#enjoy my opinions bc I’m right all the damn time
borom1r · 19 days
1-25 choose violence ask game ❤️
ALL OF THEM?????? you’re so real for this ty snfnsnbfns. doing LotR bc of course I am
1. the character everyone gets wrong
PIPPIN I HATE TO SAY IT BUT PIPPIN. all those incorrect quote polls that have been posted where pippin keeps fucking winning YALL REALIZE HES AN ACTUAL CHARACTER RIGHT?? with like depth?? and bonds?? and a personality. yall realize that right?????? right??? ik we all love 2 joke but he would not say half of those things
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
ok I personally enjoy both for Boromir BUT if he IS topping. he is a service top. I will die on this hill
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I block ppl for these takes so no screenshots but everyone who thinks Boromir is a villain. if you think Boromir is a villain I will key your car.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
there is one singular straw and it is bad Boromir takes in the Boromir tag
5. worst discord server and why
I don’t join fandom discord servers bc I love myself too much for that 💗
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
ummm idk? most of my lotr mutuals have different ships from me and it’s all chill. but tbf I’m very selective abt who I interact with now lmao.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
no one yet thank fuck.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Aragorn/Arwen isn’t actually romantic sorry I think it’s fucked up actually. the vibes are off there for SURE
9. worst part of canon
FARAMIR’S “yeah I’m gonna take you from your home and tame you. haha wdym. you don’t need a blade during times of peace.” SHTICK WITH ÉOWYN IN THE BOOKS. UNPACK YOUR BIASES YOU LITTLE FREAK!!!!!!!!
10. worst part of fanon
HM. I will stick with “people who horrifically misinterpret Boromir’s character”
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
at the moment I only have rings of power blocked but I’ve had that blocked since it came out bc if I look at the armor in that show I will commit crimes.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
MOVIE!FARAMIR MY SPECIALEST LITTLE GUY OOOOOOOOOO MOVIE!FARAMIR I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUU he’s so handsome and special and I love him and you WILL all look at him and clap and cheer. it makes me insane that his temptation by the ring mirror’s Boromir’s and he’s actually fucking normal abt the Rohirrim AND I just love him very much :)
13. worst blorboficiation
ummm idk… maybe Frodo
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
HMMM exposing myself but I basically only read Aragorn/Boromir fics lmao + since we’re Choosing Violence the most annoying thing is Boromir just being A Brute. like damn I love the surface level reading of the text maybe try engaging with it above a 1st grade analysis next time 💗
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
hmmmmm idk cuz again I don’t interact w a lot of fanartists so there’s nothing like. annoying. all th ✨motifs✨ I do see r very fun + I like them :)
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
ummm for Serious, portraying Pippin as Stupid. for Silly, uhhhh Trans Faramir is so real to me I completely forgot cis people both 1) exist in the real world and 2) probably interpret Fara as cis too. i don’t get it :(
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
trans Faramir 🩵💗🤍
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
HM idk. trans Faramir again. also bc I love it, utilizing Old Norse culture for the Rohirrim teehee
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
OK IM MAD THAT FINNISH BOROMIR IS JUST ME. THATS ME. THATS AN OUTFIT I WEAR REGULARLY MINUS THE LONG HAIR. I DRESS LIKE THAT TO BUY GROCERIES. i love him for that tho. I’m also mad that MtG Boromir’s stupid pointy muttonchops have grown on me. freak behavior, keeping his facial hair trimmed in those stupid little points
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
I’m fighting for my life reading the histories rn 😑 I find them very dry for the most part
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
idk? I think there is an appropriate level of hype. but idk if Rings of Power had a lot of hype. if it did, then Rings of Power is my answer
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
idk if it’s IGNORED necessarily but the fact that Boromir carries a Rohirric shield in the films does actually genuinely make me insane 💞 I love that sm
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
UNWILLINGLY?????? idk?? ummmm I think it’s all fine for the most part I’m just A Fag so I don’t write het ships. it’s like a moral thing. Éowyn/Faramir gets a pass conceptually bc they’re T4T to me tho
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
idkkkkkkk I don’t engage w discourse bc I want this fandom to remain pleasanttttt
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
again idk.. I block on sight if I see a Bad Take + then I erase it from my memory so I can continue to live in a beautiful blissful world where I. forgor abt cis people ☺️
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mavspeed · 1 year
I won’t lie I haven’t exactly been doing too many deep dives into the tag, but these are Recent-ish Bangers, in my humble (but 100% correct) opinion:
- You are my life, my pride, my joy by Neoptolemos on ao3 - Icemav are raising young Bradley, who wishes on a star for a younger sibling. Not A/B/O, is an mpreg but it’s really, really sweet. That being said if pregnancy is a squick, I would tread elsewhere
- you got the peaches, I got the cream by Saturn on ao3 - Mav, Goose, and Carole own a bakery, Ice owns the heart of a true simp and a pilot’s license. Super cute one-shot
- today, again, and tomorrow by Lacerta - fellas, is it gay to get stuck in a multi-day time loop with ur rival? Asking for everyone’s favourite disaster aviators. Admittedly, I am the target audience on this one, given that I go bonkers for any time travel trope known to man, but I recommend this one for everyone bc it SLAPS slaps AND GOOSE LIVES (eventually)
- ICE - In Case of Emergencies by thenofutureshoe on ao3 - to be fair I don’t know if this one counts as recent perse, since it has been going since November, but I love it so much that I don’t even care. Is it obvious that the top gun fandom has turned me into an exes to lovers stannie?? Is it??? (Ice and Mav are exes. Mav ends up in the hospital. Ice is still Mav’s emergency contact. Hoo BOY.)
- Watch his Six by Shearmouth on ao3 - I know it’s not technically icemav but it’s pre icemav. the universe itself (the authors notes) told me. Safe to say, I am never getting over this fic!! Mav gets Beat TF Up following Hop 31, and with Goose out of commission, Ice and Slider step up to the plate!! This fic has everything: the whump!! The pining!! The Goose living!! The Ice introspection!! The protective Slider!! That’s what it’s all about, baby!!
- additional rewards earned by mavissed on ao3 - IF YOU READ NOTHING ELSE ON THIS LIST, READ THIS ONE. Ice is a waiter at TGI Fridays. Mav is a reporter testing just how far their unlimited appetizers thing goes. Somehow, this forms the beginning of what I can only imagine will be a beautiful relationship, and what I do know is hands down the best crack the top gun fandom has to offer. I nearly peed myself while reading this and I have no regrets.
- the Back Full Of Scars Series by CaptainTucker and Wingwyrm on ao3 - Set in an au where corporal punishment is the norm in the military circa the 1980s, and Mav has an unfortunate habit of being designated as the go-to whipping boy. It hurts so bad AND so good. The Cain in this is probably my second most-hated in the entire fandom, the whump is delicious, and the protective everybody??? Oh yeah, that’s what it’s all about.
- Flowers For Sale By Owner by aelibia on ao3 - Mav gets hanahaki disease. Mav intentionally exacerbates the symptoms of the said hanahaki disease to sell his lung flowers for money. Goose and Ice both think Mav is an idiot. They are Right (it’s so funny. It’s so damn funny).
- By Night, My Love, Tie Your Heart to Mine by SOBERHYUCK on ao3 - And they were bunkmates! (Oh my god, they were bunkmates)
- Summer Rain by TunaSupremacy on ao3 - au where Ice and Mav didn’t go to top gun together, but did do the Layton rescue. Years down the line, they have to get into a fake relationship for Military Reasons. It’s only three chapters in, but the au is super intriguing and I’m very excited to see where they go with it :)
Honourable mentions go to the as lions update by qin-ling. Is it recent? No. Does it slap? Yes. Am I telling everyone I know about it? Also yes.
Pls enjoy my offerings lmao. I am in a foreign country where I know nobody, and have way too much time on my hands :D
OOOHHH thank you so much!! yeah I’m familiar with some of these I actually love watch your six and as lions omg although I haven’t been keeping up with the most recent updates ☹️☹️ but I’ll def check the rest out!
