#fat body politics
silvaurum · 6 months
if the idea of 'fat people are hot' makes you so agonizingly uncomfortable that you have to pop up with 'fetishization' or 'glorifying' or 'not everyone--' please consider that your discomfort with my fat body being hot is a You Problem and i am not interested
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thisisthinprivilege · 10 months
I don't remember if I ever said it here but - fat discrimination is going to the ER for something completely unrelated to weight and having the doctor write down "mild abdominal obesity" in your report. as if it was somehow relevant, worth noting, or had ANYTHING to do with why I was in the ER. thin people don't have to put up with it.
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ruelpsen · 5 months
Fuck it, I'm going to go out and say it: while I often enjoy being teased on here, a fair portion of what I receive irritates me as it's misguided at best and reeks deeply of unlearned, malicious fatphobia at its worst. Yes I want to be fatter but I'm not fat. I am a 140-lbs/63.5-kg twink despite all my efforts to gain weight. I'm not stick thin, sure, but I'm sure as hell not fat either. So why are some people insistent on calling me fat/huge/big? Are actual fat people too much for you (perhaps even in spite of you being a self-professed FA)? Is your idea of fatness grounded in equating 'not even that chubby' with 'fat' while not even being attracted to people who are actually fat? Do you solely find bloated skinny guys hot while still saying you like fat people? Or are you not attracted to fat people at all and here simply to take your fatphobia out on the people closest to your image of ideal thinness, who you'd be more openly attracted to if they lost 10-20 pounds, all while still scoffing at or ignoring the fat people at the heart of these communities?
Some of y'all really need to do better. Either own up to your love of people who are actually fat (which may entail adjusting your understanding of what fatness is), clean up your nomenclature, or don't be here. Yes unlearning biases like fatphobia takes time and effort, but your choices really are more or less that simple.
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himbochub · 3 months
i’ve posted about this multiple times at this point but i get so fucking horny and also filled with extreme joy whenever i come onto any feedism space and my timeline is overflowing with new feedees and blogs i’ve never seen, the community used to feel like it fit in the palm of my hand back when i joined tumblr in like 2017 and now there are an insane amount of creators, i love fat i love unabashed indulgence i love hedonism and fat pleasure its so awesome and i also love not seeing the creators i love leave the community forever as much as they used to due to this having to be like a big dark secret. the more of us there are practicing fat lib the more ive seen people accept this part of them and not turn their back on their truth and that is so cool!!
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hajihiko · 9 months
not to invalidate the other day people who see themselves in your impostor drawing (and not to validate the jerk that didn’t know how to offer constructive criticism in the first place) but as someone who’s body type is more similar to canon impostor you did slim him down quite a bit. there isn’t any problem with the actual drawing yknow, there are tons of people who look like that, but impostor in canon is fatter.
see that's a comment I can work with! I haven't figured out a way to make the mouth lines work for my style (someone also said they find them offensive I think) but I can look at the sprites better and practice
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tasteless-vermin · 7 months
i don’t think people realize that even if you claim to be size-positive you are still saying harmful things.
you can “you’re fat and thats beautiful” all day everyday but if you follow that up with “don’t wear this it makes you look boxy” or “that has no shape add a belt” maybe you need to step away from the conversation.
i hate to tell you but some people are boxy. some people have “unattractive” body types and you need to learn to be Normal about it.
people can wear clothes that make them look “boxy” or “frumpy” and that’s fine! as long as the clothes make them happy it’s fine! you need to find it in your heart to stop caring.
judging people on body shape rather than size is still bad and i’m not sure what it’ll take to explain that.
this isn’t all to say that you/someone shouldn’t have clothes that fit well. don’t put words in my mouth. every living soul on earth deserves clothes that are good quality and fit how they want it to.
this is genuinely just about people claiming to be body positive (or god forbid body-progressive or something else more radical) that Still choose to make comments about a person’s figure without considering where those thoughts are coming from.
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sunkern-plus · 7 months
not enbian as in "nonbinary as a singular third gender who presents androgynously/neutrally who desires other nonbinary people who do the same", but enbian as in "nonbinary person with a weird outherine xenine gender who loves the whole spectrum of nonbinary people"
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fatliberationdamnit · 8 months
Having a body is already so difficult. Why do there have to be politics involved as well
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What part of "I identify as" do these bigots not understand?
Apparently, you have to "objectively" and "really" be fat. But you can just "identify as" anything else.
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eqan · 10 months
i’ve taken dewey to work at the hospital twice now and he is sooooo good there. very gentle with patients who want to meet him. polite little man who wants everyone to pet him (‘: and throw things for him to chase then chew on
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hometownrockstar · 1 year
i think that if you, regardless of your weight, want to express your attraction to fat people but are afraid of being fetishistic, your first step is to examine and unpack your feelings about fat people and why you are attracted to them. does the source stem from the feeling of shame of being attracted to an "othered" or societally undesirable body? or is it simply another facet of your attraction, admiring curves and features and strength and happiness and the body of your loved one?
i believe that is is possible and healthy to be attracted to fat people because of their body and features, just that it is hard to show this or express it in a healthy manner because attraction, stigma, and societal standards are so intertwined. when it shows in the form of a thin person fetishizing and objectifying fat people as a kink, the fat body is turned into an object of scorn, something that is shameful to be attracted to because of how it is the opposite of the norm. the fat person and their feelings are not considered. but when this shame is challenged and discarded, attraction can form from the connection and love and personhood that comes with loving a fat person, and admiring everything about them. their body is not a detraction, something that they have "in spite of," it is another part of what makes them beautiful and valued.
