#evacuate gaza
imanhy-blog · 1 month
Dear kind and caring people!
I have good news and bad news for you.
I am grateful and deeply thankful that some of my family members who need urgent medical care made it out of Gaza before the situation in Rafah gets complex.
Hopefully we will start their medication and the necessary surgeries for them.
You saved some of my family members.
Remember even if you only payed 1 $ you were part of this noble saving for innocent souls.
My brother (Yahya), his wife (Wafa) and their daughter aged one year (Najat) are safe now because of your help.
For Yahya's eyes condition we still need your support whether by donating or sharing the campaign so he can get the medical care required. That were the good news.
The bad news is what you hear and see live on TV.
I am sad to tell you that Israel army invaded Rafah now. My other family members were displaced for 7th time!
I am sad that the innocent kids have to deal with all this horror by the frequent bombing around them.
PLEASE! Don’t stop sharing my campaign. You can be real part in saving innocent souls. Donate, share and talk about us.
The situation in Rafa is really hard and heartbreaking.
All I can do now is praying for my family who is still in Gaza.
And for others who made it out days ago; they need your support financially to cover their medication care and living expense.
Here are two pictures for Yahya and his daughter Najat who has a beautiful name meaning (Survival). These pictures were taken after they left Gaza days ago.
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goatygalaxy · 2 months
I was once again contacted by another family attempting to escape Gaza! This time it is Mohammed Mousa, his spouse and his three young children ages 7, 5, and the last child is only 9 months old!
The campaign has just started(done by his friend Tareq) so it only has a singular donation. Please help if you can!
This includes spreading the post!
Thank you
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amjadsido · 20 days
Hello my friends, I am writing to you with a heavy heart, hoping for your response I wrote a lot of words and shared many sufferings through some pictures and videos But at this particular time, I would like to tell you that there is not much time for me to continue sharing my news with you Please feel free to contribute to save my children's lives
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hamzahilles · 28 days
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My little twin before the war in GAZA
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Tbh I have no words to say 👇💔
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islamdahliz · 17 days
Please support my family's escape from genocide.
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marsy-barsy · 27 days
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I am opening commissions to help raise money for @fahedshehab‘s gofundme to evacuate Gaza.
This fundraiser has been vetted by @el-shab-hussein
This fundraiser will help evacuate Fahed (38 years old), Reem (32 years old), Sahar (14 years old), Dana (13 years old), Mona (9 years old), Malek (5 years old), Yehya (1.5 years old), and Mona (60 years old)
If you have any questions feel free to send them my way
Pricing, instructions on how to submit, and example art under cut
Sketch - €15
Line art (with coloring) - €25
Line less (fully painted) - €45
Sketch - €20
Line art (with coloring) - €45
Line less (fully painted) - €75
Full body
Sketch - €30
Line art (with coloring) - €65
Line less (fully painted) - €115
Additional character is +50% the price
How to submit commission request
You must DM me all of the following information to be eligible for commission (for tumblr users pls do not send this in an ask)
1) a screenshot of your donation to the gofundme this is essential
2) what you want me to do (for example “i would like to comm a sketch portrait of x pls”)
3) describe what i should draw
4) if you are ok with me posting it to my socials or not (totally fine if not!!)
(edited, including examples)
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the-casbah-way · 18 days
Abdullah and his brother Ebrahim lost several members of their family in an Israeli airstrike and have since been forced to flee to Rafah where they are now trapped with dwindling supplies and the threat of further invasion.
They are looking for donations to buy essential supplies and two tents, as well as to escape Gaza and allow Ebrahim to continue his education.
I know that I have asked for donations for myself on here before and people have always been kind enough to help me out, but this family needs it more than I ever will. If you have ever considered donating to me I'm now asking you to send that money to Abdullah's family instead.
Because GoFundMe does not allow donations to be sent directly to Gaza, the money will be sent to Ebrahim's friend Yahya who is a Palestinian living in Australia. Once Yahya receives the money it will be transferred to Ebrahim.
If you can donate anything at all please do, and please please share this so it reaches more people.
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match one or more of my donations!
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imanhy-blog · 11 days
Hello dear kind friends and caring people!
Here is an update about my family. My friend Adam helped me out making this video about my family.
I am exhausted and kind of disappointed.. so I didn’t have any energy to keep you updated..
Yet, my family is exhausted too. We are beyond tired.
Please keep your support, don’t give up and keep spreading the campaign to reach to those people who are willing to give a helping hand.
Post the link and talk about us.
You can help me spreading the campaign by sharing my link of gofundme: https://gofund.me/0fc8b09d
Or sharing this video link of tiktok below 👇🏼
If you have any questions and inquires about the campaign please don’t hesitate to contact me:
With all my deepest gratitude,
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itsnemusan · 12 days
Hello. Could I ask you please to share my latest post and support my campaign to help my family in Gaza? https://www.tumblr.com/mkhalaff/751815778419032064/desperate-attempts-to-survive-a-devastating-war?source=share
not sure why youre asking me when theres plenty of palestine focused blogs with a lot more followers who could get the traction this needs but ill try
link to g*f*ndme:
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amjadsido · 15 days
At these moments, we are being bombarded with dozens of missiles, and a massacre occurred hours ago next to us, killing approximately 90 people, including children.
