#fandomfixation seat 21
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Seat 21 - Chapter 6
A/N: So so sorry for the long wait on this one!! Shit hit the fan and I forgot to update lmao. Going to mass update soon!
“Do not fear, students,” A voice booms. The discomfort it usually brings me is overrun by relief.
“I am here.” All Might zips toward us, seemingly flying inbetween villains on the way.
Everyone he’s touched is down. 
I glance up at Aizawa sensei, his eyes losing their glow. 
Though suddenly, I’m looking down at him instead.
My shoulder clashes against someone else, the warmth of their skin startling me. Sopping wet cloth sticks against my tail. Frantically, I search for everyone; only to find them encased by the same large suit-clad arms as myself.
All might. 
Wind rushes over us, and I feel my fins start to shrivel away. 
Gently, we meet the reddish cement. 
“Everybody head back to the entrance; and take Aizawa sensei. He hasn’t got much time.” The number one hero instructs, barely sparing us a glance. All I can do in response is nod.
My newly returned legs tremble as I pull them underneath me.
The pavement is rough and hard, my shoes long gone in the struggle. By the time I’m up, there is little I can do to help except follow my fellow students up the staircase.
The mutters from my left are near incoherent, but concerning nonetheless. Words like limits, trouble, time, are all I can pick up.
“Tsuyu, Hinode?” He speaks up.
“Yes Midoriya?” Tsuyu croaks.
“I need you two to carry Aizawa sensei.” His voice is warbling, eyes distant. 
I’m scared. I know whatever he intends to do, it will be dangerous.
But I cannot help, not without hindering him.
I slide an arm under Aizawa sensei’s arm; Midoriya takes off. Heading directly back into battle.
Careful. I think. Be safe, be careful.
Mineta and Tsu scream after him to no avail.
A commotion begins from the scene and my head snaps. Three more classmates.
The hotheaded Bakugou, the cheery Kirishima and the reserved Todoroki.
Forcing myself to turn back, I trudge up the stairs; Aizawa’s weight heavy against me.
From there; everything is a blur.
By the time we get to the top, everyone is hopeful. All Might is winning. 
Thirteen is in as good a shape as Aizawa is.
My damp skirt does little to clean the blood off of my sensei’s face. 
Cheers; All Might won.
Iida bursts through the door - our teachers in tow.
The villains warp away.
Aizawa sensei is rushed to hospital, I stay kneeling next to where he was laying.
We take the buses back to U.A.
A policewoman with a feline head takes my statement.
I walk home; head spinning with worry.
That night, dreams plague me. 
Blood running down Aizawa sensei’s face.
Midoriya starting to drown.
Blue and red and blue and red and blue and red and blue and red and blue-
I wake up with a soaked pillow and scales on my cheeks.
It takes what feels like years to fall asleep, but seconds to wake back up. My phone trills relentlessly.
A quick swipe, and the video call is answered.
Warm honey oozes out of me.
Hi Jun. I sign.
“Aneesan! I just saw the news! Are you okay? Was it cool? Did you sing?” Green eyes shine as my brother babbles on.
I’m fine, and it was I start, before Jun whines.
“Aneeesan, Mama’s at work, plus its a phone call. Talk to me!” 
I am talking. I grin cheekily. Another exasperated groan.
“Yes, it was very exciting,” I finish, all the leftover tension fading. His eyes shimmer like stars.
“Did you sing?” He asks again. My throat burns.
“I didn’t have a choice, Jun.” I explain.
“Whoaaa!” The boy awes, “I bet you were so cool.”
Laughter bubbles in my chest, floating out of my mouth. I can barely see his green stars, Jun smiles so big.
His smile drops, hair flopping to the side.
“What was that?” He asks, looking behind me. I hum, turning my head.
Then again, a patient rapping at the door.
“I’ll call you back Aneechan, bye!” Jun drawls, the chirpy dial cutting him off.
Wrapping a stray blanket around me, I scurry to the door. Considering yesterday, the peephole seems like a good idea.
Bright chartreuse stares right back at me.
“There she is!” A cheer from the other side of the door. Though the relaxed hair is different, its hard not to recognise those pointy yellow glasses.
Unlocking the door, I swing it opened.
Mic sensei? My fingers spell swiftly.
“The one and only, kiddo!” My teachers grin is overly wide, and comfortingly normal.
“Sho- uh, Aizawa sensei is awake now, he said you were pretty worried about him yesterday. Thought I’d come check in!” His smile softens, giving me a once over.
“Not alot of sleep, huh?” Kind eyes evaluate my face, quirking an eyebrow. I shake my head.
Is Aizawa sensei okay? I ask; images still flashing through my mind.
“Nothing he can’t handle, he’ll be good as new in no time!” A gentle hand on my shoulder, but when I look up; Mic sensei’s eyes are looking right through me.
“Your ‘rents home kiddo?” Again, I shake my head.
“They gone out for the day?” He asks, eyebrows furrowing.
No. I’m here for school, my mama and brother live on the coast. I explain.
“On your own?” Surprise is evident in his tone, but I shrug it off. 
“Not even a cat?” Surprise becomes shock, and I shake my head. 
“That’s,” Mic sensei pauses. “Not ideal, kiddo.” 
All I have to offer is another shrug. 
I manage.
Blond brows stay knitted together. 
“Hey kid? I need to make a few calls, mind letting your sensei in?” He asks.
I weigh everything up, ultimately deciding on letting him in. 
Mic sensei leads himself in, sitting at the kitchen table; diligently tapping away at his phone.
“You keep doing whatever you were doing kid, I won’t be long.” He waves offhandedly.
Awkwardly, I shuffle around the tiny kitchen - making a bowl of cereal to bring back to bed.
Junkun: Who was it?
Aneesan: One of my senseis.
Junkun: :0
Junkun: Is it a hero??
Junkun: Who is it???
Aneesan: Present Mic sensei
Junkun: THE Present Mic????
Aneesan: Yes, he’s just checking in on students today.
When I go back to the kitchen, Mic sensei is muttering into his phone.
“-just a kid,” followed by some grainy mumbles from the other side. I quickly hurry back to my room.
As I’m replacing my blanket for a hoodie, I hear an outburst from the kitchen.
“-have a duty of care! It’s not safe!” A chair scrapes, and I jerk back.
Not long after, a knock on my bedroom door.
