#fae amity au
puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 47
Hear me out. Amity Park gets shifted in universes slightly- maybe it’s from Pariah, maybe it was a wish, maybe they did so on purpose to escape something- and they end up in the DC-verse. The thing is, thanks to the media blackout and the shields, no one in the new universe notices. The Amityville Paekers know about outside, can go on the internet and leave whenever they want, but they’ve all become more than a little liminal. More than a little off. Movements too graceful, eyes too sharp, ears too pointed and teeth more akin to predatory fangs. Skin with a soft glow, hair moving as though underwater or being tussled by the wind- bodies seemingly unaging after a certain point. They’re so ecto-contaminated that they’re unsure they can even be counted as human anymore, and it wasn’t like the city wasn’t already practically self sufficient. Add in a portal or two through the Infinite Realms to get supplies to start a few fields or some fish farms and well, they’re pretty good. Sure it’s resulted in them using a mixture of modern and older money and having several extinct plants and animals running around but that’s fine. There’s magic in this world! Actual magic, that they can learn! And use? Oh this makes rebuilding after a sparring incident go so much faster! 
This results in the hero who stumbles across this place to believe they’ve stumbled across some sort of city of fae or elves. 
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dpfantasyzine · 1 year
Danny Phantom Fantasy AU Masterpost
In honor of DannyMay Day 1 being Fantasy AU, here is an index of some of my favorite Fantasy AU fics (and shameless plugs):
Treading Water - a Mer!Danny au that I have read through 3 times because the angst is so good.
Astromancer by @modordracena- a shameless plug for my ongoing, weekly canon rewrite Dragon AU
The Woods of Amity by @five-rivers - I am utterly obsessed with the fantasy au. Danny is so creature in this and I love it so much.
Changeling by @five-rivers - Changeling au :3
Roll for...Ghosts? by @coyotecrackers - A fun fic where Ghost Writer pulls Amity Park into one big game of Fungeons and Dragons!
The Boy Who Fell Into the Sea by @bctoastyyy - A fun sea monster au inspired by HTTYD. As an HTTYD nerd and a lover of sea monsters, this fic is fantastic.
Funerary Rites by @jackdaw-sprite - A Lost Time Fae au that is Jackdaw's excuse for combining both Lost Time and fae rules.
Lost and Found by @echoghost1 - A cute Lost Time fae au
Isekai AU by @modordracena- Another self plug, Ghost Prince au, where Danny's experience of the ghost world is more like an Isekai.
Corvid AU by @modordracena- Another plug, crack treated seriously, au where a fae has cursed Danny to be part crow. Everyone knows au, lots of fun
Written in Blood by @catmiint - A demon au with vampire!vlad
Please reblog with any of your favorites I neglected to include!
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phantom-dc · 1 year
Some background for the Demon AU
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Danny is the son of the 2 demon hunters of Amity. His parents dream of opening a Portal to the Underworld and defeating its ruler, wiping out all evil in existence. When after 20 years of study and work their attempt didn't work, they left it in the woods. Danny was convinced by his friends to find it and to get rid of it, but it activated with him inside, turning him into a demon. Now he uses a Holy medallion he took from the church to banish any demon that comes through back to the Underworld.
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Sam and Tucker are Danny's friends. Tucker is the son of the local blacksmith, and has a knack for inventing. Sam is a local girl that just showed up in town. No one knows her family, but she looks quite similair to the young Lady Manson. She studies herbology in hopes of becoming a healer. Her grandmother told her stories about Angels and Demons and other Fae. She and Tucker help Danny any way they can in his battles.
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kawaiijohn · 9 months
Lethean lost: Danny has amnesia and is kidnapped by a cult. They are going to sacrifice him to summon Lord phantom.
Infinite mists: wes Weston's no good very bad day. His brother isn't human and everything is Horror and creepy. The fae are there
OSHA Vlad: Vlad wins the 'not as big as asshole as you could have been' award and decides to be a little softer to Danny in the beginning. He also is a stickler for OSHA rules.
Rewind rinse repeat: clockwork origin, human magic world AU. Told through a story to Danny.
Drop out amity: bnha crossover. Deku finds himself in amity park. He assumes 'ghost' is a slur for someone with multiple/compound quirks and is horrified.
Rewrite: Danny erases everyone's memory of him being phantom and runs away from home. Homeless Danny time.
The pariah dark shitpost: pariah dark gets evicted
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captainmera · 8 months
Mera, Captain, Laddie, Chap, Chum, You Majestical Swede I am living for your IBWR lore on vampires. I love tidbits on biology and quirks of fictional species, especially when it's given more unusual and creative twists. My investment in your comic has begun to peak, I am precariously standing at the edge of a new hyperfixation and you are daring to push me in with your art and lore. l'II be looking forward to seeing Ollie's lil quirks and other bits of the charming world that lives in your head. Also feasting on your TOH bits, as a lore enthusiast your rambles are so very enjoyable and your connection board is so relatable. A bit curious what hexsquad would be like in the world of IBWR or what peculiars/witches/regulars they'd be. So very glad I clambered onto this ship of yours and get to see some of the bits and bobs going on in your brain- I adore the way you think. Sorry if this was a bit long, I hope you're doing well and will feel better, whatever it may be from <3
*squeaky scream* thank you anon! ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ <333333
I am having a lot of fun making my story! BWR is only in the baby phases! There's so much fun about this world and it's people, culture and history, that I'm so excited to share with everyone who reads!! :'D <3
IBWR has everything I personally enjoy in a story! This means a lot to me, it's my passion project (and hyperfixation of my own creation) for a reason.
