#esc 1989
eurovision-facts · 3 months
Eurovision Fact #559:
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The 1989 and 1990 contests saw the same exact nations participate in each year.
Zagreb 1990, Eurovision.tv.
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eurovisionart · 1 year
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Riva - Rock Me
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exyusimp · 1 year
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The barbie cast is looking great!
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eurovision-revisited · 9 months
Birmingham 1998: The Postcards
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A little feature of Eurovision that I've largely ignored until now are the postcards. The short filmed sequences introducing the next act and also fitting in a little bit of tourism promotion for the hosts.
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They started in 1970 as filler for a contest shortened by boycotts, but then went on to become a much loved part of the festival, giving the stage team precious seconds to redress the stage. With the dawn of delegations bringing props and more complex staging that's now essential. They also give the production team a chance to express themselves outside the arena.
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The UKs 1998 postcards are probably some of the best ever made. Each features some aspect of the UKs economy and culture finishing with the reveal of the flag for the next act. Watching them becomes a game of working out how and when the flag will appear, sometimes in remarkably creative ways.
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Nothing really tops a Swiss contact lens in the eye of someone who's just witnessed the Loch Ness monster though does it?
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vintageurovision · 1 year
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hologram-puppet · 11 months
joker out in the style of taylor swift's albums part 5: 1989 (stolen version, standard and deluxe)
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+ because i thought it gave 1989 energy, here's a bonus header (with 2 versions (1500 x 500) (640 x 360) for different platforms!)
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- I LOVE THIS SO MUCH YOU HAVE NO IDEA - i'm happy with my choice of pictures - the fonts for everyone are cute <3
one of my most favorites for one of my most favorite tswift albums! | also posted on pinterest | + the 1989 part of the jo written by taylor swift playlist is up!
(also feel free to use the edits or repost it to other sites, just pls give credits to hologram puppet on pinterest/tumblr, thanks!)
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aijamisespava · 8 months
10 Eurovision 2023 Songs as...Taylor Swift Albums?
Yes. You heard that right. It was just a silly little idea that came into my head as we say goodbye to the 2023 songs (or not since a lot of them have found homes on our playlists!) and get ready for the 2024 season. It's still early (no songs, and only 2 artists have been announced), so if I do it now, it won't interfere with all the 2024 content we will be prepping for come the new year! So, I've picked 10 songs from the 2023 list and assigned them to a Taylor Swift album (solely based on my opinion, and I just choose the songs without thinking of my personal ranking).
Debut: So...the first album...the hardest one for me to come up with one for. But then, I thought that "What They Say" by Victor Vernicos from Greece kinda fits the bill. Aside from both Taylor and Victor being 16 when they released their respective pieces, "What They Say" gives me some minor "Tied Together With A Smile" vibes, which match the first album rather well.
Fearless: With a song like "Mr. Perfectly Fine" being such a sassy breakup song, I feel that the United Kingdom fits the Fearless bill here. "I Wrote A Song" by Mae Muller would fit onto Fearless perfectly. With the lyrical clapbacks (that could also work on Speak Now), it fits on an album with songs like "Mr. Perfectly Fine" or even the confessional NOT breakup song that is "You Belong With Me"
Speak Now: Speak Now is probably as close as Taylor has gotten to a rock album. With songs like "Better Than Revenge", "Haunted", and even the recently freed from the vault "Electric Touch" have these rock elements...kinda like how "Promise" by Voyager from Australia has those elements too...plus it's one of my mom's winners with her favorite Taylor album.*also taking this moment to wish Danny a speedy recovery!*
Red: I've thought of a couple of songs that would match this album. As Eurovision has as many heartbreak songs as they do love songs. And what's better than Cyprus' "Break A Broken Heart" by Andrew Lambrou for the heartbreak album? I mean, it just works! Right?
1989: I spent some time thinking about this one with it being my favorite Taylor album. And while I almost picked Finland's song, I decided to go for Käärijä's friends over in Slovenia. Joker Out's "Carpe Diem" is fun. It's parties with friends. It's perfect for big cities. What else is those? 1989.
reputation: For this one, it was probably the one that inspired this blog. I chose Serbia's "Samo Mi Se Spava" by Luke Black for reputation. Aside from the specific animal imagery that both the album and the song have (the lobster for the song and snakes for the album), the electro elements are similar to me. Plus, I've called "Samo Mi Se Spava" by villain song and people say you go into your "reputation Era" when you're in your villain era.
