Okay,” She said, taking a breath before she started up. One foot, one hand, over and over. It seemed to take ages, and when she looked down, it was as if she hadn’t moved at all. “Ugh, I shouldn’t have stopped working in the stables. I have no core strength anymore.”
She was nearly at the lower-most branch when her foot slipped and she lost her grip, falling from the tree. She expected to hit the ground pretty hard, but she fell onto something soft. Looking around, she realized to her horror that His Majesty,  was on his back underneath her, having broken her fall. He was dressed in a casual white buttoned-up shirt and simple black slacks, likely his sleepwear.
“Oh, my goodness, I’m so sorry!” She said, scrambling to get off of him. “Are you alright?”
He pulled out a small pad of paper from the inside of his shirt and a fountain pen.
~I’m fine. Are you alright? Why were you climbing a tree at this hour?~
“My veil,” She replied, pointing at the branches. “It flew out of the window. I was trying to get it back down.”
~Why didn’t you call the sisters?~
She laughed a little self-consciously. “I panicked. I was scared that I’d tear it and you’d be upset with me.”
~I wouldn’t be upset over such a trivial thing. It’s just a piece of fabric.~
“How did you know I was out here?”
~I saw you from the window of my suite. I was worried you would hurt yourself or that you were running away.~
She was a little alarmed. “Were you chasing me down to bring me back?”
~No, I was going to watch over you until you got somewhere safe. Don’t worry, you’re free to change your mind at any time. I wouldn’t hold that against you.~
“Oh,” She said, surprised. “Your Majesty, I have no intention on going back on my decision. I meant it when I said I’m happy to be your bride. You feel the same, don’t you?”
He didn’t answer. Instead, he stood up and easily reached the branch with the veil. He was quite a bit taller than she was. Pulling it down carefully, he folded it and handed it back to her.
“Sorry to have caused you trouble,” She said, worried by his silence. “I’m afraid you’re bride-to-be is a little clumsy.”
~It’s nothing. Let’s go back.~ He held out his hand for her to stand up, and she took it, feeling sad.
He doesn’t want to marry me, She thought. He’s just doing it because I’m the only one who didn’t refuse him. I like him very much, but he doesn’t feel anything for me. That’s not fair to him.
The triplets met them back at the castle and escorted her back to her room. His Majesty left her in their care with a bow and went back to his quarters.
“Just call us next time, My Lady!” Garnet said. “His Majesty would be devastated if anything happened to you.”
“He might be inconvenienced, but I think devastated might be too strong a word,” She said. “He doesn’t even really want to marry me, he just thinks he has to.”
Peridot scoffed. “Why on earth would you think such a thing?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m just the only person who accepted. I’ve only seen him once since the marriage interview, and that’s because he was rescuing me from a fall. He doesn’t really want to be with me.”
“My Lady, that’s absurd, of course he wants to marry you!”
“How can you be sure?”
“Look,” Aquamarine said as they reached her room. She opened the door and lay the veil back on the mannequin with the dress. “You see this? Where do you think it came from?”
“It’s an heirloom, right? Something that’s been in the royal family forever? It couldn’t have been made just for me, there wasn’t enough time for that.”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” Garnet said. “His Majesty himself made this gown for you.”
“He did?” Lilya exclaimed, looking more carefully at the gown.
“Yes, with his magic. Do you know what he said to us when we were waiting outside of the office door after you agreed to marry him?”
“’She said yes!’ he said. Every interview before always ended the same. He would tell us, ‘I don’t like her’ or ‘she’s lying’ or ‘she looks like she’s going to pass out, take her back to her room and let her go home’ or ‘why do they keep sending these women with dirty souls to me?’ He always sounded so dejected. But when you accepted, he was so excited. I’ve never heard him sound so happy.”
“Miss Lilya, you must understand,” Peridot said. “His Majesty’s mother died when he was born, and he was raised by nurses. In truth, he grew up never knowing the love of another person. Now as a man, he has no idea how to express affection for others. Until now, it’s never come up as a problem, but he sincerely wants you to be happy.” She pointed at the dress as an example, and then to the pad of paper on her desk. “You see those notebooks?”
“Ordinarily, those would only be in one place: and His Majesty’s office, since that is the only place His Majesty meets with people who can’t hear him telepathically. But now, every single room in the castle has a notebook, just in case you’d like to talk to him. He’s doing everything he knows how to do to make it comfortable and easy for you, he’s just operating outside of his, admittedly, vast expertise. Give him some time. He’s very intelligent, if a little dense and insensitive. He’ll learn.”
Lilya smiled softly, touched. “I had no idea.” She pulled the sisters in for a hug. “You’re right, I shouldn’t jump to conclusions. His Majesty and I don’t know each other well, for all that we’ll be married in a few days. I think when he gets back from the diplomatic trip, we should spend time rectifying that.”
“I think that’s a lovely idea,” Aquamarine said.
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fallen-gravity · 4 years
awaken the stars, ‘cause they’re all around you
Stanford Pines never really believed in soulmates.
He can't imagine the idea that there's one person out there for him in the multiverse who would stop at nothing to love him for who he is, despite everything he is and everything he's done. He can't imagine that someone out there is meant for him, someone who will stand by his side until the end of time.
Or maybe he'd just been looking at it from the wrong angle.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, @stariousfalls!!!!! I can't believe we've been friends for upwards of five years now?? You've been a huge inspiration of mine from my first day in the gravity falls fandom back in late 2014, and now you're one of my closest friends. I've been spending the last week and a half working on this behind your back, because I wanted to surprise you with a gift I thought you'd love!!
7.5k words of fluff was....not my original plan, but fluff brain wanted to go feral for you, I guess.
Huge, huge shoutout to @ariasofelegance  for helping me keep my mouth shut about this, I absolutely would've internally combusted without your help & support
Ford never saw the appeal of romantic relationships.
One night when he and Stan were kids, they snuck downstairs in the middle of the night after their parents were asleep to dig through Pa’s “Secret stash” of movies he thought he was good at keeping a secret. They’d thought for sure they’d be coming across bootleg cuts of action movies that were still playing in theaters, or documentaries about how all of the politicians in power were secretly aliens. 
What they actually found was much more…sensual. They were both horrified, to say the least, but each time Ford had to turn away to prevent himself from gagging, he’d hear Stan beside him struggling not to laugh. 
For years, Ford was convinced coming across those tapes before he was old enough to fully comprehend what was happening in them is what had turned him off to relationships altogether. It certainly didn’t help that he was never able to experience romantic relationships firsthand, as every time he tried asking someone out in high school he’d just be laughed at or called a freak.
Though college was another story entirely, his feelings towards romantic relationships never seemed to change. He went out with a girl from his dungeons, dungeons, and more dungeons club for a few weeks, a guy from his advanced physics class for almost two months, and even tried going out with Fiddleford for upwards of nine months, but he never felt that deeper connection with any of them, no matter how much he wanted to feel that connection. 
It’d be forty more years before he learned the term aromantic, but when he was still in college he would brush off his parents’ questions about his relationship status by telling them he was too busy working on his thesis, which technically wasn’t all that far from the truth anyway.
