#favorite character is kanna so far
tenshi-agerasia · 2 months
new enstars characters (nice + 4piece) as tbh/autism creatures ◕_◕ also i color picked them and recolored some pride flags because i can
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fuyume -> bigender
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ibuki -> nonbinary
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esu -> transmasc
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raika -> aroace
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kanna -> agender
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speedofsoundsketches · 4 months
I'm curious, do you have specific favorite voice actors for the Sonic characters? (Like just the main few, Sonic, Shadow, Tails, etc.) if so, may we know your favorites?
Brace yourselves, this is gonna be a long one so under the cut.
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Jun'ichi Kanemaru is THE standard for Sonic. The guy is passionate about the role and captures him perfectly. Plus, he's a great singer! The English VA that came closest to matching him is Jason Griffith. (honorable mention to Devon Mack. Low as my opinion is of Prime, Devon's voice is actually pretty suitable for Sonic. Would like to hear him in a better product!)
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The late Chikao Ōtsuka for Eggman was wonderful, but I have zero complaints with Mike Pollack. Really, no matter what style or tone he's portrayed Eggman in, he's always done it superbly. I'd say of all English VA's that worked in this series, Mr. Pollack's probably been the one who's NEVER had a miss. Guy's got incredible range even in his work outside of Sonic (using this as a chance to shill the Pluto Anime since he starred in it. GO WATCH IT PLEASE.)
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Tails is really really REALLY hard to mess up. His voice actresses have typically been great at capturing him (save for OVA Tails who talks like he has a cold). Coleen's a fine Tails and suitable replacement for Amy Palant but I may still prefer Palant just because she's the nostalgic one for me being in all the 2000's games plus Sonic X.
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Knuckles voice preference is a tough call. His VA needs to be able to play up both his aggressive and gentler sides. It's a toss up between Dan Green and his current VA Dave B Mitchell. Mitchell has been doing good work in the animated shorts so I like him and he's the best we've had since Dan moved on. His Japanese VA, Nobutoshi Kanna, is great as well for the same reasons. :)
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Amy's best actress is still her JPN VA, Taeko Kawata (who is also a lovely singer!) Lisa Ortiz to this day is STILL her best ENG VA. She captured Amy's youthful, cutesy appeal but can IMMEDIATELY switch to her assertive side naturally. Fantastic range and it's too bad that Amy's assertiveness has been subdued so much lately that this can't be fully appreciated anymore.
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Cream's had far fewer options to choose from. I like both her actresses in JPN (Sayaka Aoki) and ENG (Rebecca Honig) honestly. I do like the almost whispery gentleness to her ENG voice particularly. Just helps her feel very soft and sweet.
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Shadow's JPN VA, Kōji Yusa, is so good. You really can't go wrong here. For the ENG VA, this might be a bit controversial because while I appreciate David Humphrey as Shadow's debut in SA2, I'm still partial to Jason Griffith purely because once he got accustomed to Shadow as a character, he really elevated the role. I think his performance in 06 was one of the best moments for the character overall.
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Rouge might one of the few times where I actually prefer her current ENG voice actress, Karen Strassman, to her older one. Her JPN VA, Rumi Ochiai, is THE standard tho so Karen just suits her best as a close match! Youthful yet still mature and her flirty quality doesn't sound too forced.
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Omega's JPN VA (Taiten Kusunoki) IS SO AMAZING. It's hilariously deeper than I expected but still robotic so something about it just WORKS. His ENG VA is alright too. But I just love the JPN Voice, I don't know why.
May do a part two if I have time for the others!
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beanieman · 11 months
Assigning You A Liminal Space Based On Your Favorite YTTD Character
Sara Chidouin - A classroom where words appear on the chalkboard every half hour. Sometimes they tell of false hints and other times they ask why you came here. There's a knife in the middle desk.
Joe Tazuna - An endless metal tunnel where you can see light at the end. It always glows a different color and you feel like you're getting farther away the longer you walk. You can hear a dog barking beyond the "exit."
Gin Ibushi - An animal shelter that smells like wet dog. In the upper left corner there's a pile of stuffed animal that you can use as a bed. Sometimes they come to life.
Keiji Shinogi - An airport that feels just slightly too humid. Out of the corner of your eye you can see visions of the dead. It's always 3AM.
Alice Yabusame - The hallway of your childhood that's filled with family photos and the smell of something you can't quite place but fills you with nostalgia. No matter how far you walk the path things stay the same.
More Undercut
Reko Yabusame - A mall where a new store opens every hour. It's never similar to one that you've seen before. It looks like light is streaming from somewhere, but you can't see any windows or doors. The bitter smell lingers in the air.
Nao Egokoro - A train where little snacks and drinks are sat upon the table. You aren't sure where you're going, but it seems like you have a destination. It's a little too cold but there's a blanket under one of the seats.
Kazumi Mishima - The room is totally empty expect for chalk on the floor. The walls are chalkboards so you can draw or write your thoughts. Too bad you can't do anything else.
Q-taro Burgerberg - An empty stadium that's closed off from overhead. You hear cheers and boos from an audience you not see as if you're the only one invisible. There's a popcorn and slushy maker at the top bleacher.
Kai Satou - A grocery store that smells oddly like plastic and seems to restock itself. You haven't seen any employees, but you feel like they're in the vicinity.
Kanna Kizuchi - An endless hallway where flowers grow up to your knees. Sometimes it feels like they're wrapping around your ankles and trying to drag you down, but you can pull them off with enough might. Some flowers smell like pudding, and the others smell like metal.
Shin Tsukimi - A convivence store filled with neon lights where the air is thick and it feels hard to breath. Exits sometimes appear only to disappear right before you reach them.