“Hey kiddo, I’ve got some other errands to run, but I’ll come by and check in again later, kay?” Messy strands fall from his bun.
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Seat 21 - Chapter One
A/N; Welcome to chapter one, y’all! I really hope you like it, ik this is all introductory stuff, but I’m soso passionate about this fic and my ocs in it. Enjoy!!
It surprised me when I got into the prestigious school of UA. Despite the family history, I made it. Though, I think mama was more surprised than I was.
The school map was crisp in my hands, pink highlighter circling my classroom several times over. 
Room 1-A. Homeroom teacher; Aizawa Shouta.
Lively noise already came from the closed sliding doors. Bickering and friendly chatter alike. 
Lifting up my glasses, I adjust my mask one last time before opening the doors.
Eyes on me.
My throat closes, I blink harshly.
Then, back to the noise.
My throat opens back up.
With a quick scan, I spot a few semi-familiar faces.
The pink girl, from exams.
And the electric boy, also from exams.
And, to my extreme relief; Tokoyami Fumikage, who has left the seat next to him empty.
Chastly, I hurry my way up the fourth column of seats; sitting down in the one next to Tokoyami.
Now, I wouldn’t exactly label me and Tokoyami friends. Moreso, close allies.
“Mayumi! We’re glad to see you!” Dark Shadow’s perky, yet distorted voice comes from my left. Turning, I see both of them looking at me.
Thank you. I’m glad to see you both as well. Congratulations.  I sign, fingers moving swiftly.
“And congratulations to you as well Hinode. Dark Shadow and I look forward to continue working together.” Tokoyami’s voice has gotten ever so slightly deeper over the break, though it may just be my imagination.
The bickering starts to become louder at the front of the class, drawing everyone’s attention. 
The blond boy seems to be aggravating the situation, escalating it far more than it needs to. The one with navy hair isn’t much better, he has blinkers on and keeps pursuing his pointless version of justice. All over his feet on the table.
An unstoppable object meets an immovable force.
“This class is certainly more lively than the years past, is it not?” Tokoyami mumbles, a vague amusement in his tone.
I nod in agreement, unsure of how to feel.
The door slides open; the first person to enter since myself.
Once again, all eyes turn to him; myself no longer exempt. His green hair is unruly, with wide green eyes to match. 
His freckled skin and scared expression mirror my own just minutes before.
The navy haired boy’s attention is sharply snatched away from the blond as he storms over to the new boy.
“Hello! I am from Somei Private Academy, my name is-”
“I know! I heard!” The smaller boy puts his hands up in an almost defending position, shying away. 
“I’m Midoriya, it’s nice to meet you Iida.” A nervous smile dons his face.
A boy after my own anxious heart. A small smile and a bit of comfort come from finding someone likeminded so quickly.
One of the girls in the class bounds up, excitedly running towards the pair. Her speech is fast, and far softer than Iida’s boistrosity and Midoriya’s anxious yells, so I don’t catch exactly what she says.
But, Midoriya’s heart eyes tell me all I need to know about what he thinks. I barely stifle a laugh.
Tokoyami raises an eyebrow.
They’re cute, no? I sign, silent chuckles shaking my shoulders.
“I would have to agree. Though let’s hope they’re not oblivious.” The bird-headed boy sighs.
A gravelly, but loud voice comes from the hall.
“Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends. This is the hero course.” A long yellow, Thing stands up before unzipping.
A raggedy looking man in all black emerges from what I now recognise as a sleeping bag. This must be our teacher.
“It took you all eight seconds before you were quiet, and time is limited.”
Sluggishly, the man strolls to the front and centre of the classroom.
“I am Aizawa Shouta, and I will be your homeroom teacher here at UA. Today we will be doing a quirk assessment test.”
The first part I expected; there was no way this man was not our teacher.
The second part, not so much.
My quirk is so limited in its safe use, surely Aizawa sensei knows this?
“Meet me outside on the oval asap. In your sports uniform.” Aizawa grumbles.
A panicked rush overtakes the room, everyone scrambling for their bags as well as the nearest changeroom.
Soon enough, we are all outside and changed.
Aizawa sensei explains that the tests will be the same physical tests as middle and elementary school; but with a twist.
We are allowed to use our quirks.
And the person ranking last will be expelled.
The blond boy goes first, showing that his explosivity is in more than his nature as he blasts the softball across the oval with miniature explosions.  
Everyone is silent in awe as Aizawa sensei lists of the physical exams.
First, the 50 meter dash.
My quirk will be of no use here, and I’m painfully aware of that.
Again, the boy with the explosion quirk excells, as does the loud boy - Iida? - from this morning.
Myself, not so much.
The pink girl lines herself up next to me, sparing me a smile before the timer starts. 
As soon as it does, she takes off -  sliding on a strange transparent liquid that secreets itself from her skin.
Not long after, a blond boy shoots past, a bright laser coming from his stomach.
My regular run seems pathetic in comparison. 
The side steps, long jump, distance run and ball throw were equally as pathetic.
I was nearly last, only beaten by Midoriya; who looked about as miserable as I felt.
And the only reason I stood a chance against him, was because of the sit up exercise. 
Thankfully, my core strength hadn’t failed me; making me the most successful in that task.
Exhausted, I sit beside Tokoyami as our classmates line up for the last exam; the ball throw.
“How did you go?” The raven-headed boy asks non-chalantly.
Don’t expect to see me here tomorrow. I sign.
“That poorly?” He hums, leaning back on outstretched arms.
“You’re always such a cynic, Mayumi.” Dark Shadow whines, curling around Tokoyami’s shoulder.
I wave them both off, turning my attention back to our classmates.
Most have finished, leaving just one.
From afar, he seems to shrink into himself as sensei speaks; the latter’s hair somehow floating.
A solemn nod, and my heart hurts for my peer.
Right before he launches the softball further into the distance than I could ever imagine.
I can’t control the gasp that leaves me, hands immediately going to cover my mouth - before reaching the familiar cotton.
“That is certainly impressive,” Tokoyami comments, surprise evident in his tone.
“See sensei,” Midoriya’s cry echos over the sports field.
“I can still fight!”
My heart warms for the boy. 
Though, it seems not everyone’s does.
The explosive boy launches himself towards Midoriya, sparks flying from his clenched fists. Midoriya and I flinch back almost in sync, before the other boy is stopped.