Still, the faint sense of yearning never seemed to leave him be. Whenever he found gaps in his schedule, he would spend hours in his university library reading up on the science of relationships and their place in society. Though he no longer remembers most of the papers he read, one scientific study that’s always stuck with him was a dissertation written entirely on the concept of soulmates.
Everyone has a soulmate, the paper claimed. Though it may be decades until you properly meet, your path always leads to the moment that you and your soulmate are finally united. Once finally together, not a single force on earth can tear you apart. Even if you are apart physically, the stars will always align to bring you together. Weirdest of all, the paper mentioned soulmarks, which were described as “the phenomenon that a person’s very soul is marked with a piece that belongs to their soulmate, which may appear as a physical anomaly on a person’s body, such as an oddly-shaped birthmark”. 
Ford had thought for sure that somebody must’ve moved a romance novel into the sociology section of the library as a joke. The only sort of anomaly he had going for him was his polydactyly, and thinking too much about how that could connect him to a single person who was destined to love him gave him a headache. 
Nowadays, though, Ford tries not to give it much thought. He’s perfectly happy right where he is, watching the sunrise from the deck of the Stan O’ War II through the steam visibly rising from his coffee mug. 
He sighs contently. 
“Mornin’” Stan’s voice sounds beside him, gruff with sleep. When Ford turns to look at him, he’s rubbing at his eyes with one hand while he holds a steaming cup of coffee in his other. He’s already donning one of the sweaters Mabel mailed to him, a deep blue with a tropical island and a treasure chest stitched across the chest.
Ford smirks. “You’re up early” 
Stan cocks an eyebrow as he sips from his coffee. “A’course I am. I always get up early when we’re docking to see the kids”
Ford blinks, the teasing smirk on his face melting into a gentle smile. “That’s today?” 
“Haven’t you checked the calendar lately?” Stan tosses a second handmade sweater at Ford. This one’s the same shade of maroon as his journal covers, and pictures an angry cycloptopus squirting ink towards the bottom left corner of the sweater. “The kids are on spring break. They talked to their parents about letting us have ‘em all week” 
Ford is quick to pull the warm sweater over his head. “All week?” 
He can’t help sounding like a broken record, but it’s been months since the last time he saw the kids face to face. Sure, they talk over video at least once a week, but nothing beats seeing their smiling faces and having them nearly tackle him to the ground in a hug in-person. 
“Heh, you miss em too, Sixer?” 
As little as two years ago, Ford would’ve flinched at the nickname. But Bill is gone for good, and Ford knows that Bill is gone for good, and Stan made a promise to do anything in his power to help him reclaim the nickname. He brings his mug close to his face without taking a sip, allowing himself to take in the warmth in his hands and the steam in his face.
“Not as much as you, clearly” Ford smirks, and Stan crosses his arms over his chest.
“You bet I missed them more than you. I’d been taking care of them all summer before you showed up and fell in love with them in half that time”
Ford smirks as he finishes up his coffee and heads into the navigation room to set their course. “By that logic, wouldn’t that mean that I miss them more, since I had less time with them?”
“Hey!” Stan groans as he follows him into the room. “It does not. It means that you don’t know them like I know them, genius. Everyone knows that it’s all about how much time you’ve spent with a person that determines how close you are with them” 
Ford laughs as he enters the coordinates they need to get to the seaport they were meeting the young twins at. From the looks of it, it’d be three hours before they arrived. 
“Mm, and who put that study together? Was it you?” 
Stan doesn’t reply with words, just a noise that sounds halfway between disgruntled and baffled. It makes Ford laugh even harder, and he wipes at his eyes with a wrist. Out of the corner of his eyes, he sees Stan’s overdramatic pout melt away until he’s laughing too. 
The sight of it makes the smile on Ford’s face widen. It’d been decades since the two of them were able to just be like this. It’d been so long since the last time Ford heard Stan’s genuine laugh that he’d gone and forgotten what it sounded like altogether. When he was still traveling the multiverse, he searched far and wide for a shred of hope, something to keep his anxieties and nightmares from catching up to him.
What a fool he’d been to ignore his childhood memories of home. 
The trip is a quiet but familiar one. Ford can’t talk much when he’s steering because he needs to be on constant lookout, but Stan remains in the room to talk at him and keep him company anyway. The sun is well over the horizon by the time they reach the seaport, and call it instincts, intuition, or something else entirely, because Ford spots the kids sitting on a bench in the near distance the moment he and Stan step foot onto the dock. 
They’re squished closely together, watching a video on Mabel’s phone. Whether they’re aware of it or not, they’re swaying their legs back and forth underneath the bench in perfect unison. On the ground beside them are their backpacks, overstuffed with so many things that both of them are popping open. 
Most importantly, neither of them have noticed that Ford and Stan are approaching them. 
Ford exchanges an amused glance with Stan, and clears his throat to catch their attention. 
The phone nearly stumbles out of their hands in shock when they look up and meet their eyes.
“Grunkle Stan!” Mabel squeals, standing to sprint past Ford to knock Stan off of his feet. Ford chuckles at the sight, but not quickly enough to hear Dipper’s “Great Uncle Ford!”, and before he knows it he’s hitting the floor too. The young twins are laughing messes, and stumble over each other as they try to stand to their feet and help their Grunkles up. 
Mabel spits out the hair that stuck to her mouth, and pulls a hair tie seemingly out of thin air to tie her hair up into a ponytail. It’s only now that Ford realizes that she and Dipper are also both wearing sweaters, and if Ford had to guess, it looks like Mabel made both of these sweaters as well. Mabel’s is a galaxy print with actual twinkling stars, and Ford makes a mental note to ask her later what she did to make it glow like that. Dipper’s is also space themed, though his pictures the big dipper splotched across a black night sky with a bright orange meteor shooting through the center.
“You have to tell us about everything you’ve encountered”, Dipper beams, once Stan finishes brushing himself off. 
Stan cocks an eyebrow. “Two years’ worth is a lot to get through, kiddo”
“Exactly!” Mabel beams, turning to pick up her backpack and put it on. “Which is exactly why you can tell us on the way to the hotel!” 
“Hotel?” Ford and Stan ask in unison.
“Surprise?” Dipper giggles. “Our parents rented us a hotel room for the week cause they figured you’d appreciate some time away from the boat” 
“It’ll be like our summer in Gravity Falls all over again!” Mabel grins. “But in reverse! You’re in our territory now” 
Stan laughs. “You’re the boss, kiddo”
“You bet I am!” She beams, and hands Dipper his backpack. “Now c’mon! If you tell us all of the horrors you’ve encountered out at sea, we’ll tell you about all the horrors we’ve encountered in high school!”
“I...think I remember those horrors pretty well already, thank you” Ford smiles sheepishly, adjusting his glasses. “But we’d be more than glad to tell you some of our own stories”
It’s a short walk to the bus stop, but Ford honestly wouldn’t mind if they walked all the way to the hotel on foot if it meant an extra half an hour with the kids. They’re just as eccentric as he remembers, attached at the hip but still wildly different people all on their own. Dipper’s still hanging on to every word he’s saying, and Mabel’s still skipping along like she’s in her own world. 
Once they reach the hotel and check in, Dipper collapses face first onto one of the beds the moment he steps into the room, groaning. 
Stan smiles. “Something bothering you, kiddo?” 