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josephtrohman · 11 months
your cat dog person analogy is soooo true
sorry to go off rn but those m cr fans are just soooo bitter for no fucking reason. they think their morals have to align with their music tastes and find any sort of way to find any sort of dirt on other bands they don’t enjoy. example i constantly see callout posts for band guys that usually overlap with similar fans and music with m cr. look i know band guys can suck and obviously they shouldn’t be praised like saints, but these out of nowhere callouts for band dudes i see are always from m cr accounts. are you actually wanting to call out shitty behavior or do you just want points for being high and moral because youre the fan of the most unproblematic feminist anti capitalist band who’s never done anything wrong?
they always pick and choose on who’s worthy enough to even be liked on some level of m cr example i remember seeing posts about how the savior m cr were the only ones there for paramore 😫🥹 they are just so cool like that!! no other bands were there for paramore 😞
they act like they are the underdogs and how nobody understands them, but i constantly see several thousand notes about how cool the band is on my dash every so often
they will always call other bands cringe or saying they never understood the assignment with their newer stuff or how they were just never on their level of punk rock in the first place. i seen people say m cr has always made consistently good music unlike those other bands who are pop sell outs but bitch your band hasn’t put anything new out in a decade how tf do u know 💀
sorry to go off, but god damn it’s just music, stop, whatever happened to the emo trinity, you all use to love that, what happened
thank you bestie!!!! NEVER be sorry for going off i am always here for it!!! especially when it’s well thought out like this. cuz a lot of my opinions UNFORTUNATELY boil down to “mcr fans annoying” (OBVIOUSLY not including my moderate mcrtuals!!!). im putting the rest of my response under the cut cuz i also popped off but a tldr is: u are the best and i love u.
i absolutely agree with everything you had to say here tho…like why do these people act this way. like babes your guys are embarrassing sometimes too or whatever. we all saw frank having an overpriced garage sale of his trash or whatever recently. not really anti-capitalistic to me sounds like!! that’s crazy about the thing you said about paramore tho cuz it’s like. what does that even mean to be a saviour of paramore????? as if they need saving?????? that doesn’t sit right with me for SURE to imply that 😡
sooooo real about the underdogs comment cuz like. i think that mcr feels like the most popular of the “emo trinity” of times past. it’s not like i know this for a fact but i don’t know anyone else irl that is into fob that i HAVENT specifically got them into them!!! whereas i feel like i have so many friends who are into mcr but had never listened to fob until i sent them my playlists. and also another piece of info that backs it up is i’ve gone to 4 emo nights in the last year, and the reception of when they play the black parade vs like…sugar we’re going down is like a BIG difference. except for maybe the specific fob edition, the crowd i would say is duller during sugar like 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. also like i think you can tell by the dynamics on tumblr too, i feel like there’s like 20 fob girlies and every other bitch is an mcr fan here. we’re outnumbered like CRAZY. and the amount of times i’ve seen people be like “if mcr ain’t your fave from the emo trinity = 🚩” but people NEVER say that about fob. i think i had another example but lost my train of thought bc people are talking around me LMFAO
ALSO THAT SECOND LAST PARAGRAPH LMFAOOOO GET THEIR ASS!!!!!! literally it’s not that deep, it’s music, i get spicy bc i’m frustrated with fob being treated this way from people fob fans are allegedly supposed to be “making out with” or whatever. like i know i’m insane about my four men but they are like INSAAANE about their four men and it’s not in a cute way. as i always say, mcr and fob as bands respect each other and i GUARANTEE the mcr guys wouldn’t want fob to be treated the way these crusty ass mcr mainies treat them. god.
this was rambly, i have no idea if any of this was smart or good, but my main takeaway is to say THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!!!!! and i always appreciate the support ofc bc i’m worried i’m going to be eaten alive by the mcr fans bc they have a history of eviscerating us.
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sol-consort · 4 months
omgg a mass effect blog?? in 2024?? unreal and amazing (0-0)!!! I saw that you write for every character so I was wondering if you could write some relationship hc’s for Jack x gn! Renegade!Shepard? I’m such a sucker for the asshole x asshole but are secretly soft for each other trope😭 Also i’m amazed you write fro Ashley too?? Like is my girl finally getting some love? I remember how much the fandom hated her some years ago, like say something as simple as “I like Ashley and her character arc” and boom you were labeled as alien racist yeehaw 💀. It was hard being an Ash enjoyer 😔
I'm reviving this bitch! I just discovered the fandom this month I will be loud and annoying about it until the zombies come out.
And here you go! Here is your request. <3 I hope you enjoy it.
I had to go watch renegade maleshep with Jack so i can get the vibes right and my god, I am so happy I picked femshep bc the male voice acting is very...stoic potato with angry eyes drawn on it. But I missed on Jack's romance which is bullshit bc she states she has slept with woman before so why not meee :"(
But I also it gave me a different perspective on her character. Kelly mentions how avoiding having sex with Jack is the way to gain her respect. And because femshep can't romance her, it means Jack respects you way earlier than maleshep and it kinda shows in her dialogue. Like she got a true friend and women supporting women!
I took the paragon options, which yeah made her make fun of me, but I felt like she was owed some kindness. I am making my Shepard a bit naive too, It adds flavour when i get betrayed.
AND ASHLEY I LOVE HER I ADORE HER. if i had a nickle each time an hated woman character in the fandom with little fanwork made me start a whole blog out of spite just to post about her then I'd have two nickles, which isn't a lot but it is weird that it happened twice with bg3 Minthara then this.
Ashley is just so adorable? Even without her romance she genuinely shows love and devotion. Like yeah Kaidan is Shepard's bf but that's all it feels like. Just a romance option.
But Ashley??? Ashley is femshep true pal and bro. She's been there through thick and thin. Her voicelines are priceless and I took her with me on every single mission in ME1 new game plus.
But damn yikes- they do know that half the humans start off as alien racists and change? Even Ashley wasn't that extreme about it, and she goes through character growth and becomes fond of aliens. Pressly also called them animals, and Kaidan says he isn't big on alien cultures.
Ash wasn't afraid to speak her mind, she always expressed her opinions and took it in stride if you criticise her views and tell her to pull herself together. She considers your words and becomes better.
And we can make Kaidan more alien racist, that guy is willing to become a xenophobe for some pussy, but only if you're femshep. While Ashley can be changed without having to romance her. People really can't handle women with flaws or personality.
And let's not forget that it was Ashley staying on the deck with three different aliens on it and not once did a problem accure. Ash was defensive because she thought they wouldn't like humans, not because she hated them. Not once do Garrus, Wrex or Tali mention anything bad that Ash has done ever. They were right besides her too! Because she hasn't done anything bad.
She is so cute, so precious and the fact her grandpa salutes to her. The fact she walked into the military where they blacklisted her family just to restore their honour and make her grandpa proud? I'm choking in tears rn. And her precious sisters that she took care of, she practically raised them.
She is strong and unimaginably brave. Also, look at this adorable video of her saluting.
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 5 months
good evening! your response is well said & you’re completely right. evan has gotten so much shit from so many people over the years, it’s exhausting constantly having to defend him & reveal truth to people. regarding the person who said those things about evan, i’m pretty sure that was actually my first time interacting with them, they are not my preexisting friend. & you’re right, age really does not matter when it comes to false accusations & i believe that wholeheartedly. the reason i mentioned his age is bc i was under the impression some of your readers were wanting you to drag him rather than educate him in a respectful manner & i have an issue with people cyberbullying minors for the sake of it. if i misread that then i apologize & i’ll change my perspective.
& i never unfollowed you queen, i just made a new acc & got rid of the old one which is probably why you thought i unfollowed. i appreciate what you do for this fandom & even if we disagree on some things, i respect you & believe that you have nothing but good intentions. not that you would know bc it hasn’t been public but i have defended you many times as well. my frustrations are not with you specifically, i am more so using your platform to speak to the anons who seem to have an issue with me as they are doing.
to the anons who are concerned about my posts, i would be happy to speak to you directly & have a civil conversation if you are ever interested but idk who you are so if you care to discuss further, please don’t hesitate to dm me! i am more than happy to have a discussion at any time.
tweam, i hope that you enjoy your edibles & bubble bath! i’m going to go spend some time with my loved ones before unwinding.
i sincerely do appreciate you clarifying your statement and why you responded the way you did. i understand, and truthfully, i think most fans who see people repeating false information get exhausted, and the default position is to assume that the person wants to argue, be defamatory, and has no interest in you educating them by presenting facts that counter their argument. while that is very common on stan twt, it's not always the case, and we have to do our best to operate with good intentions and not become malicious because of past experiences. i certainly do try to maintain my perspective, so thank you for saying that.
and to any readers who want to weigh in on this: please understand that this is not the place to hold forum about a social media user that you don't like. the door has already been opened for you to speak directly if you feel like there is something you need to say, so i ask that you do not attempt to use me as a go-between because i am not posting this type of message. i know it's the norm for people to share tweets that they disagree with or peoples' hot takes, and that's fine - but if there is a situation where a particular person just really rubs you the wrong way, there's no reason continually seek them out. one of the reasons i created this blog was because i wanted people to have a space where all could share thoughts/opinions/discuss topics about evan that were way too policed on other platforms, and particularly, to move away from the extreme negativity and bullying atmosphere of the post-frannie and dahmer fandom that was going to hell on here. i know everyone is bored because of the lack of evan content, but i really just don't care about someone being a fan of jared leto or who is beefing on twitter. it isn't relevant, none of this has anything to do with evan, and it for damn sure doesn't have anything to do with me. i have my own opps to deal with lmfao i truly appreciate everyone who contributes to this blog positively - whether you send in your fanfic writing, your random thoughts about evan, excitement when we get a new crumb, tiktok edits, legal services for koya, etc.. it is valued, and tweam is only possible because of what you guys add.
