#even if u dont like ur dad. im just curious
soft-butch-cassidy · 4 months
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dungeons and daddies season 2 rant!
this is mostly a vent post bc i’m just not a huge fan of the way the stakes in this story have been handled in the 2nd season so far! obviously i love the podcast so this is no hate on it, but i just wanted to get this out there and see if anyone else feels similarly, or if perhaps season 2 gets a little less messy and forcibly dramatic later on!
*Note: As of right now, I just finished Episode 13—aka the huge lore dump episode lmao! So maybe things get better after this and i just dont know it yet!
This is a lot of word vomit cuz I wrote down all my thoughts in my notes app on my phone stream-of-consciousness style, so if something doesn’t make sense, that’s why!
My problem with season 2 is that the rules of the world and of the story keep changing. The rules of the GAME aren’t changing, but the verisimilitude of the story itself is—they’re playing Calvin Ball with our suspension of disbelief, and it’s not working for me.
It’s like the Steven Universe Future thing of suddenly going against the previously-established rules of cartoon logic; suddenly we’re NOT supposed to laugh at cartoon slapstick and instead supposed to now see it as REAL INJURY that just…healed. But that breaks the audience contract!!
In Dungeons and Daddies, we’re supposed to believe that a lot of these jokes in season 1 don’t really matter. So when they DO in season 2, that’s not what had been implicitly agreed upon by the audience and the creators/writers about the story. 
So with this in mind, that we are now supposed to believe that these characters’ actions have real consequences. Willy Stampler is an abuser. If we’re trying to do a redemption arc, we need to fucking SEE that.
For this season to represent growing up and realizing that adults are fucked up and make fucked up choices and can grow and change and get better or get worse or maybe weren’t ever as great as you thought it was. Those are cool ideas! But for us to take them seriously, they’ve got to be handled with care; we can’t just be told these adults made fucked up choices and when it was posited as a joke, only for it to actually be SERIOUS (i.e., if for example, henry and darryl kissed in season 1 and it was played as a joke that may or may not have actually happened, it’s never addressed again, so it’s really not heavily staked in canon—then you cannot in season 2 say that actually, darryl and henry had a lot of tension after they got back to earth and it was awkward for the rest of their lives, but we didn’t see it it just happened off-screen, trust me. BECAUSE THAT’S NOT HOW IT WAS TREATED IN SEASON 1!!! YOU CAN’T REWRITE WHAT’S ALREADY HAPPENED—IT DESTROYS OUR BELIEF IN ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN THE STORY. SHOULD I TAKE THINGS AS JOKES, OR LITERALLY? If I took all the stupid shit in this podcast as real and genuine and serious, then this would not be a story i wanted to watch, because literally every character is an asshole. But that’s not how the story is sold to us!
It’s kind of like how ultimately, all the dads in S1 were kinda shitty, because they were played by actors playing Dungeons and Dragons as a comedy podcast. If the podcast had treated that stuff seriously, it would’ve been an ENTIRELY different tone, and no longer comedic. But now suddenly we’re supposed to take all that shittiness as if it WERE serious fact! But that wasn’t the implicit contract we’d agreed upon by engaging in this “comedy podcast” story!!!!!!!
I think it’s cool how the new dads/S1 sons are essentially acting just like the dads in S1 did, only we’re seeing from the kids’ perspective how it actually affected them. 
But at the same time…idk. It’s like you’re mixing metaphors. It doesn’t resonate with me, because i can’t be invested in any of it. Are the jokes real? I can’t get a feel for what kind of emotional weight i should be granting any and all of what the characters say and do.
The best thing about S1 is that it didn’t have to be believable; but in S2, they’re trying to make us believe in this stuff that’s not believable. So you’re losing my trust and interest in this narrative, y’know?
AND FURTHERMORE!!!!! I hate that Willy’s character has now been reduced to “narcissist = bad (which on its own is…not a great narrative to deliver about ppl with personality disorders), but he was in prison for a long time and realized he was mean so now he’s a nice guy! forgiveness <3.”
As if he didn’t abuse his son. ajskfmxghgjk. idk what kinda shit anthony’s trying to tell with this. it doesn’t have to have a moral or soapbox moment or whatever, but it almost erases the POWER of Ron’s arc in Season 1. by getting forgiveness from the narrative, without getting forgiveness from his actual victim.
This feels like a Rian Johnson movie just trying to be quirky and “subvert expectations ooooooooOOOoOoOoo” without that subversion actually feeling REWARDING or EARNED or JUSTIFIED.
In my personal opinion, I think it’s just not as strong a choice to try and get into character work this early in the story, as compared to the pacing of Season 1. Sure, we did get some good Ron growth for an episode at like… episode 14? But the dads didn’t get actual ARCS until after the halfway mark!!!!!!!! Sometimes they really didn’t even resolve themselves until episode 66—three episodes before the final episode.
and it feels like a lot of these story beats are trying to do the work of character arcs without setting up a sturdy enough character foundation to begin with.
i saw a lot of fans online praising the choice to have such important plot stuff happen so early, and while i agree the previous monster-of-the-week formula was getting a little dull, i also don’t think the characters have really felt fleshed out enough yet to get thrown into this sort of thing. like, i personally dont really care about scary’s complicated feelings because i havent had 30 episodes to get to know her yet (and more importantly—neither has BETH. the actors themselves are still figuring out their characters!) the characters’ emotional beats it feel much more rushed and much more forced, imo. which makes the foundations of this story feel unsteady, bc i dont have any handholds to come back to and connect with. i havent been able to connect with the characters OR the story yet, so having all this thrown at me as if it’s really meaningful just falls flat.
Overall, timeskips need to be handled with care. If we jump forward in time and suddenly everything’s different—just for the sake of uncomfortability and subverting expectations—you’ve really got to justify those character changes within the narrative. And so far, nothing’s feeling particularly justified. At least—you have to do this if you want your story to be meaningful and/or SAY something about TRUTHS in OUR WORLD outside of this fictional narrative.
I can tolerate all this nonsense if it’s not actually trying to reflect anything in real life, but if I’m supposed to take this story seriously as a funhouse mirror representation of real world themes, then you’ve got justify your narrative choices. Otherwise, you’re just confusing your actual motive.
Basically, to try and be comedic AND have real world dramatic tensions and significance and themes to connect with an audience, the drama and comedy cannot come from the same place.
Here’s an example: In Jojo Rabbit, the comedy comes from pointing out and emphasizing the ridiculousness of the Nazis’ ideology. The film does not derive its comedy from the most dramatic, real-world-reflective moments: the human connection between Elsa and Jojo, or Jojo and his mom; the danger Elsa found herself in under Nazi oppression; parental death; etc.
And vice versa, the comedic moments are not the emotional crux of the story. Even Jojo’s violent accident is played more lightheartedly; if they were to make THIS event (the grenade exploding and almost killing Jojo—a ten year old child) the driving tension of the film, then for us to feel actually INVESTED, it could not have been played as comedic as it was (i.e., the scene where they’re rushing him into the hospital on the gurney and his bloody thumb’s up pops into frame).
 Dungeons and Daddies Season 2, on the other hand, takes these emotional beats that have already been established for COMEDY, and tries to turn THAT into the dramatic, emotional crux of the show. And i as a viewer am just not as likely to be invested in that conflict or dramatic tension or to find the messaging about real life to be saying anything particularly resonant or meaningful.
TLDR: Dungeons and Daddies Season Two suffers from GENRE CONFUSION!!!!!!!
If ultimately Anthony and the rest of the gang are trying to say, “This is what life is like sometimes!” (which is, imo, what EVERY dramatic story is trying to say), then they’re not actually doing that, because they’re manufacturing these situations to fit what they want to say, rather than presenting the narrative first AND THEN ALLOWING THE MEANING TO DEVELOP NATURALLY FROM THE RESULTING EMOTIONS!!!!!!! Fuck!!!!!!
So basically, it’s still easy for me to enjoy the show—but the narrative does not provide me with enough material for ANY EMOTIONAL INVESTMENT, and that is really disappointing :(
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luvrxbunny · 7 months
I need something borderline illegal. Like dark and twisted. Like I want to question my moral compass but read on.
Am I asking for dad’s best friend!Joel? pshhhhhh. Am I asking for bratty! reader?? Pshhhhhh. Am I asking for anything???
Am I asking for smutty smut?! Yes I am.
Ofc if you are uncomfortable with any of these don’t hesitate to ignore this and also no pressure ily ❤️
a/n: reader isn't bratty, im sorry! i forgot :((
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pairing: dbf!Joel Miller x f!virgin!reader
summary: Joel can’t stay away from you any longer.  
warnings: 18+ MDNI, alcohol, voyeurism/somnophilia + dub-con, dry humping, cum in pants
wc: 4.0k
a/n: i hope this is dark enough!! the only reason the ask is a ss instead of the actual thing is cus i formatted the whole story then realized i forgot to put it in the reply to the ask (loosely proofread)
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It’s 2 am and Joel can’t stop thinking about you. How you’re sleeping soundly in his room, in his bed, in his shirt as pajamas because you had “forgotten to pack some”, something you both knew was a lie. He knows you’re toying with him, you started a bit before, but since you’ve turned 18? It's just been on rapid fire. 
