fortheloveofleon · 11 months
I’m gonna make a tag list, if you guys are interested, like this or comment if you want to be added <3
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jaztice · 4 months
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ghost-of-diogenes · 1 year
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Perfectly balanced, as all things should be
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pandaspwnz · 8 months
just finished rewatching EXU: Calamity and once again cried so much. It really is one of the most masterful stories I've ever seen/heard, and absolutely the best actual play series ever done, bar none. I'm in such awe of Brennan's dm'ing skills, I adore Marisha's beautiful showing of emotions, I love seeing how much Sam and Travis love their children via how much they feel for these fictional ones, Luis' portrayal of Zerxus was so heartfelt and grounded, Lou always brings his whole soul into what he does and this was no exception, and Aabria being willing to make the difficult choices and how she shows Laerryn's dedication is just. Ugh. chefs kiss. Not to mention the group dynamics, the Aabria-Travis hype man squad, the Marisha-Lou/Marisha-Luis grabby shenanigans, how Sam and Aabria play the perfect divorcees, they're all just so fantastic and did such a good job, etc etc. I truly love Calamity so much, I can't believe it's a real show, I can't believe how fucking GOOD it is. Every single one of those people brought their A-game, but I really do especially have to call out Brennan Lee Mulligan. The way that man portrays people and humanity, how even in the end of things he speaks of the importance of hope, how he narrates and weaves the most beautiful tales and makes it so alive and tangible, how he knows exactly when to drop in some comedy amidst tragedy without detracting from it... he's simply fantastic. I'm in awe of them all!!
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seer-of-heart · 5 months
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What if Fearne’s looks changed a bit with the seasons? 🌿🌸🔥🌸🌿
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chaosgenasi · 2 years
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We came to a young world. We came to a world of raw, elemental wonder. Of chaos and exultant passion. Of energy vaster, and more potent than anything we beheld in the cosmos... It doesn’t seem like it’s random or chaos. It just seemed like potential.
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twigby-art · 7 months
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my friends call me pinch
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thirtythree43 · 2 years
to be fair to wizards if I gained the power to shoot fire out of my hands i would also become full of hubris 
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sparring-spirals · 3 months
hey remember how nydas okiro from exandria unlimited calamity used his very last breath to drive his sword through his best friends heart, in a desperate, last ditch attempt to save his soul? to save him from eternal suffering? remember how it didnt work . wild stuff.
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mara-phelion · 19 days
i love so many new people getting into dorym now that robbie's back because now everyone gets to see The Dynamic that everyone who's been a truther has been going insane for
from tension and mistrust brought by the circlet ("sounds like a threat, orym" / "that's what it was")
to dorian asking orym if he can join him in his journey at the end of exu ("you're the best with maps" / "i won't turn down the company") until orym giving dorian platinum pieces, and when asked what it was for, he responds "for the company"
from incessant arguing over where to go to or what to do to following each other to the ends of the earth, maybe not always physically but always in heart, no debts between them
orym seeing dorian in the natural blues of the world, spending so much time processing his loss, ending up with the conclusion that he misses dorian and how he thinks sometimes that it's a betrayal of the self
how despite everything they've gone through, orym can't help but look at dorian like how a spouse looks at a spouse, like how he used to look at will all those years ago, how even with the guilt and the voices of doubt, he loves dorian
and dorian, the second son of a royal family, aching to be free from anyone's shadow, always willing to follow orym because he knows they've built themselves to walk side by side, loves him too
and that is dorym; loving each other despite the promises they've made to themselves of independence, not because they're bound to be broken, but because being with the other makes them realize that reliance isn't weakness
but it is love, and that's okay
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
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a lot of concern from me and @sharkodactyl about how keyleth remembers her trees. cue marisha ray pc tree scrapbooking session
(art by my sister @lumycena)
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fortheloveofleon · 1 year
i am taking requests so if you guys want, send me some 🫶🏼
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swordlesbian-infj · 2 months
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In honour of the Crown Keepers returning - here’s Opal.
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densitywell · 1 year
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Wait before we get all new art:
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rowanyx · 9 months
There is something so deep about Laerryn's choice in the finale, and Brennan's phrasing of the decision to be made.