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amyelevenn · 2 years
When Worlds Collide
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Chapter 1 of my series Glimmer in the Eye of the Curious
PAIRING; c!Technoblade x gn!reader
SUMMARY; the introduction 
WARNINGS/TAGS; graphic description of injury/violence
A/N; ahhhhhh first chapter!!! just wanted to get this out so people can get a feel for what this will be about :))) also if this sounds familiar its bc i rewrote one of my oneshots (christmas - sbi) bc i’m lazy so that’s why lol
2.4k words
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In your opinion, running had never been a fun task. Whether it was in a race, or from a pursuer, it was never something you seemed to be able to enjoy. The ache of your legs, the burning of your lungs, the pounding of your heart almost as if begging to burst right out of your ribcage -- I mean, who could blame you?
But to you, running was especially invigorating when it was away from mobs. It always terrified you that they were out for your blood, and didn’t help when you had the occasional arrow whiz past your ear, 9/10 times barely nicking the skin and nothing more. At this point, you were surprised you still had ears from all the times you had encountered skeletons.
You understand that the whole point of being an isolationist was to stray from politics and remain as neutral as one can be and that with isolationism came living alone with no possible human contact, but the lack of life you had encountered was outstanding. You knew living in the middle of nowhere was a risk, but you hadn’t quite fully grasped just how far out you resided.
You just wanted to take an innocent stroll outdoors – it had been a nice, sunny day and you hadn’t gone outside in a while due to the recent poor weather – who could blame you? Turns out you had brought the wrong map, and since you didn’t know the area well, it was only a matter of time before you ended up lost. But, you persisted, determined to find your way home – and even after losing track of the time, even with what little weaponry you had and the sun sitting idly on the horizon, ready to turn in for the night.
You had been running for what felt like days, but in reality, would’ve only been a mere few hours, perhaps not even that. You didn’t allow yourself to stop, knowing that if you did you would be well and truly dead in a multitude of seconds. Considering you seemed to have journeyed right into mob-central, you couldn’t see a future where you did stop and made it out alive.
It also didn’t help that your ankle was gradually bleeding out from a creeper blast you gained less than an hour into your journey. With that same explosion, you’re pretty sure that your hearing got screwed up in one of your ears, which wasn’t exactly a part of your ideal scenario. Pure adrenaline was coursing through your veins, which helped you ignore the impending pain.
Your breathing was short, heavy and ragged – easily suffocated by your mask. Your intake of air was limited, not helping the need for immediate oxygen into your panting lungs. The mask covered your nose and mouth, making your face uncomfortably warm and undoubtedly red, cheeks more than flushed.
If you could of, you would have ditched it the second you realised you would be running the long game, but the damn clasp had been broken for so long now that it had just become the new norm. You needed to be stationary and concentrating to be able to get it off on a good day – so despite it ineffectively slowing you down, it would have to stay on for now.
Many – way too many – mobs were still hot on your tail, and it didn’t help that you were running right into a snowy forest. The trees seemed to cop most of the snowfall, but the foliage didn’t collect all of the white powder that managed to pile up to your shins, soaking your already ripped, singed and ruined pants.
You ducked as another arrow flew over your head, aimed straight for the back of your skull. You shuddered at the thought of it piercing through your bones, but kept up your unsteady pace. Weaving in and out of the trees proved much harder in the snow, but you were determined to not die in the middle of nowhere with no one to find you.
You are going to die here! and no one alive knows of your existence! Ha! How’s that for karma? Winding up dead against a tree with your flesh splayed across the ground in front of you. Being left to freeze and rot and be eaten by wild animals and--
You swallowed as that train of thought crashed and died, and almost as if right on cue, light flooded into your vision. Not just any light, no, but that of a torch; a beautiful sign of life. Human life. And you knew that human life could equal help.
Or death.
You felt your adrenaline peak, using what strength you had left to get to the light. It didn’t take long to be surrounded by trees lit by small torches, but you didn’t stop there. They seemed to be lighting a path, one that you didn’t hesitate to follow. Within mere paces, the sounds of your chasers dispersing met your ears, clearly not appealed at your sudden escape.
As the groans of displeasure quietened around you, you noticed yourself slowing down. You willed yourself forward, hyperaware of the fact that if you stopped here, you would more than likely die of hypothermia in the soft snowstorm. Ironic after the whole hours-long cat and mouse that the monsters wouldn’t even be the ones to deal the final killing blow.
The snow was much thinner on the man-made path, which made it so much easier to run through. You were more than grateful for whomever it was that carved the way, hoping to the gods above that they would be showered in their greatest desires. It sounded a bit extreme, but your emotions were working overtime, so who cared for an extra bit of gratitude?
You became aware of the torches thinning out ahead of you but soon realised that was because the forest ended here. Not long after, you were in the middle of a clearing, the moon now being your only source of light and direction. That is, apart from the glowing windows of the house not too far off in the distance.
You were more than ecstatic at the face of civilisation. Mustering what dwindling energy you had left, you trudged through the snow and to the cottage. The outside had a few lanterns at the base of the stairs leading to the patio, but the main source of illumination was from what appeared to be the kitchen window. You couldn’t see anyone behind them, but as you steadily approached, you could make out a faint voice echoing around the house.
Your ankle was starting to ache, the adrenaline wearing off, agony deciding to take its place.
You had made it halfway from where the forest line had broken and where the building was placed when you sensed that you weren’t alone any longer. And by sensed, you meant the fact that an arrow was sent flying mere millimetres past your arm, slicing your shirt but nothing deeper. You had gotten lucky for now, but you knew it wouldn’t last long. It never did in your case.
Just make it to the house, you thought.
Turning back for just a second, you got a glimpse of who was attempting to take your head; two skeletons and a creeper.
With the throbbing of your foot, you were now much slower than before. There wasn’t much you could do but turn and fight. Although, that wasn’t the smartest option either, considering you didn’t have a shield and the only weapon you had on hand was a mangled iron sword. It would have to do.
Taking a few quick deep breaths in a feeble attempt to calm your pounding heart rate, you turned to face the oncoming threats. The first arrow was easy enough to dodge, the second being the same. The third, however, is not so much. The tip managed to skim itself along the inside of your thigh, and it went in mildly deep. An involuntary grunt escaped your lips, loud enough to gain some attention.
With a new bloody hole in your pants, you swung your sword at the closest skeleton, slightly proud of yourself as you watched it turn to dust at your feet. But your victory was short-lived, the all too familiar hiss of a creeper way too close for comfort. Before you had time to register what was happening, you were being thrown away from your position, landing hard on your back.
Hard enough to knock the wind out of your lungs, leaving you spluttering and gasping. Hard enough to easily give you a concussion. Hard enough for something in your shoulder to crack, most likely a broken bone. Hard enough to somehow make you cough up blood, something you should be much more concerned about.
But you weren’t. You couldn’t bring yourself to be, the pain and agony being too fresh to be able to focus on anything else. A harsh wave of anguish washed over you from head to toe, sending unpleasant shivers over your whole body.
You couldn’t move, either. With the blood dripping from the slice along your thigh, your mangled ankle, heaving chest, pounding headache, what feels like a broken shoulder, and the cold snow pulling you under, you just couldn’t find it in yourself to get up and keep going.
At least this wouldn’t be the worst way to die. The snow falling from the sky blended in nicely with the stars, a wonderful blur of white painted across the inky night sky like a Monet portrait. A quiet sigh escaped your lips, and you let yourself close your eyes.
If only for a split second in real time, everything felt slow and sluggish in your head. You could’ve sworn you heard the beautiful sound of the last skeleton meeting its end, but it was most likely just a hallucination. Yet you forced your eyes to snap open again at the crunch of snow underneath the shoes of the person approaching you carefully.
The feeling of cold metal(?) against your throat was enough to keep you living for a little while longer. The tall figure above you blocked the moon and stars from your view, effectively masking themselves in the dark.
“I come in peace,” you mutter, your voice hoarse and unused, muffled by your mask. You weren’t even sure if they had heard you. “Please.” Your whole body was in agony, and you just wanted everything to be over. You were miserable.
If they walked away, you would be dead in under an hour. He couldn’t leave you here, it’d be on his conscience for months, possibly years. And also for the fact that you would most definitely die if he left. Totally not just because of the whole conscience thing.
The blade is taken from your neck, a small breath releasing from your chest you hadn’t realised you had been holding. They had heard you and was beginning to lift you from under the armpits to hoist you up.
“I'll help you,” he murmured softly, “but if you do anythin’ funny, I'll snap your neck an’ toss you out into the snow to freeze, got it?”
Crying out in the burst of pain pulsating through your shoulder at the sudden movement, you make an effort to nod so they know you understand. Your conscience was now ever-wavering, unforgivingly teetering between life and death like an unbalanced acrobat on a wobbly tight rope.