He turns on his side to look Stan in the eye, his face smushing into the pillow. “Mabel didn’t let me get any sleep last night. She insisted on getting to the seaport three whole hours early because she insisted that she had this gut feeling that you guys would have the same idea and we’d magically show up at the same time” 
Mabel pouts, and sits on the bed besides him. “Well it’s not my fault you stayed up late reading that dumb book of yours. Plus, would you rather have kept them waiting for three hours?” 
Dipper removes his hat and places it on the table beside him, exposing just enough of his forehead through his hair to reveal his birthmark. It has the same faint glow to it as Mabel’s sweater, and Ford wonders how the two could possibly reflect off of each other. 
“Their boat has beds and a fully stocked kitchen, Mabel. They can afford to wait. All we had were those strawberry pop tarts that you ate five minutes after we got there”
Ford can’t help but smile softly at their banter. He missed them so, so, much more than he could’ve ever imagined. He’s got half a mind to stow them away on the boat at the end of the week and homeschool them both himself so he never has to be apart from them again.
Apart. The word still feels like a knife twisted into his chest. There’s nothing he regrets more than trying to separate the young twins from each other two summers ago because he’d been so caught up in projecting his own fears onto the pair. He’d tried apologizing to Mabel over the whole ordeal, but she stopped him before he could even start to tell him he had nothing to worry about.
He only wishes he could learn to forgive himself as easily as she did.
“...Can we, Grunkle Ford?”
He blushes. Had he just said all of that out loud?
“Can we...what?” 
“Take the boat out! Not right now, since Dips is being a grumpy-grump and insists on wasting precious time with a nap, but we’ve been talking about it all week”
From across the room, Stan snorts. “Let me get this straight,” he takes his jacket off and hangs it up in the closet. At this point Ford swears his eyes must be playing tricks on him, because Stan’s old burn scar is glowing just as Mabel’s sweater and Dipper’s birthmark are. “All the time you spent groaning and complaining about fishing every time I took you in Gravity Falls, and now you’re asking to go fishing?” 
“I was thinking more along the lines of a joy ride,” Dipper yawns from under the covers. “But if agreeing to go fishing is what gets you to say yes, then sure” 
He’s smirking under the covers, Ford can tell, because he inherited that expression from Stan.
Stan’s about to bite back, but Dipper must not have been exaggerating about how long he and Mabel were waiting for them at the dock, because he’s already out cold. Stan smiles at him, gently ruffling up his hair before he takes a seat on the adjacent bed, kicking his shoes off so he can kick his feet up on the bed and relax. Ford sits beside Stan, and Stan slings his arms behind him to support his head in his hands as he glances over at Ford. 
“They make you wanna retire the whole ‘treasure hunting’ thing and move into the city to be closer to ‘em too?”
Ford chuckles. “I’ve already considered hiding them away on the boat twice today already.” He taps at his chin. “Though I suppose that moving in with them would go over better with their parents then taking them away to live on a boat” 
“Hmm…” Stan taps at his chin as well. “Being stuck in the same stuffy high school for four years, or living on a boat traveling all over the world whenever they feel like it? I dunno about you, Sixer, but I have a pretty good idea on what the kids would prefer”
“Grunkle Stan? Grunkle Ford?” Mabel’s voice suddenly chimes in, and Ford blushes, wondering how much of that she just heard. 
“What’s on your mind, pumpkin?” Stan asks. 
“Well, uh, Dipper was right about us only eating once really early this morning, and I was wondering if you’d be willing to, uh” She twirls her hair between her fingers. “Cook something for us? For old time’s sake?”
Okay, it’s settled, Ford’s never letting these kids go again. 
“Sure, kiddo. Soon as your brother’s up we’ll head right back up, okay?” 
“Okay!” she beams, and crawls back into her side of the bed, staring at Dipper like she can will him into waking up on command. 
Though Ford would’ve been okay if they’d had to wait hours for him, it’s really only about twenty minutes before Dipper opens his eyes again and nearly shrieks in surprise at Mabel’s face hovering three inches from his own. He smacks his hand into her face to shove her away, and she giggles as she rolls off the bed and onto the floor. 
Beside Ford, Stan smirks. “Better get up before we leave without you and all our food goes to Mabel, kiddo. You’ve got plenty of time to crash in Ford’s bed on the ship, since he never seems to use it anyway”
Dipper yawns, rubbing at his eyes as he kicks the covers off. “I hadn’t even realized I’d fallen asleep”
“I didn’t realize you were even capable of sleep, bro-bro” Mabel punches him in the shoulder as she walks past him to put her shoes on. He glares at her wordlessly, and Ford has to cover up his snicker with a fake cough. 
This time, the bus ride and the walk back to the ship are a quiet one. Ford never really lets himself let his guard down and relax for an extended period of the time, so he cherishes any moment he can get where he finally feels like he doesn’t constantly feel the need to check over his shoulder for signs of danger. Most of the time, if you asked him about his heightened senses, he’d call them a curse. But on days like these, when he can hear the birds chirping and the waves smacking gently against the boats in the seaport, he’d almost go as far as calling it a blessing. 
The kids take a seat at the dining table as soon as they enter the kitchen, and Stan grins at them from over his shoulder as he clicks the stove on. “Whaddya say, Stancakes?” 
Dipper and Mabel grimace in unison. “Ewwww, Grunkle Stan, you promised lunch!” Mabel scrunches her nose, and Stan’s grin only widens. 
“Ah, ah, you said like old times. That means I get to decide what to make, and you have to eat it because I’m your legal guardian”.
“Well I wasn’t even awake when you were talking about old times, so I’d say that cancels out” Dipper crosses his arms over his chest, and Ford can’t help but smile warmly at the three of them as he reaches into the cupboard for his favorite coffee mug. The younger twins clearly had just gotten two copies of the same mug, but crossed both of them out so they’d say #1 GRUNKLES on them instead of #1 UNCLE. Stan has the other one, of course, but he keeps it on his bedside to hold small treasures and keepsakes because it’s, in his own words, “Too special to waste on something as ordinary as coffee”.
Ford sits himself in the seat between the younger twins at their okay, and after some back and forth banter between the four of them, they end up settling for burgers. Truth be told, this is the first time Ford’s eaten a meal in a group larger than two since the last time he and Stan visited the young twins in the winter, and he can’t help but smile into his food at the thought. The closest he’d come even remotely close to eating with others in his research years was his very, very brief time at the truck stop diner, and the experience had soured his view of...well, other people for near decades.
Now, though, he’d burn his own research dozens of times over before he’d even consider eating alone.
Stan’s chair scraping across the floor as he stands pops Ford out of his bubble of serenity. 
“Now that that’s taken care of,” Stan cracks his knuckles, smiling mischievously at Dipper and Mabel. “I think I remember a couple of kiddos finally promising their Grunkle Stan he could take them fishing”
“Promise is a strong word-” Dipper starts as he stands to place his plate in the sink, but Stan’s already placing a fishing hat on his head before he can finish his sentence. 
“Course you did! You wanna take our baby for a joyride, you gotta earn it first”
Dipper turns to Ford, like he’s expecting him to back him up.
Ford chuckles. “I don’t know, Dipper. That sounds perfectly reasonable to me”.