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ruelpsen · 1 month
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me w/ my fave
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minophus · 4 months
nobody ever draws those old men not primed and i appreciate it so much that you do and your Sisyphus is not skinny six pack weird ‼️‼️💥💥hellyeah‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
THISSSSSSSSS EXACTLY THIS! dont get me wrong i think about their prime shenanigans every day of my life and how they still call eachother sun and moon( think it'd be fun for sisyphus to call minos new moon, regarding his face.. ) but what about before. where is the establishment of their RELATIONSHIP
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cerulapis · 2 months
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Got to witness a situation like that in a park.
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whereserpentswalk · 5 months
so you think you just want to be thin for no reason? it isn’t the fact that society treats fat people worse and clothing is harder and more expensive to find and that you don’t receive proper medical care? none of those things? you think your preferences were made in a vacuum?
I was generally pretty accepted for my weight back when I was fat. I honestly get more weirdness because of my current body type thanks to creeps like you (and other types of creeps). The reason I'm happier like this is because I just look like I want to look, it's really that simple.
You're just giving me the same spiel terfs give to trans men. The vast majority of people who want to change their bodies aren't changing them because of oppression, if that were the case there would be a lot more transracial people. The main reason people want to lose weight is the same as the reason why almost anyone wants to change their body: because they want to look how they feel. There are healthy and unhealthy ways of going about this, but the feelings just are.
People have the right to do what they want to their bodies, especially if it means feeling more comfortable as yourself. This includes medical transition, tattoos, and piercings, and it also includes gaining or losing fat and muscle. Our bodies are our property to do what we want to with.
And if you think the fact that I'm not fat anymore is something you get to approve or disapprove of, it means you consider my body to be something you have a right to control. You're no different than a catcaller that way honestly.
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turtle-toe · 7 months
My experience with and opinion on fat acceptance
I am currently 16 years old and 5'6, 169 pounds. I need to tell my story.
I've been fat or chubbier my entire life due to poor eating habits taught to me early on. "Oh, you want thirds on that giant plate of yours? Sure, go right ahead." But I never really noticed until about 5th grade and really got self conscious in 6th grade. But, I was healthy. I'd say I was around 5'3 and 155-160 pounds. I moved around a lot, I was running with no thought about breath control every day at recess. But I still sucked in my guy and wore giant shirts so no one could see the shape of my body. Then, Covid hit.
I gained what i thought was so much weight during lockdown, as everyone else did too, as well as my oh so quirky mental illnesses. I was at 168 and it made me feel horrible. But not in the health way but the outer appearance way. Then I discovered fat acceptance.
I went from sucking in my gut to being sucked into a harmful mindset that I cannot change but that's okay.
Now, I have to give the movement credit where it's due; it both positively and negatively affected me. The negative part was that i gained about 20 pounds. I got to 180. The positive was that I gained confidence that I desperately needed. I started to not care as much about what I thought people would think, I started to wear more form fitting clothes, I started to even wear two piece swimsuits. But that 20 pounds felt absolutely horrible. And after about two years in the fat acceptance movement, I finally got out of it.
I finally stopped blaming everyone else, either for not being "fat positive" or for being the ones who made me fat. I finally stopped thinking the "naturally" skinny girls were my worst enemy. I finally stopped blaming my genetics. I finally realized just how much I was grossly overeating. I finally saw just how bad I was and how the path I was taking would've lead me to major health problems and an unhappy life filled with resentment and bitterness.
So I took that confidence given to me by the movement and I used it to better myself. After many ups and downs, I managed to get down to 162. I've gained 7 pounds back but I'm trying my best to be consistent. And this health journey started because I wanted to be healthier and just feel better, mostly because I wanted to justify it because I thought that it was wrong of me to want to lose weight to look a certain way. But honestly, fuck that. I don't care if it's fat phobic of me to want my own body to be smaller. So, health is a priority for me but I will be damned if I don't start looking the way I want.
And I tagged this with so many of these fat acceptance tags because I know for damn sure that I would've needed this post three years ago. To hear how it affected someone close to my age. So to anyone who is feeling like shit because you feel as though you can't lose weight or you don't feel as pretty as others; you can do this. You're absolutely gorgeous and handsome and pretty and interesting no matter how you look. But please, please, please don't take to the fat acceptance movement as a way go block out and ignore your insecurities. It doesn't work, it will only get worse. I lost those 17 pounds just by eating a few more vegetables and very inconsistent exercise. I realize everyone is different but it's way easier than you think it is.
Please, y'all, take care of yourselves.
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