#seat 21
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youredreamingofroo · 3 months
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"Saw you there And then you looked right back And caught my stare"
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seilon · 4 months
“im having a platonic valentines day with my loving friends because romance is overrated” i get the point but do none of you people have jobs
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dearestlyrics · 4 months
was the water filling up for years
or did i wreck it all in a day?
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c-tmylip · 1 year
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opened my car seat headrest vinyl and this really reminded me of tøp, for obvious reasons lol
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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National French Bread Day
Oui, Oui, monsieur – please, pass me another loaf of French bread! Few things are more tantalising than a long, thin stick of French bread (also known as a baguette) enjoyed warm and fresh out of the oven. Its crispy crust and soft center are defining factors for this tasty treat. But before it even comes out of the oven, though, this bread beckons to anyone nearby who can enjoy the smell.
Because they must be eaten fresh, French people typically purchase their baguettes twice a day: one in the morning on their way to work, and one in the evening on the way home. While a little difficult to track, it is estimated by the Observatoire du Pain (The French Bread Observatory) that French people consume 320 baguettes every second of each day!
In fact, access to bread is so vital that, until 2014, Paris lawmakers prohibited certain community bakeries from closing for summer holidays at the same time, lest the entire neighborhood be tragically without bread!
National French Bread Day is a great opportunity to indulge in some classic comfort food at its finest, while also learning a little bit about French culture.
History of National French Bread Day
The French have been baking long sticks of bread for more than 200 years, but it was only in 1920 that the current baguette we know and love came into being.
During that time, a law was passed in France in 1920 that prohibited anyone from starting work before 4am, making it impossible for French bakers to get their traditional breads baked in time before all of the people went off to work. They needed a creative solution to make their bread bake faster, but they didn’t want to cheat their customers.
Voilà, the quick baking baguette was born!
During this time, the innovative French bakers discovered that bread made in this longer shape was actually convenient for cutting as well as for storage. What began as a creative way to speed baking time ended up as a revolutionary way to appreciate bread.
How to Celebrate National French Bread Day
Enjoying National French Bread Day doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as serving a lovely loaf of French bread warm, slathered with butter and a chunk of cheese on the side. Why not embrace the whole continental experience and have a glass of fine French wine with it? More, s’il vous plaît!
But, for those folks who absolutely love all things French–or those who just love a tasty baguette of French Bread–many more ideas come to mind for celebrating the day:
Learn to Make French Bread Baguettes
Although bread-making can sometimes be tedious, some people might really enjoy the challenge and sense of accomplishment that comes from making their own French Bread.
Traditional bakers of French bread use a starter that has been passed down through generations, which makes it a little difficult to recreate. Still, it’s worth a try!
Many recipes are available online or in cookbooks, but the basic ingredients are likely to include bread flour, sea salt, dry yeast and warm water. In fact, in order to be truly authentic, national law dictates that “French” Bread contains only these four ingredients.
Of course, when making it at home, other creative ingredients, such as seeds for topping, are subject to personal preference.
The steps for making French Bread are fairly simple, including mixing, kneading, allowing time for the dough to rise, and then rolling it into the proper baguette shape. The lack of preservatives make it so yummy–but also mean that it must be eaten right away, so don’t make it unless you’re also ready to eat it!
Dress as a Frenchman (or Woman)
The French are about as stylish and savvy as Europeans come, and their fashion is no exception. However, one specific idea comes to mind when thinking of a traditional French costume: the black and white striped shirt.
Get the look by donning a black and white striped shirt with elbow-length sleeves. Add a pair of plain black or red pants. A set of black or red suspenders would look great too. It might also be fun to draw on a curly mustache (with eyebrow pencil or mascara).
And for those who happen to have a poodle or who can borrow one, well that is certainly taking this costume to the next level. But the most important part of the outfit? The French beret on top, of course!
Once dressed up, if people ask why the costume, then it’s a great opportunity to tell them that it’s time to celebrate National French Bread Day.
Watch a French Film
One excellent way to embrace French culture from afar is to sit down comfortably in front of a French film–with a baguette in hand, of course!
Les Miserables, 2012 musical (based on the 1862 book by Victor Hugo and the 1987 Broadway musical adaptation) starring Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway and more. In the story, Hugh Jackman’s character went to jail for stealing bread.
La Vie En Rose, 2007 biopic of French singer, Édith Piaf, starring Maria Cotillard (who won an Oscar for the film).
Amélie (The Fabulous Destiny of Amélie), a 2001 fictional tale about a whimsical young woman in Paris who seeks to help those in the world around her.