Dipper scoffs, sitting back down at the table. Mabel laughs. 
“Aww, C’mon, Dipper! Aren’t you all about the supernatural? For all we know, Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford could be harboring magical glowing bait that only attracts, like, magical talking fish men, or something!” 
Dipper raises an eyebrow. “Didn’t you just receive a bottle message from Mermando last week?”
“Exactly!” Mabel flashes a grin. “That must mean that he’s in the area!”
Stan laughs. “You tellin’ me you only agreed to go fishing so you could kiss and make-up with your long-distance fish boyfriend?”
“Grunkle Stan, what kind of person do you take me for?” she gasps. “He’s married! You know I would never want to break apart such a loving couple!”
Ford’s smile only warms. Where else could he partake in such a conversation that doesn’t turn heads and result in judgmental whispers? Where else can he just be like this, surrounded by loved ones who are just as weird, just as out of the ordinary as himself? In his younger years he thought for sure his place would be among the monsters and cryptids everyone in his childhood made him out to be, but even in the weirdness capital of the country he felt more alone than ever. 
“...Don’t think you’re immune, Sixer” Stan’s voice cuts into his thoughts, and before Ford can ask what he means Stan is smacking a homemade fishing cap on his head. “It may ruin your badass image when we’re monster hunting, or whatever, but we’re fishing with the kids.” Stan gestures to them with his thumb. They’re already outside, leaning over the railing to look out at the water in a perfect mirror of each other.  “If they have to embarrass themselves by humoring me for a few hours, so do you” 
Ford waits for Stan to join the kids outside before he takes his hat off to admire the stitch work. It’s not perfect, and nowhere near the fancy embroidery he and Stan have found in various markets across their world travels. But it’s personalized, and Ford knows it comes from a place in Stan’s mind that’s been stuck behind lock and key since he was seventeen.
Ford runs his hands along each individual letter, which reads POINDEXTER, before placing it back on his head to join the others outside. 
Stan has, miraculously, already pulled out his joke book. Stan’s laughing too hard at his own joke for Ford to really make out what the punchline is, but the younger twins’ collective groans is all he needs to know about it. When Mabel notices him stepping out of the doorway, though, her expression shifts entirely. 
“So…” she draws out, stepping towards him. “Is there a trick for attracting merpeople to your boat? I mean, asides from being super cute, obviously” 
Ford chuckles, taking a glance behind her to make sure that Stan is out of earshot. “Stan’ll kill me if I tell you this, but they’re really attracted towards shiny things. If you tied one of his gold necklaces around a fishing pole and dangled it into the water, the boat’ll be surrounded in minutes” 
Mabel offers up her pinkie finger. “I won’t tell him if you won’t”
Ford interlocks his pinkie with hers, smiling. “I think he’ll notice when a whole family of merpeople show up”
“Hmmm…” Mabel taps at her chin with her free hand, visibly mouthing a plan to herself. “Oh! I know! Come with me,” she beams, and before Ford can even open his mouth to respond she’s already dragging him back into the kitchen. She kneels down on the floor and opens the cupboard below the sink. “Got any empty bottles I can use?”
Ford blinks. “Empty....bottles”
“Yeah!” Mabel pulls a neatly folded piece of paper out of her skirt. “If I can send out my response letter the same time we throw Stan’s necklace over, he’ll never be able to tell the difference!”
“Wait, wait” Ford shakes his head. “You really are dating a merperson?”
“Listening skills, Grunkle Ford” she taps at her forehead, folding the letter back into her pocket as she continues to dig through the cupboards. “Used to date. We met at the Gravity Falls Public Pool, where he was stuck, but then I drove him to the lake in a golf cart I stole from the pool grounds because he really missed his family, and then he was my first kiss, and then we were in a long-distance relationship for like, two months, and I kept every single bottle he sent me, but then we had to break up because he was arranged to marry to prevent a big undersea war.” She picks up a bottle, shakes it, and puts it back when it’s too full for her liking. “I know it sounds, like, super complicated, but it’s all okay, because we’re still pen pals!” 
Ford laughs, shaking his head. “No, Mabel, I had to ask because I, uh…” his cheeks warm, and he clears his throat. “Before I...came to term with my orientation, I...dated a merperson too” 
The bottles in the cupboard rattle as Mabel’s head smacks against the doorframe. She’s rubbing the spot where her head hit, but there are stars in her eyes. “Really?” 
Ford’s cheeks burn even hotter. “Yes,” he whispers, and takes a knee so he can get at her eye level. “Technically he was a siren, but yes, we dated for about a month. He promised me he wouldn’t entice anyone else while we were together, but I guess there wasn’t anything...there.” He turns to help her shuffle through the cupboard, and finds a near-empty bottle of olive oil that’s definitely been sitting down there for at least a year. He hands it off to Mabel, smiling. “I’m glad that things worked out with you, though” 
To his surprise, Mabel drops the bottle and throws her arms around him in a hug. “I can’t wait to introduce you! He’s gonna love you”
Ford huffs a quiet laugh, and pulls her close as he winds his arms around her as well. The hug only lasts for a few brief moments, but it feels to Ford in those moments that time itself had stopped. Mabel stands, taking the bottle in one hand and offering to help Ford up in her other. 
Mabel places the bottle in the sink and turns the water on to rinse it out before she turns back towards Ford, stretching her arms up in the air as if she were warming up for an exercise. “Alright, here’s the plan. You tell me where Grunkle Stan keeps all of his jewelry, and I’ll sneak in and take his necklace while you distract him. Got it?”
Ford smiles. “Got it”.
As Mabel splits away for Stan’s bedroom, Ford heads back out to the deck. Dipper’s leaning over the side of the boat pointing at something jumping out of the water, rambling excitedly to Stan beside him. He’s holding his fishing hat in his hand to stop it from blowing into the water, and his hair is bouncing in the breeze. It’s just enough for the edge of his birthmark to poke through his bangs, and even in broad daylight it seems to be emitting a faint glow.
“I found it!” Mabel cheers, bounding up from behind him. She’s wearing the chain around her neck, and for some reason the gold seems much dimmer in contrast to her sweater. She takes it off and hands it to him. “You wanna do the honors while I go and throw this overboard?”
Ford smiles, ruffling her hair. “Sure thing.” He walks over to where Stan and Dipper are chatting and picks up one of the extra fishing rods. Making sure that Stan’s too engrossed with his conversation to notice, Ford starts wrapping the chain along the line, and at the signal from Mabel, he tosses his line as far from the boat as he can manage.
Five minutes pass before Mabel squeals so loud that Ford’s afraid his glasses might shatter. He reaches for the gun he knows he’s got stashed in his pants pocket, but when he turns to run to her aid she’s leaning halfway over the boat wrapping her arms around a young merman in a tight hug.
“...so good to see you again!” She’s beaming. “I didn’t think you’d be able to find us so quickly!”
“Yes, well, you were easy to track down after we figured out the coordinates to the seaport” the young man says in a thick Spanish accent. “It is good to see you too! My family was so excited to meet you”
“Your family?” she gasps. “Did they all come with you?” 