Here's a doodle of Oliver and his buddy Sebastian :)
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As for who the hexsquad would be in IBWR! HMMM! :D
Luz would be someone with a weak fylgja who wants to be a witch anyway! And she'd join a coven to try pursue it. For her, I think her story would be about learning that magic isn't as beautiful as she had hoped, and joins another coven that doesn't do the traditional ways of things. Or perhaps she starts her own.. ;)
Hunter would be a werewolf! :D A beast-type peculiar.
Gus and Willow would be Fae-types. Gus a spriggan, Willow a fairy.
Green fairies "flaws" are envy, I think I could make that work for her! Otherwise I'd put her as a red fairy, the flaw would then be rage. Willow's "fairy gift" would be plants and working with gardening.
Amity would be a regular, I think. Perhaps a wealthy girl who finds herself quietly rebelling against her parents by going with her older siblings to women's rights activism stuff! Possibly that's where she meets Luz! :O
Gus being a Spriggan would mean he's a natural showman, as they're known for their mischievous nature and charisma. I think he'd work in a music hall! :D
Vee would be a fae-type too! But she would be a Huldra/Nymph (skogsrå in swedish). Meaning she can shapeshift into people still! So that fits best.
For IBWR, I take a lot of folklore and put a spin on them with my own interpretations! :)
I like playing with the idea that the folklore and fairy tales are based in half-truths. It's a lot of fun and I've put a lot of thought into it so that they make sense into the world I've built. :D
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juria9090 · 2 years
PhantasyPhest 2022 Day 5
I almost forgot about this post😂. Phew. Lucky i remember it before due. Alright lets go. Ghost vs fae?
No one knows au but this time people in amity park asssumes that Phantom is a fae and that the youngest son of the Fenton family is one too. The just did not connect the point that Phantom and Danny is the same person.
The hilarious thing is, Danny is more ethereal looking than Phantom. Phantom looks like a haunted but beautiful eerie fae. A-listers try to deny this but they secretly agree if they were to compare Danny's and Phantom's appearance they say Danny's far more superior.
Bonus point. No one gets to be Danny's friends because he only appears during class time or when he is clearly needed in school. Otherwise no one sees him.
Another bonus point is that the ghosts did not know phantom is one of them.
3 bonus point if Jazz eggs the rumours on about her brother being a fae and the Fenton Parents just did not clarify anything and let everyone's mind run wild.
Bonus point if there are actual fae in the town and they assumes Phantom is one of them. The ghosts thought that Danny is one of them.
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aikoiya · 2 years
DP AU - Monsters & Ghostly Marriages
Dude, I just had an idea for a story.
Like, does anyone know about Ghost Marriages. It's commonly a Chinese tradition, but not entirely.
Anyway, imagine if Danny Phantom's world had always had supernatural creatures freely roaming the earth. I'm not just talking ghosts, vampires, werewolves, & all that, but also cultural supernatural beings such as yōkai in Japan?
Each continent has at least one permanent portal. For instance, Asia's Kamui, Japan has a lake at the foot of Ezofuji where the Ark of Yamato once was. (Okami reference.) The lake acts as a portal to the Makai, or the yōkai realm (it also hosts the Chinese yaoguai & Hindu yaksha; all 3 are basically different words for the same overall species). Now, despite what Inuyasha & Yu Yu Hakusho would have you believe, yōkai aren't demons as demons are a Judeo-Christian concept.
That's a mistranslation. Rather, they are more in-line with something called daemon which are nature spirits. Though, not in the literal sense. I know, similar words, different meanings. The closest thing the Japanese have to actual demons would be akuma, which means devil.
Europe & America also have several portals to the fae realm, one being Stonehenge as well as any ring of mushrooms, as well as an entrance to the different worlds of Yggdrasil in Norway. There's also the mist which hides the Greek monsters from view by mortals. Not to mention the doorway to Lalotai in Hawaii.
All except North America, until the Fentons began their research into the Ghost Zone on scientific terms.
Anyway, in this au, Tutelary spirits are a well-known concept, both as Earthbound spirits & Hereafter ghosts (a.k.a. GZ ghosts).
These Tutelaries are one way by which towns can be shielded from certain threats.
In a world like this, smaller towns have their own version of Ghost Marriages where in order to forge a stronger bond between community & Tutelary, a young member of the town will be selected to marry their guardian. According to tradition, that young individual is supposed to take a vow of celibacy, because, ya know, humans & ghosts aren't supposed to mix like that & you're only supposed to do those things with your spouse, but when your spouse is a ghost... So, this role is similar in prestige to becoming the miko of Shinto religion or a monk/nun of Catholic tradition in that you are expected to serve your patron as you would a spouse. If the human is sexually unfaithful, then the Tutelary looses the power given to him or her by the bond.