He pulls out his phone and scrolls through your text thread, scoffing at every other conversation. It was so apparent, in every text, how badly you want him. 
Mon, Aug 16 at 4:41 AM
bbg: big man! text me when u wake up i have a joke
You: Why are you awake at this time?
bbg: wtf why are YOU awake 🤨 
You: I have trouble sleeping, you know that.
bbg: aww poor joey 😢
You: Are you going to answer my question, darling?
bbg: im doing skincare and stuff
You: You have to wake up this early for that stuff?
bbg: can’t put a price on feeling bonita 
You: Why are you speaking Spanish now?
bbg: nevermind lmao
bbg: so have u tried meditation
You: What?
bbg: for your sleeping troubles
You: I’m not that kind of guy.
bbg: what about getting off
You: Excuse me? 
bbg: like masturbation n stuff
You: I know what you’re saying.
You: I don’t understand why you’re talking about this with me.
bbg: we haven’t even talked about it 😭 
bbg: obviously we can end the convo if ur uncomfy but its a very good way to fall asleep
He remembers needing a pause after he read that text for the first time. It had only been four months since your birthday and you were already drastically different. Joel never expected it, he always thought your feelings had already reached their limit but it turns out you were holding back because you weren’t of age. Now that you are… He doesn’t know what he’s going to do. His morals may not be strong enough for the thought of  “ his best friend's daughter” to hold him back. He’s already rationalized himself out of the “daughter's best friend” thought. You’re not even going to school together anymore. Sarah lives on campus so you guys never see each other and you barely ever text. 
You: I have not.
bbg: what? literally how? 
bbg: you should
bbg: it totally works
You: That’s good to know. 
You: Get back to your skincare, honey. I’ll message you later. 
Mon, Aug 16 at 5:03 AM
bbg: joel? 
Mon, Aug 16 at 5:37 AM
bbg: are you masturbating? 
You: Sweetheart. You can’t ask me things like that. It’s not right.
bbg: u didnt answer! i got curious
You: Still.
bbg: i dont see the problem we’re both adults 🫢
You: Barely.
bbg: dont be mean
You: Do you need something
You: I said I’d text you later
bbg: wow no punctuation?
You: Busy
bbg: getting off? 
He remembers staring at your text, unbelieving that you’d send him something like that, so forward, so dirty. He remembers the thought that you were joking. Obviously, you don’t expect him to say yes, that’s why you asked in the first place. Maybe his perverted mind was interpreting your behavior as flirting but you’re just being yourself around him. All these thoughts were swirling in his head but the feeling of his hand flying over his cock, pretending it’s yours, that you're in his ear whispering to him... That thought was stronger, that feeling was stronger. 
You: Yes.
bbg: good. have fun, joey
He gets up for his fourth beer, hoping to drown the impure thoughts, starring you, that plague his mind. It’d be so easy to have you, you’ve been throwing yourself at him since you turned 17. He’s been ignoring it, adamantly. It wasn’t right, despite the age difference, the fact that you’re his daughter’s best friend and his best friend’s daughter. On top of that, you only just turned 18. 
You’ve been staying at Joel’s for a month. He takes the guest room because you say that his bed is better. You haven’t gone home because your dad is still working on your birthday present/room renovations and he doesn't want you to see it until it’s done. He offered up Joel’s house to keep you, knowing his best friend wouldn't mind, unknowing that his best friend was corrupt for his daughter. 
Joel was trying to ignore the way his body was heating up, still scrolling through the texts. He remembers that conversation perfectly. He remembers the adrenaline that was coursing through him as he confessed. He remembers how hard he came at your response. When thinking about this conversation he also remembers the guilt, it’s the most vivid emotion he remembers, usually. But the alcohol seems to be drowning that part out, and Joel scrolls on. 
He finds a patch of texts that he actively avoids, usually. It’s picture after picture of you in the most adorable outfits in the most suggestive positions. There are plenty of you lying on your back, some with your head turned to show off your perfectly curved, unmarked, un-bitten, neck. There are a few where you’re sitting down with the camera angled up, giving Joel too many situations his head can come up with. Then there’s the worst one, his favorite- he doesn’t even know how you took this one. You’re sitting on your knees, hands rested on your thighs and you’re looking up at the camera with a shy smile. 
There are two things about this photo that really fuck him up. 
First, your smile, the way it lets him know that you’re trying to fuck him up, you know what you’re doing with this pose, this positioning, you’re even embarrassed by it, a little nervous about it but you still felt the need to take the photo, for him. 
Second, the height, and the way the camera is positioned shows him that these photos were specifically crafted for him because the height the camera is at is exactly how he’d see you if you were on your knees like that for him. 
You made sure that he noticed because the very next day, you needed him to tie a bow in your hair and instead of waiting for him to get off the couch you placed yourself on the ground, between his legs, in this pose. He had to hide his erection until you left and then fight the urge to get himself off in your room for the rest of the night. 
He glances at his room door, you’re sleeping so soundly in there.
She wouldn’t even notice if someone went in there right now. She definitely wouldn’t notice me… Hell, as if she’d mind either way… I mean- Would she?
The alcohol clouds his thoughts, gives him bad ideas, and then convinces him that they’re good- this one being one of them. He grabs his almost-finished beer and heads to the fridge to grab a fifth one, knowing he’ll be in there for a while. 
He does this sometimes, you look so peaceful when you sleep… it’s the only time he can admire you without putting all his relationships at risk. He reaches the door and turns the knob slowly to avoid creaking. He enters the room, his socks padding his footsteps, and the darkness gives him no shadow. He moves one of your tops off of his desk chair and turns it to face your sleeping figure while placing his beers down. You’re already bringing a smile to his face. You’ve got your face shoved into one of his pillows, your arm tucked under it, and your leg is pulled up to your waist, sticking out from under his tan comforter. You’re wearing one of his hoodies for sleepwear—
and it doesn’t look like you have anything on your bottom half. It’s a little cold in his room so little goosebumps have bloomed over your exposed skin. He takes a swig of beer, finishing his fourth as he examines you. Your face twitches for a moment, your eyebrows furrow, and your nose twitches like a rabbit before calming back down. He opens the other beer and fills his mouth with it, hoping that the alcohol stops the fluttering in his stomach while he drinks it down. 
You shiver a bit but your leg doesn’t move, the goosebumps just become more prominent. His hand is reaching out for you before he can think, rubbing your calf gently to soothe and warm you up a bit. You let out a relieved sigh at his contact and your leg presses further into his warmth. He has to take a deep breath as his mind runs wild, convincing him that this is some sort of sign, that even in you’re sleep you’re trying to be closer to him, that he should just give in. 
No, she’s your best friend's daughter. Sure she’s her own person now, legally an adult, an’ can make decisions for herself… an’ yeah she’s not owned or controlled by anyone and just cause I’m friends with her father ain’t a fair reason to completely rule her out from being a potential partner… Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad… maybe it’s actually more fucked up for me to avoid her just cause of who birthed her. That’s totally not fair to her! I mean I know I wouldn't want anyone judging me based on who my parents are y’know? Maybe I should put myself in her shoes. 
His breathing speeds up as he breaks through his last piece of resistance. Now he’s just trying to figure out how soon he can have you. 
I’ll have to court her first, flirt with her a bit before asking her out to dinner, then maybe she’ll accept my offer to be my girlfriend by the third date… From there maybe she’ll have sex with me for the three-month anniversary… she might be a bit more timid than that but we’re looking at a four- five-month plan… That can work- I can definitely work with that.
You whine and stretch your body, your legs straighten and your arms spread out, you turn and rest one arm on top of your head before you lift your leg, bending it above your waist but with the other one this time. The new position leaves the blanket covering nothing but one of your inner thighs and to add insult to injury your raised arms lift his hoodie, revealing a beautiful sliver of your stomach. 
Or I could have her now.
The thought is too powerful to stop, his opportunity is too perfect, Ellie is out with whatever girl she’s currently entertaining, and Sarah doesn’t live here anymore. Your father would never be awake at this time and Joel is hard, wanting, and so so ready for you. He’s crawling into bed beside you after downing half his beer for the nerves. 
He shouldn’t. He knows he shouldn’t. 
He settles next to you and your leg presses into him again, searching for him and his warmth. You slowly turn to him as he stares at you, watching how sluggish your movements are in your sleep. You snuggle into the pillow in front of him and take a long inhale of its scent, a little smile resting on your lips while you breathe out. Your face is inches from his, and his hand is down his pants in an instant. 