“Of course!” he grins. “We merpeople are very family oriented. Wherever we go, we go together” 
Ford winces at the uncanny familiarity of the statement. Mabel must recognize the statement too, because she responds with “Oh, that reminds me! There’s someone I want you guys to meet! Wait right here,” she says, and comes bouncing back over to Ford. Taking his hand in her own, she starts to drag him back to where she’d just been leaning. “C’mon! He’s the one I was just talking about!”
Three more merpeople emerge from the water when she gently knocks on the side of the boat again. “Grunkle Ford, this is Mermando!” she grins, gesturing to the young merman she’d just been conversing with. “He’s the one I helped reunite with his family after they were separated by tragic circumstances.” She wraps her arms around Ford in a side-hug. “Mermando, this is my Grunkle Ford! He was also separated from his family by tragic circumstances, but I helped with that too!” 
Mermando laughs. “Even when you think it’s the end, family always finds its way, doesn’t it?”
Ford laughs, shaking his hand. “It always seems that way to me”
“Awwww!” Mabel squeals. “I knew you’d get along!” She grins, and turns her attention back towards Mermando. “Before I forget, though, did you see where Grunkle Ford threw that gold necklace? If I don’t get it back my Grunkle Stan’s gonna kill me”
Mermando laughs again. “I was wondering if that belonged to any of you!” He takes off his shell necklace to reveal that he’d put Stan’s necklace on around his neck. He takes that off, too, and offers it to Ford. “I much prefer this one, anyway” he clicks his shell necklace open, revealing it to be a locket with a picture of his family inside.
Ford takes the gold necklace back, and he means to thank him, but a bell ringing from elsewhere in the port interrupts him before he can open his mouth. Mermando turns to Mabel, taking her hands in his own. “We must go. I’m so sorry we have to leave so soon, but we merpeople recognize the sounds of fishing boats very easily. We’ll try to come back later this week” He opens his arms for her once more, and Mabel wraps his arms around him in a quick hug before she watches him and his family swim away. 
“I am so glad that all you were doing was hugging,” Dipper shudders as he and Stan approach Ford and Mabel. “I’m not sure my stomach could handle witnessing you two kissing a second time” 
“Awww,” Mabel punches him playfully in the shoulder. “You’re just jealous that I had a boyfriend before you did!” 
Dipper cringes. “If you having a boyfriend before I do means I didn’t have to be the one dating a fish, then I’m glad you were the one who got stuck with him first” He punches her back, and gestures at Stan over his shoulder with his thumb. “But anyways, I came over here because Grunkle Stan says he wants to get out on the open water before everyone else gets the idea, or something”.
Ford pockets Stan’s necklace and makes a mental note to put it away sometime later tonight when Stan is too distracted to notice. “Tell Stan I’m going to untie the rope from the edge of the dock, and when he sees me back on board we’re all set to go.”
Nodding, Dipper bounds off towards the navigation room where Stan must be waiting, and Ford steps off of the boat to take care of everything else. On the way to the bow, he traces a hand along the white painted STAN O’ WAR II, and a feeling of warmth sprouts in his chest. Once back on board, he waves to Stan as he passes besides the navigation room once more, and takes a seat on one of the beach chairs they liked to keep aboard. 
Most days, Ford prefers to be the one at the wheel. But every once in a while he just wants to be. All he wants to do is lean back in one of their beach chairs and let the sun warm his face. It’s a good kind of warm, the same way spending time with the kids and heavy rain hitting his bedroom window and planning new escapades with Stan feel warm. After so, so long of only knowing unbearable burns, it feels indescribable to have a constant back in his life that heals, rather than hurts. 
“Mind if we join you?” Dipper asks, and Ford glances over to see both of the young twins dragging a chair behind them.
Speaking of healing constants.
“Sure,” Ford says, and can’t help the warmth spilling through his tone. They pull their chairs up on either side of him, and curl up to enjoy the warm breeze. Dipper places his hat on his lap to let the wind blow through his hair, and Mabel stretches her arms out behind her head to act as her own pillow. Ford chuckles silently at the pair, and closes his eyes to let himself relax.
All is quiet when Stan finally finds them a spot out on the open water without a single other boat in sight. The water is nearly still, save for the occasional small wave that gently sways the boat. The sun is at its afternoon high, turning the water beautiful shades of teal and aqua. Fishing is tedious, but it’s careful work, and gives Ford something to put all of his focus into. Two whole hours pass before any of them catch a thing, and Stan laughs himself to tears when it’s Dipper who pulls up a single sardine. 
Typically Ford prefers much more immersive activities, but right now there’s nowhere else he’d rather be. The sun is starting to set before they realize they aren’t going to have much luck catching anything, and instead decide to take the boat for another ride around the harbor to look for a better place to eventually watch the stars. 
“...Great Uncle Ford?” Dipper approaches him shyly once they’ve anchored the boat.
He tugs shyly at the edge of his sweater. “I…” he starts. “I know you’ve told me that the multiverse was dangerous, and all, but...was there ever anything you enjoyed about it?” He pauses. “What were the sunsets like?”
Ford chuckles, patting at the seat beside him, and Dipper’s eyes light up as he sits down.
“You’re right,” Ford starts, folding his hands together. “I wouldn’t wish what I went through on even my worst enemies, Dipper. It was practically impossible to get any decent amount of sleep and even harder to find food digestible by human kind. I lost some of my best years to the multiverse when I could’ve gone on to become the most renowned scientist in the world.” Ford turns his gaze away from the sun setting on the horizon to meet Dipper’s eyes, but he’s frowning, eyes cast downwards towards the deck of the ship.
“But,” Ford adds before the poor kid can get too lost in his own head, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “It definitely had its perks.” He smiles. “The sun in Dimension 18.2 would emit a sound that mimicked a lullaby every night as it set. Dimension 47’23 had three moons that would shift phases before your very eyes. I haven’t told Mabel because I’m afraid she’ll try activating a portal of her own and run away, but in Dimension 25-12, everyone and everything looks like a watercolor painting. There’s danger in the multiverse, but there’s beauty in equal measure”
“Do you ever miss it?” Dipper fiddles with his hands, like he’s trying real hard not to say the wrong thing. “I mean, I know you don’t miss being lost, or having no idea if you’re ever going to see home again, but...is there any dimension...where you could’ve seen yourself staying, if you thought you couldn’t make it back?” 
Ford shifts in his chair so he doesn’t have to twist his neck so much to look directly at his nephew. “Occasionally,” he muses. “I met the most friendly faces in Dimension 52, so my mind does tend to wander there from time to time” he smiles. “But rest assured, there is something in this dimension that makes it my favorite”
“Oh yeah?” Dipper’s eyes light up. “Over every other dimension you’ve passed through? What is it?”
Ford gently nudges Dipper’s shoulder. “You and your sister”
Dipper’s cheeks turn bright red, and he looks as though he’s struggling not to bury his face into the collar of his sweater and disappear. “Really?” his voice squeaks.
Ford nods. “Everything I had in those other dimensions were fleeting, Dipper. At a moment’s notice everything I grew to love could disappear in the blink of an eye. The very thing happened to me in Dimension 52. When I fell asleep, I woke up in a new dimension I didn’t recognize. Things may have been more advanced, and there may have been dimensions crafted to give you your greatest desires, but in the end nothing ever lasted.” 