Ranmaru Kageyama - A doorway with a black void at both sides. No matter which way you go or how far you run you'll always end up back in the same place.
Naomichi Kurumada - An indoor pool where the smell of chlorine hits your nose and makes you dizzy. There's floats for you to lounge on if you get tired, along with dive rings if you're up for a challenge. Just don't go too far down or you might think you've found an exit and won your escape...
Anzu Kinashi - A circus tent that's one big circle. Music played by horns and trumpets ring in your ears and you can vaguely taste the flavor of cotton candy. A clown is watching you but you'll never know as he always disappears before you turn around.
Mai Tsurugi - A bakery that only has one small lamp by the counter. There's a tip jar that shows you an exit if you put in enough coins, but it vanishes just as fast as it appeared. This is a metaphor for capitalism.
Shunsuke Hayasaka - A library that makes you forget your name and where you came from. You aren't sure which books you've read and which you've forgotten. There's a papercut on your finger. You aren't sure how you got it.
Hinako Mishuku - The place is indistinguishable. You don't know where you are or how you got here. It's dark and none of your scents work properly. All you can wonder is if you're actually dead. You know it's some kind of room because every once in awhile you run into a wall. You didn't know you were in a room.
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sweetbottletops · 2 months
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Girls tent! And it's a small one so maybe just theirs? Manifesting. Also, in my headcanon Aya is wearing Mitsuki's hoodie. That does not look sized right for her or a style she'd own either.
Ch. 83
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I did not have "Narita chapter" on my bingo card, but he has been showing up in the ads more than the other school aged characters and has been around since early on so it's to be expected.
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Oh geez. So nosy and direct.
At least Joe knows better than to imply anything should be aimed towards Aya or Mitsuki. I don't blame him for being curious about someone with Narita's social class spending his time as he is.
When we first met Narita he had, based on surface appearance and stereotypes, judged that Mitsuki would have her homework done, be smart enough worth copying, and be a pushover. His pride was hurt when Aya made an unusual alliance by jumping in to tell him off. And he was later jealous of boy!Mitsuki's shopkeeper look for a hot second before correctly identifying what was really going on there.
He's big into observing people. Less into pursuing anyone himself.
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Narita seemed to be flattered (flowers) that Joe thinks he'd be popular romantically. Hmmm. He's got little cupid wings on the back of his hoodie.
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Teen!Joe tried to impress girls with Western music mixtapes? No wonder he was suspicious when Mitsuki had a shared playlist with a mystery person. That's his go to move!
Underclassmen Kanna had control from the very start. That's all I'm hearing from this. Joe's relationship woes is like red meat to Narita.
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Narita has never given off that energy, but Joe thinks his work here is done. No, you just gave him ammunition.
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More into what, Narita? Guys? His eyes are following Joe out. Milfs? He did compliment honorary Milf Kanna.
"Gyaah!" Hurry, Narita. Your favorite plot is progressing without you.
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Whatever he expected to walk in on was not... that.
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The bug has been a yuri enabler in his stead. His work has already been done.
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Narita couldn't have done a better job of cupid himself. He is not going to interrupt this scene further. *insert creepy watching face*
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Fresh from the scene with Mitsuki and Aya progressing he immediately tries a line on Kanna to get Joe antagonized. Kanna is impossible to romance as expected, but Joe is extremely easy to get wound up. As expected.
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Maybe Joe should make more an effort. So far Kanna has waited six years, crossed an ocean, been Mitsuki's confidant, stepped in as an unpaid employee, and has talked Joe off of several Mitsuki related cliffs. Maybe try a few lines on her for old time's sake.
And after lobbing that bomb in Narita watches the carnage.
It's only day 1 and Joe has been stirred up by Narita already. Aya and Mitsuki seem to be self propelling at this point. I guess we'll see which progresses more.
They are camping as I had hoped. Not exactly glamping but they have facilities there and camp chairs and drinks so they aren't roughing it. Any rougher and Aya wouldn't make it.
Aya and Mitsuki's tent is pretty small so maybe they'll have three tents. Or not if Joe has been that inept. I really thought Joe and Kanna were at a tent sharing stage, but maybe not. Fix this, Narita. For the sake of yuri.
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faline-cat444 · 5 months
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An image of what seems to be the main cast for Wonderful.When it comes to the little bit of details being expressed so far it's a mix of weirdness but I generally have a good feeling over the upcoming season's theme and execution.The main idea is showing us that our leading Cure is actually a dog who gains the ability to transform into a human girl and of course a Pretty Cure.I can excuse her name being Cure Wonderful thanks to that,if anything thanks to the pun it might be better off calling her Cure Wan-Derful.
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For past experiences her voice actor has taken credit for that's a character I know she's supposed to be Kanna from Dragon Maid.So using that for reference this isn't her first time dealing with what I think can classify as "Shapeshifter".Her dog genetics also say she's the Papillon breed which being more of a cat person I don't really have much experience to but a page on the American Kennel Club website did provide some handy statistics that might be worked into her character.
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As I said already the naming scheme for the initial Cure Status Quo feels a bit weak compared to the motifs of previous seasons but I can excuse that when your team leader is an actual dog most of the time.
Bringing us to our next most major Cure we have a bit more info on,Iroha Inukai aka Friendy.Her name in magical girl form is likely rooted to how dogs get referred to as "Man's Best Friend".
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Design-Wise I'm not quite sold on her default outfit and hope the fashion she'll get later on(When the seasons change or similar) and I think the hat would look better if it covered her whole head rather than being a tiny thing on the side.Her voice apparently being who does Anya [Forger] among a few other characters makes me really want her to be worthy of my ever expanding list of favorites and shows this isn't her first time being a magical girl or dealing with a weird dog.
