#escaped audios headcanons
Random Escaped Audios character headcanons (semi domestic... Idk?)
Escaped and Jean sleep with socks on, a habit they picked up in prison.
Escaped also sleeps with the mask on sometimes. And only in his boxers... And socks. Sexy. Seductive, even. 😂
Jean sleeps in whatever he wore that day minus the pants. Crinkled dress shirts all the way. (if he even gets sleep that is) On really bad days, before the intern, he just threw on pants the next day and was ready to go. (yes he did shower... But he put his old clothes back on)
Precious baby boy Ivan (actually adorable dilf... ESCAPED NO YOU DID NOT SEE THAT!!!😳) sleeps in matching pyjama sets and even got some for Raven and Paloma so they all three can match! of course the pj's are bird themed!
Now that I'm on a "what they wear to bed" trip... Alphonso does the classic t-shirt and boxers combo, jogging pants if he's cold. Plus a hoodie if he's really cold. Which is rare. Or... Well... His slayer uniform.
Benji does the t-shirt boxer combo too. All year. He mostly wears his old college (or band👀) tees to sleep.
You cannot convince me Crow "i don't have use for t-shirts" doesn't (didn't 😢) sleep butt ass naked. Either that or fully... Clothed? As clothed as he is. Leather harness shoulder bracer and all. There's no in between.
Enough of the sleep hc's... 🙈 Onto the random stuff
Nap dates with Jean!
Escaped has a sweet tooth. Also LOVES home cooked meals. After all the junk in prison, he loves the times in between where he gets to eat real food. If he could choose between take out or home cooked it's home cooked all the way. (one of the goons is a fantastic cook)
He misses his mom's food, though.
Escaped does finger guns all. The fucking. Time. Like...🧍‍♂️... 👉👉...🧍‍♂️
Alsoooo... Escaped and spiderman kisses!
I have many feelings about our slutty villain soo... He's a cuddler. Big time. Won't admit it, but likes being the little spoon (kinda mentioned in the audio). Will also lie on top of you if he catches you lying around, and put his head on your tiddies or tummy.
Crow has one of those photo calendars on his desk. It's with cats. Doesn't use it for calendar stuff... Only has it for the pictures. Gets new ones every year but keeps the old ones in a drawer in his desk.
Benji, our precious marine biologist (yes shh i know it's not exactly his job), is the same but with sea animals.
Also... Benji makes mixtapes. Not just early into the relationship, but also after he got married. It's his anniversary gift. Literally spends all year compiling a playlist, and a movie watchlist for datenights!
Picnic beach dates with Benji!
And forest or bird watching dates with Ivan (birbs☺️)
Also 100% convinced Ivan manages to befriend the crows he's feeding & playing with and they bring him gifts in return.
Jean likes his hair to be played with. (shout out to @stupd000 for saying he likes having his hair pulled🙈)
He also learns more songs on the ukulele and he and the intern sing together. Not very well, but it's cute. When the singing gets too bad, one would just kiss the other to shut them up.
Alphonso keeps souvenirs of the places he visits on hunts and keeps them in his room at the slayers' stronghold when he's there.
Jean is a bit jittery from all the coffee he drinks. Goes through withdrawl after escaping the mafia. But now he's down to the normal amount of coffee for a day (like... 2-4 cups a day)
Ivan will come and wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head on your (Raven's) shoulder while you two cook together. Will steal bits of food, too.
Ivan does wood carvings sometimes. He carved a little raven for Raven. Paloma painted it hot pink, she's very proud of it!
Once at safety, Jean adopts a stray dog... which turn into three.
Ivan will totally bring home injured animals (especially, ofc, birds) and nurse them back to health.
Okay I think that's all I can come up with for now
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piffany666 · 5 months
New Jersey rats intern headcanons!
(Also thank you to @astralbulldragon13 for making the "book of destiny" it kinda inspired me to make this. I'm finally over my "making highly detailed ocs is cringe" phase!)
