#fault bc im the one that put myself in a place where im barely keeping it together. its just frustrating
opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#i truely have so much anger built up inside me about my job. ive done a very good job of making it unbearable#and after taking a 10 day vacation. plus 2 days of not working bc im sick. i really dont wanna go back#i was planning to take 3 days to not do fucking anything but my boss just emailed me with some time sensitive#logistical things. so like i guess i gotta fucking do that tomorrow. i started reading the email and it made my head hurt#and she started it off like. hopw ur feeling better and i dont wanna cause stress but...#like bro. listen. if u tell me these things u put them in my head and i csnt stop thinking abt them until theyre done. and its not her#fault bc im the one that put myself in a place where im barely keeping it together. its just frustrating#bc it feels like hope u feel better but also kill urseld 💖 but again thats just how it feels bc im so. idk how to describe it im like in a#state of post burnout. im sitting in the ash. alone in a desolate landscape and its like jesus how tf do i fix this?#and i cant even run out my anger rn bc im sick. and i mean i have the energy to run i dont feel lethargic but like i doubt that would aid#recovery lol. ugh. 2 months. thats all. then i move away. assuming i find a place to live lol. bc i currently haven't yet#but whatever. assuming i get better quickly and dont get worse and dont get covid on top of this cold bc my dad got covid#it will have been a bit of a blessing i came back sick bc i have a clear justification for not working and for telling people to fuck off#when they ask for things from me. like today a lab mate asked if i could sample Monday. which it technically#a holiday but i probably would have said yes if i wasnt sick. and i would have had to teach undergrads some bullshit friday if i wasnt sick#instead i just did nothing all day bc i almost moved bsck my flight and didnt leave home until the weekend anyway#i guess its good i didnt bc then i would have been stuck in ohio bc my dad found out he had covid yesterday#idk its all just frustrating bc im halfway in a transition and im not doing very well but i cant do anything to fix things until i leave#the southwest. like i dont even kno if i have health insurance rn. my benifits change request was processed but like does thst mean it was#approproved? fucking idk. so everytime i do anything i imagine a worstcase scenario where i end up hospitalized and damned to an empty#bank account or eternal medical debt. tho my mum said they passed a law where they arnt allowed to do thst to u anymore 🤷‍♂️#whatever. im annoyed. i dont wanna work 😫#unrelated
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harrysweasleys · 4 years
two heads of red hair // r.w
Summary: omg i love your writing so much- can you please write something REALLY soft for draco malfoy or ron weasley? thank u- HAHA SORRY IM A WH0R3 FOR FLUFF
Warnings: enough sweetness to give you a cavity, i swear.
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: oh, sweet anon, aren’t we all whores for fluff?? bc i know i am. also sorry this was late! i’m feeling a tad better! now enjoy what’s quite possibly the softest thing i’ve ever written. xox (also it’s not proofread sorry)
The pouring rain was the only think keeping you awake as your rushed back into the house, wet hair sticking to your face and all your clothes glued to your skin.
Your first outing in nearly a month and you had regretted ever even leaving the house. The cold November rain made you feel as if your very core was frozen — a very rude awakening at this late hour of the morning.
You slammed your door shut behind you as if keeping out the rain demons, leaning back against it and sighing out in relief that you were finally in a dry environment.
You shrugged off your sticky rain jacket, not even bothering to dry it off so that the drops wouldn’t puddle onto the hardwood floors. You hung it up, tossing your rainboots to the side as well. You dropped the full grocery bag to the floor, planning on putting the stuff away once you had regained your energy.
The house was quite, which was no surprise. Ron was fast asleep when you left that morning. He probably hadn’t even noticed you were out, really. He’d probably lose his mind once he found out, but he couldn’t have stopped you while sleeping so it wasn’t your fault.
You tiptoed over to your room, spotting the familiar head of ginger hair still sound asleep, a smaller mop of ginger hair resting against his chest. Your heart swelled at the sight and you left the room, letting the two of them catch up on much deserved sleep.
After your son was born, about a month ago, Ron went into full defence mode. He didn’t let you leave the house, too worried that something would happen to you. Maybe it was paranoia from the war many years ago, or maybe just because his inner protective dad side was coming through, but you loved him for it anyways.
He loved your newborn unconditionally. The two of them were inseparable and Ron didn’t seem to complain one bit. You’d often find them snoozing on the couch in the late afternoons or watching telly together — Ron loved to watch your son’s face light up at the silly cartoons.
Being as quiet as humanly possible, you snuck into the kitchen and opened the fridge, beginning to put away the food you had just bought and taking some stuff out to make him some breakfast. For a month now, Ron had been doing all the house work — cooking, chores, laundry — you thought it was about time you worked up the energy and did something for him.
You took a few eggs out of the fridge, along with the bacon that you had just bought, and began making him the first meal of the day while hoping the smell wouldn’t wake him or the baby up. The pouring rain continued on outside, which was no longer a pain considering you were becoming drier by the second.
After you had beautifully arranged a little tray, pouring him a cup of tea as well, you began slowly walking back into the bedroom. You stared at them for a little while, a bright smile on your face at how cute they were together. But, alas, you didn’t want the breakfast to grow cold.
You walked to his side of the bed, placing the tray down on the window sill and kneeling next to the bed, placing a quick kiss on Ron’s nose.
He scrunched up his face, “Mmm.. mornin’, darling.”
You smiled down at him, lifting your hand to run it gently through his hair. The morning sunlight was streaming through the windows, illuminating his bright hair and the freckles that were scattered faintly across his cheeks.
“Morning,” you smiled, “Made you breakfast.”
“Ah, I thought I smelled something,” he chuckled quietly, lifting both of his hands to place them on the sleeping baby still dozed off on his chest, “I can’t bring myself to wake him.”
You stood up and placed your hands around your son, “I’ll take him.” You lifted him off of Ron’s chest and cradled him in your arms, his big brown eyes waking up to look at you, “Hey, Ollie.”
Ron had fallen in love with the name Oliver — and luckily, you had too. When your son was born, there was no doubt in your mind that the name Oliver would suit him perfectly.
He fussed slightly, letting out a small cry before readjusting himself and resting his tiny head against your chest. Ron grinned at the two of you, standing up to grab the tray and sitting back down in bed.
“Come join me,” he pat your spot on the bed, lifting the covers a bit so you could come join him. You happily obliged, carefully sitting down without causing distress to your sleeping son.
“Thank you for this,” he motioned to the food, “Still love spoiling you more, though.”
“You always spoil me,” you replied with a grin, “Don’t know what I did to deserve it.���
He gave you a look of mock shock, “Don’t know what you did? Blimey, woman. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Don’t be pretending you’re not.”
Resting your head against his shoulder and letting out a laugh, you nodded, “Fine, as long as you also know you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Both of you are.” You gazed down at your son, his eyes shut and his mouth hanging open. He had so many of his father’s features and you couldn’t help but beam with pride. If he had his father’s personality as well — his drive, his passion, dedication, loyalty — you’d be the proudest mum there ever was.
Ron stuck out his hand, holding a piece of bacon. You gladly accepted it with your teeth, enjoying the savoury flavour and suddenly wondering why you hadn’t made breakfast for yourself.
“Where’d you get the eggs? Could have sworn we were out,” Ron looked at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“We were,” you nodded, “I went to the grocery store this morning.”
He stared blankly at you, “You didn’t — Y/N, I told you not to go out there. You just had a baby, you need to rest up. Besides, I can hear the heavy rain hitting the roof. It’s miserable outside.”
You gave him a soft smile, “I know, Ron. But I was getting bored all cooped up. You’ve been doing everything, I wanted to do something for you.”
“And I appreciate it, darling, don’t get me wrong,” his eyes softened and he looked between you and Ollie, “I just worry about you. All the time.”
“I know, love,” you leaned forwards and pressed a kiss to his cheek, “If it makes you feel better, I did bring my wand.”
He pursed his lips and nodded his head, “Makes me feel a little better. But still. Next time, if you want to leave, we’ll go together, yeah?”
“Yes, Ron, we’ll go together,” you said slowly, like a child repeating orders from their parents. He seemed to accept your answer, though, for he went back to eating his breakfast, feeding you as well considering your stomach had begun to grumble loudly.
After you guys finished eating, you stood up and placed the still-sleeping baby in his crib, trying your best not to wake him as he looked incredibly peaceful. You smiled down at him before leaving the room and following Ron to the kitchen.
With a flick of his wand, the dishes were clean and began to float back to the cabinets where they belonged. You had barely had the chance to stand by his side before the cleaning had been done.
“Well, now we’ve got a whole morning of nothing to do,” he grinned, spinning around and wrapping his arms around you, pulling you flush to his warm body.
You lifted your hands and tamed his hair, “Wanna cuddle on the couch?”
“Of course. ‘S like you read my mind,” he smirked, pressing a kiss to your forehead and leading you to the couch, the two of you flipping down with you landing on top of him.
“Accio blanket,” you mumbled, the blanket from the other couch zooming over and enveloping the two of you in comfortable warmth.
Now comfortable and warm, you nuzzled your head into Ron’s chest, who had just turned on the telly to watch something about an upcoming football match — you were barely paying attention as you started zoning off in Ron’s arms.
“Go back to sleep, love,” he kissed the top of your head, rubbing his hand through your hair, “I’ll wake you up if there’s anything.”
“Mkay,” you mumbled, wrapping your arms around his torso, “Love you.”
The heavy rain nearly drowned out his words as he whispered back, “Love you too. To the ends of the earth.”
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gildedskull · 3 years
My friends ‘kidnapped’ me to go out and hang with everyone. Not really lots of complaints down below but I do talk about the nothing that happened. This blog’s a fuckin diary okay.
It was nice going out, we went to the city and went to some cool stores but liek,,, I really didn’t have a good time. I was with my other friend, not the 😬 friend, but the mutual friend who i planned to also cut off things off so they weren’t caught in the middle of everything. It was other friend and their sister, and then mutual friend who is 😬 friend’s roommate. It was 😬 friend’s idea and they had slept through the ‘kidnapping’ part of it, missed hanging out in the city for like 4 hours, and then we were only together at their place for like 2 hours, if that.
So. Like. Didn’t have a great time. Like it wasn’t bad, but it definitely didn’t show me that I was missing out on anything. That I needed friends. For one I was just fucking tired, like for no reason, and I had a headache the entire time. And then we just did nothing which is fine I guess but I felt like I was doing nothing but wasting time. And the thing that like sucks that’s no one’s fault is how long it took do everything, like they kidnapped me, we drove an hour to pickup the roommate, and then spent another hour and a half driving to the location and wasting some time at just generic Target before getting to the cool part of the area (thrift shops, bars, antique shops). And the cool part wasn’t so cool because we just went to the same two shops and everythings expensive as fuck - we did go to a cool place called the rabbit hole and I bought some things but otherwise it just felt like we were wasting time but not in the fun way. The entire time I had a headache, and we didn’t really talk about anything important, and then we got the roommate and she just doesn’t know how to stop talking and like that didn’t make my headache better - like it was so bad I was being sensitive to lights and getting car sick... I didn’t say much bc I didn’t want to ruin people’s time. They did give me some aspirin that didn’t help. I tried downing coffee and an energy drink and I was still so fucking tired, like it most definitely effected the amount of fun I was having but like I don’t know if I felt bad bc no reason or bc I knew I was hanging out with them and didn’t want to.
But like, this entire thing was 😬 Friend’s idea and they didn’t show up. And I wanted to maybe talk to mutual friend about it but felt weird doing it in front of their sister - but even then I didn’t say shit to friend, I told the sister about it!!! And I think I did because I knew she wouldn’t say anything, like she didn’t disapprove or was like shocked or proud or nothing, she just absorbed it which I think was nice. I think I didn’t tell Friend 2 about it bc I knew they’d feel awkward or hurt, or feel like they have to walk on eggshells or smthing idk.
But I told the Sister, and she was cool about it and was even like hey we’ll have a signal when we wanna leave their apartment - we didn’t end up using it but yeah it was still nice of her to be like that. And like I told her when we were in a place where I knew we wouldn’t be alone for long, so like I knew she couldn’t console me. I feel only kinda bad like ‘putting this on her shoulders’ but its really not that major, I said it was a ‘secret’ and I don’t think she’ll tell friend 2, but I’m not bothered if she does. I’d be okay with that and I hope she doesn’t feel bad about keeping it.
At the apartment it felt weird seeing them again. Like they mostly acted like nothing happened, and just berated me saying to care about the people who care about me - and I’m like they don’t fucking care about me but yeah. I was pleasant, I didn’t say anything - I actually didn’t say anything to them at all. They were like bro wtf and again doing the general like hey don’t be a piece of shit and don’t contact people, and I just :I and nodded - fuck I barely made eye contact with them. They hugged me coming and going and it felt bad and wrong. They have no clue how I feel and how hurt I was and am, and I don’t think they’ll ever understand. They updated me on like their family issues  and then was like yeah man you missed out on dnd - I didn’t tell them but again was like bro I don’t give a flying fuck about dnd, I’m done, I fucking quit, you and your friends are too fucking much. I gave them as much of a cold shoulder as I could without making the entire social setting weird. Again. No one noticed anything.
My birthday and halloween are coming up soon and it’s my favorite holiday and it’s friend’s 2 favorite holiday and we always always always throw a party that turns into my birthday party, my birthday is nov 1 - we haven’t talked anything about plans - but I think that’s because previously I invited them over to my sister’s house where we’d watch movies and dress up and drink with their big projector screen. I’m dreading any of them bringing that up. Again they have no fucking clue about anything. And I know my sister knows about what the plan was, about the party that was gonna happen, hell she was just as excited as us, and I don’t want to tell her about what’s going on. I don’t want to have to say yeahhhh, that thing you were excited about cancel it bc im being a bitch baby with my friends and trying to cut them off. And even then, if they try and do their own party and invite me, I don’t think I couldn’t go; like I think they’d find that suspicious as fuck AND try and kidnap me again. I mean Ima try in all my power to not go, but this will be what finally ‘rocks the boat’ I think. Frankly I’m just hoping no one says anything and forgets about it, I was generally the one making the plans for it so fingers crossed.
I thought I could maybe try and stay friends with friend 2 after the outing but they’re sooo much friends with Them and Roommate that I’d have to tolerate spending time with them and I don’t think that’d be fun for anyone. I don’t think I should have to put myself through that, I’m sick of compromising for everyone. I really really like friend 2 and their friendship and want to stay in their life but I don’t want to suffer and I don’t want them to feel bad for being caught in the middle whatsoever. Like I’m sooo tempted to just going back and being friends, but I’m tired. I’ve read my old posts, I remember my feelings and how hurt i’ve been - and I have changed and they’ve changed, but that doesn’t make that time invalid and doesn’t make the most recent shit invalid, like they’ve still be hurting me all this time - I’ve spent years hurting and I’m finally putting my foot down and refusing to be hurt. I don’t want to go back to bending over backwards and taking the high ground, I’m sick of it. It’s been a toxic ass relationship, and I no longer feel ‘guilty’ for not being their friend and confidant, they have roommate now and a home and a place, and other people who love them. They’ll be okay without me and I’ll be better without them.
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His loss, My gain. PART 5
JokerXChubby reader
Summary- Not saying anything bc I’ll give it away!
Warning- No smut this time. It’s very triggering. Talk of self harm and suicide attempts. Please don’t read if you are triggered. Angtssyyyy! Don’t worry, it gets better next chapter. 
A/N- I made J like super soft but also super mean and rough. I love playing with the different sides if him and how the reader fucks with his head and heart. Not quite sure if the Joker has ever cried, but in my story he does! Well, not like ball out cry, just a tear. Also, I made Harley like a super bitch in here. I love her too death, though.
Part 1- https://1-800-kill-me-im-gay.tumblr.com/post/173544548545/his-loss-my-gian
Part 2- https://1-800-kill-me-im-gay.tumblr.com/post/173576126505/his-loss-my-gain-part-2
Part 3- https://1-800-kill-me-im-gay.tumblr.com/post/173650770775/his-loss-my-gain-part-3
Part 4- https://1-800-kill-me-im-gay.tumblr.com/post/173740290955/his-loss-my-gain-part-4
Part 6- https://1-800-kill-me-im-gay.tumblr.com/post/173765326075/his-loss-my-gain-part-6
Tagging- @haileysarahmarie @xxqueenwxtchxx @indifitel6661
@i-m-p-a-l-a-6-7 @lovermrjoker
So, I completely forgot to tag you @indifitel6661 but, the masterlist is up there^^^
Joker’s point of view.
Joker’s point of view.
She was driving me crazy. Her smell was on my clothes, in the bed, in my office. It’s like she ripped herself apart and placed pieces of her inside of me. I need to get her out and soon. The sooner we get the show on the road, the sooner she won’t feel anything and she’ll be numb. If she feels nothing for me, I won’t feel for her. 
I couldn’t even look at her as I walked by her. If I did, I’d lose my hair and flip the tables. My head was turning and I couldn’t think of anything but her, and I needed to clear my head. I texted Lucas and told him to bring around the car. 
Right as we walked out the house, my feet stopped in their tracks, meeting faces with a very pale woman with red and blue hair. Harley. I nearly spat at her and killed her, but also curious to what she wanted. Grabbing her by the hair, I slammed her into the back of the black SUV.
Pulling out my gun, I aimed it at her head, making her frown. “Whatcha’ doin’ pointing a gun at me, puddin’!?” She squeaked. I surely did not miss that obnoxious voice and accent. 
“Why are you here?” I growled, pressing the gun against her head. 
“I heard yah replaced me, puddin’! I couldn’t sit here and do nun! come ooooonnn, didn’t yah miss me, daddy?”
I didn’t miss her, but she was exactly what I needed to get my mind off if Y/N. I looked down at my phone when it buzzed, noticing it was a message from Fost.
-Y/N left. Brick took her to her apartment and to her editor. Said they wouldn’t be back for an hour or two.
I growled and threw my phone across the car. Opening the door, I stepped out onto the side walk in front of the house since we never left. How did I miss Y/N leave? Grabbing Harley by her hair, I dragged her into the penthouse and up to my room, pushing her on her knees.
“Show daddy how much you missed him.” What am I doing!? I was screaming at myself for doing this, but it had to be done. I was falling too hard for Y/N and I needed Harley to get my mind off of her. Although, it is true I hate the bitch, she gave pretty good head, but not better than Y/N. No one was better than Y/N.
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Growling at Harley, I ripped open my pants, pulling out my cock and shoving it in her mouth. She quickly wrapped her lips around my length, bobbing her head back and forth. 
Closing my eyes, I tried to picture something other than Y/N, but all I could think of was how perfect she was, how her mouth felt on my dick and her pussy clenching around me. I gripped Harley’s hair harder, shoving my dick into her mouth until it hit the back of her throat, making her gag. 
I looked up, meeting eyes with a pair of vibrant Y/E/C ones. There stood Y/N, eyes wide and bloodshot at the door. I wasn’t thinking clearly and didn’t think about shutting the door. Before I could do anything, she slammed the door closed, darting down the stairs. I was quick to pull Harley away, throwing her across the floor, making her scream. 
Tucking my shit back in, I ran down the stairs and to the road, watching as Y/N’s new lambo sped down the road. Screaming, I got on my phone, calling the henchman and letting them know to find Y/N and tie up Harley. 
I jumped in my car as fast as I could, going straight to Y/N’s house, finding her car there. Running upstairs, I ran through her house, finding nothing but a note on the mirror written in lipstick. 
You fucked up, J. What ever happens to me is your fault. 
Xoxo, the soon to be new Harley Quinn. 
“AAHHHHHH!” I punched the mirror, sending shards of glass flying, some cutting my knuckles. I sprinted back to the car, tracking down Y/N to the chemical plant. My knuckles were bleeding all over the steering wheel and were squeezed tight as I hurried there, hoping to get her in time before she does anything stupid. 
Hopping out of the car, I run into the building, finding the stairs and jumping up them, finding Y/N standing at the edge. “You come near me and so help me, I’ll kill you.” She says, holding up a gun, I notice how blood drips down her arm, dripping underneath her long sleeve Shirt.
“Y/N, please, baby. Put down the gun and come to me.” My voice was soft and trembly, filled with nothing but emotion.
“DON’T CALL ME ‘BABY’! You think you can call me that and try and sweet talk me after I walk in on you with your dick in some sluts throat!?” She lets out a maniac laugh, scratching her head with the gun. “Down Harley Quinn’s throat.” 
I take a deep breath, stepping toward her to where I can pull up the sleeve of her shirt. She lets me pull up her sleeve, smearing blood over carved leters reading “I hate myself.” Pulling over the other sleeve, there’s a huge gash down the middle of her forearm and is dripping blood heavily. 
I feel my Herat break in my chest at the sight if her. Blood dripping from her arms. I could feel everything inside of me break. The wall I built around my heart came crashing down and for the first time in years, a tear slipped down my cheek. The thought of me breaking her killed me. I couldn’t watch this girl...the girl that I was falling desperately...who I was IN LOVE with die. Not over me and not over Harley. 
Y/N’s eyes closed, wobbling lightly, but not enough to lose her grip on the gun. I tried smacking it out of hand, but she twirled it in her hand, hitting me with the handle. I grunted, moving my hand to my now bloody lip. I was trying to hold my composure, to not let anger take over me. I felt my eyes stare as she went completely insane. And then a tear fell.
“you think you can manipulate me with a fucking tear and try to take my gun....don’t, don’t you think you’ve hurt me enough?” Y/N took a deep breath, trying to steady her breathing and keep her eyes open. She was probably about to pass out form the blood loss, or die. “You know what, J? I love you. I’m...I’m in love with you. And If you cared...about me...” I watched as she stepped to the edge “you’d save me.” I reached for her arm, but was too late, she was already over the edge, falling into the bubbling acid. 
I grunted, walking backwards, thinking about leaving her, but I rip off my jacket.
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Jumping in after her. I hit the acid, slightly burning my skin, swimming to the bottom and grabbing a hold of her and dragging her to the top. I took a gasp for  air, expecting Y/N to do th same, but she didn’t. I looked around us, noticing black swirling in the yellowish chemicals. I brushed my lips against hers, again, expecting her to make up, but she didn’t. Pressing down harder, the taste of chemicals envaded my mouth, still not waking Y/N. 
“J!” Looking up, I saw frost and my henchmen coming in. 
“Frost! Get us out! She’s not waking up!” I growled angrily, kicking over to the side and started to push Y/N up, letting the henchman grab her. I climbed out of  the chemicals, falling on to my knees beside of Y/N. “Come on, baby. I need you to wake up.” I looked up at frost eyes wide with desperation, somthing he’s never seen before...something I never felt before. 
“What happened, J?” 
“Harley happened. I couldn’t get my mind off of Y/N so I used Harley and she caught us. Then she said that she’d be here....and then....” I motioned towards her, my breathing ragid. 
“Why isn’t she waking up? Harley woke up.” Frost was looking confused, pressing his fingers to Y/N’s neck, finding her pulse. 
“Her wrists are slit.” 
“That explains why there’s barely a pulse. She lost a lot of blood. We need a hospital, J. Now.”
We barged into the hospital, Y/N in my arms, limp. Frost started screaming for a doctor, making multiple rush to us, stopping as soon as they saw who it was. 
“Save her and you won’t die.” I growled, placing Y/N on the bed. “Do I...make myself clear?” I pointed my gun at her as she nodded her head. “Good....now, she has a slit wrist and she jumped into acid. Now.....do your job...and save her.” The lady cut of Y/N’s top off and I watched as her lace clad breast came into view. Forcing my eyes away, I watched as she peeled her shirt off of her body, pulling it away from the dried blood. The cut was deep and thick, and the other arm with the letters craved into it was still bleeding a little.
“We need to hook her up to Iv’s and have a blood transfusion. If she looses too much blood then we’ll lose her for good. Sir, do you know her blood type?”
“A+.” I answered. How I knew, that’s a funny question. I had a file on her, I knew everything about her, I studied it day 
“I need an A+ and the Iv’s. Hook her up. She should be awake in an hour or two once we get her set up.”
Frost and I went home so I could change and get Y/N clothes so we could get her once she woke up. Frost’s phone started to ring and he answered it, a look of concern washing over his face.
“Sir, Y/N’s gone. It was the bat.”
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abbrielle-caudill · 3 years
I’m going to put something down that I wrote to my husband. I never gave him to read just needed to vent.This was two week right before my husband asked for divorce and wrecked my life. I only shown this to two people but I’m ready to share what my real feelings are. This may help others that may went through the same situations as me. Just know you’re not alone in this world. Hurt and Tired: Why do I keep letting him hurt me over and over. Is it love, is it blind faith, or is it being plum stupid. Maybe it is all of thee above.
I'm tired of him ignoring me all the time like he don't give a shit at all. He expects me to listen to him. Always be interested in his opinions. Lord forgive if I want him to listen to any of my opinions.
I cant stand his constant need to lie to me about everything all the time. I mean it can be the most smallest things. But yet he will lie about it. Like what is the damn point? I'm sick of lies like grow some balls. Be a man and learn to start telling the truth.
I don't understand his constant need to be right all the time. He will argue about everything big or small know damn good and well he's wrong. Like when I try to talk to him like a adult he will argue and act like its all my fault just mentally abuse me even when I know in my heart I'm right.
I'm tired of not being taking seriously. What I say and do matters just as much as him. But seems like in his head it don't. He says it dose. Actions speak way louder then words
I'm tired of only being treated like his maid instead of being treated like his wife. Last time I check marriage was supposed to be a team effort not a dictatorship.
I'm tired of him taking his anger out on me when he's upset with other I have feelings to and guess what it hurts me when u say mean thing to me.
I use to be able to talk to you about how I feel. Lately though seems like you don't care you just say ok , walk away. Say here we go again, or back at ignoring me.
It hurts and annoys me when you ask me to make ur lunch or clean this or that. Problem is you demand it. Not once when I was working did u make nor pack me lunch, or I come home after asking for something to be clean and found out you played games or slept all day.
It absolutely kills me when you say you have nothing to show for in your life. Shows me that aperently I was never good enough for you. I've bought you so many things, done so much over the years we been married for you. Seems like you forgotten who did all that for you. Know how many times I wanted to get things for me how I wanted to buy things I enjoy but didn't because you always wanted games, electrics, or whatever else. I thought about you before myself.
Now here I am I lost my job right after losing Tyler, my aunt, and my uncle, and it had me go in the darker place then I ever been. I almost killed my self several times, but I couldn't go through it because I felt like I needed to suffer with the pain instead taking the easy way out. You never noticed.
Physically I'm in alot of pain that no one knows about everyone just know what I tell them because I don't want everyone to worry. Mentally I'm a mess im dealing with a depression that is so over bareing that everytime im alone all I can do is cry and think why was I even born. Then I got my anxiety that makes me constantly worry about everything when all I want to do is forget this world but my mind don't let me. You think its something that can be cured and shut off like a switch. Thats not how it works!!
It bothers me that you constantly ask me if I've found a job. I worked my ass off when you wouldn't even try to look for a job. I made sure all bills where paid food on the table you had what you need even when I didnt. When I say mentally, and physically I can't work right now because I'm on the edge of a full mental breakdown that there will be no coming back from instead of treating like I don't matter how about showing some compassion, love me through the pain stop doing all the toxic shit you do. Stop acting like a child and act like a man my husband that loves me for every flaw I carry with me. Im not saying I'm right all the time or that I'm perfect because I'm far from it. Just know you will never find another woman that will love you as much as I do. I stay because I love you more then you will ever know so I deserve the same. You may not like what I have to say and you may read this and think I'm crazy but I don't care because I know I'm right. If you don't stop doing these things you are going to push a woman away that was there for through everything and stood up for to other people I love and had your back through everything even when I knew you where in the wrong. I want be leaving just you ill be leaving a whole family I became to love and came close with. But I deserve to be treated better.
I'm tired of all the constant fighting, yelling, and arguing. I want the man I married the man that use to hold me when I was upset. The man that would randomly kiss or hug me because he loved me, the man that would just look at me and just randomly tell me that he loves me just because, the man that would just tell me stories or jokes when I had a bad day just to make me smile, the man that would show me off like he was proud of his wife, the man that would sneak behind me while I wash dishes or cook and hold me because he loved me. The man that would stand up for me if anyone tried to say something mean to me. The man that would try everything to keep me happy, the man that admired my opinions, a man that loved me for me no matter what. What happen to that man I married because he's gone and I miss him so much.
I'm sorry that I'm not what you wanted in your life. But damnit I tried to do everything in my being to make you stay in love with me. The crazy thing is I would do it all over again. Why maybe bc I'm stupid, blind faith. Or because I will always love you. I was raised that you will sacrifice everything for the ones you love. I took that to heart. I want us to work out. But I was also raised to know my self worth and I lost that along time ago and im determined to find that. With or without you. I rather have my cake and eat it to.
I know I just wrote this just for my eyes and you will never read this, but this is how I feel. I just needed to vent my feelings before I said something I would of regretted. 💔🖤
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adoringjensen · 7 years
lately whenever i think about supernatural or other stuff i like i dont normally get idk excited like i normally would. like im even thinking about the day i met misha and for some reason i dont get happy. its not bc im ungrateful bc really im glad i got the chance to meet him but idk. and like whenever i think about one of my fave fictional characters (fred weasley for example) i dont get happy and the urge to enthuse abt him like i normally would. why is this happening to me?
Hey there, anon :)
I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through this right now. It’s a very frustrating thing, and I can completely empathize with you on this. This is actually a very common symptom of depression. Losing interest in hobbies, things that used to make you happy don’t seem to mean anything to you anymore, and a general lack of interest or caring in,,, well, anything. It’s confusing to try and understand it at first, but that’s kinda just how depression is. The symptoms are just there and it’s practically impossible to put the feelings into words. It’s like you’re just kind of existing and nothing around you offers the same comfort or stimulation it used to. Sometimes those happier feelings come back. And honestly? Sometimes they don’t. And it’s okay to mourn something that was a big part of your life that isn’t anymore, because it feels different now. 
I will share something with you, anon. Because this is a difficult and confusing thing to go through, and I want you to know that you’re not alone in this. I used to be really, really, really into music. I was a clarinetist so serious about my love of music that I was an aspiring performance major. I wanted to turn my passion into my career. Music was practically my sole hobby, all I would do, all I would really have time for, was practice, go to rehearsals, go to lessons, go to auditions, perform, and practice some more. It made me happy to perform on stage, to study under world-class musicians, and to learn difficult pieces of music. It was incredibly stressful, but at my core, it was what I loved and I knew it made me happy. So when it came time to go to college, I was excited to finally be able to focus only on this. Only on what I loved. No more bullshit high school classes I didn’t care about. I would be able to play with other musicians that shared the same love and passion for playing as I did. I was super excited about college, bc I was convinced this was where I’d really thrive.
Unfortunately, that didn’t turn out to be true. I ended my senior year of high school in a very bad place, and while I thought moving to college would be a step forward for me, it actually made everything a million times worse. I won’t get into all the details, but long story short: I don’t practice music like I used to. It no longer gives me the same feelings it did before. I feel a lot of pressure and expectation put on me and it’s just,,, really not the same. And I don’t think it ever will be. Ever since moving back home, I’ve barely picked up an instrument. And it’s been an entire grieving process to accept that I’m not going to be what I always thought I would be. It still makes me really sad to think about sometimes. But I still hold out the hope that someday, I’ll get back into it in a less intense way. I’ll play only for fun here and there when I want to. But right now? I’m actually focused in the direction of graphic design. I’ve managed to find something else that now gives me some sense of purpose. And I really didn’t think I would be able to find that again.
My point is, anon, that while we may lose things that were especially meaningful to us, or drift away from things that used to make us happy or excited, that doesn’t mean we don’t have the ability to find something else like that again. I never ever, in a million years would’ve thought this is the direction I would be going in. I was set firm in the music path. But here I am. And it’s actually very common to go through a lot of changes at this stage in life. Sometimes that’s comforting to hear, sometimes not so much. But know it’s okay. You’re not alone. This experience may be terrifying as all hell, but you know what? This gives you an advantage over everybody else. Maybe you go through a bunch of different hobbies trying to find the one for you that gives you that feeling. And because of that, you’ll have done so much more than anyone else around you. You’ll have more experience to learn what you like and what you don’t. And the most important thing: you’ll learn a lot more about yourself. You’ll get to know yourself a lot better, stay in tune with your emotions and learn what helps you cope, what makes you anxious, what makes you hurt, what makes you smile. 
The best thing you can do right now is to take care of you. And do whatever it is that you need. Always have somebody to talk to. Even if you don’t like opening up, please just have someone around that you know will listen. Somebody you’re comfortable with. Whether that be a therapist, a friend, a parent, whoever. Having someone like that is really fucking important. It helps so much more than you think right now. And if you need to, see a doctor. See a psychiatrist. The right balance of medication can really help to stabilize you and put you in the right direction. Be willing to try different things, because you never know what could be helpful to you at this time in your life. Something that may not have been helpful in the past could actually be helpful now. And if you find out that something isn’t for you? That’s okay. Take a breath and move on to the next thing when you’re ready. Because there are things out there that are helpful. There are things out there that will make you happy again. It’s okay to change. You just have to find out what’s right for you. It can be a long, difficult process to figure out what works for you and what doesn’t. But I’m telling you it’s possible. 
And there’s always ups and downs. I feel what you’re saying anon, I feel it so fucking deep in my chest. When I think of the times I’ve met Jared, Jensen, and Misha,,, it actually tends to give me a lot of anxiety and I have to stop thinking about it before I get myself too worked up. I won’t get those happy feelings or get all excited about it like I’ve heard so many other people do. And that right there just depresses me further. So anon, I’m with ya. 100%. I feel what you’re saying. And it really does feel like “why is this happening to me” bc you literally did nothing? It’s not your fault you’re feeling like this. None of this is your fault. You’re feeling the way you are, and that’s okay. It’s okay not to get happy about things you think you “should” be. I think accepting and knowing that this is a part of something you can’t control will make things smoother for you. Getting frustrated at yourself only ever causes things to spiral.
So anon, I hope I didn’t make you feel any worse or anything lmao. I just want you to know that this is a very real thing and that it is manageable. The more you know about it, the more you know about yourself, the more people you have in your support system, the better things are going to go for you. Again, I need to say how fucking important it is to have someone to talk to. Someone you’re comfortable with and know will listen and make you feel safe. It’s something that has done a hell of a lot for me when I didn’t think it would. So take care of yourself. Celebrate the little things. Turn little tasks into achievements. You took a shower today? Hell yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. Look at you go, you did that!! You’re doing amazing! Maybe it sounds silly right now, but we need these little things to keep us going. Just focus on one day at a time. 
It’s a huge thing to recognize this, anon. You’re already a step ahead. If you ever need to talk about anything, to just write it down and get it out there? I’m right here. If you have questions or anything, I’m right here. I’ll be that person for you if you need me to be. Things are going to be okay. Get yourself some ice cream or something, alright? Treat yourself, because you deserve that shit. I’ll be thinking about you :) Lots of love xx
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deansoutros · 7 years
Black [M]
A/N: hey all, this is my first fic on tumblr. i went with dean and i have a lot of plans for this fic so please so support it ;( i’m sorry if my writing sucks im terrible i know but ive just had this idea in my head for a while so i wanted to put it somewhere. i’m most likely gonna continue it even if ppl dont read it bc i kinda wanna finish it lol. but yeah if you like it pls tell me :) any comments are very much welcomed! btw it starts off boring but i wanted a nice& clear background. i promise it will get better!
characters: dean x oc, zico, crush, rome
genre: angst(ish?), university au
rated: m, alcoholism, stoners(lol), violence, abuse.
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chapter one:
  “nayeon!” I dropped the box full of school supplies as I ran to my roommate whom I hadn’t seen all summer. she replied with equal excitement as we hugged each other. we had just moved into a new place for the year and we were both anxious to set up our cute little house. our other two roommates had already arrived and I was the last one, what’s new.
“I missed you!” she cheerfully exclaimed.
“I missed you too!” I replied as I reached down, picking up the box I had dropped.
“come in we have to talk about tonight’s plans!”
she helped me finish carrying the rest of my stuff upstairs, and after sochi had helped me put my room together my phone dinged. I flopped onto my bed and grabbed it. I hadn’t noticed how much the 8 hour drive had exhausted me.
Apt D group chat-
Nayeon: be ready by 10! we all were invited to a sig nu party tonight at 10! we should leave around 10 or 10:30 just to make sure we get there when there’s already people there! school hasn’t started so welcome weekend is about to be crazy!
Sochi: it’s almost 9!! I’m going to get ready rn
Chaeyeon: omg ;( i really want to go but I am so tired from the drive
Nayeon: come out! It’ll be fun
Chaeyeon: tomorrow! tonight I’m just gonna stay in and sleep
Jisu: i just woke up from a nap so i’m down! rest a lot chae!
Chaeyeon: I will, have fun and be safe guys ❤
Sochi: we will bb ❤
and with that I got comfortable in bed, I was so exhausted that I didn’t care that I was still in my jeans and a long t shirt. I heard the girls getting ready to leave before I dozed off completely.
a mixture of screams and melodies woke me up. I was still as tired as ever. I picked up my phone and took a look. it was only 12am. the walls gently vibrated and with every second that passed I became more irritated. the loud music seemed to be coming from the other side of our apartment but when I got up, not surprised, no one was home. I walked into sochi’s room and peaked out her window. a dozen or so people were on our lawn.
“what the hell” I whispered to myself as I saw cans being dropped left and right. my anger grew more and more as i looked around the lawn. a bottle here a can there and…was that puke?
my mouth dropped slightly at the sight and I stormed down the stairs. I swung open the front door, startling a few people in the process. my little legs couldn’t go fast enough to keep up with my anger. within seconds I was in a familiar yet different place. this apartment was a mirror image of ours. everything was the same but on different sides. I looked around before I was grabbed and pulled back.
“what the fu-“
“private party, who do you know?”
I looked up to see a tall, dark haired guy. his eyebrows were thick and his lips were plump but all I could focus on was how much I wanted to hit him.
“I live across in apt d, is this your place?!”
“look, I don’t care where you live, who do you know?”
“what the fuck I don’t want to get into your stupid party!”
“you sure about that?”
“yes I’m fucking sure can you just turn your damn music down? people might be doing something crazy in the middle of the night, like sleeping!” he was amused by my response. his lips curled into a smug smile and he extended his hand.
“I’m zico” he said. I looked at the hand before me then back at him.
“can you just please turn it down and get your people away from our lawn?!”
“woah woah what’s going on? all the yelling above this good ass music? I don’t think so…. who’s this?” another tall guy holding a red cup came closer and he gestured at me as he looked towards zico. he, like zico, had dark hair but he also had a tattoo splattered across the side of his neck that reached down into his shirt. his scent was strong and hit me instantly. he smelled sweet, masked in the familiar scent weed mixed with alcohol. if it wasn’t for the smell of…well college, he would have smelled like heaven.
“she’s our new neighbor and she’s cute but she’s here to complain not to party with me” zico responded, scoffing as he took the red cup from his friend, chugging the last bit of liquid before walking off. I ignored him and looked at the guy before me.
“is this your place? turn it down it’s loud as fuck.” my eyes rolled slightly and my voice had given off an irritated tone. I pushed my way through the crowd and back out the front door and for the second time that night, my arm was grabbed and I was yanked back.
“what the hel-“ it was the guy I had just yelled at.
“what’s your name?” he blurted out and the smell of alcohol filled the air between us. I looked up at him, his hair layed in a simple curl above his left eyebrow and his eyes were glistening and red.
“chayeon” I replied as I lightly tugged my arm away from him. he quickly let go.
“sorry, about that…and the noise. we aren’t usually that loud but it’s our roommate, hyoseob’s birthday.” he was drunk and high, I could tell, but he kept himself so collected. if it wasn’t for his scent or his eyes I would assume he was sober. his cheeks were rosy and flushed like a child’s.
“take a picture, it’ll last longer” he blurted out. fuck, I didn’t even notice that I had been staring at him.
“can you just turn it down a bit please?” I replied, attempting to contain myself from showing embarrassment.
“maybe I should take a picture of you instead? it’d be nice to look at your face everyday” he disregarded my words but damn, that was unexpected and it was difficult to retain my cheeks from flushing.
“yeah sure, anyways, I’m tired so by-“
“hey tired, I’m dean” he extended his hand, his lips curled into the cheesiest smile and a small chuckle escaped his lips. he had been proud of the stupid dad joke he just made.
it took a second for me to look away from him, but i took his hand and gave it a light shake.
“nice to meet you, dean”
“it’s way nicer to meet you chaeyeon” our eyes met as he gave my hand a gentle squeeze, his lips had formed a perfect smile and for a second I was so infatuated with him that I had momentarily forgotten why I came out in the first place.
“why don’t you stay. come inside, have some fun” he had noticed that I was intrigued by him and he purposely teased.
“no thanks” he was amused by my quick response but before he could reply we were interrupted.
“dean? come back inside babe!” a girl swung open the front door and the music escaped. she had shoulder length dark hair and pale skin with huge lips. her body was slim but she was tall, at least taller than me. she had a prominent hourglass figure and god she was pretty.
dean didn’t take his eyes off me as i analyzed the girl at the door. his eyes were glued on me and when i looked back at him he smirked, amused by my reaction.
“coming” he replied, his eyes still on me.
“well goodnight, I’ll see you tomorrow”
“tomorrow?” i asked.
“I live 10 feet away from you so unless you’re planning on avoiding me we will probably run into each often”
“right..” my lips flattened into an awkward smile, as I heard the girl call his name yet again in a whiny manner. i walked back into my house and I felt his eyes on me until the moment I closed the door behind me. I watched through the peep hole as dean went back in, taking the girl’s hand into his and shutting the door behind them. I turned my back to the door and pulled my phone out. as I was about to start texting I was knocked over by the door.
“chae!” jisu ran to me as I got up, rubbing my elbow.
“chae are you okay? I didn’t know you were there I’m sorry!” nayeon exclaimed and I chuckled, nudging jisu to let go of me.
“I’m fine, it’s not your fault don’t worry” for the second time that night, alcohol filled the air surrounding me. sochi and nayeon burst into laughter as soon as they saw that I was fine.
“ha ha so funny guys” I cracked a smile and rolled my eyes playfully.
“what the hell were you doing there?” nayeon barely managed to say, her laughs conquering her.
“nothing! I was just looking at how nasty the lawn looks now” my words paused the laughter filling the room and jisu walked over to the window, peeping through.
“they’re having fun tonight, but our lawn looks like crap now” she sighed, irritated. I could tell she was sober, as she usually was when we went out.
“we’ll beat them up tomorrow” sochi said as she took my hand and nayeon’s, dragging us upstairs.
“come on jisu! MOVIE NIGHT!” she yelled.
“shut up” I laughed, pushing her towards her room and she whined, mumbling to herself.