After blacking out for a little, the next thing you remember was calloused hands laying you down on a pillow next to a raging flame whilst scanning you up and down for any major injuries. To their surprise, they were greeted with many more than they had anticipated (and wanted). Five major injuries were what they counted, with heaps of smaller cuts and bruises. How you were still conscious – hell, still alive was beyond a miracle to them.
The same calloused hands began to work away at the wounds, trying their best to keep the blood in and keep the pain out, which proved to be a very difficult task. You barely managed to keep an exhausted and wary eye on them to make sure there wasn’t any funky business going on when it clicked that you recognised them from somewhere.
It was something to do with the pink hair pulled back into a messy braid that screamed a sense of familiarity to you, along with the white boar-ish mask (skull?) that adorned their face. The way they moved – so effortlessly graceful on their feet, practically prancing around the room you were placed in.
Yet none of that fully tipped you off as to how you knew your rescuer before now. No, what did it for you was how he would quietly mutter something to himself, but would almost try to be so quiet you wouldn’t hear.
“Technoblade?” you mumbled, disbelief pushing you to sit up on the wooden floor you had been lying on. Your mask was still pulled taught across your face, which you now realise had never felt more suffocating. Your heart was beating uncontrollably fast and loud in your ears, the thunderous rush enough to make your head spin.
He froze where he stood in the kitchen, but was quick to turn his front to you so he could protect himself if needed. His posture stiffens as he placed a hand on his sheathed sword, his face stony and eyes void of emotion behind his disguise.
“You know me?” he all but growls, a hard, unblinking gaze drilling holes into your head.
His tone was more than enough confirmation for you, along with the fact that he quite literally admitted to being your old pal. Well, more so didn’t not say it wasn’t him. You didn’t know how or even if you were able to process this new piece of information right now, being too busy trying to fight off the crashing waves of nausea washing over you.
Too afraid to use your voice (along with the added idea of vomiting all over his pristine rug and floors), you nod a quick few times. Even that made you feel even worse than you had before. Clasping your hand over your mask, your body began to give up on you. Your eyelids felt like lead; heavy and droopy, along with the rest of your limbs. Everything started shutting down, the whole night way too much for you too quickly.
Technoblade seems to notice your form failing itself, and sat next to your side in seconds. Unbuckling your mask with surprising ease, he coaxes a regeneration potion down your slack jaw and throat, immediately chasing it with that of a healing potion.
He’s also not overly fond of how his thoughts jump straight to how currently vulnerable you were, and the two different demands being screamed at him now.
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keithal · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written :)
oh hello! beloved enterprisery this is my fave game to do of all time, so thank u for this :D three things before we get into it: (1) out of respect for u, the first two will be iwtv fics, (2) most of these are my least popular works LMAO and (3) this got pretty long. sorry abt that.
hell and you: modern day devils minion w old man daniel and armand. sometimes i forget how much i like this fic and then i'll remember "i wrote a fic abt armand being daniel's sugar daddy, LOL." it's very funny to me personally. i especially love this bit i threw in:
He fills the apartment with the smell of his cologne and something underneath that it can’t quite mask. A smell like water left to stand too long or flowers left too long in a vase.
i like the idea of vampires smelling like death. i can forgive this tho bc i think in the later installments of the vc anne rice said vampires smell like mayo? which is ... well. at least much more attention-grabbing than what i did.
damn these vampires: an armandaniel fic that takes place immediately after the season finale. this fic was majorly inspired by a thought that woke me up from deep sleep. armand and daniel have history. armand (i'm guessing) blocked daniel's memories. but didn't wipe them. daniel can't access them, but they're still there. so how funny would it be if daniel was jealous of louis being w armand but has no fucking idea why.
He smokes one on his walk back to the penthouse, thinking of how he had stood there in the aftermath, staring at Rashid—Armand—hovering over them like fucking Mary Poppins, his hand interlocked with Louis’s, and—instead of doing what a Pulitzer-winning, seasoned journalist of his caliber should’ve been doing in the face of being this royally fucked over—absurdly, inexplicably, Daniel noted the position of Armand’s thumb: on top.
i make myself laugh.
keep on keeping on, dean winchester: deancas s13 au where jack is a baby. i can't actually think of a part of it that stands out without any context (which, in my opinion, is a good sign), but i can say that i enjoy this part quite a bit:
Friday morning, as they’re making their way through the sticks toward the interstate, Sam says, “Hey, guess what I bought,” and holds up a dusty Sing-A-Long CD. “Fuck no,” Dean says. “We are not listening to Metallica all the way to Sioux Falls with a baby in the back.” “He likes it! Right, Jack?” he calls over his shoulder. Jack makes an incandescent gurgling sound. “See? Kid knows any music made after 1979 sucks ass.” “Singing in early childhood is important, Dean. It helps kids with language development, memory, and emotional regulation, and it entrains their social visual behavior.” “Thanks, Spock. You’re the pride of the Federation.” “Dean.” “Dude, I’m just saying, we can entrain his social visual behavior with the classics. We don’t need that baby crap. It’s the 21st century. All we need is Zep, Cash, some AC/DC—”
i worked really hard to capture dean's voice--like, harder than i've ever worked to scrub my own voice from a piece of writing. the amount of references and sayings in this bitch? sheesh.
i'm also very happy with how the relationship btwn jack and dean developed. one person who commented made a very intelligent observation that even i hadn't realized: i made dean see himself in jack. and it makes sense, doesn't it? jack's mom died bc of the supernatural; he wasn't allowed to process this loss at all; and he was left in the care of a father who'd lost a spouse. a father whose grief made him mean and treated his son like an object (hence the "it" pronouns used in the beginning).
anyway! very happy w how it turned out :)
long live the kingslayer: an elriel mission fic. i've spoken abt it like. a million times by now. and i still love it <3 there's just so much real estate to work w when it comes to elain. she's so underdeveloped that anything u say abt her is almost always pure conjecture. it was so much fun to take a character i loved so dearly and write a story where she was never punished for being who she is.
i'm still very fond of this part in particular:
“Wait,” he said before she could leave. His voice was nearly as hesitant as his expression, flickering between uncertainty and a strange, boyish shyness that was captivating on him. He reached into his leathers—where, she couldn’t know—and pulled out a small container. “Here,” he said, placing it in her hands. She opened it. Inside was a smelly, yellow ointment. “A salve,” he explained, “for your hands.” An unnameable feeling seized her. She hadn’t thought he noticed, never dared mention it out of fear of what he’d think, and this whole time he’d been carrying this salve with him. A salve for her hands. It was a terrible idea. She knew it as soon as it came to her, but she grabbed Azriel by the ears anyway, drew him down to her height, and kissed his cheek. She felt his skin go warm, and she imagined how surprised he must look, how shy. When she pulled back, she saw that his face was indeed dark with color, avoiding her gaze. Simultaneously pleased at her reaction and embarrassed by it. He was magical, she thought, and she loved him dearly. Loved him so much that it broke her heart. “Thank you,” she said. “This will be invaluable.” Finally, a smile from him. Unable to resist it, she brushed the back of her hand over his cheek, fond, and said, “I’ll leave you to rest.”
a lot of acotar fans hate it when ppl write azriel to be soft and shy and not particularly dark at all. me, personally? i think that’s boring. azriel was born into an abusive and violent home and suffered unimaginable torture at a very young age. he developed powers meant to protect him from the horror of his daily life, and those powers made him a great spymaster/torturerer. but it's so obvious that azriel hates his position within the court. he's starved of intimacy and tenderness. he has an extremely reserved and kind nature. it's a much more meaningful to have a character like that find someone who recognizes his gentleness and desire for gentleness in him and offers it to him. those characteristics don't make him any less of a man.
god never wrote a good play in his life: a god/chuck character study written in second person. i genuinely don't know how the toxic sibling relationship btwn amara and chuck doesn't make more people absolutely fucking insane. this story is chuck-centered, obviously, but i don't think anyone realizes WHY i did that. i don't like chuck! i didn't like writing from his perspective! i did it bc all of supernatural is chuck-centered. even when it isn't quote-unquote "his" story, it's still his. the point of the whole thing is for the reader to do what chuck/the show doesn't: break out of what's being told to u! look at the other characters! namely, look at amara.
chuck tries to scrub her from the story completely. the fic is 3k long, yet chuck doesn't mention amara at ALL unless she's onscreen. and even when she is onscreen, we can't trust a fucking thing he says! as exemplified here:
Maybe that wasn’t how it happened. Maybe you and your Sister were perfectly capable of creation. It would be absurd if you weren’t. Surely it wasn’t possible that you couldn’t create anything together. If you were in harmony, that should have implied you, together, would excel at it. She was an eccentric mind, designing balls of gas and entire solar systems that resembled you, right where all your rings met. (The most terrifying thing She came up with was the collapse of a star, where it became a gaping black mouth that swallowed everything in sight. You and I, She explained, perfectly in balance.) You were far less excitable, putting all your focus into the one planet you’d claimed as your own, but as you watched Her in those moments, you privately invented jealousy. Maybe you were lying about the lying. Perhaps They did give you counsel in a lapse of generosity, and your essence catapulted as you realized you would have to choose. Or possibly that day went like every other. Maybe She never met Them, and you only met Them much later, once you had shoehorned Them into part of your story. So instead of revelations and sacrifices, your Sister told you about centripetal force as you floated, listening, your rings spinning in slow, lazy circles, and you told Her about how little you cared for all this science and math She liked so much. Where is the pathos? you asked, and She sighed much as an exasperated older Sister should, and you realized that you loved Her very much. Or maybe you didn’t.