The relief is heavenly, he’s been throbbing for you since he read those texts. He can’t help the way he reacts to you. He can smell your toothpaste on your breath as you gently snore in front of him. He wraps his warm hand around his cock and his soft lips part into an ‘O’. His eyes roll back for a second but he immediately focuses them back on you. He’s tugging at himself violently, not even thinking about savoring this moment, just needing to cum for you. He’s trying to hold in his sounds but you look so pretty, just seeing your face while he’s touching himself makes everything better, somehow you’ve turned his sensitivity as high as it can go.
Little whines and whimpers slip into your dream state. You’re confused by the sound, the rustling that coming from—? In front of you? Your brows furrow as you try to open your eyes. “Fuck” You hear someone say. It sounds like… 
You open your eyes just in time to see Joel yank his hand out of his sweatpants and scramble as far as he can get from you before falling off the bed. You’re still confused as you take his form in. His shirt has ridden up a bit, exposing the salt and pepper hairs on his tummy. His hair is sticking all over the place, he stinks of beer, and his eyes are wide, focused on you. “Joey?”
Despite the horrid situation he’s in, his cock is still leaking for you, pulsing at the nickname. He can’t answer, he has to bite back a moan as he feels himself leak into the fabric of his pants. “Joel? What—” Your eyes flutter, almost falling shut but you shake yourself out of it and— Fuck.
You move closer to him. 
You’re too snuggly when you’re sleeping, too cute, and too dumb. You’re not even questioning why your father’s best friend was in bed with you while you were sleeping. You don't want to risk him leaving and you don’t mind in the first place, you actually thought you were dreaming at first. Your heart almost stopped when your fingers actually latched onto his shirt after reaching out for him. He’s stiff as a board, deterring your touch so you pull your hands into your chest and bury your face in his. 
Joel is almost shaking in exertion as you press your soft little body against his. It’s just your upper half, leaning into him and finding wam solace in his chest. He can handle this, he thinks. He can calm down, and be with you like this. He’s supposed to court you first anyway, he can’t believe himself. Was he really going to just get off with you in the same bed? What kind of pervert would even try something like that?
You hike your leg up over his waist, half asleep, not realizing your motions. 
All his perverted feelings return with a vengeance. 
You wiggle around a bit, trying to get comfortable but his cock twitches, flicking into your soft lips for a moment. At first, you really didn’t know what it was, all you knew was that the sensation felt good. So of course you chased it. Your hips grind into his cock arrhythmically, trying to find that same angle again, not realizing that you’re basically fucking him through your clothes. His hands have to come to your hips, gripping painfully for your eyes to snap open and your hips to freeze. 
Your eyes widen further when you finally process the situation, and even in all your teasing and sensuality, at the end of the day, you’re still just a virgin. You never had any real intention of acting on your desires, especially if Joel wasn’t the one initiating. 
Oh fuck. What did I do? What do I do? He’s just staring at me… Maybe he didn’t notice, I didn’t! But it felt so good. Will he let me? Maybe if I—
Your hips tilt into his before you can process whether this is actually a good idea or not. His hand tense over yours, like another shock of clarity through your bones. You shut your eyes tight, not wanting to see the disgust or uncomfortable pity in his face. “I’m so sorry, Joel. I didn’t… I-”
You try not to let tears well in your eyes as you whimper and pull back from him. But he doesn’t let you. His arms tense, his muscles flexing as he keeps your body pressed against his. You open your eyes, a bit shocked at his refusal to let you go but still too scared to meet his eyes. Your gaze is on his stomach, the way his gray shirt rode up, exposing the way his belly keeps tensing with every breath. “I-” He manages to get out before letting out a shuddering sigh. You finally look at him. 
His eyebrows are pulled taut in between his eyes, his gaze is something you’ve never seen before, and he almost looks angry. It’s desperate, but sorrowful, with the added haze from his intoxication. He keeps biting at his bottom lip, worrying it red as he tries to form a sentence for you. His hands tense over your hips again but this time they tilt you into him again. His face is a hard grimace as he slowly presses you into his raging bulge. You watch him fight with his expression, it keeps breaking into something weak before he goes back to his angry pout. You can’t help the way you press into him, you want to feel it again, that fire in the pit of your stomach that spreads to your soaking pussy the more he pulls you in. You watch his face contort into something heavenly. His brows pull up, almost shocked at how good you feel as his eyes roll back and shut. His entire body shakes as he melts into the pillow. He’s breathing deep and slowly, trying to regulate the pleasure he feels. 
Now he’s focused on savoring the moment. He wants this to last as long as it possibly can. You’re making him feel incredible,  he’s so sensitive, it’s like he’s been edging himself for you. You whimper, high-pitched and muffled but it’s so beautiful that he forces his eyes open. You have one hand gripping the bedsheet like it’s your lifeline and you have the other bitten between your teeth to hold your sounds in. Your hips are grinding into him at an uneven, unsteady, desperate pace and he’s mesmerized by the sight.
He knew you wanted him. He didn’t know you needed him. You’re fucking yourself against his cock like you’ve been waiting for it your whole life. Your hand comes up to grip his shoulder instead of the bedsheet. He grunts and tilts his hips further into yours, a sadistic smirk coming to his face at the sound of exclamation that shoots from your mouth once you’re able to grind your clit against his shaft. Your thrusts start to stutter at that, your body constantly wanting to fold in on itself from the assault of pleasure but you try and will yourself to keep going. 
Unfortunately, your pace is ruined by your pleasure. Your sensitive body can’t handle how good his clothed cock is making you feel. You lose your pace and your pleasure becomes rocky and teasing. He watches as your face changes from pleasured to pouty. Little whimpers and whines of frustration slip from your lips, growing in volume and frequency the longer you’re unable to grind against him properly. Joel’s watching you through hooded eyes, fingers digging into your hips painfully at this point and all he wants is to not cum yet. He wants to make you cum first, he needs it, he needs to see it, to hear it. 
He’s been telling himself it’s fine because you’re grinding against him, not the other way around. You’re choosing this, there’s no way he’s manipulating you, or swaying your decision if he stays completely indifferent. But you’re begging him now. You’re gripping desperately at his shirt, removing your hand from your mouth to grip him harder and pulling yourself closer, wrapping your arms around and moaning right against his chest. He shouldn’t. He can’t. But he does.
His eyes shut tight as his hands leave your hips. You almost climb on top of him in protest, whining a loud “N- Please.” into his chest as your leg hikes higher onto his waist. One of his hands cradles your head, pulling you further into his chest, muffling the moans you’re already letting out at his touch. His other hand goes to the small of your back, pressing you against him perfectly and guiding your rhythm as your hips start up again. He dares to speak. “S’this okay, baby?”
Your reaction to his voice is visceral. Your hands shoot up to his shoulder and hair, pulling yourself up a bit to bury in his neck, getting a new angle from his cock, now fucking him against your leaking hole. “So good, Joey. Thank- Thank you s’much. Thank you, thank you.” Your gratitude is like a searing knife through him. His entire body is set alight as he tries to regulate his breathing. He can feel goosebumps break out on his skin, his pleasure filling every molecule in his body, ready to overflow for you. Fuck. He’s definitely going to cum before you. 
“Mm. Good, good girl. Just- Keep going, sweetness, take what— Shit. Take what you need, darlin’.” His breathing quickens and shudders as your hips increase their pace against him. He’s leaking continuously now, he’s getting in his head, trying to stop himself from cumming but every thought that pops into his mind just brings him closer to the edge. He can’t focus on anything but you. You’re moaning for him, grinding against him, this desperate for him. 
The hand on your lower back migrates to the back of your neck, gripping you there, holding you in place as his hips begin to thrust into yours. “M’gonna cum, darlin’. Fuck, I wanted t- wanted to last for y- Mmm oh fuck.” His entire body starts to tremble as your nails dig into him so painfully he’s sure they drew blood. Your eyes are comically wide as your body tenses in his hold before breaking down into a shudder that overtakes your entire being. You’re cumming. 
He explodes at the realization. In all his desperation, intoxication, and pure need… He was still able to make you cum first. He buries his face in your hair, huffing the scent as he floods his sweatpants. His eyes shut as tightly as they can as his orgasm tears through him. He’s been waiting so long for you to make him cum and now that it’s happening, it feels even better than he planned for. His low grunts turn into shocked moans when his orgasm doesn’t stop after shooting two ropes of cum against his sweats. You’re already coming down as he hits what feels like his second peak. You can feel his hands shaking over where they’re gripping you and you get an impulse that you act on without a second thought. 
Your hand slides down from his shoulder quickly, over the sliver of stomach he’s showing off, and right down his pants. You don’t know what you’re doing so you just grip him, wrapping your hand around his shaft but it seems to do the trick. He lets out a sound that resembles someone getting kicked in the gut. His face is pulled from your hair as his head is thrown back. He arches into you a bit before his hips start thrusting into your fist, desperately prolonging his already overwhelming orgasm. It’s embarrassing; how long he was cumming for, the way his body was violently quivering for you, the ludicrously large dark spot spreading over his pants, showcasing how much he came for you. 