Now it’s Ford’s turn to divert Dipper’s eyes, gaze casting towards the floor. “Stan was cut from my life completely in the dimension that claimed to be a perfect world. I had nobody. Even in dimensions that actively worked towards my happiness, I was all alone” Ford shakes his head, and turns his gaze once more out on the horizon. The sun is still touching the horizon, but it’s dipped just low enough that some of the stars are beginning to show in the sky. 
“But...here, at home, everything is consistent. I don’t have to worry about waking up in the morning to find that everyone I love is gone. I can keep everyone in arm’s lengths, even when Stan and I can only communicate with you and your sister over a video call. I’m…” Ford gently squeezes his hands to reassure himself that this is real and now. “...happy. Happier than I’ve been in decades” 
Beside him, Dipper yawns, and when Ford spares a glance over at him he’s smiling at him sleepily.  “We’re really happy you’re here too, Grunkle Ford” he murmurs, and his eyes slip closed. Ford’s cheeks flush pink, and he has to choke back a laugh because that’s one of the first times Dipper’s felt comfortable enough to call him Grunkle. 
Ford stands, so as not to wake Dipper from his nap. A small glance to his right and he catches a glimpse of Stan and Mabel leaning against the side of the boat watching the sunset just outside of earshot of his current conversation with Dipper.
“You finally bore him to sleep with all your nerdy science talk?” Stan asks as he approaches, sparing a glance behind him at Dipper. “Was starting to think that the poor kid would never get a nap in” 
“Yes, well,” Ford smirks. “I’m sure it helped plenty that you bored him to death by taking him fishing first”
Stan gasps in mock offense, and slugs him in the shoulder. “Hey, at least I’m engaging them in something they can actually interact with, unlike your kooky alien stories, or whatever”
Ford can’t help the laugh that escapes him. “Bold statement coming from the man who dedicated thirty years of his life rescuing me from said kooky aliens” he says, returning with a punch of his own. Stan opens his mouth to argue back, realizes he has nothing to say, and closes his mouth. The sight of it makes Ford laugh even harder, keeling over and slapping a hand on Stan’s shoulder to support himself. It must be contagious, because it’s not long before Stan is laughing too.
Ford removes his glasses to wipe the tears from his eyes, and cleans off the lenses with the edge of his sweater. Once his eyes adjust after he puts them back on, his throat nearly catches in his throat when he glances back out towards the water. He’s just able to catch a shooting star before it disappears over the horizon, and the boat’s just far out enough on the water that there isn’t an ounce of light pollution obscuring the rest of the stars in the sky.  He takes a few steps back so he can look up and admire more of them at once, and if he looks close enough he can see them twinkling. 
Before he can ask the others if they’re seeing the same thing, a bright flash of light coming from somewhere on the boat cuts into his thoughts. He turns, to make sure that none of the lights in any of the rooms are on, but no, they’d turned those off when they’d started fishing. Scratching at his head, he turns to Stan and Mabel to ask if they have any idea where the light is coming from, but that question catches in its throat as quickly as it formulated.
They’re the ones emitting light.
Or, rather, Mabel’s sweater and Stan’s shoulder, approximately where his burn scar should be. Those are emitting light. 
...Surely it must just be the reflection of the starlight on the water, right? That same bright light must have woken Dipper from his nap, yes? 
He turns heel to ask Dipper the same question, but freezes in his tracks before he can take a single step forward. Dipper’s forehead is glowing too, the same way it has since he and Stan docked the boat this morning. 
It...It can’t be, can it?
Gripping his forehead, Ford takes a number of steps backwards until his back hits the wall. Maybe...maybe he just needs to call it a night. He’s been awake since sunrise, maybe his vision is just blurring because he needs to lie down? 
He waves his hands in front of his face, but no, those don’t look any different. He squints, to make sure his hands aren’t shaking, but no, they’re perfectly still.
He squints at Stan and Mabel, just to try and see if his eyes are watering, and-
He gasps. 
Mabel’s sweater, Dipper’s forehead, Stan’s shoulder; they’re not glowing; they’re twinkling like the stars. It was hard to tell in broad daylight, but now that they’re surrounded by a thousand shining stars, the resemblance is unmistakable. 
But...that’s not possible. If he can see them twinkling, but none of them have said anything about it, that could only be if those were…
Ford suddenly feels like he’s going to pass out. 
He slides to the floor.
Is...Is that even possible? Ford thought for sure that study he read years ago was nothing but a joke. Someone...who does everything in their power to bring you two together, no matter the cost? Someone who, even though you may not meet for decades, will feel as though you’ve known each other their entire lives? Someone who will do anything for you, no matter the personal expense?
Someone...someone like Stan, who spent a painstaking thirty years teaching himself quantum physics to rescue someone that anyone else would assume dead? The man who sacrificed his very mind, his very life, so he could be spared physical torture?
Or...someone like Mabel, the first friendly face he saw after emerging from the portal? The one who forgave him so easily after he tried to separate her from her brother? The one who insists on calling him a good person, despite all of those he knows he hurt? 
Or...Dipper? His kindred spirit in all things supernatural? The one who, alongside his sister, sacrificed himself as bait for the most dangerous being in the entire multiverse? Who saw memories of him at his very worst, and apologized to him for snooping?
After everything he’s been through...could things really work out that well in his favor? To not have one soulmate but three, and the guarantee that they’ll never leave, because they’ve already expressed how they love him so? 
There’s a tear streaming down his cheek at the thought, but he’s too distracted by a fourth light suddenly emitting from...himself to really notice.
He spares a cautious glance downward, and notices a pulsing light emerging from his chest in perfect time with his heartbeat. If he looks closely, he notices that the light travels down his arms and ties itself into a translucent bow around his fingers. If he looks closer still, the light looks as though it’s slinking faintly across the deck of the boat and reaching towards the gentle twinkling of Stan and Mabel’s marks.
Ford places a hand to his forehead, throws his head back, and laughs his throat dry, paying no mind to the tears pouring down his face.
107 notes · View notes
max-is-tired · 3 years
They can tell you that it’s righteous
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Fandom: Dream SMP
Prompt: Kidnapping ( @badthingshappenbingo )
A/N: Aaand I’m back on my writing bullshit, let’s go. I started plotting this fic back in January, so it only follows canon up until Doomsday/Techno and Phil finding the portal room, but at least it’s finally done!
Obligatory tags of people who asked: @deadonmercury @littlecatninja​
Warnings: hostage situation, blood, violence, mention of skin melting off, antagonist Quackity, drowning, temporary character death (gotta love respawning), near death experience, beheading.
Read on AO3!!
It had started like such a good day for Ranboo. The sun was shining bright in the sky, the SMP seemed to be at relative peace for once, and there were plenty of grass blocks lying around and waiting to be picked up. So yeah, great day!
Ranboo knew this peace probably wouldn't last long, not with these lands' track record of starting conflicts and trying to kill people on a weekly basis. But when the afternoon rolled around and random explosions had yet to start filling the sky with smoke, the hybrid felt pretty confident that, at least for that day, things were looking up.
The problem was that, by thinking on those lines, Ranboo ended up forgetting the most important rule of the server, the one rule he'd promised himself he would not break, no matter what.
Never, ever lower your guard, especially in times of peace.