WHY? why is that? it's because the longer she's in the story, the worse chuck looks.
amara loved chuck from beginning to fucking end. she was born loving him. she chose him, always, over and over again. and chuck knew this! he used it! he would dangle the possibility of him finally loving her back to get her to do what he wanted. and what does chuck do abt this? abt his story, the first to ever exist? he recreates it. michael & lucifer; cain & abel; dean and sam (all men, curiously). to ... what? prove that he isn't the only brother to have not loved his sibling back? that in his position, u would've done the same?
i could talk abt that fic all day. best thing i've ever written.
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netherfeildren · 1 year
hi vic! i was wondering what your first fanfic was and what got you to make the decision to write and publish your work? also what are your favorite books/authors? i’m in love with your writing and the personality/liveliness you give your characters are you an english major by any chance?
hi there! fear of god was my first fanfic ever ever! i’ve always written a little here and there, i’ve kept a journal most of my life but that was the first ever like full length, plot focused story i’d ever written.
hmm i’m not really sure what got me to put it out tbh. i’d known of tlou peripherally before the show but the show reallyyyyyy sucked me in. i watched hours and hours of the game play after the show premiered and i wanted to write something but i’m a huge procrastinator and i was kinda putting it off in my mind until the story just got too loud to ignore. i guess also, and not to get too vulnerable™️ on here but i went through a pretty bad time last year and i’m not the sort of person who can just talk about things… like ever haha so i guess i needed to write about them instead.
favorite books/ authors (phew big question) i’ve read everything anne carson has ever written. no one writing today is doing what she’s doing. my favorites of hers are autobiography of red (top three favorite books of all time) the beauty of the husband and norma jean baker of troy. donna tartt’s the goldfinch actually changed my life when i read it this is no exaggeration i love that woman so much (there are rumors her new book’s pub’ing in june and i’m LOSING MY DAMN MIND) i’ve read a lot of nabokov i like his sort of very wordy complex style bc i feel like i can lean that way sometimes and let my sentences just run away from me and he just gets right to the heart of things but like sort of like a puzzle to me? if that makes sense? hmm lisa kleypas (the hathaways) greatest romance author of ALL TIME no i will not be taking differing opinions. those books are my all time comfort reads. aaaand right now i’m working through anaïs nin’s backlog and i’m quite enjoying it. i like her very concise style. everything is right there plainly on the page (especially the sex and violence) and i like that it’s a little strange and grotesque sometimes.
thank you so much for saying you enjoy the personalities i give them!!! everything i touch on in these stories is in some way personal to me and it does make me worry occasionally that i’m making them too specific or zeroed in. after all, these are reader insert fics, and i understand that part of the allure to them is the anonymity of it all, but the thing is that after living with these characters in my mind for so long and so closely as i write them they in some way become real people to me. so it’s hard to keep them just this nameless vessel without any discerning personality traits if that makes sense
and finally, yes, one of my degrees is in english literature, and i did a focus on romanticism so lots of shelley, keats, love me a byronic hero (JOEL!!!)
again sorry the answer’s so long winded but if there’s one thing i like to do it’s run my mouth and i really enjoy these questions so thanks for sending them in guys 💗😊
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juneviews · 2 years
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axelle judges bl shows > Star and Sky: Sky In Your Heart
summary: After a drunk driving accident, Fah gets sent to a small village in the north as a punishment. There, he meets Prince, a teacher who immediately catches his eye.
where to watch: youtube
grade: 8/10
- the chemistry was lovely. I loved this pairing so much & I think they worked great together. definitely the selling factor of the show for me!
- the setting is always just... fucking nice. like not only are shows that do not take place in bangkok incredibly refreshing, but they’re a must to show as much of thai culure as you can. here, bc this setting was already familiar to pretty much everyone thanks to 1000 stars, the show spends much less time introducing them to us but still gives us a wonderful insight into the lives of northern villagers.
- the characters were just lovely. contrarily to star in my mind, I loved both main characters. fah is very fun to follow & made absolutely adorable by mek’s facial expressions, while prince is just SO damn easy to love. all of the other characters, be it jj, mesa, yaya or the kids, are great as well :)
- they definitely rushed some things in my opinion, notably the last episode. the conflict is already pulled out from nothing just to create temporary drama and draw out the climax of the story, but on top of that I genuinely felt like this should’ve been a longer show? I know right, the fact that I’m saying that as a short series lover is shocking. I just feel like everything just went too fast: the flirting, the conflicts... and that made the writing weaker in general. it actually had the potential to be much greater with the great chemistry & setting, yet bc of that it wasn’t fully imo.
- no shade to kluendao, but tell me WHY they literally got featured more in the show than the main fucking couple?? like some of their appearances totally made sense, but others were forced just for the sake of fanservice, which was so annoying, especially since obviously fahprince only had one small ass scene in star in my mind. honestly I skipped all of their scenes I was just over it.
would I rewatch it: yeah
This is not a revolutionary show by any means but I really enjoyed it. Would definitely recommend since it’s so short :)
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bi-lullaby · 2 years
Love the ask you sent me so much (I’ll answer tomorrow!) that I’m sending it right back to you: “Spicy asks: Three most controversial opniões, three least favorite popular ships, and your absolute favorite and least favorite character for SPN, HP, Grey’s, Friends and whatever your favorite show ever is”
Oh dear how will I ever cope with this?/k
- Three most controversial opinions: I really love the Bunker [look, we can talk about how the aesthetics did get kinda ruined and overly sanitized and how much we all miss the motels and how it could come in as a deux ex machina at times but it gave them a home and a place dean felt safe anough to wear a robe and silly pajamas I can’t not love it also the sheer possibilities like lets put a full olympic swimming pool and gigantic greenhouse and all sorts of cursed objects and cool rooms and books with wild lote in there who knows why not]; I think Destiel is unrequited (I kinda ping-pong back and forth on this one and it’s not always my opinion but it’s my most consistent reading and it seems similar to JA’s: Cas was in love with Dean, Dean loved Cas and that’s a tragic little difference); I don’t much care for Jack (Idk how to elaborate on this without writing a whole thesis and a billion disclaimers and I do not have that kind of energy so lets leave it at that)
- Three least favorite popular ships: Sabriel (never caught wind of any sparks there tbh) Samifer (his torturer? SALS ofc but I personally cannot get into it and don’t ship it) I’d include Dean Alastair in this for the same reason but idk if it’s AS popular in general fandom) and Megstiel (I don’t deny they were a thing/on the way to being a thing/had chemistry, and I have read fics where they’re together, they just aren’t the focus of my shipping energy, I suppose?) (Destiel is not on this although again I’m one of the few people that doesn’t actively ship them I still like them and can enjoy lots of things about the ship, they’re far, faaar from least favorites lol)
Absolute favorite and least favorite character: Absolute fave is Dean (oh shocker). Least favorite os actually a though one bc while I hate some characters guts (John, most obvious villains) I tend to like them as characters? So I guess Lucifer? I don’t think he was that interesting as a villain in the later seasons especially (I mean, you can say that about a lot of characters bc I feel they got flattened a lot but he went from this terrifying force of primordial evil to a whiny teenage-esque brat with a chip on his shoulder? and then even as I type this I can’t help but like the ridiculousness of it all and the kinda profoundness we can find in all the shallow things and I’m sorry I have spn brainrot)
Three most controversial opinions: Putting Teddy Lupin in Gryffindor (this is literally so silly); Liking Percy Weasley (with caveats); not thinking Narcisa Malfoy is that redeemable.
Three least favorite popular ships: Drarry, Snily, Dramione (I could explain but tbh I think they explain themselves).
Absolute favorite and least favorite character: Favorite is Harry and least is Snape.
Three most controversial opinions: (just three? lol) Disliking Derek and Merder, disliking George, thinking Maggie is absolutely delightful and one of my faves.
Three least favorite popular ships: Merder, Slexie (look I GET why they’re popular I just think it’s too much damn drama and they tire me) and Japril (yes I know they’re the three most popular most favorite ships SALS people it’s ok)
Absolute favorite and least favorite character: Meredith and George. Try and guess which is which lol (aside obvious villains and the like ofc).