He moans gently when he comes to. You’re stroking over his chest with a soft, sleepy, nervous smile. He pulls you in for a kiss before he can think about it. You guys haven’t discussed anything. Neither of you knows what this means for your relationship but you know that neither of you has felt more comfortable than when you’re in the arms of the other. So why question it now? 
You fall into a deep sleep listening to Joel’s heavy snores, getting rocked to bed by the way his chest expands. It’s the best sleep of your life. 
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thank you so much for reading!! please please please give any feedback you may have! I want it all! also if you liked it please take a look at my masterlist!
psst psst. hey you!! i have a part 2 if u want 😏
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crushedsweets · 9 months
i am so so sorry for the sheer amount of headcanons i'm making you crank out, HOWEVER... i am so curious as to if you have any headcanons for nina and natalie as a duo. i love the way you perceive them and write them it genuinely makes me so happy
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i had to doodle them . ok. lets go..
nat was one of the first people nina met from jeff, since she and jeff lived in the barn together.
nina thought nat was a lesbian when they first met . that is literally the only reason why she wasnt mad jeff was living with a woman.
although nina was like, one of the ONLY people to notice toby/nat tension and was sooo heartbroken when she realized they were never getting together..... but then was relieved they didnt get together when she got over jeff because 'well i can't be the only single one!'
again, natalie grew up with 0 girl friends, only hung out with her brother and boys. even after meeting the creeps, theyre still mostly guys. so she's just kinda really awkward and weird around girls. not in a like, 'oh girls r so annoying' way but like... she just doesnt know how to fit in. she just feels so different in the worst possible way and always has.
and nina is very girly, outgoing, touchy, friendly, cute, etc. so it was very like UMMM?!? idk. natalie kept snapping at her, assuming she was fake and weird and just trying to get something from nat, but nina was so persistent and just. friendly. it started making natalie feel warm.
nina's presence started to heal natalies inner little girl. she had it stolen from her time and time again, from her dad, her brother, her peers - the operator, too.
so the two are eventually actual friends. they'll text and play mobile phone games together. sometimes they'll just sit on call and nina will be talking her head off while nat does her own thing at home. one time nat was at tobys cabin and nina was talking about toby on speaker and toby walked in and was like 'hey nina' .... nina almost threw up she was so embarrassed.
nina loves visiting nats bar because everyone is always talking to nina and giving her attention and buying her drinks, and at first nat was irritated but it kinda got nat some better tips since the customers started realizing ninas her friend. so nat was pleased. LOL
nat was never the type to go shopping, but she'll follow nina around and sit while nina tries on clothes and carry around all her bags that she buys LOL... ninas made jokes about nat being boyfriend material and nat just flatout says smth about how nina should get over jeff cuz he would never.
nat is friends with jeff but she's oddly comfortable just telling nina that he's a piece of shit. and ninas always like NOOO U DONT GET IT U DONT SEE WHAT I DO and nats always just .. not... impressed..
nina's always inviting nat out to try new foods. nat grew up just eating bread and noodles with butter half the time so it's fun. nina always tries to pay bc 'well i invited you!!!'. sometimes toby tags along but he feels a way abt going in public places..
nina rarely visits jack cuz she has no reason to, but nat is friends with him so sometimes nina pops in and she's always like ^_^ HELLO TALL MYSTERIOUS SLIGHTLY MONSTEROUS MAN... <3... nat smacks the back of her head cuz she's being dumb and drooling over a bunch of rando freaks. ... . ok i love nina and she owes jeff nothing but she is def not loyal LOLLLL AND SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO FAWN OVER EVERYONE she's a fangirl at heart.
they watch a ton of shows together. nina got nat into horror kdrama stuff, but they have to watch in dub cuz nat cant read the subtitles fast enough . . . at first nina cringed but now she doesnt care.
nat's painted/drawn nina several times, and nina almost cries everytime. she's put the drawings up on her wall before but anytime nat's at her apartment, she takes it down bc 'i dont want my art on ur wall stop it' LOL... kinda rude but whatevs.
ugh theyre just so fucking cute guys im sorry i love them . holds them. brushes their hair.
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actualbird · 11 months
you probably already saw this in ur notifs but i have been OBSESSED with everything tot you've posted ever since my tot obsession came back. like. OH MAN I VIBE WITH YOU. YOUR IDEAS AND DISCUSSION OF CHARACTERS. CHEFS KISS. poly ot5 is my everything especially bcs it gets DEEP into every one of them :D
and i was thinking about mc's parents meeting nxx. in a scenario where maybe, they need researchers and for some reason or whatever they need someone personal, who they can fully trust including maybe some nxx stuff.
luke looks at mc. mc looks at luke.
well, if marius von hagen needed them. surely they'd be allowed to leave the program maybe temporarily.
and that's how vyn, artem, and marius have their internal parental issues brought out in full force at the sight of mc and luke with mc's parents. like they're just coddling them in the Parent way and they're both enjoying it as a Son and Daughter would. and those three are just like Oh. Wow. That Looks Nice.
artem has both parents but like based on how he's lonely as a kid i know these sorts of interactions were surely few and far between. he would Not be so emotionally repressed. marius has a loving dad but a dead mom who people blame him for and austin has said himself that he Represses. like marius. and vyn? Disastrous. yeah they would be having a Moment with that sort of scenario
and the Moments they will be having when the parenting goes to them too. because i think mc's parents are the type to parent their kid's friends too. they see these sad boys and think. Adopted.
SORRY THIS GOT SO LONG ASJJFKWKS it's just given me a lot of Thoughts.
hello hello, and HAHA YEAH i did see in my notifs a lot these past few days!! im so so glad you enjoy my tot stuff, i was particularly surprised that u even managed to get to me super early posts. it makes me rlly happy to see even those still enjoyable now ;w;
also pls this idea is lovely, has such fertile environment for BIG FEELS!!!!
i rlly wish we knew more about mc’s parents in canon. like i understand that theyve been yeeted into the void for narrative/player-insert-ambiguity purposes buT I HAVE A GREAT NEED!! TO SEE THEM COME BACK!!! ALL THE INTERACTIONS WLD BE LOVELY
and gosh yeah jkvkjHVJAHFKS 3 SAD BOIS R IN GREAT NEED FOR SOME FAMILIAL LOVE!! it makes me really emotional thinking about how artem, vyn, and marius have less than stellar parent-relationships for all the reasons u mention. it’s either absence, neglect, or something else altogether that just resulted in a childhood where their parents couldve been better. they werent the worst parents in the world, but they all couldve been better.
im So For mc’s parents vaguely becoming pseudo-parents to the other three. i mean, they already did that with luke, whats 3 more neurotic grown men?
(sidenote 2: i joke sometimes that luke is unintentionally very good at collecting father figures. aaron, that Bar L owner, a bunch of mentioned NSB seniors he worked under. people see luke and go “wow is anybody gonna son-ify that young man” and then they dont wait for an answer, they just go for it)
itd be sweet and also entertaining if mc’s parents invited them all to a dinner. i mean, the nxx boys are the people she hangs around The Most so it’s basically like meeting her friend group! her….really weird and varied friend group who REALLY want to make a good impression.
[outside of mc’s apartment, artem, marius, and vyn stall on ringing the door buzzer]
marius: ok so before we go in, i wanna ask…….what gifts did u get her parents?
vyn: this better not be a way for you to flaunt your gift
marius: it isnt! im genuinely curious!! and also hoping i’ll be less nervous if i know what you guys brought!!!
artem: i bought a kitchen knife set and sharpened them myself
vyn: i purchased the best bottle of wine i could
marius: …cool. cool cool cool cool those are lovely and reasonable gifts and now im realizing i should uh. tone mine down.
artem: huh?
vyn: what on earth did you get?
marius: it’s fine, dont worry about it, im getting vincent to drive it away right now
vyn: WHAT
luke, phasing into existence behind them without a sound: so are you three thinking of going inside any time this century?
artem, marius, vyn: AAHH
itll totally be a fun dinner all together HAHAHKJAVFKJHAS
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
-literally threw UP at every Male Love Interest Interaction, Enid making out with Ajax? Literally was enough to make me settle Wenclair as sunk LIKE IT WAS T H A T BAD AND IVE BEEN A HYPED WENCLAIR WARRIOR SINCE AUGUST
-Backtracking a lot,,, that wink Enid gave Wednesday in episode two made my heart ascend. So many Wenclair crumbs in ep 2
-I’m really glad Tyler was the killer bc it gave him some depth, like I kept hating him fer NOT GETTING THE HINT AND LEAVING WEDNESDAY ALONE but looking back his insistence on being close to her was more akin to manipulating her so he wont be suspected so im glad he got interesting near the end
-My heart broke when Eugene got attacked, even before Wednesday declared it I could tell she looked out after him bc he reminded her of Pugsley
-But when he expressed interest in Enid? Fucken Wednesday did not HESITATE to tell him his shot was less than one percent LIKE DAMNNN GIRLIE jealous much?