He didn't even notice the person sneaking up on him until the very last second. One moment, he was crouching down, happily patting the grass block he'd just placed on the ground and the next, there was a shadow looming over him, the familiar shape of small, feathered wings being the only thing he managed to discern before a sudden, excruciating pain in the back of his head made his vision go white.
Ranboo groaned, stumbling on the ground while his vision wobbled and filled with dark spots. Dark, dirty sneakers stopped just in front of his head, but try as he might, the hybrid couldn't bring himself to move his head enough to look up, the mere thought of it making him wince.
"Sorry Ranboo, nothing personal," a familiar voice muttered, drawing a confused whine out of the kid. After that, everything went black.
Technoblade had been feeling on edge all day -which, by itself, wasn't such a strange occurrence. Being on edge was a given for him, what with the voices in his head constantly chanting for blood and half of the server seemingly having a personal vendetta against him.
Listen, okay, he did blow up their precious country -but only after they decided that a corrupt government was the way to go and, you know, tracked him down while he was in retirement to try and execute him. He felt like the retaliation was kind of deserved.
Still, Techno didn't give much weight to the feeling. He'd learned to never let his guard down after the butcher army, and if someone decided to be stupid enough to attack him in his own home, they'd have to deal with him, Philza, and the small army of hounds living in the pen outside, plus the polar bears. The entirety of the SMP could attack them and he'd be able to at least hold them off enough to get away.
So, Techno spent most of the day chilling, for once, sitting on his couch with a book and Steve curled up nearby while Phil worked on some blueprints for a project of his.
"You keep that up, you're going to end up building a whole city down in that abandoned fortress," he commented, huffing in amusement as the older looked up from the table to glare at him.
"Oh, you shut up," Phil retorted, pointing at him with the quill in his hand. "Do you want the syndicate room to look decent or not? Because if you prefer I can just wing it-" chat cackled at the unintentional pun, much to Techno's dismay- "and have it turn out whatever."
Techno squinted at his friend. "You wouldn't."
"You sure about that, mate?" Phil grinned back, the picture of innocence. Which, when it came to him, meant he absolutely would, the fucker.
"Alright, alright," Techno huffed, rolling his eyes good-naturedly, "leave the old man to his planning, got it."
Phil snorted, pushing his chair back as he stood up. "Now you listen here, you little shit-"
The sound of tapping on glass distracted them from the discussion, attracting their attention to the kitchen window. There, perched on the windowsill, stood one of Phil's crows, holding something in its beak.
After exchanging a curious glance with Techno, the older went to retrieve the bird, opening the window enough to let it hop in. Giving the crow a few pats on the head, he reached for the object, raising an eyebrow when he realized it was, in fact, a folded piece of paper. 
Intrigued, Techno watched as Phil opened the message, his eyes quickly scanning the paper before widening slightly in alarm. Well, that wasn't good.
"Mate, I think you might want to take a look at this," Phil called, urgency obvious in his voice and that really, really wasn't good.
Techno sighed, slipping the bookmark back in his book before standing up. Guess he could say goodbye to his plans for a chill afternoon.
Hello, Technoblade,
heard you guys took in a little stray -should have known, traitors tend to stick together, don't they? Well, jokes on you, I've got him now. Get to the coordinates listed at the bottom of this note, alone and unarmed, before sundown, or Ranboo gets it. An eye for an eye, that's how the saying goes, right?
See you soon,
Techno had been already halfway out of the house the second he finished reading the note, Phil hot on his heels.
"I'm not letting you go alone," the older stated, already reaching for his coat.
"Well, you'll have to," Techno countered.
"You can't go in without backup, especially unarmed and not knowing what to expect!"
"Oh trust me, I'll be anything but unarmed," Techno huffed, letting the axe Ranboo had gifted him slide in his inventory. "I can use the element of surprise, I'll be fine. But the second Quackity sees you, Ranboo is going to be in hot shit, and we don't even know where he's keeping him."
Phil glared, his lips pursed in a displeased frown before sighing in defeat. "That doesn't mean I have to like it."
Techno sent him an apologetic glance, quickly fastening his coat on before stepping down the porch.
"I'll keep my communicator on the whole time," he promised, walking towards the stasis chamber and reaching for one of his ender pearls, "I'll get there, grab Ranboo, kill Quackity if I can and the second I text you you're gonna teleport us back."
"Sounds like a plan," Philza sighed. "Be careful, okay mate?"
"When am I ever not?" Techno smirked. "we'll be back before you know it, old man."
"Fuck off and go save our neighbor, you ass!"
Techno cackled, shaking his head as he set off towards the Nether portal.
Save Ranboo!
Blood for the blood god
Techno shook his head, pushing the voices back as he forced himself to keep a clear head. He was pissed, sure, but he knew men like Quackity -he'd met a lot of them in his life, and all of them had fallen under his sword. He would be no different.
The Nether travel didn't take that long, and after that, all he had to do was follow his compass towards the coordinates he'd been given. Techno found himself feeling glad the place wasn't all too far away, seeing how the sun had just started dipping below the horizon when he finally stepped out of the forest.
"Man, look who is here, our guest of honor!" Quackity exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear as he turned to look at him. "Technoblade, how nice of you to join us, I was starting to think you wouldn't come, after all."
Distantly, Techno could hear the ocean waves crashing against the rocks under them, the occasional droplets of water reaching the top of the cliff they were currently on. Quackity was standing just near the edge, gusts of wind ruffling the feathers of his duck wings and trying to slip the beanie off his head -all it would take was a misstep, a small push, and he would plummet towards the unforgiving water below.
But what actually got the piglin's attention was the small structure he could see just behind the man, a small, locked cage rigged with redstone dangling well over the edge and above the crashing waves. And just inside of it, slumped against the metal bars, laid an unconscious Ranboo, left with no armor on but his clothes.
"What did you do to him," he demanded, not even bothering to tear his gaze away from the cage that reminded him too much of the day the butcher army had come for him.
"Ah, watch your tone, Blade," Quackity tutted, a smirk evident in his voice, "all I need is pull this lever, and the kid falls down into the ocean. I heard he doesn't do well in water without his armor… we wouldn't want that, would we?"
Techno snapped his head towards Quackity, baring his tusks in a silent threat.
"I'm here, I followed your stupid directions," he growled, barely able to keep himself from cutting Quackity's head clean off like the voices wanted him to, "now let Ranboo go."
The duck hybrid tilted his head to the side, feigning confusion. "And why would I do that, Technoblade? He's a traitor, he needs to be punished as one."
"A traitor to what?!" Techno asked, bewildered. "L'Manburg is gone, Quackity!"
"And whose fault is that?!" Quackity shouted. "Uh? Remind me, oh great Technoblade, who here razed an entire country to the ground not once, but fucking twice? Please, enlighten me!"
"Government corrupts," Techno answered, his voice low and dangerous, "L'Manburg was rotten to its core, look at what it did to you, to Tubbo, to Tommy! It needed to go."
Quackity laughed, throwing his head back as the wind kept howling around them.
"Oh, yeah?" he grinned, throwing his arms open. "Well, that's my old home you're talking about. And if it was rotten, well, then so am I."
Before Techno could even react, Quackity reached to his side, wrapping his hand around the lever connected to the redstone of the cage. And then, still grinning from ear to ear, he pulled.