Similar to the season we're closing off on we don't have true details for Nyammy and Lillian but it isn't too hard to put the clues together.
"Nyammy" contains Nya which is how Japan tends to express what English would call "meow".There is a white cat named Yuki present along with her owner,Mayu Nekoshiyama.
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The pink ribbon placements sort of remind me how Blake concealed her cat ears in the first volumes of RWBY.With how order is place in the quartet Yuki is going to be the one who transforms first followed by her owner.Not too sure how much of a time skip this will be in the grand scheme but the little bit of info presently given on Mayu says she recently moved into the town."Lillian" might also be an odd choice of name considering the limited knowledge at the moment for it's a name that seems rather human instead of descriptive or constructive(Then again,Laura just used her last name) and seeing the meaning of it as a girl's name it's supposed to give a sense of peace and passion but at the same time it's based on lily flowers...Which I have seen several informative sources say are HIGHLY TOXIC TO CATS and it might be very telling that a cat is possibly implied to have assisted in her owner's Cure name.
Our last duo in the visual is currently more for the hypothetical theories right now than outright stated from initial visual choices.If it's going the way they're wanting us to think they're who I am really pinning the money on.
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Glasses Boy is Satoru Usayama while his bunny's name is Daifuku
The former is definitely hinting to have a lot of those marks I said I'd want for a male cure successor for Tsubasa:
Classmate to one of the main characters(So he does attend the school)
Outfit hints he's going to fill the niche of the yellow/orange/gold member to the team
Ends up needing to be a secret keeper about the girls' being Pretty Cure
If he keeps his glasses or they turn into a monocle when the time comes and everything checks out that's perfection in my book.In regards to his rabbit...
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Apparently that's one brave bunny not that I can read that going by the facial expression the first impression is giving.Need to wait for the show proper to truly see the loppy lapin in action.
Now for the final shreds of detail that more-or-less are "public"...
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Whatever role these animals will be serving they very much seem a bit like an extended cast including recolors of the animals from Healin' Good
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Lastly is our first shot at one of our monsters of the episode which this time around are starting out with the name of "Garugaru"
This might very well be best viewed as the Pretty Cure spin on some subject matters Animal Detectives Kiruminzuu dealt with and all we have to do is wait for the fourth of February to see it start to unfold
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okayto · 14 days
Kishu for the impression ask game?
[ask game link]
Okay! This is based on the manga and OG anime, because I haven't gotten to watch Tokyo Mew Mew New yet, so any new worldbuilding/details from TMMN are ignored.
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First impression Ears. EARS. (Second impression: wtf are those sleeves. How does this shirt work. Why are there long ribbons.) So, basically all visual.
Impression now
He's just a funny terrible guy. Like, I want to punch him. He deserves it. But he is gleefully terrible and I also want to take one of those helpful hand grabber-claw things and pull on his ridiculously-oversized ears (I noticed that the new series makes the ears more sensible; some points of the manga and OG series had them absolutely ginormous).
He's also like, 13. So he's terrible but also in that lacking-adult-supervision way that makes you worry. Where are Alien Child Protective Services.
Favorite moment
Okay, I know this is really more Zakuro, but...
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Look at the way he scrabbles for the portal!
Idea for a story
Basically, see my headcanon down there at the end? That thing. I'm probably never going to write it.
Unpopular opinion
These days? Not sure. In Ye Olden Fandom days, it was definitely not popular to ship Ichigo with her canonical love interest, Masaya, rather than Ryou or our spicy alien here.
Favorite relationship
I am pretty sure I hold the distinction of being the world's only Kisshu x Kanna Saionji shipper. Kanna is an anime-only character from episode 32, is a spoiled rich girl who considers Minto her rival, and I think that once he learns to be less of an assaulting asshole, they would be obnoxiously delightful together. Also, her dominant color is orange hair, and orange and green look nice together.
Favorite headcanon
Kisshu and co are part of a cult.
No, listen. It's a cult that has some power to it, since Deep Blue gets himself incarnated on earth and is actually a threat, but "three guys and their semiconscious boss" are not an invading force. I could kill more people by dropping a medium-sized rock off Tokyo Tower; these nerds can fly and create giant monsters and as far as I can tell, never managed to kill a single person during their genocide attempt. Even if you argue they were basically just killing time until Deep Blue woke up, that was a terrible plan to give their human opponents time to study them and get stronger.
Their small numbers and general lack of plan (and bizarre decision to start their invasion in a highly-populated modern city rather than setting up a base in a less-populated area where they could have straightened out any problems and let Deep Blue awaken without interference) make more sense if you consider all them them zealots on the fringes of their society. Disaffected young men living in a not-great place, vulnerable to the idea of doing something meaningful and active that makes them feel powerful.
Their people left earth three million years ago; for most of the population the concept of former planetary home they could retake is likely a myth, though I wouldn't be surprised if there were others looking for other places to live, or to terraform their current planet. (For reference: humans have been around far less than one million years; homo sapiens evolved around 300,000 years ago and our oldest myths are still less than 50,000 years old.) Our guys definitely found/uncovered/rediscovered something because their attempt has power behind it (and their spaceship, and whatever the alien dimension is), but in no way do they seem like the chosen heroes of an entire race.
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tetsunabouquet · 11 months
Yoh as a Stoner Headcanon
A/N: Well, to give content to the other fandoms I mentioned on my blog as I know I have a few non-KNB followers (or who are KNB followers but also are part of one of my other fandoms), I decided to make a Shaman King headcanon!