-“he breaks your heart, I’ll nail his” Wednesday ur so in love u dumbass, literally the first day u met this girl u supposedly hated u end up telling her your most vulnerable secret (crying for Nero)?
-Wednesday fell first, Enid fell harder Truthers rise UPPPP
-Enid walking out of the woods covered in blood and wounds from a super traumatic experience, first thing she asks is, “Where’s Wednesday?” Maam, are you aware how much she means to you?
-Talking to the taxidermed squirrel about how much you’ll miss it rather than directly speaking to Wednesday? Gay gay homosexual gay behavior
-Xavier,,,, no. You’re better than this, like cmon dude. Stop trying so fucken hard and take the hint, LIKE U DONT EVEN HAVE A GOOD REASON LIKE TYLER TO KEEP STICKINNG AROUND
-I demand more Yoko screentime.
-Still giggling on Enid wrecking Tyler’s Hyde ass in order to protect Wednesday like she fucken JUMPKICKED HIM and proceeded to maul him fer hurting her best friend totally
-I will give Xavier credit fer calling out Wednesday as toxic BUT he literally couldve stopped getting involved like WHY were u at the Gates Mansion that night its so,,,, weird
-Speaking of the Gates Mansion, LOVED Wednesday’s little stare when Enid busted the door open when Tyler couldnt, fucken gay gay homosexual gay
-Wednesday in general was so cute with her gift of the snood Enid made her, instead of outright speaking her mind that she dislikes the gift, she tries to compromise with a, “lets save this for a special occasion, like a funeral”
-Small moments where Wednesday is clearly softer fer Enid SUPREMACYYYY
-Another good example was even back in episode two where they ran with the flag together and Wednesday let Enid touch her and wrap an arm around her shoulders and shit as Enid cheered it was SO cute
-Wednesday’s bigass smile when Fester appeared??? I love Fester in general but ARGH I love their bond
-Also love Wednesday’s evolution with her relationship with Thing and his death scene??? Like Enid slayed with telling Wednesday to treat him better i swear Wenclair are just SO GOOD FER EACH OTHER
-Enid’s parents weren’t exactly what we were expecting but they still sucked (yes by just standing there and letting his daughter constantly be shit on by her mom Enid’s dad still sucked a little) and I was a ‘Enid is an only child’ truther but slay guess she has brothers
-The way Wednesday walks kinda pressed up to Enid as she talks about visiting her in San Fran,,, yeah your honor theyre in love and Hunter was right, we beed to fight fer Wenclair I DONT CARE ABOUT AJAX X ENID BEING CANON I DONT CARE ABOUT XAVIERS ASS WENCLAIR ALL THE WAYYY BABBYYY
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skunkes · 6 months
You probably get this asked a lot but do you have any particular things you keep in mind when writing in your journal? I started recently and it's been great but I find that Only recapping my day gets to be a bit tedious (esp when I don't go outside much lol) so I was curious what you do to keep motivated with it ! Ur sticker layouts are always so cutes btw I'm very inspired by them ^_^💖
Yeah! I mainly journal for Memory Keeping as i have a weird obsession with wanting to keep track of anything/everything, so i just think of what future cheye would want to know, instead of just recapping day.
Makes me really sad bc in college all i had energy to write was like "ate x went to class went to mailroom went to class 2 had x for dinner 1 am now goodnight" and its like. What about. The whole rest of it!! What did u do who did you talk to when was it that you saw a raccoon irl for the first time!!! Were you stressing over assignments?? Which and why!!! I have 0 tangible, meaningful, memories of what happened now. Just sterile clinical ones. :(
I do track things consistently like my rating for the day, the time i woke up and the time i go to bed, what i ate, if i cried, along wit other personal stats (i like the numbers!). Sometimes I also dont Do anything in a day so i just focus on other things, like taking the opportunity to write about feelings a little bit, so future cheye Knows the state of mind i was in on a given day, or maybe talk about how I bought something and am excited to wear/use it
Not much happened today so I wrote about and included how my dad described the plot of to, and showed me, some scenes of The Untouchables 1987 today because a song always reminds him of that movie...
yesterday I wrote about how my sister and I are planning on trying some pillsbury cocoa rolls on thursday, since we couldn't today, and that I am Excited.
I don't know, its small things that I feel I'd appreciate in the future even if they seem silly or pointless right now...(and also good for keeping track of personal growth, as Im hoping I at one point get to pinpoint where my complaints about Not Wanting to Drive fade away from the entries. Ykwim?)
ITS KIND OF LIKE THAT ONE POST ON HERE...like "if you see this tag one delight from your day no matter how small". You ""force"" yourself to come up with something to pad the entry with, and I think it's small things like that that will be really telling of your time here, in the future ^_^ time capsule of the old you
like. Did you see something insanely funny? Did your best friend say something weird... Did the internet platforms you browse all rally over a war criminal dying... Is it still rainy and chilly like it was yesterday? Are you excited for your birthday even if its many months away... What series did you start rewatching? Did u get scared by a shadow while walking your dog...idk! Anything, everything
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yestrday · 9 months
I've seen you mention a few times how universes such as the academy and hybrid are, essentially, "reincarnations" of the Canon genshin universe and I just want to say i find that really intriguing!! :D I dont think I've ever seen another author refer to an alternate universe as a reincarnated one so it was really cool to find out about and read upon!!
though, that leaves me with some questions.. if you don't mind! if in your story-telling, the aus you write about are reincarnations, do any of the characters have thoughts or astray memories that relate to other timelines? this doesn't have to be canon to your current aus but more of a "what-if" type of question? (does that make sense) and im rly only curious because I was binging on some of ur drabbles and in one of them u were talking about how the twins in the academy au don't actually know the feeling of being separated as they would in the canon genshin timeline, but you mention that even the thought of them being separated leaves them uneasy. was that possibly a little Easter egg to the canon universe? or was that just to express their close relationship and im looking too far into this haha ;; but that just made me curious if any of the other characters have thoughts similar to that? :)
REGARDLESS, I really like how you refer to some of your aus as reincarnations opposed to separate realities. although it may not affect the actual story, it makes thinking about it in retrospect a lot more interesting!! so I applaud u for ur creativity and originality on that!! :DD
hehe i'm happy you caught on to my little easter eggs that i sprinkle throught my aus! here's a little bit more of em for fun's sake:
hybrid! thoma and hybrid! ayato's master-servant relationship
hybrid! scara's small bird form alludes to him being a weak lifeform
househusband! venti can still use anemo, but no one else can
househusband! bennett still has his dads and does commissions
hh! diluc's generation of ragnivindirs still retain their noble status
and more!
in the househusband au, they're all reincarnations of themselves, save for the archons. you can see it in how venti can still use anemo and calls you a 'mortal.' visions are relics of the past, but the elemental powers are still present in the world.
the academy au stands on its own, at least, for now. it's a shoujo-esque setting i put together for funsies, although it still retains most of teyvat's characteristics save for the powers. edit: it's also another reincarnation oops, but the archons are also reincarnated
the hybrid au also stands on its own, though more fantastical. it's a dystopian society, really, and all of teyvat are biased against the hybrids. the reader's father plays an integral part in this system and in the lore (which is to be revealed in the geo part coming soon!)
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xantheyyy · 2 months
Idk im bored sooo here are some of my fave and NOT fave yaoi/bl/shounen ai/manhwas:
I: The perfect prince loves me, his rival!?
•Ok so when I first read this, i thought its gonna be like a enemies to lovers trope but upon reading it further, its abt a young man obsessed with a game and then died later on by a truck and got isekaid in his fave game. Has a crush on the prince and prince was cold towards him cuz he was isekaid as the bad character smth like that
•Im gonna be honest here, mc is annoying as fuck
•Prince thinks Mc wants to kiss his fiance and tried to kill him like in a potion room idfk amd mc threw a love potion at him and they fucked
•Prince was kinda being a horny bitch
•mc still being annoying as hell LIKE UR A GROWN ASS MAN
•overall 4/10
II: Salad days
•No sex scenes (Stay away horny ppl)
•19237/10 I LOVE THIS OMFG 😭
III: Monetary love
•Debt shit ofc
•The bottom works as a sex worker to get money
•Ends up getting kidnapped by a yakuza
•Then yakuza kept him and made him his whore
•But the next few chapters they kinda like being lovey dovey
•The bottom joined the yakuza and the dude was worried for him cuz yea
•I'd give this aaaaa 6/10 its kinda cute but boring at the same time and theres sex scene
IV: Viva o muerto (Dead or alive)
•Wants to hunt down the scammer
•Scanmer is a cute baby boy ngl
•The hot hunter took the scammer
•Then they fucked they broke the bed at a random ass bar/motel (i think??? I forgot)
•I dont wanna explain all so yea
•10/10 recommended if ur into men with big tits fr
V: Raoin Gotoki no Kuni Kara
•The cover was cute as hell
•Didnt realize it was yaoi the whole time i thought its just gonna be a cute bl story
•12/10 its cute as hell
VI: Waterside night
•When i first read this, i didnt know it was omegaverse
•The omega needs a break fr
•Alpha was being an asshole and r worded the omega
•Dropped it because of that scene but then went back reading it again becauee of the updates
•Baby got taken away by his fucking dad
•Andd yea pretty messed up shit happening
•Worried as hell for the omega if hes near the water
•they got the baby back and lived at the alpha's house
•I'd rate it a solid 8.5/10
VII: Roses and champagne
•Caesar being horny for him
•And uhhh he r worded Lee won
•Dropped it because of that scene
•But went back reading it again I just felt bad for him :(
•Give Lee Won a break
VIII: December rain
•spoiler if u dont wanna get spoiled joke im not gonna spoil the rest i dont wanna ruin it for yall
•Happy ending tho
•12/10 if u wanna get depressed
VIII: Obey me
•I was curious and my friends also said i should try to read it
•First chap? Dropped it already
•Do i need to explain?