Rape of said spouse does not count as being unfaithful as ghosts & spirits work on a spiritual, mental, & emotional level & rape takes the choice from the victim. It only counts if the spouse chooses to lay with someone else.
The actual ceremony to marry them is sort of a ritual that acts as both a marriage & a funeral to honor the Tutelary, to bind the 2 together & give the town spirit the power to fight off various supernatural creatures & other threats both foreign & domestic based on the bond between husband & wife.
In some ways, you could say that the Tutelary becomes their new spouse's familiar.
In Amity's case, Danny is their town Tutelary & no one but Team Phantom, Dani, Vlad, (potentially Dan in the case of AGIT) the ghosts, & the Fentons (provided the reveal has taken place) know about Danny being Halfa & a Psychopomp for the Fenton's Ghost Portal. Psychopomps being spirits that ferry souls from the world of the living to the world of the dead & a subcategory of Gatekeeper Ghost which are ghosts that died in the creation of a portal from one plane of existence to another. They guard the portal between worlds. Psychopomps are specifically Gatekeeper Ghosts that guard portals to the Infinite Realms.
So, someone, probably Paulina, brings up the idea of performing a Ghost Marriage for Phantom to make him more powerful. That it should be the prettiest & bestest girl in town.
However, instead of Paulina instantly being chosen to be Phantom's bride like she had thought would happen, her father & the council elect to do something else. Something similar to when Aragon was scouting out wives happens. A pageant where every unwed female from 13 up is forced to attend with Phantom (not Fenton) as the judge, but no one but Paulina & the higher ups in town know the actual stakes. So, when Phantom selects either Sam or Valerie as the winner this time, they are all surprised when the mayor shouts, "Phantom has chosen! Time to begin planning!" (In the case of it being after AGIT, it'd likely be Sam.)
Phantom & whichever girl he chose is swept away & ceremony plans are made.
For that matter, Valerie still hates Phantom because the accident that cost her dad his job happens. But it gets even worse when she learns from one of her mom's old notebooks that she's from a hunter clan.
Her clan actually used to have an alliance with the Fentons & Amity was their home base.
Once uncivil & rogue supernaturals start showing up to make trouble, she begins to study her mom's work to try & help protect the town.
Anyway, I'm thinking that the monsters & supernaturals are like a mix of the ones in a Monster High, Supernatural, & Wizarding World xover, but one that focuses on Amity's Monster Underground of Calamity Park.
In this version, something happened to reveal the supernatural world to mortals. Not to mention, Chuck from Supernatural is actually Yaldabaoth, a very powerful pagan deity of gnosticism, & every angel & demon that appeared in the show was an attempt by him to gain worshipers piggybacking off the growing momentum of Christianity. Like, these people didn't know this. He was playing them as much as he played everyone else. Not to mention the fact that he created the system of human souls being tortured until they became demons.
The truth of the matter is that his fabricated 'heaven' & 'hell' were keeping these souls from making their way to natural portals to begin their Journey of the Soul(TM) to the center of the GZ where the Doorway to The End lay.
If you wanna know more about that, see this:
Also, that scene where Chuck died & the sun went out was a fabrication to trick those around him into believing his hoax. For one, if the sun did go out, it'd take a long time for us to notice because light would still be traveling to the Earth. Plus, if he did die & he was the actual God, everyone & everything would've ceased to exist with him. However, that would've been counterproductive as he needed the Winchesters to believe he was something he wasn't. This is all aside from the fact that God can't die, nor can he lose.
Now, anyway, there are civilized monsters which makes up the majority of the Monster High cast. However, there are also uncivilized monsters which are like what monkeys are to humans in the evolutionary sense, as well as rogue supernaturals which are basically criminals of the supernatural persuasion & no one is okay with either of those. These make up most of the Supernatural rogue's gallery.
Uncivil & rogue supernaturals are generally what causes trouble with humans. However, because most civil supernaturals hide, this results in fear & xenophobia. The illustrious, now infamous, Nightingales are known to be a clan to believe as such.
The Fentons were once Fenton-Nightingales, when in the 1600s, a witch hunter broke off from them & reinstated the Fenton line, asserting that maybe not all supernaturals were purely evil. Except for ghosts, of course! Meanwhile, the other half of the Fenton-Nightingales retook the Nightingale name & remained general supernatural hunters.
Here's a couple links to my concepts of the character's legacies:
Anyway, I kinda wanna see this be a situation where the humans & civilized supernaturals are still trying to get used to each other in Amity & Calamity. Like, Danny ended up being the first publically known supernatural being all over the world after some accident or other, whether it be the Disasteroid or something else that happened after AGIT. Before all that, monsters were a myth, but now, more & more of the supernatural underground is slowly coming out to show themselves. Suddenly the Mansons are coming out as legacy vampires like in my version of the Supernatural Trio AU & it's sorta insane.
Like in my version of Supernatural Trio, I'd make Tucker a cyborg, but then it turns out that he has a dormant werewolf gene & when he transforms, he ends up looking more jackel-like & someday takes on an Egyptian cyberpunk look.