What I just assumed was a scarf; entangels the blond boy - Aizawa sensei wielding the other end. His hair raises again; and the sparks die in the boy’s hands.
O h.
“Enough.” Aizawa snaps, tugging at the material.
The boy falls into the tan dust of the field.
“Don’t make me use my quirk more than necessary; it gives me dry eyes.” Even from several feet away, I see the scarlet glow.
Oh, this is certainly awkward.
Now I’m certain I’ll be the one expelled.
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Seat 21 - Chapter 5
A/N - Welcome to chapter 5! I’m sorting out a masterlist now, so y’all can access the chapters easier. Happy reading!!
Careful is not blood leaking from your hairline, flooding your face. Careful is not gravel leaving raw skin peeled off in chunks. Careful is not having your head slammed in by some,, monstrosity of a creature.
Taller than any person I’ve met, muscles bulging grotesquely from skin as dark as the deepest pits of the ocean. A bird-like beak, filled to the brim with canines has what can only be described as a grin etched on its face.
It makes me sick.
Seeing Aizawa sensei like this makes me sick.
My stomach churns, and I duck my head under the water to take a deep breath.
Oh my god.
Aizawa sensei is going to die.
We are all going to die.
The man of mist shows up.
“Tomura, one of the students have escaped. We should take our leave.” His voice hums through the thick silence.
“Ugh, that means the pro heroes will be here soon. It’s game over.” A man, boy? I didn’t notice him, steps from behind the creature. I can almost feel the pain of his rasp.
“It’s gonna be okay, we’re saved!” Mineta chatters, clinging onto Asui.
Disgusting, bulging eyes scan over us. Fear burns my throat.
“Huh, some of the brats made their way over. Maybe All Might will come if we start picking them off?” The young man - who surely can’t be that much older than us - stalks over. He crouches down, scanning our faces. I feel Tsu lightly tremble beside me.
“This one will do.” He sneers, reaching toward her face.
I don’t know who he is. I don’t know what he can do.
I do know that Asui Tsuyu is so unbearably kind. I know that she has been the first person to know who I am and show no care in a very, very, long time. 
I know I want to protect her.
At whatever cost.
“Get your fuckin hands off, get on out of your seat.” His hand stops, inches away from Tsu’s face.
“All eyes on me, all eyes on me.” Their eyes; both Tsu’s and the villains turn to look at me. But otherwise; they’re still. I see the disgust in the villain’s eyes.
“I said get your fuckin hands off!” I spit as I sing, frozen as if my own song affects me.
I need to move.
“Get on out of your seat. All eyes on me, all eyes on me.” My voice warbles, just enough for the villains face to fall into a scowl. 
“You say the ocean’s rising, like I give a shit.” I hate everything about this, but I have no choice. I wrap my arms around Asui’s torso and tug her backwards.
She moves seamlessly through the water, the only major movement since I’d started singing. 
I need to breathe.
I need to keep singing.
A quick shallow breath is all I allow myself. 
“Nomu, finish him.” The villain glares, seemingly speaking to the creature.
“You say the whole worlds ending,” Project. I need to project. 
Like Asui, Aizawa sensei is kind. He may not seem it at first, but he is. He gave me a chance. He protected us. Protected me.
He promised to be careful.
“Honey it already did.” My instincts scream against it, but I have to swim. 
“You’re not gonna slow it, heaven knows you’ve tried.” I haul myself onto the land, slightly winded.
Movement in the corner of my eye.
“Got it? Good, now get inside.” I cry out, holding the note as long as I can. 
He’s not too far. If I can just shuffle close enough…
“We’re going to go, where everybody knows,” The gravel scrapes my scales, stinging.
“Everybody knows, everybody knows.” I’m so close. I can almost reach.
“We’re going to go, where everybody knows, everybody knows.” I repeat, reaching out. And it blinks at me.
It blinks at me.
And then it bats me away.
Gravel digs and stings and I gasp. 
My webbing tears and I can’t breathe.
 “Aren’t you fascinating?” The rasp comes from closer than it should’ve. My hands, bloody, tremble.
“Hinode-san, move! His quirk disintegrates everything!” A desperate cry. Midoriya.
Large hands grab my hair by the roots. This is it.
Nothing happens.
“No.” Quiet. Pained. Firm. Frightened tears fill my eyes.
Aizawa sensei stares, eyes glowing and unblinking.
The villain drops me with a scoff.
“Hinode, go. Take the others and leave.” His voice is so,, quiet. I don’t like it.
“Wow, you really are so cool, Eraserhead.” The compliment is sarcastic, mocking. 
“You’d really die to save these brats?” Aizawa-sensei’s stare is more than enough answer.
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Seat 21 - Chapter 3
A/N - another chapter ready and raring to go! i’ve also started posting this story to Ao3 :) enjoy!!
Somehow, class feels lonlier the next day.
I swear I can feel people staring at me, even though Tokoyami assures me that they’re not.
Home is even lonlier.
It’s a two and a half hour train ride to my home town, and it only runs three times a day. It wouldn’t get me to school in time, so Mama’s renting me an apartment in the city. It’s small and old, and in the bad part of town.
But it means I get to go to U.A.
I miss my brother today. Seeing me, most people are surprised with how Jun can be. He’s a little ball of energy, just finishing up elementary school now.
Some days I wish I was him.
I would give up my quirk any day to be as carefree as he is.
Udon is lonlier without his excited yells, and mama’s following laugh.
But time moves on, and so do I.
Midoriya recovers swiftly, thanks to recovery girl.
He gets voted in for class representative, but passes the role onto Iida.
The press invades school grounds.
I pray its not my fault; even though Aizawa assures me it isn’t when I try and apologise.
Before I can recover, its time for our next practical heroics lesson; this time off site. 
I spend the majority of the ride to U.S.J fiddling with my translucent skirt, occasionally signing confirmation to Tokoyami and Dark that yes - I’m fine, there’s no need to worry. 
Loud talk of everyone’s quirks fills the bus and has me like a deer in headlights. I get afraid at somepoint I’ll tear my skirt.
I would be lying to say I wasn’t scared out of my mind for whatever All Might would say about me today.
It would be another lie if I said Aizawa sensei’s presence at this lesson wasn’t oddly comforting.