I think I’m going to skip FRIENDS because I just don’t interact with the fandom that much to know what’s truly popular and unpopular <3
My favorite show: Huh, if we’re being honest and excluding the others I’d have to say it’s TGP however I don’t think I have any controversial takes on that? So I’ll go with Supergirl.
Three most controversial opinions: Kara had every right to hide her superhero identity (yes even from Lena and tbh specially from her) and did nothing wrong in regards to that; people are entirely too hard on Kara in a complete disproportionate way to some other characters; I LOVE love love Dansen and even prefer it to Sanvers.
Three least favorite popular ships: Supercorp and Kara x Winn (not as bad I just am neutral?) (I kinda blanked on other popular ships I dislike?)
Absolute favorite and least favorite character: Kara (although Nia is a close one) and Lena.
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blinkaftermidnight · 2 years
HONESTLY yeah i feel like i unintentionally chose a really good time to get into lmao and YES !! i believe three out of the five or six main POVs are confirmed bi and/or pan in some way plus there is a main sapphic ship so Yeah. plus this isn’t even spoilery but one of the povs is hera syndulla which is a fucking plus on it’s own DAMN
i think i really enjoyed her character during the clone wars but it feels like it’s been forever since i watched it so i ,,, have yet to have a proper opinion about her 😬 but i will absolutely pick that up to brush up on my lore in the least
WE DO BE LOVING QUEER AHSOKA TANO OUT HERE !! and omg i did hear that queen’s shadow was really good?? bc it’s about sabé right. knowing that kiera knightley played her (1 second of screentime) in phantom menace just makes it better.
listen, i’ve been in a reading block for a hot minute because i just haven’t been able to find anything i’m actually interested in for a While so i’m definitely going to gather all of these into a list and see which ones i can get my hands on first <3 and thank you in advance !!
Multiple queer characters AND Hera Syndulla? I'm completely sold.
If you're referring to enjoying Luminara's character in the Clone Wars...let me be real, Obi-Wan is my favorite Jedi (it would be Ahsoka, but we know how that goes lmao), but Luminara is 100% my favorite obscure Jedi. Everyone is gonna be forced to know that.
That Ahsoka book is a must. The vibes are not hetero in that. Again, I'm going to struggle to remember specific details, but I'm confident that the handmaidens were a big part of Queen's Shadow. I really gotta get to the other two books because I flew through the first one.
Reading blocks are the WORST so maybe that's why I read like 5 books at a time lol gotta keep it fresh. But yeah, I hope you enjoy some of them, and if I find any more amazing Star Wars books as I read my way through my list, I'll pass them on
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levmada · 4 months
Since you also love the last of us (wow we love taste) were you a newer fan that played tlou1 and 2 back to back or did you play tlou1 around the time it came out, waited like 7 years just to have **spoilers** a beloved character die within one hour of the game in such a brutal way. Ill admit i was PISSED and so sad like i never cried that much over a character but then i simmered down and realized that ellie was always the center of the story not joel. And absolutely love how complicated and how it tested us and catapulted these discussions like whos in the right? Is anyone right? There’s no heros or villains it’s just people in awful and hostile environments who are used to resorting or seeing extreme violence in order to survive or to even cope.
OMGGGGGG u have no idea. joel was actually my surrogate father figure hahaha
the first game i got for ps3 was gta5, followed by the last of us. i have a CORE memory of playing the building level (after leaving the boston QZ) for the first time on the lightest difficulty shaking like crazy bc runners were so scary😭😭 (i was like 11 okay). and yeah this was 2013 when it came out
favorite game i’ve ever played. i was MYSTIFIED. my daddy issues?? cured whenever joel showed up on screen!! the scene after the david fight where joel calls ellie babygirl is an instant tearjerker for me TO THIS DAY
tlou1 is still my favorite game of all time. it’s the best. when i heard about the second one coming out (this was 2020 i think…?) i was excited but scared. this was also around the time aot season 4 was announced, and i was scared about that too bc😭😭what if the new content isn’t as good or ruins things. i tried to keep my expectations low
i think a week before it dropped, there were the leaks about joel dying. and whenever i get spoiled for anything i just gaslight myself into believing i was misremembering a joke, or it was proven to be a troll💀
brooo this is a core memory too. i was sitting on the edge of my bed playing in the dark like a foot in front of my tv and was crying just at the beginning sequence with joel singing to ellie. (happy crying)
the death scene was traumatizing and shocking at first more than anything and yeah i felt soooo betrayed😭😭but i was like ‘okay this is a rly ballsy move. JOEL? one of the most iconic characters in gaming atp? the game has to be exceptional’
ugh i can’t remember my opinions from back then. but it was easy to get on the hate train that was IN FULL FORCE back then. i remember it was so fucking sad to see the reception. ppl were saying the 10/10 reviews were paid off, laura bailey who played abby getting just BULLIED off social media with death threats. horrible times
god you’re so right. you know it’s extremely similar to aot in several ways, with tlou telling a story that holds no punches and completely reflects the complexities of actual real people, what morals are objective and subjective, how far can you take revenge before it destroys you, stuff like that. a story expertly told and a game expertly designed, also.
i’m so worked up rn lol oh god i could write an essay about the themes of tlou.
i love the last of us 2 these days lol. ofc there’s what everyone agrees with - it’s a technical marvel, the graphics are unbeatable, voice acting, sfx, the accessibility options established what should be an industry standard (i’ve seen reviews from blind gamers who enjoyed tlou2).
i love the story. it’s SO much more than ‘revenge bad’. I ARGUE that the first game was about JOEL’S revenge on humanity for taking away his only daughter, but.. i’m getting sidetracked.
it’s not perfect. some things should’ve been more deeply established or scenes reordered. that is to say it’s not tlou 1, but it’s pretty damn close to perfect for me haha!!
a highlight that’s on my mind right now is how the game is protected in a way by its politics. dina being jewish and openly bisexual, LEV A TRANS BOY AND HOW THAT WAS HANDLED BY THE GAME OH MY GOD LOML, ellie a lesbian, the gay flag and crosswalk in seattle, stuff like that. the edgy right wingers just hate the game on principle, and it being very very dear to my heart feels nice lol. ie, the way 4channers fixated on the rattler guy to hit lev in the garage door near the end.
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narrators-journal · 9 months
We've got a lot of catching up to do
So, my dumb ass entirely blanked on my Ao3 asks...
So! I'm gonna work on them too, bc I have another one after this, and tis only fair with how many tumblr asks I've been doing. This also means that any asks I get when sent in while the asks are closed past this point will be deleted or politely refused. I've gotta find a balance, so I'm gonna try to not swamp myself with requests. (esp bc I mayyyyyy do kinktober again? And I don't wanna be burn out)
If you see this twice, no you don't lol
After everything they’d done as the phantom thieves, Akira had always thought he knew Makoto Nijima well. She, of course, had a rebellious spirit, it’s what had given her the motorcycle she called a persona, but even with that, she’d always been a little bit of a stick in the mud. Hot tempered, strong, with a great ass, but a stick in the mud all the same.
Yet, all it took was an invitation to join the sisters for a catch up dinner, some playful flirting from the inky haired man, and Akira was debating that opinion. Finding himself chosen for the trial run of Makoto’s latest expedition into herself. A trial run her bustier older sister Sae also wanted to join in on, judging from the heated looks she threw out during their earlier whispering.
Which, is what landed the ravenette on the couch in their apartment after that dinner. The younger gripping the edge of the cushion like her life depended on it, using the strength from her martial arts training to lift and drop her hips along the length of his cock while the older sister sat beside him, suffocating him in the pillow soft mounds of warmth that she’d been blessed with.
I should probably be less okay with this. Makoto’s my friend, damn near a sister. And Sae, Sae’s a prosecutor. Some hesitant voice muttered through the fog of need, but it went utterly ignored. Instead, the ebony haired thief focused on swirling his tongue around one of Sae’s nipples and keeping a hold of Makoto’s hip so she didn’t fall forward while she experimented with what movement and pace drew out the most lewd gasps and mewls from herself. Going between bouncing and grinding her plump cheeks against him. Trying to find the best angle to chase her own lustful high and earn muffled groans from Akira. “I-I am doing this right, right?” She eventually panted, pausing her movement to regain her breath to speak, glancing back at Akira with her ruby eyes clouded and desperate. So, pulling his face free of Sae’s cleavage, Akira gave her a charming grin, “Of course, Mako. Just keep going, I’m really close.” He hummed, littering the prosecutor’s butter-soft skin with kisses as he spoke, getting a bit of a huffy glare from the brunette in his lap.  “You better get me off too, Joker.”  “I was planning to, don’t worry.” He assured, making the brunette yelp when he gave a playful smack to one of her ass cheeks and proudly watched it jiggle, “Don’t worry about getting yourself off like this, I’ll take care of you, just like always, Queen.”
So, with another smile from him and a huff from her, Makoto returned to adjusting and testing her methods until she began moving again. Letting Sae pull Akira back in to nibble and suck hickeys onto her pale skin. Squirming slightly when the man wrapped his lips back around one of her perky buds and ghosted his teeth over the nub.