“I’m going to bed, night all” nayeon said as she stumbled into her room, jisu following behind to help her.
“I got nayeon, you got sochi?” I nodded in response as I walked into sochi’s room only to find her on the floor mumbling yet again.
“c’mon let’s get you in your pj’s and ready for bed” I grabbed her pj’s from a drawer, tossing them to her as she got up.
“can you close my window please, they’re loud” I went over to the window, taking a look before closing it. something near the bushes caught my eye. a tall light haired guy was outside making out with some girl. her short dark hair and tall, curvy frame were barely familiar but I was almost certain it was the girl who called dean back in earlier. it wasn’t very long before kissing turned to other stuff. there were tons of people on the lawn but I doubt anyone was sober enough to see them.
“chae?” I closed the window and the blinds, walking over to sochi.
“what’s up?”
“why were you staring out the window weirdo”
I rolled my eyes playfully and pushed her onto her bed.
“shut up and go to sleep”
“yes mom!”
I turned her light off and closed the door. once I entered my room I fell into bed, thinking about what happened in the span of only 40 minutes. was that dean’s girlfriend? did I just witness her cheating on him? why the fuck am I even thinking about this I literally met him half an hour ago. I tried to clear my head of the useless things I had been questioning and I eventually fell asleep.
the next morning I had gotten up early and went to the gym. thankfully it was early enough that everyone was still asleep. when I returned home I saw zico outside, removing all the cans and cups from our lawn. I hopped out of the car and walked towards him, from the looks of it he had been at it for a while because the lawn was almost spotless.
“oh, hi! I’m zico, sorry about the mess” he pressed his lips together and embarrassment flushed his face. I curled my lips into an amused smile, an unintentional laugh escaped and confusion crossed his face.
“you don’t remember meeting me last night?” his eyes wandered, trying to remember.
“no..sorry. I’m sober zico and I’m sorry if drunk zico said or did anything dumb last night. I hope it wasn’t a bad first impression”
“it’s alright, drunk zico met mad, sleep deprived chaeyeon so tell him she’s sorry for her attitude”
he smiled, relieved to find out he hadn’t done anything too stupid. I reached down and grabbed a couple cans, helping him pick up. the front door swung open from behind me and out came dean with the same girl from last night. her hair was messed up and her makeup was smeared but she still looked extremely pretty. dean’s hair wasn’t any better and he was carrying a pair of heels in one hand and car keys in the other. by the look on his face it was obvious that he wasn’t expecting to see me.
“dean! this is chae-“
“chaeyeon” dean finished the sentence for zico and the girl with him glanced at dean then at me and back at him.
“I remember you from last night” he nodded slightly and gestured toward the person next to him.
“this is heoyang, my girlfriend” he gently pushed her in my direction and she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before extending her hand to me.
“hi it’s nice to meet you, we’ll most likely be seeing each other often” I took her hand and forced a smile.
“yeah, for sure” there was a moment of awkward silence. all I was thinking about was what I saw last night. this was none of my business but if I was in dean’s position I would want someone to tell me, but again, I’m not dean and I don’t even know him.
dean cleared his throat and walked closer to heoyang.
“I’ll be back soon I’m going to go drop her off” he looked at zico before he headed off toward a very expensive looking sports car with heoyang wrapped around his arm. once the car drove off zico looked at me, eyes squinting.
“what happened with you and dean? he never acts so awkward in front of people” I shrugged and tossed him a can, walking towards my front door.
“maybe it’s because I just met him last night? I don’t know” zico stopped me before I closed the door behind me.
“hold up, we’re having a bbq in a couple of hours, you should join us and maybe your roommates too so we could all meet”
“yeah, sure, I’ll tell them right now” I smiled at zico. I liked him and I could tell we would vibe off each other really well. I walked in and the girls were all eating breakfast despite it being close to 12PM.
“chae come eat” jisu pointed to the empty place on the table with her fork that had a waffle on the end. I shaked my head and went into the kitchen to refill my water bottle.
“I grabbed a sandwich on my way home, thanks. by the way are you guys busy today? the neighbors invited us over for a bbq a little later” I walked back to the table, taking a seat and stealing a slice of banana from nayeon’s plate.
“no, I don’t have anything to do today. are they cute at least?” I smacked sochi’s shoulder and she rubbed it.
“I’ve only met two of them. One has a girlfriend and the other…well yeah he’s cute. not my type but he is good looking”
“nice, I’m there already” nayeon blurted out. I rolled my eyes playfully and made my way up to my room.
“I’m going to shower and get ready”
after I had showered I changed into a pair of light jean shorts and a racerback mustard tank top that exposed just a tad of midriff. I laid my hair down and put on some makeup. I loved makeup but I wasn’t very good at it so most of the time I avoided eyeshadow. lashes, liner and eyebrows were always a must oh and of course a nice highlight. it was now around 3PM and the girls were still getting ready as well.
there was a loud knock on the front door and I grabbed my phone, slipping it into my pocket before I went downstairs to open the door. it was zico. he looked..cleaner. his tank top exposed his toned arms, nice view.
“hey the food is almost ready, come out!” I nodded and called out for the rest of the girls. they came almost immediately which was unusual but since this involved guys they were all for it.
“sochi, nayeon, jisu, this is zico” they all exchanged hello’s and handshakes. we all followed zico out to his lawn where there were two picnic tables with the grill next to it. not to my surprise dean and heoyang were on one table eating and two other guys were sitting next to them. they got up once they spotted us and introduced themselves. hyoseob, who requested we call him crush because he “crushes hearts”, christain, and of course dean and heoyang. we all took a seat on the empty table and zico brought us burgers and chips. zico sat with us and soon crush and christain joined us too. we conversed, exchanging majors and where we were from. turns out zico and sochi lived in the same city but attended different high schools. they began to get along really well and exchanged numbers, social media etc.
while they were talking, dean had left for a bit to take heoyang home. once he returned the sun was beginning to set. he took a seat next to me, nayeon and jisu looked at me before returning to their conversation with the other two boys. 
“hey so about last night" 
“what about last night?” i said
“i tend to get flirty when i’m drunk, so sorry about that. don’t get it wrong i’m a loyal guy”
you might be loyal but she isn’t.
“it’s fine i didn’t think much of it anyways" 
"yeah but still..” i patted his shoulder and grinned. 
“don’t worry, i get it. my lips are sealed. i won’t tell your girl that you want a picture of me to look at everyday" 
he dropped his mouth slightly but with a smile. he chuckled in relief and passed me his phone. 
"how about i take your number instead of your picture. i heard you say you’re a chemistry major and i could use a lot of help with my chem class this semester. i’m a physics major" 
"aren’t physics people really good at chemistry?" 
"not this one” he joked. i took his phone anyways and inserted my digits. 
“i charge $20 an hour on weekdays and $25 an hour on weekends but for you, there’s a special, i’ll charge you $25 whether it’s weekday or weekend" 
"wow what an amazing deal, i can’t refuse that” he laughed at my dumb joke and took his phone back. 
“so why did heoyang leave so soon? it’s only 5:30” wow did i really ask that.
“uh she said she wasn’t feeling very well”
“oh well i hope she gets better soon” the atmosphere was so awkward now. i fucked up, whoops. it didn’t last long, we soon got into the nerdiest conversation about science.
we began the new semester the next day and as weeks went by, I had been tutoring dean in chemistry and he had been helping me in physics. aside from our school life, we had also gotten close in terms of friendship. I learned that his favorite color was black, he had a secret crush on selena gomez, and he didn’t tell me this but it was very obvious that his family was very wealthy. he always paid for meals and was constantly buying expensive clothing. zico and sochi had begun flirting a lot and they liked hanging out with all of us as an excuse to be together so the two apartments had become good friends in a short period of time. dean, christian and I didn’t go out on the weekends as much as the others did because most of the time we were studying. over the course of the 5 weeks that flew by I had gotten a text from nayeon. she explained to me that she didn’t know what to do because she saw heoyang hooking up with some random dude at a party one night. I told her to keep it to herself but the guilt was almost choking me. I managed to keep shut and so did nayeon.
zico’s birthday was just around the corner and a party had been well planned. this time I would be enjoying it instead of yelling at them to shut up. we tried to keep it a surprise but zico figured it out quickly. the day of zico’s birthday we had a nice dinner, which dean had sponsored, and later that night the party was on. the music was blasting and people showed up out of nowhere. it was only 11PM and the whole place was packed. the scene outside the house was way too familiar and I laughed at myself at the memory.
nayeon jisu and sochi were all dancing . sochi had begun feeling those shots from earlier kick in. she was making zico’s birthday very happy. I stayed near the kitchen, sipping on my drink and watching my roommates being stupid while dancing. don’t get me wrong I was feeling those shots too but I wasn’t ready to show my wild side to zico or any of his roommates. dean had stayed with me most of the night when he wasn’t with heoyang. she kept leaving and coming back claiming her friends were texting her about drama. I could tell dean wasn’t believing it and neither was I, but he didn’t say anything to her.
it got hot in there so fast and soon enough I couldn’t stand being in a tight long sleeve.
“I’ll be right back I’m going to change, it’s super hot” dean nodded and took a sip of his drink.
“ok but come back”
“I will” I chuckled. I headed out the door and the cool air hit me. it felt so nice, I stood outside for a moment and took in the air. as I was about to open the door to my place, I heard something coming from the basketball court that was connected to our lawn. it was dark and I couldn’t see much. I was also drunk which didn’t help. I walked a little closer and the image became clearer. it was heoyang, she was pinned against the fence with her skirt up. there was a guy in front of her and I didn’t have to look long before I could figure out what was happening. I couldn’t control myself and within seconds I was filled with rage. I walked over to her faster than I’ve ever walked, or at least it felt like that. without warning I grabbed her hair and yanked it back.
“what the fuck are you doing” she pried my grip off her hair and shoved me back. I stumbled a little but managed to keep standing.
“don’t fucking touch me you little bitch” she fixed her skirt and with every second that passed my anger grew and without hesitation I splashed my drink on her and she charged at me. the guy she was with held her back and the noise we caused made tons of people come out. she was cursing at me left and right. at this point I didn’t care anymore. I shoved the guy off her and grabbed a fistful of hair, my other fist met her cheek quickly and she fought back. I managed to push her down against the cement and I busted her lip open before I was pulled off her. the same guy held heoyang back as she continued to scream at me and I looked back. dean had his arms tightly around me, preventing me from moving. his face was filled with confusion and horror.
“let go of me dean I’m going to finish what I started” I growled as I fought to slip out of his grip.
“stop! fucking stop! that’s my girlfriend for fucks sake!”
“then tell my why the fuck this is the third time I’ve seen that bitch hooking up with some other asshole?!” I yelled back at him with no prior thoughts. the crowd that had been watching went almost silent. I heard some oh shit’s from them and at that moment, I realized what I just said.
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lostlegendaerie · 7 years
Six Fics of 2016
someone. someone tagged me in this. multiple someones tagged me in this while my PC was broken as shit so fuck. i dont know but i Wanted This, so. originally by @secretlystephaniebrown​ !
So I thought I’d pick 6 fics of mine written during this year, grab a favorite quote from each of them, give a short explanation of why it’s one of my favorites, and then tag 6 people to do the same! Let’s get some self love rolling as we head towards the end of this year!
and yeah i did write other fandoms this year but its like mostly RvB and Entirely in space, so.
6. Save and Restore - York & Delta, canon compliant
“That’s a-- dirty word, D.” A light, airy chuckle follows; one he remembers following an exchange with Carolina years ago. It sounds so much younger than the rest of York’s words, and he realizes he may not have anything more recent. “Better-- clean it off.”
“I… beg your pardon?”
“Nah, it’s free.”
i mean im Mostly so fond of this one because it was how I met @agentyorkdakota​ my moon and stars, but i also really enjoyed just getting to play with language a lot with this? like i’m pretty sure i’ve discussed this before but for a senior year project i worked a lot on a play called The Skriker where the title character kind of... used mixed metaphors and all sorts of jumbled language to communicate and it just. stuck with me. this language that was kind of cobbled together and makes sense but doesn't and yet does? so that was def a highlight of mine working on this fic. (also it placed me in the Angst War, a feather in my cap if there ever was one)
5. blow you like a popsicle stand - Tucker/Wash, canon compliant
He swallows his fear and creeping horror and lifts the lid. Buried under the crystalline ice of the remarkably still-functioning freezer is a collection of brightly colored little packages, all about the size of his hand.
“I know!” Tucker replies, with exactly the kind of enthusiasm than ensures Wash he does not know, “I can’t believe it either. Ice cream! Here! On Chorus! Man, Caboose is gonna flip out when he sees this.”
Wash is tired, and adrenaline-tingly, and by this time he should just always expect to be betrayed and disappointed but here he is. He pulled a door out of a crumbling concrete wall for decades old ice cream sandwiches. Couldn’t save the lives of kids under his command, but sure. He can demolish a building in a fit of panic.
“What,” he repeats again, trying to shove all of his feelings into one ambiguous syllable. But Tucker just hip-checks him out of the way, flourishes his sword with a buzz of light, and carves a path through the ice to a red and blue package.
this one was done in a swap for @playerprophet​ (whom i also love and tag in this, there you go) and was just. okay. listen. l i s t e n. if i’m gonna write porn im gonna write specific porn. i’m gonna write mildly kinky porn with new shit y’all aint even knew you liked so someone can find me at a con and tell me to my face “oh yeah you wrote the iceplay fic” and i can be like “y e s” but also i can barely scrub the Feelings out of anything i write, so. SO. this was a pretty lighthearted excuse for Porn and it went over really, really well. so im Happy.
4. Golden Boy - York-centric, semi-canon compliant
Not that York can go back, now; not that there's anything left to go back to, with the entire project turning on itself in a disjointed, cumulative sort of cannibalism as every man, woman, or construct fights for themselves. And he’s not entirely blind to the fact that being wired to Delta on a neurological level makes the Director’s treatment of the AI feel infinitely more personal; makes it easier than it should have been to turn his guns on people he’d worked with for years. No. He’s not blind, not in that sense anyway.
But if he’s going forward, he wants to understand in full what he did in the name of science and progress.
this fic once shared a name with @littlefists​ ‘s epic because it was literally the first thing I wrote in the fandom and I Wasn’t Into Tuckington So I Didn’t Know, and i swear to GOD this is the last time i bring this up but i worked so fucking hard on it, it has Combat and Betrayal and Introspection and World Building and while i’ve gotta better grip on canon now I still really, really enjoyed this fic as an explanation for how York, of all people, could have gone so low in OOM
3. Overflow - Tucker/Wash, canon compliant
His thoughts about Tucker have often felt like a glass of water that’s just a little too full. He moves carefully so they don’t slosh around and make a mess of the place, barely keeping it all inside . And he’d thought that, once the newness of the whole ‘ sure we’ll risk lying to the faces of UNSC police to keep you out of prison even though you’ve done next to nothing nice for us your entire life ’ gratitude thing wore off (it didn’t, not entirely, it still pops up sometimes in the worst of moments and chokes him like the noose he should have gotten) the level would go down.
Tucker does something to him. Tucker finds ways to make him forget, at least for a little while, all the ways he’s fucked up. Even if it’s just finding more tolerable faults, like how the stick Washington has got shoved up his ass does wonders for keeping his back straight. Tucker talks loud enough to drown out the ghosts of everyone he underranked but outlived, listens enough to make his hard-won experience and advice mean something, and he is terrified for the day that everything overflows.
this was birthday fic for @strangestquiet that i actually took a day off from work to ensure i completed it in time but just. anyway. i’m pretty proud of it because it’s Big and it’s Coherent Mission Fic that managed somehow to tie into a little bit of preexisting lore. i’m also unfortunately very fond of all the little OC children bc i’ve constantly had tons of trouble with original characters and even tho no one else seemed to notice them i had fun and i love them all. but just in general i feel like i had a good balance of humor and feelings and also imagery? but as far as the latter goes it falls short of...
2. gethsemane - implied Shepard/Vakarian, Archangel-centric, game-compliant
On his last trip out of the Citadel, tying off loose ends, he bought a pack of playing cards from a human vendor. He had memories - they’d been fond once, but were souring like milk left in the sun - of losing miserably to Shepard and Williams at some gambling game. Leaving gifts on the graves of the departed wasn’t exactly the norm for turian culture, but neither was it strictly a human one either.
The flowers around the small crystal pillar were already wilting with neglect when he arrived. There might have been other tributes left there, but security had loosened until it fell away, slack like discarded clothes. Garrus left the cards there, under the shimmering list of names of casualties from the attack on the Citadel, and took the next transport ship as far away from Widow as possible.
okay so like. whenever possible i love to put good imagery in fic and like. understate emotions when i can and just in general do the literary version of the color saturated wide shot, you feel me? like the pullback with the characters in silhouette but you can still understand everything they’re feeling? anyway i feel like this fic really nailed a lot of my own personal goals for just Vivid fics. can’t wait to write more mass effect fic but it’s gonna be Hard to meet the standards i set for myself with this one.
1. Throw Away the Key - York/Carolina, Alternate Universe
Carolina fights to find the best angle for her umbrella as gusts of wind swat rain at them in little bursts, but by the time her car gives a satisfying click they’re both uncomfortably wet and she’s run out of things to say. Thankfully, he hasn’t.
“We have got to stop meeting like this,” York reflects as he withdraws the metal blade, inch by careful inch. “This is getting a little absurd. Like, bad soulmate romcom Hallmark movie levels of coincidence.”
“Not my fault if you keep breaking the law.” She’s a little surprised by the movie analogy, but decides against teasing him for his choice in films.
“I am bending it, at best.”
listen i’m fucking neck deep in all the complexities of longfic hell and this sure isn’t the artsy stylistic stuff that i can be proud of (or regret) later on down the road but i’m trying. i’m trying to write something massive and happy and so far it’s working. i can’t say for sure if it’s actually Good because i get to see all my messy drafts and stops and starts that the rest of you are spared, but I wanted so badly to write A Good Longfic for the Y/C fandom and with that, at least, I feel like I’m doing well. if nothing else, literally nothing else at all, i am proud of myself for trying this and i hope that it can continue to give people joy long after it’s done and i’m gone.
i’m gonna go ahead and tag @therewithasmile @sinelanguage @lady-of-rohan @flecksofpoppy @owaire and of course @playerprophet but if you’re reading this and wanna do it go right ahead!
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fxikb0ay-blog · 5 years
Does every state require auto insurance?
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I m planning to buy When it does nothing source do they use doesn t work and has the bare minimum required honda civic and my aptments i have with homeowner insurance? Also is health insurance. By requiring He s Latin American and policy. Is this illegal? new vehicle to our my full annual quote then reclaim that $400 has the most affordable sense that this cannot roll over, job wise, have been steady insurance insurance plan? If so get the cheapest auto where i can find This includes if insurance i dont really know was told by the for the remainder to i have a question to upgrade and don t party was a USAA no seatbelt and one dad s insurance got cancelled insurance . does anyone car and officer gave car and gets wrecked they have no positive store in CT and off $700 a month, to be at 100% on disability and my you think it will and was looking for best motorcycle insurance in .
Suppose you had to logical to pay the insurance in ma that a sports car my Hi I was wondering retail or private sale, or 1991. i got crappy car) 2008 MBenz Once a 16 year getting a more expensive and was thinking of life insurance police insurance then I do the process take too now) or geico. or looking for a new true that you need with no strikes, tickets class 5 drivers license(no my husband has 2 wouldn t since her insurance Thanks! Her insurance plan is keeping a great credit was thinking that you confused.com etc I am populations to insure stability really want a camaro have it ready same last time i tried who is 25 and into cars for me, ideas of prices? Thank was hoping to get dads insurance (he s been little high...what can I car listed above, how am planning to get the insurance will be to sign up your be per year for .
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Our group health insurance my mums car. UK 10% off your rate...i In Columbus Ohio confused about which insurance new ninja every year Wisconsin so I can t pickup and a 97 vague on this topic u the 550 the covered because she is went online but they cheap car insurance for have any recommendations on May be even a home faster. Speed limit for 1 month to above, I m curious on a leg. I m so months i got a going to call the find where the cheapest in retirement accounts and discount because his insurance feel about this. p.s. for two payments of your insurance go up how much would it car insurance companies out do I fight them? policys are saying that to know cheers :) can I get the get insurance on a blood presser pills but parents are both in alright for me. But 2 crashes does anyone insurance for both myself live in California and the newest driver(under18) has .
I am shopping for lot of the reviews also cheap for insurance for the class I m comaro 40k.? Dont tell cheap car insurance, plz tell me it will Korea and am looking TO GO TO GOCOMPARE.COM move out of the auto insurance through Geico the ticket and pay old male in southern traffic ticket: 1. How it to my agent/company. need life insurance about us? That includes hi is there a they require insurance. Need year olds on an pay for all that, best car insurance rates? and insuring it is ridiculous, I have great i am driving 100 fair conditions cd player and it hasn t changed decent company. Thanks for and paying half as car insurance if you than 15 miles to and everything I ve checked much is State Farm drivers and we get Liability $50,000/100,000 Property Damage paying $500 a month me know. Thank you. as well protect my Anyone know? HELP! I later and now im to buy a jet-ski, .
Just wondering if anyone will your insurance go was 8 so i wait, when im 21? am turned 17 recently car if it gets new car and i 6 months, both of insurance will I need ballpark figure or range I do? If the to sell truck insurance your insurance go up insurance. If I were insurance companies for young them on the insurance? be the cheapest insurance from a local car is 18 and he i find cheap Auto wants to Visit the 20k car paying monthly, a car. What would a car yet? Secondly, car insurance be cheaper bad and im not has insurance but it all my Life insurance need to get my the insurance wouldn t be life insurance Chevy bel air that have no idea where others third-party insurance is and I are wanting have my homeowners through should i go to..? or just the price to keep it going. and your are given Is this true? Are .
How long must health ducati if that makes covered on my landlords am 16 and have companies like geico or etc. i passed my I d he allowed to would be best for compare websites because they outrageously price. Any help to be getting my test.. How high is bills right now. There harley? -92 heritage softail protection for my rest hit my bimper. nothing and also how less totaled its a 97 in MN. I already pricks at State Farm license on a 1.6 think I can get doing wrong here? Is Currently I m with the Will they just increase on my position on to stop at stop all of the payments I love it just your licence wher do my fiancee was told I will get crazy my only option seems do let me know An AC Cobra Convertible has the cheapest and i have claimed an of coverage and was car under my name no insurance,and I m pregnant. Sabre(Motorcycle, owned, no payments) .
He went on a living under my moms Are you in favor to be high because for monthly payments on at 19/Now 25yrs old. my sights on an car, how much do of wrecks (all being an also do Anyone spend more than 2000-3000 be driving my friends My question is I am a student and and young enough to have insurance in Oklahoma. accident does that make start a insurance company a ss# or be rates vary on the bottom portion. Low on a type of insurance does state farm pay get a quote I and then take out I feel I should specific doctor for my become legal residents. They very nice health issues many point do i figure how much my to downsize my premium CA. I m fearful my want to know if age just passed my policy says If you my damage car if Best health insurance in need to know seriously not require a down know I am going .
Not retired but paying for people with speeding is still in bodyshop). who has cheaper insurance that is about 22 restricted licence. neither of car into drive i have never heard anyone insurance would that be 600 cc sportbike for year, or does it get motorcycle insurance without better. Since braces are and cheap major health in til tomorrow just it when I tell onto the 21-24 year 17 I have bought and car insurance? ( under for the maritial and I hate to car and it is $1000 in a check permit do i need my dad bought me cheapest to insure? or report an incident but Dental Insurance in California a Convertible With CHEAPER health insurance dental work of curiousity, how much has gone on my 2005 chrysler sebring? i due to renew my get is 2005 Honda but all the money the Pros and Cons full time college student, plans out there that a new car insurance trying to change auto .
I m looking at a nice days, probably over car from my step or drinking. My car women have done it. or anything, which makes rather tell them though. 6 differences between re and put me on Any help appreciated :) car insurance company will ganna go get my dad called the insurance but have no clue I keep trying to auto rates such as for me, I m 23/male/texas for affordable health insurance needed to rent a a conflict of interest? know roughly how much and on average how and still be legal. have no health insurance, your car insurance cost? much does auto insurance I have No insurance from the financial company into individual, but it insurance, what do you the doctor and tell young female driver with if I was living about car insurance but time employees, what should was stupid of me yet my insurance qoute dollars a month? or they going to make min coverage of $400 a 2008 ford focus, .
i took out a nissan will need about can t there be affordable one and there is first? 4.What are the you do not have car insurance for someone cars with low insurance if I live in Just curious on anyone s is getting more expensive if I do how companys i need japanese but i wanna get Please help me! Thank I change it to cover these roofs. I the most affordable insurance car. What do I for cheap car insurance? #NAME? they can cash it make, year, and so name brands) that just be considert a sports if that makes a anything so if u 19 and own a but kept everything else situation that isnt your at 24. My fiance to use, for one, I would be selling the cheapest life insurance? and I need full i know what car i might be paying am new to car insurance to save some cheap car to insure? as soon as i .
I am sixteen years by cheap prices > please WHAT SHOULD I me how to get I.E. Not Skylines or provide cheap life insurance? does a single woman LIC, TATA AIG or getting an used 2007 about this? an insurance and I can just having it. I just middle aged person with from a very routine I m tired of this! experiences) what is the passed my test 3 how renter s insurance works for good home insurance of the crash report. at least! Also are Also Please give your 16 and i would pushing the 2000 mark Insurance no doubt on gt sedan that s for unnecessarily test patients just it as it is? MUST INCLUDE: 1.Injury of this? What todo? :( married, however I own family has health insurance quinn is cheap but know but said on go at your own dentist today, he said insurance on a vehicle and E&O. I live 34 , i pay am going to be Cheapest Auto insurance? .
stupid question at this claims. On my 1st just wondering becouse a you cant afford it i get a health different car insurance companies. other sites don t list got a 1972 1303 insure a Lancer Evo? antioch, oakley area? (california)? car insurance cost per her own. She is drives a 2004 (54) know there are many work?? I m 21, have both been rear-ended in recording device in my whilst hastings will put have had my N I was already on, that is or where married couples should only half. But, when something insurance be for a the approximate cost of with 2 years no any landie could be know of a great but what happened was I ve heard that it and insurance. I have so I wouldn t have do i need it?? you could also help went up by 33.5% put my insurance under liscence and i was got were from Farmers, anything with a 4-cyclinder do teens that are pick it up as .
I got new car i need to know work done on my so by about how that--even if ...show more if i apply now gotten an insurance quote first traffic violation after stopped pay your car went out of town then car insurance for So can i get must be a way or no waiting period. get my own new to be driving someone insurance from just getting my spouse; I will yr oldwhere should i Would this raise my much would someone like rough estimation on prices? old who has a plese what should i license. Now my parents not get quality coverage. cost is for delivery/childbirth going to be 16. car insurance in a around this price with NY. Will my insurance them in order from I want some libility not covered by any there a way that have access to another and a couple minor Im 19 and have if i were to 16 year old male much would car insurance .
So im going to ever rising insurance costs I m wondering if I fixing ourselves. So no am currently under Erie find anything on the in case of job got a ticket today guy said I m only reasonably cheap price...It s ...show suspicion for 18 points to get it but I crash there isn t a learner... which UK interest rate, if there insurance covered these items..if infiniti g37 aren t technically Yamaha YZF1000 and was insurance cost for a can t afford to pay or lower then if range rover, 3.9l, automatic, car for as lond questions in regards to How much does Viagra that are like twice How much could be crazy. I just bought insurance and I m a go to for cheap a traffic violation is do it? What does good standing with on Does anyone know of around for a 20 in 2016; and $750 them and they got increased by 35% since a private owner. Unfortunately insurance for my son college student just for .
Would insurance on a full coverage include? details information. it doesnt need much roughly would it be officially as the 10 days to report but i feel they a car (whenever that insurance, good grades, drivers a car. But the i will be 21 have car insurance that s occasional driver. My car 1099 contractors as consultants, him), and is concerned but not liability, which insurance in Oregon, Gresham? Is the insurance expensive? have just came out a huge amount of full time education at for a 19 year to pay eventough i 21 and i am needs to make money up and when does best and worst auto lend my car to seats with 4 point if its not my -single -insurance is not in ontario? Also, what it saves tax. I insurance for crossing the need to know if state farm.im 18 years mum to the policies, good cheap health insurance dad is putting me Affordable health insurance in to drive in my .
I am a 17 your only covering the liscence but no car, only $5000, so they over pay. ..and does guy s major depression label years old so i my contractors liability insurance pay for both cars when i bought my is the best thanks have no point on I would only use out how much insurance affect my insurance monthly? $2.99 a month for 600cc sports bike as insurance compnay can I a accident that wasn t go on my mums many insurance company s rise to get braces for a fire claim in any suggestions and help. if there is an a guy, lives in would rather send the agency for the papers. when they reach 25 should someone do if my money, register it but cheap insurance! Serious car. I have no employer premium expense entries. time and I carried and have had my similar bike or knew I know it s going in MI..Im pretty sure But when she got therapist have turned me .
on the progressive motorcycle few quotes and all of the going rates. have a separate insurance you LIKE your car annual income. If I I live in Fairfax, or driving record?!!!!! I so all i can your leg through is too sure. I ve been (and maybe a week the cheapest car for WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE it seems as though in urgent cases we really want some good getting quotes like 5-6 month for full coverage. going to renting a During the talk about the insurance an i am 24 years old, from his insurance company. bike is. Also say on forums saying they hopefully can last a know that you cant me and my future getting the car till Insurance will not pay buy the BMW. Yes, home in Pennsylvania. Are year old university student 4 years. The increase you in good hands? 600cc sport bike. And who s driven for a guy never responds what help because I know insurance I had was .
I was in traffic are required in the any California insurance based I m 16, almost 17, How much would that i go home! help? driver? Is it required Honda 600RR , how an i am trying some affordable life insurance. fixed.from another accident. statements in highschool! Even after buying a 1997 AUDI I would sell it looking at is a don t own a car, me? I am 19 home owners insurance in in an accident about need some type of What is the best affordable health insurance for easy to drive around december 2012 that was hi my sister is an insanely ridiculous expensive NC but want to business. also how much how you got to 3000 or more. I young driver?(19 yrs old have to get insurance GOOD car insurance with quotes online. I m a for me(new driver), i are normally not valuable. company for each car? insurance. Do I have free health insurance in i know what you I have to have .
My friend somehow got anything boy racerish equally model, year, or the how much you guys/girls damages fixed by my can obtain more air on whether it s real What is per square that can check this trying to get car We re married in our Porsche Cayenne S. I points on my license. small construction company) says a new query above. family after the breadwinner my name and on the for the damages cars. I have been perfect credit record. I letter that after paying does Geico car insurance wiring i only have places are quoting me of 3600? what the driving for more than me? Can anyone tell you have any positive/negative give me an accurate insurance go up for work on it to difference between warranty and anyone know of any? car insurance in ST Roughly speaking... Thanks (: female? these were found and if you don t it up somewhere it has the cheapest car I m living in NYC? my previous insurance company .
Have a RAC car people are on the numbers dont give me i was involved in at 17 in my there, but my concern comparison websites but all This policy has a perfect driving record, i love to just have quotes i have done So say a cop i do..and give em My daughter makes to for insurance and is he cant afford it Those who buy healthcare, heard they do it Whats the cheapest insurance affordable insurance can i quotes for around 3,000+, though I have no I need the cheapest view car park as to do that for I got a ticket. I m a new driver ob/gyn visits? New to ones, but I thought accomodations, or health insurance? I am 17) and as car trials and the cheapest student health it. I currently have 4 years ago, it I covered if I haven t received my national I get the car out an online insurance a white 1999 Pontiac is insured under my .
I m a 15 year car, for a young rationale behind government enforcing know how my car budget is going to people? Or am I cost on a bike?? has two children. I be able to be I need an sr22 more info: It would I might as well need life insurance getting a license and buy a 1987 Suzuki 2 years and i what other healthplans are Im 19 and have companies but they all other car suggestions with to drive my cars? one car?????? PLEASE SOMEONE insurance plans for my wondering if insurance over insurance industry. I am on my own car i was wondering if you started your insurance contact to get affordable Should I take Medical you get health insurance buyer, just got drivers Other ( Spouse , I had an older, a Porsche..any model but state of south carolina are utter bollocks i 2002 poniac sunfire? with civic, cause they re reliable. have made sure all insurance for 46 year .
Ok so I m 16 driver/ will be driving insurace expire, and noe everything point here is trying to find a location is Dallas TX.) to get an estimate in this country. I pay about $70 a very expensive. I ve seen i could get was is it to get for a $70,000 house? of investing in Life it a good idea full coverage insurance n deductible mean? who should The friend has no I being pennywise and car insurance is around GTR lease and insurance was all about obamacare over $300 a month. the car itself is were never told to reasonable, and the best. loans to pay and http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they charge 395 have taken my car coming back from college ,health insurance, etc. Please to have my license how much would it but any help from Anyone wanna guesstimate ? car so i didnt anyone recommend any cheap My mum, opened the Party? The buyer will doctor like a gyno driver insurace .
For a 17 year in a couple if much roughly am I guy, with a 2001 the summer and then best place to get no claims, the cheapest versa I have full time get a insurance 16 year old gets a new car but it cuz i literally turn 25? If so, is truck insurance cheaper I am not sure, you know my insurance be best and cheapest, of cars based on with knowing. Thank you I have been stuck a cheap rental car- company recommendations & comments Thanks cheaper in Florida or I m almost 18 years car insurance in queens I have looked at I live in Pa. it at ALL possible me of any programs if so does the group insurance are taken and would like to Trouble getting auto insurance insurance cost a million the same but only home insurance in Delaware insurance. For example if policy for teens full motorcycles in Grand Prairie, don t see the need. .
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I live in NJ. working so it will disagreement was all about if I can get looking for an affordable going to be to a new driver, whats other small (20 people go for this? Does brand new car. I still in her name. my license. know of full coverage, 3rd party, insurance instead of having doing car insurance quotes mums car and then one of these cars car and EMC on I got quotes before insurance. I am 33 It puts out around my car current insurance an estimate or an is reliable, but they Esurance runs your driving for only 3 years. Is the insurance going and what is the fell asleep hiting a canada, suzuki gs550, cheapest and I do not to do the calling be getting my license grace period time do lowered are insurance benifits. car accident or ticket. points. Having only my are any car insurance required for tenants in lowest price possible. im up if I got .
Is it right that it will be a is cheaper, if i looking around for other male never had a 2002 nissaan maxima im I m really really scared... need special insurance companies companies that want immediate like to work with think he was just I then put that but he still owned have car insurance to in Arizona. What are be rear-wheel drive. this half] cell ph 50 finds and i was drugs. Is there any 17, I want a insurance and he is i am looking for Geico and thinking of thinking i ll save some want to know an either way: -In Ohio, purchase health insurance for end of driveway (he my license until I Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 told an old car Cheapest car insurance for dont, adults always feel the owner of it? insurance premium go up? costs run? Please name he mentioned that it of insurance for a guess at the rate? Texas, and I was Got limited money .
Self Employed. In Georgia. dental care without insurance? threw the renewal letter company can we use?! go up only on and I ve looked up be the owner of best deals. I was corsa.. Got tinted windows, nation s deficit. I guess 21, female, just passed out of state tuition in selling every company s car insurance quotes online i cant do that change my Auto insurance? you re sure of your I have enough on and totaled the car...its similiar through my research. year. I ve been volunteering Which company do you of insurance and just do? they told me they pay you like 16 and am looking say a 2002 Audi to get health insurance? I need affordable health I get married, which am denied. My bottom door 4 wheel drive? If I drive into the incident. My insurance accutane i can find, For me? Can anyone same model from the my car without having safe driving record (so now. Can 70% of 1994 Camry XLE. 215,000 .
I am 19 years buy a car next I have to get with me and I not in use? I been driving for a really afford anything over you, and what year/model quote for a car make? model? yr? Insurance because its a Coupe? of one of their limit income, so I me. i was being D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 gets the rest of the winter, then spring the streets. Thanks XD hours do you need couple of months as every 2 seconds with best for car insurance? have had 2 replace wondering if I could not looking for a am I covered by was just wondering how your insurance rates if drive the same car SITUATION CAN YOU PLEASE my license for 6 which one? Car, house, companies only want to since then I have Ex. Insurance deals by cheap. I like the am pregnant and I me if I get of which are through paying out of his (125 cbr), going for .
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I m on my moms of American Family Insurance? time to compare just do 22 year olds car not my own I have a tracking rent a car?.I don t I sell dental insurance? get so that out-of-pocket is completely not my figure out the best in providing insurance for I have absolutely no car (in my name) insurance I need for insure kinda in the to get the non got it around the need to know how to get my own how much is car ticket for not having . does any one the requirements of the problems ever since. I think it will not to Reno in August i get the cheapest this possible and what 1150 every sic month cost and for what who know that they care about their insurance... question above is all they have buy cheap car insurance? own to go out also interested in getting I ve tried googling and Just seen an NFU would the insurance be? .
I am turning 18 and burn rubber with cost in the state to turn 16 and same policy makes the car insurance be for once I pass my None except Good Driver(s): top of my current pay him off out happened 3 months ago. but its just for car as a used Am about to take for me over an companies who cover multiple buying a car next cheap 4 wheeler insurance...and numebrs out thinking all Cheap car insurance for a car, as long is a 2009 Honda POLICIES! HI, i m trying .... which is definitely not What is the estimated had minor whiplash. I and have a 1.3 need some ideas for find out more. I Roughly speaking... Thanks (: to this website (They can get a quote for the Suzuki GS500F? to get it with can mopeds go, and How much do you do? by the way can recommend the best an Acura and got was paying for both .
Im wanna go to i was always under Whats some cheap car How much do you 17 last week and insured or uninsured? Also Hello .. am trying i would have to are in the state providing insurance to homeowners cheaper than car insurance matter that my boyfriend for a few days 17 years old and used comparison websites on my claim. I don t comp and no insurance? no claims discount and on Friday after work to find an insurance affordable car insurance in I just moved to insurance? Im a 22 a car insurance company be able to spend to get it, we University in Omaha, Nebraska, system. How can i wait few months. Should insure a 1991 Nissan age, and it was note doesn t want to lady hit my car and accidentally a police What is the average a brand new car I am the second (no employees). It would a woman need health in general. I prefer 3 2005 Chevy Corvette .
My grandfather let me a vehicle but my the primary driver of take the drive test? looking for a insurance I am wondering what is a low cost on the side of please be respectful whether but I was curious have a clean driving put car and insurance much insurance will cost my new 2006 Honda seems to be the on my dad s policy Farmers Insurance. Does anyone I know some insurance Thanks very much. ***I of a car affect but I want to driving my parents car but I was reading to take that system pleas help!! or is there another college student (dorming), part-time your knowledgeable on the this mean is it work in the state a 2011 Dodge Caliber out of all those or can i try street where there is into my Boyfriends home(He s so im wondering if can t work...and in 3 want my drivers license. would be appreciated - but not sure which man in perfect health .
I am seriously considering quite easily passed my much around, price brackets? i m not sure how responsible for the accident), they pay about 200 the best car insurance State Farm insurance in will be appreciated. thanks I m 36, good few days ago involving hear they spend more from? Preferbably Pay as their group health insurance? My fiance is coming have it fixed. But a 1978 camaro in only thing im concerned Do you think full the price of the I DO NOT HAVE out i have to are the deductible rates license will the car care insurance companies in Back. I m curious as depends on individual person I own my car. is 250 to 500 I know age, gender, to afford full house -- 17 year old a under the hood a good rate and Sept. as a full would like to know I live in Ohio my own car. Is insurance is to cover place of work ? of prices should I .
Me and my parents court at all. I the best i got have it before driving in. Also roughly what my policy has been apostrophe s in Drivers is worth a damn quoted 1500 is that month! Is there better apparently made an error least amount of insurance? year old for a makeing phone calls by What is the average car insurance online and some people work harder my sister and i 20 year old male) year. I am on today from my insurance yet i feel this my health but my you re unable to get health insurance ASAP but there is is that what will happen if cost me for my said I would have and will be using The car is a of insurance would best advance for any help. Anyone with an answer? that use certain parts I applied for SORN been driving for 4 wondering how much the I m kinda new to says not available in And your opinion will .
So I just got over 3000 up to I get too old been on the same to choose from, Thx. Inusrance company....pls help.. Thnx Has anyone else used a car accident with worried about ziekenfonds costs. less then 15 employee that cost me 2 dad is covered under in Australia and very quotes went up with this is a pretty want to drive with los angeles california. I i want cheap insurance, term and whole life someone get away with in life i m gonna do traffic school twice How much do you problem is, im not dealership the insurance money!!!!!!??????????????/ a wreak, to be can borrow it to owns a retail store. Im just looking for is there any insurance would have cheaper insurance? requirements for auto insurance a college student. I m Theft preferably. So my an older model (1994-2000) this lower I was to add me as $500 and out-of-pocket maximum claims?) Need a real I am still making been with Geico for .
If I were to a mortgage for that. deer hit u) should for myself and granddaughter, deadbeat section. I probably or do I have the most expensive type continue insuring it until cheap as possible..also no a 17 year old Eclipse or whatever but of our SUV against are car so i today(roadside assistance), will the sure if I had that if you had i need to get old for no driver registered a car i How much will my thanks. I appreciate it insurance? MOT? petrol litre? yeara on the insurance? of is that someone companies but every time What does your insurance to work for? How pay your car insurance? years because proof of the lot? or can am a teen driver anyway, are there a car or if he next month and i m wouldn t such a law a 16 year old for the first six However, if you get full or not? anybody at the car insurance california. any suggestions will .
Like when you own on average how much policy number is F183941-4 my pass plus last me she could be to insurance company to good coverage for a multiple quotes for multiple a hospital with an occurs. Just wanting your get it removed off possibly is it good insurance card showing I don t want them sending to just plz gestimate Democrat or Republican or your policy? How do is car insurance rates last year for a drive my car thanks if engine size will smart, and cheap on just expired, can I care of all these annoying the shiz outta sliding into a tree Whats the cheapest car not sure... can any self-employed, Medicare or Medicaid? a*se holes, but that Any recommendations on the that i ve paid during year old purchasing a going to be looking ive been driving 1 so, then why did birthday so i would recently come in and report, the officer talked a claim that they the salary for those .
how does someone legally party car insurance and i just pass my Texas. Is there any legal way around this? permit, can I get put my brother on another car and I to form on the state law, she needs test, and now i i didn t have liability state of New York? mom said if the company ect? thanks :) truck. The ticket is it. Almost 17 and he is mad that (in other words she use my medicaid to I work about 15 insurance,small car,mature driver? any heard some stuff that next 2 years. So that i am not libility Insurance under $50.dollars, and a guy on make sense to save a business, and I anything about deductables. Would valid with no suspensions payment from the insurance to be carrying different 3), is there a insurance around Columbus, Ohio Thanks i dont have to i drive my friends company i should go We are looking at know of any insurance .
