#european elections
broodingnightgoddess · 4 months
On the coming European Parliament elections of this year please research the plans of every party and only vote for those that support Palestine.
The Proggressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats is one of these.
Especially with the pro-Zionist Germany and France around, it is vital to apply pressure to the European parliament
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thebusylilbee · 2 months
btw europeans, don't forget that there are european elections from june 6 to june 9 this year ! make sure you've done all you need to do to vote !
you can check if anything needs to be done on this website : https://elections.europa.eu/en/
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dividedindiversity · 2 months
There is a handy website with all the information on how to register to vote if you
A) are an EU citizen but not of the country you live in
B) want to vote in a different country than the one you live in
C) live outside of the EU
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This official European government website explains how you can participate and vote in the Parliament Election on June 9th 2024.
It asks you to select your country and then offers languages in which the explanation is available. It also contains an extensive FAQ for things you might want to know about the election, about voting per mail, about registering to vote, etc. etc.
“How to” für deutsche Staatsbürger:
Wie wähle ich in Deutschland?
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culturefrancaise · 7 days
"Je préfère ne pas voter, ce n'est pas un sujet auquel je m'intéresse" : avant les élections européennes, ces jeunes confient leur détachement avec la politique
""Je préfère ne pas voter, ce n'est pas un sujet auquel je m'intéresse" : avant les élections européennes, ces jeunes confient leur détachement avec la politique" sur http://www.francetvinfo.fr/replay-radio/le-choix-franceinfo/temoignages-je-prefere-ne-pas-voter-ce-n-est-pas-un-sujet-auquel-je-m-interesse-avant-les-elections-europeennes-ces-jeunes-confient-leur-detachement-avec-la-politique_6492611.html via @radiofrance
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cahirsmommy · 9 days
when i tell you i almost crashed my car
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sissa-arrows · 2 months
Journalist: Don’t you feel that the Insoumis (political party) are using you because of what you are to get the votes from the ghetto’s youth?
Rima Hassan a Palestinian woman who is on the list of the party called France Insoumise for the European election: Your question is a bit inappropriate. I’m an adult woman I think I know what I’m doing. I did a lot of things in my life I worked as a jurist specializing in refugees’ rights. I worked on a lot of programs related to Human Rights. So when I take a decision I know what I’m doing. I know when people try to use me or when they give me a real power to act. Today which party gives a real possibility to act regarding the Palestinian subject but also more largely about human rights in general? It’s La France Insoumise.
Rima parle tellement bien c’est pour ça qu’ils la détestent et qu’ils essaient de la faire taire. Elle connaît le droit international et ils ont pas l’habitude de parler avec des gens qui connaissent leur sujet. Mais comme c’est une femme arabe et surtout une Palestinienne direct ça sous entend que le seul intérêt qu’elle a c’est attiré les votes des arabes. Déjà LFI a pas besoin d’ajouter Rima à sa liste pour avoir nos votes c’est le seul gros parti a pas nous insulter toute les deux semaines donc bon… mais en plus Rima a des bases solides elle est là pour ses compétences.
P.S: Oubliez pas de voter en juin aux Européennes parce qu’on est bien parti pour envoyer une majorité de députés FN/RN sinon. De préférence on vote France Insoumise ou Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste parce que bon c’est les seuls avec des appuis solides en matière d’antiracisme. (Perso je suis en accord avec les deux sur de nombreux sujet mais je suis un peu plus orienté NPA. Mais comme faut être réaliste et pas balancer son vote dans le vide et qu’en plus j’aime bien la direction que prend la nouvelle génération de LFI avec Guiraud par exemple je vote LFI)
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aquitainequeen · 3 days
And now the Youtube adverts for the European Elections have begun. All I can do in this case is encourage others to vote, since as an Irish citizen living overseas I do not have the right to a postal vote.
Ain't politics grand.
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daerm20 · 24 days
reflecting on the huge amount of influence the internet has on us presidential elections
random youtubers telling ppl to go vote
and that’s great don’t get me wrong
why don’t we do that for the european elections? it’s in two months
feel free to rb
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rain-after-thunder · 2 days
Go vote in the European Parliament Elections of 2024!!
The election will be held on 6 to 9 June. If you are an EU citizen who is very concerned about everything going on in the world right now, I implore you to go vote in this election.
In a US-centric internet, it is easy to feel powerless when you see Americans complain about their politics and call on each other to vote in American elections. This is your chance for your voice to matter on an international level. Go look up which political parties will participate in the election and vote for the one who wants to enact the change you want to see in the world. Turn up for the European elections has always been pretty low(50% in 2019, lower before that), so every vote counts!!
you can find out how to vote in your country here
Don't dispair, stay strong, go vote
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were-my-demons-hide · 17 hours
The european elections are so close!! And they are hella important. Please please please vote! We can not let fucking right wingers and facists have the power. We can not!
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sonicskullsalt · 13 days
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"It's one of the greatest goods that we have fought to achieve in human history: the right to vote. Use it!"
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head-post · 2 days
EU Socialists, Greens, Liberals warn von der Leyen against forming alliance
European Socialists, Greens, and Liberals will prevent the re-election of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen if she decides to co-operate with the ECR party after the June EU elections, Euractiv reports.
The parties were reacting to comments the European People’s Party (EPP) lead candidate von der Leyen made during the Maastricht Debate of leading candidates on April 29. She did not refuse to co-operate with the European Conservatives and Reformists group (ECR), the political family of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the Polish Law and Justice (PiS) party.
“It depends very much on how the composition of the Parliament is and who is in what group. It’s the Parliament who makes majorities.”
The national-oriented forces, consisting of the EPP, ECR, and ID and making up the majority, may co-operate in the next term by trying to obstruct some legislative documents, as happened in the past with the nature restoration law.
The support of the Socialists, Liberals, and Greens is necessary for von der Leyen to be re-elected. However, they have already sent a warning in response to her ambiguity and emphasised that they will not sit at the negotiating table with the ECR.
We will never co-operate nor form a coalition with the far right! This also means: no co-operation or alliances with ECR or ID in the European Parliament.
Read more HERE
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ziptie-bouquet · 8 days
Pour les français de tumblr, la date limite d'inscription sur les listes électorales est le 3 mai en mairie et le 1er mai (aujourd'hui) sur internet. Oubliez pas de voter le 9 juin!
Lien pour s'inscrire en ligne (il faut un justificatif d'identité et un de domicile lors de la démarche):
Lien pour vérifier si vous êtes bien inscrit:
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tenth-sentence · 27 days
As I scroll down the news feeds of European election candidates, it becomes clear to me that we can no longer know the political dimension of the threat.
"Going Dark: The Secret Social Lives of Extremists" - Julia Ebner
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dividedindiversity · 1 month
EU Politics masterpost
Best European capitol?
What do we vote for?
How are you planning to vote?
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