My intern oc uses they/he pronouns and their name is Jim!
They are Irish Italian
Their mum is from derry and eloped to new Jersey with Jim's dad whos Italian
They both very quickly regretted this decision but they were both kinda stuck
And having kids made it even worse
And I said kids plural cos the intern is giving major chaotic middle child energy
They have autism and one reason they wanted to join the mob was because its their special interest
They made friends by telling people random hyperspecific facts about their intrests
If you knew them chances are you knew about the mob!
Their parents both where really shitty about them being who they where eg. Trans, autistic ect
They are a recovering theater kid
They generally wanted to go into theater as a carer but their parents scared them off that idea
So they went into accounting!
They have THE BEST singing voice
They used to sing for money
They don't as much anymore cos they don't wanna upstage badaboom
Intern and jean are giving MAJOR bi for bi energy
(For those who know) the intern also dated stacy I will die on this hill
I like to think that they met cos they were both singers for the same club at one point
And the intern was the one to brake up with her but stacy wasn't used to being the one who got broken up with
Shes like godzilla she comes into your life ruins everything and gose back into the ocean - escaped audios
So when the intern broke up with her she just straight up broke their arm
Intern and jean both smoke
They have definitely done shit like
Sharing a lighter
Sharing a cigarette
That thing where you use one cigarette to light the other
whenever this would happen badabing would just look at them like -__-
They have tattoos but only on their back so they arnt very visible
(I probably have more but that's all I got for now lol)
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jacks347 · 6 days
I have fluffy brainrot so y'all get a treat in what high school tropes I think fit the Escaped romances
Crow and Raven - Transfer student and hesitant assigned helper (heartbreak comes not from death but from him moving back across the world)
Ivan and Raven - Delinquent and tutor (Paloma is his niece rather than daughter, Michelle is still his bitchy ex)
Jean and Intern - Student council president and vice president (Bing and Boom are class representatives that stress Jean out)
Alfonso and Guest - Uptight Catholic boy and chill party girl (Alfonso having a heart attack as he sneaks out for the first time while Guest is like "lol just jump down you dork")
Jager and Schafer - Tenured professor and new teacher (not teacher and student, that's illegal ya nasties)
Benji and Future Wife - "Cutest Couple" superlative (no I will not elaborate)
Ash and Dennys - Detention buddies ("What are you in for this week?" "I set the chemistry lab on fire" "...nice")
Yes I do have more of these if y'all wanna see my ideas for GB, Redacted, or Nomad
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palilious · 10 months
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headcanon that Ivan has a prosthetic leg
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asmrrpaddict · 2 months
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My mind goes immediately to @goodboyaudios’ amazing channel!!! We know they’ve met, but still. 😆Loki would be an interesting addition to this universe! Maybe Escaped Audio, Scythe Audio, Extrovert Ed, Pebble, Siren’s Son, Patman, Joseph Holloway, or MasterMissy?
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astralbulldragon13 · 4 months
Funny idea:
The Tolonis show up in Havana where our dear rats are holed up, thinking they might get a reward for finding them. As they are making threats, the Intern is just sitting at the bar and looking unimpressed. When they’ve had enough of the BS they draw a pistol (I looked it up and citizens can own firearms in Cuba if they have the proper licenses and, we’ll, Guy knew a Guy).
Without even looking at the Cousins, the Intern shoots at them. If one of them is wearing a hat, it is now on the floor with a perfectly aligned bullet hole and the cousin might need to see a barber.
(Headcannon: my Intern was taught to shoot by their grandfather hunting prairie dogs)
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stupd000 · 5 months
Jean Headcanons🤗
most of these aren’t romantic headcanons, just things i think he does
•Jean is the type of person to silent laugh then start hitting the person who made him laugh
•Jean has HORRIBLE music taste, intern introduced him to real music later in their relationship once they noticed
•Jean has the most kind, perfect smile a man could have, his eyes get all squinty, he has dimples and the faintest smile lines and intern is in love with him
•Sleeps in the weirdest positions. Like Intern woke up on the floor bc Jean kicked them off accidentally.