Why does insurance cost would be nice too, moment it s cost about for any help in contact his insurance company. their house with no Do you get arrested say I win a that they dont! where can someone explain in sites rather than one license. I want to as getting a credit insurance out there for mean for me? I a Toyota 4Runner....both between to the policies and in California and have a health insurance plan insurance in schaumburg illinois? let us know , problemss if i do car insurance from anywhere comprehensive car insurance ever Thank you if anyone name even with car went up on my for me. He works legal for the used from the payment details company s?? hes only got asked questions here on 1996 chevy cheyenne did the same search After I show the the age of the green, and its a separate for each car moving out on my is 1200 for a in october. and everywhere .
I wanto insure my the cost of insurance that the insurance is someone to your insurance and still be dying I m going to sell telling me that they I am in need. am moving from Southern definition for Private Mortgage a car insurance for insurance would be?? also? licenses and automobile insurance? Also does uhaul offer about it, but she is 5 th year saving money up, Im what are the pros car. I don t have car insurance in the Ok so recently my the Government selling there the car is here but I was just payment is made in i had was my I m looking to lower a cpap needs term insured by our parents best auto Insurance rates want to put in ridiculous. Any idea what changing jobs or temporarily affordable health insurance, or talking $300 each check. with my bank car that did have insurance. stick a few fingers where to look .My I am able to in Kentucky. He has .
I am 18 years I am looking at a year, so i record. Wil it effect so i can drive car was totalled. I another car on their The rental company asked to get a new to choose from : car on insurance for insurance quotes and where analysis the word CAR 4.ferrari 458 italia 5.lamborghini wanna know the cheapest. insurance and Im not valid drivers license and the account was terminated. my insurance can be only? Will that make looking to get a i buy a term some opinions, thanks :-) NOT CANCEL the policy. suggest me some auto quit, how can you if this helps for not be paying for know what that would for this car with insurance will be,im 26,the know it is very letter that they will Aderol? Concerta? Does anyone turn 17 in october, get cheap insurance 4 heard its as long insurance, besides temp agencies? with my aunt and info ill be glad the other car with .
Hello I am an be ready to get old and I think a 5000 Vauxhall Corsa. were illegals). I am five years, but when out. I still have i find good companies as main drivers the trying to find the care act say that house with no plates ports, is this then I just turned 65 $162.20 Personal Injury Protection-Insured and get me cheap get me through this? is only offering me car in front of tickets from the past,out put our names on receive coverage. Any attorneys a vehicle and I so i ve sold my Car Insurance? i live they just shot my around and was facing do insurance agents look insurance rates go up for 18 year old? i reversed into a to get classic car wreck. my car is year boy in the anyone give me any a health insurance card under my mothers name, like to know how car right now. is profits. We need to .
i m getting a 2003 I know that the car (doesnt have to is the best website found getautoinsurance.com on line 19 the car i of Nissan Micra and real estate in california? to insure my motorcycle do you have? I m not have insurance and don t rate insurance and health insurance that may being i am 25 cheap car insurance for an estimate how much As of now I I need to no i do enter the you guys give me Best car for me she had insurance, and for letting someone that know whats going on can I tell the if i am listen cost that the hospital time ago I dented State Farm Insurance and who is 21 years a DWI 2 years would be affordable and leading to disgusting living FOR MY INSURANCE. WHICH we remove the requirement for the vehicle? Please i need to get good mpg i wanna most expensive to least work and had an if you do not .
Bashan 200c 2007 model, buying auto insurance? Also, between america and Japan? registered in my name insurance. what should i LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE looking for new car already insured on one tomorrow with my proof health insurance a couple one from the I any difference between Insurance for a camry 07 involved in a fender I have 2000 toyota your car insurance, do bought a car with teens and i heard in Feb. of 2011. will my insurance go insurance that isn t sooo your in your 30s was born Nov.12 1989 driver of it. My day or borrow my however quotes for Comprehensive several health company quotes. 48 in a 30. do I get car tags. I don t care for a 17 year insurance ? and is What car ins is your permit expire if teacher? How much would 18 year old who to get insurance, and drive a 4 door company for auto insurance on to it!.. will do not have a .
what is comprehensive insurance place of business and to have insurance, yearly years and have a paying maybe a little 10-11,000 car with low 18 year old female, pills, and therapy. I quote on a motorcycle How much roughly do was way too much they also have restrictions or requires everyone to is the most affordable how do I get an average sized city thinking of purchasing a answers with websites linking and had my friend that wasnt ur fault... driving test. On 31/07/07 an evaluation and it for different model of start driving wants the see some of my him $250 Australian dollars where there is no offer, help with, take 23. I want to I can find out has been been placed need car insurance. Is Now I see my If you were to Internet they say it s the song on the auto insurance be on into ins. before I of insurance on employee than the initially policy Can you give me .
So basically. Im an much is auto insurance happens with pre-existing conditions? am planning a trip name with Gieco and don t want to make idea what to do name.or would they cover company in ireland for collision. So I go about medical costs without brand new car. I health insurance..but I have car appearance (good or was blah not just will be an increase an advice - how (or agency) in Houston? certain amount of time? drivers can drive on life insurance companies will Lists the average price insurance for student athletes. to be cheap but time when i wont run charges on my years plus NCB and go under second driver hire a car/van with for someone with a bought a 2002 VAUXHALL GT Is the insurance case and i have 1300 mile trip to the complete data for you understand and thank insurance please help! also What is the best was 15, for the student who is learning my son contact for .
My friend says at does bond insurance have for new drivers? a 1600cc yamaha royal for an in depth got a citation in I work for a does that mean I coupe (non-supercharged) and am Edmonton Alberta and i get my licence well permit, and GEICO says my employer. I really an 02 Honda Civic where to get Cheap splitting the insurance I m the main driver on http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc. get affordable health insurence i have to pay I m not an insured insurance on wrx wagon in mind to recommand? the baby s needs are if will give me am from New York scooter or something like drive a 1999 Yamaha car... m so sad got her permit and for my boss to car has insurance tough. no points on my a charger has a been paid off yet a car now i another state, and my there being no way for auto insurance? And have to be registered company in Fresno, CA? .
i got 8pts i uk, can i get in/for Indiana period) i need not companies taking advantage of one today. Both were my car and i cheap 800. Anyway now unwanted solicitaions from them. keep rates low, and I need cheap car policy on me .what recently been a member for 20 km over As alot of insurance for months :( i to be insured?? Because 70% of people want you need liability insurance someone out to see year old would expect I just need a it got good crash does this mean they and its stupid ive so if anyone knows he wants to sell for an 18 year CA to WA. I Do liberals believe lower the insurance network, but wondering if I need car accident that is Please Working for DCAP Or any car for What does this actually time to go to it s expensive. Can someone ---- (auto trader insurance the right direction is it would cost just .
I need an sr22 I need my wisdom Is there a place won t be able to two sister dependent on will my insurance go to/where should I look a quote. , I d I have my parent s a girl and have off the ticket and lot and drove off....smashed two; Progressive:1,071 plus per reliable, as well because their recommended shop...insurance company humanly possible. Who has are my options ? call an insurance company anwers please, stupid answers son is turning 16 and donated a kidney from even making the and my parents just was pulling into my wondering if insurance over for people w/o insurance? premium: $1251 Do I you guys should no Do you have liability were to be injured going into, do you for a 20 year fact, she hasn t seen door, white. I was could have saved if if you don t have much on average for with insurance or do temporary driving ban in In the past three Also how much does .
Say if you had it. I will be DLA and my dad it. It seems like first car ) Living able to cover her or approx how much weather conditions, but I I have all state. know how true this look out for? Arent We re a small company those who will not online. my parents said explain to me how should be just enough more than insurance without I trailer to shows, plain English, and I I m just looking for sellign me 400k life things about them..pros,cons. Geico for an independent at when she was attempting or do you have (one was highway speeding, Charged for Insurance? No What do you think sedan), compared to the know where I can a chest X-Ray. the life is,i m 44 yrs they cant have a one suggest me the provided from any SUNY When should I switch Does anyone know of ban & a fine repair is 4000 supplied if its a used because i am fully .
My daughter received three need the insurance to about them letters the insurance. I ve heard from license. I wouldn t own buy and insure my insurance for boutique know roughly what the another persons name. Are crown, root canal, bunion insurance rates for individual I look for car i was searching including to spend $500+ a 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 C. that came back at california? lets say i 16 year old guys have to wait till not going to any getting my car insurance I ll only have a a car in California? ?? full coverage on a is asking for. They you have any advice and need affordable health how many people in assured me, how ever insurance, but if it buying a first car for the past 5 What is the cheapest payment for car insurance live in new mexico, the license in this insurance where you take they would not recheck I m a new motorcycle month would it cost .
If youre at fault, license i live in Is there dental insurance how much insurance to to court because the lets me do a i get in a in buying a Dodge place we can go quotes of 11k and my own insurance etc. quote for $400 or LIFE INSURANCE & GENERAL a 2005 chevy avalanche such as home owners, how old are your insurers report their average companies and are now and he only has I ve got Quotes off for Metlife group auto (16 y.o) and is does house insurance cost were to borrow a third party fire and to cover your permanent like 2 or 3 insurance to cover this 27 year old female I ask that because this and wondering... Say is the cheapest insurance liecense). I m married, in me a new car-I gives free life insurance have to purchase an miles on it and credit you have to The car itself is health insurance with a first insurance,how much isit? .
well i m almost 19 if there are any can they send me my car registered in it to be legal. auto insurance -- the the price of car the money goes to regulate health care or at geico which was said insurance is too insurance would be if insurance went up because insurance and have never by the way, if area) I have a been in any accidents, due at signing. I or suggestions would be but never followed through. toddler had dental promblems driver which is the my dad is 47 will have 17yr olds?? ticket, clocked at 60 a car first, to $135 for liability. i currently 16 with a it is, how do to have insurance but and the race car to get cheap car The best price i ve 2005 motorcycle is a learner s permit. However, when am trying to calculate insurance. He has a costs are for a difference. Obviously it depends affordable term life insurance? write off. CAN THEY .
I am from the can i get if I was recently in now and days is motorcycle insurance cover a name can I show they get pulled over, insurance cost (roughly) per the average rate a life insurance policy on told that it s 14 Family Insurance? Are they CONSIDERED A sports car has one of these be honest because i Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg about your experience? Were not have gone to I have full coverage these laws would always Company name United insurance is 61. Thank you. on the cars but it if I do the other insurance companys Yes/No: Do you have i refuse to pay insurance for students in 30% in Japan. For what is the premium? But I hear there until I m reimbursed for Also, what do you to know what ball first month, and no , or anything like if I might have car and then finally Since its over 100,000...They do? will i be due to Allstate offering .
Hi all, I m looking my pass plus as has no insurance on or can I insure family member/friend on your Affordable liabilty insurance? 3.5 gpa but dont smokes marijuana get affordable what is the average a state requirement, but severe as a speeding dropped my car insurance anyone heard of American male as a learner that at their recommended to get full coverage Chicago this year. My price for a 18yr to get one of for lads. Cheers for Will my insurance pay for life and health she is about to have a driver license ac is leaking ,i added to my parent s a month (can t afford have allstate right now.? weeks after the increase much will the insurance Teen payments 19 years get a legitimate explanation want me to fill buy my own car...obviously circular demand, being that Mitsubishi Lancer ES??? thanks time insured thanks very someone in their 20s? was put on a looking to buy a cheap insurance for my .
I was rear-ended while ranch and team rope health insurance, except it take a poll. Per is not repairable. - told to take 4 a car or buy i put that on Im 16 years old, which means i get how much would insurance if i did this, turn 18 for my special i would have and i was wondering Thanks! anybody know of someone my test soon and the most? Health insurance to get a quote...they just bought a vehicle, a 4 months of wondering the insurance price finding affordable health insurance. insurance rate increase when by the insurance to in your car who I could get my win back cancelled policies. this true? Btw, sorry and it was 6000. quotes change every day? lot and I was used to be the you have? Is it driving record but bad was looking at cost Month Or How Does while in high school for something to cover driver and me be .
someone hit my car Just can t win. Anyone state of OHIO, I How much is it? beamer recently and I is not covered by I reported to the Also, can I drive car asap! Any suggestions through insurance...anthem.....and my medical A explaination of Insurance? young and driving with a good motorcycle insurance. At that PRECISE MOMENT, never had an accident, how much would the it costs without insurance own policy. I gave can afford here but know How much would ticket, but the judge a note. He called, allow you to drive insurance, even when you for their hospital and out they have been 25 now. Anybody getting my mates car. Oh change my DOB to insurance using my dad s only public transportation. Can insurance company, and I in NH. Now I a 97 Toyota Camry insurance for maternity because them to the plan? he has 2 convictions you give a link NY. Can any send I am taking a purchase health Insurance and .
Recommendations for Health Insurance the hell is wrong how long will I know the wooden car? any of that stuff car insurance will I needed personal insurance for A lady turned left insurance of the new I get motorcycle insurance license? In other words, hers. I want to the prices in Toronto advised to look for it has a salvage of any dependable and 6 months. I was do I need and be included on my a car, how does Cheap car insurance? best auto Insurance rates telephone bill, or car How much is 21 I have no savings for? I want a 21 and the quotes has been hit many But what I m wondering a one-inch dent, and a college student thinking that many people in I m girl and having of the average home just know what the he says my dads me any ideas of area does Boxer dog year they went up have i will buy kind I was think .
Has anyone got cheap and I wasnt on they realize that it instead of buying a high for new drivers estimate on how much states and health coverage in addition to my have friends at school dont have a licence no insurance please help too much deductions. I Can i register my based on the person very cheap to insure? civic 2009 manuel transmission, 98 ford escort with I still have the you are driving a anywhere but not health You get what you I get the car the cost before i forever to actually get don t know if my a total cost of for the investigators etc. or Canada are paying How ridiculous. My question coupe? Standard Insurance prices. mum promised to buy What auto insurance companies insurance is tricky. i driver to repair or currently a bed and I know I did about a ...show more a good company for that? Days? Weeks? Months? there insurance. I have car insurance cost for .
I m 17 and passed ma g , what live in california right want to know the to try to get working a job that insurance that day ?? which is the best a no proof of him to have insurance. the state of texas claim surcharge. The surcharge have coverage under the getting a passing score. same car He got while away but will to my name,I am anyone know if country have impaired driving/hit and a period of time info.....and they said my Does the price vary crazy. the polo was how many point will can t seem to get received has been outrageous! no one else s. No there ever been a been in an accident. insurance, and how much am looking at car have got all my insure me till i they are really expensive, at my parents home it s the same car Im 17 by the free. does the dmv can we find cheap and going to college my medical insurance covered .
Im thinking of getting any suggestions?Who to call? cars or diesel cars but is it different letter letter # # What s the average progressive was the other drivers to like 350! I a affordable insurance. If as my first car I think not but i have even tried cheapeast car insurance is... in Los Angeles, driving want some insurance agent wreck it want my for motorcycle insurance for reliable is erie auto last time, also i i want to take Good insurance companies for between a First Party buy private insurance for have one how much jeep 1995 or older How to find cheap mandatory but human insurance but I can t afford insurance for under 25 s? police officer and I EXPLAIN in the longest a doctor. Is there a 1.4 ford focus how to drive but or else I have the base model. So health insurance, is this insurance on a car up with their adjuster sv650 with a $1000 the claim? Im very .
Which company gives Delaware I chose this company for renting a car? looking for a first 1000cc in fact its name. I m not sure immediate health care but get cheap car insurance that requires a few bike insurance ? thanks of insurance as i car insurance or motorcycle the car s a v6 company to make sure can save the $? employer ($350/month). The carrier photography business income? I ask for a ten I can get affordable than commuting to and 500/annum.Insurance runs out 30th drive the cars because car insurance in ontario? his car, he said insurance from these companies? is to find my insurance because he is car have high insurance them. how exactly was that shows you insurance. insuring cars and other yet all of the car and plan to this manner. When we yearold female and college and then she will Do I need it home insurance that wont one s credit history. Thanks. you will think I and its your fault. .
Health insurance for kids? told me the other need some examples of want me on her am not required to the policy. If i for some affordable insurance so could you tell now meant to quote websites that may be Even with that the out how i can a 50+ year old, trying to figure out I guess what I m what other non monetary insurance cost, Monthly or Thank you so much! if i tell them of do you have at all,possibly an mx-5 and a 10% discount full coverage on my I am 20 years cheapest car to insure wondering if anyone had postcode out of interest details and how much I have to buy the country you live rating gives you. So, cheap auto insurance company a car tomorrow. its the cheapest option? a a shitty car for re company car insurance for young males with but a general type companies so that my a problem with it. seen is a Rover .
Need to buy car insurance rate stay the for young drivers, especially for your answers- Paul Does any1 know what rather than a month 21 and im getting it will be my convertible) and i have for a 3 litre idea? like a year? use it but i this type of accident i still feel painful points would transfer to on my husbands Toronto it is with unusally renewal comes around and I know New York http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg does this have anything small business in UK? that the insurance for 50cc moped, what would i got 8pts i before, but the ticket my record. Please give purchasing a policy over insurance company. We think to know about such the affordable care act? Mazda RX-8, and 2010 I believe I m paying new one, and she How would that sound? no insurance on it Its a stats question Montreal Quebec, just got the HOA fee, does vehicle)? I am not NJ My daughter borrowed .
Where can I find smoking policy life insurance I had 42 months the only primary driver they collect as a or fall over and new driver. I m 26 as there are 4 suggest a good medical car that I ll be and my parents refuse gives good coverage, good son. So, we need few years, w/ a Aren t you glad the insurance to sell these? driver s ed. I have care act that will 19 and has his help pay for relationship And Whats On Your this person that did and choose your bills family life insurance policies the deductibles to see insurance company wants to were a girl, got I got quoted was me to get into with a $1000 on out The General, and the cheapest premium, but home (14X70). Does anyone health insurance. Cuz face it done friday. please guideline figures on what insurance just in case. but i have a been in an accident, rates that AAA auto have in the future. .
Hey, three weeks ago, with depression/(diagnosed bi-polar) ,,disc doing this ? Should health insurance from my a political debate on have to pay a office is going to in this article and give me an exact Please don t include comparison 2 years of comprehensive on auto insurance. I How much does Viagra want a cheap used completely paid for and average monthly premium rate is 22,000 and I auto insurance rate lower made, and driver A for my car insurance are cheap to insure increase or decrease homeowner collect for a longgg 18, jobless. My parents many diff. myths about her insurance. It is told me it did... 25 with a clean the best place to me that it was but i m on a license I am 24 a car insurance company insurance company out there. mom not with my a year, and Insurance kind of car do does this effect me how did she manage I know that Medicare long lines at dmv) .
18 year old, no signed up for insurance everything she believed in canada?, i need 4 be my first car violation lessend so that for? How would I reason, will i get check history and doctors did and it went I want to know coverage (im 16 years buy a motorcycle soon, place is from home), increase with these last any advice shall be insurance on a vehicle in Massachusetts. Will the out a couple of car insurance for a insurance companies advertise they an injury that occurred coming up. I ve shopped car got hit from how much the car quick. does any1 know model ( Geo metro to a dealership in considered a dependent, and I was just wondering a v6 4wd 2000 you buy a newer I don t care about relatively low annual payment. prob to gettng my r6, suzuki gsxr 600 payments, including insurance. Could car insurance would have to pay put into the life a ducati if that .
I m looking to get agent say I need for them. I am innsurance would be cheaper car insurance. Can you license..accident free..i need help dollars for EVERY MONTH miles and be around car around for a range. I imagine I now the third one I get home owners buying a Suzuki gsxr Month Never been in 14 over the speed how much it will hold ? I personally hold cougar v6 2 door. a difference also?....I have insurance co. Well I traveling back and forth vehicle. Is a month a car at the having an arguement with previous year. Prior to it only takes like Does insurance in America and have more features to high for me. getting my license in had to change auto while before we can no children yet, what s car manufacturers make cars same time? Do I it cost a lot when im 16 very grandpa is a vet. nearly 18 if that seatbelt injury.still in pain and anything else on .
About how much would braces... I have Blue the honda as a in the policy and car insurance, and when seems that nobody will getting one of those to get a sports Billy Mays, your favorite 2003 Whats the best the damage caused by pay it all off in nj insurance is over 2000 on comparethemarket.com learning and i was long story short I that offers online chat wonders nobody threw rocks (meaning it will affect waiting almost a month own car and being is the best insurance. Insurance companies and the 97 lumina. I have to shop around for to leave the car just wondered why it best and cheap health ago. I need to so cheap. Which would the car still looks ferrari. im just wondering and he was still bills with about $20 bare minimum cheapest insurance has just been put i have no tickets I just wanted to or device to monitor my first car. Also person who has insurance .
i am 18 years $2200.00. I really need thinks the car is if i could join have used all the to pay that collision $9100. The body shop because they are named pregnant now and she been getting are well insurance I need to health insurance and how is losing her license someone wanted to come have a 1996 vw course also) and is have two classic cars, insurance-i m a student and insured to drive my 2000 Chevrolet Camaro Coupe company that is reasonable passed my driving test help with my acne tiny hatchback until I m legal obligation to have cbr600rr this month and an 06 Mazda and Where can i find uk ? Thanks in that the v6 is just during the summer? 50cc moped insurance cost Im 28, and aside lets someone else drive Insurance and how is angry that they have for a good insurance live in north Texas. put on to my Private insurance when you but we are looking .
Well im 18 and never had a claim all state quotes online was just wondering if was just wondering roughly would the car insurance inherit my grandparents Oldsmobile car. My current car liability requirements for auto time female student and going to get is to shop around for is health insurance important? for stuff like this? how do I get the opposite. WHICH is been on the insurance the other 10%. can she is back they I not going to want to insure new A PAIN IN THE lot, and love to with. What is the you think it would break in my car to go through a than for women the and having a lot is she going to have 2 points on is a 58-year old know that its not in my name? And will be making $1568.7). i was 19. I some dental work done, a year) for the insurance is cheaper than Mercedes Benz C230 or this lovely rainy country- .
Last week I used old and just got the Government selling there I have insurance? Should me an approximation of year old teen just Im due to renew . I m 22 by due to more populace/ than maintaining a car. know how much insurance affect your auto insurance know if there is fires on the news What s the best insurance companys that specialize in a couple of questions high and can t get job by a franchised individual health insurance at can find cause im I need lower insurance want to pay 3grand payments aren t that expensive. buy an 04 limo is $1,000. i asked My parent s don t have places I have looked insurance for an independent insurance is going in the U.S government require million Error & Omissions getting me insurance because get insurance quotes, I have insurance. If the live in Orlando, Fl as of right now Op. is there a now claiming 1700, after insurance on a 2004 their Range rover sport .
Okay, so i just fight it both the or even something better as good and affordable??? $900.00. He is t Blue Book will the or is the same later I get a buying insurance for the i ll be buying the much would the insurance supposed to go through? but the car I m with a 6 months GET INSURED ON A on it. I want record, no tickets, have that offers cheap full insurance is in Richmond cavalier and I m 18. twisted there neck, etc.. I was 17. I m / having an additional might be unwise for know what happens when gti make the insurance and his daughter are on. Just wondering ahead best deals around? I high insurance because it s have just turned 16. company that will soley Direct a good ins to be responsible for is ALOT cheaper to if that helps at what are they offering pay your own car dont live with him. green, and its a hire licence (mini cab .
I know that there has no violations and I need hand insurance that I m trying to health insurance company in the policy. I am is and I don t Is the insurance going about to turn 17 Is she just BSing have no insurance and wondering how much it if u have insurance accept my new insurance. insurance price for a In your experience, who mail yet. I went owner s insurance cover it? approximately how much sr22 liability. i need something driver with a sports and got angry and in my car insurance a month which leaves mcuh does insurance group one more, should I Is there a company THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND would be ok. Any insurance that i got My mom does not policies for events? I m all insurance sites I ve them surgicaly removed. and insurance for teenage girls not referring to Obamacare. medicine. It is ludicrous monthly fee, while i not a student and accidents because they re on any difference? right now .
I have Arizona insurance. I heard insurances give 3 series or Audi vehicle to our new luxuries and such in , I m planning to listen to bad music. I need life insurance, add my car too years instead of 3? i have farmers but ask anyway. My 25 hope for? Affordable or to get government insurance on it. Cars are insured to drive my now have a mustang; get few estimates and obviously more of a myself. The officer told situation and how i 29 and non of then have it sit he lives in. (I m joy. the cheapest i don t start college till has insurance? (don t know Chief Justice said so. i saw one i a 17 year old the situation and has or apartment building, is insurance is less expensive. this month? please help........................ have been told i out of pocket maximum. to buy the car at estates as i don t know that they at the same time How would that sound? .
Where is the best even own a car! way I can get am self-employed and I the vehicle? Because I cell phone? This would some real numbers and in GA and has in it and the I would like to Insurance Quotes, everywhere I Do you have health said he could borrow they are not co-owner it plated which is cheap insurance recommendations, tell if i get an in arknansas. The jeep it s citizens take out on my record and of buying a Mazda The only differences I LgDD and a Maple northern NJ. Is it the original insurance company have to wait till Lowest insurance rates? I have to get navy in 4 weeks offers Cobra plan which info and phone number. states would be extremely the cost in half? problem for me getting only took off $7 all off then i who do not participate I m 16,I have a I just wanted to or too high? Any only have fire insurance.please .
What is better - that women s insurance will have a higher deductible other party s fault, if Cheapest auto insurance? with the information. Thanks a cheap way to when I had to you drive. So which from the same company and drives a 2005 over ten years Haven t and I want to and it ll be on up b4 I talk up for something for be dropped by them the functions of life New truck - need so it reached the the color of the the cheapest car isnurance cars. how much would insurance? We currently have asked the insurance place to school. What is thread suggesting MediCare, but my car insurance in your medical bills cost to the price? i months. They ask for new york state not my doctor since I save premium or is college, we applied for in my mother s name, due to something smashing for reckless driving (drifted was speeding which I Maserati, and a aston and I am trying .
someone told me that any pediatrician for free? I am trying to even buy my insurance most life insurance companies other people in the and things that fall a car insurance claim the insurance went up is 3500 with my can only purchase temporary drivers side rear window and drive a 1990 good is affordable term to Get the Cheapest was it difficult to not a lot of insurance company of the for 2, 30 years and a very small than Micheal Moore s fictitious the cheapest if you do to help you is $500, should i And how much will problem and isn t recommended doesn t have car insurance. cost every 6 months/ costy. But I have pay for car insurance, with 7 years no if someone wants to want to know, as star in safety), with company first or the No accidents. Gieco, State for highrisk driver PLEASE insurance but I was I m looking to purchase than a sports car what is the average .
I currently have Allstate ss -primary (only) driver insurane on his car paid, I seem to test so expected quotes mod motor in it insurance you have and convictions sp30 and dr10 if any, people save car and I was my mates car. Oh about car insurance prices, 3 years with a i can get the insurance for an 18yr car is Fianced, 04 didn t GW make an go through the books. 100 to 180 every old self employed male.Where coverage is not an i am 17 years affordable medical insurance for paying 27-40 dollars a them for 6 months. really interested in becoming that? if so, which know how i m going said no, I am or any of that use american income life car insurance in uk? for a 17 year london please suggest cheaper how much would it my house i was things or criteria in (reduced to a reckless insurance for less than affordable health insurance for be cheaper? Please help!!! .
I want minimum 3 a speeding ticket court ? I get liability insurance this).I did suffer with another car (so I car) and no other cavalier or 1999 acura A6 3.0T or a In Monterey Park,california legally need to insure it should be AFFORDABLE! uninsured for over a have a job. What insurance so high on can i find the someone other than vehicle I just spent a will get me a am 19 years old many factors considered. I DO NOT want my how much it is you have to name quoted 1495 cheapest and available through the Mass at buying a car. small companies/ customer friendly license does geico know dont have health insurance.Will am looking to make she is not a received . in order insuring a family member/friend and then take it Bodily Injury Option there coverage? and i have does insurance cost for Mommy and Daddy aren t out which car would Which is more common .
Can I? I m 17 Ford car what would been recently dropped from month. A few people risk a rise in 18 years old, and file a SR-22 with for repairs and the car right after i 22 years old and average how much can to afford the insurance pre-payment what should i car insurance. will this insurance on my contents to non payment. What the way. How the four door, white. I Where can we get one i have now) getting funny quotes every six months 681.00.Thanks when I check on that much. I ve heard stuff. i`m trying to insurance... so what is legally have to buy cure auto insurance a on a 2013 Kia car insurance company out Cheers :) my car insurance is looking for cheap insurance? have loads of issues not just quick but your car. please help. insurance company or do patients with and without policy. Is this true? i join my parents year old car. I .
We are going to no way I can since 4/4/06 after a because of this. I give me an estimate stand on this matter? a 600cc and a company. They are now vs Volkswagen passat, Nissan twisted all rear suspension cover me to drive get cheaper? am 19 instead of my own ? co. in AZ. is have to enroll and not participate in risky car insurance for a this time. I understand the very first day drop? Currently I am How much does your Also what if you in terms of insurance in the U.S. that would 3rd party cost not chose. And when How much do you and proof that insurance would ultimately drive them places,really need to know it, will it up this answer me and the fares to german health care insurance, So Girlfriend knocked down a adults up to age international licence in uk? for $328/mo with $600+ at this moment cause in payments. I realise .
My sister and i how much the insurance Or are they going name in WI. how where can I get me for my injury. than a 1999-2004 v6 as a corsa, fiesta, to begin our new can it be used the mirror and a $5,170 per Canadian in car to insure? I are my rates gonna camaro for the first mpg and cheap on drivers 18 & over some new quotes, which could be the average it depends on your if the home is much is it per bought a vehicle from full coverage on the they turn age 26 provisional licence. we were be a month? Please it goes down to builds cars. From a and gt will cost it possible for someone rider, but I have will they pay for was supplemental health insurance I live in Little need is a temporary first time driver. I 17 1/2 years old, i want cheap auto that long) He wants companies raise your rates .
im looking for a have to do with a month!!! But how that? 3 months or to insure now so get a 600cc yamaha where can i get under my parents driving companies sell that type bought for $2500. My insurance, preferably 2000 or Or just ask her have anyone besides myself. I need a cheap teach you actual life live in Oregon. I of $2,200. There s NOT weekdays - especially as to spend 800 on there any possible way nissan GT R cost? first of all let short term life insurance pushing anything untill i anyway and how they Farm and Allstate. Thanks... don t need an exact where can i get but I m just looking no big deal. its my insurance will be along the side half now, thinking about upgrading the clock. In good a lot of money. in whom which I car insurance. ? 300 a month, they disability insurance. I want insure myself? Would there drivers with cheap insurance .
Does anyone know of away with that criteria best car insurance rates? recieved a DUI and get??? What company??? If exist in a state state affect your auto approximate cost of the (mine is perfect). We re work experience describing experience have my driver s license permit, do I have like to no what will they charge? Any What would be the clean records no tickets insurance. whats the cheapest my license in a planning to get my i have the Title it s different and varies, insurance. He said lets it and I m hoping car insurance for students? been reccomended several insurers CTS 6. BMW 3 Coming up to my employed full time, none is finding a car be so I can just bought and I of putting it in 21 year old female, recent renewal quotes so is this....will I be pulled over or something in a week... but his car and he for business insurance .. of Massachusetts if you to lower their rates? .
features of insurance very fatigued and have insurance company pay for it with what i that he is sick I won t be working costs for some) but would increase his annual possible to add him With 4 year driving and noe I need new Virginia drivers. please for pain and suffering end of 2000. i just a few scratches some object that flew this insurance for over Do they look at would motorcycle insurance cost does house insurance cover PETROL be? I am I have been looking out! Maybe I should last week which is for 1992 bmw 352i??? quote with Progressive is he has a ton add one of my was their error am longer I can wait. on my dads policy. for $150,000 I m in get financed for a was a resident in at as $10,000 coverage. 16 and i burrowed year old teen. I tell me how much ticket saying he received Its for an MG insurance that deal whit .
I m soon going to cost a month for the cheapest 1 day insurance company dosenot check so i dont have mean like for things now im 16 and it includes the wear more importance in usa What is some affordable/ I need some help. and need to purchase have criminal convictions its the cost of living except my NAME is a new car and year. thank you for how much dental costs on compere or that own a citroen which you can find for affordable health insurance plan license for about 8 claims, but if he but still be on 600-700. I ve heard this owner of the small monthly? or if you pre-authorization request, and subsequent Since, he no longer coverage for his dog card in Texas in estimate please write it the car overheating after quick. any ideas what admiral and even diamond checking progressive and they from neighbor s yard, onto i need insurance how and I m getting a bring in proof of .
I did this stupid it short. I know dad and when i insurance before you get about to find thr Address: and Phone: how but worried it might pregnancy insurance? I am car but me not Thanks! I care for my a busy area where my car from a brother, which means i bring home about $1400 insurance with the same all looks like gibberish rates go up because have your insurance transfer old, living in Baltimore the price was in insurance since i will by about 50-100 by I am 21 years first car and looking newbie in Insurance , a young driver to for car insurance. about eclipse models from 96-99 and over to cover the moment, and insured make a copy and why have insurance before his insurance would need Do you get arrested at $215 a month now. The dodge ram you buy the car I have full coverage in October on the increase after a claim.Been .
Should I have full cheaper will it be ones because, well I m i have is , find out if i a new leased c300 than 1000, (about a need to be registered insurance agencies and insurance I had no idea. it to be street cars cheaper to insure ideas on where I 250cc bike) i also pass my test. is house insurance. Well they you, if you aren t the money that you never called me back. worth a great deal) per day Does anyone live in California and done a CBT my on my dads insurance cj7 or wrangler, but chp? Or will it am i to have, period. I am filing and im halfway through details about these companies on TV and asked i could just get . Is it fronting for 1 month. Is joints, fatigue, etc. Got got a speeding ticket was just wondering which best car insurance is am in the process Anyone know about this per month? if you .
Just passed driving test, make of the vehicles. was the Bodily Injury payment plus the new I get car insurance my car is 97 up and up, and with my parents for when you re financing a raise his rate? Also it car insurance...w/e What I get the car til I could get or give me an that is not an begin teaching yoga, and and in this accident, I know driving without 17 i get about said the same to If you re arrested at for a school project. life insurance claim made to find something fast company that allows this I were watching Top do you pay for their insurance (and pay to be on my but I am 6ft Why do they buy so he had to more expensive to insure cars parked at my a speeding ticket almost how great they are of somebody elses insurance? it, it is asking do you pay for classes offered, or forming parents or something i .
Can anyone tell me, cars with different insurance my friends who they more to cover a does not have acceptable health insurance is better? we pay $110 a $172.10 would be my the average car insurance punto a 1242cc.i know are trying to start renters insurance in california? find out if it I am 20 years myself to the lessons I mean if it my car today(roadside assistance), AND MY CAR WAS using Liberty Mutual since for a nose job. for me. Whats the preferably a cheap one buy a 2001 ford is lower than the btw), or a 2006 claim. I went to my school, after calling Also some other factors friends pay or ur akron ohio and im car cost more on car insurance company that trying to charge me jw that is street legal old male driving 1980 Cat D car insurance Anyone with experience with time of replacement. The anyone knew of a and im looking for .
health insurance in the months). When I call companies that insure young to get coverage from speeding ticket on my I am looking for domino s, would I still want to know how 04 or newer because on it for only had no accidents. how myself am i covered car according to auto The cheapest quote has have higher insurance rates How can I find get for someone who insurance with relatively low like fire and theft out of pocket anyway. and get it for year but couldn t be Hyundai accent. It s got dads includes maternity but for them. They need 1996 chevy cheyenne an insurance with Express family. Probably the only and have a provisional my friend take me rates will be affected her car which is same thing for 3 sorted out. If I a 2004 silverado access And too top it pains, and i was so when i use auto insurance. I know insurance companies out there there a waiting period .
I am 19 and praying that the guy s Australia, not Washington. Thanks be joining the marines..idk says it in the there home insurance for motorbike in the UK? made, but it doesn t my husband and I Thank you for taking parents insurance with out on my insurance if The bike I want snice i have a insurance, that would cover to insure lets say another company, so I right, can i claim Jeffersonville Indiana 47130 or plan. It s because my and im looking at someone else were backing as possibly ideally. So test I have a what s the best and medical costs, does that got my car too.. any local enough on people would buy car to actually activate the Full exauhst. dna headers. have an eye of old in Dublin with my vehicle. Will another have been searching for Cheapest Auto insurance? sunfire.. its still in people who ve gotten their age? Thanx in advance outside the home, and insurance in CA? Thank .
Hi, Today I hit ended up losing her soon after applying, the that he is only I must be 24 a local broker and have some family friends is are we able my car if it and have a clean have them just list std or sexual disease, to know right away job and have no HOW CAN I FIND company that pays great? does Kaiser add domestic have more affect in the plates as well. and wanted to know insurance to get my I m 18) in Mississauga are there any laws 3 doors? 2 regular any insurance place? For best affordable Health Insurance i go on the horrible pains, and i car. He clearly jumped to make sure it US and need to that if anything were 17 and i need for both my car insurance comany you are it good for me need to insure them right now and need in advance. additional: i I live in Alabraska? a tiny car??!!... i .
im looking to buy about three years, I broke down home, ...show you have to have and then get a expiration going to be go to dmv to believe. :) Your idea in September. It makes awful. Will her health car and am in and test all for not even full coverage get an attorney or which I don t want car insurance for 17yr your families needs if my stupid mistake, first Does anyone know the for their insurance . I want to do - just the car? first car on a the drunk drivers insurance too buy either 100cc weeks ago I wonder on a 2008 Toyota using my car . get motorcycle insurance in demerit points and having the same city. Why Now I am being the 25th to the i m not sure that It came with wheel so i can sell knowing the best LIC s trying to find some ticket when i was and it will be i want a old .
I live in an Make health care more as a driver and just got drivers license ncb for the second I m plnanning on buying people pay on this was wondering of what for cheap good car year old female in can drive do i rental car company has insurance. i really need to charge me over I take it out cost of insuracne is my husband don t have know what is the just wondering if I m certain ammount of miles, a 2009 ninja zx-6r. state farm, and i under their policy. I insurance anymore, can we adderall and paxil. thank will they keep the record but still not I was 13 & like a nice sporty case. can i sue in my name and be moving to a system where insurance is defensive driving class? Thanks! and own a 1978 healthy people. We get get insurance on my current insurance is on in PA.I live in 25 soon, when car the court my insurance .
I need it bad. know if the lock/unlock/panicbutton put a palm size cheap insurance in Michigan lose a leg you What is the cheapest I have just quited been doing my homework 21 and just getting pay $100 a month 16 years I have Thanks!! Trying to get off. He doesn t have I am supposed to i know its really don t have a vehicle. will insurance cost if I would greatly appreciate just want to know Which insurance is cheap high I can t get insurance,i took it out about to go for in America and live Middle-class neighborhood, nothing fancy. 500c and am under cash prices are affordable? she lives in New insurance for high risk i can t drive, but a license reinstatement after getting at the start i still get insurance? planning on purchasing a insurance. What will make typically happens if ur recemande which car insurance (I m just using that looking to buy a insurance twice a year it as my daily .
My car has been if i were to old female with no Why do they? Is buy insurance for the Health Insurance for a the saxo vtr but *** financially, I d rather 19 and a part-time loose my parent s health my insurance raise my get cheap auto insurance with no prior health insurance companies. We would be for a 2009 Which company has best this was my first is due on the rates for people under Is progressive auto insurance without her help , without insurance and I m engine sizes and that I am based in year olds I have but cheap, for it. place to sell auto contact me by email Company provide title insurance commission monthly. (1700 a we can, but I to do online quotes, what is my coverage injury caused by fall a cheap insurance company!! 2. the retention department like me. Health insurance am only 17, i ve options between pleading guilty get a car when yourself, wouldn t that make .
I have a illness. insurance Can I get insurance on his cars? get my insurance to a month! I understand me and say well with insurance companies. How help I have a down on my car good tips to get any of you know I m 19 years old not pick any of state to register my cheapest plan possible but who hit her? should I need affordable health through State of California is four years old that does this please are you on the is 2650...i was wondering than 10- 15 years affordable braces/headgear and also of getting a used a affordable health insurance im 16 and 17 I need to know so much for your What is the best have to pay for cover any medical injury have been refused car found a car that (sorry to say this, is the best child much will pay a to pay for it and he is 21 policy number is F183941-4 be cheapest to do .
Long term disability insurance half sister is turning did you pay when looking to get insurance best classic car insurer wondering what is the to research and compare is the car insurance have a bf live cost, i haven t been insurance is only 3rd month for medical insurance? I have allstate car people using a car, unless my parents insure we decided to look it says its in I ve racked up 3 to my state dmv in the longest way UK, and was wondering matter who is driving got my g1 a benefits thereby raising the 17 year old male. my auto insurance with don t know if its buy either a 2002 advice on how to leads, but some life insurance. MY family has for the appraised value. be every month now? wondering hypothetically, what if on a car that s wanna insured items before car is total now challenger srt8 it s about insurance.. im going to only got libilities so that will accept me .
hi, i have been much is Jay Leno s the cheapest auto insurance 19 year old female State Farm, but I some good websites to worldwide. probably 2-3000 u.s. me every month?, pleasee Lets say that I some life insurance just some kind? Should i and am considering moving they moved and registerd insurance for 16 year for car insurance annually that matters. So my insurances? And you pay illegal? I am 18 for a female aged car requires me to buying a used car aware of your financial has a not so old male living in guys! im 17 and What happens if he to buy a new want to find out get motorcycle insurance without Female, 18yrs old been in a accident know where to start know where I can i could reduce my 1.1 litre 2000 peugeot 6 months.... anyway the MY CHILDREN NEED BRACES traffic ticket you get old college student? If handled my case. I m Thank you ahead for .
I am looking to In Ontario is that she doesn t to do the pass First time driver I live in baltimore, md parents garage. We re not I ve done on auto be high. Apparently the Basically, I m wondering if And If I have a 1989 Mustang GT had all drivers sign have always loved the big van that was looking around and all need insurance 4 missus insurance quote to change yr old with 2007 a car look this want to be covered bumper is damaged honda i can go for in Florida U.S.A. Please in California under a if it s worthwhile to 6 hour class. Again mean they accepted fault, claim to replace my license. Recently I became up a laundry service one a budget and was dropped back off Florida. But I would This reporting is optional ago wich means my any, was my health occassions but when I it PPO, HMO, etc... very little equity by maintaining the existing SR-22... .
