#especially re: the characters
reasoncourt · 9 months
re the whole jesse armstrong underline situation - for me it's just about the fact that he gave himself the authority to declare something about the show that was purposefully left ambiguous in the text. doesn't matter what exactly he said. it's like jkr (back when she hid her bigotry a bit more) saying that dumbledore is gay or the wizards shitting on the floor. if you wanted fans to know that you should have put it in the thing instead of retroactively telling them because you don't have authority over the story, now that it's done. this time it's logan underlined kendall's name in a while it could be roman was trans the entire time it just wasn't relevant to kendall's story (which, for the record, i'd like but. that's not jesse armstrong's decision to make)
(still think all of your points are valid. 'everything logan said to the kids was written in pencil' is a banger)
i totally get that perspective. and yeah tbh i would also like trans!roman to be acknowledged as canon ngl (obv not by jesse - bc i agree that would be far too reminiscent of jkr who - even before the outward bigotry - did entirely piss me off with the whole "no i sweeeaaarrr dumbledore was so gay. it just wasn't relevant (when it low key absolutely was))
the only difference i think is the fact that - either way - the sibs will never know if kendall's name was underlined or if it wasn't. and now that we as an audience "know" (but tbh i don't really take what (one of) the author(s) says after the actual publication/distribution of the text too seriously (or as definitive canon at all)) that logan underlined kendall's name, the only thing that changes for us is wondering what the significance of that actually is wrt logan. the significance for the sibs stays the same because they still don't know either way whether it was underlined or not. so we're just left with the fact that logan underlined it. and i just think that still is ambiguous. because logan underlining kendall's name really honestly could mean everything anything and nothing.
but tbc - i totally 100% get your point. if jesse makes one more comment after the fact then i will join the war on jesse on the side against jesse ksjdnskndks. i just fr think this specific thing gives us - as an audience - a little more to think about. and it changes the actual events in the show negligibly if at all.
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aroaceleovaldez · 9 months
i know everybody makes fun of Thalia and Jason for being underpowered compared to the rest of the Big 3 kids, I have done so on multiple occasions myself, BUT. Okay.
I do think the Grace siblings aren't so much underscaled to the others, but instead their powers just aren't nearly as precise. Like, Nico and Hazel can control literally any stone/earthenware/metal material and summon reinforcements and a whole bunch of other little things, Percy can control all water just in general, etc etc. Jason and Thalia? Jason can control all air, which is OP as fuck when you think about it. He flies through controlling the air to lift him. Which means he can lift/carry/etc anything by just controlling air the right way. Like, people talk about Percy being OP as fuck with the water thing but Jason's on pretty equal ground with "can control all air/wind."
And then the lightning/thunder. I know everybody likes to go "oh well what if they could control nerves and electrical impulses!" you are thinking too specific/minute. We don't need to go that far. The Grace siblings can cast a concentrated fucking explosion whenever they want and it will not harm them at all AND it has area of effect damage and potential residual effects. Armor does not do shit against a literal three MILLION volts. And lightning is BIG. Like okay yeah sure not great for small combat or close-range with allies but put either of them against an army? Bye bye. Does not stand a CHANCE. And we've already established in The Lost Hero that if you put Jason in a room full of conductive metal and his allies are not at risk? You are a GONER. Zero questions! You can fight skeletons and rocks and maybe water. You cannot fight three million volts straight to the face. The Grace siblings do not need bells and whistles they have Cast Beam Attack and there is nothing you can do about it. And this does not even touch upon how fucking loud thunder is.
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tofixtheshadows · 3 months
People who read Dungeon Meshi tend think they're so smart for reading it, because Dungeon Meshi is a smart manga, and they Understand Its Themes and its symbolism, but the way the majority of you talk about Kabru is like. Oh, I see. The narrative held your hand through a nuanced topic and you still didn't get it. </3 Somehow it's really hard when it isn't a white character. ):
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sweetie-peaches · 2 months
I’ll get off my soulfire posting in a minute but how different do you think it would be if they didn’t hold back, if tubbo loosened his hold on bads leash, if they weren’t afraid.
Speaking of that actually, I wonder how much tubbos duel with etolies in the beginning changed things. Idk how to describe it but I think loosing that fight made a big shift in his character (it was also such a cool moment, a fight in a desert. No one else around, honorable and equal) like it changed his perspective on things
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utilitycaster · 7 months
I think I said this after Calamity too but like. It's not that there's a wrong way to enjoy fiction, precisely, but I really do think that when someone's first or even seventh instinct upon watching a tragedy is to say "wow imagine the potential for Everyone Lives Fix-it Fic that gives me the ending I wanted" that is genuinely more unsettling to me than like, the tragedy itself.