•Listens to Lana Del Ray
•Loves making breakfast for Intern because it makes him feel like he’s surprising them every morning but he’s really not but he just wants to feel special okay guys.
•Needs reading glasses, won’t get them. They make him feel old.
•Is such a plant guy, always kills them, always feels guilt because he feels like a horrible father.
•(Idk why but i have a feeling that Intern got injured ever so slightly and it left a scar,) Jean loves tracing Interns scars
•Originally went to college for interior design but changed his major to accounting
•Hates vegetables, Literally won’t eat them unless he is tricked.
•Got one of those galaxy projectors and falls asleep staring at it every night.
•Hates Cashmere
•Leaves the toilet seat up.
•When Intern and him are doing different things in the same room, he’ll reach over and rub their arm as just like a “hey i’m here.”
•Likes to watch rain like a dad
•Likes having his hair pulled
•That’s all!!🤍
Again, another short list of head canons. sorryyyy, Happy New Year!!
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ajaxcentral · 5 months
cyril's guilty pleasure is unwritten by natasha bedingfield
sorry imagining him humming that while he's working has me giggling
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lunaritychuwolf · 3 months
Dennysverse headcanons:
-An average night at Denny's:
Clem is gossiping with Bradey in the kitchen
Denise is listening in and gossiping as well as she's waiting for the food so she can serve
Sarah is taking an order, trying not to kill another bothersome customer
-At the end of the night:
They all go to the nearest 7 Eleven to buy some snacks and drinks and head back to the house (and they were roommates👀)
Either for a movie marathon night, stargazing and just chatting, spa night at home or just talking about their night
These three like to relax after work
I feel Sarah sleeps late but is an early waker, meaning she doesn't get a lot of sleep in total. Her max is like 6 to 6 and a half hrs and God damn the energy drinks consumed is unfathomable
Denise is an early sleeper and wakes up at a decent time. Loves her rest, minimum 8 hours and likes coffee but like, black coffee with a shit ton of sugar
I know Clementine is a late sleeper and late riser, maximum 5 hrs. Tea, tea, tea and an apple is what she runs on
Clem hates doing the dishes so she usually tries to swap with Denise who I feel wouldn't mind swapping sweeping with her
Sarah looks like the one who does the clothes and will meticulously wash in colour coordination as to not stain anything. Also organised all their cupboards in summer/spring and winter/autumn
As stated before, Denise doesn't mind dishes but she'd much rather tend to their garden. Yes, the Denny's grow their own veggies😌 we independent like that
Clem cannot cook to save her life, Denise and Sarah to the rescue... Take aways✨
But I think Sarah can cook really well and on occasion Denise will join her to cook up a feast
Denise is a baker through and through, she's got the best! And I mean the best cupcake recipe. It's a secret though so you can only enjoy when she does bake
-How they spend their days:
Walks in the park is an absolute, maybe even visiting the playground where the three met. They still do their forest adventures like when they were younger
Visiting art stores is a must when one of them runs out of art supplies. It's time to restock and buy new stuff
Library browsing and enjoying books. Each has their own favourite genres and likes to buy, read and trade with each other. Best believe there's a reading nook somewhere in that house
@rustycopper4use @piffany666
Add anything or tell me to change something you feel it doesn't suit
This was on made a whim😌
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angeljinxx22 · 10 months
I need to see tank in one of those “what’s more punk than the public library” tees because you bet your ass that fucker was camping out at the library when they didn’t wanna be at home
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maramirror11 · 3 months
Jean vs Reggaeton
This fic isn’t beta readed, so I'm sorry for my bad english.
Intern (Irene) uses she/her pronouns.
A week before the money laundry plan finished, Intern received a text message while working. It was from one of her cousins inviting to a party at a local club. She accepted, it’s been ages since she went out. The message also said she could invite one friend.