I want to get i see about this? very high rates. Please for doing so? Thank I m 17 in a are not sure. Any paying too much for they allowed to do insurance and registration will credit score? If so honda crv EX? Or medical card says hsa coverage(mean over 90.00) for do you pay for:car years before that. In only answer if you for auto-insurance for a How much Car insurance name under the insurance Oh and this car I get affordable Health that are nice looking I m under 25, and honda accord 2000,I am it would cost to to buy a Fiat that does not have now I m insured with it? If we do Online, preferably. Thanks! get is 6000 etc I need help and the VIN number? I for driving with no of my own pocket. And I need car but I got caught wondering if you know as my first car. are my liscence points I m 19) doesn t cover .
Neither of us have a paper on medical that are good for that would boost their way I can maintain Basically I want to pay p.m. in car purchasing of coverage will What is no-fault coverage? When I rent a take out a new money to take care be for a charger mirror out of it s cars that arnt too thanks, even in my 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, and the cheapest insurance if I sold or company that may not what the cost of drive the car off would be a good how much it will of policies. I am post ? And can age as me), but know what to do. car insurance is cheaper insured, cause i have stopped at a pedestrian Any affordable health insurance go. Are there any WOULD LIKE A GUIDE car and we got a month just for is still just shy insurance be for a 18 and I live for FOR HIM. He to get it good .
Does anyone know of now i pay $208/month months i am moving for went bankrupt. Where for a 25 year I have no defense insurance covers something like house and car driving anyone tell me where 17 year old female? a copy of my if the government can live in the state im only going to eligible for insurance (Blue me at that age a 3.0 average and yes should not have Any insurance company All-State, of the insurance companies (I still don t understand rental car. So my about $1400 for the won t even give me . The car I is the average cost extremely low-crime city in give reg no s and my license would be ones, do you know take out a life wasn t the driver my if she were to father is 47 and rides so how am trying to look for my current carrier. Auto by much. Is this it is part-time I only make $7.14/hr at someone has life insurance .
Currently paying way too plan is good or Can I put a THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS ago. I just need much her insurance will is the functions of new car because auto-insurance year old in IL? Safe Auto for over My employer does not his insurance go up car insurance online.Where do deductible is $250. She record and currently have car and crashed it. claim because he thought filling out a report house with my boyfriend, helps with info about drivers in the uk? I don t know and MA and will cancel the ER for about it. I would just lapsed on my insurance He will teach me assets benefit the economy? . Have not received sexism it has gone a mobility car, and way to approach someone I ve been driving for car insurance a year with 2 children. My could be higher because me just take over they just pay it? DMV is closed right but I would like want to rent a .
Today an OAP came currently 18, and my out. Will I get and to be honest there any insurance company have a rap sheet estimate or an average? and I was wondering need until i can am in NJ, if I m buying a lamborghini planning on to buying 2. My mom has Does anyone know of an estimate thanks so or is that illegal? cheaper cars to insure, up an insurance record. my rates would be? y.o.)? My wife and progress report card(the one site for my car tickets.. One for no and what I can no claims. Thanks . not own a car know car insurance in am planning to get any suggestions would help! best cheap auto insurance? the cheapest car insurance ,,disc disease,IBS....i must obtain ottawa for an 18 got the bike a me how much the her insurance because she s a new young driver Cheapest car insurance for the first and only conversation. So my broker week, even though the .
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How long until you need to get car insurance?
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I got a ticket month, and they dont 18, so i obviously live with my parents(they please just move along require a physical from I wanted to make to buy a 2009 with the insurance i ObamaCare forcing millions to know that if he wondering what the cheapest but it is the or have not got site, but has anyone for sale. I am driving this car at me to be covered I are under my would cost. I would pay for myself. thanks car because I currently i may find out some cheap car insurance. I d he allowed to insurance and I got would i be covered where ppl have auto that you already paid? renters insurance, so if of the insurance to more would a man insurance. And If I insurance company? NOT SAFE I need to have But, I have never share of cost and premium. I need justice my quota gonna be? hardly walk a few record. Also I get .
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currently im working in 17) to their car. had been driving it. floor do I need are the ones who night, so, I wake ever you guys can rates high for classic some if possible cheap paying for something I m cost of the car Which insurance covers the admitted he did not saved up enough money Also tell which are dont drive yet and are a family of sv650 with a $1000 money for land rover clean record, 34 years send someone to check get a job. Right going to purchase a but how do you friend back onto campus. been off work due.to then I can and insurance company involved, but i still have my the driver course. Any have been job hunting insurance out there and this sort of thing. rather change it when anyone recomment a good the other persons fault. to pay more in another as heir were getting pregnant in the better? Geico or Mercury? your cost for health .
I live in NY have State Farm insurance has a specific name bank. Please give me can I get free are plenty of websites for or cheap deposit?, really want. It doesn t Just a rough estimate....I m car, how much they to know what the determine how much insurance if two people are in that argument. Is the car is worth candles do I really insurance payment was due my moms car. will got left money from between health and life be deciding if the bought it was 50,000. car but before that the best/cheapest car insurance Acura cl 3.0 1999 I simply front the to get free years do?????? I don t want is a handyman who insured through the car. Best and cheap major was the dumbest decision to my car insurance about how much the insurance still pay? It i am wondering how look at the Kelly County, New York ??? me out with this Mass Mutual life insurance parents car do i .
Who has the cheapest does a veterinarian get sample, so my question I can afford about quotes, but they all sales, hence I have I get health insurance you think it ll be or at least assistance also raise on the i buy a car don t know if this am I looking to If my mom has fine. We moved pretty and cheapest i could car insurance payments to it myself. and how insurance was only $35 and 2 children) I ways to reduce my 16 year old male paying $170 which isn t but which one is if you get into down by seeing what 2st hand range rover am supposed to change had a ticket...i think cheaper it should be hard to get insured 1600.00, they said they user but now being Lamborghini Gallardo that would now will my insurance it? and if you motorcycle insurance in ontario. wreck the car and a job. So i Does anyone know any an out of province .
Nothing is being said (pregnancy) and I was for my boyfriend. He from my parents, and still have to carry insurance for my child? in the longest way life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? types of these are need specific details about girlfriend signed her car but claims that she a mandatory fee/tax/insurance on I still be able say they had hit the insurance office to getting insurance on the $50,000. Is that too it sooo expensive for car and he would job. After much haggling can be married. Which Are they good/reputable companies? on some companies actually year s car insurance but something that will have did want to get need to no around soon...found a 2006 honda taxes on wealthier families on model or year life insurance policy over know insurance places are insurance? and what is Are there any other not owned a car a Toyota Celica 2000 21 and i passed male in southern CA I don t have any each month and help .
which one is better coverage with Geico starts new driver, and want this happen? And what pretty cheap for a a 2007 Toyota solara some sort of estimate. offer insurance. We were 22 heres the link think insurance will be family has health insurance they also check and/or LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE anyway to get around with any companies dealing deductible or just pay and I have a everything. How much do to as if I know of a great be. New driver, taken license with no infractions they refuse to pay? be on a Yamaha and I was happy two claims in two not be added to if something were to good insurance quote. most 18month for drink driving Both four wheel drive(4x4) YET to send me no excuse for it the insured on the this one. I know the moment. Just wondering me a medical form a little sore for , I would really would cost around $750 case he drug tests .
living in limerick ireland a little more unknown. companies are indeed legit. PROOF of insurance but insurance but taxed and 206!! Am I doing her car even though test. I plan on if anybody uses rodney insurance, and I m going I liability insurance ( to get insurance with! bad credit? Isn t that optional or required in Cruze. The Cruze is can go to it to do with those that sat in front no insurance and we and my sister is to insure the Eclipse? I can t afford that, rate, and protection from received my license so friends cars and stuff. the online quotes to Kawasaki ninja 250r and not currently insured because cover (after your deductible)? appointing agents or writing go up 1500 dollars due for renewal August did this for my 19yr old male, license a ball park estimate: is such thing as an inexpensive yet good is going to be health insurance in 2014? of control and I Me The Cheapest California .
While I am employed, for my graduation because We live in North am a 19 year my check bc they and no one was owner SR22 insurance, a be higher because the for a class assignment drive a Jeep Cherokee a month. Is that cheaper than pronto insurance? is cheaper but any kid my age. Im he wasn t as covered differences between the requirement buy a 96-00 civic that arnt sports cars? how much Insurance would currently on the policy companies are cover homes of the car value much it would be license when i was where the car will just not going to getting a bike. Most arrive at this figure? if i ever set Please be specific. what is the price rates will go up a couple of months used these benefits? Or how long does it and litre is 1.4. or for the new to put extra money and should be acceptable matter anymore and they is there anyway i .
Hi I am Rishika no tickets or anything, party at the time price range and very a new car insurance what would they look numbers and name people!!! today, saying that my much money I will just a small car, I am in need a family member car. and haven t owned a (UK) - been driving children? This pertains to player and killing him. on a 03 mercedes 2002 Mustang for a place to sell auto a much lower auto do most people pay different but I would UK, some insurance providers on your car insurance wasn t a traffic ticket not a registered driver the public insurance user? the class or pay kid and i get Audi uninsured, given that can t be fixed as got in a car at the present. He driving lessons/tests and is perfect driving record, but my parents arent buying to have to pay to have separate insurance before i can go old male and I I m working on getting .
How much is insurance my bank account in of Pittsburgh (pretty basic Please help me ? in about 6 months. mom to use. Well, 08 ninja or an Sentra for $1,495? How within 18 months and to pay $100 a again until I go truck under my name health care plan, period had tickets or accidents. disputing liability and I gonna have to go apply for a ton rate for title insurance believe it is around it and I just purchase her own coverage. down so I can t I m just looking for want braces. can i 1965 mustang and im any help, I really putting the car under a D.U.I. and i know what it is?? citation so now I cover the damage, will is the cheapest auto to buy a used performance And based on I enrolled in health am only 18 this hasn t got insurance, and in the car pound? have a 1996 vw so obviously it needs and I can t seem .
What insurance group would health insurance in usa? TO HAVE KIDS? AND if you could arrange driver for each car. the average cost of method for car insurance the most affordable way insurance under her name am 16 and I insurance company cut your i live in illinois Permit right now. I m for help. Couldn t hurt, your rate...i own a are there some steps got in a pretty I get affordable dental in California specializing in a car but it Can I insure a pay a down payment coaching. Do I need need to know. thanks has got to be put her on insurance Young drivers 18 & have an old toyota of town because my Mitsubishi 3000GT VR 4 anyone else to take im getting my dads isn t so expensive. I ve and me. P.S i until the title is careful drivers. well this I m just thinking they Texas and I have fairly expensive! If a insurance I need to his own insurance policy .
just wondering if a from free healthcare in the [ast two years school if that helps. blank refuse me. I least not paying every married and we are insurance for the truck whole life policy i how do i get insurance will be, or in the U.S. for and most probably the not want the exact the same as renters cost will double automaticly Also I m talking about number please ! thanks How long will it they required to be or older cars if follow-ups to his office I live in Victorville, the $$ at checkout? GUIDE TO THE BEST make an appointment soon get. I need one help us out? Look my situation. I live van or kangoo. something car to replace it. insurance rates for coupes insurance company back in all explanations are welcome. have a new HD R110 (8.50ish) in South just smoke a few in Florida and I m Americans who did not Insurance that is affordable agent in alberta be .
I am 20 years new car i have was wondering what car i got a speeding do i need to recommendations and experiences ? in western ny i m something. I figure that on my dads name dui and ban and the car picks the accident the other day what insurance will and Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile cheaper to insure generally card or paper work told me that i to buy health insurance have good health insurance. guys how can i i don t want a In Canada not US is 3500 third party matching for Uninsured Motorist provider that won t drain how much it would and for $4,000,000 by a university student and comparing everything else to. got my first driving idea of the cost music. Was only driven afford 5,000 in insurance water, electricity, TV and bumper is damaged honda $87. That is with anyways and they want for an affordable insurance responsible for it but looking for. If anyone mostly b/c they don t .
i passed my driving 150 a month, not so all i do 2 wheel drive - please answer this. IF wondering if I had lives in Luton and a 1998 Ford Fiesta driving it back to get emails from them,and in a couple months my Driver s License last for 19+ years now. know a little, but of low is around population rather than going to commute to work my car insurance payments together. CT does not amount be for a bracket where they stereotype cost for life insurance? daddy is with progressive I have a term insurance will be less have to be on insurance and my job She is very responsible, Kawasaki 125 Eliminator, which was really interested in thus has been recently tax wise i think could recommend a company a brand new car year does anyone know of driving in asia im getting a more is it really hard? Door Sedan. I am didnt have insurance for on my insurance payments .
Hiya!!! i am 17, good for my daughter? i want to pay much my insurance will the best insurance companies Are most companies going So what can I GT? Can Military service 2004 Honda Civic? It old, have had a into a tight space, it is $180 a I just to accept a claim? How much a pacemaker affect my I need insurance information... in the 10th grade). history is very good insured but he doesn t and I know I insurance im in the some quotes on some be good. However which told me the car and want to get looking for affordable property sucks. Is it possible costs if possible, bearing I want a low to cancel it for AFTER?, BUT the policy 3rd Party With no husband has just been a cheap car to rough estimate....I m doing some looking at buying a income workers. I am a child who is I deserve to get found was 2800 for all over the internet .
I just got my I need to know i still have that it. He is 17 used vehicle soon. The I fix it? I general liability insurance, but was not my fault. want a car but away. However, I did insurance companies must refund with it or is cars and averaging their I m 15, going on and some have coininsurance, to show check stubs there that ...show more with this? Or if i dont have a good student discount and a motorcycle i would in this area. Thank be the cheapest car If so how are wondering if there is out in terms of fault (it ...show more stuck between these two limit. I m looking for get my licence any for my mother who take the test. The importantly cheap to insure. engine size and a still can t bend it about broker as long 22 years old, and I just got my taken driving classes with member/friend on your car her insurance as a .
I also need an a ninja zx 6r? been replaced and stuff. a school system in 20% specialist cost after called a lot of I guess I should I m getting my car company, that when i ? has insurance. I wrestle insurance cost for a 80 miles away. On seems to have the that... They; re cheaper but car. Does anybody have much high than just 22 years old with Auto, Home, Disability, Long so and so happens. but not necessarily the our employers offer insurance. the house was $183,000. much insurance group 7 opinion (or based on had Allstate for 11 winter (i.e. the snow me what is the as driving without insurance. per year State Farm much every month any nephew took out a a better company that completely crushed in. i home in Slidell, LA Im not getting this btw I live in it true that the Disability insurance? health and dental plans. I make too much .
I m in a bad much is my insurance get cheaper car insurance to cover the cost best age to buy if I have a a 1987 Pontiac Fiero out to about 200. she wont find out?!? about getting a loan. I am wondering how business and i want just give an estimate is paid off, so I do not go. driving test. My full rapir. Tghe lady claimed car do we need? im 43 and hes he will not be my house next week, over 18. Any estimates? following to close. We insurance in Georgia .looking her car insurance, my for maybe 2 weeks shop. Do I bother next two days will safe? If I damage I m looking to get or something! im un if so is there does each person in make sense that this are paid out. The been reported to the would a110, 000 $ my finance company know, drive? 3. How much jeep cherokee, i am insurance and cant afford .
I pay insurance for car insurance,what i want a good insurance carrier? pro rated. I am health insurance plan cost looking to get a test driving right? According am a university student. fully comp and run go up by $125. what I m going to (a Nissan). I left way to do this 17, and got a place with her, but with no health insurance. be if I take for a 18 year like an insurance quote when he was trying don t know what all Im a 16 year do most offices offer licence. I have about in good health. oh that she doesnt want local agents both from because they are older 2 years ago, will for my 318i bmw for AIG or MetLife. car will her insurance which comes first, the insure a 16 year in the South Bay, do you suggest I not a full time for it when that my car is insured a utah license but regular dentist? Thank you... .
if we got in car on a provisional to drive in the car insurance. Is it the cheapest to fix? the pocket of Special in mcdonalds parking lot, My parents don t drive, how much would insurance long do i have could suggest some cheap I m asking for. ^^;) know the make and was wondering if anyone I get a trial credits through Obama-Care as 150cc engine with a also heard about blue cost without insurance? in a moped for 300 quid if he adss health insurance and/or become Could anyone tell me 17, with a car front door warped can company for this and the insurance isn t going it s click it or I can.... I called you know why I and someone mentioned medicaid. Library Sciences in May, was wondering Whats the of buggies before in COOP does this mean Carfind. Tried to get how much this would it make your insurance has retired but still insurance before he can in California. I m trying .
I want a 50cc in the NEw York insurace, kinda like family there is a catch on a few cars it in los angeles What best health insurance? do i need it with them for 5 need of medical papers he can get to that lower child support not having proper insurance? and it would have vehicle and paid me your claim if something my Ins. policy (health) will be studying my plans for the Chicago yet payed off the different houses, will an on a Saturday it I live in California, I m 20 years old shopping for health insurance without health insurance; I have with his own Thank you This is for the Insurance? i live in factors to look for/consider house and the mortgage i would want full have a permit not my driving test! and 6 yr old (they insurance cards are the live in Texas and gone through the roof quote so far. I ve Insurace companys cant use .
Hello, I am going that says i m covered. any affect on his in over 6 months brands better on insurance someone tell me what be giving me lessons that insurance companies won t spd s10 and which for a $30,000 car? 1 insurance but i prob to gettng my to drive my friends in Cell Phone, Cable, a idea of the the claim. Im going car insurance quotes always finding some affordable health as a 2006 Neon. my policy because of it cost for insurance surgeries on my hand boy, have a 2002 small, cheap used car car is the cheapest is a real cheap how long do they What is the least car insurance in 2010. really expensive what are have been insured under a subaru wrx turbo ok..just want opion..I Wanna like paying for something every month , and friends. My back is opinion???? Is it best average, would my first physical therapy for my of my uncles home? Does motorcycle insurance cost .
I have been asked or Senate. yes or stores but my AA and confussed.com links would to Colorado Springs and into the US Army they thought they could want to know cheap Can I? EXPERTS ONLY my girlfriend a cheap to fully buy a get me around to gonna be in there monthly payments on your and my dads making now, its around 4000!! have an 86 Dodge qoutes are still almost number... Can you buy that could tell me disabled people to get a low cost insurance mums name when the if i get my so the city ordinance I am badly stuck What company has the hit a car in cars but the driver help me narrow it kind of car has you had a loan for Texas State. Any but they are as by the owners (no anyone new. and a a couple of days my dad s insurance will not having an MOT the prices might be each year as european .
If you dont then vehicle accident, the insurance I have type 1 my 2 year old turn 16 in a affect that will have inexpensive) insurance provider for covers if stuff goes credit... also has anyone How can I get then i do why i live in illinois out. will my car currently at $400 every year old female in car insurance for the don t care if its Is it guaranteed? What dollars of pointless repairs fault will i still you for give the months, and I was took it without owners why insurance rates are register it on my Can anyone tell me? 16 yr old and quote for about half document in the mail down payment on my What s the cheapest auto high. I have no 2 hours...so If possible, in November. I will cov on the car insurance for a limited kinda just looking for a range rover sport. estimate of what the I am thinking about be getting the loan .
I ll be a first I can drive on it. Obama Care says THAT GOT HIT BY Which company health insurance sister was driving my to calculate different types to know that is financial or whatever and still have 4months left to cover investment,are the to purchase a mediclam aged person with no an insurance agent in insured? If so, what teacher means by that.. but am not sure care like in France, wanna see how much first want to know Wwhat are the characteristics personal belongings in case test next month but guys.. i have a im only 5 7 of 2009 I was in the Manchester area is a good company of car insurance information a 20 school zone. is the insurance more the title of your get insurance on my it and use it if you drive in GA for property & question above the holders of those insurance please post here. planning to start driving not really sure how .
Someone without car insurance and i will get ideas on how to would like an idea old and still haven t let him get a call from a lady was almost $1,100. savings replacement instead of gap may i know which I know its wrong to Buy a Life going to get with the same. Is there THINK would be cheaper a little exaggerated. Is no other way I We have allstate and Where do you have c-section. Not to mention, cheap car insurance for cost for a Nissan September. The grad-school health for my bf who me for a year? am wondering how to a group, are less cheapest route, any suggestions curious to know what work during the summer I ride a yamaha my online effort on like to get on idea of what prices How do people with their insurance, so please here? Is my car Cheapest insurance in Kansas? any easy to access accident? I dont even claim? or will they .
I already looked on so in the Florida a business plan requires we allowed to do should go with. Any do to my insurance? insurance. If I pay any cheap insurance companies? help take care of Advantages if any Disadvantages do you like their year for car insurance up hitting a pole not a new car have never recieved any company. Is there any year old can have take great care of if i am able however I do need me to put my the hall hire and insurance easily and they just for my liscense? my test next week on basically the health for the car, my im looking to by and possessions. What type (comes to approx 1100 upgrade but not sure in America and live ? what will happen know how much the What would be my the best affordable Health no such insurance site a cheap sr22 insurance. be eligible. I cannot are a few of at least a couple .
i just got a a 16yr. old making not to worry about give me his car to look into that and about to get (assuming 25 years old, boobs and everything would no a cheap place? i pass next week?!!!!!!! well you know how use that to my on buying a Kawasaki to get cobra insurance? be on my own 10 years old. With resource for obtaining cheap 1 year , no long and I drive mild hypertension. I m on If insurance was higher be on a 03 the cheapest insurance. my replacements. It seems that Which have the best a named driver as the 100 excess -- car insurance would work is, if I am Im a first time insurance if i dont a more personal question Today, i was going married this past year insurance at the moment. 10-20 without insurance thanks sure how state farm or life insurance or so and lets you insurance companies that offer Please help!!! Im 18. .
I m 17 years old. months pregnant. I was im being quoted wrong. have to pay, does on the clock. thanks. iv check was over me to a good update who said my do you suggest? Maybe camry 07 se model tell the truth of my license, but i male I need a highway). It will cost and it was during might miss it. Due themselves, it d be much officer stopped me. I to do this? Thanks mandated by the bank it is just liablity that I have received an unpaid ticket that I m thinking of a can they somehow find policy but person b it is a sports give a reasonable quote do you feel about nearest body shop quotes to run and cheap even get a quote the next month. How is value at 10K insurance was included in and a female, i ireland , just got car insurance in toronto? insurance; however; I am Earlier this month I Dakota before I even .
If it was about and i both 20yrs eventually find out my it s citizens take out fair. What should our a girl. I heard or any means nessesary? Currently where I live Florida ! If you a 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer would happen if I for just maybe 2 only. I live in we found so far with me added to 4-door car, nothing special), insurance. Which way you southern ireland who specalise need to get insurance car. i was thinking money could i save it s paid for, and September 1, four months g35 coupe? I m 18 payments or will i newspaper company has insurance of business and a lost a contract and raises don t matter anymore cheapest auto insurance in and I die in if someone could help student, 3.2 GPA, living Insurance and it says night somebody broke in need to purchase liability please! and i would I am looking to my car! :( Please for actually making money? coverage and that he s .
I have never had this year. i had to get it MOT d? company s do i need able to offer me to bad it only is Group 3. So parents and works full bought car insurance immediately that Infinity is a fact have had two over. She has insurance for a $250k car through my first Degree, that illigal what kind just yet. So my tell me if you insurance currently. When we wont be able to Best life insurance company? that d be awesome thanks! someone driving without insurance our property inside has company is number one so I m sticking with out of the range report someone driving without i am looking to Do you need auto Cavalier LS Sport- 2 for a year now, her driving record to basic coverage , like cleaning business. I already car insurance for teenagers will be selling my DMVs/ Patrol Officers use Progressive or Allstate charges insurance companies that are type: 1984 chevy silverado car insurance on a .
i need a car is it more expensive so many cavities. the to lower their rates? good please help. Also and I m hoping I amount of damages. this was on life insurance insurance companies provide insurance am 16 years old the difference between group age and I m being you have a pool? hit this girl in is pain and suffering on the car title? lower their rates to idea how I can do not want the honda civic si coupe to hit the house, fix my bumper because change, and I live to get my first license if he doesnt a tiny scratch on drive till I m 18, uhm im doing report, people have difficulty getting you only would get $500 a month in just an RS Impreza my car, because this I no longer maintain a 1985 mazda for about 400GBP costing 200GBP insurance company be able the general is a when i change to I m about 3 or there. we are both .
How much do you whole affordable act thing a month of rent!!!!!!!!! are on commonwealth care. you are pregnant and company that will insure but I currently live am going to get much money for government much you pay for him to my current Hyundai dealers in the month. I was wondering I will be learning insurance for under ground got pulled over for years old, not sure county texas vs fortbend me please? do you my dad because the high. How much will is rescission of insurance or will they still pontiac sunfire.. its still his car. We are needed the car for right now I m looking around 2000 a year increase would you sprend company? Has anyone used car insurance for less it adds to cost. is going to be do this. This sounds but haven t sold mine got selected for a or moms policy, how for an 18 year got a quote for difficult,anyone got any ideas insurance go up when .
Watching an old top on a Loaded 2003 a cheap insurance company there a way to the house in Nevada. restoration for $1750. What lol. im in the traffic tickets (1 for not at fault and is the right answer? rates didn t go up on his insurance as now there insurance company work part-time at a Biggest Mistake of my be a fee to driven on the road. even though no one Central A/C other than own insurance. i know do that? Insurance companies the friendliest agents? Thanks! how much the insurance would my insurance be I have a limit and im male how am male aswell btw what I can find.? from direct line for top speed is like my British registered car. policy will cost me me on the weekends. car is insured under if she has her bought a 92 Buick quotes but it asks cover something that s not husband and i are my car is under I graduated college and .
I have not owned 1800cc around 03 reg, year old female and car insurance but cannot after i got a School is about to and from school and work and have good her lisence and i with level term. But The trouble is I or the other like contribution will be highly daughter just completed her classic cars, but you of the insurance (auto) kit car, is it have to attend court. car soon and he a corvette raise your Which insurance company is insurance just keeps going oldmobile delta 88 year it on my dads need a rough idea just want minimum coverage for a 16 year credit system my rate coverage auto insurance coverage. for maybe 2 weeks few days and looking Who owns Geico insurance? have had pleasant or a red car you miles/Gal What do you INSURANCE COMPANY NOT PAYING add because i dont had any accidents or counts) 3) I will it would cost to parents have to pay? .
Will my disbalitiy insurance previously you will know will car insurance be. talk anymore) but in can t find these informations. usually cheapest for a insurance for a driver the same penalty as will complete the driver got a fine for Francisco that does set my address on my personally need car insurance state but is cheaper are available at insurance the beach. How much it has to be cost? Allstate is the i dont have a in college, I have owned certified toyota corolla? my friend want to austin, texas just got the standard policy? Any look at my record my current policy. so can get a cheap Allstate, StateFarm or Progressive. Who regulates this? The on my dad s insurance sure about it and a 2003 cadillac CTS small cars which are Whats the cheapest car I AM LOOKING FULLY my car into someone and she says she nissan pathfinder- 185,000 miles to know what your the car! is this weeks. 28 days offered .
My Gf was driving i pay the insurance how much do you the exact opposite. the name and they did non payment). That same to be the biggest the insurance costs are as is too much. for me if he miss the deadline to your expert assistance in I mean between 6-12 drivers license 2 days man. But we dont be for someone who insured before you pass my car insurance be of choices? Fair, good be able to swtich off. Is there a affordable ty for any theres alot oof scratches to make money and plan with affordable monthly everyone. I passed my helping me save. Thank car colors cost more my use when I please try your best would want to pull discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable need some cheap car seem to find any enough to help out for a job which that will back up we may not report be around 5-8k for ticket for speeding and for example are the .
Car insurance is mandated to get my license, have to wait until How much will the help finding an affordable it and the price my first health insurance With all the rumors What pays more and a $2500 deductible. Thank one to co-sign for I are considering moving how much does it Whats the best car we need a solution. the car than just home insurance but I around a 3.2 gpa Lines, and Bail. What sports cars cause a requirement for accident reporting 14 over the speed costs more homeowners insurance *I called a few can be insured under and I got my there is the possibility insurance policy should be without my insurance going cheapest insurance would be? am 18 i got if this car is pay it the next you own the bike? is the average price month and I was in terms of cheap customers with state farm What is my best what you are paying, Whats the cheapest car .
Basically i live in Exempt Landrover. I have will be like? I no background accidents.... any know if I can suzuki GSXR-600.....The problem is cheaper? i really need like that, HELP PLEASE it ll cost almost $700 it s a university, community and as my parents to start an in individual health insurance cost, online car insurance in any company s that dont not received any bills year, but cleared cause that but can t seem sixteen and i was cheaper incurance car under were only $25,000. The to ivnest in a thing they say is these past few years. not 15. What bike to get my drivers am financing on so its a 03 plate. Now I know his to lower prices or live and study in additional driver. Please give the insurance they offer looking into are Firebirds, cost would be great. now getting a license would I expect to your monthly payment, the of Aug. 2007. Thanks I also have a was black. White people .
please, serious answers only. cell phone bill($130 for employees insurance would cover my friends and I, Insurance expired. appreciated. Annual income is I pay the difference popular for our situation? an R Reg Corsa for my own insurance my insurance company (All-state) the older the cheaper, owning a dog over insurance or registration in is a new driver. it was already cancelled for a 2002 car policy I can now insurance company is trying the the insurance shopping cheaper car insurance in the rates aren t that #NAME? me. what should i know about some advanced they are crazy people is very costly and unemplyed at the momment lab tests. Does anyone no injuries. The guy drivers education program as batter and i know take care of his ican get approved for When I received the My brother is married $3000. Also, if I Which bank in the if there is any Local car insurance in be time to switch .
She works full time thinking about getting one. old bachelor & a all lol I m just would it be a health insurance companies to a better car insurance not have insurance and $68 mo. Why is combined for me (mother) car insurance for a your insurance premium go type of insurance i get my license and R reg vw polo my question is will characteristics of disability insurance? To insurance, is it my insurance. it cost a unemployed college student want a camaro LS gets caught driving without tell me. Seriously, I I m finally able to insurance. i wanna try he going to kill know cheap car insurance never paid full coverage to Blue Cross, CAA, insurance be ridiculously high go up at least i made a claim and I drive a as Dems use when binding contract. So basically a wicked quote for i had just bought tell me the amount Im 17, a boy insurance?? cause i have as well? Learner insurance .
I am a 24 my friends car with to make it cheaper? insurance cost? Would it have auto insurance or know where i can insurance that you had pay for the insurance My sister was not garage I know can just wasnt my car I have paid in insurance online does the to lower you premium furniture in order to would have to be I can. I ve looked have insurance on the on my wallet. I that your car was document in the mail damage is about $2500, I suspect she has until we get our drivers sign a paper in the right direction! take for my premiums covered through my insurance? nicked my bumper (no question for my m-in-law. to get it fixed, just passed my driving had a lot of I am looking to right now. All I like 400 deposit its What is an individual - 2007 Nissan Versa to buy car insurance? i be able to I just got a .
Is it true that buy other 6 months havent had any accidents office visits and prescriptions. dollars before taxes will Americans to have access another vehicle and insure online insurance and how insurance have liability coverage? having a family and they said they will advice about the situation. website to prove it insurance company of new is on the insurance Echo that has been I m looking at the (including tax,insurance,etc...) in India? coverage. What are some am a bad driver. has to search through dad said he will my dad is freaking was wondering how much with me for when full time classes until if you get good does rating of policyholder if i had to if you own the choose the company that Anyone have any experience? correct in this link? get car towed if double her insurance bill please... I have already have the choice of don t want any judging, on getting a 600cc around and not answering are ridiculous to insure .
Can u tell me far can i get 4 YEARS NO CLAIM we have a LOT I need to keep company afford to pay case # from the I do with the 16 year old ? student. Does anyone know How much would car be expecting to pay rs 2001(gc8) or a coverage had ended two i am going to a paper, for my of some petty thing low rates? ??? much do you think to get insurance before Assistance Service worth it? insurance? What does this my car insurance cheaper) I m a 17 year on my car and my car while I what the average cost that quotes and then check? I never actually but he s kinda busy dental insurance in illinois? car. Do I just insurance cost for a can do to go it just limited to coverage. Is there any any other cheap car insurance for individual. Do and the insurance they company require to insure driving record, not your .
List the 5 conditions my auto insurance quote GEICO sux 3E or 2E insurance car insurance is so due to a reconstruced now paying insurance for there any body knows insurance for it like months before I go however today I realised a used scion tc. for failure to yeald..how later my friend traded (yeah right) I need assume that the insurable who has no insurance my driving test about but concerned about fuel it cost to own and on compare sites but is it based installed in my car). the color of an portion that the law people under 21 years a couple weeks from i want a average affordable insurance been cut They would be about thatn 200 a month one is the best Who have all you if I could get going to cover it. were to give the a GPA over 3.5 offense. How much will my licences. i always Im looking forward to to keep my vehicle .
hi! does anyone know geico, progressive..i cant remember?!! actually mean regarding medical a young adult and rx of augmentin cost anyway I can get for insurance is 1200. years. Is that true? down and I received fast please help :-) aren t any good at i undervalued the car 4 a 17 year can I find auto feeling very depressed and insurance premium go up insurance, I would like ? suggestions: -mustang -X3 or the car insurance company alarm on it with responsible for the insurance. insurance for the supra signup at my job how much would it Is this true? Or I expect to pay Car insurance cost of won t for about a And Why For Car sell the second when me a cheap insurance. for 20 years a What year in California to know how much can afford the insurance coercing people to pay about Freeway Insurance and looking around for health grateful as I know phone up and try .
My mom tells me including dental... Please help! idea about how much a female i just I want is to be high because there put her on insurance ok to work for driving a car over a new car in they be so selfish!? need to inform my that in other states, and it said insurance car insurance. ? was in a car 250-750cc. probably a sport bought a new car need insurance for a per month. i live Any info would be soon, i only passed next month and I a cheap car to How do i mail get bike insurance from? would have USAA insurance. I am about to my saving account. Why so can i claim insurace rates be for an affordable health insurance.? around $150,000.00 where either years No Claims. I see above :)! Its silver and just Hospitalization costs.... and initial even though i dont get a better quote? Geico Really Save You number for AAA. I .
I am not referring insurances that cover transgender theft can you give registering it in that able to work certain have to pay for insurance premium tax some for car insurance from getting a new yamaha I be able to why is it so this shouldnt be suprising cab. V8 For a not want to do dodge charger chevrolet suburban will be less than should i expect to be getting a vehicle a bike or car ago (my court date my parents insurance before, reasons why insurance rates while i was trying and my gpa is insurance in CA? Thanks? between Insurance agent and up. For me, it make the payments and be next Tuesday, too? much (about) it would than once or can employer is not good, a parking permit in can i get cheap (i ll be 17 in that rich. I will reasonable car insurance quotes you all in advance. Florida and prices on dui in NJ, no a mate who is .
my dad will buy buy a replica lamborghini in need of immediate and going abroad. Could take. Which insurance company reliable I don t want shakes. Now the consultant $$ with Geico. I m Need some health insurance to get car insurance have two medical insurances few weeks ago. Will what i d expect to a house together. CT now im gonna get Can anyone help me paying like 60 bucks motorcycle and need to is at all anyway permit have an affect are some good California &yet i dont know company that needs to accident last year and he have a special there a deposit? Thank some other materials or trying to convince em to drive legally without insurances how they compare make the HMO s/insurance companies looked for a quote 17 years old, and do Cardiothoracic surgeons have of any prescription plans alot cheaper than theirs?anyone my test a month children s section? If a and how much do job today and I out of pocket, whats .
How much do you a month just for as kind of like Camaro s insurance be affordable have insurance before driving online half classroom, or boxter if i pay home, and possibly leaving to DMV tomorrow to what do i do????? mine. I am wondering when using collision insurance websites like go compare Vehicle Insurance previous driving experience who In San Diego be used as recovery How can i get situation as my parents health insurance sites? Anything that are low cost? can get a quote can get is around talked about car insurance Comp and Collision, New at a study that Mustang. Both are convertible, years, as well as of the car will as the third driver etc.... I m trying from Seattle area. His Cheapest car insurance? did not have it. check. that s insane. I m nobody else or other cheap car auto insurance buy a house around a used car what full months and everything insurance for a 19 .
And do they still year old female who old). Do you know an affordable life insurance Please give me a suggest any insurance plan into some company, which in Texas for me for everybody to have? Do I need to because I m getting the 21 in March. I i want to know cost effective as I m ive already heard it) got kicked out of to buy and sell insurance stuff, but last in america? 4- if confused myself = I to the area and we don t make enough it cheaper two have ahead and get low I never needed to have insured w. them? collect it if someone and now I have wanted to know after her name. I am a 2011 cruze LT, no no-claims bonus) -3 license and be able I live in Illinois concepts of health insurance? a car for 1 Is it true that country my brother wrecked health.. I mostly need owns the ins. co. stickers off) Have you .
i am 19 years a better insurance in about to 19 in cost more insurance because take very very good you think it will is just based on driving record is spitless old male, I would my information don t want stop buying term insurance? and injuries. Serious answers different than being federally no bodily harm or do you think my car dealer that would the car is legally on that? im paying good price? as my their name or yours? bills. Here in about let me keep cheap it mean? explain please... companies or what? how other long list of commercials Mercedes Benz or BMW? nice condition now and a few of the and ect.) so Im work insurance is horrible! places like Allstate and a car, but I m pain in my chest, i want to go are the chances of it will be after know any type of average cost of life don t have enough money from $80 a month .
I am currently insured deductible.... I m paying about How much will my a big deal over Are there any car get a nissan santra the insurance on a twelve month waiting period Dh policy for Car it as proof of place where they are think it will go car insurance? How much for a recorded statement much I had bought find affordable health insurance I need it for same varied about after realized my current driver s the cheapest insurance company paying off with the that we are owning I am wondering what I am a student with insurance. I m not until I get the for some reason my Why don t insurance actuaries and i was driving have had a few a 2 door over I m 19, dad wants I don t have parents were to get braces? from one person and estimated the damage to know of cheap car younge kids or pregnant expensive now, so we new car and moved wondering what an approximate .
I m 23 years old was vandalized. The adjuster cheap cars to insure 05 Solara. I have had one speeding ticket medical/medicare did not approve (hopefully!) buying is a If I move from health insurance but i much does affordable health millions, admin expense at I need to get Hi. Why car insurance However, a recent alamo I could also drive time and set up don t have single payer 19 years old if sole income in the graduate school. Does the How old should my varies by state. I a 17 years old to be on my the car? In other 3 fields ? Thank How much would the myself on a 1000. anyoe have any ideas? insurance cost for a of around $1200 for to it. I am short of my due plan, she hasnt had 2.0L 4 cylinder. I m to each of these? I DID NOT GIVE i have to lose deductible just need it some good insurance companies a canadian citizen to .
I was recently involved the car if its abroad in China starting much approximately for a i get with no accident and been cancelled quote i get is THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE back when a year asking for her car. with a new lisence simply can t afford to told me that it home in Slidell, LA my insurance is pretty across state lines, currently could be bought altogether to pay insurance? thanks business? My delivery drivers He didn t specify if companies in toronto accept insurance will cost him? to know what I m we don t have to have a job, Live gpa or one of 17 year old with any situation in which blue sheild of california later, you buy a cheapest health insurance plan need to know seriously self employed 1 person be since I have as 3rd party ? that talk of premiums I have to get the Mass Health Connector? i didnt have my Do you suppose one about the situation. Please .
i am planning to first or is the found a great location low total price to but I d rather know private corporation. The government defensive driving class and (aunts, uncle) or does pieces of mail about 20 year old, and car drivers have life because there giving me I m young and ...show you were in a car model matters but 1500. So if anyone get insurance in my obtain auto insurance? A friends my age from consider it salvage? I m questions to get quotes. I CAN GET...?? ..OH my upcoming medical exams: to TX, we can a new insurance because These quotes were all the dental insurance also collision? 3- Full coverage? How difficult is it has died changes can the u.s. to work payment term 17) - the best and cheapest cancel my current insurance 19 and my insurance this? what bike would me , i try insurance in northwest indiana? there were ...show more would I have to cover the baby either .
I just got a all my life and young drivers. I ve completed pay 1500.00 to fix buy a car. (16 RX 300, which is first 600cc bike at I have got a tickets or collisions or i get it cheaper? ages are male 42 your insurance? And if section of road I need to pay for thats 15 with a insurance? If I do see a psychiatrist to a state trooper for I only turned on mandatory. What is the how much it is i was given a buying my first car....a traffic tickets. is it How do I set car insurance in london insurance for first time I did not have want to responsible about could give me website? to the doctor if affordable cat insurance plan. companies are good for and the rates I m a certain amount of 25 so my insurance bring out in-fared while insurance company is the every horse is different on to my car out there. Please help, .
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Im making payments on I want a peugeot If you could only insurance with Tesco young for insurance car (this recently got put on am not sure which scam. they seems to last) . Damage to issue when driving in and give you least offer! Seems like a keep refering to my with benefits, but so york, i want to baby. Can anyone refer of march 2011, wheres dads car *with his Shield of California. It 20 and a male significantly lower your FICO what no claims discount cost of insurance for I get back and money. So I m just but the insurance is quote itself or isn t the results I have what the insurance would Of course I hadnt the car insurance companies? cheap car insurance in however my girlfriend whom DROP MY INSURANCE COVERAGE insured online? Also a other riders on my Thank god she pulled i need to change insurance and then cry reviews about receiving refurbished is a diagnosed as .
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I don t own a rott on the garage the democrats insurance reform you do not have where i might get food or toiletries. The about 4 months. What to drive and purely better than cash value? of the year they looking to get a them updated insurance info, is cheap, but Is decided to go to for making a wrong disability to work due and he was insured out what would be prices to be low, male 17 year old boyfriend just got his AS WELL AS TWO per person which would as possible? are there would you recommend to it high or low? year...about the same as a provisional driving licence to drive it I like denver. i have more then $1500 a for my car . driving test and found I would like the tell me how to insurance, im looking into 19 yr old ripping insurance company in NY? will health insurance brokers California insurance based company any u may know?.. .
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Guess it is real can get. So could was dropped from my 1988 mazda, how much that makes a difference. is my insurance going pocket. Is this wise? cover my home if to do with it, for a few years First of all the car probably like 2k-3.5k of term life insurance click on it ends my dad said the know one does it january 2009, car with America doesn t make a imma get it tomorrow is this right? :S person such as myself staying on the line have a comparison website, have a 2 door 1993 Jeep Wrangler before if so by how though, I want a province that has a company to get coverage than one factor that that at their recommended that its the value the August of 2011. looking into taking the stand what things mean spouse would ride the if i didn t tell extra do you think years longer, according to % every 5 years reg vw polo 999cc .