Lover: This one was another easy pick. Armenia's entry has the album title in the name! Brunette's "Future Lover" fits the overall theme the Lover album has of...well...love! It also qualifies because a song for your future lover can 100% count....I've written a piece to mine in my vault!
folklore: It's no Eurovision 2023 post without me mentioning Latvia's "Aijā" by Sudden Lights. While the soft rock elements would be better suited for something like Speak Now or Red, I chose folklore for one reason and one reason only. folklore is my favorite album to write to. Sudden Lights has three albums of songs, plus Aijā, plus a couple of post-Eurovision releases that are literally perfect writing music. I've tried it, and their album "Miljards vasaru" ranks up there as a favorite writing album.
evermore: Yeah...I've thought it through. And Moldova's "Soarele Si Luna" by Pasha Parfeni just gives me evermore vibes. Plus, it's kinda cool that I put my winner and my sister's winner as the sister albums. It's just cute.
Midnights: This is gonna sound like a bad joke but hear me out, The Netherlands' "Burning Daylight" by Mia and Dion would fit on Midnights. It sounds and feels reflective, which matches the theme that Midnights was trying to portray. And yeah...the title works too...
So, that's only 10 songs. If a favorite of yours didn't make it, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to assess it! In fact, I'd be willing to do a song not from 2023 if you're dying to know about one of those!
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babolat85 · 2 years
And with Yugoslavia I reach the end of my list. 52 countries have participated in the Eurovision Song Contest since its beginning in 1956.
There were a few Yugoslav entries I like, including Tajči in 1990 with Hajde da ludujemo and Baby Doll - Brazil but today I had to go with their winning song from 1989 where they were the underdog going into the contest.
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It’s been interesting going through the countries that have participated, and while the number of countries competing next year looks to be on the low side, I hope more countries will return or maybe we will see the debut of some new countries in the contest.
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Czech Republic
North Macedonia
San Marino
Serbia & Montenegro
United Kingdom
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his-argentite · 1 year
As we all know right now, käärijä absolutely slayed this year so i would like to introduce some of my favourite finnish esc entries. Btw i won't mention lordi or blind channel here because i think those two are obvious and more known (i do love them, they are my favourites but i want to give attention to some other songs lol)
Anneli Saaristo - La dolce vita 1989. The song has some latin music vibes (as you can probably guess by the name) and is one of my ultimate favourites. Also the song is in finnish and was placed 7th which is actually pretty good for a finnish song.
Cat Cat - bye bye baby 1994. Like previous two, despite the english name, it is in finnish! This song actually didn't place that good (i think it was 22nd) but the song is still very iconic.
Vicky Rosti - Sata salamaa 1987. This is maybe one of the most iconic and known songs in finland, and of course, it's in finnish too! The song's placement was okay i guess (15th i think) but in my opinion deserved more.
Katri Helena - Katson sineen taivaan 1979. Katri is one of the most iconic finnish artists and her song is one of the most beloved songs in finland. Her placement was 14th
Hanna Pakarinen - Leave me alone 2007. Tho the song is in english it is one of my favourites but i tjink her placement was 17th
Honorable mentions:
Erika Vikman - cicciolina 2020. This song actually won the public vote but because our dear jury, it was not sent to esc. But the contest was cancelled anyway so whatever.
Bess - Ram pam pam 2021. The song is actually one of my favourites but as you know rasmus was chosen, and i don't really mind since ukraine was obvious winner (i don't have any problems with that either) but it would have been cool too. +it's in finnish
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othmanibnaffan · 1 year
Zainab al-Khalidi (1 marzo 1989) è una cuoca presso il ristorante Halal Stockholm mentre in precedenza era un'insegnante presso l'università di Stoccolma, un'insegnante presso l'università di Falluja una venditrice per la bibita aranciata Mirinda,cameriera presso il ristorante halal Griled Grand Turkish Restaurant, lavoratrice per Pepsi Arabia e militante per Free Syrian Army di nazionalità saudita, è sorella minore di Umar al-Khalidi e discendente del guerriero Khalid Ibn al-Walid.
È attualmente divorziata
Breve biografia
Zainab al-Khalidi nasce l'1 marzo 1989 mentre suo fratello maggiore Umar al-Khalidi nacque il 20 aprile 1986 da una famiglia saudita a Riyadh in Arabia Saudita.
Nel 2019, Zainab iniziò a lavorare presso Pepsi Arabia quando le condizioni lavorative per le donne hanno iniziato a migliorare e rimase in stretto contatto con suo fratello maggiore Umar al-Khalidi che la protegge.
Nel 2022, Zainab dall'emiro dell'Arabia Saudita viene proposta come moglie per l'ex califfo Ibrahim al-Badri che era allora nel centro riabilitativo saudita per ex jihadisti Mohammed Bin Naif Counseling and care center ma venne rifiutata di essere sposata perché voleva conoscerla prima meglio.