-Alright, first of all it's so obvious they're going to take that direction with his character. The way the Asakura family symbol doesn't just resembles a tree but also weed and his love for a Bob Marley-esque figure. Besides, lots of shamanic tribes use drugs for their rituals anyways. -I bet his favorite American animated series would be Scooby Doo as well. -He illegally grows his own. -He asked HoroHoro for agricultural advice. -As a thank you, Horohoro is allowed to smoke of his stash whenever he comes over. -Often when he's very far gone and alone, he starts talking to Hao. It often leads to the most weirdest conversations with Hao always leaving whenever he's done with Yoh. -Hao is not the only one subject to Yoh's stoned rambling though. Once, when he was high as a kite he ended up calling Ren, much to the latter's annoyance. -This pissed Anna off considerably, because international phone calls are expensive. Yoh would not make this mistake ever again. -I think he's definitely experimented with bongs on his middle eastern travels. -As he told the shamans over there, "If everyone was stoned more often, there would be world peace." -When he's actually high enough, he'll listen to the Boz brothers. -Sometimes, he, Ryu and the Hanagumi waitresses get high together as a form of employees meeting. Much to Anna and Tamao's annoyance. -Kanna has a habit of stealing from Yoh's stash, he always pretends not to notice it. -Considering Yoh's laid-back attitude irritates Hana, he can actually go to tantrum level when he's high. -Yoh's stoned reaction to pain only makes it worse, so usually Hana just leaves when he gets tired of being angry with him. -On the topic of fahter and son, I believe Mickey got him into it. From their shared love for Soul Bob, to Mickey's band being a Beattles rip-off who have their alleged drug history and Mickey's sus hang outs with other shamans he meet on the mountains, Mickey is definitely doing drugs as well. -The two have definitely shared a joint over a BBQ. -And they annoyed Hao endlessly. -Hao honestly hates and loves how they're bothering him whenever they're too stoned to function. Hates it,  because they're truly annoying. Loves it, because he secretly longs for family connection after all. -Which they know, hence why they do it. -So really, getting stoned is almost like a family thing, which brings it back to how the Asakura family smbol also looks like weed. -The Asakura family is certainly stimulating the shamanic spiritual drug use, that's for sure.
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panzershrike-pretz · 6 months
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Source: x x x | x x x | x x x -> song: Something Wild
You had your maps drawn You had other plans To hang your hopes on Every road they let you down felt so wrong So you found another way You've got a big heart The way you see the world It got you this far You might have some bruises And a few of scars But you know you're gonna be okay And even though you're scared You're stronger than you know If you're lost out where the lights are blinding Caught in all, the stars are hiding That's when something wild calls you home, home If you face the fear that keeps you frozen Chase the sky into the ocean That's when something wild calls you home, home
- About;
- Rodion Mahari - he/him
Rodion's name came from the book Crime and Punishment, one of my favorites of all time (and I absolutely recommend!! Read it!!). In the book, Rodion Raskólnikov is the main character and I knew I LOVED the name (I keep saying it aloud as a vocal stim even years after I read the book xD).
Mahari is his partner's surname, my best friend's @isazmoon former oc.
- Carpenter
His work aboard Blithe consist of maintenance and woodwork along the vessel; given that it was Rodion's former job before piracy, he spends most of his time taking care of Blithe. A skilled carpenter can keep the ship afloat even with major damage, just enough for it to reach a safe place to be restored - and that Rodion knows how to do really well.
Other than that, Rodion is also a really skilled fighter as gunner, that being his secondary role.
- God of Gold, of Lighting and of Woodwork
As many of the other members of the crew, Rodion is no more than a minor God - and the last one of the Gods to be presented. He's not powerful, but can still manage with what he has.
Rodion is capable of manipulating gold and turning things in it by touch, although generally speaking he tries not to use it. It's a temporary thing and normally whatever he turns into gold will turn back to normal in a while - unless it's a curse (for example, turning people in gold as punishment for a wrongdoing).
Lightning manipulation is another of his abilities; Rodion is able to store electricity in his body and project it out in bursts, although it can be dangerous to him and people around. It is strictly used during battles and can't be used out of it, given the risk.
Rodion is a really strong and tough guy, given his boar-like phisique. He can endure a good amount of strikes and punches - it does get to him eventually, tho. Boy's always complaining because he does shit, gets hurt and only feels it a good time later.
Finally, turning into a boar. He uses it to scare people and pull pranks. He's a menace. His children love it tho-
- Personality
Rodion may be big and tough but he's a gentle soul, with a big heart full of love to give. He's a cuddle bug, extremely caring and thoughtful of people. Rodia is the type of guy who'll not hesitate in potting his own life on the line for the sake of others (as many of his friends will attest, including his children).
Most of the time, Rodion is a confident jokester (seriously, him and Sirius should be kept very much apart or they'll wreck the whole ship). He does like to seem scary and intimidating at first, but really he's just a sweetheart.
Rodion is illiterate and dyslexic, almost completely unable to read or write, that being his biggest insecurity about himself. He tries to read simple books, mainly children's ones and comics, since he finds the images helpful. He's still a romantic soul and tries to write letters and poems to his wife, even though they are hard to comprehend and he can only string together simple words; she still saves every single one of them with a lot of love.
Most of the time, he makes carvings on wood to gift his loved ones; gift giving is his main love language.
He's a magnet of people, almost everyone is immediately drawn to him - maybe that's how he ended up with three adoptive children (Enoch, Olive and Kanna).