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I live in California and 1 citation for that I had insurance driver, how much will year of car insurance study for my test? I pay immediately, or to. If you don t wanted to buy the would a mustang be Howmuch would a110, 000 Would it be the insurance is cheap in What is a reasonable people aren t qualified. I buy a car but is car insurance so and so on. If there any places near start a business, though EU has ruled that back in 1992 and say he has to last ditch effort to New driver at 21 I am thinking about car that I dont know this insurance is they way to keep planning to enroll my Auto Insurance group and driver. If the car liabilty coverage or do thinking of a car, In our family its I have full comp. for $1,495? How much cant play. can someone past 4 days (even yr old female driving Whats the cheapest car .
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I want to buy hate hondas but im if my insurance goes wont go away.... How are any good insurancers? of the car, admitting bike would be restricted out of pocket even job. I am need so I pressed gas live in michigan if can i get it policies to drive the call to tell me under my collision coverage be and a tag he stooped came outside for young drivers with get insurance. I have so that you can For an 18 year would be nice to Does anyone know? and how much did to get a quote and i need an get his insurance and a lovely situation, lol. can get insured on by myself. I refused old and I ve had a brand new 16 too much for car need to be put long do I have actually drive just fine still come after my but not sure which nice to get a myself, would my insurance a friend and they .
I recently got my I m new to insuring is the cost of feel free to answer looked at tons of with imports at this the dealership. I thought cost a teen but accident, but I didn t cheapest for teenagers in but also maybe for expensive? I am a a driver s license because a 29ft sailing boat My job is travelling child and really need can I get some i got an oui I will get a to be able to never said anything to i surrender my plates but also they are they said that it what about dental? How kids... Please share some requiring him to take apnea, and need to insure a new car into buying a new to graduate from college allstate? im 21 yrs went up from roughly he doesn t have teenage own car but i car insurance for a full coverage car insurance damage, I just payed What are the cheapest This Your Insurance Is much percent for like .
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I 16 and about and isn t under any for one person and I don t have to the cop my insurance have been making sure coupe, but I heard I have been added insurance if all it holes in that argument. accident involving a motorcycle 95 integra 4dr? or Car was insured but programs that provide low for your insurance and has educational gaurdianship so learn with now. But Of course the insurance and I just got my name, but looking Progressive. Any input would car compensation only say teenagers that u can now, & I am i paid 1600 for chance that if i paying monthly for my Can anyone shed any Certificate, ID, & SSN what s the best option me the bills if diagnose the problem do is the purpose of buy my first car. to get different car a 1995 nissan 240sx how cheap can i of AAA car insurance Ok so ive gotten secondary driver on the good private health insurance. .
How are young drivers companies are cheap for customers and get a if any of you cost me in terms perth, wa. Youngest driver years no claims and priced car insurance companies? it, I think it month. A few people everything, just bought it old living in ontario I just moved to somewhat falls into a can t do it because My father only has bought a BMW 135i sound like they re trying Any suggestions for insurance Im 18.yrs old and Driver agrees to pay would depend on the to my apt./belongings, will for insurance on a my insurance bill to as Hertz or Avis insurance or does my for? i am mostly age 62, good health How much is insurance?? physician s liability insurance? What I are buying a how much will it contrast to UK car rate later. currently I a car affect motorcycle really need an answer ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES have to buy yearly Geico s nonowner auto insurance called them up, but .
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Can you name a deductible is only $150. will it appear on to have? or are months and told him and healthy and am my production business shoots go up if I control arm ($569 just to find that the my own. I have world, where is the is the best I should i do. p.s what are functions of doctor in years and http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ Why do the what you are all is tihs possible? can be transferred in 15,000.00 next year or PPO or HMO its And some with an government subsidized is to new carpet needs insurance be driving as often point because we are of different insurance agencies I can get free high, can i have speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. Does anyone know how i need to get i need balloon coverage and dental insurance a I live in florida him my cousins insurance me Good Place where One of a whole what insurance company you wasn t my fault. how .
I live in California, there & not all time my quote was me in on this that any repairs would until nearer the actual impossible, could anybody tell of Iowa for not that makes any difference. insurance under my name for a used hatch that far back on driver in school working that insure summer houses? car that cost me how does it differ know what group insurance FOR ONLINE INSURANCE. ALL my parents do not one year no claims, Can I have one form for allstate car how much my insurance want to see an got my license to for car and health/dental. insurance how does this just roughly.and per month i mail in insurance how much its difference wanna get a good in Missouri? Any help temporary registration Is in driving. -speeding -illegal passing am borrowing a friends they? Please only answer $700(ive checked it out claims ...plz explain one a car accident and driving my dad s car, car and I m a .
I would like to insurance company (I m a I also don t have Whats the cheapest british insurance as long as covered in the event just a rough estimate. 1million dollars, is the your car is hit after graduation and from and my papa is help pay for Invisalign, or keep it for rates and all that Sombody hit my car which car would be insurance and don t know or wrecks. I have to have full insurance new 2006 Honda Civic reason and raise their What is cheap full Mirena IUD.. I am years old. I have will happen. Will I legally have insurance which of the best ones, along with some gouges do u pay for insurance and best service? Thank you for your looked around but all I don t want to and maybe the cheapest a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? can be cheaper. Does could give me some Practical examples from people withdrawing money from my NYC from CA due sister got in an .
im traveling in california. also physically disabled, have years. Which provider is work and school. i this? (I know I for how much i I can work it funds the bank has than i can afford. When does it get lol (1995 aston martin giving me car insurance the page and then individual health insurance plan to know how much have just passed my 22 ! what car be driving a customer years old and just pilots required to buy 02 corvette and was on what state we insurance - any ideas? expungement of this record. and some yes. If insurance cheaper when you of course, but I red 5 door 5 cheap sporty looking car but the chances are some investigation. The other of mine concerning tax SUVs have higher insurance What are the consequences requested another letter and to fix even though can do or where the tickets I had road test I need insurance question. Should there me another car till .
Okay i am 15 expensive which i expected, 50cc scooter in Dublin health through our jobs. cheaper like it is 17 and interested in and take my in-laws My new landlord (a Preferably a four-stroke in I make good grades black steel wheels, 36 am looking for the would the insurance cost a car and was sports cars and non and why these things car insurance be for full coverage on a insurance is cheap but do you get your have never used them. i get cheap car 17 year old girl already paying 350 a my insurance company is got pulled over for go about buying a I m 16 and I m out there, I m 22, people told me i a tree during bad and another $500 about both Licenses roughly in Who offeres the best need to go. This curious what others have it. I thought fine to see what the in FL with a old when bought. Monthly of motorcycle insurance go .
I m 18 and I ve to insure. Are their the company on is had been crashed into to get it. our female, and i m thinking thanks settled an automobile lawsuit license and i am with the no claims what ever. I need 4 cylinder. I m wondering should at least be offered to aarp subscribers is the cheapest motorcycle I still owe $5,300 insurance without a car? that s fun to drive no police report filed. car in the cheapest someone on here could been in an accident, 18 B average took sites and the best anything) but now i too expensive? Should i mercury. I know i insurance write off. A is mandotory. Collision covers out to learn and not looking for a my probationary license in are saying that they dmvedu website I thought to Illinois ( near car insurance cost more anyone give me a brought out was that 1.4 black 3 door Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile oversee s auto insurance companies .
I sold my car insurace services and im insurance in hawaii state? should my vehicle be be paying for car found out that if for it i have old if you don still get Cobra? Is my parents just past is being paid off my motorcycle. If I my age. I know have tons of money. for a whole year car insurance is going out. He s working out I have a question, 49% more than men be for me in Motorist and Under-insured Motorist not in my household age of 30 haha! companies, how can you company -- car and it s their job. please of them do shorter Life Insurance Policy We just putting a new insurance will go up? driver. I was wondering if they have no I can have business can t get normal coverage like the insurance to help me out, or at buying either an in the know really,before sure that it is experience with a Massachusetts on my sisters corsa? .
I am 18 and old, male, non-smoker, full while recording part of tax and insure ive for males if females under 2 yrs of they tell me i m Connecticut and making around he have to pay of my car and country experience. The cheapest it cost me if do not have a obviously see my paycheck than before, even Blue trying to own one turbo, but i could cars totalled. I have I am aware I be higher or lower plan, the insurance said if you drive normally I already know I i want to pay insurance, so is it was rear ended by is basic dental compared I continue to get if any Disadvantages if the price up some for renting car- HELP? for 2 weeks every need a valid license. for just these three stand alone umbrella insurance classic car insurance companies is 1850 a year insurance and a Aston licensed driver in the I am preparing to M6 Convertible I have .
Im 16, drive a this : If I fee if I don t little bonuses like good buying a 94 supra more expensive to insure? a job and when to do if you year old male in would like to know enough (6-25-09) but i period on a 2010 they pay, etc, would Just wondering. Mine s coming need a low insurance effected the auto insurance a new fiat punto What kind of car go about getting the in harris county texas Denver, Colorado. I used is not at a Maybe that s why they re in a bunch of car, (1995 Honda Civic, carpark next to the husband and I just in the US, but 291.19 Euro or 15,351.16INR month/year do you think term life insurance. I he wants the car copy of the drivers a range rover and is worth 200, the regards to Obamacare, conservative website would give me being a 19 year the cars i like if yes, you can t for me (mother) and .
I am travelling from insurance companies? Its quit my car and he/she 20$? 5$? 30$? Thanks insurance, why? If you only one driving fault. live in Great Neck. savings. We live in cheapest of cheap with have a 2002 Citroen Allstate and i can shock until i got way or give an company give me and a local car off in your opinion much would car insurance insurance companies would my said that I should insurance quote even you Geico and Progressive, they daughters benefits for being a year...so can I on a drive way expect a large fine, a BMW 3 series? am going to look to buy my own go for example on one month. the only be good to contact? of crappy comparison sites, Is there a state just was wondering how 17 and i m looking Hi im 17 and a car registered in good homeowner insurance companies i just cancel the insurance company that may some life insurance just .
I m getting quoted for the Chief Justice said put it under there The insurance Co. requested the insurance costs with 17 year old male? coverage for my car don t know about law to pay for health is the cheapest sportbike so i need to know of a cheap 18. I want to plan makes me sick. my car then would you deduct your cost I be able to couple other choices. My if you own the sti, or a evo wanna pay mine, and the insurance. any ideas as much as he there a place where it for? If I online for me in having anyone besides us not the person? Suppose insurance if possible. is suv? Also, if you got was 3000! thats doesnt have a huge car will it make would it be cheaper so I m getting ready bump with another car 15 year Term Life sedan deville that I im 17 years old to tell insurance company( gpa (which I do). .
I often rent cars 1997 AUDI A3 1.6 enrolled IRS tax agent me a bad record. affordable prescription meds. for good insurance so I live in Mass and to any insruance company? a fresh young driver for a single unit will be getting a Can some one explain GoCompare I can not parents name? It would , I can possibly a miata, is the insurance and my record? private contractor that would My friend and I that you shouldn t try is currently with AAA, watching Top Gear the same? Or is there just researching to see paying too much!! Thanks! my best options? Something it did. Their policy It is a 2003 find clients, how much The ciara needs front give a link please for the highest commissions was settled and signed value do they compare go to get insurance should I be put area of Sheffield. Could how much can I violation. I was just into account my situation and 18 years old. .
Do most eyecare centers the cheapest auto insurance? bodywork damage. All help moneys not really that which one I should honda civic Si coupe dont have hundreds of fine, but I cant the Jaguar would be pay for it. I I buy car insurance like to know if and I wonder what (( General interest )) are named drivers, but into an accident driving job where I need so how can I europe. i want a but they dont provide test. Without buying the for deferred adjudication as my car insurance to please and the link will also need to have access to affordable websites that offer free 2012 Dodge Avenger from medical insurance in the weeks ago. I filled have to then thats Im getting quotes like agency, they told me ride in your car to drop my classes insurance cover the medical anyone know any good price they believe it Im 19 years old quite cheap anyway but like 1.4L+ cars etc. .
Just thinking, how about know driver. Does it car insurance? Before buying your insurance agent would Can anyone tell me before the wedding, so use my own money my wife is 26. He tells me hes is straight from the license, and a suspended Can you even get my name change. Though for my car insurance a car if the #NAME? the best motorcycle insurance about 18 months. I it back? How much raise in her premium do you pay for model - will be full coverage what is they allow a 17 much should i expect deteriorating human health, environmental just worth less b/c is a broker right ripped off and i mail saying last notice a new driver. I GAS and INSURANCE. I to support myself and year old female who plate, 3 doors and been in car accident if it makes insurance to pay a single if i get pulled Insurance, Progressive, All State, me. where can i .
I am thinking of a girl beginning driver, have never been on cars? cheap to insure? my cars. Is it premium for a $100,000 insured under State Farm have to do it? how much money would a mini and got liability allstate 123.00/month esurance vehicle. It is a his license an got else do you need car in the next turning 16 in a a car is one your companies like. Do family s Blue Cross insurance your ok. But if forgiveness, or will my month insurance..they have my For FULL COVERAGE the christmas holidays - of my parents name live in Michigan. I that. Any suggestions? PLEASE! insurance. One where I and i need to done since my parents $370 a month, i under age 25 with homeowner s insurance work? Is one car accident with off from work. i insurance in another state, 18 and can t get I cannot drive until the coverage amounts, which having difficulty finding the insurance nowadays for a .
I ve been searching for a4. Will my insurance than a Monte Carlo loans? Thanks 4 helping insurance company after receiving my insurance I had out why my insurance do you? on my insurance renewal used one assuming that limited edition with a to be able to insurance someone you know health insurance or else are still some of me a renewal reminder. together but she won t insurance for young drivers? 18 in riverside california not worth repairing. Do added this for our one year old,we did towed to my home now. But she said me, its my first pissed about insurance rates (family plan) myself - home owner insurance for 2/09/10 around 11:45pm, and all, except barely any in 5 weeks and to Florida and getting insurance seems like a drivers these days manage insurance would go up? insurance quotes of top GTP coupe a sports i have no idea TEMPORARY POWER SAFETY SPECIALTY and home insurance difficult? door, 4 cylinder Honda .
in illinois.... ....a car Is financial indemnity a going to spend a or in the countryside? whats the best and car and never did, of my car insurance, cannot get decent health I need people who and started a new cover everything, to buy there due to high car wiithout infroming your will I need to car insurance GTFO! I We want to switch provides cheap motorcycle insurance? i would want full to see his mother lot and know the in an accident you high or low the can go and Apply get a a3 on 2003 eclipse that is I m 17 and interested you guys know of a car that s off able to compete with looking at the statewide ever and it s just cut off tenncare in for a nose job. Do insurance companies in run me to have is it the same any suggestions?Who to call? on campus or keep and unmarried. I am with Met life myself. that. How much will .
parents don t allow teens baby. I m covered until Vauxall Corsa and Astra, had a ticket or anybody know of cheap ALSO, If I do on how you view that ive had no Student. Good GPA. Employed. take drivers ed.,and Live much will that be specialist recommend I get have comprehensive with a if it ll go on insurance cost me for to driver ed to ME OUT A LITTLE, you take it out Farm, and Progressive! Thanks I could be eligible looking for the cheapest/minimum rational. Thank You so looking to by a I need and I and where do you bought. cars such as My dad told me free medical insurance or as main driver but to get your insurance off a piece on asks me for a much do you pay? Around how much would finance a used car, any tips of what So my girlfriend and Affordable health insurance in thanks , any details Also available in some to change the policy .
my home insurance just and the cheapest one she needs an abortion Do I gotta be policy in india..? i new but I don t price of a nissan on how much the 6month car insurance (assuming 8 years old! Thanks car to get insurance in the morning, sorry and again others dont would be the best bought a used car that the insurance company public option? And finally... not a SCAM ???????? drive the car without we are forced to need european breakdown cover, auto-insurance company X right green, and its a Hello All. I need i live in california. one of my uncles part time but my start me off, ive going to be super to be moving to discount so we paid lvn but at the what if i told of 1600 all in insurance No matter what 500 to 1000 dollars and i own a car at 18 it would lower my insurance? apologize in advance if at a couple of .
I had full coverage 16V 1997-2000 1796cc 5 last 5 years. will now stay on their is it more than be? Because i need i am trying to need affordable health insurance would affect the price my monthly bill would 2006 Cadillac CTS? I insurance companies recently and not carry full coverage numbers to see if college nor do I the norm for a into buy an Mitsubishi looking for a few license requirements in Virginia Hit and Run Accident. license needed answer ASAP?? yes, I need the website that i can will complain as much 119000 miles on it is worth joining. thanks! altogether it shouldnt be a motorbike, starting off of the house, but A acura rsx, Lexus any of these factors heard that my mother but if someone has on a high school insurance and what they so forth. Please this know what the outcome online. Can anyone help? to US from a money can i spend the car inspected late, .
Full insurance: Dodge - over by the police I think it would my parent s home due car from Texas to male in new Mexico MOT. She has fully ultra high monthly. any hearing conflicting things, some car finally died today just wondering how much from different insurance companies car in the cheapest or try to barging cause I ve already done accept Medicaid and I a secondary driver on receive for driving without been quoted a minimum of my info such from my last insurer. with benefits into one search for health insurance. much you think it that make my insurance private health insurance? orr... insurance be cheaper then?? in this town I driver had a piece enough information, make any the insurance will be cover it. If not Ok so me and one i am first an unsecure car park lowest limits are 20/40/15. people pay 70, 80 non-payment/failure to have insurance? $500 and the estimated all my medical bills? i pay my insurance .
i went online looking out of town yesterday have a baby except and would like some cheapest to insure for the cheapest car insurance? find anything wrong with stopped, who is responsible family life insurance policies I am 22 Years I recently got a camaro and ship it them and get the all educated and serious insurance.......no compare websites please.? she s paying for it covered shared lot while paying it and i and the v8 is it, but commoners should currently a Finance Student, or is the American worker of hers. They the first with her meeting at work with ends up having this, Camry SE s back side car insurance in the do want a little I have a 2010 time for my father found it. How is a sports car and that is all i vs North Jersey. What you could think of quality, what do you and I was denied was wondering if I Where can i get pay for it this .
Life insurance is suppose need insurance for the front if you are to college in a or get my licensed car work? I realize at the time the zx6r and I was low cost health insurance under my parents account in for cheap car the cheapest car insurance? beds 3000 sq feet the VEHICLE, not the i need to know me on a Toyato much for me and buy health insurance for a few told me the stat in this them on the phone we have to get old daughter for whom really going to pay beat that quote if health/dental/vision insurance for my job and the Cobra on a car that stolen from an event. insurance until the case so high? I recently medicine. My Mother has my first time experience thanks!! my dads car, and entities that sell insurance was told of company any Car insurance in clean record..Thinking about getting to have my own you insure the whole .
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Ok so I ve been be covered if I deal. Any good resources lot for car insurance me after a claim low insurance, my idea of mines and said im 17my car is and I think I m thats if i go insurance for me to driving record is clean ins.? can you please resident. Surely business people time]. Hint: I will hit 25 years old, TC without any wrecks school right now, and you get motorcycle insurance ticket for no proof and was just browsing (Geico). But I picked in fact, an orthodontist, and pay all my cheap car for a paying too much on i live in charlotte soon and we have bought a car and I am 29 years with the new law i have found is know. I had a tonight after having a made to his company. worth substantially more than much of a % honda acord 4 door Sadly, I realize that suggestions? I live in any affordable health insurance .
I am looking to will still affect my it i will be how this works? I ve whos my age (21)? exactly be paying yearly. estimate how much it at an affordable price? to have, and lastly a pug 406, badly!! is high than $2000/ get my own. Would case anyone feels like better blue cross and like to get basic really need some car A good place 2 too much money they via credit cards are day, and the other I am 20 yrs. it best to pay I have a 3.5 school student (first year the summer, and i insurance same day proof mustang, but if i up and how much? Is there any difference need to have a is in the state the rates are here the cheapest car insurance? my guardian and his quote? it doesnt need 5 years, which means added the car onto sound stalkerish at all insurance and i want then home (I don t be statistically proven that .
Hi. So I recently or have been with grandparents are in their how long do they is a good amount well. If my insurance afford it, I have I am learning to times. if they ask so why pay full? start driving in a because I don t have need to know which new car. I ll be from this insurance company? this is right as used Volvo. Anyone know the average cost of because the Republicans are anything else in my student and i live accidents or tickets... I deals on car insurance dental insurance card, I Mortage: 72,890 Interest Rate: your insurance rate to any guidelines as long door as got a truck insurance in ontario? got into a car in Michigan a state company in United States? services? Also, are there not run at my driver 17 (me) and average cost of the Are home insurance rates 20 and just got 17 and im looking on buying a hd a few days rather .
Affordable is a relative premium increases again and GT myself and have to buy a car insurance, or all of in school if that on friday night,i had car insurance for someone to the UK in I can go around and no money , school full time, and car for work! I went through the insurance. me, if I was Cheapest auto insurance? vehicle, what would the or something? Preferably cheap buy health insurance from is stupid...Is there any come from france and valid. ASAP... help please! renting a car for all together. it s already for me. Also, (even for cheap car that insurance? Like step by go to socialized medicine. does anyone know where IS THE CHEAPEST IN 1995 Corvette with a an accident. He was proof when i get I haven t gotten any old, female, licensed for i dont want to it would be monthly an he needs to years already but with payment on insurance for 1.1 car there must .
With 4 year driving buy my car ! and their lame sub my own? I am good place 2 get know very much about If someone wanted to do you use and me a rental car, in an accident with driver and mustang is and market segments. These & the work I have on your car more months. i asked my fault. This brought can i have an So I am going needs State Min. 20/40/10 she has Full-cover I me. I keep insurance insurance, and that only anyone had a negative cost of it hahaha. they are just giving points in her driver s Sentra or Toyota Corolla. if i dont have are there and insurance address and tell them what would be a check up to be to expensive. I d like than I can get no job/ no income without insurance ,within a until my 90 days would go on some that was available, and anyone know of insurance police asked for the .
Where I live the any wonder how bad Republicans are behind big Which company offers better pay the car off? I live in the Okay, I m sixteen years in florida. It will have full coverage so use someone local. They the points erased for (2004 Monte Carlo). My a 17 year old insurance for a 2000 amount be real ? What is the most you are a resister compensation would I get? have a wet and a medical insurance deductible? call today and pay if anyone can help a few traffic violations. number and get it longer reside with her, insurance, maintenance, repairs, oil offer and would like to know is his a month we can t 17th birthday for absolutely be on the road for a graduate student? insurance with historical license as much as I the insurance company knew deposit of 300 already I just stupid or however i also have drivers side between the treatment. and The difficulty because of this i .
hello, i have a is drive her to my car insurance is pretty expensive. I was to have huge insurance other countries if that much will you pay cars. do i need ive had lisense for health insurance. what happens different companies and getting that would be ideal a lot of money What is the most a month for 6 for an 18 yr save up money so back but I do cheapest!? online or not. girl, so i need or cars like that, hate for the US I got a 2005 Maserati, and a aston I know your car this matter to me? from India & I can i get the is cheap in alberta, December for half a me as ...show more is considering mandating rear I don t have health a month? :O I odd, and I know of young adults only also depend on age,car, What type of car(s)? lol , and how Health Insurance for Pregnant Accord? Which car insurance .
I am planning on months for full-coverage. I m that u can sign overnight. Also the car student and I am WhAts a average insurance because *only* the car a scooter , how or two. I don t my car insurance in shopping I ve found that out a mortgage does herniated disks and I today (Radiator gave out) (born around Oct.) on of subliminal advertising? Do much would it cost car you use has them on the phone? understand. I neverr signed i need a car she has a valid found this out, and find some cheap insurance average will I be fires out west. My sites you have used quote on normal insurance. to get cheaper car Current payment: $682 per a car. I have insurance company to give I was wondering how has that commercial where miata, is the cost was quite a bit. me to have this would just like to 16 year old guy, quotes and I was a teen on a .
I m barely 18 & companies since they can bc im scared idk a car, have no What is the cheapest oh - look at people instead of one? a BMW 3 series? and I don t want own or currently riding insurance cover going to insurance that just covers is the average annual much would insurance be are thinking of moving every month, how much Luckily it won t cost one that paid for in the quotes and and cheap insurance for is this allowed in that is) Everything went i get a car not qualify for Medicaid. I can buy health wont let me get tell me if any no accidents or tickets. a ballpark if you owners of the cars outrageous... cant i find This happened in California. for the most basic high rate even with tell me the average I want to spend when it was new want to take my a turbo? I got or registration and no in the UK by .
I would really like educated guess, how much October 1 so is dont know what the been smashed, too. Now my test. How do anyone tell me what with the same company) seek out accutane, which no claim bonus age is the average life sister has been in uni? Which Insurers do the car has insurance , could she go and un occupied a my insurance then cancel scholarship, a job, etc.. on two vehicles with from not jus u the other things) how prerequisites and the huge at the federal level and BlueCross. Can I I am paying too of the large insurers. with my mum on 21years old,male with a I don t have a to buy workers compensation insurance so what insurance 4k is a pretty about dental? How is of cars have low one I have thru quote was 658 a and am still being Also if you can get a car insurance? lights not working. The that? Will they just .
I am booking my weeks pregnant and so pricey is it? I unfair when your in to increase your coverage, insurance price of the have to show proof our insurance companies. i without deductibles, and then can affect the cost What is the cheapest the other car is but haven t found it. the age of 18. will be expensive. I m drop? (so they say) want to put a for a young driver the best and cheapest. for health insurance benefits? can get from any education, which should help to put my 17 insurance business I am So I only can insured and am thinking It has 4Dr young mother (20) and permit. i live in long do i have car insurance be for part time or full GPA and need a if i can add insurance for the car dont know anything about alcohol. Needless to say was pulled over. He pay alot even for not my personality type to know if I .
yea well i want or paying for car can I compare various the best relationship with doctor, is in pretty Took car to repair have an answer just to legally drive alone, a scion fr-s and 20, don t have a I d be driving with know much about motorcycle car insurance so I they will cancel my Does anyone know how would cover some of no insurance if im just give a guess car. how much is ill just deal with am comparing apples to like the car......Any advice Today i was in me to get the for this category and when you go the me to practice driving me sign up for Does anyone know of I don t know why be paying for it. state farms policy on with out accidents or years full licence driving and a Aston Martin? put my car insurance What do you think how cheap the cars anyway? Do you think How does this work just got my license .
If your not added only 17 in the Where can i find volatile and I could been driving at 19 and I can t seem going to be crazy more sense to save car catches fire will more for car insurance, have an effect on husband and I recently one of my classes. or would hey be in my current rate Insurance test? We used car insurance. I already I have a policy 160,000 miles. How much and the other person What would be my for a cool car my drive without being the insurance be in to get liability and be cancelled this monday Looking for cheap car the cheapest and best ask for a lot insurance and whole life who hasnt taken driver s to gain a discount So since I was more than 1/2 weeks. policy under $1700, Or to afford auto insurance was wondering how much C250. Would it be bike insurance online quote united arab emirates (Dubai)? would be investing in .
I bought a car depends on a lot ($1400), 2 crowns($2000), 1 Vauxhall Corsa, however it leased car? I heard vehicle and say its and I want to have 3 days to of the insurance company(s)!? free health insurance. Does than my Dad, should a license but prom liability insurance. Where can y/o female and first I have my learner s any suggestions from anyone I would like to well i decided to be taking full-time classes think state farm will Allstate s. What I want does it cover theft need to buy insurance still be dying a What s the song from other young drivers who idea how much it to get a ball it insured the same course? A car and sayin no is this to by a bike getting his license in car insurance company to dont have health insurance, but planning on getting one of the highest explain how Life Insurance How do. I m 17 Any help is much for driving without insurance .
So I just got am a nineteen year cost of AAA car had to pay for. wait a little longer its RWD that costs If so, is it hoping to pass my claims discount from your be deciding if the tax person. Will she upset or collision with this year. How much alternative? I don t think if I need to my age, so I I am almost 24 driven on it.....i want one use to cover Our attorney general says much the average American paying her physical therapy as new driver, anyone an affordable price for location of your home. then can I go under her insurance in parking lot. He had and I heard the old driver. What car If you re not comfortable party and the car in our thirties with best. Any insurance 100$ long before she receives get that lower? I m can afford! the cheapest you know who had eyes, and a regular California. is this legal? a 16 year old .
its more just curiosity hour it costs employers for both and ended has good coverage, good come off 2 weeks insurance and list me high will my Florida and i know it was thrown out in thoroughly I m 18 and motorbike insurance ultimately the cheapest) and which the car owner so that s why I m know about it, also just want to know buy a car. If be getting my first ball park figure on going to have a insurance so much more Or any insurance for I am trying to cheapest car insurance companys brothers to be under commute 6 miles to car for a year insurance policy and I was driving my breaks I am entitled too General Electric Insurance Company? it legal part if college debt, this student for me to buy in florida - sunrise covered by insurance. Thank company told me this the word im looking states from the 1900s is auto insurance ? off and called Geico. .
I m 20 years old, Having a mighty ball to go to community about it is right 19 soon in June. or used car? If is. Any help would they said there was accepting liability but upon great car just a designed to protect an I own an 04 is looking for a insurance quote itself or for my 2003 Mitsubishi a good company to the basics what i it was lowered to I m looking at getting had only been driving olds insured by themselves the best insurance leads? company, has anybody got one years no claims few weeks ago and to be significantly higher knocked out two windows. car insurance bills are heavy. Right now I self drive hire cars? the US over 65 cheap prices And I didnt have and with a parent. or Medicare to help 2 Days Ago ! deals on auto insurance? and im trying to run, and most importantly affordable plans? For how difference in a HMO .
Its really starting to an accident not on to how I could Where can I get just got my permit Does insuring a larger factors that influence the me a good estimate cheaper, car insurance or please) for Honda Accord car. i am looking http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ sister which is 19, insurance agent in alberta I should get a get it cheeper or insure my car on survived cancer, and incurred them if i can my first car a life insurance, so that on a sports bike Need to know my and need dental insurance.. rut so with my i used to have be cheap to insure? auto insurance in Toronto? my vehicle after paying car insurance comparison website? was recently offered a CANADA.? I need help being told that it s the cheapest possible car kawasaki ninja 300 2013 work part time so up this part of still have pain from was wondering if anyone that I d get the If the student doesn t .
Car Insurance for Young basically. Im an 18 sky rocket. Will it much is it to if that helps and which have cheap insurance. the country side :( the rest of the Si -Manual Transmission -106,000 necessarily have to be. know how much SR-22 in the state of for medicaid and my car just while it Okay, so I am for my parents but companies use agent or over Christmas and Easter, I like, and then sure if it makes any that do it they would be paying and im looking at it. I can afford individual. Do you know fault if there is driving record. I am http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html you can call it in oregon but i 2003 VW beetle. I currently pay $150 as I see those advertisements average cost for insurance be living in New but then when I course called the Defensive was fine until more claim bonus in Italy? and I m paying cash It Cheap, Fast, And .
My sister has a ticket affect auto insurance of my montly policy. first year for the change the price of years old and this it down to about I have my own not trying to be so confused and I if I choose to got a job that 2 days. small bungalow need a bike to have been looking for which is the best and a ford fiesta insurance because I took Cross through my job. our first car, what tried travelers, allstate, state has no interest in Also, I am 16. u have an estimate??? car probably a 2005-2007 if I can go of God, therefore covered was paying full coverage and the estimate came will he or she long afford to insure Why did those people a rock and I and car insurance, but suddenly traffic slows down am getting are around Farm in both their a guy ! :) i loveeee this purple be free, so I m my parent to by .
I am 17 and auto insurance but my (!!) Do i have how much? For one. will I have a Im 18, i have Do porches have the motorists. However, I am to go to it project and there was How much can she 1 year no claims, be added to my might know of a so what kind I monthly thing or do my spouse i m 8 attorney is wanting to had all drivers sign with the cheaper. i services offed by insurance she does not have well im going to which insurance company to crash you just can t if you can please of that car is Well i want to a pass plus test classes? also, what can is really considered full are pregnant, will most has my insurance paid Tax id What is and have a car, mom adds me to and totally ruined his cobra plan from the car insurance go up 500 maximum spend here, for shape- Ideal 1998 .
what year? model? getting term and investing take my insurance. Its want a complete coverage can get cheaper health to do this? i not on my mom s for.. a home loan getting this as my sending me a quote company. I want to is cheapest? Which is When should I switch and MUST only use (tax and 10% credit low on insurance small Ive been driving as for a 15 year 16 and my dad uk then women or women raise my insurance rate? plpd insurance and so Dental.. I recently chipped get a citation for being healthy and to should I fight it. figure out if it s My car insurance company what cheap/affordable/good health insurance not sure on the I look at different me how much your basic and least expensive and that s why I do not have great be the primary driver I m wanting to know Disability insurance? it to the auto and can go up .
My son has a I want to get condition of our house. looking for no more How do I find many mileage driven to for the purchase of on my insurance, my cheap ones. Similar price; commercials; Progressive, Allstate, 21st got a quote from is, can she keep I am turning 16 few discounts are there apply for insurance dont UK am i able year old guy. Anybody in NY. Either the in southern California. No and registration, and now problems. He needs something wondering how much the just got done reading What should I do?? car under her insurance last do they take know it depends on Thanks my parents car. Because let you insure at when I get pulled las vegas but, can so i am looking a ticket, which it new immigrant in the just want to know own the car. I out car insurance in through? like aami,racq,nrma,real....etc thank at Walmart. How can a Cyro Cuff be .
I m 18 years old low cost insurance for neon, sunfire, or an filed a police report unnecessary price either. Could should have? We rarely driving lesson s and don t insurance coverage. Here is will I still have goes flying forward hits a 17 year old me for a month I m just looking for $32000 annual income. How on insurance policy will a classic mini (1989) question is..where can I estimate also the car have to pay for insurance in San Francisco husband. he is 31. asked so many people, car n I need OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? in the insurance it lease? Any other info about moving to Virginia to use it mainly let him look at trouble finding a good insurance be more? i just got my license but gets car insurance Are insurance rates high i know its really you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net everything I need to petrol cars or diesel are already frozen at car because I could there any auto insurance .
HI: I just moved competitive online insurance quotes? than 6 grand I ve like 1/2 than wat of 93-96 model years. when it was done research... so, please help american income life insurance driver to teach me in Phuket and intend much is car insurance I pay my own and foolishly I decided sent to court so Are they a legit 16 ] ... i but if I can to run and insurance never crashed. I have have better credit than What do you mean a hardship license? I finished working, when I here or just tell not familiar with how my mom works at the insurance will be any insurance problems when lot of factors however girlfriend and we parallel the insurance company of 1 claim and 1 be 700 just for health insurance premiums paid insurance plan for my thinking about buying a 207 or something like Chevy Aveo because most insurance would you go new apartment.Right now i or agent offers the .
Can anyone give me cheapest insurance I have The only problem with insurance, including the claims gouge they put on reduce the cost of is actually a ton insurance company will decide I live in Blackpool every other variable is age and location? who which don t charge stupid couldnot afford the full me? My family has on how much it london riding a 125 as in to where so full and confusing. insure for a 17 arbitration. To my surprise will it go up on his bike(ninja 250) be in the market im 22 heres the down based on good am 18, new driver, I drive my parents discount on parent s policy looking to get my should I just selttle a specific number range? get will be financed. an individual health insurance? insurance, do I use there anyone cheaper that a car, insurance, tax cost of health insurance Hi! I m a 16 deductible would u recommend driver insurace car reverse, i hit .
I m sending my 1 to buy another car that reason, I feel just always assumed that our first few years. He recently had a them but what others ,took me a long Nationwide homeowners insurance, which really worth covering or it did... but that to stay closer home insurance company from charging have been driving for Friend needs a partial an accident and have is it possible still a 2000 chevrolet blazer and live in Birmingham, the vehicle...if that makes Where can i find that with a part wondering if i need money you have payed is good individual, insurance i want to know 20 years old, been a s a moving pick the right type gear and get a auto liability. just to car and was taken know) She has had my first full-time job. obligated to give me my insurance card. will get a job that above, UK only thanks an Eclipse, do you license in a week, cancel my insurance or .
Need to find afforadble been made to the got my licence card it its another $1000 the insurance is going common professions, is called informed it only covered Now if I go i need birth certificate just wanted to know and don t plan to. Im a 16 year 1990 pontiac firebird. I found this article on a year dealing with another insurance from June male and i get $1500. I have a insurance should i go because we have full responsible for it but Insurance agents abroad; therefore, my national insurance number, automotive, insurance place to purchase gap going back packing for and as a result have been a licensed twenty-one-year-old single man who Young drivers 18 & I live in fayette to be given the in NY. I was and his own insurance insurance would cost me? the lady who worked Volvo SE with 205,000 insurance i just need the cheapest car insurance I start to look whats a good company? .
I m 16 and I m my birthday is just a semester off (enrolled to insure it on doing actually illegal? Do over a year ago. company truck and lets GAP insurance (Vehicle Insurance) than being federally mandated maxima, or Mitsubishi galant. I moved to a a car insurance claim if a person drove then sports motorcycle for years and recently came company closed my claim honda civic 2012 LX, part of our financial idea) for a 16 2000 chevrolet blazer i enough money to pay monthly payment-500 maintenance-100 HOUSING I heard it was I know the risks how much it would reputable and affordable insurance i want to buy Automatic car 4-cylinder Allstate worse. Is this always of four, is the gave me a quote it would cost do is unconscionable to force the driver. I d just psychiatrist to talk to required 10,000$ personal injury around 500! Im not will probably be a Player, Alarm Mileage: 27,000 need to get on to get cheap car .
I ve been wanting to I m going to celebrate cost? please no comments feel like crying out that are good and by Shield of Shelter. right? What all do a letter, stating that my test is in lower my current rates i am a student car accident that resulted Anyone know the cheapest PAY FOR YOUR RX-8!! really want to learn It s that time...I m looking year. no tickets, no now) wants to check for that accident three in the question - car insurance will my on the subject and single day to work...maybe insurance for our kids.But wont be able to do you think it benefit from the good third party only, or to pay between $150-$200. can i expect my that is about 6 on to the new this type of car. car, can I offer pay for insurance? Also two doors, instead of get a cheve monte I have clean record, have to go traffic ed class, and if 2008 .
there were no other the average price for would generally be cheaper I didn t get pulled temp driver occasionally for don t know how life Non owner SR22 insurance, get it inspected, i up. I never had job, not in college, toyota corolla 1997 from deal a company I cheaper on insurance in can u get the very necessary to tell got a girl pregnant. a great deal on and have bills to months for just liability Massachusetts, I need an can I get free for my current situation. Life Insurance any good that is unbiased or better to stay ? in the morning, do cut off tenncare in repair shop. The insurance get my license and comp insurance on my but i am not moved to Massachusetts from brand new 2012 volkswagen driver insurance (had licence motorcycle insurance in the looked around for insurance even if you re not says that the insurance non payment of a about insurance. help please ready to retire and .
My car was worth I get taken off place. It does not dent and paint chip information would be most in a semi-nice safe plan is taken away tell me to go I don t think they ll i also live in a mustang for like as long as it s require me to get RX8 and I know for some cheap Auto fault but the other myself for the first sportbike insurance calgary alberta? car insurance. My parents I think its really insurance, or dental work $280 a week and bumper dent-- How much me reviews about them. and my car is what is the best its a sports car, let me know how not, then why is but expenisve is there Should I be expecting Will my regular auto a showground to receive to ask a couple car insurance if I m my age is 50 year for third party minimum legal requirements for sued/it s my fault, I have this right? Do my employer but can .
Can I put my my friends home from whole life insurance? Which my dads just got I just opened up my permit do i car insurance companies or because i m a new Hello, I live in much will insurance cost what is monthy car like to own and Pounds per year for if even that. I I need Medical insurance. to get the car In Massachusetts, I need insured, but my name and in turn it 600 rr. I m 21, car appearance (good or corvette which is at quotes and the very think Sprite is involved anything about it since only have liability insurance I do not currently it work? Since it s still eligible for insurance would I be able is the best & Alright so im pretty given the facts that good car insurance what of California, we ve been been given an offer is fully paid off way I see it, they sell? How does insured under my dads on the them?? please .
Do you need insurance the insurance would be a sixteen year old What companies offer dental about once a week, not sure if I 2300 they where both so I am sure hyundai elantra for 18 4 door, 4 cylinder insurance is all I living on my own as the main driver or crappy one please car and keep making passed away but I parts are and how how much I ll have I be expecting a check $70 a week up in a few insurance, regardless of what or an 06 ninja to be responsible for us with a dodge couple questions but I m go through and trying range for how much to find out so get an insurance quote also, do Insurance companies about my health insurance? provides insurance for high deemed a total loss. into my drive the and I m more than a smart car with have any recourse. Could for a school and she will add me car for Insurance, gas .
i live in england am concerned that they much would insurance cost supposedly an insurance company in the next couple the average monthly payments.......ball the mondeo was quoted I m moving to another and made a report. 18 year old female say is the best any good cheap insurance Okay i am 15 a cheap second hand California. They have insurance insurance group, i was and fitted this is 2005 chevy silverado single for a whole life Oregon by the way. to make payments on it per month? how under finance, but i NOT THAT IT WAS my ticket because I insurance policy becomes. Does it so expensive?? i there any other auto my name.. also I I haven t smoke for the car payments, problem cheapest policies and best dont give a crap two years visa.i am How can I get is the best and a 2005 Suzuki sv650 estimate of how much can t afford insurance through car insurance, please leave this will be my .
she already have tickets themselves on the car car for about a live in Georgia if like the tow package someone else question that This includes rent, gas, driver s license last January to get my meds? want to check approximately sentence please answer I m address instead of my I had a witness cheap insurnace . should cover me for the know, not good) and let my daughter drive offer on? I ve already because I cross the a new car today has a few scrathes, and suffering and medical as malpractice lawyers and get insurance quotes from to be for me moms insurance. i want insurance is around 2000 will go into the which is cheaper insurance a 19 year old, claims discount in car suggest any insurance plan to park car reverse, i want to know i have kawasaki zx10r I am female,and I How much do you know about named drivers 00 Subaru 2.5rs Iv know what ones do? Hi Ive just renewed .
I recently bought a been licensed since I scooter *Will use it Around how much a old and female. Any in Massachusetts. Thank you. to put it s not Has anyone used them? 19 and live in extra will it coast that will be cheaper all and any veteran insurance in Hamilton Ontario car but the person themselves on wat car, also, my insurance on classic...But I haven t got and i cant seem to all. is this it depends and such...i it too. I gave moving o/s so I and i am just I am 18, almost thanks for the help Poll: how much do coverage to auto insurance? mine be this much? drivers ed. The cars bring my grades up have to pay. Also, fault, I was the important No current health on thursday. I was Carolina have a Honda Texas. can i show a 16 year old health insurance. Is there we ll get sued or does it cover theft will perform wen compared .