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lazlolullaby · 1 month
Terry's birthday gift to Tim (Batman Beyond timeline x comic book ish timeline)
fandom telephone is fun! Have a scenario barely extrapolated from canon!
Tl;Dr: Terry Mcginnis VS Tim's infamous 16th birthday message. Mostly born out of a desire for the comic canon Horrible Father Batman to get yelled at.
multiverse happens. Terry Mcginnis from post his series + Return of the Joker gets thrown into close to comic canon timeline.
Since Terry can't go anywhere due to not being born yet and every minute he stays with Bruce and Alfred it gets more awkward, he bunks at Titans Tower with Tim Drake!Robin, Cassie, Bart, and Connor.
Terry introduces himself as "Elderly Batman's emotional support teenager" and "couldn't make the cut for Robin". He cooks, he chills with Young Justice, reminds them how to talk to civilians.
So cut to Tim's birthday. The infamous future message from Alfred that Batman has died due to a close allies betrayal.
Terry is the first to talk as Tim shows the team the message. "Yeah, Alfred kicked the bucket before Bruce did in my time. To be fair, Boss had a whole thirty foot rule about people getting close."
Tim could only stare numbly at the hologram.
"Hey. Yanno what?" Terry taps his fingers on Tim's shoulder. "It's your birthday. Go hang out with your friends. I'll take care of this. I'll start the investigation, make up a nice report and you can take over on Monday."
"That's too long."
"Fine. Two days. 48 hours that you don't have to deal with this. My gift to you."
"if you say so."
Terry rolls up his sleeves and gets to work. He analyzes everything about the video, breaks down the word choices, what tech was used, any recording meta data. Calls up Booster Gold and asks if there's been any "time ripples" or whatever. (The guy is a HUGE fan of Neo Batman. Who knew?) Uses Batman's codes to get access to Justice League files and says it's for a Tim project. "Would you believe that he's growing up and delegating?"
Bruce was expecting Tim. He was not expecting Terry to pop up in the Manor. He just...stares at Terry, looms down and stands in front of him. "Why are you doing this for Tim?"
Terry has seen worse stares, so he's unfazed. "No intention of stealing his work, I'm just getting it started."
Bruce 'hrmm' -ed.
That interaction stuck with Terry. And 36 hours later...Bruce is called up into the Watchtower.
Terry called the Justice League on Bruce's ass. Notably, Nightwing (who usually isn't involved with the League but Terry insisted, but then gave the guy an out after the first debrief.) The Flash, Green Arrow, Superman and Wonder Woman. The first ones specifically because they have sidekicks, and the rest of the Trio for backup.
(Terry does not miss the fact that Clark is hesitant about Connor. And that Connor's impression of his "mentor" is a little skewed. He'll confront him when he's dipped into Tim's kryptonite stash.)
(conversely, Clark can see that Terry is biologically related to Bruce. But research takes time, and it goes slower when trying to dodge both Cadmus and a paranoid Bat.)
So at the 40 hour mark, Terry sends a selfie with the Watchtower "meeting" in the background. (Clark has his arms folded like a disappointed parent. Flash is in Batman's face. Nightwing is blocking the exit.)
An hour later he sends a full report to Tim.
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stardestroyer81 · 1 year
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Can you guess who my favorite Pizza Tower character is? 💙✨
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whitmore · 9 months
really actually kind of enjoy how the big lore moments are sort of quiet on a singular stream (or a small group!) instead of the events solely being the lore; i think there would be this hesitation to develop anything solo if the server reinforced this idea that Big Lore could only happen during scheduled events and days. instead the more narrative-progressing moments (take the baghera hybrid experiments revelation or the philza birdnapping for recent example) are very low-key and almost unhyped up— there’s no expectation for that kind of lore necessarily at the time which makes it more rewarding to experience as a viewer. big fan of how they do the events as player bonding time rather than serious narrative progression because it allows all the players (especially the ones who don’t engage in the rp side that much) to participate and get to know each another more; it’s very neat it’s really smart it’s nicely executed
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commsroom · 6 months
my personal agenda in commissioning wolf 359 art is to make people draw hera with sharper features / an aquiline nose. and to give eiffel body hair. everything else is secondary to me.