As a small bit of encouragement for the boost in friction, though, Akira moaned and popped the younger sister’s ass a second time, smiling into Sae’s breasts when Makoto gave a small moan at the spark of pain. Letting the soundtrack of skin slapping skin, moans, and pants fill the air once more, not needing any further dialogue to let eachother know how it felt.
Akira’s dick twitched and throbbed within the tight warmth of Makoto’s ass to show his appreciation, and he was sure to moan and hum into Sae’s chest to let the older, silver-haired prosecutor know how he enjoyed nibbling, kissing, and sucking at her plump breasts as well. Well rewarded for those noises with Sae giving her own moans and hums or tugging at his messy hair the same way he sometimes squeezed or smacked Makoto’s round ass.
He could’ve died happily on that couch. His face smothered in the older sister’s boobs and the younger sister whining his name or codename when she managed to drive his throbbing cock into a sensitive spot in her growing desperation for release. “J-joker! I-I think I’m gonna-!” Before the brunette could get the words out, a breathy, slightly startled moan cut her off. Drawn out by the heat of Akira’s warm seed spilling into her at last and drug her over the edge with him. Thankfully, followed by Sae letting Akira pull away to breathe and turning to just thread her perfectly manicured nails through his messy black hair.
“God damn it, Akira! I told you to pull out!” Makoto snapped, throwing a pink-cheeked glare back at the phantom thief as best she could while trying to regain her breath and composure. Only to cautiously return to gently bouncing and wiggling her hips before the man could even begin to scrape his blissed out thoughts together to apologize. Wincing slightly, but seeming to curiously test Akira’s or her own masochism despite the slip up. Unaware of the hot bolts of confused pleasure her curious movements sent through Akira’s blood. “Can you keep going, Joker?” Sae asked, pulling the spacey thief against her chest when she saw him start to twitch, Makoto also pausing her movements to look back at her friend for his answer.
We should ask for a break. Sae is sure to ask for a round after this. That logical voice pointed out, only to be ignored once more in favor of giving a confident smile and nip at Sae’s skin as a green light to the lustful duo. After all, how could the man stand to dissappoint his old friend on her journey of sexual self discovery?
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baekuras · 1 year
Have stopped my binge of The Walking Dead (during season 9 just like last time I dropped it 😭 I am trying but also...tired so breaktime from that) to actually go watch Fear (the walking dead also bc duh) because I started it when it began but then took a break when it was on break till the new season and just never came back to it Anyhow I do also quite enjoy it (altho rip to I think season 4 which made me irate for many reasons at the beginning but then calmed down some so I am back to enjoying things) and the characters etc but I also am definitely going in it looking for comedy Didn’t do that for the main show as much because that was a rewatch But by now any media I consume I WILL make fun of (lovingly) or try to imagine funny scenes because...duh
i actually wanted to put all my other ramblings in the tags but there is was too much coming to mind with every word i write even though my memory can be shit so...readmore it is Watched till season 6 episode 5 so basically spoilers up to that
anyhow rip nick your chaos will be missed
i do also think the moment i rly decided to go make fun of everything lovingly(I need you to understand I genuinely mean that because I also did cry a lot during appropriate moments) was when nick & troy had their joyride through the horde at the ranch like yep everyone is stuck in the pantry slowly dying and also how the FUCK did we get here but also fuck it I’m in WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO CARCRASH
also fuck troy for being high on the “actual assholes i enjoy watching list” because while everyone of those got murder there why did he have to just casually sprinkle in some soft racism? or casual racism? i was about to say “not shoot on sight-racism” because rhe does do that...or I believe he would but that’s more a “humans are alive” thing than a “oh god is that a native american human ALIVE” thing....that’s his dad-may he rest in fucking hell forever dear GOD did his kids deserve better than his shitty ass making problems present past and future FUCK THAT man he is NOT on my “assholes who i actually like on screen” list
like my mood basically went from “urgh oh god fuck he’s a racist shithole.” to “oh FUCK he’s a child abuser racist shithole WHY DON’T YOU KEEP ADDING ON LET’S GET A FLAMETHROWER A GUN ISN’T ENOUGH HERE” (i think that’s basically about where i’ll end my opinions on the whole ranch shebang because any details may be missed by yours truly not being american so i am not going to know most details on treatment of native americans in the current age or age when this was filmed beyond the “oh yeah it’s shit” bits although I will mention that Taqa’s whole “he stole my ancestors land” at the beginning bothered me until it was revealed that “oh this dickbag actually shot his family like in the current time not 500years ago okay yeah no go off baby have fun”....and also that i only now learned his name was spelled w/ a q dear god everyones accent had me confused on his name for the longest time and his last name is ACTUALLY Walker why does it have to sound so same i am so bad with names aaaaaaah qwq anyhow rip him i was confused until now if his name was Walker(actual last nime), Tucker(which does not fit), Taka(also doesnt fit because it seemed more japanese to me but between the 3 options my brain presented was the most fitting so.....but noppe....a fucking q....just right there.....I’ll take the L and also where the fuck did this man even fuck off to)
speaking of fucking off: Rip to Nick, you blew up a damn only to die w/out any further character development afterwards 2 episodes later and then just got to hang out in the background in the past parts of future episodes
WHICH BY THE WAY IRRITATED ME SO MUCH not the Nick died thing but yes just from a “we are starting a new storyline for this-oops he dead :D” point yes it’s urgh But the flip-flopping from Past to present to past no present pastpresentpastofpewwgvszujsiop aneurysm of storytelling Like Okay So we start with new characters i have yet to give a shit about (and morgan who i have yet to give a shit about...again) to then go back to our oldies and THEN they fight and it’s a mess but now they’re friends somewhere between the past being shown and everyone fighting and manipulating and Al filming Nick’s dead body and me yet having to give a shit about anyone except for John because he seemed sweet and that’s about it what the actual fuck so yeah i skipped most of that until it calmed the fuck down but by then I was mostly annoyed by Al(i like her now but at the beginning i was mostly like “yeah yeah you got a big fuck you truck and like being an asshole to people and just bother and annoy them for a video-did great on youtube huh didn’t you now how about you actually do something helpful and get your ass out WITHOUT being a dickhead?” kinda deal....we got so far in terms of me actually giving a shit about her lol)
speaking of new character or oldes ones returning, Dwight! my boy! continuing being shot in various limbs to then stumble around (how is that a trend i notice) also rip his hairline because I am pretty sure between the main show and fear the makeup artists added more scarring to that scar-which i dont mind but is also kinda funny to imagine (like sir negan didnt burn you THAT much where did you find the rest or is it just the way you part your hair?) regarding hair post haircut&shave&further haircut later: who is this  man and what have you done with the  burned rat from before? anyhow i still like him and i kiiiiinda wish Morgan was a character who would have been more involved about the past simply because I’d have liked to see them chat about it-not even anything heavy but just about what happened, how everyone was doing after Dwight went away because Morgan was still there for a bit at least, or idk just a bit more remembrances of where they came from sprinkled in there
I mean we do have Morgan and his staff stuff still which I do actually enjoy, and ofc lately Dwight showing off his fancy torture skills ala....music like the good old saviour days but i want more xp
which goes back to another moment i had to chuckle at in my head even if it wasnt funny because Sherry basically went “We will hunt Virigina down and kill her and end all of this” to which Dwight basically went “okay i got my torture gear ready, got a plan and am ready to do some murder lets go” //insert Sherry shocked pikachu face-meme here I keep forgetting she left before shit got really real and heavy  but like....yeah honey here is your husband back he comes with some extra baggage but also....you were there when he was part of fucking Daryl up what are you surprised by? That he’d literally kill for you and abandon what he built with the others if need be? bitch he followed you across the country for god knows how long-it’s Dwight! of course he would sweety please although i would like him to just tear some ass  because there were many a moment where i though it justified but yes yes we go keep being peaceful now-and that’s good! mostly because the main cast we actually like and care about isn’t dropping like flies but i did also have fun w/ the whole war between the saviour and everyone else soooooooo....yeah chaos reigns
also shoutout randomly to the not-yet-radioactive kids+others who just disappeared from the story long enough to make me wonder if the writers forgot about them and then they appeared in the next episode lol
also random shoutout to john&june because they are adorable and cool and work well together as a team and couple i really like them
backpaddling to earlier again because rip alicia because if we timeline was in order it wouldnt have gone down in that order but just watching it she went from losing her brother to her mother dipping out shortly after her favourite child died like “woops sorry but i’ll go sacrifice myself now go take care of yourself now w/out your family like before” although last time someone started a fire and was dead they didn’t stay that way so...eh who knows let Madison return and fuck more shit and people up in her desperate attempt to keep her family alive(oops) and make things better but also kill anyone if she has to but at least she has nightmares about it <3
did I already mention I also had to laugh at Chris AND Travis’ deaths? not because they died because yeah sad i guess but A I didn’t like Chris at all so I was happy and B dear god this teen really went with some dumb ragtag dudebros who just shot their friend to death for a hurt leg (what is he? a horse? grow up) and then wanted o be hip and cool driving their car and crashed it and THEN got shot for the same thing you FUCKING IDIOT I am very much on the side of “let the kids go out and do stuff they can survive and aren’t 12″ but also chris my guy are you perhaps stupid or an idiot? prime teenage behaviour 10/10 made me hate him not for anything i’d consider bad writing but just for being a shithead i’d have known in highschool
Travis’ death made me laugh simply because of how abrupt it was and also how he just yeeted himself out the plane like yes a walker in there while they’re busy crashing down is bad but also lol (also Taqa going to the leftovers with Alicia all proud they shot it out the sky...................i also had to laugh because DUDE YOU ARE NOT DOING THAT....bitch is proudly showing off his kill from the wanna-be military ranch and it’s basically her dads corpse in the context of things.....like........i am dying xDD you can not be serious what was the plan here other than showing off? and then immediately having to feel a bit bad about it because woops killed the wrong man)
also trav dying via neck bullet vs morgan surviving heart bullet for over a month and being just fine after it got out travis forgot his plot armor rip v-v
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keithsguitar · 3 years
ranking songs on let it bleed
which is really hard bc there are like no bad songs on here. not even ok. not even mediocre. this album is Gold. nonetheless let’s be picky and find faults in everything good
9. live with me
- they didn’t even make a convincing offer. they sound like they’d be bad roommates. that’s all I have to say about this song.