But to my guilty relief, it isn’t All Might that greets us at the stadium-like centre. Pro hero Thirteen is a much more grounding figure. She calmly explains that the USJ is primarily used for rescue-based training - her primary line of work. 
My shoulders sag as she goes through the different environments. Earthquakes, floods, avalanches (both snow and rock), severe weather, sea wrecks and more. The opportunities for scenarios are endless. Awe overtakes me.
I can’t stop gazing at the water.
This is what I want. This is what I can do.
Surrounding gasps tear my attention away from the still blue.
“Is this apart of the exercise?” A voice I recognise as Kaminari’s asks. Aizawa weaves between Tokoyami and I, standing in front of the class.
“No, it’s not. This is a real villain attack. Thirteen, evacuate the students, and call the school for backup. I’ll try and hold them off.” He grumbles, pulling his goggles down.
My entire body trembles.
Actual real villains.
Stumbling up to Aizawa, I finally see what everyone else has. A black and purple abyss, with waves of people emerging left, right and centre. Sneers and eyes that can only be described as hungry are trained on us.
Shaking hands reach up and tug his scarf, gently but frantic.
“What, kid.” He sideyes me, sparing me a second of attention. There’s so much that I want to say, but my hands are shaking too badly.
Careful. Is all I can sign. Over and over and over again.
Careful. Careful. Careful. Careful.
A calloused hand warms my shoulder.
“I’ll try.” Aizawa sensei’s voice is rough. Sparing not even a second, he leaps into battle.
“Come one everyone, we need to evacuate.” Thirteen ushers us towards the door, but the same dark mist starts to appear before us.
Piercing yellow that can only be eyes is trained on us and my body freezes. 
My breath quickens as Bakugou and Kirishima attack the mist, Thirteen quick behind.
At first, I think the darkness is a result of my fear; but then my eyes catch a swirl of deep purple.
We’re inside the mist.
Spiders crawl up my skin as I twist and turn to escape.
Freezing cold is my reward for escape.
 My lungs feel free, and I feel strength seep into my bones. A blur quickly becomes a villain hurling toward me, but with a simple flick I’m far out of his way.
Oh god, I didn’t want them to know so soon. 
But my frantic eyes spot mossy green starting to go limp, and my comfort is no longer priority. 
I push as hard as I can and launch myself towards Midoriya, trying to grasp for anything. An arm brings me to the leverage of under his arms as I swim as fast as I can to the surface.
We breach surface and the unmistakable tongue of Asui carries Mineta onto the shipwreck. Midoriya, still spluttering, can’t speak.
I have to.
For his sake.
I rip off my mask.
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Seat 21 - Chapter 8
A/N - woot woot, now we're starting to get into the REAL shit
It’s odd, living with your teachers.
It’s not something I’d ever expected.
Yamada and I go back to my apartment, and grab the rest of my belongings. I set up my room in the Aizawa-Yamada household over the weekend; it’s nearly identical to what I had before.
Aizawa is doing much better by Monday, insisting he come back to school with Yamada and I.
He wins.
I’m the first student in class, unsurprisingly. Aizawa and Yamada are in the staffroom grading papers.
Pulling out a needle and thread, I reach for my spare masks. Yamada bought me an obnoxiously large packet; ignoring my protests to pay for it myself.
A ‘welcome home’ gift, he said.
By the time my classmates start filing in, I’m halfway through embroidering a starfish. The chatter grows louder with numbers. 
“Hinode-san!” A cheerful greeting comes accompanied by a leering shadow. Looking up, I meet a pair of sparkling green eyes. The shade reminds me of Jun.
Midoriya, how are you feeling? I ask, fingers moving swiftly.
My classmate cocks his head in confusion, and an embarrassed flush coats my cheeks.
I’ve been taking Aizawa and Yamada’s obscure knowledge for granted. Not everyone knows sign.
I open my notebook, grabbing a pen from my pocket. I scribble the same message, turning the book around.
“Oh! I’m doing really well, thanks for asking!” The boy’s smile is wide, genuinity shining through. 
His smile is contagious, I decide. My lips brush against cotton.
Aizawa clears his voice from the front, causing Midoriya’s head to whip around. With an apologetic smile, he hurries back to his own seat. 
Shallow whispers of concern break out across the classroom.
My heart still wrenches at the sight of my sensei. Yamada and I tried so hard to convince him to take another day off - even just a half day.
But I’m starting to learn that Aizawa is near as stubborn as I am.
“My wellbeing is completely irrelevant right now,” Aizawa grumbles.
Lies. My fingers move intuitively in my lap. 
“The sports festival is practically here, so we have no time to waste.” The simple sentence sends excited chatter through the class like a wave.
I’d completely forgotten.
The U.A. sports festival. Some compare its audiences to that of the Olympics. People from across the country will watch us compete with one another; using our quirks to elevate usual sports to near deadly levels.
My identity will no longer be hidden.
The world will know me as the niece of Hinode Kaori.
The shock leaves metal in my mouth. 
I was fully aware this day was coming. 
But not so soon.
Others have their own concerns.
Questions about the attack on the school are raised, only for them to be brushed aside with promises of heightened security.
“The entire nation will be watching. Including any pro heroes looking to recruit provisional heroes. So keep that in mind while you train.” Despite the gravelly annoyance, Aizawa’s voice has a subtle hint of gentleness to it.
“Class dismissed, get outta my hair.” He mumbles, waving at the door before chatter can erupt through the class.
Everyone shoots up from their seats, running over into the small friendship groups that have started to form.
Bakugou. Kirishima. Kaminari.
Midoriya. Uraraka. Iida. 
Shoji comes over to Tokoyami and Dark.
I tuck my needle and thread into the side of the mask; shoving it into my backpack. 
My chair scrapes, and I start to walk down the hall alone.
The lunchroom is bustling as usual.
Luckily there is a clear table, tucked behind some of the indoor shrubbery.
“Kero, mind if I sit here?”
My muscles jolt in surprise. A simple nod, and Asui Tsuyu is sitting across from me.
“How are you doing, since the attack and all?” The frog-girl asks nonchalantly; shovelling salad into her mouth.
Leaning down to my bag, I pull out my small notebook.
‘I’m holding up well, and you?’ I scribble, passing the pad over.
“I’m glad, kero. I’m doing okay.” Asui nods. Her wide eyes survey the lunchroom, before resting on me.