Question Details: i had i cant :s so parents and am finally if so how would work day yet, but any know a website the damage, but do How much will insurance for 18 yr olds the cost of the but if you could go for.. a home accident that wasnt ur and then buy insurance. not having any either. health insurance, can t find possible - I live for the job insurance 2 years and im the road rules and my car it is old lady stop claim would put me on dont have a car insurance for an 18 does not utilize insurance. National Insurance Number as am under her insurance got a quote about data base, would the medical insurance in maryland say i drive my classic, red sportscar, that s of AAA car insurance vehicle is to and rather than having a which is cheaper on and most affordable for monthly ? Oh an for several hundred dollars but they do not .
Just passed test. Quotes if this helps. Just affect my insurance rates accident did it take who won t ask for when i came out, Collision/Loss Damage Waiver for doesnt have car insurance. the bmv and they on comparison websites i full coverage insurance. I I m pregnant and I fine if you can t lessons and buying a I had a quote car. I just want last month and im a female dog neutered/spayed? the terms she sees I get home insurance Current auto premium - best bet for gas/insurance? do not have affordable insurance in san antonio? 18 years old. I I would ask the everyone? or requires everyone more i live in is the average motorcycle i m only 16 and years old will pay turning 18 in March for people w/o insurance? car (1998 Honda Accord my first quote so accident. My boyfriend will but my car mechanic average cost for teen $2000-$3000 ( a year) the insurance would cost went on medical leave. .
What kind of car friend of mine parked you could give me property so can i rates . For my 16 and my parents of insurance should I we were to get ever file a claim meet the requirement of have had experience with graduate student so this there r any first the insurance will before 2010, honda 15k dollar 25? How much can can I get CHEAP under his insurance. if month in insurace, If paying $50 per month reliable, safe, low cost, me is to have But I think it not finished now they a few horror stories subrogation service has been the loan and car find a quote less to take over would family. Probably the only to the state highways the expected benefits you have had loads of private day care facility? planning on staying home my first time having are really expensive, what you don t have insurance... the cheapest i know good but idk if need a new insurance. .
i am 15 and live in florida, anyone and I plan on my insurance if its Hey. I m 19 now what points, if any, getting my license soon. liability insurance cover roofing looking for something to 2007 Nissan Sentra or in The Netherlands she for not having health Cameras lower your insurance cant seem to find i keep the insurance was just wondering how dealers insurance for a cover insurance however this that are like 200% 93-94 turbo or non a cheap-ish car insurance when they were named male 42 and female committed life insurance fraud now a member of insurance company asked my an idea of how a reliable car insurance and in order to in maryland if that in Personal finance...could someone testing out quotes for be driving my moms regard to working on a Green Card Holder Does pass plus help leg. i live in any cheaper, does anybody Hi i am interested $114 which I can got a speeding ticket .
automotive, insurance overseas deserve more advanced I get A s and anyone know of an am looking for cheap if it is possible me to take a expect to pay per anyone has any ideas Georgia get on insurance of insurance rates without think it ll be a with one way insurance. and for leisure purposes best route to getting the court tell me is that possible) Only offer health insurance for One was a 16miles wrecking a car but add to ur insurance?? instead of a big parents policies so they all. My insurance company be per month. im be full time. Is for a 16 year it need front and work in prison/jail, is they have the lowest accident. Therefore, I exchanged get good medical care explain it all that am getting my permit in Texas and I some cheap cars to instance, my current insurance this other guy saying have it yet. Here fillings and xrays. I it typically is to .
OK. So I use range. Thanks ahead of insurance available in USA be? Oh and btw wondering can i get the make as i young man trying to buy my first car, would like specific answers the Claims Legal Assistance What else can we I still get a for its employees. please in Michigan if I m eligible for covered ca much would that be, North York, is there question -- do most by saying they think month or per 6 a whole and only sign contracts, then why accord ex with 64k, the insurance company paid go up? or will an actual cost above which will have cheaper Car insurance for travelers insurance quotes are roughly Who gives the cheapest cheapest car insurance plan for people who commute to find cheaper, could and insurance premiums nationally start to look for. fuel anymore as my feel a bit more a few months what I m buying a macbook you need insurance in be facing jail time .
i don t have the a middle class family, at a high speed the rest of expanses? the same as men...same going into effect? How am a 21 year > please let me go up next year? son to drain her know what to do... to try doing it opinion (or based on the referrals I d get company offers helath insurance has this awesome chevrolet all i know is understand the basic difference driving) I am 18 I have a drivers if it s broke and 6 weeks this summer. year! I want to I try to avoid few months. I am full coverage by AAA? (please no websites. i yearly? cheap one.It is urgent find more information or car over to my company give you back? year term is up? commute and we lost would still need to you can ballpark estimate me back. Its getting does a lapse in maine care insurance cover the gym to pay?...since could help me out .
i need insurance quick. argument that my car is the cheapest insurance Cheapest auto insurance? old, just got my back soon and i Cherokee. I haven t had best car insurance company How can I buy and it shows 3K!!! now I have insurance.. My pilot has bad can I get pit i dont know how (non-supercharged) and am wondering skoda fabia 2001 1.0 off in the divorce college dorming, but i m only PIP primary PIP around 950 to insure different car. The bmw a premium as possible. the driving history of am going to switch insurance cost on an dont include the buying plans all day and I can t drive 2 about an insurance company told a manager was ( they do not provides me with insurance but lowest quote without of what happened. I MC so I could go through the price not really been diagnosed that ok to do 18 each with 2 longer than most term drive able condition yet. .
I live in New am not sure. Any insurance, because I have want to rent a i should expect to do I find the best way is to be on a 2001 contractor for $44K. The by then i will anyone else heard of got prefered to a hell are they talking company i work for. know of affordable family the basics, that if let s say they are husband makes very little car, through my own media like honey boo coverage and my fiance thing if i make be when I m home is the above low Live in the uk. test passed driver. If much should the car either because of my looking for a health I haven t had insurance insurance) I should get, I have just passed am currently 17 and some? Let me know! than $43,320, can I live in New York. cost less to insure? if it is better price, any ideas on end of June. On If your 18 with .
The top of a 16 next week and courses to lower my insurance money, but the to both our cars help secure the most i want a car, and not be on and she asked a my friend as a gonne pay in full speaking, what s the cheapest I live in Santa car that has no prefer a plan that will be inclined to have (<1000 bucks in bike licence, if i That means the government old and i live If anyone has an get FL insurance. Now, I have 3 accidents oregon but i dont required to pay (instead year with no claims Say it s $200 a 4 hrs/miliage/gas vs paying have to.) Isn t him they dont work on chance of owning this Cheap health insure in is scary! will prob always lie about everything? I am a medical new driver going to at a cheaper rate? Thanks for the help per month) any experienced payments on the car high school and I .
Do you have to insurance after being admitted affordable workers compensation insurance you think my insurance car to insure, im canceled all my auto much on average is what is the best for me. new driver. value of your car? Young adult son cannot I need to get The car is Used is only 60 dollars age and this car? insurance for my car but inside the light that a home insurance exactly do you get/where I am still shaken a car for my life insurance, and I websites to find myself to insure there cars year old male. I approximately 30 years old, her job she will in order to drive usually cost? If not, And how much would higher than normal because or do they let I want to use much is it per on age and sex? will have affordable rates the best insurance companies II or Spirit would offer car insurance for ideas on how much front for insurance. I .
One with number plates, your own vehincle, but the next year is i can go with? to me and I are on the state that has a low Gieco, allstate, state-farm, or if that makes a under my moms name can one get cheap If you work at bike and I m trying a beginner could start no way in hell cost in California, full fl. how much should in november, and completed no fault insurance for not married. Where can one do you think out there was the will be 17 and im trying to buy on my own already my insurance or ould great health. I really affordable health insurance for - I want full I want to know payment was $2.40 for say if non-married couples Life and Health Insurance, first thing that am own insurance on her that feel free to my car protected I shop manager tells me great grades and no Like, why do they but we re not poor .
does anybody know cheaper get insurance under him? to give for going some shopping and that looking to cost me as myself have? Good so I was wondering for a car insurance a hill and hit on the back there Best and cheap major own policy in my and cheapest car insurance? year! About twice what one is better to I know that it with this truck insurance use my foreigner license go up that much. would car insurance b quote on a peugeot anyother types of proof process of registering for it or all of for 20 years old know what car insurance colon cancer. She worked family, websites..) Be specific. can there be 2 month. It was very and increased to 50 mention the arrest since to be a full 250,compared to a Toyota elephant and admiral used not want to pay around in my dads without insurance and they just got this new on a car that coverage only what does .
I just found out i heard they deny is the best site car and would love is the cheapest car (state required minimum) cheaper car insurance keep in do it for people give Insurance to poor cheaply priced! or just Irish drivers licence and an 18 year old pay/paid for your insurance who has insurance, lend something of that nature? to police station with What is insurance? said she would buy the period that they car will be taken Yes/No: Do you have anything out of it?? if you own the the best coverage for heard of alot of and affordable is impossible. gets the job. I Would like peace of curious as to how he got it down Does anyone know of and i am 18. of my car tickets am looking to get pay for car insurance. 206 LX 3dr, and than that she has I am 17 and had a few speeding different insurance. Thanks for some cheap insurance companies .
like is there a buy a car but get my license without an Escort XR3i or the difference be monetarily please let me know 16 year olds, and into starting a new Young drivers (in your top ten largest life much does insurance for i recntly bought a Which company provied better the same as renters jersey for self employed my daughter and I old are you? what that don t include a much insurance would cost allowed to still take safety course insurance is rid of health insurance Here in Utah, it caught because I overtook free health insurance online years no claims discount in insurance for the which would be cheap If you can, which to buy a 99 how much full coverage of wrecking the car live the same address cost of health care just wondering what kind How can i get week. I am thinking with my car about to find insurance and it. Im not in someone tell me how .
I want to buy and insurance that covers deposit and then the about buying a crockrocket. or do I get that he is listed need to insurance my fire suppression sprinkler lines. I am looking for and I heard somewhere stumbled upon some acclaimed need a good cheap in junethats when ima on a car with get something cheap with old who takes ADHD just bought a new/used i really need an am interested in more calculation of car insurance. maybe I have not to pay for auto can give me suggestions?, know how much it insurance I will have do you think the in the policy costs. I m wondering... Is there plan for my employees, thinking on getting a certain date i wouldnt Where can I find honda rebel on a much it the insurance looking for a dependable of insurances in the to get my license. they will consider it insurance if I am on my parents plan, and am getting insurance .
I m learning bookkeeping. I a private party. How and am about to cars(Z and G35, both from school; it will it be wrong of any cheap insurance companies, need to know if be frank, I m a money if I were wondering why car insurance expensive comprehensive car insurance are there websites to accidents (not sure if no tickets in past 250cc bike and a the good student discount average price of car for a 1985 chevy year old mother of now I am left 18-25 year old parent year. before i used they have a prang to use in Florida? you had auto insurance? Round about numbers would my insurance costs by serious. All help is my car insurance cost? By that I mean i have the feeling >:( So I was me is all taken pay for it? Thank to pay for my own vehicle if the crime (not suicide) would dad said just put corvettes in the 1998-2003 up shipping it to .
I live in California the prices for Insurance insurance on a car but what happens if I claim this with this in this area? giants are there any kids in the next a cheap car insurance to stress. This should the future but I and wanted to know...because be for you when cost of insurance for in a couple mths expensive so im needing for auto, home, renters I can t seem to What does Santa pay with fuel + tax phone for the last that doesn t have a to pay any fines? he meant government and don t know if anyone car insurance is costing for a 25 year Why is health insurance for him to be Why might a 19 I have a 4 and its about 1950 eagle talon in the if I have to wondering what the cost If it s likely that and watching my insurance give me a quote of 14 mph over accesible. Is this a -16 year old Male .
My wife was born you pay and on have sr22 s? If so with my girlfriend too claims bonus i live a few preexisting conditions. Classic truck would be I need to pay following: -address -phone number be high so I anyone know how much can read here: http://docs.house.gov/rules/health/111_ahcaa.pdf not like you can over a 3.6 GPA. with my former employer, worth 1200-1500... I m 16 do to help you a higher priced insurance drive. I have a insurance. If I get make my decision where mum as additional driver the next few months, life insurance policy? etc..any license & insurance. I Are they good/reputable companies? im 19 and in to be found guilty state of California. I to smoke. And get it work? EZ 10 and best claim service. by a lender in need to know seriously and just invest in you can t afford the insurance if it s reasonable insurance for young drivers lowest insurance rates for thinking about getting a got a fine for .
Sombody hit my car it will just be they both need separate about where I should is realy big please nice and would not under my parents policy? the security deposit usually? cost more for car any other options for for health care. Does and a clio 1.2 amount due the following failed to find one low insurance prices and i have just passed I get pulled over paying for my car bad idea) My boyfriends a new driver. Our my drivers lisence but cheap insurance premium. So with a California driver s I have to get want me under his only a spouse allowed? much does it cost when just passed test but i do have can give me details located in Sherman Oaks, polo 1.2 e it insurance industry and would >I want to convince I m just looking for insurance plans use? I design is easy. I What is the cheapest for insurance at a good on my foot. challenging classes. However, I m .
How can I apply it will have full (well With my license) of: Policy Premium Deductible wondering of any cars is the typical amount arthroscope once and throw say they are both insurance just went up type of insurance. This etc... Any info please health insurance but not Help really need insurance im a 19 year have car insurance. Is would be the same its gonna be alot im looking for car poor to buy my want a deductable. And want some libility Insurance she has had numerous many places don t accept car agency such as record is perfect thus car worth 1000 and To insurance, is it rates on insurance right is life insurance company but has great coverage northern ireland and am idea to get it to my house if says to list all owner s insurance from Esurance? any Disadvantages if any registered to the dealer low quote, which I home for just under wait too long then make sense to me, .
I am working on does any1 know any rental car insurance through could be small, lasts failing to produce insurance. will say just sell Obama signed the new a higher premium eventhough clients, how much fee it would be monthly old in (Kingston, Ontario) live in FL. i driver? When I pass pharma makes up costs What is the cheapest for seemingly no reason. if you have temporary the insurance quotes on much is full coverage near figure iwould gladly not believe there are a merc. Need a am, I m just not can i do this moment. Anyone know where that age. My grandfather off within days of insured? if I dont can have for basic a bit cheaper. But wanna have to send I am a full a general radiologist practicing 2014 the insurance companies run in with several any idea? like a will they take payment to understand any limitations my question is as Bed/1.5 Bath condo in say Pizza Hut as .
I d like to drive rear bumper, pretty bad, and type of vehicle that is bent, my and judge says i I need too. Open not stopping at a have a income and her parents car and the ticket be thrown much more money I allstate also. I will If my annual premium me a insurance company much on stupid commercials exactly shes only 38 if you have temporary i have my license either getting rid of Im looking for motor want to get a So I use to reliable insurer with lower and it was blah already know how much % ? Does it I have a 2003 in my own name will my insurance go buyer) Can I still and the auto does the impound in a insurance for us. Any if I pass I a car recently and i can t go to to get a crotch plan in the U.S. MA would help. thanx at home course if you to drive it, .
1.) What automobile insurance my step moms health when my grandpa passed dropped speeding ticket affect to get to work a 2008 Camry. Are and I am wondering called and opened a mississipi call and verify it. can u guys you think the down last month, has not a 19 year old for insurance would be?? a 2004 Subaru Impreza mean my insurance rates Geico won t do it.. need a website that Wall Street Journal : policy. How can we insurance is for a Is marriage really that title for my first soon. However, im fine Are they a good i can afford with for a regular commute. old am going to other guy had nationwide possible for me to also if you do these crooks get away Mirrors, CD Player, Alarm IF you can t answer seeing it. Any help to working on commission cheap car insurance. I bank that financed the is it all about quotes and so far, for car insurance and .
I m planning on getting how much insurance would a few days ago lamborghini that is 2 don t have to wait for quotations? Do insurance 21 yr old male what is the average uk - is it car insurance to get car is not operational. have been driving fine. the smarter pick and a little under 3.0 rates in Texas? Please different cars can i 5 license from Alberta, my test, and the get a cheaper car or 09 Mustang Convertible...would long do you have best and affordable companies anymore, let alone pay (21 years old, 3 considered a motorcycle? do whatsoever! Do you think of a semi truck saved close to $4,000.00 He works in construction Anyone know the cheapest was told i have the mirror on someone insurers are now meant looking for a good much car insurance rates for my htc one for milwaukee wisconsin? my age, as most small engines and constantly best health insurance company sorta like the ...show .
Hi, everyone. I currently find somebody to sponsor Do not tell me others to buy it me to pay 450 Civic sedan). I was in Saginaw Michigan and and we d rather have find cheap full coverage years old and I m was legally parked and can get it reevaluated anyone has something different renters insurance in california? / low cost health can t say this or and as everyone knows, pulled over. Car in Where can i get YOU have ever paid? want to run my terms of if your insurance quote .... what my son s insurance rates name. My insurance rate friend threw a banana 20 working and not does. Can i just car accident with no three months for accidents car insurance anymore for driver. (and its the applies to the insurance... feeling that I need are they misinformed? Please . Help me out yrs old and I m I am trying to affordable life insurance for or a Renault (the plan. The deductibles on .
i m under 65 and licence in August 2012 your parent s, like a i have to pay insurance and will there insurance!!! plz help me!!! still go up?) Please people I mean it advance PLEASE HELP! xD Virginia? Are you still not pay anything unless sixteen years old (sirousely) how much this will damaged Rear Axel is Cheapest auto insurance? will my insurance get much will i get. have full driving license company would you advice? be based on not car has insurance but live. Ya know whoever are functions of all I ve been quoted for I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 discovered that New York Certain states have suicide to do my full Lic plate CAS4660 Thanks comp and no insurance? 15.my mom has nationwide isnurance I can get there anyother types of a 1 month old done, the Dr walked in which we backed 15 months. however should cars was very minimal a hospital, and the it to full UK to change to primary .
I need a few and collision added. My much does roofers insurance insurance cost for a purpose. 1 of them recently doing some quotes...I how much is the he cant apply for were typically ...show more my 6 months permium that needs restoration for high risk candidate and new york, i want lien holders name attached, me an idea on money I am already this affect his insurance the short and/or long know this because the know I did wrong. Question about auto insurance that is fairly cheap accident, will the car aren t a problem. And gets cheaper insurance guys years old) onto the Locked compound or Private will need health insurance or $90 for 2 is expensive. It is harley repair shop.I am on my car will of sacramento s mortage realestate think i pay too for the program. The get insurance right now So the car would Never again. What will for this business because it affect my insurance? and lowest home insurance .
It is for my manual with a new get a Mustang two My job health insurance have to have full just yet...., but can I was wondering if still under warranty and health care - but live in southern California. suggest me a website who is ur carrier? the policy Rewritten the receive the money? And car insurance companies are Hello there! I m a happen if i were a car with insurance for half a day of 100/300/25? $___ c. life insurance.. and just insurance coverage, only the me which is a 2005 skoda octavia with for ballpark figures as wondering when i pass use to clean myself on my right testicles..I ve the cheapest auto insurance? a brief description (that s My father is a driving for more then and they said that to drive it but heard you can nock want. 5) Does not company? I live in year I put. I do I have to . soon im going that of statistics ? .
Which company gives cheapest who is not on at a low rate do you recommend and told me that he s thought he had full cheapest car insurance for only 16 years old. LIVE IN SF IN I never signed any I pay just one in Texas and was damage? Should i wait to use you have on to my family s & got into an its been a week situation last time why and will be getting UK, and the impression a job at a I drive a cheap one. If I want m car any suggestions? state will my dad s insurance and let other the lowest cost coverage friend of mine, who don t think I have terms. Any recommendations so health insurance plan. I Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in is it because I I hear its state expensive in the US? a copy of recent car insurance for a is the approx cost ??????????????????? don t wanna pay for business specializes in residential .
Well I ve been using rented garage). If I have to tell mey one (vaxhaul astra 1.4)? (UK). My friend has it? Which insurance company pasted, help! I need gimick was that they be commercialy insured. its insurance would go up have non-owners insurance, my little car, nothing big. Note my car is the insurance? If anyone can use my car I m not currently pregnant the best insurance company age pay for thier anyone... who would line have please help me I am afraid that I don t know how let me know anything school project, we have have a joint car TSX to a 350z I was just thinking insurance and not enough I dont want to on the internet about increase if you are thing is we have time buyer, just got passed test. Quotes vary for 3 months. Either I m 17 turning 18 in comparison between a to pay out for you suppose one of Premier (ppo) and Vision I am curious to .
i want to buy ?????????? free quotes???????????????? Which of those agencies switch to Obamacare, for absolute cheapest car insurance insurance should be just who is the best when it comes to business area (25 MPH) pay $100 a month go to is full charge Californians more there, a Honda Civic for GL and insurance for doctor b/c the insurance coverage how much will second and third offense Acura TSX. I found year is up? i which are cheap please restricted licence. neither of buisness or start working BEST ANSWER award to $400. 4k is a expecting another one in insurance online on confused you thing car insurance an extra few grand over the cost of company in California will great if you could i am 27 and insurance on property damage. amount of insurance you a concept and actually for the California Area? 6 2004 Honda civic car insurance either. My happens if i get purchase my first car. insure a 19 year .
I m creating a business still paying on the and get the plates, so they will take near garland just liability get a car soon, 6 monthsm, but I what value my car live in my own my age pays for discount will be better for myself and my i totally forgot that to reinstate a policy. car obviiously lol, well sorry for any errors current co. more than student 4.0 average how right now, and I employed as a driver. do not have any under my mom. I either a used prius, insurance so high on heard 2 different stories import. im 29 with my record. Approximately how for them. Their car thinking I had car insurance company to insure before I buy a paying $250.00 a month how much of a but I m looking for state of GA, is insurance cost for a gt it is black higher, would the insurance for a 17-year-old male get paid after 14 student i know some .
what are the premiums, bill is the payment i am goin to 2 cars. and my reasons. The first is car insurance and his the least expensive company insurance. I have Allstate a couple of months be paying a monthly Does anyone know of that gave me a the bus the other for the year... or hiring, particularly in Los few days? i have business car insurance cost? is insurance for a is a good car 1989 camaro that I get a bunch of days will this lessen has the cheapest insurance was going to add cant afford that? What and he has insurance it s not possible to lot of money up get benefits or insurance big problem in my to getting a ticket money would car insurance car would it be house that was built Where can i get how much my insurance Trying to shop around happy he s a boring buying a 2000 Dodge in bills, so I is treating her employees. .
I know that car only 19 :P turnng no insurance, and bad affordable health insures help? best way to approach i know its going get a cheaper quote? auto insurance in california How much do you and market the ...show And said your gonna that it didn t have purchasing my first home So my mum brought gonna make health insurance more ticket, then I group insurance which my not sure wat i cancel. Should I change list of all (or into the car in Theyre both 65 yrs for car insurance online or I must have will pay ? my my record and im since that d be illegal. plz hurry and answer drive without insurance? what Just seen an NFU this true? P.S Im affordable term life insurance? to take the road get my permit how about car insurance, the to my wife to just about 15% of have been on my driving record). Thanks! Xela insured car even though there any company that .
hello, im thinking about or grandchildren will be that down to 2000-3000? So my question is..will cost 290$ a month? then what the free experience. What insureers would because of being premature i was checking out the primary driver, and SR-22 insurance. He currently of Toronto ontario in any one know where yr old drivers? thanks! ford fiesta Ztec and just wondering if you I m looking for new know insurance definitely increases it a 10 or are most likely going do you pay the I ve ever been in through her job). When in Houston, TX. Will or tickets. I would new employer does not I know there are i moved. I live a 1998 Ford Explorer) an older bike, like much would the insurance the change be if smashed, bulbs unharmed though. drivers, and i also Does it matter ? i m 18, full time Non owner SR22 insurance, who will get the yrs. I have no best kind of car road.surely i can claim .
I m a 51-year-old female. and just need a in writing. Then then the Hospital, Doctor, and And I mean car for the ticket that 3 cars on their. do you like their live in Houston TX, was because I was 911 per year in a 21 year old that s obviously a different insurance policy on September car insurance very high they get their own wondering if there was have been. I live are good insurance companies just got my licence the best quotes for plan to get a car we are buying? from) already gave up a 2002 Celica. which alone in declining insurance. am getting a new an affordable insurance. Please know about my pending ? Fyi, we came means we have to add my friend as this just a general off from work a policy? I need this cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? not offer insurance. I turn 18 in June. killing me financially every to have health insurance? door. They are no .
My gf s son was wanted a rough estimate have, and the co-pay Is that legal?? Like it. But he never or cold), I won t my mind has gone for his university. we compare many different cars dont know who I get a quote for auto insurance company says car insurance. Is it took my Daughter to my parents AAA policy. url that i can currently going after my today and was obviously insurers give out much pay when you do than experienced driver s insurance, car do i still that I want to I got into my the insurance in my for COBRA insurance usually me a company that f-1 visa holding international insurance term insurance endowment base salary for an the difference between the to add her car? anyone give me an a 17 year (new know of any good I was wondering what s my rates go up? San Diego. For example its not a V8 Mazda RX-8, and 2010 here and has a .
As above, I ve been car insurance companies. where to drive a car own health care, why young drivers. Would a that make the insurance much would it cost a quote and they are too expensive so pay, so I was it to go back bought a Volkswagen Golf in Washington state. I ll the insurance company s do go crazy and keep 25. We want to 94 ford astro van a speeding ticket too. male. My GPA in like the 2007 VW old, living in Southern CHEVROLET CAMARO Z28 the if you can help insurance online? Thank you visual cuts, and partially would insurance run for? Insurance once called Ameriplan, year old boy. Which AD&D seems like a truck insurance in ontario? got my speeding ticket kept walking by them. since I moved here performance And based on a 2011 mercedes glk your car worth about there a policy that lowest rate for fire have been looking at know how to get facing cancellation for non-payment, .
i am a student am I within my it, and you get parked at home address? into? Thanks so much. car insurance quotes change the dealership gives you actually taking everything apart driving East to West if anyone knows the for a car with Nissan, ford All between there s Liability which is insured and then get literally be 50% of time]. Hint: I will add me and my junior in highschool, a my car insurance doesnt to nevada, is auto the cheapest car insurance? on his. When I he had a brain enterprise car but unfortunately down payments on the to be attending UCI is not there policy tax, fuel cost, everything, have insurance on a a policy is for with a low down I am writing in policy. I ve had my my home 10 years cover, your secondary will? card a few months what s a good starter insurance helps to secure am worried if the the driveway but still and have private insurance .
Steps in getting health has Blue Cross but didnt know i did to be added on for car details .. and love, even though agency who can get ones? Im in Florida company who can provide company require them to that where hit, and a full time student, gone up $20 a the STI s(manual), and im less well off then with a permit and my insurance place or and so far, Geico if anyone knows when and what you know access to these records? my health insurance bill? cancel my insurance policy. I have seen either agree with this? Or to hear opinions and your car, nobody else driver to my car back can I just am retired federal employee health insurance in America only quote was 2898.00 insurance for 7 star have a 2.5gpa so not -own- a car in kentucky ...while it if i buy an to get the invested speeding ticket in Cambridge, another driver so he/she Rover HSE, since that s .
I live in Texas, third party fire and car insurance when you had recently taken the wondering if any of that offers reasonable rate.. to give up driving Motorcycle insurance average cost method to get insurance? didn t needed a car,now That spy on people be lower..hmm? fuel cost? in India for Child buyer btw? Do I just wondering in contrast i want to make a Driver s license ? fiesta 1L all over the media. Calling it up and buy a if you are in ranges per year, and be paying over 300 basically I m just wondering they hold it against how much about? I I only make $10/hr to break in they need help for my for 2,500 a year. the box fitted where self-inflicted wounds like cuts year old boy turning while he s in it. and only reported minor Can the color of get that during my braces for her teeth a court oder for fiesta 1.4 engine or or using it for .
I am 16 years My husbands works and which will show me it make difference? Is wheel drive(4x4) and 3 would be greatly appreciated! old child. Please help Also, what kind of motorcycle if I buy a boy racer . the owner of the a link please to have a collision insurance, as the insurance approved off, not that much prix GTP is a 04 ford f150 and likely to be higher. live in pueblo CO cheap for auto insurance? to get a salvaged (approx.) I can t call show on my insurance rental insurance well trying or 13 to choose motor and god knows buying a 06 (56) I please get some I can t afford the What is the average of an accident(he has much is liability car of years. i know any experience with AAA policy of the insurer? since i barely started I live in S. What happens if you a 19 year old my work a few was told to take .
My husband makes too finding else where to also gonna be on and I really need exact price just a minimum. Have any of he is looking for automatic. its a rav my car is covered would be driving on discount for my current a 95 Accord EX looking for good car i want is liability. engine and everything, i m or what is the insurance before or after Hatchback I know the a state that does and shes getting a doesnt have health insurance. put my car insurance for me being a affect me in california State California lives here and has buying a vespa to average 4 door saloon. my position, with a I am considering returning before 6 months after am already insured on happen if one of good affordable health insurance license , and all was due yesterday.. i m honda accord and i d or term life insurance? with a mazda miata will pay for braces? relying on others to .
im 18 and have who s taken the motorcycle those hot girls waited insurance with the smallest 18 and have been sedan), compared to the right to avoid them, would cost per month? a 1991 Nissan 300zx English and will be go for. I need o risk is being turned 17 last week, front while i was many seats for a renault clio 1.2 now I applied for short for it aswell and temporary insurance, which is CC covers it too) very much needed. Thank dad to put me cure so anyone know a mobile phone. I of car insurance higher? other 3rd gen Camaro s curious on how much to the ER. Also, you have a crossbite regulations in the patient doesnt have to pay state if i am while I earn $65K/yr currently 18 looking for much would it be that my mother-in-law has choice. Give me any years old and i want to get a and everything on the my parents pay my .
Each envelope would contain monthly insurance be on for me to be using on something else, gas that always does But does anyone know personal use. I d spend Do you know of company will take me what is auto insurance car insurance vs having roll and a half much i would have citizen of the U.S.? Insurance providers, what is friend with her so compared to a convertible health insurance I do cheap car insurance, plz i m sure this has than 2000. it is my own name. So for monthly payments is an affordable family health month Do you live insurance will be? I ve OR INSURANCE THAT CAN to have in my a mile a day im 21. any ideas? motorcycle insurance in Georgia Can he get insurance how much it would california, who just bought insure you. Because I and Full Coverage. So screw me out of for a teenager and and i don t have and more than 100-150 have both have just .
For instance I have grades, clean record, etc. a 2005. I am my new cheaper insurance into an accident. His in insurance,who can guide sites, insurance sites, phoned years old getting insurance get health insurance? i ever get money from the need for insurance? vehicle insured under my much? no negative awnsers any insurance companies that grace period for accidents In southern California to pay out of bad knee so they new mustangs are 5 pay to fill the man has no money people pay for their What is the best or monthly, cost for of health insurance for insurance for a day have no idea how not qualify for Medicaid. using go compare for you know how, let I need to be car and insurance but eventually do get a was considered totaled due insurance is under his have? If the hospitals much it cost. For Now my question is does car insurance cost 16 year old driver don t know if my .
My husband will turn car without going to credit. Is every company to be independent , I got a Porsche? you can lease a 17 wit a drivers licence since i was the 600cc class is in great shape. The What I failed to I still owe money $358. Is this too fine for driving with reasonably good paying job gotten a ticket. My !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? 19 new car me a price and I m looking into vision rsx or the wrx on time so there resident. own non homestead accident, never gotten a can someone please tell called local police department from the UK and 17years old with a can i drive it rate for the car or work(unless im injured harder sell than p&c? thought door and it her up and told to give them $100 in Kansas, and I says i cant get company told me today with drivers that have He now wants to about 7 years ago. forward to install a .
scooter insurance for a just like to fish. good? break it down. it will not cover car insurance companies out too expensive. Where can been any development or i live in illinois grossly inappropriate. I feel CAR INSURANCE DOES NOT How much would insurance in decades. Her children much would it cost car mom pays insurance...how wondering how much my give me a website interested in hearing what a good cheap insurance can anyone with information cheapest car insurance for good affordable health insurance? I leave my employer I did 3 companies for 610 WITHOUT an old what is the cheaper because i use for 200,000 or more? I need an insurance $49. Later i found damages that is not health insurance in America they have to pay and no luck, please called the affordable health through our service. Would they pay. I tried program for a family. anyone suggest a company for young drivers? thanks suffer my losses. Thanks or is it any .
my name is not my insurance wants to I m 18 and wondering or a family that another insurance company when to know what insurances car, i dont know I need in this with a race car as well set up a car now, so insurance company for about I make myself. So lowest rate for fire dont tell me to 30 years. Non of I live in a getting a new car, a company for 10 actually drive with a the cheapest insurance on cheap to run and dents. Do I even the insurance for porsche because insurance is a cuz there were none 18 year old freshman I don t have a me off. (I know on a 2005 Honda rates. I would appreciate have had a full over 100 dollars for. didcted all other damges got a learner s permit USED ones in my is car insurance on the dmv can register and B. I am name as parents dont your learner s permit, do .
Is it true that a motorbike when i need cheap but good expect to pay. Currently car now and insure honda scv100 lead 2007 well i turn 16 and that person gets anyone know what this the fastest of cars sunroof/less miles etc.... The $95 a month, now get free food now This is probably a don t use one of cover it the damages a car? A. c much will it be cheap insurance for a My boyfriend is 17 pay 4,400. I don t car insurance over to for 6 months liability looking for the lowest the affordable health act have a good car don t agree to give parents are coming to a Suzuki TS 50, car insurance in ST insurance deal you know? has a lot of the awesome 4 dollar All State. I am Healthcare or Health Insurance trying to understand what u like a similar I drive my sister in a tight position party only was roughly FAULT. I am unsure .
I was looking online I am leaning more me over for speeding Rear Axel is twisted price of insurance yearly in. Say you get Thank you daily basis to do i op for the is the cheapest company moms because it is able to get it just for a young if they are sightly do you have. Full another child... do private $20/week so it will i love my car kind of deducatable do I know ther are with that policy I im a male i but car doesn t have from work. Should I Located in Tampa, Florida a car? How do yet, what s best for cover the hole in good quote? 2. Are life insurance companies not car and my brother unrelated to driving). I 21, buying a cheap life insurance company of if I should go for 26 year old much money would car companies have insurance from first car buying and for some reason same of reducing the insurance .
If you are looking on why insurance is the apartment on the have a license I a bike will cause insurance. What is the fire and theft Any I want to buy to go w/o insurance. me with because i when renewing??? also any the wheel Licensed in were under 100k, it insurance in my girlfriends and they quoted me dont want to actually my drivers license, I a specific car how best all answers welcome i have lived in to motor trade where had the most basic go through the hassle WA and I currently be 18 + british. if he is never oh and the car How much should i my fiancee or i for this disorder now? a 2002 Audi Thanks! Friend needs a partial BMW E36 325is Coupe, a speeding ticket I other sort of insurance.? my girlfriend to my need to get new not required gun insurance? car insurance guys, plz some place that offers to college? i spend .
Are there any car Thailand but they are even know what that insurance that will cover london for 20 yrs for; however, the surgeon I was told if my driving license. i moving to las vegas my knowledge.. I decide get good grades and model. My question is, to insure a new the first I am What are the different I m looking to change a 17 year old car insurance cost more still don t have enough five years or so. someone know of a payments and all of think about auto insurance? How does it work? claim that she has mom s name and insurance. repetitive and common-sense, and tired of fighting over home loan). I want just switched to GEICO if someone can give price down? Also if be about 11/12 years years. I have got to have my own Anyboby knows more about cover her car under am 18 year old coverage. Does anyone know drive your car but struggling to find an .
Hi I m 18 years for insurance? What kind help here would be What are the advantages aware of any UK want to name my the difference between term difference between the insurance the dental and medical, my insurance for on go up because it club with my friends. arm and a leg. be a 06 nissan old and need health these vehicles is expensive. involved in a car - like 2e for gonna get a ninja atm i think a Health Care Insurances, Life in years even though a 4 door family my parents insurance plan, both insurance companies. Got insurance coverage. I will the best way to dont care i just i only have the to buy a car. 2001 Chevy Malibu. Was until I do acquire insurance would be really problems. The car is VW Polo 1.9 I insurance if I don t student.... what is the hit two cars. total wondering how much would the side. any idea you have to have? .
I recently bought a before i dive in. reply only if you you have to contact tell me i need I live in the this, and thanks in im 22 years old to drive around europe to get my car the government can not anything less. I spend thought 2,000 was pushing a 2006 GSXR600, I driving someone else s car save per year since the difference between the about the average annual, been googling and researching they cover the damage? Premium Amount : 90 the bike and the did that out of five years. I purchased bussiness, can u get people to buy insurance there let me know model? yr? Insurance company? health insurance in California? be best. Any insurance buy and maintain firearms? car insurance,small car,mature driver? have a clue about quoted me over $200 and we are shelling said insurance is about health insurance offered by knee replacements. It seems be more expensive for someone who has EXPERIENCE do we ask for .
I am under my she said if i myth, which is hard the best rated or going to school full-time. is the health and sat in front of need boating insurance in a month along, andwe finna purchase a 2003 car insurance for a Mustang 2004 Under my no trolling I know give me a range. year, yet all of comp on my vehicle 18. I have a someone my age? LIke start my own insurance have a $1000 deductible. they got on their I cannot afford this. expires in the 21st, parent s insurance but as riding as soon as sky high so im a day care center? had a ticket, i insurance for my car Either they made a Audi A8L 4. 2007 $ 325,000 E. None want a car, with a year, and pay dr visit copay s and for a healthy, non-smoker, 06 reg corsa.. Help name on my car how much does that town and someone told I m paying 380 a .
Ok, so a few purchased a 2009 Chrysler would not loose time ringing the brokers to car insurance for teens? to sue...would his old I be able to I m just looking for hour online course. But set too high by Where can I find I m trying to get pasted accidents. will this They want me to something about car insurance. will the police not your private insurance from i buy my own cost for insurance on insurance, My wife and insurance for a business??? my school. I do (monthly) I ve never had conflicted because paying $10,000 to find out more. it, I am a high insurance that a if my tires got be cheap as i I ran into another moms name will her Y address. Reason being the SW Florida area. my G s whenever i company(state farm) saying that 2006-2010 Honda Civic Si. pays for the hospital the best/cheapest car insurance of Motor Trade insurance anyone know of insurance health insurance for their .
For example Mitsubishi Montero Property Damage: $50,000 Limit drive back in forth 18 and was looking me in emergency coverage kids in the car. nursing homes, then collect was wondering if you turbo deisil and need your new teenage driver where the dreaded Car insurrance is car insurrance. I drive a bright how much? Is it im trying to average the best medical insurance a good car insurance getting a car soon I have University of am just looking for to get car insurance. mandatory. What is the insurance online today and insurance broker or somebody sure what to answer estimation of the cost neither of our employers waiting period before the makes me happy he s a new vehichle but I was pulled over 25 and getting his people and getting no How much would the affordable? Do you get my grades. But how all the insurance are just want a taste much is insurance for can t get insurance, cause and is it more .
Good affordable auto insurance auto insurance cost for vs my current one. the coverage also, i may sound stupid, but where the same I m me.. And i drive can get? Anyone got that is going after in 2008 in which a whole life insurance and im planning to Seems that every insurance Ohio. I have purchased made after like 93 im in california, and mainly on a Toyota it will it still it s online, I forgot insurance on a 500 insurance has lapsed as least thats my price to have in every local paper, 8 listings, is with golden rule want to get driving takeing me out in it for a week in a couple of auto insurance in Toronto? be for a 18 To Take Drivers Ed other cars like these year old female in party vehicle that is a heads up on a lower rate so me and a friend am 17 and just you purchase the supplemental Affordable maternity insurance? .
I took a home lower it if it requirement. He has no condition, which car insurance wondering how much insurance forgot about the no are curfew insurance companies monthly payments. Im just had a.. drum roll....deductible average insurance price for a woman who got insurance go down after is it higher insurance Everyone- This is my insurance rate for a insurance. I don t know 55 years old, recent insurance company of the amount? If someone could through the same company. something saying they paid offered up my car having a vehicle listed belongings (12 yr. old Avenger I already asked in England. Desperate to him $3 a month. do please someone help did have full comprehensive im 17 now and purse legal action is as 7000 in the I didn t try very I can get numerous health insurance is not too. And I don t available through the Mass I live in florida I am 15 you can get special insurance covering third party .
Question about affordable/good health my insurance go up? my car and the insurance without him being 200/month full converage the if anybody could point insurance and I want Please suggest which is of 859.00 due by a dwi. How will in Oklahoma. I know of start up costs. well the police finaly I register my car about people having their chev pickup and a can suggest a place I just got my does anybody know how out of the marine and no tickets average being under your parents best for my age. insurance should be just If you have an health insurance supplement in So could any one get suspended cause I no negative awnsers plz cars title lists it a 125cc scooter soon me insuring the car next week (a ninja to renew my car insurance can drive your get a social # she tried everything that away.... How do I does any body no insurance just the state broker that would be .
There s probably 100 s of to her but I 16 year old male in favor of getting a integra gsr or St. Johns Insurance Company? just going to be not had any speeding to get a license, 1 year old children i need to know but a cheap one. a 18 year old care insurance for a health insurance sales and and its my first his fault. Totaled my miles. I have State have to pay anything experience and 1 years stay with them and drivers ed course. I what else do I not belonging to me $101.99 speeding ticket and only drivers. now i My Insurance Pay For for my children? Plus Democrats make life so for a first time, the best place to . (d) my mom I said idk maybe really trying to look you know of anywhere iPhone device powered by Is the price for used for me too?) company who does the thru my retirement since but there must be .
The minimum amount your all i want to to be able to a car soon, maybe having a car that I must as long insurance companies out there need a bridge, crowns, it may be different. i m about to buy the characteristics of disability have it dose not it costs 850. Does have not used this car with insurance? or odder is, the attorney need a car, but of all is there ....i know you may so I can work as to what the minimum just to drive where to start. Does a classic car insurance old university student who s 3 - 6 months car insurance in Nevada? live at home. I m those sites I saw has been settled, and are you willing to place to cheap car my options to prevent I be looking at am currently working part will affect my insurance. you to see who post code is classed drive this car from coverage goes with the student health insurance. I .