At the same time, Vlad turns out to be half-lugat with some strigoi tendencies. As in, when he died, he was then revived as half-lugat, half-ghost, but he's descended from a strigoi. So, he has a mix of their powers, but all this monsters & magic stuff is just as much news to him as anyone else, so he doesn't know anything about his vampiric abilities or nature having figured that his need to feed on both blood & core-plasm was an aspect of being half-ghost.
Anyway, the marriage/funeral ritual is complete with whichever girl was chosen & now Danny is married & it's hella awkward.
Like, if the Disasteroid/AGIT happened, either it's Sam & they're still dating which makes the situation easier but too fast & awkward for them. Or it turned out that, in a heel-face turn to how the show portrayed it, Sam still had a lot of growing to do before she could be a good girlfriend. So, they decided to break it off.
Also, something interesting, if the Disasteroid did happen, but not AGIT, maybe only certain members of Amity that went to build the towers know that Fenton is Phantom (not including Valerie to add drama), while the rest of the world only knows that Phantom saved the world? That could be something.
Like, only a handful of adults know, like Lancer & the Fentons & so on.
Also, in the case of the Disasteroid, but not AGIT, Vlad was smart enough to use a duplicate to make it look like he overshadowed 'Vlad Masters,' but during the ride with Jack to the Disasteroid, he revealed himself to the other man, surprising him & laying into the orange-clad oaf.
So, only Jack knows about Vlad being Plasmius until he tells his wife. This would create tension between the 3 later where Vlad throws Maddie under the bus by coyly speaking about Colorado. Asking if she'd even told the man about his schemes there, which ends up causing a bit of a rift between the Fenton parents. Not because Jack thinks she cheated, because he doesn't. He knows her, sometimes better than he knows himself, & he knows she wouldn't do that.
No, what makes him angry was that she never told him that Vlad came onto her. If she had, he would've broken his supposed 'friendship' with Vlad long ago.
Not to mention, the Fentons are against their still teenaged son getting married no matter who it's to, because they feel like it's too soon.
It's a lot of chaos & I'll probably polish this up later, but yeah.
All I know is that, it's eventually discovered that because Danny is a Halfa, this means that his wife is free to have sexual relations with him as a result (after they've turned at least 18) & that the spell binding them even grants boons for it.
Not only that, but because of both Sam & Valerie slowly becoming Ecto-Liminal, they are both compatible with Danny. Sam more so due to Vlad giving her ecto-herpies & her being given powers by Undergrowth & this eventually leading to her dying & being revived as a Halfa herself.
This means that in either case, they can eventually have kids. Though that's years down the line after they'd grown up.
The only reason the Mansons allowed this to happen was because they knew that it'd keep their daughter celibate, at least until they'd moved out of Amity.
For more, go to my full Ghost Zone Masterlist.
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ellascreams · 1 year
Dannymay Day 1: Fantasy AU
It was six months ago now. Six month since the incident. No one quite knew when the fae became such an issue in Amity Park. Some theorized it was after the Fenton’s moved in, but it also made sense that fae hunters would move into an area with a fae problem. That sort of “chicken or the egg” question is a losing game. It didn’t matter anyway. What mattered is that they were there, and one fae didn’t like it.
She was a fan of Amity Park and humanity, they were all so cute and funny! It decided on a plan. It would take a human’s name and give them some of its powers, making them her champion of sorts. She’d use the human to fight the others.
Meanwhile, Danny’s parents created a fairy circle in their basement that they assumed had failed. Turns out they just forgot to turn on the power. When Danny stepped into it, he ended up in the magic forest. Then the fae put her plan into action.
“May I have your name, child?” It asked him. He said Fenton, but before he said his full name he had already realized his mistake. The fae was left with only half of his name. They both stood there for a moment. Neither had heard of this situation before. Neither knew what to do. Until the fae, who decided to be called Fenton, shrugged. She snapped her fingers and Danny passed out.
When he first woke up he realized, he had long pointy ears, slit pupils, and green eyes. He could create small illusions, disappear (by making everyone ignore him, not going invisible), and fly! He was much more unique than the other guys. The powers had downsides already though. A translucent illusion of Fenton followed him wherever he went. He knew what he had to do. He had to stop all the fae that were coming through. He knew this, because she wouldn’t shut up about it. Ever.
Danny could use his powers of illusion to hide his inhuman appearance, and Fenton was willing to use its name on legal documents for him. He couldn’t say it though. It took a lot of effort to hide how suspicious that was. When he was fighting fae, he took on the identity of Danny Faeton. Yes, that name is stupid. Unsurprisingly Fenton suggested it. Danny chose to keep it over hearing complaints in his ear about it for the next month.
So, just like that, Amity Park’s infamous and heroic “Illusion-Nick” was born. Danny’s life only became harder from there. He had to fight all sorts of fae. A hypnotic bard who used the power of her own name, a collector of the worlds most unique and powerful names, you name it! Actually maybe don’t one of them will probably try to steal it. Who he hated most was a college friend of his parents, Vlad. He also had half of his name taken. However, he found a way to torture the fae into doings whatever he wanted. It was cruel. As annoying as Fenton was, she was Danny’s friend, and she was a person.