8. monkey man
- I REALLY like the music in this song HOWEVERRRR wtf
- this is the stones’ I am the walrus. this is stupid. they’re the monkeys for this
7. country honk
- i’m from texas so anything country is a 10 from me 👑
- and this became honky tonk women another country BOP 👑
- points off though bc every time it comes on and I’m in the car I think the honking is irl and I get scared. Every time.
6. let it bleed
- we really all need someone to lean on 😭😭 so profound
- boys will be boys bc “we all need someone to cream on”???????????…………..……….……😐😐😐 It’s funny though
- the whole instrumentation is so good and playful. The lyrics are good the rhythm guitar id twangy and has these rests that keep you on your toes and the lead is so eccentric. Like there is nothing bad about this song 2947/10
5. midnight rambler
- unpopular opinion maybe but I don’t really like this song that much….
- Bawwshton
- I just saw them and perform it live and I WOWOWOWOWWWWWW chefs kiss. Best song they played it really shows off their skills and you can tell they love their damn blues and getting into playing music and not just the crowd pleaser songs
4. love in vain
- keith you’ve outdone yourself
- ^^^ like making a blues meet country and pulling it off like that. and technically it’s not a crazy hard song it’s very simple but it hits you hard. which is just bc they really really really master their craft and dont need to always be flashy to show they’re good. my respects. hats off.
- and im a bitch for sad love songs… and a love song ain’t said if it ain’t country…….. like he followed her to train station and she left and he saw her leave NOOOO 😭😭😭😭😭
3. you got the silver
- keith you’ve outdone yourself
- I’m not entirely sure if Keith wrote the whole thing or not but even just him singing and feeling his heart all wrung like he really conveyed that so well and his first solo vocals song is so iconic for me it’s the best of the best
- and this is such a rare gem when you think about it. you can hear how sweet and pure his voice was before it became the characteristically raspy one we know and love now.
2. you can’t always get what you want
- true. music that teaches you life lessons…. where else are you finding this. i also love late 60s rock bc there’s just the rock ethos in this stuff
- it’s such a well known song bc it’s so good and the lyricism overall>>>>
- rip mr jimmy 😞😞
1. gimme shelter
- keith you’ve outdone yourself
- critics and myself (obviously just as important as critics) think this is one of the best songs ever.
- also the fucking vocals on this. the sheer music genius it took to create this song. I can’t put into words how amazing it is. not just subjectively but technically as well
- also keith wrote this song when he was having a bad day but it’s such a threatening song. allegedly…. he’s so fucking dramatic i love him
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hhhecates · 3 years
Okay, hear me out, I have this hc about inumaki that I need to share bc I like to make my thoughts everyone's problem,,,
What if inumaki knows sign language, he learnt it all by himself while growing up to be able to communicate with others (cause it's canon that amongst his family they communicate with their hearts, pliz i wanna cry). And well, he uses sign language mostly when he's out and about in his daily life cause man can't really be talking in onigiri ingredients to strangers. Thing is that with his friends, he doesn't really use it??? He's so so grateful that they manage to interpret what he means, it fills his heart with a new type of warmth when he literally speaks food but yūta nods along attentively, maki mostly rolls her eyes at his misplaced and quite sarcastic interjections (because you can feel the attitude coming from that tuna mayo sometimes), megumi never misses a beat and answers him right away and reader loves having conversations with him and ever so often asks inumaki his opinion on anything and everything and they just look at him with stars in their eyes as he rambles in ingredients.
Sometimes inumaki even relishes it, he likes leaving his friends hanging and arguing over what he says because he's just a fucking menace and he knows it.
But inumaki sometimes gets insecure, sometimes he does throw in a couple of signs hurriedly to make sure that he is understood, sometimes it's even mindlessly, signing his favourite words or the ones that he uses more often just because he is used to it. Some other times it can even be desperate, during fights against curses when he wished he could cry out his friends names but restrains himself because it's too dangerous, and then it's big, hurried and shaky motions, his hands trembling and eager to shout safety when his voice can't.
But inumaki never tells, never asks his friends to learn sign language for him, he doesn't want to burden them with that, so instead he limits his use of it around them as much as he can, because he knows they would pick up on it. He just knows by the way they always make sure never to speak over him or how they hush others whenever he does speak up.
What if reader notices anyways?? And it's not like the others don't care as much, they do, they really do. But maybe reader already knew a little sign language themselves, maybe they just like learning languages in general, maybe, just maybe, they find themselves looking at inumaki a little closer, a little more attentively.
And then reader decides to start learning sign language too. They watch videos, read articles, buy books (that they have to hide under their bed because inumaki is a nosy fucker with the people he's comfortable with, hell, I'm pretty sure reader has to erase their youtube history otherwise inumaki would quickly find out whenever they binge watch videos together). And at the beginning it's hard, it's so hard learning on their own, and it's hard also for them to restrain themselves from using it around inumaki, from asking him if they're signing correctly and wondering if inumaki could teach them all of his favourite words. But they manage to keep their mouth shut, to wait until they get better so that they are sure they could have an actual conversation without inumaki having to worry about using words too complex for reader to understand.
But then, it's yūta finding reader one afternoon while they're struggling, borderline crying, over compounding and reduplicating and sentence structure and it's all getting to their head so they're  f r u s t r a t e d. And yūta, like the absolute fucking sweetheart he is, he immediately offers to help them and ofc bby wants to learn too cause inumaki is his bestfriend too >:/
And please, I just know that these two would end up dragging the entirety of Jujutsu High in their plan and teach all of them sign language.
JUST IMAGINE, study nights in reader's dorm room, with snacks and energy drinks cause they gonna need them for sure, yūta and reader are teaching the others with like 12 different books strewn all over the floor, 3 different videos playing in the background and it's so damn chaotic. Megumi is probably a natural cause he already uses hands gesture to evoke his shikigami, so he can remember hand signs very easily and can do them so cleanly while like nobara and yuji be struggling and just yell at fushiguro cause "it's not fair" and "he has an advantage". Panda is there just to support them cause he can't really sign with his paws, but he just manages to instill more chaos by teasing and poking fun at Maki (poor girl has zero patience).
And gojo would 100% join them just to sprinkle more chaos and be the absolute menace that he is. (But lowkey he wants to learn too ofc).
And ofc, they're probably so outwardly secretive about it that inumaki notices it right away and he just has to be a nosy little shit about it (cause how dare they leave him out of it) so one night he quite literally bursts into reader's room only to find Maki and Itadori yelling over "how the fuck non-manual modifiers work" and Gojo and Nobara laughing their asses off and making jokes about their awful awful hand coordination, reader and Yūta are probably so fucking done, Panda is enjoying them freaking out like it's the last season of his favourite tv show.
And it's honestly hilarious how quickly they fall silent in complete and utter horror at the sight of inumaki standing there.
And then they all kind of fumble around and try to greet inumaki and like introduce themselves or say something in sign language one by one bc that's what they had been preparing for, right?? And it's probably so messy but inumaki doesn't give a fuck and then, he just starts crying.
Prob they take it the wrong way too, and they all start panicking, but he is quick to try and reassure them, hands shaky by how overwhelmed he is, that warm feeling he had learnt to associate to his friends is back, but tenfold, and it makes his cheeks burn and a smile so big break on his face. And then he signs back "hi everyone, I'm Inumaki Toge".
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