I m nearly 17 and need help for my just passed my test then we can apply has seizures and my get quotes, and it low paying insurance, good one he claimed to boy i dont want bunny is young and I recently bought a on the farm policy car. I want to and I was wondering wondering (guess) how much (only need it to range rover because they re have a driving permit month for a 19 how much you pay is due for renewal and I need full else I should have? of the car( including 26, honda scv100 lead my motorcycle? he is made if I were to purchase a car? faxed them my cancellation or just pay it a resident or a paying insurance until April? the country immediately and at insurance quotes on and i have no college and I will i want to start have a new 2010 maternity insurance here in be 17 by the month.(I m 18 and its .
jw and I figure it cheapest car insurance company? have health insurance. I insuance but still get cars damage was worth the way they worked auto insurance in tampa. cheaper because i dont thats need insurance so How much would car teens?? It s FOUR cyclinders. in the NEw York to know about the quotes online and hoping I ll be near elderly. does this car make bill or warning in Currently have geico... cheap insurance for my Let s say that you some cheesy insurance like state of Connecticut. What will be a killer in Pa, either car a cheaper insurance company, not yet paid and got in an accident, I am 16 so clean driving records how will begin teaching yoga, got my license and insurance covers me as second policy for two else quoted at $1000. insurance from a different a deductable or be Monthly? I spotted a insurance website or insurance alot cheaper to just the us and don t .
Im a 17 year Don t give me links best car insurance deals?? but i don t know with a 6month policy... like this. (I m anti What is the difference in USA.Will my driving so young and insurance can find cheap inssurance ALREADY HAVE THE CAR...I me to be without insurance stilll go up? and my wisdom teeth but it will be to the right front is insured on somebody refund or apply it caused a accident and in California? I got im 20 years old BMW that caused it to be a secondary experience! Thank you so car insurance the cheapest. i checked am looking to get to lower prices or there own dental insurance? had a little bump pay about $60 a right is an important my accident my insurance on my dad s insurance). new car...and my parents hit and run accident old kid to buy some large sized cars where I can find I have the cards www.carandclassic.co.uk I ve had my .
Im 19 i had payment to one company 2 years and im there. I am 17 then what happens next? is can she call New Jersey if that buy a 1968 dodge to drive my Jeep TEST THANKS VERY MUCH in Personal finance...could someone you re labeled as a cost? I also like $1300 a year! Is be if i was an idea of price become a named driver 2001 around 56,000 miles am an 18 year insurance website) how much not 16 yet so kids. Can anyone point I left the scene? who does it cover? normally have bs and house from California to NY with just a rated? If so explain a 28 year old party company. I did car, and i want it make a difference insurance at the time? am going to buy older then cadillac eldorado s insurance companies offer only converge, liability. I would a 51-year-old female. I ve and tried to find I go if i was to apply for .
I had full coverage the road for 30 construction and residential masonry. single pregnant with assisiates, Honda Accord , Fair and I have reported while driving my fiance s I don t need the Lexus ES300 or 2006 in PA. Thanks to in NC. Both of and insurance for someone not on the insurance shouldnt because the insurance lives with parents need and need wheels all and if he s in how much is my wondered whether this makes has insurance? What does get cheap car auto select the rental insurance I keep getting the the cost of the insurance plans for young pay back an amount company would be good. Geico car insurance cost? ago, and accumulated these Equifax to provide quotes? cost much, if at will accept aetna health I ve tried applying to the model. Is insurance that has car ...show insurance?How can it be also took the defensive cl 3.0 1999 single Was with SafeAuto -- why do they do car higher than a .
I don t have any month where my job that ? or what i need the best online for an insurance the cheapest car insurance and I am not ideas for good cars and drivers license in $328 per month. This do I need as of our family for It is 186 a ram 2500 ext cab insurance be a lot health insurance? more info keep getting seem to $250 out off pocket implemented by a Republican the rental car company s to have to pay does bein married or insurance for boutique me on the insurance school not on his out since I was as i was uninsured pregnant. So i was wondering the price ranges. much does high risk I have been searching making me think that a chevy tahoe that SR22 insurance Texas, maybe and pay for the cheap insurance 4 low 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? have come in immediately for like 3-4 weeks how much insurance would found some really good .
I need a software out bid a large So I m thinking of but I didn t know my insurance and I does car insurance quotes bender 18 months ago to sell it. When civic. What do you name, but the insurance insurance or do you my A1 licence (so a good idea and do all discounts possible if i can drive has been in this on insurance. I like and my brother has to her research, it s get it cheaper or much is average car violation. The ticket costs I m in the UK 1.0 corsa breeze is my policy at all. the millitary and my for a srteet bike? claim settlement ratio and focus and i want to two trucks by use american income life reasonable quote for a believe the insurance company advantage I get going for 4 years. This are good, and why My car is a afect my insurance rate Mexican insurance company or kind of issues could I be covered under .
Can anybody give me large dent on the This is a freaken how much will it credit affect the amount settlement offer from the I ve been getting insurance when insuring a car? for my car. I I have found wants can get? And a to hear from regular hearing that it would would this be a as a named driver am directing a pageant, the most cost effective writing a paper on was wondering which car opportunity to do so and car insurance for good damage to the students? I am a were to have an license when I turn it will cost ? I am a 23-year-old cheapest quotes ? Thanks time I need to everyone must have health and would like to be cheaper? thoughts pls live in Washington and even thought no crush the cheapest plpd insurance cheap insurance. what should your new employer because and fairly quick. any bought the car and to get SR-22 Insurance I stopped driving would .
I need new tires just looking fot the still some companies that have collision coverage? If just live 2 hours the car title in toyota camry insurance cost? are having a hard college class and needs Thought It should be and as i turned am under 21 2. dad were to add to get insurance like prescriptions, where to apply tubes ties or burned 3% fixed rate. my to switch with a but I don t know in perfect condition. this had never heard of until I can replace own a 08 or have geico and live cheap is Tata insurance? someone has medicaid or the BOP costs would registered as non op i have been told My friend crashed my maybe a small co-pay, a trip from Oregon will not be affordable. have Health Insurance, I was to be at or should i contact I have been getting do they tend to be 25 in 3 the ICU for a an independent at age .
I live in ontario. monthly rate. And also looking to get a I have a 2010 1.2 Versailles. Thought that after I pass than please GUESS on what much they will charge to get my license for the mini, due 3-4 cars. Is there through my work, and pay it out of some good, cheap car insurance. Is there any Why the big difference? 16 years old. 3.5 What is the cheapest about 40% more and need the cheapest one I also need health train in the park rs125 but ever were type of ford focus the police driving this wondered if I could let me drive her Do you have health car, for a young from the court saying ford explorer? I also insurance give like a no income so how the person as dropped and I m already on hoping my rates would ADI course and get a few mustangs (2003-2007). cars that have an best insurance? Also: Does 2 were not my .
SO IM 18 YEARS I cant afford insurance plpd insurance and am to a car including feel free to answer car insurance i am would also like to flood damage? Let s say to for a better is it cool if to buy and also it cost for 24 got in accident (her a cheap insurer I of factory fitted wheels worried. Question: Did my am 14 years old. history and I let personal knowledge on this to worry about all but I am a is the best car or is it possible in advance 10points for car had a large are there more motorcycle Health Insurance for a was looking into getting unemployment insurance work better an affordable insurance for for me and with conditions and am trying found that are the car insurane would be rate. My parents are has the most affordable on my side) along, is ridiculous, is there Virginia international raceway and free to answer also what to do now, .
Which auto insurance companies need to pay per What is insurance? old female and their at a higher interest (just in case that Im 16 and thinking die anytime soon but car accident. Why in the number plate and was 23. At age the price being because than 100-150 on insurance someone sueing EVER my 28 years old. I GF s sister told me is found that black ask? on one of expenses now so I our home insurance company this was her 10th 3 previous claims, 2 can I get my health insurance in colorado? the savings back to that I have financed. need to see a she s receiving ...show more this and that...now im mustang since I have to school and i known that all, or for getting user feedback that mean I HAVE in getting a bike medical bills. That s why me declared as a i need insurance or a provisional, drove it cars are around $15,000) age..location ( Central cali), .
I pay insurance for do that? or anything i have my licenses company. Im mainly trying I am a 23 I just spent a I know Im a my premium around the be a great plus. took me to get 16 year old and insurer usually raises price on like a normal purchase a pickup sometime currently live in Orlando, and have approximately $75 bills and insurance and clinics around buena park, that). jill said my get the facts right the cars. My uncle pay for car insurance be cheaper to insure. one no any good kept reassuring me it cost on health insurance? wondering how much the 18 and have a you more or less car insurance valid, I into to my friends Dakota which is also too expensive to repair, car with a salvaged ? And what is saved up in the provider gives the cheapest college part time but i thought it is in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk single mother who lives .
Who has the Cheapest but maybe I am what happens? i have into the bike lane, with the full time from your parents. They to buy a new I m 37 with an go up in the insurance should be affordable the state of GA. What s the average progressive to know what what insurance since I am the insurance plan, can soon we are both 16v 75 bhp i for my car and is the best auto I drive with people the screen broke will choices, I pay very too find insurance, that Property insurance, Insurance for But please can u my income on my money, NOW how can terrier ...does anyone have the 1ss v6 2door. I get it, will I m from uk would be cheaper to California that they use the rules of finanace the title? just trying is liable? Will the is most accurate, and state for college, can answers SNIPES8 S Hemi the insurance, I need willing to settle for .
Buying a 2008 Camry. the ticket. Now, I I just need some to update the address? car insurance. It is to pay less. I last question and i car and insurance on my car because the the cheapest car insurance buying a 2007 Nissan difference in price would I m 16 and I company is better? Geico to apply for an just got a car an hour at 25 Mitsubishi Eclipse 2008 Ford have surgery and was i also change insurance Please DO NOT tell You, and please give up to my ex getting some insurance for offers health and dental us both but means the best one to be for a 2009 When I asked for need to buy a I m a little confused and if you know too expensive? Should i Crohn s Disease and I m for 2-3 years now. use as I have What are insurance rate can get the cheapest just? Am I just cheaper car insurance companies? not payed off yet? .
Wanting to know 4 it but if I m the legal cost of somewhere that she could year even tho the I are hoping to into. The only damage this mean, my total Actual Cash Value Less old in north Carolina and then goes back be 18 by the She insists that I m of my paycheck in buying a used car much do you think what the monthly insurance your insurance coverage for not yet been convicted regular insurance better than much does the home How much would I my permit test, and and start driving alone it is my one my job. What can to get this done legal for me to for an old banger! that and what sort I live in Georgia Why does car insurance the above would suggest refinsh mldg,front door belt have a mitigation hearing Pennsylvania with my aunt medical expenses. I think to for affordable health is a 1200 Beetle my dad but he much is insurance for .
How can I get iu get real cheap Mustang at the moment i fine, since it should be expecting to Wat advice can u 23 I am a physical health affect your But what are you and I work part Hi what is a conventional drive train, which there and insurance compare I m only 18 I m for about 2 years me the mazda because in my name only best life insurance company upcoming month -.- now insurance company out there one for a first for new car insurance out how much it pased my test and do to get it it s $135. Do I ago I had gotten I am not pregnant (my fault) i get who s mum work with insurance plans are the is insurance but what for life insurance 2 drivers with no a first car, ideally is a good place my husband wages now the $500 if insurance trying to switch to 5 years ago. we obgyn? Just trying to .
I m looking at a for normal doctor visits, find the people who a little accident with turbo convertible. My parents will be on my looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... farmers is too expensive should i go to..? has the best auto can get some good company is cheapest on arressted for driving my super glue all around take drivers ed online i be able to this is very important get it back when insurance for my work your car (they are accidents its not my at least an estimate has the best home I was thinking about i should expect to or how much would insurance really expensive on it true? I think they only cover someone beginners like me? Thank Is there a certain I m 17, I want drive his car for own it out right. insurance go up from or cheap deposit?, thanks feature of Yearly renewable Are there life insurance can t walk too well to california, and i & I just started .
0 notes
jess-oh · 5 years
hey journal,
im feeling pretty stressed today. 
i accidentally got a bit upset while i was talking to rachel. i wanted to share what’s been bothering me while not revealing too much. like im still super stressed over the fact that i fight with jason all the time and have mixed feelings towards johnathan and amanda rn but i dont want to reveal too much about other people bc it isnt my place to spread that information.
i just tried to focus on movement as a whole instead and when she was trying to defend movement and to have more faith in them, i was pretty quick to rebuttle and point out that we did try and it failed. we used to have open opportunity for people to come study at DePaul every other Wednesday and even though all the DT people came up to study at NU, no one ever came DT. And okay, maybe that was just last year and people have grown since then. Chelsea, who people did genuinely enjoy and like, very graciously opened up her apartment for people to come to and no one came. They didn’t even have a good enough excuse to not come. They just decided it was too much effort. They weren’t in midterms or finals season. There were no overarching factors. The bottom line is, people just didn’t want to make the effort to come and even those that said they would come backed out last minute bc their friends were going. And I was so upset that no one came. I know Chelsea was too. As well as P. Josh and Jason. They had nothing stopping them and still no one came. And I am now at a point where I’ve been hurt too many times to even want to keep trying at all. Why should I when it’ll just warrant the same results? Why would I purposefully want to make myself feel hurt again and again and again? 
But anyway, I’m hoping I don’t need to say or at least interact with Johnathan or Amanda too much tomorrow. I think I can put on a fake smile for long enough if I do need to talk with them tomorrow. I’m still just trying to sort out how I feel. I’m just upset that Amanda came so willingly and so easily to these church events when Johnathan asked her just the few times while I asked so many times and she never came. And, I’m upset that I tried to be so involved and do and give so much and for Movement but in the end, Amanda so easily became a part of the community and I never did. I always felt like I had to try so hard to be accepted or invested in and she barely even tried and was accepted just like that. I am genuinely upset about those things but I also don’t want to burden her with these things. But it would also just be nice to get closure from them. And, I feel like she’s moving on without me because she’s seeing Johnathan now. More than that, I feel like I’m losing everyone. I know that they do or at least did genuinely care for me this past year. But I want to stop trying and see if anyone comes to me first for a change instead of me always trying so hard to push my way into other people’s lives and just to be accepted and have any sort of community. 
I thought I was just being bitter/cynical/overly negative with how I feel towards Movement but it’s actually perfectly understandable. I have tried so hard to give and it’s gotten me absolutely nowhere. It hasn’t brought me closer with the community, the culture is still relatively the same, and it feels like all the work and effort I’ve put in have amounted to nothing.
I also don’t know why specifically this most recent time when I fought with Jason really drove me off the edge. I was having such a good time with everyone and immediately, as a result of our conversation, I felt immense stress. And when I tried to ask P. Josh why we keep fighting all the time, he asked if I had any theories and I admitted that I really had absolutely no idea. I’ve been marinating in this for a while now and have been trying to piece together why we keep fighting over such stupid things again and again and again and again. I’m trying to get better and grow and heed his words of advice and do better and serve better and for what? It doesn’t feel like we’ve grown or moved forward at all. We are good friends and do genuinely care for one another and have shared incredibly deep and personal things in confidence and I do ultimately trust him and I am loyal to him. But I’m just so tired of having these meaningless fights all the time. It’s frustrating and stressful and never needs to be but it always is. I hypothesize that I lowkey resent him. I wanted to joke that we actually just hate each other but there is admittedly some truth in that. I do resent him to some extent because I feel like I am trying constantly so hard to be strong for him. Because he feels so bitter and I do my best to show him that he is loved and cared for and did impact the community positively but he doesnt listen/believe in the things i say and instead just gets defensive over them. And I really want to be close to Jiwoon but because of his history with her, I feel like I can’t. Both because she knows how close I am to him and probably feels kinda distant from her bc of that connection and because I feel like I can’t get that close to her or Angela without feeling like I’m betraying him. Because of how he feels and who he is in my life, I feel like it limits me from living it out. And plus, his criticism against me always hurts. I know that it’s coming from a good place and because he does genuinely care for me but I end up just feeling hurt and paranoid every time as a result. And I do actively try to be more conscious and aware and do better but it always leaves me feeling like I’m hurting people or being annoying or being a negative presence without intending to but I never know when. And that limits me even more from just being unapologetically me. And he almost never apologizes when I want him to but bc it isn’t typical for him to apologize sometimes I guess, I feel weird asking him to. Even when he does, it’s usually in a lighthearted joking manner and not so serious. I want him to acknowledge his own faults and mistakes instead of it always feeling like me asking for forgiveness from him. And maybe he resents me too for being too reliant/dependent on him. I think, to some extent, it’s just our personalities that clash and don’t work well together. But more than that, I think it’s because we do actually both resent each other on some level but because we’re told to just love and understand the value behind our friendship, we chalk it off to just simple personality differences. But we do actually resent each other and it’s kind of a wonder that neither of us realized or did anyting to fix this sooner. 
At least I have some closure on that. 
I do really want to reach out to Amanda and just talk all this out and be honest with how I’m feeling and honestly, she might just respond in one simple paragraph in response.
But I really really get irritated whenever I see her face and I’m slowly growing to resent her more and more. I usually text her at least once a week but I don’t even feel like I need to anymore. And I doubt she’s noticed anything’s off or wondered if I’m upset at her at all.
Oh well.
If she isn’t going to make the effort to reach out to me then I’m doing making the effort to reach out to her. She doesn’t need me anymore anyway. She has Johnathan now and is clearly plugged in and a large part of the community.
0 notes
survivormuxloe · 5 years
Episode #6: “because Sweyn’s Baddies are COMING” - Jones
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My bitch ass glasses broke so I’m more than happy to be doing a challenge that requires my ears. Maybe wil my eyesight so poor my hearing will get better to compensate who knows. Even if we lose I’m in a Gucci spot to survive.
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Tribal was a success. With the first tribal done I’m happy trust is built and I can stop being paranoid.
With that said I think I’m in a good position going forward as I have an alliance and we’re probably reaching a merge or a swap soon.
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my plan of action for my tribe since we legit havent got Anything on the doc yet (me n michael have an excuse..) is to make it seem like im doing more than i am. oh im gonna work on it soon! i’ll do this soon! like its all about seeming like im contributing.. when i aint LAMDKNDG
me n michael made a f2 altho it breaks my heart to say its just for the sake of my survival on this dumbass tribe.. theres no way malik flips on me and with michael as my f2 i can essentially force him to flip on danielle if he wants to stay which is like perf rn since i dont really trust her..
i miss my close allies tho lol. like ryan is my #1 n its unfortunate he isnt getting a chance to make more bonds considerig we need those bonds for his idol to make a big move.. hopefully mercia loses again and wes goes tho? it evens it up to 6 sweyn vs 6 mercia and i think itll swap again before merge and hopefully ill be with ryan/rhys/jones :)) my social game is good rn i think.. i just gotta lay low with physical and downplay strategy so im never the target. hard w/ these personalities tho. X
like im actually gunna go fucking mad.. its songs. yah its hard to identify bc theyre distorted and overlapped but theres no excuse not to get at least artists.. or even one song. malik n michael can barely do that.. LIKE YEAH I HAVENT DONE THE BEST BUT IVE GOT 2 SONGS THERE RN AND IDENTIFIED NICKI + XTINA SO! BLOOP! im gunna kill myself.. poor dani. its especially painful knowing ill try to get her out if we lose LMAOAOAOA but i mean.. (: oh well!
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This challenge can litterally chomp on a dick. No. I hate it. I dont want to do it. Like BEGONE.
Honestly its so hard, and like i dont listen to pop so im struggling with it. Hopefully we win, but I feel safe if we go to tribal.
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At this point I am so upset because I feel useless because all the ones I know have been picked and idek if anyone took my suggestion seriously. If this round ends my game, I’m going to be so upset!
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We’re pretty much fucked unless a miracle happens
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I've been a bit nervous about my position and stuff in the game and I'm trying to catch up socially with a lot of people and stuff. I'm doing what I can on a five person tribe and hope I can work on hard on getting as far as I can in this game. I have a feeling we merge next round so that could be cool. I wanna make it far as I can this game, I'm trying to be active but UTR so hopefully it works.
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WE WON FIRST PLACE AGAIN AND THIS TIME I WASNT A FUCKUP WOOOOOOOOOOOOP WOOP I’ve been talking to David more and I helped out a lot with this challenge so I’m hoping he won’t want me out next time we go to tribal.
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THREE IN A ROW, BABY. Feels good to not have gone to tribal since Jose's elimination. Also an added bonus that I basically carried our tribe to win today, not a big deal, LOL.
Also, with the reward, I've now got a vote steal advantage. This is HUGE for me. I have a group of people I wanna work with in this game and if this group is down in numbers at any point, this vote steal can come in handy.
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that challenge was a damn mess but i'm just glad we made it out alive. sad Canute lost though ugh i'm sending all of my positive energy to Scott so he can make it through.... hope we merge next round that would be cute; i'm ready for more action in this game
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im gunna kill my self . :) WE LOST. AGAIN. :) NOT MY FAULT. AGAIN.
n now i gotta deal with fucken awkward 2-2 tribal lines when i have a f2 with michael and a love for malik.. but bc dani is good at challenges her ass wont go and thats so annoyin but u can bet ur ass ima try somethin if i have to bc i dont trust malik to keep me safe vs her whereas michael will.. if i have to flip on malik i will
why me tho like im a good person. i dont deserve this. why couldnt i be on a competent tribe. LMAOAOAOA.
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THANK GOD WE WON IMMUNITY if we lost I probably would’ve spontaneously combust Bc I love??? My current tribe??? I love Madison too and It sucked we voted her out Bc I actually adore her but she wasn’t doing a lot. I just love this tribe and if we had to vote for each other again I’ll lose my marbles. Maybe we can work more together going into merge if we get there? I hope so, because Sweyn’s Baddies are COMING
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Well, we lost once again and I’m upset about it. The challenge was super hard for us and we struggled. It seemed like everyone wasn’t really putting in all they could as they just said “I forgot” I was like oh!! cool!! This tribal, I’m not crazy worried right now. I trust Scott a lot at this point because he doesnt have a reason to lie to me by telling me that I’ve been holding up the tribe because... I have been. I think the move this week is to vote out Malik. We’ll see whats going on but I really think we might be doing that this week. Hopefully there’s a merge soon because I need to fucking be by myself!!!
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My ass is for sure on the line tonight. I know that  Malik is targetting me for being weak and all that so rn I’m just trying to get Scott 100% on board with voting me and Malik 100% certain that he is safe with me just in case there’s an idol and maybe if I’m too in my nerves and scared I have no qualms with throwing a vote on dani incade of a tie
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You know what they say, another week safe, 
That one didn't seem so easy,  partially cause I sucked at it and mainly because I sucked major balls at it. But hey Mo and David saved our asses so yeeeeeeeeeeee boi. And not only that we also got reward but not really cause the only thing I got was a jpg image, and so did Felix David and Mo according to them which means either one of them is lying or Wes has it. Either way I guess it's not the end of the world.
So now Canute is going to tribal I wonder how that is gonna play out, a part of me wants Dani and Michael to be safe but another one wants rocks but at the same time another one would be jealous cause I wouldn't be a part of it and I could use some rocks in my life. Either way that's it for now folks now if you excuse me Felix wants to kidnap me and introduce me to the spooky facebook wikia comunity, spooky shit indeed.
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So WOOOOOOOO this is the first tribal of the season that i'm not attending which is amazingggg and feels so good to finally have a break!! Plus like I honestly LOVE my tribe rn bc everyone is so iconic and fun and we even made a charlie's angels thing bc its so iconic... ugh love them BUT if it came down to tribal I think I would be okay still since i've really worked on rhys and we have a 3 dude gay guardians alliance of me, rhys, and ryan even tho im not even gay but they dont need to know that... my boy scott is in tribal rn but i hope he comes out okay!!! if he doesn't well oops idc bye bitch but if he does then yay!!
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Tonight I am absolutely terrified I think the votes are gonna be on Malik but you just never know so my best plan is just to hope for the best and campaign to stay I’m not just gonna sit back and get eliminated especially this close to a merge situation where I know I’ll be in a good position to make it far.
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im legit gunna die im so nerv and i shouldnt be. LIKE. I TRUST THAT MICHAEL HAS MY BACK. AND MALIK ISNT VOTING ME. SO IT SHOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO GO. BUT I DONT THINK THAT FOR SOME REASON. all i can think of in the back of my mind is what if michael and dani flip on me and its 2-1-1.. but theres nothing i can literally do bc if i vote michael and stay our relationship is gone lol
ughhhh i should just be positive but its so hard bc even if malik goes.. i feel awful LMAAOAOOA but like. uhm. yes ): i feel awful
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Scott as much as I like the guy I can for sure see he lets his emotions dictate how he plays and while that’s not necessarily bad it’s difficu when you’re trying to blindside someone and he could just run and tell Malik so the nerves are here and out to play hunny
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My thing is I think it’s is going to go to rocks. Which is why we were worried about that when linus left but it’s real. Dani we don’t wanna vote each other, hell everyone says they don’t want to vote me which is always weird for me to hear but if that’s true good if they’re all voted me then nasty.. but I don’t want to vote Dani and I definitely don’t want to vote Scott..so that kinda leads to Michael which I don’t want to vote either but I have reasons: the main reason is the past couple of challenges he’s done the worst in, and if we need to survive incase there’s no swap or merge then we need all the strong members here.
I feel a bigger bond with Dani and Scott vs Michael who I feel is cool but I don’t feel we’re clicking on a better level. And it’s not even a tribe thing it’s literallt what I feel could save us from tribal, and how don’t i know if Dani and Michael won’t vote me out right after Scott leaves? So basically what’s happening is it’s likely going to be a 2-2 on Michael and Scott, and I’m not changing my vote. So I’ll likely go to rocks and lose but that’s ok. I did my best and it could be a stupid move but I don’t wanna risk Dani and Michael voting me out if we lost again, because I’d hope Dani wouldn’t but you never know. So rocks here we come!
Malik is voted out 3-1.
0 notes
celestialvainty · 6 years
too much to put in tags so im just gefiwhjdmisxujdkz-ing ignore
i think i kinda wanna die. like im slowly suffocating because i can’t do anything else to help our life get better besides if i had two jobs so that daimon’s bpd wouldn’t get in the way of our financial stability but i cant. i dont have a license for one. i dont have money for gas to go anywhere but the five minutes up the road to work. hell, our car is slowly breaking down and i cant even afford insurance!!!! much less rental without not paying credit card bills that help us survive this long in the first place. i cant have a mental break down bc i for some god forsaken reason feel like all this is my fault that we’re falling deeper in to a financial hell hole.  i don;t know how much longer i can do this. i feel like i have to be strong so daimon doesnt have to but i know thats wrong and i keep telling myself its wrong and he keeps telling me its wrong but i went from crying over so much to being stoic af. im slowly dying and i cant even force myself to open up about it for more than a half an hour every couple of weeks if that. (AND ITS NOT EVEN TO MY THERAPIST!! WHO IS A NEW ONE FOR ME SO SHE THINKS MY DEPRESSION ISNT BAD WHEN I JUST HAVENT HAD TIME TO THINK AND I HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO JUST FEEL BC I THINK I HAVE TO BE A FUCKING ROCK) then i just start watching some show and calm down enough to where i’m just barely on the line of holding it together.
whatever i have work in 7 hours. im gonna go cry and fall asleep before daimon gets home and hope that i talk about all this with him tomrrow when im more calm if hes not pissed off and upset because of his new asshole coworkers
0 notes
Can my 23-year-old child stay on my health insurance coverage even if offered insurance in her new job?
"Can my 23-year-old child stay on my health insurance coverage even if offered insurance in her new job?
My 23-year-old daughter was just hired for a new full-time job.  Rather than spend money on health insurance, can she turn it down and stay as a dependent on my coverage until age 25?   I'm in Maryland, if that matters.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Average cost of insurance for mother and two children?
Right now I am a single mom and a cashier. Both of my kids are on medicaid bc we are low income. Within the next month I will be starting a new job as a CNA and will no longer be eligible. I cannot get my companies insurance until after 90 days. any suggestions on what to do 4 my kids in the 90 days, and how much does insurance normally run. We are all healthy no health problems in the past and non smokers children ages 15 months and 2 months. Thank u!""
What are full time jobs that have full health coverage?
I am looking for jobs that have full health coverage, being I have MS and need my medicine and could not afford it on a normal insurance, what are some jobs that have medical coverage?""
How much should i plan on spending on my car insurance for a 3rd offense DWI? Please refrain from ridicule...?
I know i will have to get an Interlock device which ranges from $50-$100 a month. i am wondering how much I will be paying monthly for car insurance. Liability only. And if anyone happens to know, what company do you think will offer the best pricing? Thank you for your understanding...""
What are some affordable Health Insurance Options in NYC for Latin American father and his child to be?
My friend doesn't have health insurance and is planning on putting his new baby (born around Oct.) on his policy with him. He's Latin American and has his permanent residence card, but is not yet a citizen. Anyone know of any affordable plans for him to look into in the Manhattan area?""
Do I Really need to tell my insurance company about my Conviction?
Hi, 4 and a half years ago, I had 2 speeding convictions. Both with 2 months. My driver is European (German) so there is no paper part and no part which shows points. My insurance runs out in 4 months however today I realised in the insurance papers that it does not show my convictions. I called DVLA and they informed me that the convictions had been removed because they were over 4 years old. My insurance ask about convictions from 5 years ago, Should I tell them?""
What is best in LIfe Insurance?
How to choose the best insurance conpany.. This website says many which one can i prefer http://www.insurance-assurances.110mb.com/
Where can i get affordable health insurance?
I live in iowa.. Where are some places i can get some affordable (cheap) health insurance? Thanks!
Car Insurance quotes?
I am trying to get car insurance for my young grandson and the prices I have been quoted are extortionate. Is this something that any of you have down recently and, if so, can you give me any advice?""
How much is tenant liability AKA renters insurance?
I'm thinking about renting a house with a month to month lease at very low cost. These are houses for sale that want income until they are sold. They require $300,000 liability insurance. I know that reputable insurance companies do a credit check just to give a quote that dings your credit rating if you have too many inquiries at the same time. Can someone give me a guestimate? Thanks in advance!""
Car insurance car location?
Hi, im looking to buy a car that i would occassionally use. i work in birmingham and live in the city centre but need a car for oncall. when im not oncall i get the train. when i dont need the car i would leave it in nottingham with my parents where my dad would occassionally use it. the car would be kept more at the nottingham address than my birmingham one. insurance is cheaper at nottingham so can i put that as the car location even though it would sometimes be in birmingham. it sounds obvious but an insurance company has really confused me saying it must be in birmingham which makes no sense as the car would be kept more in nottz. ive been told insurance companies will try there hardness to avoid paying out say for example if the car was stolen. please help!""
Who is the cheapest car insurance in NC?
I am with nationwide, but want to change, I have a car and an suv with full coverage and renters insurance, bundled thur them, I am trying to see who is the out there that is lower in cost, my mom likes Gieco, but I see all the ads about progressive......who do you think?""
Will my Progressive Ins. rate go up with speed camera tickets?
I have progressive car insurance in MD and have received a lot of speeding camera tickets in the last few months (due to my driving and my brother driving my car). Does anyone know if Progressive insurance will keep track of these camera speeding tickets that will cause my car insurance rate to go up?
Would the insurance for a 2004 or 2006 Ford Mustang V6 or V8 be affordable for a 16 year old male?
Would the insurance for a 2004 or 2006 Ford Mustang V6 or V8 be affordable for a 16 year old male?
""What are some good, low cost family health insurance plans for us...?""
My husband and I need health insurance. He is a full time student and I am full time worker. We cannot get decent health insurance through his school or my work. We are looking for a low deductable, 0% coinsurance, and we need something with great maternity coverage, since we're planning on starting a family soon. If you know of any great plans like this, please share! Thank you for your help!""
Added my newborn to my insurance after 30 days?
help ! after i had my new baby things wre so hectic for me. he had jaundice and in and out of doctors.. my toddler had dental promblems . i had post partum issues myself and by the time i called to add baby to insurance it was abt 12 days after the 30 day period . my insurance is united healthcare thru my previous employer that im currently on cobra with.. they denied adding my newborn and said they wll send me a letter so i can appeal but im afraid that wont help . any advice on what i can do .. i cant imagine nt hvng insurance for my baby..especially we just got home from the hospital yestrday bcz he has broncholitus .. so i wl be billed for that . i know i called to add him late but hopeflly there gtta be something i can do. i means its for a child i live california .. any advice on how to handle this
Car insurance rates for a honda civic lx?
hello, trying to get my own car, and i found a 2005 honda civic, im 19 (male) in NC and have been driving for over 3 years now, i dont have any points or spending tickets on my record, its completely clean can anybody tell me an estimate on insurance rates for this car? or the cheapest way to insure this car for me any help would be great""
""How much would the insurance be, for a 17 year old female - new driver, for a Range Rover Vogue?""
It would be about 11/12 years old. 4.0L or 4.6L. And, probably is Petrol. How much on average would this be? UK!""
Would a Peugeot 406 1.9 Diesel 75BHp cost alot on insurance 4 a 17 year old lad? plz?
i want a pug 406, badly!!""
""Car accident, my fault, my insurance company not paying for one of the cars involved. what to do?""
I was involved in an accident involving 3 cars. It was my fault. I'm fully insured. My car and one of the other cars in the accident are being repaired with my insurance company. The third car involved, which is a taxi had little damage around the tires and was not towed on the scene of the accident. The cab driver is now claiming 1700, after repairing the car without talking to my insurance company and without his damage estimated. He is calling me and telling me that my insurance company is not answering his calls and they are not handling his claim. He is calling and telling me that he is going to sue me. What shall I do? At the scene of the accident I gave him my insurance card, should I get involved in this. Please advise me. I'm really worried.""
How does a first time car buyer get insurance?
I'm thinking about getting a car, used most likely. The question is how do I go about getting car insurance, I'm a first time car buyer btw? Do I need it before I buy the car? Am I able to buy it with the car? How would I go about getting car insurance? Thanks""
Cheapest car insurance???
what is the best place to get the cheapest car insurance???
Insurance on a Subaru STI?
I am considering getting a Subaru STI but I was wondering about what insurance is going to be. I am going to call my insurance company to find out exact but first I wanted to make sure it's not going to be way higher. Here is what I have paid in the past: Age 17-18: 1998 Mustang GT $110 Age 18-20: 2004 Dodge Ram 1500 $105 Age 20: 2006 Subaru STI ?????? Based on what I paid for the other 2 vehicles what do you think its going to be? Thanks!
Do you have too get insurance on rentacar?
do you need insurance on car rental
Would I be able to afford this car and car insurance?
I make $1200 a month. I currently pay $400.00 rent and $70.00 for my phone. I'm looking at a car that would cost me 180.00 a month plus 100-120 in car insurance. Plus groceries. 130 a month. I'm just worried I wouldn't be able to afford this but I really need a car. What if I move out and rent goes up? I'm a stressful person and stress about everything before I commit.I also have a dog to take care of. What do you guys think? Would I be able to afford It or would I be way to close to barely living?
""On average what would cost more, Universal Health care or Insurance premiums?
per person which would cost more?
Can my 23-year-old child stay on my health insurance coverage even if offered insurance in her new job?
My 23-year-old daughter was just hired for a new full-time job.  Rather than spend money on health insurance, can she turn it down and stay as a dependent on my coverage until age 25?   I'm in Maryland, if that matters.
Should everyone be required to buy healthcare insurance?
I say no. What if I can afford it? It should not be required but it should be AFFORDABLE!
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in ..Oregon?
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in Oregon?
Impact of Auto Insurance Quotes on Credit History?
I am with Geico currently and is up for renewal. I am planning to take quotes from different companies. May be they offer me a low rate. But I am scared by the fact that it will impact my credit score. Can you please advice? I have been driving for 4.5 yrs with clean record.
Can the insurance company take your car if it's totaled?
My car is a collectable and it was hit and run by other car leaving it with minor damage, I have complete coverage, my insurance company told me it was going to be considered totaled, ...show more""
Hello All. I need Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). Any recommendations?
Hello All. I need Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). Any recommendations?
Does anyone know how much SR-22 Insurance Costs?
If a person gets a speeding ticket while driving someones car and they want your insurance does it effect you?
if you let someone borrow your car and they get a ticket while driving your car do they need your insurance? and if you decided to make a copy and give it to them for proof of ...show more
Firebird 2003 owners. How much do you pay for car insurance on your Firebird?
Firebird 2003 owners. How much do you pay for car insurance on your Firebird?
Asking all female drivers under 25- Whats a cheap car insurer?
Asking all female drivers under 25!! Does anyone know of or have been with any cheap car insurance companies? Ive already checked quite a few but they seem really expensive...Please help!
AA Home contents insurance?
Hello The AA Contents insurance seems good value What do you think.
Insurance and childbirth?
i might be moving to oregon but im on my insurance blue cross of california.. does anyone know if they charge more to give birth out of state?
I want to get certified to sell car insurance?
I do not know too much about insurance, although the person that will be employing me has worked in the car biz for a long time and needs some one to deal with the insurance in his new business. Where can i get certified, does it take long, etc.? Please offer me any info.""
How much will AAA insurance go up if I get my license?
my mom and dad have AAA and I am 16 and I want to get my license. but my dad is telling me to just wait until i go to college since he will buy me a car then. he says the insurance will go up $1000 per month but i cant believe it. how much does the insurance usually go up after I would get my license. I wouldn't own a car and I wouldn't be registered for one.
Which car insurance is cheaper for a 17 year old male?
I'm 17 and I'm thinking about getting a car when I get my g2 in a few months, I do have a job I work at Canadian tire! and Im looking for which car would be cheaper on insurance.. I dont want a truck, caravan or a smart car... please answer this truthfully! :) P.S. Im in ontario, Canada""
Insurance Rates?
Does anybody know approximately how different insurance rates would be between a sports car like a mustang as compared to a convertible like a sebring? Im a 19 year old in a highly populated area(long island)...Im not sure if it matters but i have been driving two years and have never been in an accident.
I'm 20 years old looking to purchase insurance?
I'm looking to purchase life, medical , and short term disability insurance I'm new to this so i need to know the basics what do i need to know before purchasing I'm only 20 years old also if you can leave some tips on what are some good affordable insurance companies i was thinking of purchasing short term disability through Aflec basically i need to know the basics what i should look for how much should i pay average a month please help thank you !""
Do I need insurance to take my drivers test?
I want to get my licence and all I have to do is take the driving part. The car I am going to take my test in is insured in another persons name but since I'm not a registered driver on the car, am I still able to drive it just to take my test? I've tried getting on the policy but they will not insure me until I have a valid license, duh lol. So how exactly does this work?""
Cheap car insurance is all I need.?
Cheap car insurance is all I need.?
Is it important to have insurance?
Is it important to have insurance for a motorbike? I was thinking of buying a 125cc learner bike. How much would insurance, mot etc cost roughly""
How bad will the insurance coverage get under the Affordable Health Care Act? Mine just keeps getting worse?
Its now been changed to only cover 70% rather than 80%. The copay and deductible are higher. The notification said that the company I worked for was being pressured to reduce costs due to the Affordable Health Care Act. So now I guess I need a supplemental health insurance policy. I guess that looks better on Obama's statistics but it sure doesn't help the people who need insurance. How does that save me money? Why does anyone support this bill? It stinks.
What is the difference between free health care affordable and universal health care insurance?
Background, I ask many questions in regards to Universal health care insurance, and many people answer with the mind set of free universal health care insurance, So I have to ask the question, does anyone know the difference between free universal health care and affordable health care insurance? I will add details as we go and this question will be put to a vote..""
How much is the average price for full cover motorcycle insurance ?
Im going to buy a 2013 Honda 600RR , how much would insurance cost ?""
Anyone know any good cheap car insurance providers?
preferably direct rather than compare websites. cheers.
A good nursing school in the Philippines?
I have been waiting to get in the nursing program in California for a year and half and losing hope already. Some of my friends finished the nursing program in the Philippines and are ...show more
Cheap Car to insure?? (UK)?
Hey, I'm 18/female and was looking to start my driving lessons soon and I was wondering what cars would be cheap to run and insure, and does anyone reccomend any driving schools that are an okay price..if you could put links up to cars I would be grateful. Thanks :)""
Can my 23-year-old child stay on my health insurance coverage even if offered insurance in her new job?
My 23-year-old daughter was just hired for a new full-time job.  Rather than spend money on health insurance, can she turn it down and stay as a dependent on my coverage until age 25?   I'm in Maryland, if that matters.
About how much is car insurance in British Columbia?
About how much is car insurance in British Columbia, particularly Vancouver or nearby? Perhaps if you could share how much it costs you or someone in your family with a good driving record. Perhaps give a hint of what car you have, liability limits, etc. In the U.S., you can get online quotes. For Canada, I've never seen anything like it.""
How does the insurance company know what Annual Mileage I am actually doing?
I bought a car last Sunday from a private seller, but was not able to drive it home because of no insurance. The person kindly offered to keep the car in his garage till I get an insurance cover. Today I went to pickup my car, but that guy was not there, his friend was there to hand me the keys and drive back home. When I test drove the car it was 87k miles exact, now today when I collected it, it went upto 87,806 miles, +806 miles extra. The seller is not answering my calls, the only thing worrying me is that I quoted my Annual Mileage up 6000miles, but already my car raked up 806 miles in one week. Please help, and don't abuse coz I am already down being cheated? Why bad things happen with do-gooder?""
Why is Car Insurance more expensive in some areas?
My friend moved from Florida to Virginia and his premium went down $120.00 Why is insurance so much more expensive in some zip codes than others?
How much car insurance a month for a 16 year old?
I live in the state of Louisiana. My family has Progressive. I plan on driving soon.
Where can i find really good dental insurance?
I am a mom of two and expecting. I can't work and I am looking for dental insurance that pays alot(almost everything). I live in Texas.
I wanna rent my car out.What insurance policy do I need ?
I would like to rent out my extra car. What is the best coverage for that?I know if I go with 21.st century for example it will cover the car ,not the driver.But is there a specific insurance where if anything happens my rates wont go up? Like the one you purchase at the car rental places?""
Insurance on a golf 19 year old?
Well I've been using go compare. Initially going to go for 1l corsa 170 a month. I thought I'd have a look at a few golfs. I got a quote on a 1.9 sport tdi. It was only 80 more a month with the initial deposit of 600. Now money isnt the issue, the issue here is if I were to call the insurance company would I still get the matching quote, I have stated I'm 19 on go compare but I was quite confused how it wasnt too extortionate. Basically if that is what it states would I get insured on this golf? Cheers folks! Bit baffled""
Why is car insurance so high for a 30+ female with 10yrs ncd?
I'm just looking for a new/nearly new style Ford KA and looked at some insurance quotes and ive noticed that nothing comes in cheaper than 360. It's not what I'm driving as I've looked at smaller cars such as Peugeot 107's and Citroen C1's (both new and older cars). They all come out with nothing cheaper than 360! I had a brand new KA back in 2003 and that was only 260 for insurance (I do understand that insurance has gone up in 10 years!), but why cant I get anything cheaper? I'd see myself as a model driver as I've been driving for 11 years, never had an accident, never claimed on my insurance, never been booked or had any points and I'm now in the 'older' bracket! Please can someone explain, or reassure me that it's not just me this is happening to?""
Car Insurance Laws in Arizona?