At that moment, she heard a sigh from Jean who was working near her. With the deadline approaching, he had to be sure everything went according to the plan. As a result, he looked even worse than usual, darker bags under his eyes and gaze constantly lost in his own thoughts. Then, a brilliant idea came into her mind.
“Hey Jean, are you free this saturday night? Or are you going to finally get some sleep?” Intern walked to his desk.
“You know blinking is the only way I sleep” He chuckled. “Why do you ask?” His eyes still focused on the screen with an almost empty coffee mug in his hand.
“Wanna go out for drinks? I was invited somewhere and I'll like you to come too”
Jean paused his work for a moment and remembered his plan was to practice the ukulele. At first, he thought about declining since he was exhausted. However, it wasn't often when they could go out without the brothers and it would be nice to go somewhere new for a change.
“I’ll go. I need a distraction or I'll jump in front of the next car I see”
“Great! I'll send you the place and we'll meet there” She said with a smile. “But first I'll do a new pot of coffee, we still have a few hours left”
The day finally arrived and Intern was outside the building waiting for Jean while walking back and forth. This was different from the other times they went out. Normally, they'll go to drink and relax at a bar after work. She feared this hangout would make him go back home more stressed.
Her train of thoughts stopped when she saw Jean arrive and her heart skipped a beat. It was a pleasant surprise to see what he wears outside work. It wasn't anything outstanding but it made him look more handsome than usual.
“Damn Jean, you look stunning! I didn’t know you had something other than your usual white shirts and black pants” She greeted with a hug.
“Well thank you! I can say the same about you too”
“Oh, this old thing? You flatter me” Intern covered her face dramatically. “Now turn around, I want to see the whole outfit”
He complied and then said in a soft tone “Really, you do look gorgeous tonight”
“Thanks” Said flustered, taken by surprise by the sincere compliment. “Every once in a while we need to get all dressed up. Let's take a picture before we get inside”
They found a spot to take a selfie and then went to the entrance. When they got through the door, they found a big crowd already. For them not to get separated, Intern took Jean's hand and guided him towards the bar.
After they got their drinks, they went to the reserved table for guests. It was on the second floor, near the stairs. Most guests were on the dance floor, which meant they were alone. Luckily, even with the rather loud music in the background, they could still hear each other.
“Do you come here often? I see you are familiar with this place” Jean asked after he had his drink.
“My cousin is a friend of the owner. She likes to go out a lot and that means she dragged me here countless times” Intern took a sip of her cocktail. “Do you like it?”
“It's a little different from what I’m used to, but it has a nice ambience”
“Just you wait until the good music starts, it'll get even better. Believe me, you'll shake off all that stress”
“I'll take your word for it, or you'll suffer the consequences for lying to a dangerous mafia member” Both laughed.
Slowly, they lose track of how long they've been talking, only being interrupted a few times by Intern’s friends who came to greet her. Later, when Intern was about to get a new drink, she heard a familiar melody. As soon as she recognized it, immediately stood up and turned around towards Jean.
“Do you know how to dance?” She said looking expectantly.
“I do, but-”
“Good, you are coming with me” She grabbed his hand and quickly led him to the dance floor.
“Hey! What's the rush?”
“The song will end! Besides, you need to experience the rest of this place”
They got through the crowd until they found a spot big enough for both. Intern let go of him and started dancing, while Jean remained still.
She started swinging her hips in circles, spinning around, slowly going down and up with the rhythm of the music. On top of that, she was singing loudly while pointing at him. Sadly, he couldn't understand anything the song said.
Jean stood mesmerized by this new side of Intern. She was rather calm in their everyday life, despite how crazy their work became.
Normally, it was a good thing since he needed someone who can stay grounded, but now he wished she could take this rowdy side more often. As he saw her passionately doing what she enjoys, it made him eager to start doing the same.