Funfact: Rodion met his wife after a street fight against her brother. It was truly something. I may or may not need to write it eventually-
Relationship: Hanabi
HERE IS THE BOY. THE BABY. I LOVE HIM. He's @isazmoon favorite (same tbh he's perfect)
He has tusks. He can do a lot of damage with them-
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yogurtea · 10 months
hmm #3 and #12 for the ask game
3: which of the characters has your favorite design? i really love ranger's design, it's so bafflingly weird when it first shows up and i love slowly realizing who each piece of his outfit belongs to. and the little face cutouts are a super fun design element + also say a lot about his character. i also really love kanna's design, i think she's very cute and i love the inexplicable bucket that suddenly gets this adorable backstory in chapter two lol. i also really like reko and joe's designs tho!
12: if you had to pick a character to swap places with, who would it be?  god this question is so hard bc like. assuming i'm interpreting this correctly (if you had to put yourself in the death game as any of the characters, basically) it would suck no matter what LMAO. if we're including floor masters i'd choose safalin cause i want to be as far away from the action as possible and just give little hints when i can, but if we're just talking main cast i think i would choose gin?? cause obviously he's still alive and i also feel like he made so many meaningful connections and friends over the course of the game. like yeah half of those connections ended up dying but.... ya know. he has fun sometimes. (the cynic in me says the easiest person to swap with would be mishima cause he spends the least time suffering. but that answer is depressing and i don't like it)
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goatboard · 10 months
hi hi hi hi hi uhmm . uhmmm . twirls my hair . 1 4 5 6 14 and 24 :3
1 : who is your favorite character in the game?
Unironically I'm a Sara liker, i think she's both the biggest failure and the biggest bossgirl. In reality I think the way she's so geniuenly compassionate and kind of a dork. She's so self-conscious in a way I find actually so cute but also so reletable and it's been so fun to see how the death game affects character but more importantly how the other characters influence her. I also like that she sometimes can say the dumbest things.
4 : whats your favorite moment ingame?
OHH I GOT A FEW. This is gonna get spoiler-y but!
Not exactly one specific moment but Gin wanting for Sara to hang out with him in exchange for the tokens. He really is so well written it's insane but honestly this is also such a good way for making the player (us) get closer to Gin for the final attraction. Also it's just so sweet when he decides to trust Safalin with Mew-chan because Sara said so.
Moment number two is when Alice decides to erase his memories of Reko. Like! This is a moment that shows the major differences between Reko and Alice as well as Alice's true nature, which is obviously being a coward. It's also the moment when I both want to yell at him so sooo much for doing it but partially I understand.
THIRD IS THAT ONE VERY VERY SHORT SNIPPET OF NAO IN THE AFTERLIFE. Especially in the Reko dies route. I think that one is mostly self explanatory. It makes me so insane to think that those two care about each other so deeply that death can't do them apart.
I think I'll stop for now um-
5 : which character did you change your opinions on the most?
Joe and Q-taro.
For Joe I'll have to be honest, I didn't care much for him at the beginning. His death mostly hit me by the way Sara reacted to it. I think Joe is a character who grew on me the more he was gone?? His dynamic with Sara is just so good and he's just such a sweet guy. I more or less went from indifference to liking him a lot.
And so sorry Bas but I really disliked Q-taro at the beginning. He didn't seem to be doing much at the beginning of the game and was hella distrustful. Which, fair, but it was also so damn annoying. The final attraction didn't do much in my eyes for him either. Like, irc he let Gin be stung twice. Like. Dude. His later relationship with Gin and Mai did change that a lot to me. I think he also kinda needed that experience of the final attraction to tone him down a little and be one of the main driving forces behind trying to resist AsuNaro.
6 : which character do you think has the most death flags?
EZ. Keiji. I was convinced this man was gonna die in 3b instead of Q-taro. At this point if he does live through the death game I'm going to be disappointed.
14 : whats your favorite joke from the game/fandom?
Homophobic Midori & everybody hates Shin. Sorry not sorry.
24 : in YTTS, which fondness events are your favorite?
Oh I don't think I've gotten all of the fondness events so far. I still haven't even finished Kai's route ahaha--
But! Even if there are all of the events that are so emotional and dive deep into the characters I will have to choose Kanna's fondness events with Mishima. This girl just cracks me up. She insists her bucket is a damn hat and then outs her sister. Iconic. Legendary.
It's also so fun to see Kanna happy and not haunted by Kugie's death. Her character really shines in YTTS. Pun intended.
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madamemimic · 10 months
Just got fully caught up with Your Turn to Die. Thoughts under the cut!
Fucking loved it.
I first gave this game a shot two years ago and while I enjoyed it quite a bit, I found myself bouncing off because I wasn't a huge fan of the point-and-click adventure style puzzle solving.
Fast forward to today and holy shit am I glad I stuck with it. The shift in gameplay styles in each chapter is super novel and I had a ton of fun adapting to each of them. While I think the minigames could use some work (saving Gin from the cage and a few of the chapter 2 attractions were kind of awful), the overall gameplay loop is a lot of fun.
I think most of my grievances with the gameplay are because it's being made in RPGMaker MV. It's an engine issue - not much you could do about that at this point. Later chapters fix a lot of these issues by using the game's strengths (analysis, puzzle-solving, character knowledge) a lot more often than just "click on this thing before a timer runs out!"
Some of the logic during debates can be a little strange, too. A few times in the first two chapters I found myself getting really frustrated because, while I was technically finding potential arguments and item-statement matchups, they weren't the ones that the game wanted, so it counted them as incorrect. Also, not being able to draw statements out of characters without lowering the timer in the Gin/Q-taro minigame kinda sucked. However, I had none of these issues during the chapter 2 main game and the chapter 3 banquet, so overall the game improved on that front quite a bit.