•-12237462827/10 if u like this, DNFI pls
IX: Pufferfish and Dolphin
•Oh my fucking gosh why did i even read the whole thing
•This had me crying and trying process what the fuck just happened
•Save the boy please
•-1928283736517172625115/10 pls stay away from it
X: Cherry blossoms after winter
•I just randomly got weirded out by sex scenes i cant rlly see them like that tbh
•12/10 yes
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literaphobe · 1 year
I love your take on the wlw Love Square! Now I'm curious about your take on an mlm Love Square
ive actually never thought about mlm love square. but for you anon? okay!
ladynoir: ifl mlm ladynoir would spar so much and be a lot more competitive about whos in charge. boy ladybug is a bit of a dick about how Being the ladybug miraculous holder makes him the de facto leader and when master fu starts training him he rubs it in chat noirs face. chat noirs retort is always about how master fu clearly thinks he doesn’t NEED his hand held because he’s so obviously the more competent one. secretly he is very sad that master fu doesn’t gaf about him. boy ladybug also slowly stops bragging about all the responsibility because he realizes its not a title of honor but a heavy rock he’s been saddled with but he can’t look weak in front of chat or he won’t ever let him live it down. one day they get into a shouting match that ends with them passionately making out only to run away after because What The Fuck
adrienette: ifl boy marinette would be the perfect like. all rounder. good at gaming, good at sports, best grades in the class, extremely talented at fashion design. bro would be drowning in bitches and equally oblivious about the fact that everyone wants him so fucking bad. like without misogyny he would fly so high. adrien would have complicated feelings about him bc gabriel would weirdly compare them and be like if not for the inferiority of his birth, he would be a better son for myself than you <- or something else fucked up that cuts adrien deep. but then gabriel finds out that boy marinette is a mlm and never speaks of him again. even tells adrien not to hang around him OR imitate him in anyway. praises adrien for being a good straight son (without directly saying straight…? idk) and it only makes adrien more determined to become friends w marionette
marichat: chat noir sees marinette on his rooftop balcony and is like um Hey i know we barely know each other but i heard about u coming out recently and Uhhh i hope ur okay i heard the Agreste brand rejected you for their summer program because of it and that really sucks and hes like oh. thank you. i dont know how you heard about that but thats really nice. im okay really. my parents are really supportive and the fact that gabriel agreste is homophobic makes me not want to have anything to do with him or his brand. and chat is like oh… everything? even his… son? and boy marinette is like are u kidding? adriens one of the best people i know. i feel bad that he has to live with a father like that. and chat is like yeah. me too. and marinette is like confused like did u come here just to talk to me about adrien agreste? and chat is like oh um. i actually um. came here to ask for advice on coming out bc im gay…? its half an excuse because every night he thinks about the time he kissed boy ladybug but also he does not know what his sexuality is. hes like. its almost as if hes not allowed to like men. and yet… ANYWAY. marionette is like um. i guess coming out advice number one. don’t tell ur parents if ur dad is someone like gabriel agreste. and he laughs and chat is like haha! so funny! thank god im not adrien agreste! would suck to be him if he was gay! and boy marinette shrugs and is like eh. i doubt adrien’s gay anyway. i hope for his sake that he isn’t
ladrien: something happens that makes adrien’s identity as chat noir almost get compromised and he lies to boy ladybug and is like uh… i have the biggest crush on chat noir? he was um. my gay awakening? and ladybug gets a little jealous because hes in love w adrien and its like wow of fucking COURSE adrien likes chat noir. of course chat noir’s the hot sexy one who gets all the men he wants without even trying! his charms totally dont work on boy ladybug tho. of course not. them kissing that one time never happened. anyway in his annoyance he tells adrien hes free to go for chat noir because there’s no way he’d turn down Adrien Agreste™ and adrien is like hang on how did u know that chat noir’s gay????? and ladybug panics like FUCK did i just out chat based on what i know as boy marinette???? and he backtracks like WHAAAAAT no um i have no idea what chat noir’s sexuality is just um dont u think chat noir looks gay??? gives off such a gay vibe??????? and adrien is like WYM CHAT NOIR LOOKS GAY LIKE WHAT DID HE DO???? and its just a disaster all around
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wulvert · 1 year
THE QUESTIONS (sory they r all paperteeth. if u want tho u can relate them 2 triptrack 2,,,):
-is avery a "five-in-one mens body wash" user. she gives the vibes 4 some reason,,,mayb scarlet wil finaly convince her 2 use regular shampoo n conditioner
-do full moons have any impact on vampires like they do werewolves, like increased bloodthirst?
-possible spoiler territory!! avoid answering this one if u gotta!! were trisha nd her sister close with their mom before she left 4 america,,,was their mom like. just as bad as their father is?
-this one also might be spoiler territory so feel free 2 toss this one 2,,,why does avery live in an (shabby?? restrictive nd bleak??) apartment? in my fanfiction writing i related it back 2 like. avery having a concerning amount of. self hatred i guess? and refusing to have anything nice for herself bc she feels she doesnt deserve it. nd she just feels like she doesnt need anything more. but im curious if theres like,,,an actual canon reason behind it since we've seen that scarlet can like. afford a pretty nice house with the vampire hunter pay (assuming she gets paid either the same amount as avery or less)
-um. anyways a lighter question: do u have any heights 4 the paperteeth cast,,,if theres no concrete numbers a "who's taller than who' woudl still be pretty cool :]
probably yeah. she does wash thoroughly, she smells nice but just also probably of 5 in one. scarlet probably smells rly strongly of like vanilla perfume or something.
i wouldnt say so! theyre different curses from different times so i dont think there'd be much overlap
towards fish yeah, to other ppl no. their dad is more terrible to other people than his own family- aside from trisha who its a little sus. (ig its like, no u shouldnt move out, live with ur parents the rest of ur life bc what if u eat everyone, we have a basement. ( he could finance suitable housing 4 trisha with pocket money if he wanted to, he's obscenely rich- which its not like he wants her to finance that on her own, trisha is financially completely reliant on her family bc they dont think she should have a job & she's been like this since her tweens so she's pretty conditioned into listening to them- but she could probably handle a job fine she's very good at keeping composure. she was pretty stressed at tht bbq but she didnt even mildly turn. sorry if i explained this badly- her parents have pretty much just raised her to be terrified of herself, she rarely goes outside on her own unless its for annual bbq prep))
so while fish despairs at being doomed to live in her childhood bedroom the rest of her life, the rest of his family think he's pretty normal and fine- ppl outside his family r the ppl who get got by him.
ig rly rly mild spoilers
avery probably could afford a nicer apartment (her apartment isnt that bad structurally, its just undecorated and ugly because she has no idea what she's doing and doesnt have a life outside of her job. like at all. whatsoever. & yeah averys a sopping wet creature she absolutely hates herself) but she doesn't see the point. she saves a lot, & when she buys stuff she buys stuff that'll last a long time so usually a little more expensive. she doesnt want to buy a house bc she doesnt want to deal with selling a house. imagine being able to afford a house. vampire hunters usually get paid rly well- they get paid per pair of fangs they turn in (vampires leave them behind when they die lol i forgot to mention that) so avery being pretty skilled gets paid pretty well- kelly being pretty shit doesnt get paid much (avery gives him some of the fangs she gets) scarlet used to be decent so she also got paid well but now she just. turns her own fangs in all the time and that's gathering a lot of money. for her projects. and she bought a funny little house with no upstairs but a downstairs that looks like an upstairs. so. ig scarlets the richest of the three rn bc of her little infinite money hack- avery could do it too but she doesnt rly wanna rip her teeth out all the time, and she hasnt quit killing vampires so whats the point.
so kinda- i figure averys 5'4 ish, and kellys an itty bit taller, then i figured scarlets maybe 5'8 but then. i put them in this height comparision thingy and. it says scarlets 6'2 which was NOT my intention, but when u look how much taller she is in the comic. like. damn maybe??? i wouldnt take that as 100% canon tho bc the way i draw proportions is obvs different to this chart
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accident. oh well. trisha might be a bit smaller idk.
and i made one of these for triptrack last year, cant say how accurate it is tho but here
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toad is probably 210 cm but slouches
anyway averys hands are probably smaller unless you count the knives at the ends of her fingers but you probably shouldnt
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praxieserver · 1 year
This is a kind of silly one BUT like havd this cringe weird au where like cartman has another kid in post covid (I called her jane cuz she reminds me of rtc jane doe for her personality) and for some reason I see her sm with kyle's daughter (aubrey) kinda like menorah and eli and it would be so funny like cartman realizing that both of his kids are dating/have a crush on his rival's/enemie's kids but aside from that I see jane totally like freaking aubrey out and aubrey being kinda scared of her at first because she literally appeared out of nowhere all the time spooking everyone even if she doesn't mean to I feel she got curious about aubrey because observing a bit she realized they didn't seemed as bad as her dad told her,so she tries like get closer to her but accidentally spooks her a lot at first
Jane:"you know what I find kind of really super hurts?"