He snapped out of his own thoughts and decided to join her, imitating those around him. He tried to move with the rhythm but that only made him bump into other people. For his misfortune, the only physical activity he does is walk to the bus since he hasn’t reclaimed his car yet. So, he failed miserably as his moves were too stiff.
Intern got out of her zone when she saw Jean's performance. This made her laugh a lot and got closer to his ear.
“Jean, you lied to me!” Intern tried her best to calm her laugh.
“I'm rusty, okay? Besides, the ones I know are slower with more space to move” He tried to hide his embarrassment.
“Let me show you then”
First, she made Jean separate his feet and slightly flex his knees since it’ll be easier to maintain stability and not crash with anyone. Then, he had to tiptoe forward and back in place while his shoulders swung forward. Once he got more comfortable, Intern showed how to move his hips on a circle while going down and up. This one took a little more coordination.
As time went on, Jean got enough practice and started to do it with more confidence. When Intern was satisfied with his performance, she resumed her own dancing. This should’ve been enough for him not to humiliate himself, except that he still looked somewhat stiff.
“Give me your hand” Intern said while extending hers.
“What for?”
“Just trust me” She winked.
Intern realized Jean took these lessons too seriously and proceeded to playfully make him swirl. It didn’t go as smoothly as she wanted, but it made Jean laugh and loosen up. Still holding hands, he tried the same with her. Except that this time, it went perfectly.
It's been a while since she saw Jean in a good mood. He was so anxious about every single detail for the money laundry scheme, due to his head being at risk. Still, he deserved to enjoy the present.
Intern knows Jean hates his job, he always warns about ending up like him. Despite all of that, still got something out of it, the Bada brothers. Even if they don't show it often, from the way they talk and treat each other, it's obvious they care about Jean. Another thing he has now… is her heart.
Unexpectedly, he became someone important in her life and everything was better with him close by. That's why she felt honored to make him feel safe enough to show his hobby and really hoped he had that confidence to just be himself more often.
Intern had this attraction towards Jean for quite a while, but wasn't sure whether to make a move or not. For the most part, it’s because they work together and could bring problems for both in case he was interested.
However, tonight they weren't co-workers, they were friends and that gave her more confidence in being more direct with her affection.
Deep inside, she feared he would've been taken aback by her attitude and changed the way he treats her. But it was a huge relief that it wasn't the case, on top of that he learned about her interest.
As both were dancing while holding hands, Intern was dying to get closer to Jean but didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. So, she started to move her hands at a slow pace to his shoulders, looking at his reaction. If he appears to be uncomfortable, she'll stop.
He shivered with the sudden caress, it’s been forever since he felt a simple touch like that. Despite the initial surprise, he took the hint and his hands went to her hips just like those couples around them. Upon every movement, she could feel her heart beating faster. His hands on her body gave her courage to get closer. Little by little until their bodies were almost pressed against each other.
Neither of them were paying attention to the music or people around them anymore. The only thing in their mind was the way they slowly moved together in synchrony while looking at each other.
The tension between them became painful and their faces got closer. Intern's lips almost reached into his. But all of a sudden, she stopped and pulled back. The nervousness got the better of her this time. Jean looked expectantly, but didn't move forward either. Intern had to think something quick to make the moment less awkward.
“Wanna go back?” She asked while mentally beating herself for wasting this chance.
Jean just nodded and both left with regret on their faces. To forget about this, they asked for another round of drinks before going back. When Jean sits down, he realizes how fatigued he feels, they have been dancing for a long while now.
“I wasn't THAT terrible, right?” He said with a short breath as he dropped into his seat.
“You did a good job actually! I'll take that as you had a good time” Intern sat and had her drink.
“I did, I feel a huge weight off my back. Although, I can't fucking move anymore” He sunk into the sofa.
“You see? I kept my promise. Besides, you deserve to unwind every now and then”
“Thank you. But, you never told me you could dance like that! Where did you even learn it?”