Please help save my family and children
I don't want my children to be the next victim!!!!
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@sayruq @blackpearlblast @selfhealingmoments @el-shab-hussein
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dazedasian · 14 days
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hamzahilles · 28 days
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After my family got displaced, this is the place they are staying in for more than 215 days 💔💔
Can you imagine living like this for 7 months !!
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freewatermelon0 · 17 days
Hi, I just got a message from someone who is trying to save his family and to evacuate Gaza, and I'll just show you what he sent, please help him if you can.
A campaign to collect donations for the alostaz family in Gaza
I am Momen Al-ostaz, a German of Arab origins who works in the field of solar energy. I lived in war for a while, and I know all too well the pain and suffering it causes.
It is with great sadness and humility that I am launching this campaign on GoFundMe to raise funds to help my family evacuate the Gaza Strip.
the family
My family consists of 10 people, and they are Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip.
Father: Jawad Al-ostaz , 55 years old, works as a laborer to provide the family’s basic needs. His travel allowance amounts to $5,000.
Mother: Nima Al-ostaz , 51 years old, housewife. Her salary is $5,000
Ahmed (29 years old): He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics. $5,000 is coordinated by him. He is married to Iman Atallah (24 years old), and they have two children (Amir, 1.5 years old, and Malak, 50 days old). He coordinates them with $5,000. Iman Amir, $2,500, and Malak, $2,500.
Reham (26 years old): She holds a bachelor’s degree in law and human rights. She lost her job due to the current situation and is owed $5,000.
Karam (22 years old): A professional designer, he lost his job during the war. $5,000 for his coordination
Bahaa (20 years old): He used to work as a street vendor, and lost his job due to the current situation. $5,000 coordinated by him
Minnat Allah (16 years old): A high school student, who lost her joy in studying due to the destruction of her school. $5,000 Format by him
current situation
Father: He suffers from heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure, and needs urgent medical care and continuous follow-up.
Mother: She suffers from high blood pressure and irritable bowel syndrome.
Iman (Ahmed's wife) has difficulty finding milk or diapers for her two children due to a lack of supplies.
All family members suffer from severe water and food shortages, which exacerbate their illnesses.
Loss of property: The family lost their home, car, all of their possessions, and sources of income.
Psychological suffering: The family suffers from severe psychological trauma due to the loss of their loved ones, and their loss of shelter and safety.
The goal of the campaign
This donation aims to raise 100,000 US dollars, equivalent to 70,000 euros, to cover the costs of:
Asylum application fees and travel costs for 10 people to Egypt.
Covering the costs of living for two families in Cairo for a year.
Father's medical expenses.
Why donate?
The alostaz family is living in tragic humanitarian conditions and needs our urgent assistance.
Your donations will help save this family's life and give them a new lease on life.
Donations will provide the family with safe shelter, medical care and food.
Donations will help rehabilitate the family psychologically and socially.
Every contribution is appreciated, no matter how small.
You can donate through:
Link to the campaign page on GoFundMe
Share the campaign
Please share this campaign with your friends, family and colleagues on social media. Every participation contributes to delivering our message and spreading awareness about the suffering of the alostaz family.
Thank you for your generosity and generosity.
Together, we can help the alostaz family emerge from this ordeal and build a better future.
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birdb1tch · 20 days
Please help to share and fund Sahar El Tibi and her family’s gofundme. Her family consists of herself, her husband, Mohammed, and their daughter Tala, who is only 4 years old. Sahar is raising money so the three of them can evacuate Gaza and reach the Egyptian border.
As of today, May 21st, they have €8,347 out of their goal of €30,000. Any donation you can give pushes them closer to their goal, and please share this post.
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rhodoforwinter · 5 days
I am Amani, and as you know, my sister Eman and I are currently living in the besieged Gaza Strip. We are the only ones left from our family. We live with our children in a tent, experiencing the worst living conditions. We are still suffering and struggling to provide water, food, and other necessities. Basic living conditions are not available, and we are living in extremely difficult circumstances.
Our homes have been completely destroyed, and our future shattered. We no longer have a house or anything we own. We have been displaced four times, facing exhaustion and severe illness, including gastroenteritis, high fever, cough, and amoebiasis due to contaminated water and malnutrition. Despite our efforts, we struggled to find the necessary medicine. Here we are now in the Mawasi Khan Younis area, where the intense ongoing bombardment continues.
My brother created this donation link to help us reach safety and save our lives and our children’s lives. Here in Gaza, we find nothing, and the truth is we are fighting to survive. We appeal to the entire world to move to a safe place where we can rebuild our lives in peace. Travel costs are high, but it is the best solution.
Your support means a lot to us.
Thank you very much for your understanding and assistance ❤️
I've reblogged your campaign post!
I am so sorry that you and your family are trapped in this situation. We will do everything we can to get you of it.
Anyone reading this: PLEASE share, reblog their post, and donate if you can!
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