“Are you excited for the sports festival, kero?” Her green hair swishes as the girl cocks her head.
‘More nervous than anything else. Yourself?’ I write.
Asui hums in agreement.
“Kero, pretty much the same.”
Silence settles between us as we eat, noise of the room filling the void. 
‘Why did you come to sit with me Asui?’ The question sits on my page, notebook in my hand. Asui leans over inquisitively.
“No one should eat alone, kero. And call me Tsu. All my friends do, kero.” She shrugs, tidying up the lunch trays.
The bell rings, and without a word Tsu stacks my tray atop of hers and carries it back to the kitchen.
An aching warm welcomes my chest.
A friend.
The next two weeks past swiftly.
Tsu has lunch with me every day until the Sports Festival. Tokoyami and Dark do as well.
The three of us start gravitating towards eachother outside of lunch period, too. Group projects, partnered training.
One of my masks has a little frog embroidered near the ear loops.
Another has a little eclipsed moon.
At the apartment, Yamada encourages me to practice my voice in his home recording booth. He assures me it’s sound proof, but I wait until both him and Aizawa are on patrol to practise anyways.
But today is when it all matters.
Today is when I prove to everyone that I am here to help, not to harm.
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Seat 21 - Chapter 7
A/N: As promised, more mass update!
 Ever faithful to his word, Mic sensei does come back. 
His flyaways are completely out of control now; static raising his hair. 
“Why hello miss Hinode!” A bright voice chirps from below. My eyes follow the sound, stopping by Mic sensei’s shin. Principal Nezu grins up, beady eyes shining.
“Would you mind letting us in? I have some things we’d like to discuss.”  Before I can so much as answer, the small rodent squeezes through the opening of the door. With an apologetic smile, Mic sensei holds the door wider; nodding at me to follow the principal.
Nezu strolls through the apartment without care; hopping up into the musty armchair thats older than I am. 
“Miss Hinode, it has come to my attention that you are living here unsupervised, yes?” Beady eyes are trained on my face.
Hesitantly, I nod.
“And you are aware that a minor living their own violates the national child protection order?” The words are so nonchalant; but make me freeze nonetheless.
“We can’t have any students breaking the law, Miss Hinode.” Principal Nezu tuts.
My blood runs cold.
Please don’t expel me. My hands tremble, temples stinging.
“Well, that’s certainly an option.” The rodent muses.
“You could move back home, but I understand that you would then have trouble with your commute. Yes?” A chaste nod is all I can manage.
“The third option, is you find another place to live - with guardians of some sort. Usually we would offer group homes or government foster families. But Present Mic seems to think that in an,, unfair decision.” My eyes shoot up to my sensei.
A half smile, guilt ridden to say the least.
“That is why he kindly offered up his home and guardianship to you. We have already spoken with your father, and he has approved this decision if you should proceed.” Nezu explains.
My father? I ask.
“Your ma, uh, didn’t pick up kiddo.” Present Mic whispers.
I wish I could say I was surprised.
“It’s up to you kiddo,” It’s almost amusing how short Mic sensei is as he crouches down. Someone so tall looks odd looking up at me.
“But, if you decide to stay with me, I promise to look after ya the best I can.” The solemnity of his voice scares me.
Suddenly, I’m eight again; looking out on an audience of hundreds. Unable to say anything, no matter how badly I want to.
It’s times like this I feel how heavy the pearls are on my ears. 
But, Mic sensei is kind.
He is patient.
He saw how scared I was yesterday, and came to visit me today.
My instincts scream against me.
Don’t go. Don’t trust. Never trust. Alone is safer than together.
But, I want to be a hero. Mic sensei can help me. He’s a prohero, its his job to look after people.
He was a prohero too. So was she. Now look at them.
What, I start. Is your home like?
“Well kiddo. I live in an apartment with my husband, and our three cats.” Mic sensei explains softly.
Husband? Alarm bells ring. Not safe. 
What does he think? Hesitancy slows my hands.
“Well, Shou has abit of a soft spot for you. So I’m sure he won’t mind.” He shrugs.
Shou? Cogs start turning; surely not.
“Yeah, ‘zawa loves you kids. But he worries about you.” The blond muses, confirming my suspicions.
Aizawa sensei.
He promised he would be careful.
He let me stay.
He’s giving me a third chance.
Okay. If you’re sure. I sign.
“Wonderful!” Nezu claps, my entire body jerking in response. Climbing down from the couch, the rodent rests a paw on my teacher’s knee.
“I’ll go and start the paperwork, you and Miss Hinode can start packing.” Though he doesn’t smile, Nezu’s beady eyes glint as he happily strolls through the front door.
I swear I can hear him humming.
I deflate, held breath leaving me. Mic sensei’s own sigh echoes. 
“Alright, it’s getting late so we’ll just grab the essentials tonight; ‘kay kiddo?” He asks, tone gentle as ever.
Rushing to my room, I grab exactly that - the essentials. My uniform, pyjamas, toiletries and the like.
It’s always shocking - how an entire life can pack away into just a few bags. I give myself a pat down, checking that I have everything.
Phone? Yes.
Wallet? Yes.
Keys? Yes.
My fingers graze my lips, rather than the cotton that should be there. My mind spins, trying to think of where it could possibly be. I sift through my memories, before landing on the incriminating moment.
The shipwreck zone, in the water. 
I ripped off my mask to call for Asui.
It’s gone.
Annoyance surges through my body, my lips pursing together. 
If I was home, on my own, this wouldn’t be a problem. I could see where buy some more fabric nearby, and have a new one stitched up by tomorrow.
But I can’t. I was given the choice to continue living alone, or continue my hero studies and I chose the latter. Mic-sensei has been kind enough to offer me a place to stay and I thank him by putting him and Aizawa sensei in danger.
Maybe All Might was right.
I am dangerous. 
A hand gently placed on my shoulder. My body jerks, twisting around at alert.
“What’s with the scowl, kiddo?” Present Mic sensei’s voice is patient. Kind. Too kind to be in such danger.
I clamp my teeth down onto my tongue, fangs piercing.
My mask, I lost it in the battle yesterday. I explain.
“Still feeling sick?” There’s an undercurrent of concern to his voice. “Maybe we should get you into a doctor.”
I shake my head.
For my voice. So I don’t accidentally use my quirk and hurt people. My hands fly frantically, and it surprises me that my sensei keeps up. 