“Ha! It's one of my secret talents. I promise, I'll teach you more next tim-”
Intern suddenly recognized one of her favorite songs blasting through the speakers and stood up again.
“I'll be right back, it won't take long” She set down her drink on the table.
“Aren't you tired?” The thought of standing up was already draining him, let alone go back.
“Not when this banger is playing, but you can stay if you want”
Intern rushes back while Jean watches from the second floor, still with the promise in his mind and a dumb smile on his face. Then, the words “next time” echoed in his head and reality hit him.
In secret, he had been planning to leave the city after the Colombian deal was done. As much as he would've loved to run away earlier, he didn't want to leave Intern behind just like that. He finally found someone he could truly connect with, and now he had to be alone again.
A question occupied his mind. Will this truly be the last time they can be together like this?
The answer made his chest hurt but he couldn't stay for much longer. Even so, the thought of Intern wondering where he went or whether he’s okay, made the pain worse. Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea to let her know about his plan.
He was looking at the distance when he saw Intern waving at him, interrupting his thoughts.
“Fuck it, that next lesson has to be sooner” Jean stood up.
He pushed his worries aside and joined Intern on the dance floor once again. If this was their last time, then he'll make it worth it.
The song that plays when Intern gets up for the first time is "Atrévete-Te-Te" by Calle 13 (Explicit Version). And the one when they are about to kiss is "Ahora Es" by Wisin & Yandel.
If you want more recommendations for similar songs, I'll leave a few (this is just an excuse to talk about my favorites song):
¿Qué tengo que hacer? - Daddy Yankee
Salió el Sol - Don Omar
Rompe - Daddy Yankee
Dile - Don Omar
El Telefono - Hector Bambino "El Father", Wisin & Yandel
Noche De Entierro (Nuestro Amor) - Hector "El Father", Wisin & Yandel, Daddy Yankee, Tonny Tun Tun, Luny Tunes
Ella me levantó - Daddy Yankee
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Haven’t seen any yandere!baby headcanon…..so here some
(CW reference to abuse and kidnapping, so spoiler)
Even though baby got away and lost their memories, no one really believed the cover story that they were study abroad
Their family and friends don’t push the topic on what happened, they don’t want to accidentally make Baby upset or panic.
At most they believed they what Baby when through was so bad their mind simply repressed it.
But even with their memories gone, they still have some physical problems and reactions. (Hearing the words “baby”, seeing a certain shade of red, looking at their wrist)
Because they were trapped for 2 years, with limited moment, their body is very weak. They have to use a mobility aid. They also have weak lungs and muscle, and their wrist are so damaged and scarred by the ropes.
Has so so much repressed emotions…While they don’t remember Ivan, they do remember or at least have a vague awareness of some of his words he said.
Things about being hurt and putting others before themselves, it really messes them up. Their therapist is helping with that.
During the 2 years their hair had grown, and Ivan would touch and brush it a lot. When they go out, they cut it very short. It makes them feel happy even if they don’t remember why it does.
Baby relationships with their parents and friends both grew and got strained. Sometimes they believed that will be abandoned, or ignored. But their working on it
If Og!Baby found out what Ivan did. They would panic and blame themselves. (What if we didn’t break up? Would he haven’t kidnapped someone?)
Og!Baby found a missing reporter of Yan!Baby; they decided to meet Yan, try to talk to them.
Since there around the same age; they probably meet up in a cafe or someplace. Once they two meet up and talked. It started out ok. But then Yan got upset when Og try to talk about Ivan.
The two of them decided to stay in touch and be friends.
Baby always is moving their body, they can’t stay still or they get uncomfortable. They take up running as a hobby.
They have moments of dissociation and being quite. Ivan like it when they behave.
and when alone in a room, they didn’t speak, what was the point? Who would they talk to?
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piffany666 · 5 months
Jean and intern headcanons!