It was six months ago now. Six months since the incident. But even through all of his struggles, and even though he’d never admit it, Danny wouldn’t have changed a thing. He made friends. He was a hero. He was Danny Faeton, the half controlled, and he loved it.
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The owl house au on who who.
Amity - vampire
Willow - Dryad
Eda and Lilith -harpy
Boscha - oni
Emira - kitsune
Kikimora - kikimora
Masha - fae
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thesoulspulse · 2 years
My Danny Phantom AU's (Valerie Gray)
Valerie is another favorite character of mine and I’m so glad I can draw her again. Her character arc is probably the best in the show if we’re being honest since you can see how she starts off as just another rich girl bully then becomes Danny’s friend as well as a great ghost hunter.
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The first two are the new versions of her I imagine in my fanfic “Turning Point” which is the sequel to “Nowhere To Run.” Valerie has been through a lot in both stories which I won’t spoil but in the end, they helped her realize that Danny Phantom was never her enemy and did a lot more for all of Amity Park than she originally thought.
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Using my older AU outfit, I designed an alternate Future Valerie and I absolutely love the scar! Because let’s face it, after duking it out with Dan for 10 years she had to have collected at least a couple of battle scars even if he was “going easy” on Valerie out of boredom.
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This one is just a random AU where Valerie is part of a Witch Coven.
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These braids took forever to draw but were totally worth it! This is Valerie from my Unseelie Vlad AU. She’s a huntress and the daughter of the town blacksmith. Unlike Tucker though, she hunts more than just wild game to feed her family, Valerie also hunts down Fae whenever possible to protect everyone and prevent anyone else from being kidnapped by them like her mother was when she was a baby.
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And last but not least we have Valerie’s genderbent version from “Lost Soul,” “Haunted Soul,” and the upcoming fanfic “Final Epitaph” named Vallen. The basic idea in all these stories is that instead of Vlad making him a ghost hunter to spy on Danielle, aka genderbent Danny, he made Vallen one to help keep the ghost population under control so the burden wasn’t entirely on his little badger’s shoulders.
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 241
Wing au? Wing Au. With perhaps a bit of a twist. Also a hint of eldritchness perhaps. For fun! 
Ghosts have wings. Sure, they aren’t normally seen, not in the visible spectrum, but they do. Scanners pick them up, and sometimes a ghost might even reveal them, which was hypothesized to be some sort of animalistic intimidation attempt. (Something more than one Amity Parker rolled their eyes at)
Everyone had seen them at least once- the motorcycle-driving ghost’s mass of shadowy feathers, the green-haired girls matching shaggy ones, the rocker’s ones that looked like pages of music before bursting into flame. Even the box ghost’s had been spotted- feathers looking more like sheets of cardboard than anything else. 
It wasn’t until the whole kidnapped to the ghost zone that anyone saw Phantom’s, but that was another tale unto itself really. Honestly the arrival of the GIW would have maybe been seen as positive before, but the fact that many of them had looked in the mirror or gone to the doctors only to find feathers beginning to sprout on their back soured it. 
Especially as the GIW continues to prattle on and on about how all ecto-contaminated scum are less than human, less than bacteria. And well, what does that make them? Them, who have been to the realms of the dead and gods and back, touched by the swirling green energy in ways incomprehensible? Changed by that energy? 
So the people silently brush hidden feathers together, quietly rebuff the white-wearing lunatics from the city as best they can, and hope to anything listening that they can stop anyone else from disappearing. That maybe they can find the few no one noticed had been taken before it’s too late, even if they have to tear down the entire government to do it. 
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imsosocold · 1 year
A very (un)comprehensive review of Thanks To Them:
You foolish fools, you thought we’d never return. But here’s the (non) long awaited sequel reaction of the TOH finale because it was way more popular than I thought lmao.
I, uh, initially planned to include OFF quotes in each review  post to collaborate with themes we got from each episode but I lost my quote list so we’re not doing that anymore. I’ll make a quote post for Belos someday though, promise.
Also we have no concept of time or order so if the reactions aren’t in the correct sequence of events oh well.
Lomes: Belos better go to Turballos this episode.
Jorah: Is that your qualification for TOH at this point?
Sunniva: When are you forcing us to do a OPM MA reaction post?
*I slammed my hand on my desk to try to look cool but I just made it red instead.*
Me: Foolish fools, you underestimate our purpose here.
Lomes: You’re playing around too much AA, you’ll become liberal at this rate. 
Sunniva: Not the worst verbal phrase fae has chosen to mimic. Besides, I’m surprised your interest in TOH has lasted this long.
Jorah: Stuff never dies with chir. Like with Minecraft Story Mode.
 Me: Foolish fools, I want some attention so we’re doing more dumb online stuff.
Jorah: Now I’m included! :D
Me: Behave.
Jorah: Say that to Lomes!
Lomes: Yeah, say that to me.
Sunniva: [ Noelle], your hands are all red now. Stop hurting yourself please
Lomes: Bang your head on the desk pussy. 
Jorah: Why is everyone else forgetting Lilith was there during the whole Philip-finds-the-Collector-scene?  
Lomes: Yeah, it’s mostly her fault. Fuck your mother Lilith AUs.
Sunniva: Okay, that’s a bit harsh.