Il 30 ottobre, viene inviata ad Idlib in Siria in Free Syrian Army come militante e sposò Ibrahim al-Badri tramite l'imam saudita di origini irachene Mohammed al-Iraqi.
Il 12 novembre, Zainab si trasferisce a Samail in Oman insieme a suo marito Ibrahim al-Badri dove inizia a lavorare come cameriera presso il ristorante halal Griled Grand Turkish Restaurant.
Il 17 novembre, Zainab si trasferisce insieme a suo marito Ibrahim a New York dove inizia a lavorare come venditrice per la bibita aranciata Mirinda.
L'1 dicembre, Zainab si trasferisce a Falluja in Iraq insieme a suo marito Ibrahim al-Badri dove inizia a lavorare come insegnante presso l'università di Falluja.
Il 24 dicembre, Zainab si trasferisce a Stoccolma in Svezia insieme a suo marito Ibrahim al-Badri.
Il 4 gennaio, Zainab si fece l'estetica femminile dipingendonsi i capelli biondi e indossando le lenti di contatto azzurri soltanto durante il lavoro e quando esce con il marito.
Il 24 gennaio, Zainab cessa di indossare le lenti a contatto e ritorna ad essere mora, nello stesso periodo rimane incinta di suo marito Ibrahim ma quest'ultimo diventa più geloso e possessivo di prima perché teme che lo tradirà con Felix Foster sebbene i suoi sospetti non hanno prove.
Il 30 gennaio, Zainab tentò di chiamare la polizia svedese per denunciare gli abusi di suo marito Ibrahim al-Badri ma quest'ultimo le sequestra il telefono antico che lo buttò anche nella spazzatura ed infine viene segretata in una stanza di isolamento continuando a vivere nella tristezza,nervosismo e terrore.
Il 26 febbraio, Zainab riuscì a denunciare suo marito Ibrahim per violenza domestica in una caserma di polizia svedese che portò al suo arresto.
Il 28 febbraio, Zainab riuscì a divorziare da suo marito Ibrahim che da detenuto accettò di firmare la carta del divorzio, lasciò il suo lavoro di insegnante e iniziò a lavorare presso il ristorante "Halal Stockholm".
Il 3 marzo, Zainab incontra e fece conoscenza con il militare ucraino residente a Stoccolma, Saif Kadyrov il quale gli fa un pò di compagnia nonostante il trauma di essere stata abusata dal suo ex marito abusivo Ibrahim al-Badri.
Pesci con ascendentein Scorpione è una personalità enigmatica, difficile da conoscere. Il suo umore è molto fluttuante.
Adesso è gentile, un minuto dopo freddo come il ghiaccio. Tuttavia, è socievole e conquista facilmente le persone.
Cerca di essere ammirato dagli altri. Poiché è così chiuso e difficile da conoscere, può essere più ruvido e sembrare più freddo di quello che è in realtà, nascondendo emozioni profonde sotto una copertura indisturbata.
Molto intuitivo, può avere doni paranormali o una sensibilità extra psichica
Chiunque sia nato con un ascendente Scorpione è una persona misteriosa, che di solito gli altri hanno difficoltà a capire.
A prima vista, è freddo, riservato e sembra passare inosservato. Tuttavia, quando le persone acquisiscono la loro fiducia, diventano sempre più affettuose, affabili, mostrandosi persino estroverse se si sentono in un ambiente accogliente.
Quando si innamora è intenso, dominante e possessivo, ma anche molto fedele. Le relazioni intime non sono solo necessarie ma vitali: quando incontra qualcuno di cui si fida abbastanza da donarsi, diventa un amante meraviglioso.
L’amore per i bambini è una delle cose più importanti della sua vita e per loro è capace di tutto. Professionalmente, apprezzerà i lavori che  consentono di approfondire la ricerca e il potere della leadership.
Gli piacciono le professioni che permettono loro di analizzare a fondo e in cui possono mostrare le loro abilità. Come dipendenti, sono persone molto intuitive e si sforzano di fare tutto il lavoro che gli viene chiesto di fare, ma a loro piace farlo a modo loro, per dargli un tocco personale.
Non amano però essere disturbati mentre fanno il loro lavoro, né ricevere ordini.
-al-Khalidi (discendenti del guerriero Khalid Ibn al-Walid)
-Quraysh (tribù discendente di Ismaele e nota per i califfato islamici)
Relazione con il marito:
Rapporto misogino che ha portato alla segregazione,violenza fisica e verbale,sottomessa con niente libertà,sogni e passioni, ridotta solo alla schiavitù e vive con tristezza e depressione tutti giorni.