Aubrey:*turning around in fear* "maybe later thanks— SORRY—" *runs away*
But I see her slowly realizing that jane isn't actually as scary as she thought and slowly start spending more time together
Theres more I could say about these two but I am lazy and also dont know how to phrase everything so that's it for now!
akhdksjaja srry if this sounds rlly aggressive but wowzs!!!! im so very excited and very happy to hear more since i haven't really watched rtc in it's entirety (i just listen to the what the world needs and ballad of jane doe over and over again and watched a few funny conpilations on youtube 😭✌️), and im sure your jane's personality isnt a direct copy of jane doe rtc's personality so!!! please!!!! share!!!!
personally i see aubrey as being cautious towards jane bc her and moisha do not get along at all, and in gen the rivalry is a family wide thing, so while she's polite to the other members of the cartman family that don't bother her (totally on her own volition bc she's such a mature child and not bc her dad has severely reprimanded her for severely injuring moisha in multiple fights, no sir!) they're all on thin ice really.
so she's probably really jittery around her most of the time, but kind of has a revelation that. out of all the weird encounters she's had with jane. jane hasn't really. done anything. and decides to try talking to her and they become good friends and she adopts them into her friend group bc she's very extroverted in a female himbo kinda way. (not a bimbo. well actually ig, she's a bimbo but in a masc way. so like. girl himbo. listen she's just a dorkass kid sometimes that's all you need to know)
anyways thank u sm for sharing!!! hope to see u in my inbox again soon :DD
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
your kenjirou fanfic made me curious... what are your hcs for haruka's dad?
TY FOR READING IT :D erm erm let me link the fanfic again. maybe i can tempt someone to read it. i wrote a little about haruka's dad in there😳 bur also bc i will be talking abt it in this post heh
SURPRISINGLY i dont have a super concrete headcanon for haruka's dad? i see the consensus is that He Sucks and He's Awful and another hc ive seen a lot is he HATES takane because SHE MAKES HARUKA WANNA LIVE😩😩😩... which is kinda funny to me.
i dont think mr kokonose hates takane. i dont think he knows she exists! i think he spent so little time with haruka and even less time actually chatting with him he would've never met takane or even heard about her a lot. he probably knows haruka has one classmate and has probably heard her name but i doubt he'd care to remember it. another thing abt haruka's dad hating takane bc She Makes Him Wanna Live.. i dont think he'd KNOW about haruka's pain and how much he wants to live. he never spent time with haruka or talked with him to know him so personally, especially since haruka was in denial and doesn't even admit to himself he's desperate to live until he's in his last months of life.
about the general idea haruka's dad is an asshole. well... ITS PRETTY MUCH IN TEXT. haruka describes him as an offbeat guy who plays life straight and narrow and never jokes around. also the kind of person who can tell a 10 year old boy who just lost his mom "Hey ur also gonna die in a few years" lol. so yeah probably not the Best guy around
haruka's "whatever" attitude (ive talked abt this in another post i know sorry im repeating) i think comes a lot from his dad?? like since his dad acts Whatever about everything + his illness especially, haruka also learned to be like that. it's pretty much the only reference he has and the only coping tool he can find. so haruka represses his feelings and feels like he has no right to say them out loud. for example when he realises he's in love with takane. he says "i feel i have no right to say it". that has something to do with haruka being conditioned to believe nothing he feels or does matters, because he's just gonna die soon anyway.
it's also said mr kokonose became Weird once haruka's mother passed. i was never a fan of this detail because... hm... scientist dad becomes cold and distant after mother passes away because he just loved her So Much........ why does that sound familiar?
jin i respect u for writing men so deeply in love with their wives but there's too much repetition there with the tateyama parents. like girl.... personally, I'd rather imagine haruka's dad like he's Always been a weird distant guy. in fact not only that but i headcanon his mother was like this as well. i think it's easy to hc the mom to be as cheerful and nice as haruka since we know exactly nothing about her personality, but idk why i enjoy the hc where both of haruka's parents were kind of cold and not very affectionate people in the first place. and when the mom passes, haruka's dad kinda goes No Contact. it just adds to haruka being so desperate for any kind of connection with people LOL like my guy doesn't even THINK of his dad when he's dying
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these are one of haruka's dying thoughts 😭😭😭 like HE JUST. DJFDKFKRKFK SORRY ITS A LITTLE FUNNY HE MENTIONS KENJIROU AND NOT HIS DAD‼️‼️‼️ dont get me started on kenjirou and haruka's father/son relationship (will get started)
ok haruka's dad works at research labs. in the fanfic i wrote i also made it to be like. he researches diseases and vaccines and shit. i think he'd do that kinda job. and i think it's very much motivated by his family. and since he did that kinda job he knew how hopeless haruka was, especially after the passing of the mom. mr kokonose being like welp. might as well crush his hopes before they even exist👍 like maybe he feels like he's doing some good by preparing haruka for the truth lol ...and maybe haruka's dad technique is like erm. i was already sad my wife died so ill keep distance from haruka so i dont get sad again 👍 so its rather a selfish move on his part to tell that to haruka. like i dont wanna dad u anymore this shit sucks
like i said i dont have a concrete hc i honestly do kinda enjoy the idea of haruka's dad just not giving a fuck about him LMAOOO BUT for the sake of answering, the way i wrote it in the fanfic was different.
the fanfic is about kenjirou. so when i wrote abt harukas dad it was more about kenjirou and haruka's bond than about haruka and his dad. like since earlier in the fanfic kenjirou has that convo with haruka and takane where haruka realises he's trying to admit his role in their deaths and haruka kinda asks him like. PLEASE JUST LIE LIKE I DONT WANNA KNOW. and kenjirou isnt even able to lie for their sake. it really broke haruka's heart and ruins his (and takane's) image of kenjirou. so when i wrote the bit abt haruka's dad later on, i wanted it to be more about... kenjirou knowing just how much of a bad dad mr kokonose is, particularly because kenjirou played a father figure for haruka in the past. yet he fails him so so badly. not only that but kenjirou is so focused/depressed about kano refusing to speak to him at the moment. so when he finds out mr kokonose is Apparently managing a bond with haruka, kenjirou is like AUUGGGGHH because this OTHER dad he once considered a bad dad is doing better than him. kenjirou fucked up his bond with haruka AND kano. thats kinda what i was trying to do there, idk if i did it succesfully LOL i also think he and kenjirou should be old man yaoi together bc it'd be funny. anyways moving on
yeah i think haruka and his dad would be in each others lives post str. i also think it'd be DEEPLY awkward for both of them its definitely NOT the father/son bonding of all time. lol. they see each other not super often and when they do it's not that cool. since its mentioned haruka's dad plays life Straight and Narrow he isn't super excited abt haruka's poor excuses about where he's been, why is he not dead/dying anymore and WHAT DO YOU MEAN ur drawing for a living WHAT DOES THAT MEAN‼️‼️‼️ so haruka probably. doesn't visit a lot❤️ but maybe haruka gifts him a painting and despite his dad doesnt understand how the hell haruka's paying rent he still puts the painting up. and haruka sees the painting is on the wall next time he visits and while neither says anything, haruka's thankful for the acknowledgment and his dad likes the painting and appreciates the gift. i think that's as tender as they can get lol.
erm erm haruka's dad doesn't know how to deal with this unexpected turn of events like. his dead kid just suddenly showed up again. whats a cringe old man to do?
in the fanfic i also wrote it like he kinda thought takane was cool bc she had a more stable job than haruka LMAOOOO that was sorta just a callout to what i talked abt earlier, since a popular hc says mr kokonose would dislike takane. so i was like you know what. lets make it he likes her better than haruka (<- my insane need to make everyone love takane)
quick takane mention please let me mention takane. i think haruka would refuse to bring takane to meet his dad bc seeing his dad is just so. emotionally draining and doesn't want her to sit through that and he's also probably like. passive aggressive a lot and haruka knows takane would kill the guy. sooo yeah. eventually theyd obviously meet and it is as painful as one can imagine bc mr kokonose probably googled what to say and is treating meeting your son's girlfriend like its a job interview. haruka and takane walk out of there in Shock. but yeah he likes her in his own weird way
conclusion: i wrote abt it mostly because of kenjirou. i agree haruka's dad is probably a dickhead but he could be a funny one too👍
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tsuchigomochi · 2 years
[looks at u with an unblinking tbh creature esque gaze] O_O hello do u have ur vocaloid headcanons anywhere? ur big al art has been rotating at the back of my mind + im very curious abt ur al + gakupo hcs!! id appreciate hearing anything youd like to share tho :) if ur out of the fandom and dont feel like sharing thats ok too, and i hope u have a wonderful day either way !