“For your quirk?” The man tilts his head slightly. “Seems like overkill, kiddo.”
Liquid metal fills my mouth.
Is not. I argue, earning only a shrug in response.
“Okay, if you’re sure. I’ll pick up a pack when I do the groceries tomorrow.” Mic sensei concedes, obviously not understanding the looming danger.
Thanks, I sign curtly, scared that even my visual words will harm him.
“Other than that, you ready to go kiddo?” He asks, nodding towards the door. “Car’s still out front and ready to go.”
I nod again, trying to avoid words. A grin breaks out on my teacher’s face.
“Then let’s go!” His voice is back to that familiar cheer, slightly soothing my anxiety.
I duck under his leather-clad arm as Mic-sensei holds the door open for me. A jingle of the knob confirms that its locked, as he steps out beside me.
Following him down the apartment stairs, I keep as silent as possible.
I keep that same silence as I slide into the passenger seat of Mic sensei’s black SUV. 
My silence stays as we pull up outside a new apartment complex; one that looks significantly fancier than the one we just came from.
It stays silent, right up until the door to my sensei’s apartment opens. 
A series of frantic meows greets us.
A long haired tabby rolls over upon seeing us, purring into the polished floor. It blinks it’s large yellow eyes at me.
My breath hitches; heart stinging.
“That’s Kitaro,” Mic starts, not even looking up to identify the cat as he locks the door behind us.
“He’s an attention whore,” He continues. Laughter builds in my chest, threatening to bubble over. 
Taking a deep breath, I successfully suppress it; but I can’t stop the smile from forming on my face.
“‘Zashi? That you?” A pained groan echoes through the house. The voice sends flashes through my mind.
Careful. Careful. A toothy grin within a beak. Blood rushing down my sensei’s face.
“Yeah babe, it’s me.” Mic-sensei calls out from behind me.
“Be right back, kiddo. I’m just gonna go let Sho know what’s going on.” He explains, walking past me. Sheer guilt shoots through my heart.
I forgot Aizawa sensei didn’t know I was coming.
Standing awkwardly in the doorway, I hear voices murmur from what I assume is their bedroom. 
Kitaro rolls over, stretching as he steps up. With another needy meow, he bumps into my leg firmly. Bringing my hand to meet his head, a warm rumble shakes the cat’s entire body. My heartbeat slows with each purr. 
“Kiddo? Sho wants to talk.” Mic’s voice echoes down the hall.
Just like that, fear grips my heart again. I feel it pounding in my eardrums, making my footsteps inaudible.
My blond sensei stands in a doorway, a concerned smile.
“Now kid, he’s okay, but don’t be shocked. He did only come home from the hospital at lunch.” He explains gently, a hand on my shoulder. 
Mic-sensei steps aside, and tears immediately well in my eyes.
The only recognisable feature that I can see is the familiar black hair. Everything else, from head to toe, is covered in a thick layer of bandages.
“Hinode?” The lump of bandages speaks into the room, not moving from its spot in the large bed.
“She’s here, Sho.” Mic confirms quietly.
“Mic told me you were living on your own, is that true?” The fatigue is evident in Aizawa-sensei’s voice, moreso than ever. 
I nod, Mic sensei leaning over to whisper in my ear.
“He can’t see you through the bandages. You’re gonna have to speak, kiddo.” I could slap myself upside the head with the obvious realisation.
“I’m not going to make you talk, Hinode. But I still expect answers to my questions.” The bandages grumble. An arm sneaks out from under the duvet, resting near the side of the bed.
“Just sign on my hand, it’ll take me a second to get it though.” The arm is bandaged just as heavily as the rest of him, but I rest my hands in his palm nonetheless.
Yes, sensei. I spell carefully.
“So you were living alone? At fifteen?” The judgment in my teacher’s voice is clear as day.
Yes. I admit. A tired sigh.
“Do you know how ridiculous that is?” The scolding is gentle, almost, concerned.
Yes, I do. Embarrassment eats me alive.
“There’s going to be some rules here, okay?” Aizawa sensei’s voice is getting raspier by the minute.
Of course. I sign. Thank you Aizawa sensei.
“At home, you call us Aizawa and Yamada. We’re not your senseis here, we’re your guardians.” He starts, and my eyes widen. I turn to question this with Mic-sensei, only to get a pointed look in return.
Ok. Hesitantly, I agree.
“Don’t go telling all the other kids that ‘Zashi and I are married, either. I hate dealing with pointless gossip.” Aizawa’s lecturing is the most familiarity I’ve experienced since entering the apartment.
I nod my hand in his palm.
“Keep your room clean, help with chores. Keep doing your best at school. Saturdays are movie nights, feel free to join if you so wish.” There’s a finality to the last sentence. 
“I’m going back to sleep, I don’t care what you two pick out for dinner.” He addresses both of us now, retracting his arm back into the bed. 
“Okay, sleep well babe. Lemme know if you need anything.” Mic-sensei, no, Yamada, moves some hair out of his husband’s bandaged face fondly. Then, he turns to me.
“Let's get you set up, kiddo.” He smiles.
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Seat 21 - Chapter Four
A/N - your girl has been writing So Much oml. rip my uni marks for this semester lmao. enjoy!!
“Asui!” I scream. 
“Midoriya and I are down here!” My throat scratches uncomfortably. 
Shocked eyes peer over the edge and no longer than a few seconds later are Midoriya and I wrapped in the long, slimy, muscle.  
“Oh my god is he dead?” Mineta questions, once the two of us slam upon the cold ship deck. I shake my head. 
Midoriya is still coughing, and I intuitively rub his back.
“Hinode-san, kero. You spoke.” Asui deadpans. I go to sign, but let my hands drop.
“I’m sorry. I had to.” Shame burns my chest, more than the chlorinated water ever could.
“Who cares if she spoke, she has a tail!” Mineta screams, gesturing wildly. 
Pitifully, I attempt to cover it with my skirt.
“I knew it,” Midoriya wheezes beside me. All heads snap to him. He stares at me, eyes wide.
“You’re Hinode Mayumi, the niece of Hinode Kaori. I knew it wasn’t just a coincidence!” His excitement takes me aback. The stars in his eyes are undeniable.
Hesitantly, I nod.
“Kero, as in the ex-pro hero Fugu?” Asui asks.