Sin dal primo giorno che ha incontrato Ibrahim,Zainab era stata ingannata e fu separata dalla sua famiglia che vive ancora in Arabia Saudita e suo fratello Umar al-Khalidi l'aveva tradita ignorando intenazionalmente che sapeva già che Ibrahim è un criminale.
Zainab è stata abusata sessualmente più volte da suo marito Ibrahim e minacciata più volte da quest'ultimo se provava a scappare.
Abu Bakr al-Khalidi (padre)
Asma al-Hashimi (madre)
Ibrahim al-Badri (marito)
Aisha al-Khalidi (sorella, 1981)
Asma al-Khalidi (sorella,1983)
Umar al-Khalidi (fratello,1986)
Muhammad al-Khalidi (fratello,1992)
Abd al-Rahman al-Khalidi (fratello,1994)
Abdullah al-Khalidi (fratello,1996)
Othman al-Hashimi (cognato, cugino materno e marito di Aisha)
Alì al-Hashimi (cognato, cugino materno e marito di Asma)
Aafia al-Hashimi (cognata,cugina materna e moglie di Muhammad)
Fatima al-Hashimi (cognata,cugina materna e moglie di Abd al-Rahman)
Khadjia al-Hashimi (nipote,cugina di Il grado e figlia di Aisha al-Khalidi e Othman al-Hashimi)
Qasim al-Hashimi (nipote,cugino di Il grado e figlio di Aisha al-Khalidi e Othman al-Hashimi)
Safiyya al-Hashimi (nipote,cugina di Il grado e figlia di Asma al-Khalidi e Alì al-Hashimi)
Umm al-Hashimi (nipote,cugina di Il grado e figlia di Asma al-Khalidi e Alì al-Hashimi)
Raghad al-Hashimi (nipote, cugina di Il grado e figlia di Asma al-Khalidi e Alì al-Hashimi)
Jafar al-Khalidi (nipote, cugino di II grado e figlio di Muhammad al-Khalidi e Aafia al-Hashimi)
Husam al-Khalidi (nipote, cugino di II grado e figlio di Muhammad al-Khalidi e Aafia al-Hashimi)
Walid al-Khalidi (nipote, cugino di II grado e figlio di Abd al-Rahman al-Khalidi e Fatima al-Hashimi)
Hassan al-Khalidi (nipote, cugino di II grado e figlio di Abd al-Rahman al-Khalidi e Fatima al-Hashimi)
-Emeraude Toubia
-Helena Mattsson
-July Namir
-Amanda Seyfried
-Inbar Lavi (pv attuale)
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eurovision-facts · 2 years
Eurovision Fact #149:
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Céline Dion opened the 1989 show with both her winning song from the previous year, and her at the time new English language single entitled 'Where Does My Heart Beat Now.' This practice is commonplace in the contest.
The song would go on to be the singer's first major hit in the United States, launching her to become a household name in the nation.
Lausanne 1989, Eurovision.tv.
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eurovisionart · 1 year
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🇫🇮 Anneli Saaristo - La Dolce Vita
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exyusimp · 1 year
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Do you get Déjà Vu?
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residentraccoon · 1 year
hi!! i absolutely love your esc posts and i wanted to ask what are some of your favourite esc songs? (aside from aija ofc) (aija nation let’s rise)
Aijā supremacy idc 😤😤
Oh my god, I have too many to list...from the old eurovision I really love Poupee de cire, poupee de son (Luxembourg 1965), Dansevise (Denmark 1963), Tu te reconnaîtras (Luxembourg 1973), Rock me (Yugoslavia 1989), Nocturne (Norway 1995) (y'all should definitely listen to the oldies if you haven't, tons of gems over there!!)
And from the new one, Spirit in the sky, Fairytale, Trenulețul, Međ haekanddi sol, On fire, Goodbye to yesterday, Under the ladder, Voila, Zitti e buoni and tons of other songs. Eurovision is love, eurovision is life 💞
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vintageurovision · 1 year
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pulsar-1919 · 1 year
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I posted 6,705 times in 2022
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#esc - 61 posts
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#hal jordan - 15 posts
#1989 on ao3 - 15 posts
#the toy show - 15 posts
#queer history - 12 posts
#barry allen - 12 posts
#star trek - 12 posts
#halbarry - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#did i mention the girl her ex is with is 16? 🤢and not 17 till may? she called him the fuck out in front of everyone on campus. as deserved
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