HELLO! Thank u sm for the ask… I am still in the vocaloid fandom I just primarily post in private and not on tumblr ;___; and I’m sorry for getting to u literally a week late the rhing is I had like written up a very comprehensive post on Al’s backstory but I was like. Oh this is too long. And boring for anyone else SO I SCRAPPED IT!
I put Al Gaku and Megu (Gumi) into a lot of AUs bc it’s super fun! but my main original one is where Al is a resurrected Frankenstein creature and Gaku is an Android
Basically Al used to be married to Ann in the early 1900s and Ann was a lounge singer that caught the attention of some bad ppl and their house ended up burning down via arson, their daughter got out alive but Al and Ann both succumbed to burn wounds. Their daughter grew up investing her time in human experimentation and recreated the bodies of her parents with other people’s parts to the heat of her memory and used the brains from their previous bodies to put into the new minimally damaged ones. Ann was resurrected successfully with an original Frankenstein’s monster type deal but people caught win of the daughter’s experiments given her track record and her house was stormed, Ann had to try and resurrect Al herself hurriedly while her daughter stalled and she was successful but their daughter was killed at the doorstep and the couple fled.
Al because of the quickened process ended up with amnesia, not remembering his marriage to Ann or their daughter while Ann remembered it all and was still in love with him. Al was not the same as the man she married now, Alexander was dead and he was a new person all together but Ann couldn’t face this for awhile and told Al about their life together but this only inspired guilty in both of them. In modern times they’re separated but on good terms, Al’s story is about….. like….. finding himself? Discovering life is worth living and ultimately all of my stories about Gaku Al and Megu are about family.
GAKUPO…. ok exposition in my universe vocaloid is a sort of tournament held in Japan for singers across universes and Gakupo is an Android from a technologically advanced universe. He was created to be in a museum as a recreation of Feudal Japan and he was implanted with memories of a wife and children and life he never even had, he was made to believe he was a reincarnated samurai as a social experiment not realizing all his precious memories and experiences were fabricated. Upon discovering this he killed all the people in the museum and fled becoming a feared sort of urban legend thing… his story is about also about finding himself! He believes at first he’s unable to care for living beings due to his memories being fake but eventually he realizes he’s in love with Al and desires to create new meaningful experiences with him, Al shares the same sentiment. It’s really abt family and love and stuff… yknow finding the person you want to spend ur life with…. People from unfortunate circumstances being able to live normally :)
Megu is a difficult circumstance and I haven’t found a way to exactly incorporate her into the main universe but I have a verse where all vocaloids are androids and Megu is a Gumi unit that came out a little wrong and unlike other androids doesn’t mature mentally and is perpetually stuck at the 15 year old mark, Al takes her in because she has nowhere to go and he’s admittedly lonely after being separated from his Ann unit and they play house… become a family :’)) androids in this universe obv don’t have moms or dads and they don’t come in family units but Megu regards Al as her father and Al regards Megu as his daughter! Gaku is introduced later and like it’s a sort of goofy trying to get along with my boyfriend’s daughter type deal…. 🫶🫶 Megu does performances and is really popular as a show unit but she needs Al to be backstage with her for every show bc she gets nervous, he holds her hand right before performances as a sort of “you’re alright, I’ll be here, I got you”
So yeah!!! That’s stuff!!! I have a lot more emmm but that’s too long like I said, ik you didn’t ask abt Megu bits it’s like oh… family… cannot separate
Here’s Megu/Hachiko’s ref I implemented them into ricedeity’s nsotf univ too so that’s in some notes… o_o again ty for asking!!! seeing ur ask for me to redraw my Gaku as well haha
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pansyfemme · 1 year
fully followed u bc kitty reblogged a faggot post from u and i saw ur url and went "YES. I LIKE YOU" but i am immensely curious as to what u have to say abt comics :O i used to obsessively read the sunday newspaper comic strips as a kid and i had a sizable collection of archie comics and i don't remember a lot but it would be so funky to hear u talk abt them!!
im so fucking glad my url makes ppl want to follow me, tbh!! being a femme is like my fave thing ever so it deserves 2 be part of my url.
my luv 4 comics is so on and off and weird like. its a lifelong thing. Mostly bc i inherited my dad’s archie comics special intrest, and while its faded a bit, that info is still locked in my brain. as is the hundreds of pages of peanuts, nancy, and other comic strips i read as a kid. (cul de sac is my fave comic strip but. it never gets talked abt but its rlly fucking good.)
but like. my main intrests have gone away from strips in the recent years. my dad still reads the daily strips as a part of his morning rountine and sends me the good ones but i dont do it the way i used to. recently ive just been trying to read more ambitious and weirder shit lol. i’ve spoken abt it a bit before but since i started reading nick drnaso and sophia foster-dimino’s work i think i cant read anything writen literally anymore.. i just really have a thing for cartoonists who are conceptual writers as much as they are artists. also rlly simplistic art styles that arent by nature. pretty. r my fave thing ever. im someone very intrested in overwhelming people with details but very little concrete infomation, and thats what those artists rlly get me with. I rlly need to read so much more than i do 😔 but i have 2 many hobbies and a tumblr blog to upkeep so i forget even tho everytime i do i have such a good time
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pesterloglog · 5 months
Roxy Lalonde, )(er Imperious Condescension
Act 6, page 5699
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] began bothering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
TG: jane
TG: jane
TG: jane
TG: jane
TG: janes 4 ev
TG: /take deepest jane yellin breath
TG: like there is any chance u answer me
TG: with today being international everybody ignore roxy day
TG: like
TG: doing literally the frenchest of possible sighs over here
TG: its wearing a lopsided beret in the city of goddamn light falling in FUCKING love
TG: such is my sigh
TG: am packing TOTES ennui janey
TG: or shd i say.......
TG: ennOUI ;)
TG: wait
TG: ennui is probably already a french word??
TG: not sure that one needs anymore frenching up...
TG: i should know this b cause my last name is french sounding
TG: even tho im p sure my mom did not hail from france
TG: idk
TG: who even "LA CARES"
TG: hehehe fuck you, A CERTAIN LANGUAGE
TG: uum yeah
TG: so the report is
TG: that i already said to some chumps & im getting max fatigued repeatin it
TG: im on derse we need to be god tiers and die on slabs n junk
TG: + im invisible cause of ring
TG: w/e
TG: oh
TG: i think your dads here and hes probably alright?
TG: so theres that
TG: oh!
TG: i saw callie 2 shes ok
TG: well i mean shes dead
TG: but in ghost form
TG: so shes as ok as one can be who is also dead
TG: which is apparently just fine?
TG: so the lesson of the moral is u can be way fine & dead at sames time
TG: jane let us now reflect upon the weighty existential ramifications of that thing i said
TG: yesssss
TG: just me an my bestie, ballin hecka reveries 2day
TG: the biggest questions which have tormented the wisest scholars and pundits for mad epochs just got so roflariously owned
TG: hey callie also said she would send you a bday thing?
TG: did u get
TG: she must have sent a code
TG: which you have to make urself
TG: so
TG: maybe youre doin that now?
TG: hope ur doin that
TG: im real curious 2 know what it is suddenly
TG: man
TG: im bored
TG: like we got all this big deal crap to do and i cant even talk to no one
TG: jane
TG: ambiguous voidey powers notwithstanding
TG: im starting 2 think i might be genetically predisposed to ramblin at length into empty chat clients
TG: well
TG: hit me up if up see this
TG: maybe ill try 2 txt fefeta
TG: my dear precious fefeta
TG: i know SHE would never ignore me ;3
)(IC: yo dont fuck with my heiress
)(IC: gurl got royal bidness porpoises to attend
)(IC: and do not even T)(INK i dont know you out a jail bitch
)(IC: you take a flip thru ma secret jam yet
)(IC: dat sparkle shit i left w tha dance clowns on
TG: oh noes
TG: is the witch
TG: .___.
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] ceased bothering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
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