“As in the murderer?” Mineta’s eyes are wide with fear.
All I can do is nod.
“Your quirk is so amazing! I mean, look at your tail, it’s-” Midoriya reaches for my caudal, and I flinch away.
“Right, sorry!” He moves back.
“You’re not scared?” Mineta and I ask in sync. His eyes go wide, and he shuffles behind Asui.
“Well, a lot came out about the case later so-” Midoriya starts before Asui interrupts.
“No. You’re our classmate, kero.” Despite her blunt tone, the cogs are ticking in her mind.
“Also, kero, never call me Asui again. Call me Tsu, kero.” She adds, almost as if that were her original thought. Shock courses through my veins.
“okay.” My voice is barely a whisper.
Without hesitance, she moves past me to look over the ship’s railing. Her leg even brushes against my tail.
I could almost cry.
My chest burns, but instead of acid, it’s a cup of tea that’s slightly too warm. I’m at a loss for words. Surely she has no idea how such a small act can mean so much.
Mineta and Midoriya follow suit, leaning over the edge. 
Pale flesh speckles through the dried areas of my tail, but not enough to allow me to stand. The railing can only get me up so far.
“There’s so many,” Midoriya mumbles, “We have to figure out how to escape so we can find the others.”
“I agree, kero.” Asui - no, Tsu, nods solemnly. 
“Okay everyone, what is everyone’s quirks.” Midoriya spins around, eyes darting between everyone else.
“Well, kero, I can do pretty much anything a frog can. I can jump pretty high, and I stick to flat objects, and my tongue is really long.” She explains, Midoriya nods along attentively.
“I’m pretty strong, but it breaks my bones so I have to be really careful channelling it.” 
“Hinode-san?” Midoriya looks at me expectantly.
“My quirk has two aspects. The first is the aquatic mutation that happens whenever my entire body is covered in water.” I gesture down to my tail, more and more blotched flesh finding its way through. Air rattles my lungs as I prepare to continue.
“The second aspect is to do with my voice. Anyone who hears me sing will be sent into a state of complete paralysis.” 
“So that’s why you don’t talk, kero.” Asui - Tsu, hums. 
I nod, focusing on my hands. Talon-like nails pick at my webbing, leaving angry lines. 
“Woah, you guys are so cool,” Mineta sits there, mouth agape. “All I can do is take off these balls on my head, they’re really sticky.” 
What I had assumed was heavily gelled hair comes off of the short boy’s head with a light pop, sitting stagnant on his gloved hand.
“Okay,” Midoriya mutters “okay, okay, okay. We can work with this, if we do this, and then…” His mumbles quickly become incoherent, but the flickering of his eyes say he is not done yet.
Within seconds, he slams a fist into his palm.”I got it,” Stars are in Midoriya’s eyes as they feverishly flick across the group.
“Asui, do you think you can jump out of the test area?” The frog-like girl nods firmly.
“Easily, kero. But I don’t want to leave anyone. And it’s Tsu, kero.” She explains. Midoriya nods frantically.
“Do you think you can carry us all with your tongue?” The freckled boy asks. Another nod.
“I won’t be able to jump as far, but I think so, kero.” With that, Midoriya’s attention turns to Mineta.
“Mineta, how fast can you make those balls?” 
“Pretty fast, I start bleeding if I go too fast though.” The small boy mumbles.
“That’s okay! We can make that work!” Finally, pleading green eyes land on me. Tension winds my shoulders like a toy shoulder.
Surely not. He won’t.
“Hinode, can you sing to keep all the villains stuck in the water?” I open my mouth to protest, my head already shaking.
“We’ll use Mineta’s balls to cover our ears! And it won’t be for long, just until I can-” Midoriya’s words are speeding up, getting harder and harder to comprehend.
“Midoriya.” I speak, voice still burning my throat. He stops in his tracks, eyes sparkling.
“Okay.” Fear continues to wind my shoulders.
“Okay!” He smiles.
“Mineta, pass us some of your balls.” Midoriya orders, and the short boy obediently starts plucking them off his head.
“Asui- Tsu, sorry. On my signal, throw me at the villains, then grab Mineta and me and leap as far as you can okay?” A sharp nod from the girl.
“Got it, kero.” She hums. The green haired boy goes to give me orders next, but I hold up a hand.
“I’ll dive back into the water, and swim over once its safe.” I explain. The further they are from me, the safer.
“Okay, lets go.” Midoriya’s whisper is strong, determined.
He’ll be a fantastic hero.
I go to haul myself up; subsequently putting weight on my half-formed fin. Embarrassment heats my face.
“Here, kero.” Without thought, without fear; Tsu balances me on the railing. I swear my heart falls out of my throat.
Pleading green eyes and a nod is all I need to dive. This is what I signed up for.
The water is cool and welcome on my dry scales, bringing them out from my flesh. A small flick is more than enough to propel me back up to the surface.
Air is just as refreshing as the water. The dark figures advandcing in the water; not so much. 
Closer, and closer.
And its time.
“Are you feeling nervous?” A man with a shark mutation stops in his tracks.
“Are you having fun?” His eyes glaze over, but more still advance.
“Project, little pearl. Projection is everything.” 
A phantom hand straightens my chin. 
Head up. Open the throat. Elongate the diaphragm. Project.
“It’s almost over, it’s just begun.” My voice warms, crystaline rasp turning back to liquid. I refuse to move my eyes from the first villain.
I don’t want to know how many people I’m hurting.
“Don’t overthink this, look in my eyes.” Gentle sways of my fin keep me upright. I turn my eyes up, a flash of green in the sky.
My pause is noticeable. He’s impossibly closer.
“Don’t be scared, don’t be shy, come on in the water’s fine.” I push the air out of my lungs.
“Detroit Smash!” Midoriya’s voice follows my echo, sheer force rippling the water. 
His force implodes, creating an artificial whirlpool. Just as he expected.
It takes more effort to break free than expected, the water pulling me back in; time and time again. 
The still depths of the pool welcome me as I dive, searching for any side of my classmates. Three blobs of colour huddle at the edge and I head over.
My head breaks water, near the green blob that is Asui. Her wide eyes seem somehow wider, fearful, hands over her mouth.
Tracking her gaze, I understand why.
He promised. He promised he’d be careful.
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Seat 21 - Chapter Two
A/N - welcome to chapter two y’all! i’ve actually had this one written for awhile, i just wanted to make sure it was perfect before posting. enjoy!!