Music isn't great, but it's one dude doing his best with garageband loops. At the very least, each song fits its respective moment super well. I'd love to see this game with an original soundtrack, though...
The art is great. Character portraits are super dynamic, character designs are super solid and memorable, and the backgrounds look absolutely fantastic. There are a few awkward character portraits (Q-taro and Gin's can be a little strange sometimes), but those are nitpicks. Game looks great.
The characters and story... hoo boy, where do I even start? I don't dislike a single character in this game, which was a shock coming from the Danganronpa series. The worst I can say is that some of the characters weren't super interesting, but that was only for like two of the dolls in chapter 3. Big fan of Keiji, Sou (Shin?), and Reko. Every character feels unique and feels like they have a place in the story. Even some of the first characters to die are given proper characterization as the story goes on, meaning that really any character can be someone's favorite.
Sara is a pretty good protagonist, too! I often have trouble relating to protags in these kinds of games, but Sara is fairly interesting in her own right. If she were a side character instead, I think I'd like her a bit better... but hey, she isn't, so I'm not judging her on that. She's a fine protagonist with lots of character.
The story has the highest Revelations Per Hour of any game I've ever played. God damn. You get zero down time, especially in the latter two chapters. I haven't been this surprised by a game in a long, long time. Fuckin' love it.
By the way: On my playthrough, I've chosen Reko over Alice and Kanna over Sou. No dolls have survived.
Overall I loved what there is of YTTD so far and can't wait for even more in the future! Also, Alice is trans and you can't convince me otherwise.
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datastate · 2 years
who is the yttd player character and do they do anything
the player character is sara chidouin!! she's a high schooler who ends up taking on more of a leadership role within the death game... most of the adults to make some attempts to support her, but she tends to take on too much of a mantle than she should. she tends to aim high, with even her natural curiosity instead focused toward academics (presumably from her paternal influence; though social isolation could also be part of this... she's stated herself that she doesn't have many friends & tends to be a bit... awkward, socially.)
but! the friends she does have are near and dear to her heart :]
ryoko hirose: a friend she's known since she was around twelve! the two seem to be very close to one another, and ryoko is a person which both sara and jou worry about and wish to return home to. not much is known about ryoko unfortunately :[ we've only gotten one flashback with her date with jou, and the information that asunaro (the organization behind the death game) has gathered on ryoko isn't accessible to the player! regardless, i have plenty of hcs for her... though that is for another time.
jou tazuna: (aka joe!) is a friend that sara met in sonobeno high! the two tend to razz each other... despite this, the two do care deeply about one another. jou unabashedly considers sara to be his best friend, and has elected to walk her home upon discovering sara suspects she has a stalker - though he typically tries to brush it off with other reasoning so she doesn't feel indebted or guilty over it.
speaking of this 'stalker' ... ! that would be kai satou... though he never intended to harm her in any way; his work was to act as a guard for the chidouins, under the guise of their homemaker, but her parents apparently elected to never tell her about kai's existence (and sara is one to often... push down her pain. it's very possible no one other than her friends knew). her trauma lasts from this and the game never downplays it - it's a very interesting story thread to follow, and you can certainly feel sara's torn feelings toward kai once the truth is fully revealed. it wouldn't reverse the damage done, of course not, but... at least she now knows why. especially with kai's constant reaffirmation that there must be some way to fight against asunaro, some way to escape its grasp... she wants to believe that. he gives the participants as a whole one last hope with a program he created that disables asunaro's defense long enough for an escape.
i don't quite know how to really phrase all of this, but... yeah :] sara's a very good character and one of my favorite protagonists in a game by far. even with her appearing as a steadfast leader to most of the group, we're given access to her personal doubts and how she strains to hold herself to this standard (usually for other people - there's specifically a scene that gets to me where sara sees someone who was recently in mourning take a step back from a mimicry of the person they lost, and tells herself she wants to be as strong as this person is (after her own loss...)) and there's so much charm in even her little casual commentary ("is this usable as a blunt object...?" & the interactions with younger kids like kanna+gin & her interests in kendo + anxiety surrounding art...) and chapter two especially does such a wonderful job of showing how she begins to move past this for the survivors while still... honoring the memory, usually, of the people who have been lost thus far. it's very heartwarming seeing her overcome this with the support of the other characters :]
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sugarrfrog · 1 year
Finished reading Red Strings so far and I am rooting for Kanna! She is so precious and well developed and rounded character despite only being a kid at the moment. Hmm k have a few stupid questions at the moment:
What is her fav food?
When is her birthday?
How was she created?
Hope you are having a good day!
Thank you so much! That makes me so happy to hear. She’s definitely the “youngest” of all my characters (I’ve only had her for a few months while my other OCs I’ve had for 5-10+ years) so seeing her get so much love warms my heart 💕
Definitely not stupid questions! I’m having a bit of a crummy day so getting to talk about my baby is doing great for lifting my spirits 😊
I’ve actually answered an ask about her favorite foods here! Basically, she likes meat. She’s a carnivore lol.
Her birthday is June 30th!
It’s hard to say exactly how she was created if I’m being honest, I basically had a story of The Red String in mind and I sat down one day and sort of mapped the broad ideas of her character out. I did my first design and did some example sketches to try and catch her personality (this is back when she had different clothes and was still a blondie)-
Tumblr media
Then I went and updated her traits some more, and back and forth until it felt like I knew who she was as a person. Basically kinda let her talk to me in my head and worked with her till I had her figured out 😂
Thanks for asking!! 💕
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beanieman · 1 year
I really like the Sou route, I mean the Yabusames reunite, Kanna can be with her sister the only downside is forgetting Joe what is your opinion?