French Kiss, 1995 romantic comedy starring Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline.
Learn to Speak a Little French
Embracing the fullness of French culture, it’s fun to learn a few French words to practice with friends. Try out these basic words to celebrate National French Bread Day:
Pain (pronounced like the English “pan”): Bread
Bonjour: Hello, Good morning
Au revoir: Goodbye
Oui (pronounced like the English “we”): Yes
Non: No
Merci: Thank you
Enjoy Many Types of French Breads
Of course, the baguette isn’t the only bread that France has offered the world.  Those who can locate a nearby French bakery are in luck and may find all kinds of treats to appreciate on National French Bread Day, including croissants, pain au chocolat, brioche, batard, and much more!
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hojlundaise · 10 days
the polish players on the side looking like 😒😒 waiting for this game to end djfskjd they wanna go warm up so bad but they cant yet
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serethereal · 1 year
the random redhead micheal cera cameo in the barbie trailer has made it go from a fun watch to a must watch
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ofpd · 1 year
me rn 🤝 30yos who are insecure about "visibly aging"
pls card me pls card me come onnn
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gengarghast · 2 months
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Seat 21 - Chapter 6
A/N: So so sorry for the long wait on this one!! Shit hit the fan and I forgot to update lmao. Going to mass update soon!
“Do not fear, students,” A voice booms. The discomfort it usually brings me is overrun by relief.
“I am here.” All Might zips toward us, seemingly flying inbetween villains on the way.
Everyone he’s touched is down. 
I glance up at Aizawa sensei, his eyes losing their glow. 
Though suddenly, I’m looking down at him instead.
My shoulder clashes against someone else, the warmth of their skin startling me. Sopping wet cloth sticks against my tail. Frantically, I search for everyone; only to find them encased by the same large suit-clad arms as myself.
All might. 
Wind rushes over us, and I feel my fins start to shrivel away. 
Gently, we meet the reddish cement. 
“Everybody head back to the entrance; and take Aizawa sensei. He hasn’t got much time.” The number one hero instructs, barely sparing us a glance. All I can do in response is nod.
My newly returned legs tremble as I pull them underneath me.
The pavement is rough and hard, my shoes long gone in the struggle. By the time I’m up, there is little I can do to help except follow my fellow students up the staircase.
The mutters from my left are near incoherent, but concerning nonetheless. Words like limits, trouble, time, are all I can pick up.
“Tsuyu, Hinode?” He speaks up.
“Yes Midoriya?” Tsuyu croaks.
“I need you two to carry Aizawa sensei.” His voice is warbling, eyes distant. 
I’m scared. I know whatever he intends to do, it will be dangerous.
But I cannot help, not without hindering him.
I slide an arm under Aizawa sensei’s arm; Midoriya takes off. Heading directly back into battle.
Careful. I think. Be safe, be careful.
Mineta and Tsu scream after him to no avail.
A commotion begins from the scene and my head snaps. Three more classmates.
The hotheaded Bakugou, the cheery Kirishima and the reserved Todoroki.
Forcing myself to turn back, I trudge up the stairs; Aizawa’s weight heavy against me.
From there; everything is a blur.
By the time we get to the top, everyone is hopeful. All Might is winning. 
Thirteen is in as good a shape as Aizawa is.
My damp skirt does little to clean the blood off of my sensei’s face. 
Cheers; All Might won.
Iida bursts through the door - our teachers in tow.
The villains warp away.
Aizawa sensei is rushed to hospital, I stay kneeling next to where he was laying.
We take the buses back to U.A.
A policewoman with a feline head takes my statement.
I walk home; head spinning with worry.
That night, dreams plague me. 
Blood running down Aizawa sensei’s face.
Midoriya starting to drown.
Blue and red and blue and red and blue and red and blue and red and blue-
I wake up with a soaked pillow and scales on my cheeks.
It takes what feels like years to fall asleep, but seconds to wake back up. My phone trills relentlessly.
A quick swipe, and the video call is answered.
Warm honey oozes out of me.
Hi Jun. I sign.
“Aneesan! I just saw the news! Are you okay? Was it cool? Did you sing?” Green eyes shine as my brother babbles on.
I’m fine, and it was I start, before Jun whines.
“Aneeesan, Mama’s at work, plus its a phone call. Talk to me!” 
I am talking. I grin cheekily. Another exasperated groan.
“Yes, it was very exciting,” I finish, all the leftover tension fading. His eyes shimmer like stars.
“Did you sing?” He asks again. My throat burns.