Aizawa Shouta, my homeroom teacher. The man who will decide my fate at this school. Is the famous underground hero; Eraserhead. 
He would have to be daft to not recognise my name.
It was her case that brought his career briefly up from the underground society.
Though, seeing him now, I can’t imagine he’s one for fame and praise.
Aching legs match my heart. There’s no point trying to fight my case.
“Mayumi…” Dark Shadow’s concerned whisper echoes behind me. Tokoyami’s eyes mirror her tone.
I’ll be fine. I suspected this would happen.
My shoes have a lonely echo in the change room. I savour putting on the U.A uniform; with its short lived life. Other girls enter just as I leave. 
The pink girl, then the bubbly girl from before class.
The classroom is still empty when I go back.
Footsteps, and a door. I hurry to pack quicker.
A deep sigh.
“Put your things back. No-one’s getting expelled.” Aizawa-sensei. I can’t bring myself to look at him.
I understand you don’t want me here. I failed your test. My hands flick instinctively, before catching myself. I can’t just assume he understands.
I reach for a pen.
“Yes, you did come last. That doesn’t mean you failed.” A bone-deep tiredness resides in his voice.
Even so. You don’t want me. It would be idiotic to think you didn’t know who I was. 
“It would be idiotic of me to not know who you are.” Heavy footsteps come closer, and fear pricks at my eyes.
The ragged man crouches down before my desk, looking up at me.
“I do know who you are, Hinode Mayumi. But you should not be punished for Kaori’s actions.” He says it so simply. So, factually.
“You can stay.” 
I feel my lip warble, brushing against my mask.
Thank you. I sign, tears swelling.
I don’t question his confidence. I don’t question how he understands my hands. I just bask in gratefulness.
A firm nod, and Aizawa sensei stands; shoving his hands in his pockets and wandering to the front of the class.
Not long after, my peers start filing in. I get a warm nod from Tokoyami, and an affectionate bump from Dark.
Maybe, just maybe. 
I’ve finally found a place for me. 
Week one passes smoothly - and quickly. Classes settle into a new routine. Friendships start to form; Iida, Midoriya and Ururaka becoming the predictiblly popular triad.
 Homeroom with Aizawa sensei is always a generally stress-free start to the mornings - especially considering the following classes. Oddly enough, Aizawa sensei is the only teacher who prefers for us to use his given name.
So, the next class is English with Present Mic sensei; though he insists that Mic sensei is fine. Thankfully, he read my email along with my student records so is more than happy for me to skip oral exercises for the moment. Though, he was very hopeful that I’d be “comfortable and confident enough” to speak with him before exams came around.
Despite his near-obnoxious demeanor; he is easily the kindest teacher I have.
Cementoss sensei is also kind, though a little bland in his teachings. In his defense, there is only so many ways to make Modern Literature engaging. 
Midnight sensei is lovely. Her sexual nature in the media admittedly had me a little nervous, but she’s a splendid teacher. She’s so passionate about not only art and heroics, but her students. Despite this, some still seem to chalk her up to her media presence. I’m not fond of how Mineta acts around her.
Ectoplasm sensei isn’t unkind; but he doesn’t have that same connection with the class like our other teachers. But his maths skills are more than admirable.
But there’s only one class that truely matters at U.A. 
Aizawa sensei has been teaching us theory lessons, leaving us with a promise of practical lessons in the near future. Rumours of us getting taught by All Might himself circle around the school.
And lo-and-behold, when the day of our first practical lesson arrives; it is none other than the Number 1 hero; All Might, waiting in Ground B.
If the excitement of All Might wasn’t enough, everyone is buzzing with the chance to wear their hero costumes for the first time. 
The sunset leotard is tighter than expected, and the overskirt more sheer. But, the gloves fit perfectly, and the slit in the skirt is high enough for me to fully extend my limbs.
Other girls in the changeroom mumble similar problems; Uraraka and Yaoyorozu being the most uncomfortable. At some points, I want nothing more than to join in. To comfort them, or confide that I’m also uncomfortable with how my design was interpreted.
But, these girls seem far too kind to risk.
Eventually we all file out of the changerooms, joining the rest of the class. Unsurprisingly, the boys have no issues with their costumes.
The exercise is simple; everyone is to pair up. Half will be assigned heroes, and the other half villains. The hero team will need to infiltrate the building and capture a faux bomb that the villain team are protecting. 
I go towards Tokoyami without thought nor question, and he does the same.
“All Might sensei? How can we work in teams when there’s an odd number of us?” Midoriya pipes up, anxious voice warbling. I do a mental tally; only to realise that yes - he’s right.
“Good observation Young Midoriya! Miss Hinode will of course, not be participating due to the danger she poses to the class.” The teacher’s voice booms.
My brain goes numb. 
I’m dangerous.
All Might thinks I’m a danger.
He thinks I would hurt my class.
He thinks I’m just like her.
Stunned silence.
Heat burns my neck, burns my ears.
My lungs burn with shame.
Eyes bore into me; burning me even more.
With a loud clap, All Might gets the class moving.
I sit in the fabricated street as the faux battles go on. The roughly woven fabric leaves itchy, angry marks on my skin.
I don’t dare move. 
I sit there, labelled too dangerous to participate, as another student delivers grievous wounds.
I sit there, called everything but a villain, as Midoriya is rushed to Recovery Girl by All Might. 
Part of me longs to go after the boy I relate to so much; to be a helping hand. To be a friend.
But if the number one hero deems you a threat, it seems best to stay away from his number one fan.
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Seat 21 - Introduction
Every hero has their own origin story. Something that puts them aside from the rest. Something to give them the motivation to continue down the grueling path of becoming a pro hero. For some, they have been inspired by the greats to surpass them and inspire even more. Others have something to prove; to themselves or the world, it can be hard to tell. Some feel as though they owe something to the world, or that the world owes them. Some of us just want to protect others, the way we so desperately wished to be protected ourselves.
I couldn’t say which category I fall into. It changes day to day.
Regardless, this is my story. It is a story of friendships and heartbreaks. Of family and love. Of good and evil. Of fear and hope. This is how I met some of the most important people in my life. This is the story of my journey to becoming one of Japan’s top heroes.
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Thinking about dropping my bnha oc fic 👀👀
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