So far the logic route has been my favorite one!
While I definitely appreciate Kanna's character growth and the groups unity in the emotion route, I like the drama of keeping Shin alive.
It was so tense interacting with Shin the first time I played 3B because I was waiting for him to pull a stunt to avenge Kanna. I like the "keep you on your toes" feeling of the route, and I'm super interested to see where Shin's character will go. He could get better or worse, but I'm excited either way.
Then you have Sara and Ranmaru, who both interest me more in the logic route. Seeing Sara's more manipulative side that we heard about in the AIs adds a lot to her character, as does her decision that she doesn't want to be a manipulative person that kills her allies. Ranmaru's desperation to escape really keeps my interest as well considering we haven't seen a character yet who's able to strike others down without remorse if it means keeping the person they care about safe. Plus, I love that his character arc is literally just getting worse.
So far my opinion on the logic route is high considering I find it really interesting. It's likely not going to be the happy route, but I'm willing to trade that for the drama of it all.
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strawberryjamsara · 1 year
the ask game thing for fandom anddd yttd or persona!!!
Favorite character: Sara
Least favorite character: Midori or Megumi
5 favorite ships: Naoreko, Saranzu, Qmai, Maiple, and Keitaro
Character I find most attractive: Mai is sooo pretty and also covered in blood and wears a cool dress and has that awesome eye design and
Character I would marry: Reko Yabusame has me like that image of Homer Simpson in a wedding dress
Character I would be best friends with: Nao! Sorry I stole your wife.
An unpopular opinion: I don’t think Sara and Midori have many parallels. What’s far more prevalent and interesting to me is Sara’s utility to Midori as another source of entertainment similar to Shin. He wants to bring out her ruthless nature because it intrigues him, and he will hurt people around her for the sake of it, and yet he’s uninterested in treating her like an equal despite talking like she is.
A random thought: The fact Nankidai never finished the sketches for that High School AU bothers me like hell
Canon otp: Ryojoe <3
Non canon otp: Naoreko I guess
Most badass character: Well obviously, it’s Hayasahrurhkgtsjisdjyrgjtzf
Most epic villain: Uh, well my favorite floormaster is Safalin
Pairing I am not a fan of: The twinks with scarfs
Character I feel the writers screwed over: tbh I think the emotion route does Kanna sooooooo dirty. Like first of all she doesn’t even react to Shins death. Like she just tried to stick up for his life and failed. He died. She’s losing another sibling. But apparently she’s better now. In an instant she has gone from wanting to die at the alter to saying that she’s learned sacrifice is something you should never do. Everything is A-Okay. This is the good route. It makes this feel like Nankidai didn’t care about writing her, and that she’s just a pawn to develop Shin and this was a fun bonus. Like that’s the last thing you would want. At least show her change! Or hell, maybe you should show her final parting with Shin!
Favorite friendship: I really care about Sara and Keiji’s relationship. Guy who kills people and the weird lesbian kid who he is not qualified to care for but he does is literally the trope ever.
Character I most identify with: Sara. I have issues.
Character I wish I could be: Nobody. These bitches need therapy.
Persona 5
Favorite character: I am unfortunately, an enjoyer of Goro Akechi
Least favorite character: Kamoshida.
5 favorite ships: Akeshu, Makoann, Ryukita, Akiryu, Shihoann
Character I find most attractive: Tae
Character I would marry: I guess I’d enter a lavender marriage with Sojiro. We can have a nice coffee shop au.
A random thought: Every Ann redesign is better than the original how do they do it.
An unpopular opinion: Yaldabaoth was like a really good concept for the game because saying “getting rid of the asshole in power is not the solution, this here is the foundation of sloth that society feeds upon and you must destroy complacency itself for anything to change.” Is actually like really cool and radical for a game in 2016 to say.
Canon otp: Sojiro and Wakaba
Non canon otp: Akeshu.
Most badass character: They’re all losers
Most epic villain: I liked Maruki as a villain
Pairing I am not a fan of: I see Futaba and Akira as siblings.
Character I feel the writers screwed over: (Holding Makoto’s character arc in my arms and sobbing)
Favorite friendship: Futaba and Yusukes bickering was really endearing!
Character I most identify with: Makoto again. Maybe I need help.
Character I wish I could be: I was gonna default to Sojiro again but then I remembered his attitude at the beginning of the game and I was like “Oh fuck no.” So I got nothing.
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2022 Writing Year in Review
thank you for the tag @northerngoshawk!! 💕
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 18
2. Word count this year: 172,404 words! we could get really technical and subtract the word counts for the fics i technically wrote in 2021 but typed/posted in 2022, but that’s a lot of work i don’t feel like doing lol
3. Fandoms I wrote for: ATLA, Law & Order, MCU (+ Venom), Monk, and Medium. not sure i want to know what that says about me...
4. Pairings: petermj (mcu), allison/joe (medium), kincoy (claire/jack from l&o), zukaang (atla), tylara (atla), mjflash (mcu), and kataang (atla). a nice mixture!
5. Stories with the most:
Kudos: Walls (my mj&flash friendship fic) comes in first with 114 kudos
Bookmarks: Walls comes out on top again with 29 bookmarks!