"Ranboo!" Techno shouted, watching helplessly as the kid plummeted down towards the ocean water. Quackity's laughter mixed with the howling wind, crazed and high-pitched and making Techno's blood boil.
Ruby red eyes settled on the laughing man, filling with bloodlust as the familiar weight of an axe appeared in his hand.
The voices were growing louder by the second, feeding on his fury and chanting for blood. And this time, Technoblade didn't bother holding them back.
Ranboo woke up to muffled voices, yelling from somewhere in front of him. He didn't know what was happening, or where he was -the voices were somewhat familiar, yes, but he couldn't place them for the life of him and as it was, he could barely even catch a word every four, with how loud the wind was.
Normally, something like this wouldn't have failed to send him spiraling into a panic -he hated not knowing, not being aware of his own surroundings or how he got there in the first place. But his brain felt fuzzy, off-kilter, the only thing he could focus on being the dull throbbing coming from the back of his head. Ender, it hurt.
Fighting down a small whine, Ranboo pried his eyes open, pushing against the sluggishness to try and at least make some sense out of the situation he'd found himself in. His vision was fuzzy, but he could somewhat make out two figures standing somewhere in front of him.
One was standing with his back on him, decked in the familiar iridescent purple of an enchanted netherite armor. The other was a little farther away, enough so that to Ranboo, they looked like nothing more than a blurred blob of amassed colors. Pink was very prominent, followed by something red flowing on their back -they felt familiar, safe, causing Ranboo to relax almost on instinct.
"Technoblade...?" he slurred, confused. What was Techno doing there? They weren't in the Antarctic, there was no snow around them.
Before he could properly think of a reason, however, Ranboo felt the floor suddenly disappear from under him, fear shooting up his spine as he started plummeting down into the abyss. He didn't even have the time to make a sound before something dark and cold enveloped him, shocking him awake as he got twirled and smacked around.
A few seconds of shocked bliss passed, and then everything started burning.
It felt like he'd fallen in a pit of fire, the flames licking at every ounce of his skin as if trying to melt it directly off his body. Ranboo opened his mouth, trying to scream as the pain overwhelmed him in the worst way possible, only for something to fill his mouth and throat, choking him and only strengthening his growing panic.
He was going to die. He was going to die, alone in this darkness, he needed to get out, out, out-
Ranboo crashed on the hard, unforgiving ground, coughing harshly as water rushed out of his airways. Cold, frigid air hit his skin, soothing the burns and making the pain a little more bearable. He could breathe. He could breathe.
Ranboo slumped to the floor, staring up at the ceiling as he tried to get his racing heartbeat under control. He had to fight even just to keep his eyes open, exhaustion weighing him down until he could barely move his head, let alone think about standing up.
A white, furry snout filled his vision, curiously sniffing at his face. Ranboo blinked, a startled sound escaping his lips. The dog blinked back, tilting its head to the side.
"What…?" he whispered, wincing at how hoarse his voice came out. Ender, his throat hurt.
Another snout appeared above his head. And then another, and another, the sound of barking finally reaching his ears. Where- where was he, exactly?
Before he could try and come up with an answer, Ranboo heard the sound of a door opening, followed by a sharp gasp and hurried footsteps.
The hybrid squinted in confusion, immediately recognizing the voice.
No matter what tricks he might have had up his sleeve, Quackity couldn't stand a chance against an angry, vengeful Technoblade. It took him barely minutes to sink his axe through the other's neck, slicing his head clean off and sending it rolling on the ground under their feet. Techno barely watched as the lifeless body slumped down, ignoring his communicator vibrating with the death message as he raced to the cliff. He knew, he knew there was no way Ranboo had survived a fall like that, but he had to check, had to make sure. 
Crashing waves and wet, glistening rocks were the only things staring back, destroying whatever hope he might have had. Someone more impulsive would have jumped off, in a desperate hope to find the kid still struggling against the current, but Techno knew better.
The ocean was unforgiving, and for someone like Ranboo, even more so.
He sighed, stepping back from the edge and turning around. Quackity's body wasn't there anymore, having disappeared as the respawn mechanics worked their magic -if the man was smart, he wouldn't dare bother Techno again, not unless he wanted to lose his last life and find out how permadeath felt like.
In theory, Techno knew that Ranboo's death wasn't permanent. The kid still had all of his lives, at least before this, and the SMP would bring him back soon enough. Respawning sucked, though -it left you aching and in pain for days on end as your body stitched itself back together after whatever trauma had taken away one of your lives. It was a painful process, gruesome at times, and one Techno wished Ranboo didn't have to go through.
Especially not when it was his fault.
Ignoring the guilt pooling heavily in his gut, Technoblade reached for his communicator, intending to text Phil to bring him back. As it turned out, however, his friend had beat him to it, blowing up his notifications with hurried messages. Guilt now replaced with worry, Techno tapped the screen, reading through the chat.
[Philza] Techno
[Philza] Techno what the fuck
[Philza] Ranboo is here, he's in the dog pen
[Philza] Jesus christ he's covered in burns what the fuck happened
[Philza] Technoblade you better answer your fucking communicator right now or so help me god I will fly there, find you, and drag your ass home myself
[Philza] I saw the kill message where the fuck are you
Techno blinked, staring at the messages with wide eyes. What?
[Philza] Techno, I know you're reading these, answer me right now
[Technoblade] im omw
When Techno slammed the door of his cabin open, he didn't know what he was expecting. A dead body in the middle of respawning, maybe, with Phil watching over it like a silent guardian angel.
He certainly wasn't expecting to walk in on Phil wrapping gauze around what looked like the entirety of Ranboo's body, the bandages visible for the world to see with the simple shirt and pants the kid was now wearing.
Techno barely spared a glance to the pile of soaked clothes lying on his floor, raking his eyes over the enderman hybrid as he tried to work the surprise out of his system. Fine is the farthest adjective the piglin would use to describe Ranboo right at that moment, seeing how his entire body was covered in gauze and he was holding a pack of ice to the back of his head, but he was alive and breathing and for once in his life, Techno had no fucking clue about how that was possible.
"Fucking hell, kid," he groaned, letting his cloak fall to the floor as he trudged inside the house. "You'll give me a heart attack, one of these days."
Ranboo winced as Technoblade slumped on the couch, still a little dazed from the hit to his head.
"Sorry," he muttered, breaking into a coughing fit immediately after.
"Don't force your throat, mate, you gotta let it rest," Phil scolded gently, sending Techno a small glare. "We're just glad you're okay -or, well, as okay as you can be right now."
Ranboo hesitantly looked up, looking at Philza and then at Techno. The piglin nodded in silent agreement and watched as the kid seemed to slump on himself in relief, the tension leaving his body at once. Was it really that surprising, that they'd grown to care for him enough to be worried about his well-being?
The two men exchanged a worried glance, silent words passing between them. Then, Phil nodded to himself, tying up the last of the gauze around Ranboo's forearm before heading to the kitchen.
"How do you guys feel about some tea?" he asked, pulling down a kettle and three mugs. "I'd say we could all do with something warm right now."
Techno made a noise of affirmation, watching with amusement as Ranboo snorted and nodded in agreement.
Maybe things weren't okay just yet, but this? This was a start.
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