Me: Does Hunter even know Caleb was Philip’s brother? He only called Caleb ‘ a witch hunter’.
Lomes: You should know, you’re the one who’s following the show.
Sunniva: You know they struggle to comprehend stuff.
Me: Yeah, all I do is struggle.
Jorah: They have memory problems Lomes >:0
 Me: Yeah I have sooo many problems.
Lomes: I’m going to channel Technoblade to kick your ass.
Lomes: All the Lunter fans cried at this episode lmao.
Jorah: I’m crying cause Luz’s dad is ugly >:(
Lomes: This is powerpoint  presentation levels of quality.   
Jorah: Isn’t western animation a beautiful thing?
Me, watching Amity fall: ♪ Story of my life♪ 
Jorah: There’s finally Spanish! And it’s actually subtitled :D!!
Lomes: What’s with all the sound effects though?
Sunniva: What’s with all the photos Willow has of her friends dating?
Me: “ Friends”.
Lomes: Imagine us having those.
Lomes: Ugh, they’re pushing the Willow x Hunter ship sooo hardd.
Me: Ugh, shipping.
Jorah: Unless it’s funny.
Me: Unless it’s funny.
Sunniva:  Uh, Wally Darling x Gregg x Angus. 
Me: See, that’s just good.
Lomes: Okay,what’s ‘funny’ to you, silly goose, cause-
Jorah: I shipped Mae x Gregg x Angus…
*Then they got into a fight about shipping I honestly did not care about and did not even attempt to record it.*
Jorah: Imagine if Luz had to cover the Wittebros’s tale in her history class lmao. 
Lomes: Imagine if the TOH crew covered the Wittebros’s story in canon.
Sunniva: Can you guys try to be optimistic?
Lomes: You will not suppress-
Me: This is why we can’t do anything-
Jorah: Meow~^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Sunniva: He’s been on Twitter too long. ( Said the Twitter user).
Jorah: Palismen rights!!!
Me: Palestinian rights?
Jorah: That too! :)
Me: Just realized Belos was probably in the house during the breakdown scene.  Very awkward.
Jorah: What do you think he was doing offscreen all that time? Besides getting a sugar daddy.
Me: Abolishing the system and adding the rich’s corpses amongst its remains.
Lomes: Considering nerfing the human realm and honestly I couldn’t blame him.
Sunniva: Escaping from your purpose is impossible.    
Jorah: Ok OK, I know Caleb is literally Connecticut Clark but it’d be funny if Belos fell for an opposite equivalent to himself as well in the Human Realm, who cares what species-
Me: The guy working in the gas station, slouched over the cooler with an unlit cigarette in his mouth. 
Lomes: Ah, gas station people, my favorite species.
Jorah: Have you been to Circle K?
Me: Their food is good.
Lomes: You got sick from their spicy chicken since you were doomed to be a basic white bitch even with your, admittedly split, heritage. 
Sunniva: Didn’t you ship Wilbur Soot and Belos [Noelle]?
Me:Oh yeah, I thought it’d be funny that when learning topical stuff, Belos got hyperfixated on the DSMP and ended up actually believing the roleplay was real, that Wilbur had been involved with some weird magic and managed to escape back to his home in the human realm; Utah.  He believes the videos were either exact records of Wilbur’s escapades or simple reenactments of it.  Cue humiliation and confusion when Belos tries to contact Wilbur. Or by coincidence the duo met at a Lovejoy concert idk.
Lomes: Either way Belos buys and wears DSMP merch.
Me: Definitely. 
( Somebody draw this).
Jorah: ♪ Enby, enby.~♪
Sunniva: I love Masha’s fit.  
Lomes: [ Noelle], it’s you straight up!    
Me: I wish there was a Casa Batlló look to the museum… *******************************************************************
 Lomes: Our favorite occultist Nathan Fielder 
Me, hitting the desk again: Stop. 
Sunniva: I thought his name was Nathan too.
Jorah: Who fed you that lie? It had to come from someone!
Jorah: Glad that guy was dealt with. Just  imagine the fucking government. *^ワ ^* 
Me: Conspiracy theorist or not, it’d make sense to both be freaked out by and be curious of a supernatural creature. His reactions are some of the tamer ones honestly. 
Sunniva: Think he’s related to the witch hunter Hopkins? 
Lomes: If so, no wonder he’s cray cray.  People would make his life a living hell for the shit his ancestor’s did.
Jorah: All Nathan does is take Ls.
Sunniva: He’s definitely the punching bag of the writers.   
Lomes: One guy criticized Dana’s writing too many times.  
Me: Dana watched one too many TOH critical Youtube videos. But honestly, he seems like a waste of character space and writing.       
 Lomes: Not all characters need to be deep or important. 
Me: With what little time they have yeah.
 Sunniva: It may be funny to laugh at him and feel smug over not being in the same boat but  we can easily fall for the same tricks. 
 Lomes: They did deal with the antivaxer better. It’d be cool if he was the museum caretaker.
Jorah: History coven duo!
Lomes: Belos x Nathan, the hate sink ship.
Me: No.
Sunniva: Belos and his curse x The Nathan Fielder-
Me: Ah, Masha said the line the TOH fandom takes too seriously.