Comment threads: this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine), my mjflash + venom!flash fic, has the most comment threads by far with 47, the result of a small but loyal following of readers who made my day every time they commented 💛
Word count: by a hair, The Wrong Note (my monk x medium crossover) has the highest word count at 37,630 words! this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine) has 37,011 words
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): im proud of all my works for different reasons! today i shall spotlight my children will listen series, consisting of two waterbending-centric fics narrated by kanna and katara respectively; both stories explore cultural loss and intergenerational trauma. i’d never written companion pieces prior to that point, so im proud of how i was able to construct those parallel narratives! i also had a blast reworking one of my favorite shel silverstein poems to weave throughout the story
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why): ?? this is a silly question. fanfic is my hobby, im not writing it for journal publication. onto the next one!
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received: literally Every review i got on the children will listen series; i had no idea how impactful those fics would be or how many people would relate to it, but im so glad i ended up writing and publishing them! i also have to shoutout ocean’s review on time apart, time together (the tylara fic i wrote for her bday 💛) bc she truly Understood that story through and through, and i am equal parts delighted and relieved that she did (since it was written for her 💕)
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: i mean, im a college student. i almost never write fic during the semester, lol. i Literally haven’t written fic since,,,, august 2022. (technically i could have written some fic these past few weeks BUT it’s the holidays so i’ve been spending time with family + revising my research paper + loosely working on some original writing)
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: BRUH all of my law & order fics surprised me 😭 come on, babe (why don’t we paint the town?) contains Thee sexiest scene i’ve ever written; find a flask (we’re playing fast and loose) is written SOLELY from jack’s pov (a 50-year-old white man, how low have i fallen); and it was more than worth it (my kincoy magnum opus) was my first foray into nonlinear storytelling. all in all, 2022 was quite an experimental year for me!
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: i’ve talked to death my favorite excerpt from it was more than worth it, so instead i’ll spotlight an excerpt from if memories could fade away (my mj birthday fic):
Ned sticks his tongue out at her, and MJ responds in turn before opening the door anyway, because he’s Ned and she’s MJ and it’s always been just them, the two of them, eight years going on eighteen.
“Damn, girl, you live like this?” Ned says as he enters, watching where he steps so he doesn’t trip over one of her many piles of everything—textbooks, clothes, journals, old CDs too scratched to use that will soon become the basis of MJ’s next art project: voices we no longer hear.
She remembers getting each CD, starting with Let Go on her tenth birthday, back when she lived in New Orleans and always kept her curly brown hair in symmetrical cornrows or cropped at the base of her neck because of the suffocating humidity. She remembers taking each CD and ripping the music to her computer so her dad could move it onto her tiny red MP3 player for the long, long ride to Queens that began the next day. She remembers two CDs breaking during the drive and one CD breaking when they arrived because she threw it at the wall of her empty new room, angry, so angry she’d been ripped from her home like music from a shiny silver disc and it wasn’t fair, it wasn’t fair—
“You see, guests usually stay downstairs,” MJ teases, pushing aside a pile of clothes so Ned has room to sit on her bed. She takes a seat at her desk, spinning the chair around to face her dearest friend. “If I’d known you were planning to invade my personal space, I might have considered making my living arrangements more presentable.”
Ned snickers. “Considered, and then not done a damn thing about them?”
MJ winks at him. “You know me so well.”
Ned has known her so long, known her messy room, known her impenetrable walls, known her since she was thrown into a new school in a new city expected to make new friends when Michelle knew even at ten that would never happen, not that year, because 5th graders had already chosen their loyal companions five, six, seven years ago and there was no room for a Black girl to fit into a white noise machine that already hummed along without her.
Her parents sent her to school anyway. She must not have been persuasive enough.
MJ MY BELOVED!!! 🥺💛 i enjoyed playing with sentence length/rhythm and metaphors/similes in this fic, and i think this excerpt in particular captures that experimentation
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: hmmmm well i tried my hand at some action sequences in this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine), which probably counts for something. and like i already mentioned, it was more than worth it was my first foray into nonlinear storytelling (and a lot of people told me they enjoyed it!) + if memories could fade away involved stylistic experimentation. in other words, i think i grew as a writer simply by letting myself try new things, from how i told stories to what content i included within them!
13. How do you hope to grow next year: i just want to write more, honestly. the more i write, the more i can try, and hopefully the more i’ll grow! to be more specific, i want to try my hand at some sci-fi/near-future dystopian original stories (à la kazuo ishiguro’s klara and the sun)
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): probably ocean and ambi! they always put up with my fic-related ramblings, are wonderful to bounce ideas off of, and by virtue of their existence (and enthusiasm) remind me why i love writing fic in the first place 💛 in terms of non-tumblr influences, haha, reading the promise by damon galgut was a GAME CHANGER for me. third person omniscient with no quotation marks?? the entire story is an allegory for post-apartheid south africa?? a stylistic and thematic MASTERPIECE. i can only dream of writing a novel with such artistic daring
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: lol this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine) is packedTM with shakespeare references and milton jokes; if memories could fade away explicitly mentions one of avril lavigne’s albums (seen in the provided excerpt); won’t you hang a picture? references nancy drew; and Walls involves a whole project about the picture of dorian gray. when narratively appropriate, i never hesitate to sneak in my own interests 😂
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: write for fun! write what you love! don’t be afraid to experiment! listen to the incredibles soundtrack while you write! read, read, read! write with a cat on your lap! never delete anything! write when you’re inspired and write when you’re not! if it brings you joy to create, then what you create is good enough!
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: honestly, i want to focus on my original writing and my research more, so i may not have as much time for fic. that said, i hope to write:
a sequel to this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine)
the next part of my mcu medium!au
ml fic in general
atla fic in general
time will tell!
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: i know a lot of people have been tagged for this already, so apologies if im bombarding you or if you’ve already done this! i’ll tag @justoceanmyth, @ambivalentmarvel, @seek--rest, and @shifuaang :)
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