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altschmerzes · 7 months
If Roy and Ted start sharing a bed when Roy stays over, is there an instance where Jamie ends up in the middle after like a bad dream or something? Or maybe that’s weird for like a 16 year old… idk now I’m just thinking out loud
first off i dont think that’s weird at all! we never really grow out of needing to be supported and comforted by the people who are important to us, and i know people who’ve done this sort of thing seeking comfort from their parents during times of extreme stress and trauma into their twenties. it’s one of the things that’s been interesting about writing this fic and characterizing jamie particularly once he’s gotten close to this new support system in his life - how to balance that he’s 15, 16, 17 years old and seeks independence and self sufficiency and also has a lot of reasons to be ashamed of a desire to seek comfort or a rejection of anything he sees as making him weak or childish and at the same time he’s a kid who’s been chronically starved of care and affection and that’s. a vital need for kids, even teenagers. sometimes especially teenagers. (i may or may not have spent quite a bit of time online reading psych and sociology and like. Parenting And Family Resources to get a handle on some stuff and verify if my hunches are accurate or not XD)
which is to say yes absolutely that’s on the horizon. not often, but sometimes, when things are bad and his need to be a kid taken care of and protected by his parents overrides his fear of being seen as a baby or bothering them. he remembers one of his friends getting broken up with via text while he was over for a sleepover and going and watching them leave the kidgang to go to their parents room bc they’re upset and want their parents. and if that’s okay, maybe this is okay for him to do too.
(ted and roy thoroughly encourage it any time jamie will admit to needing or wanting something. moments where he comes to them when he’s scared or upset, voluntarily seems out comfort are absolutely everything to both of them, especially given how hard it is for him to do)
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averlym · 11 months
pleaaase may i have 28 and 29 aramour angst ✨ i crave it
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28: “Move out of my way before I make you.” // 29: “You deserve better.” (prompt list here)
click for better quality!
#the brainrot!!! so strong. anyways. fellas is it gay to confront the woman dating your ex when there's super high tension#anyway!!! highschool(?) modern au where the popular girl/ queen bee is whoever resident king henry is dating.. hm..#oh the tension between someone who used to serve you. now having taken your place. and you knowing the ins and out of that position..#especially that it's not all it's cooked up to be!! lots of thoughts about this au#art-wise i drew these as storyboards before i realised i cant video format well without audio so they're just here in storyboard form#i drew these in sketchy drafts and then in sketchbook then spent 2h lining them digitally bc the scans were yikes. anyways. i lost a frame#somewhere and it was before the “you deserve better” and it was like. “take it from someone who knows#fun fact!! i showed this to multiple irl friends without dialogue as i was drawing it. neither of them know the characters but.#immediately pinpointed exes vibes. and enemies to lovers. and basically homoerotic arguing tension.#remarkably pleased at how that was conveyed (and also amused. i love my friends). anyway if i were to do this again? then i'd draw in the#frames instead of re-doing the sizing after tracing. yikes that was an experience.#anyway!! (x3) anon i hope you enjoy the aramour angst. i hope it has something. i craved it a lot as i was drawing this#six the musical#six the musical fanart#catherine of aragon#jane seymour#also the characterisation was lowkey based off how mean girl seymour is absolutely a thing in the show. some of her lines. savage.#parallels!!! in show the "oh boohoo [..] i DIED'' and attacking aragon.. the rivalry here.. aaaagh#also!! the last line is a slightly paraphrased letter from aragon to her father(?) i think. found it online while looking for how she wrot#because i wanted her to sound more queenly... you also see it in how she's unbothered and rather unimpressed throughout seymour's posturing#the confidence in herself. meanwhile jane is defensive and a bit more prone to being flustered <parallels emotion in show script>#i'm just. very proud of these drawings together. narrative can be so very nice. the last two frames are kinda like a postscript.#sometimes the brainrot really gets you!! alright have a nice day.. comms are open and the fact that no one is taking them up rn feels a bit#sobering. but it's okay! i'm not in a rush.. it's more for the experience. hm. i wonder who wrote yes in the poll though#(can you. tell my ego is a little bruised?) nvm onwards!! eventually i'll get good enough to actually sell my stuff :OOO#oh an addendum: lowkey inspired by all the bathroom girl-on-girl confrontation scenes. one off the top of my head is the one from heathers#but there's quite a lot of those tbh#aramour
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elvisqueso · 5 months
I am on some bullshit right now, bruh