My man Jean dose not cuddle
My man Jean mother f*king SNUGGLES
Like this man hadn't gotten a full 8 hours of sleep in YEARS so he's not wasting a DAMN second NOT being a good cuddler
I already said this in another post but I'm repeating myself cos I love it
Jean and intern both smoke and do sh*t like
Sharing a cigarette
Lighting the others cigarette
That thing where you use one cigarette to light snother shfgahaeg!!
And they did all this BEFORE they started dating
And every time badabing would be there like -__-
The bada brothers had a bet going on of who would confess first
Let's just say badaboom owes his brother money
Jean f*king DIES when I comes to cheek kisses
Like If the intern needs to go somewhere and is in a hurry and they hit him with a kiss on the cheek
Jean.exe. Has stopped working
All I'm gonna say is this quote from heartstopper
"Wait do you like that I speak French?"
"It's fine....."
"Mon amor~"
Intern.exe. has stopped working
MAJOR bi for bi energy going on here!
Slight NSFW
Their both switches jean just prefers to be the bottom
They both prefer to do it standing up anyway
The brothers walked in on them making out ONE TIME
But now literally any time they need to go into their room it's all "where coming In so you guys better have clothes on!"
Or just some dumb sh*t like that XD
Badaboom dosnt know what "sock on the door" means and while badabing saved him from finding out for himself he refuses to explain it to him
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jacks347 · 3 months
I have not been giving the Escaped fans enough attention recently so let's change that in the best way I know how shall we >:3
I fully believe that Alfonso was really torn and slightly guilty about letting Deigo become a slayer like him because he saw Deigo as his second chance. An opportunity to give himself the childhood he never had. A chance to let his son be normal in a way that he never had a choice in. But at the same time he knows that he has to teach him. With both himself and the Guest being prominent slayers, Diego has a target on his back. Shielding him from Alfonso's own lonely childhood only puts him in more danger.
He has to raise his son as a slayer, just like his father before him. Not because he wants to, but because he has to. He has to teach him how to defend himself. He has to learn about what lurks in the dark before it comes for him. And I know he beats himself up over it.
But at the same time, Alfonso is far more lax with his rules than his own father, much to his partner's chagrin who now has to wrangle two versions of their idiot husband because Deigo was definitely a teenage playboy. (He is a carbon copy of his pretty boy father, look me in my eyes and tell me I'm wrong)
"Oh my god, he's you if you weren't so emotionally stunted."
"What does that mean?"
"Don't worry about it, Casanova."
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astralbulldragon13 · 5 months
So, I'm re-listening to Der Wolfsjager, and decided to look into the meaning of Ursula Schafer as a name.
Ursula in German means 'Bear', while Schafer means 'Shepherd'. I honestly love the name, even before I know the meaning. It makes me imagine her as a 'bear of a woman', perhaps taller than average, a bit muscular from her training in the CIA. However, despite all of that she fits in enough not to be looked twice at in Germany.
And I also imagine a bear hunting together with a wolf.
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astrclreflection-a · 2 years
tag dump !
( ✧. ┊ outofastrology ; ooc )
( ✧. ┊ no longer recognize my reflection ; mona ) 
( ✧. ┊ following the waves ; dash games )
( ✧. ┊ headcanons )
( ✧. ┊ memes )
( ✧. ┊ when the stars aligned ; queue )
( ✧. ┊ open )
( ✧. ┊ beyond the looking glass ; aesthetics )
( ✧. ┊ the prinzessin ; fischl )
( ✧. ┊ electric heart ; xinyan )
( ✧. ┊ from another world ; traveler )
( ✧. ┊ answered desires ; asks )
( ✧. ┊ v ; written in the stars : main )
( ✧. ┊  dash games )
( ✧. ┊  dash comm. )
( ✧. ┊ her thoughts that she can never let escape ; musings )
( ✧. ┊ listen to the voice within ; audio ) 
( ✧. ┊ within her heart ; wishlist )  ( ✧. ┊ the sorceress ; abyssal fate v. ) 
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