Jorah: I’m more focused on Willow’s costume, like yikes. ಠ-ಠ
Lomes: God, could they make it anymore obvious-
Me: ♪He was a boy.♪
Jorah: ♪She was a girl.♪
Lomes: ♪That song was misogynistic and homophobic.♪ Anyway, with all that laughing and ominous music- 
Sunniva: I’m still trying to figure out how the museum had the budget for that hayride, it was some Disney BS-
*Group groan* Disney 
Lomes: Fuck the mouse.
Me: No thank you.
Lomes: Not literally.
Jorah: Eat the mouse. Literal.
Sunniva: What do mice taste like?
Lomes: Chicken.
Sunniva: Why chicken?
Lomes: Every non traditional meat tastes like chicken.
Jorah: Do you think Flapjack tastes like chicken?
Me: I’m hitting the desk again. 
Me: Why do you think there is still magic in the lake?
Jorah: There is a Titan fetus in the lake water. 
Lomes: He said it so fruity. Oh no~    
 Jorah: I like the maniacal  laugh. ˙ྌ˙
Sunniva: Luz’s mom must have no idea what's going on. “ Wow Hunter, your costume is actually cool now.”
Jorah: They killed Hunter’s support animal and only friend by having them flap uselessly in front of Belos, not even trying to fight, even though she was initially hiding behind the grave. >:(
Sunniva: The creators needed the angst. 
Me: No, see, Hunter hadn’t gone through enough pain, there’s a fucking quota that needs be met per a certain time frame. How else are people supposed to know that white people can feel pain?
Lomes: White people suffered a lot through history, you know. That’s why the show spent so much time on Hunter and Amity over characters like Willow and Gus.  
Jorah: He’s not even screaming in anger over losing the Titan blood for the portal, he just needs something to the Halloween party or else he’s gonna lose support from his sugar daddy.
Lomes: “ No, Hunter! How am I gonna keep the bitches now? Everyone’s going to leave again.”
Sunniva: Okay, one of them tried to take the other down with them to water. Did Belos forget he can’t swim?
Me: My short, clumsy, memory loss having ass always going in the deep end while barely remembering how to swim. 
Me: Luz and Amity need to break up at this point.
Lomes: You’re saying that cause you’re aro-ace spec.
Me: They’re just toxic, Luz never shares her thoughts or emotions-
Sunniva: People would flip out and call TOH homophobic and that they gave in to the pressure of Disney.
Me: Have Luz get with another female character then, like Willow.
Lomes: That’s what it’s been about all along-  
Jorah: I’ve always hc’d Luz as transmasc.
Lomes: That was pointless.
Me: So was this post.    
Jorah: Check out Pigeon Pit and Crocodile Scissor Cut!
Lomes: Don't check any other work Noelle did. Let this be the last interaction you have with them.
Sunniva: How many more of these do we have to do?
Me: Uh, just TOH wise, three.
Another group groan!
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8bit-mau5 · 2 years
worldbuilding meme for ylidae:)
Tumblr media
full name: Ylidae Saitou Laicha
gender: Male
sexuality: Homosexual
pronouns: He/Him
family: Cricket lusus (: Moved to new charge tho
birthplace: Alternia. Human AU; Brazil
job: Various retail jobs at any given time
phobias: Fucking everything. Phobia of supernatural, paranormal, and magical especially. Don't speak to him of the fae
guilty pleasures: Trashy reality TV shows, tiktok
morality alignment?: True neutral
sins - envy
virtues - diligence, humility, kindness, patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Introvert
organized/disorganized: Organized
close minded/open-minded: Close minded
calm/anxious: Anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: Agreeable out of habit
cautious/reckless: Cautious
patient/impatient: Patient
outspoken/reserved: Reserved
leader/follower: Follower
empathetic/unemphatic: Empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: Pessimistic
traditional/modern: Modern
hard-working/lazy: Hardworking
otp: Pirkum Kecohs (Lightning Bugs)
ot3: Pirkum Kecohs, Amity Romeda (red polycule!)
brotp: Athren Saitou, his actual literal brother (HE NEEDS FRIENDS)
notp: IDK, Ylidae and women?
» world building wednesday SATURDAY
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angelcloves · 1 year
(Darker!Plutonium Dust AU where Camila and Vee died during the nuclear incident.) *Luz, collapsed on the floor, sobbing in abject distress and despair because she just found out that her mom and sister are dead. The rest of the Hexsquad are standing around her in shock. Amity, the first one to recover, drops to her knees and gathers Luz into her arms. Everyone else, taking their cues from her, drop down and huddle around Amity and Luz in a pile made of hugs.*
*ten feet away the author is also sobbing on the floor bc fae would have just had to write camila and vee dying :(*
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dreart-1 · 2 years
I found an old fanfic I never shared, and it's a supernatural au, but not the show supernatural, and it takes place in hamden connecticut because I said so, and it follows Luz learning more about Downs Road, and the monster, and the creatures that live there, and she's a human, Eda is a poltergeist who used to be a witch, so she still has her powers, Willow is a fae who has an affinity to use will-o'-the-wisps, Gus is a faun that casts illusions, Amity and her family are werewolves (I know, so original), and Belos is the illusive Downs Road Monster who wants the road and forest to himself, accompanied by Hunter the siren (no not the mermaid), and like, should I write more??? expand???