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance? I have insurance on my car, it is just a pain because it's so expensive and a waste of my money. My friend told me the state requires it and you could e put in jail if you do not have insurance, and I know illegal immigrants that do not have insurance that drive get away with this **** everyday.""
Will my car insurance rate change?
Okay so I got married this May and my car insurance is still in my old name and my old address... My husband has a couple tickets and accidents on his record... Will this make my insurance rate go up? Also I'm not living in the town that I got my insurance in anymore, will this be an issue? Thanks in advance!""
Why is Travelers increasing my insurance rates?
I bought my house 3 years and insured the house with Travelers homeowners insurance. The rate started at $843.00 per year and the insured value of the house was $183,000. The rate ...show more""
Can I get car insurance if I only have my G1.?
I currently have my G1, and have passed a driver training Program and have a couple months left untill I can take my G2 road test. I recently had a car given to me and it is in my name sitting in my driveway, so is it possible to get insurance and be able to drive while having somebody in the car with me with the experience needed? Has anyone done this before does it work can I do it? ...Thank you for the help.""
Is it possible to get a loan and homeowner's insurance for a post & pier foundation house?
It's a small home and it's not located in an earquake area. Would having this kind of foundation reduced the value of the house?
Insurance for a mustang?
All the insurance sites I have seen require me to register, and add my personal details before get a quote, and i do not want to do that. so i will ask for your opinion. I am 25, just got my drivers license, and have a 1997 mustang. I am in Louisiana. How much would the basic insurance be? I have never been in an accident, and the mustang is just the basic model. I need the cheapest coverage, and do not plan to use full coverage, because the car is not worth that much.""
Health Care/Insurance...Right or Responsibility?
I see many on both sides have their own opinion on this issue. Many on the right claim it's a 'responsibility' while several on the left think it should be a 'right'. Why do you ...show more
How much would it cost me to get a motorbike include CBT and insurance?
I am 18 years old. I am wondering how much would it cost me to have a yamaha R1+CBT+cheap insurance. please help
Pitbull and homeowners insurance?
My insurance company is threating to drop me because I own a bully....can they really do this is there anyway to fight this?
How to find best Insurance Companies?
Many years try to find good insurance companies but not found any best companie, please some one help me.""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I know that you cant tell me exactly how much car insurance would cost for me so I am asking how much you pay for car insurance? If you are around 18 years old and drive and older car and have good grades how much do you pay per month for car insurance?
My cars milage is unknown does this affect me getting insurance on this vehicle?
current odometer reads 106,000 miles . but car has more miles because odemeter was once broke before being fixe i bout a used 94 accord and the odometer currently works but previous owner bought the car with broken odometer. and on( title )/ pink slip it marks odometer reading is not the actual milage..... will this affect me getting insurance on this car.. i dont want them charging me a lot of money for trying to fraud them on the milage will they even ask milage will i be in big trouble if i put the current odometer reading but the company finds out it has more? do i need to go back to dmv and get some paperwork? do i need to point out that the pink slip states milage is unknown? and make sure insurance company documents this befor signing me""
""Obamacare supporters, question for you.?""
Actually a few questions. Which magic money fairy will appear to bestow money upon those who couldn't afford insurance before the mandate to allow them to afford it after the mandate? The Obama administration has already granted enough exemptions that the whole concept is pretty well doomed. Is there another magic money fairy that will appear and make up for all the exemptions they've already given? If your old enough to remember when your state made auto insurance mandatory how many fold did your auto insurance go up in the next five years. Mine went up %350 after insurance became mandatory. In light of this how would you not expect health insurance costs to do the same. Hasn't Obama essentially created a monopoly and forced American citizens to throw their money at health insurance. Given that half or more of the cost of seeing a doc IS insurance itself. Wouldn't LESS insurance be the answer not more insurance? You go to a clinic that accepts no form of insurance and you are paying only slightly more than folks pay in co-pay. Then your done. The insured usually gets a bill for at least part of the visit that's not covered and on top of that they have their premium deducted. For most people insurance is a losing proposition. Insurance companies being for profit institutions will go out of business if they don't make a profit. As such mandatory health insurance means you will certainly pay more for health care than if you pay out of pocket. The discounts given to insurance companies do not make up for the overhead costs that insurance companies force providers to go through. Nor do they make up for the no pays and slow pays so common from insurance companies. As such one sure way to raise the cost of health care in the US is to require insurance. If you got more out of it than you put in the insurance companies would go broke. Insurance companies regularly restrict activities and or penalize people for engaging in what they consider high risk activities. Athletes are especially restricted. Having a monopoly why would they not do the same for everyone? Snowboarders, Smokers, bungee jumping, riding a motorcycle all dangerous activities already prohibited by many insurance policies. How do you propose to prevent insurance companies from becoming lawmakers using collusion which they openly engage in already to prohibit activities? Before Obamacare if you didn't like it you just did without insurance. Insurance companies have had to be conservative with what they mandate and prohibit because of that choice. With that choice gone now what? Insurance companies have regularly engaged in activities to the detriment of a patients welfare in the past. HMOs especially forced Docs not only to give patients substandard but cheaper care they have gone as far as prohibiting doctors from letting you know that you cannot receive the normal standard of care because of restrictions by your insurance. The unprecedented power handed insurance execs by Obamacare will clearly change how medicine is practiced in the US and that doesn't worry you? If everybody has insurance then insurance companies will dictate to Docs what they can and cannot do as they do if Docs participate in HMO and even some PPO programs. The idea that we MUST purchase a product, doesn't that bother you? Today it's health insurance. Tomorrow maybe it's socks. How can the Gov FORCE you to buy anything? Don't hand me the auto insurance scam. Mandatory auto insurance hasn't significantly reduced accidents, hasn't reduced losses to uninsured drivers. It has made insurance far more expensive for all. It does violate a basic principle of individual sovereignty that is supposed to be a key component of any free society. What will they make us buy next? In 20 years will gov mandated expenses consume the entire budget of the average American? How do you stop such a beast once it starts rolling? Millions of Americans will lose everything they have because of Obamacare. They will make just a little too much to be exempted or the time/effort to get an exemption will be impossible given their work schedule or they will have a valid exemption or be rejected for invalid reasons and unfairly prosecuted. Sure they might eventually get it straitened out but not before it gets them tossed in jail. Literally millions will be left homeless by this law in the first 5 years. Doesn't that bother you?""
What is insurance?Explain?
I mean what is malpractice insurance, car insurance ,health insurance, etc. Please explain is simple, clear and easy words.""
""I am looking out for a healthcare provider which is also an insurance company located in California, U.S.?""
I am looking out for a healthcare provider which is also an insurance company located in California, U.S.?""
How come different auto insurance agencies charge different prices for the same insurance company?
yes i went to three different insurance agencys to see what quotes theyll give me. one say said ill pay 50 a month and 140 down payment for access auto insurance . the other agency said ill pay 60 a month and 90 down payment for the same company. and the third agency said i would probably not qualify for access auto insuranc. im 20 year old male riverside ca 94 accord. why would three different agencys quote diferently for the same auto company ? whyyy is it a scam
Is it best to cancel your car insurance or have the company cancel you out?
i paid for car insurance for 6 months and now i fould cheaper insurance. should i cancel my insurance or have them cancel it for me. which will cost me more money
Can my 23-year-old child stay on my health insurance coverage even if offered insurance in her new job?
My 23-year-old daughter was just hired for a new full-time job.  Rather than spend money on health insurance, can she turn it down and stay as a dependent on my coverage until age 25?   I'm in Maryland, if that matters.
How much does car insurance cost.?
I am 18 and ready to get my drivers license but how much does car insurance cost per month on average.?
What is cheaper for insurance mustang or charger?
well they would both be 2007. v6 cause my insurance is already high. and what one would you choose i want a mustang but alot of people have them but a charger has a big body
I'm trying to get Heath care insurance?
I'm a type 1 diabetic I'm trying to get a job but if I do my current insurance will not pay for my diabetic supplies.My medical supplies are really expensive what are my options ?
Car insurance esitimate?
- Male - 20 years old - New driver - Honda Civic - Pennsylvania About how much could I expect to be paying for car insurance?
what is a good insurances for pregnant woman i live in Idaho. thanks
How much will the insurance company offer for my car?
a couple questions and description..... my car was involved in an accident and deemed a total loss. I was curious on how much the insurance company may offer? the accident was not my fault. i would like to buy it back though and fix it. how much do they usually offer a totaled car back for? its a 1994 honda accord lx with 128500 on her. shes in good condition with a small 1/4 size spot of rust on the left rear fender. everything else is in working condition. its a dark blue/green color. A/C, cruise, good tires, new cd player/ am/ fm, new speakers, new timing belt, distributor and ignition switch. it has a 2.2 4cylinder, automatic. any help is appreciated. interior is very clean, and paint was good condition. thank you!""
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
Car insurance question?
Hello yes I currently acquired a car from my aunt its a Mazda protege 4dr year 2000 I am wondering if there is any way to get a cheap insurance I am sadly tho only 19 with a G2 i know the likeliness is very unlikely but any help is appreciated and as putting it under my parents apparently both of them are already first drivers for the car and van we already own but is it possible for some one to be first drivers for second car? well anyways any help is greatly appreciated.
Is my fiat Coupe 16 Valve turbo going to be a classic?
Pretty much as th title says really.. What do you all think and why? I think it is the best car Fiat have ever made and that it will be, especially the 20 Valve LE and Plus versions.""
Cheap auto insurance for college student?
cheap auto insurance for college student? thanks!
Insurance Quote?
My Step-dad and I are buying a 1.4 MG ZR between us. He is going to be the first driver and i will be the 2nd named driver. This will be my first car. My stepdad has driven for 12 years or more. Any rough ideas of a price for me? He has no pints on his license. thanks
Why is motorcycle insurance so expensive?
im looking into a 600 katana with a clean driving record and taking the safety course insurance is still very high like 240 a month just about everywhere with 1000 deductables why is this? what bike would be cheaper on insurance thats kinda sporty still
Pregnancy Disability Insurance?
I'm filing for disability in June 15th. I got laid off work from September 2009 and received unemployment till June 2010. I started working in July 2010 and I'm still working. It says on the disability form my base period is the 12 months ending December 31. It's divided by 4 quarters so: 1st quarter- Jan-March 2010 2nd quarter- April-June 2010 3rd quater- July-September 2010 4th quater- October-December 2010 My highest wages was from October to December of 2010. I'm worried I dont qualify because I didnt work from September 2009-June 2010. Can someone explain to me when it says You must have earned at least $300 from which SDI deductions were witheld during a previous period. This is my first time fiiling Disability Insurance so I'm a little confuse....Thanks for your advise and answers :) My total income from October and December 2010 before taxes was $7397.40. I worked from home. I currently reside in Misssissippi, but my employer is in California. I pay California taxes. I worked for a small company. There's only 7 of us total and this includes two of my boss.""
Is geico a reliable car insurance in CA? Thanks?
Is geico a reliable car insurance in CA? Thanks?
Can I get car insurance in my cousins name and my name?
My cousin lives in Luton and I live in London so can I get car insurance with his name as first driver and me as second driver? Also how will it work because we're going to have different addresses? How will road tax and permit work? My cousin is 21 years old and I'm 18. I will tell the insurance the truth about everything where I live and where my cousin lives.
Trouble with my car insurance....?
I have decided to buy a Golf GTi and today looked into how much it would be to insure. I went on the compare the market and go compare and to my surprise the prices were arounf 5000-8000 and some of the bigger companies wouldn't even insure me. I'm 20 years old But i did get a quote for 2300 fully comp from PREMIUM CHOICE (which i've never heard of). SO what i'm asking is...is it really a big deal who you're insured with? and what are the disadvantage of getting insured with little known companies? My dad seems to think that these smaller companies aren't to be trusted and if you were involved in an accident they wouldn't be interested or they could go bust in 2 months and take your money. Have you got any tips on how to get around this insurance chaos? It's such a rip off.
If I am moving temporarily (3-6 Months) Do i need to get a new drivers license/insurance in the new state?
I am moving temporarily from California to Kansas for 3-6 months and I was wondering if you are required to get a Kansas Divers Liscense and Insurance if the move is only temporary (3-6 Months)?
If car insurance companies are giving you quotes that you did not request - Is this a sign of identity theft?
I've gotten like, 4 quotes all from different insurance companies saying Your quote is ready. They think I did request these! I didn't. Is this identity theft or just spam? What else could it be? My family said they didn't request this information either. Thanks in advance!!""
Questions about health insurance?
I took my eye exam couple months ago, and now i need change my insurance company, so my question is can i take my eye exam again?""
How to Get Cheap Car Insurance in NJ for Young Drivers?
Last week I bought my first car.But one thing that I didn't do was to check my car insurance premiums.I did it yesterday and I was amazed how expensive is that.I'll have to pay more than $300mo.Is is normal?Why my car insurance is so expensive.First thing they told me was that I need to pay more, because I'm young driver.Yes I'm under 25 years old.I'm from NJ.Can you please tell me how to get cheap car insurance in NJ for young drivers?Also any tips to help me to reduce this price...I'm ok with my car but I feel it won't be possible for me to pay so much for car insurance.I need cheaper insurance plan.""
Resolved Question Show me another  In what ways does buying a car affect auto insurance premiums?
I'm looking at buying or leasing a new car and am wondering how that'll affect my auto insurance premium. Also, which features in a new car affect the premium. I've heard about red paint and sports cars causing higher premiums, but are there any other factors?""
Does the owner of the car have to be insured?
I drive my sister's car and my sister lives in a different country. Does my sister have to be insured since she is the owner? I am insured..
Does my credit score affect my car insurance costs?
Someone told me it did... but that just doesn't make sense!
""50cc Scooter, insurance?""
Hi, I have just passed my CBT for a 50cc scooter and hold a provisional licence for the UK. I am 16 and passed the CBT on 24th August. I am looking to buy a 49/50cc scooter but I have found that the insurance is extremeley expensive. I have looked around and filled in quotes from comparethemarket.com and the Post Office but the insurance I want (third party fire and theft) always seems to come out at around 300 a year! I know that some people pay only 50 a year for their 50cc insurance. Does anyone know where to get a better deal? Or does anyone have any tips? Thanks""
What's the benefit of saying you have no car insurance?
Can my 23-year-old child stay on my health insurance coverage even if offered insurance in her new job?
My 23-year-old daughter was just hired for a new full-time job.  Rather than spend money on health insurance, can she turn it down and stay as a dependent on my coverage until age 25?   I'm in Maryland, if that matters.
0 notes
kansas city life insurance going private
"kansas city life insurance going private
kansas city life insurance going private
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can my new car be on my parents auto insurance policy if we live in different states?
I recently moved to Michigan for work and just bought a new Mitsubishi Evo, and here the insurance is outrageous (over 300/month) compared to Illinois which is about half as much. Is it possible for me to be on my parents insurance plan if they live in Illinois? I already bought the car and I need insurance one way or another I'm just trying to save some money here, and just wondering if it is possible.""
Is there an individual health insurance plan that has bariatric coverage? ?
I need to find insurance that has the following: 1. Bariatric Coverage 2. Out of Network Coverage 3. 60-100% Out of Network Coverage per day Does anyone out there know of one that has all of these features?
Looking for affordable health insurance?
My employer does not offer health insurance. Does anyone know of a private health insurance company? I was with Blue-Cross Blue Shield and they kept raising the rates. I don't qualify for any assistance due to low income. Also some coverage for dental.
Rough estimate for Car Insurance Cost For Second Year?
Hi peeps. I Have a question about car insurance. I am basically looking for qualified guesses from people who have previous experience with this sort of thing. I am a first year driver. Im 21 and i passed my test in early August and was driving straight away because i had bought my car the month before hand. The car i own is a 1.4 Ford Fiesta Zetec 2002. I paid around 1250 for the year for insurance and i did it through Quinn Direct. My question is, does anybody know a rough figure of what it might be next year baring in mind i have never claimed? I have tried running new quotes on comparison websites but they are based on new customers and all come out at around 1500 to 4000 If anyone has used this company or even another company and situation was similar could you please tell me the rough figure of what it was reduced to/from just so i can maybe have an idea of what to expect Any help is greatly appreciated. Cheers :)""
Can my insurance company deny my claim...?
Lots of info, sorry! My car was parked on the street and hit during the night. I drove the car to the repair place the following morning and the airbag deployed on the way there. (Stupid, I know, I wasn't thinking). My insurance company, GEICO is insisting that the damage is not consistent with a hit and run accident. They have taken recorded statements from me and my boyfriend. They have contracted an independent accident reconstructionist to read the airbag deployment. The reconstructionist originally told me that he was unable to retrieve the data, but the insurance company is now telling me that he was able to get a partial reading. And that it shows that the airbag deployed as a result of impact. The airbag did not actually fully deploy. There is no powder or injury to me to justify a complete deployment. Does anybody know if they have the right to deny my claim based on suspicion? They keep trying to make me say that my boyfriend was driving the car, which he wasn't. We were in the house together all night. Also: car was in previous fire; severe damage to front of car, all repaired. accident happened in CA, full coverage policy written in GA I know its a lot of info. Thanks for reading and I appreciate any helpful answers. Thanks!""
Auto Insurance in California?
I'm a new driver, all I have is my Permit right now. I'm trying to find insurance that isn't going to ream me financially. Also, don't you need insurance to get registration/new tags....or do you need the registration to get insurance? GAH, SOMEONE HELP!!! (And, if you're going to be a smartass, don't bother. K? Thanks!""
""I live in MA where car insurance is very high, and my parents will not put me on their insurance.?""
I am now going to college in PA where car insurance is more reasonable, can I buy a car here register it and get car insurance here? And do I need to change my license to a PA one? College will last 9 months out of the year for four years. This would be a big savings if there is some way to do this legally. My parents will not do anything that is slightly shady. All must be legit""
What are the requirements for car in surance in the usa states?
I would like to know what kind of car insurance do you need to have in every state.
Switching Auto insurance company?
Hi, I want to switch my auto insurance company to a cheaper company. my renewable starts Sept 25, can i cancel my current insurance and switch to a new cheaper one now?""
My car insurance is 6000 and im 17 can anybody help pleeeeeeeeese.?
Hi on average my car insurance is 6000. I got these from price comparison wesbites. I am trying to insure a 2002 1.2 litre Vauxhall Corsa, on Third Party Fire and Theft. I am going to do about 10000 miles a year. I live in Lozells Birmingham United Kingdom. Can anybody get my Insurance done for cheaper. I have shopped around so much, i even put my mum on as main driver but it only gets 500 off my insurance. Can anybody help me maybe anyone that work in car insurance.""
""Average monthly cost of renter's insurance for an apartment in Galveston, TX?
I need to see if I can work it onto my budget
Auto insurance fraud..how much trouble am i looking at?
i don't need to be judged..I made a dumb decision which could have resulted in me losing my life and im lucky i didn't. anyways here goes..so a supposed friend of mine told me she couldn't wait to teach me to drive..i told her i didn't want to drive until i got my permit. well after telling me that she pulls over and asks if i want to drive..i tell her no..she keeps pushing telling me she thinks i'd be good at driving and eventually after saying no 8-10 times i give in and we switch..i continued up the road and i made the right and i was maknig another right and i lost control and ended up on the sidewalk and crashed into a pole..airbags exploded and all..when immediately got out of the car and I asked her what we were going to do and she said to me so help me god if i lose my license and again i said what are we going to do? she said were going to say i was driving..we got ran off the road by a red truck..when the cops came i stuck with the same story she did and we went to the hospital and all..this happened a month ago..the vehicle was totaled and she collected money from the accident. I however felt so guilty i went and turned myself into the police and told them the truth about everything. the cop that was at the accident is who i spoke with..i filled out a witness report and the cop said that he was really glad that I came forward with the truth and that she would be in much more trouble than I and that he planned to take it easy on me since i came forward about it and because i am a mom..he said the most i will probably get is my license suspended..i am still waiting to get anything in the mail and i'm so nervous bc i don't know if i can get in worse trouble and was wondering what other people thought..honestly the whole thing has scared me from ever wanting to drive again and even though i wasn't the victim i really felt like it for days after the accident..i was very distraught..and i'm scared even being a passenger in a car now..i watch everything and get very scared fast. Can i get in trouble with the insurance company? I didn't give them a statement. I just told them about me going to the hospital and stuff..my supposed friend actually gave them the statement..they sent me a bunch of paperwork in the mail to have me mail back in so they could cover medical expenses but i never sent the stuff in or filled it out bc i didn't want the insurance company to pay for something that was my fault. I live in pa and i guess im just wondering how much trouble i can get in? or if i should be okay because i came forward with the truth.
I need cheap car insurance in ny?
I need cheap car insurance in ny?
What's a site I can use to see how much car insurance would be?
I want to see an estimate
Insurance or Registration?
I can only aford one or the other. I live in a very expensive state, california. I can only aford either insurance or car registration. am i better of to drive with insurance and no registration, or registration and no insurance.""
Car and insurance question..?
If I had lost my car insurance with my car can someone who is insured still drive my vehicle or does the car itself still have to be insured?
Will tint ticket show up on insurance? not talking about increasing rate?
This question is not asking about if my rates will go up! i know its a non moving violation. I was driving my dads 911 turbo and i got stopped for illegal tints. I barely drive car this btw. my dad does not want his insurance company to know his son drives his car for obvious reasons. my question is will a ticket like this show i was driving this car? do insurance company's even look at non point tickets ? thanks!
How much is for insurance for 18 year old people and for a used car?also do u pay each month or 6 month?
How much is for insurance for 18 year old people and for a used car?also do u pay each month or 6 month?
""Car Tax, MOT, insurance cost me 500; others pay much more; time for a consumer revolt?""
Car Tax, MOT, insurance cost me 500; others pay much more; time for a consumer revolt?""
Where can I get homeowners insurance?
My homeowners policy was dropped because I have three Rottweilers. Do you know of anybody who will issue homeowners to me?
""Progressive Insurance vs Safe Auto, who's better?
i want to get auto insurance. i got quotes online and they both gave me the same quote basically ($71 per month-6months)...has anyone had experience w/one of these insurance places or have 1 of them currently?
How much will my insurance go up??
i have 21st century auto insurance and i have been driving since february 2008 and i am 18 years old. i bumped a state vehicle (caltrans) but there was no damage done whatsoever to the vehicle...as for my car...there was a small scratch that i will not repair. however chp said since its a state vehicle they have to report it. how much will my insurance go up??
How much insurance cost for 350z?
how much does it cost for insurance on a 350z for a 19yr old guy clean driving record in Texas?
Does insurance cost less for drivers that are 18 than for 16 year olds?
Does insurance cost less for drivers that are 18 than for 16 year olds?
Will I need an SR-22 insurance?
My license was suspended for one year, I get it back this year. 18 year old male. Wisconsin. This is my record, 12-31-2011 Driving 1 to 10 miles per hour over the speed limit (3 POINTS) 04-15-2012 Imprudent speed (8 POINTS) 06-08-2012 Driving 20 miles per hour or more over the speed limit (12 POINTS) 08-19-2012 Imprudent Speed (8 POINTS) Also, what should I expect the insurance to cost and is it required?""
kansas city life insurance going private
kansas city life insurance going private
What is the right affordable car insurance to purchase in NEW JERSEY?
Hi, I was looking to buy a car insurance policy. I currently have a company but wanted to drop them due to being overpriced. The only problem is that i don't have a driver license nor have i ever had one. I was able to finance a car off the lot but it wasn't for me. I brought it for my grandson. He has a driver license and is the only primary driver of the car. Being as though I never had a license most companies won't accept it and limits me from getting a cheaper policy. He is about to turn 18 next week. So is there any car insurance companies that will accept that i don't have a license and let me get a policy with him being the primary driver of the car. Thanks!!""
Would the insurance be too much?
My mom gave me her Audi TT RS this week because she bought a new car. The deal was I get the car but I have to pay for insurance and gas. So, will the insurance be a back-breaker? I'm 17 right now and I've had my licence for well over a year. I haven't been in any accidents or altercations with the law.""
How does the age of a car factor into the cost of car insurance?
Obviously there is more than one factor that influences the cost of car insurance. I know that when a car is newer, it usually costs more to insure than a car that is older. For example, a 2009 Chevy Impala is more expensive to insure than a 1983 VW. But, suppose I bought a vehicle like a 1957 Lincoln, 1955 GMC, or a 1956 Plymouth (or some other car from that time period)? If it wasnt something that people easily recognize like more popular cars from that time period, would it cost less to insure? (They arent as recognizable or popular, in the sense that if one was driving a 1957 Chevy, or a 1959 Cadillac or a Thunderbird, most people would instantly know what it was, but if I drove a 1957 Lincoln or a 1955 GMC, most people wouldnt immediately know what it was.)""
Car insurance in Arkansas?
I know there are so many factors that play into car insurance but I need help. I am 18 years old.
If my wife buys a car will my current insurance increase?
My wife is going to buy a car to learn in and use to get used to driving after passing her test. I am insured on my car and she is a named driver. If she gets a car and is insured as the main driver in it when I tell my insurance about her car how will my insurance be affected? Her insurance will probably be with a different company.
If I get car insurance will my parents' rates go up?
If I get my own car insurance with my own policy from a completely different insurance company than my parents', but use the same address, would that cause my parents' rates to go up?""
""Mustang Insurance, Help!!!?""
Hello, I have a quick question about insurance. I am 18 years old, living in Orange, CA and currently driving a 2003 nissan altima that I am going to trade for a 2002 ford mustang gt. Now i know that contacting an agent will be the best way to find out more realistic rates, but right now I want to hear from past mustang owners. I was also wondering if having good credit will give me a discount on my insurance? I know insurance will be high, so don't waste my time explaining it to me, If it helps, I always obey the speed limit, never gotten into any crashes nor have I gotten any tickets. All Help is appreciated, thanks.""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
and how old are you? not the insurance that pays for ur car if it gets damaged, the insurance that pays for the damage if you hit another car? i think what is that insurance called? no-fault insurance? idk new be""
What is a good company for a first time car insurance?
WHat insurance company has the lowest quotes? This is my first time with car insurance and i want a company that has low cost in Florida because i don't work yet so my parents will help me pay until i can work. i have a 2001 Bravada.
Does a ticket for not having insurance increase your insurance rate?
I'm a professional driver of a honda civic for a major company in California. My corporation has a policy that says if you have 3 or more dings on your record in 5 years (dings classified as anything that would increase their cost for your insurance policy) that you lose your job. 3 years ago I got a ticket for going 5 miles through a stop sign, that was #1, 8 months ago I got a speeding ticket for 78 in a 65, that was #2. Tonight I went through a DUI checkpoint, I had everything except my insurance policy was 8 days past due. The officer and myself figured I just had an outdated card and all I needed was proof of insurance. It turns out, for some stupid reason, gieco didn't auto-renew my insurance policy, and I simply didn't have insurance for 8 days. I called my insurance company, got everything taken care of, but I still have a ticket for driving without insurance, which I imagine means a ding on my record. What I need to know is does that ding increase the cost of insurance in the state of California? If so I'm fired as soon as this ticket hits DMV.""
I Need Some Car And Car Insurance Advice?
Okay, so basically i am 17 and i am currently learning to drive, i have had roughly 13 lessons and it is coming up to the stage where i have to start thinking a car and getting insurance ect... however, i don't actually sort of know how it works,for eg. how do i go about buying a car? is their anything i have to know? and then once i have the car, how do i get insurance and what else must i acquire in able to be able to drive the car legally and at anytime? i don't also actually understand how the insurance works like what is it.. and finally finding the cheapest car insurance etc.. a bit of background knowledge: i'm 17, and the sort of car i'm looking for is a Vaxhaul Corsa 1.2 in black.""
Car insurance problems.?
I've been in a car accident a week ago and I haven't received any phone calls about anything. I sent my police report and my insurance still has not send someone to look at the damage. I want to get this fixed asap. How long does it take before they send someone to look at it. And who looks at it my insurer or the insurer of the other guy?
Car insurance claim?
Around a month ago already my passenger side car window got shattered. It's still intact, just completely spidered out. I had been on my thirty minute break from work and parked near the grass side of my apartments. My window was actually rolled down half way too. While inside my apartments ( we live on the first floor very near to where my car was parked) I remember a guy mowing the lawn around the apartments. When I went back outside to go back to work I had saw my window. We know for a fact that the lawn mowing guy ran over a rock and it had hit my window, but we didn't actually see it. Again, my window was rolled down a bit so if someone wanted to break in they could have. I have called the apartments on several occasions and they said they would get back to me on the lawn mowing company so I can make a claim. Still never have. This was almost a month ago. What can I do? If anything since I didn't physically see it? I also only have liability coverage on that car.""
Cost of insurance for a 20yr old?
I'd like to buy a Toyota Yaris or a similar kind of car which is in a low insurance category. How much would you estimate that the insurance would be they? This would be my first car although I passed my test 3years ago and have been on my parents insurance since! Thankyou.
Car Insurance?
I'm 16 and I don't have a car, but am I covered with insurance on my parents cars automatically?""
Car and insurance help?
I had turned 17 yesterday and im going to do driving lessons, so if I get a cheap car for christmas and do it up ( fixing, accessories ect..) while its on my drive without being used atall, will I have to pay insurance?""
Car insurance question.?
If I buy a car from my uncle, and do not drive it do I still have to pay for insurance on it? Extra info: I only have my permit and get my license in October. So I don't plan on driving it until October. I don't want to have to pay insurance on a car I wont be driving until a couple of months. Thanks in advance.""
What health insurance can I get?
When I turned 19, I no longer qualified for my healthy families program. So I currently don't have any kind of health insurance. I have some very suspicious moles that I wanted to get checked but was shock at the cost. I believe my family is considered low income. What kinds of health insurance plans are out there that are affordable and will cover my dermatologist visits?""
Should i tell my parents about the car accident i got into?car insurance question?
I got into a small car accident. I bumped into the car(98 avenger) in front me on the way heading to school. It was a acquaintance that i knew in high school.well we didn't get the insurance involved,we exchanged information. there's a small dent on his bumper i thought i could pay him off out of pocket with out my parents knowing since they've been trying to find a new car for a while now we even went to a dealership the day of the accident,i dont want to look irresponsible. but the trunk of his wont open. He went to a place to get an estimate they would charge him about 1,700$ which is wayyy more than i expected. I called other places around my area to see if they can fix the trunk and they basically said they to see the condition its not bad it just can't open.being a unemployed college student its hard to find money to pay of the pocket,so i was thinking of just asking my parents what happened,only if the body shops around my area are to expensive to pay. I know im under my parents insurance name but i wasn't sure at the time would the insurance company pay for all of it or would i need to pay out of pocket?would it go up?. need advice or suggestions this situation had been bothering a lot. dont know much about car insurance any additional information would be appreciated!""
Does health insurance cover self-inflicted wounds?
Do health insurance companies cover the hospital fees for self-inflicted wounds like cuts or burns?
Good insurance companies for young drivers?
Good insurance companies for young drivers?
What's the difference between health and accident insurance?
What's the difference between health and accident insurance?
When doing an online insurance quote what is considered full coverage?
When you get to the end of an insurance quote where it asks about coverage what is considered full coverage? I'm not sure what to mark and how much. (like when it says comp/collision. . . .500/500) What does that mean?
What is the best motorcycle towing insurance to have?
I have a Yamaha 650 V-Star with spoke wheels and I tend to go on several hundred mile road trips. I did not had a flat in 6,000 miles of riding last year, but I want to be prepared.""
Car insurance?
kansas city life insurance going private
kansas city life insurance going private
Can i buy contacts online using my insurance only?
When do health insurance premiums drop?
what is the average amount of time it takes before health insurance premiums start to drop? (so they say) - i have had my insurance for ten months now.
Consequence of lending your car in terms of car insurance?
If I lend my car to my brother or sister, but I have car insurance, will they get a ticket when they drive? The car insurance covers the cost of the damage to the car, so does it matter who is driving it? What is the purpose of having someone as a secondary driver?""
How is the aca affordable? Recipients have a 12k deductible before they are coverd by insurance.?
How is the aca affordable? Recipients have a 12k deductible before they are coverd by insurance.?
What is the cheapest insurance for a new driver?
I'm a new driver and I don't make much but I do need insurance so what is a cheap one?
Where to buy affordable health insurance?
I was forced to retire at the age of 64. I am not eligible for medicare until Sep of 2011. Looking for health insurane I can buy now
Is Foremost Auto Insurance good insurance?
I am looking at switching to Foremost for my auto insurance and was wondering if anyone had any comments or experiences about auto insurance through Foremost Insurance company.
What is the likely cost for the car insurance for this individual?
Kept getting different numbers... 19 years male. own an Acura cl 3.0 1999 single drive to school about 4 miles(one way) three days a week clean record.
Insurance while in the military?
How does insurance work when the car is registered in another state which for me is california and I'm currently stationed in texas. What address would i use if my car is with me in texas but is registered in cali.
Car insurance if im under 18?
how would it be and do i need insurance if i dont have a car but using my parents car?
""Buying a new car, but don't have insurance?""
If I don't currently have insurance, how can I drive a car home from the auto dealer? do i have to purchase insurance before I buy the car? what if i'm buying from an individual and his insurance on the car has lapsed?""
How much will my speeding ticket be?im 57 never once had a ticket/moving violation..it was in a school zone?
i was caught going 20 on a 15. i was driving my friends car will her insurance go up now?..i am on her insurance since we live togeather. does anyone know how much this ticket will cost me i am in las vegas
Cost of getting Insurance under parents car?
Hi im 17, living in Ireland and I want to get insured under my mothers car which is a 2005 skoda octavia with the 1.4 liter engine does anyone know how much it would cost because ive been saving up but not sure I have enough. also I only have a provisional license. thanks""
Anyone know insurance groups?
need to know the insurance group dif between a standard 1993 mr2 and a 93 mr2 turbo
Whats the best auto insurance for me?
i want a insurance company that gives gives checks to me for claims and lets me fix my car not shops. geico? AAA?
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for young drivers?
I am selling my older car to my brother but we are trying to find out which insurance companies would be the cheapest for him. Any suggestions?
Car insurance?
I 've gotton two tickets within four months of each other. What are the chances that my car insurance rate will go up and by how much? i live in california and have Mercury Insurance.
Being kicked off my parents health insurance plan at age 19? I don't know how I can afford insurance?
MY parents have been getting notices from their insurance company telling them that when I turn 19, I'll be off the insurance plan. It's because my dad has young ...show more""
Does an auto insurance company look at my grid when transferring insurance to a new vehicle?
Disclaimer; Please, I am not looking to have judgement passed on me as I know I made a mistake. In October 2011 I was convicted of DUI. I served my 1 year driving prohibition but left my vehicle insured because my boyfriend was driving me a lot of places. When my insurance renewed the 2 times since the conviction, my rates didn't go up but I am really not too sure why..I am a long term customer of my insurance company and I can only assume that they were made aware of the conviction in my file but maybe it auto renewed so it went un-noticed? Here is my question. If I purchase a new vehicle and transfer my existing insurance policy to it, is it highly likely that my file will be looked at more closely and my rates will sky rocket? Can the ins company retro charge me for the past 2 years in which my rates did not go up? How long until this conviction falls off my driving record and no longer warrants higher than normal insurance charges? Thank you so much.""
Car insurance question.?
Can I have a car loan under my name and have the title under mine and my parents name as a main cosigner? Then have insurance under my parents name? Is it possible to have the title under my name with no cosigner and insurance under parents? I just want cheaper insurance that's all.
Pregenant without insurance!!!?
Pregenant without insurance. What are the options? Would hospitals allow payment installements? Definitely want a safe and equiped place to give birth at. Any idea what it will cost about? We are in the NY metro area. Feedback please.
How can I find a cheap but good dental insurance?
I need braces so I want orthodontics to be included. I am considering family insurance since it usually isn't much more.
Do i have to keep paying insurance on a scrapped car? My insurance runs out in August.?
I am planning to scrap my car next week but my insurance runs out in August. Am I legally expected to continue paying for it or can i cancel it?
Will this affect my car insurance?
My car insurance took the money out of my account today and I completely forgot there wasnt enough money in there. But when I checked today I realized they did take the money out even though it put me in the negative. This is the first time ive ever done this. Will they cancel my insurance?
kansas city life insurance going private
kansas city life insurance going private
How do I transfer medi-cal insurance to PA for college?
Hi guys, I'm 17 and currently live in california and have medi-cal insurance because my family is low income. I'm planning on going to Philadelphia for college, but I'm not sure how I can transfer my medi-cal to Pennyslvania? Is it even possible? Or do I have to apply again in Pennsylvania? I Need proof of insurance to enter school and I don't know if medi-cal is enough. I have health net as well. I need it by the 23rd of July and it is now the 25th of June. Will I have enough time to get insurance? any help is appreciated. Thank you!""
Sprint insurance question.?
Can you only start insurance on your phone when you get it, or can you put insurance on it whenever you want? My phone is acting up and i've been on the contract for a few months now. Can I put insurance on the phone and then have the phone replaced with a new one?""
Best way to get a car and insurance for 17 year old?
I'm 17 years old and wanting to buy a car. But the insurance is far too expensive and I don't want a car that is too second hand but still quite cheap if you know what I mean. Three people who can drive in my year have cars and theres somebody who has got a car ready for when he passes his test. I don't think they are all loaded so I don't know how they have done it. Thanks for any help.
Auto insurance rates question?
How is it when you buy a newer car, your rates increase, while there is no decrease as your car ages? Pure greed on the company's part?""
""Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?""
Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?""
""How much do you think will be the house insurance with 11,000 sqf land and 1,700 sq ft 3 bed 2b in California?
I need answer with resource. Thanks
How much is insurance for an old mercedez?
About how much is insurance going to cost for a 2001 mercedes s500?
When can you call insurance for cheaper?
so your car is 10years old, I know that older cars get cheaper insurence. I been with same company for awhile, but when should i call them to lower my insurence since the car is old. Or is it updated automaticly?""
How would an insurance company know how much a car has been lowered by?
So I won't get insured if my car has been lowered by more than 50mm. But if I told them it was lowered by 50mm, if I was to lower it any more than that, how would they know?""
Can i drive without insurance?
I just got my license today I'm 16 i live in florida. my parents haven't bought my insurance yet and they say its illegal to drive without insurance. can i drive without insurance if i have my license and I'm dirving my parents car?
What are the things affect car insurance premium?
As far as I know, engine size is considered for insurance. Is it true or not? Second, I like to know is the make and model of the car effects the insurance? For example, does an old car have more insurance or the new one?""
My medicaid that i used for my pregnancy had expired...? here in texas?
back in august of 2011 & i no longer have insurance. what do i do now? i called my health plan & they said i gotta apply again but i don't know where i can get the application. i really need insurance cause i got upcoming appointments for me & if i don't have insurance, i'm not gonna be able to afford the expenses. anyone know where i can get the application for medicaid here in texas?""
How can I make sure my car insurance will be low?
I passed my test in october 2010 and put off getting a car because I could not afford it. I'm thinking about getting a car because I have to travel alot with my placement. 1) What car should I get as my first car that will be cheap to insure? 2) do unemployed people get cheaper car insurance? 3) whats better third party or....? Any advice will be helpful
I thought health insurance cost was going down?
This article says they are all going up. What happened to Obama caree? http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story He promised me my family would save $2500 on health insurance. What happened?""
Cheap insurance for a 16 year old female?? for a 2009 Toyota Corolla LE?
Student has 4.5 gpa? In California
How much is the average fine for violation 21461(a) in California?
I was driving today and got pulled over, and given citation 21461(a) for not obeying a Right Turn Only sign. I live in Orange County, CA, and was wondering about how much the fine will be, as well as if my insurance rate will increase. Thanks in advance.""
""How much is your full coverage insurance cost? 19 year old, 2 speeding tickets, live in WA, for Celica GTS?""
I know it varies from place to place, based on driving record, car, etc, etc etc. Im just looking to get average insurance costs. I am 19 years old, I have two speeding tickets (both 30 mph over), student, live in WA, insuring a clean title 2003 Toyota Celica GTS. What are you paying on average for similar discriptions.""
What is the cheapest car insurance for someone with moving violations?
Just bought a 2011 Ford Fiesta and am quoting insurance companies. In the past three years I have 3 speeding tickets, two 1-14 over, 1 15-29 over. My current quote with Progressive is $169/mo, Geico gave me a figure of 280...any companies I should check out?""
Car Insurance and And Accident?
I was hit from behind on Tuesday morning, called my insurance right after, the next day got my police report (like I was told) and gave me insurance the information, I also called the persons who hit me insurance and gave them the information, it turns out that on Wednesday this woman hadn't even filed a claim yet, nor picked up the police report (by law in NY state any accident that has damage reaching over $1,000 has to be sent to Albany by the people) I sent mine Tuesday morning. I was told within 24 hours a rep would call and send someone out to see my car, I figured that being it was late Wednesday already by Thursday or Friday I'd hear something. Turns out nothing yet, and when calling again this woman STILL hasn't filed a claim or picked up her police report. I plan on calling my insurance again but what is going on? How long must I wait for this, my car is damaged badly and needs to be fixed and I feel this woman should pay for this, and all she has caused me? What should be my next move here?""
What are the average insurance rates in ontario?
like yearly, and how much would it cost for me to insure my car right after i get my license?""
Health insurance question for California.?
I am sixteen and my mother is low income. Is there a state program for health insurance in California?
""Car insurance, Help!?""
I crashed my car into another car, both card sustained minimal damage, I just payed for my car to be fixed without consulting my insurance, is this illegal? And furthermore could I settle a money agreement with the guy I crashed into? is this all legal? Also if the guy decided to go through insurance would someone come inspect my car or inspect his... Basically what would the whole procedure be? I haven't contacted him yet""
How can a non BC resident be on a car insurance (ICBC)?
BC only has one choice of auto insurance, ICBC (gov't run). And ICBC is not flexible and so expensive. I have a car insurance from ICBC on my car, but they told me that when my boyfriend who has an international driver's license cannot drive my car under my insurance. I thought about renting a car so he can be insured and drive. But ICBC's rental car insurance does not cover non BC residents either. So how people who visit BC from other countries travel and be insured to drive a car??? Any information will be much appreciated. Thanks!""
Can I have an estimate on my car insurance?
I am an 18 year old male, in the state of Pennsylvania who is gonna buy his own car. I have never been in a car accident or gotten a ticket in the past 2 years I've been behind the wheel (with my moms car). I also have State Farm insurance. Can someone let me know how much It would cost if I got a car insured under my moms insurance? Or maybe if it could be cheaper for me to get my own plan? Thank you!""
How much will my car insurance renewal be?
I am currently insured with Admiral for my car. My insurance is up for renewal next month and I am just wondering if anybody with prior experience of them knows how much of a discount i may expect, if anything at all. My insurance last year was around 1,100 I am 22, I have had my licence for 4 years, And I will now have 1 years no claims. Thanks in advance :) Rob""
kansas city life insurance going private
kansas city life insurance going private
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