#just re-watched pocahontas for the first time in many many years and dawg#the character animation in that film is so gorgeous#like they went so hard on ACTING through the animation#im getting obsessed again like i was when i was little#like u gotta understand: the disney pocahontas character (a truly fictional character inspired by real events let's get that straight)#i was like in love with her. i wanted to be her like oh my god#and the way they animated john smith was such a departure from their other disney LI's up til then (as *i* recall)#so detailed!! the expressions!!! the fucking YEARNING!!!!!!#best love story out of all the disney flicks imho. as a Story it's so powerful#I'm gonna think about the symbolism of them having to part#after grandmother willow had told them 'only when the fighting stops can you be together'#implying that the fighting isn't over and probably never will be#fuxking painfuslfjk#i know i know: c'est ~~problématique~~#but look. I'm from a racially diverse family okay?#my dad's side especially. nobody over there stuck to their own race/ethnic group#my parents are a mixed couple. i know how hard it is to make that work.#most interracial couples I'd seen on tv until that point were very...chaste?#mostly played for laughs (oh haha the cultural dissonance is so cute and funny!) or worse: to play up racial sterotypes#but to see one depicted as a straight-forward romance- as two people deeply in love and not played for a gag? AND as the core of the story?#mannnn that means a lot to me even all these years later#so yeah im deep in the 'hunting down feel-good fix-it fics' phase wish me luck
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4lph4kidz · 7 months
I entirely respect the intention and ideas behind the anti-narrative theming in homestuck, it’s interesting all the ways that it crops up, but I don’t really know if it nails the execution… trying to deconstruct ideas and narrative forms you have and still rely on seems to work against itself sometimes. it’s an interesting experiment though. Anyway I am going to need to reread before I try to articulate any particular stance though especially because I need to examine my own interaction with the material as much as the material itself
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saintbleeding · 1 year
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[ID: Digital painting of Daisy from TMA. She is a white woman with long, matted, blonde hair, brown eyes, and scars across her skin, most notably a sunburst and a graze from a bullet on her left shoulder. She is caked with dirt, her hair in disarray around her, and stares at the viewer with a vacant, haunted expression. The background is dark and foreboding around her. End ID.]
hand me my shovel im going in or whatever
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theygender · 20 days
I've got too many games I want to play and not enough free time 😭 I still need to finish my BG3 playthrough but since Endless Ocean: Luminous came out I've been playing a lot of that instead. Also just got back into Wizard101 last night. Started playing House Flipper again last weekend. Still need to finish BOTW so I can start a TOTK playthrough and finish Pokemon Shield so I can start on Pokemon Violet. I've been fighting off the urge to start up a new Skyrim playthrough for weeks. My brother just told me that Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is getting ported to the Switch. And now I'm suddenly feeling inspired to replay DAI... And throughout all of this I'm also playing the hell out of DragonVale on my phone. Someone just pay me to play video games all day please
#and before anyone suggests it: no i cant try to get into streaming#the way i play video games is extremely frustrating for other people to watch ahdjsksl#no one is going to give me money for producing a video where i spend two hours checking every barrel in the map while juggling my inventory#and then immediately give up on a puzzle and just sit in silence for 30 minutes while i look up a walkthrough instead#i need a situation that pays me $200 a day just to be autistic at the screen alone in the comfort of my own home#rambling#a few years ago i made it a mission to play all of the dragon age games and dlcs in order and i did not complete it#i got all the way to inquisition before i quit#i had already played it on ps3 but i wanted to replay on my new gaming laptop and unfortunately my computer decided it was too complicated#and also i just wanted to play as an elf again and i was resisting that urge bc i played as an elf the first time and wanted something new#so i didnt connect to my character as much#BUT ive learned a lot about optimizing my games from getting bg3 to run on my computer#so i think i could get it to handle dai now. especially if i upgrade to ssd like ive been wanting#and i just saw a dai post on my dash that made me daydream about possible characters and i was struck with inspiration#when i first played through on ps3 i didnt know anything about da lore. it was my first dragon age game#i was just doing whatever i thought seemed coolest#so i basically modeled my inquisitor after my dnd oc and then just picked a vallaslin i thought was pretty#and then when it came time to pick a specialization i was just like 'i mean my hand has rift magic right? seems obvious enough'#but now i know the LORE. and the dalish really interest me. and i want to make an inquisitor thats their own character#i didnt want to replay another elf mage bc i thought it would be too similar#but at the same time i wanted to re-experience dai (and experience trespasser for the first time) now that i knew more about the dalish#(with mods that fix the annoying bits where your character seems to not know about their own religion of course lol...)#i was thinking about that and i just got hit with some inspiration#instead of 'my dnd character but with a cool tattoo and rift magic and they kinda roll with the inquisitor stuff bc idk whats going on'#what if i made a more intentional character with a much different personality and their own backstory#theyre still the first of their clan but i know what that means now so theyre not really into the herald of andraste stuff#theyre a devotee of falon'din with his vallaslin and fittingly choose necromancy specialization (tho theyre annoyed by all the maker talk)#they can look cool and goth and maybe they even make some different choices about the well of sorrows 👀#i could keep rambling but im running out of tags gah#anyways ive got lots of ideas now and i think the playthrough would be unique enough to be worth it
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skeltonjunction · 4 days
defining episode of the 15th doctor.
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