To clarify, this scene (copied and pasted from the CR wiki transcripts):
BRENNAN: On a 16, you must make a tough decision. Do you want to further limit the release of energy and make the release of energy safer for the physical environs of Avalir and Cathmoíra, or do you want to ensure that Rau'shan and Ka'Mort will be permanently banished from Exandria?
TRAVIS: Impossible.
AABRIA: Laerryn's little joke to herself was always that the Heart of Avalir was the thing she inherited, but it was too small. She made it bigger, she improved it. She improved the Etheric Net and built this and that she was the Heart of Avalir, and she gave everything to this city. But I know what people are fighting to protect and I remember what Quay said about going down with the ship. So we will ensure it. This will work. Avalir be damned.
or this timestamp of the episode (in case the link doesn't work for the timestamp, the first comment's list has it labelled Laerryn's Tough Decision):
As we were first introduced to her, Laerryn Coramar-Seelie is the Architect Arcane. As Aabria herself even put, her whole life, all her work, is about taking the city and making it better. Building more. Expansion is the name of the game. So when Brennan specifies that the limiting of energy output will save the physical environs rather than the people, that holds weight.
Just, in a mechanics aspect, there is the fact she is an Abjurer. The whole point of her magic is exactly this choice. To stop things from being destroyed. Her wards that take the damage so that she or others will not. She is not built to bring destruction, leave the fight to others. She will be there to soften the blows that come her allies' ways. She is the one one deciding this, and it feels right, because she's spent her studies dedicated to figuring out how she will prevent the destruction that comes her way.
But that isn't all.
Because any other hero, any other party member, every other soul faced with this question could so easily think that it is a useless decision. A city can be rebuilt, but only if the Betrayer Gods are stopped before they kill all the people that can do so.
But Laerryn, who has dedicated her years to this, the position of Architect Arcane, knows this city and her structures far more intimately. She has been there, step by step, as she forged them. Designed them. Watched over their construction. It is by her hand it was built.
Asking her, specifically, is asking her to choose between everything she's done, or let it all burn. Asking her to make this decision is asking her to decide her legacy. Will she live on as the maker of the land that survived such devastation, but not the people, or will she go down as the one who helped stop the Calamity?
Her choice boiled down to this: Limiting the energy, their work, the libraries and churches, the colleges, grand towers and hallowed halls, stone and mortar, it all can go on unshattered. Or, stopping the Betrayers, the people may continue on.
Was her work more important than the lives she was surrounded by?
Aabria mentions Laerryn was given the Heart of Avalir, jokes how she improved it. But the Heart of Avalir, while magical, is only an engine. It was made, and can be again. So in this moment, I think Laerryn maybe realizes that the true heart of a city comes from the people. Always thinking, thoughts speed by her, whether or not she ever had time to really process the revelations before her demise.
Evandrin is already gone due her hubris. Who else would she lose? Would it have felt like home, without Loqautious there by her side? Would it truly feel like her city, without Patia keeping up with her? What would she cause, without Nydas to hold her back? What is Avalir, without her Brass Ring?
Her assistant, probably still waiting for her, in their offices, and the choice of which will see tomorrow?
How many will feel the heat of Rau'shan's flames as they die? How many will fall to Ka'Mort's earth?
None, she decides. Her friends and neighbors, the kinsmen of her home, will not feel these pains.
I think it is also a moment that beautifully showcases her accepting her death. She will not be here to heal her city. She's going down with the ship. Maybe her blueprints will be found and used, and Avalir will be as it once was. Maybe they won't, and they'll construct it all anew. But she won't see it, so it is their turn to take what was given and build on.
Of course, Rau'shan and Ka'Mort were not the only assets of the Calamity, and damage and destruction was still wrought across Exandria. But there are enough hands to clear the ruins and make their own stories. And that is because of the greatest Architect of them all.
She gave them a chance indeed.
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drawsmaddy · 2 years
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[ID: A digital illustration of Fearne Calloway, Dorian Storm and Orym from Critical Role. Dorian has his back to the viewer and his arms around Fearne and Orym. Fearne holds onto Dorian and her face is largely hidden behind his shoulder, though her eyebrows are visible and imply a sad expression. Orym has his arm around Dorian's middle and his face is entirely hidden behind Dorian. Three hearts are doodled next to them. End description.]
Please let them see each other again, I'm begging dude
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