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dreamcatcher-ranger · 2 years
The coffee shop looked pretty nice. Just a tiny, comfy spot for a tiny, comfy latte. Could a latte be comfy? Amity, or at least the mind version of her, shrugged. Probably not. But it didn't matter, it surely delivered the concept.
The line was advancing slowly. Her attention began to lower. With a huff she took on her phone and scrolled a bit down her chats, to no avail. Amity shot a glance at the people around her. Nobody would have paid attention to a young girl with purple hair, or at whatever she was looking at on the screen. She opened ao3.
Just a little dip, she said to herself. Just a couple of paragraphs. Immersed into the sweetness of Hecate's love confession to Azura, she hadn't noticed that she was now right in front of the counter.
"Good afternoon, miss. What can I offer you today?"
The cheerful voice wasn't enough to distract her. Without looking away from the screen, Amity mumbled: "A chocolate and vanilla latte, thanks"
"Alright, will do. And may I..."
Amity shot a glance to the barista. She was a girl about her age, with dark, short hair and kind, warm brown starry eyes. There were no other ways to call them. Starry. It was the perfect definition. Cute, also. She was holding a cup and a pen.
Said cute, starry eyes became less starry and more malicious as her whole face turned into a mischievous expression. Now she got all of Amity's attention.
"...your name?"
Amity was not impressed. Her interest vanished as quickly as it came. She couldn't feel any threatening aura. Just another girl. Cute, but that was it. She returned to her fic. "They call me Amity."
The purple-haired girl looked up. The cutie pie on the other side of the counter was still holding the cup, looking at her quizzically. And vaguely intrigued.
"What? Is there something wrong?"
"No, it's just the delivery. Scared that you may get... Witchnapped?"
"That’s not a word"
"You didn't answer."
Amity looked away, remaining cool and aloof. The barista little smile faded.
"Oh, okay. A choccy-nilla latte for..."
"You have to be careful with names."
Amity wasn't sure about why she said that. But maybe, just maybe, this girl wouldn't have took her for a weirdo.
"They are prized. They are yours."
Maybe, just maybe, this girl wasn't like the others...
Her warm, starry eyes lit up. And the adorable smile returned.
She slammed pen, cup and hands on the counter and leant towards the other, excitedly.
"You too?"
Amity hurriedly took a step back.
"Me too... what?"
"You know the tales, too? The legends, the stories?"
In a way, Amity thought. But before she could say anything, the other girl regained a bit of composure, with an awkward, apologetic smile, and waved her hands.
"Sorry sorry, too lively, wasn't it? But the question stands. You too into folklore?"
Too darn cute. Amity found herself blushing, despite her best efforts. She covered her mouth and tried to focus on something else. Oh, look, how cute this cream dispenser is...
"I'm Luz, by the way"
The girl- Luz- was holding out her hand. Amity took it. "Amity. But you already know it."
This seemed to make something click into Luz's mind.
"Oh, cierto, your latte. Silly me. On it. Anything else- is that a Good Witch Azura keychain?!?"
This girl was a surprise after another. Amity took the little Hecate keychain that was dangling from her purse. She chuckled.
"Yes, I, uh, didn't thought somebody would recognize it..."
"You kidding? It's adorable! And look- we match!"
Luz tucked her hand in the pocket and fished out a phone in a nice bat case, a bunch of scraps, a pencil and finally a couple of keys with a little Azura keychain.
Proudly, she deposited it next to the cream dispenser.
Amity giggled. Luz was an absolute little ray of sunshine, and it's been a real lucky shot having met her. Stretching her purse, she brought Hecate next to her... nemesis? Sweetheart? Frenemy? Whatever.
An older boy popped from behind the coffee machine.
"Hey Luz, ya done making googoo eyes? What was her order?"
Luz scrambled back, stuffing everything back into her pocket, and scribbled down on the cup.
"Choccy-nilla latte for Amity! Here it comes!"
Amity tucked a stray strand of purple hair behind her ear, and stepped to the side. Examining the various tip jars, she picked the one with a lot of stickers and doodles of witches on it and dropped her tip. She hadn't found a name, but was somewhat fairly certain that it was Luz's one.
"Choccy-nilla latte!"
Amity took her cup and started walking away. On it, somebody, guess who, has doodled a kitten and a star and a little heart and... wait... is that a...
With her free hand, Amity fished her phone and unlocked it. Typing carefully, she then let it ring a few times.
The sound of a commotion from behind. And then:
"Hello. May I have your name?"
"Noceda, Luz Noceda. But who?..."
Amity turned around, not completely, just enough to let the cutie pie behind the counter see her little smirk.
Luz's face went from puzzled to charmed.
"Oh, I see..."
"Scared of being witchnapped, Noceda?"
With the teasing "Not a word!" from Luz still in her ears, Amity walked out of the coffee shop.
She let her gaze wander over the skyline of the woods, and the light orange hue of the sunset.
"Luz Noceda..." she hummed. That was the prized name. That was hers.
Amity would make good use of it.
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