“I didn’t have a choice, Jun.” I explain.
“Whoaaa!” The boy awes, “I bet you were so cool.”
Laughter bubbles in my chest, floating out of my mouth. I can barely see his green stars, Jun smiles so big.
His smile drops, hair flopping to the side.
“What was that?” He asks, looking behind me. I hum, turning my head.
Then again, a patient rapping at the door.
“I’ll call you back Aneechan, bye!” Jun drawls, the chirpy dial cutting him off.
Wrapping a stray blanket around me, I scurry to the door. Considering yesterday, the peephole seems like a good idea.
Bright chartreuse stares right back at me.
“There she is!” A cheer from the other side of the door. Though the relaxed hair is different, its hard not to recognise those pointy yellow glasses.
Unlocking the door, I swing it opened.
Mic sensei? My fingers spell swiftly.
“The one and only, kiddo!” My teachers grin is overly wide, and comfortingly normal.
“Sho- uh, Aizawa sensei is awake now, he said you were pretty worried about him yesterday. Thought I’d come check in!” His smile softens, giving me a once over.
“Not alot of sleep, huh?” Kind eyes evaluate my face, quirking an eyebrow. I shake my head.
Is Aizawa sensei okay? I ask; images still flashing through my mind.
“Nothing he can’t handle, he’ll be good as new in no time!” A gentle hand on my shoulder, but when I look up; Mic sensei’s eyes are looking right through me.
“Your ‘rents home kiddo?” Again, I shake my head.
“They gone out for the day?” He asks, eyebrows furrowing.
No. I’m here for school, my mama and brother live on the coast. I explain.
“On your own?” Surprise is evident in his tone, but I shrug it off. 
“Not even a cat?” Surprise becomes shock, and I shake my head. 
“That’s,” Mic sensei pauses. “Not ideal, kiddo.” 
All I have to offer is another shrug. 
I manage.
Blond brows stay knitted together. 
“Hey kid? I need to make a few calls, mind letting your sensei in?” He asks.
I weigh everything up, ultimately deciding on letting him in. 
Mic sensei leads himself in, sitting at the kitchen table; diligently tapping away at his phone.
“You keep doing whatever you were doing kid, I won’t be long.” He waves offhandedly.
Awkwardly, I shuffle around the tiny kitchen - making a bowl of cereal to bring back to bed.
Junkun: Who was it?
Aneesan: One of my senseis.
Junkun: :0
Junkun: Is it a hero??
Junkun: Who is it???
Aneesan: Present Mic sensei
Junkun: THE Present Mic????
Aneesan: Yes, he’s just checking in on students today.
When I go back to the kitchen, Mic sensei is muttering into his phone.
“-just a kid,” followed by some grainy mumbles from the other side. I quickly hurry back to my room.
As I’m replacing my blanket for a hoodie, I hear an outburst from the kitchen.
“-have a duty of care! It’s not safe!” A chair scrapes, and I jerk back.
Not long after, a knock on my bedroom door.
“Hey kiddo, I’ve got some other errands to run, but I’ll come by and check in again later, kay?” Messy strands fall from his bun.
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
@imissthembutitwasntadisaster thank you for recommending Charlie Bone :') continuing on with my ongoing procrastination (rage, rage against the dying of the light by procrastination is really a terrible approach to school stress, but it happened), I finished the audiobook for book 1 today while crocheting myself an orange stomach warmer and really enjoyed it!!! (Both the book and the crocheting.) Was quite astounded by how strongly Jenny Nimmo puts across "choose to do good in a world so fraught with evil--there will be so much opposition and at times much peril, but it is a just, necessary, and joyful task"....... was really touched by the development of Charlie's friendships.
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dearestlyrics · 1 month
and god won’t forgive me
and you won’t forgive me
not unless i open up my heart
and how am i supposed to do that
when i go to this same room every night?
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charlespecco · 7 months
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bsaka7 · 1 year
Hold on what’s the beef with lando I never noticed your distaste (maybe I’m not paying attention)… I don’t like him because he looks and acts like a twelve year old who chews on pieces of paper at school
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your ask has been peer reviewed. boring driver. I hate mclaren. horrible attitude. not funny. like an evil version of my brother (which is also why I don't want to see him ficified lol stay away). annoying. Idk to me he comes off like an entitled brat lmao. family money got him his seat. Etc.
Okay edit bc I got another ask: there's no proof his dad paid for the first year of his seat. But he is worth like 300mil so still hate him for that.
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thedailyvio · 11 months
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Day 193
Art for ToothpasteDragon
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